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Extra Master, F.R.Met.S., M.R.I.N., FN.I., Fe.M.M.I., M.l.Mar.Tech., M.l.Met.S.

Principal Emeritus,

L.B.S. College ofAdvanced Maritime Studies & Research,


General Manager & Principal,

Eurasia Centre for Advance{i Learning,



~9122 25217044; e-mail: [email protected]


,. MUMBAI 400 071.

First edition: Sep 1981


Sep 89, Jul 91, Aug 93

Aug 95, Sep 96, Dec 97

Jan 00. Jun 01, Jul 02

Mar 03, Jan 04, Sep 04

July OS, Jun 06 , Nov 06


All rights reserved

Price in India 8300

Printed and published by Mrs Vijaya Harry for Vijaya Publications of

2 Chaitra, 550 11 Road, Chembur, Mumbai 400 071 at the Book
Centre Ltd., 6 Road, Sian East, Mumbai 400 022.
Dedicated to my mother,
without whose patient and
constant encouragement,
this book would not have
been possible.
Capt. RoO. Kohli 13th September 1981.
Extra Moster,
Executive Director, Shipping Corporation of Indio Ltd.,
Chairman of the Council,

The Institution of Morine Technologists,

Moster of the Company of Moster Mariners of Indio,

President, Dufferin - Rajendra Old Cadets Association,
Vice Chairman, Narottam Morarjee Institute of Shipping.


I have known Capt. Subramaniam for over ten

years - a young enthusiastic mercantile marine
officer with a dynamic personality, always giving the
impression that he wants to accomplish more.

When he suddenly appeared at my office, I was

surprised - a professor wanting to see me! After
presenting me with, a copy of his latest book
'Shipborne Radar' he said 'Sir, would you please write
the foreword to my book on stability?' I was taken
aback by this unusual request, more so when he went
OR to say that he had particularly decided, five years
ago, to request me to write the foreword to his book
on stability, even before he wrote the books on
Navigation, Meteorology and Radar.

This set me thinking about my first voyage. I

was a cadet fresh out of the training ship 'Dufferin'
and the passage, trans-atlantic in winter. The ship
rolled very heavily, often as much as 35°, creaking
and moaning. Crashing sounds were frequently heard
as various objects in the cabins broke loose,
answering the call of gravity along the highly
inclined plane. I thoroughly enjoyed myself in blissful
ignorance of terms in stability such as stiff and
tender ships, free surface effect, angle of vanishing
stability and progressive flooding. I shudder to think
what I would feel, if I was in the same circumstances
today, realising the implications of such a situation.

Capt. Subramaniam has attempted, and I would

say succeeded, in combining the theory and practical
application of stability. The book closely follows the
best approach. Starting from the very basics, or
'beginning at the very beginning,' the book brings the
student steadily up to the required level in such a
manner that he can study it by himself, whilst out at
sea, hardly needing any other assistance.

I have specifically avoided indulging in

paraphrasing about the biography of the author. He
has by now become well established by his "Nutshell

I understand that Capt. Subramaniam plans to

include the more complex topics on this subject in his
next book 'Ship Stability II' in the near future. I wish
him all success.

(R.D. Kohli)

Like the earlier books in the Nutshell Series,

this book is intended for study whilst out at sea.

Part I, this book, adequately covers the

syllabuses for Second Mate (FG) and the recently
proposed grade of WKO (Watch-Keeping Officer).

Part II, Nutshell Series Book 5, will contain

additional topics. Master (FG) and First Mate (FG)
will find that they require both the books to cover
their syllabuses.

Marine Engineers also may find these two

books useful.


13th September 1981.

1 Density and relative density; Exercise 1. 1

2 Water pressure; Exercise 2. 8

3 Flotation; Exercise 3. 16

4 Some important terms - displacement;

deadweight; form coefficients; reserve

buoyancy; tonnes per centimetre; Exercise 4. 25

5 Effect of density on draft and

displacement - FWA; DWA; loadlines of

ships; Exercise 5. 33

6 Centre of gravity - definition; factors

affecting its position; shift of COG of a

ship; splitting into three components. 50

7 Final KG - GG 1 formula and its limitation

to one weight at a time; moments by keel;

Exercises 6 & 7. 56

8 Centre of buoyancy - definition; indi­

cation of its position by KB, AB or HB;

KB of ships of various shapes; Exercise 8. _ 66

9 Transverse statical stability - list, heel;

their relation to COG and COB; transverse

shift of B; metacentre, metacentric height;

righting lever; righting moment for both,

small and large angles of heel; Exercise 9. 70

10 Equilibrium of ships - stable equilibrium;

unstable equilibrium; neutral equilibrium. 76
11 More about unstable equilibrium - angle
of loll; behaviour of vessel at angle of loll. 79

12 Free surface effect - general explanation;

free surface correction (FSC); solid GM;
fluid GM; calculation of FSC; effect of
tank-breadth on FSC; Exercise 10. 81

13 List - explanation of factors causing list;

problems based on same; Exercise 11. 97

14 Stiff and tender vessels. 07

15 Stability of vessels with deck cargo of

timber. 119

16 Hydrostatic curves - curves of displace­

ment, deadweight, TPC, KB, KMT, KML,
AB, AF & MCTC; Exercise 12. 121

17 Hydrostatic tables - problems based on

the same; Exercise 13. 131

18 Hydrostatic draft - what it is; problems

based on same; Exercise 14. 144

Answers 155

Appendix I - Hydrostatic particulars of

M.V. 'VIJAY' 160



Density of a substance is its mass per unit volume.

Density = Mass

where mass is in tonnes (t), volume is in cubic r.letres

(m 3 ) and density is in tonnes per cubic metre (tm" J).

Though mass may be expressed in kilogr<:'.mmes

(kg) and density in kilogrammes per cubic metre
(kgm-J ), the use of tonnes is more convel"'ient in
stability. The density of fresh water is 1 tm-3•

Relative ,density of a substance is the number of

times the substance is heavier than fresh water.
Being a ratio, RD has no units.

RD = Mass of any volume of substance

Mass of an equal volume of FW

Considering a volume of 1m 3 ,

RD of substance = Density of substance

Density of fresh water

Since the density of fresh water is I tm-3 , RD

of a substance is numerically equal to its density, if
density is expressed in tm-3 •

Some typical values are given below:

Density RD

Fresh water 1.0 trn- 3 1.0

Salt water 1.025 tm- 3 1.025
Fuel oil 0.95 tm- 3 0.95
Diesel oil 0.88 tm- 3 0.88
Dock water 1.015 tm- 3 1.015

./ Example 1
A tank has a volume of 400 m • Find how many
tonnes of SW (density 1.025 tm- 3 ) it can hold.

Mass of SW = Volume x density

= 400 x 1.025

= 410 t

Answer: The tank can hold 410 t of SW.

I Example 2

A tank can hold 320 tonnes of S\V. Pind how many

tonnes of oil of RD 0.8 it can hold.

Mass of SW = Volume of SW x density of SW

320 = V x 1.025
V = 320

Volume of tank = 320 m3


Mass of oil = Volume of oil x density of oil

= 320 x 0.8

= 249.8 t

Answer: The tank can hold 249.8 tonnes of oil.


IExample 3

A cylindrical tank is 10 metres high and has a radius

of 3 metres. If it is filled to an ullage of 2 metres,
with oil of RD 0.7, find the mass of oil.

Mass of oil = ,!~ume of oil x density of oil

= Cj22\x 3 x 3 x 8) 0.7
= 158.4 t

Answer : Mass of oil is 158.4 tonnes.

'* Example 4
A rectangular tank measuring 20 m x 10m x 10m
has an ullage pipe extending to 0.5 m above the tank
top. If the tank is 98%. full of FW, find the mass of
FW and state the ullage.

Volume of FW = 98 (20 x 10 x 10) m3

Mass of FW = Volume of FW x density of FW
= 98 (20 x lOx 10) x 1
= 1960 t.

Depth of FW = 98 x depth of tank

= 98 x 10 = 9.8 m

Height of ullage pipe 1

r - - - - - - - - - - - - : - - - - - ' - - . J I :::::
1-- Free height
t --1 ::>

Depth of FW I
Free height inside tank = 10 - 9.8 = 0.2 m

Height of ullage
pipe above tank top

Answer: Mass of FW 1960 tonnes, ullage 0.7 metres.

I Example 5

A rectangular tank is 20 m x 20 m x 12 m. Find how

many tonnes of oil of RD 0.8 it can hold, if 2% of
the volume of the tank is to be left for expansion.
State also, the uUage on loading.

Volume of tank = 20 x 20 x 12 = 4800 m3

Volume of tank = Volume of oil + Free space

4800 =V + (2 x 4800)
4800 = V + 96
V = 4704 m 3

Mass of oil = Volume of oil x density of oil

= 4704 x 0.8
= 3763.2 t

Depth of oil = 98 x depth of tank


= 98 x 12 = 11.76 m


Ulla(e = 12 - 11.76 = 0.24 m

Answer: Mass of oil = 3763.2 t, ullage = 0.24 m.


*Example 6

In worked example 5, if it was required to leave 2%

of the volume of oil loaded for expansion, find the
mass of oil and the uHage on loading.

Volume of tank = Volume of oil + Free space

4800 = V + ( 2 x V)
4800 = 1.02V
V = 4705.88 m3

Mass of oil = Volume of oil x density of oil

= 4705.88 x 0.8
= 3764.7 t
Depth of oil = Volume of oil

Area of tank surface

= 4705.88 = 1l.765 m
20 x 20

Ullage = Depth of tank - depth of oil

= 12 - 1l.765 = 0.235 m

Answer: Mass of oil 3764.7 t, ullage 0.235 m.

Exercise 1

Density and relative density

1 A rectangular tank measures 16 m x 15 m x 6

m. How many tonnes of oil of RD 0.78 can it

2 A cylindrical tank of diameter 8 m is 10m

high. 400 t of oil of RD 0.9 is poured into it.
Find the ullage, assuming IT to be 3.1416.

3 A tank of 2400 m3 volume and 12 m depth, has

vertical sides and horizontal bottom. Find how'
many tonnes of oil of RD 0.7 it can hold,
allowing 2% of the volume of the tank for
expansion. State the ullage on loading.

4 A tank 10m deep has vertical sides. Its

bottom consists of a triangle measuring 12 m x
12 m x 10 m. Find the mass of oil (of RD 0.8)
to be loaded, allowing 3% of the volume of oil
loaded for expansion. State the ullage on
completion of loading.

5 A rectangular tank measuring 25 m x 12 m x 8

m has an ullage pipe projecting 0.3 m above
the tank top. Find the mass of SW in the tank
when the ullage is 3.3 m.

6 A rectangular tank measures 30 m x 16 m x 14

m. It has an ullage pipe projecting .5 m above
its top. Oil of RD 0.78 is to be loaded. The
pipeline leading from the refinery to the ship
is 10 km long and 40 cm in diameter. At the
time of completion, all the oil in the pipeline
has to be taken. Find at what ullage the
valve at the refinery end must be shut so that
the final ullage in the ship's tank would be
0.78 m. State also, the mass of oil loaded
finally. (Assume IT to be 3.1416).

7 A tank with a horizontal base and vertical

sides is 10m deep and has a rectangular
trunkway 1 m high. The volume of the tank
alone is 8000 m 3 and that of the trunkway 500
m3• Find the ullage when 5320 t of vegetable
oil of RD 0.7 is loaded.

8 A rectangular tank has a total depth of 21 m

and a volume of 2,0 600 m3 , which includes a
trunkway of depth 1 m and volume 600 m3•
Find the ullage when 16320t of oil of RD 0.8

is loaded.

9 A rectangular tank has a total depth of lO.5 m

and volume 8200 m3 , which includes a
trunkway of depth 0.5 m and volume 200 m3•
Find the mass of oil of RD 0.8 loaded and the
ullage, if 2% of the volume of the tank is left
for expansion.

l O A rectangular tank has a total depth of 21 m

and volume 10 250 m3 which includes a
trunkway of depth 1 m and volume 250 m3•
Oil of RD 0.9 is to be loaded so as to leave
3%, of the volume of oil loaded, for expansion.
Find the mass of oil to be loaded and the final

Pressure is the load per unit area.

At any point in a liquid, pressure acts in all

directions and is expressed in tonnes per square
metre (tm-2). It may, if desired, be expressed in
kilo- Newtons per square metre (kN m- 2 ) where 1
tonne per square metre = 9.81 kilo-Newtons per
square metre OR in bars where 1 bar = 10.2 tonnes
per square metre.

At any point in a liquid,

Pressure = depth x density

tm- 2 = m x tm-3

Thrust is the total pressure exerted on a given

surface. Thrust is expressed in tonnes (t) but may, if
desired, be expressed in kilo-Newtons (kN) where 1
tonne = 9.81 kilo-N ewtons.

Thrust = pressure x area

t = tm- 2 x m2

Example 1

Find the thrust on a keel plate 10 m x 2 m when the

draft of the ship is 5 m in salt water.

Pressure = depth x density

= 5 x 1.025
= 5.125 tm- 2

Thrust = pressure x area

= 5.125 x 10 x 2
= 102.5 t

Answer: Thrust on keel plate = 102.5 tonnes.

Examp~e 2

A tank has a rectangular bulkhead 20 m wide and 10

m high. Find the thrust experienced by the bulkhead
when the tank is full of oil of RD 0.9.

Note: For calculating the thrust on a vertical

surface, the pressure is taken at the geometric
centre of the immersed part of the surface and
multiplied by the immersed area.

Pressure = depth x density

= 5 x 0.9
= 4.5 tm- 2

Thrust = pressure x area

= 4.5 x 20 x 10
= 900 t

Answer: Thrust on bulkhead = 900 tonnes.

Example 3

A lock gate is 30 m wide and 10m high. The water

inside the lock is 7 m deep and of RD 1.005 and that

outside is 5 m deep and of RD 1.025. Find the

resultant thrust and the direction in which it acts.

Considering !he water insid~,

Pressure = depth x density

= 7 x 1.005
= 3.5175 tm- 2

Thrust = pressure x area

= 3.5175 x 30 x 7
= 738.675 t

Considering the w~~ outside

Pressure = depth x density

= 5 x 1.025
= 2.5625 tm- 2
Thrust = pressure x area
= 2.5625 x 30 x 5
= 384.375 t

Thrust outwards = 738.675 t

Thrust inwards = 384.375 t

Answer Resultant thrust = 354.3 t outwards.

Example 4

A deep tank 10 m wide and 10 m deep has a

rectangular manhole (1.2 m x 0.6 m) at its forward

end. The longer sides of the manhole are horizontal

and its lower edge is 0.7 m from the bottom of the
tank. Find the total pressure experienced by the
manhole cover when the tank is full of oil of I~ D 0.8
to an ullage of 1 m.
10m - - - - - - - - r
1 m

_ - =-~_- - -"j_~l~_I:_m_1~_._II l~
"; : 0.7 m

Depth of tank = 10 m

Ullage = 1 m

Depth of oil = 9 m

Height of C above

bottom = 1 m

Depth of C below

oil surface = 8 m

Pressure at C = :'=:epth x density

= 8 x 0.8
= 6.4 tm- 2

Thrust = Pressure x area

= 6.4 x 1.2 x 0.6
= 4.608 t

Answer: Total pressure on manhole = 4.608 tonnes.

Example 5

A collision bulkhead is in the form of a triangle 10m

x 13 m x 13 m. Find the thrust experienced by it

when saltwater is run into the forepeak tank to a

sounding of 9 m.

M f----

S m---7 R
Tank1to p
~ 5m

f ) N

Wa t e r sur f ace

In triangle ORN,
OR2 = ON2 - RN2
= 13 2 52

= 144
OR = 12 m
Depth of tank = 12 m

Triangles OSQ and ORN are similar.

~ = OS SQ = 5 x 9 = 3.75 rn
RN OR 12
Area of triangle OPQ = 1- (PQ • OS) = SQ • os
= 3.75 x 9
= 33.75 m 2

Area of immersed part of bulkhead = 33.75 rr: 2

Depth of C below water line = ! x 9 = 3 m


Pressure at C = depth x density

= 3 x 1.025
= 3.075 tm- 2 .

Thrust = pressure x area

= 3.075 x 33.75
= 103.781 t

Answer: Thrust on bulkhead = 103.781 tonnes.

Example 6

A double bottom tank measures 20 m x 20 m x 1 m.

Its air pipe extends 12 m above its top. Find the
thrust on the tank top when it is pressed up with salt

Pressure at tank top = depth x density

= 12 x 1.025
= 12.3 tm- 2

Thrust on tank top = pressure x area

= 12.3 x 20 x 20
= 4920 t

Answer: Thrust on tank top = 4920 tonnes.

Exercise 2

Water pressure

1 Find the thrust experienced by a flat keel

plate 10 m x 2 m when the draft is 8 m in 5W.

2 A box-shaped vessel 150 m x 20 m x 12 m is

floating in a dock of RD 1.010 at an even

keel draft of 10 m. Find the total water

pressure experienced by the hull.

3 A submarine :1as a surface area of 650 m 2 and

can withstand a total water pressure of
1332500 t. Find at what approximate depth in
SW she would collapse.

A rectangular lock gate 4-0 m wide and 20 m

high has water of RD 1.010 12 m deep on one
side and water of RD 1.020 11 m deep on the
other. Find the resultant thrust experienced
and the direction in which it acts.

5 A rectangular lock gate 36 m wide and 20 m

high has FW on one side to a depth of 16 m.
Find what depth of SW on the other side will
equalize the thrust.

6 A collision bulkhead is triangular in shape. _Its

maximum breadth is 12 m and its height 15 m.
Find the thrust experienced by it if the
forepeak tank is pressed up to a head of 3 m
of SW.

7 A collision bulkhead is triangular shaped,

having a breadth of 14- m at the tank top and
a height of 12 m. As a result of a collision,
the forepeak tank gets ruptured and SW enters
the tank to a sounding of 9 m. Calculate the
thrust on the bulkhead.

8 A tank has a triangular bulkhead, apex

upwards. Its base is 14- m and its sides, 15 m
each. It has a circular inspection hole of
radius 0.5 m. The centre of the manhole is 0.8
m above the base and 1.6 from one corner.
Find the thrust on the manhole cover when the
tank contains oil of RD 0.95 to a sounding of
10 m. (Assume IT to be 3.14-16).

9 A rectangular deep tank is 22 m x 20 m x 10

m. Above the crown of the tank is a
rectangular trunkway 0.2 m high, 5 m long and
4 m wide. Find the thrust on the tank lid
when the tank is pressed up with SW to a head
of 2.64 m above the crown of the tank.

10 A double bottom tank measures 25 m x 20 m x

2 m. Find the thrust on the tank top when
pressed up to a head of 16 m of SW. Also find
the resultant thrust on the tank bottom, and
the direction that it acts, if the ship's draft in
SW is 10 m.


Archimedes' Principle states that when a body is

whoHy or partially immersed in a fluid, it suffers an
apparent loss of weight which is equal to the weight
of fluid displaced.

Since the word fluid includes both, liquids and

gases, and the fact that merchant ships are only
expected to be partially immersed in water, a
modified version of Archimedes' Principle may be
called the Principle of flotation.

Principle of flotation: When a body is floating in a

liquid, the weight of liquid displaced equals to the
weight of the body.

Experimental explanation

Consider a rectangular watertight box 10m x 1 m x

2 m, weighing lOt. If this was lifted by a crane and
gradually lowered into a pool full of FW, the volume
of water displaced can be collected and measured.

It will be noticed that as the box is lowered

more and more into the water, the load registered by
the spring balance becomes less and less. Consider
the case when the draft becomes 0.1 m. The
underwater volume of the box is then 1.0 m3 i.e. the
volume of water displaced (overflow) is 1.0 m3• The
weight of water displaced or displacement is 1 t. So
the apparent loss of weight or buoyancy experienced

by the box is 1 t. The spring balance now shows a

reading of only 9 t whereas it showed lOt before
the box reached the water surface. Similarly when
the draft becomes 0.2 m, the displacement (or
buoyancy) is 2 t and the load registered by the spring
balance is 8 t.

