Salary Survey 2019 Europe PDF

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“As a market-leading global recruitment group our purpose is clear - we power

people and organisations to fulfil their unique potential – and that’s what we’ve
been doing for over 33 years.

People are at the heart of everything we do from the job seeker, to the hiring
manager, to those who bring them together. Our candidates and clients see us
as a trusted advisor, helping them to fulfil career aspirations and build exceptional
teams over the long-term.

We do this through our collaborative culture and non-commission model which

ensures that candidate and client needs are front and centre.

Our candidates know that we’ll take the time to listen and advise them on the next
step in their career. It’s these relationships that enable us to offer our clients the
best talent on the market and that’s why they return to us again and again. We’re
also experts in the disciplines we recruit for enabling us to provide insight into
hiring and salary trends.

While our reach is global, we remain committed to providing our clients with local
market insight. We look to hire the best local talent to ensure we can offer a deep
ROBERT WALTERS, understanding of the local culture and market conditions. This sets us apart from
the competition and helps us remain a trusted recruitment partner to the world’s
leading businesses.”

Robert Walters
Robert Walters plc

Locations we operate in


To discover hiring and salary trends across the world, read our Global Trends on page 10 or
download our books covering:
• Australia & New Zealand • Japan
• Brazil • Middle East & Africa
• Canada • South Korea
• Europe • United Kingdom
• Greater China & South East Asia
Download your copy today by visiting

In an increasingly complex global recruitment market, the WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT?

Robert Walters Group builds great teams for our clients by Bespoke, consultative service
offering an end-to-end recruitment service, on a local, regional
or global basis.
1. Commitment to quality
OUR CORE DISCIPLINES INCLUDE: We focus on building long-term, high-quality relationships
• Accounting & Finance with clients and candidates. We consult and advise, helping
• Banking & Financial Services our candidates make the right career move. This builds trust
and loyalty and ensures we continually have the industry’s
• Engineering top talent for our clients.
• Human Resources
• Legal 2. Specialists
• Marketing We hire from industry to ensure our consultants are
• Sales specialists in the disciplines they recruit for. They also
• Secretarial & Support bring with them strong personal relationships and industry
networks enabling them to find hard to reach talent with
• Supply Chain & Procurement
niche skill sets.
• Technology
Robert Walters has found I have found We had a dedicated team
us some great people. Robert Walters to be from Robert Walters who
They’re fast, friendly and professional, thorough provided consistency
very well connected. and responsive. They’ve and a great level of
I’ve worked with many introduced us to quality expertise in their relevant
recruiters over the years candidates who closely disciplines. The team
but the Robert Walters match our requirements clearly communicated the
team are without doubt and as a result we have recruitment process to
my favourite. made successful hires. us and provided sound
advice around the market,
Michael Acton Smith, Henry Loo, VP Data candidate experience and
Co-founder & CEO, Management and expectations.
Calm, USA Analytics, DBS Bank,
Hong Kong Sam Reynolds, Senior HR
Advisor, ARTC, Australia

3. No individual commission 5. Innovation culture

We operate a team-based profit share system which, we We were the first recruiter to launch a recruitment process
believe, sets us apart from the vast majority of our outsourcing business and we continue to lead the way with
competitors as it ensures the interests of both the client and industry-first sponsorships and brand development such as our
candidate remain our number one priority. There is also no sponsorship of the British and Irish Lions.
ownership of candidates ensuring clients always see the
best talent we have available.
6. Long-term business focus
Our strategy is one of organic growth through international
4. Our people and culture expansion and discipline diversification. We invest in markets for
We promote long-term, international careers helping us to retain the long-term and maintain our presence, even in tough times.
our top people which provides continuity for our clients. We’re
proud to say our senior management team is home-grown with
7. End-to-end recruitment service
an average tenure of 17 years.
We offer clients a true end-to-end recruitment service, from
permanent, contract and interim recruitment through to
recruitment process outsourcing.

