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So far steady state analysis of electric circuits was discussed. Electric circuits will be
subjected to sudden changes which may be in the form of opening and closing of
switches or sudden changes in sources etc. Whenever such a change occurs, the
circuit which was in a particular steady state condition will go to another steady state
condition. Transient analysis is the analysis of the circuits during the time it changes
from one steady state condition to another steady state condition.

Transient analysis will reveal how the currents and voltages are changing during the
transient period. To get such time responses, the mathematical models should
necessarily be a set of differential equations. Setting up the mathematical models for
transient analysis and obtaining the solutions are dealt with in this chapter.

A quick review on various test signals is presented first. Transient response of simple
circuits using classical method of solving differential equations is then discussed.
Laplace Transform is a very useful tool for solving differential equations. After
introducing the Laplace Transform, its application in getting the transient analysis is
also discussed.
S1 R


S1 R 1 vC R 1
With steady
S2 state
E condition, at
iC C
time t = 0 iC C
switch position
0 is changed 0
from S1 and S2

For t ≥ 0, both vC and iC change with respect time.

Step function

Step function is denoted as u(t) and is described by

u(t) = X for t ≥ 0
= 0 for t < 0

Fig. (a) shows a step function.

u(t) u(t)


0 t 0 t

(a) (b)

The step function with X = 1 is called as unit step function. It is described as

u(t) = 1.0 for t ≥ 0

= 0 for t < 0

Unit step function is shown in Fig. (b).

Exponentially decaying function

Exponentially decaying function is described by

x(t) = X e - α t for t ≥ 0
= 0 for t < 0

The value of this function decreases exponentially with time as shown in Fig. below.

x(t) x(t)


0 t 0 t
(a) (b)
For exponentially decaying function, the time required for the signal to reach zero value,
when it is decreased at a constant rate, equal to the rate of decay at time t = 0, is called
TIME CONSTANT. Time constant is the measure of rate of decay.


0.368 X

0 τ t

Consider the exponentially decaying signal shown and described by

x(t) = X e - α t (7.5)

Its slope at time t = 0 is given by

= - α X e -αt =-αX (7.6)
dt t=0 t=0

Minus sign indicates that the function value is decreasing with increase in time. Then,
X 1
as stated by the definition, time constant τ is given by τ = = (7.7)
αX α
For this exponentially decaying function, knowing α τ = 1, the value of x(t) at time t = τ
is obtained as

= Xe -αt = X e - 1 = 0.368 X
x(t) t= τ t= τ

Therefore, for exponentially decaying function, time constant τ is also defined as the
time required for the function to reach 36.8 % of its value at time t = 0. This aspect is
shown in previous Fig.

Now consider the two exponentially decaying signals shown. They are described by

x(t) x1 (t) = X e - α1 t
x1 (t) = X e  α 1 t

X x2 (t) = X e - α2 t
x2 (t)= X e  α2 t

0 τ1 τ2 t

Their time constants are τ1 and τ 2 respectively. It is seen that τ1 < τ 2 and hence

α1 > α2. Further, it can be noted that, smaller the time constant faster is the rate of
Exponentially increasing function

The plot of x(t) = X (1 - e- α t) (7.36)

is shown in the Fig. It is to be seen that at time t = 0, the function value is zero and the
function value tends to X as time t tends to ∞. This is known as exponentially increasing
function x(t)

0.632 X

τ t

For such exponentially increasing function, time constant, τ is the time required for the
function to reach the final value, if the function is increasing at the rate given at time
t = 0.

dx X 1
= 0 + α X e -αt =αX Therefore τ=  (7.37)
dt t=0 t=0 αX α

The value of x(t) at time t = τ is obtained as x(t) = X (1 - e-1) = 0.632 X (7.38)

Thus, for exponentially increasing function, time constant τ is also defined as the time
taken for the function to reach 63.2 % of the final value. This is shown in Fig. above.
In the Fig. (a) shown below, x(t) is continuous.


0 0
t t1 t

(a) (b)

In Fig. (b) shown, x(t) has discontinuity at time t = t 1. The value of at time t = t1
tends to infinity.

While doing transient analysis on simple RC and RL circuits, we need to make use of
the following two facts.

1. The voltage across a capacitor as well as the current in an inductor cannot

have discontinuity.

2. With dc excitation, at steady state, capacitor will act as an open circuit and
inductor will act as a short circuit.

These two aspects can be explained as follows.

The current through a capacitor is given by iC = C (dv / dt). If the voltage across the
capacitor has discontinuity, then at the time when the discontinuity occurs, dv / dt
becomes infinity resulting the current iC to become infinity. However, in physical
system, we exclude the possibility of infinite current. Then, we state that in a capacitor,
the voltage cannot have discontinuity. Suppose, if the circuit condition is changed at
time t = 0, the capacitor voltage must be continuous at time t = 0 and hence
vC(0+) = vC(0-). (7.14)

where time 0+ refers the time just after t = 0 and time 0- refers the time just before t = 0.
Similarly the voltage across an inductor is vL = L (di / dt). If the current through the
inductor has discontinuity, then at the time when the discontinuity occurs, di / dt
becomes infinity resulting the voltage vL to become infinity. However, in physical
system, we exclude the possibility of infinite voltage. Then, we state that in an inductor,
the current cannot have discontinuity. Suppose, if the circuit condition is changed at
time t = 0, the inductor current must be continuous at time t = 0 and hence
iL(0+) = iL(0-) (7.15)

With dc excitation, at steady state condition, all the element currents and voltages are
of dc in nature. Therefore, both di / dt and dv / dt will be zero. Since i C = C (dv / dt) and
vL = L (di / dt), with dc excitation, at steady state condition, the current through the
capacitor as well as the voltage across the inductor will be zero. In other words, with dc
excitation, at steady state condition, the capacitor will act as an open circuit and the
inductor will act as a short circuit.
Switching occurs at time t = 0
vC(0+) = vC(0-) iL(0+) = iL(0-)

With DC excitation, at steady state

capacitor acts as OPEN CIRCUIT and
inductor acts as SHORT CIRCUIT

While studying the transient analysis of RC and RL circuits, we shall encounter with two
types of circuits namely, source free circuit and driven circuit.

Source free circuit

A circuit that does not contain any source is called a source free circuit. Consider the
circuit shown in Fig. 7.7 (a). Let us assume that the circuit was in steady state condition
with the switch is in position S 1 for a long time. Now, the capacitor is charged to
voltage E and will act as open circuit.

S1 R R 1
C iC

(a) (b)
Fig. 7.7 Source free RC circuit.

Suddenly, at time t = 0, the switch is moved to position S 2. The voltage across the
capacitor and the current through the capacitor are designated as vC and i C
respectively. The voltage across the capacitor will be continuous. Hence

vC(0+) = vC(0-) = E (7.16)

The circuit for time t > 0 is shown in Fig. 7.7 (b). We are interested in finding the voltage
across the capacitor as a function of time. Later, if required, current through the
capacitor can be calculated from iC = C . Voltage at node 1 is the capacitor voltage
vC. The node equation for the node 1 is
R 1
vC dv C vC
C 0 (7.17)
R dt
dv C v
i.e.  C 0 (7.18)
dt RC
Fig. 7.7 (b) 0

We have to solve this first order differential equation (DE) with the initial condition

vC(0+) = E (7.19)

We notice that DE in Eq. (7.18) is a homogeneous equation and hence will have only
complementary solution. Let us try vC(t) = K est (7.20)

as a possible solution of Eq. (7.18).

dv C v
 C  0 with the initial condition vC(0+) = E
dt RC

A possible solution is: vC(t) = K est

Substituting the solution in the DE. we get

1 1
s K est  K est = 0 i.e. K est ( s + )=0

The above equation will be satisfied if

K est = 0 and or (s + )=0

From Eq. (7.20) it can be seen that K est = 0 will lead to the trivial solution of vC(t) = 0.
We are looking for the non-trivial solution of Eq. (7.18). Therefore

s+ =0 (7.21)
s+ =0 (7.21)

This is the characteristic equation of the DE given in Eq. (7.18). Its solution s = - is
called the root of the characteristic equation. It is also called as the natural frequency
because it characterizes the response of the circuit in the absence of any external
source. Thus the solution of the DE (7.18) is obtained by substituting s = - in the
solution vC(t) = K est. Therefore,

 t
vC(t) = K e (7.22)

The constant K can be found out by using the initial condition of vC(0) = E Substituting
t = 0 in the above equation, we get

vC(0) = K = E (7.23)

 t
Thus the solution is vC(t) = E e (7.24)
 t
Thus the solution is vC(t) = E e (7.24)

It can be checked that this solution satisfy

dv C v
 C  0 with the initial condition vC(0+) = E
dt RC

Obtained solution is sketched in Fig. 7.8. It is an exponentially decaying function.


