Assimilation of Mineral Nutrients: Process

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Many biochemical compounds present in plant cells contain nitrogen. For example,
nitrogen is found in the nucleoside phosphates and amino acids that form the building blocks of
nucleic acids and proteins, respectively. Only the elements oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen are
more abundant in plants than nitrogen. Most natural and agricultural ecosystems show dramatic
gains in productivity after fertilization with inorganic nitrogen, attesting to the importance of this
In this section we will discuss the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen, the crucial role of
nitrogen fixation in the conversion of molecular nitrogen into ammonium and nitrate, and the
fate of nitrate and ammonium in plant tissues.

Nitrogen Passes through Several Forms in a Biogeochemical Cycle

Nitrogen is present in many forms in the biosphere. The atmosphere contains vast
quantities (about 78% by volume) of molecular nitrogen (N​2​). For the most part, this large
reservoir of nitrogen is not directly available to living organisms. Acquisition of nitrogen from
the atmosphere requires the breaking of an exceptionally stable triple covalent bond between two
nitrogen atoms (N———N) to produce ammonia (NH​3​) or nitrate (NO​3​–​). These reactions,
known as ​nitrogen fixation, ​can be accomplished by both industrial and natural processes.
Under elevated temperature (about 200°C) and high pressure (about 200 atmospheres),
N​2 combines with hydrogen to form ammonia. The extreme conditions are required to overcome
the high activation energy of the reaction. This nitrogen fixation reaction, called the ​Haber Bosch
process​, is a starting point for the manufacture of many industrial and agricultural products.
• ​Lightning​. Lightning is responsible for about 8% of the nitrogen fixed. Lightning converts
water vapor and oxygen into highly reactive hydroxyl free radicals, free hydrogen atoms, and
free oxygen atoms that attack molecular nitrogen (N​2​) to form nitric acid (HNO​3​). This nitric acid
subsequently falls to Earth with rain.
• ​Photochemical reactions​. Approximately 2% of the nitrogen fixed derives from photochemical
reactions between gaseous nitric oxide (NO) and ozone (O​3​) that produce nitric acid (HNO​3​).
• ​Biological nitrogen fixation.​ The remaining 90% results from biological nitrogen fixation, in
which bacteria or blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) fix N​2​ into ammonium (NH​4​+​).
Plants can store high levels of nitrate, or they can translocate it from tissue to tissue
without deleterious effect. However, if livestock and humans consume plant material that is high
in nitrate, they may suffer methemoglobinemia, a disease in which the liver reduces nitrate to
nitrite, which combines with hemoglobin and renders the hemoglobin unable to bind oxygen.
Humans and other animals may also convert nitrate into nitrosamines, which are potent
carcinogens. Some countries limit the nitrate content in plant materials sold for human
In contrast to nitrate, high levels of ammonium are toxic to both plants and animals.
Ammonium dissipates transmembrane proton gradients that are required for both photosynthetic
and respiratory electron transport and for sequestering metabolites in the vacuole. Because high
levels of ammonium are dangerous, animals have developed a strong aversion to its smell. The
active ingredient in smelling salts, a medicinal vapor released under the nose to revive a person
who has fainted, is ammonium carbonate. Plants assimilate ammonium near the site of
absorption or generation and rapidly store any excess in their vacuoles, thus avoiding toxic
effects on membranes and the cytosol.
In the next section we will discuss the process by which the nitrate absorbed by the roots
via an H​+ and NO​3​– symporter is assimilated into organic compounds, and the enzymatic
processes mediating the reduction of nitrate first into nitrite and then into ammonium.
Biological nitrogen fixation accounts for most of the fixation of atmospheric N​2 into
ammonium, thus representing the key entry point of molecular nitrogen into the biogeochemical
cycle of nitrogen (see Figure 12.1). In this section we will describe the properties of the
nitrogenase enzymes that fix nitrogen, the symbiotic relations between nitrogen-fixing organisms
and higher plants, the specialized structures that form in roots when infected by nitrogen-fixing
bacteria, and the genetic and signaling interactions that regulate nitrogen fixation by symbiotic
prokaryotes and their hosts.
FIGURE 12.1 ​Nitrogen cycles through the atmosphere as it changes from a gaseous form to
reduced ions before being incorporated into organic compounds in living organisms. Some of the
steps involved in the nitrogen cycle are shown.

