United States: (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0116052 A1

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US 20140116052A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0116052 A1
NOGUCHI et al. (43) Pub. Date: May 1, 2014

(54) SUBCRITICAL PRESSURE (30) Foreign Application Priority Data

PLANT AND SUBCRITICAL PRESSURE Oct. 25, 2012 (JP) ............................... .. 2012-235471
HIGH-TEMPERATURE VARIABLE Publication Classi?cation
BOILER (51) Int. Cl.
(71) Applicants:BABCOCK-HITACHI K.K., Tokyo F01K13/00 (200601)
JP _ H,t h, Ltd T JP F223 29/06 (2006.01)
( )’ 1 a“ 1’ " Okyo ( ) F22G 5/00 (2006.01)
(72) Inventors: Yoshiki NOGUCHI, Tokyo (JP); F01K 7/38 (200601)
Toshihiko SASAKI, Tokyo (JP); Jun (52) U-s- Cl
KOIZUMI’ Tokyo (JP); Kazuhiko CPC ............... .. 01K 13/006 (2013.01); F01K 7/38
SAITO’ Tokyo (Jp); Yuichi YOSHIDA, (2013.01), F22B 29/06 (2013.01), F22G 5/00
Tokyo (JP); Noboru SHINOTSUKA, (2013-01)
Tokyo (Jp) USPC ............... .. 60/679; 60/670; 122/1 B; 122/476
(73) Asslgnees: BABCOCK-HITACHI K.K., Tokyo _ _ _
Up), HITACHI LTD Tokyo Up) A subcntical pressure high-temperature steam power plant
’ ’ " includes a combustion boiler system, steam turbine generator
system, and condensate and feedwater system and Wherein
(21) App1_ NO; 14/019,802 the conditions of steam generated in the boiler system and
supplied to the steam turbine generator system are subcritical
pressure and high temperature (turbine inlet temperature of
(22) Filed: Sep. 6, 2013 593° C. or more).

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Patent Application Publication May 1, 2014 Sheet 1 0f4 US 2014/0116052 Al

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Patent Application Publication May 1, 2014 Sheet 2 0f 4 US 2014/0116052 A1

FIG. 3
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Patent Application Publication May 1, 2014 Sheet 3 0f4 US 2014/0116052 A1

FIG. 4




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Patent Application Publication US 2014/0116052 A1

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US 2014/0116052 A1 May 1,2014