0 t
Fig. 7.8 Plot of vC(t) as given by Equation (7.24).

In this case, the time constant τ = RC. By varying values of R and C, we can get
different exponentially decaying function for vC(t). The dimension of time constant RC
can be verified as time as shown below.

volt coulomb amp. sec.

RC =   sec.
amp. volt amp.
 t
vC(t) = E e (7.24)

The current through the capacitor, in the direction as shown in Fig. 7.7 (b), is given by

1 R 1
dv C 1  t
iC(t) = C  C E ( )e RC vC
dt RC

E  t
=- e (7.25)
R Fig. 7.7 (b) 0

Since the capacitor is discharging, the current is negative in the direction shown in
Fig. 7.7 (b). The plot of capacitor current iC(t) is shown in Fig. 7.9.



Fig. 7.9 Plot of iC(t) as given by Equation (7.25).

Driven circuit

Again consider the circuit shown in Fig. 7.7 (a) which is reproduced in Fig. 7.10 (a). Let
us say that the switch was in position S 2 long enough so that vC(t) = 0 and i C(t) = 0 i.e.
all the energy in the capacitor is dissipated and the circuit is at rest. Now, the switch is
moved to position S 1. We shall measure time from this instant. As discussed earlier,
since the capacitor voltage cannot have discontinuity,

vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 0 (7.26)

The circuit applicable for time t > 0, is shown in Fig. 7.10 (b).
S1 R R vC

(a) (b)
Fig. 7.10 Driven RC circuit.

Node equation for the node 1 gives

vC  E dv C dv C v E
C 0 (7.27) i.e.  C  (7.28)
R dt dt RC RC
dv C v E
 C  (7.28)
dt RC RC

Unlike in the previous case, now the right hand side is not zero, but contains a term
commonly called the forcing function. For this reason, this circuit is classified as driven
circuit. The initial condition for the above DE is

vC(0+) = 0 (7.29)

The complete solution is given by

vC(t) = vcs(t) + vps(t) (7.30)

where vcs(t) is the complementary solution and vps(t) is the particular solution.

The complementary solution vcs(t) is the solution of the homogeneous equation

dv C v
 C 0 (7.31)
dt RC

Recalling that Eq. (7.22) is the solution of Eq. (7.18), we get

 t
vcs(t) = K e (7.32)
Since the forcing function is a constant, the particular solution can be taken as

vps (t) = A

dv C v E
Since it satisfies the non-homogeneous equation given by Eq. (7.28),  C 
dt RC RC
on substitution, we get

0  i.e. A = E.

Thus vps (t) = E (7.33)

 t
Addition of vcs (t) and vps (t) yields vC(t) = K e +E (7.34)

To determine the value of K, apply the initial condition of vC(0) = 0 to the above
equation. Thus

0=K+E i.e. K = - E

1 1
 t  t
Thus, the complete solution is vC(t) = - E e +E = E (1 - e ) (7.35)
 t
The plot of capacitor voltage vC(t) = E (1 - e ) is shown in Fig. 7.11.

For this function, time constant τ is = RC.

The current through the capacitor is calculated as

R vC

1 1
dv C E t
iC(t) = C = C e RC
dt RC E
E RCt
= e 0 (7.39)
R Fig. 7.10 (b)

Now, the capacitor current as marked in Fig. 7.10 (b), is positive and the capacitor gets
charged. This capacitor current is plotted as shown in Fig. 7.12.

vC (t)

0.632 E

0 t
τ t
Fig. 7.11 Plot of vC(t) as given by Eqn. (7.35). Fig. 7.12 Plot of iC(t) as given by Eqn. (7.39).
We have solved the circuits shown in Fig. 7.10 (b) and the resulting solutions are shown
in Figs. 7.11 and 7.12. They are reproduced in Fig. 7.13.
vC (t) iC (t)
R vC
1 E

0 t 0 t
Fig. 7.13 RC driven circuit and voltage and current responses.

These results can be obtained straight away recognizing the following facts.

The solution of first order differential equation will be either exponentially decreasing or
exponentially increasing. It is known that vC(0+) = 0. With dc excitation, at steady state,
the capacitor will act as open circuit and hence vC(  ) = E. Thus, the capacitor voltage
exponentially increases from 0 to E.

Since vC(0+) = 0, initially the capacitor is short circuited and hence i C(0) = . With dc
excitation, at steady state, the capacitor will act as open circuit and hence i C(  ) = 0.
Thus the capacitor current exponentially decreases from to zero.

Similar reasoning out is possible, in other cases also, to obtain the responses directly.
More general case of finding the capacitor voltage

In the previous discussion, it was assumed that the initial capacitor voltage v C(0) = 0.
There may be very many situations wherein initial capacitor voltage is not zero. There
may be initial charge in the capacitor resulting non-zero initial capacitor voltage
(Example 7.8). Further, the circuit arrangements can also cause non-zero initial
capacitor voltage. For this purpose consider the circuit shown below. The switch was in
position S1 for a long time. It is moved from position S1 to S2 at time t = 0.

R1 S1 S2 R2

E1 E2
R1 S1 S2 R2

E1 E2

We shall assume the following:

1. At time t = 0- the circuit was at steady state condition with the switch in position S 1

2. After switching to position S2, the circuit is allowed to reach the steady state condition

Thus, we are interested about the transient analysis for one switching period only.

Initial capacitor voltage vC(0) is E1 and the final capacitor voltage vC(  ),will be E2.

The more general expression for the capacitor voltage can be obtained as

 t
vC(t) = vC(  ) + [vC(0) - vC(  )] e R2 C
Summary of formulae useful for transient analysis on RC circuits

1. Time constant τ = RC α = 1 / RC

2. When the capacitor is discharging from the initial voltage of E

 t
vC(t) = E e RC E

3. When the capacitor is charged from zero initial voltage to final voltage of E
 t
vC(t) = E ( 1 - e ) E

4. When the capacitor voltage changes from vC(0) to v C ()
 t
vC(t) = vC(  ) + [vC(0) - vC(  )] e RC vC(∞)

Plot of vC(t) depends on values of vC(0) and vC(  )

dv C (t) t
5. Capacitor current iC(t) = C
dt vC(0)
Example 7.1 An RC circuit has R = 20 Ω and C = 400 µF. What is its time constant?

Solution For RC circuit, time constant τ = RC.

Therefore, τ = 20 x 400 x 10-6 s = 8 ms

Example 7.2 A capacitor in an RC circuit with R = 25 Ω and C = 50 µF is being

charged with initial zero voltage. What is the time taken for the capacitor voltage to
reach 40 % of its steady state value?

Solution With R = 25 Ω and C = 50 µF, τ = RC = 1.25 x 10-3 s; hence 1/RC = 800 s-1.
 t
Taking the capacitor steady state voltage as E, vC(t) = E (1 - e )
Let t1 be the time at which the capacitor voltage becomes 0.4 E. Then

 800 t 1  800 t 1
0.4 E = E (1- e ) i.e. 0.4 = 1 - e
 800 t 1
e = 0.6 i.e. - 800 t1 = ln 0.6 = - 0.5108

Therefore, t1 = s  0.6385 x 10 3 s  0.6385 ms
Example 7.3 In an RC circuit, having a time constant of 2.5 ms, the capacitor
discharges with initial voltage of 80 V. (a) Find the time at which the capacitor voltage
reaches 55 V, 30 V and 10 V (b) Calculate the capacitor voltage at time 1.2 ms, 3 ms
and 8 ms.

1 1000
Solution (a) Time constant RC = 2.5 ms; Thus = = 400 s-1
RC 2.5

During discharge, capacitor voltage is given by vC(t) = 80 e- 400 t V

Let t1, t2 and t3 be the time at which capacitor voltage becomes 55 V, 30 V and 10 V.

