EP3633274B1 Guia Observar

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(11) EP 3 633 274 B1

(45) Date of publication and mention (51) International Patent Classification (IPC):
of the grant of the patent: F24F 1/0014 (2019.01) F24F 1/0047 (2019.01)
17.01.2024 Bulletin 2024/03 F24F 13/14 (2006.01) F24F 13/08 (2006.01)

(21) Application number: 18805934.9 (52) Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC):

F24F 1/0014; F24F 1/0047; F24F 13/08;
(22) Date of filing: 25.05.2018 F24F 13/082; F24F 2013/1433; F24F 2013/1446

(86) International application number:


(87) International publication number:

WO 2018/217068 (29.11.2018 Gazette 2018/48)


(84) Designated Contracting States: • YOON, Joonshik

PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR Seoul 08592 (KR)

(30) Priority: 25.05.2017 KR 20170064530 (74) Representative: Ter Meer Steinmeister & Partner
Patentanwälte mbB
(43) Date of publication of application: Nymphenburger Straße 4
08.04.2020 Bulletin 2020/15 80335 München (DE)

(73) Proprietor: LG Electronics Inc. (56) References cited:

Seoul 07336 (KR) EP-A1- 3 076 099 GB-A- 2 102 114
JP-A- 2016 070 614 KR-A- 20040 081 080
(72) Inventors: KR-A- 20100 033 310 KR-A- 20170 048 128
• OH, Dongig KR-A- 20170 048 128 KR-B1- 101 623 692
Seoul 08592 (KR) KR-U- 20120 001 065 KR-U- 20120 001 065
• SEO, Beomsoo KR-U- 20140 005 108
Seoul 08592 (KR)
EP 3 633 274 B1

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Processed by Luminess, 75001 PARIS (FR)

1 EP 3 633 274 B1 2

Description the air blowoff paths.

[Technical Field] [Disclosure]

[0001] The present disclosure relates to an air guide 5 [Technical Problem]

for a ceiling-type air conditioner and a ceiling-type air
conditioner having the same. [0012] In order to solve the problems of the related art
as described above, the present invention provides an
[Background Art] air guide and a ceiling-type air conditioner having the
10 same, capable of preventing an air returning phenome-
[0002] An air conditioner is a device that creates a more non that a discharged air flow is intaken back and solving
comfortable indoor environment for a user. a problem of a degradation of performance due to return
[0003] An air conditioner may cool or heat a room by air.
using a refrigerating cycle apparatus including a com- [0013] The present invention also provides an air guide
pressor, a condenser, an expansion mechanism, and an 15 and a ceiling-type air conditioner having the same, ca-
evaporator through which a refrigerant is circulated. pable of maintaining an air volume discharged through
[0004] The air conditioner may be classified into a a discharge port at a maximum level, regardless of wheth-
stand type air conditioner, a wall-mounted air conditioner, er or not the air guide is mounted.
and a ceiling-type air conditioner according to installation [0014] The present invention also provides an air guide
positions. 20 which may be simply inserted into a discharge port and
[0005] The ceiling-type air conditioner is installed on may be separated after installation only when necessary,
the ceiling to discharge cold or warm air into the room. and a ceiling-type air conditioner having the same.
[0006] Recently, ceiling-type air conditioners having a [0015] The present invention also provides an air guide
circular shape have been manufactured. and a ceiling-type air conditioner having the same which
[0007] For example, referring to Korean Patent Publi- 25 can be easily manufactured and mounted.
cation No. 10-0897425, an air conditioner including a [0016] The present disclosure also provides an air
front panel having an open portion formed with an intake guide and a ceiling-type air conditioner having the same,
port through which external air is introduced and a dis- capable of detecting by a sensor that an indoor temper-
charge port through which the introduced internal air is ature reaches a set temperature due to a temperature of
discharged and a separating guide provided in the open 30 return air during a heating operation and reducing the
portion of the front panel and having a ring shape so that number of times an operation stoppage (thermo-off) is
the intake port is located on an inner side and the dis- entered, thereby increasing the user’s comfort.
charge port is located at an outer circumference is dis- [0017] The present disclosure also provides an air
closed. guide and a ceiling-type air conditioner having the same,
[0008] According to the air conditioner of the related 35 capable of strengthening a horizontal air flow for wide
art as described above, heat-exchanged air may be cooling, strengthening a vertical air flow for intensive
evenly discharged in all directions (360°) in the room heating, and forming a swing air flow as necessary.
through the ring-shaped integrated discharge port. [0018] The present disclosure also provides an air
[0009] However, the circular air conditioner has short- guide which is applicable even to an air conditioner with-
comings in that it is not each to control an air flow at a 40 out an air guide part such as a vane or the like, and a
corner portion of the discharge port. ceiling-type air conditioner having the same.
[0010] In addition, during the heating operation, per-
formance of the air conditioner is degraded due to an [Technical Solution]
influence of a short circuit that a weakly spreading flow
is re-absorbed at the corner of the discharge port. 45 [0019] One or more of the objects of the present inven-
[0011] EP 3 076 099 A1 presents a ceiling-embedded tion are achieved by the subject-matter of the independ-
air conditioner that includes: a decorative panel; a turbo ent claim.
fan; a heat exchanger; a drain pan including a drain sheet; [0020] To solve the technical problem as described
an air suction path; cuboidal air blowoff paths that are above, there is provided an air guide which is applied to
provided at four places surrounding the air suction path; 50 a ceiling-type air conditioner including an indoor unit hav-
and rectangular air blowoff openings that are provided in ing a built-in heat exchanger and a built-in blower and
the decorative panel. The air blowoff paths are integrated comprising a plurality of blowing passages configured to
with the drain pan. Airflow guide vanes are provided in discharge air which passes through the heat exchanger
the air blowoff paths to direct part of the blown airflow to the outside, and a discharge panel comprising a plu-
toward the short side of the air blowoff opening. Attach- 55 rality of inlets receiving the air discharged through the
ment portions formed of the same material as that for the plurality of blowing passages, an inner space configured
drain sheet and configured to attach the airflow guide to at least partially communicate with the plurality of in-
vanes are provided at an inflow-side opening portions of lets, and a ring-shaped or arc-shaped opening configured

