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(11) EP 1 052 302 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: C22C 38/12 (2006.01) C22C 38/14 (2006.01)
14.02.2007 Bulletin 2007/07 C21D 8/02 (2006.01) C21D 9/46 (2006.01)

(21) Application number: 99973310.8 (86) International application number:

(22) Date of filing: 03.12.1999
(87) International publication number:
WO 2000/034542 (15.06.2000 Gazette 2000/24)


(84) Designated Contracting States: • Yamasaki, Yuji

AT BE DE FR GB NL Tokyo 100-0005 (JP)
• Morita, Masaya
(30) Priority: 07.12.1998 JP 34697498 Tokyo 100-0005 (JP)
15.02.1999 JP 3628399 • Nagataki, Yasunobu
15.02.1999 JP 3628499 Tokyo 100-0005 (JP)
15.02.1999 JP 3628599 • Hasegawa, Kohei
15.02.1999 JP 3628699 Tokyo 100-0005 (JP)
15.02.1999 JP 3628799 • Matsuda, Hiroshi
15.02.1999 JP 3628899 Tokyo 100-0005 (JP)
• Ono, Moriaki
(43) Date of publication of application: Tokyo 100-0005 (JP)
15.11.2000 Bulletin 2000/46
(74) Representative: HOFFMANN EITLE
(60) Divisional application: Patent- und Rechtsanwälte
06002344.7 / 1 669 472 Arabellastrasse 4
81925 München (DE)
(73) Proprietor: JFE Steel Corporation
Tokyo, 100-0011 (JP) (56) References cited:
EP-A- 0 108 268 EP-A- 0 528 407
(72) Inventors: EP-A- 0 816 524 JP-A- 6 041 683
• Fujita, Takeshi JP-A- 7 048 649 JP-A- 9 235 650
Tokyo 100-0005 (JP) JP-A- 62 185 834 JP-A- 63 243 225
• Kitano, Fusato
Tokyo 100-0005 (JP) • PATENT ABSTRACTS OF JAPAN vol. 013, no. 049
• Hosoya, Yoshihiro (C-565), 3 February 1989 (1989-02-03) & JP 63
Tokyo 100-0005 (JP) 243225 A (NISSHIN STEEL CO LTD), 11 October
• Inazumi, Toru 1988 (1988-10-11)
Tokyo 100-0005 (JP)
EP 1 052 302 B1

Note: Within nine months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent, any person may give
notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to the European patent granted. Notice of opposition shall be filed in
a written reasoned statement. It shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been paid. (Art.
99(1) European Patent Convention).

Printed by Jouve, 75001 PARIS (FR)

EP 1 052 302 B1



5 [0001] The present invention relates to a high strength cold rolled steel sheet having 340 to 440 MPa of tensile strength,
which is used for automobile exterior panels such as hoods, fenders, and side panels, and to a method for manufacturing

[0002] Steel sheets used for automobile exterior panels such as hoods, fenders, and side panels have recently often
adopted high strength cold rolled steel sheets aiming at improved safety and mileage.
[0003] That kind of high strength cold rolled steel sheets are requested to have combined formability characteristics
such as further improved deep drawability, punch stretchability, resistance to surface strain (ability of not inducing
15 nonuniform strain on a formed surface) to make the steel sheets respond to the request for reducing the number of parts
and for labor saving in press stage through the integration of parts.
[0004] To answer the request, recently there have been introduced several kinds of high strength cold rolled steel
sheets which use very low carbon steels containing not more than 30 ppm of C as the base material, with the addition
of carbide-forming elements such as Ti and Nb, and of solid-solution strengthening elements such as Mn, Si, P. For
20 example, JP-A-112845(1993), (the term "JP-A" referred to herein signifies "Unexamined Japanese Patent Publication"),
discloses a steel sheet of very low carbon steel specifying a lower limit of C content and adding positively Mn. JP-A-
263184 (1993) discloses a steel sheet of very low carbon steel adding a large amount of Mn, further adding Ti or Nb.
JP-A-78784 (1993) discloses a steel sheet of very low carbon steel with the addition of Ti, further positively adding Mn,
and controlling the content of Si and P, thus giving 343 to 490 MPa of tensile strength. JP-A-46289(1993) and JP-A-
25 195080(1993) disclose steel sheets of very low carbon steels adjusting the C content to 30 to 100 ppm, which content
is a high level for very low carbon steels, and further adding Ti.
[0005] The high strength cold rolled steel sheets prepared from these very low carbon steels, however, fail to have
excellent characteristics of combined formability such as deep drawability, punch stretchability, and resistance to surface
strain. Thus, these high strength cold rolled steel sheets are not satisfactory as the steel sheets for automobile exterior
30 panels. In particular, these steel sheets are almost impossible to prevent the generation of waving caused from surface
strain which interferes the image sharpness after coating on the exterior panels.
[0006] Furthermore, to the high strength cold rolled steel sheets used for automobile exterior panels, there have
appeared strict requests for, adding to the excellent combined formability, excellent resistance to embrittlement during
secondary operation, formability of welded portions corresponding to tailored blank, anti-burring performance under
35 sheering, good surface appearance, uniformity of material in steel coil when the steel sheets are supplied in a form of
coil, and other characteristics.
[0007] EP 0 816 524 A1 describes a steel sheet aiming to have excellent panel appearance and dent resistance after


[0008] Following is the description of the high strength cold rolled steel sheets according to the present invention,
which have excellent characteristics of: combined formability characteristics including deep drawability, punch stretch-
ability, and resistance to surface strain; resistance to embrittlement during secondary operation; formability at welded
45 portions; anti-burring performance; surface characteristics; and uniformity of material in a coil.
[0009] Steel sheet 1 according to the present invention is a high strength cold rolled steel sheet consisting of 0.0040
to 0.010% C, 0.05% or less Si, 0.10 to 1.20% Mn, 0.01 to 0.05% P, 0.02% or less S, 0.01 to 0.1% sol.Al, 0.004% or less
N, 0.003% or less O, 0.01 to 0.20% Nb, optionally further containing 0.002% or less B, by weight, balance Fe and
unavoidable impurities; and satisfying the formulae (1), (2), (3), and (4);