10 tonnes

.......~ h-<::----~~

E Graduated
N 10 m vessel
. _._._'-._'-'-
. _ . _ . _ . a_ . _ . _ -
. _' -
. _' -. _' -
. ' - ' - ' -. '_ -. '

_~=~~~=_~=~!r.:s~w~t=-r =~=~=~ =~~- ~J

'-'-'-'_._'---'-'- '-'-'-'-'-'
- . - .- . -. - - - -- - .- . - . -' - . - .- -- . _.

<: 10 tonnes

____ - __ .
-n ..

------ ---_. -------- ------ -- --: §--­---

._._--- -'_._"_._._._.-------'­
' - ' - ' - .-._._._--._._._._._._ .
~- ~-~ -: ~
-_ -__ - -- _

. - -- . - . - .- . - . - . - . _. - . - . - . - . - . _. - . -' - .

The following would be the results, expressed as a


Draft Volume of Displacement Load registered by

displacement or buoyancy spring balance

0.00 m 0.0 m3 0.0 t 10 t

0.05 0.5
0.5 9.5
0.1 1
1 9
0.2 2
? 8
0.4 4
4 6
0.6 6 6 4
0.8 8 8 2
1.0 10 10 0

At a draft of 1.0 m, it is noted that the spring

balance registers zero indicating that the buoyancy
equals to the weight so that the body is now floating

From the foregoing it is clear that:

(i) The volume of water displaced is the under­

water volume of the ship.

(ii) Buoyancy or displacement is the upward thrust

experienced by the ship. When the ship is floating
freely, its displacement (or buoyancy) equals to its
weight. The weight of the ship is therefore referred
to as displacement (W).

W = Volume of water x Density of water

displaced displaced


W = Underwater volume x Density of water

of ship displaced

While doing stability ca1culations..l density should

preferrably be in tm-3 , volume in m -' and displacement
in t.

Example 1

A homogeneous rectangular log 6 m x 1 m x 0.8 m

floats in SWat a draft of 0.5 m, with its largest face
parallel to the water. Find its mass.

W = u/w volume x density of water displaced

W = 6 x 1 x 0.5 x 1.025 = 3.075 t

Since the log is floating freely, its displacement and

mass are equal.

Answer: Mass of log = 3.075 tonnes.

Example 2

A homogeneous rectangular log 6 m x 1.5 m x 1 m

has RD 0.7. Find its draft in FW. (Assume that the
log will float with its largest face parallel to the

Mass of log = Volume x density

= 6 x 1.5 x 1 x 0.7
= 6.3 t

When floating freely, mass = displacement.

W = u/w volume x density of water displaced

6.3 = 6 x 1.5 x d x 1

d = 0.7 m

Answer: Draft in FW = 0.7 metres.


Example 3

A homogeneous log of 0.5 m square section has RD

0.8. Find its draft in water of RD 1.02, assuming
that it will float with one face horizontal.

Let the length of the log be L metres.

Mass of log = Volume x density

= L x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.8 tonnes

w = u/w volume x density of water displaced

W = L x B x d x 1.02
= L x 0.5 x d x 1.02 tonnes

When floating freely, Displacement = Mass

L x 0.5 x d x 1.02 = L x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.8

d = 0.5 x 0.8 = 0.392 m
Answer: Draft of log = 0.392 metres.

Figure for example it

10 m

o.s IJ)
'" E
d D
• I


Example 4

A hollow, plastic cylinder of 1 m diameter and lam

length floats in FW at a draft of 0.2 m, with its axis
horizontal. Find its mass.

OA = OB = OC = 0.5 m radius
CD = 0.2 m draft
OD = OC - CD = 0.3 m

In triangle OOB,

DB2 = 08 2 - 00 2

2 2

= 0.5 - 0.3

= 0.16

DB = 0.4 m

Sin BOO = .4
= 0.8


Angle BOD =
Angle AOB =

Area of segmen!...6.9!?£
Area of circle
360 0

Area of segment AOBC = TTr 2 x AOB

= 3.1416 x 0.5 x 10~
= 0.232 m2
Area of tria.ngle AOB = 1 x 0.8 x 0.3
= 0.120 m2

Area of segment ABC = 0.232 - 0.120

= 0.112 m 2

Underwater volurr.e = 0.112 x 10

= 1.12 m3

\V = u/w volume x density of water displaced

W = 1.12 x 1
= 1.12 t

Answer: Mass of cylinder = 1.12 tonnes.

Example 5

A cylindrical drum of radius 40 cm and height 2 m

weighs 200 kg. Lead pellets are put in it until it
floats with its axis vertical, at a draft of 1.4 TIl in
SW. Find the mass of lead pellets in it, in

w = u/w volume x density of water displaced

W = IT. r 2 d x 1.025

= 3.1416 x .4 x .4 x 1.4 x 1.025

= 0.7213 t

Total mass of drum and lead = 0.7213 t

Mass of drum = 0.2 t
Mass of lead = 0.5213 t

Answer: Mass of lead pellets = 521.3 kilogrammes.

Example 6

A rectangular lidless box 6 m x 2 m x 1.5 m floats in

water of RD 1.005 at a draft of 0.6 m. Find the

maximum mass of iron that can be put in it without

sinking it, when it is floating in SW.

w u/w volume x density of water displaced

Maximum W = 6 x 2 x 1.5 x 1.025 = 18.450t

Present W = 6 x 2 x 0.6 x 1.005 = 7.236t
Difference of displacement = 1l.214t

Answer: In SW, it can hold 11.214 tonnes of iron.

Example 7

A rectangular barge 10m x 5 m x 4 m, floating in

SWat a draft of 2 m, is being lifted out of the water
by a heavy-lift crane. Find the load taken by the
crane when the draft becomes 1.2 m.

w = u/w volume x density of water displaced

W at 2.0 m draft = 10 x 5 x 2.0 x 1.025 = 102.5 t
W at 1.2 In draft = 10 x 5 x 1.2 x 1.025 = 61.5 t
Load taken by crane = difference = 41.0 t

Exercise 3

1 A rectangular log of wood 8 m long, 2 m wide

and 2 m high floats in FW at a draft of 1.6 m
with one face horizontal. Find its mass and

2 A rectangular log of wood 5 m x 1.6 m x 1.0 m

weighs 6 t and floats with its largest face
horizontal. Find its draft in SW and its RD.

3 A rectangular log 3 m broad and 2 m high

floats with its breadth horizontal. If the
density of the log is 0.7 tm-3 , find its draft in
water of RO 1.01.

4 A cylinder 2 m in diameter and 10m long

floats in FW, with its axis horizontal, at a
draft of 0.6 m. Find its mass.

5 A barge of triangular cross section is 20 m

long, 12 m wide and 6 m deep. It floats in SW
at a draft of 4 m. Find its displacement.

6 A cylindrical drum of 1.2 m diameter and 2 m

height floats with its axis vertical in water of
RO 1.016 at a draft of 1.4 m. Find the
maximum mass of lead shots that can be put
in it without sinking it.

7 A rectangular barge 10m long and 5 m wide,

floating in SWat a draft of 3 m, is being
lifted out of the water by a heavy-lift crane.
Find the load on the crane when the draft has
reduced to 1 m.

8 A rectangular box 2.4 m long, 1.2 m wide and

0.8 m high, floats in water of RO 1.012 at an
even keel draft of 0.2 m. Find the maximum
mass of SW that can be poured into it without
sinking it.

9 A box-shaped vessel of 18450 t displacemenL

is 150 m long and 20 m wide. Find its draft
in SW.

l O A box-shaped vessel 120 m long and 15 m

wide is floating in OW of RO 1.005 at a draft
of 5 m. If her maxmium permissible draft in
SW is 6 m, find how much cargo she can now


Displacement is commonly used to denote the mass

of a ship in tonnes. Technically, it is the mass of
water displaced by a ship and, when floating freely,
the mass of water displaced equals to the mass of
the ship, as explained in Chapter 3.

Light displacement is the mass of the empty ship

- without any cargo, fuel, lubricating oil, ballast
water, fresh and feed water in tanks, consumable
stores, and passengers and crew and their effects.

Load displacement is the total mass of the ship

when she is floating in salt water with her summer
loadline at the water surface.

Present displacement is the mass of the ship at

present. It is the sum of the light displacement of
the ship and everything on board at present.

Deadweight (DWT) of a ship is the total mass of

cargo, fuel, freshwater, etc., that a ship can carry,
when she is floating in salt water with her summer
loadline at the water surface.
DWT of ship = load displ light displ

Deadweight aboard is the total mass of cargo, fuel,

ballast, fresh water, etc., on board at present.
DWT aboard = present displ light displ

Deadweight available is the total mass of cargo,

fuel, fresh water, etc., that can be put on the ship at
present to bring her summer loadline to the water
surface in salt water.
DWT available = load displ - present displ.

Waterplane coefficient (C w), or coefficient of

fineness of the water-plane area, is the ratio of the
area of the water-plane to the area of a rectangle
having the same length and maximum breadth.

C W ::: Area of water-plane

L x B
Area of water-plane = L x B x Cw
~(----- L -------';l)

Block coefficient (Cb), or coefficient of fineness of

displacement, at any draft is the ratio of the
underwater volume of the ship at that draft to a
rectangular box having the same extreme dimensions.

Cb = Underwater volume
Underwater volume = L x B x d x Cb
The term block coefficient may also be used
with respect to a tank in which case it would be the
ratio of the volume of the tank to the volume of a
rectangular box having the same extreme dimensions
as the tank.

C b of tank ::: Volume of tank

L xB x0
Volume of tank ::: L x B x 0 x Cb

Reserve buoyancy (RB) is the volume of the

enclosed spaces above the waterline. It maybe
expressed as a volume in m 3 or as a percentage of
the total volume of the ship.

RB ::: Total volume - underwater volume

RB % ::: Above water volume x 100

Total volume

Reserve buoyancy is so called because, though it is

not displacing any water at that time, it is available
for displacement if weights are added or if bilging
takes place. Bilging is the accidental entry of water
ihto a compartment, due to underwater damage and is
discussed in volume II.

Tonnes per centimetre (TPC) is the number of

tonnes required to cause the ship to sink or rise by
one centimetre. In 51 units TPC is indicated as t
cm- l .

Considering 1 cm sinkage

sinkage 1 cm ~ or 1 100 m
water-plane t area = -A m2

Increase in underwater volume = A x ..l.. m3


Increase in W = A x density of water displaced.


Or TPC = A x density of water displaced

TPC in SW = A x 1.025 = 1.025/\
iOO 100
TPC in FW = A x 1.0 00 = A
100 . 100
TPC in OW RO 1.017 = A x 1.0 17 = 1.0 17 A
100 100

In the foregoing formulae, the area of the

water-plane of a ship-shape has been considered
constant since the sinkage or rise being considered is
only 1 crn. However, the area of the water-plane of
a ship-shape usually increases as draft increases.
Hence, its TPC also increases as dr.aft increases. In
view of this, calculations involving TPC should
generally be confined to small values of sinkage or
rise, say less than about 20 cm, in the case of
ship-shapes. Otherwise, the accuracy of the
calculation will tend to suffer.
In the case of a box-shaped vessel, the area of
the water-plane is the same at all drafts and hence
its TPC does not change with draft.

Example 1

A box-shaped vessel is 120 m long and 16 m wide and

has a load draft of 8 m. If her present draft is 6 m,
find the DWT available.

w :: u/w volume x density of water displaced.

Load W :: 120 x 16 x 8 x 1.025 :: 15744 t

Present W :: 120 x 16 x 6 x 1.025 :: 11808 t
DWT available :: 15744 - 11808 : 3936 t

Example 2

The length and breadth of the water-plane of a ship

are 100 m and 12 m. If the coefficient of fineness of
the water-plane is 0.7, find her TPe in SW and in FW.

Water-plane area:: L x B x e
:: 100 x 12 x 0.7
:: 84:0 m 2

1~0 x density of water

In SW, TPe:: 840

100 x 1.025 :: 8.6 10 t cm­ 1

In FW, TPe :: 840 1

100 x l : 8.400 t cm-

Example 3

A ship floating in OW of RD 1.010 at a draft of 5 m,

is 90 m long and 10m wide at the water-line. If her
block coefficient is 0.72 and her light displacement is
1200 t, find the DWT aboard.

Vi u/w volume x density of water displaced.


Present W = 90 x lOx 5 x 0.72 x 1.010

= 3272.4 t
Light W = 1200.0 t
DWT :-' oard = 2072.4 t

Example 4

A box-shaped vessel is 120 m long and 14 rn wide and

12 m high. If her displacement is 13776 t, find her
reserve buoyancy % in SW.

w = u/w volume x density of water displaced.

13776 = V x 1.025
V = 1377 6 = 13440 m3
Total volume = 120 x 14 x 12 = 20160 m3

RB = Total vol - underwater vol

= 20160 - 13440 = 6720 m3

RB % = Above water volume x 100

Total volume

= 6720
100 = 33.333%

Example 5

A ship is floating in FW at a draft of 6.8 m. If her

maximum FW draft is 7.0 m, and her SW TPC is 40,
find the DWT available.

Sw TPC = A x 1.025
40 = A x 1.025

Or A ::: 40 x 100 = 3902.4 m2

FW TPC = A ::: 3902.4 = 39.024 t cm- l
IW 1"00
Sinkage required = 7.0 - 6.8 = 0.2 m = 20 cm.
Cargo to load ::: Sinkage x TPC = 20 x 39.024
= 780.48 t.
DWT available ::: 780.48 t.

Exercise 4

Displacement, DWT I RB, TPC , etc.

1 A box-shaped vessel 120 m long and 15 m wide

has a light draft of 4 m and a load draft of 9.8
m in SW. Find her light displacement, load
displacement and DWT.

2 A box-shaped vessel 100 m long and 14 m wide

is floating in SWat a draft of 7.6 m. Her light
draft is 3.6 m and load draft 8.5 m. Find her
present displacement, DWT aboard and DWT

3 A ship is 200 m long and 20 m wide at the

waterline. If the coefficient of fineness of the
water-plane is 0.8, find her TPC in SW, FW
and DW of RD 1.015.

4 A double bottom tank 20 m x 10.5 m x 1.0 m

has a block coefficient of 0.82. Calculate how
much fuel oil of RD 0.95 it can hold.

5 A ship floating in SWat a draft of 8 m is 110

m long and 14 wide at the waterline. If her
block coefficient is 0.72, find her displacement.

If her load displacement is 12000 t, find the

OWT available.

6 A vessel of 14000 t displacement is 160 m long

and 20 m wide at the waterline. If she is
floating in SWat a draft of 6.1 m, find rrer
block coefficient.

7 A box-shaped vessel 18 m x 5 m x 2 IT! floats

in SWat a draft of 1.4 m. Calculate her RB%.

8 A box-shaped vessel of 2000 t displacement is

50 m x 10 m x 7 m. Calculate her RB% in FW.

9 The TPC of a ship in SW is 30. Calculate her

TPC in FW and in OW of RO 1.018.

10 A ship is floating at a draft of 8.2 m in OW of

RO 1.010. If her TPC in SW is 40, find how
much cargo she can load to bring her draft in
OW to 8.4 m.

Part I: When displacement is constant

When a ship goes from SW to FW, her draft

would increase and vice versa. This can be
illustrated "by a simple example. Consider a ship of
10000 tonnes displacement.

W = u/w volume x density of water displaced

In salt water

10000 = Vsw x 1.025

or Vsw = 10000 = 9756 m 3

Underwater volume in SW = 9756 m3

In fresh water

10000 = VFW X 1

or VFW = 10000 m3

Underwater volume in FW = 10000 m3

From the foregoing example it is clear that

when a ship goes from SW to FW her underwater
volume (and hence her draft) increases, and vice
versa, though her displacement is constant.

FWA is the increase in draft when a ship goes

from SW to FW and vice versa.

40 TPC

Where W is the displacement of the ship in

salt water, expressed in tonnes.
TPC is the tonnes per centimetre immer­
sion in salt water.
FWA is the fresh water allowance in

FWA of a
ship usually increases as draft increases. This is
because W depends on underwater volume whereas
TPC depends on waterplane area. As draft increases,
both Wand TPC increase but W increases at a faster
rate. Hence FWA, as calculated by the foregoing
formula, also increases as draft increases. The table
on the next page is taken from the hydrostatic
particulars on an actual ship in service.

The FW A calculated, by the foregoing formula,

for the summer load condition is called the FWA of
the ship. This FW A is· mentioned in the loadline
certificate and is considered constant for those
loadlines marked on the ship's sides - T, S, Wand
WNA. When a ship is loading down to her marks in
FW, she can immerse her loadline by the FWA of the
ship so that when she goes to SW, she would rise to
her appropriate loadline.

If it is desired to find the FW draft of the ship

when she is not immersed up to the load line marked
on the ship's sides, the FWA must be calculated by

the formula and added to the SW draft of the ship at

that time.

Draft W TPC W = FWA

m t tem- 1 40 TPC em

3.000 547B 20.90 547B = 6.6

40 x 20.9

5.000 97B8 22.08 9788 = 11.1

40 x 22.08

7.000 14299 22.95 14299 = 15.6

40 x 22.95

9.000 19051 24.14 19051 = 19.7

40 x 24.14

9.233 19617 24.28 19617 = 20.2

(load 40 x 24.28


DWA is the increase in draft when a ship goes

from saltwater to dockwater, and vice versa, where
the dock water is neither fresh not salt i.e., RD
between 1 and 1.025. When loading in a dock, the
ship can immerse her loadline by the D WA so that
when she goes to sea, she would rise to her
appropriate load line.

When a ship goes from SW to FW (change of

RD of .025) she increases her draft by FWA. So for
any change of RD between 1.025 and 1.000, linear
interpolation may be done. For example:­

Change of Change of
RD Draft

SW to FW ] .025 FWA
1.025 1.000

SW to OW ] .008 .008 x FWA

1.025 1.017 .025

SW to .005 .005 x FWA

OW ]
1.025 1.020 .025

FW to .016 .016 x FWA

OW ]
1.000 1.016 .025

OW to .012 .012 x FWA

OW ]
1.017 1.005 .025

From the foregoing example, it is clear that:­

Change of draft = change of RD x FWA


The change of draft, so obtained, would be in

the same units as the FWA - mm, cm or m.

This formula holds good for any change of RD.

However, when the change of draft is calculated
between SW and OW, it is called DWA. The term
dock water is used here only symbolically to
represent water whose RD is between 1.000 and
1.025 and, for stability purposes, includes the water
of rivers, harbours, etc., even though they may not
have enclosed docks.

Part II: When draft is constant

When a ship floats at the same draft, on

different occasions, in water of different RD, her
displacement each time would be different. This is
illustrated by a simple example.

Suppose the underwater volume of a certain

ship at 7 m draft is 14000 m3•

In SW, at 7 m draft, W = 14000 x 1.025 = 14350 t.

In FW, at 7 m draft, W = 14000 x 1.000 = 14000 t.

RD 1.01, at 7 m draft, W = 14000 x 1.010 = 14140 t.

RD 1.02, at 7 m draft, W = .14000 x 1.020 = 14280 t•


The following diagram shows the port and

starboard side loadlines of a cargo ship. To see the
port side loadlines, cover up the the right 1/3 of the
sketch. To see the starboard side loadlines, cover up
the left 1/3 of the sketch. The WNA loadline has
been included in dotted lines as it is only required by
vessels less than 100 metres in length, trading in the
North Atlantic during the winter season. The exact
limits and dates of the winter zone in the North
Atlantic are given in the loadline rules.

All the lines are 25 mm thick, are cut into the

shell plating and are painted white or yellow on a
dark background or black on a light background. The
upper edge of each loadline indicates its exact level.
·················l······;.:. VI




1Il E

u.. 0
0 ""

t- .... t.~
------ --L1>-_ - - - - -­ - a::




0 · 0 LIl
,.., M"-f

~ ~~~!l
. .1 -

- --u..---- E - - - - - - - ­

LIl :. ····I·i..:.·

l. . .

a.. i
f --l
-, I
o I
M e:t l I
.. '" .!..... t-: UI 3: ~LJ

The top of the deck line indicates where the

top of the freeboard deck would meet the outer side
of the shell plating, if produced. Directly below the
deck line is the Plimsoll mark (or loadline disc) and
the vertical distance between them is called the
Statutory Summer Freeboard. The centre of the
loadline disc is at the middle of the upper ed~ of its
25 mm thick, painted, diametric line. The deck line
and the Plimsoll mark are situated exactly amidships.