3 EP 3 633 274 B1 4

to discharge, to a room, air which flows into the inner conditioner equipped with an air guide.
space, wherein the air guide includes at least two parti- FIG. 5 is a bottom view of an indoor unit which is a
tions formed to be parallel to a radial direction of the open- part of the present disclosure.
ing and partitioning the inner space of the discharge panel FIG. 6 is an exploded perspective view of a discharge
in a circumferential direction; and a curved portion con- 5 panel and a intaking panel which are a part of the
necting the at least two partitions and having an arc present disclosure.
shape, wherein the air guide is detachably inserted into FIG. 7 is a perspective view illustrating a concept of
the inside of the opening from the outside of the opening. a discharge flow path provided at a discharge panel
[0021] The inner space of the discharge panel includes which is a part of the present disclosure.
a flow region configured to communicate with each inlet 10 FIG. 8 is a perspective view of an inner flow path
and allow air which flows through the inlet to flow therein, body and a barrier which are a part of the present
the opening includes a first opening region corresponding disclosure.
to the flow region and a second opening region corre- FIG. 9 is a plan view of a ceiling-type air conditioner
sponding to the blocking region, and the curved portion according to the present disclosure.
is mounted such that at least a portion thereof goes by 15 FIG. 10 is a view illustrating a flow analysis result of
way of the blocking region. a discharge air flow depending on whether an air
[0022] The curved portion may be rotatably connected guide is installed.
to the partition.
[Mode for Invention]
[Advantageous Effect] 20
[0031] Hereinafter, specific embodiments of the
[0023] According to the present disclosure as de- present disclosure will be described in detail with refer-
scribed above, an air returning phenomenon that a dis- ence to the accompanying drawings.
charged air flow is intaken back may be prevented and [0032] The scope of the invention is defined by the sub-
a degradation of performance due to return air may be 25 ject matter of appending claim 1, alternative embodi-
prevented. ments being defined by the subject matter of the sub-
[0024] In addition, an air volume discharged through a claims. Any statements in the description casting doubt
discharge port may be maintained at a maximum level, over features of claim 1 as being optional, for example
regardless of whether or not the air guide is mounted. using the word "may", is to be disregarded.
[0025] In addition, the air guide may be simply inserted 30 [0033] FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an air guide for
into the discharge port and may be separated after in- a ceiling-type air conditioner according to an embodiment
stallation only when necessary. of the present disclosure, FIGS. 2 to 3 are perspective
[0026] In addition, the air guide and the ceiling-type air views showing a ceiling-type air conditioner equipped
conditioner may be easily manufactured and mounted. with an air guide, and FIG. 4 is a longitudinal sectional
[0027] In addition, when the sensor detects that an in- 35 view of a ceiling-type air conditioner equipped with an air
door temperature reaches a set temperature due to a guide.
temperature of return air during a heating operation, the [0034] Referring to FIGS. 1 to 4, the ceiling-type air
number of times an operation stoppage (thermo-off) is conditioner according to the present disclosure are
entered is reduced, thereby increasing the user’s com- equipped with a blower 4 and a heat exchanger 5 and
fort. 40 includes an indoor unit 1 including a plurality of blowing
[0028] In addition, a horizontal air flow for wide cooling passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 discharging air passing through
may be strengthened, a vertical air flow for intensive heat- the heat exchanger to the outside, a plurality of inlets 21,
ing may be strengthened, and a swing air flow may be 22, 23, and 24 receiving air discharged through the plu-
formed, as necessary. rality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10, an inner space
[0029] In addition, the air guide is applicable even to 45 26 at least partially communicating with the plurality of
an air conditioner without an air guide part such as a vane inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24, and a discharge panel 2 having
or the like. a ring-shaped or an arc-shaped opening 25 discharging
air flowing into the inner space 26 to a room.
[Description of Drawings] [0035] In addition, the air guide 100 according to the
50 present disclosure includes at least two partitions 110
[0030] formed to be parallel to a radial direction of the opening
25 and partitioning the inner space 26 of the discharge
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of an air guide for a panel 2 in a circumferential direction and a curved portion
ceiling-type air conditioner according to an embodi- 120 connecting the at least two partitions 110 and having
ment of the present disclosure. 55 an arc shape.
FIGS. 2 and 3 are perspective views showing a ceil- [0036] In addition, the air guide 100 configured as de-
ing air conditioner equipped with an air guide. scribed above may be detachably inserted into the open-
FIG. 4 is a longitudinal sectional view of a ceiling air ing 25 from the outside of the opening 25.

5 EP 3 633 274 B1 6

[0037] Hereinafter, the ceiling-type air conditioner ac- a portion thereof is positioned in the heat exchanger 5.
cording to the present disclosure will be described first. [0053] The blower 4 may be mounted to be located
[0038] Referring to FIGS. 2 to 4, an indoor unit 1 may above the discharge panel 2.
include a blower 4 and a heat exchanger 5. [0054] The blower 4 may be configured as a centrifugal
[0039] Accordingly, the indoor unit 1 may intake indoor 5 blower that intakes air below and blows the air in a cen-
air through the blower 4, heat-exchange the air with the trifugal direction. The blower 4 may include a motor 41
heat exchanger 5, and then blow the air into the discharge and a centrifugal fan 42 connected to the motor 41. The
panel 2 to supply the air to a room. blower 4 may include an orifice 43 for guiding a flow of
[0040] The indoor unit 1 may further include an indoor air intaken into the centrifugal fan 42.
unit flow path body 13 partitioning a region 15 through 10 [0055] The motor 41 may be mounted such that a rotary
which air is intaken into the indoor unit 1 and regions 7, shaft connected to the centrifugal fan 42 protrudes down-
8, 9, and 10 through which air inside the indoor unit 1 is ward. For example, the centrifugal fan 42 may be con-
blown to the discharge panel 2. figured as a turbo fan.
[0041] The indoor unit 1 may further include a drain [0056] The orifice 43 may be installed to be located
unit 14 disposed below the heat exchanger 5. 15 inside the chassis 11. The orifice 43 may be installed at
[0042] An inner intake 6 through which the air intaken the indoor unit flow path body 13. An inner intake 6 may
through a circular intaking panel 3 provided at a central be formed at the orifice 4
portion of the discharge panel 2 is intaken into the indoor [0057] Air passing through the intake panel 3 may be
unit 1 may be formed at the indoor unit 1. In addition, a intaken into the centrifugal fan 42 through the inner intake
plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 discharging 20 6 of the orifice 43 and blow in the centrifugal direction of
and guiding air passing through the heat exchanger 5 the centrifugal fan 42 by the centrifugal fan 42.
may be formed at the indoor unit 1. [0058] The air blown from the centrifugal fan 42 in the
[0043] The indoor unit 1 may discharge air in a down- centrifugal direction may flow to the heat exchanger 5
ward direction through the plurality of blowing passages arranged to surround the outer circumference of the cen-
7, 8, 9, and 10. The indoor unit 1 may form a plurality of 25 trifugal fan 42 and may exchange heat with the heat ex-
discharge air flows blown in the downward direction in changer 5.
the interior of the indoor unit 1. [0059] The heat exchanger 5 may be bent at least
[0044] An outer circumference of the indoor unit 1 may once. The heat exchanger 5 may be smaller than the
have a polygonal shape. The plurality of blowing passag- chassis 11 and disposed inside the chassis 11.
es 7, 8, 9, and 10 may be formed to be open in an up- 30 [0060] The heat exchanger 5 may be disposed in a
down direction on the bottom of the indoor unit 1. quadrangular shape or a hollow cylindrical shape inside
[0045] The indoor unit 1 may discharge a plurality of the chassis 11.
vertical air flows blown in the downward direction through [0061] The heat exchanger 5 may be spaced apart
a bottom surface thereof. from an inner surface of the chassis 11. A space in which
[0046] The indoor unit 1 may be installed to be hung 35 air communicates with the blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and
on the ceiling. The indoor unit 1 may be supported by 10 (to be described later) may be formed between the
fastening members such as anchor bolts fixed to the ceil- heat exchanger 5 and the inner surface of the chassis 11.
ing. The indoor unit 1 may have a fastening portion 12 [0062] The heat exchanger 5 may be bent to form a
to which a fastening member is fastened. space S1 in which the blower 4 is accommodated. The
[0047] The indoor unit 1 may include a chassis 11 form- 40 heat exchanger 5 may include four heat exchanging parts
ing an appearance. The chassis 11 may be an indoor facing different sides of the chassis 11. The heat ex-
unit body forming the appearance of the indoor unit. changer 5 may be disposed to surround an outer circum-
[0048] The chassis 11 may be mounted at the ceiling ferential surface of the blower 4 on the outside of the
by a fastening member such as an anchor bolt. blower 4.
[0049] The chassis 11 may include a combination of a 45 [0063] An upper surface of the drain unit 14 may be
plurality of members. The chassis 11 may have a poly- formed to be open, and a space in which a lower portion
hedral shape in which a bottom surface is open and a of the heat exchanger 5 is accommodated may be formed
space is formed therein. therein.
[0050] The chassis 11 may have a space in which the [0064] The indoor unit flow path body 13 may be cou-
blower 4 and the heat exchanger 5 are accommodated. 50 pled to the drain unit 14. The indoor unit flow path body
The chassis 11 may have a shape in which four sides 13 may have a hollow portion 15 through which air may
forming front, rear, left, and right surfaces and an upper pass in an up-down direction. The hollow portion 15 may
surface are blocked, and a bottom surface of the chassis be an indoor unit air intake through which air from a lower
11 may be open. portion of the indoor unit 1 is intaken into the indoor unit 1.
[0051] The blower 4 may be mounted in the chassis 55 [0065] The indoor unit flow path body 13 may be dis-
11. Specifically, the blower 4 may be mounted on an up- posed at an inner lower portion of the chassis 11. The
per plate of the chassis. indoor unit flow path body 13 may form the bottom ap-
[0052] The blower 4 may be mounted such that at least pearance of the indoor unit 1.

