Final Construction Prof & Contractor Registration Amended Directive

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Ministry of Urban Development and


Directives for the Registration of

Construction Professionals and


June 2013
Addis Ababa

PART 1 – General..........................................................................................................................................2
1 Short Title..............................................................................................................................................2
2 Definition...............................................................................................................................................2
3 Scope of Application..............................................................................................................................3
4 Powers and Duties of the Department..................................................................................................3
5 Registration...........................................................................................................................................3
6 Certificate of Registration......................................................................................................................4
7 Renewal of Registration.........................................................................................................................5
8 Suspension of Registration Certificate...................................................................................................5
9 Cancellation or Revocation of Certificate..............................................................................................6
10 Appeal...................................................................................................................................................6
11 Representation, transfer and follow up.................................................................................................6
PART 2...........................................................................................................................................................7
REGISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTION...............................................................................................................7
12 Registration of Professionals.................................................................................................................7
a) Graduate Engineers (civil, electrical, mechanical or related) and Architects...................................7

b) Professional Engineers and Architects..............................................................................................7

c) Graduate Associate Engineer............................................................................................................8

d) Associate Engineers..........................................................................................................................9

e) Junior Associate Technicians...........................................................................................................10

f) Graduate Engineering Aides(10+2)And Graduate Junior Engineering Aides.(10+1)......................10

g) Engineering Aides and Junior Engineering Aides...........................................................................10

13 Registration Fees for Professionals......................................................................................................11

PART 3.........................................................................................................................................................12
REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS...............................................................................................................12
14 Licensing..............................................................................................................................................12
15 Contractor Grades and project size.....................................................................................................13
Table :- 2 Grades for BC, RC and GC.....................................................................................................13

Table 3. Grades for Specialized Contractors...........................................................................................14

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16 Substitution rules for Qualification Requirement................................................................................15
Table 4. Equivalence between Professionals...........................................................................................15

17 Professional, Equipment Requirement................................................................................................16

Table 6: Temporary Exemption of Equipment Requirement for Contractors of Grades I to III (GC)
(except crane)..........................................................................................................................................16

Table 7: Temporary Exemption of Equipment Requirement for Contractors of Grades I to III (RC)......17

Table 8: Temporary Exemption of Equipment Requirement for Contractors of Grades I to III (BC)
(except crane)..........................................................................................................................................17

18 Staff requirement................................................................................................................................17
19 Registration and Renewal Fees for Contractors...................................................................................17
Table 9: Registration and Renewal Fee for Contractors...........................................................................18

20 Miscellaneous.....................................................................................................................................18
21 Effective Date......................................................................................................................................18
SCHEDULE I PROFESSIONAL TITLE IDENTIFICATION.....................................................................................19
SCHEDULE - II...............................................................................................................................................21
SCHEDULE- III...............................................................................................................................................22
SCHEDULE IV...............................................................................................................................................23
SCHEDULE V................................................................................................................................................24
SCHEDULE- VI..............................................................................................................................................25
SCHEDULE VII..............................................................................................................................................26
SCHEDULE VIII.............................................................................................................................................26
SCHEDULE IX..............................................................................................................................................27
SCHEDULE X................................................................................................................................................28
SCHEDULE XI................................................................................................................................................29
Form No 1..................................................................................................................................................30
Form No 2....................................................................................................................................................32

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Whereas, construction industry plays a vital role in the economic development of the country;

Whereas, the private sector is the key stakeholder in the industry and to determine the capacity
and extent of participation of the private sector, it is necessary to know the available manpower,
field of specialization and equipment of the individuals and firms in view of overall planning;

Whereas, it is essential to safeguard the interest of the public at large and that of the government
by regulating the participation of the persons and other legal entities engaged in the field of
construction by setting certain rules and standards to be observed for purposes of safety, quality
works and efficiency;

Now, therefore, the Ministry of Urban Development and Construction, in accordance with the
powers and duties conferred on it by the definition of powers and duties of the Executive Organs
of The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 691/2010 Article 25 (1-l)
which says "register and issue certificates of professional competence to engineers and architects;
determine the grades of contractors and consultants, and issue certificates of competence to those
operating in more than one regional states” has hereby issued these Directives for the Registration
of Contractors and Construction Professionals.

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1 Short Title

This Directive may be cited as the “Amended Directives for the registration of Construction
Professionals and Contractors No. 19 /2013”

2 Definition
In this Directive:
1) “Advance diploma’’ means a certification from a college or a technical school for a
three years training after 12th grade (12+3) or level V in construction.
2) "Applicant" means any construction professional or contractor who has applied to the
Ministry for Registration.
3) “Bureau” means Construction Industry Development and Regulatory Bureau.
4) "Construction Professionals" means technical professionals with educational level of
degree, diploma or certificate in engineering related technical courses and want to take
part in construction works or professionals who are certified for the different levels in
the occupational standard for construction.
5) "Contractor" means a company which is registered to take part in construction
6) “Building contractor” means a juridical person who is registered and issued with a
work permit by the relevant authority as a Building contractor;
7) “Road contractor” means a juridical person who is registered and issued with a work
permit by the relevant authority as a Road contractor;
8) “General contractor” means a juridical person who is registered and issued with a
work permit by the relevant authority as general contractor;

9) “Department” means The Department for Registration of Contractors, Consultants,

Professionals, and Construction Equipment in the Ministry under the Bureau.
10) “Diploma” means a certification from a college or a technical school for a three years
training after 10th grade (10 +3) or a two years training after 12th grade (12 +2) or level
IV in construction.
11) “Heavy Equipment” means Dozer, Crane, Loader, Crusher, Grader, Excavator and
Roller or any other equipment equivalent to the aforementioned with purpose, volume,
tonnage, horse power or other common comparing variables.
12) “Intermediate Equipment” means Dump Trucks and other equipment equivalent to the
aforementioned with purpose, volume, axle load or other common comparing variables.

