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Topology and its Applications 159 (2012) 2621–2626

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Topology and its Applications

Some further results on ideal convergence in topological spaces

Pratulananda Das 1
Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, West Bengal, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper we make some further investigations on ideal convergence and in particular
Received 1 December 2011 we concentrate on I -limit points and I -cluster points. We try to establish the characteri-
Received in revised form 17 April 2012 zation of the set of I -limit points (which has not been done in any structure so far) and
Accepted 17 April 2012
show that this set can be characterized as an F σ -set for a large class of ideals, namely
analytic P -ideals and then make certain interesting observations on I -cluster points.
primary 40G15 © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
secondary 54D20

Ideal convergence
I -limit points
F σ -set
I -cluster points

1. Introduction

We start by recalling the definition of asymptotic density as follows: If N denotes the set of natural numbers and K ⊂ N,
then K n denotes the set {k ∈ K : k  n} and | K n | stands for the cardinality of the set K n . The asymptotic density of the
subset K is defined by
|Kn |
d( K ) = lim
n→∞ n
provided the limit exists.
Using this idea of asymptotic density, the idea of convergence of a real sequence had been extended to statistical conver-
gence by Fast [10] (see also [17]) as follows: A sequence (xn )n∈N of points in a metric space ( X , ρ ) is said to be statistically
convergent to  if for arbitrary  > 0, the set K ( ) = {k ∈ N: d(xk , )   } has asymptotic density zero. A lot of investi-
gations have been done on this very interesting convergence and its topological consequences after the initial works by
Fridy [11,12]. For more references one can see [2,15] and in particular [1,7,8] for more recent studies and applications of
statistical convergence in topological spaces where the reference of the other breakthrough work of Šalát can also be found.
In particular in [12] Fridy introduced the notions of statistical limit and statistical cluster points and showed that the set
of all statistical cluster points is closed but the set of statistical limit points is neither open nor closed. In [14] this set was
finally characterized as an F σ -set (the same was established for double sequences in [3]).
On the other hand, in [13] an interesting generalization of the notion of statistical convergence was proposed. Namely
it is easy to check that the family Id = { A ⊂ N: d( A ) = 0} forms a non-trivial admissible (or free) ideal of N (recall that

E-mail address: [email protected].

The author is thankful to CSIR for granting the project No. 25(0186)/10/EMR-II during the tenure of which this work was done.

0166-8641/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2622 P. Das / Topology and its Applications 159 (2012) 2621–2626

I ⊂ P (N) is called an ideal if (i) A , B ∈ I implies A ∪ B ∈ I and (ii) A ∈ I , B ⊂ A implies B ∈ I . I is called non-trivial if
I = {∅} and N ∈/ I . I is admissible (or free) if it contains all singletons. If I is a proper non-trivial ideal on N, then the
family of sets F (I ) = { M ⊂ N: there exists A ∈ I : M = N\ A } is a filter in X . It is called the filter associated with the ideal).
Thus one may consider an arbitrary ideal I of N and define I -convergence of a sequence by replacing the sets of density
zero by the members of the ideal. Following the general line of [13], ideals were used to study sequences in topological
spaces [15,4] (where more references can be found), to study nets in topological and uniform spaces [16,5,6].
In this paper we continue the investigations initiated in [15] and investigate some further properties related to ideal
convergence. Throughout the paper I will denote a proper non-trivial ideal of N. In particular we concentrate on I -limit
points and I -cluster points. In the main results of this paper we establish the characterization of the set of I -limit points
(which has not been done in any structure till now) and show that this set can also be characterized as an F σ -set for a
large class of ideals, namely analytic P -ideals. This result extends the similar result proved for statistical limit points by
Kostyrko et al. [14] and Di Maio and Kočinac [7]. However the method of proof is not exactly analogous to [7] and [14].
We then make certain interesting observations on I -cluster points in line of [7]. Throughout the paper we follow the usual
notation and terminology (see for example [9]).

2. Main results

We first recall the following definitions and results from [15].

Definition 1. Let x = (xn )n∈N be a sequence of elements in a topological space ( X , τ ).

(a) y ∈ X is called an I -limit point of x if there exists a set M = {m1 < m2 < m3 < · · ·} ⊂ N such that M ∈
/ I and
limk→∞ xmk = y .
(b) y ∈ X is called an I -cluster point of x if for every open set U containing y, {n ∈ N: xn ∈ U } ∈
/ I.