7 EP 3 633 274 B1 8

[0066] FIG. 5 is a bottom view of an indoor unit which ticular, in a downward direction, from the indoor unit 1
is a part of the present disclosure. into a horizontal direction H1 to discharge the air or may
[0067] Referring to FIG. 5, each of the plurality of blow- change the flow of air into a lower inclination direction
ing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 formed in the indoor unit 1 H2 having an acute angle θ of inclination to discharge
may have a polygonal cross-sectional shape. Each of 5 the air.
the plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 may [0081] FIG. 6 is a perspective of a separated discharge
have a quadrangular cross-sectional shape. panel and an intake panel which are components of the
[0068] The plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and present disclosure.
10 may be regions in which air inside the indoor unit 1 is [0082] Referring to FIG. 6, the discharge panel 2 may
blown to the discharge panel 2. 10 include a combination of a plurality of members 50, 60,
[0069] The plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 70, and 90.
10 may be formed to be spaced apart from the inner [0083] At least one inlet 21, 22, 23, and 24 communi-
intake 6. cating with the plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and
[0070] The plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the indoor unit 1 may be provided at the discharge
10 may include a left blowing passage 7, a right blowing 15 panel 2. In addition, the discharge panel 2 may have an
passage 8, and a front blowing passage 9 and a rear opening 25 having a circular or arc shape.
blowing passage 10. [0084] An inner space 26 may be provided at the dis-
[0071] For example, the plurality of blowing passages charge panel 2, and the inner space 26 may communi-
7, 8, 9, and 10 may be formed along a quadrangular cate with the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24, and the opening
virtual line 17A (see FIG. 5) and the plurality of blowing 20 25. This will be described in detail later.
passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 may be formed on the surfaces [0085] FIG. 7 is a perspective view showing a concept
of the quadrangular virtual line 17A, respectively. of a discharge flow path provided at a discharge panel
[0072] The plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and which is a part of the present disclosure.
10 may be spaced apart from each other at the indoor [0086] Referring to FIGS. 6 and 7, an intake flow path
unit flow path body 13. 25 16 may be provided at the discharge panel 2 to intake
[0073] The plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and and guide the air passing through the intake panel 3 into
10 may be formed between the indoor unit flow path body the indoor unit 1. In addition, a discharge flow path 18
13 and the inner surface of the chassis 11. The plurality may be provided at the discharge panel 2 to guide and
of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 may be spaced apart discharge air discharged from the plurality of blowing
from each other between the indoor unit flow path body 30 passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 into the room.
13 and the inner surface of the chassis 11. [0087] The discharge panel 2 may be provided with an
[0074] The plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and intake flow path 16 may be formed to guide air passing
10 may be four opening regions different in positions and through the intake panel 3 to the hollow portion 15 (see
parallel to each other in opening directions, and the in- FIG. 5) of the indoor unit 1.
door unit 1 may be formed to discharge air heat-ex- 35 [0088] The discharge panel 2 may have a hollow por-
changed through the plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, tion through which air passing through the intake panel
9, and 10 toward the discharge panel 2. 3 passes to be intaken into the indoor unit 1. The hollow
[0075] For example, the indoor unit 1 may be a 4-way portion of the discharge panel 2 may be formed to pen-
discharge type indoor unit that forms four vertical air flows etrate in an up-down direction at the center of the dis-
parallel to each other in discharge directions. 40 charge panel 2. The hollow portion may be the intake
[0076] Referring back to FIGS. 2 to 4, the discharge flow path 16 of the discharge panel 2. Hereinafter, the
panel 2 may have a circular outer circumference 2A. The intake flow path of the discharge panel 2 and the hollow
discharge panel 2 may have a flat bottom surface 2B. portion of the discharge panel 2 will be described using
[0077] The discharge panel 2 may be coupled to the the same reference numeral ’16’.
indoor unit 1 and discharge air passing through the plu- 45 [0089] The intake flow path 16 may be located on an
rality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 to the outside. inner side than the discharge flow path 18 and may be
The discharge panel 2 may be disposed below the indoor formed to be distinguished from the discharge flow path
unit 1 together with the intake panel 3. 18.
[0078] The discharge panel 2 may be coupled to a low- [0090] The intake flow path 16 may be formed at each
er portion of the indoor unit 1 and guide discharge of the 50 of the main flow path body 50 and the inner flow path
air blown in a downward direction through the plurality of body 60. The upper hollow portion 20 formed at the main
blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 into the room. flow path body 50 and the lower hollow portion 68 formed
[0079] The discharge panel 2 may receive air blown in at the inner flow path body 60 may communicate with
four directions parallel to each other in the indoor unit 1 each other in an up-down direction to form the intake flow
and discharge and guide the air to the lower perimeter 55 path 16.
of the discharge panel 2. [0091] The ceiling-type air conditioner may accommo-
[0080] As shown in FIG. 4, the discharge panel 2 may date an electrical component 17 such as a sensor, a mo-
change a flow of air blown in a vertical direction, in par- tor, a printed circuit board (PCB), and the like in the intake

