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The paper discusses the various stages involved in sampling soft clays that can lead to sample disturbance and impact laboratory test results. It also presents potential solutions to reduce disturbance and evaluate sample quality.

The main causes of sample disturbance discussed are soil structure destruction during sampling and a reduction in effective stress in the sample.

Sample disturbance can lead to reductions in measured preconsolidation stress, undrained shear strength, and other key parameters used in design. This can negatively impact the reliability of the laboratory data.

Studia Geotechnica et Mechanica, Vol. XXVII, No.

3–4, 2005



Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst,
Amherst, MA, 01003, USA.

Abstract: This paper reviews the causes of sample disturbance and its impact on laboratory meas-
ured design parameters for soft clays. It is the most significant issue affecting the quality and reliabil-
ity of laboratory test data. All key design parameters such as compressibility, yield stress and
undrained shear strength are adversely influenced by sample disturbance. Each stage of the sampling
process, from initiation of drilling to final preparation of laboratory test specimens, causes potential
disturbance to samples and is described in the paper. Several practical solutions are presented, which
if properly implemented can reduce the degree of sample disturbance. These include the use of
weighted drilling mud, special tube sample geometry, fixed piston samplers, and proper sealing and
handling of samples. Qualitative and quantitative methods of assessing sample quality are also pre-
sented together with examples from case studies.


Figures 1a and 1b present stress history and undrained shear strength data for
a soft clay site located north of Boston, Massachusetts. The site investigation was tar-
geted at characterizing the thick soft clay deposit for design of a deep foundation sys-
tem to support a highway superstructure. In particular, the key soil parameters re-
quired for design were the preconsolidation stress (σ ′p ) and the undrained shear
strength (su). The σ ′p data were from laboratory one-dimensional oedometer tests
conducted on tube samples. The su data are from field vane (FVT) and torvane (TV)
testing. The trends in the σ ′p and su data in figures 1a and 1b could be used as is for
selection of design profiles. However, a simple inspection of the data in light of poten-
tial sample disturbance can reveal the poor quality and hence unreliability of the
measured data. These data are used in Section 5 of the paper as an example to high-
light the significance of sample disturbance for determination of design parameters in
soft clays and methods that can be used to detect it.
This paper reviews the causes of sample disturbance and its impact on laboratory
measured design parameters for soft clays. The paper first reviews the various stages
of drilling, sampling and specimen preparation that can cause sample disturbance.
Examples of the significance of sample disturbance for laboratory measurement of
design parameters are given. Practical solutions that can help to reduce the degree of
sample disturbance and methods for evaluating sample quality are presented. The data
in figure 1 are examined in the context of the factors that cause sample disturbance
and are evaluated using a simple sample quality assessment method. Data from other
92 D.J. DEGROOT et al.

case studies are also presented. Some of the material presented in the paper is ab-
stracted from LADD and DEGROOT [13].

Ground Surface AB C D E

Elevation msl (m)

-20 FVT



(a) (b) (c) (d)

200 400 0 25 50 75 100 0 4 8 12 0.2 0.4 0.6
Vertical Stress (kPa) su (kPa) εv at σ'vo (%) su/σ'vo

Fig. 1. Characterization data for soft clay, Saugus, Massachusetts:

a) stress history from oedometer testing, b) undrained shear strength, c) SQD sample quality,
and d) normalized undrained shear strength (after MITCHELL et al. [21])


The most important effect of sample disturbance in soft clays is a soil destructur-
ing, which is accompanied by a significant reduction in the sample effective stress
(σ s′ ) . Figure 2 shows an example of how the reality of sampling and testing can vary
unpredictably from the ideal. This figure shows the anticipated stress path experienced
by a low overconsolidation ratio (OCR) clay starting from its in situ state of stress
(Point 1) to its state of stress when ready for laboratory testing (Point 9). While design
is for in situ stress states, disturbance caused by sampling and subsequent storage and
handling can significantly alter the state of stress of samples. Clearly the state at Point
9 is very different from the in situ state at Point 1, and yet much of standard geotech-
nical engineering practice relies on strengths determined from samples starting from
Point 9 (e.g., unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression [UUC] test). Figure 2
further shows the significant difference in potential effective stress paths for soil ele-
ments during undrained compression shear starting at Points 1 (in situ) and 9 (dis-
Sample disturbance – soft clays 93