INTRODUCTION Healthcare....................................... 59 TOULOUSE

Global Trends................................... 10 Human Resources.......................... 60 Finance............................................ 81
Regional Trends................................ 12 Information Technology & Digital.. 61 Human Resources.......................... 81
Insurance......................................... 62 Manufacturing & Supply Chain..... 82
REGIONAL OVERVIEWS Real Estate & Construction........... 63 Sales................................................ 83
Australia & New Zealand.................. 14 Sales & Marketing.......................... 64 Research & Development
Europe.............................................. 16 Supply Chain & Procurement........ 65 - Engineering................................... 83
Greater China................................... 18 Tax, Legal & Compliance............... 66
Japan & South Korea....................... 20 Private Practice.............................. 67 GERMANY
Middle East....................................... 22 OVERVIEW....................................... 84
Africa................................................ 23 Interim Management...................... 68 Accounting & Finance.................... 89
North Amercia.................................. 24 Banking & Financial Services........ 90
South East Asia................................ 26 Contract Legal
United Kingdom............................... 28 Accounting & Finance.................... 70 Private Practice................................ 92
Banking........................................... 70 In-House........................................... 92
BELGIUM Business Support........................... 71 Sales & Digital Marketing.............. 93
OVERVIEW....................................... 32 Construction................................... 71 Information Technology................. 95
Financial Services.......................... 37 Human Resources & Legal............ 72
Commerce & Industry.................... 38 Information Technology & Digital.. 72 IRELAND
Engineering..................................... 39 Insurance......................................... 73 OVERVIEW....................................... 96
Interim Management...................... 40 Life Sciences................................... 73 Accounting & Finance.................. 104
Contract Business Support........... 41 Real Estate...................................... 74 Banking & Financial Services...... 105
Contract Finance............................ 42 Sales Management & Supply Chain.... 75 Compliance................................... 109
Cyber Security & IT Risk.............. 110
FRANCE LYON Engineering, Supply Chain
OVERVIEW....................................... 44 Accounting & Finance.................... 76 & Procurement.............................. 111
Engineering..................................... 76 Information Technology............... 112
PARIS Healthcare....................................... 77 Legal.............................................. 113
Permanent Human Resources & Legal............ 77 Secretarial & Business Support.... 114
Accounting & Finance.................... 55 Information Technology................. 78
Banking........................................... 56 Sales & Marketing.......................... 79 LUXEMBOURG
Consulting....................................... 57 Supply Chain................................... 79 OVERVIEW..................................... 116
Engineering & Manufacturing........ 58 Contract.......................................... 80 Banking & Financial Services...... 119

OVERVIEW.................................... 120 OVERVIEW.................................... 140 AUSTRALIA EY 2019
Accounting & Finance ................. 127 Accounting & Finance ................. 144
EY 2019

Permanent ..................................... 127 Engineering & Operations........... 145 SALARY SURVEY 2019

Information Technology .............. 146

Interim................................................128 EUROPE EY 2019

Banking & Financial Services ..... 129 Sales & Marketing ....................... 148
EY 2019
Permanent ..................................... 129 SPAIN
JAPAN 2019

Interim................................................129 MIDDLE EAST EY 2019
Human Resources ....................... 130 OVERVIEW.................................... 150
Permanent ..................................... 130 Accounting & Finance ................. 158

Legal ............................................. 131 Banking & Insurance ................... 159

Permanent ..................................... 131 Engineering .................................. 161
Interim................................................131 Human Resources ....................... 166
Information Technology .............. 132 Interim Management .................... 166
Interim................................................132 Information Technology & Digital 167
Procurement ................................ 133 Pharma, Healthcare & Biotech ... 170
Interim................................................133 Sales & Marketing ....................... 171 Drawing on our local knowledge and expertise
(Semi) Public ................................ 134 Tax & Legal ................................... 173 across six continents we’ve produced a series
Permanent ..................................... 134 of books covering:

Interim................................................134 SWITZERLAND
• Australia & • Japan
Tax & Treasury.............................. 135 OVERVIEW.................................... 174 New Zealand • Middle East & Africa
Permanent ..................................... 135 Accounting & Finance ................. 179 • Brazil • South Korea
Interim................................................135 Banking & Financial Services ..... 180 • Canada • United Kingdom
Engineering .................................. 181 • Europe
Contract Healthcare .................................... 182 • Greater China &
Finance ......................................... 136 Luxury, Sales & Marketing .......... 183 South East Asia

Banking & Financial Services ..... 136 Professional Services &

Information Technology ............... 137 Consulting .................................... 184
Supply Chain ................................ 138 Technology ................................... 185
Secretarial & Office Support ....... 139
HR Support................................... 139
Download your copy today by visiting
8  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
ABOUT THE Our Salary Survey is based on the
analysis of permanent, interim and
SALARY SURVEY contract placements made across each
of our geographies and recruitment
Welcome to the 20th edition of the disciplines during 2018, and our
Robert Walters annual Salary Survey. predictions for the year ahead.