SUBCRITICAL PRESSURE been run for many years and it is expected that replacement or
HIGH-TEMPERATURE STEAM POWER renovation of many such existing plants will be made. In
PLANT AND SUBCRITICAL PRESSURE replacement or renovation of such existing thermal power
HIGH-TEMPERATURE VARIABLE plants, ef?ciency improvement is particularly desirable from
PRESSURE OPERATION ONCE-THROUGH the viewpoint of CO2 emission reduction. Also, when a new
BOILER small-to-medium capacity thermal power plant is con
structed, improved ef?ciency is desirable.
CLAIM OF PRIORITY [0008] Supercritical pressure coal ?red thermal power
plants are more ef?cient and more environmentally friendly
[0001] The present application claims priority from Japa than subcritical pressure coal ?red thermal power plants. As
nese Patent application serial no. 2012-235471, ?led on Oct.
mentioned above, as high-temperature materials have
25, 2012, the content of which is hereby incorporated by
reference into this application. become commercially available, large-capacity thermal
power plants which are run under steam conditions of super
critical pressure and 593° C. or more have been commercial
ized. So, if such steam conditions of supercritical pressure
[0002] The present invention relates to subcritical pressure and 593° C. or more are applied to small-to-medium capacity
high-temperature steam power plants and subcritical pressure thermal power plants, ef?ciency is expected to improve.
high-temperature variable pressure operation once-through [0009] However, according to the study by the present
boilers and more particularly to subcritical pressure high inventors, it has been found that even if supercritical pres sure
temperature steam power plants which have a small-to-me steam conditions are applied to small-to-medium capacity
dium power generation capacity and subcritical pressure thermal power plants, ef?ciency will not be improved as
high-temperature variable pressure operation once-through expected. More speci?cally, if the main steam pressure is
boilers for use therein. increased to supercritical pressure or more in a small-to
medium capacity plant, the speci?c volume decreases with
BACKGROUND ART pressure increase approximately in accordance with the ther
modynamic law of ideal gas, (pressure)><(volume)+(tempera
[0003] In order to reduce CO2 emissions from thermal
ture):constant, and as a consequence, due to limitations on
power plants comprised of boilers and steam turbines, efforts the height and shape of the hi gh-pres sure turbine initial blade
have been continued to improve the ef?ciency of the thermal
power plants by increasing the pressure and temperature as
cascade, it is dif?cult for the plant to provide high ef?ciency
like a large capacity plant. For example, a decreased steam
steam conditions. Nowadays, in Japan, mainly coal ?red
volume would make it necessary to shorten the blades of the
power plants of the 0.6-to-1 million kW class employ the
high-pressure turbine initial cascade, which would increase
following steam conditions for their commercial systems: a
turbine internal loss and make it impossible to achieve ef?
main steam pressure range from 24.1 to 25 .0 MPa (supercriti
ciency improvement worth the cost of the equipment for
cal pressure), a main steam temperature range from 593 to
600° C., a reheated steam temperature range from 593 to 620°
supercritical pressure.
[0010] An object of the present invention is to provide a
C. (for example, see Non-patent Literature 1, “HITACHI
thermal power plant with a small-to-medium power genera
HYORON”, Vol. 80, No. 2, published in February 1998, pp. tion capacity which can improve ef?ciency effectively and a
61-66). Generally, steam pressures of 24.1 MPa (3500 psi) or boiler for use therein.
more and steam temperatures of 593° C. (1,100° F.) or more
are called ultra-supercritical (USC) pressure conditions. The Solution to Problem
commercialization of high-temperature materials for boiler
tubes, valves and turbines which are excellent in high-tem [0011] The present invention is characterized in that the
perature strength and corrosion resistance has contributed conditions of steam which is generated in a boiler and sup
largely to the practical use of such ultra-supercritical pressure plied to a steam turbine are subcritical pressure and high
steam conditions (steam temperatures of 593° C. or more). temperature (turbine inlet temperature of 593° C. or more).
[0004] On the other hand, small-to-medium capacity ther
mal power plants in which the power output of a single gen Advantageous Effects of Invention
erator is 0.4 million kW or less have employed steam condi
[0012] According to the present invention, the ef?ciency of
tions that the main steam pres sure remains subcritical and the
a thermal power plant with a small-to -medium power genera
maximum turbine inlet steam temperature is 566° C. tion capacity can be improved effectively.
[0013] The above and further objects and novel features of
the invention will more fully appear from the following
Non-Patent Literature
description of embodiments of the invention.

[0005] [Non-patent Literature 1] BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS

[0006] “HITACHI HYORON”, Vol. 80, No. 2, published in [0014] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing the system
February 1998, pp. 61-66 con?guration of a subcritical pressure high-temperature
steam power plant according to a ?rst embodiment of the
present invention.
Technical Problem [0015] FIG. 2 is a sectional view showing the general boiler
structure according to the ?rst embodiment of the invention.
[0007] Among small-to-medium capacity thermal power [0016] FIG. 3 shows pressure-enthalpy curves as character
plants, there are many coal ?red power plants which have istics of the ?rst embodiment of the invention.
US 2014/0116052 A1 May 1,2014