9 EP 3 633 274 B1 10

flow path 16. In this case, the electrical component 17 have the same size and match in the up-down direction.
may have a quadrangular shape and may be disposed [0102] The opening 25 may be an air discharge port
not to interfere with an air flow in the intake flow path 16 through which air which passing through the heat ex-
having a shape close to a quadrangular shape as much changer 5 in the ceiling-type air conditioner is discharged
as possible. 5 to the outside of the ceiling-type air conditioner. At least
[0092] Referring back to FIGS. 5 to 7, at least one inlet a portion of the opening 25 may discharge air heat-ex-
may be formed at the discharge panel 2. The discharge changed in the heat exchanger 5 of the indoor unit 1.
panel 2 may have a plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 [0103] The number of the openings 25 may be smaller
corresponding to the plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, than the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24. The opening 25 may
9, and 10. The discharge panel 2 may have an opening 10 be larger than each of the plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23,
25 having an arc shape or a circular shape. The discharge and 24.
panel 2 may have an inner space 26 connecting the plu- [0104] The opening 25 may have an arc shape. In this
rality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24, and the opening 25. case, a plurality of openings may be formed at the dis-
[0093] The discharge flow path 18 of the discharge charge panel 2. When the openings 25 have an arc
panel 2 may include a plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 15 shape, the plurality of openings 25 may be spaced apart
24, a flow region 26A of the inner space 26, and a first from each other in a circumferential direction of the dis-
opening region 25A of the opening 25. charge panel 2 and may be formed along a circular virtual
[0094] The air discharged from the blowing passages line.
7, 8, 9, and 10 of the indoor unit 1 may flow into the flow [0105] The opening 25 may have a circular ring shape.
region 26A through the plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 20 In this case, one opening 25 may be formed in the dis-
24. The air passing through the flow region 26A may be charge panel 2. In this case, when the opening 25 is
discharged to the outside of the discharge panel 2 circular, the circular shape may refer to an elliptic shape,
through the first opening region 25A. and the cross-sectional shape may be formed in a closed
[0095] The inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 formed at the dis- loop shape.
charge panel 2 may be located at positions correspond- 25 [0106] The opening 25 may be an outlet through which
ing to the blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 formed at the air passing through the inner space 26 is discharged to
indoor unit 1. the outside of the discharge panel 2.
[0096] The inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 formed at the dis- [0107] The discharge panel 2, in a state of being cou-
charge panel 2 may include a left inlet 21 communicating pled to the lower portion of the indoor unit 1, may be
with a left blowing passage 7 in an up-down direction, a 30 exposed to the room and the opening 25 may be exposed
right blowing passage 8 communicating with the right to the room together with the bottom surface of the dis-
blowing passage 8 in the up-down direction, a front inlet charge panel 2.
23 communicating with the front blowing passage 8 in [0108] Referring to FIG. 7, the opening 25 may include
the up-down direction, and a rear inlet 24 communicating a first opening region 25A and a second opening region
with the rear blowing passage 10 in the up-down direc- 35 25B.
tion. [0109] The first opening region 25A may be a region
[0097] A cross-sectional size of each of the plurality of corresponding to the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 of the open-
inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 may be equal to a cross-sectional ing 25. Specifically, the first opening region 25A may refer
size of each of the plurality of blowing passages 7, 8, 9, to a region located below the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 of
and 10. 40 the opening 25.
[0098] The cross-sectional shape of the inlets 21, 22, [0110] The second opening region 25B may be a re-
23, and 24 may be polygonal. Here, the polygonal shape gion corresponding to between a pair of inlets adjacent
of the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 may include a shape in to each other among the openings 25. Specifically, the
which at least one vertex portion is rounded to have a second opening region 25B may refer to a region located
predetermined curvature. 45 below and between a pair of inlets adjacent to each other
[0099] The cross-sectional shape of the inlets 21, 22, among the openings 25.
23, and 24 may be quadrangular, in particular, rectangu- [0111] That is, the first opening region 25A may corre-
lar, like the cross-sectional shape of the blowing passag- spond to the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 along the direction
es 7, 8, 9, and 10. of the inner space 26, and the second opening region
[0100] The plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 may be 50 25B may correspond between the inlets 21, 22, 23, and
formed along a quadrangular virtual line 19 (see FIG. 7) 24 along the direction of the inner space 26.
like the blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the indoor [0112] The first opening 25A and the second opening
unit 1 and the plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 may 25B may be alternately located along the circumferential
be formed on the sides of the quadrangular virtual line direction of the discharge panel 2. When the openings
19, respectively. 55 25 are circular, the first opening regions 25A and the
[0101] The quadrangular virtual line 19 of the dis- second opening regions 25B may be alternately located
charge panel 2 illustrated in FIG. 7 and the quadrangular along the circumferential direction of the opening 25.
virtual line 17A of the indoor unit 1 illustrated in FIG. 5 [0113] The second opening region 25B may be located

11 EP 3 633 274 B1 12

between a pair of first opening regions 25A adjacent to 25 may be increased and decreased along the circum-
each other, and the first opening region 25A may be lo- ferential direction. The first distance D1 may gradually
cated between a pair of second opening regions 25B decrease toward the vertex of the quadrangular virtual
adjacent to each other. line 19.
[0114] Air flowing from the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 5 [0127] The inner space 26 may be formed such that
corresponding to first opening region 25A may be dis- horizontal widths D3 and D4 are not equal in the circum-
charged from the first opening region 25A. Meanwhile, ferential direction in consideration of the difference be-
air may not be discharged from the second opening re- tween the distances D1 and D2.
gion 25B. [0128] The horizontal widths D3 and D4 of the inner
[0115] In another example, a portion of the air dis- 10 space 26 may alternately increase and decrease along
charged to the first opening region 25A may also be dis- the opening 25 and may increase and decrease repeat-
charged to the second opening region 25B. edly.
[0116] The number of each of the first opening regions [0129] The inner space 26 may include a flow region
25A and the second opening regions 25B may be equal 26A and a blocking region 26B.
to the number of the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24. 15 [0130] Specifically, the flow region 26A may be formed
[0117] Each of the first and second opening regions below the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24, and the blocking
25A and 25B may have an arc shape. When the opening region 26B may be formed below the perimeter of the
25 has a circular shape, each of the first opening region inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 according to a position relation
25A and the second opening region 25B may have an with the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24.
arc shape forming a portion of the circular shape. 20 [0131] The blocking region 26B may be located below
[0118] A circumferential length of the first opening 25A between a pair of inlets adjacent to each other.
may be longer than a circumferential length of the second [0132] The flow region 26A and the blocking region
opening 25B. That is, an area of the first opening region 26B may be partitioned by the barrier 130 (to be de-
25A may be larger than an area of the second opening scribed later). The barrier 130 may be disposed between
region 25B. 25 the flow region 26A and the blocking region 26B.
[0119] Referring back to FIG. 7, the inner space 26 [0133] The flow region 26A may be located between a
may communicate with the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 and pair of barriers 130 facing each other.
the opening 25. The inner space 26 may be located be- [0134] The blocking region 26B may be located on both
tween the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 and the opening 25. sides of the flow region 26A in the circumferential direc-
[0120] The flow region 26A of the inner space 26 may 30 tion and formed at a corner portion between the flow re-
guide air introduced into the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 to gions 26A.
the opening 25. [0135] The flow region 26A and the blocking region
[0121] In the inner space 26, the flow region 26A may 26B may be alternately located along the circumferential
be an air flow change/discharge passage switching an direction of the discharge panel 2.
air flow of the air intaken to the plurality of inlets 21, 22, 35 [0136] Referring back to FIG. 7, the first opening region
23, and 24 and guiding the air to the opening 25. 25A may be located below the flow region 26A. Also, a
[0122] The inner space 26 may have a horizontal second opening region 25B may be located below the
cross-section in a closed loop shape. blocking region 26B.
[0123] The inner space 26 may be formed in a shape [0137] The flow region 26A may be located between
in which the cross-sectional area gradually increases in 40 the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24, and the first opening region
a downward direction. 25A. The blocking region 26B may be located between
[0124] The inner space 26 may be formed to switch a a portion between the pair of inlets adjacent to each other
vertical air flow to a horizontal air flow, and to this end, a and the second opening region 25B.
vertical cross-sectional shape thereof may be a curved [0138] Also, the horizontal width D3 of the flow region
shape. The inner space 26 may have a shape in which 45 26A may be larger than the horizontal width D4 of the
the vertical cross-sectional shape opens in an outward blocking region 26B. Here, the comparison between the
direction toward the lower side. horizontal widths D3 and D4 is made at the same height.
[0125] Also, a quadrangular imaginary line 19 in which [0139] An upper end of the inner space 26 may be a
the plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 are located is not region closer to the plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24,
only higher in position than the opening 25 but also small- 50 among the opening 25 and the plurality of inlets 21, 22,
er than the opening 25. In this case, a first distance D1 23, and 24.
between the side of the quadrangular virtual line 19 and [0140] A lower end of the inner space 26 may be an
the opening 25 may be different from a second distance opening 25 and a cross-sectional shape thereof may be
D2 between the vertex of the quadrangular virtual line 19 a circular shape. Specifically, the lower end of the flow
and the opening 25. 55 region 26A may be the first opening region 25A, and the
[0126] Specifically, the first distance D1 may be longer cross-sectional shape thereof may be an arc shape. Fur-
than the second distance D2, and the distance between ther, a lower end of the blocking region 26B may be the
the quadrangular virtual line 19 and the circular opening second opening region 25B, and a cross-section thereof

