A Low-Cost Scalable 32-Element 28-Ghz Phased Array Transceiver For 5G Communication Links Basedona2
A Low-Cost Scalable 32-Element 28-Ghz Phased Array Transceiver For 5G Communication Links Basedona2
A Low-Cost Scalable 32-Element 28-Ghz Phased Array Transceiver For 5G Communication Links Basedona2
5, MAY 2018
deliver Gb/s data to several users at a link distance on the may only require 16–32 elements. This architecture allows
order of hundreds of meters. both to be implemented using the same silicon beamformer
Recently, there have been several demonstrations of phased- chip. Note that a single-chip solution with an integrated
array-based data links in the mm-wave bands [4]–[7]. All of transceiver [8] may be preferable for cell phones due to its
these phased-arrays rely on an all-RF beamforming architec- reduced form factor if 8–16 elements are required.
ture for reduced power consumption due to the elimination of Third, the scalable array architecture results in a more robust
a mixer for each channel (for LO or IF beamforming), reduced design and uniform heat distribution over the aperture. If one
complexity by eliminating the LO distribution network to of the core chips does not work or underperforms, this results
several chips in a large array, and the ability to cancel any in a loss of only four elements out of 32–256 elements and will
out-of-beam interferer before the mixer (at the sum point), have minimal impact on the system performance compared
resulting in higher dynamic range [13], [14]. The antennas with the loss of a chip with 16 channels. This architecture
can be placed on-chip [4] or integrated on the PCB [5]–[8], also spreads out the heat, generated mostly by the power
and the beamformer core chip may include the RF front end amplifiers (PAs), over the aperture instead of confining it to
only [4] or, for a large number of channels on-chip, include a single large chip at the center of the array. This makes it
the up-/downconversion mixers and synthesizers in addition to significantly easier to cool the array resulting in a more robust
the RF front end [5]–[8]. performance.
This paper expands on [15] and presents a 32-element Fourth, the 2 × 2 beamformer chips can be directly flipped
(4 × 8) 28-GHz phased-array transceiver for 5G communica- on the PCB without a multi-layer laminate interposer due to
tions based on 2×2 beamformer core chips. Section II presents the reduced number of I/O ports compared with a phased-
the scalable phased-array architecture and Section III presents array chip with larger number of elements. This also results
system analysis for a 32-element array. Circuit blocks and in a lower cost PCB with a reduced number of layers, since
breakout measurements are presented in Section IV. Section V the routing complexity is minimal and there is no LO or IF
presents the system measurements of 2 × 2 and 4 × 8 arrays distribution networks to several chips in the phased-array.
and Section VI concludes this paper. Finally, by separating the phased-array front-end chip and
the transceiver chip, this architecture offers great flexibility.
II. 5G P HASED -A RRAY T RANSCEIVER A RCHITECTURE In this paper, both chips have been designed in the TowerJazz
The scalable 28-GHz phased-array architecture used in this SBC18H3 SiGe BiCMOS process [16], but this two-chip
work is shown in Fig. 1 and is based on 2 × 2 transmit/receive solution allows for different IC processes to be used for the
(TRX) beamformer chips which are flipped on one side of beamformer chip and the transceiver chip. For example, the RF
a PCB with the antennas placed on the other side. Each beamformer can be designed in SiGe for increased output
chip contains four TRX channels with phase and gain con- power, reliability, and low-NF, whereas the transceiver chip
trol implemented using an all-RF beamforming architecture. can be designed in highly scaled CMOS and can incorporate
Since the core chip contains only four elements, a separate the baseband functionality as well. Also, a multi-pole filter
transceiver chip is designed for up-/downconversion to an IF with a sharp rejection response can be placed before the
(or baseband) signal and can be placed every 16, 32, or 64 ele- transceiver chip, thereby greatly reducing the out-of-band
ments depending on the system requirements. interferers and eliminating any LO radiation (in IF-based
Compared with previous work which has relied on a large architectures).