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13) "Ministry" and "Minister" means the Ministry and the Minister of Urban
Development and Construction, respectively.
14) “Person” means natural or juridical person.
15) "Professional" means an individual or legal personality registered with the Ministry
after having satisfied the various requirements specified in Part II and III of this
16) "Project" means a construction projects
17) “Register” means the record containing entries of the names of the Construction
Professionals and Contractors who are qualified to be registered as provided for in these
18) “Small/Light Equipment” means Pick up and 4W Drive vehicles and other equipment
equivalent to the aforementioned with purpose, volume, axle load or similar comparing
19) “Relevant” means applicant's involvement in undertakings projects related to the field
applied for, type and size of projects handled by applicant in the practice of his or her
profession - whether he or she practiced independently or under the supervision of other
20) Any expression in the masculine gender includes the feminine and firms.
3 Scope of Application

This Directive shall apply to construction professional and Contractors who registered as a
professional and contractor in the ministry and involved in Federal and Regional Financed Projects.

4 Powers and Duties of the Department

1) The Department shall accept all applications submitted to the Ministry for registration,
renewal and upgrading and shall examine such applications as objectively as possible on
the basis of the requirements specified in these Directive.
2) The Department, having examined the application, may decide that the applicant may
register, his license renewed, upgraded or may reject the application and does accordingly.
3) The Department shall keep an up-to-date register of all persons registered with the
Ministry in accordance with these Directives.
4) The Department shall make a quarterly meeting with the relevant Associations to evaluate
the registration activities.
5 Registration
1) Any natural or juridical person who satisfies the requirements specified in these
Directives may file an application with the Ministry to be registered and to have his
name entered in the Registrar.

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2) The application of contractors and construction professionals shall be submitted by
filling FORM NO. 1 and FORM NO. 2, respectively.
3) All Construction professionals and Contractors desiring to carry out activity related to
construction works are required to register with the Ministry in accordance with this
Directive. No company or professional may carry out any construction without getting
certificate of competence from the Ministry.
4) All foreign construction companies and their professionals who may undertake any
activity related to construction works in the country are to be register in the Ministry.
5) All foreign contractors who want to take part in National Competitive Biddings shall be
registered as Contractor of only class I for all category, and they shouldn’t participation
NCB below class one
6) Every person whose name is entered in the register shall keep the Department promptly
informed on any change at the particulars listed in his application and the Department
shall amend the Register accordingly.
7) Foreign professionals or professionals with experience from foreign countries should
submit documents authenticated by appropriate bodies.
8) Foreign professionals who want to be registered should supply evidences of both work
and residence permits.
6 Certificate of Registration
1) Any person, who, according to the examination of the committee, has satisfied the
requirements under these Directives, shall be entitled to have his name entered in the
Register and to hold certificate of competence.
2) The Certificate of Competence shall contain:
a) Full name of the registered applicant and name of firm;
b) Category and grade or professional classification and specialized fields;
c) Date of first registration; and
d) Dates of all subsequent renewals.
3) The certificate of registration shall beer the seal of the Ministry end being serially
numbered, shall be signed by the Department Director.
4) In the event a certificate is lost or destroyed and such a loss or destruction is proved to
the satisfaction of the Department by the responsible institutions, a duplicate of such
registration certificate may be issued to the holder upon payment of Birr 100 (hundred

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7 Renewal of Registration

1) Registration of construction professionals may be valid for a period of two calendar

years beginning from the date and year of such registration and may be renewed every
two years.
2) For renewal of registration an applicant should bear a letter (authenticated by the
relevant Association)
3) Registration of Contractors shall be valid from the date of such registration till end of
October that comes after the date of registration.
4) No registration may be renewed unless the person seeking renewal has complied, with
the requirements for registration set out herein.
5) Professionals applying for renewal within two years (one term) after the expiry date of
their certificate of registration may renew their certificate upon payment indicated in
article 30 of this directives.
6) Any registration that is not renewed within four years (two terms) of its expiry date the
previous registration shall be deemed to be canceled automatically. If the professional
wants to be registered, he should start it as new registration.
7) For renewal the professional himself should apply or the employer should write a letter
that request renewal.
8) Any professional who wants to take part in any construction activity should have a
valid or renewed professional registration certificate.
8 Suspension of Registration Certificate
A registration certificate may be suspended by the Department if its holder:
1) Shows misconduct or gross negligence in matters related to his professional practice;
2) Contributes to the delays (does not assure the timely completion) of the project it is
supervising; or Permanently employ Government employees without requiring them
release of employment; or
3) Fails to abide by the requirements in this Guidelines and derivatives thereof and Rules
and Regulations which may be issued by the Ministry from time to time.
4) On suspension, the certificate shall be returned to the office which issued it.
5) If its certificate of competence is cancelled, the contractor may be allowed to complete
its ongoing projects provided that the contractual agreement allows it to do so.
6) The suspension time for registration shall be till the holder rectifies the causes which
make the registration suspense.