13 EP 3 633 274 B1 14

may have an arc shape. [0153] At least a portion of the barrier 130 may be lo-
[0141] The inner space 26 may have a cross-sectional cated between the inner flow path body 60 and the outer
shape gradually changed to a shape closer to a circular body portion 52. The barrier 130 may be in contact with
shape in the downward direction. the inner curved surface 65 which is the outer circumfer-
[0142] When the ceiling-type air conditioner operates, 5 ential surface of the inner flow path body 60.
air passing through the plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and [0154] The barrier 130 may be disposed between the
24 may be dropped into the flow region 26A and may inlet facing surface 65A and the connecting portion facing
subsequently be discharged to the room through the first surface 65B of the outer circumferential surface of the
opening region 25A. inner flow path body 60. The barrier 130 may be disposed
[0143] Here, the air dropped into the flow region 26A 10 at a boundary between the inlet facing surface 65A and
may be blocked by the barrier 130 (to be described later) the connecting portion facing surface 65B.
and may not flow to the blocking region 26B, and thus, [0155] The inner end of the barrier 130 may have a
air may be prevented from being discharged to the sec- shape outwardly bent downward along the outer circum-
ond opening region 25B. ferential surface of the inner flow path body 60.
[0144] That is, in the present embodiment, the air flow- 15 [0156] The lower end 132 of the barrier 130 may be
ing into the plurality of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 does not located above the lower end 67 of the inner flow path
spread in the horizontal direction in the inner space 26 body 60.
and may be discharged to the first opening region 25A [0157] The upper end 131 of the barrier 130 may be
of the opening 25. located above the upper surface 69 of the inner flow path
[0145] FIG. 8 is a perspective view of an inner flow 20 body 60.
path body and a barrier which are components of the [0158] The barrier 130 may be provided in plurality,
present disclosure. and each barrier may be spaced apart from each other.
[0146] Referring to FIGS. 7 and 8, the ceiling-type air The barrier 130 may be disposed along the outer circum-
conditioner according to an embodiment of the present ferential surface of the inner flow path body 60.
disclosure may include the barrier 130. The barrier 130 25 [0159] Referring back to FIGS. 4 to 8, the discharge
may be disposed in the inner space 26A of the discharge panel 2 may include a main flow path body 50 and an
panel 2. inner flow path body 60 coupled to the main flow path
[0147] An upper end 131 of the barrier 130 may be body 50.
located below the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 and a lower [0160] In addition, the discharge panel 2 may further
end 132 may be located above the opening 25. However, 30 include an outer cover 70 for guiding air passing through
the present disclosure is not limited thereto, and the up- the blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 to the flow region
per end of the barrier 130 may be located at the inlets 26A of the inner space 26. The discharge panel 2 may
21, 22, 23, and 24 and the lower end 131 may be located further include a decor cover 90 coupled to the main flow
at the opening 25. path body 50.
[0148] The upper end 131 of the barrier 130 may be 35 [0161] The main flow path body 50 may include an up-
formed at the same height as the upper end 26C of the per body portion 51, an outer body portion 52, and a
inner space 26. The lower end 132 of the barrier may be connecting portion 53.
located before an end of the opening 25 along an air flow [0162] The upper body portion 51 may be formed such
direction. that the upper hollow portion 20 penetrates in the up-
[0149] The barrier 130 may partition the inner space 40 down direction at the center thereof. The upper body por-
26 into the flow region 26A and the blocking region 26B. tion 51 may be connected to the outer body portion 52
The barrier 130 may be disposed between the flow region larger than the upper body portion 52 by the connecting
26A and the blocking region 26B. portion 53.
[0150] At least one barrier 130 may be provided. Pref- [0163] The outer body portion 52 may be larger than
erably, the number of barriers 130 may be twice the 45 the upper body portion 51. A height of the outer body
number of inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24. That is, a pair of portion 52 may be lower than a height of the upper body
barriers 130 may correspond to one inlet. For example, portion 51.
four inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 may be formed at the dis- [0164] The connecting portion 53 may connect the up-
charge panel 2 and eight barriers 130 may be provided. per body portion 51 and the outer body portion 52 having
[0151] The barrier 130 may be disposed perpendicular 50 different heights and sizes.
to the inner space 26. [0165] The intake panel 3 may be disposed below the
[0152] The lower end 132 of the barrier 130 may be inner flow path body 60. The intake panel 3 may have a
concave. Specifically, the lower end 132 of the barrier plurality of through holes 31 through which air passes to
130 may be formed concave upward. As a result, the be intaken into the lower hollow portion 68. All or some
lower end 132 of the barrier 130 may be prevented from 55 of the plurality of through holes 31 may be located below
being exposed to the outside of the discharge panel 2 the lower hollow portion 68.
and the ceiling-type air conditioner may be improved in [0166] Here, the through holes 31 may be air inlets
terms of design. through which indoor air is intaken into the ceiling-type

15 EP 3 633 274 B1 16

air conditioner. intaken into the intaking panel 3 may also be solved.
[0167] Hereinafter, an operation example of the ceil- [0178] Above all, the air guide 100 according to the
ing-type air conditioner according to the present disclo- present disclosure has an advantage that it may be in-
sure configured as described above will be described. serted directly into an already manufactured or installed
[0168] First, when an operation command is input from 5 ceiling-type air conditioner and used.
a user, the blower 4 and the outdoor unit are driven, and [0179] Hereinafter, the air guide 100 according to the
when the blower 4 is driven, air in the room may pass present disclosure will be described in detail.
through the intake panel 3 and then pass through the [0180] Referring back to FIGS. 1 and 2, the air guide
upper hollow portion 20 of the discharge panel 2 and be 100 includes at least two partitions 110a and 110b par-
intaken into the indoor unit 1. 10 titioning the inner space 26 of the discharge panel 2 in
[0169] The air intaken into the indoor unit 1 may flow the circumferential direction and a curved portion 120
to the heat exchanger 5 outside the blower 4 by the blower connecting the at least two partitions 100a and 100b and
4 and may exchange heat with the heat exchanger 5 having an arc shape, and is detachably inserted into the
while passing through the heat exchanger 5. The air opening 25 from the outside of the opening 25.
cooled or heated while being heat-exchanged with the 15 [0181] In addition, as described above, the inner space
heat exchanger 5 may pass through the plurality of blow- 26 of the discharge panel 2 may include the flow region
ing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 and exit the indoor unit 1. 26A communicating with the inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 and
Here, a plurality of discharge air flows may be blown in the blocking region 26B provided between the inlets 21,
the downward direction through the blowing passages 7, 22, 23, and 24 and between the flow regions 26A. The
8, 9, and 10. 20 opening 25 may include a first opening region 25A cor-
[0170] The air passing through the plurality of blowing responding to the flow region 26A and a second opening
passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 may be transferred to the inlets region 25B corresponding to the blocking region 26B,
21, 22, 23, and 24 of the discharge panel 2 communicat- and the curved portion 120 may be mounted so that at
ing with the blowing passages 7, 8, 9, and 10 in a facing least a portion thereof passes through the blocking region
manner and flow to the inner space 26 of the discharge 25 26B.
panel 2. [0182] That is, a distance between the partitions 110a
[0171] Here, in a first embodiment, if the barrier 130 is and 110b and a length of the curved portion 120 may be
not provided, the air flowing through the inlets 21, 22, 23, equal to the distance between the blocking regions 26B
and 24 may be discharged to the opening 25 through the or greater than the distance between the blocking regions
inner space 26. 30 26B.
[0172] In a second embodiment, when the inner space [0183] In addition, there may be various embodiments
26 is partitioned into the flow region 26A and the blocking for the size and mounting position of the partitions 110a
region 26B by the barrier 130, air flowing through the and 110b and the curved portion 120.
inlets 21, 22, 23, and 24 may flow to the flow region 26A [0184] For example, the partitions 110a and 110b may
and may not flow to the blocking region 26B due to the 35 also be mounted at a boundary between the flow region
barrier 130. 26A and the blocking region 26B.
[0173] Subsequently, the air flowing through the flow [0185] As another example, the partitions 110a and
region 26A may be discharged to the first opening region 110b may be mounted at the flow region 26A through the
25A of the opening 25. Meanwhile, air is not discharged first opening region 25A.
from the second opening region 25B of the opening 25. 40 [0186] As another example, the blocking region 26B
[0174] However, even in the case described above, may be disposed between the partitions 110a and 110b.
there is still problem in that part of the air discharged to [0187] In addition, as described above, in case where
the first opening region 25A is returned to the second the barrier 130 partitioning the inner space 26 of the dis-
opening region 25B having a relatively low pressure or charge panel 2 into the flow region 26A and the blocking
intaken into the intaking panel 3. 45 region 26B is further provided, the partitions 110a and
[0175] In addition, if the barrier 130 is not provided, 110b may be disposed at positions corresponding to the
there is a problem in that part of the air discharged to the barrier 130.
first opening region 25A is returned to the second opening [0188] In addition, in case where the barrier 130 parti-
region 25B having a relatively low pressure or intaken tioning the inner space 26 of the discharge panel 2 into
into the intaking panel 3. 50 the flow zone 26A and the blocking zone 26B is further
[0176] In order to prevent this, in the present disclo- provided, the barrier 130 may be located between the
sure, the air guide 100 for shielding the whole or at least partitions 110a and 110b.
part of the second opening region 25B is mounted. [0189] That is, the partitions 100a and 100b are in-
[0177] When the air guide 100 is mounted as described stalled at or near the boundary between the first opening
above, it is possible to prevent the air discharged into the 55 region 25A and the second opening region 25B or at or
first opening region 25A from being re-intaken into the near the boundary between the flow region 26A and the
second opening region 25B. In addition, the problem that blocking region 26B.
the air flow discharged to the first opening region 25A is [0190] Due to the installation of the partitions 100a and

