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English Question Paper

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1. What symptoms did Arjuna exhibited when he saw the opposite army. (BG 1.

O a. He was trembling with fear of losing the battle
O b. He was disappointed on seeing Bhishma on other side and not on his
O c. His limbs were quivering and mouth was drying because of compassion.
O d. He was becoming restless to kill them all

2. Among the following mentioned options what the Lord can-not tolerate ? (BG 1.32-35)
O a. Somebody not worshipping Him
O b. Atheists
O c. Somebody who does not offer money and food to Him
O d. Somebody doing mischief to His devotees

3. Why are the statements of Krsna is authoritative? (BG 2.2)

O a. Krishna is Jiva O b. Krishna cannot be subjected to illusion
O c. Krishna is speaking from shastras O d. Krishna is yogi.

4. What does Samadhi mean ? (2.44)

O a. Fixing the mind in understanding the self
O b. Sitting in Padmasan and closing one`s eyes .
O c. Growing long matted hairs and meditating .
O d. Seeing red light when sitting in Padmasan

5. What does buddhi yoga mean ? (2.49)

O a. To work with intelligence . O b. To get good marks .
O c. Transcendental loving service to Lord O d. To play chess expertly

6. Body is compared to …. (BG 3.5)

O a. Chariot O b. Machine O c. Car O d. Dead vehicle

7. Sincere sweeper in the street is far better than… (BG 3.7)

O a. charlatan meditator O b. Bhakti Yogi
O c. karma yogi O d. none of above

8. Which is the right order in which Bhagavad-Gita was spo-ken by Krishna …? (BG 4.1)
O a. Vivasvan→ Manu →Iksvaku O b. Manu → Vivasvan →Iksvaku
O c. Iksvaku→ Manu →Vivasvan O d. None of the above

9. Prahalad Maharaj was a son of … (BG 4.8)

O a. Ravana O b.Hiranyakashipu
O c. Duryodhana O d.Kumbhakarna
10. Lord Chaitanya’s appearance is revealed in which scriptures ? (BG 4.8)
O a. Upanishads O b.Mahabharata
O c. Bhagavatam O d.All of the above

11. Akarma means … (BG 4.18)

O a. No Action O b. Without any work
O c.Without reaction to work O d. Motionless

12. What is the name of the process by which is described herein as “to water the root.” ? (BG 5.4)
O a. Analytical study of the material world
O b. Devotional service to Lord Krishna
O c. Karma-kanda process
O d. Service to one’s own family or nation,

13. Who is a perfect Sannyasi or a perfect Yogi ? (BG 6.1)

O a. One who acts for personal satisfaction
O b. One who goes to Himalayas
O c. One who acts for satisfaction of the Supreme whole
O d. One who tries to become the Supreme whole

14. All planets in spiritual world are illuminated by? (BG 6.15)
O a. Sun O b. Moon O c. Electricity O d. Self illuminated

15. Who don’t eat sin? (BG 6.16)

O a. One who eats for sense pleasure or cooks for own pleasure
O b. One who eats after offering to Krishna
O c. Vegetarian food is always free from sin
O d. One who eats unclean and non-hygienic fooO d.

16. Which yoga practice is practical and is not baffling?(BG 6.23)

O a. Dhyana Yoga O b.Karma Yoga
O c. Krishna Consciousness O d.Jnana Yoga

17. Example of which bird is given in the purport of Bhagvad Gita for determination? (BG 6.24)

O a. Sparrow O b.Eagle O c. Crow O d.Cuckoo

18. What analogy is given for spiritual satisfaction? (BG 6.35)

O a. Satisfaction obtained by playing sports
O b. Satisfaction obtained by watching movies
O c.Satisfaction obtained by eating food in extreme hunger
O d. Satisfaction obtained by gossiping with friends.
19. ____________ perfected his life in devotional service taking
the next birth in good brahmana family. (BG 6.43)
O a. Vidura O b.King Rahuguna
O c. Yayati O d.King Bharata

20. ___________ born in a Muslim family was elevated to the post of Namacharya by Lord
Chaitanya. (BG 6.44)