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9 Cancellation or Revocation of Certificate

1) When the registered person dies, is incapacitated, quits the business or fails to comply
with the requirements in this Directives or other Rules and Regulations which may be
issued by the Ministry from time to time.
2) When the registered person exhibits the defects stated under this section article 8 (4)
twice. If the person passes its registration certificate to other person without
3) When registered juridical person is bankrupt or dissolved.
4) If its certificate of competence of a contractor is, cancelled or revoked, the contractor
may be allowed to complete its ongoing projects provided that the contractual
agreement allows it to do so.
10 Appeal

1) Upon receipt of notification of the rejection of their application, or suspension,

cancellation or revocation of their certificates of registration applicants or registered
person may, within thirty (30) days from the date of receipt of the said notification,
appear before the Bureau in defense of their application.
2) The Bureau shall fix the place and time of hearing and shall give adequate notice
thereof to the concerned applicant.
3) If the applicant fails to defend his application within the prescribed thirty (30) days, no
hearing shall take place.
4) Having heard the defense of the applicant, the Bureau shall submit its decisions in
writing to the Minister for his approval or views thereon.

11 Representation, transfer and follow up

1) Individuals and juridical persons registered or to be registered may be represented by

legally authorized individuals. This representation does not apply for registration of
professionals and contractors who acquire their certificate of competence due to their
education and experience as per article 15 sub articles (2c)
2) If the bearer of a certificate of registration is incapacitated or dies, the certificate is
eligible for transfer to the legal inheritor provided the inheritor fulfills the
requirements of this directives;
3) The department shall be responsible to follow - up the decision it made and to make
sure that each registered person under these Directive is operating legally and
efficiently in accordance with the requirements under which his certificate of
competence is issued.

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12 Registration of Professionals
1) This refers to the following professionals:
 Civil Engineers or equivalent professionals;
 Electrical Engineers and mechanical engineers or related professionals;
 Architects or equivalent professionals;
 Associate Engineers Building or Civil;
 Engineering Aides (Building or Civil); and
 Professionals who are certified for the different levels in the occupational standards for
Civil construction.
2) The requirement for Education and experience and the scope of professional
engagement for each professional are given hereunder and registration in the field of
construction may be effected as follows.
a) Graduate Engineers (civil, electrical, mechanical or related) and Architects
1) Education
Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. Degree, or the equivalent qualification in an
approved course, in architecture or engineering (civil, electrical or related) from a
recognized university or similar institutions.
2) Experience
Applicant may have zero to four years of experience relevant to the field applied for.
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant may be engaged either part-time or full-time in construction works of all
categories of projects.
b) Professional Engineers and Architects
1) Education

Applicant must hold at least a B.Sc. Degree or the equivalent qualification in an approved
course, in architecture or engineering (civil, electrical or related) from a recognized
university or similar institution.
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2) Experience
a) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than four years of
relevant experience in the field of construction. The testimony letter should bear
reference number, sign and seal of the provider and should contain information
on salary and taxes.
b) The testimony of experience should show: duration; position; project type and
size (in terms of money) and recommendations. The testimony letter should bear
reference number, sign and seal of the provider and should contain information
on salary and taxes.
c) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Associations.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by
Consultants Association. A freelancer may show one approved project for every
year that he is not employed.
d) If the applicant has previous experience with qualification below B.Sc. degree
level, such experience shall be considered following the Civil Service Law. If the
applicant fulfills the experience requirement taking in to account the ones
acquired before B.Sc., he needs to have a minimum of one year of directly
relevant experience after his B.Sc. degree to qualify for professional architect or
e) The experience required for M.Sc and Ph. D shall be as per Civil Service Law

3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must be engaged full or part time in responsible positions in Civil Construction
works such as building, transport, dams, etc.
c) Graduate Associate Engineer
1) Education
Applicant must hold an advanced diploma (or should be certified for Level V in
construction), or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in building or Civil
Engineering from a recognized university or similar institution.
2) Experience
a) Applicant may have up zero to four years of relevant experience in building or civil
engineering construction works. However, lack of it does not disqualify him from this
b) The testimony of experience should show: duration; position; project type and size (in
terms of money) and recommendation. The testimony letter should bear reference

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number, sign and seal of the provider and should contain information on salary and
c) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Associations.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by Consultants
Association. A freelancer may show one approved project for every year that he is not
d) If the applicant has previous experience with qualification below Advanced diploma
level, such experience shall be considered following the Civil Service Law. If the
applicant fulfills the experience requirement taking in to account the ones acquired
before advanced diploma, he needs to have a minimum of one year of directly relevant
experience after his B.Sc. degree to qualify for professional architect or engineer.
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant may be engaged either part time or full time in building or civil engineering
construction works.
d) Associate Engineers
1) Education
Applicant must hold a advance diploma (or should be certified for Level V in
construction) or the equivalent qualification in an approved course in building or civil
engineering from a recognized university or similar institution.
2) Experience
a) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less than four years of relevant
experience in civil construction works.
b) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Associations.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by Consultants
Association. A freelancer may show one approved project for every year that he is not
c) If the applicant has previous experience with qualification below Advance Diploma
(level V) level, such experience shall be considered following the Civil Service Law.
If the applicant fulfills the experience requirement taking in to account the ones
acquired before Advance Diploma, he needs to have a minimum of one year of
directly relevant experience after his Advanced Diploma (level V) to qualify for the
position of Associate Engineer.
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must engage full or part time in responsible positions in civil construction

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e) Junior Associate Technicians

