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IME-0440 Introducción a la Robótica

Paul Arauz, PhD
Ingeniería Mecánica
Motion transmission mechanisms
perform two different roles
1. they transmit motion from actuator to tool
when the actuator cannot be designed into
the same location as the tool with the desired
motion type
2. they increase or reduce torque and speed
between input and output shafts while
maintaining the power conservation between
input and output (output power is input power
minus the power losses)
The most common motion
transmission mechanisms fit into
one of two major categories:

• rotary to rotary motion

transmission mechanisms (gears,
belts, and pulleys)
• rotary to translational motion
transmission mechanisms (lead-
screw, rack-pinion, belt-pulley)
Gears • Gears are used to
increase or decrease
the speed ratio
between the input and
output shaft
• Since the pitch of each
gear must be same,
the number of teeth on
each gear is
proportional to their
• It can be shown that
ideal gear box (100%
power transmission

• Hence
• The reflection of inertia and torque from the output shaft to the
input shaft can be determined by using the energy and work
relationships. Let the rotary inertia of the load on the output
shaft be J1 and the load torque be T1. Let us express the kinetic
energy of the load

where the reflected inertia (inertia of the

load seen by the input shaft) is
• The work done by a load torque T1 over an
output shaft is:

• The effective reflective torque on the

input shaft as a result of the load torque
on the output shaft is
Example: Consider a spur-gear mechanism with a gear ratio of N =
10. Assume that the load inertia connected to the output shaft is a solid
steel material with diameter d = 3.0 in, length l = 2.0 in. The friction
related torque at the load is T1 = 200 lb ⋅ in. The desired speed of the
load is 300 rev/min. Determine the necessary speed at the input shaft
as well as reflected inertia and torque.

• The necessary speed at the input shaft is related to the output shaft speed
by a kinematic relationship defined by the gear ratio
• The inertia and torque experienced at the input shaft due to the load alone
(which we call the reflected inertia and reflected torque) are

The mass moment of inertia of the cylindrical load is

• where g = 386 in/s2, the gravitational acceleration, is
used to convert the weight density to mass density:
Hence the reflected inertia and toque are
Belt and Pulley

• The gear ratio of a belt-pulley mechanism is the ratio

between the input and output diameters. Assuming no slip
between the belt and pulleys on both shafts, the linear
displacement along the belt and both pulleys should be
Belt and Pulley
• The effective gear
ratio is by
Lead-Screw and Ball-Screw mechanisms
• Lead-screw and ball-screw mechanisms are the most
widely used precision motion conversion mechanisms
which transfer rotary motion to linear motion
Lead-Screw and Ball-Screw mechanisms
• The kinematic motion conversion factor, or effective gear ratio, of a lead-
screw is characterized by its pitch, p rev/in or rev/mm. Therefore, for a lead-
screw having a pitch of p, which is the inverse of the distance traveled for
one turn of the thread called lead, l = 1⁄p in/rev or rev/mm, the rotational
displacement (in units of rad) at the lead shaft and the translational
displacement of the nut is related by

• The effective gear ratio may

be stated as
Lead-Screw and Ball-Screw mechanisms
• Let us determine the inertia and torque seen by the input end of the
lead-screw due to a load mass and load force on the nut. We follow the
same method as before and use energy–work relations. The kinetic
energy of the mass m1 at a certain speed

• Noting the above motion

conversion relationship

• Then
Lead-Screw and Ball-Screw mechanisms
• Then, the effective rotary inertia seen at
the input shaft (Jeff ) due to a translational
mass on the nut (m1) is

• It should be noted that m1 is in units of mass (not weight, weight = mass ⋅ g),
and the Jeff is the mass moment of inertia. Therefore if the weight of the load is
given, W1
Lead-Screw and Ball-Screw mechanisms
• Let us determine the reflected torque at the
input shaft due to a load force, F1. The work
done by a load force during a incremental
displacement is

• The corresponding rotational displacement is

• Hence • The equivalent torque seen at the input

shaft (Teff ) of the lead-screw due to the
load force F1 at the nut is
Lead-Screw and Ball-Screw mechanisms
• Example Consider a ball-screw motion conversion mechanism with a pitch
of p = 10 rev/in. The mass of the table and workpiece is W1= 1000 lb and the
resistance force of the load is F1 = 1000 lb. Determine the reflected rotary
inertia and torque seen by a at the input shaft of the ball-screw
Lead-Screw and Ball-Screw mechanisms

