Distinguishing Among Magnolia Cultivars Using Fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism AFLP Analysis

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New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science

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Distinguishing among Magnolia cultivars

using fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length
Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis

Anthony D. Mitchell , Roy A. Edwards & Chris M. Frampton

To cite this article: Anthony D. Mitchell , Roy A. Edwards & Chris M. Frampton (2001)
Distinguishing among Magnolia cultivars using fluorescent Amplified Fragment Length
Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis, New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 29:2,
77-83, DOI: 10.1080/01140671.2001.9514165

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New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2001, Vol. 29: 77-83 77
0014-0671/01/2902-0077 $7.00 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 2001

Distinguishing among Magnolia cultivars using fluorescent

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) analysis

ANTHONY D. MITCHELL DNA fingerprinting provides a means to test the

ROY A. EDWARDS hybrid origin of cultivars and cultivar similarity and
may lead to a better understanding of our cultivated
Soil, Plant and Ecological Sciences Division
plants (Lee et al. 1996).
P. O. Box 84
Magnolia x soulangeana or the saucer magnolia,
Lincoln University
resulted from a cross between M. denudata and M.
Lincoln, New Zealand
liliiflora made by Etienne Soulange-Bodin in 1820.
email (Mitchell): [email protected]
Soulange-Bodin established and was the first direc-
CHRIS M. FRAMPTON tor of the Royal Institute of Horticulture near Paris
Centre for Computing and Biometrics where he produced this hybrid (Spongberg in Hunt
P. O. Box 84 1998). Although commonly listed as M. x
Lincoln University soulangiana, the correct spelling for this hybrid is
with the termination -eana as described by Hunt
Lincoln, New Zealand
(1998). Callaway (1994), considered it likely that
Soulange-Bodin's cross was also made independ-
ently in Japanese nurseries, possibly occurring spon-
Abstract Amplified Fragment Length Polymor- taneously when the two parent plants were grown in
phism (AFLP) analysis was used to generate informa- close proximity. After the introduction of the hybrid
tive DNA fingerprints from Magnolia denudata, M. by Soulange-Bodin, a plethora of named forms were
liliiflora, and putative cultivars of their hybrid cross, introduced, including seedlings from backcrosses
i.e., M. × soulangeana, M. × soulangeana 'Lennei', and open pollinations. These forms cover the com-
M. × soulangeana 'Rustica Rubra', M. × soulan- plete range between the two parents in flower colour,
geana 'Alba', M. × soulangeana Huby', and M. × shape, and size. It is now practically impossible to
soulangeana 'San Jose'. A single specimen of un- keep track of all of the forms and account for their
known origin and representatives of the closely re- origins.
lated M. campbellii and M. stellata were also included
in the analysis. We show how this method may be A rootstock of unknown origin in the Magnolia
used for distinguishing among cultivars. collection at Lincoln University, New Zealand that
grew after the death of the scion M. acuminata
Keywords Amplified Fragment Length Polymor- 'Golden Glow' produced flowers similar to M. x
phism (AFLP); cultivar; DNA fingerprinting; soulangeana cultivars in shape and colour, but were
generally much larger. Flowering period and mor-
hybrid; Magnolia
phological characters were insufficient to distinguish
this taxon, which has potential as a new cultivar for
amenity horticulture.
INTRODUCTION The DNA fingerprinting technique known as Am-
A cultivar must be clearly distinct, uniform and sta- plified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)
ble in its characteristics (Trehane et al. 1995). Dis- (Vos et al. 1995; Mueller & Wolfenbarger 1999)
tinguishing among cultivars based on morphology may be applied directly to distinguish among and
can be difficult because the diagnostic characters are identify cultivars (Baraccia et al. 1998; Dirlewanger
often small or may not be apparent all year round. et al. 1998; Nadarajan et al. 1999; O'Hanlon et al.
1999; Tignon et al. 2000). The use of DNA profil-
ing for plant variety registration is attracting particu-
H0005I lar attention (Law et al. 1998). The AFLP method
Received 19 December 2000; accepted 8 May 2001 allows the generation of 10-100 times more markers
78 New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2001, Vol. 29