O a. Thakur Haridas O b.Srivas Thakur

O b. GadadharPandit O d.Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya

21. Which book is called as the 5TH Veda?

O a. Upanishad O b.ChaitanyaCharitamrta
O c. Mahabharat O d.No such Veda exists

22. Krishna appears millennium after millennium to … (BG 4.8)

O a. To deliver the pious O b. To annihilate the miscreants
O c. To reestablish the principles of religion O d. All of the above

23. Devaki was sister of … (BG 4.8)

O a. Kamsa O b.Ravana O c.Vasudeva O d.Nanda

24. A greatest cheater is he ___________________ (BG 3.6)

O a. who cheats others
O b. who speaks lies
O c. who is dhongi
O d. who is a yogi, while searching for the objects of sense gratification

25. Name of the gardens in which there is good opportunity for association with angelic, beautiful
women and having a profuse supply of soma- rasa wine?
O a. Nandana-kanana O b. Madhuvan
O c. Bhandirvan O d. Kaamyavan

26 Krishna addresses Arjuna as Parantapah. What does it mean?

O a. The one who does ParamTapasya O b. Chastiser of enemies
O c. Master of Wealth O d. None of the above

26. How could Ambarish Maharaj conquer Durvasa Muni ?(BG 2.60)
O a. He could fight very nicely .
O b. He had divine power .
O c. He had a strong mind .
O d. Simply because his mind was engaged in Krishna Consciousness
27. How can one remove one`s ignorance ? (2.50)
O a. By watching TV. O b. By reading newspapers daily .
O c. By reading Bhagavad Gita . O d. By worshiping demigods .

28. What is the symptom of the soul ? (BG 2.20)

a. blood O b. growth O c. breathing O d. Consciousness

29. Soul is described as one ten-thousandth part of the upper portion of ___. (BG 2.17)
O a. Nail O b. Hand O c. Hair O d. Head

30. Lord Caitanya took sannyasa at the age of _____. (BG2.15)

O a. 25 O b. 27 O c. 24 O d. 26

31. Body is subjected to how many kinds of transformations?(BG 2.20)

O a. three O b. four O c. Five O d. Six

31. What is the right way of receiving knowledge? (BG 1.43)

O a. By reading shastras O b. By meditation

O c. By hearing from authorities O d. By own mental speculation

32. What is the meaning of Mukunda? (BG 1.41)

O a. Giver of happiness O b. Giver of beauty
O c. Giver of liberation O d. Giver of fame

33. What happens to the younger family members if the family tradition of purification stops
O a. They develop irreligious habits O b. They start earning at early age
O c. They become more modernized O d. They start practicing their own self made religion

34. Why living entity forgets everything ? (BG 4.5)

O a. Due to being infinitesimal O b. Due to being part and parcel of Lord
O c. Due to change of body O d. Due to forgetful nature

35. After birth Krishna appeared before Devaki as … (BG 4.6)

O a. Little helpless chil O b. Two handed Sri Krishna

O c. Four handed Lord Narayana O d. In Viswarupa form
36. Who attains the liberation after much trouble ? (BG 4.9)
O a. Yogis O b.Impersonalist O c. Devotees O d.Non devotees

37. Boons of the Demigods are … (BG 4.12)

O a. Eternal and Spiritual O b. Everlasting and Gorgeous
O c.Material& Temporary O d. Both a & b

38. Who is also known as Yajya-Purusha ? (BG 4.25)

O a. Agni O b. Indra O c. Vishnu O d. Chandra

39. What is the solution to all the problems of the material world ? (BG 4.31)
O a. Good moral behavior O b. Worship of Demigods
O c. Society consciousness O d. Krishna Consciousness

40. What is the secret of advancement in spiritual life?(BG 4.35)

O a. Ones hard endeavor O b. Sacrificial Performances
O c. Satisfaction of spiritual master O d. Great study of the Vedanta

41. What is the name of the process by which is described herein as “to water the root.” ? (BG

O a. Analytical study of the material world

O b. Devotional service to Lord Krishna
O c. Karma-kanda process
O d. Service to one’s own family or nation,

42. Pick the odd one out. (BG 5.6)

O a. Vaisnavasannyasis are engaged in the study of Bhagvatam, which affords the proper
commentary on the Vedanta-sutras.
O b. Mayavadisannyasis are engaged in the study of Sankhya philosophy and dry speculation.
O c. Mayavadisannyasis also study the Vedanta-sutra, but use their own commentary, called
Sarirakabhasya, written by Shankara-acharyO a.
O d. The students of the Mayavada School are engaged in the devotional service of the LorO d.

