Tarpulin Citizen's Charter

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Agusan del Norte

City of Cabadbaran



Perpetual Succor envisions itself as a globally–competent and service-oriented Barangay

that provides reliable governance to its people. The citizenry of the Perpetual Succor community
live with the virtues and values of peace, justice, faith and honor within and amongst the
Barangay. Intertwining these qualities of its leaders and members, Perpetual Succor hones and
cradles a premier environment for flourishing growth and development in the society.


Imbibed with this vision, Perpetual Succor shall be a front liner in the quest for a just and
secure life within the society. It shall be a model barangay that seeks to not only better the lives of
its citizenry but also to improve the lives of its neighboring barangays as well.

I. Frontline Services Offered

a. The following are the services offered:

1) Issuance of Barangay Certification

2) Issuance of Barangay Clearance
3) Issuance of Community Tax Certificate
4) Reproduction of barangay records, data, and similar documents
5) Use of barangay facilities and properties
6) Socio-economic Services
7) Health Services
8) Environmental Services
9) Issuance of Certification To File Action (CFA), Certification to Bar Action or
Certification to Bar Counterclaim (CBC)
10) Issuance of Barangay Protection Order

Except for the issuance of Barangay Protection Order (BPO), all barangay transactions
under this Citizen’s Charter shall be conducted at 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

All officers and employees of the barangay, who directly attend to the frontline services,
shall at all times, wear identification card or nameplates.

b. How to avail the frontline services:

All requests for frontline services must be in writing using the attached request slip for the
1) BARANGAY CERTIFICATION/CLEARANCE – are issued by the barangay
depending on the purpose of the client, such as certificate of residency, of good
standing in the community, no pending case filed in the barangay, etc. the barangay
in the exercise of its taxing power may levy fees and charges for services rendered.

1. Service Offered: Issuance of Barangay Certification

2. Clients: barangay residents, barangay associations, organizations, students
3. Requirements:
 For Old Residents: Valid ID (school ID, company/office ID, voter’s ID and the
likes) and Community Tax Certificate (CTC);
- If, Water System Consumer: Water Bill must be settled or PAID.

 For New Residents: Valid ID; CTC; and endorsement from any of the following:
 Purok Leader
 Barangay Officials
 Barangay residents known to barangay officials

4. Steps in securing a Barangay Certification/Clearance:

Follow These Steps Duration of Accountable Person
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall, ask
the Desk Officer for a request slip 2 minutes Kagawad on duty
and fill up the same
Step 2. Submit the request slip 2 minutes Brgy. Secretary
together with the requirements
Step 3. Pay Certification fee Php
65.00, & ask for receipt (per Brgy. 3 minutes Brgy. Treasurer
Ordinance No. 01-2010)
Step 4. Get your Certification 5 minutes Brgy. Secretary/Punong
Total Response Time (w/in the day) 12 minutes

2) BARANGAY BUSINESS CLEARANCE – a requirement before the city or

municipality issues any license or permit for any business or activity. The barangay
clearance is obtained from the barangay where the intended business or activity is
located or conducted.

1. Service Offered: Issuance of Barangay Clearance as a requirement for the

Municipal/City Business Permit (Mayor’s Permit)
 Clientele: Corporations, Traders, Retailers, Businessmen, etc.
 Requirements:
 Valid ID (company/office ID, voter’s ID, etc.)
 Community Tax Certificate (CTC)
 Steps in securing this type of Barangay Business Clearance:
Follow These Steps Duration of Transaction Accountable
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall, ask
the Desk Officer for a request slip 3 minutes Kagawad on duty
and fill up the same
Step 2. Submit the request slip 2 minutes Brgy. Secretary
together with the requirements
Step 3. Pay Clearance fee Php
100.00 & ask for receipt (per Brgy. 5 minutes Brgy. Treasurer
Ordinance No. 01-2010)
Step 4. Get your Barangay If simple, 15 minutes; if Brgy.
Clearance complex (needs verification); 2 Secretary/Punong
days Barangay
Total Response Time (w/in the If simple, 25 minutes;
day) if complex, 2 days
2. Service Offered: issuance of Barangay Business Clearance for small business (with
gross sales or receipts of Php 50, 000.00, in case of city barangays and Php 30,
000.00 or less for municipal barangays).
 Clientele: Hawkers, peddlers, sari-sari stores owners, etc.
 Requirements:
 Valid ID (company/office ID, voter’s ID, etc.); and
 Community Tax Certificate (CTC)
 Steps in securing this type of barangay clearance:
Follow These Steps Duration of Transaction Accountable
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall, ask
the Desk Officer for a request slip 3 minutes Kagawad on duty
and fill up the same
Step 2. Submit the request slip 2 minutes Brgy. Secretary
together with the requirements
Step 3. Pay Clearance fee Php
100.00, & ask for receipt (per 3 minutes Brgy. Treasurer
Brgy. Ordinance No. 01-2010)
Step 4. Get your Barangay If simple, 15 minutes; if
Clearance complex (needs verification); 2 Brgy.
days Secretary/Punong
If simple, 23 minutes;
Total Response Time (w/in the if complex, 2 days


The Barangay may issue CTC provided the barangay treasurer is deputized by
the City or Municipal Treasurer.