[0017] FIG. 4 shows the rate of ef?ciency improvement in 23, and generator 24. Reference signs 25 and 26 denote a
the ?rst embodiment of the invention. main steam stop valve and a main steam control valve respec
[0018] FIG. 5 shows the effect of steam temperature control tively.
in the ?rst embodiment of the invention. [0027] The condensate and feedwater system 30 includes a
[0019] FIG. 6 shows an example of steam pressure control condenser 31, condensate pump 32, low-pressure feedwater
in the ?rst embodiment of the invention. heater 33, deaerator 34, water supply pump 35, and high
[0020] FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram showing the system pressure feedwater heater 36.
con?guration of a subcritical pressure high-temperature [0028] Fuel coal is pulverized by the coal mill 11 into
steam power plant according to a second embodiment of the powdered coal, which is then supplied to the burners 12
present invention. disposed in the furnace 13 to burn with oxygen in the air and
generate heat. The bumers 12 are installed and arranged so as
DESCRIPTION OF EMBODIMENTS to minimize temperature distribution unevenness in the fur
[0021] Next, the preferred embodiments of the present nace 13 and differences in the metal temperature of the spiral
invention will be described referring to drawings. water wall tube 14. For example, bumers 12 which corre
[0022] Although supercritical pressure steam power gen spond to each coal mill 11 are located in a way to face each
eration is more ef?cient and more environmentally friendly other and burners 12 are arranged in a row on both sides of the
than subcritical pressure steam power generation, as men furnace 13 to burn powdered coal as fuel.
tioned above it has been found that in thermal power plants [0029] While coal is mainly used as fuel, the boiler system
with a small-to-medium power generation capacity for which may be designed so as to enable mixed combustion of oil,
the present invention is intended, even the introduction of biomass or by-product gas of steel making process with coal
supercritical pressure steam conditions (rated steam condi in the fumace 13. For example, if biomass is used, biomass is
tions) does not improve ef?ciency as expected. Therefore, in supplied to the coal mill 11 and supplied with coal to the
the present invention, instead of using supercritical pressure, burner 12. If by-product gas is used, a special burner for
the steam pressure is made to remain subcritical and higher by-product gas is installed. An oil ?red burner for starting is
temperature (turbine inlet temperature of 593° C. or more) is also provided in the furnace 13 (not shown in the ?gure).
used to improve ef?ciency effectively. [003 0] The radiation heat and convection heat generated by
[0023] In the present invention, subcritical pressure high combustion is used to heat (evaporate or superheat) the pres
temperature steam (turbine inlet temperature of 593° C. or surized water in the spiral water wall tube 14 which consti
more) is supplied to a steam turbine to generate power and a tutes the water wall of the furnace 13. The steam (steam at the
thermal power plant which uses steam with such conditions is furnace outlet) from the spiral water wall tube 14 is guided
called a subcritical pressure high-temperature steam power through the steam separator 18 and passed as superheated
plant and a boiler which generates such steam is called a steam to the high-temperature superheater 16.
subcritical pressure high-temperature variable pressure [0031] The high-temperature superheater 16 supplies
operation once-through boiler. Speci?cally, a thermal power superheated steam (subcritical pressure superheated steam)
plant with a small-to-medium power generation capacity for of 593° C. or more (inlet temperature of the high-temperature
which the present invention is intended is a thermal power high-pressure turbine) to the high-temperature hi gh-pres sure
plant in which the power output (rated output) of a single turbine 21. The high-temperature superheated steam at sub
power generator (one power generator unit) is in a range of critical pressure and 593° C. or more drives the high-tempera
0.1 to 0.4 million kW. In a plant with a power generation ture high-pressure turbine 21. The high-pressure turbine
capacity of more than 0.4 million kW, ef?ciency will be exhaust steam which has been used in the high-temperature
improved effectively under steam conditions of 593° C. or high-pressure turbine 21, the pressure and temperature of
more and supercritical pressure and there is virtually no need which have decreased, is guided to the high-temperature
to keep the pressure steam subcritical. On the other hand, in a repeater 17 where it is reheated to 593° C. or more. The
plant with a power generation capacity of less than 0.1 million reheated high-temperature steam of 593° C. or more (sub
kW, the rate of heat absorption in the fumace (stated later) critical pressure superheated steam) is guided to the high
would be too high and in order to increase the steam tempera temperature reheat intermediate-pressure turbine 22 to drive
ture, the boiler structure must be more complicated and the high-temperature reheat intermediate-pressure turbine
costly. 22. The exhaust steam which has been used in the high
[0024] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram showing the system temperature reheat intermediate-pressure turbine 22 is guided
con?guration of a subcritical pressure high-temperature to the low-pressure turbine 23 to drive the low-pressure tur
steam power plant according to an embodiment of the present bine 23. The generator 24 is driven by the power of the
invention. The subcritical pressure high-temperature steam high-temperature high-pressure turbine 21, hi gh-temperature
power plant includes a combustion boiler system 10, steam reheat intermediate-pressure turbine 22, and low-pressure
turbine generator system 20, and condensate and feedwater turbine 23 to generate power.
system 30. In this embodiment, the thermal power plant uses [0032] The exhaust steam from the low-pres sure turbine 23
a single generator. is guided to the condensate and feedwater system 30. In the
[0025] The combustion boiler system 10 includes a coal condensate and feedwater system 30, the condenser 31 cools
mill 11, burner 12, furnace 13, spiral water wall tube 14, fuel the exhaust steam from the low-pressure turbine 23, collects
economizer 15, high-temperature superheater 16, high-tem the latent heat of the steam and condenses the steam into
perature reheater 17, and steam separator 18. The boiler sys water. The condensed water is pressurized by the condensate
tem will be described in detail later. pump 32, heated by the low-pressure feedwater heater 33 and
[0026] The steam turbine generator system 20 includes a deaerated by the deaerator 34 to become feedwater. The feed
high-temperature hi gh-pres sure turbine 21, hi gh-temperature water is pressurized by the water supply pump 35, heated by
reheat intermediate-pres sure turbine 22, low-pres sure turbine the high-pressure feedwater heater 36, then supplied as high
US 2014/0116052 A1 May 1,2014