number of elements on a single chip [5], [6], [8], this One disadvantage of this architecture is that the transceiver
architecture offers significant advantages. First, the routing needs to compensate for the additional ohmic loss of the
distance from the chip to the antenna feeds is minimized which Wilkinson network and provide a high output power to drive
greatly reduces the loss and improves both the system noise the array. This can be alleviated in 256-element arrays by
figure (NF) and the transmitted power, therefore allowing for a incorporating bidirectional line amplifiers every 64 or 128 ele-
much longer link distance for the same aperture size and power ments on the PCB to compensate for the division and ohmic
consumption. For example, LG in [7] recently reported a feed loss or by placing a transceiver every 64 elements with reduced
line loss of 2 dB between the antenna and the chip, whereas output power levels. Simulations for 16-, 32-, and 64-element
in this work, the equivalent loss is only 0.5 dB, resulting in arrays show that no additional line amplifiers are required [see
3-dB improvement in the system SNR. The feed lines to the Section III and Fig. 5(a)].
antennas can also be designed to be of equal length which, While this paper is based on four-element beamformer
when combined with the symmetric design of the Wilkinson chips to generate a single beam, the same architecture can
network and the 2 × 2 TRX beamformer chips, can eliminate be used to build a dual-polarized dual-beam TRX core chip
any phased-array calibration for further cost reduction. which can generate two simultaneous beams for polarization-
Second, the array can be scaled to any size while main- based multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems. Each
taining symmetry. An example 64-element (8 × 8) array is chip would then include eight channels, four of which are
shown in Fig. 1 with a transceiver chip placed at the common combined together into two common ports for the vertical and
port after the Wilkinson combiner/divider network on the PCB. horizontal polarizations. These chips would feed into dual-
Base stations are likely going to require 64 to 256+ elements polarized antennas, and two RF beamformers on the PCB
to meet the effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP) require- together with two transceivers at the sum points would be used.
ments for increased coverage, whereas end-user equipment This dual-beam architecture still retains all the benefits of the
Fig. 2. Required output power per element for different EIRP values versus across the array and includes the antenna ohmic and mismatch
number of array elements.
loss (∼1 dB) and the feed line loss (∼0.5 dB), and L M is the
scalable array architecture outlined previously and summarized power loss due to any amplitude and phase mismatch between
in Table I. the elements (∼0.5 dB). G ANT is approximated using
G ANT = 10log − L ANT (2)
This section presents the 2 × 2 phased-array beamformer λ2
core chip and system specifications along with the design flow. where λ is the wavelength in air, Nx and N y are the number
First, the array EIRP must be chosen and the output power of array elements in the horizontal and vertical directions,
required per element at P1dB (Pout) is determined based on the dx and d y are the antenna spacings in the horizontal and
number of array elements. Given an EIRP, Pout is calculated vertical directions, and L ANT includes the antenna ohmic and
using mismatch loss and feed line loss.
Fig. 2 presents the required Pout for different EIRP values
Pout = EIRP − 10logN − G ANT + L M (1)
and array sizes. In this paper, we chose Pout to be around
where N is the number of array elements, G ANT is the 10 dBm for low power consumption per chip and to mit-
N-element TRX antenna gain assuming uniform distribution igate the thermal issues discussed in Section II. An EIRP
Fig. 4. (a) System calculations for the 32-element TRX beamformer based on a 2 × 2 TRX beamformer core chip. (b) Interferer locations for the RX linearity
Fig. 12. Gain, NF, and IP1dB of the 2 × 2 TRX beamformer core chip
Fig. 13. Chip photograph of 2 ×2 TRX core chip with 400-μm pitch bumps.
the common port to the antenna port with the port definitions
shown in Fig. 12. The S-parameter measurements include the
ohmic loss of the Wilkinson network and the balun at the
common port, but 6 dB has been added to both TX and RX
S-parameter measurements to characterize the channel
response together with the on-chip Wilkinson network ohmic
loss. In the RX mode, the actual chip gain will be the same
as presented in Fig. 14. In the TX mode, the actual chip gain
will be 6 dB lower due to 6-dB division loss to four channels.