We denote by I (C x ) and I ( L x ) the collections of all I -cluster points and all I -limit points of x, respectively. For an
admissible ideal I , it is known that I ( L x ) ⊂ I (C x ) [13,15].

Theorem 1. Let I be an admissible ideal of N. Then:

(1) I (C x ) is closed for each sequence x in X .

(2) Conversely if X is such that hcld( X ) = ω (i.e. every closed subset of X is separable [7]) and if there exists a disjoint sequence of
sets ( M n )n∈N such that M n ⊂ N, M n ∈ / I ∀n, then for each non-void closed set F ⊂ X , there exists a sequence x in X such that
F = I (C x ).

Proof of (1) is given in [15]. Though proof of (2) is given in [15] taking X as hereditarily separable, one can easily observe
that the condition hcld( X ) = ω is sufficient to prove the result.

2.1. Characterization of the set I ( L x )

An ideal I is said to be a P -ideal (or said to satisfy condition (AP)) if for every sequence ( A n )n∈N of elements of I there
exists A ∞ ∈ I such that A n \ A ∞ is a finite set for every n ∈ N. Also recall that after identifying the power set P (N) of N
with the Cantor space C = {0, 1}N in a standard manner we may consider an ideal as a subset of C . An ideal is called an
analytic ideal if it corresponds to an analytic subset of C . Solecki [18,19] proved that every analytic P -ideal is determined by
some lower semicontinuous submeasure on N.

Definition. Let S be a set. We say that a map ϕ : P ( S ) → [0, ∞] is a submeasure on S if it satisfies the following conditions:

• ϕ (∅) = 0 and ϕ ({s}) < ∞ for every s ∈ S,

• ϕ is monotone: if A ⊂ B ⊂ S, then ϕ ( A )  ϕ ( B ),
• ϕ is subadditive: if A , B ⊂ S, then ϕ ( A ∪ B )  ϕ ( A ) + ϕ ( B ).

A submeasure ϕ on N is lower semicontinuous if for every A ⊂ N we have ϕ ( A ) = limn→∞ ϕ ( A ∩ [1, n]).

Note that a submeasure on N is lower semicontinuous if and only if it is lower semicontinuous as a function from P (N)
to [0, ∞]. Solecki in [19] proved that every analytic P -ideal I can be presented as
I = A ⊂ N: lim ϕ A \[1, n] = 0 (∗)

for some lower semicontinuous submeasure ϕ on N.

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Theorem 2. Let X be a first countable space. For any sequence (xn )n∈N in X the set I ( L x ) is an F σ -set provided I is an analytic
P -ideal.

Proof. Since I is an analytic P -ideal, there exists a lower semicontinuous submeasureϕ satisfying (∗). For any r ∈ N let
F r = p ∈ X: ∃ A = {n1 < n2 < n3 < · · ·} ⊂ N, lim xnk = p and lim ϕ A \[1, n]  .
k n→∞ r

We shall now show that each F r is a closed subset of X . Let α ∈ F r and let U be a neighborhood of α . Since X is first
countable, there is a sequence (α j ) j ∈N in F r converging to α . For each α j , we can find A j ⊂ N with limn→∞, n∈ A j xn = α j
and limn→∞ ϕ ( A j \[1, n])  1r . Let ( j ) j ∈N be a monotonically decreasing sequence of positive real numbers converging to 0.
We now proceed as follows: First choose n1 ∈ N such that ϕ ( A 1 \[1, n1 ])  1r − 21 . Now lower semicontinuity of ϕ implies
that ϕ ( A 1 \[1, n1 ]) = limn→∞ ϕ [( A 1 \[1, n1 ]) ∩ [1, n]]. Choose m ∈ N such that ϕ [( A 1 \[1, n1 ]) ∩ [1, n]]  ϕ ( A 1 \[1, n1 ]) − 21
∀n  m. Again there exists m1 ∈ N such that ϕ ( A 2 \[1, n])  1r − 22 ∀n  m1 . Now choose n2 > n1 , m, m1 . Then clearly
we have simultaneously ϕ ( A 1 ∩ (n1 , n2 ])  1r − 1 and also ϕ ( A 2 \[1, n2 ])  1r − 22 . Proceeding as above we now choose

n3 > n2 such that ϕ ( A 2 ∩ (n2 , n3 ])  1r − 2 and ϕ ( A 3 \[1, n3 ])  1r − 23 and so on. Thus we can construct a sequence
n1 < n2 < n3 < · · · of positive integers such that
ϕ A j ∩ (n j , n j+1 ]  −  j, j ∈ N.