temperature pressurized water to the fuel economizer 15. In [0039] For the introduction of a variable pressure operation
the fuel economizer 15, the feedwater going to enter the spiral once-through boiler with a small-to -medium capacity (in par
water wall tube 14 is preheated by the boiler exhaust gas. ticular a coal ?red variable pressure operation once-through
[0033] As mentioned above, when high-temperature mate boiler), the problem is that as the plant power output is
rials for boiler pipes, valves and turbines have been commer smaller, the rate of heat absorption of the furnace is larger.
cialized, supercritical pres sure steam conditions (turbine inlet With an increase in the heat absorption of the furnace, the
temperature 593° C. or more) have become applicable on a following problems arise:
commercial basis. Therefore, in a thermal power plant with a [0040] (1) The gas temperature at the furnace outlet tends to
small-to-medium power generation capacity (0.1 to 0.4 mil drop and it becomes necessary to take measures to increase
lion kW), the steam temperature can be easily increased (to the heat absorption of the superheater.
turbine inlet temperature 593° C. or more) by utiliZing the [0041] (2) The rise in the fumace metal temperature with
technique of high-temperature materials for supercritical increase in the heat absorption of the furnace must be within
pressure. a permissible range.
[0034] It is known that in the combined cycle system in [0042] (3) As the heat absorption of the furnace increases,
which steam is generated by an exhaust gas boiler (a heat the temperature is effectively increased in the superheater but
recovery steam generator) using gas turbine exhaust gas and superheating may be excessively done in the air-water sepa
power is generated by both a gas turbine and a steam turbine, rator.
high-pressure main steam at subcritical pressure in the [0043] (4) For subcritical pressure once-through operation
exhaust gas boiler is brought to 600° C. by the once-through in the full load operation range of the plant, it is necessary to
Benson boiler method. However, this is a steam generation keep the nucleate boiling condition all the time to prevent ?lm
process based on an exhaust heat collection system in which boiling.
a heat exchanger is heated using the exhaust gas after driving [0044] For example, in order to solve the problem of gas
the gas turbine, in order to generate steam and this technique temperature drop at the furnace outlet, a special means to
is different from the technique of a combustion boiler using increase the gas temperature at the furnace outlet or an
coal or the like. In other words, from the viewpoints of the increase in the superheater heat transfer area may be required.
temperature and calori?c value of exhaust gas, basically the In this case, care must be taken not to cause a signi?cant
exhaust heat collection system is not a technique premised on increase in the heat transfer area, volume, weight or the like of
the use of supercritical pressure; namely this system does not the boiler plant, resulting in cost rise. Particularly in the case
intentionally elect to use subcritical pressure. of plant construction by replacement or renovation of an
[0035] Next, the boiler which is used in the subcritical existing thermal power plant (drum boiler) with a small-to
pressure high-temperature steam power plant according to medium capacity, it is desirable that the installation space and
the present invention will be explained in detail. weight be equal to or smaller than those of the existing drum
[0036] In the past, generally a drum boiler has been used in boiler.
a subcritical pressure thermal power plant with a small-to [0045] Therefore, the present invention employs a spiral
medium capacity. In a drum boiler in which saturated vapor is once-through boiler as used in a supercritical pressure vari
generated by a steam generating tube and a drum and super able pressure operation once-through boiler. The spiral once
heated steam is generated by a superheater, the steam tem through boiler uses a spiral water wall tube as the water wall
perature at the drum outlet is primarily determined to be equal tube of the fumace. In a large capacity supercritical pressure
to the saturated steam temperature at the drum operating thermal power plant, the plant is run at partial load through
pressure. This means that the steam temperature can be variable pressure operation and because the steam pressure
increased to 593° C. only by increasing the superheater heat becomes subcritical at partial load, a spiral water wall tube is
transfer area or increasing the superheater inlet gas tempera used in order to prevent transition from the nucleate boiling
ture. Particularly in the case of a coal ?red combustion boiler, condition to the ?lm boiling condition. Generally, the incli
there are many engineering dif?culties and the technique of nation of the spiral water wall tube (the angle of the spiral
attaining the above steam temperature has not been commer water wall tube as seen horizontally, or spiral angle) is about
cialized yet. More speci?cally, in drum boilers used in exist 25 degrees.
ing subcritical pressure thermal power plants, the maximum [0046] In the present invention, for subcritical pressure
steam turbine inlet temperature after the superheater/reheater once-through operation of the plant in the full load operation
is 566° C./566° C. range, it is necessary to keep the nucleate boiling condition all
[0037] On the other hand, in the once-through boiler (vari the time and prevent ?lm boiling. In other words, it is neces
able pressure operation once-through boiler) which is used in sary to keep the ?ow velocity not less than the minimum ?ow
a supercritical pressure thermal power plant, in a supercritical velocity required to keep the nucleate boiling condition and
pressure state in the high load operating range, feedwater is prevent ?lm boiling in the full load operation range of the
continuously turned into superheated steam without a boiling plant for stable evaporation control. In the present invention,
phenomenon and in a subcritical pressure state in the partial in addition to the above, due to the fact that in a smaller
load operating range by variable pressure operation, saturated capacity boiler, the proportion of the water tube which con
and superheated steam can be generated without a pressure stitutes the furnace water wall is larger, it is necessary to solve
drum by using the nucleate boiling phenomenon in the steam the problem of in-tube ?ow velocity drop. Thus, according to
generating tube effectively (a steam separator is provided for the study by the present inventors, in a subcritical pressure
transitional operation for start and stop). high-temperature spiral once-through boiler with a small-to
[0038] In the present invention, a once-through boiler is medium capacity, the inclination of the spiral water wall tube
used instead of a drum boiler in order to ensure that the steam must be smaller than the inclination of the spiral water wall
turbine inlet temperature after the superheater/reheater is tube in the once-through boiler of a supercritical pressure
593° C./593° C. or more at subcritical pressure. thermal power plant (by decreasing the inclination angle of
US 2014/0116052 Al May 1,2014

