Digital Story Telling #2 - DDD-E Lesson Plan

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The key takeaways are that the digital storytelling project aims to engage students by having them create a digital story about an important historical figure using a storyboard format. It also aims to meet various Common Core State Standards around writing narratives and using digital tools.

The goals of the digital storytelling project are for students to research an important historical figure, write a short fictional narrative from that figure's point of view describing an important moment in their life, and publish it as a children's book using a digital storyboard format.

The project is designed to meet ISTE standards for teachers around engaging students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools. It also aims to meet Common Core State Standards around writing narratives, using dialogue and description, sequencing events, using precise language and details, and following conventions of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Digital Storytelling Project #2

Name(s): Amanda Kazin, Megan Bowie, Sarah Jacobs

Course: ELA Grade 4
Unit: 1 Lesson: Culminating Event

Rationale: This project already had students creating a story-like production

on a memorable person. However, we felt that this format would make the
project more engaging and memorable for students, as opposed to using
pencil and paper or ActivInspire. Creating a Digital Storyboard using first-
person is also more engaging for audience members and allows the project
to flow at a better pace/sequence than on pencil or paper.

Student Story Board Example:

Student DS Example:

Phas Teacher Student

Decide PLANNING: 1. Brainstorm content
1. Identify standards and set instructional goals ● Students will choose an
ISTE Standards for Teachers- important figure that
● 1.b - Engage students in exploring real-world was talked about in the
issues and solving authentic problems using
● Students will
digital tools and resources
● 1.c - Promote student reflection using brainstorm information
on this figure.
collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’
2. Conduct research
conceptual understanding and thinking, planning,
● Students will revisit
and creative processes
resources provided
● 2.a - Design or adapt relevant learning
throughout the unit
experiences that incorporate digital tools and
resources to promote students learning creativity
● 4.a - Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and
ethical use of digital information and technology,
including respect for copyright, intellectual
property, and the appropriate documentation of
Common Core State Standards-
● W.4.3 - Write narratives to develop real or
imagined experiences or events using effective
technique, descriptive details, and clear event
● W.4.3.a – Orient the reader by establishing a
situation and introducing a narrator and/or
characters; organize an event sequence that
unfolds naturally
● W.4.3.b – Use dialogue and description to
develop experiences and events or show the
response of characters to situations.
● W.4.3.c - Use a variety of transitional words and
phrases to manage the sequence of events.
● W.4.3.d - Use concrete words and phrases and
sensory details to convey experiences and
events precisely.
● W.4.3.e - Provide a conclusion that follows from
the narrated experiences or events.
● L.4.1 - Demonstrate command of the conventions
of Standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
● L.4.1.d Order adjectives with sentences
according to conventional patterns (e.g. a small
red bag rather than a red small bag)
● L.4.2 - Demonstrate command of the conventions
of Standard English capitalization, punctuation,
and spelling when writing.

2. Decide on a Project:
● Students will write a short, fictional narrative
that describes an important small moment in
the life of a real individual. The small
moment will be told from a first-person point
of view and will be published as a children’s

3. Assess prerequisite skill

● Point of view (first-person vs third-person)
● Main idea
● Narrative writing
● Writing conventions
● Wixie/ActivInspire/Windows Movie Maker

4. Determine assessment techniques

● Students will be graded for the
script/storyboard as well as their final
● Students will be given detailed success
criteria of what to include in their digital
story to receive full credit
● A rubric will be used to grade students on
their comprehension of the texts utilized, the
understanding of the prompt, and their
writing conventions
● Students will work through the assignment
independently on their one-to-one device.
The scaffold group will work through the
assignment with a partner.
● Students will choose a person to research
from the following: Judy Bonds, Milton
Hershey, Malala Yousafzai, Nellie Bly or
Jackie Robinson
● Students will use the “Small Moments”
Organizer in order to steer their
● Students will use resources, such as:
Wonders, NBCLearn,,
PebbleGo, WorldBook Student, and BrainPop
to fill in their organizer and then their

Design 1. Present design guidelines and template

● Students will receive a blank template for ● Students will use the
their storyboard. Students will see an project rubric and the
example of a completed storyboard that storyboard template to
includes the visuals, script, visual effects, outline their project.
and audio such as music/sound effects. ● Students will include
There will be a rubric/success criteria for the order of pictures in
students to follow. We will review these their storyboard to help
documents together and clarify any outline the sequence of
misconceptions. the project.
● Students will work on
2. Conduct formative assessment creating a script on
● Students will “check-in” with the teacher their storyboard to
after each step to make sure they are on accompany the chosen
track and understand the project. Students pictures.
in the scaffold group will be monitored to
make sure that they are completing the work
correctly and in a cooperative manner. As
students work on their storyboard and
finding their pictures, they will save the
information on their OneDrive and share it
with other members of their team (scaffold)
and with the teacher for monitoring. The
teacher will make sure that all photographs
are appropriate and relevant to the project
and guide students to create a script that
accompanies the pictures.
● *See rubric below*