43. Which is the last snare of maya or sense Gratificatoryillusion ?

O a. Wealth
O b. Opposite gender
O c. Living entities wanting to become one with the lord
O d. None of the Above.

44. How did King Janaka attain perfection?

O a. By Dhyana - Yoga
O b. By performance of prescribed duty
O c. Both a & b
O d. None of the Above.

45. Yoga means _______. (BG 6.3)

O a. Bodily Exercise
O b. Becoming the Supreme
O c. Linking oneself with the Supreme
O d. Meditation
46. Who cannot become a yogi. (BG 6.16)
O a. Eat too much O b. Eats too less
O c. Sleeps too much O d. All of the above

47. How eating can be regulated? (BG 6.16)

O a. By accepting Krsna Prasad only
O b. It will get regulated slowly when we eat everything we desire.
O c. By strict fasting under the instruction of physical trainer
O d. It can never be regulateO d.

48. How many hours SrilaRupaGoswami use to sleep?(BG 6.17)

O a. 2 hrs O b.4 hr O c.6 hrs O d.8 hrs

49. Which book glorifies Bhagavad Gita specifically? (BG 1.1)

O a. BhagavatPuran O b. Gita Mahatmya

O c. Vishnu Puran O d. None of the above

50. When Duryodhana told Dronacharya about the great warriors on his side whose name did he take
first? (BG 1.8)
O a. Bhishma O b. Dronacharya
O c. Karna O d. Krpacharya

51.Match the following personalities with the name of the conchshell they blew. (BG 1.15-16)
O a.Yudhishthira i. Päïcajanya
O b.Bhima ii. Devadatta
O c.Arjuna iii. Paundra
O d.Krishna iv. Ananta-vijaya
52. Arjuna’s chariot had a flag marked with(BG 1.20)
O a.BalramaO b.KrishnaO c.HanumanO d.Shiva

53. Krishna is referred as infallible here because (BG 1.21-22)

O a. He never fell from his horse
O b. He always did right things
O c. He always did things right
O d. He never fails in his affection towards His devotees

54. What is the meaning of Gudakesa? (BG 1.24)

O a. One who has black hairs
O b. One who is of blackish complexion
O c. One whose talk is as sweet as jaggery
O d. One who has conquered sleep

55. How can we satisfy our senses? (BG 1.32-35)

O a. By satisfying Govinda
O b. By accumulating more and more wealth
O c. By eating delicious food
O d. By working very hard

56. Arjuna called Krishna here as husband of Goddess of Fortune (Madhava) because (BG 1.36)
O a. He did not want Krishna to induce him to kill and bring misfor-tune
O b. He wanted Krishna to give him all wealth (fortune)
O c. He wanted Krishna to give him kingdom greater than Dhrtarashtra
O d. None of the above

57. What happens to the younger family members if the family tradition of purification stops (BG 1.39)?
O a. They develop irreligious habits
O b. They start earning at early age
O c. They become more modernized
O d. They start practicing their own self made religion

58. How can forefathers be released from ghostly or other kinds of miserable life? (BG 1.41)

O a. By offering them prasadam remnants

O b. By doing yajyas for their pleasure
O c. Only when they take next body
O d. When forefathers personally offer food to Lord Vishnu
59. Killing the body of anyone without ________ is abominable and is punishable. (BG 2.19)
O a. Weapon O b. Authority
O c. Medicine O d. Telling him

60. kshatriya means... (BG 2.31)

O a. One who fights
O b. One who knows different weapons
O c. One who gives protection from harm
O d. One who is follows orders of his superiors

61. Who all are subjected to material desires ? (2.62)

O a. All living entities .
O b. Lord Shiva .
O c. Lord Brahma .
O d. All Above.

