Science 8 Q3 Week 3

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Module 3


Photo credits: Rosa A. Osuyos 2020

Most Essential Learning Competencies

⚫Explain physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and
molecules. (S8MT-IIIc-d-9)

To the Learner
This module was specially designed to help you understand and apply the
lesson objectives. To achieve the objectives of this module, read and follow the
simple instructions as your guide.
1. Set a helpful learning space at home so you can focus on your studies.
2. Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
3. Answer all the given tests and activities intelligently within given
allotted time as closely as possible.
4. Follow the directions in the activities diligently.
5. Seek assistance from your parents or guardians to guide you in doing
the activities.
6. Take down important concepts and list questions you would like to ask
to your teacher.
7. Reflect and apply the concepts that you have learned.

Hello! Dear students! Today, you will

begin working on a series of activities
especially designed to help you learn
more about Matter.

In this module, you need to understand

first the expectations below:


After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Differentiate physical from chemical change in matter.
2. Enumerate and discuss the different physical phase changes in matter such as
evaporation, condensation, melting, freezing, sublimation and deposition.
3. Illustrate how phase changes in matter are affected by change in
temperature at molecular level.

Now that you know what you are

expected to learn, try to find out how
much you know about physical changes in
matter by answering the pretest. Doing
this will give you an idea about the lesson.

Directions: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the
correct answer. Write it on your answer sheet.

____ 1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a physical change?

A. burning of matchsticks C. cutting of dough into smaller pieces
B. crumpling of newspaper D. melting of butter
____ 2. When a person carrying a bottled water enters a warm room after being outside
on a cold day, the bottled water fog up because of ____________.
A. condensation C. melting
B. sublimation D. vaporization
____ 3. Which of the following processes shows a change from liquid to solid?
A. condensation C. freezing
B. evaporation D. melting
____ 4. Which of the following conditions would cause solid to become liquid?
A. Increase of temperature
B. Decrease of temperature
C. Maintain the temperature
D. None of the choices

____ 5. Which of the following occurs when there is no new substance formed only the
shape and appearance of the substance changes?
A. burning B. chemical change C. formation of rust D. physical change

Looking Back
Directions: Match the word in column A to its meaning in column B. Choose the
letter of the correct answer. Write it on your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

1. Atom A. Consist of two or more atoms of different

elements chemically joined.

2. Compound B. Consist of only one kind of atom.

3. Element C. Consist of two or more elements or

compounds not chemically joined.

4. Mixture D. Smallest particle of matter.

5. Molecule E. Consist of two or more, same or different

type of atom chemically joined.

Brief Introduction

Matter exists most commonly in three phases-solid, liquid and gas.

When energy is added or released, matter can change phase.
Phase change refers to a change from one state of matter to another
state. An example of this is when a liquid changes to a solid or a solid
change to a gas. There are two types of changes in matter: Physical and
Chemical change.

Physical Change
Physical change occurs when a matter changes in state or
appearance without changing its original composition. For example, if you
shape a piece of dough into a round bread or square, or cut into smaller
pieces, the composition of the dough remains the same.
What if you dissolve sugar in water? When you dissolve sugar in the
water, sugar will no longer visible but its property of being sweet is still
present on the solution.
Some physical changes are reversible like melting wax, just let it cool
then it will solidify again. Wax has only changed its state but its
composition remains the same.

Chemical Change
Chemical change occurs when matter changes its composition which
may result to the formation of a new substance. When a chemical change
occurs we can no longer determine the original property of a substance since
the resulting new substance will have its own unique properties. For example,
when you burn matches, they will turn black and become ashes. The change
that occurred is irreversible, meaning you cannot return the matchsticks
back to their original appearance and composition.

Activity 1. Physical Change vs. Chemical Change

PART 1. Direction: Identify whether a physical change or chemical change in

matter has occurred in the given examples below.

1. Painting the wall _____________________________________

2. Frying an egg for breakfast ____________________________

3. Mixing pebbles and marbles __________________________

4. Boiling water in a kettle _______________________________

5. Grilling pork on a stick ________________________________

6. Shredding cheese _____________________________________

7. Molding cement into a flower pot ______________________

8. Roasting chicken for dinner ____________________________

9. Rusting milk can ______________________________________

10. Dissolving sugar in water ____________________________

PART 2. Directions: State whether the following changes are physical or

chemical (write P or C) and give your reason for your choice.

Change Physical Reason

or Chemical (New substance is
(P or C) formed, mostly
irreversible or No new
substance if formed,
mostly reversible)
1. Burning of

2. Dissolving


4. Rusting of

5. Vinegar
added to
baking soda

Photo credits: Rosa A. Osuyos 2020

Activity 2. Changes in Physical Phase of Matter

PART 1. Directions: Read carefully the selection below about the different
phase changes in matter. Then do the task that follows.

Matter can change phases when thermal energy or heat energy is

added into or released from it. When a liquid becomes a gas the process is
called vaporization, such as alcohol turns into vapor. When vaporization
occurs at the surface it is called evaporation, when it occurs throughout
liquid it is called boiling. When a gas turns into a liquid it is called
condensation, such as water vapor changes into dew drops.
Melting is the process by which a substance changes from the solid
phase to the liquid phase like ice cube melting into water. Freezing is the
process by which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid like
sweetened cream into ice cream.
Deposition is a phase change from gas to solid, for example the
settling of silver vapor in a vacuum chamber into a surface to make a solid
layer for a mirror. Sublimation is a phase change from solid to gas, for
example dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) turns into carbon dioxide gas.

Direction: Fill in the phase change in the blank provided.


2. 3.

4. 5.