per reaction than other fingerprinting techniques, the (10 mMTris-HCl, pH 8.0; 0.1 mMEDTA) buffer.
large number of putative loci sampled providing a DNA concentrations were estimated and standard-
measure of variation across a wide portion of the ised against known concentrations of Lambda DNA
genome (Sharma et al. 1996). on 1% agarose gels.
In the present investigation, we used fluorescent Initially 10 \i\ of the total DNA extract was di-
AFLP analysis to study genetic variation in M. gested with 6 jLtl digestion buffer (50 mAfTris-HCl,
denudata Desr., M. liliiflora Desr., and cultivars of pH 7.5; 50 mM (CH3COO)2Mg.4H2O; 250 mM
their hybrid cross. M. campbellii Hook. & Thorns, CH3COOK), 5 nl dH2O, 1 \i\ of each restriction
and M. stellata (Sieb. & Zucc.) Maxim, were in- enzyme; EcoRl (10 U/jj.1, Roche Molecular Bio-
cluded for reference because these species are esti- chemicals) and Tru91 (an isoschizomer forAfeel) (10
mated (Qui et al. 1995) to be among the closest U/(xl, Roche Molecular Biochemicals), for 2 h at
relatives of M. denudata and M. liliiflora. The main 37°C followed by 15 min at 70°C. A 5 \l\ aliquot was
question we addressed was: can Magnolia cultivars run on a 1% agarose gel to check digestion was
be distinguished using AFLP markers? complete and the remaining DNA was then ligated
by adding 1 \i\ of each of the EcoRl (5 pmol/^l)
and Msel (50 pmol/|xl) adapters (Life Technologies),
MATERIALS AND METHODS 2 (il of ligation buffer (100 mMTris-HCl, pH 8.3;
15 mMMgCl2; 500 mMKCl), 1 \ll T4 DNA ligase
Plant materials and DNA samples (1 U/Hl, Gibco), and 5 \il dH2O. The mixture of
Samples from 12 mature Magnolia specimens were ligation cocktail plus digested DNA was incubated
used for the present study (Table 1). A single cultivar overnight at 4°C.
of unknown origin was included for investigation,
plus samples of M. campbellii and M. stellata. Two Pre-and selective amplifications
leaves were used for separate extractions from M. x The total pre-amplification reaction volume was 40
soulangeana and carried through the complete AFLP (0.1. This reaction consisted of 2 (il ligated DNA (di-
process as a control. All selective amplifications luted 1:5), 4 (al of 10 x PCR reaction buffer (100 mM
were repeated for the first primer combination and Tris-HCl, pH 8.3; 15 mMMgCl 2 ; 500 mMKCl),
subsequently carried through as a test of reproduc- 0.8 jil 10 mMdNTP, 31.04 Hi dH2O, 0.16 jal Taq
ibility. Polymerase (5 U/HI, Roche Molecular Biochem-
icals), and 1 Hi of each pre-amplification primer,
DNA extraction, digestion, and ligation each with one selective nucleotide; EcoR 1+1 primer
Total DNA was extracted using a modification of the 5'-GACTGCGTACCAATTCA-3' andMsel+l 5'-
CTAB method (Doyle & Doyle 1987). DNA was GATGAGTCCTGAGTAC-3' (50 ng/\i\, Life Tech-
precipitated in ethanol and resuspended in 25 jj.1 TE nologies). Pre-amplification was carried out in a

Table 1 Magnolia species, cultivars, and hybrids, Lincoln University, New

Zealand, living plant and herbarium (LINC) voucher numbers for samples used
in this study.

Magnolia species/cultivar Plant no. Herbarium no.

