Abstract-A Compact Triple-Band H-Shaped Slot Antenna Fed by Mi

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8, AUGUST 2013 4345

Compact Multi-Band H-Shaped Slot Antenna

Tze-Hsuan Chang and Jean-Fu Kiang

Abstract—A compact triple-band H-shaped slot antenna fed by mi-

crostrip coupling is proposed. Four resonant modes are excited, including
a monopole mode, a slot mode, and their higher-order modes, to cover GPS
(1.575 GHz) and Wi-Fi (2.4–2.485 GHz and 5.15–5.85 GHz), respectively.
Sensitivity study of the slot geometry upon the resonant modes have been
conducted. The measured gains at these four resonant frequencies are 0.2
dBi, 3.5 dBi, 2.37 dBi, and 3.7 dBi, respectively, and the total efficiencies
are 2.5 dB, 1.07 dB, 3.06 dB, and 2.7 dB, respectively. The size of
this slot antenna is only , where is the free-space
wavelength at 1.575 GHz, hence is suitable to install on notebook PC’s and
handheld devices.
Index Terms—Multiple bands, resonant modes, slot antenna.

With the growing demand of positioning, navigation, and WLAN
access on mobile phone, antennas on handheld devices are needed to Fig. 1. Configuration of H-shaped slot antenna fed by microstrip coupling. The
ground size is , and the distance from slot to edge is ,
support multiple bands of GPS (1.575 GHz) and Wi-Fi (2.4–2.485
(a) panoramic view, (b) top view.
GHz and 5.15–5.85 GHz). Handheld devices are preferred to be
thinner, leaving less space to accommodate separate antennas. More-
over, metal casing near conventional antennas, such as monopoles
and T-shaped monopole slots is proposed to achieve multiple bands
and inverted-F antennas, tend to reduce their bandwidth and radiation
for GSM/WCDMA/WLAN. In [18], three monopole slots are placed
efficiency. Hence, slot antennas become attractive for mobile devices,
at proximity to provide multiple wide bands for WWAN applications.
especially for those with metal casing.
Adding triangular patch to triangular ring slot antenna has been demon-
The bandwidth of slot antennas can be increased by altering the
strated dualband characteristic [19]. These approaches also take a large
shapes of the slots, the main radiating elements. Larger slot indicates
area or become too complicated to implement on small devices. In [20],
larger radiating area and a lower -factor, which implies a wider band-
a tunable dual-band slot antenna is designed by varying the capacitance
width [1]. With proper design, various structures or shapes of slot an-
of a varactor across the slot.
tennas have been proposed to achieve a wide bandwidth, including cir-
Several triple-band slot antennas have also been developed. For ex-
cular shape [2], elliptical shape [3], triangles [4], and fractal [5].
ample, a CPW-fed dipole-like slot antenna is reported to have three
In some cases, the feeding microstrip functions as a monopole an-
nearly uncoupled bands with wide tuning ranges [21]. In [8] and [9], a
tenna, contributing extra bandwidth to the plain slot antennas [6]–[9].
pair of strips are embedded in the inner edge of the slot to create addi-
A wide slot may also support more resonant modes, and two nearby
tional resonance and to interact with the feeding monopole to achieve
resonant modes can be merged to form a wider bandwidth [10], [11].
triple bands. However, the size of these triple-band slot antennas is
In [12], a wide-slot antenna is fed by a fork-shaped microstrip line, and
large if the 1.575 GHz band is to be covered.
the bandwidth can be optimized by tuning the stubs. An L-shaped slot
In this work, a compact triple-band H-shaped slot antenna is pro-
fed by a W-shaped stub has been designed to increase its bandwidth
posed, which can be used for GPS and Wi-Fi applications. Unlike [8]
[13]. Adding parasitic elements to the microstrip feed line can serve
and [9], in which strips are used to create additional resonances, our de-
the same purpose [14]. However, these designs require large area for
sign combines a narrow-width rectangular slot and a strip monopole to
slot, hence is not suitable for handheld devices.
generate four resonant modes, including the fundamental modes of the
It is a challenging task to design a small yet wideband slot antenna to
monopole and the rectangular slot, as well as their high-order modes.
cover 1.575 to 5.85 GHz. Multiband slot antenna is an alternative solu-
These resonant modes will be highlighted by their current or electric
tion, which is usually designed using multiple slots [15]–[18]. In [15],
field distributions. Simulations are conducted to better understand the
multiple bandwidths are achieved with two independent slots. Two ad-
antenna behavior, to tune their resonant frequencies, and to optimize
jacent open-ended slots, also called monopole slots, resonate at
the bandwidth. The radiation patterns and antenna efficiencies are also
and exhibit multiple bands [16]. In [17], a combination of E-shaped