 400 t 1 55
55 = 80 e ; - 400 t1 = ln = - 0.3747; Thus t1 = 0.93765 ms

 400 t 2 30
30 = 80 e ; - 400 t2 = ln = - 0.9808; Thus t2 = 2.452 ms

 400 t 3 10
10 = 80 e ;- 400 t3 = ln = - 2.0794; Thus t3 = 5.1985 ms

(b) vC(1.2x 10-3) = 80 e- 400 t = 80 e-0.48 = 49.5027 V

vC(3x 10-3) = 80 e- 400 t = 80 e-1.2 = 24.0955 V

vC (8x 10-3) = 80 e- 400 t = 80 e-3.2 = 3.261 V

Example 7.4 Consider the circuit shown below.
vC(t) = 56 e- 250 t V for t > 0
R C vC(t)
i(t) = 7 e- 250 t mA for t > 0

(a) Find the values of R and C. (b) Determine the time constant.

(c) At what time the voltage vC(t) will reach half of its initial value?

Solution (a) Given that vC(t) = 56 e- 250 t V. Therefore τ = RC = s

v C (t) 1
Resistance R =  8000 Ω ; Thus capacitance C = F  0.5 μF
i (t) 250 X 8000

(b) Time constant = RC = 4 x 10 -3 s = 4 ms

(c) Let t1 be the time taken for the voltage to reach half of its initial value of 56 V.
 250 t 1  250 t 1
Then, 56 e = 28; i.e. e = 0.5 i.e. - 250 t1 = ln 0.5 = - 0.6931;

Time t1 = s  2.7724 x 10 3 s  2.7724 ms
Example 7.5

Find the time constant of the RC circuit shown in below.

20 Ω 44 Ω

30 V 80 Ω 0.5 mF

Solution Thevenin’s equivalent across the capacitor, is shown below.

RTh 20 Ω 44 Ω

VTh 0.5 mF 80 Ω RTh

(a) (b)

Referring to Fig. (b) above, RTh = 44 + (20││80) = 60 Ω

Time constant τ = RC = 60 x 0.5 x 10-3 s = 30 ms

Example 7.6 The switch in circuit shown was in position1 for a long time. It is moved
from position 1 to position 2 at time t = 0. Sketch the wave form of vC(t) for t > 0.

5 kΩ 1 t=0

75 V 500 µF
8 kΩ

Solution With switch is in position 1, capacitor gets charged to a voltage of 75 V.

i.e. vC(0+) = 75 V. The switch is moved to position 2 at time t = 0.
vC (t)
Time constant RC = 8 X 10 3 X 500 X 10-6 = 4 s

Finally the capacitor voltage decays to zero. Thus, 75 V

vC(t) = 75 e- 0..25 t

Wave form of the capacitor voltage is shown.

0 t
Example 7.7 A series RC circuit has a constant voltage of E, applied at time t = 0 as
shown in Fig. below. The capacitor has no initial charge. Find the equations for i, v R
and vC. Sketch the wave shapes.
+ - 1
E = 100 V
R +
E C vC R = 5000 Ω
i - C = 20 µF
Solution Since there is no initial charge, vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 0

For t ˃ 0, capacitor is charged to final voltage of 100 V. 100 V

vC (t)
Time constant RC = 5000 x 20 x 10 -6 = 0.1 sec.

vR (t)
vC(t) = E (1 - e ). Thus, vC(t) = 100 (1 - e-10 t) V t
dv C
i(t) = C -6 -10 t = 0.02 e-10 t A 0.02 A
dt = 20 X 10 X 100 x 10 e

Voltage across the resistor is vR(t) = R i(t) = 100 e-10 t V

Wave shapes of i, vR(t) and vC(t) are shown. 0 t

Example 7.8 A 20 µF capacitor in the RC circuit shown has an initial charge of
q0 = 500 µC with the polarity as shown. The switch is closed at time t = 0. Find the
current transient and the voltage across the capacitor. Find the time at which the
capacitor voltage is zero. Also sketch their wave shape.

E = 50 V
t=0 -
E C q0 R = 1000 Ω
i + C = 20 µF
Solution Initial charge of q0 in the capacitor is equivalent to initial voltage of

q0 500 X 10 6
vC(0) = -  6
  25 V ; Further, vC(  ) = E = 50 V
C 20 X 10

Time constant RC = 1000 X 20 X 10-6 = 20 X 10-3 s. Thus 1/RC = 50 s-1

 t
vC(t) = vC(  ) + [vC(0) - vC(  )] e RC

vC(t) = 50 + [ - 25 - 50 ] e- 50 t = 50 - 75 e- 50 t

dv C
Current i(t) = C = 20 X 10-6 X 75 X 50 e-50 t A = 0.075 e-50 t A
Let t1 be the time at which the capacitor voltage becomes zero. Then
 50 t 1  50 t 1
50 - 75 e = 0 i.e. e = 0.6667

- 50 t1 = - 0.4054 i.e. t1 = 8.108 X 10-3 s

The capacitor voltage becomes zero at time t1 = 8.108 ms

Wave forms are shown in Fig. 7.24

i(t) vC (t)
50 V
0.075 A

0 t - 25 V

Fig. 7.24 Wave forms - Example 7.8.

Example 7.9

Consider the circuit shown below. The switch was in closed position for a long time. It is
opened at time t = 0. Find the current i(t) for t > 0.
500 Ω t=0

+ 50 Ω
35 V 200 Ω
- i
2 mF

500 Ω
Solution Circuit at time t = 0 - is shown.
+ 50 Ω
35 V
+ 200 Ω
- iC(t) -
200 vC(0 )
vC(0-) = 35 X  10 V
200  500 -

For time t > 0, capacitor voltage of 10 V is discharged through a resistor of 250 Ω.

Time constant RC = 250 X 2 X 10-3 = 0.5 s; vC(t) = 10 e-2 t V

dv C -2 t -3 -2 t -2 t
iC(t) = C = 2 X 10-3 X ( - 20) e A = - 40 X 10 e A = - 0.04 e A
Thus i(t) = - iC(t) = 0.04 e-2 t A
Example 7.10 Consider the circuit shown. The switch was in open position for a long
time. It is operated as shown. Compute and plot the capacitor voltage for t > 0. Also find
the time at which the capacitor voltage is 50 V.
2.5 F

+ vC -
80 V 20 Ω 3A
16 Ω

Solution Circuit at time t = 0 - is shown in Fig. (a).

2.5 F 2.5 F
+ vC(0) - + vC -
+ +
80 V 20 Ω 3A 80 V 3A
- -
16 Ω 16 Ω
0 0

(a) (b)
Capacitor acts as open circuit. I16 Ω = 0. Voltage V A = 80 V and voltage V B = 60 V

Thus vC(0) = 20 V
With the switch is in closed position, the circuit will be as shown in Fig. (b). With the
steady state reached, Capacitor acts as open circuit. I16 Ω = 0.

Voltage V A = 80 V and voltage V B = 0 V. Thus vC(  ) = 80 V

vC (t)
RC = 16 X 2.5 = 40 s
80 V
 t
Using vC(t) = vC(  ) + [vC(0) - vC(  )] e RC
we get

vC(t) = 80 + [20 - 80] e-0.025 t = 80 - 60 e-0.025 t V 20 V

Plot of the capacitor voltage is shown. t

Let t1 be the time at which the capacitor voltage = 50 V. Then

80 - 60 e  0.025 t 1 = 50 i.e. 60 e  0.025 t 1 = 30 i.e. e  0.025 t 1 = 0.5 i.e. - 0.025 t1 = - 0.6932

Thus t1 = 27.728 s

Capacitor voltage becomes 50 V at time t1 = 27.728 s

Example 7.11 Consider the circuit shown below. The switch was in position S 1 for a
long time. It is operated as shown. Compute and plot the capacitor voltage for t > 0.
Also find the time at which the capacitor voltage becomes zero.
5Ω S2 S1 8Ω
+ -
25 V 20 Ω 20 V
0.5 F

Solution Voltage vC(0) = - 20 V

Circuit for time t > 0 and its Thevenin’s equivalent are shown below.
5Ω S2 RTh S2

+ +
25 V 20 Ω VTh
0.5 F 0.5 F
- i - i

VTh = X 25  20 V RTh = 5││ 20 = 4 Ω; Thus RC = 4 x 0.5 = 2 s
20  5
 t
Using vC(t) = vC(  ) + [vC(0) - vC(  )] e RC
we get

vC(t) = 20 + [ - 20 - 20] e-0.5 t = 20 - 40 e-0.5 t V

vC(t) = 20 - 40 e-0.5 t V

dv C -0.5 t
iC(t) = C = 0.5 X 20 e A = 10 e-0.5 t A

Wave shapes of vC(t) and iC(t) are shown below.

vC(t) i(t)

10 A
20 V

t 0 t

- 20 V

Let t1 be the time at which the capacitor voltage reaches zero value. Then

20 - 40 e  0.5 t 1 = 0; i.e. e  0.5 t 1 = 0.5; i.e. - 0.5 t1 = - 0.6931; Thus t1 = 1.3863 s

Capacitor voltage reaches zero value at time t1 = 1.3863 s

So far we have done transient analysis for one switching period. Now we shall illustrate
how to carry out transient analysis for two switching period through an example.
Example 7.12 In the initially relaxed RC circuit shown the switch is closed on to
position S1 at time t = 0. After one time constant, the switch is moved on to position S 2.
Find the complete capacitor voltage and current transients and show their wave forms.