As the first recruitment company to GET IN TOUCH

produce a comprehensive overview of If you would like to find out more about
global salaries and recruitment trends salaries and recruitment trends in
across the world, we are pleased to your industry, call one of our specialist
share the latest edition with you. consultants today. Contact details can
be found at the back of this book.



investment and hiring across all sectors programmes and hiring was up across
as the business-friendly government the region.
eased employment regulations.
South East Asia experienced a buoyant
Businesses in Belgium expanded and recruitment market in 2018, with rapid
hiring in Germany and Ireland increased growth across Indonesia, Philippines,
across multiple disciplines. In Spain, Thailand and Vietnam. This was driven
we saw greater demand for bilingual by foreign direct investment and
candidates, especially for accounting the continued entry of multinational
and human resources roles. companies. In comparison, hiring in
Singapore and Malaysia was modest
The positive economic climate led and stable as companies sought fewer
to a candidate driven market in the but better-skilled professionals.
Netherlands, with candidate shortages
especially acute at the junior to mid- In Japan, local and foreign companies
level. Switzerland remained the outlier competed for bilingual candidates with
with only minimal shifts in hiring international experience, putting pressure
GILES DAUBENEY, DEPUTY volumes in 2018. on this already scarce talent pool. Overall
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER the market remained candidate driven
In the UK, employers faced candidate and this will continue in 2019.
GLOBAL OVERVIEW shortages as professionals proved
“Overall the global hiring market was reluctant to switch roles due to the Greater China experienced strong
buoyant in 2018, with most markets uncertainty surrounding Brexit. The economic growth in 2018, boosting
reporting an increase in hiring due technology industry continued to grow
to positive economic conditions and and hire aggressively.
employer confidence. Many markets
continued to face candidate shortages, Across Africa, there was a surge in With talent shortages set to
especially in relation to bilingual demand for returning professionals with continue in 2019, we advise
professionals and those with specialist international experience as businesses companies to streamline their
digital skills. sought to implement international best
recruitment processes to avoid
practice and support government
Across Europe, the recruitment market nationalisation policies. Businesses in losing out on top talent.
went from strength to strength in the Middle East also focused on hiring
2018. In France, we saw an increase in local talent in support of nationalisation
10  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
employer confidence and hiring activity region, there was widespread demand to avoid losing out on top talent. Hiring
across the region. for risk, compliance and legal talent. managers should also clearly articulate
the company’s mission, strategy and
The Australia and New Zealand markets Regulatory pressure in the UK and values at interview stage to differentiate
showed steady growth and modest Australia led to high demand for themselves from the competition. In
salary increases in 2018, although compliance and risk professionals and addition, for scarce skill sets, employers
pressure is growing for a long-awaited this is set to continue in 2019. are advised to hire ambitious, fast
uptick in salaries in 2019. learners, even if they are not an exact fit
In Germany and Ireland, we expect to for the job description.
KEY TRENDS see even greater demand for regulatory
Global shortage of digital skills professionals across risk, audit, Retaining staff will remain a top
The global demand for digital and compliance and legal, as the UK is priority in 2019 so, on top of paying
technology skill sets continued apace scheduled to exit the EU in 2019. competitive salaries, employers should
and shows no sign of slowing in 2019. continue to invest in learning and
Advice to employers development, benefits packages,
In Australia, digital transformation With talent shortages set to continue flexible working and employer
was prevalent across many industries in 2019, we advise companies to branding.”
leading to sustained demand for streamline their recruitment processes
development and digital specialists.
Similarly, in South East Asia,
digitalisation remained a key trend THE GLOBAL DEMAND
with cyber security, big data and AI FOR DIGITAL AND
specialists highly sought after. TECHNOLOGY SKILL
In San Francisco, blockchain and
cryptocurrency were growth areas, APACE AND SHOWS
and start-ups utilising machine learning NO SIGN OF SLOWING
and AI continued to attract talent as IN 2019.
candidates sought to be on the cutting
edge of technological advancements. In
Japan, roles related to data utilisation,
AI development/deployment and
infrastructure, rapidly increased across
all industries.

