Dashaka 86
Dashaka 86
Dashaka 86
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Pradyumna, him
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Saalva of magical merits, who was defeated by the Yaadava army at the time of Rukmini's
abduction, got Saubh the aerial car as a boon from Shivaa.When Thou were residing in the
city of the Kurus, Indraprastha, Saalva attacked Thy city Dwaarika. Pradyumna resisted
him heading the entire army of the Yaadavas, and killed his powerful minister Dyumanta.
This battle lasted for 27 days.
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Along with Balaraam Thou quickly reached Dwaarika and confronted Saalva the owner of
the aerial car Saubha whose army was almost destroyed. He knocked down Thy bow
Shaaranga with a stroke of his mace. He even killed the likeness of Thy father which he
had created by his magical abilities. Some say that even Thou were for a moment decieved
by this illusion. But sage Vyaas has refuted this opinion.
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throwing Saubha
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violently attacking
by Kaumudaki
killed he also
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The aerial car Saubha was smashed to pieces with a mace and thrown into the sea,
Saalva's head was also cut off by Thy Sudershana discus. Dantavaktra then attacked Thee
violently and hit Thee with his mace, thereupon Thou killed him, the repository of good
deeds, with Thy mace Kaumodaki. He was fortunate like Shishupal (Chedi) and others who
had attained union with Thee. The purpose of this incarnation of Thee was to give liberation
to all those who had for long fixed their minds on Thee.
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crying Draupadi
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by frightened Draupadi
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After Thy return to Dwaarikaa, a fraudulent game of dice took place in the assembly of the
Kurus. Draupadi was dragged there by her hair. Piteously and helplessly crying she prayed
to Thee. With compassion Thou endowed her with endless length of clothing. Further, when
living in the forest, Draupadi was very frightened because sage Durvaasaa had come there
with his people when the food was over. Draupadi again thought of Thee and Thou came to
her rescue and ate a bit of the left over leafy vegetable and thereby satiated fully the
hunger of the sage and his retinue.
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to Hastinaapur went
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rejected by Duryodhana
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As the preparations of the war were on and strategies were decided, Arjuna asked Thee
alone to be on his side. Agreeing to that, Thou gave Thy army to Duryodhana. Taking on
the role of a messanger of the Pandavas, Thou went to Hastinaapur. Indeed Thy words
were honoured by Bhishma, Drona and others but Duryodhana rejected them altogether.
Revealing Thy Cosmic form in the assembly of the sages Thou shook up the entire
Hastinaapur and returned to Dwaarikaa.
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of Arjun Thou
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in me surrendering yourself
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In Thy role as Arjuna's charioteer, Thou saw the warrior sad and dejected in the face of the
war, with the pitiful thought of having to kill his relations and his own people. Thou said to
him 'O Friend! What is this? Aatman is eternal and only one. Who is the slain and who is
the slayer here? Therefore giving up all fear of killing, surrender yourself to Me and carry
out this righteous war.' By saying so and showing him Thy cosmic form, Thou brought
Arjuna back to a balanced state of mind.
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everyday destroying
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holding, in anger
as if running
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Bhishma, one of the leading devotees was intent on helping in fulfilling Thy purpose of
reducing the burden of the earth, and was killing almost 10,000 warriors everyday. Arjuna
had become very exhausted in resisting Bheeshma. Forgetting Thy vow of not taking up
arms in the war, Thou rushed towards Bheeshma with Thy great discus in hand as though
in great anger. Bheeshma stood with folded hands and bent down his head as Thou
approached him. Seeing him thus Thou were full of joy and desisted from attacking him.
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Just when the war was to begin Balaraama had gone away on a pilgrimage. He first
covered the holy area of Naimishaaranya. Then he killed Suta for not having got up to
honour him and installed his son in his place. Then he destroyed the Asura Valkala, who
used to destroy the Yagnyas carried out on the full moon and new moon days. Completing
his pilgrimage he returned to Kurukshetra. There when he saw the prolonged fight between
Bheema and Duryodhana, he went away to Thy city of Dwaarika.
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Thee seeing
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Ashwamedha three
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O Lord of Guruvaayur!
The entire great Dharmas were taught to Yudhishthira by Bheeshm who could decide the
moment of his death. On seeing Thee, by his devotional intensity alone he attained the
undivisible state of Brahman. Thou enabled Yudhishthira to perform three great
Ashwamedha Yangyas by which all his aspirations were fulfilled. Then Thou returned to
Dwaarikaa. O Lord of Guruvaayur! save me from all diseases.