1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate (10+3, 12 +2), (or should be certified
for Level IV in construction) or the equivalent from similar institutions in Drafting,
Surveying, Electrical, Building, Road, Construction, Plumbing, Carpentry, Masonry &
Metal works.
2) Experience
a) Applicant shall submit satisfactory evidence of up to four years of relevant experience
in civil construction works.
b) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Associations.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by Consultants
Association. A freelancer may show one approved project for every year that he is not
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must engage full or part time in responsible positions in civil construction
f) Graduate Engineering Aides(10+2)And Graduate Junior Engineering Aides.(10+1).
1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate (10+1=level I ) (or should be certified
for 10+2=Level II) in construction or the equivalent from similar institutions in
Drafting, Surveying, Electrical, Building, Road, Construction, Plumbing, Carpentry,
Masonry, metal work,… and four years of experience
2) Experience
Applicant may have zero to four years of relevant experience in fields of construction,
acquired after obtaining his certificate. However, lack of it does not disqualify him from
this registration.
3) Professional Engagement Applicant may be engaged either part-time or full-time in civil
construction works.
g) Engineering Aides and Junior Engineering Aides
1) Education
Applicant must hold a technical school certificate (10+1=level I) or(10+2= Level II) or the
equivalent from a similar institution.
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2) Experience
a) Applicant Shall submit satisfactory evidence of not less then four years of relevant
experience in fields of construction, acquired after obtaining his or her certificate.
b) The testimony of experience should show: duration; position; project type and size (in
terms of money) and recommendation. The testimony letter should bear sign and seal
of the provider and should contain information on salary taxes.
c) The testimony of experience shall be confirmed by the appropriate Association.
Experience from Construction companies shall be confirmed by Contractors
Association; and experience from consulting firms shall be confirmed by Consultants
3) Professional Engagement
Applicant must be engaged in responsible positions in civil construction works.
4) Professional Engineers, Associate Engineers, and Engineering Aides are further
categorized based on their experience and these different state of professions are shown in

13 Registration Fees for Professionals

Registration Fee for professionals is shown in Table 1
Table 1: Registration Fee for Professionals

Graduate and Graduates, Associate Graduate and junior

Professional Engineers Engineering Aids

Renewal every Renewal every
Registration every two Registration Registration
two years two years

500 Birr 250 Birr 500 Birr 250 Birr 300Birr 150Birr

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14 Licensing
Application for registration as a contractor in accordance with these Directive may be
submitted in one of the following categories.
1) Categories
a) "GC" General Contractors ... Contractors who are qualified to undertake a variety
of construction work such as building, roads railways bridges, airports, dams, water
works… etc.
b) "BC" Building contractors ... Contractors who are qualified to undertake building
construction and supplementary works to buildings.
c) "RC" Road Contractors ... Contractors who are qualified to undertake construction of
roads and another related Civil Engineering works.
d) If portion of the project work that requires specialization exceeds 15 per cent of the
total project cost, that part is to be subcontracted out to the appropriate specialized
e) "SC" Specialized Contractors ... These are contractors who are qualified to undertake
construction activities in specialized fields as classified under the following sub-
Electro-Mechanical (SC-EM)
Contractors who are qualified to undertake electro-mechanical installation works such
as electrical installation, lift and machine erection, boiler and pump installation,
ventilation, air conditioning and related works.
Painting and Decorations (SC-PD)
Contractors who are qualified to undertake specialized works such as painting, wall
papering, curtain works, ceiling and wall decorations, neon and other forms of
advertising etc.
Sanitary Installation (SC-SI)
Contractors who are qualified to undertake sanitary installation works such as interior
plumbing, installation of water tanks, installation of water pumps, fixing of sanitary
wares and other related activities.
Wood and Metal Works (SC-WM)
Contractors who are qualified to undertake wood and metal works such as:

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1) Fabrication and Installation of wooden doors, windows, built-in cupboards,
shelves wooden partition walls, glassing works, etc...
2) Fabrication and installation of metal doors, windows, steel trusses, form works,
water, tanks etc...
f) Landscaping (SC-LS)
Contractors who are qualified to undertake Landscaping and other related activities:
2) For applicants whose areas of involvement does not fall in one of the understated sub-
categories, their application may be considered as it comes and the Department
prepares proposal for grades and requirements of the grades by using the participation
of the relevant association/s and professionals. The proposal is to be approved by the
minister before implementation.
15 Contractor Grades and project size
1) Contractors of categories "GC", "BC" and "RC" assume grades that ranges from 1 down to
10. Contractors may register in one of the 1 to 10 grades categorized based on equipment,
man power and turnover requirement;
2) Contractors of category "SC" assume grades that ranges from 1 down to 6 based on the
cost of construction or installation of the specialized trades;
3) The threshold project size for the different categories and grades of contractors and
specialized contractors shall be as follows:
a) Contractors of categories GC, BC, and RC may register as shown in table 2:

Table :- 2 Grades for BC, RC and GC

Construction Cost (Birr)

Categories Grade
(GC,BC,RC) 1 Above 210,000,000 Above 300,000,000 Above 350,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 2 Up to 210,000,000 Up to 300,000,000 Up to 350,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 3 Up to 160,000,000 Up to 225,000,000 Up to 270,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 4 Up to 110,000,000 Up to 154,000,000 Up to 185,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 5 Up to 54,000,000 Up to 76,000,000 Up to 100,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 6 Up to 27,000,000 Up to 38,000,000 Up to 45,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 7 Up to 11,000,000 Up to 15,000,000 Up to 18,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 8 Up to 5,400,000 Up to 7,500,000 Up to 9,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 9 Up to 3,000,000 Up to 4,200,000 Up to 5,000,000
(GC,BC,RC) 10 Up to 1,000,000 Up to 1, 500,000 Up to 1,800,000

b) Contractors of Category “SC" may register in one of the grades shown in Table 3.