Across Greater China, demand for

top-tier talent experienced in high-
tech and digital transformation
projects outstripped supply. Candidate
shortages were also a concern for the
UK’s growing technology industry as
businesses faced stiff competition for
software developers and engineers.

Risk and compliance talent in high

While hiring across the banking and
financial services sector varied by

GreaterChinaexperiencedstrongeconomicgrowthin2018,boostingemployerconfidenceandhiringactivityacrosstheregion.  11

With our presence spanning 29 locations across six continents our

specialist teams offer in-depth knowledge of the sectors they recruit for.
In this section our regional managing directors share their insights on
hiring and salary trends in 2018 and their predictions for the year ahead.

Our regional overviews include:

• Australia & New Zealand

• Europe
• Greater China
• Japan & South Korea
• Middle East & Africa
• North America
• South East Asia
• United Kingdom


“The Australia and New Zealand DEMAND Our presence in Australia &
markets continued their trajectory of The skylines of most major cities New Zealand:
steady growth in 2018, without ever in Australia and New Zealand are
threatening to break out into all-out currently dotted with cranes, as national • Adelaide
booms. infrastructure projects continue. Civil • Auckland
engineers and project managers will • Brisbane
Salary growth has generally been be highly sought after in 2019 to help • Chatswood
modest for the past three years and deliver new roads, railways, hospitals,
• Melbourne
pressure is gradually building for a schools, stadiums and hotels. We
possible uplift in wage levels in 2019. expect an increase in demand for • Parramatta
ancillary roles too, such as architects, • Perth
Several industry sectors are interior designers and lawyers with • Sydney
experiencing high demand for qualified relevant contract expertise. • Wellington
talent in specialisms where there
is limited supply. The most notable TECH POWERING GROWTH
pressure points apply to specific roles in In the technology space, we will see cyber security professionals, who are
infrastructure, technology, and banking demand for numerous IT specialists already in short supply. Organisations
and financial services. continue unabated in 2019. High-profile from every industry and sector will
security breaches and regulatory continue their digital transformations,
scrutiny are increasing the value of leading to sustained demand for
14  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
development and digital specialists. recruitment market remained buoyant in Overall, heading into 2019, we believe
Likewise business intelligence, 2018. As Australians head to the polling the Australian and New Zealand hiring
automation and data management booths in 2019, employers will hope market remains in good shape.
professionals will be sought to help that the next government does not put
companies rebuild services and the brakes on hiring flexible workforces Many of the ingredients are in place for
products around customer behaviour. to deal with short-term supply issues. a positive year and, after a few years
of modest wage rises, pressure is
FINANCE REGULATION As in Washington and London, anti- gathering for a long-awaited uptick in
TIGHTENS immigration rhetoric has reverberated salaries.”
The banking and financial services along the corridors of power in
sector in Australia felt the sting of Wellington and Canberra during 2018. James Nicholson
media criticism and public discontent Managing Director
during 2018, as revelations of Australia & New Zealand
misconduct were laid bare by the
Royal Commission. Consequently, the The skylines of most major
regulatory crackdown will continue cities in Australia and New
in 2019, with the number of risk Zealand are currently dotted
and compliance roles substantially with cranes, as national
outstripping supply. infrastructure projects
Given the shortage of local talent in
many sectors, 2019 is shaping up to be
a challenging year for hiring managers. Some employers fear their growth
Part of the answer will lie in the power could be stifled by further restrictions
of networks: knowing where the market upon hiring overseas talent. In 2019,
is heading, who the talent is, where to we hope economic pragmatism will
find them and how to secure them. prevail over populism.

The other essential part will be to

think long-term: hiring and training
graduates with the right aptitude, as
well as upskilling existing personnel.
For example, with new or emerging
roles such as conduct risk managers
there are very few experienced
specialists in the market. Employers
may need to respond by training
existing personnel to identify and
mitigate risk.