EP 1 052 302 B1


where, C and Nb denote the content (% by weight) of C and Nb, respectively, YP denotes the yield strength (MPa), r
denotes the r value (average of r values determined at 0, 45, and 90 degrees to the rolling direction), and n denotes the
n value (a value in a range of from 1 to 5% strain; average of n values determined at 0, 45, and 90 degrees to the rolling
15 direction).
[0010] The Steel sheet 1 is manufactured by the steps of:

preparing a continuous casting slab of the steel which has the composition described above; preparing a hot rolled
steel sheet by finish rolling the slab at temperatures of Ar3 transformation temperature or more; coiling the hot rolled
20 steel sheet at temperatures not less than 540°C; and cold rolling the coiled hot rolled steel sheet at reduction ratios
of from 50 to 85%, followed by continuously annealing thereof at temperatures of from 680 to 880°C.


25 [0011]

Fig. 1 shows the shape of a panel used for evaluation of the resistance to surface strain.
Fig. 2 shows the influence of [(Nbx 12)/(C x 93)] on the waving height difference (∆Wca) before and after forming.
Fig. 3 shows the method of Yoshida buckling test.
30 Fig. 4 shows the influence of YP and r values on the plastic buckling height (YBT).
Fig. 5 shows the method of Hat type forming test.
Fig. 6 shows the influence of r values and n values on the deep drawability and the punch stretchability.
Fig. 7 shows a formed model of front fender.
Fig. 8 shows an example of equivalent strain distribution in the vicinity of a possible fracture section on the formed
35 model of front fender given in Fig. 7.


[0012] The above-described Steel sheet 1 according to the present invention is a steel sheet having particularly
superior combined formability. The detail of Steel sheet 1 is described in the following.
[0013] Carbon: Carbon forms a fine carbide with niobium to increase the strength of the steel and to increase the n
value in low strain domains, thus improves the resistance to surface strain. If the carbon content is less than 0.0040%,
45 the effect of carbon addition becomes less. If the carbon content exceeds 0.010%, the ductility of steel degrades.
Accordingly, the carbon content is specified to a range of from 0.0040 to 0.010%, preferably from 0.0050 to 0.0080%,
most preferably from 0.0050 to 0.0074%.
[0014] Silicon: Excessive addition of silicon degrades the chemical treatment performance of cold rolled steel sheets
and degrades the zinc plating adhesiveness on hot dip galvanized steel sheets. Therefore, the silicon content is specified
50 to not more than 0.05%.
[0015] Manganese: Manganese precipitates sulfur in the steel as MnS to prevent the hot crack generation of slabs
and to bring the steel to high strength without degrading the zinc plating adhesiveness. If the manganese content is less
than 0.10%, the precipitation of sulfur does not appear. If the manganese content exceeds 1.20%, the yield strength
significantly increases and the n value in low strain domains decreases. Consequently, the manganese content is
55 specified to a range of from 0.10 to 1.20%.
[0016] Phosphorus: Phosphorus is necessary for increasing strength of the steel, to amounts of 0.01% or more. If the
phosphorus content exceeds 0.05%, however, the alloying treatment performance of zinc plating degrades, and insuf-

EP 1 052 302 B1

ficient plating adhesion is generated. Accordingly, the phosphorus content is specified to a range of from 0.01 to 0.05%.
[0017] Sulfur: If sulfur content exceeds 0.02%, the ductility of steel becomes low. Therefore, the sulfur content is
specified to not more than 0.02%.
[0018] sol.Al: A function of sol.Al is to precipitate nitrogen in steel as AlN for reducing the adverse effect of solid solution
5 nitrogen. If the sol.Al content is below 0.01%, the effect is not satisfactory. If the sol.A1 content exceeds 0.1%, the effect
for the addition of sol. Al cannot increase anymore. Consequently, the sol.A1 content is specified to a range of from 0.01
to 0.1%.
[0019] Nitrogen: Nitrogen content is preferred as small as possible. From the viewpoint of cost, the nitrogen content
is specified to not more than 0.004%.
10 [0020] Oxygen: Oxygen forms oxide base inclusions to interfere the grain growth during annealing step, thus degrading
the formability. Therefore, the oxygen content is specified to not more than 0.003%. To attain the oxygen content of not
more than 0.003%, the oxygen pickup on and after the outside-furnace smelting should be minimized.
[0021] Niobium: Niobium forms fine carbide with carbon to strengthen the steel and to increase the n value in low
strain domains, thus improves the resistance to surface strain. If the niobium content is less than 0.01%, the effect cannot
15 be obtained. If the niobium content exceeds 0.20%, the yield strength significantly increases and the n value in low strain
domains decreases. Therefore, the niobium content is specified to a range of from 0.01 to 0.20%, preferably from 0.035
to 0.20%, and more preferably from 0.080 to 0.140%.
[0022] Solely specifying the individual components of steel cannot lead to high strength cold rolled steel sheets having
excellent combined formability characteristics such as deep drawability, punch stretchability, and resistance to surface
20 strain. To obtain that type of high strength cold rolled steel sheets, the following-described conditions are further requested.
[0023] For evaluating the resistance to surface strain, cold rolled steel sheets consisting of 0.0040 to 0.010% C, 0.01
to 0.02% Si, 0.15 to 1.0% Mn, 0.02 to 0.04% P, 0.005 to 0.015% S, 0.020 to 0.070% sol.Al, 0.0015 to 0.0035% N, 0.0015
to 0.0025% O, 0.04 to 0.17% Nb, by weight, and having a thickness of 0.8 mm were used to form panels in a shape
shown in Fig. 1, then the difference of waving height (Wca) along the wave center line before and after the forming, or
25 ∆Wca, was determined.
[0024] Fig. 2 shows the influence of [(Nb x 12)/(C x 93)] on the waving height difference (∆Wca) before and after forming.
[0025] If [(Nb x 12)/(C x 93)] satisfies the formula (1), (∆Wca) becomes 2 Pm or less, and excellent resistance to surface
strain appears.