turbed UUC test in the laboratory). Based on this simple depiction of what can happen
during sampling, it should come as no surprise that there is often a gross mismatch
between design performance based on laboratory derived strengths and field perform-
There are many factors involved in the process of drilling, sampling and specimen
preparation that cause sample disturbance. The key stages of the process and its poten-
tial contributions to sample disturbance are as follows (with reference made to the
points in figure 2):
Path 1–2. Borehole Drilling: Advancing an open borehole reduces the total verti-
cal stress (σv), and hence subjects the clay at the bottom of the hole to potentially sig-
nificant stress relief. The effective stress path from Point 1 to Point 2 in figure 2
passes through a point for which σv equals the in situ total horizontal stress (σh0). This
stress state represents the theoretical “perfect sampling effective stress” (σ ′ps ) as de-
fined by LADD and LAMBE [14], i.e., the effective stress for undrained release of the in
situ shear stress. However, if no drilling mud is used or its weight is too low, the soil
at the bottom of the borehole can experience undrained extension unloading and in the
worse case scenario can fail before it is even sampled.

Fig. 2. Hypothetical stress path during tube sampling and specimen preparation of center-line element
of low OCR clay (from LADD and DEGROOT [13])

Path 2–3–4–5. Tube Sampling: Many researchers have studied the influence of
tube sampling techniques and sampler design on the quality of soft clay samples (e.g.,
94 D.J. DEGROOT et al.

HVORSLEV [8], BALIGH et al. [2] and CLAYTON et al. [3]). Baligh et al. showed that
for tubes with an inside clearance ratio greater than zero, the centerline soil experi-
ences shear in compression ahead of the tube (Path 2–3), followed by shear in exten-
sion as it enters the tube (Path 3–4), and then compression inside the tube (Path 4–5).
This straining of the soil, which can approach one per cent at the center-line (and even
greater values at the edges) for the standard 76-mm diameter Shelby tube (table 1),
causes destructuring and positive shear induced pore pressures for low OCR clays.

Table 1
Dimensions of sampling equipment
D1 D2 D3 t Angle AR D2/t ICR
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (°) (%) (–) (–)
34.9 50.8 34.9† 15.9† 60 111.9 3.2 0†
Standard SPT†
60.3 76.2 60.3† 15.9† 60 59.7 4.8 0†
Shelby tube 72.1 76.2 74.6 1.65 ≈ 44‡ 11.7 46.2 3.5
Modified Shelby
74.6 76.2 74.6 1.65 5 4.3 46.2 0
Sherbrooke – 250 – – – – – –

Notes: See figure 3 for dimensions; †SPT with liners; AR = ( D22 − D12 ) / D12 , ICR = (D3 – D1)/D1;

approximate angle since edge is beveled.

Fig. 3. Sample tube dimensions

Path 5–6. Tube Extraction: Debris and disturbed soil at the bottom of the borehole
can enter an open tube sampler. After pushing, the strength of the clay at the bottom of
the borehole and suction resists removal of the tube sample. These factors can result in
significant disturbance of soil located at the top and bottom of the sample.
Sample disturbance – soft clays 95

Path 6–7. Transportation and Storage: Excessive vibration/shock to the samples

and large temperature changes, particularly freezing, during transportation can cause
severe disturbance. During storage, consolidation of the positive shear induced pore
pressure in the distorted zone at the perimeter of the tube causes a decrease in the
overall effective stress in the sample.
Path 7–8. Sample Extraction: With time soil samples bond to the inside of tubes
and in many cases subsequent extrusion can result in significant additional distur-
bance. The practice of extruding samples in the field eliminates this problem, but po-
tentially increases the risk of handling disturbance in transporting the extruded sam-
ples from the field to the laboratory.
Path 8–9. Specimen Preparation: The test specimen may experience a further de-
crease in effective stress (to end up at σ s′ ; Point 9) due to stress relief once removed
from the tube and disturbance during trimming and mounting. According to LADD and
DEGROOT [13] the pretest effective stress for reasonable quality samples of non-
cemented clays is likely to be in the range of σ s′ / σ ′ps ≈ 0.25 to 0.5 for relatively shal-
low soil of moderate OCR and in the range of σ s′ / σ ′ps ≈ 0.05 to 0.25 for deeper soil
with OCR < 1.5.