Plants Can Assimilate Nitrate in Both Roots and Shoots

In many plants, when the roots receive small amounts of nitrate, nitrate is reduced
primarily in the roots. As the supply of nitrate increases, a greater proportion of the absorbed
nitrate is translocated to the shoot and assimilated there (Marschner 1995). Even under similar
conditions of nitrate supply, the balance between root and shoot nitrate metabolism as indicated
by the proportion of nitrate reductase activity in each of the two organs or by the relative
concentrations of nitrate and reduced nitrogen in the xylem sap—varies from species to species.
In plants such as the cocklebur (​Xanthium strumarium​), nitrate metabolism is restricted to
the shoot; in other plants, such as white lupine (​Lupinus albus)​ , most nitrate is metabolized in the
roots. Generally, species native to temperate regions rely more heavily on nitrate assimilation by
the roots than do species of tropical or subtropical
FIGURE 12.5 ​Model for coupling of photosynthetic electron flow, via ferredoxin, to the
reduction of nitrite by nitrite reductase. The enzyme contains two prosthetic groups, Fe4S4 and
heme, which participate in the reduction of nitrite to ammonium.

Nitrogen Fixation Requires Anaerobic Conditions

Because oxygen irreversibly inactivates the ​nitrogenase ​enzymes involved in nitrogen fixation,
nitrogen must be ​fixed under anaerobic conditions. Thus each of the nitro- ​gen-fixing organisms
listed in Table 12.2 either functions ​under natural anaerobic conditions or can create an internal
anaerobic environment in the presence of oxygen.

FIGURE 12.8 ​Root nodules on soybean. The nodules are a result of infection by ​Rhizobium
japonicum.​ (© Wally Eberhart/Visuals Unlimited.)

Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation Occurs in Specialized Structures

Symbiotic nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes dwell within ​nodules​, the special organs of the
plant host that enclose the nitrogen-fixing bacteria (see Figure 12.8). In the case of ​Gunnera​,
these organs are existing stem glands that develop independently of the symbiont. In the case of
legumes and actinorhizal plants, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria induce the plant to form root
Grasses can also develop symbiotic relationships with nitrogen-fixing organisms, but in
these associations root nodules are not produced. Instead, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria seem to
colonize plant tissues or anchor to the root surfaces, mainly around the elongation zone and the
root hairs (Reis et al. 2000). For example, the nitrogen-fixing bacterium ​Acetobacter
diazotrophicus ​lives in the apoplast of stem tissues in sugarcane and may provide its host with
sufficient nitrogen to grant independence from nitrogen fertilization (Dong et al. 1994). The
potential for applying ​Azospirillum t​ o corn and other grains has been explored, but ​Azospirillum
seems to fix little nitrogen when associated with plants (Vande Broek and Vanderleyden 1995).
Legumes and actinorhizal plants regulate gas permeability in their nodules, maintaining a
level of oxygen within the nodule that can support respiration but is sufficiently low to avoid
inactivation of the nitrogenase (Kuzma et al. 1993). Gas permeability increases in the light and
decreases under drought or upon exposure to nitrate. The mechanism for regulating gas
permeability is not yet known.
Nodules contain an oxygen-binding heme protein called ​leghemoglobin​. Leghemoglobin
is present in the cytoplasm of infected nodule cells at high concentrations and gives the nodules a
pink color. The host plant produces the globin portion of leghemoglobin in response to infection
by the bacteria (Marschner 1995); the bacterial symbiont produces the heme portion.
Leghemoglobin has a high affinity for oxygen, about ten times higher than the β chain of human
Although leghemoglobin was once thought to provide a buffer for nodule oxygen, recent
studies indicate that it stores only enough oxygen to support nodule respiration for a few seconds
(Denison and Harter 1995). Its function is to help transport oxygen to the respiring symbiotic
bacterial cells in a manner analogous to hemoglobin transporting oxygen to respiring tissues in
animals (Ludwig and de Vries 1986).

FIGURE 12.9 ​A heterocyst in a filament of the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium

Anabaena​. The thick-walled heterocysts, interspaced among vegetative cells, have an anaerobic
inner environment that allows cyanobacteria to fix nitrogen in aerobic conditions. (© Paul W.
Johnson/Biological Photo Service.).

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