Manuscript received December 16, 2012; revised March 16, 2013; accepted II. ANTENNA CONFIGURATION
April 20, 2013. Date of publication May 13, 2013; date of current version July Fig. 1 depicts the configuration of the H-shaped slot antenna, which
31, 2013. This work was supported in part by Foxconn and in part by the Na-
tional Science Council, Taiwan, ROC, under contract NSC 100-2221-E-002-
is fabricated on an FR4 substrate ( , ) of thick-
232. ness and 60 mm 60 mm in size, coated with copper on
T.-H. Chang was with the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, one side. The H-shaped slot can be viewed as a wide aperture of size
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. He is now with Foxconn, Shenzhen , inserted with two metal strips of dimensions
City, Guangdong Province, China.
and , respectively, leaving two slots of width on both edges of
J.-F. Kiang is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and the Graduate
Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, the aperture. A 50 microstrip line of width is printed
Taiwan (e-mail: [email protected]). on the opposite side to the ground plane on which the H-shaped slot is
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2013.2262666 carved, to couple energy to the slot antenna.

0018-926X/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE


Fig. 3. Current distributions on the strip area of dimension , (a) funda-

mental mode at 1.575 GHz , (b) third-harmonic mode at 5.2 GHz
, where is guided wavelength along the strip.

Fig. 2. Effects of microstrip offset on reflection coefficient, ,

, , , , ,
and , : , : , : .

By properly tuning different parts of the slot, different modes of the

strip monopoles and the slot arms can be adjusted to resonate at the
desired frequencies. These modes can be excited simultaneously, and
the microstrip position and length can be optimized to achieve a
Fig. 4. Electric field distribution on the slot, (a) first resonant mode of the slot
wide impedance bandwidth. By simulation, it is found that the optimal at 2.5 GHz, (b) second resonant mode of the slot at 5.6 GHz.
microstrip length is longer than , and the parameter is greater
than zero to obtain a wider bandwidth over the 5.15–5.85 GHz band.
Fig. 2 shows the effect of microstrip position, , on the input , respectively. Fed by the offset microstrip coupling, two reso-
impedance and resonant frequencies. Four distinctive resonant nant slot modes are excited at 2.5 GHz and 5.6 GHz, respectively, as
frequencies are observed at 1.575, 2.5, 5.2 and 5.8 GHz when shown in Fig. 2 with .
. As is increased, the first resonant frequency is hardly For the resonant mode at 2.5 GHz, a small portion of surface current
affected, while the second resonant frequency near 2.5 GHz slightly flows into the two strips of lengths and , respectively; and most
decreases, because the current path surrounding the slot becomes of the surface current flows around the outer contour of the H-shaped
longer. Note that the 10-dB impedance bandwidth over 5.15–5.85 slot. As depicted in Fig. 4(a), the electric field distribution has a half-
GHz is contributed by the third and the fourth modes. When is wavelength sinusoidal form, which is the fundamental mode of a slot.
gradually decreased from 0.5 to 0 mm, the third and the fourth reso- Since , the resonant frequency is primarily determined by
nant frequencies move closer to each other, and finally merge when , with minor effect from the width .
, causing a bandwidth reduction. By properly adjusting Fig. 4(b) shows the second resonant mode of the slot, with the res-
feeding position, the bandwidth over 5–6 GHz can be achieved. onant frequency resonant frequency of 5.6 GHz. The electric field dis-
Simulation shows that the slot-to-edge distance, , does not signifi- tribution within the slot is a one-wavelength sinusoidal. The surface
cantly affect the resonant frequencies as is increased from 1.5 mm to current flows along the edges of the inserted strips, with lengths of
5.5 mm. However, the 10-dB impedance bandwidth of the fundamental and , respectively. The complete current path is shorter than the path
slot mode is increased and its total antenna efficiency is improved by length measured along the center of the slots, making the resonant fre-
about 0.4 dB. On the other hand, the total antenna efficiency of the quency higher than twice of the fundamental frequency. Since the res-
third-harmonic mode of the strip monopole is reduced by about 0.8 onant frequencies of the third-harmonic along the strip-monopole and
dB. As a trade-off, is chosen. the second resonant mode of the slot are close, their fields interact with
each other, making their associated bandwidths sensitive to the geo-
metrical dimensions and the feeding structure.