The measured RX and TX channel gain is 20 dB
[Fig. 14(a) and (b)] and the measurements agree well with
simulations. The measured reverse isolation is −55 to −60 dB
in both the TX and RX modes. Fig. 14(c) presents the insertion
phase for all 64 phase states in the RX mode and Fig. 14(d)
shows the corresponding RX gain for all 64 phase states. The
measured average rms phase error in the RX and TX modes
is 3.4° and the average rms gain error is 0.5 dB at 29 GHz
[Fig. 14(j)]. The measured NF for all phase states is shown
in Fig. 14(e) (4.6–4.8 dB) and is the lowest reported-to-date
for a TRX beamformer chip at 28 GHz.
Previous work using vector modulator phase shifters at Fig. 14. Measured (a) RX channel S-parameters, (b) TX channel
mm-waves have reported significant distortion in phase states S-parameters, (c) RX phase states, (d) RX gain for all phase states, (e) RX
against input power [26], [27]. The measured RX channel NF for all phase states, (f) RX insertion phase versus input power, (g) RX
gain control, (h) TX gain control, (i) channel phase change with gain control,
insertion phase for 16 phase states is shown in Fig. 14(f) and (j) phase shifter rms gain and phase errors.
against input power, and the VM can operate well up to the RX
IP1dB of −22 dBm due to the VM topology employed with
a fixed tail current (see Fig. 8). Beyond P1dB, there is some The measured gain states are shown in Fig. 14(g) and (h).
phase distortion due to AM–PM conversion, but the phase Both TX and RX modes have 14-dB gain control (5-dB
characteristic against input power is similar for all phase states LNA control and 9-dB VGA control for the RX mode) and
and the phase difference is conserved. the measured channel phase change is < ±3° over 14-dB
Fig. 17. (a) 4-layer PCB stackup for the low-cost 32-element (4 × 8)
Fig. 15. (a) Measurement setup of the flip-chip TRX array with 2 × 2 TRX array, and (b) top and bottom views of the array PCB with flip-chip
antennas on a PCB. Measured (b) gain and (c) phase of all four channels in beamformer ICs and PCB integrated microstrip antennas.
the RX mode.
Fig. 18. (a) PCB design of the 2 × 2 flip-chip unit cell (M1 and M4 are
shown) and (b) simulated antenna impedance (S11 ) at the chip port including
the antenna feed line.
A. 2 × 2 TRX Phased-Array Measurements
Fig. 16. Measured EVM using two single-chip TRX array boards at The 2 × 2 TRX chip was first flipped on a test board with
(a) different back-off levels and (b) different symbol rates for various
modulation schemes at 1-m link distance.
a single 6.6-mil RF layer and 2 × 2 antennas on the same
side as the chip, as presented in [28]. The chip was tested in
the RX mode in the far-field using a vector network analyzer
gain control range [Fig. 14(i)]. This allows for a near-perfect (VNA) and a standard gain horn antenna as the transmitter
orthogonality between gain and phase control and allows the [Fig. 15(a)]. The channels were turned on individually using
user to compensate for chip-to-chip variations and taper the the SPI control. A gain difference of ±1 dB [Fig. 15(b)] and
array over a wide range without the need for additional phase a phase difference of ±2° was obtained between the four
trimming. channels within the test antenna S11 bandwidth of 400 MHz
Fig. 19. Measured (a) E-plane and (b) H-plane patterns of the 4 × 8 TRX array in the RX mode at 29.5 GHz, (c) 3-D pattern (H-plane is shown), and
(d) fine resolution beam steering in the H-plane without calibration. Measured H-plane patterns at boresight (e) without calibration and (f) with calibration.
Calibrated and uncalibrated patterns are almost identical.