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Table 3. Grades for Specialized Contractors

Category Rank Construction cost

SC 1 Up to Birr 100,000,000.000
SC 2 Up to Birr 45,000,000.00
SC 3 Up to Birr 18,000,000.00
SC 4 Up to Birr 9,000,000.00

c) Exceptions
Civil Servants and Other Employed Professionals
a) Construction superintendents with Special
Training in engineering works and Equivalent …… 18 Years of service
b) Engineering Aides or Equivalent …………......... 15 Years of service
c) Associate Engineers or Equivalent ……............... 12 Years of service
d) Professional engineers and Architects................... 10 Years of service
e) Practicing Professionals with 15 years and above experience in special works in
specialized fields (such as highway, power, railway, irrigation, etc.
f) Professionals stated in E above organized in a team of minimum three (with
harmonized specialization), with sufficient experience in construction works,
with proper release from their employers (both Government and private) and
who wish to be contractors, may initially get certificates of competence for the
following grades/classes without manpower, and equipment requirements. For
female professionals, the experience requirement is lowered by two years.
 A and B in Grade VII in one of the categories for which they are
 C and D in Grade VI General or specialized contractor;
 E in grade V of their area of specialization;
 F in grade IV of their area of specialization
g) The testimony of experience from the private employers shall be confirmed by
the appropriate Association. Experience from Construction companies shall be
confirmed by Contractors Association; and experience from consulting firms
shall be confirmed by Consultants Association.
h) Once they are registered as contractors, they will have to provide sufficient
manpower and equipment for the project they undertake to successfully
complete the work in accordance with the terms of their contract. For
upgrading they will have to fulfill all requirements in these Directives specified
for the requested Grade.

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16 Substitution rules for Qualification Requirement

Requirements for substitution rules for qualification requirements may alternatively be

considered using the substitution guide depicted in the following Table 4.

Table 4. Equivalence between Professionals

3 PE V

Example: PEII could be replaced by either AE V or JAT VII

PE Professional Engineer
GE Graduate Engineer
AE Associate Engineer
GAE Graduate Associate Engineer
JAT Junior Associate Technician
GJAT Graduate Junior Associate Technician
EA Engineering Aid
GEA Graduate Engineering Aid
JEA Junior Engineering Aid
GJEA Graduate Junior Engineering Aid

17 Professional, Equipment Requirement

1) An applicant for registration as a contractor under these Directives shall submit:

a) Professionals require for the category and grade/class he has applied
b) Number, type and capacity of equipment.
2) The minimum number of equipment required for General Contractors registered in
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grades 1 to 6 is shown in SCHEDULE 2 of this Directive.
3) Equivalent Equipment could be replaced based on Table 5.
Table 5: Equipment (number or per cent) which could be replaced by Equivalent or Higher

Equipment GC RC BC SC

Heavy 5 3 2 3 2 1 1 - - 50 %

Intermediate 3 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 50 %

Light 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 1 - 50 %

4) Contractors of grade I up to III may temporarily be exempted from fulfilling some

heavy, intermediate or light equipment as per Tables 8 for a period of two years
from the date when they are registered by the Ministry for that grade.
5) All contractors may replace 50 per cent of their equipment requirement by similar
sized equipment of similar nature as long as the total capacity is matched.

Table 6: Temporary Exemption of Equipment Requirement for Contractors of Grades

I to III (GC) (except crane)

Number and Category of Equipment for Temporary Exemption

heavy intermediate light
I 3 2 2
II 2 1 2
III 1 1 1

Table 7: Temporary Exemption of Equipment Requirement for Contractors of Grades

I to III (RC)

Number and Category of Equipment for Temporary Exemption

heavy intermediate light
I 4 2 2
II 3 1 1
III 2 1 1

Table 8: Temporary Exemption of Equipment Requirement for Contractors of Grades

I to III (BC) (except crane)

Grade Number and Category of Equipment for Temporary Exemption

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heavy intermediate light
I 1 1 1
II 0 1 1
III - 1 -

6) The minimum number or equipment required for road contractors registered in

grades 1 to 5 is shown in SCHEDULE 3 of this Directive.
7) The minimum number of equipment required for building contractors registered in
grades 1 to 8 is shown is SCHEDULE 6 of this Directive.
8) The minimum number of equipment required for specialized contractors registered
under sub-categories /a/, /b/, /c/, /d/, and /e/ grades 1 to 6 are shown in
SCHEDULE 9 of this Directive.
18 Staff requirement
1) Contractors are to employ staff required for their category.
2) The employment is to be authenticated by the responsible institution.
3) During renewal of certificate of competence, the contractor is required to submit pay roll
of its employees considered to fulfill the certification requirements with salary tax
settlement documents.
19 Registration and Renewal Fees for Contractors
1) Registration and renewal fee for contractors

All categories of contractors pay registration and renewal fee as per Table 9

Table 9: Registration and Renewal Fee for Contractors


1 5000.00 2500.00
2 4750.00 2375.00
3 4400.00 2200.00
4 3300.00 1600.00
5 2200.00 1100.00
6 1500.00 750.00
7 1200.00 600.00
8 1050.00 525.00
9 1000.00 500.00
10 500.00 250.00

20 Miscellaneous

17 of 32
1. The number of pieces of equipment listed under each category and grade is minimum and is only
for registration purposes. It should be noted that every contractor has to provide the actual
number of pieces of equipment required for the individual project he undertakes.

2. Equipment having capacities other than shown in each schedule may be accepted. The
corresponding number of pieces of equipment may then be determined in relation to the
capacities unless differently assessed by the department.

