(FC) Required. The Study Used A Rotary Shaft Encoder To Measure The Speed of The Blades

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Cutting Forces

The length of cut and shearing resistance of plant material influences the power required
to cut. The cutting energy required is difficult to estimate and is dependent on blade
sharpness, blade bevel angle, aggregate thickness and blade velocity (Richey, 1958).
However, if the knives are correctly bevelled and sharpened, the energy requirements
depend mostly on the plant aggregate thickness (Chancellor, 1958). The greater the
aggregate thickness, the greater the energy required and the higher the forces required
for cutting. It is believed that, with increased thickness, a greater force is required to
compress the material to a firmness that will permit cutting and failure

(Persson, 1987). Kroes and Harris (1996) did a comprehensive study on the cutting force
(Fc) required. The study used a rotary shaft encoder to measure the speed of the blades
and a piezo-electric force transducer to measure the force. A typical cutting force versus
time curve can be seen in Figure 3.2 for a pure impact cut. Fc is the force in Newtons
with a peak of 430N. The smaller peaks are presumed to be the friction between the
fibres and the blade. This was done on a variety of cane called Q124 with an average
diameter of 27.8mm.


For design of a special cutting system for numbered plant with due attention to physical
properties of rice stalk computing the cutting speed, impact cutting force, impact cutting
energy and power required for cutting of stalk with blade is necessary. This energy and
power depend on variety, diameter of stalk, maturity stage, moisture content and bevel
angel .For defining the critical cutting speed or minimum speed required for effective
cutting stalks in impact cutting, equation (1) was used that obtained from dimensional
analyze .
Where d is stalkdiameter’s (m), Smax is maximum cutting force (daN), Δm is equivalent
mass (kg) and c is the constant between 3.13 and 4.43. In impact cutting consumed
energy for overcoming shearing resistance of the stem is equal to the energy required for
quasi-static cutting plus energy expended Where Fmax is maximum cutting force (N) and
d is stalk diameter (m). Specific cutting energy obtained by dividing cutting energy by
width cross sectional area of stem. Saw idling power consumption can be expressed as:
Where J is mass moment of inertia for circular blade (Kgm2) and ω is its angular
velocity (rads-1). Mass moment of inertia for a rigid disc with radius of r, mass of m
about axis of rotation z (figure4) can be estimate from equation 6.

Where m is mass of disc and r is radius. Carbon steel selected for construction of disc
that has density about 7.85 gcm-3.
Fig. 4. Rotating disc about axis rotation of z

Design of blade tooth

For plants having a larger diameter than the pitch of the teeth, cutting resistance is
considered to be much less than plant having pitch larger than the plant diameter. So,
proper amount of tooth for the blade obtained.


Cutting speed

By equation 2 and Table 1 value for stem moment of inertia was calculated. For
obtaining velocity, Young’s modulus was multiplied in moment of inertia. By using
ultimate tensile strength from Fig.2 and cross sectional area from Table 1, maximum
cutting force computed and acceleration of stalk from Fig.1was obtained. Then the
critical speed for four varieties computed and showed in Table 2. With reference to
computations, suitable range of speed for cutting one stem of high yielding varieties is
22-32 m/s and that of local varieties was considered to be16-25 m/s. the amount of
cutting energy in nodes is higher than internodes (Yore, 2002) so, for restitution effect of
misaligning stems position (node or internode) during cutting, speeds between 25-35
m/s was chosen.

Cutting energy and power consumption

Angular velocity of discs with spot the maximum computed speed equal to 269.23 rad/s
obtained. Cutting width assumed to be 2/3 of disc diameter and was equal to 16 cm. by
using of data corresponding to maximum cutting strength and cross sectional area
needed cutting energy for cutting one stalk computed and showed.

Mass of disc with 24 cm diameter and 2 mm thickness is equal to 710.25 gr. So its
mass moment of inertia obtained and is equal to 5.1133 × 10-3 Kgm2. By using of
equation 5 idling power obtained and is equal to 0.217 kW and by dividing it by cutting
width of reaper, idling power obtained equal to 1.34 Kw/m. Consumption power of
reaper from equation 3 computed and showed in table 4. Forward speed of portable
reaper commonly is in the range of 0.7-1.1 m/s. In this research maximum forward
velocity of reaper was used that is equal to hand speed of operator from right to left in
course of cutting.

Design of blade teeth

The details of blade teeth of the header are shown in Fig.5. According to studies of Tuck
et al (1991) the critical speed of a triangular toothed disc with 0° rake angle, 30°
clearance angle and 6 mm pitch was lowest (Fig. 5). Thus the value of teeth
corresponded to Khazar variety (136 teeth) was selected for this purpose. The final
shape of circular saw blade is showed in Fig.

Fig. 5. Schematic of blade tooth of the header (up), schematic representation of blade
with radius of R and pitch of x (left), final shape of circular saw blade (right)
Fig. 6. Schematic and dimensions of cutting head (left), schematic of windrowing
system (right)

Design of windrowing system

In order to windrowing the harvested plant an aluminum sheet with cylindrical shape
was used that installed at the upper portion of the cutting blade. By using of this system,
cut straws gathered and transported with width movement of operator hand until the
ending of distinct cutting width, then voided and rowed. Height and panicle length of the
tested varieties are showed in Table 6. radius of sheet choose equal the blade radius
and its distance from blade surface computed 13 cm. schematic and dimensions of
cutting head showed in Fig. 6. With considering 10 cm cutting height, 5 cm shaft length,
2mm blade thickness and 13 cm distance of rower from blade surface, heights of rower
was 40 cm. it’s made from aluminum sheet and its schematic showed in Fig.6.
Designed blade was made from carbon steel and installed on an existent machine
(brush cutter model BG 430) with designed aluminum windrower.

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