the spiral water wall tube, the proportion of the tube consti exhaust gas at the furnace outlet to generate steam of 593° C.
tuting the furnace water wall can be decreased and the ?ow or more at subcritical pressure.
velocity in the spiral water wall tube can be increased). [0051] In the parallel damper steam temperature control
[0047] However, since a decrease in the inclination angle of method, by opening or closing the gas distribution dampers
the spiral water wall tube leads to the tendency toward 19, for example, the ?ow rate of gas in the primary reheater
increased stress in the vertical direction, from the viewpoint 17a of the parallel damper is increased (decreased) and the
of spiral tube water wall strength it seems dif?cult to decrease ?ow rate of gas in the primary superheater 16a and fuel
the inclination angle. In this respect, paying attention to the economizer 15 is decreased (increased) to increase (decrease)
fact that the steam pressure is subcritical, the present inven the heat absorption in the primary reheater 17a and increase
tors conducted various experiments and have found that even (decrease) the reheated steam temperature.
when the inclination of the spiral water wall tube is small, [0052] FIG. 3 shows how subcritical pressure high-tem
suf?cient strength is obtained by decreasing the weight (for perature steam is generated according to the embodiment of
example, the tube wall thickness at subcritical pressure can be the present invention. This ?gure shows pressure-enthalpy
smaller than at supercritical pressure) and lowering the pres curves which visually illustrate generation of subcritical pres
sure in the spiral water wall tube. sure high-temperature steam by the variable pressure opera
[0048] For this reason, in the present invention, the incli tion once-through boiler in the subcritical pressure high-tem
nation of the spiral water wall tube is smaller than the incli perature steam power plant according to the embodiment of
nation (about 25 degrees) of the spiral water wall tube in the the present invention. The ?gure shows the line from feedwa
variable pressure operation once-through boiler of the super ter point A at the inlet of the fuel economizer 15, to 593° C. at
critical pressure thermal power plant. Speci?cally, the angle the outlet of the high-temperature superheater 16, for
of the spiral water wall tube is within a range of 10 to 20 example, under the rated conditions of 16.6 MPa main steam
degrees as seen horizontally. This angle range of the spiral pressure and 593° C. main steam temperature.
water wall tube would not be derived without the above ?nd [0053] In the fuel economizer 15, after heating is done to
ing by the present inventors. According to the study by the the extent that steaming does not occur, heating (evaporation/
present inventors, it has been con?rmed that in an example of superheating) is done by the spiral water wall tube 14 sur
a coal ?red spiral variable pressure operation once-through rounding the furnace 13 of the boiler; after leaving the furnace
boiler in a plant with an output of 150 to 250 MW, when the 13 (spiral water wall tube 14), the temperature at point C is
angle of the spiral water wall tube as seen horizontally is reached at the outlet of the steam separator 18. In the conven
within the range of 10 to 20 degrees, ?lm boiling does not tional drum boiler, the temperature at the drum outlet is kept
occur and ?ow stability is ensured. Also, improvement in low at point B, or the saturated temperature at the drum
water wall metal reliability has been con?rmed. Furthermore, pressure, so heating is necessary to compensate for the tem
it has been con?rmed that the strength of the water wall perature difference from point B to point D; however, for