In New Zealand there was concern
that the new government may dent
business confidence, however the

2018 TRENDS for engineering and supply chain

“The European recruitment market professionals was also high thanks to Our presence in Europe:
went from strength to strength in large-scale investment in new plants • Belgium
2018. Overall hiring levels were high, and factories. As a consequence, HR, • France
underpinned by a growing economy, legal and finance professionals were in • Germany
increased investor confidence in high demand.
• Ireland
the eurozone and UK-based roles
• Luxembourg
transferring to the region due to The continued economic upturn in
Brexit, all of which led to businesses the Netherlands led to an extremely • Netherlands
aggressively hiring new talent. candidate driven market at all levels of • Portugal
seniority, with shortages most apparent • Spain
In France, the strong market conditions at the junior to mid-level. In an attempt • Switzerland
of 2017 continued into 2018 with to attract talent early, high-potential
companies actively recruiting across students were beginning to be offered
the market. The economic climate contracts for finance and banking roles for bilingual candidates, especially for
was reinforced by a business friendly whilst still at university. accountants and customer services
government easing employment specialists.
regulations. This bolstered confidence In Belgium, recruitment levels remained
leading to investment across all sectors. high as businesses expanded in Hiring levels increased in Ireland
In particular, the number of construction response to the positive economic resulting in high demand for candidates
projects increased. The demand climate. There was also strong demand across multiple specialisms.
16  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
In response, businesses focused The biggest issue for the region will be driven, with hiring managers needing
on reducing time to hire, improving keeping up with demand as candidate to move quickly and be more flexible in
employer brand, staff retention and shortages are already present and are order to secure top talent. As pressure
benefits packages whilst offering more expected to intensify over the next on talent pools continues to increase,
remote and flexible working options. 12 months. employers will need to raise salaries
of highly sought-after professionals in
Switzerland saw minimal shifts in hiring In the Netherlands, hiring shortages will order to remain competitive.
volumes in 2018 with only a couple of become more acute across all sectors
pockets of increased activity. The luxury but will also move upward in seniority. In Ireland, the job market will remain
sector had a more positive outlook in Within finance, the standardisation strong, with hiring continuing across
comparison to 2017 and the financial of financial processes will decrease most sectors. Britain’s departure from
services industry saw an increase in the demand for operational and the EU will lead to an extremely high
corporate banking hiring from both local transactional professionals and increase demand for regulatory professionals
and international companies. the demand for candidates with strong across the risk, compliance, legal and
analytical capabilities. finance sectors, leading to a persistent
Confidence in the German economy skills shortage. Securing and retaining
continued to rise which led to significant The demand for new hires in France top talent will mean offering competitive
hiring activity across a vast array of shows no sign of slowing down, but salaries, but employers will also need
disciplines. In Frankfurt, banking and this must be considered within the to focus on promoting their brand and
financial services hiring across risk, context of growing skills shortages company culture.
audit, finance, compliance, legal and which will once again drive up salaries.
regulation increased as roles were HR professionals are most likely to be In Spain, the employment market
transferred from the UK due to Brexit. highly sought after, as in all sectors will continue to be buoyant as IT and
Outside of financial services, we saw a companies are becoming acutely engineering businesses continue to hire
continued trend for digitalisation both in aware of the need to retain employees, at great pace. We also expect to see
marketing and technology. especially those at a senior level. more hiring activity across finance, legal
and HR as many small businesses grow
In 2018 Spain benefited from the In Belgium, we expect organisations and larger players try to defend their
positive macroeconomic situation in to continue to expand and create market position.”
Europe. Hiring was strongest in the new jobs. The demand for bilingual
information technology, manufacturing, candidates will remain high, especially Antoine Morgaut
energy and construction sectors where in the Brussels region. The Belgian CEO
businesses focused on hiring engineers labour market will remain candidate Europe & South America
and digital transformation specialists.
English speaking professionals were
highly sought after as companies
strengthened their accounting and
human resources functions.

Europe is expected to continue its
strong economic growth in 2019,
resulting in a favourable recruitment
market with confidence remaining high
among professionals and employers.