62. Which path in chapter 3 Krishna explains elaborately (BG 3.3)

O a. sankhya yoga O b. buddhi yoga
O c. Jnana yoga O d. Karma yoga

63. Sankhya yoga means, analytical study of the nature of (BG 3.3)
O a. Spirit and matter O b. matter and earth
O c. Soul and earth O d. number and spirit

64. Religion without philosophy is (BG 3.3)

O a. mental speculation O b. useless O c. useful O d. sentiment

65. Pretender has. (BG 3.6)

O a. Controlled senses and mind
O b. Uncontrolled mind and senses
O c. Uncontrolled mind and controlled senses
O d. Controlled senses and uncontrolled mind

66. Highest principle of religion is … (BG 4.7)

O a. To surrender unto Supreme Lord Krishna
O b. To surrender unto Nature
O c. To love all the human beings
O d. To Love all the Living Beings
67. What are various kinds of Avatars … (BG 4.8)
O a.Purnaavatars O b. Gunaavatars O c. LeelaavatarsO d.All of the above

68. What is Nirukti?

O a. Mukti O b. Science of Weapons O c. Detachment O d. Vedic Dictionary

69. Who is the leader of Impersonalists ? (BG 4.12)

O a. SripadaRamanujacharya
O b. SripadaShankaracharya
O c. SripadaMadhvacharya
O d. Sripada Chaitanya

70. Lord Krisnna belongs to which order of the Division of soci-ety ? (BG 4.13)
O a.Brahamana O b.Kshatriya O c.Vaishya O d.None of the above

71. Who are responsible for the reactions of their past good and bad activities ? (BG 4.14)
O a.Human beings
O b.Demigods
O c.Lower animals
O d.All of the above

72. According to Brhadaranyak Upanishad wherefrom the Four Vedas are coming ?

O a. Lotus eyes of the Supreme Lord

O b. Lotus feet of the Supreme Lord
O c. Breathing of the Supreme Lord
O d. Mind of the Supreme Lord

73. In which chapter preliminary knowledge of the soul and its entanglement in the material body were
explained? (BG 5.1)
O a. Second chapter O b.Third Chapter
O c. Fourth Chapter O d.Fifth Chapter

74. What is the cause for material bondage? (BG 5.2)

O a. Desires O b.Fruitive Activities O c. Friends O d.Material World

75. There is no difference between Shankhya philosophy and karma-yoga because...... (BG 5.4)
O a. Aim of both is exploitation of the material worlO d.
O b. Aim of both is study of material worlO d.
O c. Aim of both is Supreme Lord Vishnu or KrishnO a.
O d. Aim of both is manava-seva
76. Why a person who works in Krishna Consciousness is very dear to everyone? Because (BG 5.7)
O a. He is servant to all O b.He is master of all
O c. He is friend of all O d.He is brother of all

77. Who came to help sparrow in drying up the ocean?BG 6.24)

O a. Vishnu O b.Garuda
O c. Hanuman O d.None of the above

78. Pratyahara means. (BG 6.25)

O a. Enjoying senses to the fullest extent
O b. Enjoying senses in limit
O c. Enjoying senses to very small extent
O d. Gradually ceasing all sense activities.

79. One who is controlled by the mind is called ___________and one controls the mind is called
____________. (BG 6.26)
O a. Go-dasa, go-swami O b.Go-swami, go-dasa
O c. Swami, go-dasaO d.All the above

80. In which feature Lord is present in every living being. (BG 6.29)
O a.Krishna O b.Paramatma O c.Impersonal Light O d.All of the above

81. To merge in Krishna is _________________. (BG 6.30)

O a.Liberation.
O b.Spiritual Annihilation
O c.Perfection of life
O d.None of the above

82. What Vishnu is holding in his four hands ? (BG 6.31)

O a. Club, Disc, Lotus, Empty
O b. Club, Disc, Bow, Empty,
O c. Club, Sword, Bow, Conchshell
O d. Club, Disc, Lotus, Conchshell

83. If Arjuna would have decided not to fight, what the great generals present in battle would think.
(BG 2.35)
O a. He is concerned about welfare of all
O b. He has left the battlefield out of fear only
O c. He loves his relatives
O d. None of above
84. Which three creatures maintain their offsprings by vision, meditation and touch?