Exactly 540 mm forward of the disc is a

vertical line 25mm thick with horizontal lines,
measuring 230 mm x 25 mm, on each side of it. On
its forward side the lines are marked S, T and W
(also WNA if applicable). The lines on the after side
are marked F and TF.

The upper edge of the line marked S is in line

with the horizontal line of the Plimsol mark. In
summer zones, the ship can load up to this line in
salt water. The vertical distance between the upper
edges of Sand T (and also between Sand W) is 1/48
of the summer draft of the vessel. The dates and
limits of winter, summer and tropical zones are given
in the loadline rules. The WNA mark, if applicable, if
situated exactly 50 mm below the W mark (measured
between their upper edges).

The vertical distance between the upper edges

of the lines marked Sand F, and also between T and
TF, is the FWA of the ship.

Example 1

A ship's load ~isplacement is 16000 t and TPC is 20.

If she is in OW of RD 1.0 I 0, find by how muCh she
may immerse her loadline so that she will not be
overloaded when she goes to sea.

FWA = W = 16000 = 20 cm
40 . fpc 40 x 20

DWA = 0.025 - dd) x FWA = (1.025 - 1.010) x 20

.025 .025
= 12 cm

Hence, ship can immerse her SW loadline by 12 cm.

Example 2

A vessel of FW A 200 mm goes from water of RD

1.018 to water of RD 1.006. Find the change in draft
and state whether it will be sinkage or rise.

Change of draft Change of RD x FW A

= (1.018 - 1.006) x 200
= 96 mm.

Since the RD of water has decreased the draft will


Hence, the vessel will sink by 96 mm.

Example 3

A box-shaped vessel 24 x 5 x 3 m has a mean draft

of 1.2 m in DW of RD 1.009. Calculate her draft in
DW of RD 1.019.

W = u/w volume x density of water displaced.

In DW RD 1.009, W = 24 x 5 x 1.2 x 1.009
In DW RD 1.019, W = 24 x 5 x d x 1.019

Since displacement is constant,

24 x 5 x d x 1.019 = 24 x 5 x 1.2 x 1.009
d = 1.2 x 1.009 = 1.188 m

Hence, draft in OW of RO J.019 = 1.188 m.

Note: This problem could also be worked by

calculating the displacement, SW TPC, FWA and then
the change of draft, all by various formulae.
However such a method would be unduly tedious.

Example 4

A box-shaped vessel 20 x 6 x 4.5 floats in OW of RO

1.010 at a draft of 2.4 m. Calculate her percentage
reserve buoyancy in OW of RO 1.020.

W = u/w volume x density of water displaced.

In OW RO 1.010, W = 20 x 6 x 2.4 x 1.010
In OW RO 1.020, W = V x 1.020

Since displacement is constant,

V x 1.020 = 20 x 6 x 2.4 x 1.0 10

V = 285.176 m3

Total volume = 20 x 6 x 4.5 = 540 m3

Above water volume = Total volume - u/w volume
= 540 - 285.176 = 254.824 m3
RB% = Above water volume x 100 = 254.824 x 100
Total volume 540
= 47.19%

Hence, RB% in OW of RO 1.020 = 47.19%

Example 5

A vessel displaces 5000 t at a certain draft in OW of

RO 1.018. Find her displacement when floating at
the same draft in OW of RO 1.012.

W = u/w volume x density of water displaced.

In DW RD 1.018, 5000 = V x 1.018

or V = 5000 = 4911.591 m3•

Hence, u/w vol of ship at that draft = 4911.591 m3•

In DW RD 1.012, W = 4911.591 x 1.012

= 4970.53 t
= 4971 t

Example 6

A vessel displaces 16000 t at her summer load draft

in SW. If she is now floating in DW of RD 1.015 with
her summer loadline on the water, calculate how
much DWT is available.

VI = u/w volume x density of water displaced.

At Summer load draft, 16000 =V x 1.025

or V = 16000 = 15609.756 m3

Hence, underwater volume of ship at summer draft =

= 15609.756 m3

Present disp = 15609.7505 x 1.015 = 15843.9 t

DWT available = Maximum disp - present disp

= 16000 - 15843.9
=156.1 t
= 156 t

Example 7

A vessel is in SW with her summer loadline 60 mm

above the water on the port side and 10 mm above
the water on the starboard side. Find the DWT
available, if her TPC is 40.

Obviously, the vessel is listed to starboard. Since

both, port and starboard loadlines are of same name
(above water), mean distance from water w1'i'Ibe half
the ~ of the distances.

Mean distance of loadline == 60 + 10 == 35 mm


Hence, when upright, loadlines will be 3.5 cm above


DWT available == Sinkage x TPC == 3.5 x 40

== 140 t

Example 8

A vessel is in SW with her port summer loadline 80

mm below water and her starboard, 200 rn above.
Find the DWT available if TPC is 30.
Obviously the vessel is listed to port. Since the
loadline on one side is above the water and the
other, below the water (different names), the mean
distance of the loadline from the water will be half
the difference between the distances. The name
(above or below) of the mean distance will be the
same as that of the larger of the two distances.

Mean distance of loadline == 200 - 80 == 60 mm

Hence, when upright, loadline will be 6.0 cm above

DWT avaialable = Sinkage x TPe = 6 x 30

= 180 t

Example 9

A vessel floats in DW RD 1.016 with her winter

loadline 100 mm below water on the port side and
180 mm below water on the starboard side. If her
FWA is 200 mm, TPe is 24 and summer load draft is
9.6 m, find DWT available.

Port winter loadline is 100 mm below water

Stbd winter loadline is 180 mm below water

Mean distance from water =t (180 + 100)

= 140 mm below

Hence, when upright, winter loadline will be 14 cm

below water.

Distance W to S = 1 x Summer draft

= 1 x 9.6 = 0.2 m
= 20 cm

Hence, distance from present waterline to S

= 20 - 14 = 6 cm

DWA = (1.025 - 1.016) FWA = .009 x 200 = 72 mm

.025 .025
DWA = 7.2 cm

Hence, total sinkage permissible = 6 + 7.2 = 13.2 cm

TPC = A x density of water


Note: TPC given is always SW TPC unless specifi­

caUy stated otherwise.

In SW, 24 = A x 1.025 or A = . 24
100 i50 1.025

In DW, TPC= A x 1.016 = 24 x 1.016

100 1.025
= 23.79 tcm- 1

DWT avail'.lble = sinkage x TPC = 13.2 x 23.79 = 314t

Example 10

A vessel arrives at port X at the mouth of a river.

Her displacement is 12000 t and arrival draft 5.77 m
in RD 1.020. She is to cross a bar upriver before
entering port Y. The depth at the bar is 6.0 m and
RD 1.005. If her TPC is 25, find the minimum
quantity of cargo to off-load at port X so that she
may cross the bar with an under-keel clearance of
0.5 m.

FWA = W = 12000 = 12 cm
40 xTPC 40x25

Change of draft = Change ofRD x FWA

= (1.020 - 1.005) x 12
= 7.2 cm = .072 m

Depth of water over bar = 6.0 m

Under-keel clearance = 0.5 m
Max draft to arrive at bar = 5.5 m
Change of draft due to RD = 0.072 m

Max draft on dep port X = 5.428 m

Draft on arrival port X = 5.770 m
Required mean rise at port X = 0.342 m
= 34.2 cm

TPC at Port X = 25 x 1.020 = 24.88 tcm- 1


Cargo to discarge = rise x TPC

= 34.2 x 24.88
= 850.9 t

Hence, required to discharge 851 t at port X.

Note: The TPC given is always the SW TPC unless

clearly stated otherwise. The TPC used in the final
stage of this problem is the TPC at RD 1.020
because the cargo lightening operation is being
carried out at port X whose RD is 1.020. This is
purely of academic interest because any cargo
calculation involving TPC is approximate only. If the
SW TPC was used in this problem, the answer would
be only 4 tonnes different. In actual practice at sea,
the displacement of the ship at the required draft of
5.5 m in RD 1.005 would be found out (using the
hydrostatic particulars of the ship) and that,
subtracted from the present displacement, would
give the quantity of cargo to off-load at port X.
This is explained in Chapter 17.

Exercise 5

1 A ship of 16000 t displacement and TPC 20 is

floating in SWat a draft of 8.0 m. Find her
draft in FW.

2 A ship goes from water of RO 1.008 to SW.

Find the change in draft, if her FWA is 180
mm, and state whether it would be sinkage or

3 A ·,·essel goes from water of RO 1.010 to FW.

If her FWA is 160 mm, state whether she
would sink or rise and by how much.

A ship of FWA 175 mm goes from water of RO

1.006 to water of RO 1.018. Find the amount
of sinkage or rise.

5 A ship's stability data book gives her load

displacement to be 18000 t and TPC to be 25.
If she is now loading in OW of RO 1.018, by
how much may her loadline be immersed so
that she would not be overloaded?

6 A box-shaped vessel 20 x '+ x 2 m has a mean

draft of 1.05 m in SW. Calculate her draft in
OW of RO 1.012.

7 A box-shaped vessel 18 x 5 x 2 m floats in OW

of RO 1.000 at a draft of 1.4 m. CalculatE'
her percen.tage reserve buoyancy when she
enters SW.

8 The hydrostatic particulars of a ship indicate

that her displacement in SWat a draft of 5 m
is 3000 t. Find her displacement when floating
at 5 m draft in water of RD 1.018.

9 A vessel displaces 4500 t of FW at a certain

draft. Find her displacement at the same
draft in water of RD 1.020.

10 A ship 100 m long and 20 m wide, block

coefficient 0.8, floats in SWat a mean draft
of 8.0 m. Calculate the difference in
displacement when floating at the same draft
in FW.

11 A vessel displaces 14 500 tonnes, if floating in

SW upto her winter load-line. If she is in a
dock of RD 1.010, with her winter load-line on
the surface of the water, find how much cargo
she can load, so that she would float at her
winter load-line in SW.

12 A vessel of 12000 t displacement arrives at

the muuth of a river, drawing 10.0 m in SW.
How much cargo must she discharge so that
her draft in an upriver port of RD 1.012 would
be 10.0 m.

13 A vessel floating in DW of RD 1.005 has the

upper edge of her summer loadline in the
waterline to starboard and 50 mm above the
\Vaterline to port. If her FWA is 180 mm and
TPC is 24, find the amount of cargo which the
vessel can load to bring her to her permissible

14 A vessel is floating at 7.8 m draft in OW of RO

1.010. TPC is 18 and FW A is 250 mm. The
maximum permissible draft in SW is 8.0 m.
Find the OWT available.

15 A vessel's statutory freeboard is 2.0 m. She is

loading in OW of RD 1.015 and her freeboard
is 2.1 m. TPC = 24. FWA = 200 mm. Find the
D"VT available.

16 A vessel is lying in a river berth of density

1.010 tonnes per m3 , with her summer loadline
20 mm above the water on the starboard side
and 50 mm above the water on the port side.
Find how much cargo she can load to bring her
to her ~ummer loadline in SW t if her summer
displacement is 15000 tonnes and TPe is 25.

17 A vessel is floating in dock water of RD 1.005

with her starboard WNA mark 30 mm below,
and her port WNA mark 60 mm below the
water line. If her summer SW draught is 8.4 m,
TPe is 30 and FWA is 160 mm, calculate how
much cargo can be loaded to bring the vessel
to her summer draught in SW.

18 A vessel is loading in a SW dock and is lying

with her starboard· Winter loadline 60 mm
above and her port Winter loadline 20 mm
below the surface of water. If her summer
draught in SW is 7.2 m and TPe is 20, find
how many tonnes of cargo the vessel can load
to bring her down to her Tropical loadline in

19 From the following details, calculate the DWT

available: - Present freeboards: port 3.0 m,
starboard 2.9 m in water of RD 1.020. FWA
200 mm. TPe 30. Statutory summer freeboard
2.8 m.

20 From the following information, calculate the

DWT available upto the Tropical loadline in

Present freeboards: port 1.68 m, starboard

1.79 m in RD 1.017.

Tropical SW freeboard: 1.63 m

Tropical SW draft: 9.6 m

FWA 150 mm, TPe 20.4


The centre of gravity (G or COG) of a ship is

that point through which the force of gravity may be
considered to act vertically downwards, with a force
equal to the weight of the ship.

The position of the COG of a ship is indicated

by its distance in metres from three reference lines:

(i) Its height above the keel. This distance is

referred to as KG where K represents the keel. KG
affects the stability of the ship.

(ii) Its distance from the after perpendicular (A)

of the ship. This distance is referred to as AG. AG
affects the trim of the ship.

Note: The after perpendicular (A) of a ship is the

after part of the stern post. If the vessel does not
have a stern post, then it is the axis of the rudder

Some shipyards use midships (H) for reference

instead of the after perpendicular (A). The distance
of the COG is then referred to as HG, in this book,
but then it must be stated whether the COG is
forward or abaft midships in each case. HG affects
the trim of the ship.

Note: Midships is taken to be the line drawn at

right angles to the keel, midway between the
forward and after perpendiculars.

(iii) Its distance from the centre line of the ship.

This distance causes the ship to list. Since mariners
like to keep their ship upright at all times, this
distance should preferably be zero.

The position of the COG of a ship depends on

the distribution of weights on board and not on the
total weight.

When a weight is added (loaded), the COG of

the ship moves directly towards the COG of the
added weight.

When a weight is removed (discharged), the

COG of the ship moves directly away from the COG
of the removed weight.

When a weight already on board is shifted, the

COG of the ship moves in a direction parallel to that
moved by the weight.

The foregoing statements are illustrated by

the following figures wherein G is the COG of the
ship before loading/discharging/shifting and Gl is the
COG of the ship after the loading/ discharging/
shifting is completed.
So far, only the direction of shift of COG has
been considered. The distance through which the
COG would move is given by the following formula:

GG l
GG 1 is the shift of COG of ship in metres.
w is the weight loaded/discharged/shifted,
in tonnes.
W is the final displacement of ship in
tonnes i.e., after the weight has been
Effect of adding a weight

I ~g I

.-­ -~
G, G

.............. Gl



Effect of removing a weight


I 'g I
I -

G1 G r-­
L __

Ig ....

\~!~I ,_
I g . . . . -.


. - - - . 1

Effect of shifting a weight

g ---1'r---+---+'- g g
f----.J I

G-r-G, G~ g
G 1 '---_----I

I g
L_ -­


I g


r-- ­
I g

d When loading/discharging, d is the
distance in metres betwen the COG of
the ship and the COG of the weight.
When shifting a weight, d is the
distance moved by the weight.

In stability calculations, the vertical,

longitudinal and transverse movements of \:OG are
calculated separately. In other words, the actual
movement of COG is split into its three components
and each component is calculated separately, as
shown in later chapters.


Part I: Considering a single weight only.

When loading, discharging' or shifting a single

weight, the vertical shift of the COG of a ship is
giveF\ by the formula:­

GG 1 = wd
GG 1 Vertical shift of COG of ship in
w Weight loaded/discharged/shifted in
W F inal displacemen~ of ship in tonnes.
d When loading or discharging, 'd' is
the vertical distance between the
COG of the ship and the COG of
the weight.

When shifting a weight already on

board, 'd' is the vertical distance
moved by the weight.

Example 1

In a vessel of 12000 t displacement, KG 9 m, 200 t

of cargo was shifted from the upper deck (KG 12 m)
to the lower hold (KG 2 m). Find the new KG.

KG of cargo while on UD = 12 m
KG of cargo when in LH = 2 m
Hence d = 10m downwards

GG 1 += wd = 200 x 10 = 0.167 m
'iT 12000
Original KG = 9.000 m
GG 1 • = 0.167 m
KGlor new KG = 8.833 m

Example 2

In a vessel of 7850 t displacement, KG 8,1+ m, 150 t

of cargo is loaded on the UD (KG 10 m). Find the
final KG.

Final W = 7850 + 150 = 8000 t

w = 150 t, d = 1.6 m E

_GGl = wd
= 150 x 1.6
= 0.03 m

Since the cargo was loaded above the ..... G


COG of the ship, GGl will be upwards.

Original KG = 8.400 m 00

GG 1 t = 0.030 m K
KG! or new KG = 8.430 m

Example 3

In a ship of 12300 t displacement, KG 10m, 300 t of

cargo was discharged from the lower hold (KG 2 m).
Find the final KG.

Final W = 12300 300 = 12000 t.


w = 300 t, m
d =8 G
GG 1 = wd = 300 x 8 = 0.2 m E
W 12000

Since cargo was discharged from below

the COG of ship, GG 1 will be upwards.



Original KG = 10.0 m
GG 1 t = 0.2 m
KG 1 or new KG = 10.2 m K

Example 4

On a vessel of 6000 t displacement KG 7.4 m, how

many tonnes of cargo may be discharged from the
lower hold (KG 2.0 m) in order to have a final KG of
8.0 m ?

Old KG = 7.4 m Original W = 6000 t

New KG = 8.0 m Discharged :: w
GG 1 t :: 0.6 m Final W :: 6000 - W

GG 1 = wd or 0.6 :: w (5.4) or w = 600 t

W 6000-w

Hence, cargo to discharge :: 600 tonnes.

Example 5

A vessel of 11 000 t displacement has KG 6.3 m. A

jumbo derrick is used to shift a weight of 250 t from
the lower hold (KG 3 m) to the UD (KG 8.5 m). The
head of the derrick is 19.5 m above the keel. Find
the KG of the ship:

(a) When the weight is hanging by the derrick and

(b) When the shifting is over.

This problem is to be worked in two stages.

Stafe 1: As soon as the weight is lifted off the

tan -top, the COG of the weight shifts from the LH
to the derrick head.

KG of weight when in LH = 3.0 m

Height of derrick head above keel = 19.5 m
Hence, d = 16.5 m

GG 11' = wd = 250 x 16.5 = 0.375 m

W- 11 000

Original KG = 6.300 m
GG 1 t = 0.375 m
KG 1 or new KG = 6.675 m

Hence KG at the end of stage 1 = 6.675 m answer (a).

Stage 2: As soon as the weight is placed on the

upper deck, the COG of the weight shifts from tht
derrick head to the UD.

Height of derrick head above keel = 19.5 m

KG of weight when on UD = 8.5 m
Hence, d = 11.0 m

GG1~ = wd = 250 x 11 = 0.250 m

W 11 000

New KG (end of stage 1) = 6.675 m

GG1~ = 0.250 m
Final KG (end of stage 2) = 6.425 m

KG when shifting is over = 6.425 m answer (b).


Example 6

A vessel of 6000 t displacement, KG 7.1 m,

loads a heavy lift weighing 1.50 t by her jumbo
derrick whose head is 16 m above the keel. If the
weight is placed on the tween deck (KG 8 m) find:
(a) the KG when the weight is hanging 1 m above
the tween deck and
(b) the KG when the loading is over.

Stage 1: As soon as the jumbo derrick takes the

heavy lift off the wharf, the COG of the weight acts
on the derrick head - equivalent to loading the
weight 16 m above the keel. The height of the
weight above the deck is of no importance.

Final W = 6000 + 1.50 = 61.50 t

d = 16 - 7.1 = 8.9 m
GG1 t = wd = 1.50 x 8.9 = 0.217 m
Vi 61.50

Original KG = 7.100 m
GG 1 t = 0.217 m
KG 1 or new KG = 7.317 m

Hence, KG at the end of stage 1 = 7.317 m ans(a).

Stage 2: As soon as the weight is placed on the TD,

the COG of the heavy lift shifts from the derrick
head (KG 16 m) to the TD (KG 8 m). i.e., d = 16 - 8 =
8 m downwards

GG1~ = wd = 1.50 x 8 = 0.19.5 m

W 6150
New KG (at end of stage 1) = 7.317 m
GG1~ = 0.19.5 m
Final KG (at end of stage 2) = 7.122 m

Hence, KG after shifting is over:;: 7.122 mans (b).

