Class 5

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Chap – 2

1 . What is windows ?
a-> Windows is an operating system . It is an essential software for computer to work on . It provides
window based graphical user interface ( GUI) .

2 . Define computer windows ?

a-> we can explore our computer with the help of computer window . The computer window is used
to view files and folders stored in the hard disk , compact disk – Read only Memory (CD-ROM) , pen
drive and other removable storage devices in the computer . The computer window has five parts :-

1 . Search box 2 . Explorer bar 3. Working area 4 . Details section 5 . address bar

3 . Explain each of the five parts in a computer window mention above ?

a-> 1 . The search box is used to search the contents like file or folder . 2 . The Explorer is
known as left pane and working area is known as Right pane . Using these panes we can access our
computer . 3 . The working area is also known as Right pane . It represent the drives in the
system . 4 . Details section – whenever we select a drive from the working area a little information
of that drive or folder will be shown on the details section . 5 . Address bar – The address bar
displays the path of the current file or folder .

Chapter – 3

1 . What is MS- Word ?

a-> MS-Office is a popular word processing program of MS-Office application software package . It
has number of useful feature that allow us to work with the text , create impressive document and
report .

2 . Write the steps to open MS- word .

a-> steps to create MS-Word .

1. Click on the start button .
2. Select all program .
3. Select MS-Office .
4. Select MS-Word .
MS-Office will open a window .

3 . Draw and write the component of MS- Word window from your book.


4 . Describe the available commands in the file tab .

a-> The various file related commands are

1. New – To open a blank new document .
2. Open – to open existing file .
3. Save – to save the changes in a file .
4. Save As – To save a file with new name .
5. Close – to close a file
6. Print – to print the document on paper .
7. Exit – to close the world window .

5 . What do u mean by editing ?

a-> The term editing is a process to correct , delete or modify the text in the document .

6 . What is a use of undo and Redo command .

a-> This command is used to undo the last action i.e. revert back to the previous stage . The Redo
command is used to repeat the last action .

Chapter -4
1 . what is formatting ?
Formatting means to organize the text/data in such a way the it become more
attractive , presentable and easy to read . Formatting of text consist of text appearance ,
changing the alignment , style , font and font color . There are various option available
in different tabs in Microsoft word 2010 for formatting .

2 . What are different elements in a word document ?

A word document generally has three element :
a) Individual objects ( picture , table and text )
b) Paragraphs .
c) Pages , it contains one or more pages which contain objects .

3 . How does an Insert tab help in formatting in MS-word document ?

Insert tab help us to insert different object in the form of picture , clipart , word art ,
different shapes etc . These objects once added can be resized , copied and moved or
cropped easily .

4 . What is change case feature ?

The change case feature help to change the text formate of the selected sentence to
different forms like change appearance , lower or upper case etc .

5 . Write the different options of change case feature ?

Sentence case – the sentence case capitalize the first letter of the selected
sentences .
Lower case – change the selected sentence to lower case .
Upper case - change the selected sentence to upper case .

Chapter – 5

1 . Define tables , row ,column , cell .

Tables are used to represent a given data in the forms of rows and columns . It is
very useful in organizing and representing the data in an affective way .

Row - a row is the horizontal series of cells in a table .

Column – a column is he vertical series of cell .
Cell – the intersection of row and column makes a rectangular box called a cell .

2 . Write the steps to insert a table in a document .

Method -1
1 . click the insert tab .
2 . click the table icon .
3 . move the pointer and cover the required number of cells for the table and click the
last cell . The table will be inserted .

Method – 2
1 . click the insert tab .
2 . click the table icon .
3 . choose the insert table option , an insert table dialog box appears .
4 . select the number of rows and columns to be inserted .
5 . click the OK buttons .
Method – 3

1 . chick the insert tab .

2 . choose the table option .
3 . click the draw table option .
4 . Draw the table using pencil .

3 . Write the steps to resize a table .

The steps to resize a table :-
1 . Bring the cursor on Resize Icon till the it changes to a diagonal double sided arrow.
2 . Press the left mouse button and hold it .
3 . Drag the mouse cursor up to make it shorter or down it to make larger .
4 . Release the mouse button .
You can drag the table diagonal to simultaneously change both the width and height of
the table .

4 . How can you apply a design to a table ?

When we select a table we find : design tab , layout tab . They consist different option
related to design a table .
To apply a design on a table :
1 . create a table .
2 . click it , the design tab appears on the ribbon .
3 . from the design tab select a table system .
4 . Move your mouse on any of the design and click it to apply it on the table .

5 . How can we add a new row in the table .

To add a row ,
1 . Place the cursor anywhere in the table .
2 . Right click it , a context appears .
3 . Select insert option , a sub menu appears .
4 . Select the required option .

1 . Describe MS-Power Point and its important aspects .