“In 2018, we witnessed strong MAINLAND CHINA

economic growth across the Greater Supported by various national initiatives Our presence in Greater China:
China region and an overall optimistic such as Manufacturing 2025, Belt and
outlook which drove an increase in Road and ‘Internet Plus’, Mainland • Beijing
hiring activity. China’s outbound investment and • Shanghai
development of innovative technology • Suzhou
Technology is fundamentally changing maintained an upward trajectory in • Southern China
the hiring landscape across the region 2018. Demand for top-tier talent in high- • Hong Kong
as businesses seek to digitalise end technology such as virtual reality
• Taipei
and become more technologically (VR), AI, Internet of Things (IoT) and
advanced. Hiring managers are machine learning dramatically exceeded
competing to secure recruits from supply as businesses fought to attract
a limited pool of candidates with individuals with relevant experience. both regionally and globally. As a
experience in high-tech and digital result, many companies across a wide
transformation projects. IT professionals Mainland China is now one of the range of industries have been seeking
in several specialist areas, including AI, leading global investors in digital professionals who are both familiar
business intelligence, cyber security, technologies and e-commerce. with global business and proficient in
automation and analytics continued to Previously, China’s e-commerce English, putting the level of demand
be in high demand throughout 2018. industry had a stronger domestic for bilingual talent at an all-time high,
focus but we are now seeing in particular for those with international
e-commerce businesses expanding experience.
18  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
At the same time, the Southern China TAIWAN LOOKING AHEAD
region is now known as Mainland Taiwan continued to grow at a steady Professionals who thrive on change
China’s open innovation centre and is pace as it has done over the past stand to gain the most in 2019, as
home to technological leaders as well decade. The country also sustained organisations continue to embrace
as many digital start-ups. The heavy strong export momentum in 2018 new ways of working, led by digital-first
investment in data and research centres and there were signs of recovery in strategies. At the same time, digital
has driven demand for talent, not only the retail sector. Job volumes grew technologies have already dramatically
from other parts of Mainland China but considerably across multinational and impacted the culture around work and
also other countries in Asia and across local companies in 2018. the evolution of “smart workplaces”.
the world. Employers should consider adopting
The Taiwan government is new digital technologies and platforms
HONG KONG implementing a Green Energy Industries to create positive employee
Hong Kong started 2018 with robust and Technological Innovation plan to experiences, helping to attract and
economic growth and buoyant boost renewable energy development, retain employees, in particular
recruitment levels, supported by solid leading to international wind power millennials.
global demand for Hong Kong products turbine makers and installers setting
and services, a rebound in visitor up regional operational headquarters Staff retention will continue to be a top
numbers and a strong economy in in Taiwan. This is driving demand for priority for all organisations in 2019
Mainland China. At the same time, the HR, engineering and supply chain and we advise that, in addition to
Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay professionals. paying competitive salaries, companies
Area and the Belt and Road initiatives need to examine multiple factors,
are encouraging strategic partnerships Despite a growing skills shortage, such as corporate culture, employer
within the region and a flow of talent pay increases remained conservative branding, learning and development
between Hong Kong and Mainland for professionals who stayed in the opportunities, career progression and
China. same role. This can be attributed to international mobility in order to retain
the stability and maturity of Taiwan’s the best talent.”
Financial institutions and companies job market; professionals have grown
across different industries sought to accustomed to this degree of wage Matthew Bennett
actively increase headcount, with stagnation. Managing Director
businesses often hiring for several Greater China
positions at once, in contrast to the
previous five years when simultaneous
recruitment was only seen in niche

There continued to be strong

demand for professionals with the
technical expertise to help companies
implement digitalisation projects.
Skill sets in highest demand included
cloud computing, big data, DevOps,
e-commerce, analytics, cyber security
and fintech.