S1 R
E1 = 20 V; E2 = 40 V
E1 C R = 500 Ω
C = 0.5 µF

Solution RC = 500 X 0.5 X 10-6 s = 0.25 X 10-3 s = 0.25 ms 1/RC = 4000 s-1

During the first switching period, capacitor gets charged from zero volt. Its voltage
exponentially increases towards 20 V. Thus

vC(t) = 20 (1 - e- 4000 t) V

At t = 1 time constant, vC = 20 (1 - e-1) = 12.64 V

For the second switching operation, there is initial capacitor voltage of 12.64 V.
Let the second switching occurs at time t’ = 0. Time t’ = 0 implies time t = 0.25 X 10 -3 s
i.e. t’ = t - 0.25 X 10-3. For t’ > 0, capacitor voltage changes from its initial value, vC(0),
of 12.64 V to final value, vC () , of - 40 V. Knowing that

 t
vC(t) = vC(  ) + [vC(0) - vC(  )] e RC
we get

vC(t’) = - 40 + [12.64 + 40] e - 4000 t’ = 52.64 e- 4000 t’ - 40 V

Therefore, capacitor voltages for the two switching periods are

vC(t) = 20 (1 - e- 4000 t) V for t > 0 and ≤ 0.00025 s

vC(t) = 52.64 e- 4000 (t - 0.00025) - 40 V for t ≥ 0.00025 s

with vC(0.00025-) = vC(0.00025+) = 12.64 V

(Note that the capacitor voltage shall maintain continuity)

Knowing that

vC(t) = 20 (1 - e- 4000 t) V for t > 0 and ≤ 0.00025 s

vC(t) = 52.64 e- 4000 (t - 0.00025) - 40 V for t ≥ 0.00025 s

For the first switching period

dv C
Capacitor current i C(t) = C = 0.5 X 10-6 X 20 X 4000 e- 4000 t = 0.04 e- 4000 t A

iC(0.00025-) = 0.04 e-1 = 0.01472 A

For the second switching period,

vC(t’) = 52.64 e- 4000 t’ - 40 V

iC(t’) = 0.5 X 10-6 X ( - 52.64 X 4000 e- 4000 t’) = - 0.10528 e- 4000 t’ A

i.e. iC(t - 0.00025) = - 0.10528 e- 4000 (t - 0.00025) A i C(0.00025+) = - 0.10528 A

vC(t) iC(t)
20 V 0.04 A

12.64 V
0.01472 A

τ t τ t

τ  25 ms

- 40 V

- 0.10528 A

Note: At the switching time, voltage across the capacitor does not have discontinuity i.e.
vC(0.25 X 10-3)- = vC(0.25 X 10-3)+. On the other hand, the current through the capacitor
has discontinuity at the instant of switching. The current just before switching and just
after switching can be calculated by considering the circuit conditions at the respective
20  12.64
time. At time t = (0.25 X 10-3)-, current i =  0.01472 A

- 40  12.64
At time t = (0.25 X 10-3)+, current i =   0.10528 A
RC Circuit RL Circuit

τ = RC α = 1 / RC τ =L/R α=R/L

Switching at t = 0 vC(0+) = vC(0-) Switching at t = 0 iL(0+) = iL(0-)

With DC, at SS capacitor acts as open circuit With DC, at SS inductor acts as short circuit

vC(0) ≠ 0; vC(  ) = 0; Then iL(0) ≠ 0; iL(  ) = 0; Then

 t R
RC 
vC(t) = vC(0) e L
iL(t) = iL(0) e
vC(0) = 0; vC(  ) ≠ 0; Then iL(0) = 0; iL(  ) ≠ 0; Then
 t R
vC(t) = vC(  ) (1 - e RC
) iL(t) = iL(  ) ( 1 - e


vC(0) ≠ 0; vC(  ) ≠ 0; Then iL(0) ≠ 0; iL(  ) ≠ 0; Then

 t R
vC(t) = vC(  ) + [vC(0) - vC(  )] e RC
iL(t) = iL(  ) + [iL(0) - iL(  )] e


dv C (t) diL (t)

iC(t) = C vL(t) = L
dt dt

Now we shall consider RL circuit for the transient analysis. As stated earlier,

1. The current in an inductor cannot have discontinuity at the time when switching

2. With dc excitation, at steady state, inductor will act as a short circuit.

Now also we shall end up with first order DE whose solution will be exponential in

Source free circuit

A circuit that does not contain any source is called a source free circuit. Consider the
circuit shown in Fig. 7.35 (a). Let us assume that the circuit was in steady state
condition with the switch is in position S 1 for a long time. Now the inductor acts as short
circuit and it carries a current of .
S1 R R 1
iL iL

(a) (b)
Fig. 7.35 Source free RL circuit.
Suddenly, at time t = 0, the switch is moved to position S 2. The current through the
inductor and the voltage across the inductor are designated as i L and vL respectively.
The current through the inductor will be continuous. Hence
R 1

iL(0+)= i L(0-) = 0 (7.49)

The circuit for time t > 0 is shown above. We are interested in finding the current
through the inductor as a function of time. Later, if required, voltage across the inductor
can be calculated from vL = L . The mesh equation for the circuit is

diL diL R
R iL  L 0 (7.50) i.e.  iL  0 (7.51)
dt dt L

We need to solve the above equation with the initial condition

iL(0+) = (7.52)
The structure of the equation (7.51) is the same as Eq. (7.18). In this case, the time
constant, τ is . The inductor current exponentially decays from the initial value of
to the final value of zero. Thus the solution of equation 7.51 yields

E  RL t
iL(t) = e (7.53)

The plot of inductor current is shown in Fig. (a).

iL(t) vL(t)
R t

0 -E
(a) (b)

It can be seen that the dimension of L / R is time. Dimensionally

L Flux linkage amp. Flux linkage

   sec.
R amp. volt Flux linkage / sec

di E R  RL t R
 t
The voltage across the inductor is: vL(t) = L =L (- )e =-E e L (7.54)
dt R L

The plot of the voltage across the inductor is shown in Fig. (b).
Driven circuit

Consider the circuit shown in Fig. 7.37 (a). After the circuit has attained the steady state
with the switch in position S 2, the switch is moved to position S 1 at time t = 0. We like to
find the inductor current for time t > 0.

S1 R R vL

iL L iL

(a) (b)
Fig. 7.37 Driven RL circuit.

Since the current through the inductor must be continuous

iL(0+) = i L(0-) = 0 (7.55)

The circuit for time t > 0 is shown in Fig. 7.37 (b). The mesh equation is

diL diL R
R iL  L E (7.56) i.e.  iL  E (7.57)
dt dt L

We need to solve the above DE with the initial condition i L(0) = 0

diL R
 iL  E
dt L

 t
ics = K e L and i ps = A

Substituting i ps in the DE, we get

0= A  and hence A 

This gives, i ps = E / R
 t E
The total solution is i L(t) = K e +

Using the initial condition in the above, we get

0=K+ i.e. K = -

Therefore the inductor current is

E  Lt E E  t
iL(t) = - e + = (1 - e L ) (7.58)
Inductor current i L(t) exponentially increases from 0 to with time constant, τ = as
shown in Fig. 7.38 (a).


