Unpacking The Self

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Physical Self The Physical Self Concept:

The self as impacted by the body
 refers to the body, this marvelous container
and complex, finely tuned, machine with • Adolescence is a transition period in the human
which we interface with our environment and life span which roughly commences in puberty
fellow beings. period at age 10-12 which last up to 18-22 years
of age (Santrock, 2016). However, the age bracket
2 Ways of Improving the Physical Self of adolescent may vary according different
1. Exercise
– Engaging in sufficient physical activity  According to healthy children.org,
through daily activity and lifestyle habits, adolescence these years is divided into three
exercise, or on one’s job to keep in good stages:
physical condition. 1. early adolescence (11-14 years old),
– Stretching for flexibility, cardiovascular 2. middle adolescence (15-17 years old)
activity for endurance, and weight 3. late adolescent (18-21 years old)
bearing activity to build strength are all  In the Philippines, the Youth in Nation
important. Building Act (1994) defined youth according
2. Nutrition to ages which covers between 15-30 years.
– Eating a nutritionally balanced diet; This age range was created by the National
maintaining a normal weight for your age Youth Commission.
and size (BMI between 18.5 and 24.9);
not overeating. The physical self refers to the concrete
dimension of our body, the tangible aspect of the
How do you perceive your physical self?
person that can be directly observed and
 Actual Self vs. Ideal Self examined
 Actual Self – what you think you are  Physical characteristics are defining
actually like traits or features about your body.
 Ideal Self – what you think you would like - The first thing a person sees when an
to be individual looks at someone could be
 Body Image their hair, clothes, nose, or figure.
– the way you see yourself - Physical characteristics are what is
– the way you imagine how you look seen with the naked eye. They
 Healthy / Positive Body Image – comes encompass anything that one can
describe about a person or group of
from negative thoughts and feelings about
people, just on sight.
your appearance
 Poor / Negative Body Image – is made up of According to Santrock (2016), puberty is not the
thoughts and feelings that are positive. same as adolescence because puberty ends prior to
adolescence period. But he recognized that puberty
 Body image is a major factor in
as the as the most essential marker of the beginning
Self-esteem - which is the way you
of adolescence.
think and feel about yourself as a
person.  Puberty is a process occurring primarily in early
How do you describe yourself? adolescence that provides stimulation for the
rapid physical changes that occur in the period of
 Physical Features development.
 Your Identity
– A description of who you are BODY IMAGE
 Roles Santrock added that one psychological aspect of
 Likes/ dislikes physical change in puberty is that “adolescents are
 History/ experiences preoccupied with their bodies and develop images of
 Your Personality what their bodies are like”.
– A collection of your enduring
characteristics • Body image refers to the way one sees
himself/herself or the way he/she imagine how
he/she looks. It can either be positive or negative.

 Recent researches revealed that adolescents

Self-understanding is the individual’s cognitive with the most positive body images are
representation of the self which consist of the engaged in health enhancing behaviour such
substance and the content of self-conceptions. as regular exercise.
 In general, girls are less happy with their
• The development of self-understanding in body images than boys throughout puberty
adolescence can be described from simple to but moving towards the beginning till the end
perplex state and involves a number of of puberty, both girls and boys become more
aspects of the self. It differs from the child positive.
understanding of self and may change
throughout life development.

• Personal identities focuses on traits or • Social comparison is a process of comparing

characteristics that may feel separate from one's oneself with others in order to evaluate one’s
social and role identities (profession, student, own abilities and opinions.
parent) or linked to some or all of these identities
(Leary and Tangney, 2012). 2 TYPES OF SOCIAL COMPARISON


(Collective Identities) - when an individual tends to compare
himself/herself to other better than him.
• Social identity theory was formulated by Tajfel For example, a person loves playing tennis,
and Turner in in 1979 which provides a then he compares himself to the one who is
framework about how people achieve their expert in tennis to become inspired and do
understanding about themselves by being a his best effort to become an expert.
member of their group.
 People have a need for a positive social - when an individual tends to compare
identity that is why they connect to a wider himself to someone who is worse off than
social network. he is especially when the person is feeling
so low to make himself better knowing
 This idea assumes that as a member of the
that he is more fortunate than others.
group they will not be discriminated by
Facebook is the biggest land of social
outgroup. It will enhance their self-esteem
because they felt secured from the shield of
In order to have a healthy self-image, never
group membership where they belong.
compare yourself to others. One should
 Social groups include gender, ethnicity, have his own standard for himself.
religion, profession, political membership,
business organization etc.
 is a communication model that can be used to
improve understanding between individuals.
• According to Hewstone, et al. (2015)
• Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham
Self-concept is a cognitive representation of (the word “Johari” comes from Joseph Luft
self-knowledge which includes the sum total of and Harry Ingham).
all beliefs that people have about themselves.
 It is a collection of the content of the
• Individuals can build trust between themselves
individual’s experiences involving one’s
by disclosing information about them.
characteristics, social roles, values, goals
and even fears. Thus, it pertains to • They can learn about themselves and come to
everything a person uses when asked to terms with personal issues with the help of
describe who he is. feedback from others.
• According to Santrock (2015) Using the Johari model, each person is represented
by their own four-
Self-concept is that it is a domain-specific
quadrant, or four-pane,
evaluation of self like academic, athletic,
window. Each of these
appearance and so on.
contains and represents
Physical self-concept is the individual’s personal information
perception or description of his physical self, (feelings), motivation
including their physical appearance and (about the person), and
typically does not involve an evaluative shows whether the information is known or not
component. known by themselves or other people.


 According to Hewstone et al (2015) • What is known by the person about him/herself

and is also known by others.
Self-esteem Is the overall evaluation that a
person has of himself which involves a positive Q2: BLIND AREA / BLIND SPOT
and negative or high and low dimension.
• What is unknown by the person about
Example is an evaluation of how good a him/herself but which others know.
person is or how proud or embarrassed is
the person about his characteristics. It is a
global evaluative dimension of the self. • What the person knows about him/her that
others do not.
 The distinction between the self-concept and
self-esteem is that self-concept is domain- Q4: UNKNOWN AREA
specific evaluation while self-esteem is a
global evaluation. • What is unknown by the person about him/her
and is also unknown by others.

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