JAPAN such as autonomous driving and smart

“In 2018, there was high and sustained supply chain. Our presence in Japan & South
demand for bilingual professionals with Korea:
international experience, as Japanese Whilst AI continued an upward trend, the
companies sought to ‘go global’ demand for talent remained high in 2018 • Osaka
bolstered by their confidence in the as companies sought various skill sets, • Seoul
domestic economy. Foreign companies including professionals experienced in • Tokyo
with operations in Japan sought to building data-informed strategies and
attract the same professionals, putting client liaison roles.
pressure on this already scarce talent demand fall for clerical staff across some
pool. Automation specialists were highly companies, particularly large financial
sought after as many companies looked institutions.
We saw the government’s vision for a to leverage cutting-edge technologies
smart society, Society 5.0, begin to take such as Robotic Process Automation Elsewhere, we saw an uplift in demand
shape as the number of roles related and machine learning to increase for sales and marketing staff in the
to data utilisation, AI development/ efficiency and improve employees’ work- consumer goods and hospitality
deployment and infrastructure, rapidly life balance. industries, as tourist numbers grew
increased across all industries. As in the lead up to the 2020 Olympics.
the country geared up to rollout 5G With automation giving employees more However, hospitality companies
by 2020, we saw an increase in job time to focus on work with a direct struggled to hire bilingual specialists as
openings related to IoT technologies impact on the bottom line, we saw demand increasingly outstripped supply.
20  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
The Integrated Resort Implementation conglomerates are making substantial started focusing on automation and
Bill also came into force which will investments in creating new roles, smart factories as possible solutions to
eventually result in large-scale hiring especially in the semiconductor and AI increased labour costs and the
across the hospitality industry as sectors, which are considered the most consequent decline in profit margins.
companies make plans to develop important components of the Fourth This led to a notable increase in hiring
facilities such as casinos, hotels and Industrial Revolution. in these areas, resulting in a rise in
exhibition centres. demand for professionals with expertise
in AI and deep learning. We expect
The sustained labour shortage will The sustained labour these trends to continue in 2019.”
continue to drive a competitive job shortage will continue to
market in 2019 giving jobseekers greater drive a competitive job Jeremy Sampson
opportunities and leverage. market in 2019 giving Managing Director
jobseekers greater Japan & Korea
As a result, employers will need to excite opportunities and
candidates with their company’s vision leverage.
and growth potential as well as offer
competitive compensation, learning and
development opportunities and a clear A planned increase in the minimum
career path to attract the best talent. wage and the implementation of the
52-hour work week began to affect
We also advise companies to streamline businesses across the country in the
their recruitment processes to avoid second half of 2018. As a result, we
losing top talent to competitors with have seen a significant increase in
quick interview and selection processes. demand for HR professionals with
compensation and benefits experience
SOUTH KOREA and we expect this to continue in 2019.
Despite challenging conditions, such
as the US-China trade war and the With the minimum wage set to rise by
widening interest rate gap between over 10% in 2019, many companies
South Korea and the US, foreign direct
investment (FDI) reached a record high
in 2018. This boost in FDI was driven by
a boom in the semiconductor market,
increased investment in the financial
sector and eased geopolitical risks
following the US-North Korea summit.

Domestic production and the number of

jobs are expected to increase as large
amounts of reported FDI have been
made in the form of greenfield projects.

Keeping pace with the government’s

job creation policy, South Korean
2018 analysts continued to dominate the professionals. Meanwhile, demand for
“The Middle East experienced a positive market. In the legal sector, construction legal professionals is expected to remain
year with a significant increase in hiring dispute lawyers were in highest demand steady across the Gulf.
across the region. as construction projects continued to
launch across Dubai and Saudi Arabia. Within the luxury space, we predict an
Companies continued to focus on increase in salaries offered to top talent.
recruiting local talent as part of their The hiring market in Saudi Arabia There is a widespread view that the
nationalisation programmes. This led continued to grow as both the private software market will continue to perform
to fewer relocations by international and public sectors actively recruited well across the region, with the largest
professionals and, in some cases, nationals to deliver the Kingdom’s 2030 growth predicted for Saudi Arabia.
added to the exodus of expats from the Vision. However, retention remained
region. a problem as professionals frequently Digitalisation is expected to come to the
changed jobs to secure salary increases. forefront in 2019, as companies look to
An increase in hiring was seen across optimise performance.
retail, sales, marketing and technology Across the Gulf, the hiring market
as businesses looked to expand. Many remained client driven. There is an atmosphere of cautious
local and international financial services optimism across the region and skilled
firms also expanded their teams with 2019 professionals in all industries should be
growth in hiring highest in Kuwait City, In the UAE, the growing demand for able to find lucrative new opportunities
Riyadh and Dubai. nationals will continue to dominate the in 2019.”
market as many companies aim to
Countries within the Gulf underwent comply with ‘Emiratization’ legislation. Jason Grundy
extensive changes due to the As a result, local market knowledge Managing Director
introduction of VAT and while a rise will be a key differentiator for all Middle East
in demand for tax specialists was professionals across the region.
predicted, in reality these requirements
were outsourced to countries with Multinationals will continue to open
experienced tax teams. Instead, their regional headquarters in Dubai,
demand for traditional accountants and bringing further opportunities for finance