structure is suf?cient when the angle is within this range. technical and economical reasons, the temperature can be
[0049] FIG. 2 schematically shows the boiler structure increased only up to 566° C. In this embodiment, the high
according to the embodiment of the present invention. The temperature superheater 16 can increase the temperature
area of the spiral water wall tube 14 in the boiler fumace 13 is from point C to point D (593° C.) and heating up to point D or
roughly indicated here. The hatching in the ?gure represents 593° C. can be easily done without a substantial increase in
the fumace which uses a spiral water wall tube, including the the heat transfer area of the high-temperature superheater 16.
burner section 12 under the fumace 13. The spiral water wall [0054] FIG. 4 shows an example of ef?ciency improvement
tube 14 constituting the water wall of the fumace 13 is effect in the embodiment of the present invention. The ?gure
inclined at an angle as mentioned above so as to prevent ?lm shows the result of calculation of plant ef?ciency of rated
boiling in the spiral water wall tube 14 to generate subcritical output operation. Under the condition that the steam pres sure
pressure steam (water critical pressure is about 22.0 MPa) in a coal ?red thermal power plant is subcritical pressure less
stably and ensure high ?ow velocity and stable operation. than the critical pressure (approx. 22.0 MPa), for example,
[0050] This embodiment uses a steam temperature con 16.6 MPa, the calculated relative improvement rate of power
trolled boiler of the parallel damper type which does not generation ef?ciency is shown here on the assumption that
involve gas recirculation. The high-temperature superheater point E where the main steam/reheated steam temperature is
16 includes a primary superheater 16a, secondary super 538/538° C. is 1.00 (base).
heater 16b, and tertiary superheater 160. The high-tempera [0055] In this embodiment (at point P where the steam
ture reheater 17 includes a primary reheater 17a and second pressure remains the same subcritical pressure and the steam
ary reheater 17b. The primary superheater 16a and primary temperature is 600/ 600° C.), a relative improvement rate of
reheater 1711 are located in a parallel damper and the second about 3% is expected. The ef?ciency improvement rate in this
ary superheater 16b, tertiary superheater 16c and secondary embodiment (point P) is expected to be higher than that at
reheater 17b are located in the high temperature section of point G where the supercritical pressure is, for example, 25 .0
combustion exhaust gas at the outlet of the furnace 13. This MPa and the steam temperature is the same, or 538/ 538° C. In
arrangement may be considered as reasonable even in the other words, when the steam pressure remains the same sub
conventional boiler design and layout but it is just an example critical pressure and the steam temperature is increased to
and the present invention is not limited to this arrangement. In 600/600° C., the power plant ef?ciency is improved more
the secondary superheater 16b and tertiary superheater 160 of effectively than when the steam temperature remains 538° C.
the high-temperature superheater 16, the steam is heated by and the pressure is increased, for example, from 16.6 MPa
high temperature combustion exhaust gas at the furnace outlet (subcritical pressure) to 25.0 MPa (supercritical pressure).
to generate steam of 593° C. or more at subcritical pressure. In Point H shows the ef?ciency improvement rate in the case that
the secondary reheater 17b of the high-temperature reheater both the pres sure and temperature are increased, for example,
17, the steam is heated by high temperature combustion the steam pressure is 25.0 MPa (supercritical pressure) and
US 2014/0116052 Al May 1,2014

