Calculation and Specification of Bilge System

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Calculation and Specification of

Bilge System
Doc.No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG

Prepared by Approved by
Rev. Date Remark
Muhammad Raihan R.I.K Ir. Dwi Priyanta, MSE.

Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System

Attachment of Doc.No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG

Approved by
Ir. Dwi Priyanta, MSE.


cation of
Doc. No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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Bilge system is used as protection in ship, to solve problem that caused by flooding in
every system that contains fluid. This system will needed an arrangement of bilge
lines, pipe laid through tanks, bilge suction and sturms, bilge valves, reverse flow
protection, and pipe layout.
Bilge system on tanker are divided on two parts, as follows :
a. Clean Bilge System
To drain and sent out the water which caused of leaked in operation system or
instllation. Those are usually from ships hull and condensation of air control. The
water that doesn’t mix with oil can be pumped to overboard using bilge pumps.
b. Oily Bilge System

While the process of loading and unloading in ship, the cargo pumps will not be
able to sent out clearly the load in each tank. That will be need the operation of
bilge system, in tanker the stripping system can be used as bilge system, because it
has the same function. But for the oil that come out or leakage, we need to make a
bilge system design such as in the engine room. That can be caused by the leakage
of fuel pipe, lubricating pump or another system that has been installed in the
engine room. All the leakage oil will be sent to bilge well and absorbed using
separated pumps with bilge pump to clean the bilge system. Oil bilge pump will be
used in this design.

The object of Ballast System is:
a) Calculate Bilge System Pipe
b) Calculate Pump of the Bilge System

b) ANNEX I of MARPOL 73/78: Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil
c) Marine Engineering, Roy L. Harrington, "Chapter XX - Piping System" :1971
d) Machinery Outfitting Design Manual Vol. I
e) Japanese Industrial Standard G 3454
Doc. No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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dH : calculated inside diameter of main bilge pipe [mm]
dz : calculated inside diameter of main bilge branch pipe [mm]

l1 :
Length between cofferdam or pump room bulkhead and stern tube bulkhead [m]
B : Breadth moulded [m]
D : Depth moulded [m]
db : inside diameter of branch bilge line [mm]
l : length of compartment [m]
hs : static head pump [m]
hp : head differential pressure [m]
hv : head difference in speed [m]
ν : viscosity [Ns/m^2]
V : flow velocity [m/s]
Rn : number reynould
λ : friction loss
majorloss : head suction side due to pipe length [m]
minorloss : head because there are accessories to the suction pipe [m]
hl1 : head in the suction pipe [m]
hl2 : head in the discharge pipe [m]
Hl : head losses total [m]
ρ : density of water bilge [kg/m^3]
Q : pump capacity [m^3]
η : pump efficiency
Pw : pump power [kW]
Pm : pump power motor [kW]

Bilge system is used as protection in ship, to solve problem that caused by flooding in
every system that contains fluid. This system will needed an arrangement of bilge
lines, pipe laid through tanks, bilge suction and sturms, bilge valves, reverse flow
protection, and pipe layout.
Bilge system on tanker are divided on two parts, as follows :
Doc. No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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a. Clean Bilge System

To drain and sent out the water which caused of leaked in operation system or
instllation. Those are usually from ships hull and condensation of air control. The
water that doesn’t mix with oil can be pumped to overboard using bilge pumps.

b. Oily Bilge System

While the process of loading and unloading in ship, the cargo pumps will not be
able to sent out clearly the load in each tank. That will be need the operation of
bilge system, in tanker the stripping system can be used as bilge system, because it
has the same function. But for the oil that come out or leakage, we need to make a
bilge system design such as in the engine room. That can be caused by the leakage
of fuel pipe, lubricating pump or another system that has been installed in the
engine room. All the leakage oil will be sent to bilge well and absorbed using
separated pumps with bilge pump to clean the bilge system. Oil bilge pump will be
used in this design.

Component in Bilge system such as:

a) Centrifugal Pump

Function : Centrifugal pumps are used to move the fluid from seachest box to all
of the water ballast tank.

A centrifugal pump is a rotodynamic pump that uses a rotating impeller to increase

the pressure and flow rate of a fluid. Centrifugal pumps are the most common type
of pump used to move liquids through a piping system. The fluid enters the pump
impeller along a near to the rotating axis and is accelerated are typically used for
large discharge through smaller heads.
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Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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figure 1. centrifuge pump

b) Non Return valve, straight, screw down

Function : valves are used at high pressure and direction of flow in one direction.
In Ballast system, this valve is used on the outlet side of the pump.