Sample disturbance adversely influences all-important engineering design prop-

erties of soft clays from compressibility to undrained shear strength. As shown in
figure 2, the disturbance from sampling and handling results in a decrease in the
sample effective stress. LADD and LAMBE [14] showed that this decrease can be
well above 80% from the in situ effective stress and the reported laboratory stress–
strain–strength properties at the sampling effective stress cannot possibly match the
correct in situ properties. Even if samples are subsequently reconsolidated in the
laboratory to in situ stresses, disturbed samples will undergo significant volumetric
changes and further destructuring, again resulting in unrealistic stress–strain behav-
Figure 4 presents an example of this behaviour for constant rate of strain (CRS)
consolidation tests conducted on two samples of Boston Blue Clay. One sample was
collected using a regular Shelby tube (table 1) with a free piston and without drilling
mud, the other sample was collected with a special Shelby tube (table 1) with
a fixed piston and barite weighted drilling mud. The differences in the compressibility
and preconsolidation stress are significant. Another example is shown in figure 5 for
anisotropically consolidated (CAU) triaxial compression tests reported by LUNNE et
al. [20] on samples reconsolidated to σ v′ 0 and σ h′ 0 (based on an estimate of the in situ
96 D.J. DEGROOT et al.

K0) prior to undrained shear. The samples were collected using three types of sam-
plers: the NGI 54 mm diameter sampler, a standard 75 mm diameter fixed piston, thin-
walled tube sampler, and the Sherbrooke block sampler. There are clear differences in
measured stress–strain behaviour and undrained shear strength that would have an
important impact on selection of design parameters.

σ'v0 = 97 kPa

Vertical Strain εv (%)



Fixed Piston
Free Piston

25 Fig. 4. Comparison of CRS data for fixed piston

10 100 1000 and free piston samples of Boston Blue Clay,
Newbury, Massachusetts (depth of 9.8 m)
Vertical Effective Stress, σ'v (kPa)

Fig. 5. CAU triaxial recompression test results for specimens of Lierstranda Clay, Norway,
collected with three different samplers (LUNNE et al. [20])
Sample disturbance – soft clays 97


The influence of sample disturbance on design parameters is significant as demon-