3. There are many other equipment types which are important for construction but are not included
in the above schedules. A contractor may have more equipment from one type but may lack
equipment of other types. To incorporate such cases, a table of equivalent equipment has been
Provided (Table 9). If equipment types other than stated in the table appear, the department
establishes the equivalence. Once the equivalent for one type of equipment is formed, it serves for
subsequent requests.

21 Effective Date

These Directives shall inter into force as of Hamle 1,2005 EC.

Mekuria Haile

Ministry of Urban Development and Construction




Junior Associate Technician Up to 4 Diploma from Technical school or other
similar institution (or Level IV)
Junior Associate Technician I 4
Junior Associate Technician II 6
Junior Associate Technician III 8
Junior Associate Technician IV 10
Junior Associate Technician V 12
Junior Associate Technician VI 14
Junior Associate Technician VII 16
Graduate Junior Engineering Aid Up to 4 Certificate from Technical school or other
similar institution (or Level I)
Junior Engineering Aid I 4
Junior Engineering Aid II 6
Junior Engineering Aid III 8
Junior Engineering Aid IV 10
Junior Engineering Aid V 12

18 of 32
Junior Engineering Aid VI 14
Graduate Engineering Aide Up to 4 Diploma from Technical school or other
similar institution (or Level II)
Engineer Aide I 4
" " II 6
" " III 8
" " IV 10
" " V 12
" " VI 14
Graduate Associate Engineer Up to 4 Diploma from university in Civil Eng. or
other related fields (or level V)
Associate Eng. I 4
" " II 6
" " III 8
" " IV 10
" " V 12
" " VI 14
" " VII 16
Graduate Engineer Up to 4 B.Sc. in Civil Eng. or in other related fields
Professional Engineer I 4
" " II 6
" " III 8
" " IV 10
" " V 12
" " VI 14
" " VII 16
Graduate Architects Up to 4 B.Sc. in Architecture or in other related
Professional Architects I 4
" " II 6
" " III 8
" " IV 10
" " V 12
" " VI 14
" " VII 16

Note: If professionals with different academic achievements other than stated in the Schedules
appear or a professional wants to get certification with title different from the face value
of educational testimony, then they will be given both written and interview examinations
that assesses their qualification for the position they have applied for. The Examinations
are given by a committee formed from:

1) The relevant Association/s;

2) The Ministry;
3) Other relevant Government Institutions.

19 of 32


Item EQUIPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Minimum Number of Dozer 4 3 2 1 - - - - - -

1 Minimum Capacity (HP) 140 140 140 140
340 140
Total Capacity (HP) 680 Hp 480 Hp
Hp Hp
 Tower Crane
Minimum Tower Height =30mt
Minimum lifting capacity 1 Tone -
2 1 - - - - - - - -
 Telescopic Mobile crane with Boom
extendable up to 20mt and above minimum -
1 - - - - - - - -
lifting capacity 5 Tone
Minimum Number of Loader 2 1 1 - - - - - -
Total Bucket Capacity (m3) 3.5 1.5 1.2
Minimum Number of Crusher 2 1 1 - - - - - - -
4 Minimum Crusher Capacity (tone/hr) 60 60 40
Total Crusher Capacity (tone/hr) 120 60 40
Minimum Number of Grader 2 2 1 1 - - - - - -
5 Minimum capacity (HP) 100 100 90 90
Total Horse Power (HP) 250 200 90 90
Minimum Number of Excavator 2 1 1 - - - - - - -
6 Minimum Capacity (Tone) 20 20 20
Total Capacity (Tone) 0.5m3 or above 45 20 20
Minimum Number of Roller (vibratory, pneumatic) 3 2 1 - - - - - - -

7 Minimum Number of Roller (static) 1

Minimum Weight of a Roller 10 10 8 8
Total Weight of Roller 36 26 8 8
Minimum Number of Dump Truck 8 6 4 3 2 1 - - - -
8 Minimum Capacity of Dump Truck 10 10 10 7 7 7
Total Capacity of Dump Truck 100 75 50 25 20 7
9 4W Drive 2 1 1 0 - - - - - -
10 Pick Up (6 quintals) 4 3 2 1 1 1 - - - -

NOTE: Equipment can have a combination of alternate choice based on Tables 4 and 5 except
one crane and one crusher
Capacity Dump Truck in M3 i.e. 1m3 = 10 quintals

20 of 32
Item EQUIPMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Minimum Number of Dozer 3 2 1 - - - - - - -

1 Minimum Capacity (HP) 140 140 140

480 340 140
Total Capacity (HP)
Hp Hp Hp
Minimum Number of Loader 2 1 - 1 1 - - - - -
Total Bucket Capacity (m3) 3.5 1.5 - 1.0 0.6
Minimum Number of Crusher 2 1 1 - - - - - - -
4 Minimum Crusher Capacity (tone/hr) 60 60 40
Total Crusher Capacity (tone/hr) 120 60 40
Minimum Number of Grader 2 2 1 1 1 - - - - -
5 Minimum capacity (HP) 100 100 90 60 40
Total Horse Power (HP) 250 200 90 60 40
Minimum Number of Excavator 2 1 - - - - - - - -
6 Minimum Capacity (Tone) 20 20 -
Total Capacity (Tone) 0.5m3 or above 45 20 -
Minimum Number of Roller (vibratory,
3 2 1 - - - - - -
7 Minimum Number of Roller (static) 1

Minimum Weight of a Roller 10 10 10 8 4

Total Weight of Roller 36 26 10 8 4
Minimum Number of Dump Truck 6 5 3 2 1 - - - - -
8 Minimum Capacity of Dump Truck 10 10 10 7 7 -
Total Capacity of Dump Truck 75 60 35 20 7 -
9 4W Drive 2 1 1 - - - - - - -
10 Pick Up (6 quintal) 4 3 2 1 1 - - - -

