Attitude of Students Toward'S Basic Coding Skills in Laguna Northwestern College-San Lorenzo Ruiz Montesorri Center

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A Research Paper
Presented to the
Faculty of the Senior High Department
Laguna Northwestern College – SLRMC
Siniloan, Laguna

In partial fulfillment
Of the Requirement in
Practical Research 1 & 2




Today, computers play a big role in education especially in developing

countries like the Philippines. Computer coding/computer programming is the

process of designing, debugging/troubleshooting, and maintaining the source of

code computer. Most students don’t need to know how a computer works, they

can simply turn on a computer or a mobile phone and point some little graphical

object on the display. Innovation have made possible for the operations of the

computer easy enough in processing record system such as, creation of data

record, storing and retrieval of data.

Coding is one of a range of tools which can be used to teach

computational thinking. There are lots of offline, hands-on activities which

promote problem solving and logic without ever having to touch a computer.

Learning to code and develop computational skills that make an essentially

contribution in the learning process of students helping them to take many

situations they will find in life and enabling them to better collaboration between

human and machine(Martin ,2016).

Therefore, we will conduct a study to know of what will be the attitude of

the students after they learn the coding skills.

Background of the Study

In this context, we started to study this object. The aim of this work is to

study the attitude of the students in learning of basic coding. Many factors can be

attributed to the high rate of failure in computer coding. These papers study the

background, and attitudes of the students towards basic coding. The needs and

concerns about these key factors are highlighted in the survey thereby leading to

Inferences made and proposed recommendations in relation to the background

of attitudes of students towards basic coding. In this research, a study was

conduct to investigate and explore the attitudes of students they faced in learning

basic coding.

Resnick (2016) sees coding as an extension of writing. He explains the

ability to code allows you to “write” new types of things, games, animations, and

simulations. And, as with traditional writing, there are powerful reasons for

everyone to learn code.

In this research, a study was conducted to investigate and explorevthe attitude of

the students they faced in learning basic coding. It is generally accepted that

learning how to program is a difficult task even for computer major.

It is very important be able to control technology in the digital world in which

we live and the need to learn programming to not be at the mercy of decisions,

because everything that will use or consume, is going to be digital and will be

coded in some other form (Rushoff2013).This is not primarily about equipping the

next generation to work as software engineers, it is about promoting

computational thinking (Crow2014).

Literature Review

Gloria Arcos et al. (2018) computer programming has become relevant

element of the modern era. In order to gain insight into how computer

programming is taught in Ecuadorian Higher Education Institution (HEIs) they

have conducted the first national survey on teaching computer programming in

undergraduate CS programs. They found that the object-oriented paradigm along

with the Java Programming languages are the most often used.
There is a general consensus that learning languages is better done when

young and science learning coding is just like learning another languages,

advocates of coding suggests that children can never too young to code. The

sequencing and patterns in programming reinforce skills that have always been

taught in the early years, but now also create habits of mind that are essential for

the 21st century. (Jacobson, 2016).

Derus and Ali (2015) stated that students had often difficulty in finding the

errors in the codes that they wrote while learning programming. Programming

courses are among the important components of the curriculum of the studies,

not only in the field of Information Technology, but also required in most of the

field including science, mathematics, and engineering tertiary levels. However,

the subject is considered difficult, complex and categorized as part of the seven

grand challenges in computing education.

According to Mhashi et. al (2017), it was stated that the most difficult

topics for students are “array” ”pointer” structures and “function”. It involves

learning a new language, learning a new way to break down and solve a

problem, and requires an exactness and attention to detail that they may have

never had to apply beyond math courses.