strated by the examples presented in section 3. This section offers a number of practi-
cal solutions that can help to reduce the degree of sample disturbance experienced by
soft clays. These solutions follow the drilling and sampling sequence given in section
2 and figure 2. Most of these solutions are relatively easy to implement in practice
with little additional time and cost. In fact, several of the solutions have been known
for several decades (e.g., HVORSLEV [8]) and yet are nevertheless still often not used
in practice.
Path 1–2. Borehole Drilling: Stress relief is unavoidable because of the necessity
of advancing an open borehole for most sampling methods. However, the magnitude
of stress relief during drilling can be managed by using a weighted drilling mud. Ide-
ally a drilling mud is used to keep Point 2 in figure 2 as close as practical to σ ′ps .
LADD and DEGROOT [13] give a procedure for computing a suitable weight drilling
mud given certain soil properties and borehole geometry. Typical recommended
mud weights range from 1.2γw to 1.3γw. The drilling mud can be developed using
a combination of recirculation of cuttings and/or commercial drilling products. Mud
weights can be enhanced by adding heavy weight products such as barite (barium
sulfate), which has a specific gravity of 4.2. Mud weights should be checked with
a mud balance. Careful attention also needs to be given to keeping the drilling mud
at or near the top of the borehole, particularly during removal of long sections of
drill rods.
Path 2–3–4–5. Tube Sampling: Research has clearly shown the benefits of using
modified tube geometry to decrease the shear induced strains during tube sampling.
For soft clays it is recommended to use large diameter (≥ 76 mm) tubes, with a sharp
edged (about 5 to 10°, depending on soil stiffness) small area ratio (AR < 10%) and
approximately zero inside clearance ratio (ICR ≈ 0). Figure 6 shows, drawn to scale,
a standard 76 mm diameter US Shelby tube that has been modified to these recom-
mendations by simply cutting off the standard end and machining a 5° cutting angle
(by cutting the lip off the standard Shelby tube end the ICR goes to 0; table 1). Tubes
should ideally be made of noncorrosive materials (e.g., stainless steel) and be clean
and free from any dents or burrs. A light coating of lubricant (e.g., silicone oil) can be
used to lubricate the inside of the tube.
Of all possible sampling methods, research has shown that block sampling, such as
that with the Sherbrooke sampler (LEFEBVRE and POULIN [19]), is considered the best
method of collecting high quality samples of soft clays (e.g., LACASSE et al. [11],
LUNNE et al. [20], HIGHT et al. [7], TANAKA [24]). The Sherbrooke sampler does not
use a sampling tube but rather carves samples out of the bottom of a borehole that are
approximately 250 mm in diameter by 300 to 350 mm in height. While the Sherbrooke
98 D.J. DEGROOT et al.

sampler is a specialized piece of equipment, it is feasible to use it with standard drill-

ing equipment (e.g., DEGROOT et al. [4]). Even though block sampling is considered
a state-of-the-art sampling method, its use should be considered for large, complex
projects. Examples of the successful use of the Sherbrooke block sampler on com-
mercial design projects are given by LADD et al. [15] and HERMANN and JENSEN

D = 76 mm

t = 1.6 mm

Angle = 5o

Fig. 6. Schematic of modified Shelby tube drawn

to scale: ICR = 0, AR = 4.3%, D/t = 46

Path 5–6. Tube Extraction: The use of a stationary (fixed) piston while tube sam-
pling is essential for high quality sampling. The piston prevents debris from entering
the tube before reaching the bottom of the borehole and controls the entry of soil dur-
ing sampling. The piston head also serves to create suction inside the tube at the top of
the sample to better retain it during tube extraction. Fixed piston samplers use either
actuating rods or hydraulics to control the piston head. The actuating rods are more
cumbersome to use than the hydraulic system, but they do allow direct observation of
the position of the piston head at the ground surface during sampling.
Path 6–7. Transportation and Storage: The ends of tube samples should be sealed
with wax and capped (usually plastic caps that are sealed with duct or electrical tape)
in the field prior to transport. Wax sealing is best done using a 50:50 mixture of paraf-
fin wax and petroleum jelly (LA ROCHELLE et al. [17]). It is important that the wax
mixture be brought just to its melting point and not overheated. Block samples should
be sealed using multiple layers of the same 50:50 mixture together with a couple of
layers of plastic wrap dipped in the wax mixture and a final layer of cheese cloth to
provide additional support. Samples should not be subject to excessive temperature
changes, particularly freezing temperatures. Tube and block samples should be trans-
Sample disturbance – soft clays 99

ported upright in boxes that provide damping of shocks and vibrations. This can be
done by placing the samples on foam padding, surrounding the samples with wood
chips or Styrofoam pellets, and using vibration control mounts for the boxes (e.g.,
figure 7). Once at the laboratory, samples should be stored in a room with humidity
and temperature control.

Fig. 7. Schematic of container used for transport

of block samples (DEGROOT et al. [4])

Fig. 8. MIT procedure for obtaining test specimen from tube sample
(LADD and DEGROOT [13])
100 D.J. DEGROOT et al.