Photo credits: Rosa A. Osuyos 2020

PART 2. Directions: Complete the statements below using the words in the word


Boiling freezing point Condensation melting

freezing evaporation sublimation vaporization
melting point boiling point

1. The opposite of vaporization is called __________________________________________

2. Diamonds are crystalline solids that melt at a specific temperature called the

3. ______________________ occurs when a liquid gets enough energy to become a gas.

4. The type of vaporization that occurs below the surface of a liquid is called

5. Liquids like water boil at a specific temperature called the _________________________

6. In ____________________, molecules change directly from a solid to a gas.

7. The reverse of melting is called __________________, when a liquid becomes a solid.

8. The melting point of a substance is also the same as the __________________________

9. When matter changes from a solid to a liquid, the process is known _______________

10. __________________is a type of vaporization that occurs on the surface of the solid.

Activity 3. Cold or Heat?

PART 1. Directions: Read carefully the information below about how phase
changes in matter are affected by change in temperature at
molecular level. Then do the task that follows.

Phase changes in matter depends on temperature, because the

molecules of matter will either speed up or slow down depending upon
if heat is added or released.

Matter changes caused by Heat

• When heat is added to an object, the temperature increases
and its molecules begin to move faster.
• When molecules start to move faster they start to move apart.
• As molecules move apart the phase of matter changes.
• Melting, Sublimation, Evaporation.
Matter changes caused by Cold
• When heat is being released from an object, the temperature
decreases and its molecules begin to slow down.
• When molecules start to slow down they also start coming
• As molecules move together the phase of matter changes.
• Freezing, Deposition, Condensation.

Directions: Fill in the boxes and arrows in the diagram. Use the words inside the

Evaporation freezing melting condensation

cools warms

5. GAS


1. 6.


PART 2. Directions: Draw the phase of matter at the molecular level when
temperature is changed and identify the changes that occurred.

Molecules of Temperature New Phase of Phase Change

Matter (ADD) Matter








Check Your Understanding
Directions: Modified True or False: Write TRUE if the sentence is correct,
if FALSE, change the underlined word or group of words to
make the sentence correct.

___________1. When chocolate melts, a chemical change occurs.

___________2. In physical change the molecules of matter do not change.

___________3. Deposition is a physical change.

___________4. A chemical change happens when only the appearance of the substance
is changed.
___________5. Condensation occurs when liquid water changes into a gas.

___________6. Changing the size and shape of a substance is a physical change.

___________7. Sublimation is a change from solid to liquid phase.

___________8. Mixing salt and sugar is an example of chemical change.

___________9. Evaporation is a process of changing liquid to gas.

___________10. Burning of paper is a physical change.

Always keep this in mind!
Phase changes are examples
of physical change.
1. Freezing/Solidification: the substance changes
from liquid to solid phase.
a. sweetened cream into ice cream.
b. water to ice
c. molten lave to stone
2. Melting: the substance changes back from the solid
to the liquid phase.
CHEMICAL PHYSICAL a. the ice cream you are eating drips down your arm
A chemical A physical c. candle wax dripping when candles are burning
3.Condensation: the substance changes from gas to
change is a change is a liquid phase.
change in the change in the Example:
chemical physical a. water droplets on the glass of a cold beverage.
properties of properties of .
matter. It matter. The
happens when matter changed 4. Vaporization/Evaporation: the substance changes
two or more kinds in appearance, from liquid to gas phase.
of matter combine but the original Example:
to form a new composition a. alcohol turns into vapor
substance with remains the
different same. A change
properties. A that occurs when 5. Sublimation: the substance changes directly from
change that a substance solid to gas without going through the liquid phase.
occurs when the changes in size, Example:
composition of the shape or form. a. dry ice is used to create fog
substance is The molecules of
completely matter do not 6. Deposition: the substance changes directly from a
altered. The change. gas to a solid without going through the liquid phase.
molecules of Example:
matter do change. a. silver vapor in a vacuum chamber onto a surface to
make a solid layer for a mirror.


Direction: Read each question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on your answer sheet.

____ 1. All of the following are physical changes EXCEPT,

A. burning of wood C. dissolving sugar
B. chopping of corn D. evaporating water
____ 2. During a physical change, the molecules of water _______________
A. change C. is altered completely
B. combine to form a new substance D. remains the same
____ 3. What happens to water when it freezes?
A. water changes from a gas to a liquid phase.
B. water changes from a solid to a gas phase,
C. water changes from a liquid to a solid phase.
D. water changes from an isotope to a plasma phase.
____ 4. What phase change is involved when dry ice gives off carbon dioxide gas?
A. condensation C. melting
B. freezing D. sublimation
____ 5. Which phase changes require an increase in heat energy?
A. condensation and vaporization
B. freezing and condensation
C. melting and freezing
D. melting and vaporization

Write a reflective learning on this Module by completing the statement in
each box.

I have learned that The importance of I will apply the

physical changes in learning about changes learnings I have gained
the phases of matter in the phases of matter in this module by
are: is/are the following: ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ _______________________ ______________________
_______________________ ______________________
You have done well
doing all the
activities in this

Quarter 3: Week 3

Explain physical changes in terms of the arrangement and motion of atoms and
molecules. (S8MT-IIIc-d-9)


NAME ________________________ GRADE ______________ SECTION ____________________

2. _________
3. _________
4. _________
5. _________


1. ___________
2. ___________
3. ___________
4. ___________
5. ___________

Part 1
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________
10. ____________________________________
Part 2
1. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
5. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
Part 1
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________

Part 2
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________
10. ____________________________________

Part 1

Part 2
1. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
2. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
3. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
4. ________________ ________________________________________________________________
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________
10. ____________________________________
2. _________
3. _________
4. _________
5. _________

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