E vL(t)

τ t 0 t
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.38 Plot of iL(t) and vL(t).
Now, the voltage across the inductor is obtained as
di E R  Lt  t
vL(t) = L L e =E e L
dt R L

It can be seen that the voltage vL(t) exponentially decreases from E to zero with the time
constant, τ = as shown in Fig. 7.38 (b).

It is to be noted that the initial and the final values of the inductor current and the
voltage across it can be readily computed by considering the circuit condition at that
More general case of finding the inductor current

In the previous discussion, it was assumed that the initial inductor current iL(0) = 0.
There may be very many situations wherein initial inductor current is not zero.

The circuit arrangements can cause non-zero initial inductor current. For this purpose
consider the circuit shown below. The switch was in position S 1 for a long time. It is
moved from position S1 to S2 at time t = 0.

R1 S1 S2 R2

E1 E2
R1 S1 S2 R2

E1 E2

We shall assume the following:

1. At time t = 0- the circuit was at steady state condition with the switch in position S1

2. After switching to position S2, the circuit is allowed to reach the steady state condition

Thus, we are interested about the transient analysis for one switching period only.

Initial inductor current iL(0) is E1 / R1 and the final inductor current iL(  ),will be E2 / R2.

The more general expression for the inductor current can be obtained as

 t
iL(t) = iL(  ) + [iL(0) - iL(  )] e L
Summary of formulae useful for transient analysis on RL circuits

1. Time constant τ =L/R Hence α = R / L

2. When the inductor current is decaying from the initial value of iL(0) to zero
 t
iL(t) = iL(0) e L iL(0)

0 t
3. When the inductor current is exponentially increasing from zero to i L(  )
 t
iL(t) = iL(  ) ( 1 - e L
) iL(∞)

4. When the inductor current changes from iL(0) to iL ()


iL(t) = iL(  ) + [iL(0) - iL(  )] e L

Plot of iL(t) depends on values of iL(0) and iL(  )

diL (t)
5. Inductor voltage vL(t) = L
Example 7.13 An RL circuit with R = 12 Ω has time constant of 5 ms. Find the value of
the inductance.

Solution R = 12 Ω; Time constant, L / R = 5 X 10 -3 s

Inductance L = 12 X 5 X 10 -3 = 60 mH

Example 7.14

In an RL circuit having time constant 400 ms the inductor current decays and its value
at 500 ms is 0.8 A. Find the equation of i L(t) for t > 0.

 t
Solution L / R = 400 X 10-3 s; R / L = 2.5 s-1; As iL(t) decays, iL(t) = i L(0) e L

When t = 500 ms, iL(t) = 0.8 A. Using this

0.8 = i L(0) e- 2.5 X 0.5 = i L(0) e- 1.25 = 0.2865 i L(0)

Thus i L(0) = 0.8 / 0.2865 = 2.7923 A

Therefore iL(t) = 2.7923 e- 2.5 t

Example 7.15 In a RL circuit with time constant of 1.25 s, inductor current increases
from the initial value of zero to the final value of 1.2 A.

(a) Calculate the inductor current at time 0.4 s, 0.8 s and 2 s.

(b) Find the time at which the inductor current reaches 0.3 A, 0.6 A and 0.9 A.

Solution L / R = 1.25 s iL(0) = 0 iL(  ) = 1.2 A α = 1/1.25 = 0.8 s-1

(a) iL(t) = 1.2 (1 - e- 0.8 t) A

When time t = 0.4 s, i L = 1.2(1 - e-0.32) = 0.3286 A

When time t = 0.8 s, i L = 1.2(1 - e-0.64) = 0.5672 A

When time t = 2 s, i L = 1.2(1 - e-1.6) = 0.9577 A

(b) Let t1, t2 and t3 be the time at which current reaches 0.3 A, 0.6 A and 0.9 A.

0.3 = 1.2 (1 - e  0.8 t1 ) i.e. e  0.8 t1 = 0.75 i.e. 0.8 t1 = 0.2877 i.e. t1 = 0.3596 s

0.6 = 1.2 (1 - e  0.8 t 2 ) i.e. e  0.8 t 2 = 0.5 i.e. 0.8 t2 = 0.6931 i.e. t2 = 0.8664 s

0.9 = 1.2 (1 - e  0.8 t 3 ) i.e. e  0.8 t3 = 0.25 i.e. 0.8 t3 = 1.3863 i.e. t3 = 1.7329 s
Example 7.16

In the RL circuit shown in Fig. below, the voltage across the inductor for t > 0 is given
by vL(t) = 0.16 e  200 t V . Determine the value of the inductor L and obtain the equation
for current i L(t). Also compute the value of voltage E.
t=0 0.2 Ω vL


R 0.2
Solution vL(t) = 0.16 e  200 t V ; R = 0.2 Ω α=  200; i.e. L  H  1 mH
L 200

When the switch is closed inductor current exponentially increases from 0 to i L(  ). It is

 t di R  t  t
iL(t) = i L(  ) ( 1 - e L
) Also vL(t) = L L  L iL () e L  R iL () e L
dt L
 t
Comparing vL(t) =  R iL () e L with vL(t) = 0.16 e  200 t V

Therefore, 0.2 i L(  ) = 0.16 i.e. i L(  ) = 0.16 / 0.2 = 0.8 A

 200 t
Thus, iL(t) = 0.8 (1 - e )

Also i L(  ) = Therefore,  0.8; Thus E  0.16 V
0.2 0.2
Example 7.17 The switch in the circuit shown was in open position for a long time. It
is closed at time t = 0. Find i L(t) for time t > 0.

t=0 2Ω

24 V 8Ω 0.8 H
- iL

Solution Current i L(0) = 0

When the switch is closed, Current i L(  ) = 24 / 2 = 12 A

Thevenin’s resistance = 8││2 = 1.6 Ω τ = L / R = 0.8 / 1.6 = 0.5 s ; α = 2 s-1

Inductor current exponentially increases from 0 to 12 A.

Current i L(t) = 12 ( 1- e- 2 t) A

Same result can be obtained by getting the Thevenin’s equivalent circuit for time t > 0
as shown in Fig. below. 1.6 Ω

19.2 V 0.8 H
- iL
Example 7.18 The switch in the circuit shown was in closed position for a long time.
Find current i L(t) for time t > 0.
10 Ω

+ 0.5 H
20 V
- 8Ω
30 Ω

Circuit for t = 0- and t =  are shown in Fig. (a) and (b) below.

10 Ω 10 Ω

+ +
20 V iL(0) 20 V
8Ω iL (  )
- -
30 Ω 30 Ω

(a) (b)

Current i L(0) = 20 / 40 = 0.5 A Further, current i L(  ) = 20 / 40 = 0.5 A

 t
Therefore, current i L(t) = iL(  ) + [i L(0) - iL(  )] e L
= 0.5 A
Example 7.19 In the circuit shown the switch was in open position for a long time.
Determine the current i L(t) and the voltage vR(t) for time t > 0.
10 Ω 30 Ω

+ vR -
iL 2.5 H 20 V

Circuit for t = 0- and t =  are shown in Fig. (a) and (b) below.

10 Ω 30 Ω 10 Ω 30 Ω

+ vR - + vR -
+ +
20 V 20 V
iL(0) iL (  )
- -

(a) (b)
Current i L(0) = 20 / (10 + 30) = 0.5 A; Current i L(  ) = 0: Thevenin’s resistance = 10 Ω

Time constant = L / R = 2.5 / 10 = 0.25 s; α = 4 s-1

Thus i L(t) = 0.5 e- 4t A Voltage vR(t) = - 10 i L(t) = - 5 e- 4 t V

Example 7.20

The circuit shown was in steady state condition with the switch open. Find the inductor
current for time t > 0. 4Ω 4Ω

8V iL 1.4 H
12 Ω
4Ω 4Ω
Current i L(0) = 8 / (4 + 4) = 1 A

Circuit for t =  is
iT = 8 / 7 = 1.1429 A 8V iL
12 Ω
iL(  ) = (12/16) 1.1429 A -

= 0.8571 A

Thevenin’s resistance wrt inductor = 4 + 3 = 7 Ω

Time constant L / R = 1.4 / 7 = 0.2 s; α = 5 s -1

 t
Current i L(t) = iL(  ) + [i L(0) - iL(  )] e L
= 0.8571 + [1 - 0.8571] e- 5 t A

= 0.8571 + 0.1429 e- 5 t A
Example 7.21 With the switch open, the circuit shown below was in steady state
condition. At time t = 0, the switch is closed. Find the inductor current for time t > 0 and
sketch its wave form. t=0

16 Ω 40 Ω
12 V 10 Ω iL 8H


Circuit for t = 0- and t =  are shown in Fig. (a) and (b).