 Service Offered: Issuance of Community Tax Certificate

 Clientele: residents, businessmen, corporation.
 Steps in securing this type of Community Tax Certificate:
Follow These Steps Duration of Transaction Accountable
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall, ask
the Desk Officer for a request slip 3 minutes Kagawad on duty
and fill up the same
Step 2. Completely fill up the 2 minutes Brgy. Secretary
application slip
Step 3. Pay the cost of CTC
(Cedula) 2 minutes Brgy. Treasurer
Step 4. Get your CTC 2 minutes Brgy. Treasurer
Total Response Time (w/in the
day) 9 minutes


The barangay maintains records and public documents, such as but not limited to
Registry of Barangay Inhabitangs, (RBIs), Finanacial Records, List of Registeed
Voters, Barangay Blotters and similar documents.

Fees and charges may be imposed for the reproduction or photocopy of

barangay records.

 Service Offered: Reproduction of Barangay Records, data and similar documents

 Clientele: residents, businessmen, corporation, government offices
 Steps in securing barangay records, data and similar documents:
Follow These Steps Duration of Transaction Accountable
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall, ask
the Desk Officer for a request slip 3 minutes Kagawad on duty
and fill up the same
Step 2. Pay the cost of
reproduction of documents
requested (per Barangay 2 minutes Brgy. Treasurer
Ordinance No. ___________
Step 3. Get the copy of the
documents requested 5 minutes Brgy. Secretary
Total Response Time (w/in the
day) 10 minutes
The cost of reproduction of documents are:
1. Copy of Barangay Blotter – (Php 5.00/page)
2. Copy of Barangay Financial Statement – (Php 5.00/page)
3. List of Barangay Residents – (Php 50.00)


The barangay may collect reasonable fees and charges for the use of barangay
owned properties or service facilities. A corresponding barangay ordinance is
required as basis.

 Service Offered: use of barangay facilities and properties

 Clientele: residents, sports player; traders, etc.
 Steps:
Follow These Steps Duration of Transaction Accountable
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall, ask
the Desk Officer for a request slip 3 minutes Kagawad on duty
and fill up the same
Step 2. Pay the cost of rental of
facilities requested 5 minutes Brgy. Treasurer
Total Response Time (w/in the
day) 8 minutes

The cost of rentals of barangay properties, facilities and reproduction of

documents suggested are:
1. Multi-purpose Hall, pavement, plaza, etc. – (Php 100.00/hour)
2. Sound System – (Php 500.00/day)
3. sports facilities – (Php 50.00/hour)
6) SOCIO-ECONOMIC SERVICES – the local government units, in promoting
the general welfare of its constituents, encourage and support the development of
appropriate and self-reliant scientific and technological capabilities of its constituents.
Services Offered:

1. Livelihood Training – Livelihood Training (No fee required)

 Clientele: Residents
 Requirements:
 At least 18 years old
 Barangay Certification that he/she is a resident of Brgy. 4 –Perpetual Succor
 Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
 Two (2) pcs. 2x2 ID Picture
 Steps:
Follow These Steps Duration of Transaction Accountable
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall, ask
the Desk Officer for a request slip 3 minutes Kagawad on duty
and fill up the same
Step 2. Go to livelihood and Kagawad,
Cooperative Development Office Chairman of
and present the requirements for 15 minutes Livelihood
Assessment and Verification Committee
Step 3. Decision (approved or Chairman of
disapproved) 5 minutes Livelihood
Total Response Time (w/in the
day) 23 minutes

2. Issuance of Certification for Senior Citizen and Solo Parent as pre requisite for
the issuance of Senior Citizen and Solo Parent ID

 Service Offered :Issuance of Certification for Senior Citizen and Solo Parent
 Clientele: Senior Citizen and Solo Parent
 Requirements:
 Barangay Certification that the applicant is a resident of the Barangay.
 In the case of Senior Citizen, copy of birth Certificate
 For solo parent, marriage contract and or copy of birth certificate of
 Community Tax Certificate (Cedula)
 Two (2) pcs. 2x2 ID picture
 Steps:
Follow These Steps Duration of Transaction Accountable
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall, ask
the Desk Officer for a request slip 3 minutes Kagawad on duty
and fill up the same
Step 2. Present the requirements
for assessment 5 minutes Kagawad on duty
Step 3. Printing/Preparation of Barangay
Certification 5 minutes Secretary
Step 4. Get Certification of Brgy. Secretary and
Residency (for senior citizen); and Senior Citizen, 15 Punong Barangay
verification of the barangay that minutes; Solo Parent,
the former is a solo parent (for next day
solo parent).
Senior Citizen, 28
Total Response Time (w/in the minutes; Solo Parent,
day) 1 day

7) HEALTH SERVICES – is one of the responsibilities of the national agency

devolving to the LGU. For the barangays, health and social welfare include
maintenance of barangay health center and day care center.

 Service Offered :

1. Immunization (for measles, anti polio, cholera)

 Clientele: infants and young children
 Requirement: Proof of barangay residency of
parents or guardians
 Steps:
Follow These Steps Duration of Transaction Accountable
Step 1. Go to Barangay Hall or
Barangay Health Center and fill up 15 minutes Barangay Health
the request slip Worker or Aide
Step 2. For new patients, fill up
the information sheet/patient’s
profile and get the health booklet; for new patients, 15 Barangay Health
For old patients, bring the health minutes; for old patients, Worker or Aide
booklet every visit and present to 10 minutes
the attending health worker. Have
patient’s file updated.
Step 3. Get the desired Barangay Health
immunization. 1 hour Worker or Aide
Step 4. Get schedule for next Barangay Health
visit. 15 minutes Worker or Aide
Total Response Time (w/in the for new patients, 1 hour
day) and 45 minutes; for old
patients, 1 hour and 40

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