Exercise 6
Final KG by GG, formula

1 In a vessel of 8800 tonnes displacement and

KG 6.2 m, 200 tonnes of cargo was loaded in
the lower hold, 1.7 m above the keel. Find the
final KG.

2 600 tonnes of cargo were discharged from a

vessel from the upper deck 11 m above the
keel. If the original KG and displacement
were 6 m and 12 600 tonnes, calculate the
final KG.

3 In a vessel of 9900 tonnes displacement and

KG 4 m, a heavy lift of 100 tonnes is loaded
on the UD (KG 15 m). Find the final KG.

4 500 tonnes of cargo was discharged from the

lower hold (KG 3 m) of a vessel whose
displacement and KG before discharging were
11500 tonnes and 6.3 m. Find the final KG.

5 500 tonnes of cargo was shifted 15 metres

vertically downwards in a vessel of 10 000
tonnes displacement. Find the effect it has on
the KG of the vessel and state whether KG
increases or decreases.

6 In a vessel of 9000 tonnes displacement, KG

10.5 m, 300 tonnes of cargo was shifted from
the LH (KG 2.5 m) to the UD (KG 11.5 m).
Find the resultant KG of the vessel.

7 In a vessel of 9009 tonnes displacement, KG

8.7 m, how many tonnes of cargo can be
loaded on the upper deck (KG 15 m) so that
the final KG would be 9 m?

8 A heavy lift derrick, whose head is 20 m

above the keel, is to shift a locomotive
weighing 300 tonnes from the UD (KG 8 m) to
the LH (KG 2 m). If the displacement and
initial KG of the vessel were 12000 tonnes and
7.6 m, find the KG of the vessel (a) when the
derrick has taken the weight off the UD and
(b) after shifting is over.

9 On a vessel of 4,950 tonnes displacement, KG

9.2 m, the ship's jumbo derrick is used to load
a weight of 50 tonnes from the wharf, on to
the UD (KG 8 m). If the head of the derrick
is 25 m above the keel, calculate the KG of
the vessel (a) when the weight is hanging by
the derrick on the centre line but 2 m above
the UD, and (b) after loading.

10 A ship's derrick, whose head is 22 m above the

keel, is used to discharge a weight of 20
tonnes (KG 5 m), lying on the centre line. If
the vessel's displacement and KG before
discharging were 6000 tonnes and 8 m,
calculate the KG (a) as soon as the derrick
lifts the weight and (b) after discharging.

Part II: Considering several weights

The GGI formula, which seems adequate when

considering a single weight at a time, becomes
impracticable for general use of ships because
several weights are loaded, discharged and/or shifted,
at a time. In such cases, the calculation of final KG
is done by taking moments about the keel.

The initial moment of the weight of the ship

about its keel p~us the moments about keel of all
weights loaded mmus the moments about keel of all
weights discharged gives the final moment. This final
moment about keel divided by the final displacement
of the ship gives the final KG. In cases where

weights have been shifted vertically, the weight

multiplied by the vertical distance shifted gives the
change in moment, to be added if the shift is
upwards; to be subtracted if the shift is downwards.

Calculation of final KG by taking moments

about keel can be done even when only a single
weight is being loaded, discharged or shifted.

Example 7

On a ship of 10 000 t displacement, KG 7.75 m, the

following changes took place:
1000 t of cargo discharged from No.2 LH, KG 4.0 m.
2000 t of cargo discharged from UD, KG 9.8 m.
500 t of FW taken into peak tanks, KG 6.5 m.
500 t of fuel oil taken into No.4 DBT, KG 0.5 m.
500 t of cargo shifted from No.2 TD to No.2 LH,
through a vertical distance of 8 m.

Find the final KG of the ship.

Weight (t) KG Moment by Keel(tm)

Remarks Loaded Disch (m) Loaded Disch

Ship 10,000 7.75 77,500

2LH Cargo 1,000 4.0 4,000
UD Cargo 2,000 '1.8 1'1,600
Peaks FW 500 6.5 3,250
HFO 4 DBT 500 0.5 250
Total 11,000 3,000 81,000 23,600
3,000 23,600

Final W = 8,000 57,400

500 t shifted e m down ( -) 4,000
Final moment = 53,400

Final KG = Final moment = 53,400 = 6.675 m.

Final W 8,000

Exercise 7
Final KG by moments about keel

1 A ship of displacement 2000 t and KG 4.2 m,

loads 300 t of cargo (KG 2.0 m), 200 t of
cargo (KG 3.2 m) and 500 t of bunkers (KG 1.0
m). Find her final KG.

2 A ship of displacement 3000 t and KG 3.9 m,

loads cargo as follows:- 200 t in No.1 LH (KG
3.0 m), 300 t on deck (KG 6.4 m), 150 t in No.3
TO (KG 5.2 m) and 350 t in No.4 LH (KG 4.0
m). Find the final KG.

3 A ship of load displacement 10,000 t, KG 6.0

m, discharges cargo of 250 t (KG 3.0 m) and
150 t (KG 4.0 m). Find her final KG.
4 A ship of displacement 12,000 t, KG 4.3 m,
discharges cargo as follows:- 200 t from No.1
LH (KG 2.6 m), 250 t from No.2 TO (KG 3.4
m), 1000 t from No.3 LH (KG 4 m) and 550 t
from UO near No.5 (KG 8 m). Find final KG.

5 Ship of 2000 t displacement and KG 3.66 m,

loads 1500 t (KG 5.5 m), 3500 t (KG 4.60 m),
and takes 1520 t of bunkers (KG 0.60 m). She
discharges 2000 t cargo (KG 2.44 m) and
consumes 900 t of bunkers (KG 0.40 m). Find
the KG at the end of the voyage.

6 A ship of 3200 t displacement, KG 6.2 m, loads

5200 t of cargo (KG 4.8 m). Find the amount
of deck cargo (KG 10.4 rn) that can be loaded
so that the KG shall be 6.0 m when loading is

7 A ship of 2600 t displacement, KG 4.88 m,

loads 4600 t of homogeneous cargo (KG .5.0 m).
Find how much deck cargo (KG 10 m) may be
loaded to obtain a final KG of .5.11 m.

8 A heavy-lift derrick is used to discharge a 100

t package from a ship of displacement 8000 t,
KG 8.2 m. If the KG of the weight while on
board is 3 m and if the derrick head is 2.5 m
above the keel, find the KG of the ship (a)
while discharging and (b) after discharging.

9 On a ship of 1.5000 t displacement KG 7.9 m, a

weight of 200 t is loaded on the un (KG 12
m) using the ship's Stulken derrick whose head
is 30 m above the keel. Find the KG of the
ship (a) while loading and (b) after loading.

lOOn a ship of 11000 t displacement KG 7.2 m, a

shore crane is used to shift a 180 t heavy-lift
from the UD (KG 12 m) to the LH (KG 3 m).
Find the KG of the ship (a) during shifting and
(b) after shifting.


The centre of buoyancy (B or COB) of a ship

is that point through which the force of buoyancy
may be considered to act vertically upwards, with a
force equal to the weight of water displaced by the
ship. It is the geometric centre of the water
displaced i.e., the geometric centre of the underwater
volume of the ship.

The position of the COB of a ship is indicated


( i) Its height above the keel. This distance is

referred to as KB.
(ii) Its distance from the after perpendicular of
the ship. This distance is referred to as AB. Some
shipyards use midships (H) for reference instead of
the after perpendicular (A). The distance of the
COB is then referred to as HB, in this book, but then
it must be stated whether the COB is forward or
abaft midships in each case.

Note: Definitions of the after perpendicular and

midships are given in Chapter 6.

Both KB and AB depend on the shape and

volume of the underwater portion of the hull and are
therefore dependant on the ship's draft. KB and AB
(or HB) are given in the hydrostatic particulars of
the ship in the form of curves or tables against draft.
Further explanation of AB is given in volume II under
the heading 'Trim'.

The KB of a box-shaped vessel would be

exactly half the draft, if the vessel is upright and on
an even keel. The KB of a ship-shape will, however,
be a little greater than half draft, as illustrated by
the following figures:



From the above figure, it is obvious that if

the shaded part of the box-shaped figure is removed,
the figure becomes ship-shaped. The KB of a
ship-shape would, therefore, be about five to ten
percent more than half its draft.

KB of a triangular-shaped vessel would be

two-thirds of its draft, when on an even keel and
upright, as shown in the following figure:

'L _
Exercise 8
Centre of buoyancy

1 A box-shaped vessel of displacement 1640 t is

50 m long, 10 m wide and 8 m high. Find her
KB in SW, if she is on an even keel and

2 A box-shaped vessel 60 m x 10m x 10m

floats in DW of RD 1.020 at an even keel
draft of 6 m. Find her KB in DW of RD 1.004.

3 A triangular-shaped vessel of displacement 650

t floats in DW RD 1.015. Her water plane is a
rectangle 30 m x 8 m. Find her KB.

4 A triangular-shaped vessel floats in SW. Her

water plane is a rectangle 40 m x 12 m.' If
her KB is 3.6 m, find her displacement.

5 A homogeneous log of wood 3 m x 0.75 m x

0.75 m floats in SW with one face horizontal.
If the RD of the log is 0.8 m, calculate the
vertical distance between its COG and its

6 A homogeneous log of wood of 0.5 m square

section floats in water of RD 1.005 at a draft
of 0.4 m with one of its faces horizontal. Find
the vertical distance between its COG and its
COB in water of RD 1.020.

7 A cylindrical drum of 0.8 m diameter and 1.5 rn

height weighs 10 kg. 490 kg of steel is put .in
it such that it floats with its axis vertical in
FW. Find its KB. (Assume IT to be 22/7) •

8 A barge is prism-shaped such that its deck and

keel are identical and parallel; its sides
vertical. Its deck consists of three shapes -"­

triangular bow of 12 m each side; rectangular

mid-part 80 m long and 12 m wide;
semi-circular stern of radius 6 m. If the light
displacement of the barge is 500 t and it has
5000 t of cargo in it, find its KB when
floating on an even keel in SW. (Assume TT
to be 3.142).

9 The deck and keel of a flat-bottomed barge

are identical. Its sides are vertical. The deck
consists of two sections - the bow is a
triangle 12 m broad and measures 12 m in the
fore and aft direction; the mid-body is a
rectangle 50 m long and 12 m broad. If it is
floating on an even keel in SW with a
displacement of 3444 t, find the position of its
COB with reference to the keel and with
reference to its after end.

l O A barge 45 m long has a uniform transverse

cross-section throughout, which consists of a
rectangle above a triangle. The rectangle is 8
m broad and 4 m high. The triangle is apex
downwards, 8 m broad and 3 m deep. If the
displacement of the barge is 1620 t, find the
position of its COB with reference to the keel
and also with reference to the after end, if it
is upright and on an even keel in FW.


While studying statical stability it is important

to distinguish between list and heel.


List is the transverse inclination caused by

unequal distribution of weights on either side of the
centre line of the ship. In other words, list is caused
when the COG of the ship is not on the centre line
- an internal cause. A ship with a list will become
upright only if the COG is brought to the centre line.


Heel is the transverse inclination of the ship,

caused by external forces such as wind, waves,
centrifugal force during course alterations, over-tight
moorings in port, etc. Since no transverse shift of
weights has taken place on board, the position of the
COG of the ship remains unaffected by heel.

Transverse Shift of B

When a ship is floating in still water, her COG

and COB will be in a vertical line. The forces of
gravity and buoyancy, being equal and opposite, will
cancel each other out and the ship will be in static

When a ship is heeled over to one side, say to

starboard, her underwater volume increases on the
starboard side and decreases on the portside. The
COB, being the geometric centre of the underwater
volume of the ship, will shift to the lower side
(starboard side in this case), as shown in the
following figure:­

In the foregoing figure :

b is the geometric centre of the emerged wedge

(of the part that came out of the water due to
bl is the geometric centre of the immerse d we dge
(of the part that went underwater due to
B is the COB before heeling.
Bl is the COB after heeling.
BBl is the shift of COB caused by heeling.

Note: BB, is parallel to bb, • BB, is not parallel to

- the water line. BBl is not paralierto the keel.
Angle GBBl is ~ a right angle.

Transverse metacentre (M)

When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an

external force), the force of buoyancy, acting
vertically upwards through the new position of COB,
cuts the centre line of the ship at a point called the
transverse metacentre (M). This is illustrated in the
next figure.

The position of M is indicated by its height

above the keel in metres (KM). KM increases as the
angle of heel increases, until it reaches a maximum
value at some large angle of heel. Thereafter, it
decreases as angle of heel increases. However, over
small angles of heel (say upto about 15°) the increase
of KM is generally small. Hence, KM is considered
constant for small angles of heel, for the sake of
convenience in stability calculations, and is
sometimes referred to as initial KM.

KM is calculated by adding KB and BM, each

of which is calculated separately. The initial KM is,
therefore, a function of the draft of the vessel. On
board a ship, the initial KM is obtained by consulting
a table or graph, supplied by the shipyard, wherein
KM is indicated against draft.

Metacentric height (GM)

It is the vertical distance between the centre

of gravity and the metacentre. GM is termed
positive when G is below M i.e., when KG is less than
KM and negative when G is above M i.e. when KG is
greater than KM. GM is illustrated in the next figure.

Over small angles of heel, wherein KM may be

considered constant, GM also is considered constant
and is referred to as initial GM.

Righting lever (GZ)

When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an

external force), the force of buoyancy, acti-~g
vertically upwards through the new position of COB,
becomes separated from the force of gravity, acting
vertically downwards through the COG, by a
horizontal distance called the righting lever (GZ).
GZ is illustrated by the following figure.

GZ normally increases as angle of heel

increases until it reaches a maximum value at some
large angle of heel. Thereafter, GZ decreases as
angle of heel increases.

For small angles of heel (upto about 15°),

wherein KM, and hence GM, may be considered
constant, GZ = GM • Sin -G in which {t. is the angle of
heel and GM is the initial GM, as is apparent in the
following figure.

For large angles of heel, GZ can be calculated

by the wall-sided formula:

GZ = Sin {t. (GM + t BM Tan2~)

This formula can be used whenever the ship's

sides within the immersed wedge and the emerged
wedge are parallel i.e., until the deck edge goes
under water. .(t. is the angle of heel, GM the initial
GM, and BM is the height of the initial metacentre
above the COB before heeling, as shown in the
following figure.

On board ships, the value of GZ can be

obtained for various angles of heel by use of cross
curves of stability (GZ curves or KN curves)
described in volume II. These curves are supplied by
the shipyard.

W tonnQS

W tonnes

K Keel. G : COG.
-a- Angle of heel.
B COB before heeling.
B, COB after heeling.
BB1 Shift of COB due to heel.
M Transverse metacentre.
GM Metacentric height.
GZ Righting lever.
W Displacement in tonnes.
W. G Z Righting moment.

Righting moment

When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an

external force), the forces of gravity and buoyancy,

being equal and opposite, become separated by a

horizontal distance called the righting lever and form
a couple which tends to return the vessel to upright.
The moment of this couple is a measure of the
tendency of the vessel to return to upright and is
hence called the righting moment or 'Moment of
statical stability'.

RM = W • GZ for all angles of heel.

For small angles of heel, where GM may be
considered constant, GZ = GM • Sin -& and hence
RM = W • GM • Sin -f} for small angles of heel.

Exercise 9
Moment of statical stability

1 A ship of 10 000 t displacement has a GM of

0.4 m. Calculate the moment of statical
stability when she is heeled by 5°.

2 A ship of 12 000 t displacement is heeled by

6°. If her righting lever is then 0.1 m, find
the moment of statical stability. If her KM is
8.2 m, find her KG.

3 When a ship of 14000 t displacement is heeled

by 8°, her moment of statical stabiity is 400
tm. If KG is 7.3 m, find KM.

4 A ship of 8000 t displacement has KB 3.5 m,

KM 6.5 m, and KG 6 m. Find her moment of
statical stability at 20° heel, assuming that
her deck edge remains above water (i.e. she is
still wall-sided at that angle of heel).

5 A ship of 4000 t displacement has KG 5.1 m,

KB 2.1 m, KM 5.5 m. Find the moment of
statical stability when she heels 24°, assuming
that she is wall-sided.


Stable eguilibrium

When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an

external force), if she tends to come back to her
original condition, she is said to be in stable

For a vessel to be stable, her GM must be

positive i.e. KG must be less than KM, as shown in
the figure on the next page.

Note As explained in Chapter 9, the position of

COG remains unaffected by heel whereas the COB
shifts to the lower side. The forces of gravity and
buoyancy form a couple which tends to return the
vessel to her original condition. A vessel with a list
also may be stable.

Unstable eguilibrium

When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an

external force), if she tends to continue heeling
further, she is said to be in unstable equilibrium.

For a vessel to be unstable, her GM must be

negative i.e., KG must be greater than KM, as shown
in the figure on the next page.

Note As explained in earlier chapters, the COB

shifts to the lower side. M is directly above B,. The






forces of gflavity and buoyancy form a couple but, G

being higher than M, this couple tries to heel the
vessel further. The moment of this couple is called a
'negative righting moment' or a 'capsizing moment'.

Neutral equilibrium

When a vessel is heeled (inclined by an

external force), if she has no tendency to return to
her original condition or to continue heeling further,
she is said to be in neutral equilibrium.

F or a vessel to be in neutral equilibrium, her

GM must be zero i.e., KG equal to KM, as shown in
the figure on the previous page.

Note As explained in earlier chapters, the COB

shifts to the lower side. M is directly above B, •
Since G and M are coincident, no righting lever, and
hence no righting moment, is formed. The vessel
thus has no tendency to continue heeling further or
to return to her original condition.

The impression obtained by reading about

unstable equilibrium, in the previous chapter, would
be that an unstable vessel would continue heeling
more and more until she capsized. Though this could
happen, this is not always the case.

Angle of 1011

It was mentioned earlier, under the definition

of metacentre, that KM increases as angle of heel
increases until it reaches a maximum value at some
large angle of heel. As the unstable vessel heels
over more and more, it may happen that, at some
angle of heel, KM increases sufficiently to equal to
KG. (see M1 in the following figure). The vessel
would then be in neutral equilibrium and the angle at
which this happens is called the angle of loll.


B 81


In other words, when an unstable vessel heels

over to progressively increasing angles of heel, it
may happen that, at some angle of heel, the COB
may come vertically below the COG. The vessel
would then be in neutral equilibrium. The angle of
heel at which this happens is called the angle of 1011.

If any opening goes underwater, at this stage,

progressive flooding would take place and the vessel
would capsize. The angle of 1011 could be on either
side of the vessel. If she is at her angle of 1011 to
one side, and a wave was to roll her sufficiently to
the other side, she would flop over to her angle of
1011 on the other side.

When at the angle of 1011, if a wave causes the

vessel to heel a little more, KM would increase and
become more than KG. A small righting moment, so
formed. would return the vessel to the angle of 1011.

When at the angle of 1011, if a wave causes the

vessel to heel less, KM would decrease and become
less than KG. A small capsizing moment, so formed,
would return the vessel to the angle of loll.

The vessel at the angle of 1011, therefore,

appears to possess the characteristics of stable

Though the vessel appears to be temporarily

safe, it must be emphasized here that the vessel at
the angle of 1011 is in an extremely precarious and
dangerous situation - wrong action or no action on
the part of the ship's staff would result in certain

The corrective action to be taken at the angle

of 1011 is elaborated later, in a separate chapter in
volume II.


When a vessel with a slack (partly full) tank

rolls at sea, the liquid in the slack tank would move
towards the lower side during each roll, thereby
causing the angle of roll and the period of roll to
increase. Because the vessel behaves as if her GM
has been. reduced, we say that a slack tank causes a
virtual (imaginary) loss of GM. This is called free
surface effect (FSE).

The virtual loss of GM can be calculated quite

easily and is called free surface correction (FSC). In
order to indicate whether FSC has been applied or
not, the GM before subtracting FSC is called 'Solid
GM' and after subtracting FSC it is called 'Fluid GM.'
In all stability calculations involving GM, it is fluid
GM that is used.

FSC depends on the length and breadth (mainly

breadth) of the slack tank. The quantity of liquid in
the slack tank makes only a very small difference.