Has same function with globe valve, working in very high pressure and just has
one-way direction. Usually this valve is used in order after the pump and another
lines that the fluids shall not back through the same line or just one-way direction.

figure 2. SDNRV

c) Butterfly Valve
Function : valve is used to open and close the flow in the pipe after branching or
before the pump and after strainer in seachest.

A butterfly valve is a valve which can be used for isolating or regulating flow. The
closing mechanism takes the form of a disk, which allows for quick shut off.
Butterfly valve are generally favored because they are lower in cost to other valve
designs as well as being lighter in weight, meaning less support is required. Used
for stop valve only, for low working pressure. In this system, butterfly valve used
in order before the pump, and as a connecting to another equipment to make a
standby function.
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Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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figure 3. Butterfly Valve

f) Strainer

The sea water and fresh water systems on board ship are provided with line
Strainers in order to trap the solid impurities flowing in the system. Normally the
sea water sides has more number of Strainers incorporated in the line as compared
to the fresh water system as the later is a closed system. The different applications
for water Strainers are:
- Sea Chest Strainer

It is fitted in the main suction line of the sea water inlet system to the ship.
The filter is casing normally fitted with marine growth preventive system.
Normally a strainer is used in the sea chest so that the flow of water in the sea
line is always maintained.

- Fresh Water System Filter

All the fresh water system such as drinking water system, sanitary water
system, boiler feed water system etc. are incorporated with a line filter in the
suction side of the pump.

g) Bellmouthed Pipe End

Doc. No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

Function : Bellmounted used to makes it easyPage 1 of of

to the direction 1 fluid flow in the
suction bilge well. Bellmounted enlarged funnel-shaped end. Bellmounted used in
the suction pipe ends bilge well.

figure 4. Bellmounted pipe end

h) Bulkhead Fitting Watertight, Flange

Function : A watertight bulkhead flange fittings used in the watertight bulkhead.

Watertight bulkhead fittings located on pipes that penetrate the watertight
bulkhead such as bulkhead load space, and the front bulkhead of the engine room.

figure 5. Pipe Flange

i) Pressure Indicator
Function : Pressure indicators are used to gauge fluid pressure. Pressure indicator
placed on the suction and discharge side of the pump.
Doc. No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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figure 6. Pressure Indicator

j) Safety Valve
Function : Safety valve is used to resolve back pressure on the discharge side of
the pump when the pressure on the discharge side of excess. Safety valve used on
the discharge side of the pump is connected to the suction side of the pump.

figure 6. Safety Valve

k) Flexible Coupling
Function : Flexible Coupling is a flexible coupling and is used to prevent pipe the
breaking because of the motion of the ship. Flexible coupling is used in the main
pipe Ballast System.

l) Bilge well
Function: A sump to which bilge water drains. It is important to arrange bilge
wells in the way enabling permanent access and possibility of cleaning even when
holds are loaded.
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Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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figure 7. Bilge well

42 20 DP012 - BG

aused by flooding in
rrangement of bilge
valves, reverse flow

operation system or
n of air control. The
ing bilge pumps.

o pumps will not be

eed the operation of
e system, because it
, we need to make a
aused by the leakage
een installed in the
and absorbed using
l bilge pump will be

of Pollution by Oil
42 20 DP012 - BG

n tube bulkhead [m]

aused by flooding in
rrangement of bilge
valves, reverse flow
42 20 DP012 - BG

operation system or
n of air control. The
ing bilge pumps.

pumps will not be

the operation of
e system, because it
we need to make a
used by the leakage
installed in the
absorbed using
l bilge pump will be

seachest box to all

impeller to increase
most common type
uid enters the pump
re typically used for
42 20 DP012 - BG

ow in one direction.

ressure and just has

e pump and another
one-way direction.

after branching or

egulating flow. The

quick shut off.
cost to other valve
t is required. Used
utterfly valve used
ment to make a
42 20 DP012 - BG

ded with line

tem. Normally the
he line as compared
fferent applications

stem to the ship.

ventive system.
of water in the sea

sanitary water
a line filter in the
42 20 DP012 - BG

1 fluid flow in the

ellmounted used in

watertight bulkhead.
rate the watertight
of the engine room.