the steam temperature is 600/600° C. However, even if the thermal power plant with a small-to-medium capacity can be
steam conditions at point H are applied to a small-to-medium omitted. This means that there is no recirculated gas and the
capacity thermal power plant, ef?ciency cannot be improved amount of combustion gas is thus decreased and the weight
as expected due to turbine internal loss as mentioned earlier. and volume of the boiler can be smaller than those of a
Although the steam temperature is 600° C. in this example, conventional drum boiler.
the ef?ciency improvement effect can be achieved in propor
tion to the temperature difference provided that the tempera [0061] When a thermal power plant with a small-to-me
ture is 593° C. or more.
dium capacity using the existing subcritical pressure drum
boiler is replaced, there are restrictions on the installation area
[0056] FIG. 5 shows the effect of steam temperature control
and boiler weight in construction work. According to the
in the embodiment of the present invention. The ?gure shows
main steam and reheated steam temperature control charac
embodiment of the present invention, as mentioned above, the
new plant can be smaller than the existing plant, so replace
teristics in the plant partial load operating range in the sub
ment work can be done smoothly.
critical pressure high-temperature steam power plant (sub
critical pressure variable pressure operation once-through [0062] FIG. 7 is a schematic diagram showing the system
boiler) according to the embodiment of the present invention con?guration of a subcritical pressure high-temperature
and in the conventional drum boiler thermal power plant steam power plant according to a second embodiment of the
(drum boiler). present invention.
[0057] In this embodiment, the range in which the steam [0063] The basic con?guration is the same as the subcritical
temperature is held constant is wider than in the drum boiler pressure high-temperature steam power plant shown in FIG.
and the plant ef?ciency is higher at the same partial load 1, so descriptions of the same components as in the ?rst
factor. More speci?cally, in this embodiment, the main steam/ embodiment are omitted here. A special feature of the second
reheated steam temperature is controlled to be constant in the embodiment is the arrangement of burners which burn pow
load factor range from 100% to 50% and the problem with the dered coal as fuel supplied from the coal mill 11 in the furnace
drum boiler that the reheated temperature tends to drop is 13. Fuel is supplied from the same coal mill 11 to the burners
solved and the plant power generation ef?ciency at partial 12 disposed in a row on both sides ofthe furnace 13. Though
load is expected to improve. not shown in the ?gure, two or three coal mill units are
[0058] FIG. 6 shows an example of steam pressure control provided. Burners are arranged in two rows by two stages or
in the embodiment of the present invention. The ?gure illus three rows by three stages on opposite sides and fuel is sup
trates characteristics of change in main steam pres sure during plied from each coal mill unit to a burner stage where fuel is
operation at partial load in the subcritical pressure high-tem distributed to the front and rear burners in the stage. Due to
perature steam power plant according to the embodiment of this arrangement, powdered coal as fuel can burn so that
the present invention. In this example, in the range from the unevenness in the temperature distribution in the fumace 13
plant high load region to minimum once-through load point], and temperature differences in the metal temperature of the
variable pressure operation of the once-through boiler is per once-through spiral water wall tube 15 are reduced effec
formed with the main steam control valve 26 (shown in FIG. tively.
1) open (virtually fully open) and in the load range below the
minimum once-through load point I, constant steam pressure [0064] The present invention can be applied to a subcritical
operation is performed by controlling the opening of the main pressure high-temperature steam power plant with a small
steam control valve 26. The characteristics of change in main to-medium power generation capacity (0.1 to 0.4 million kW)
steam pressure during operation at partial load can also be which uses, as fuel, fossil fuel such as coal and heavy oil,
realized by another variable pressure operation method which biomass, or by-product gas of steel making process. Particu
keeps the steam pressure at the rated level in the high load larly the invention can be very effectively applied to the
range based on the control technique of the main steam con replacement or renovation of an existing coal ?red thermal
trol valve called the noZZle governing method. power plant. Coal ?red thermal power plants with a small-to
[0059] In the embodiment of the present invention, the medium capacity are used for industrial-use non-utility
weight of the furnace water wall or cage water wall is almost power generation facilities or by IPP (independent power
the same as in the drum boiler due to the smaller diameter of production or power wholesaling business). Updating these
the water wall tube though it has a spiral structure. The weight power plants according to the present invention will contrib
of the superheater and reheater heat transfer tubes can be ute to ef?ciency improvement and reduction of CO2 emis
almost the same as in the drum boiler though the steam sions. For example, if the invention is applied for the replace
temperature is as high as 593° C. or more, because the vari ment or renovation of an old coal ?red thermal power plant
able pressure operation once-through boiler can make the with a small-to-medium capacity using a drum boiler which
steam, at the outlet of the steam separator at the furnace outlet, has been used for more than 40 years, CO2 emissions will be
superheated steam of higher temperature than in the drum reduced 3 to 5% due to ef?ciency improvement made by
boiler. Since a drum as a weighty drum boiler component is increased steam temperature and the adoption of the latest
not needed and weight saving equivalent to the drum weight technique for the steam turbine body.
minus the weight of the steam separator is achieved, the [0065] The present invention is not limited to the above
weight of the boilerbody pressure part is expected to be about embodiments and includes other various forms of embodi
a little less than 10% smaller than that in drum boilers with the ments. For example, the above embodiments have been
same plant power generation capacity. explained in detail for easy understanding of the present
[0060] In addition, since the variable pressure operation invention, but an embodiment of the invention need not
once-through boiler enables generation of suf?ciently super include all the elements of the above embodiments. Some
heated steam in the furnace, a gas recirculation device or the elements of an embodiment may be replaced by elements of
like as a means for steam temperature control in a coal ?red another embodiment or elements of an embodiment may be
US 2014/0116052 A1 May 1,2014