Dearing (2017) stated that over the last two decades there have been

numerous studies in a variety of countries examining student attitudes towards

computer. Although students attitudes towards IT were found to be influenced by

a range of individually and educationally based factors, multivariate analysis

showed that attitudes were primarily influenced by the subject area and

qualification pathway students were following as well as their access to a home


In (coding), it is necessary to transform the problem into sequential steps,

which precede the pseudo-coding task. In (Piteira and Costa, 2017), the main

topics in which students face more difficulties were highlighted, such as selection

(IFS) and loop structures (While/for). Students do not face difficulties in learning

the function of these commands. The faced difficulties knowing which command

must be used and/or when to use it.

According to Pesce, (2017) supporting children to learn programming at

an early stage can also be advantageous for their future life. Children who

started school in 2014 will graduate around 2030 .Consequently, teaching these

children programming at an early stage would enable them to operate effectively

in that world. Teaching pupils programming will lead them to think about various

activities around them and help them to understand more and more about the

things they will use in their daily life.

Jeannette Wing (2018) coined the term computational thinking to denote

attitudes and skills, including problem-solving and analyzing systems that can be

drawn from fundamental concepts of computer science. This notion of

computational thinking presented an opportunity for educators to explore how

coding could be used as means for developing other relevant skills, such as

problem-solving, creative thinking and critical judgment.

Other variables studied in the literature affecting the learning process

through gam fiction are gender, age, previous gaming experience and personality

(Pedro et al, 2015 Landers & Armstrong (2014). Due to the nature of the

computer programming courses also domain specific variable not connected

directly to gam fiction, can affect LP: Career progress, number of times taking a

subject, and general grade point average (GPA).

According to Pedroni, (2017) learning and teaching programming is a

challenge. Several factors may impact students programming ability such as

previous computer programming experiences. Also, the students programming

performance can be increased by implementing multiple approaches to learning

the material. Moreover, several studies have found a positive relation between

mathematical and programming ability.

Theoretical Framework

The attitude theory of emotion differs from the James-Lange-Sergi theory

in that it considers the effect of felt emotion to result from the physiological set or

attitude of readiness rather than from the resultant expressions themselves.

Feeling is midway in the midway in the sequence from attitude to action. The

induction of various emotions in hypnotic subjects gave data substantiating this

concept. Specific postural sets or attitudes were found to characterize the

emotion studied. All attempts to change the felt emotion without a change in

posture or organic sensation were unsuccessful.

In psychology, attitude is a physical construct, a mental and emotional entity

that inheres in, or characterizes a person. They are complex and an acquired

state through responsive experiences. It is an individual’s predisposed state of

mind regarding value and it is precipitated through a responsive expression

toward the person, things, or event which in turn influences the individuals

thought and actions.

Prominent psychologies Gordon Allport describe this latent psychological

construct at ‘‘the most distinctive and indispensable concept and contemporary

social psychology’’. Attitude can be formed from a person past and present. In

the study of attitudes include strength, attitude change, consumer behaviour, and

attitude behaviour relationship.

Attitudes have generated interest in the social sciences because they

have been presumed to exert a strong influence on behaviours it begins with

early perspectives that assume strong attitude-behaviour association and then

discusses research and perspectives challenging this assumption.

For decades, the attitude construct has played a central role in many

areas of the social sciences. Although definitions of attitude have varied over

time and across disciplines, most contemporary researches have come to review

an attitude as a relatively general and enduring evaluation of an object, person,

or concept along a positive to negative dimension.

Conceptual Framework

Figure1. Show’s for the input of the basic coding skills, in the process

researchers gave a Pre-test, Implanting the coding and Post-test to the

respondents. The collection of data used of survey questionnaires. The output of

the study is to determine the attitude of students in basic coding skill.

Input Process Output

i. Pre-test  Attitude of
ii. Implanting the
Basic coding skills
the coding Respondents
iii. Post-test
Statement of the Problem

This study is to determine the attitudes of students towards basic coding skills as

Senior High School Students of Laguna Northwestern College –SLRMC

1. What is the attitude of the respondents before learning coding skills.

2. What are the attitude of the respondents after learning coding skills.

3. Is there a significant difference between the attitude of the respondents

before and after learning coding skills?