• The torque that is reflected on the input shaft due to

the load force F1 is
Rack and Pinion Mechanism
• The rack and pinion mechanism is an alternative rotary to
linear conversion mechanism. The pinion is the small gear.
The rack is the translational (linear) component. It is
similar to a gear mechanism where one of the gears is a
linear gear. The effective gear ratio is calculated or
measured from the assumption that there is no slip
between the gears
Rack and Pinion Mechanism

• Where the angular displacement is in

radian units. Hence, the effective gear
ratio is:

If the angular displacement is in rad/s units

If the angular displacement is in rev/s units

DC Motor
DC Motor
Let be the torque created at the air gap, and i the current flowing to the
rotor windings. The torque is in general proportional to the current, and is
given by

where the proportionality constant Kt is called the torque constant, one of

the key parameters describing the characteristics of a DC motor

• The torque constant determined by the strength of the magnetic field,

the number of turns of the windings, the effective area of the air gap, the
radius of the rotor, and other parameters associated with materials

• Let us first consider an idealized energy transducer having no

power loss in converting electric power into mechanical
DC Motor
• Let E be the voltage applied to the idealized transducer. The electric
power is then given by E ⋅ i , which must be equivalent to the
mechanical power:

• The second fundamental relationship of a DC motor:

• The expression dictates that the voltage across the idealized

power transducer is proportional to the angular velocity and that
the proportionality constant is the same as the torque constant
DC Motor
• The actual DC motor has power loss, having
resistance at the rotor windings and the commutation
mechanism. Furthermore, windings may exhibit some
inductance, which stores energy. The figure below
shows the schematic of the electric circuit, including
the windings resistance R and inductance L
DC Motor

• Combining the equations, we can obtain the actual relationship among the
applied voltage u, the rotor angular velocity ωm , and the motor torque τm .
DC Motor

• where time constant Te = L/R , called the motor reactance, is often

negligibly small. Neglecting this second term, the above equation
reduces to an algebraic relationship:
DC Motor
• This is called the torque-speed
characteristic. Note that the motor torque
increases in proportion to the applied
voltage, but the net torque reduces as the
angular velocity increases.

• The figure illustrates the torque-

speed characteristics. The
negative slope of the straight
lines implies that the voltage-
controlled DC motor has an
inherent damping in its
mechanical behavior
DC Motor
• The power dissipated in the DC motor is given by

• Taking the square root of both sides yields

• where the parameter Km is called the motor constant. The motor

constant represents how effectively electric power is converted
to torque
DC Motor

• Taking into account the internal power

dissipation, the net output power of the DC
motor is given by
DC Motor

• This net output power is a parabolic function of the angular velocity. It should
be noted that the net output power becomes maximum in the middle point of
the velocity axis, i.e. 50 % of the maximum angular velocity for a given
armature voltage u. This implies that the motor is operated most effectively at
50 % of the maximum speed.
DC Motor
The torque-speed characteristics of a DC motor have been determined, as shown in the figure below.
Note that u is the voltage applied to the motor armature, τm and ωm are, respectively, the output torque
and angular velocity of the motor shaft. From this plot,
1.(a) Obtain the motor constant, torque constant, and armature resistance of the motor.
2.(b) When the motor is rotating at 100 radians per second, what is the back emf voltage induced at
the armature?
3.(c) When the motor is producing 2x10-3 Nm of torque, how much power is dissipated as heat at the
motor windings?
DC Motor

Kt ⌧m 4 ⇤ 10
= =
<latexit sha1_base64="(null)">(null)</latexit>
R u 24
DC Motor

3 3
4 ⇤ 10 4 ⇤ 10
0= ⇤ 24 ⇤ Kt ⇤ 200
<latexit sha1_base64="(null)">(null)</latexit>
DC Motor

24 242
Kt = R= 3
<latexit sha1_base64="(null)">(null)</latexit>
200 ⇤ 4 ⇤ 10
<latexit sha1_base64="(null)">(null)</latexit>

200 ⇤ 4 ⇤ 10 3
Km =
<latexit sha1_base64="(null)">(null)</latexit>
DC Motor

E = Kt ⇤ ! m = ⇤ 100 = 12
<latexit sha1_base64="(null)">(null)</latexit>

2 2 6
R 2 24 ⇤ 200 ⇤ 4 ⇤ 10 5
Pdisp = 2 ⇤ ⌧m = = 2 ⇤ 10
<latexit sha1_base64="(null)">(null)</latexit>
Kt 242 ⇤ 200 ⇤ 4 ⇤ 10 3

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