[0026] For evaluating the resistance to surface strain, the investigation should be given not only to the above-described
waving height but also to the plastic buckling which is likely generated in side panels or the like.
[0027] In this regard, the resistance to surface strain against plastic buckling was evaluated. The above-described
steel sheets were subjected to the Yoshida buckling test shown in Fig. 3. That is, a specimen was drawn in a tensile
40 tester with a chuck distance of 101 mm to the arrow direction given in the figure to induce a specified strain (λ=1%) onto
the gauge length section (GL=75 mm), then the load was removed, and the residual plastic buckling height (YBT) was
determined. The measurement was given in the lateral direction to the tensile direction using a curvature meter having
50 mm span.
[0028] Fig. 4 shows the influence of YP and r values on the plastic buckling height (YBT).
45 [0029] In the case that the relation between YP and r values satisfied the formula (2), the plastic buckling height (YBT)
became 1.5 mm or less, which is equivalent to or more than that of JSC270F, showing excellent resistance to surface
strain also to the plastic buckling.


[0030] Then, the above-described cold rolled steel sheets were used for evaluating the deep drawability based on the
limit drawing ratio (LDR) in cylinder forming at 50 mm diameter, and evaluating the punch stretchability based on the
55 hat formation height after the hat type forming test shown in Fig. 5. The hat forming test was conducted under the
conditions of: blank sheet having a size of 340 mm L x 100 mm W; 100 mm of punch width (Wp); 103 mm of die width
(Wd); and 40 ton of blank holding force (P).
[0031] Fig. 6 shows the influence of r values and n values on the deep drawability and the punch stretchability, where,

EP 1 052 302 B1

n value is determined from low strain 1 to 5% domain based on the reason described below. Fig. 8 shows an example
of equivalent strain distribution in the vicinity of a possible fracture section on the formed model of front fender given in
Fig. 7. The strain generated at bottom section of punch is 1 to 5%. To avoid concentration of strain to portions possible
of fracturing, for example, on side wall sections, the plastic flow at the punch bottom section with low strain should be
5 enhanced.
[0032] As shown in Fig. 6, when the relation between r value and n value satisfies the formulae (3) and (4), there
obtained limit drawing ratio (LDR) and hat formation height, equivalent to or higher than those of JSC270F, thus providing
excellent deep drawability and punch stretchability.



[0033] To Steel sheet 1 according to the present invention, titanium may be added for improving the resistance to
surface strain. If the titanium content exceeds 0.05%, the surface appearance after hot dip galvanizing significantly
degrades. Therefore, the titanium content is specified to not more than 0.05%, preferably from 0.005 to 0.02%. In that
20 case, the formula (5) should be used instead of the formula (1).


[0034] Furthermore, addition of boron is effective to improve the resistance to embrittlement during secondary oper-
ation. If the boron content exceeds 0.002%, the deep drawability and the punch stretchability degrade. Accordingly, the
30 boron content is specified to not more than 0.002%, preferably from 0.0001 to 0.001%.
[0035] The Steel sheet 1 according to the present invention has characteristics of, adding to the excellent combined
formability, excellent resistance to embrittlement during secondary operation, formability at welded portions, anti-burring
performance during shearing, good surface appearance, uniformity of material in a coil, which characteristics are appli-
cable grades to the automobile exterior panels.
35 [0036] The Steel sheet 1 according to the present invention can be manufactured by the steps of: preparing a continuous
casting slab of a steel having the composition adjusted as described above, including the addition of titanium and boron;
preparing a hot rolled steel sheet by finish rolling the slab at temperatures of Ar3 transformation temperature or more;
coiling the hot rolled steel sheet at temperatures not less than 540° C; and cold rolling the coiled hot rolled steel sheet
at reduction ratios of from 50 to 85%, followed by continuously annealing thereof at temperatures of from 680 to 880°C.
40 [0037] The finish rolling is necessary to be conducted at temperatures not less than the Ar3 transformation temperature.
If the finish rolling is done at temperatures below the Ar3 transformation temperature, the r value and the elongation
significantly reduce. For attaining further elongation, the finish rolling is preferably conducted at temperatures of 900° C
or more. In the case that a continuous casting slab is hot rolled, the slab may be directly rolled or rolled after reheated.
[0038] The coiling is necessary to be conducted at temperatures of 540° C or more, preferably 600°C or more, to
45 enhance the formation of precipitates and to improve the r value and the n value. From the viewpoint of descaling property
by pickling and of stability of material, it is preferred to conduct the coiling at temperatures of 700°C or less, more
preferably 680°C or less. In the case to let the carbide grow to some extent not to give bad influence to the formation of
recrystallization texture, followed by continuously annealing, the coiling is preferably done at temperatures of 600°C or
50 [0039] The reduction ratios during cold rolling are from 50 to 85% to obtain high r values and n values.
[0040] The annealing is necessary to be conducted at temperatures of from 680 to 880°C to enhance the growth of
ferritic grains to give high r value, and to form less dense precipitates zones (PZF) at grain boundaries than inside of
grains to attain high n value. In the case of box annealing, temperatures of from 680 to 850°C are preferred. In the case
of continuous annealing, temperatures of from 780 to 880°C are preferred.
55 [0041] The Steel sheet 1 according to the present invention may further be treated, at need, by zinc base plating
treatment such as electroplating and hot dip plating, and by organic coating treatment after the plating.