/ I . Let A = {l1 < l2 < l3 < · · ·}. Since
Let us define A = j { A j ∩ (n j , n j +1 ]}. Then clearly limn→∞ ϕ ( A \[1, n])  1r and so A ∈
lim j α j = α and α ∈ U so α j ∈ U ∀ j  j 0 for some j 0 ∈ N. This implies that xn ∈ U for all but a finite number of indices n
of the set  A. Therefore α ∈ F r . Hence F r is a closed subset of X . The assertion now immediately follows from the fact that
I ( L x ) = r∞=1 F r . 2

For the next theorem we shall need the following result.

Lemma 1. ([7]) Let X be a space with hcld( X ) = ω . Then for any closed set F ⊂ X there is a sequence x = (xn )n∈N in X such that
F = L (x) (z ∈ L (x) if for each neighborhood W of z, {n ∈ N: xn ∈ W } is infinite).

Theorem 3. Let X be a space with hcld( X ) = ω . Then for each F σ -set A in X there exists a sequence x = (xn )n∈N in X such that
A = I ( L x ) provided I is an analytic P -ideal.

Proof. Let A = i =1 A i where each A i is a closed subset of X . By Lemma 1, for each i, we can find a sequence ( y i , j ) j ∈N ⊂ A i
(see the proof of Lemma 1 from [7]) such that A i = L (( y i , j )).
Before we proceed, we first observe that if K ∈ / I then limn→∞ ϕ ( K \[1, n]) = β (say) = 0. Then β > 0 (possibly β = ∞).
Fromthe lower semicontinuity of ϕ , there are finite pairwise disjoint sets C j , j ∈ N with Cj ⊂ K andlim j →∞ ϕ (C j ) = β . Let
N= ∞ i =1 D i be a decomposition of N into pairwise disjoint subsets of N. Put K 1 = ( K \ j C j) ∪ ( j ∈ D 1 C j ) and for i > 1
Ki = j∈ D i C j . Then one can check that the sets K i ’s are pairwise disjoint subsets of K , K = i =1 K i . Further it follows
lim ϕ K i \[1, n] = β ∀i ∈ N.

/ I ∀i.
Clearly then K i ∈ 
We now come back to the main proof. First / I for
 decompose N into pairwise disjoint sets N = i ∈N M i where M i ∈
any i. Further for each i ∈ N, decompose M i = j ∈N B i , j where
lim ϕ B i, j \[1, n] = lim ϕ M i \[1, n] = βi (say) ∀ j ∈ N
n→∞ n→∞

/ I ∀ j ∈ N. Define a sequence x = (xn )n∈N as follows:

and B i , j ∈

xn = y i , j for each n ∈ B i , j .
We shall show that A = I ( L x ). The following two cases may arise. 
(i) First suppose that there is a subsequence (xnk )k∈N of x converging to y and y ∈ / A. Then for every i, ij =1 M j contains
only finite number of terms n1 , n2 , . . . , ns but {n1 , n2 , . . . , ns } ∈ I (since I is admissible). So y ∈
/ I ( L x ).
(ii) Now take y ∈ A. Then y ∈ A i for some i ∈ N. Then there is a subsequence (xi , jk )k∈N of (xi , j ) j ∈N which converges
to y. Choose an  > 0 such that  < βi . Following the proof in Theorem 1 we can find a sequence of positive integers
t 1 < t 2 < t 3 < · · · such that
ϕ B i, jk ∩ (tk , tk+1 ]  βi −  .
2624 P. Das / Topology and its Applications 159 (2012) 2621–2626

We now define B = k∈N { B i , jk ∩ (tk , tk+1 ]}. Then it readily follows that
lim ϕ B \[1, n]  βi −  .

/ I and it is easy to observe that limn→∞, n∈ B xn = y. This shows that y ∈ I ( L x ). This completes the proof of
Therefore B ∈
the theorem. 2

2.2. Further properties of I -cluster points

We now present the following additional properties related to the set I (C x ) (the first theorem is also true for I ( L x )).

/ I then I (C x ) = I (C y ),
Theorem 4. If x = (xn )n∈N and y = ( yn )n∈N are two sequences in X such that {n ∈ N: xn = yn } ∈
I ( L x ) = I ( L y ).