FSC can be calculated by the formula:

FSC = di
Where i is the moment of inertia (or second
moment of area) of the slack tank
surface about its centre line, in m4 •

v is the vol~me of displacement of the

ship, in m .

di is the density of liquid in the slack

tank, in tm-3

do is the density of water outside (in

which the ship is floating), in tm-3•

FSC is the free surface correction in m,

caused by this slack tank.

Since displacement = volume of displacement x

density of water displaced, the denominator in the
foregoing formula may be substituted by W, the
displacement of the ship in tonnes. The formula then

FSC = i di
Since 'i' is in m4 and 'di I is in tm-3 , 'i di' would
be in tm and is hence called the free surface moment
or FSM.

When several tanks are slack on a ship, the

FSM of each tank is calculated separately and then
added together to obtain the total FSM. This total
FSM divided by the final W of the ship would give
the total FSC of all the slack tanks.

On a ship, the 'i' of each tank about the tank's

centre-line is readily available in the stability
particulars supplied by the shipyard.

Example 1

Given the following particulars of a ship, calculate

her fluid GM:

W = 10000 t, KG = 9.0 m, KM = 9.8 m, moment


of inertia of surface of tank about its centre line =

1242 m4, RD of heavy fuel oil in the tank = 0.95.

FSC = i di = 1242 x 0.95 = 0.118 m

W 10,000

KM = 9.8 m

KG = 9.0 m

Solid GM = 0.8 m

FSC = 0.118m

Fluid GM = O.682m

Example 2

The stability particulars of a ship indicate that, for

her present condition, her W = 5532 t, KM = 8.7 m, Ii'
of No.3 DBT about its centre line = 1428 m4• If No.
3 DBT is partly full of DO of RD 0.88, and the ship's
KG is 8.5 m, calculate her fluid GM.

FSC = i di = 1428 x 0.88 = 0.227 m

W 5532

KM = 8.7 m
KG = 8.5 m

Solid GM = 0.2 m

FSC = 0.227

Fluid GM = -.027m

Note The ship has a negative fluid GM and is hence


Example 3

A vessel has a displacement of i 6635 t, KM 8.25 m,

KG 7.4 m. She has the following tanks slack:

No 1 DBT containing SW, i = 400 m4

No 3 Centre " HFO, i = 1200 m4


No 4 Stbd containing HFO i = 270 m:

No 5 Port " DO i = 180 m
No 8 Port " FW i = 25 m4
No 8 Stbd " FW i = 15 m4

If RD of HFO is 0.95, DO is 0.88 and SW is

1.025, find her final fluid GM.

Tank Contents i X di = FSM

No.1 DBT SW 400 x 1.025 = 410
No 3 Centre HFO 1200x 0.95 = 1140
No 4 Stbd HFO 270 x 0.95 = 256.5
No 5 Port DO 180 x 0.88 = 158.4
No 8 Port FW 25 x 1 = 25
No 8 Stbd FW 15 x 1 = 15

Final FSM = 2004.9 tm

FSC = FSM = 2004.9 = 0.121 m

VI 16635
KM = 8.250 m

KG = 7.400 m

Solid GM = 0.850 m
FSC = 0.121 m

Fluid GM = 0.729 m

Example 4
On a vessel of 18000 t displacement KM 8.9 m, KG
8.3 m, a DB tank is partly full of FW. If the tank
surface is rectangular, 20 m long and 18 m wide,
calculate her fluid GM.

Ii' of rectangular tank about its

centre line = 1b3 = 20 x 18 3 m4
. i"2' 12
FSC = i di = 20 x 183 x 1.0 = 0.54 m
W 12 18000

KM = 8.90 m

KG = 8.30 m

Solid GM = 0.60 m
FSC = 0.54 m

Fluid GM = 0.06 m

Example 5

On a vessel of 5000 t displacement, KM 7.8 m, KG

7.0 m, No.2 port DB tank is partly full of FW. If this
tank is 15 m long and 9 m broad, find the fluid GM.

'i' of rectangular tank about its centre line

= Ib 3 = 15 x 93 m4

TI 12

FSC = i di = 15 x 93 x 1.0 = 0.182 m

W 12 5000

KM = 7.800 m
KG = 7.000 m

Solid GM = 0.800 m
FSC = 0.182 m

Fluid GM = 0.618 m


The breadth of a slack tank has an enormous

effect on the FSC caused. This is illustrated simply
by worked examples 6, 7, 8 and 9.


On a. ship of 10000 t displ, No 3 DB tank is partly

full of SW. If the tank is 20 m long and is 18 m wide
from shipside to shipside, calculate the FSC caused.

FSC = i di = Ib 3 x di
W "T2 w
= 20 x 183 x 1.025
12 x 10 000
= 0.996 m

Example 7

Same ship as example 6, except that No.3 DB tank

has a watertight centre girder dividing it into port
and starboard tanks of equal breadth. Find the FSC
when both, P & S tanks are slack.

FSC for No 3 Stbd tank = i di = 1b3 x d i

W 'T2 Vi
= 20 x 93 x 1. 0 2 5
12 10 000
= 0.1245 m
(tanks are
FSC for No 3 Port tank = 0.1245 m identical )
Total FSC for No 3P & S = 0.249 m

Example 8

Same ship as example 6, except that No 3 DB tank is

divided into three watertight tanks - P, S & C ­
of equal breadth. Find the FSC when all three tanks
are slack.

FSC for No 3 Port tank = i di

= Ib 3
= 20 x 6 3 x 1.025
12 x 10000
= 0.0369 m
FSC for No 3 Stbd tank = 0.0369 m (because all
three tanks
FSC for No 3 Centre tank = 0.0369 m are identical)
= 0.1107 m
Example 9

Same ship as example 6, except that No 3 DB tank is

divided into four identical watertight tanks - Port
Outer, Port Inner, Stbd Inner, Stbd Outer. Find the
FSC when all four tanks are slack.

FSC for No 3 PO tank = i di =lb 3 X di

W 12 W
= 20 x 4.5 x 1.025
12 x 10 000
= 0.01557 m
FSC for No 3 PI tank = 0.01557 m (because all
FSC for No 3 SI tank = 0.01557 m four tanks
are identical)
FSC for No 3 SO tank = 0.01557 m
Total FSC for all 4 tanks = 0.0623 m

Analysis of results of examples 6, 7, 8 & 9

Single undivided DB tank, FSC = 0.996 m

Divided into 2 tanks of
equal breadth, both slack, total FSC = 0.249 m
Divided into 3 tanks of
equal breadth, all 3 slack, total F$C = 0.111 m
Divided into 4 tanks of
equal breadth, all 4 slack, total F$C = 0.062 m

From the foregoing it is clear that when a

tank is divided, in breadth, into a nUlllber of identical
watertight compartments (n), the total FSC when all
the compartments are slack is 1/n 2 of the FSC that
would have occured if the slack tank was undivided.
This is elaborated below:­
Example 6
Single undivided DB Tank FSC = 0.996 m

Example 7

n = 2, So FSC = .996 = .996 = 0.249 m

-;;2 4

Example 8

n = 3, So FSC = .996 = .996 = 0.111 m

~ 9

Example 9

n = 4, So FSC = .996 = .996 = 0.062 m

~ 16

Note: The answers arrived at above are the same as

tne'answers obtained in each example wherein the
FSC was calculated separately for each compartment
and then added together.

The effect of the breadth of a slack tank on

the FSC is a very important factor to consider when
deciding on the action to take when a ship has a
very small, or even negative, GM.

Example 10

A vessel of 10000 t displacement, KM 9.3 m, KG 7.3

m, has two rectangular, identical deeptanks, Port and
Stbd, each 15 m long, 10 m wide and 8 m deep. The
starboard deep tank is full of SW while the port deep
tank is empty. Calculate the GM of the ship when
one quarter of the water in the starboard deep tank
is transferred to the port deep tank.

t ~
I_ _ II bIii

d =6m


Mass of SW in tank = Volume of SW x density of SW

= 15 x 10 x 8 x 1.025
= 1230 t

Mass of water transferred = ! x 1230 = 307.5 t

GG,J, = ~ = 6 x 307.5 = 0.185 m
W 10000

Old KG = 7.300 m
GG1l = 0.185 m
New KG = 7.115 m
KM = 9.300 m
Solid GM = 2.185 m

FSC for port tank = i di = Ib3 X di

W 12 W
= 15 x 103 x 1.025
12 10000
= 0.128 m
FSC for stbd tank = Q:!1! m
Total FSC for P & S = 0.256 m

18 3
FSC if tank is undivided =
= 15 x 20 3 x 1.025
12 10000
= 1.025 m

FSC when n = 2, both sides slack = 1.025 x 1

= ~ = 0.256 m -;;2
Solid GM = 2.185 m
FSC = 0.256 m
Fluid GM = 1.929 m

Exercise 10
Free surface effect

1 On a ship of 5000 t displacement, a tank is

partly full of DO of RD 0.88. If the moment
of inertia of the tank about its centre line is
242 m4 , find the FSC.

2 If the tank in question 1 was partly full of SW

instead of DO, find the FSC.

3 On a ship of W 6000 t, KM 7.4 m, KG 6.6 m, a

double bottom tank of i 1200 m4 is partly full
of FW. Find the GM fluid.

4 Given the following particulars, find the GM

fluid: W = 8800 t, tank of i = 1166 m4 is partly
full of HFO of RD 0.95, KM 10.1 m, KG 9.0 m.

5 On a vessel of W 16000 t, No 4 port DB tank

20 m long and 8 m wide is partly full of DW
ballast of RD 1.010. Find the FSC.

6 A vessel has a deeptank on the starboard side

12 m long 9 m wide which is partly full of
coconut oil of RD 0.72. If W = 12000 t. KM =
9 m and KG = 8.5 m, find the GM fluid.

7 A vessel displacing 8000 t, has a rectangular

deep tank 10 m long 8 m wide and 9 m deep
full of SW. The KM is 7 m and KG 6.2 m. Find
the GM when 1/3 of this tank is pumped out.
Note: Since dimensions of tank are given,
change of KG of tank due to change of
sounding has to be considered.

8 A ship of W 5000 t has a tank 16 m long, 10m

wide and 4 m deep which is empty. KM is 7.2
m and KG 7.0 m. Find the GM fluid if 400 t of
oil of RD 0.95 are received in it. (See note
under previous question).
9 A vessel has two deep tanks, port and
starboard, each 12 m long, 5 m wide and 8 m
deep. The port side is full of SW while the
starboard side is empty. W = 9840 t, KM = 8.5
m, KG = 8.0 m. Calculate the GM fluid if SW
is transferred from P to S until each tank has
equal quantity of ballast.

lOA Ship displacing 10000 t has KM 9.9 m. The

following is her present condition:

Tank KG i Cont­ RD Remarks

(m) (m 4 ) ents
FP Tank 6.3 10 SW 1.025 Full
No 1 DBT 1.15 420 HFO 0.~5 Slack
No 2 P 0.&5 720 HFO 0.~5 Port slack
or S stbd empty
No 3 P 0.&5 240 SW 1.025 Port full
or 5 stbd slack
No 3 C 0.&0 1200 HFO Full
No 4 P
or 5 0.70 300 FW 1.00 Both slack
No 5 P 0.85 180 DO 0.88 Slack
No 5 S 0.85 100 HFO 0.95 Full
AP Tank 8.80 20 SW 1.025 Empty

If the final KG is 8.~54 m, find the final GM fluid.


11 Vessel in same condition as in question la,

transfers some HFO from No.1 DBT to No 2 P
such that No f.. ,P becomes full, while No 1
remains partly "t!Jll. Find the resultant GM
fluid if the final KG is 8.950 m.

M:Ctel: It is not necessary to rework the

entire problem. . Just make the necessary
changes to the final part of the working of
the answer to question la, thus:

F5M obtained finally in

question 10 2087.4 tm
No 2 DBT is now not slack -684 tm
Final F5M for this question 1403.4 tm

Note 2: Where a tank was originally slack

but has now become full or empty, its F5M has
to be subtracted from the final F5M obtained
in question 10.

Note 3: When a tank was originally empty

or full but has now become slack, its F5M
must be added to the final F5M obtained in
question 10.

The final fluid GM can now be computed in

the usual manner.

12 Vessel in same condition as in question la,

transfers 5W ballast from FP into No 35 and
into AP, such that No 35 becomes full while
FP and AP remain partly full. Find the GM
fluid if final KG is 8.880 m.

13 Vessel in same condition as in question 10,

consumes the following while on passage:
All the HFO (200 t) from No 1 DB.
Half the HFO (i.e. 100 t) from No 3 c.

All the FW from No 4 P & 5 (Total 200 t).

Find the fluid GM on arrival at the next port.

Note 4: Find KG on arrival by taking

moments about keel, as explained in chapter 7,
and add an extra column for changes in FSM,
as shown below. Bear in mind notes 1, 2 & 3,
under question 11.
Remarks Weight (t) KG Moment about FSM
L 0 (m) keel (tm) (tm)
L 0

Ship in
Q 10 10,000 -" 8.~54 8~540 2087.4
No.1 DB 200 1.15 230 ( -):ffl

and so on.

Note 5: When dealing with several tanks, as

in a ship's calculation such as this, the change
of KG of a tank due to change in its sounding
may be ignored. This is the actual practice at
For example: When half of the HFO (i.e. 100
t) from No 3 C is pumped out, the moment of
the discharged weight about keel would be 100
x 0.6 = 60 tm.
14 Vessel in same condition as in question 10,
consumes the following on a passage:

All HFO (i.e. 150 t) from No 2 Port.

Part HFO (i.e. 50 t) from No 3 C.
All FW (i.e. 100 t) from No 4 S.

Find the GM fluid on arrival port.

15 Vessel in same condition as in question 10,

loads 1000 t cargo in No 2 LH KG 4 m; 2000 t
cargo in No 4 LH KG 5 m. Find the final GM
fluid, &iven that the final KM is 10.0 m.

16 A ship of 5000 t displacement has a DB tahk

18 m long and 12 m wide, partly full oi SW.
Find the FSC in the following cases:

(a) If the tank is undivided.

(b) If the tank is divided into identical P &
S watertight divisions and
(i) both sides are slack
(ii) only one side is slack.
(c) If the tank is divided into P, S & C
identical watertight divisions and
(i) all three of these are slack.
(ii) Only two of these are slack.
(iii) Only one of these is slack.
(d) If the tank is divided into four identical
watertight divisions - Port inner, Port.
outer, Stbd inner, Stbd outer - and
(i) All four of these are slack.
(ii) Any three of these are slack.
(iii) Any two of these are slack.
(iv) Anyone of these is slack.

Note: The use of 1/n 2 would be a very quick

method of solving this question.

17 A ship of lOOOO t displacement has a fresh

water DB tank which is 20 m long and divided
into P, Sand C watertight divisions. The P &
S divisions are each 4 m wide, while the C
division is 12 m wide. Calculate the FSC in
the following cases:­
(a) Only the port side tank is slack.
(b) Both port and stbd tanks are slack.
(c) Only the centre tank is slack.
(d) All three tanks - PS&C - are slack.
(e) If all the three divisions were not
separate but formed one undivided tank
20 m broad.

Note: : l/n 2 cannot be used here as the

watertight divisions are not identical.

18 A ship has a very small GM. It is decided to

fill up SW ballast, one tank at a time, in six
tanks whose particularts are:­

'i' about tank's

Tank centre line
No 1 DB 280m 4
No 2 P or S 600
No 3 P or S 350
No 3 C 650
State the order in which the tanks must be
filled so as to keep FSC at a minimum at all

19 An unstable vessel is at her angle of loll. The

following tanks are available for SW ballast:­

'i' about tank's

Tank centre line
No 1 DB 400 m 4
No 2 P 700
No 2 S 700
No 4 P 250
No 4 S 250
No 4 C 800
If it is decided to ballast three tanks with SW,
one at a time, state what order should be
followed so as to keep FSE to a minimum.

20 A vessel of W 8000 t, KM 7/3 m, KG 7.0 m, has

a tank 15 m long and 12 m wide, partly full of
HFO of RD 0.95.
(a) Find her moment of statical stability
at 6° heel.

(b) If her BM is 4.9 m, find her moment of

statical stability at 20° heel assuming
that she is wall-sided.


List is the transverse inclination caused when

the COG of the ship is off the centre line.

For a ship to be in static equilibrium, the

forces of buoyancy and gravity must cancel each
other out. In other words, for a ship to be in static

(i) the force of buoyancy must equal the

force of gravity and
(ii) the COB and COG of the ship must be
in a vertical line, as illustrated in
following figure A.

If the COG is moved out of the centre line of

the ship, due to asymmetrical loading or discharging
or due to transverse shift of weights aboard as shown
in figure B,

(i) the ship will sink or rise as necessary

until the force of buoyancy equals the
force of gravity and
(ii) the forces of buoyancy and gravity will
form a couple which will cause the ship
to incline until the COB comes
vertically below the COG as illustrated
in figure C.




In the foregoing figures, GG l is the transverse

shift of COG. The couple formed by the forces of
gravity and buoyancy causes the ship to incline. As
the ship inclines, the COB shifts to the lower side,
as explained in chapter 9, and when it comes
vertically under G l , the ship would be in static
equilibrium. The angle of inclination at which this
happens is the list - -& in foregoing figure C.

In right-angled triangle MGG, ,

Tan -& = GGl where -e- is the angle of list.

GM GGl is the transverse shift of
GM is the final fluid GM
before listing.

Since GG, =
~ -
the formula becomes

Tan -e- = dw where-e- is the angle of list.

W.GM dw is the final listing mom­
ent in tonne metres.
w is the final displacement
in tonnes.
GM is the final fluid GM in

In order to calculate the angle of list

systematically, the following order of work is

Find the final
Find the final
listing moment ( dw ).
displacement ( W ).
(iii) Find the final fluid GM.
(iv) Apply the list formula Tan ~ = dw

Example 1

On a ship of W 5000 t, GM 0.8m, 40 t of cargo

Final listing moment = dw

W remains unchanged.

GM remains unchanged.

is shifted transversely by 10m. Find the list.

= 10 x 40 = 400 tm.

Tan -& = -
= 400
5000 x 0.8
= 0.1

Hence, -G- = 5.71 0 or 50 43'.

Example 2

On a ship of W 8000 t, KG 7.0 m, KM 7.5 m,

100 t of cargo is loaded on the upper deck (KG 9.2

m) 2 m to port of the centre line. Find the list.

Final listing moment= dw = 2 x 100 = 200 tm to port

Final W = 8000 + 100 = 8100 ~

GG 1 t = wd = 100 x 2.2 = 0.027 m
W 8100
KG = 7.000 m
GG11' = 0.027 m
Final KG = 7.027 m
KM = l.2Q.Q m

Final GM = 0.473 m

Tan -G- = dw = 200 = 0.05220
W.GM 8100x 0.473

Hence -e = 2.99° or 2°59' to port.

Example 3

A ship of W 10000 t, KM 7.0 m, KG 6.0 m

works cargo as follows:

Loads 800 t in No 2 LH (KG 3.75) 4 m to port

of the centre line.

Loads 600 t in No 4 LH (KG 6.0 m) 8 m to

starboard of the centre line.

Discharges 400 t from upper deck (KG lO.O m)

2 m to port of the centre line.

If her free surface moment is 4400 tm, find the

final list.

To find the FLM

Remarks Weight (t) dist off CL Listing morn (tm)

Loaded Disch (m) Port Stbd

Cargo No 2 LH 800 4 m to P 3200

Cargo No 4 LH 600 8 m to 5 4800
Cargo UD 400 2 m to P 800
Total 3200 5600
- 3200
FLM = 2400 tm

The next step is to find the final fluid GM.


Weight Moment by keel

Remarks Loaded Disch KG Loaded Disch

Ship 10,000 6.0 60,000

Cargo 2 LH BOO 3.75 3,000
Cargo It LH 600 6.0 3,600
Cargo UD ltoo 10.0 It,ooo
Total 11,ltOO
-ltOO ",600 It,ooO
- ltoo -It,Ooo
Final 11,000 t Final 62,l.OO tm

Final KG = 62, 600 = 5.691 m

FSC = FSM = 4400 = 0.4 m
--w- 11000

KM = 7.000 m
Final KG = 5.691 m
Solid GM = 1.309 m
FSC = 0.400 m
Fluid GM -" 0.909 m

To find the list

Tan -{t = FLM = 2400 = 0.24002

W.GM 11000xO.909

Hence, {t- = 13.5° or 13°30' to stbd.