NOTE: Equipment can have a combination of alternate choice based on Tables 4 and 5 except one crusher


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 & 10*

Professional Engineer IV 1 - - - - - - -

Professional Engineer III - 1 - - - - - -

Professional Engineer II - - 1 - - - - -

21 of 32
Associate Engineer IV 1 - - 1 - - -

Associate Engineer III - 1 - - - - - -

Associate Engineer II - - 1 - - - -

Associate Engineer I - - - 1 - - - -

Engineering Aide III 1 - - - 1 - - -

Engineering Aide II - 1 - - - 1 - -

Engineering Aide I - - 1 - 1 - 1 -

Graduate Engineering Aide - - - - - - - 1

Total 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1

NOTE: Staff above the stated qualifications is acceptable

22 of 32

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 & 10*

Professional Engineer III 1 - 1 - - - - -

Associate Engineer IV - 1 - - - - - -

Associate Engineer III 1 - 1 - - - - -

Associate Engineer II - 1 - 1 - - - -

Engineering Aide II 1 - 1 - 1 - - -

Engineering Aide I - 1 - 1 1 1 - -

Graduate Engineering Aide - - - - - - 1 1

3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1

* NOTE: Staff above the stated qualifications is acceptable

23 of 32

Item Equipment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Minimum Number 1 1 - - - - - - - -
Minimum Bucket capacity (m3) 1.5 1.2 -
Total Bucket Capacity (m3) 1.5 1.2 -
Minimum Number of Excavator 2 1 1
2 Minimum Capacity (Tone) 20 20 15
Total Capacity (Tone) 40 20 15 - - - - - - -
Tower Crane
Minimum tower height = 30mt.
Minimum lifting Capacity 1 Ton & above 1 - - - - - - - - -
3 Telescopic mobile crane with boom
up to 20mt
Minimum lifting Capacity 5 Ton & above 1 - - - - - - - - -

4 Minimum Number of Dump truck 6 5 3 2 1 1

- - - -
Minimum Capacity of Dump Truck 10 10 10 10 10 7
Total Capacity of Dump Truck 75 60 35 25 10 7
Pick-up (6 qts) 3 2 1
Pick-up (up to 6 qtls.) 1 1 1 1 - -

NOTE: Equipment can have a combination of alternate choice based on Table 4 and 5 except one


24 of 32
Required No.
Item Professional or Skill of Remark
1 Professional Material 1 Should have a good experience in construction
Engineer (Pile test Engineer) of pile foundation and similar work
2 Professional Construction 1
Supervisor (Geo-technical
3 Rotary Rig. Operator 1
4 Technical (For Geo-technical 1
Minimum Equipment Requirement For
Registration specialized Contractors (SC)
Pile Foundation Works

Item Equipment & Machinery Requirement

1 Rotary Rigs Big diameter pilling (drilling) (with a capacity of 14 ton meter 1
and pilling capacity upto 1600mm diameter)
2 Rotary Rigs Crawler mounted Big diameter (with a capacity of torque 7 1
ton meter and piling capacity upto 1000mm diameter)
3 High Speed Rotary Diamond core drilling machine 1
4 Single piston Grouting Unit Capable of upto 70-100bars 1
5 Mobile Concrete mixer 1
6 Pile Test Equipment 1
7 Load Test Equipment 1
8 Diesel Generator 1
9 Pick up 1
Minimum Equipment Requirement for Registration of Specialized Contractors (SC)
(Electro- Mechanical Works)

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class

Item Machinery & Tools
Required Qty Required Qty Required Qty Required Qty

1 Truck mounted crane ------ 6 ton 1 1 - -

2 Telescopic crane ------------ 2 ton 1 - - -
3 Fork lift --------------------- 2-10 ton 1 1 - -
4 Heavy duty truck ---------- 5-10 ton 1 - - -
5 Light duty truck ------------ 3-5 ton - 1 1 -
6 Double Cabin Pick up 2 1 1 1
7 Electrical tool kit 1 1 1 -

25 of 32
8 Mechanical tool kit 1 1 - -
9 Welding machine 1 1 - -
10 Hydraulic compression tool 2 1 1 1
11 Rachet cable cutter 1 - - -
Single loops 3 2 1 1
5 ton
13 " " 3 ton 3 2 1 1
14 Mobil heavy duty Workshop 1 - - -
15 Mobile Van Workshop - 1 1 -
16 3x380x200v, 10KVA Generator 1 1 - -
17 Service Pully 2.5 ton 1 1 1 -
18 " " 1.5 ton 1 1 1 1
19 Chain hoist 5 ton 2 1 - -
20 " " 3 ton 2 1 1 1
Conductor pulling machine with 2 1 - -
lensioner 10-20 ton
22 “ “ 4 – 6 ton - - 1 1

26 of 32
DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6
Pick up 1 1 1
Welding Machine 1 1
Volt meter 1 1 1 1

Line tester /Meager/ 1 1

Sand grinding machine 1 1
Pulley lift 1 1 1
Office 1 1
Pick up 1 1 1
Hand drill machine 2 1
Carpeting tools set 1 1 1
Tile cutting machine 1 1
Office 1 1
Pick up 1 1
Hand drill machine 1 1
Plumbing tool set 2 1 1
Office 1 1


Pick up 2 1 1
Press break machine 4mm 2 1
Shear cutting machine 1 1
Rolling mach./for tubes & pipes 1
Hand drill machine 1 1
Welding mach. (40) WT above 1 1
Table vice 1 1 1
Compressor 2 1 1
Pick up 1 1 1
Land for plant freeding /100M 1 1 1
Leveling instrument 1 1
Office 1 1 1

27 of 32
Minimum Professional and Skilled Manpower
Requirement for Registration of Specialized Contractors (SC)
(Electro-Mechanical Works)

1st Class 2nd Class 3rd Class 4th Class

Item Professional or Skill
Required No. Required No. Required No. Required No.