e. Pressure indicator
42 20 DP012 - BG

he discharge side of
Safety valve used on
of the pump.

to prevent pipe the

s used in the main

o arrange bilge
cleaning even when
42 20 DP012 - BG

Doc. N02-42 20 N
Specification Rev. N00
of Bilge
System Page 1 of 1

ReferenceParameter Design
1 Diamet (DNV The internal
er of GL diameter of the
Main 2016 main bilge
Bilge part 4 suction line shall
Pipe chapter not be less than
given by the
6 following
section In deep tanks
(DNV formula, to the
4 GL
sub- nearest
used for5 water
mm :
2016 ballast or fuel oil
part 4 the bilge pipes
chapter shall be led
through pipe
6 tunnels or made
section of steel with a
4 sub- wall thickness
section according to
H502) Sec.9 Table A2.
If possible they
should consist of
a single pipe
2 Branch (DNV length
The or be
Bilge GL welded together.
diameter of
Line 2016 branch bilge
part 4 suctions to cargo
holds, machinery
and boiler spaces
6 shall not be less
section than stipulated by
4 sub- the nearest
section formula, to the
H403) In deep5tanks
nearest mm :
GL used for water
2016 ballast or fuel oil
part 4 the bilge pipes
shall be led
through pipe
6 tunnels or made
section of steel with a
4 sub- wall thickness
section according to
H502) Sec.9 Table A2.
If possible they
should consist of
a single pipe
length or be
welded together.
(DNV In deep tanks
GL used for water
2016 ballast or fuel oil
part 4 the bilge pipes
shall be led
Calculation through pipe
6 Doc.orN02-42
tunnels made 20 N
section of steel with a
4 sub- wall Rev. N00
of Bilge according to
H502) Sec.9 Table1 A2.
Page of 1
If possible they
should consist of
3 Pump (DNV Pumping unit
a single pipe
GL capacity
length or be
2016 determined from
welded together.
part 4 pipe diameter
chapter given in [8.4] is
specified in Table
6 1. The pump
section capacity Q in
4 sub- m/hour may also
section be determined
H203) from the formula:
(DNV At least two bilge
GL pumping units
2016 shall be provided.
part 4 For ships with
length 90 m and
less, one of these
6 may be driven by
section the main engine.
4 sub- In larger ships,
section both units shall
(DNV be Allindependently
sea inlet and
GL overboard
2016 discharge pipes
part 4 shall be fitted
with easily
accessible valves
6 or cocks secured
3 sub-
Doc. N02-42 20 N
Specification Rev. N00
of Bilge
System Page 1 of 1
Doc. No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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1. Calculated of Main Bilge Pipe
Main Pipe Diameter dH = 123.14 mm
= 4.848 inches

Spesification of pipe according to JIS Japan Sizes G 3454

Nominal Diameter = 150A
Inside Diameter dH = 143.20 mm
= 5.64 inches
Outside Diameter da = 165.20 mm
= 6.50 inches
Thickness = 11.00 mm
= 0.43 inches
Material = Galvanized Carbon steel
Class Pipe = Class II

2. Calculated of Branch Bilge Pipe

Branch Pipe Diameter dH = 78.03 mm
= 3.072 inches

Spesification of pipe according to JIS Japan Sizes G 3454

Nominal Diameter = 100A
Inside Diameter dH = 157.81 mm
= 6.21 inches
Outside Diameter da = 168.30 mm
= 6.63 inches
Thickness = 6.00 mm
= 0.24 inches
Material = Galvanized Carbon steel
Class Pipe = Class II

3. Calculated Capacity of Pump

Q = 117.91 m3/h
= 0.03275 m3/s
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Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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4. Calculated of Head Bilge Pump

Hs = 8.724 m
Hp = 0 m
Hv = 0 m
ML1s = 2.54 m
ML1d = 0.54 m
MLs = 3.87 m
MLd = 1.18 m
total = 16.86 m

5. Pump Spesification
Type of Pump = 125CLZ-12A
NPSH (m) = 6
Q (m3/h) = 150
H (m) = 46
Pump Material = Stainless Steel

Pump's Electric motor

Power (kW) = 45 kW
Rotation (RPM) = 2900 RP


See attachment of Doc.No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG


See attachment of Doc.No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG

See attachment of Dwg.No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
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Calculation and Specification of
Bilge System Rev. No. 00