Example 4

A ship of W 8000 t, GM 0.6 m, is listed 5° to

starboard. How many tonnes of HFO must be
transferred from No 2 S to No 2 P to upright the
vessel, if the centres of the tanks are 7 m apart?
Tan -& = -
or ~

= W.GM. Tan f}

Hence, dw = 8000 x 0.6 x Tan 5° = 420 tm

7w = 420 or w = 60 t

Example 5

A ship of 15000 t W, KM 9.0 m, KG 8.7 m is

listed 10° to port. She now loads 150 t of cargo 7 m
above the keel and 4 m to starboard of the centre
line. Find the final list.

To find the initial listing moment

Tan B- = dW or dw = W • GM. Tan B­

Hence, dw = 15000 x 0.3 x Tan 10° = 793.5 tm

Hence, initial listing moment or ILM = 793.5 tm to


To find final listing moment

LM caused now := 150 x 4 - 600.0 tm to stbd,

ILM = 793.5 tm to port.
FLM = 193.5 tm to port.

To find final W & fluid GM

Final W -:: 15000 + 150 = 15150 t

GG 1 !::- dw -:: 1.7 x 150- 0.017 m
W 15150

Original KG = 8.700 m
GG1+ := 0.017 m
Final KG:= 8.683 m

Final KG = 8.683 m
KM = 9.000 m
Solid GM = 0.317 m
FSC = 0.000 m
Fluid GM = 0.317 m

To find the .list

Tan e- = FLM- 193.5 = 0.04-029

W • GM 15150 x 0.317

Hence,B- = 231 ° or 2° 18' to port.

Example 6

A ship of W 16000 t, KM 9.0 m, KG 8.0 m is

listed 7° to starboard. She then works cargo as

Loads 1600 t cargo KG 4-.5 m, 5.0 m to port.

Loads 14-00 t cargo KG 8. a m, 4-.5 m to stbd.
Discharges 1000 t KG 6.5 m, l.0 from stbd.

Find how many tonnes of ballast must be

transferred transversely to upright the vessel, if the
P & S tank-centres are 10m apart.

Note: The vessel is required to be upright. Hence

FLM must be zero. Since final KG is not asked here,
it need not be calculated.

To find the FLM

ILM = W. GM . Tan e- = 16000 x 1.0 x Tan 7°

= 1964-.6 tm to stbd.

Remarks Weight(t) Dist from CL Listing mom(tm)

Loaded Disch (m) Port Stbd

ILM 1964.6
Cargo 1600 - 5m to port 8000
Cargo 1400 - 4.5m to stbd 6300
Cargo - 1000 1m from stbd 1000

9000 8264.6
- 8264.6
FLM 735.4 to port.

To upright vessel, required to cause a LM of 735.4 to

starboard, by shifting ballast - tank-centres 10m

Hence, dw = 735.4
lOw = 735.4
w = 73.54 t

Required to shift 73.5 t from port tank to starboard


Example 7

A ship displacing 9000 t has KM 8.7 m, KG 7.2

m. She is now listed 8° to port. She has port and
starboard deep tanks, each 10m long, 10m wide and
8 m deep. The port side deep tank, which was full of
SW, is pumped out until its sounding is 2 m. Assuming
that no other tanks on the ship are slack, find the
final list.

, I
, • f=
10 m--->,:

To find the FLM

ILM = W. GM • Tan -tt­ = 9000 x 1.5 x Tan 8°

= 1897.3 tm to port

Weight of SW pumped out = lOx lOx 6 x 1.025

= 615 t

LM caused = 615 x 5 = 3075.0 trn to stbd

ILM = 1897.3 tm to port
FLM = 1177.7 tm to stbd

To find the final fluid GM

(9000 x 7.2) - (615 x 5) = 8385 x Final KG

Final KG = 7.361 m

FSC =i di = lb 3 x di = 10 x 10 3 x 1.025
-W 12 W 12 x 8385

= 0.102 m

KM = 8.700 m
Final KG = 7.361 m
Solid GM = 1.339 m
FSC = 0.102 m
Fluid GM = 1.237 m

To find the list

Tan G = FLM = 1177.7 = 0.11354

W. GM 8385 x 1.237

Hence, .g. = 6.48° or 6° 29' to stbd.

Example 8

A ship of 15000 t displacement, KM 8.6 m, KG

7.0 m, is to discharge a 100 t heavy lift from the
centre line of No 2 LH (KG 2 m) by her jumbo
derrick whose head is 20 m above the keel. The FSM
(free surface moment) is 1000 tm. Find the list
caused when the derrick swings the weight 14 m
away from the centre line of the ship.

To find the FLM

FLM = dw :: 14 x 100 = 1400 tm.

To find the final fluid GM

(When weight is hanging from derrick head)
GG 1 t = dw = 18 x 100 = 0.120 m
W 15000
FSC = FSM = 1000 = 0.067 m
VI 15000
Original KG = 7.000 m
GG 1 t = 0.120 m
NewKG = 7.120 m

New KG = 7.120 m

KM = 8.600 m
GM = 1.480 m
FSC = 0.067 m
Fluid GM = 1.413 m

To find the list

Tan ~ = FLM = 1400 = 0.06605

W. GM 15000 x 1.413

When the weight is hanging from the derrick

with an outreach of 14 m, the list would be 3.78° or

Example 9

A ship of 8000 t displacement has a mean draft

of 7.8 m and is to be loaded to a mean draft of 8.0
m. Her GM is 0.8 m and TPC is 20. She is listed 4°
to starboard at present. How much cargo should be
loaded into the port and starboard 'tween decks
(centres 5 m & 6 m off the centre line respectively)
for the ship to complete loading and finish upright.

Sinkage = 8.0 - 7.8 ' - 0.2 m = 20 cm

Can load = s x TPC = 20 x 20 = 400 t
ILM = W • GM • tan e- = 8000 x 0.8 x tan 4°
= 447.5 tm to stbd.

Let the cargo to be loaded on the port side be, x

tonnes. Hence, the cargo to be loaded on the
starboard side would be (400 - x) tonnes.

Port Stbd
ILM 447.5
Cargo on port side 5 x
Cargo on stbd side 6(400 - x)
Total 5 x 447.5 + 6(400 - x)

To finish upright, port LM = stbd LM.

Hence, 5 x = 447.5 + 6(400 - x)

Hence, x = 259 t (port side)
& (400 - x) = 141 t (stbd side).

Example 10

A ship of W 11 000 t, KM 7.4 m, and KG 6.0 m

is listed 40 to port. A heavy lift weighting 150 t is
to be discharged from No 3 LH using the ship's jumQo
derrick whose head is 23 m above the keel and whose
heel is on the centre line. While in No 3 LH, the
COG of the weight is 3 m above the keel and 5 m to
port of the centre line. Find the list at each of the
following stages:

i) As soon as the derrick picks up the load

from the LH.
ii) When the derrick has swung the load 15 m
to starboard of the centrte line.
iii) After discharging the weight.

Tan.g. = dw or dw = W. GM. tan.g.

Hence, ILM = 11000 x 1.4 x tan 4 0 = 1076.9 tm to port

Stage (i)

As soon as the derrick picks up the load, the

COG of the weight shifts from LH (KG 3 m) to the

derrick . heqd (KG 23 m) i.e., d = 20 m upwards.

Since the GM changes, the list would change.

GG 1t = -dw = 20 x 150 = 0.273 m

W 11000
Original =
GM 1.400 m
GG1 t = 0.273 m
GM at stage (i) = 1.127 m

Tan it = LM = 1076.9 = 0.08687

W. GM 11 000 x 1.127

Hence, .g. at stage (i) = 4.96° or 4°58' to port.

Stage (ii)

When the derrick has swung out 15 m to

starboard of the centre line, the weight has actually
travelled 20 m to starboard because it was originally
lying 5 m to port of the centre line.

LM caused = 20 x 150 = 3000.0 tm to stbd

ILM = 1076.9 tm to port
FLM = 1923.1 tm to stbd

Tan.g. = FLM = 1923.1 = 0.15513

W. GM 11000 x 1.127

Hence, -e- at stage (ii) = 8.82° or 8°49' to stbd.

Stage (iii)

As soon as the weight is discharged, the LM,

GM and W change, causing the list to change.

Final W = 11000 - 150 = 10850 t


LM caused now = 15 x 150 = 2250.0 tm to port.

LM during stage (ii) = 1923.1 tm to stbd.
FLM = 326.9 tm to port. .

KG of ship at stages (i) & (ii) = 6.273 m

Height of derrick head above keel = 23.000 m
- -
d = 16.727 m

! = = =
GG 1
\ -dwW 16.727 x 150
0.2.31 m

GM during stages (i) & (ii)

GM during stage (iii)
= ­1.358
1.127 m

Tan oft = FLM = 326.9 = 0.02219

W. GM 10850 x 1.358

Hence, Fina1-G- = 1.27° or 1°16' to port.

Exercise 11


1) On a ship of W 5000 t, GM 0.3 m, 20 twas

shifted transversely by 5 m. Find the list.

2) On a ship of W 8000 t, GM 2.0 m, if the

following transverse shiftings were done, find.
the list:

200 t cargo shifted 4 m to stbd

100 t cargo shifted 2 m to port
100 t cargo shifted 4 m to port
50 t stores shifted 20 m to stbd

3) If 200 t of cargo was shifted downwards by 10

m and to starboard by 5 m on a ship of W
10000 t, KG 7.0 m, KM 7.4 m, find the list.

4) A quantity of grain estimated to be 100 t

shifts transversely by 12 m and upwards by 1.5
m, on a ship of W 12000 t, GM 1.2 m. Find the
list caused.

5) A ship displaces 4950 t and has KG 4.85 m,

KM 5.79 m. Cargo weighing 50 t is loaded 1.25
m above the keel and 4 m to port of the
centre line. Find the list.

6) A weight of 100 t is discharged from a

position 2.45 m above the keel and 6 m to port
of the centre line of a ship of W 10000 t, KM
8.25 m, KG 7.45 m. Find the list.

7) A ship of 10000 t displacement, KG 8.3 m

carries out the following cargo operations:

Qty. Loaded or KG Distance off

(t) discharged (m) centre line

200 D 10.0 5 m port

800 D 2.3 4 m stbd
500 D 5.2 3 m port
250 L 8.0 nil
250 L 12.0 nil

If the final KM is 9.6 m, find the list.

8) A ship of W 9000 t, KG 8.3 m loads 600 t of

cargo (KG 4.0 m, .3 m to port of the centre
line) and discharges 400 t of cargo (KG 9.0 m,
from 5 m to port of the centre line). 200 t of
cargo is then shifted upwards by 5 m and to
starboard by 8 m. 300 t of cargo is then is
then shifted 1 m downwards and 4 m port.
Find the list if the final KM is 8.95 m.

9) A ship of W 18000 t, KG 7.75 m, discharges

1500 t (6.0 m above the keel and 3 m port of
the centre line) and loads 500 t (l0 m above
the keel and 4 m port of the centre line).
Cargo was then shifted as follows:

500 t upwards 2 m and to starboard 4 m

800 t downwards 2 m and to port 3 m.

If the final KM is 8.935 m, find the list.

10) A ship listed 8° to port, displaces 12000 t and

has KM 7.54 m and KG 6.8 m. Find how many
tonnes of SW ballast must be transferred from
No 2 port DB tank to No 2 stbd DB tank, to
upright in vessel, if the tank-centres are 10m

11) A ship displacing 4000 t has GM 1.0 m (KM

10.0 m & KG 9.0 m) and is listed 10° to port.
If 16000 t of cargo is now loaded on the
centre line and the final GM is 1.0 m (KM 9.0
m & KG 8.0 m), state whether the list would
change. If yes, find the new list.

12) A ship of W 10000 t, GM 1.5 m , is listed 5° to

stbd. If cargo is shifted vertically until her
final GM is 0.5 m, state whether the list would
change. If yes, find the new list.

13) A ship of W 8500 t, KM 9.0 m, KG 8.3 m, is

listed 8~ 0 to stbd. The following cargo
. operations were carried out:

200 t discharged KG 4 m from 5 m stbd of


300 t discharged KG 5 m from 2 m port of CL.

100 t loaded KG 2 m, 4 m to stbd of CL.

200 t shifted up by 2 m and port by 3 m.

If the final KM is 9.3 m ~ find the final list.

14) A ship of 15000 t displacement, KG 8.7 m, KM

9.5 m, is listed 10° to port. The following
cargo work was carried out:

500 t loaded, KG 8.0 m, 5 m stbd of CL.

300 t discharged, KG 4.0 m, 4 port of CL.

Find the quantity of SW ballast that must be

transferred transversely to bring the vessel
upright, the tank centres being 12 m apart.

(Note: Since vessel is required upright, it is

not necessary to calculate the final KG or GM
unless specifically asked).

15) A bulk carrier presently of 12250 t, KM 9.8 m,

KG 9.0 m has a list of 61- ° to starboard. She
then loads 1250 t of ore (KG 8 m, 2 m to stbd
of centre line) and discharges 250 t of ore
(KG 2 m, 5 m from starboard of centre line).
160 t of SW ballast is then transferred from
the stbd shoulder tank to the port DB tank
(vertically downwards by 9 m and transversely
by 10m). Find the final list, assuming that
there are no slack tanks, given that the final
KM is 9.6 m.

16) From a ship of W 8000 t, KM 8.6 m, KG 8.0 m,

some deck cargo was washed overboard (KG
10m, 8 m from the centre line). If the
resultant list is 3~ find the quantity of cargo

17) A ship of W 16000 t, KM 7.5 m, KG 6.0 m,

TPC 25, is listed 3° to port. Her present
mean draft is 8.6 m and she is to finish
loading at 8.8 m mean draft. Space is
available 5 m off the centre line, on either

side. State how much cargo must bE:. stowed

on either side to finish upright.

18) A ship displacing 12000 t has KM 9.0 m, KG

7.25 m. A 200 t heavy-lift is to be loaded by
ship's jumbo whose head is 24 m above the

Find 0) The list as soon as the derrick

picks up the weight from the wharf on the
stbd side with an outreach of 15 m.

(ij) The list when the weight is placed

on the upper deck KG 10m, 7 m to stbd of
the centre line.

19) A ship of W 10000 t, KM 7.3 m, KG 6.8 m, is

listed 50 to port. A heavy-lift weighing 100 t,
lying 6 m to port of the centre line and KG
10.0 m, is to be shifted to the lower hold KG
2.0 m on the centre line of the ship, by the
ship's jumbo derrick whose head is 28 m above
the keel.

Find (i) The list as soon as the derrick

takes the load.
(ii) The list when the derrick swings
tl;le load to the centre line.
(iii) The list after the shifting is over.

20) A ship of W 13000 t, KM 8.75 m, KG 8.0 m,

has a list of 60 to starboard. A heavy-lift
weighing 150 t, .lying on the upper deck 9 m
above the keel and 5 m to stbd of the centre
line, is to be discharged using the ship's jumbo
derrick whose head is 22 m above the keel.

(i) The list as soon as the load is

taken by the derrick.

(ii) When the load is hanging over the

port side of the ship with an outreach of 10 m
from the centre line.
(iii) After discharging the heavy-lift.

21) A ship of 10000 t displacement is floating in

SW and has KM of 10.8 m and KG of 9.0 m.
She is listing 10° to stbd. She has two
rectangular deep tanks, one on either side,
each 12 m long, 12 m wide and 9 m deep. The
stbd tank is full of FW while the port one is
empty. If FW is to be transferred from the
stbd tank to the port one, find

(i) the quantity of FW to transfer to

bring the ship upright.
(ii) the list if one third of the original
FW in the stbd tank is transferred to the port

Note: Fluid GM should be used here.

22) On a ship 8000 t displacement. 50 t is shifted

transversely by 4 m. Find the list if the total
FSM is 1216 tm, KM 7.0 m, KG 6.4 m.

23) A ship has W 10000 t, KM 7.8 m, KG 7.075 m,

and is upright. No 3 port and stbd DB tanks
are full of HFO RD 0.95. Each tank is
rectangular, 15 m long, 12 m wide and 2 m
deep. Calculate the list when HFO is
consumed from No 3 stbd until the sounding is
1.2 m.

24) A vessel displacing 9000 t has KM 8.02 m, KG

7.5 m, and is upright. She loads 250 t KG 12
m, 3 m to stbd of the centre line; loads 1000
t KG 3 m, I m to port of the centre line;
discharges 250 t KG 8 m, 2 m to stbd of the
centre line. 100 t of cargo is then shifted

transversely 3 m to stbd. If the total FSM is

1200 tm, calculate the final list.

25) A ship of 14000 t displacement, KM 9.0 m, KG

7.8 m, has a total FSM of 2100 tm and is
listed 8° to port. How many tonnes must be
shifted transversely by 10m to upright the


1 A stiff vessel is one A tender vessel is

with an unduly large one with a small
GM for her type, GM for her type,
size and nature. size and nature.
Note: Type refers to general cargo, bulker,
tanker, etc., while nature refers to
peculiarities of the vessel.

2 Angle and period of Angle and period of

roll is small. roll is large.

3 Rolling is violent Rolling is smooth

and irregular. and regular.

4 Uncomfortable for Less uncomfortable

people on board for people on board
because of jerky as movements are
movements. regular.

5 Severe stresses set Less severe stresses

up on hull. set up on hull.

6 General cargo likely General cargo, once

to break loose due secured properly, is
to jerky movements. less likely to break

7 Bulk cargo less Bulk cargo more

likely to shift as likely to shift as
angle of roll is angle of roll is
small. large.

8 No likelihood of Likelihood of vessel

vessel becoming becoming unstable
unstable during during passage owing
passage owing to to consumption of
consumption of fuel fuel and fresh
and fresh water water from DB tanks
from DB tanks and and also due to FSE
also due to FSE of of tanks in use.
tanks in use.

9 Greater ability to Less ability to with­

withstand loss of stand such loss of
GM, if any, caused GM.
by bilging.

Note: Bilging is the flooding of a compartment,

as-a result of damage, whereby water has free
access to come in and go out.

10 Greater ability to Less ability to with­

withstand transverse stand transverse shift
shift of cargo­ or cargo - list
list caused by such caused by such shift
shift is small. is large.

Note: As explained in the previous chapter,

Tan -& = dw

It is obvious from the foregoing formula that

the list caused varies inversely as the GM
fluid. Considering identical circumstances, the
.list resulting from transverse shift of cargo
will be less if the vessel is stiff and much more
if the vessel is tender.


A vessel with a considerable quantity of

timber as deck cargo is likely to' be tender' at the
commencement of the voyage itself, owing to such
weight loaded so high up on the ,ship.

On passage, the GM will d~crease further

owing to the following reasons:­

1) Consumption of fuel oil and fresh water from

double bottom tanks.
2) Free surface effect of tanks in use.
3) Absorption of water by the timber on deck.
This depends on:

a) Type of wood - teak, oak, pine, etc.

b) Nature of timber - logs, blocks, planks,
boards etc., - the greater the surface area
exposed, the greater the absorption.
c) Age of timber - new timber would contain
sap and hence not absorb much water
where~s old timber would be dry and .can
absorb more.
d) The amount of precipitation and spray
experienced. In the case of spray, the
absorption may be asymmetrical' - more on
windward side than on leeward side. .

In view of the foregoing points, the amount of

water absorbed is variable and though it can be as
high as thirty percent of the weight of timber, it is
generally around ten to fifteen percent or so. This is
equivalent to adding weight on deck, thereby causing
a rise of the centre of gravity of the ship.

A vessel with a deck cargo of timber,

therefore, becomes less and less stable, possibly
unstable, during the passage. It may not be possible
to increase the metacentric height before departure
from the port, owing to lack of deadweight available
- the vessel may already be down to her loadline.