[Fig. 15(c)]. The gain difference can easily be corrected using ground plane. The via-fed microstrip antenna can achieve an
the VGA on each channel, but this is not required as presented S11 bandwidth of 2 GHz (28.5–30.5 GHz) when the feed line is
in Section V-B. Also, part of the gain difference could be due included in the antenna-to-chip matching network [Fig. 18(b)].
to standing waves in the test setup. Since the channel responses The antenna efficiency of ∼90% and S11 of −10 dB results
match well, the gain increases as N2 as the number of channels in 1-dB antenna ohmic and mismatch loss. M1 is used for the
increases [Fig. 15(b)]. 8:1 Wilkinson network based on standard λ/4 transmission
The 2 × 2 array has a measured EIRP of 24.5 dBm at lines and lumped 100 resistors are placed on M1 to provide
29 GHz with a 3-dB bandwidth of 28.4–29.4 GHz. A 1-m isolation. M1 and M2 layers are also used as RF ground for the
test link was set up using two of these 2 × 2 TRX arrays and Wilkinson network and for digital control and bias distribution.
the error vector magnitude (EVM) was measured using various The scanning requirements for the 4 × 8 array are ±50° in
modulations and back-off levels (Fig. 16). The back-off level azimuth and ±25° in elevation for a 50–300-m 5G data link.
is defined as the difference between the average symbol power An antenna spacing, d x = 5 mm in the horizontal direction
and the 2 ×2 array P1dB. The maximum data rate measured is (0.5λ at 30 GHz) and d y = 6.3 mm (0.63λ at 30 GHz)
3.6 Gb/s using 64-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) at in the vertical direction are chosen to satisfy this scanning
8-dB back-off and 4.0 Gb/s using 16-QAM at 6-dB back-off. requirement without a grating lobe [29]. Note that the antennas
The measured EVM increases above 400-Mbaud symbol rate are vertically polarized, and therefore, the E-plane and H-plane
and is limited by the antenna S11 bandwidth of 400 MHz. scans are in the elevation and azimuth directions, respectively.
The 32-element phased-array antenna patterns were mea-
B. 32-Element (4 × 8) TRX Phased-Array Measurements sured in an anechoic chamber in the RX mode and are shown
To achieve higher EIRP and Gb/s data links at hundreds in Fig. 19. First, the E- and H-plane patterns were measured
of meters, a 32-element (4 × 8) phased-array was designed at 29.5 GHz without any phase or amplitude calibration
with the PCB stackup shown in Fig. 17(a). The cost of this and agree very well with simulations [Fig. 19(a) and (b)].
stackup is very low, since it uses only four RF layers with two The peak of the array pattern closely follows the simulated
RO4350B cores of 13.3-mil thickness. The top and bottom H-plane element factor [∼ cos1.3 (θ )], and the array gain is
views of the 32-element array PCB are shown in Fig. 17(b), 5 dB lower at ±50° scan angle. The sidelobe levels are
and the PCB design of the 2×2 unit cell is shown in Fig. 18(a). < −12 dB over all scan angles (no taper used) due to the
The beamformer chips are flipped on M1, the antennas are symmetric design of the beamformer chips and the Wilkinson
placed on M4, and the chip-to-antenna feed line loss is only distribution network. This shows that the 32-element phased-
0.5 dB at 29 GHz. A 10 mil (250 μm) via hole is used from array can be used without any calibration, thus greatly reduc-
M1 to M4 to feed the antenna, with M3 used as the antenna ing the testing costs. A 3-D pattern plot at boresight from the
Fig. 22. Measured constellations and spectra using the Verizon pre-5G 64-QAM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform with eight-
component carriers spaced at 100 MHz (800-MHz total bandwidth). Carrier frequencies and measured EVM values are shown for four carriers with a worst
case EVM of −35.7 dB (1.64%).
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT [20] R. L. Schmid, A. C. Ulusoy, P. Song, and J. D. Cressler, “A 94 GHz,
1.4 dB insertion loss single-pole double-throw switch using reverse-
The authors would like to thank Bhaskara Rupakula at saturated SiGe HBTs,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Compon. Lett., vol. 24,
University of California at San Diego for the 32-element array no. 1, pp. 56–58, Jan. 2014.