O a. Ants, Bees and Horses

O b. Fish, Tortoise and Birds
O c. Humans, Lizards and Animals
O d. None of above

85. Final judgment of the Lord for Arjuna was… (BG 2.34)
O a. To die in the battle and not withdraw
O b. Give the War.
O c. Become Mendicant
O d. Win the War

86. What if Krishna did not perform duties?

O a. All men would follow His path

O b. All worlds would be put to ruination
O c. Unwanted population would be created
O d. All of the above

87. Who is the most sense controlled of these personalities ?

O a. Durvasa Muni O b.AmbarishMaharaj
O c. VishwaMitra muni . O d.Indra

88. Who has introduced this sankirtanyajna? (BG 3.10)

O a. Ramanujacharya
O b. Madhvacharya
O c. Shankaracharya
O d. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

89. How many gates do we have in the body?

a. 7 O b.9 O c. 12 O d. Uncountable

90. For an ordinary man how many yajyas are recommended (BG 3.12)
O a. Five O b. Six O c. Seven O d. Eight

91. What is the last word in transcendence ? (BG 4.4)

O a.Bhagavad-GitaO b.KrishnaO c.VedasO d.Upanishads
92. Who is the author of Bhakti RasamritaSindhu ?
O a. SrilaRupaGosvami
O b. SrilaSanatanaGosvami
O c. KrishnadasKavirajGosvami
O d. TulsidasGosvami

93. According to Bhagvad Gita what are the problems of material existence?
O a. Financial and Social
O b. Birth – death – Oldage - Disease
O c. Hunger and Thirst
O d. All of the above

94. What is the correct sequence of Ashtang Yoga?

O a. Yama → Niyama →Asana→ Pranayama→ pratyahara →Dharana→ Dhyana →Samadhi
O b. Yama → Niyama →Asana→ Pratyahara →Pranayama→Dharana→ Dhyana →Samadhi
O c. Yama → Niyama →Asana→ Pranayama→Pratyahara →Dhyana →Dharana→ Samadhi
O d. Yama → Niyama → Pranayama→Asana→Pratyahara →Dharana→ Dhyana →Samadhi

95. According to SrimadBhagvatam who is called a Tattva-vit?

O a. One who knows the Absolute Truth in three features viz, Brahman, Paramatma and The
Supreme Personality of Godhead
O b. One who knows his factual position in relationship with the Supreme
O c. One who knows that he is not the body but the soul
O d. None of the above all.

96. Krishna rewards living entities based on their … (BG 4.11)

O a. Intelligence O b.Surrender
O c. Austerity O d.Mystic Powers

97. Which one is False ? (BG 4.13)

O a. Brahamana : Mode of Goodness
O b. Kshatriya : Mode of Passion
O c. Vaishaya : Mode of Passion and Ignorance
O d. Sudras : Mode of Goodnes and Passion

98. In the Yoga-sutra of Patanjali, the soul is called … (BG 4.27)

O a.pratyag-atma
O b.vimuktatma
O c.paramatma
O d.all of the above
99. The word Aryan is applicable to whom ?
O a. One who has a civilization based on spiritual realization.
O b.One who knows the value of life.
O c. Both a & b
O d.None of the above.

100. By Kumbhaka-yoga one can … (BG 4.29)

O a. Fill up Water with the Mantra
O b. Increase the life span
O c. Elevate without help of airplanes
O d. Get whatever is required
3. Who is called an Aryan ?
a. O The one who knows the value of life
4. According to Brhdaranayak Upanishad, who is a miser?
5. Krishna addresses Arjuna as Parantapah. What does it mean?
6. Who states YasyaPrasadadBhagvadPrasado ?
7. Name of the gardens in which there is good opportunity for association with Angelic Beauties?
8. What is Nirukti?
9. Which book is called as the 5TH Veda
10. How can all the purposes of Vedas be served?
11. According to Brhadaranyak Upanishad wherefrom the 4 Vedas are coming ?
12. Kings like Janak attained perfection solely by ?
13. What if Krishna did not perform duties?
14. According to SrimadBhagvatam who is called a Tattvavit ?
15. Who is the author of Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu?
16. Which 3 creatures maintain their offsprings by vision, meditation and touch?
17. What is the correct sequence of Astangyoga?
18. Who discovered Jada Bharat as the greatest transcendentalist?
19. How many times woulodHridas Thakur chant the holy names of the Lord?
20. Fill in the blanks
21. O a. Krishna consciousness means to be always conscious

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