In order to keep the vessel stable at all times,

the following precautions should be taken:­

i) Plan cargo stowage in lower holds and

tween decks in such a manner as to have as large a
metacentric height as possible.

ii) Ensure that the number of slack tanks is

kept to minimum and also restricted to those tanks
with minimum moment of inerta about the tank's

iii) During the passage, use fuel oil and fresh

water first from the slack tanks until they are
completely empty.

iv) During the passage, fill up adequate

ballast tanks, one at a time, those with smallest 'i'
first, as and when the fuel oil and fresh water tanks
get empty, ensuring that the vessel does not get
overloaded at any time.


The hydrostatic particulars of a ship consist of

displacement, deadweight, tonnes per centimetre
(TPC), height of COB above keel (KB), distance of
COB from after perpendicular (AB) or from midships
(HB), height of transverse metacentre above keel
(KMT), height of the longitudinal metacentre above
keel (KML), distance of centre of flotation from
after perpendicular (AF) or from midships (HF) and
moment to change trim by one centimetre (MCTC).

Since each of these values depends on the

draft of the ship, the hydrostatic pa:-ticulars are
given by the shipyard· in the form of curves of tables
plotted or tabulated against draft.

The foregoing terms have all been explained in

earlier chapters with the exception of the last three
- KML, AF (or HF) and MCTC. These will be
explained in detail in volume II.

All the hydrostatic curves of a ship may be

given, by the shipyard, on a single sheet of graph
paper wherein draft may be indicated on the X-axis
and centimetres on the X-axis. For each curve, one
centimetre on the X-axis represents a different
value, as illustrated on the next page. Some
shipyards include, on the same graph, curves of
additional information which are dependant on draft,
such as wetted surface area, midship area, block
coefficient, water-plane area coefficient, etc.
220 260
71, ~l 6000 10pO -;,­ ~~i- '-,-­ . ''in '&,-­ 9;:-'-­ ,'.;---:;» I




t. ......

l>' I~
I I I " I ./ I I
" I \I I

L L;jd:;;k
9 ...
/1 22
11 12
AB ~nd AF

71 12

In this chapter, the working will be confined

to the -construction of one curve at a time. Problems
based on the hydrostatic particulars as a whole are
included in the next chapter.

When constructing graphs, the following notes

may be borne in mind:­

i) The scale used should be the largest that will

fit on the paper used.
ii) The scale chosen on each axis should be
clearly indicated.
iii) The curves may be drawn to scale on ordinary
paper. It is not necessary to use graph paper.
iv) The graphs need to be drawn only within the
given limits, for example: if the drafts are given
between 2 m and 8 m, it is not normally necessary to
show drafts less than 2 m or more than 8 m on the

Example I

Given the following information, construct a

displacement curve:

Draft (m) 2 3 4 5 6

Displ (t) 1400 3200 5050 7000 9000

From your curve,

i) If the light displacement is 1300 t, find the

DWT aboard at 4.2 m draft.

ii) Find the TPe at 5 m draft.

i) From curve on next page,

Disp. at 4.2 m draft = 5475 t
Light displacement = !lQQ t
DWT aboard = 4175 t

Q): ,


7400 t
- -- - ---
I 0
I 6600 t
- -
I QI 0
I c ID
J c
I I ---
SG7S t
- - -- 0...
I I c 0
.- 0

I I I 0

I I I z
I w
I I ~
I I w
I u
I « 0
I I I -J

I I 0­
I Ul
~ I 0
W lJ'i
~ ";1
---.J I
0... I I I
L: I
<{ I I
W I I I 0
I I 0

~ Lt'l -..f M N5!

DRAFT in metres

ii) Disp. at 5.2 m draft = 7400 t

Disp. at 4.8 m draft = 6600 t
40 cm draft corresponds to 800 t
1 cm draft would mean 800 = 20 t
Hence, TPC at 5 m draft = 20

Example 2

Construct a TPC curve from the following


Draft 1 2 3 4 5

TPC 3.44 5.81 7.00 7.62 8.00

From your curve, find the area of the water plane at

3.6 m draft in SW.
From graph (next page) TPC at 3.6 m draft = 7.4

1.025A = 7.4 or A = 7.4 x 100 = 722 m2

100 1.025
Hence, area of WP at 3.6 m draft = 722 m2

Example 3

Construct a KB curve for a box-shaped vessel 150 m

long, 18 m broad between 4 m and 9 m draft.

If the BM at 6 m draft is 4.5 m, and the KG of the

vessel is 6.0 m, find the GM at that draft.

Since KB = t draft,

At 6 m draft KB = 3.0 m
BM = 4.5 m
KM = 7.5 m
KG = 6.0 m
GM = Um

TPC 7.1.



N a::


DRAFT in metres

To construct graph

Draft KB

4 m 2.0 m
5 2.5
6 3.0
7 3.5
8 4.0
9 4.5





3 4 5
KB in metres

Exercise 12

H>:drostatic curves

1 Construct a displacement curve from

the following information:­

Draft (m) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3

Disp (t) 330 1020 1950 2930 3850

From your graph, find:

(a) TPC at 2 m draft.
(b) The draft when disp is 3000 t.

2 Given the following information, construct a

displacement curve:­

Draft (m) 4 5 6 7 8
Disp (t) 7600 9800 12000 14300 16600

If the present draft is 5.4 m, and the load

draft is 7.8 m, find the DWT available.

3 Disp (t) 770 1270 1800 2400 3100

Draft (m) 1 2 3 4 5

Using the foregoing data, construct a

displacement curve.

If on arrival, the draft was 1.8 m and then

2000 t of cargo was loaded, 200 t of ballast
was pumped out, find the draft on sailing.

4 Construct a deadweight curve, from the

following data:­

Draft (m) 2 3 4 5 6
DWT (t) 360 980 1680 2770 4080

(a) Find the DWT aboard at 4.75 m draft.

(b) Find the TPC at 4 m draft.

(c) If the light displacement is 376 t, find

the displacement at 5.4 m draft.

5 Construct a TPC curve from the following:­

Draft (m) 2 3 4 5 6 7
TPC 20.90 21.62 22.08 22.47 22.9523.54

From your curve, find the IPe a't 6.6 m draft

and at 3.3 m draft.

6 The following is taken from a ship's

-hydrostatic particulars:­

Draft (m) 1 2 j 4 5 6
TPC 58.90 62.30 63.0 64,.6065.3265.86

(a) Find the area of the waterplane at 4.2

m draft.
(b) At 4 m draft, the vessel loads 325 t of
cargo. Find the new draft.

7 From the following information, construct a

KB curve:­

Draft (m) 123 4

KB (m) 0.667 1.333 2.0 2.667

If at 2.4 m draft the BM is 2.5 m, find the KM.

8 Construct a KB curve for a box-shaped vessel

50 m long and 12 m wide between the drafts
of 1 m and 5 m.
If at 4 m draft the BM is 3 m, find the KM.

9 From the following information, construct a

KMT curve:­
Draft (m) 2 4 6 8 10

KMT (m) 16.0 9.86 8.44 8.25 8.62


From your graph,

(a) Find the minimum value of KMT and the

draft at which it occurs.

(b) If the KG is 6.3· m, find the GM at 5.6

m draft.

10 The following is taken from the hydrostatic

particulars of a ship:­

Draft (m) 2 3 4 5 6 8 10
KML (m) 560 391 303 248 211174 156

If the KG is 8 m, find the GML at 7 m draft~



As mentioned in the previous chapter, the

hydrostatic particulars of a ship may be given in the
form of curves or tables plotted or tabulated against
draft. Appendix I at the pnd of the book is the
hydrostatic table of an imaginary general cargo ship
m.v. 'VIJA YI. The use of the hydrostatic table can be
understood properly by going through the following
worked examples:

Example 1

Find the hydrostatic particulars of m.v. 'VIJA Y' at a

draft of 5.1 m in SW.

This is obtained by direct linear interpolation

between the tabulated values against the drafts of
5.0 m and 5.2 m.

Required draft 5.100 m

5.000 m

Next below as per table

Difference from next below
-.100 m
Tabulated interval .200 m
Interpolation ratio .1 :: 0.5

Next below 5.0 9891 22.06 165.7

Next above 5.2 10333 22.14 167.1


Tabular difference .2 442 .08 1.4

Interpolation ratio x.5 x.5 x.5 x.5
Diff. from top line J 221 :04 J
Top line 5.0 9891. 22.06 165.7
Required values 5.1 10112 22.10 166.4 '

- -KMT

Next below 5.0 72.014 71.913 2.685 8.68{, 254.3

Next above 5.2 72.011 71.842 2.789 8.566 245.4

Tab. diff. .2 .003 .071 .104 .120 8.9

Int. ratio x.5 x.S x.5 x.5 x.S x.5

Difference .1 .002 .036 .052 .060 4.5

Top line 5.0 72.014 71.913 2.685 8.68{, 254.3

Reqd. values 5.1 72.012 71 .877 2.737 8.626 249.8

Note 1: Wand KML may be worked to one decimal

place and the others to three decimal places.

Note 2: In actual practice, the interpolation need

not be shown so elaborately. Such interpolation may
be done mentally, or in rough, or by a calculator and
only the results shown.

Example 2

Find the hydrostatic particulars of m.v. 'VIJA yl at a

displacement of 11762 t in SW.

This is obtained by direct linear interpolation

between the tabulated values against the SW
displacements just below and just abcve the given SW

Required displacement 11762 t

Next below as per table 11672 t
Difference from next below 90 t
Tabulated interval 4- 50 t
Interpolation ratio = 90 = 0.2

Next below 11672 5.8 22.37 171.3

Next above 12122 6.0 22.45 17:1.9
Tabular difference 450 0.2 .08 1.6
Interpolation ratio x.2 x.2 x.2 x.2
Diff. from top line 90 .04 .016 .32
Top line 11672 5.80 ~ 171 .3
Required values 11762 5.84 22.386 171 .6

Next below 11672 71.977 71.586 3.102 8.298 223.0

Next above 12122 71.960 71.472 3.205 ~ 217.2

Tab. diff. 450 .01·7 .114 .103 .064 5.8

Int. ratio x.2 x.2 x.2 x.2 x.2 x.2

Difference 90 .003 .023 .021 .013 1.2
Top line 11672 71 .977 71.586 3.102 8.298 223.0
Reqd.volues 11762 71 .974 71.563 3.123 8.285 221.8
See notes at the end of example 1.

Example 3

Find the displacement of m.v. 'VIJA Y' when floating at

a draft of 6.4- m in OW of RD 1.015.

At 6.4- m draft in SW, W = 13030 t.

(This was obtained from the hydrostatic tables).

At 6.4- m draft in SW, u/w volume = 13030 m3


Hence, u/w volume of ship at 6.4 m

draft in any water = 13030 m3


At 6.4 m draft in DW RD 1.015,

W = 13030 x 1.015 = 12902.9 t


Example 4

Find the draft of m.v. 'VIJAY' in DW of RD 1.010, at

a displacement of 10650 tonnes.

Three methods of working this out are shown. The

first one is more tedious but is very easy to
understand. The second method is quicker to do,
once the reasoning is understood. The third method
is applicable only in this case, where displacement is
given, and is hence not recommended for general use.

Alternative 1

Draft W in SW u/w vol W in DW of RD 1.010

m t m3 t

5.2 10333 10333 '10333 x 1.010 = 10181.8

1.025 1.025
5.4 10777 10777 10777 x 1.010 = 10619.3
1.025 1.025
5.6 11223 11223 11223 x 1.010 = 11 058.8
1.oi5" 1.025

The first two columns are taken from the hydrostatic

table, while the next two are computed.

Interpolation is done between the first and last

columns for the desired W of 10650 t in DW as shown
on the next page:

W in DW Draft
t m
10619.3 5.4
11058.8 5.6

10650 5.414 answer

Nternative 2
The underwater volume of a ship for a given draft is
So at any draft,

W in SW x density of DW = W in DW (at same draft)



W in SW = W in DW x 1.025 (at same draft).·

density of DW

In this case,

W at same draft in SW = 10650 x 1.025

= 10808.2 t

Using the first two columns of the hydrosTatic table,

interpolate for W of 10808.2 t, as shown below:

W in SW Draft
t m

10777 5.4
11223 5.6

10808.8 5.414 answer

Alternative 3

Entering the hydrostatic table with W of 10650 t, the

draft and TPC, both for SW, can be obtained:

W Draft TPe
(SW) (SW)

10333 5.2 22.14

10777 5.4 22.22
10650 5.343
FWA at 5.343 m SW draft = W
= 10650
40 x 22.197
= 12 cm
DWA at 5.343 m SW draft = 0.025 - 1.010) x 12
= 7.2 cm = .072 m
SW draft for W 10650 t = 5.343 m
OWA = .072 m
DW draft for W 10650 t = 5.415 m

Note: This method can be used only where W is given

and draft in OW or FW is to be calculated. It cannot
be used to find W accurately, given draft in OW or
FW. This method is, therefore, not recommended for
general use.

Example 5

Find the hydrostatic particulars of m.v. 'VIJAY' at 6.8

m draft in OW of RO 1.015.

From the hydrostatic table,


&.8 13943 22.83 180.3 71.85& 70.802 3.&20 8.07& 198.4

AB, AF, KB, KMT and KMLare functions of the ship's

underwater volume and shape and are hence
dependant on the draft only, not on the density of
water displaced. Their values tabulated against draft
hold good in any water, whether SW, FW or OW, for
that draft.

However, W, TPC, and MCTC are functions of the

draft and the density of water displaced. A
correction would have to be applied, for the density
of OW, to the tabulated values which are for SW.
Note: A simple thumb rule for quick thinking would
~that, among all the hydrostatic particular's
tabulated against draft, those given in metres hold
good for that draft in water of any density whereas
those ,given in other units (t, t em -1, tm cm- 1),are
for SW and need correction for OW or FW.

As explained in detail in example 4, at any draft,

W in OW = W in SW x density of OW (at same draft)

At 6.8 m draft in OW, W = 13943 x 1.015 = 13807 t

The same correction for OW density must be applied

to the tabulated TPC and MCTC.

At 6.8 m draft in OW, TPC = 22.83 x 1.015

= 22.607 t cm- 1
At 6.8 m draft in OW, MCTC= 180.3 x 1.015
= 178.541 tm cm- 1
Example 6

Find the hydrostatic particulars of m.v. 'VIJA Y' at

12122 t displacement in FW.

As explained in detail in example 4,

W in SW = W in DW x L025 (at same draft)
density of DW
= 12122 x 1.025 = 12425 t

Whereas she is displacing 12122 t of FW, she would

displace 12425 t of SWat the same draft. The draft
and the hydrostatic particulars may be interpolated
for 12425 t of W in SW and the results obtained in
two lots - the first lot requiring correction for
density; the second lot being correct as it is.

At any draft, W in FW = W in SW x 1

Hence, to convert SW W, TPC and MCTC to FW

divide each by 1.025.

From hydrostatic table


In SW 12122 6.0 22.45 172.9
In SW 12575 6.2 22.54 174.6
In SW 12425 6.134 22.510 174.03
Corrn. -;- 1.025 -:-1.025 +1.025
In FW 12122 6.134 21.961 169.79

From hydrostatic table,


6.0 71.960 71.472 3.205 8.234 217.2
6.2 71.939 71.329 3.309 8.180 211.6
6.134 71.946 71.376 3.275 8.198 . 213.4

These particulars, AB, AF, KB, KMT and KML, hold

good at 6.134 m draft in water of any density.

Example 7

M.V. 'VIJAY', floating at 3.8 m draft in SW, loads

3640 t of cargo and pumps out 810 t of ballast. Find
her new draft.

From hydrostatic table, at 3.8 m draft W = 7277t

Cargo loaded = 3640t
10917 t
Ballast out = 810t
New W = 10107t

Interpolating from hydrostatic table for W 10107t,

W Draft
9891 5.0
10333 5.2
10107 5.098 m

Example 8

Initial SW draft of m.v. 'VIJAY' was 5.4 m and the

final SW draft was 4.7 m. Meanwhile 2000 t of
ballast was pumped out. Find the amount of cargo

From hydrostatic table, W at 5.4 m draft =10777 t

Ballast out = 2000t
W before cargo work = 8777t
From hydrostatic table, W at 4.7 m draft = 9232t
Hence, cargo loaded = 455 t

Note Though cargo work and deballasting may have

been done simultaneously, it is easier to work it out
as if the known quantity was handled first.

Example 9

M.V. 'VIJA yl arrives with a draft of 6.2 m in DW of

RD 1.012. She is expected to load 2800 t of cargo
and discharge 1098 t. Compute her departure draft
in (i) DW (in SW.

At 6 .2 m draft, W in DW = W in SW x 1.012
= 12575 x 1.012
= 12415.5 t
Hence arrival W = 12415.5 t

Cargo loaded = 2800.0 t

15215.5 t

Cargo discharged = 1098.0 t

Departure W = 14117.5 t

From hydrostatic table, W Draft inSW

13943 t 6.8 m
14402 t 7.0 m
14117.5 t 6.876 m

Hence, SW draft on departure = 6.876 m = answer (ii}

- To find the DW draft on departure, using hydrostatic

table meant for SW, work as shown in example 4.

If draft is constant, u/w vol of a ship is also


W in SW = W in DW
1.025 DW density

Hence, at same draft, W in SW = 14117.5 x 1.025

= 14298.9 t

If ship is displacing 14117.5 t of OW, she would

displace 14298.9 t of SW, at same draft. So entering
the hydrostatic table with 14298.9 t, the draft can
be obtained. This is the draft in OW at 14117.5 t W.

W Draft
13943 t 6.8 m
14402 t 7.0 m
14298.9 t 6.955 m

Hence departure draft in OW = 6.955 m answer (i)

in SW = 6.876 m answer (ii)

Example 10

On arrival port, m.v. 'VIJA Y' had a draft of 6.6 m

when RD was 1.010. On departure the draft and RD
were 5.4 m and 1.020. Find the amount of cargo

Arrival W = 13486 x 1.010 = 13288.6 t

Departure W = 10777 x 1.020 = 10724.4 t
Hence, cargo worked in port: discharged ,2564.2 t

Exercise 13
Hydrostatic table

1- Find the hydrostatic particulars of m.v. 'VIJA Y'

at 4.72 m draft in SW.

2 Find the hydrostatic particulars of ITl.V. 'VIJA Y'

at a displacement of 7990 t in SW.

3 If the draft of m.v. 'VIJA Y' is 5.0 m in DW of

RD 1.005, find the displacement.

4 Find the displacement when m~v. 'VIJA Y' is at

5.63 m draft in water of RD 1.017.

5 Find the DW draft of m.v. 'VIJA Y' when her

displacement is 12650 t, if RD of DW is 1.009.

6 At 10,000 t displacement, find the draft of m.v.

'VIJA Y' in DW of RD 1.020.

7 Find the hydrostatic particulars of m.v. 'VIJA Y'

at 5.0 m draft in DWof RD 1.015.

8 State the hydrostatic particulars of m.v.

'VIJA Y' in FW at a draft of 6.1 m.

9 Calculate the hydrostatic particulars of m.v.

'VIJAY' at 4.7 m draft in DW of RD 1.013.

10 Find the hydrostatic particulars of m.v. 'VIJAY'

at 10,000 t displacement in FW.

11 If m.v. 'VIJA Y' has a displacement of 8576 t,

find her hydrostatic particulars in DW of RD

12 M.V. 'VIJAY' has a draft of 5.1 m in SW. She

then loads 1800 t of cargo and takes on 400 t
of bunkers and FW. Find her new draft.

13 The arrival and departure drafts of m.v.

'VIJAY' were 4.6 m and 5.0 m in SW. In port,
1500 t of bunkers, FW and stores were
received. Find the amount of cargo worked.
State whether the cargo was loaded or

14 M.V.'VIJAY' at 4.0 m draft in SW loads 5000 t

of cargo and pumps out 800 t of ballast. Find
her final draft.
15 Initial draft of m.v. 'VIJA Y' in DW of RD 1.010

is 5.3 m. She then loads 2500 t of cargo. Find

her final draft (i) in the same dock. (ii) in SW.

16 M.V. 'VIJA Y' is floating in OW of RO 1.017 at a

draft of 5.6 m. How much cargo can be loaded
so that her draft will be 6.4 rn in SW?

