Proficiency Test Sheet: Morehouse

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Date 8/10/2017

PROFICIENCYILC Sheet for figuring En Ratios Use this Sh

Reference Test Lab Reference Test Lab
Lab or Machine M-4644 M-8407 M-4644 M-8407
Reduced Data
Force Applied REF REF % LAB LAB % REF LAB
Test Point # Beg 0 0.00000 0.00000 Beg - Beg 0 0.00000 0.00000
1 500 -0.20547 0.0008% -0.20546 0.0008% -0.20546 -0.20546
2 2500 -1.02079 0.0008% -1.02078 0.0008% -1.02076 -1.02078
3 5000 -2.05568 0.0008% -2.05567 0.0008% -2.05564 -2.05567
End 0 -0.00004 0 Beg - End 0 -0.00004 0.00000
End 0 0.00000 0.00000
# of test point 3

Resolution -2438.27134

Readability 0.00001

Resolution LBF 0.024382713

K=2 k=1
Lab Exp Unc 0.0016% 0.0008%
Ref Exp Unc 0.0016% 0.0008%

Notes: Must have at least 3 test points for this to work. Maximum number of pts is set to 12.

This sheet is to be used for direct Intra Laboratory Comparisons

It is recommended to have a force measuring instrument calibrated by Primary Standards for X ref

 This sheet would be used once you have calculated your CMC's.   Morehouse can calibrate an artifact sent to us, or supply (rent) an artifact for
This would be the final test to prove you are making measurements within your claimed measurement capability. Contact us at [email protected]

Does the Accreditation Body (AB) require Proficiency Testing (PT)?

The En for PT sheet is designed to help meet this requirement.

We strongly recommend using an Ultra Precision Load Cell that is very stable and repeatable when used with a higher end meter. Not doing so will
an artifact used for SPC testing and will strengthen the measurement assurance process.

To meet PT requirements, have this artifact calibrated by dead weight primary standards. Enter the calibration data for this artifact in the Ref Value
calibrated by comparison with a secondary standard (reference load cell). Enter the Lab Unc (CMC) against the Ref Unc (CMC) and the sheet will c

Per ISO 17025 Section 5.9 Assuring the quality of test and calibration results

5.9.1 The laboratory shall have quality control procedures for monitoring the validity of tests and calibrations undertaken. The resulting data shall be
practicable, statistical techniques shall be applied to the reviewing of the results. This monitoring shall be planned and reviewed and may include, bu

a) regular use of certified reference materials and/or internal quality control using secondary reference materials;
b) participation in interlaboratory comparison or proficiency-testing programs;
c) replicate tests or calibrations using the same or different methods;
d) retesting or recalibration of retained items;
e) correlation of results for different characteristics of an item.

NOTE: The selected methods should be appropriate for the type and volume of the work undertaken.
d) retesting or recalibration of retained items;
e) correlation of results for different characteristics of an item.

NOTE: The selected methods should be appropriate for the type and volume of the work undertaken.
figuring En Ratios Use this Sheet for PT tests

Force Applied Difference Difference Lab Uncertainty Ref Uncertainty En Pass/Fail

500 0.00000 0.00813 0.01619 0.01619 0.35493 PASS
2500 0.00002 0.04064 0.04240 0.04240 0.67764 PASS
5000 0.00003 0.07315 0.08123 0.08123 0.63676 PASS
or supply (rent) an artifact for you to compare the results you get against our results.  
tact us at [email protected]

gher end meter. Not doing so will have a negative impact on the CMC. This load cell can double as

ata for this artifact in the Ref Value Cells and enter the calibration data for the same artifact when
Ref Unc (CMC) and the sheet will calculate the En ratio and indicate a "pass" or a "fail".

ertaken. The resulting data shall be recorded in such a way that trends are detectable and, where
and reviewed and may include, but not be limited to, the following:
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet (Repeatability and Reproducibility Sheet) Us
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used Ref S/N
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution

Repeatability Between Techs 6.4550E-3 A Normal

Reproducibility Between Techs 1.1785E-3 A Normal

Repeatability 23.0036E-3 A Normal

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution
Environmental Conditions 30.0000E-3 B Rectangular
Stability of Ref Standard 20.0000E-3 B Rectangular
Ref Standard
Non ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) 0.0000E+0 B Rectangular
Miscellaneous Error 3.0000E-3 B Rectangular
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) 32.0000E-3 B Expanded (95.45% k=2)
Combined Uncertainty (uc) =
Individual Contributors Effective Degrees of Freedom
M o re h o u s e C M C ( R E F L A B ) Coverage Factor (k) =
M i s c e l l a n e o u s E r ro r Expanded Uncertainty (U) =
N o n A ST M o r I S O 3 7 6 ( TO L E R A N C E , N L , S E B )

R ef S t a n d a r d R e s o l u ti o n
S t a b i l i t y o f R ef S t a n d a r d 2
E n v i ro n m e n t a l C o n d i ti o n s 3
Re s o l u ti o n o f U U T 4
A ST M E 7 4 L L F
R e p e at a b i l i t y
R e p ro d u c i b i l i t y B et w e e n Te c h s 9
Re p e at a b i l i t y B et w e e n Te c h s
0.00E+0 5.00E-3 10.00E-3 15.00E-3 20.00E-3 25.00E-3
Distribution Divisor 1/Divisor 13
Rectangular 1.7321 0.5774 14
Triangular 2.4495 0.4082 15
U - Shaped 1.4142 0.7071 16
Resolution of instrument 3.4641 0.2887 17
Coverage Factor (k) Confidence Level 18
1.000 68.27 19
1.645 90.00 20
1.960 95.00 Std. Dev.
2.000 95.45 Average
2.576 99.00 Variance
3.000 99.73 Repeatability
Std. Dev. Of the Mean

Per ISO 5725 The general term for variability between repeated measurements is precision. Two cond
have been found necessary and, for many practical cases, useful for describing the variability of a measurement method. Unde

This sheet is to be used to test the repeatability and reproducibility between technicians
Reproducibility Sheet) Use This for R & R between technicians or machines
Morehouse Morehouse Notes: This she
Sub-Range N/A and Reproducibility between
machines, or between differ
to be used as R & R betwee
Ref S/N DEMOH1017 UUT S/N Test multiple technicians.
Std. Uncert Variance (Std.
Divisor df Uncert^2) % Contribution u^4/df Per ISO 5725 the general te
repeated measurements is p
1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 3.07% 1.7E-9 precision, termed repeatabi
1.000 10.00000 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 0.10% 192.9E-15 conditions, have been found
practical cases, useful for de
measurement method, unde
1.000 7 23.00E-3 529.17E-6 39.02% 40.0E-9
1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 5.65% 183.2E-12
3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 0.61% 347.2E-15 This form will be populated
Data Entry Sheet.
1.732 200 17.32E-3 300.00E-6 22.12% 450.0E-12
1.732 200 11.55E-3 133.33E-6 9.83% 88.9E-12
3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 0.50% 227.8E-15
1.732 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00%
1.732 200 1.73E-3 3.00E-6 0.22% 45.0E-15
2.000 200 16.00E-3 256.00E-6 18.88% 327.7E-12
ombined Uncertainty (uc) = 36.83E-3 1.36E-3 100.00% 42.8E-9
ffective Degrees of Freedom 42 4
u (y)
V  N c4 4
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.02 Effective Degrees e f f c u (x )
xpanded Uncertainty (U) = 74.32E-3
of Freedom
i  1 i v i For this sheet, data can be ent
i technicians should measure the
Repeatability and Reproducibility Worksheet each and the reduced data sho
Technician 1 Technician 2 Technician 3 Technician 4 Technician 5 Technician 6 Technician cells in light yellow.
points per technician, when we
2.00000 2.00000 perform 10 points per technicia
2.00000 2.00000
2.00000 2.00000
2.00000 2.00000
1.99999 2.00000
2.00000 1.99998