Proof. Let w ∈ I (C x ). Let U be an open set with w ∈ U . Then from the definition, {n ∈ N: xn ∈ U } ∈
/ I . But note that if
{n ∈ N: yn ∈ U } ∈ I then since
{n ∈ N: xn ∈ U } ⊂ {n ∈ N: xn = yn } ∪ {n ∈ N: yn ∈ U }
so by our assumption {n ∈ N: xn ∈ U } ∈ I which is a contradiction. Hence {n ∈ N: yn ∈ U } ∈
/ I and so w ∈ I (C y ). Similarly
we can show that I (C y ) ⊂ I (C x ) and so the equality is proved.
The proof for I -limit points is similar. 2

Theorem 5. For any sequence x = (xn )n∈N in a hereditarily Lindelöf space X , there exists a sequence y = ( yn )n∈N in X such that
{n ∈ N: xn = yn } ∈ I and I (C x ) = L ( y ) provided I satisfies the condition (AP) or in other words is a P -ideal.

Proof. The proof is finished if I (C x ) = L (x). If not, then I (C x )  L (x). For each z ∈ L (x)\I (C x ) we can find an open set U z
containing z such that {n ∈ N: xn ∈ U z } ∈ I . Now {U z : z ∈ L (x)\I (C x )} forms an open cover of L (x)\I (C x ) and so it has
a countable subcover {U zi : i ∈ N} (say). Put A i = {n ∈ N: xn ∈ U zi }. Then ( A i ) is a sequence of sets in I and since I has
property (AP), there exists an A ∈ I such that A i \ A is finite for each i. If N\ A = {kn : n ∈ N}, then construct y = ( yn )n∈N as

yn = xkn if n ∈ A ,
yn = xn if n ∈
/ A.
Clearly then {n ∈ N: xn = yn } ⊂ A and so belongs to I . By Theorem 4 we have I (C x ) = I (C y ). But note that the subse-
quence (xkn ) of ( yn )n∈N has no accumulation point in L (x)\I (C x ) and so has no I -limit point of ( yn ) (since I is admissible).
So L ( y ) = I (C y ) and consequently we have L ( y ) = I (C x ). 2

/ I implies that K ∩ I (C x ) = ∅.
Theorem 6. For any compact subset K of X and any sequence x = (xn )n∈N in X , {n ∈ N: xn ∈ K } ∈

Proof. If possible let K ∩ I (C x ) = ∅. Now for each z ∈ K there exists an open set U z containing z such that M z = {n ∈ N: xn ∈
U z } ∈ I . Now {U z : z ∈ K } forms an open cover of the compact set K and so has a finite subcover {U z1 , U z2 , U z3 , . . . , U zk }
(say). But then

{n ∈ N: xn ∈ K } ⊂ M z1 ∪ M z2 ∪ · · · ∪ M zk .
Since the set on the right hand side belongs to I so is then the set on the left hand side which is a contradiction. 2

2.3. Uniform spaces

For the rest of the section our underlining structure is a Hausdorff uniform space ( X , U). By CL( X ) and K( X ) we denote
the set of all nonempty closed subsets of X and all nonempty compact subsets of X , respectively. Recall that a sequence
x = (xn )n∈N in ( X , U) is called bounded if {xn : n ∈ N} ⊂ U [ p ] = {q ∈ X: ( p , q) ∈ U } for some point p ∈ X and some U ∈ U.
( X , U) is called boundedly compact if each closed bounded set in X is compact. ( X , U) is said to have nice closed sections if
for each U ∈ U and x ∈ X , U [x] is compact provided U [x] = X .
bs( X ) will denote the set of all bounded sequences in ( X , U), while I − cs( X ) will denote the set of all sequences
x = (xn )n∈N in X with I (C x ) = ∅. Since by Theorem 6, I (C x ) = ∅ for bounded sequences so bs( X ) ⊂ I − cs( X ). If ( X , U) is
boundedly compact then I (C x ) is compact, so bounded and also is a closed set (by Theorem 1). Hence we can introduce
the mapping

θI : bs( X ) → K( X ) by θI (x) = I (C x ) for each x = (xn )n∈N ∈ bs( X ).

P. Das / Topology and its Applications 159 (2012) 2621–2626 2625

We endow I − cs( X ) with a uniformity Ũ defined as follows:


Ũ = Ũ = (xn ), ( yn ) : ∀n xn ∈ U [ yn ] and yn ∈ U [xn ] ; U ∈ U .

On K( X ) we consider the Hausdorff–Bourbaki uniformity U H inherited from the space CL( X ), namely

U H = U = ( A , B ) ∈ CL( X ) × CL( X ): U ∈ U, A ⊂ U [ B ] and B ⊂ U [ A ] .