EP 1 052 302 B1

(Example 1)

[0042] Molten steels of Steel Nos. 1 through 29 shown in Table 1 were prepared. The melts were then continuously
cast to form slabs having 220 mm of thickness. After heating the slabs to 1200°C, hot rolled steel sheets having 2.8 mm
5 of thickness were prepared from the slabs under the condition of 880 to 910° C of finish temperatures, and 540 to 560°C
of coiling temperatures for box annealing and 600 to 680° C for continuous annealing or for continuous annealing followed
by hot dip galvanization. The hot rolled sheets were then cold rolled to 0.80 mm of thickness. The cold rolled sheets
were treated either by continuous annealing (CAL) at temperatures of from 840 to 860° C, or by box annealing (BAF)
at temperatures of from 680 to 720°C, or by continuous annealing at temperatures of from 850 to 860°C followed by hot
10 dip galvanization (CGL), which were then temper-rolled to 0.7% of reduction ratio.
[0043] In the case of continuous annealing followed by hot dip galvanization, the hot dip galvanization after the annealing
was given at 460° C, and, immediately after the hot dip galvanization, an alloying treatment of plating layer was given
at 500°C in an in-line alloying furnace. The coating weight was 45 g/m2 per side.
[0044] Thus obtained steel sheets were tested to determine mechanical characteristics (along the rolling direction;
15 with JIS Class 5 specimens ; and n values being computed in a 1 to 5% strain domain), surface strain (∆Wca, YBT), limit
drawing ratio (LDR), and hat forming height (H).
[0045] The test results are shown in Tables 3 and 4.
[0046] Examples 1 through 24 which satisfy the above-given formulae (1) through (4) or (5) revealed that they are
high strength cold rolled steel sheets having around 350 MPa of tensile strength, and providing excellent combined
20 forming characteristics and zinc plating performance.
[0047] On the other hand, Comparative Examples 25 through 44 have no superior combined formability characteristics,
and, in the case that silicon, phosphorus, and titanium are outside of the range according to the present invention, the
zinc plating performance also degrades.

25 (Example 2)

[0048] Molten steel of Steel No. 1 shown in Table 1 was prepared. The melt was then continuously cast to form slabs
having 220 mm of thickness. After heating the slabs to 1200° C, hot rolled steel sheets having 1.3 to 6.0 mm of thicknesses
were prepared from the slabs under the condition of 800 to 950°C of finish temperatures, and 500 to 680° C of coiling
30 temperatures. The hot rolled sheets were then cold rolled to 0.8 mm of thickness at 46 to 87% of reduction ratios. The
cold rolled sheets were treated either by continuous annealing at temperatures of from 750 to 900°C, or by continuous
annealing followed by hot dip galvanization, which was then temper-rolled to 0.7% of reduction ratio.
[0049] In the case of continuous annealing followed by hot dip galvanization, the plating was conducted under similar
condition with that of Example 1.
35 [0050] Thus prepared steel sheets were tested by similar procedure with that of Example 1.
[0051] The test results are shown in Table 5.
[0052] Examples 1A through 1D which satisfy the manufacturing conditions according to the present invention or the
above-given formulae (1) through (4) or (5) revealed that they are high strength cold rolled steel sheets having around
350 MPa of tensile strength, and providing excellent combined forming characteristics.












Table 1
Steel No. C Si Mn P S sol.Al N Nb Ti B O X/C# Remarks
1 0.0059 0.01 0.34 0.019 0.011 0.050 0.0021 0.082 tr tr 0.0020 1.8 Example Steel
2 0.0096 0.02 0.15 0.020 0.009 0.055 0.0020 0.112 tr tr 0.0022 1.5 Example Steel
3 0.0042 0.02 0.30 0.040 0.007 0.060 0.0018 0.068 tr tr 0.0019 2.1 Example Steel
4 0.0070 0.04 0.21 0.025 0.010 0.058 0.0021 0.109 tr tr 0.0017 2.0 Example Steel
5 0.0056 0.01 0.67 0.018 0.012 0.052 0.0008 0.082 tr tr 0.0025 1.9 Example Steel
6 0.0061 0.02 0.12 0.033 0.009 0.048 0.0022 0.080 tr tr 0.0017 1.7 Example Steel
7 0.0074 0.01 0.23 0.044 0.010 0.040 0.0018 0.081 tr tr 0.0023 1.4 Example Steel
8 0.0068 0.01 0.20 0.012 0.012 0.066 0.0033 0.095 tr tr 0.0025 1.8 Example Steel
9 0.0081 0.02 0.17 0.022 0.018 0.058 0.0028 0.100 tr tr 0.0021 1.6 Example Steel

EP 1 052 302 B1
10 0.0056 0.02 0.28 0.031 0.008 0.090 0.0038 0.082 tr tr 0.0020 1.9 Example Steel
11 0.0063 0.01 0.17 0.025 0.009 0.015 0.0017 0.098 tr tr 0.0018 2.0 Example Steel
12 0.0080 0.01 0.20 0.023 0.012 0.054 0.0025 0.160 tr tr 0.0024 2.6 Example Steel

13 0.0059 0.02 0.20 0.024 0.010 0.058 0.0019 0.082 tr tr 0.0028 1.8 Example Steel
14 0.0078 0.01 0.21 0.028 0.009 0.058 0.0018 0.079 tr tr 0.0020 1.3 Example Steel
15 0.0065 0.01 0.20 0.032 0.009 0.034 0.0020 0.091 0.011 tr 0.0018 1.8* Example Steel
16 0.0081 0.01 0.42 0.020 0.007 0.041 0.0017 0.092 0.024 0.0006 0.0020 1.7* Example Steel
X/C#: (Nb% x 12) / (C% x 93)
*(Nb% x 12) / (C% x 93) + (Ti*% x 12) / (C% x 48), Ti*% = Ti - (48/14)N% - (48/32)S%