To further analyze the resonance behavior shown in Fig. 2, the cur- IV. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS ON PARAMETERS
rent distribution on the inserted strips and the electric field distribution
Variation of the key geometrical parameters, , , and , on
on the slot arms are observed to explain their behaviors. Fig. 3(a) shows
the resonant frequencies is studied by simulation using HFSS. Each
the current distribution on the left strip of dimensions , connected
parameter is varied while keep the others the same.
to the ground plane on the left edge of the aperture. The left strip res-
onates at 1.575 GHz, like a monopole antenna at its fundamental mode.
A. Effect of
The strip is surrounded closely by the ground, over a slot of width ,
incurring strong capacitive effect. Hence, its resonant frequency and The fundamental mode of the slot arm at 2.5 GHz is primarily deter-
bandwidth are reduced. mined by . As shown in Fig. 5, when the slot length is increased from
Fig. 3(b) depicts the current distribution on the strip, of a higher- 44 to 46 mm, the resonant frequency decreases from 2.54 to 2.45 GHz.
order mode at 5.2 GHz. It is a standing wave of one and a half guided Also, as is increased, the distance between the two inserted strips with
wavelength along the strip. The resonant frequencies are mainly deter- lengths and increases as well, thus reducing the capacitive loading
mined by the length , and slightly affected by which is related to on the two strip monopoles. As a consequence, the fundamental and the
a capacitive loading. third-harmonic resonant frequencies of the monopole increase from 1.54
The H-shaped slot can be viewed as a rectangular aperture of dimen- to 1.56 GHz and from 4.96 to 5.28 GHz, respectively. The second res-
sions , perturbed by two strips of dimensions and onant mode of the slot arms at 5.6 GHz is slightly affected.

Fig. 5. Effect of slot dimension , all parameters are the same as in Fig. 2 with Fig. 7. Effect of slot dimension , all parameters are the same as in Fig. 2
, : , : , : . with , : , : , :

Fig. 6. Effect of strip length , all parameters are the same as in Fig. 2 with
Fig. 8. Effect of strip length , all parameters are the same as in Fig. 2 with
, : , : , : .
, : , : , : .

B. Effect of In summary, the lengths and can be tuned to adjust the lowest
Fig. 6 shows that as increases from 4.5 to 5.5 mm, the separa- two resonant frequencies. Usually, the fundamental strip-monopole
tion between the two strips of lengths and is reduced, leading mode has a narrow bandwidth, but is sufficient to cover GPS ap-
to a larger capacitive loading to both strip-monopoles. Hence, the plications. The bandwidth of the first slot mode can be widened by
fundamental and the third-harmonic resonant frequencies of the increasing the slot area, for example, by increasing the width . The
strip-monopoles is decreased from 1.57 to 1.55 GHz and from 5.28 to two higher bands can be fine-tuned with and the microstrip position
5.09 GHz, respectively. In addition, the periphery around the slot is to merge the bands of the third-harmonic mode of the strip-monopole
also increased as increases, hence the second resonant frequency and the second slot mode. The 10-dB impedance bandwidth can be
of the slot arms is decreased from 5.7 to 5.56 GHz. Also note that optimized to cover 5.15–5.825 GHz.
the bandwidth of the slot mode is slightly reduced when increases
because of its reduced radiating aperture area. V. FINAL DESIGN AND RADIATION PATTERNS
A prototype H-shaped slot antenna is fabricated to verify the sim-
C. Effect of ulated results of both the input impedance and the radiation charac-
teristics. Fig. 9 shows the reflection coefficient of this H-shaped slot
Fig. 7 shows the effect of on the resonant frequencies. The funda-
antenna. The measurement results match the simulation results reason-
mental mode of the strip-monopoles is not affected by ; instead it is
ably well, the deviation may be caused by fabrication tolerance. Four
mainly determined by . Because , the fundamental mode
resonant modes are excited as expected. Its 10-dB bandwidths cover
of the slot arms is strongly affected by rather than . The outer pe-
1.555–1.5775 GHz (1.5%), 2.395–2.695 GHz (12%), and 4.975–5.935
riphery of the slot is lengthened as is increased, rendering the second
GHz (17%); ready for GPS and Wi-Fi applications.
resonant frequency of the slot reduced from 5.6 GHz. On the other
Fig. 10 shows the radiation patterns at 1.575 GHz. The measurement
hand, the third-harmonic resonant frequency of the strip-monopoles is
and simulation results match reasonably well. The current on the strip
inversely proportional to the effective length of the monopole. It is ob-
and the ground mainly flows in the direction. The electric field on
served that the higher-order mode is more sensitive to the antenna di-
the slots has and components, accounting for the and com-
mensions than the fundamental mode.
ponents of the radiation patterns. The component on the -plane
is nearly omnidirectional, with variations within 3 dB. Note that the
D. Effect of
strip monopole is surrounded by the ground, its gain is about 0.2 dBi
When the strip length is increased, the resonant frequencies of at 1.575 GHz; and the peak gain is 0.26 dBi, at 1.565 GHz.
the fundamental and the third-harmonic of the strip-monopoles are de- Fig. 11 shows the radiation patterns at 2.5 GHz. Again, the measure-
creased, as shown in Fig. 8. The resonant frequencies of the slot modes ment and simulation results match fairly well. The measured antenna
are rarely affected, and only the input impedance of the second slot gain is about 3.5 dBi. The radiation patterns are contributed by the slot
mode, at 5.6 GHz, is affected. arms laid on the -plane with strong component. The pattern

