Nitrogen Cycle

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The nitrogen cycle describes how nitrogen is converted between different chemical forms and circulates between terrestrial and marine ecosystems through both biological and physical processes.

The main processes in the nitrogen cycle are nitrogen fixation, nitrification, assimilation, ammonification, and denitrification.

Nitrogen is fixed into a biologically available form mainly through nitrogen-fixing bacteria that are able to break the strong bonds between nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere and combine it with hydrogen through the enzyme nitrogenase.


 The nitrogen cycle is the biogeochemical

cycle by which nitrogen is converted into
multiple chemical forms as it circulates
among atmosphere terrestrial and marine
ecosystems. The conversion of nitrogen can
be carried out through both biological and
physical processes.

 Nitrogen fixation is the process by which gaseous nitrogen

(N2) is converted to ammonia (NH3 OR NH4+) via biological
fixation or nitrate (NO3-) through high energy physical
processes. N2 is extremely stable and a great deal of energy
is required to break the bonds that join the two N atoms. N2
can be converted directly into NO3- through processes that
exert a tremendous amount of heat,pressure,and energy.
such as processes include combustion,volcanic
action,lightning discharges,and industrial means.however,a
greater amount of biologically available nitrogen is naturally
generated via the biologically available nitrogen is naturally
generated via the biological conversion of N2 to NH3/NH4+.A
small group group of bacteria and cyanobacteria are capable
using the enzyme nitrogenase to break the bonds among the
molecular nitrogen and combine it with hydrogen.
 nitrogenase only functions in the absence of
oxgen. the exclusion of oxygen. The
exclusion of oxygen is accomplished by many
means.some bacteria live beneath layers of
oxygen-excluding slime on the roots of
certain plants. the most important soil
dwelling bacteria rhizobium,live in oxygen
freezones is nodules on the roots of legumes
and some other woody plants. aquatic
filamentous cyanobacteria utilize oxygen
excluding cells called heterocysts.
nitrification is a two-step process in
which NH3/NH4+ is converted to
NO3.first,the soil bacteria nitrococcus
convert NH3 to NO2 and then another
soil bacterium, nitrobacter,oxidizes
NO2 to NO3.these bacteria gain energy
through these conversions both of
which require oxygen to occur.
 assimilation is the process by which plants

and animals incorporate the NO3-and

ammonia formed through nitrogen fixation
and nitrification.plants take up these forms of
nitrogen through their roots and incorporate
them into plant proteins and nucleic
acids.animals are then able to utilize nitrogen
from the plants tissues.
assimilation produces large quantities of
organic nitrogen,including proteins,amino
acids, and nucleic acids.ammonification is the
conversion of organic nitrogen into
ammonia.the ammonia produced by this
process is excreted into the environment and is
then available for either nitrification or
 Denitrification is the reduction of NO3- to

gaseous N2 by anaerobic bacteria. This

process only occurs where there is little to no
oxygen,such as deep in the soil near the
water table. Hence,areas such as wetlands
provide a valuable place for reducing excess
nitrogen levels via denitrification processes.
 The most common forms of inorganic nitrogen in the environment are diatomic
nitrogen gas (N2), nitrate (NO3-), nitrite (NO2-), ammonia (NH3), and
ammonium (NH4+). The species that predominate depend on the chemical,
physical, and biological environment.
 In aquatic evironments, the presence of nitrogen as unionized ammonia (NH3) or
ammonium (NH4+) is dependent on the pH temperature.
 When the pH is below 8.75, NH4+ predominates. Increases in pH signify
increases in the hydroxyl ion (OH-) concentration of the water, meaning the
above reaction will shift to the left in order to reach equilibrium. Above a pH of
9.75, NH3 predominates (Hem, 1985). NH3 is a more toxic to aquatic life. If
biological assimilation of NH3 is not occuring at a sufficient rate, NH3 may
accumulate and cause detrimental effects to aquatic life.
 In soils, NH4+ ions are strongly sorbed by clay particles and organic matter,
which have a net negative surface charge. In alkaline soils, NH4+ will be
converted to NH3 gas, and lost to the atmosphere. Under warm growing
conditions, NH4+ in the soil will be transformed to NO3- via nitrification. NO3-
is very solouble, and can easily be leached from soils under wet conditions.
 plants and animals could not live without
nitrogen it is an important part of many cells
and processes such as amino acids
protens,and even your is also needed
to make chlorophyll in plants,which plants
use in photosynthesis to make their food and

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