Theorem 7. Let ( X , U) be a boundedly compact uniform space. Then the mapping θI : (bs( X ), Ũ) → (K( X ), U H ) is uniformly contin-

Proof. Let U ∈ U. Choose a V ∈ U such that V 3 ⊂ U . Let ((xn ), ( yn )) ∈ Ṽ and p ∈ I (C x ) (where x = (xn )n∈N ). Then B =
/ I . Now for each n ∈ B, (xn , yn ) ∈ V and (xn , p ) ∈ V so that ( yn , p ) ∈ V 2 , i.e. yn ∈ V 2 [ p ]. Hence
{n ∈ N: xn ∈ V [ p ]} ∈

n ∈ N: yn ∈ V 2 [ p ] ⊃ n ∈ N: xn ∈ V [ p ]

which implies that the set on the left hand side also cannot belong to I . Again as V 2 [ p ] is compact, by Theorem 6,
V 2 [ p ] ∩ I (C y ) = ∅ ( y = ( yn )n∈N ). This implies that p ∈ V 3 [I (C y )]. Therefore

I (C x ) ⊂ V 3 I (C y ) ⊂ U I (C y ) .
Similarly it can be shown that I (C y ) ⊂ U [I (C x )]. Hence (I (C x ), I (C y )) ∈ U ∈ U H . 2

Now we recall the following concepts.

2 X will denote the collection of all closed subsets of a Hausdorff topological space X . For A ⊂ X and any family A of
subsets of X we define

Ac = X \ A, Ac = Ac : A ∈ A ,

A − = F ∈ 2 X : F ∩ A = ∅ ,

A+ = F ∈ 2 X : F ⊂ A .
Let ⊂ 2 X and let be closed under finite unions and contains all singletons.
The upper -topology denoted by τ + , is the topology with the base

Dc : D ∈ ∪ CL( X ) .
When = CL( X ), the resulting topology is known as the upper Vietoris topology τ V + and for = K( X ), the resulting
topology is known as upper Fell topology τ F + .
The lower Vietoris topology τ V − is generated by the subbase {U − : U ⊂ X is open}. The -topology τ is defined as
τ + ∨ τ V − and so has basic sets of the form
Dc ∩ V i− , D ∈ , V 1 , . . . , V m open in X .
i m

Similarly the Vietoris topology and Fell topology are defined as τV = τV + ∨ τV − , τ F = τ F + ∨ τV − .

Theorem 8. For a locally compact uniform space ( X , U), the mapping θI : (I − cs( X ), Ũ) → (CL( X ), τ V − ) is continuous.

Proof. Take a basic open set G − from (CL( X ), τ V − ) where G is open in X . Let x = (xn )n∈N ∈ θI−1 (G − ). Then clearly I (C x ) ∩
G = ∅. Let p ∈ I (C x ) ∩ G. By the local compactness, we can find a V ∈ U such that p ∈ V [ p ] ⊂ G and V [ p ] is compact.
Choose W ∈ U such that W 2 ⊂ V . Since p ∈ I (C x ), {n ∈ N: xn ∈ W [ p ]} ∈
/ I . Take y = ( yn )n∈N ∈ W̃ [(xn )]. Now yn ∈ W [xn ]
∀n and xn ∈ W [ p ] imply that yn ∈ W 2 [ p ] ⊂ V [ p ]. Thus

n ∈ N: xn ∈ W [ p ] ⊂ n ∈ N: yn ∈ V [ p ] ⊂ n ∈ N: yn ∈ V [ p ] .
/ I . Since V [ p ] is compact, Theorem 6 implies that I (C y ) ∩ V [ p ] = ∅, and so I (C y ) ∩
Then obviously {n ∈ N: yn ∈ V [ p ]} ∈
G = ∅. Hence y ∈ θI−1 (G − ). This shows that W̃ [(xn )] ⊂ θI−1 (G − ) and hence θI is continuous. 2

Theorem 9. Let ( X , U) be a non-compact uniform space with nice closed sections. Then the mapping θI : (I − cs( X ), Ũ) →
(CL( X ), τ F + ) is continuous.

We can prove this result following similar arguments like the last theorem and so the proof is omitted.

Corollary 1. Let ( X , U) be a non-compact uniform space with nice closed sections. Then the mapping θI : (I − cs( X ), Ũ) →
(CL( X ), τ F ) is continuous.

The same type of observation can be derived if CL( X ) is endowed with the proximal topology [7] also.
2626 P. Das / Topology and its Applications 159 (2012) 2621–2626


The author is thankful to the referee for his/her several valuable suggestions which improved the presentation of the


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