Fig. 9. Measured and simulated reflection coefficients, ,

, , , , ,
, and , : measurement, : simulation.

Fig. 12. Radiation patterns, (a) -plane at 5.2 GHz, (b) -plane at 5.2 GHz,
(c) -plane at 5.8 GHz, (d) -plane at 5.8 GHz, : measured , :
measured , : simulated , : simulated , all parameters
are the same as in Fig. 9.

Fig. 10. Radiation patterns at 1.575 GHz, (a) -plane, (b) -plane, :
measured , : measured , : simulated , : simulated
, all parameters are the same as in Fig. 9.

Fig. 13. Total efficiency, all parameters are the same as in Fig. 9, : mea-
surement, : simulation.


Fig. 11. Radiation patterns at 2.5 GHz, (a) -plane, (b) -plane, : mea-
sured , : measured , : simulated , : simulated
, all parameters are the same as in Fig. 9.

on the -plane is roughly elliptical in shape, with variations within

5 dB.
Fig. 12 shows the radiation patterns at 5.2 and 5.8 GHz, respec-
tively, with corresponding antenna gains of 2.37 and 3.7 dB, respec-
tively. The measured antenna gain averaged over 5.15–5.85 GHz is Fig. 13 shows the total efficiency over different bands. The total
about 3.2 dBi. The main beam points toward the -direction. On the efficiency is 2.5 dB (56%) at 1.575 GHz, and the average total effi-
-plane, the HPBW is about 85 with the third-harmonic mode of the ciency over the operating band of 2.4-2.485 GHz is 1.5 dB (70%),
strip monopole, and is about 90 with the second resonant mode of the both match the simulation results well. The measured total efficiency
slot. Different shapes of radiation patterns are consistent with different averaged over the operating band of 5.15–5.85 GHz is 2.8 dB (52%),
resonant modes at different bands, as discussed in the previous section. about 0.7 dB deviated from the simulation. The difference is more
For practical applications where the users tend to hold their devices significant at higher frequencies, which may be attributed to the loss
in different positions and gestures, the total efficiency in the connectors, the twisted cables, and measurement tolerance.
could be another parameter to describe the antenna perfor- Small ripples around 5.2-5.8 GHz may be attributed to the calibration
mance, where stands for antenna radiation efficiency. error. Table I lists the peak gain and the total efficiencies, including

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Antennas Propag., vol. 53, no. 7, pp. 2208–2211, Jul. 2005.
A multi-band H-shaped slot antenna has been designed, with a [20] N. Behdad and K. Sarabandi, “A varactor dual-band slot antenna,”
complete analysis on its geometrical parameters. Its 10-dB impedance IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 401–408, Feb. 2006.
bandwidth covers the bands of 1.555–1.5775 GHz, 2.395–2.695 GHz [21] S.-Y. Chen, Y.-C. Chen, and P. Hsu, “CPW-fed aperture-coupled
slot dipole antenna for tri-band operation,” IEEE Antennas Wireless
and 4.975–5.935 GHz, making it ready for GPS and Wi-Fi applica-
Propag. Lett., vol. 7, pp. 535–537, 2008.
tions. Four different operating resonant modes are identified, and the
effects of different parameters on these modes have also been analyzed
for consistency. Radiation patterns and total radiation efficiency are
also presented, and the measurements confirm the simulation results
reasonably well.
A Compact Dual-Polarized Double -Shaped Patch
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0018-926X/$31.00 © 2013 IEEE

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