16 Ω 40 Ω 40 Ω
+ +
12 V 10 Ω 12 V 10 Ω
iL(0) iL (  )
- -

To find iL(0): RT = 16 + 8 = 24 Ω; IT = 12 / 24 = 0.5 A; iL(0) = 0.5 X = 0.1 A

To find iL(  ); 12 / 40 = 0.3 A; Further, RTh = 40 Ω

Time constant = L / RTh = 8 / 40 = 0.2 s α = 5 s-1
 t
Current i L(t) = iL(  ) + [i L(0) - iL(  )] e L
= 0.3 + [0.1 - 0.3] e- 5 t

= 0.3 - 0.2 e- 5 t A

Current wave form is shown in Fig. 7,51.


0.3 A

0.1 A

Fig. 7.51 Wave form of iL(t) - Example 7.21.
Example 7.22

For the initially relaxed circuit shown, the switch is closed on to position S 1 at time t = 0
and changed to position S 2 at time t = 0.5 ms. Obtain the equation for inductor current
and voltage across the inductor in both the intervals and sketch the transients.

S1 R vL
E1 = 100 V; E 2 = 50 V
E1 L R = 100 Ω
L = 0.2 H

With the switch is in position S 1, inductor current exponentially increases from zero to
the steady state value of 100 / 100 = 1 A. Knowing the time constant as L / R =

0.2 / 100 = 1 / 500 s, equation of inductor current in the first switching interval is
iL(t) = 1 - e- 500 t A Corresponding voltage is

vL(t) = L = 0.2 X 500 e- 500 t V = 100 e- 500 t V for 0.5 X 10-3 ≥ t > 0

Therefore iL(0.5 X 10-3) = 1 - e- 0.25 = 0.2212 A

vL(0.5 X 10-3) = 100 e- 0.25 = 77.88 V

S1 R vL
Let the second switching occurs at time t’ = 0.
Then, t’ = t - 0.5 X 10 -3 E1
E2 L
For time t’ > 0, the mesh equation is
diL diL R E
R iL(t’) + L = - E2 i.e. + iL(t’) = - 2 with i(0) = 0.2212 A
dt' dt' L L
diL R E
+ iL(t’) = - 2 with i(0) = 0.2212 A
dt' L L
 t'
ics = K e and ips = A

Substituting the particular solution to the non-homogeneous DE, we get

A = - 2 i.e. A = - 2 = - 0.5
Complete solution is

iL(t’) = K e- 500 t’ - 0.5

Using the initial condition

K - 0.5 = 0.2212 i.e. K = 0.7212. Thus

iL(t’) = 0.7212 e- 500 t’ - 0.5 A

vL(t’) = 0.2 X (- 0.7212 X 500) e- 500 t’ = - 72.12 e- 500 t’ V

When t’ = 0, inductor voltage = - 72.12 V

The current and voltage transients are shown in Fig. 7.53.


1.0 A

100 V
77.88 V

0.2212 A

0 0 t
tC t tC

- 72.12 V
- 0.5 A

tC = 0.5 ms
Fig. 7.53 Wave forms - Example 7.22.

In circuits with several capacitances and inductors, we often come across with integro-
differential equations. Such equations can be rewritten as higher order DEs. The
classical method of solving the DEs is rather involved. Here, the complimentary solution
and the particular solution have to be determined and finally the arbitrary constants
have to be obtained from the initial conditions. The Laplace Transform (LT) method is
much superior to the classical method due to the following reasons.

1. Laplace transformation transforms exponential and trigonometric functions into

algebraic functions.

2. Laplace transformation transforms differentiation and integration into

multiplication and division respectively.

3. It transforms integro-differential equations into algebraic equations which are

much simpler to handle.

4. The arbitrary constants need not be determined separately. Complete solution

will be obtained directly.

The LT of f(t) is defined by F(s) = f(t) e dt (7.65)
The following Table 7.1 gives the LT of some important functions used quite often in
transient analysis.
Table 7.1 Laplace transform of certain time functions.
Time function f(t) Laplace transform F(s) Time function f(t) Laplace transform F(s)
u(t) 1 E E
s s

e- a t 1 eat 1
sa sa

sin ωt ω sin (ωt + θ) s sin θ  ω cos θ

s2  ω2 s2  ω2

cos ωt s cos (ωt + θ) s cos θ  ω sinθ

s2  ω2 s2  ω2
d2 f
df s F(s) - f(0 ) +
s2 F(s) - s f(0+} - f’(0+)
dt dt 2

 f(t) dt
e- α t f(t) F(s + α)
0 s
f(t - t1) 1
e  t1 s F(s) t
While finding inverse Laplace Transform, in many cases, as a first step, F(s) is to be
split into sum of functions in s. This is done using partial fraction method. The results of
two cases that are used quite often are furnished below.

s2  p s  q K1 K2 K3
1. F(s) = =   (7.66)
(s  a) (s  b) (s  c) sa sb sc

Here K1 = (s + a) F(s) s = - a

K2 = (s + b) F(s) s = - b
K3 = (s + c) F(s) s = - c

A k k A1 A 1 A 1 1
2. F(s) =  1 2    (  )
s (s  B) s s + B B s B s  B B s s  B

When LT method is used for transient analysis, Transform Circuit shall be arrived
first. In the transform circuit, all the currents and voltages are the transformed
quantities of the currents and voltages. Further, all the element parameters are
replaced by their Transform Impedances. Transform impedances of the individual
element shall be arrived at as discussed below.


The terminal relationship for the resistor, in time domain is

v(t) = R i(t) (7.68)

Taking LT on both sides, V(s) = R I(s) (7.69)

Fig. below shows the terminal relationships of resistor in time and transform domains.

i(t) R I(s) R

+ v(t) - + V(s) -
Inductor For an inductor, v-i relationships in time domain are
di 1
v(t) = L (7.70) i(t) =  v dt  i (0  ) (7.71)
dt L 0

where i(0+) is the current flowing through the inductor at time t = 0+. On taking LT of
these equations, we get

V(s) i (0  )
V(s) = L s I(s) - L i(0 ) (7.72) I(s) =  (7.73)
Ls s

Note that above two equations are not different. Fig. below shows the representation of
the terminal relationship of inductor in time and transform domains.
i (0  )

L L i(0+)
i(t) I(s) Ls
I(s) Ls
i(0+) - +
+ V(s) -
+ v(t) - + V(s) -

It is to be noted that both the transform domain circuits shown above are equivalent of
each other. One can be obtained from the other using source transformation.
Capacitor For a capacitor, v-i relationships in time domain are
dv 1
i(t) = C
(7.74) v(t) = 
C 0
i dt  v (0  ) (7.75)

where v(0+) is the voltage across the capacitor at time t = 0+. On taking LT of these
equations, we get

I(s) v (0  )
I(s) = C s V(s) - C v(0 ) (7.76) V(s) =  (7.77)
Cs s

Note that the above two equations are not different. They are written in different form.
Fig. below shows the representation of the terminal relationship of capacitor in the time
and transform domains. C v(0+)

1 v(0  )
C Cs s
i(t) I(s) I(s)

+ v(0+) - 1 + -

+ v(t) - Cs + V(s) -
+ V(s) -

Here again, both the transform domain circuits shown are equivalent of each other. One
can be obtained from the other using source transformation.
Example 7.23 For the circuit shown below, obtain the transform circuit.

C1 R1 R3 L

+ i1 - i2
e(t) e0 C2
- +

Solution Fig. below shows the transform circuit.

C1 s Li0
R1 R3 Ls

i0 - +
+ I1(s) 1 I2(s)
E(s) C2 s
+ s

Consider the RL circuit shown in Fig. 7.59(a). Assume that the switch is closed at time t
= 0 and assume that the current i at the time of switching is zero.
vL vL
i L s I(s) Ls

0 0
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.59 Time domain and s domain - R-L circuit.