Ans – Ms-Power point is powerful tool to create professional looking presentations and slide show . It is a tool
for communication ideas and information in an interesting manner . Important aspects are :-

a. Create high quality presentations , using audio , video , images .

b. New transitions and improved animations .
c. Organizes and prints your slides more effectively .
d. Exports and important to other electronic formats .

2 . Write the components of MS-power point window .

Ans- The Microsoft power point 2010 components are :-

1. The Title Bar – It displays the name of the documents .

2. The Ribbon :- It is a combination of command and menus .
3. The File Tab:- The commonly used command like open , save , and print document are stored here .
4. Slide Area :- The slide area is a big working place in the middle , where you add slide elements such as text ,
pi charts , animations and sound .
5. Place holders :- The area where you have a dashed border in which you insert the element is called a
placeholders .
1 . Briefly describe the slide view in a MS-power point .
Ans- Power point provides different types of slides views to work with slides and create the presentation .
There are different types of slide view option like :-
1. Normal view – normal view is the main editing vies , where you can write and design your presentations your
presentation .
2. Slide sorter view – this view option shows all the slides in the small size , called thumbnails .
3. Notes page view – the notes pane is located under the slide pane . You can type notes apply to the current
slide .
4. Reading view – this view is used to view the presentation in a window with simple controls that make the
presentation easy to review .
5. Slide show view – this view arranges or present the slide in one by one patterns . This pattern can be
automatically or manually done as per the requirement .
6. Master view – the master view include slide , handout , and notes view . they are them the main slides that
store information about the presentation , including back ground , colour , fonts effects , placeholders sizes and
position of the text .

2 . What is animation ?
Ans- A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or frames is called animation . Ex-
catoon or television .

3 . What is slide transitions ?

Ans- Slide transition are animation like effect that occur in slide show view when you move from one slide to
the next during an on screen presentation . You can control the sped of each slide transition effect and you
can also add sound .

1 . Define MS-Excel ?
Ans- Ms-Excel is a spread sheet program . It is a part of Microsoft Office package . It is used for storing
the data in the form of rows and columns . It uses the concept of display the data in form of table .
Specifically , you can use Excel to write formulas to perform calculations on the data and present the
data in a variety of professional looking charts .

2 . Write some advantage of using MS-Excel .

Ans – i. Calculation -- Numbers and calculation are managed efficiently .
ii. Database management - data is a collection of values in the for
iii. Chartts – The pictorial representation of a data is called a chart .
3 . Define the following terms in MS-Excel - 1) Name box 2) formula bar 3) column 4) Active cell
5) work book 6) work sheet 7) Rows 8) cell 9) cell reference 10) cell range

4 . How to start MS-Excel ?

Ans – steps to open MS-Excel spreadsheet are –
i. Click the start button .
ii. Select All programs and choose Microsoft office
iii. Click the Microsoft Excel 2010. MS-Excel window will open.

5 . Write the steps to create a new workbook.

Ans – steps are \
i. Click the File tab and click the New option .
ii. Click the blank workbook and create . As soon as we create a new workbook three default
worksheet will appear > Here , we can enter the data . The worksheet is in a tabular format .

6 . Describe the cell alignment ?

Ans – setting the direction of a text or paragraph is called aligning the text . There are three type of
alignment available in Excel . These are left , center and right .

7 . Write the steps for entering a simple formula in MS-Excel .

Ans – In Excel a formula always stats with the equal sign (“=”).
i. Select the cell where we want to calculate using simple formula .
ii. Press “=” sign and enter the value with any basic operation and press enter key . The result will
be calculated on that cell . Ex- To add two numbers (=5+6) and then press enter key. The result
will be displayed .

8 . What is a chart in MS-Excel?

Ans – Ir is a pictorial representation of data . We can create different types graph easily from the data in
the spreadsheet .Charts once created can easily be changed in terms of the chart text , color , size ,
position etc .

1. What is inter net ?
Ans- Internet is collection of computers connected with each other all over the world . When two or more
computers are interconnected they form a network of computer , they can share data between them .
Millions of such computers type networks interconnected is called the internet .

2 . Write some important thing that internet provides us.

Ans - Internet provides many thing to us :
1. News and information : Internet Provide you the facility online news and get the information
regarding various topics such as science technology sports education ect .
2. Online shopping : you can purchase various products like books , clothes , gift items etc .
3. Mails and chatting : you can send and receive message .
4. Video conferencing : through video conferencing , you can communicate with each other visually

3. What are the basic requirement to connect one computer to the internet .
Ans – Basic requirement to connect to the inter net :
1 . computer (PC)
2 . browser
3 . Internet explorer (Mozilla , opera etc.)
4 . Modem a device and Telephone line

4 . What is Browser ?
Ans – A browser is an application software which is used to open websites . Internet explorer is one of the
common browser developed by Microsoft corporation .

1. What is Surfing ?
Ans- Opening , searching or visiting on different websites is called surfing .

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