Table 2
Steel No. C Si Mn P S sol.Al N Nb Ti B O X/C# Remarks
17 0.0110 0.02 0.20 0.025 0.009 0.060 0.0021 0.128 tr tr 0.0019 1.5 Comparative Steel
18 0.0035 0.02 0.32 0.030 0.010 0.054 0.0020 0.046 tr tr 0.0018 1.7 Comparative Steel
19 0.0063 0.10 0.16 0.030 0.011 0.057 0.0019 0.088 tr tr 0.0020 1.8 Comparative Steel
20 0.0065 0.01 1.50 0.020 0.008 0.045 0.0022 0.091 tr tr 0.0019 1.8 Comparative Steel
21 0.0059 0.02 0.20 0.067 0.010 0.050 0.0021 0.087 tr tr 0.0021 1.9 Comparative Steel
22 0.0062 0.02 0.23 0.024 0.003 0.061 0.0018 0.077 tr tr 0.0018 1.6 Comparative Steel
23 0.0058 0.02 0.18 0.023 0.008 0.005 0.0019 0.076 tr tr 0.0021 1.7 Comparative Steel
24 0.0060 0.01 0.22 0.030 0.011 0.058 0.0052 0.088 tr tr 0.0023 1.9 Comparative Steel
25 0.0090 0.02 0.21 0.032 0.010 0.055 0.0021 0.220 tr tr 0.0018 3.2 Comparative Steel

EP 1 052 302 B1
26 0.0063 0.01 0.23 0.032 0.011 0.029 0.0021 0.093 tr tr 0.0052 1.9 Comparative Steel
27 0.0074 0.01 0.22 0.030 0.009 0.056 0.0019 0.164 tr tr 0.0021 2.9 Comparative Steel
28 0.0077 0.01 0.21 0.028 0.010 0.057 0.0020 0.072 tr tr 0.0017 1.2 Comparative Steel

29 0.0090 0.01 0.62 0.050 0.015 0.035 0.0036 0.126 tr tr 0.0026 1.8 Comparative Steel
X/C#: (Nb% x 12) / (C% x 93)








Table 3
Formability of
Characteristics of steel sheet Panel shape after pressed
Steel Annealing steel sheet
No. Remarks
No. condition YP TS n Surface ∆Wca YBT H
EI(%) r value Y** Z*** V**** LDR
(MPa) (MPa) value strain (Pm) (mm) (mm)
1 1 CAL 202 351 45 0.197 2.02 10.64 11.9 3.0 None 0.24 1.25 34.4 2.16 Example
2 1 BAF 194 348 46 0.204 2.20 10.36 12.4 3.2 None 0.18 0.88 35.3 2.18 Example
3 1 CGL 205 354 44 0.194 2.02 10.67 11.7 3.0 None 0.20 1.31 34.2 2.16 Example
4 2 CAL 211 364 42 0.192 1.98 10.78 11.6 2.9 None 0.26 1.41 34.0 2.15 Example
5 2 CGL 213 368 42 0.189 1.98 10.80 11.4 2.9 Within 0.27 1.41 33.6 2.15 Example
6 3 CAL 195 340 45 0.195 2.00 10.57 11.8 3.0 Within 0.27 1.25 34.3 2.16 Example

EP 1 052 302 B1

7 3 CGL 191 346 44 0.192 1.97 10.55 11.6 2.9 Within 0.26 1.22 34.0 2.15 Example
8 4 CAL 200 357 45 0.198 2.05 10.58 12.0 3.0 None 0.23 1.23 34.6 2.16 Example
9 5 CGL 218 368 43 0.190 2.11 10.73 11.6 3.1 None 0.20 1.38 34.0 2.17 Example
10 6 CGL 188 342 46 03216 2.15 10.34 13.0 3.2 None 0.16 0.80 36.0 2.18 Example
11 7 CAL 214 366 44 0.193 2.20 10.59 11.9 3.2 None 0.25 1.20 34.4 2.18 Example
12 7 CGL 218 369 44 0.188 2.17 10.67 11.6 3.1 None 0.22 1.30 34.0 21.7 Example
13 8 CGL 186 340 43 0.218 1.98 10.48 12.9 3.1 None 0.16 1.02 35.8 21.7 Example
14 9 CAL 198 354 42 0.195 2.01 10.60 11.8 3.0 None 0.20 1.21 34.3 2.16 Example
15 10 CGL 195 358 45 0.204 2.13 10.44 12.3 3.2 None 0.21 0.98 35.01 2.18 Example
16 11 CGL 204 358 43 0.193 1.96 10.72 11.6 2.9 None 0.20 1.38 34.0 2.15 Example
17 12 CAL 211 362 42 0.194 2.00 10.86 11.7 3.0 Within 0.28 1.41 34.2 2.16 Example








Formability of
Characteristics of steel sheet Panel shape after pressed
Steel Annealing steel sheet
No. Remarks
No. condition YP TS n Surface ∆Wca YBT H
EI(%) r value Y** Z*** V**** LDR
(MPa) (MPa) value strain (Pm) (mm) (mm)
18 12 BAF 208 351 43 0.204 2.12 10.61 12.3 3.1 Within 0.27 1.22 35.3 2.17 Example
19 12 CGL 211 358 42 0.192 1.97 10.79 11.6 2.9 Within 0.29 1.48 34.0 2.15 Example
20 13 CAL 218 353 44 0.196 2.05 10.79 11.9 3.0 None 0.21 1.48 34.4 2.16 Example
21 14 CAL 207 353 43 0.189 1.97 10.74 11.4 2.9 Within 0.28 1.40 33.6 2.15 Example

EP 1 052 302 B1
22 14 BAF 200 349 44 0.200 2.05 10.58 12.1 3.1 Within 0.27 1.17 34.8 2.17 Example