The following are the hypotheses made based from the statement of the


Ho: There is no significant difference between before and after learning coding

Significance of the Study

This study aims to know the attitudes of students towards basic coding .The

researchers believe that the following will be benefited from the findings of this


To the Students. This will help them to develop their attitudes on basic coding

skills especially the LNC-SLRMC will be given information on how study skills

affects the attitudes of the students

To the Teachers. This study will also be help in understanding better the

attitudes of the students in basic coding skills. It is hope that they could develop

more effective study in teaching their subject matter.

To the Future Researchers. This will help them to serve them as a benefited

for the future researchers as they conduct a study related to this research.

Scope and limitation

The study seeks to determine the attitudes of students in basic coding skills

among Senior High Students. The researchers will give self-evaluation

questionnaires that are required to answer by grade 11 and grade 12 students of

LNC-SLRMC. The study is largely dependent on the honesty, sincerity, and

integrity of the respondents. The selections of respondents are only limited

source due to the fact that we have limited sources.

Definition of Terms

The following terms have been defined operationally to provide clearer

understanding of the variables in the study.

Attitude refers to a settle way of thinking or feeling about someone or

something, typically one that is reflected in a person’s behaviour.

Basic coding refers to an early programming language that is still among the

simplest and most popular of programming languages.

Computer refers to an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically

in binary form, according to instruction give to it in a variable program.

Computer coding refers to the set of instruction forming a computer program

which is executed by a computer.

Computer programming refers to the process of designing and building an

executable computer program for accomplishing a specific computing task.

Researchers refers to a person whose job involves discovering or verifying

information for use in a book, program, etc.

Respondents refers to a person who replies to something, especially one

supplying information for a survey or questionnaire or responding to an


Skill refers to the ability to do something well.

Survey refers to examine and record the area and features of (an area of land)

so as to construct a map, plan, or description.

Questionnaire refers to a set of printed or written questions with a choice of

answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study.


Research Design

This research is designed to identify the attitudes of students in basic

coding skills in LNC-SLRMC. The researchers of the study use descriptive

survey questionnaires. The method sought, to describe present conditions which

in this study were motivation of students, to distinguish the relationship between

attitude and skill of the students on basic coding.

This research will use a quantitative approach and survey is used to collect

data. The quantitative approach to gathering information focuses on attitude of

respondent’s trend on phenomenon across a large number of participants.

Sampling Technique

The respondents of the study include one section from Grade 11 Senior

High of LNC-SLRMC is purposively chosen. Due to limited sources, there is

almost always the need to samples respondents for any investigation.

Subject of the Study

The target respondents were composed of one section from Grade 11

Senior High of LNC-SLRMC.

Research Instrument

The instrument used was a researcher made questionnaire checklist to gather

the needed data for the student profile. The draft of the questionnaire was drawn

out based on the researchers reading, previous studies and professional studies


The respondents were oriented by the researcher to make sure of the

information and clarity of the given questionnaires.

Research Procedure

The researchers identified the subject of the study after identifying the subject of

the study the researchers gave a Pre test to the students. Then, the researchers

teach the respondents on basic coding. And lastly, the researchers

gave another Post-test to the respondents to know of what their attitudes and

skills on basic coding.

The researchers personally administered the test questionnaires to the

respondents and provide them with clear instruction on how to answer the survey


In administering the questionnaire the researcher use the time allotted for

vacant to avoid distraction of class discussion. The students response were

given time to answer the question.

Statistical Treatment of Data


1. What is the attitude of the respondents WM, VI

before learning coding skills.

2. What are the attitude of the respondents WM, VI

after learning coding skills.

3. Is there a significant difference between

the attitude of the respondents before

and after learning coding skills.


Anderson, N. H. (1971). Integration theory and attitude change. Psychological Review, 78(3),

Bull, N. (1951). The attitude theory of emotion. Oxford, England: Nervous and Mental Disease

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