The transform circuit in s domain is shown in Fig. 7.59 (b). From this,

   
E/s E/L 
E/L  1 
1  
E1 1 
I(s) =    =  (7.78)
R  Ls R/L  s R Rs
s  
s (s  )  s  
L  L  L
E  t
Taking inverse LT i(t) = (1  e L ) (7.79)

Thus, inductor current rises exponentially with time constant L / R.

Voltage across the inductor is given by

V(s) = L s I(s) = (7.80)
 t
Taking inverse LT vL(t) = E e (7.81)

Inductor voltage increases exponentially with time constant L / R. The current and
voltage transients are shown in Fig. 7.60.

E vL(t)

τ t 0 τ t

(a) (b)
Fig. 7.60 Plot of iL(t) and vL(t).
Consider the circuit shown in Fig.(a). Let us say that with the switch in position S 1,
steady state condition is reached. The current flowing through the inductor is E / R. At
time t = 0, the switch is turned to position S2. Then

i(0+) = i(0-) = E / R

The transform circuit for time t > 0 is shown in Fig. (b). R V(s)

S1 R
S2 I(s)
E -
R +
(a) (b)

Considering the transformed circuit I(s) = R  R (7.82)
R  Ls R
E L t
Taking inverse LT i(t) = e (7.83)

The current decays exponentially with time constant L / R.

Since R I(s) + V(s) = 0 the voltage across the inductor is

V(s) = - R I(s) = - (7.84)
 t
Taking inverse LT vL(t) = - E e (7.85)

The inductor voltage exponentially changes from - E to zero with time constant L / R.

The current and voltage transients are given by the above two equations are shown.

i(t) vL(t)

0 τ t
Example 7.24 Initially relaxed series RL circuit with R = 100 Ω and L = 20 H has dc
voltage of 200 V applied at time t = 0. Find (a) the equation for current and voltages
across different elements (b) the current at time t = 0.5 s and 1.0 s (c) the time at which
the voltages across the resistor and inductor are equal.

Solution Transform circuit for time t > 0 is shown.

s 10 1 1 
(a) I(s) = =  2   
100  20 s s (s  5) s s  5 100
+ vR -
Therefore, current i(t) = 2 (1- e  5 t ) A 200
s 20 s
Voltage vR(t) = R i(t) = 200 (1- e 5t
)V I(s)
Voltage vL(t) = L  20 X 2 X 5 e  5 t  200 e  5 t V

(b) i(0.5) = 2 (1- e  2.5 ) = 1.8358 A i(1.0) = 2 (1- e  5 ) = 1.9865 A

(c) Let t1 be the time at which vR(t) = vL(t). Then

200 (1- e  5 t1 ) = 200 e  5 t1 i.e. e  5 t1 = 0.5 This gives t1 = 0.1386 s

Example 7.25 For the circuit shown, with zero inductor current the switch is closed on
to position S1 at time t = 0. At one mille second it is moved to position S 2 Obtain the
equation for the currents in both the intervals.
S1 R vL
E1 = 100 V; E2 = 50 V
E1 L R = 50 Ω
L = 0.2 H
Solution Transform circuits are shown. R
50 V(s)

vL Ls s
50 I(s)
s -
s 0.2 s
I(s) 0.08848
(a) (b)

The transform circuit for the first interval is shown in Fig. 7.65 (a). From this

s 500 1 1 
I(s) = =  2   
50  0.2 s s (s  250)  s s  250 

Thus, i(t) = 2 (1- e  250 t ) A i(0.001) = 2 (1- e  0.25 ) = 0.4424 A

At time t = 0.001 s, the switch is moved to position S 2. We shall say that this is done at
time t’ = 0. Thus t’ = 0 implies that t = 0 and hence t’ = t - 0.001.

The transform circuit for time t’ > 0 is shown in Fig. 7.65 (b) in which

L i(0+) = 0.2 X 0.4424 = 0.08848

 0.08848
s 50  0.08848 s 250  0.4424 s K 1 K2
Now, I(s) = =   
50  0.2 s s (50  0.2 s) s (s  250) s s  250

250  0.4424 s 250  0.4424 s

K1 =  1 K2 =  - 0.5576
s  250 s=0 s s = - 250

1 0.5576
Thus, I(s) = 
s s  250

Taking inverse LT we get, current i(t’) = 1 - 0.5576 e  250 t'

Thus for the two intervals currents are given by

i(t) = 2 (1- e  250 t ) A 0.001 ≥ t > 0

i(t) = 1 - 0.5576 e  250 (t - 0.001) A t > 0.001

Example 7.26 In the previous example, compute the voltage across the inductor in
both the intervals and sketch the wave form.

Solution In the first interval, i(t) = 2 (1- e  250 t ) A

vL(t) = L  0.2 X 2 X 250 e  250 t  100 e  250 t V vL(0.001) = 100 e  0.25  77.88 V

In the second interval, i(t’) = 1 - 0.5576 e  250 t'

vL(t’) = L  0.2 X 0.5576 X 250 e  250 t'  27.88 e  250 t'  27.88 e - 250 (t - 0.001) V

vL(0.001) = vL(t’) t’ = 0 = 27.88 V

The wave form of the voltage across the inductor is shown below.


100 V

77.88 V

27.88 V

0 t
t = 0.001 s
Example 7.27

In the initially relaxed RL circuit shown, the sinusoidal source of e = 100 sin (500 t) V is
applied at time t = 0. Determine the resulting transient current for time t > 0.

e ~ i 0.01 H


e = 100 sin (500 t) V; Its LT is

100 X 500 5 X 10 4
E(s) = 2 
s  250000 s 2  25 X10 4

Impedance = 5 + j 0.01 s
5 X 10 4 5 X 10 6
Current I(s) = = 2
(s 2  25 X10 4 ) (5  0.01s) (s  25 X10 4 ) (s  500)

K1 s  K 2 K3
= +
s 2  25 X10 4 s  500

5 X 10 6
K3 = 2 = 10
s  25 X10 4 s = - 500

5 X 10 6 K1 s  K 2 10
Since = +
(s 2  25 X10 4 ) (s  500) s 2  25 X10 4 s  500

5 X 106 = (K1 s + K2) (s + 500) + 10 (s2 + 25 X 104)

= (K1 + 10) s2 + (500 K 1 + K2) s + (500 K 2 + 25 X 105)

Comparing the coefficients, in LHS and RHS

K1 + 10 = 0 i.e. K 1 = - 10

500 K1 + K2 = 0 i.e. K 2 = - 500 K1. Thus K2 = 5000

-10 s 5000 10
Therefore, I(s) = [ + 2 + ]
s  25 X10
2 4
s  25 X10 4
s  500

On taking inverse LT, we get i(t) = 10 [- cos 500 t + sin 500 t + e  500 t ] A

= 14.14 sin (500 t - 450) + 10 e  500 t A

7.8.2 RC CIRCUIT Consider the RC circuit shown in Fig. 7.68 (a). Assume that the
switch is closed at time t = 0 and assume that the voltage across the capacitor at the
time of switching is zero.
vC VC(s)
E 1
i C s I(s) Cs

0 0
(a) (b)
Fig. 7.68 Time domain and s domain - RC circuit.

The transform circuit for time t > 0 is shown in Fig. 7.68 (b). From this

E/s EC E/R
I(s) =   (7.85)
1 RC s  1 1
R s

E  RC t
Taking inverse LT i(t) = e (7.86)

 
 
 E   (7.87)
1 E /RC 1 1
Voltage across the capacitor is VC(s) = I(s) 
Cs 1  s 1 
s (s  )  s  
RC  RC 
 
 
 E   (7.87)
1 E /RC 1 1
Voltage across the capacitor is VC(s) = I(s) 
Cs 1 s 1 
s (s  )  s  
RC  RC 

Taking inverse LT, we get the capacitor voltage as

 t
vC(t) = E (1 - e ) (7.88)

The circuit current and the voltage across the capacitor vary as shown in Fig. below.
i(t) vC(t)

0 t t
(a) (b)
Now, consider the circuit shown in Fig. (a).The switch was in position S1 for sufficiently
long time to establish steady state condition. At time t = 0, it is moved to position S 2.