[21] R. L. Schmid, P. Song, C. T. Coen, A. C. Ulusoy, and J. D. Cressler,
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[22] M. Sayginer and G. M. Rebeiz, “An eight-element 2-16-GHz program-
mable phased array receiver with one, two, or four simultaneous beams
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[24] S. Y. Kim, D.-W. Kang, K.-J. Koh, and G. M. Rebeiz, “An improved Mustafa Sayginer (S’11–M’16) received the B.S.,
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[25] M. Caruso, A. Bevilacqua, and A. Neviani, “An X -band lumped-element 2013, respectively.
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[26] B. H. Ku, O. Inac, M. Chang, H. H. Yang, and G. M. Rebeiz, tion Engineering Department, ITU. From 2013 to
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[27] F. Golcuk, T. Kanar, and G. M. Rebeiz, “A 90–100 Ghz 4×4 sige Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. He is currently with Nokia Bell Labs,
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[29] C. A. Balanis, Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 4th ed. Hoboken, Gabriel M. Rebeiz (S’86–M’88–SM’93–F’97)
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[30] B. H. Ku et al., “A 77–81-GHz 16-element phased-array receiver with Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.
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silicon passive imager chip at 85–105 GHz. His group also demonstrated
high-performance RF MEMS tunable filters at 0.7–6 GHz, RF MEMS
phase shifters at 1–100 GHz, and high-power high-reliability RF MEMS
metal-contact switches. As a consultant, he helped develop 24- and 77-GHz
single-chip SiGe automotive radars, phased arrays operating at X- to
W-band for defense and commercial applications, such as SATCOM,
automotive, and point-to-point, digital beamforming systems, and several
industrial RF MEMS switches. He is currently a member of the National
Academy, a Distinguished Professor and the Wireless Communications
Industry Chair Professor in electrical and computer engineering with
the University of California at San Diego (UCSD), La Jolla, CA, USA.
He has authored or coauthored over 650 IEEE publications, and authored
the book RF MEMS: Theory, Design and Technology (Wiley, 2003). He has
graduated 64 Ph.D. students and 21 post-doctoral Fellows. He currently leads a
group of 18 Ph.D. students and post-doctoral Fellows in the area of millimeter-
wave radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFICs), tunable microwave circuits,
RF MEMS, and planar millimeter-wave antennas and terahertz systems.
Dr. Rebeiz was a recipient of the URSI Koga Gold Medal, the IEEE
Microwave Theory and Technique Society (IEEE MTT-S) 2000 and
2014 Microwave Prize, the IEEE MTT-S 2010 Distinguished Educator Award,
the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) 2011 John D. Kraus
Kerim Kibaroglu (S’13) received the B.S. degree Antenna Award, the 2012 Intel Semiconductor Technology Council
in electronics engineering from Sabancı University, Outstanding Researcher in Microsystems, an R&D100 2014 Award for his
Istanbul, Turkey, in 2013, and the M.S. degree in work on phased-array automotive radars, the 2014 IEEE Daniel E. Noble
electrical and computer engineering from the Uni- Field Medal for his work on RF MEMS, and the IEEE AP-S 2015
versity of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA, Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award. He was also a
USA, in 2015, where he is currently pursuing the recipient of the 1997–1998 Eta Kappa Nu Professor of the Year Award,
Ph.D. degree. the 1998 College of Engineering Teaching Award, and the 1998 Amoco
In 2017, he was an Intern with Intel Corpora- Teaching Award given to the best undergraduate teacher at the University
tion, Hillsboro, OR, USA, where he was involved of Michigan, and the 2008 Teacher of the Year Award of the Jacobs School
in millimeter-wave circuits for 5G systems. His of Engineering, UCSD. He was a National Science Foundation Presidential
current research interests include RF/analog and Young Investigator and the 2003 IEEE MTT-S Distinguished Young Engineer.
millimeter-wave integrated circuits and systems in silicon technologies for His students have received a total of 22 Best Paper Awards from the IEEE
wideband receivers and phased-array systems for high data rate wireless MTT-S, RFICs, and AP-S conferences. He has been an Associate Editor of
Mr. Kibaroglu was a recipient of the Analog Devices Outstanding Student and a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE MTT-S, the IEEE AP-S, and the
Designer Award in 2016. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society.