Path 7–8. Sample Extraction: The potential bonding between the inside of tubes
and the soil can result in severe disturbance during laboratory extraction. Therefore,
samples should not be extruded from tubes (except if done immediately after sam-
pling) without first breaking any bonding at the soil–tube interface. Once a location
within a tube is selected for testing, the tube should be cut adjacent to the desired
sample location using a horizontal band saw or by hand (e.g., hack saw). A hypoder-
mic tube can be used to feed a thin wire into the soil/tube interface and rotated several
times around the perimeter to break the soil/tube bond (figure 8). With experience, the
whole process only takes a few minutes.
Path 8–9. Specimen Preparation: Soil within 1 to 1.5 times the tube diameter from
the top and bottom of the tube should not be used for consolidation and strength test-
ing because of greater disturbance near the sample ends (LACASSE and BERRE [10]).
Test specimens should be carefully trimmed in a humid room using sharp cutting tools
and wire saws. Subsampling in the laboratory using tubes can create additional distur-
bance and therefore should not be used. Sample sides should be trimmed during
specimen preparation to also remove potentially disturbed perimeter material. Trim-
ming in a humid room should prevent moisture evaporation from samples but it is also
important to control sources of swelling during specimen set-up (e.g., HIGHT [6]).

Vertical Strain εv (%)


Depth = 7.4 m Depth = 9.8 m
Sherbrooke Block Sherbrooke Block
Fixed Piston Fixed Piston
Free Piston Free Piston

10 100 1000 10 100 1000
Vertical Effective Stress, σ'v (kPa) Vertical Effective Stress, σ'v (kPa)

Fig. 9. Comparison of CRS data for free piston, fixed piston and Sherbrooke block samples
of Boston Blue Clay, Newbury, Massachusetts

Summary: Figure 9 plots data from CRS tests conducted on samples of Boston
Blue Clay collected with three different sampling methods. The free piston samples
were collected using a standard 76 mm Shelby tube (table 1) in a borehole without
Sample disturbance – soft clays 101

drilling mud, the fixed piston samples were collected using a modified Shelby tube
(table 1) using a fixed piston sampler in a borehole advanced with a barite based drill-
ing mud, and the block samples were collected using the Sherbrooke block sampler
using a barite based drilling mud. The samples were sealed, transported and trimmed
in accordance to the recommendations given above. The difference in quality between
the free piston samples and the fixed/block samples is significant. However, of even
greater significance is the fact that the fixed piston samples produced compression
curves nearly identical to the high quality block samples. These results show that it is
possible to collect very good to excellent quality samples with equipment that is read-
ily available to most drillers (the only custom item for the fixed piston sampling was
the machining of the ends of the standard Shelby tubes to produce the 5° cutting angle
and zero ICR).


Whenever evaluating consolidation and strength data it is essential to evaluate

sample quality although this is not common in practice. Radiography is a critical
step in any important test program and provides valuable visual information on
sample quality and selection of test specimens from sample tubes. Qualitative meth-
ods of evaluating sample quality include measurement of soil suction to get σ s′
(LADD and LAMBE [14], POIRIER et al. [22]), volumetric strain (ε vol) during labora-
tory reconsolidation to σ v′ 0 (ANDRESEN and KOLSTAD [1]), and shear wave velocity
(SHIBUYA et al. [23], LANDON et al. [16]). Currently, the simplest and most effec-
tive of these methods is the measure of ε vol at σ v′ 0 . ANDRESEN and KOLSTAD [1]
first developed this method with a ranking system that assigns a description of sam-
ple quality ranging from poor to excellent. TERZAGHI et al. [25] adapted this method
and coined the term Specimen Quality Designation (SQD) with sample quality rang-
ing from A (best) to E (worst) as listed in table 2. Terzaghi et al. suggest that reli-
able estimates of engineering parameters such as σ ′p and su require samples with
SQD equal to B or better. Recently, LUNNE et al. [20] updated Andresen’s and Kol-
stad’s sample quality method to use the measure of ∆e/e0 for reconsolidation to σ v′ 0
as listed in table 2. The ε vol or ∆e/e0 measurements are objective and easy to perform
on laboratory specimens and should be reported for every consolidation and CU
strength test conducted on clays.
Figure 10 shows the value of the SQD method for assessing sample quality. The nor-
malized preconsolidation stress based on CRS tests conducted on various quality samples
of Boston Blue Clay is plotted versus ε vol at σ v′ 0 . The σ ′p values from the high quality
Sherbrooke block samples were chosen as the reference values and other estimates for the
102 D.J. DEGROOT et al.

different sampling methods were normalized by these values. The decrease in σ ′p with
a decrease in sample quality is large and has obvious consequences for design.