17 M.V. 'VIJAY' arrives outside a river port at a

SW draft of 6.0 m. She is to cross a 5.4 m deep
bar in the river RO 1.015. Find the minimum
cargo to discharge into lighters, so that she
may cross the bar with an under-keel clearance
of 0.4 m.

18 M~V. 'VIJAY' arrives at the port of Cochin

(India) at 4.9 m draft in RO 1.006. On
departure the draft was found to be 6.0 m-
hydrometer reading 1.018. While in port, 2,
heavy lifts weighting 200 t each were
discharged. Find the amount of general cargo

19 M.V. 'VIJA Y' leaves the port of Bombay at 6.8

m draft in SW, bound for Calcutta. The owners
want to know what would be the FW draft on
arrival at the Calcutta pilot station. Can you
help them out? Steaming time six days,
consuming 20 t of fuel and 15 t of FW per day.
State also the SW draft on arrival.

20 M.V.'VIJA Y' is expected to arrive at a river

port at a FW draft not exceeding 6.3 m. She is
at present in OW of RO 1.020 at 5.4 m draft.
Find the maximum amount of cargo that may
be loaded at present, if the steaming time to
the river port is eight days, daily consumption
of fuel being 14 t and FW 16 t.


The hydrostatic particulars of a ship are

indicated against hydrostatic draft which is the true
draft of the ship. Hydrostatic draft may be a little
different from the midship's draft (which is the
arithmetical mean of the drafts for'd and aft) when
the ship is not on an even keel.

The hydrostatic draft of a ship is the draft

measured at the centre of flotation (COF).

COF is the geometric centre of the waterplane

area of the ship and it is the point about which she
would pivot, when her trim is changed. The position
of COF is indicated by its distance forward of the
after perpendicular of the ship (AF) or by its
distance forward or a~aft midships (HF). AF (or HF,
as the case maybe) depends on the hydrostatic draft
of the ship and its values are indicated against it in
the hydrpstatic particulars.

The meaning of hydrostatic draft is further

explained as follows:

Imagine a ship floating at an even keel draft·

of 6.0 m. This means that her draft at the forward
perpendicular is 6.0 m and at the after perpendicular
also it is 6.0 m. Her mean draft (or qraft amidships)
is also 6.0 m. If some cargo is now shifted. aft, the
ship's after draft would increase and her forward
draft would decrease - she would trim by the stern.


w l



w -&
- - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - -
OLD DRAFT 6.0m-- .. -- .. --------------- 6.Dm------6.Dm--------------------------- 6.0m
NEW DRAFT 6.3m 6.0m S.Sm 5.5m

Trim is the difference between the drafts forward

and aft.

If the COF is situated amidships i.e., if F and H

were coincident, the ship would pivot about F and
the change of drafts at the forward and after
perpendiculars would be the same in value but
opposite in sign, as shown in figure 1.

In figure l, WL is the waterline before, & W1 L 1

the waterline after, the shifting of cargo towards aft.
Because COF is amidships, the decrease in draft for'd
and the increase in draft aft are equal, indicated by
x in figure 1. The trim caused would then be 2x.
The drafts before and after shifting of cargo are also
indicated at the bottom of the figure at the for'd
perpendicular, the after perpendicular and amidships
(mean draft). When the COF is amidships, mean draft
and hydrostatic draft are the same.

If the COF is situated abaft amidships, as

shown in figure 2, the change of drafts for'd and aft
would not only be opposite in sign (decrease for'd &
increase aft in this case) but would also be of
different values - greater change for'd and smaller
change aft - indicated by y & z respectively in
figure 2.

In figure 2, WL & W1 L 1 are the waterlines

before and after shifting of cargo towards aft. The
trim caused is y+z. The drafts before and after
shifting cargo are indicated at each of four points ­
for'd, aft, midships (mean) and at F. It may be
noted that before, the drafts were 6.0 m all over but
after shifting of cargo, the mean (midships) draft in
5.9 m in this case whereas the hydrostatic draft
remains unaltered at 6.0 m.

Referring to figure 2 and omitting any specific

numerals, in right angled triangle FHJ,

HJ = Tan {}
But Tan {} also = Trim


So H~ = Trim or HJ = HF x Trim

Hence, correction to apply to mean draft to obtain

hydrostatic draft = HF x Trim

This correction is positive when COF is abaft

midships and the vessel is trimmed .by the stern.

If the vessel was now trimmed by the head, by

shifting. cargo forward, the correction to apply to
mean draft to obtain hydrostatic draft would be
negative as illustrated by figure 3.

Similar simple illustrations can be made, where

F is forward of midships, to show that:

Correction to apply to mean draft to obtain

hydrostatic draft = HF x trim (See figure 4)
This correction is positive when HF and trim are of
same name (both aft or both for'd) and negative when
they are of contrary names (one for'd and other aft).

Note: HF is the distance of COF from amidships and

is convenient to use if the ship's hydrostatic table
indicates longitudinal distances from midships (H).

Hydrostatic draft may also be obtained by

applying a correction to the aft draft of the ship.
Referring to figures 2 & 3, it may be seen that the
correction to apply to the aft draft to obtain
~-J-Jl '

~ i"o. ,


<.9 I (.!)
I ­l.1­
..,:I: I
I ....... ...,


m :I:
l..L.1+1"--+-+J 1
fj; I ~ N
I .!. ~

---;-- « +I~+-'--
vr­ <{ I
.... ~~

hydrostatic draft is z, to be subtracted when the sh~p

is trimmed by the stern and added when trimmed by
tfile head.
z = Trim (Since both = Tan ~

Hence, z = AF x Trim

Hence, correction to apply to after draft to obtain

hydrostatic draft = AF x Trim

This correction is negative when the vessel is

trimmed by the stern and positive when trimmed by
the head.

Note AF is the distance of the COF from the after

_ perpendicular of the ship and is convenient to use
when the ship's hydrostatic table indicates
longitudinal distances from the after perpendicular

Example 1

A ship is floating at a draft of 4.9 m for'd & 6.3 m

aft. Her LBP is 120 m. If her COF is 2 m abaft
midships (HF 2 m aft or AF 58 m), calculate the
hydrostatic draft.

For'd 4.9 m For'd 4.9 m

Aft 6.3 m Aft 6.3 m
Mean 5.6 m Trim 1.4 m by stern

Correction to mean draft = HF x Trim


= 2 x 1.4
= 0.023 m

Since HF and trim are of same name (both aft), this

correction is positiv~1-

Mean draft 5.600 m

Correc~ion +0.023 m

Hydrostatic draft 5.623 m answer.


Correction to aft draft = AF x Trim

= 58 x 1.4 = 0.677 m

Since trim is by stern, this correction is negative.

Aft draft 6.300 m

Correction -0.677 m
Hydrostatic draft 5.623 m answer.

Example 2

Find the hydrostatic draft given the following

particulars: Draft for'd 6.8 m, aft 5.0 m, COF 3 m
aft of midships (i.e., HF 3 m aft or AF 60 m), LBP
126 m.

For'd 6.8 m For'd 6.8 m

Aft 5.0 m Aft 5.0 m

Mean 5.9 m Trim 1.8 m by head

Correction to mean draft = HF x Trim

= 3 x 1.8 = 0.043 m

Since HF and trim are of contrary names, this

correction is negative.

Mean draft 5.900 m

Correction -0.043 m

Hydrostatic draft 5.857 m answer.

Correction to aft draft = AF x Trim
60 x 1.8 = O.857m
Since trim is by head, this correction is positive.

Aft draft 5.000 m

Correction +0.857 m
Hydrostatic draft 5.857 m answer.

Example 3

M.V. 'VIJAY' is floating in SWat 5.0 m for'd and 7.0 m

aft. Find her hydrostatic draft, using the hydrostatic
table given in Appendix I.

For'd 5.0 m For'd 5.0 m

Aft 7.0 m Aft 7.0 m
Mean 6.0 m Trim 2.0 m by stern

For mean draft of 6.0 m, AF = 71.472 m

Correction to aft draft = AF x Trim

= 71.472 x 2 = 1.021 m

Since trim is by stern, this correction is negative.

Aft draft 7.000 m

Correction -1.021 m
Hydrostatic draft 5.979 m answer.


HF in this case is 1.472 m for'd

Correction to mean draft = HF x Trim
1.472 x 2 = 0.021 m
Since the trim and HF are of contrary names, this
correction is. negativee

Mean draft 6.000 m

Correction -0.021 m

Hydrostatic draft 5.979 m answer.

Example 4

Find the hydrostatic draft of m.v. 'VIJAY' when at'4.9

m for'd draft and 5.5 m aft draft in DW- of RD l~OtO.

For'd 4.9 m For'd 4.9 m

Aft 5.5 m Aft 5.5 m
Mean 5.2 m Trim 0.6 m by stern

From the hydrostatic table, AF is 71.842 m at 5.2 m

draft in water of any density.

Corrn to aft draft = AF x'Trim

= 71.842 x 0.6 = 0.308 m
Since trim is by stern, this correction is negative.

Aft draft 5.500 m

Correction -0.308 m

Hydrostatic draft
-5.192 m answer.

Note: T.his may also be worked using HF as

illustrated in earlier examples.

Exercise 14
Hydrostatic draft

1 Drafts for'd 6.6 m, aft 8.6 m;COF 2 m for'd of

midships; LBP 100 m. Find hydrostatic draft.

2 Given the following particulars, find the

hydrostatic draft in DW of RD 1.016 : Drafts
for'd 4.9 m, aft 4.3 ffi; HF 3.0 m for'd; LBP
120 m.

3 A vessel is floating in FW at drafts of 8.0 m

for'd and 12.0 m aft. If her HF is 2.5 aft and
LBP is 200 m, calculate her hydrostatic draft.

4 Drafts for'd 9.6 m, aft 8.2 in SW; COF 1.8 m

abaft midships; LBP 180 m. Find hydrostatic

5 A ship is floating in water of RD 1.012 'at

drafts of 7.2 m for'd and 8.8 m aft. Find her
hydrostatic draft if the COF is amidships.

6 A ship of LBP 176 m is floating in FW at a

draft of 12.6 m for'd and 12.6 m aft. If her
COF is 3 m for'd of midships, find her
hydrostatic draft.

7 Drafts in FW, for'd 6.6 m, aft 8.4 m, LBP 200

m; AF 96 m. Find hydrostatic draft.

8 M.V. 'VIJAY' is floating in DW of RD 1.020 at

drafts of 4.2 m for'd and 6.0 m aft. Find her
hydrostatic draft.

9 M.V. 'VIJAY' is floating in DW of RD 1.015 at

drafts of 5.0 m for'd and 7.0 m aft. Find her
hydrostatic draft in SW.

NOTE: Find hydrostatic draft in DW and then


compute hydrostatic draft in SW.

10 M.V. 'VIJA yl is floating at drafts of 6.2 m

for'd and 7.8 m aft in FW. Find her present
displacement. If the departure draft in 5 W is
not to exceed 7.0 m state how much cargo she
may load.


Exercise 1

1 1123.2 t 2 1.158 rn 3 1646.4 t, 0.24 rn

4 423.6 t, 0.291 rn S 1537.5 t 6 3.398 rn, 5136.8 t
7 1.5 rn 8 0.,333 rn 9 6428.8 t, 0.41 rn
10 8956.3 t. 1.097 rn

Exercise 2

1 164 t 2 47470 t (two sides 15150 t, two ends 2020 t'

and keel 30300 1) 3 2000 rn 4 440.4 t towards
shallower side. 5 15.804 rn 6 738 t 7 145.3 t
8 6.864 t 9 50.02 t 10 8200 t, 4100 t outwards.

Exercise 3
1 25.6 t, 0.8 2 0.732 rn, 0.75 3 1.386 rn
4 7.92 t 5 328 t 6 0.689 t 7 102.5 t
8 1.749 t 9 6 rn 10 2025 t

Exercise 4
1 7380 t, 18081 t. 10701 t 2 10906 t. 5740 t, 1291.5 t
3 32.8 tcrn - I , 32.0 tcrn _.\. 32.48 tcrn - I
4 16359 t S 9092.16 t. 2907.84 t 6 0.7
7 30~{) 8 42.857% 9 29.268 tcrn-I. 29.795 tcrn I
10 788.3 t

Exercise 5

1 8.2 rn 2 12.2 crn rise. 3 6.4 crn sinkage.

4 8.4 crn rise. 5 5.0 crn 6 1.063 rn 7 31.71":,
8 2979.5 t 9 4590 t 10 320 t 11 212.2 t
12 152.2 t 13 397.7 t 14 620.8 t 15 427.8 t
16 307.9 t 17 906 t 18 640 t 19 567.2 t
20 .309.7 t

Exercise 6

1 6.1 m 2 5.75 m 3 4.11 m 4 6.45 m

5 Decreases by 0.75 m 6 lQ.8 m 7 450.45 t
8 (a) 7.9 m (b) 7.45 m ., (a) 9.358 m (b) 9.188 m
10 (a) 8.057 m (b) 8.0lO m

Exercise 7

1 3.380 m 2 4.100 m 3 6.lO9 m 4 4.183 m

5 4.865 m 6 1272.7 t 7 225.8 m
8 (a) 8.475 m 9 (a) 8.191 m 10 (a) 7.120 m
(b) 8.266 m (b) 7.954 m (b) 7.053 m

Exercise 8

1 1.6 m 2 3.048 m 3 3.558 m 4 1328.4 t

5 0.082 m 6 0.053 m 7 0.497 m 8 2.487 m
9 KB 2.5 m. AB 28.lO7 m 10 KB 3.667 m. AB 22.5 m

Exercise 9

1 348.6 tm 2 1200 tm, 7.243 m 3 7.505 m

4 GZ 0.239 m, RM 1912 tm 5 GZ 0.300 m. RM 1200 tm

Exercise 10

1 0.043 m 2 0.050 m 3 0.600 m 4 0.974 m

5 0.054 m 6 0.456 m 7 0.785 m 8 0.386 m
9 0.574 m 10 0.737 m 11 0.8lO m
12 0.833 m 13 0.285 m 14 0.458 m 15 1.874 m
16 (a) 0.531 m (b)(i) 0.133 m (b)(il) 0.066 m
(c) (0 0.059 m (c) (il) 0.039 m (c) (iii) 0.020 m
(4) (i) 0.033 m (d) (il) 0.025 m (d) (iii) O.oI 7 m
ld) (tv) 0:008 m 17 (a) 0.OlO7 m (b) 0.021 ,I m
1'7 (c) 0.288 m (d) 0.309 m. (e) 1.333 m

18 No. I. No. 3 anyone side. No.3 other si~. No.2 anyone side,

No. 2 other side. No. 3 centre.

19 No. 4 wing tank on lower side. No.4' wing tank on higher

side. No. 1 DB tank.

20 (a) 537.7 tm (b) GZ 0.331 m. RM 2648 tm

Exercise 11

I 3.81 ° or 3° 49' 2 4.29° or 4° 17' to stbd.

3 9.46 ° or 9° 28' to stbd. 4 4.81 ° or 4 ° 49'

5 2.35° or 2° 21' to port. 6 4.63° or 4° 38' to stbd.

7 8.23° or 8° 14' to port. 8 4.21 ° or 4° 13' to stbd.

9 7.04° or 7° 03' to stbd. 10 124.8 t

II 2.0r or 2°01' to port. 12 14.71 ° or 14°42' to stbd.

13 2.56° or 2°33' to stbd. 14 132 t from stbd. to port.

15 4.93° or 4°56' to stbd. 16 31.7 t

17 124.2 t on port side, 375.8 t on stbd side.

18 (i) 9.46° or 9°28' to stbd. (il) 3.85° or 3°51' to stbd

19 (i) 7.78° or 7°47' to port. (ii) 2.91°or 2°55' to stbd.

(ill) 1.61 ° or 1°36' to stbd.

20 (i) 7.48° or 7°29' to stbd. (ii) 8.93° or 8°56' to port.
(iii) 1.61 ° or 1°36' to stbd.
21 (i) 264.5 t (ii) 6.69° or 6°42' to port.
22 3.19° or 3°12' 23 10.69° or 10°41' to port.
24 3.43 or 3°26' to port. 25 206.6 t to stbd.

Exerci!Je 12

1 (a) 19.5 tcm - I (b) 2.55 m 2 5425 t 3 4.85 m

-4(a) 2450 t (b) 8.75 tcm -I (c) 3616 t
5 23.26 tcrn.- I , 21.78 tcrn -I 6(a) 6317.1rn 2 (b) 4.054 m
7 4.100 rn 8 5.000 rn 9 (a) 8.2 m at 7.5 m draft.
fb) 2.25 m 10 179 rn

Exercise 13
4.72 1.025 9275.8 21.938 163.66
72.016 71.987 2.535 8.894 268.0


7990 1.025 4.130 21.665 158.972
72.011 72.109 2.218 9.495 301.3

3 9698.0 t 4 11202.2 t
" 6.321 m 6 5.071 IU


5.0 1.015 9794.5 21.845 164.083
72.014 71.913 2.685 8.686 254.3


6.1 1.000 12047.3 21.946 J69.512
71.950 71.401 3.257 8.207 214.4


4.7 1.013 9123.9 21.673 161.586
72.017 71.992 2,:525 8.910 269.0

10 W RD Draft TPC MCTC

10000 1.000 5.162 21.585 162.765
72.012 71.855 2.769 8.589 247.1

11 W RD Draft TPC MCTC

8576 1.018 4.427 21.663 160.386
72.015 72.050 2.381 9.156 28J.5

12 6.084 m 13 622 t discharged. 14 5.905 m

15 (i) 6.427 m (ii) 6.343 m' 16 1894.6't
17 2327.5 t 18 Loaded 2947.5 t
19 6.858 m, 6.708 m 20 2005.8 t

Exercise 14

I 7.560 m 2 4.615 m 3 10.050 m

4 8.886 m 5 8.000 m 6 12.600 m
7 7.536 m 8 5.076 m 9 5.927 m
10 14035.0 t, 367.0 t
Appendix I


li: W TPC MCfC· AB

~ t in SW t cm- 1 I tmcm- 1 m I m m

;'~-I5580 I
m \ m
20.88 146.9 71.956
72.127 1.605 11.470 397.9

3.2 [ 6000
21.07 149.6 71.968 72.141 1.710 11.030 . 375.8
3.4 : 6423
21.22 152.1 71.979 72.141 1.823 10.630 II
3.6 6849
21.36 154.1 71.990 72.141 1.931 10.274 339.1
3.8 7277
21.48 156.0 71.998 72.141 2.039 9.950 323.6
4.0 7708
21.60 157.8 72.008 72.127 2.147 9.660 309.9
4.2 8141
21.70 159.6 72.012 72.099 . 2.256 9.406 296.7

4.4 8576
21.80 161.3 72.015 72.056 2.367 . 9.182 285.0
4.6 9013
21.89 162.7 72.017 72.013 2.473 8.992 274.1
4.8 9451
21.97 164.3 72.016 71.970 2.576 8.828 263.9
5.0 9891
22.06 165.7 72.014 71.913 2.685 8.686 254.3
5.2 10333
22.14 167.1 72.011 71.842 2.789 8.566 245.4
5.4 10777
22.22 168.5 72.003 71.757 2.892 8.460 237.5
5.6 11223
22.30 169.9 71.990 71.671 2998
8.374 Ii 229.9

5.8 11672
22.37 171.3 171.977 71.586 I 3.102 8.298 223.0

6.0 12122
22.45 172.9 71.960 71.472 3.205 8.234 217.2
6.2 12575
22.54 174.6 71.939 71.329 3.309 8.180 211.6
6.4 13030
22.64 176.4 71.914 71.172 3.413 8.136 206.6
6.6 13486
22.73 178.2 71.887 71.001 3.516 8.100 202.4
6.8 13943
22.83 180.3 71.856 70.802 3.620 8.076 198.4
7.0 14402
22.93 182.7 71.819 70.602 3.725 I
8.054 194.6

W displacement Load W 19943 t LOA 150.00 m

A after perpendicular Light W 6000 t LBP 140.00 m
K keel DWT 13943 t GRT 10,000 Tons
SW salt water of RD 1.025 NRT 5576 Tons

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