M. campbellii None LINC20004
M. stellata 59 LINC20007
M. denudata 39 LINC20010a
M. liliiflora 62 L1NC20008
M. liliiflora 'Nigra' 3 LINC20005
M. x soulangeana 27 LINC20009
M. x soulangeana 'Lennei' 46 LINC20032
M. x soulangeana 'Rustica Rubra' 1 LINC20003
M. xsoulangeana 'Alba' 14 LINC20035
M. xsoulangeana 'Ruby' 78 L1NC20006
M. xsoulangeana 'San Jose' 2 LINC20036
M. x "unknown" 18 LINC20002
Mitchell et al.—Distinguishing among Magnolia cultivars 79

thermocycler using the following temperature pro- 5 = a I (a + b + c)

file: 40 cycles of 30 s at 94°C, 30 s at 50°C, 60 s at
72°C. where a = number of fragments present for both
The total selective amplification reaction volume samples; b = number of fragments present for
was 20 (0.1 and contained 1 jo.1 of preamplification Sample A, but not for Sample B; c = number of
product (diluted 1:10), 2 yd 10 x PCR reaction buffer fragments present for Sample B, but not for Sample
without MgCl2 (as supplied with Expand High Fi- A. When comparing variation between samples,
delity PCR system, Roche Molecular Biochemicals), the similarity between every possible pair was
2.5 |il 25 mMMgCl 2 , 0.5 nl 10 mA/dNTP, 11.8 |xl used to calculate the median similarity index (Sokal
dH2O, 0.2 (xl Taq Polymererase and 1 \ll of each of 6 Rohlf 1981) for each level of variation present
the selective primers (10 ng/|al EcoRI and 50 ng/yd, among the operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in
Msel, Life Technologies). £coRI primers were la- primer combination 1.
belled with HEX. Selective amplifications were Using the numerical taxonomy program NTSYS-
made using four primer combinations: (1) EcoRl- pc (Rohlf 1990), similarity matrices were generated
AGC/Msel-CAG; (2) £coRl-AGC/M?eI-CAT; (3) from each of the binary matrices for each primer
£coRl-AGC/MseI-CTG; (4) EcoR 1 -ACG/Msel- combination based on Jaccard's coefficient. A
CAT. The following cycle profile was used for se- pairwise correlation was calculated between the el-
lective amplification: 5 cycles of 30 s at 94°C, 30 s ements of each of these similarity matrices and the
at 65°C, 60 s at 72°C, followed by 6 cycles of 30 s Mantel test (Mantel 1967), with 100 random permu-
at 94°C, 30 s at 60°C, 60 s at 72°C, followed by 24 tations performed to test for significant similarities
cycles of 30 s at 94°C, 30 s at 56°C, 60 s at 72°C. between primer combinations.
Binary matrices for each primer combination
were modified so that each contained only those
Generation of AFLP fingerprints OTUs shared among all matrices. The matrices with
From the 20 \l\ selective amplification product, 4 jo.1 identical OTUs were then pooled to form a single
was run out on a 3% agarose gel to check for dis- matrix. The coefficient of Jaccard was then used to
tinct amplification products. The remaining 16 yd generate a matrix of similarities for: (1) cluster analy-
was purified via ethanol precipitation and aliquots sis using the unweighted pair-group method arith-
of the products run out on an ABI 377 automatic metic average (UPGMA); and (2) principal
sequencer. Fragments were detected by laser and coordinates analysis (PCOORDA). A UPGMA
accurately sized with an internal standard. Digitally dendrogram was constructed and the first two co-
converted raw data were saved as samples migrated ordinates were plotted from the PCOORDA.
past the fluorescence detector. Multilocus profiles The program AFLPapp (Benham, J. 1997:
were visualised using ABI GENESCAN software. AFLPapp. A tool for analysis of AFLP data: http://
Fragment differences between samples were identi- hordeum.msu.montana.edu/sofrware/software.html)
fied as those differing by 1 bp. AFLP profiles were was used to identify the fragments inherited from
scored for presence/absence of fragments between each putative parent for all primer combinations. The
50 and 400 bp and a binary matrix prepared. method takes the first parent and compares every
fragment to the second parent. Fragments were not
Data analyses used in the analysis if: (1) a fragment from the first
parent is also present in the second parent; and (2)
The statistical software package SYSTAT vers. 5
if a fragment was not shared between any of the
was used to calculate the percentage congruence
between replicate samples using the simple match- cultivars and parents. The Magnolia of unknown
ing coefficient. origin was included for analysis.
SYSTAT vers. 5 was also used to compare three
levels of genetic variation: (1) between replicate
selective amplifications; (2) between M. x soulan-
geana cultivars; and (3) between species. A similar-
ity matrix was generated for primer combination 1 The congruence between replicate amplifications
based on the coefficient of Jaccard (S) (Sneath & was 91% (81-100%). Median levels of similarity
Sokal 1973). This coefficient does not consider among OTUs in primer combination 1 based on the
the shared absence of a character as indicating Jaccard coefficient were as follows: (1) between
similarity: replicate selective amplifications, 85%; (2) between
80 New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2001, Vol. 29
M. campbelliiQ
Fig. 1 Plot of principal coordi-
M. x soulangeana (a) . denudata M. x soulangeana 'San Jose' #M. stellata
nate 2 versus 1 for Magnolia
^ 0W. X 'unknown' amplified fragment length poly-
M- x soulangeana (b)
0M. x soulangeana 'Alba' morphisms from four selective
|/W x soulangeana'Lennei'
primer combinations. M. x soulan-
M. x soulangeane • geana (a) and (b) represent differ-
'Rustics Rubra'
# M . x soulangeana 'Ruby' ent leaves from the same tree.