23 15 CGL 197 356 45 0.203 2.12 10.48 12.3 3.1 None 0.19 1.02 35.3 2.17 Example
24 16 CAL 208 358 42 0.192 1.97 10.76 11.6 2.9 Within 0.29 1.41 34.0 2.15 Example
Y** = 5.49log (YP(MPa)) - r Z*** = r + 50.0 (n) V*** = r + 5.0(n)
# caused from plating properties









Table 4
Formabitity of
Characteristics of steel sheet Panel shape after pressed
Steel Annealing steel sheet
No. Remarks
No. condition YP TS El n Surface ∆Wca YBT
r value Y** Z*** V*** H (mm) LDR
(MPa) (MPa) (%) valuc strain (Pm) (mm)
25 17 CAL 206 359 34 0.196 1.64 11.06 11.4 2.6 None 0.23 1.87 33.6 2.04 Comparative
26 17 CGL 209 360 32 0.193 1.62 11.12 11.3 2.6 None 0.21 1.96 33.5 2.04 Comparative
27 18 CAL 186 319 43 0.166 2.00 10.46 10.3 2.8 None 0.42 1.01 25.5 2.07 comparative
28 18 CGL 182 314 44 0.169 1.98 10.43 10.4 2.8 None 0.39 0.96 26.2 2.07 Comparative
29 19 CAL 203 348 45 0.197 2.01 10.66 11.9 3.0 Exists # 0.58#2 1.30 34.4 2.16 Comparative

EP 1 052 302 B1
30 20 CGL 238 371 39 0.156 1.84 11.21 9.6 2.6 Exists 0.66 2.10 22.5 2.04 Comparative

31 21 CGL 246 384 36 0.149 1.98 11.15 9.4 2.7 Exists # 0.74#2 2.00 21.8 2.05 Comparative
32 22 CGL 207 358 34 0.175 1.67 11.04 10.4 2.5 Within 0.46 1.83 26.2 2.03 Comparative
allowable Example
33 23 CAL 233 357 31 0.138 1.38 11.62 8.3 2.1 Exists 0.83 2.71 20.3 1.99 Comparative
34 24 CAL 242 350 33 0.134 1.42 11.67 8.1 2.1 Exists 0.79 2.79 20.1 1.99 Comparative
35 25 CAL 238 367 32 0.142 1.87 11.18 9.0 2.6 Exists 0.56 2.06 21.0 2.04 Comparative
36 26 BAF 226 361 34 0.153 1.91 11.01 9.6 2.7 Exists 0.45 1.80 22.5 2.05 Comparative
37 26 CGL 234 355 36 0.148 1.46 11.55 8.9 2.2 Exists 0.72 2.60 20.9 2.00 Comparative








Formabitity of
Characteristics of steel sheet Panel shape after pressed
Steel Annealing steel sheet
No. Remarks
No. condition YP TS El n Surface ∆Wca YBT
r value Y** Z*** V*** H (mm) LDR
(MPa) (MPa) (%) valuc strain (Pm) (mm)
38 27 CAL 208 354 27 0.168 1.86 10.87 10.3 2.7 Within 0.42 1.62 25.5 2.05 Comparative
allowable Example
39 27 BAF 201 351 29 0.201 1.95 10.69 12.0 3.0 None 0.40 1.34 34.6 2.16 Comparative
40 27 CGL 218 357 25 0.159 1.77 11.07 9.7 2.6 Exists 0.45 1.81 22.7 2.04 Example
41 28 CAL 210 353 26 0.167 1.79 10.96 10.1 2.6 Within 0.51 1.72 24.0 2.04 Comparative
allowable Example

EP 1 052 302 B1
42 28 BAF 203 351 27 0.171 1.99 10.68 10.5 2.8 None 0.46 1.32 27.0 2.07 Comparative

43 28 CGL 215 356 23 0.161 1.74 11.07 9.8 2.5 Exists 0.58 1.80 22.9 2.03 Comparative
44 29 CAL 231 371 32 0.164 2.02 10.96 10.2 2.8 Exists 0.36 1.72 24.8 2.07 Comparative
Y** = 5.49log (YP(MPa)) - r Z*** = r + 50.0 (n) V*** = r + 5.0 (n)
# caused from plating properties
EP 1 052 302 B1











1. A high strength cold rolled steel sheet consisting of 0.0040 to 0.010% C, 0.05% or less Si, 0.10 to 1.20% Mn, 0.01

EP 1 052 302 B1

to 0.05% P, 0.02% or less S, 0.01 to 0.1% sol.Al, 0.004% or less N, 0.003% or less O, 0.01 to 0.20% Nb, optionally
further containing 0.002% or less B, by weight, balance Fe and unavoidable impurities; and satisfying the formulae
(1), (2), (3), and (4);



20 where, C and Nb denote the content (% by weight) of C and Nb, respectively, YP denotes the yield strength (MPa),
r denotes the r value, and n denotes the n value (1 to 5% strain).

2. A high strength cold rolled steel sheet consisting of 0.0040 to 0.010% C, 0.05% or less Si, 0.10 to 1.20% Mn, 0.01
to 0.05% P, 0.02% or less S, 0.01 to 0.1% sol.Al, 0.004% or less N, 0.003% or less O, 0.01 to 0.20% Nb, 0.05% or
25 less Ti, optionally further containing 0.002% or less B, by weight, balance Fe and unavoidable impurities; and
satisfying the formulae (2), (3), (4), and (5);




where, YP denotes the yield strength (MPa), r denotes the r value, and n denotes the n value (1 to 5% strain), Ti*
= Ti-(48/14) x N-(48/32) x S, Ti* = 0 when Ti* is not more than 0, and C, S, N, Nb, and Ti denote the content (% by
weight) of C, S, N, Nb, and Ti, respectively.

