Lesson Plan For Teaching
Lesson Plan For Teaching
Lesson Plan For Teaching
This lesson matters because it will help the students to learn how to better articulate themselves when talking about the differences
between two or more things.
Assessment Statement: How will students show they have met the objective? There will be lesson checks using throughout my
teaching with white boards and then based on their completion of a worksheet after the lesson.
Within the ELL classroom, many of the students are diverse. I am using various popular culture references that I feel all of the students
will understand. I also allow the student to use their native language during the lesson with their peers in order to better understand the
Grouping Strategies:
Teacher Modeling/Demo.
Class/Group Discussion
Journal writing
Cooperative Learning
Role Play
Small Group
Guided Practice
Inquiry Learning
Lecture or Direct Instruction
Simulation/Role Playing
Independent Learning
Learning Stations
Model building
Readers/Writers Workshop
Lesson Agenda
Warm up: How will you support students in accessing prior knowledge, personal, real world and/or cultural connections?
15 min. Circulating the room Working on their warm This warm up with work
assisting the students with up. On the board, there to ease the students into
the warm up. are the two cartoon the topic of comparative
characters “Tom and and superlative adjectives.
Jerry”, the students are They are forming very
supposed to come up with simple sentences and this
About halfway through
three sentences about why lesson is going to teach
the warm up time, I will
they are the same and why them how they can create
provide them with basic
they are different. There more complex sentences
sentence structures that
are several adjectives that to show how two or more
the students can use if
things are different. The
they are unsure of how to
formulate the proper are also listed on the side students should be able to
sentences. of the board to help them. do this activity on their
own with the proper
supports that have been
provided, so it is also a
good activity to ease them
into the day.
10 min Silent reading Silently reading their Each day after the warm
library books or a book up, the students have 10
from the classroom. minutes of silent reading
time. This is a part of
their daily routine within
this class and is always
included in order to begin
to have them develop a
love for reading as well as
to work to improve their
reading levels.
20 min I will be going through Listening respectfully and I chose to teach the
my power point participating with their students lecture style
instructing the students on whiteboards when asked. because this is the way
how to form and use that their classroom
comparative and teacher usually introduces
superlative adjectives. I and teaches new grammar
will also ask questions topics. All of the students
throughout the are paying attention and
presentation that the are expected to participate
students can respond to on with the whiteboards, and
their whiteboards. they enjoy using the white
boards so hopefully this
At the end of the power will help them to maintain
point there is a fun video attention. The
that has a song that says a whiteboards will serve as
lot of the comparative and a check for learning for
superlative adjectives. me throughout the lesson.
This song is very This way, I will be able to
repetitive, and I feel it make sure the students are
will help to put the pattern understanding what they
of how to form the are learning throughout
adjectives in the students’ the lesson time. The
heads. video is just a fun little
other media element that
includes a nice song that I
feel will help to solidify
the pattern of how to form
the comparative and
superlative adjectives.
Rest of class Circulating the room and Completing the I have provided time for
assisting students with worksheets and they may the students to do their
their questions about the ask for help from the worksheets in class. This
worksheets. people near them or from way, if the students need
any of the three adults that any help, there are many
are walking around the people that are around to
room. Once they help them. On the
complete the first worksheets, students must
worksheet, they can move translate the adjectives
on to the second into their native language,
worksheet that is and then write the
available. adjectives in their
comparative and
superlative form. There
are also some fill in the
blank questions to check
for comprehension of the
adjectives as well as if
they can use them
properly in a sentence in
the correct form. There
worksheets will serve as
another assessment
because I will be able to
check their understanding
of the concept from them.
Closing: Wrap up and Assessment How do you know your students met your lesson objective(s) and to what extent?
The students will turn in their worksheets, however many they finished, on their way out the door when they are done with class time. I
will be able to see from the worksheets, how well the students understood the new grammar concept.
Daily Assessment
Higher Order Thinking Addressed Formative Assessment: Summative Assessment:
Today: Class discussion Test
Entrance/Exit slip Project
Teacher Observe Report
Listened to conversations Presentation
Quiz Final Exam
Thumbs up, neutral, or down Other ________________
Homework check
Video quiz
What would it take to move students from recall
Whiteboard Check
into higher order thinking?
Other ______________
Materials: Power point, smart board, white boards, markers, erasers, and worksheets
Copy: Worksheets
Safety Considerations:
Reflection: What did I learn through teaching this lesson? What do I want to remember the next time I teach this lesson?
How will assessment data from today’s lesson impact tomorrow’s teaching?
I feel that next time I need to work on being more consistent within the question that I ask to my students. Making sure that
whenever I prompt questions for them to answer on the whiteboards, these questions are clear, concise, and consistent in
order to avoid confusion for the students. I also need to work on differentiated my instruction more so that I will be able to
reach more learning styles. The assessment data from today’s lesson will help to let me know if they should go back and
review this concept again tomorrow, or if they understand it and can continue to build upon it in order to make their written
speech more complex.
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