Table 2
Quantification of sample disturbance based on specimen volume change
during laboratory reconsolidation to σ v′ 0

Specimen quality
∆e/e0 criteria
designation (SQD)
(LUNNE et al. [20])
(TERZAGHI et al. [25])
Volumetric strain OCR = 1 – 2 OCR = 2 – 4
SQD Rating*
(%) ∆e/e0 ∆e/e0
<1 A < 0.04 < 0.03 Very good to excellent
1–2 B 0.04–0.07 0.03–0.05 Good to fair
2–4 C 0.07–0.14 0.05–0.10 Poor
4–8 D > 0.14 > 0.10 Very poor
>8 E

* Refers to use of samples for measurement of mechanical properties.

Sherbrooke Block
Free Piston
Fixed Piston



0.2 SQD

0 2 4 6 8 10
εv (%) at σ'v0

Fig. 10. CRS preconsolidation stress normalized by Sherbrooke block sample values
versus volumetric strain at σ v′ 0 for different samplers, Boston Blue Clay, OCR < 4, Newbury, MA

Figure 1 also highlights the value of using simple quantitative methods of as-
sessing sample quality. Figure 1c plots ε vol (= ε v) versus depth corresponding to the
oedometer tests from which the σ ′p values in figure 1a were determined. All sam-
Sample disturbance – soft clays 103

ples below elevation –20 m have SQDs of D and E which based on the recommen-
dation of TERZAGHI et al. [25] would not produce reliable estimates of σ ′p . Cor-
roborating evidence regarding the poor quality σ ′p data is the fact that all values
below elevation –20 m are less than σ v′ 0 . This alone suggests an apparent undercon-
solidated soil. However, the geological history of the region (KENNEY [9]) indicates
the soil should not be underconsolidated and only a slight 1.5 m artesian condition
exists in the underlying glacial till. The apparent underconsolidation is probably
a result of sample disturbance causing a large decrease in the measured σ ′p . For
strength data, it is also useful to plot normalized values (i.e., su / σ v′ 0 ) as is done in
figure 1d for the field vane and laboratory torvane data. The FVT data are highly scat-
tered and many tests had unusually low undrained strength ratios, i.e., su(FVT)/ σ v′ 0
only about 0.1. The su(TV) data show very little scatter and the su(TV)/σ v′ 0 ratios
clearly show a transition from the crust to the softer clay at depth. However, the ratios
for the deep clay are also very low. The poor quality tube samples (hence very low lab
values of σ ′p and su) and unreliable FVT data are believed to be largely due to making
a hollow stem auger borehole without a proper weight drilling mud.


All aspects of drilling, sampling, and laboratory preparation can cause adverse dis-
turbance to soft clay samples. This can result in misleading and unreliable laboratory
measured stress–strain–strength behaviour, which can amount to either unsafe or
overly conservative design. There are, however, a number of practical and relatively
simple steps that can be taken to reduce the adverse effects of sample disturbance.
Drilling should be conducted using an appropriately weighted drilling mud, samples
should be collected using large diameter thin-walled, sharp edged fixed piston sam-
plers. Samples should be protected from shock and excessive temperature changes
during transport and stored under high humidity, controlled temperature conditions.
Laboratory test specimens should be cut from tubes and debonded from the tube prior
to trimming. It is essential to evaluate sample quality for all design parameter tests;
ε vol at σ v′ 0 during laboratory reconsolidation is a simple yet effective indicator of
sample quality.


Some of the results presented herein are from a research project supported by the U.S. National Sci-
ence Foundation under Grant No. CMS-0219480.
104 D.J. DEGROOT et al.


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