3. A method for manufacturing a high strength cold rolled steel sheet, comprising the steps of: preparing a continuous
casting slab of a steel which consists of 0.0040 to 0.010% C, 0.05% or less Si, 0.10 to 1.20% Mn, 0.01 to 0.05% P,
0.02% or less S, 0.01 to 0.1% sol.Al, 0.004% or less N, 0.003% or less O, 0.01 to 0.20% Nb, by weight, balance Fe
and unavoidable impurities, and which satisfies the formula (1); preparing a hot rolled steel sheet by finish rolling
the slab at temperatures of Ar3 transformation temperature or more; coiling the hot rolled steel sheet at temperatures
not less than 540°C; and cold rolling the coiled hot rolled steel sheet at reduction ratios of from 50 to 85%, followed
by continuously annealing thereof at temperatures of from 680 to 880°C;

EP 1 052 302 B1

where, C and Nb denote the content (% by weight) of C and Nb, respectively.

4. A method for manufacturing a high strength cold rolled steel sheet, comprising the steps of: preparing a continuous
casting slab of a steel which consists of 0.0040 to 0.010% C, 0.05% or less Si, 0.10 to 1.20% Mn, 0.01 to 0.05% P,
10 0.02% or less S, 0.01 to 0.1% sol.Al, 0.004% or less N, 0.003% or less O, 0.01 to 0.20% Nb, 0.05% or less Ti, by
weight, balance Fe and unavoidable impurities, and which satisfies the formula (5); preparing a hot rolled steel sheet
by finish rolling the slab at temperatures of Ar3 transformation temperature or more; coiling the hot rolled steel sheet
at temperatures not less than 540°C; and cold rolling the coiled hot rolled steel sheet at reduction ratios of from 50
to 85%, followed by continuously annealing thereof at temperatures from 680 to 880°C;


where, Ti* = Ti - (48/14) x N - (48/32) x S, Ti* = 0 when Ti* is not more than 0, and C, S, N, Nb, and Ti denote the
content (% by weight) of C, S, N, Nb, and Ti, respectively.


1. Hochfestes, kaltgewalztes Stahlblech, bestehend aus 0,0040 bis 0,010% C, 0,05% oder weniger Si, 0,10 bis 1,20%
Mn, 0,01 bis 0,05% P, 0,02% oder weniger S, 0,01 bis 0,1% lösliches Al, 0,004% oder weniger N, 0,003% oder
30 weniger O, 0,01 bis 0,20% Nb, optional des Weiteren enthaltend 0,002% oder weniger B (in Gew.-%), Rest Fe und
unvermeidliche Verunreinigungen; und die Formeln (1), (2), (3) sowie (4) erfüllend:




wobei C und Nb jeweils die Gehalte (in Gew.-%) von C und Nb kennzeichnen, YP die Streckgrenze (in MPa)
kennzeichnet, r den r-Wert kennzeichnet und n den n-Wert (1 bis 5% Dehnung) kennzeichnet.

2. Hochfestes, kaltgewalztes Stahlblech, bestehend aus 0,0040 bis 0,010% C, 0,05% oder weniger Si, 0,10 bis 1,20%
Mn, 0,01 bis 0,05% P, 0,02% oder weniger S, 0,01 bis 0,1% lösliches Al, 0,004% oder weniger N, 0,003% oder
weniger O, 0,01 bis 0,20% Nb, 0,05% oder weniger Ti, optional des Weiteren enthaltend 0,002% oder weniger B
(in Gew.-%), Rest Fe und unvermeidliche Verunreinigungen; und die folgenden Formeln (2), (3), (4) sowie (5)
55 erfüllend:

EP 1 052 302 B1


15 wobei YP die Streckgrenze (MPa) kennzeichnet, r den r-Wert kennzeichnet und n den n-Wert (1 bis 5% Dehnung)
kennzeichnet, Ti* = 0 bei Ti* = Ti-(48/14) x N - (48/32) x S ist, wenn Ti* nicht größer als 0 ist und C, S, N, Nb sowie
Ti jeweils die Gehalte (in Gew.-%) von C, S, N, Nb sowie Ti kennzeichnen.

3. Verfahren zur Herstellung eines hochfesten, kaltgewalzten Stahlblechs, umfassend die Schritte des: Herstellens
20 einer kontinuierlich vergossenen Bramme aus Stahl, der aus 0,0040 bis 0,010% C, 0,05% oder weniger Si, 0,10
bis 1,20% Mn, 0,01 bis 0,05% P, 0,02% oder weniger S, 0,01 bis 0,1% löslichem Al, 0,004% oder weniger N, 0,003%
oder weniger O, 0,01 bis 0,20% Nb, (in Gew.-%), Rest Fe sowie unvermeidliche Verunreinigungen besteht, und der
die Formel (1) erfüllt; des Bereitstellens eines warmgewalzten Stahlblechs durch abschließendes Walzen der Bram-
me bei Temperaturen der Ar3-Umwandlungstemperatur oder höher; des Haspelns des warmgewalzten Stahlblechs
25 bei Temperaturen von nicht weniger als 540°C; und des Kaltwalzens des gehaspelten warmgewalzten Stahlblechs
bei Reduktionsverhältnissen von 50 bis 85%, und einem anschließenden kontinuierlichen Glühen hiervon bei Tem-
peraturen von 680 bis 880°C;