4.0824829E-06 0.000008165
1.9999983333 1.9999966667
1.6666667E-11 6.6666667E-11
epeatability 0.000006455 1000.00 0.006454983 LBF
producibility 1.1785113E-06 0.0011785133 LBF
8.3333333E-07 Convert to Eng Unit (Use Values Above) YES
Force Value corresponding to R & R Output 2000.00

nts is precision. Two conditions of precision, termed repeatability and reproducibility conditions,
of a measurement method. Under repeatability conditions
Morehouse Notes: This sheet is used to do Repeatability
and Reproducibility between technicians, between
machines, or between different instruments. It is setup
to be used as R & R between technicians, if using
multiple technicians.

Per ISO 5725 the general term for variability between

repeated measurements is precision. Two conditions of
precision, termed repeatability and reproducibility
conditions, have been found necessary and, for many
practical cases, useful for describing the variability of a
measurement method, under repeatability conditions

This form will be populated with information found in the

Data Entry Sheet.

For this sheet, data can be entered for up to 6 technicians. The

technicians should measure the same test point up to 20 times
each and the reduced data should be entered under the
Technician cells in light yellow. We rtecommend a minimum of 5
points per technician, when we run these tests we typically
perform 10 points per technician

2 -0.33333 0.111111
2 -0.33333 0.111111
3 0.666667 0.444444



y conditions,
Section 2 Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet Data Analysis (Nothing below should need filled out)
Laboratory Morehouse Miscellaneous Error
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range N/A Force
Technician HZ 1 200
Date 8/10/2017 Standards Used Ref S/N DEMOH1017 UUT S/N Test 2 2000
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Variance (Std. % Contribution u^4/df
Uncert^2) 3
Reproducibility & Rep ( R & R sheet) 6.5617E-3 A Normal 1.000 10 6.56E-3 43.06E-6 3.17% 185.4E-12 4
Repeatability 23.0036E-3 A Normal 1.000 7 23.00E-3 529.17E-6 39.02% 40.0E-9 5
ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 5.65% 183.2E-12 6
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 0.61% 347.2E-15 7
Environmental Conditions 30.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 17.32E-3 300.00E-6 22.12% 450.0E-12 8
Stability of Ref Standard 20.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 11.55E-3 133.33E-6 9.83% 88.9E-12 9
Ref Standard Resolution 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 0.50% 227.8E-15 10
Non ASTM or ISO 376
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) 0.0000E+0 B Rectangular 1.732 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00% 11
Miscellaneous Error 3.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 1.73E-3 3.00E-6 0.22% 45.0E-15 12
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) 32.0000E-3 B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000 200 32.00E-3 1.02E-3 18.88% 5.2E-9
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 36.83E-3 1.36E-3 100.00% 41.2E-9
u c4 ( y )
Effective Degrees of Freedom 44 Formula V e ff  The grey column Ref CMC is what
c 4u 4 (x )
NOTE:  ONLY ENTER INFO IN GREY BOXES  IN SECTION 1 UNLESS CHANGING DI Coverage Factor (k) = 2.02 i  1 i v i populates individual sheets
Expanded Uncertainty (U) = 0.07 0.00371%
Slope Regression Worksheet Applied Ref CMC
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Error Calculated 200.00 0.000016
1 200.00 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.0 200.005 0.0129099445 0.0 199.99777784 2000.00 0.000016
2 2000.00 2000.1 2000.0 2000.1 2000.0 2000.0375 0.0298607881 0.0 1999.9652784
Repeatability (Of Error) 0.0229809704 Average Standard Deviation of Runs 0.023004 1272.7692256 0.0229805555
Slope 0.9999819448 Non ASTM or ISO 376 (TOLERANCE,NL,SEB)

f(x) = 1.0000180556x + 0.0013888889
R² = 1



0.00 500.00 1000.00 1500.00 2000.00 2500.00
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std.
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert % Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 9.21% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 0.31% 192.9E-15