17 EP 3 633 274 B1 18

100b as described above, the flow region 26A and the curved portion 120 is disposed, the air may be discharged
blocking region 26B may be reliably partitioned regard- while forming a swing air flow.
less of whether the barrier 130 is mounted. In addition, [0205] In addition, while rotating the curved portion
the first opening region 25A and the second opening re- 120, the entirety or a portion of the opening 25 where the
gion 25B may be reliably partitioned regardless of wheth- 5 curved portion 120 is disposed may be blocked according
er the barrier 130 is mounted. to circumstances. That is, the degree of opening of the
[0191] Therefore, it is possible to prevent the air dis- opening 25 in which the curved portion 120 is disposed
charged into the first opening region 25A from being re- may be adjusted.
intaken into the second opening region 25B. [0206] In addition, the degree of lying down of the
[0192] Above all, since the curved portion 120 is con- 10 curved portion 120 may be adjusted to adjust the air flow
nected between the partitions 100a and 100b, the air discharged from the opening 25. For example, a vertical
discharged to the first opening region 25A is reliably pre- air flow or a horizontal air flow may be generated accord-
vented from being re-intaken into the second opening ing to the degree of lying down of the curved portion 120.
region 25B. [0207] In addition, a driving unit 200 for providing a
[0193] For example, a curvature of the curved portion 15 rotational force to rotate the curved portion 120 may be
120 may be formed to correspond to a curvature of the further provided.
opening 25. [0208] For example, the driving unit 200 may include
[0194] The curved portion 120 may block the entire a motor and a gear.
second opening region 25B and may block at least a [0209] Accordingly, as the motor rotates, the curved
portion thereof. 20 portion 120 connected to a rotary shaft of the motor
[0195] In the above description and the following de- through the gear may rotate.
scription, the flow region 26A and the blocking region [0210] In addition, a resistant part 300 may be provided
26B, and the first opening region 25A and the second between the curved portion 120 and the partition 110 to
opening region 25B may be defined regardless of wheth- reduce a rotational force applied to the curved portion
er the barrier 130 is mounted or not. 25 120. There may be various embodiments within a range
[0196] In detail, the flow region 26A and the first open- that the resistant part 300 is provided between the curved
ing region 25A refer to regions (regions from which heat- portion 120 and the partition 110 to maintain an angle
exchanged air is discharged) corresponding to the blow- set by the user, while preventing the curved portion 120
ing regions 7, 8, 9, and 10 and the inlets 21, 22, 23, and from being arbitrarily rotated by a draft or the like.
24, and the blocking region 26B and the second opening 30 [0211] As an example, the resistant part 300 may be
region 25B correspond to the space between the blowing provided as an oil damper. Here, the curved portion 120
regions 7, 8, 9 and 10 and the space between the inlets may be connected to a rotary shaft of the resistant part
21, 22, 23 and 24. 300.
[0197] In the present embodiment, the air guide 100 [0212] When the resistant part 300 is provided as de-
may be installed in proportion to the number of the block- 35 scribed above, the user may easily adjust the angle of
ing regions 26B and the second opening regions 25B. the curved portion 120, while preventing the curved por-
[0198] FIG. 9 is a plan view of a ceiling-type air condi- tion 120 from rotating arbitrarily.
tioner according to the present disclosure. [0213] That is, the user may freely adjust the angle of
[0199] Referring to FIG. 9, it can be seen that, in the the curved portion 120, if necessary, to completely block
case of an air conditioner in which the blocking regions 40 an inflow of air and further may adjust a discharge angle
26B and the second opening regions 25B are formed at of the discharged air.
four locations, the air guide 100 is mounted at four loca- [0214] In addition, rotary protrusions (not shown) may
tions. be formed at both ends of the curved portion 120, and
[0200] In a modification, the air guide 100 may be the partition 110 may have a rotary recess (not shown)
mounted at the first opening region 25A. 45 into which the rotary protrusions are rotatably inserted.
[0201] As described above, when the air guide 100 is [0215] In addition, rotary protrusions (not shown) may
mounted at the first opening region 25A, the air guide be formed at both ends of the curved portion 120, and
100 may switch an air flow of the discharged air. the partition 110 may have a rotary hole (not shown) into
[0202] In particular, a direction and intensity of the dis- which the rotary protrusions are rotatably inserted.
charged air may be adjusted according to a shape of the 50 [0216] Conversely, a rotary recess or a rotary hole (not
curved portion 120. shown) may be formed at both ends of the curved portion
[0203] In addition, the curved portion 120 may be ro- 120, and a rotary protrusion rotatably inserted into the
tatably connected to the partition 110. rotary recess or the rotary hole may be formed at the
[0204] As described above, when the curved portion partition 110.
120 rotates about the partition 110, a direction of the air 55 [0217] In addition, in a state in which the partition 110
discharged through the opening 25 in which the curved is inserted and fixed in the inner space 26, the curved
portion 120 is disposed may be adjusted. In addition, portion 120 and the partitions 110 may be connected in
when air is discharged from the opening 25 in which the various known methods within a range in which the