Before the switch is moved to position S2, the capacitor gets charged to voltage E.
Since the voltage across the capacitor maintains continuity,
R V(s)
vC(0+) = vC(0-) = E
S1 R
S2 Cs
E +
s -
(a) (b)

The transform circuit for time t > 0 is shown in Fig. (b). From this

E/s EC E/R
I(s) = -   (7.89)
1 RC s  1 1
R s

E  RC t
Taking inverse LT i(t) = - e (7.90)
It is to be seen that R I(s) + VC(s) = 0

Thus VC(s) = - R I(s) = (7.91)
 t
Taking inverse LT vC(t) = E e (7.92)

The wave form of circuit current and the capacitor voltage are shown in Fig. 7.71.

i(t) vC(t)

t E


0 t

(a) (b)

Fig. 7.71 Plot of i(t) and vC(t) as given by Eq. (7.90) and (7.92).
Example 7.28 In the RC circuit shown below, the capacitor has an initial charge q 0 =
2500 µC. At time t = 0, the switch is closed. Find the circuit current for time t > 0.
10 Ω
i -
100 V 50 µF q0

q0 2500 X 10 6
vC(0) = -    50 V
C 50 X 10 6
10 V(s)
Transform circuit for time t > 0 is shown in Fig. 7.73.

Referring to Fig. 7.73, I(s)

106 / 50 s
100 50 s -

s s  150 15 50 / s
I(s) = 
20000 10 s  20000 s  2000 +
10 
s 0

Taking inverse LT, current i(t) = 15 e  2000 t A Fig. 7.73 Circuit - Example 7.28.
Example 7.29 For the circuit shown below, find the transient current, assuming that
the initial charge on the capacitor as zero, when the switch is closed at time t = 0.

100 Ω
+ S1
(200 sin 500 t) V ~ 25 µF

200 X 500 1 10 6
Solution E(s) = 2 ; 
s  250000 C s 25 s

10 5
s 2  250000 10 5 s
Therefore, I(s) =  2
4 X 10 4 (s  250000)(100 s  4 X 10 4 )
100 

1000 s K1 s  K 2 K3
= = +
(s 2  250000)( s  400) s 2  250000 s  400
1000 s
K3 = = - 0.9756
s 2  250000
s = - 400
Further, 1000 s = (K1 s + K2) (s + 400) - 0.9756 (s2 + 250000)

= (K1 - 0.9756) s2 + (400 K1 + K2) s + (400 K2 - 0.9756 X 250000)

Comparing the coefficients, in LHS and RHS we have

K1 - 0.9756 = 0 and 400 K1 + K2 = 1000

On solving, K1 = 0.9756; K2 = 609.76

0.9756 s 609.76 0.9756

Thus, I(s) = + -
s 2  250000 s 2  250000 s  400

s 500 0.9756
= 0.9756  1.2195 
s 2  5002 s 2  5002 s  400

Taking inverse LT i(t) = 0.9756 cos 500 t + 1.2195 sin 500 t - 0.9756 e  400 t A

Knowing that (0.9756)2  (1.2195)2  1.5617 and tan-1 (0.9756 / 1.2195) = 38.660

current i(t) = 1.5617 sin (500 t + 38.660) - 0.9756 e  400 t A


Consider the RLC series circuit shown in Fig. 7.75 (a). Assume that there is no initial
charge on the capacitor and there is no initial current through the inductor. The switch is
closed at time t = 0. Transform circuit for time t > 0 is shown in Fig. 7.75 (b).
R L R Ls

i E I(s) 1
C s Cs

(a) (b)
Fig. 7.75 Time domain and s domain - RLC circuit.

Using the transform circuit, expression for the current is obtained as

E/s EC E/L
I(s) =   (7.93)
1 R C s  L C s2  1 R 1
R  Ls  s2  s 

The roots of the denominator polynomial are

R R 1
s1, s2 = -  ( )2  αβ (7.94)
2L 2L LC

R R 1
where α = - and β  ( )2  (7.95)
2L 2L LC
R 2 1 R 2 1 R 2 1
Depending on whether ( ) > , ( ) = or ( ) < the discriminant
value will be positive, zero or negative and three different cases of solutions are

The value of R, for which the discriminant is zero, is called the critical resistance, R C.

RC 1
Then  ;
4 L2 LC

Thus R C  2 (7.96)

R 2 1
If the circuit resistance R > RC, then ( ) > .

R 2 1
If the circuit resistance R < RC, then ( ) < .
Case 1

R 2 1
( ) > i.e. R > RC (7.97)

The two roots s1 and s2 are real and distinct. s1 = α + β and s2 = α - β (7.98)

K1 K2
Then, I(s) =  (7.99)
s  (α  β) s  (α  β)

Taking inverse LT, we get

i(t) = K1 e (α  β) t + K2 e (α  β) t = e α t [ K 1 e β t  K 2 e  β t ] (7.100)

Its plot is shown in Fig. 7.76. In this case the current is said to be over-damped.

Fig. 7.76 RLC circuit over-damped response.
Case 2

R 2 1
( ) = i.e. R = RC (7.101)

Then, β = 0 and hence the roots are s1 = s2 = α (7.102)

Thus, I(s) =  (7.103)
(s  α) 2
(s  α)2

Taking inverse LT, we get i(t) = K t e α t (7.104)

The plot of this current transient is shown in Fig. 7.77. In this case, the current is said to
be critically damped.

Fig. 7.77 RLC circuit critically-damped response.
R 2 1
Case 3 ( ) < i.e. R < RC (7.105)

For this case, the roots are complex conjugate, s1 = α + j β and s2 = α - j β (7.106)

E/L E/L E β
Then, I(s) = = = (7.107)
(s  α  j β) (s - α  j β) (s  α ) 2  β 2 L β (s  α)2  β 2

= A (7.108)
(s  α)2  β 2

Taking inverse LT, we get i(t) = A e α t sinβ t (7.109)

As seen in Equation 7.95, α will be a negative number. Thus, for this under damped
case, the current is oscillatory and at the same time it decays.


Waveform shown is a
exponentially decaying
sinusoidal wave t
Example 7.30 For the RLC circuit shown, find the expression for the transient current
when the switch is closed at time t = 0. Assume initially relaxed circuit conditions.

100 Ω 0.1 H

200 V
100 µF

Solution The transform circuit is shown in Fig. 7.80.

100 0.1 s

200 I(s)

Fig. 7.80 Transform circuit - Example 7.30.

200 / s 200 2000

Current I(s) =  
10000 0.1s 2  100 s  10000 s 2  1000 s  100000
100  0.1s 
200 / s 200 2000
Current I(s) =  
10000 0.1s 2  100 s  10000 s 2  1000 s  100000
100  0.1s 

The roots of the denominator polynomial are

 103  10 6  0.4 X 10 6
s1, s2 =   1127 and  887.3

2000 K1 K2
Therefore, I(s) =  
(s  1127) (s  887.3) s  1127 s  887.3

K1 = = 2.582
s  887.3 s = - 112.7

K2 = = - 2.582
s  112.7 s = - 887.3

1 1
Thus, I(s) = 2.582 [  ]
s  112.7 s  887.3

Taking inverse LT, we get current i(t) = 2.582 ( e 112.7 t  e  887.3 t ) A

This is an example for over-damped.

Example 7.31 Taking the initial conditions as zero, find the transient current in the
circuit shown in Fig. 7.81 when the switch is closed at time t = 0.

5Ω 0.1 H

100 V
500 µF

Fig. 7.81 Circuit for Example 7.31.

Solution The transform circuit is shown in Fig. 7.82.

5 0.1 s

100 I(s) 10 6
500 s

Fig. 7.82 Transform circuit - Example 7.31.

100 / s 100 1000

Current I(s) =  
10 6 0.1s 2  5 s  2000 s 2  50 s  20000
5  0.1s 
500 s
100 / s 100 1000
Current I(s) =  
10 6 0.1s 2  5 s  2000 s 2  50 s  20000
5  0.1s 
500 s

The roots of the denominator polynomial are

 50  2500  80000
s1, s2 =   25  j139.1941

It can be seen that

s2 + 50 s + 20000 = (s + 25)2 + (139.1941)2

100 0 139.1941
Thus, I(s) =  7.1842
(s  25)2  (139.1941)2 (s  25)2  (139.1941)2

Taking inverse LT, we get i(t) = 7.1842 e  25 t sin(139.1941 t) A

This is an example for under-damped.

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