wobei C und Nb die jeweiligen Gehalte (in Gew.-%) von C und Nb kennzeichnen.
4. Verfahren zur Herstellung eines hochfesten, kaltgewalzten Stahlblechs, umfassend die Schritte: des Bereitstellens
einer kontinuierlich gegossenen Bramme aus einem Stahl, der aus 0,0040 bis 0,010% C, 0,05% oder weniger Si,
0,10 bis 1,20% Mn, 0,01 bis 0,05% P, 0,02% oder weniger S, 0,01 bis 0,1% löslichem Al, 0,004% oder weniger N,
0,003% oder weniger O, 0,01 bis 0,20% Nb, 0,05% oder weniger Ti (in Gew.-%), Rest Fe sowie unvermeidliche
40 Verunreinigungen besteht, und der die Formel (5) erfüllt; des Bereitstellens eines warmgewalzten Stahlblechs durch
abschließendes Walzen der Bramme bei Temperaturen der Ar3-Umwandlungstemperatur oder höher; des Haspelns
des warmgewalzten Stahlblechs bei Temperaturen von nicht weniger als 540°C; und des Kaltwalzens des aufge-
haspelten warmgewalzten Stahlblechs bei Reduktionsverhältnissen von 50 bis 85%, und einem anschließenden
kontinuierlichen Glühen hiervon bei Temperaturen von 680 bis 880°C;

wobei Ti* = 0 bei Ti* = Ti - (48/14) x N - (48/32) x S, wenn Ti* nicht größer als 0 ist und C, S, N, Nb und Ti jeweils
die Gehalte (in Gew.-%) von C, S, N, Nb und Ti kennzeichnen.

55 Revendications

1. Tôle d’acier haute résistance laminée à froid constituée de 0,0040 à 0,010 % de C, 0,05 % ou une proportion
inférieure de Si, 0,10 à 1,20 % de Mn, 0,01 à 0,05 % de P, 0,02 % ou une proportion inférieure de S, 0,01 à 0,1 %

EP 1 052 302 B1

de sol.Al, 0,004 % ou une proportion inférieure de N, 0,003 % ou une proportion inférieure de O, 0,01 à 0,20 % de
Nb, contenant en plus optionnellement 0,002 % ou une proportion inférieure de B, en poids, et le reste de Fe et
d’impuretés inévitables ; et satisfaisant aux formules (1), (2), (3), et (4) ;



où C et Nb indiquent les teneurs (pourcentage en poids) respectives en C et Nb, YP indique la limite élastique
(MPa), r indique la valeur r, et n indique la valeur n (déformation de 1 à 5 %).

2. Tôle d’acier haute résistance laminée à froid constituée de 0,0040 à 0,010 % de C, 0,05 % ou une proportion
inférieure de Si, 0,10 à 1,20 % de Mn, 0,01 à 0,05 % de P, 0,02 % ou une proportion inférieure de S, 0,01 à 0,1 %
de sol.Al, 0,004 % ou une proportion inférieure de N, 0,003 % ou une proportion inférieure de O, 0,01 à 0,20 % de
Nb, 0,05 % ou une proportion inférieure de Ti, contenant en plus optionnellement 0,002 % ou une proportion inférieure
de B, en poids, et le reste de Fe et d’impuretés inévitables ; et satisfaisant aux formules (2), (3), (4) et (5) ;




où YP indique la limite élastique (MPa), r indique la valeur r, et n indique la valeur n (déformation de 1 à 5 %), Ti*
= Ti - (48/14) x N - (48/32) x S, Ti* = 0 lorsque Ti* n’est pas supérieur à 0, et C, S, N, Nb et Ti indiquent les teneurs
(pourcentage en poids) respectives en C, S, N, Nb et Ti.

3. Procédé de fabrication d’une tôle d’acier haute résistance laminée à froid , comprenant les étapes de : préparation
d’une table de coulée continue d’un acier constitué de 0,0040 à 0,010 % de C, 0,05 % ou une proportion inférieure
de Si, 0,10 à 1,20 % de Mn, 0,01 à 0,05 % de P, 0,02 % ou une proportion inférieure de S, 0,01 à 0,1 % de sol.Al,
0,004 % ou une proportion inférieure de N, 0,003 % ou une proportion inférieure de O, 0,01 à 0,20 % de Nb, en
poids, et le reste de Fe et d’impuretés inévitables ; et satisfaisant à la formule (1) ; préparation d’une tôle d’acier
laminée à chaud par brunissage de finition de la brame à des températures de transformation d’Ar3 ou supérieures ;
enroulement de la tôle d’acier laminée à chaud à des températures supérieures ou égales à 540 °C ; et laminage
à froid la tôle d’acier laminée à chaud enroulée selon des rapports de réduction compris entre 50 et 85 %, suivi d’un
recuit continu de la tôle à des températures comprises entre 680 et 880 °C ;

EP 1 052 302 B1

où C et Nb indiquent les teneurs (pourcentage en poids) respectives en C et Nb.

4. Procédé de fabrication d’une tôle d’acier haute résistance laminée à froid, comprenant les étapes de : préparation
d’une table de coulée continue d’un acier constitué de 0,0040 à 0,010 % de C, 0,05 % ou une proportion inférieure
10 de Si, 0,10 à 1,20 % de Mn, 0,01 à 0,05 % de P, 0,02 % ou une proportion inférieure de S, 0,01 à 0,1 % de sol.Al,
0,004 % ou une proportion inférieure de N, 0,003 % ou une proportion inférieure de O, 0,01 à 0,20 % de Nb, 0,05
% ou une proportion inférieure de Ti, en poids, et le reste de Fe et d’impuretés inévitables ; et satisfaisant à la
formule (5) ; préparation d’une tôle d’acier laminée à chaud par brunissage de finition de la brame à des températures
de transformation d’Ar3 ou supérieures ; enroulement de la tôle d’acier laminée à chaud à des températures supé-
15 rieures ou égales à 540 °C ; et laminage à froid la tôle d’acier laminée à chaud enroulée selon des rapports de
réduction compris entre 50 et 85 %, suivi d’un recuit continu de la tôle à des températures comprises entre 680 et
880 °C ;


où Ti* = Ti - (48/14) x N - (48/32) x S, Ti* = 0 lorsque Ti* n’est pas supérieur à 0, et C, S, N, Nb et Ti indiquent les
25 teneurs (pourcentage en poids) respectives en C, S, N, Nb et Ti.







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