19 EP 3 633 274 B1 20

curved portion 120 is rotatable. changer (5) and a built-in blower (4) and com-
[0218] In addition, the inner space 26 of the discharge prising a plurality of blowing passages (7, 8, 9,
panel 2 and the partition 110 inserted into the inner space 10) configured to discharge air which passes
26 may have a vertical cross-section in a bent shape. through the heat exchanger (5) to the outside;
[0219] In detail, the inner space 26 may be bent out- 5 - a discharge panel (2) comprising a plurality of
ward so as to discharge the air flowing from the upper inlets (21, 22, 23, 24) receiving the air dis-
side to the lower side in a horizontal direction or an in- charged through the plurality of blowing passag-
clined direction. es (7, 8, 9, 10), an inner space (26) configured
[0220] In addition, when the inner space 26 and the to at least partially communicate with the plural-
partition 110 have the bent shape as described above, 10 ity of inlets (21, 22, 23, 24), and a ring-shaped
the partition 110 may be maintained in a state of being or arc-shaped opening (25) configured to dis-
inserted in the inner space 26. charge, to a room, air which flows into the inner
[0221] Specifically, when the inner space 26 and the space (26); and
partition 110 have the bent shape, the partition 110 may - an air guide (100) detachably inserted into the
be supported in the horizontal direction in a state in which 15 inside of the opening (25) from the outside of
the partition 110 is received in the inner space 26, and the opening (25),
thus, the partition 110 and the curved portion 120 con-
nected to the partition 110 may be maintained in the state the air guide (100) comprising:
of being accommodated in the inner space 26.
[0222] In addition, the partition 110 may be easily in- 20 at least two partitions (1 10a, 1 10b) partitioning
serted into the inner space 26 through the opening 25. the inner space (26) of the discharge panel (2)
[0223] Specifically, when the inner space 26 and the in a circumferential direction; and
partition 110 are formed in a curved shape, the partition a curved portion (120) connecting the at least
110 may be rotated in the bent direction of the inner space two partitions (110a, 110b) and having an arc
26 so as to be pushed to be inserted. 25 shape;
[0224] In addition, the curved portion 120 may have a wherein the inner space (26) of the discharge
vertical cross-section in a bent shape. panel (2) comprises a flow region (26A) config-
[0225] FIG. 10 is a view showing a flow analysis result ured to communicate with each inlet (21, 22, 23,
of a discharge air flow according to whether the air guide 24) and allow air which flows through the inlet
is installed. 30 (21, 22, 23, 24) to flow therein and a blocking
[0226] Referring to FIG. 10, it can be seen that, when region (26B) provided between the inlets (21,
the air guide 100 is not mounted (a in FIG. 10), the air 22, 23, 24) and between the flow regions (26A);
discharged through the opening 25 is returned. wherein the opening (25) comprises a first open-
[0227] Meanwhile, when the air guide 100 is mounted ing region (25A) corresponding to the flow region
(b and c of FIG. 10), return of the air discharged through 35 (26A) and a second opening region (25B) cor-
the opening 25 is improved as compared with the case responding to the blocking region (26B); and
(1 of FIG. 10) where the air guide 100 is not mounted. wherein the curved portion (120) is mounted
[0228] In particular, it can be seen that, when the end such that at least a portion thereof passes
of the air guide 100 extends to close to the end of the through the blocking region (26B).
opening 25, return air rarely occurs. 40
[0229] The air guide and the air conditioner having the 2. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 1, wherein
same according to the present disclosure as described the partitions (110a, 110b) are mounted at a bound-
above may prevent the air returning phenomenon that ary between the flow region (26A) and the blocking
the discharged air is intaken back and solve the problem region (26B).
of a degradation of performance due to return air. 45
[0230] In addition, the air guide may be inserted into 3. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 1, wherein
the opening in a simple manner, may be separated after the partitions (110a, 110b) are mounted at the flow
installation only if necessary, may be easily manufac- region (26A) through the first opening region (25A).
tured and mounted, and may be applied even to an air
conditioner without an air guide part such as vane or the 50 4. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 3, wherein
like. the blocking region (26B) is disposed between the
partitions (110a, 110b).

Claims 5. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 1, further

55 comprising:
1. A ceiling-type air conditioner including:
a barrier (130) partitioning the inner space (26)
- an indoor unit (1) having a built-in heat ex- of the discharge panel (2) into the flow region

21 EP 3 633 274 B1 22

(26A) and the blocking region (26B), 8, 9, 10), die konfiguriert sind, Luft, die den Wär-
wherein the partitions (110a, 11 0b) are dis- metauscher (5) passiert hat, nach außen abzu-
posed at a position corresponding to the barrier führen, umfasst;
(130). - eine Abführplatte (2), die mehrere Einlässe (21,
5 22, 23, 24), die die Luft aufnehmen, die durch
6. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 1, further die mehreren Blasdurchgänge (7, 8, 9, 10) ab-
comprising: geführt wird, einen Innenraum (26), der so kon-
figuriert ist, dass er wenigstens teilweise mit den
a barrier (130) partitioning the inner space (26) mehreren Einlässen (21, 22, 23, 24) kommuni-
of the discharge panel (2) into the flow region 10 ziert, und eine ringförmige oder bogenförmige
(26A) and the blocking region (26B), Öffnung (25), die konfiguriert ist, Luft, die in den
wherein the barrier (130) is located between the Innenraum (26) strömt, zu einem Raum abzu-
partitions (110a, 110b). führen, umfasst; und
- eine Luftführung (100), die von außerhalb der
7. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 1, wherein 15 Öffnung (25) ins Innere der Öffnung (25) ent-
the curved portion (120) is rotatably connected to nehmbar eingesetzt ist,
the partitions (110a, 110b).
wobei die Luftführung (100) Folgendes umfasst:
8. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 7, wherein
the air guide (200) further comprises: 20 wenigstens zwei Unterteilungen (110a, 110b),
a driving unit configured to provide a rotational force die den Innenraum (26) der Abführplatte (2) in
to rotate the curved portion (120). Umfangsrichtung unterteilen; und
einen gebogenen Abschnitt (120), der die we-
9. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 7, wherein nigstens zwei Unterteilungen (110a, 110b) ver-
a resistant part configured to reduce a rotational 25 bindet und eine Bogenform aufweist;
force applied to the curved portion (120) is provided wobei der Innenraum (26) der Abführplatte (2)
between the curved portion (120) and the partitions einen Strömungsbereich (26A), der konfiguriert
(110a, 110b). ist, mit dem jeweiligen Einlass (21, 22, 23, 24)
zu kommunizieren, und der ermöglicht, dass
10. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 9, wherein 30 Luft, die durch den Einlass (21, 22, 23, 24)
resistant part is formed as an oil damper, and the strömt, einströmt, und einen Blockierbereich
curved portion (120) is connected to a rotary shaft (26B), der zwischen den Einlässen (21, 22, 23,
of the resistant part. 24) und zwischen den Strömungsbereichen
(26A) vorgesehen ist, umfasst;
11. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 7, wherein 35 wobei die Öffnung (25) einen ersten Öffnungs-
rotary protrusions are provided at both ends of the bereich (25A), der dem Strömungsbereich (26A)
curved portion (120) and rotary recesses allowing entspricht, und einen zweiten Öffnungsbereich
the rotary protrusions to be rotatably inserted therein (25B), der dem Blockierbereich (26B) ent-
are provided at the partitions (110a, 110b). spricht, umfasst; und
40 wobei der gebogene Abschnitt (120) so montiert
12. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 1, wherein ist, dass wenigstens ein Abschnitt durch den
the inner space (26) of the discharge panel (2) and Blockierbereich (26B) verläuft.
the partitions (110a, 110b) inserted into the inner
space (26) have a bent shape in a vertical cross- 2. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 1, wobei
section thereof. 45 die Unterteilungen (110a, 110b) an einer Grenze
zwischen dem Strömungsbereich (26A) und dem
13. The ceiling-type air conditioner of claim 1, wherein Blockierbereich (26B) montiert sind.
the curved portion (120) has a bent shape in a vertical
cross-section thereof. 3. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 1, wobei
50 die Unterteilungen (110a, 110b) durch den ersten
Öffnungsbereich (25A) am Strömungsbereich (26A)
Patentansprüche montiert sind.