Develop 1. Manage media production 1. Create graphics

● Students will use their HP Revolve devices in ● Students will choose
the classroom. They will also have access to appropriate and
headphones with microphones. relevant
2. Facilitate multimedia activities graphics/images that
● The teacher will facilitate and circulate coincide with their
around the room to check in with students topic/chosen person.
throughout the process of this project. They 2. Construct animations
will also be available for conferencing on ● Students will choose
their storyboards/any questions regarding transition/animations
production. for their production.
3. Conduct formative assessment Students will be limited
● Each stage of production (storyboard/script, to three different types
production, content, and grammar will be of these
assessed formatively by the teacher. These transitions/animations
will be assessed based on the rubric provided to rotate through
to students and given feedback on what they 3. Produce audio
may need to change or think about. ● Students will record
● *See rubric below* their voices by reading
through the script they
provided in their
4. Produce video
● Students will combine
graphics, animations,
and audio in Windows
Movie Maker

Evaluat 1. Evaluate plan for teachers 1. Students will fill out a

e ● Teachers will use the same rubrics that rubric for their own
students will use to self-evaluate assignment.
2. Reflection: ● If students worked in a
● We felt that this digital storytelling project group, they must each
was extremely beneficial in preparing us to complete one. They
teach and implement this project within our must also complete a
own classrooms. After learning how to create peer evaluation for
our own digital storytelling project, this each group member.
project has helped us better understand the
process to have our students create their
own. We all agree that this project was
worthwhile because as teachers, we are
always looking for ways to improve and keep
students engaged. This project has taken a
straightforward assignment for students and
turned it into a fun, engaging, and interactive
way for students to present information on a
memorable person in a way that may be
more comfortable for them beyond paper
and pencil.
Formative Assessment Rubric:

Requirement Excellent Strong Working on Not

3 points 2 points It evidence
1 point 0 points

Storyboard/Script: Wow! You Great job! You Good start! Keep trying!
Your storyboard should included 8 or included 5-7 You have 3-4 You have 0-2
have 8 or more slides, more slides. slides. Your slides and 3-2 slides and 0-
including the important Your slides slides have 4-5 detailed facts 2 facts about
person’s birth date and 6-8 have 6-8 detailed facts on why your your person
facts on why this person is detailed facts on why your person is that may not
memorable/important on why your person is memorable. be detailed.
person is memorable, Go back to
memorable, including their make sure
including their birthday. you have
birthday. included

Production: Wow! Your Great job! Your Good start! Keep trying!
Your movie include no more production movie has 3 Your movie Your movie
than 3 different types of flows very well! different types has a few could use
transitions/animations. The Audio, visuals, of animations. relevant some more
production should be and music are Most of your visuals and transitions.
visually appealing. Audio, all relevant and movie is the audio is Go back and
visuals, and music should tie together. visually not very check your
be appropriate and You also did not appealing and clear. Be sure audio,
relevant. use more than most of the to use no visuals, and
3 transition or audio, visuals, more than 3 music to
animations. and music are animations in make sure
appropriate your they are
and relevant. production. relevant and

Content: Wow! All of Great job! Most Good start! Keep trying!
All material should be your material is of your Some of your Make sure
relevant, accurate, school accurate and information is information is your
appropriate, and relate to relates directly accurate and accurate and materials are
the selected memorable to your relates to your relates to relevant,
figure. memorable memorable your accurate, and
figure! figure! There memorable school
may be one or figure! Be appropriate.
more fact that sure that all Do your facts
is not relevant, of your match your
accurate, or information is selected
school relevant, memorable
appropriate. accurate, figure?
and related
to your

Grammar, Spelling, Wow! Your Great job! Keep trying!
Punctuation: storyboard or Your You have
Any written or spoken work movie had no storyboard or more than 5
should contain proper more than 3-4 script had no errors in
punctuation and spelling. spelling, more than 5 spelling,
This includes both in the grammar, or spelling, grammar, or
storyboard and the movie. punctuation grammar, or punctuation.
Pauses should exist in audio errors. Your punctuation Make sure
for periods, etc. Not applicable audio is clear errors. Your you check
and fluid with audio is your work.
appropriate mostly clear Your audio
pauses for with some should have
punctuation. appropriate appropriate
pauses for pauses
punctuation. clarity, and

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