# M . /////flora 'Nigra'

M. ff/H/tora
-0.56 —I—i—i r#-i—i—r I —I
-0.27 -0.27 0.14 0.35 0.56
Principal coordinate 1

Table 2 Polymorphism detected with four Amplified Fragment Length

Polymorphism (AFLP) primer combinations for 13 Magnolia samples.

AFLP primer No. of No. of polymorphic %

combination fragments fragments polymorphism

£coRl-AGC/M«?I-CAG 283 225 79.5

£coRl-AGC/A/seI-CAT 447 328 73.4
£coRl-AGC/Ms<?I-CTG 328 276 84.1
£coRl-ACG/Ms<?l-CAT 343 309 90
Total 1401 1138 81.2

M. x soulangeana cultivars, 64%; and (3) between in concordance, both showing that: (1) M.
species, 55%. campbellii and M. stellata were separated from
A total of 1401 AFLP fragments were recorded other OTUs; (2) M. x soulangeana cultivars
for 13 OTUs for the four pooled AFLP primer grouped more closely with M. denudata than with
combinations, with an average polymorphism of M. liliiflora; (3) samples originating from separate
81.2% (Table 2). The Mantel test showed a highly leaves of M. x soulangeana grouped closely to-
significant (P = <0.001) correlation between all gether; and (4) the sample of unknown hybrid ori-
combinations of primer matrices. The matrix cor- gin appeared among the OTUs representing M.
relation statistics for each primer combination were: denudata and M. x soulangeana cultivars. No ties
r = 0.62 for primer 1 versus 2, r = 0.69 for primer were encountered during UPGMA analysis.
1 versus 3, /• = 0.69 for primer 1 versus 4, r = 0.85 Magnolia x soulangeana cultivars contained
for primer 2 versus 3, r = 0.86 for primer 2 versus greater proportions of fragments inherited from M.
4, r = 0.86 for primer 3 versus 4. Good separation denudata compared with M. liliiflora (Fig. 3). Num-
was achieved using principal coordinates analysis, bers of fragments shared between cultivars and par-
with the first coordinate explaining 64.2% of the ents ranged from M. x soulangeana 'Alba' (165
variation. The second and third coordinates ex- fragments shared with M. denudata and 73 frag-
plained only 5.1 and 4.3% of the total variation re- ments shared withM liliiflora), to M x soulangeana
spectively. Principal coordinate axes 1 and 2 (Fig. 'Lennei' (139 fragments shared with M. denudata
1) and UPGMA clustering (Fig. 2) were generally and 99 fragments shared with M. liliiflora).
Mitchell et al.—Distinguishing among Magnolia cultivars 81

Fig. 2 Unweighted pair-group • M. campbellii

method arithmetic average • M. stettata
(UPGMA) analysis of Magnolia
amplified fragment length • M. denudata
polymorphisms from four selective . M x soulangeana (a)
primer combinations. M. x IM. x soulangeana (b)
soulangeana (a) and (b) represent • M x soulangeana 'Alba'
different leaves from the same tree.
" M. x soulangeana 'RusticaRubra'
• M. x soulangeana 'Ruby'
• M. x soulangeana 'Lennei'
• M. xsoulangeana 'San Jose'
• M. x 'unknown'
- M. Uliiflora 'Nigra'
• M. Uliiflora