1 1.1 Electrical or Mechanical Engineer with 5 years experience 1 - - -

1.2 Electrical or Mechanical Engineers above 2 years experience 1 1 - -

2 2.1 Electrical or Mechanic with 10+ years experience - 1 - -

2.2 Electrician or Mechanic with 5+ years experience - - 1 -

2.3 Electrician or Mechanic with 3+ years experience 1 - 1 1

2.4 Electrician or Mechanic with no experience - - - 1

28 of 32
Form No 1

¾¢”eƒ^¡i” ›ÑMÓKAƒ cÜ‹ ¾U´Ñv pê

1. ¾É`Ï~ eU _________________________________________________

2. ݃^h'

2.1 eM¡ __________________________________________________

2.2 þ.X.l. ________________________________________________

2.3 e-mail_________________________________________________

3. ¾T>cÖ¨< ¾¢”eƒ^¡i” ›ÑMÓKAƒ ¯Ã’ƒ“ Å[Í ________________________

4. ¾”ÓÉ ðnÉ lØ`______________________________________________

5. ¾ ታ Åcuƒ ²S”________________________________________________

6. ›G<” ÁK¨<” Å[Í ÁÑ–uƒ ²S” ___________________________________

7. ¾i`¡“ TIu` ŸJ’ ¾›vKA‹ w³ƒ“ ¾i`¡“ SÖ”'




8. Ÿ›G<” kÅU uÉ`Ï~ ¾}W\ Y^‹ “ ªÒ†¨<

/w²< ŸJ’< U`Ø ›Ueƒ –aË¡„‹ w‰/






9. Ÿ›G<” kÅU uØóƒ ¨Ã”U Óȁ” vKS¨×ƒ u›W] S/u?ƒ ¨Ã”U uY^“ Ÿ}T MTƒ T>’>e‚`
¾}¨cÅ `UÍ "K ÃÖke______________________


10. ለአገልግሎት ያመለከቱበት ቀን _____________ሰዓት ______ ፊርማ___________

11. ምስክር ወረቀት ያገኙበት ቀን _______________ሰዓት ______ ፊርማ___________

29 of 32
1 ዐ. ድርጅቱ ያሉት የኮንስትራክሽን መሣሪያዎችና ተሽከርካሪዎች

30 of 32
ተ.ቁ የመሣሪያው ዓይነት የተሠራበት ዘመን

ለዶዘር፡ በፈረስ ጉልበት

በረስ ጉልበት እና በአካፋ


ለ Dump Truck፡ በመጫን አቅም/ሜትር ኩብ/

በሰዓት የማምረት አቅም /ሜትር

ኩብ በሰዓት/

ለሚክሰር፡ የማቡካት አቅም በሊትር

ለጭነት መኪና፡ በመጫን አቅም /ሜትር ኩብ

ለግሬደር፡ በፈረስ ጉልበት

በፈረስ ጉልበትና በአካፋ መጠን

/ሜትር ኩብ/

በማንሳት አቅም /ቶን/ እና ከፍታ


በሚሸፍንው ሕንፃ መጠን /ሜትር


ለፎርም ወርክ፡ በሜት ካሮ

ለውኃ ጉድጓድ
በሚቆፍረው ጥልቀት መጠን

11. ድርጅቱ በሥሩ የሚያሠራቸው ሠራተኞች

የቅጥሩ ሁኔታ
ተ.ቁ የሥራው ዓይነት አስተያየት
ሠራተኞች ብዛት
ቋሚ ኮንትራት

12. ትክክለኛ ያለሆነ መረጃ ቢሰጥ ምዝገባው የማይፈጸምና ተገቢው ሕጋዊ እርምጃ ሊወሰድ እንደሚችል አውቃለሁ፡፡

13. ከላይ የተሰጡት ማስረጃዎች ትክክል ለመሆናቸው በፊርማዬ አረጋግጣለሁ፡፡


1 ይህ ፎርም ካልበቃዎች ተጨማሪ ፎርም ይጠቀም

2 በዝርዝርሩ ለቀረቡት የአስፈላጊ ማስረጃዎች ኮፒ ያያይዙ ፊርማ እና ማህተም

31 of 32
Form No 2



I. Applied for : Construction Design

II. Type of registration:

New Registration Renewal Upgrading

II. Name ______________________________________ sex________________________

Address: City ________ Wereda _____Kebele ____ House No____ Tel. No ______

Currently working at (name of Employer):_________________________________________

IV. Education

Professional Title
Educational Institution Field of Study Date Received
(Certificate, Diploma , Degree)

I hereby certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. I know that giving wrong information on this application
results in rejection.

Date ______________________ Signature of the applicant ___________________

V. For internal use only

Employment Record

S.No Name of employer From Up to Year Month


1. Registered as: _________________________________________________________

2. Registered No: ________________________________________________________

3. Valid for: ______________________________________________________________

4. Date of issue: __________________________________________________________

5. Remark: _____________________________________________________________

Filled by: _____________________________________

Approved by: _____________ ____________________

32 of 32

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