1. Klimaanlage für die Decke, die Folgendes umfasst: 4. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 3, wobei
55 der Blockierbereich (26B) zwischen den Unterteilun-
- eine Innenraumeinheit (1), die einen eingebau- gen (110a, 110b) angeordnet ist.
ten Wärmetauscher (5) und ein eingebautes Ge-
bläse (4) hat und mehrere Blasdurchgänge (7, 5. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 1, die fer-

23 EP 3 633 274 B1 24

ner Folgendes umfasst: Revendications

eine Barriere (130), die den Innenraum (26) der 1. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond incluant :
Abführplatte (2) in den Strömungsbereich (26A)
und den Blockierbereich (26B) unterteilt, 5 - une unité intérieure (1) ayant un échangeur de
wobei die Unterteilungen (110a, 110b) an einer chaleur intégré (5) et une soufflante intégrée (4)
Position angeordnet sind, die der Barriere (130) et comportant une pluralité de passages de
entspricht. soufflage (7, 8, 9, 10) configurés pour évacuer
de l’air qui passe à travers l’échangeur de cha-
6. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 1, die fer- 10 leur (5) vers l’extérieur ;
ner Folgendes umfasst: - un panneau d’évacuation (2) comportant une
pluralité d’entrées (21, 22, 23, 24) recevant l’air
eine Barriere (130), die den Innenraum (26) der évacué à travers la pluralité de passages de
Abführplatte (2) in den Strömungsbereich (26A) soufflage (7, 8, 9, 10), un espace intérieur (26)
und den Blockierbereich (26B) unterteilt, 15 configuré pour communiquer au moins partiel-
wobei die Barriere (130) zwischen den Untertei- lement avec la pluralité d’entrées (21, 22, 23,
lungen (110a, 110b) angeordnet ist. 24), et une ouverture annulaire ou arquée (25)
configurée pour évacuer, vers une pièce, de l’air
7. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 1, wobei qui s’écoule dans l’espace intérieur (26) ; et
der gebogene Abschnitt (120) mit den Unterteilun- 20 - un guide d’air (100) inséré de manière déta-
gen (110a, 110b) drehbar verbunden ist. chable dans l’intérieur de l’ouverture (25) depuis
l’extérieur de l’ouverture (25),
8. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 7, wobei
die Luftführung (200) ferner Folgendes umfasst: le guide d’air (100) comportant :
eine Antriebseinheit, die konfiguriert ist, eine Dreh- 25
kraft bereitzustellen, um den gebogenen Abschnitt au moins deux séparations (110a, 110b) divi-
(120) zu drehen. sant l’espace intérieur (26) du panneau d’éva-
cuation (2) dans une direction circonférentielle ;
9. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 7, wobei et
ein Widerstandsteil, das konfiguriert ist, eine Dreh- 30 une partie incurvée (120) reliant les au moins
kraft, die auf den gebogenen Abschnitt (120) aufge- deux séparations (110a, 110b) et ayant une for-
bracht wird, zu verringern, zwischen dem geboge- me d’arc ;
nen Abschnitt (120) und den Unterteilungen (110a, dans lequel l’espace intérieur (26) du panneau
110b) vorgesehen ist. d’évacuation (2) comporte une zone d’écoule-
35 ment (26A) configurée pour communiquer avec
10. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 9, wobei chaque entrée (21, 22, 23, 24) et permettre à
das Widerstandsteil als ein Öldämpfungselement l’air qui s’écoule à travers l’entrée (21, 22, 23,
ausgebildet ist und der gebogene Abschnitt (120) 24) de s’écouler dans celle-ci et une zone de
mit einer drehbaren Welle des Widerstandsteils ver- blocage (26B) agencée entre les entrées (21,
bunden ist. 40 22, 23, 24) et entre les zones d’écoulement
(26A) ;
11. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 7, wobei dans lequel l’ouverture (25) comporte une pre-
Vorsprünge zum Drehen an beiden Enden des ge- mière zone d’ouverture (25A) correspondant à
bogenen Abschnitts (120) vorgesehen sind und Auf- la zone d’écoulement (26A) et une seconde zo-
nahmen zum Drehen, in die die Vorsprünge zum 45 ne d’ouverture (25B) correspondant à la zone
Drehen drehbar eingesetzt werden können, an den de blocage (26B) ; et
Unterteilungen (110a, 110b) vorgesehen sind. dans lequel la partie incurvée (120) est montée
de telle sorte qu’au moins une portion de celle-
12. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 1, wobei ci passe à travers la zone de blocage (26B).
der Innenraum (26) der Abführplatte (2) und die Un- 50
terteilungen (110a, 110b), die in den Innenraum (26) 2. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la
eingesetzt sind, im vertikalen Querschnitt eine ge- revendication 1, dans lequel les séparations (110a,
bogene Form haben. 110b) sont montées à une frontière entre la zone
d’écoulement (26A) et la zone de blocage (26B).
13. Klimaanlage für die Decke nach Anspruch 1, wobei 55
der gebogene Abschnitt (120) im vertikalen Quer- 3. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la
schnitt eine gebogene Form hat. revendication 1, dans lequel les séparations (110a,
110b) sont montées sur la zone d’écoulement (26A)

25 EP 3 633 274 B1 26

à travers la première zone d’ouverture (25A). revendication 1, dans lequel l’espace intérieur (26)
du panneau d’évacuation (2) et les séparations
4. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la (110a, 110b) insérées dans l’espace intérieur (26)
revendication 3, dans lequel la zone de blocage ont une forme pliée dans une section transversale
(26B) est disposée entre les séparations (110a, 5 verticale de ceux-ci.
13. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la
5. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la revendication 1, dans lequel la partie incurvée (120)
revendication 1, comportant en outre : a une forme pliée dans une section transversale ver-
10 ticale de celle-ci.
une barrière (130) divisant l’espace intérieur
(26) du panneau d’évacuation (2) en la zone
d’écoulement (26A) et la zone de blocage (26B),
dans lequel les séparations (110a, 110b) sont
disposées à une position correspondant à la bar- 15
rière (130).

6. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la

revendication 1, comportant en outre :
une barrière (130) divisant l’espace intérieur
(26) du panneau d’évacuation (2) en la zone
d’écoulement (26A) et la zone de blocage (26B),
dans lequel la barrière (130) est située entre les
séparations (110a, 110b). 25

7. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la

revendication 1, dans lequel la partie incurvée (120)
est en liaison rotative avec les séparations (110a,
110b). 30

8. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la

revendication 7, dans lequel le guide d’air (200) com-
porte en outre :
une unité d’entraînement configurée pour fournir une 35
force de rotation afin de tourner la partie incurvée

9. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la

revendication 7, dans lequel une pièce résistante 40
configurée pour réduire une force de rotation appli-
quée à la partie incurvée (120) est prévue entre la
partie incurvée (120) et les séparations (110a, 110b).

10. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la 45

revendication 9, dans lequel une pièce résistante est
formée comme un amortisseur à huile, et la partie
incurvée (120) est reliée à un axe rotatif de la pièce
11. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la
revendication 7, dans lequel des saillies rotatives
sont agencées aux deux extrémités de la partie in-
curvée (120) et des évidements rotatifs permettant
d’insérer les saillies rotatives dans ceux-ci sont 55
agencés sur les séparations (110a, 110b).

12. Climatiseur de type à montage au plafond selon la

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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• KR 100897425 [0007] • EP 3076099 A1 [0011]


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