0.52 0.61 0.71 0.81 0.90

Jaccard Coefficient

Fig. 3 Number of amplified frag- 160 -

ments from four primer combina-
tions shared between Magnolia x 2 120 -
soulangeana cultivars and their
parents, M. denudata ( • ) and M.
Uliiflora ( • ) . 80 -

40 -


^ A° </


DISCUSSION AFLPs. In the present study, the median similarities

based on the Jaccard coefficient were generated
The results show AFLP data are useful for detect- specifically for the purpose of comparing different
ing variation within and among Magnolia cultivars. taxonomic levels. These showed decreasing percent-
The 91 % congruence for replicate AFLP profiles are age similarity from replicate selective amplifications,
comparable with previous studies (Huys 1996; Win- to cultivars of M. x soulangeana and finally samples
field et al. 1998) that reported 95-100% variation for representing different species.
reference samples, indicating the error present is Magnolia x soulangeana cultivars grouped most
similar to that commonly encountered. The presence closely with M. denudata, based on PCOORDA
of error in the form of non-homologous AFLP prod- and UPGMA clustering (Fig. 1 and 2). All cultivars
ucts, may bias genetic distance estimates between inherited a higher number of fragments from
taxa. Rieseberg (1996) suggested that Random Am- M. denudata compared with M. Uliiflora (Fig. 3).
plified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) homology was We were able to estimate that the cultivar of un-
a function of taxonomic distance, i.e., the more known origin included in our study may have origi-
closely the compared taxa are, the greater the prob- nated from a cross between M. denudata and M.
ability that a shared co-migrating band is homolo- Uliiflora, because it was most closely related to the
gous. This might also be extended to the analysis of M. x soulangeana cultivars 'San Jose' and 'Lennei'
82 New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science, 2001, Vol. 29

(Fig. 1 and 2) and compared with the other cultivars, profiling as a tool for registration purposes. Accu-
contained a similar number of fragments inherited rate identification of cultivars would also require a
fromM denudata andM liliiflora (Fig. 3). Unpub- database containing DNA fingerprints for all recog-
lished flowering records of magnolias at Lincoln for nised cultivars for comparison.
3 years from 1988 showed that the unknown mag-
nolia was more similar to M. x soulangeana 'San
Jose' thanM. x soulangeana 'Lennei' in terms of the
spring flowering period and accumulated thermal
time. But M. "unknown" was unlike both M. x ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
soulangeana 'San Jose' and M. x soulangeana We are grateful to the Brian Mason Scientific and Tech-
'Lennei' in that only these two cultivars of M. x nical Trust for funding. Thanks to Jacqui Kent for her
soulangeana have a second and significant flower- assistance with the ABI. Thanks to R. R. Scott and I.
ing period in late summer. M. x soulangeana 'Ruby' Schonberger and three anonymous referees for critical
has also shown some tendency to flower in late sum- reading of this manuscript and to the staff and students
mer, but to a lesser extent. A significant period of of the Ecology and Entomology Group for their support.
flowering in late summer was also recorded for M.
liliiflora and M. liliiflora 'Nigra' for each of the 3
Possible explanations for the close relationship
implied for M. x soulangeana cultivars with M. Baraccia, A.; Torricelli, R.; Russi, L.; Lucaronu, B.; Bozzo,
denudata include: (1) the specimens do not repre- F.; Veronesi, F.; Falcinelli, M. 1998: Morpho-
sent true M. x soulangeana, and are in fact simple logical and molecular characterisation of two
cultivars of M. denudata; (2) the specimens are M. cultivars of Lolium perenne L.: an example of
x soulangeana, but segregation has occurred in the calculating the genetic distance between a regis-
F2 and succeeding generations; and (3) the speci- tered and a newly, constituted cultivar. Journal of
mens are M. x soulangeana, but backcrossing to M. Applied Seed Production 16: 39-45.
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ered many forms of M. x soulangeana to approach Oregon, Timber Press. 260 p.
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sult of segregation and introgression. Future inves- Monet, R. 1998: Identification of peach varieties
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