added to another embodiment. Also, for some elements of an 593° C. or more and a high-temperature reheater for
embodiment, addition of other elements, deletion or replace supplying reheated steam with steam conditions of 593°
ment is possible. C. or more, and
wherein the steam turbine generator system includes a
REFERENCE SIGNS LIST high-pressure steam turbine to be driven by the super
heated steam with the steam conditions of subcritical
[0066] 10 . . . Combustion boiler system pressure and 593° C. or more and a reheat intermediate
[0067] 11 . . . Coal mill pressure steam turbine to be driven by the reheated
[0068] 12 . . . Burner steam with the steam conditions of 593° C. or more.
[0069] 13 . . . Furnace 2. The subcritical pressure high-temperature steam power
[0070] 14 . . . Spiral water wall tube plant according to claim 1, wherein the combustion boiler
[0071] 15 . . . Fuel economizer
system is a powdered-coal combustion boiler which uses coal
as main fuel and also a variable pressure operation once
[0072] 16 . . . High-temperature superheater
through boiler which uses a boiler furnace water wall of a
[0073] 1611 . . . Primary superheater
once-through spiral type.
[0074] 16b . . . Secondary superheater
3. The subcritical pressure high-temperature steam power
[0075] 16c . . . Tertiary superheater plant according to claim 2, wherein rated output of the sub
[0076] 17 . . . High-temperature reheater critical pressure high-temperature steam power plant is in a
[0077] 1711 . . . Primary reheater range of 0.1 million kW to 0.4 million kW.
[0078] 17b . . . Secondary reheater 4. The subcritical pressure high-temperature steam power
[0079] 18 . . . Steam separator plant according to claim 3, wherein the combustion boiler
[0080] 19 . . . Gas distribution damper system burns biomass or by-product gas of steel making
[0081] 20 . . . Steam turbine generator system process with coal, as the fuel.
5. The subcritical pressure high-temperature steam power
[0082] 21 . . . High-temperature high-pressure turbine
plant according to claim 3, wherein the combustion boiler
[0083] 22 . . . High-temperature reheat intermediate-pres
system comprises a plurality of combustion burners arranged
sure turbine in a plurality of stages with combustion burners arranged on
[0084] 23 . . . Low-pressure turbine opposite sides in each stage and a plurality of coal mills each
[0085] 24 . . . Generator of which is provided for each of the stages and distributes fuel
[0086] 30 . . . Condensate and feedwater system to the combustion burners arranged on opposite sides in each
[0087] 31 . . . Condenser stage.
[0088] 32 . . . Condensate pump 6. The subcritical pressure high-temperature steam power
[0089] 33 . . . Low-pressure feedwater heater plant according to claim 3, wherein a spiral water wall tube
[0090] 34 . . . Deaerator
constituting the fumace water wall is inclined 10 to 20
degrees from a horizontal direction.
[0091] 35 . . . Water supply pump
7. A subcritical pressure high-temperature variable pres
[0092] 36 . . . High-pressure feedwater heater
sure operation once-through boiler for use in a thermal power
[0093] A . . . Coal economizer inlet feedwater plant in which rated output of a single generator is in a range
[0094] B . . . Drum outlet steam from 0.1 million kW to 0.4 million kW,
[0095] C . . . Steam separator outlet steam the boiler comprising a coal mill, a burner, a fumace, a
[0096] D . . . High-temperature superheater outlet steam fumace water wall tube, a fuel economizer, a high-tem
[0097] E. . . 538/538° C. perature superheater, a high-temperature reheater, and a
[0098] F . . . 600/600° C. steam separator,
[0099] G. . . 538/538° C.
wherein the fumace water wall tube is of a once-through
[0100] H . . . 600/600° C.
spiral type; and
wherein the hi gh-temperature superheater generates super
[0101] J . . .Minimum once-through load
heated steam with steam conditions of subcritical pres
1. A subcritical pressure high-temperature steam power sure and 593° C. or more and the high-temperature
plant comprising: reheater generates reheated steam with steam conditions
a combustion boiler system; of 593° C. or more.
a steam turbine generator system; and 8. The subcritical pressure high-temperature variable pres
a condensate and feedwater system, sure operation once-through boiler according to claim 7,
wherein the combustion boiler system includes a high wherein the spiral water wall tube of the furnace is inclined 10
to 20 degrees from a horizontal direction.
temperature superheater for supplying superheated
steam with steam conditions of subcritical pressure and * * * * *

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