Repeatability 12.9099E-3 A Normal 1.000 3 12.91E-3 166.67E-6 36.85% 9.3E-9

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 16.93% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 1.84% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions 3.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 1.73E-3 3.00E-6 0.66% 45.0E-15
Stability of Ref Standard 20.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 11.55E-3 133.33E-6 29.48% 88.9E-12
Ref Standard
Non ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 1.49% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) 0.0000E+0 B Rectangular 1.732 200 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00% 0.0E+0
Miscellaneous Error 6.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 3.46E-3 12.00E-6 2.65% 720.0E-15
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) 3.2000E-3 B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000 200 3.20E-3 10.24E-6 0.57% 524.3E-15
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 21.27E-3 452.26E-6 100.00% 11.3E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 18
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.10
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.04 0.02234%
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
1 200.00 200.00 199.99 200.02 200.01 200.005 0.0129 0.0016% 0.0032
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 1.43% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 0.05% 192.9E-15

Repeatability 29.8608E-3 A Normal 1.000 3 29.86E-3 891.67E-6 30.58% 265.0E-9

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 2.63% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 0.29% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions 30.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 17.32E-3 300.00E-6 10.29% 450.0E-12
Stability of Ref Standard 20.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 11.55E-3 133.33E-6 4.57% 88.9E-12
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 0.23% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) 0.0000E+0 B Rectangular 1.732 200 0.00E+0 0.00E+0 0.00% 0.0E+0
Miscellaneous Error 60.0000E-3 B Rectangular 1.732 200 34.64E-3 1.20E-3 41.16% 7.2E-9
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) 32.0000E-3 B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000 32.00E-3 1.02E-3 8.78%
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 54.00E-3 2.92E-3 100.00% 274.7E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 30
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.04
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.11 0.00551%
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
1 2000.00 2000.07 2000.00 2000.05 2000.03 2000.0375 0.0299 0.0016% 0.032
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF
Measurement Uncertainty Budget Worksheet
Laboratory Morehouse
Parameter FORCE Range 2K Sub-Range
Technician HZ Standards
Date 8/10/2017 Used

Variance (Std. %
Uncertainty Contributor Magnitude Type Distribution Divisor df Std. Uncert Uncert^2) Contribution u^4/df

Repeatability Between Techs 0.006454983 A Normal 1.000 1 6.45E-3 41.67E-6 30.93% 1.7E-9
Reproducibility Between Techs 0.0011785133 A Normal 1.000 10 1.18E-3 1.39E-6 1.03% 192.9E-15

Repeatability #DIV/0! A Normal 1.000 -1

ASTM E74 LLF 8.7500E-3 A Normal 1.000 32 8.75E-3 76.56E-6 56.84% 183.2E-12
Resolution of UUT 10.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.89E-3 8.33E-6 6.19% 347.2E-15
Environmental Conditions B Rectangular 1.732 200
Stability of Ref Standard B Rectangular 1.732 200
ASTM or Resolution
ISO 376 9.0000E-3 B Resolution 3.464 200 2.60E-3 6.75E-6 5.01% 227.8E-15
(TOLERANCE,NL,SEB) B Rectangular 1.732 200
Miscellaneous Error B Rectangular 1.732 200
Morehouse CMC (REF LAB) #VALUE! B Expanded (95.45% k=2) 1.000
Combined Uncertainty (uc)= 11.61E-3 134.70E-6 100.00% 1.9E-9
Effective Degrees of Freedom 9
Coverage Factor (k) = 2.26
Expanded Uncertainty (U) K = 0.03 #DIV/0!
Slope Regression Worksheet
Applied Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Average Std. Dev. Ref CMC LBF

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