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Specification of Bilge Rev. No. 00
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Principal Dimension
Lpp : 107.35 m
Lwl : 109.878 m
B : 19.811 m
H : 12.205 m
T : 7.974 m
Cb : 0.722
Vs : 13.0 Knot
: 6.69 m/s
ρ : 1.025 ton / m3 (density of sea water)
υ : 0.000000892 m /s2
(viscosity of sea water ITTC)
g : 9.81 m / s2

a. Calculation of the Main Pipe Diameter Bilge

The diameter of the main bilge pipe in the engine rooms of tankers and bulk
cargo/oil carriers
1.68√(𝐋is calculated
×(𝐁+𝐃) :)+𝟐𝟓
d =
Where :
d= calculated inside diameter of main bilge pipe [mm]
B= moulded breadth of ship [m] = 19.8 m
D= depth of ship to the bulkhead deck [m] = 12.21
L= For use with the Rules, L is not to be less than 96% and need
not be greater than 97% of the length on the summer load line.
97% of length = 106.58166

So :
1.68 √((19,811+12,205)×99.59)+25
d = (DNV-GL Part 4 chp 6 Sec 4)
= 123.14 mm
= 4.85 inch

The internal diameter of the main bilge suction line shall not be less than given by
the following formula, to the nearest 5 mm
Calculation and Doc. No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
Specification of Bilge Rev. No. 00
The internal diameter of the main bilge suction line shall not be less than given by
the following formula, to the nearest 5 mm Page 1 of 1

(DNV-GL Part 4 chp 6 Sec 4)

Then main bilge pipe that will use is galvanized carbon steel pipe
according to JIS G3454, the specification of pipes are:

Nominal Diameter : 150A

Outside Diameter : 165.2 mm
Inside Diameter (dm) : 143.2 mm
Thickness : 11 mm

b. Calculation Inside Diameter of Main Bilge Branch Pipe

The diameter of main bilge branch pipe is :
d1 = (DNV-GL Part 4 ch 6 sec 4)
= 𝒍 = length of watertight
= 78.03 mm compartement
= 3.072 inch

Because the bilge pipe is passing through wing tanks as ballast tanks the minimum
thickness is using 7.1 mm (class D for steel pipes)

(BKI Vol III Sec. 11 Table 11.6)

Then main bilge pipe that will use is galvanized carbon steel pipe
according to ANSI Standart, the specification of pipes are:

Nominal Diameter : 100A

Outside Diameter : 168.3 mm
Inside Diameter (dm) : 157.81 mm
Thickness : 6 mm

c. Calculation of Capacity Bilge Pump

Q = 𝟓,𝟕𝟓× 〖𝟏𝟎〗 ^(−𝟑)×𝒅²m³/h (DNV-GL Part 4 chp 6 Sec 4)
= 𝟓,𝟕𝟓× 〖𝟏𝟎〗 ^(−𝟑)×𝟏𝟐m³/h
= 117.911 m³/h Where :
= 1.96518133333333 m³/m d = Inside Diameter of Main
= 0.032753022222222 m³/s Bilge Pipe
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Specification of Bilge Rev. No. 00
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Then, calculate velocity of fluid inside the pipe suction

Q= VxA m3/s
V= Q/A m/s
= 0.026/ 0.01296 m/s
= 2.0347 m/s value taken = 2 m/s
So, from the result of capacity of pump, specification of pump could be
determined later

d. Calculation of System for Determining Pump Specification

According to DNV part 4 Chp 6 sec 4 :
"Bilge well shall have a capacity of more than 0.15 m³"
So, dimension of bilge well based on MEPC 54/21 ANNEX 17-8.4
= 20 × D × P / 10^6 D= endurance ship
P= Power of engine
= 2.277 m3
Dimension= 0.6 × 1 × 1
The planned number of bilge well = 9 pieces
So, total volume if bilge well = 20.493 m³

Calculation head of bilge pump

Calculation instalation in E/R
Head Total : (Pompa dan Kompresor
Ir.Sularso,MSME, Page 28)
Hs = Distance from suction well to overboard
= T + 0.75 m
= 8.724 m
Hp = The difference of pressure in suction side and discharge side
= (P disc - P suc) / ρg
= 0
(Because the pressure on th both side is same, so the value of hp = 0)
Hv = The difference of flow velocity on suction side and discharge side
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Specification of Bilge Rev. No. 00
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= ( V2disch - V2suct ) / 2g
= 0
(Because flow velocity in suction and discharge have same value)

Calculation of head losses in suction line

Friction losses = Rn = (D x V) / v (Pompa dan Kompresor
Where Ir.Sularso,MSME, Page 28)
D = Inside diameter main pipe = 0.1432 m
V= flow velocity = 2.000 m/s
v= Coefficient viscositas kinematic = 1,0029 x 10^-6
Rn = (D x V) / v
= (0.1208x 2.000)/(1.0029*10^-6) if Rn > 2300,"turbulent"
= 285571.841659188 = Turbulent if Rn < 2300, "laminer"

Friction losses = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g) (Pompa dan Kompresor

Ir.Sularso,MSME, Page 28)
λ = 0.02+0.0005/dm
= 0.02 + 0.0005/ 0.1208
= 0.023491620111732
L = Length of Suction Side
= 76.065 m
v = 2.000 m/s
D = dm
= 143.20 mm
Friction losses (hf) = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g)
= 0,024 x 76.065 x 2,003^2 / (0.20 x 2 x 9,81)
= 2.544 m

Fitting losses (hm) = Head because fitting and valve in suction line

No Accesoris n k nxk
1 Butterfly valve 3 0.86 2.58
2 Elbow 90ᵒ 3 1 3
3 Bulkhead Fitting Watertigh 4 0.02 0.08
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Specification of Bilge Rev. No. 00
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4 Bellmounted pipe end 1 0.05 0.05
5 Strainer 2 2.5 5
6 T Joint 7 1.18 8.26
Σnxk 18.97
Fitting losses = (Σ n.k) x v² /2g
= 33.22 x 2.003^2 / 2 x 9.81
= 3.867 m

Head loss in suction line = Friction head loss + Fitting head loss
= 5.147+6.773
= 6.41 m

Calculation of head losses in discharge line

Friction losses = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g) (Pompa dan Kompresor
Where Ir.Sularso,MSME, Page 28)
λ = 0.02+0.0005/dm
= 0.02+0.0005/0.1208
= 0.0235
L = Length of Discharge Side
= 16.264 m

v= 2 m/s
D= dm
= 143.20 mm

Friction losses (hf) = λ x L x v^2 / (D x 2g)

= 0,0234 x 25 x 2,00^2 / (0.146.6x 2 x 9,81)
= 0.54 m
Fitting losses (hm) = Head because fitting and valve in discharge line

No Accesoris n k nxk
1 SDNRV 2 2 4
2 T joint 1 1.8 1.8
Σnxk 5.8
Fitting losses = (Σ n.k) x v² /2g
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Specification of Bilge Rev. No. 00
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= 5.8 x 2^2 / 2 x 9,81
= 1.18 m

Head loss in discharge line = Friction head loss + Fitting head loss
= 0.7+ 1.11
= 1.73 m

So, Head loss total is :

Head loss total = Head loss suction + Head loss discharge
= 11.92+ 1.81
= 8.14 m

HEAD TOTAL = Hs + Hp + Hv + Σhead losses(suction and discharge)

= 11.722 + 0 + 0 + 10.37
= 16.86 m

e. Bilge Pump Specification

Minimum requirement of pump
Capacity (Q) = 117.91 m3/h = 1.965 m3/min
Head = 16.86 m

Bilge Main Pump Pump's Electric motor

Type of Pump : 125CLZ-12A Power (kW) = 45 kW
Q (m3/h) : 150 m3/h Speed = 2900 RPM
H (m) : 46 m
Rotation : 1500 Rpm
Power : 45 kW
Pressure (bar) : -
NPSH (m) : 6
Pump Material : Stainless Steel
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Specification of Bilge Rev. No. 00
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Calculation and Doc. No. 02 - 42 20 DP012 - BG
Specification of Bilge Rev. No. 00
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No Accesoris k
1 Butterfly valve 0.6
2 Elbow 90ᵒ 0.75
3 SDNRV remotely 1.35
4 Bulkhead Fitting Watertight 0.02
5 Non Return Valve 1.23
6 Bellmounted pipe end 0.05
7 Strainer 2.5
8 T Joint 1
10 Gate Valve remotely 0.87

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