22  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2018 emerging sectors, including agriculture Rest of Africa - We expect employers
South Africa - “In South Africa we and manufacturing. Professionals with in developing countries to maintain
saw an increase in hiring activity across international experience looking to return a sense of measured confidence.
professional disciplines due to positive home were in high demand. Demand for specialist skills within
political changes and the resulting rise operations, finance, sales, engineering
in market confidence. However, as In North Africa, muted oil prices and and technology will continue to support
hiring activity rose, so did the disparity foreign currency fluctuations had a growth.
between employer requirements and the significant impact on the hiring market.
available pool of talent which highlighted Business and hiring activity will focus
the ongoing skills shortage across the Many companies throughout the on East and West Africa with countries
country. continent have realigned their business such as Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and the
strategies to focus on developing Ivory Coast driving industrialisation and
The demand for employment equity countries with stable economies and sustainable projects in power, water,
candidates continued to influence hiring political structures. There has also been transport and communication.
processes and this trend shows no sign a corresponding increased demand
of slowing. Returning South Africans for top-tier sales professionals as Companies will continue to support
with international experience were also companies look to gain market share in nationalisation leading to a growing
in high demand as businesses looked to these key territories. demand for skilled nationals with
adopt international best practices. international experience. This is likely
2019 to result in a significant skills gap as
Rest of Africa - The East Africa South Africa - We expect measured companies compete for the same talent.
market matured and the demand for business confidence in 2019, contingent The effects of this will vary, but hiring
local talent with emerging market and on political stability. managers are advised to proactively
start-up experience continued to be at drive recruitment processes to secure
the forefront of hiring requirements. Employment equity strategies will top talent.”
continue to dictate hiring trends and
In West Africa, the continued due to ongoing talent shortages, highly Nic Sephton-Poultney
decline of the traditional oil and gas desirable candidates will likely secure Managing Director
industries marked a change in skill set salary increases of up to 10-15%. South Africa
requirements as countries focused on

SAN FRANCISCO Salaries increased by around 5-7% in

2018 2018 and while it’s too early to predict if Our presence in North
“Recruitment levels in the San Francisco it will continue to rise at the same pace America:
Bay Area in 2018 were exceptionally in 2019, we certainly do not expect
high, driven by business growth and a compensation levels to decline. • Los Angeles
candidate short market. • New York
• San Francisco
Technical talent was in highest demand, Venture capital firms will continue to
with senior software engineers extremely inject new capital into the early and • Toronto
sought after. Experienced designers, growth stage start-up ecosystem in
product marketers and HR/people 2019.
operations professionals were in short As competition for top talent continues
supply, while demand for finance and Whilst the number of vacancies in to escalate, companies should focus on
business operations talent remained people operations was in sync with streamlining their recruitment processes.
consistently high. the number of jobseekers in 2018, we Employee retention will remain a
expect this to change in 2019 as more challenge for tech firms in the
Blockchain and cryptocurrency companies look to hire for this function. San Francisco Bay Area as competing
were growth sectors, and start-ups companies will continue their attempts
utilising machine learning and artificial We anticipate that senior engineers, to lure staff away with lucrative
intelligence continued to attract talent. especially engineering leaders, will compensation packages.
Fintech, edtech, and healthtech were remain the most challenging candidates
also active hiring sectors. to hire.
24  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
Mission-driven companies will have a only increased by about 2-5%. In 2018, in IFRS legislation. General counsel and
better chance of attracting and retaining fringe benefits like flexible working hours, compliance managers looked to secure
candidates, but no company is immune gym membership and free food have practice-trained lawyers with expertise in
to the disruption of candidate churn. been embraced by many organisations, IIROC and SEC regulations, as Canadian
however they may need to be more asset management firms continued to
Overall, we expect a hiring boom in creative when trying to compensate and expand into the US.
2019, with unrelenting competition retain key staff in 2019.
for top talent. Emerging technologies Inflation hit 3% in Canada and brought
like blockchain, machine learning, We expect to see robust hiring levels in salary increases of just above that for
and autonomous vehicles will keep the first half of 2019, driven by tax cuts most professionals. Those moving
attracting candidates who want to be and increased government spending. jobs saw average salary increases of
on the cutting edge of technological This will cause salaries to inch upwards 7-11%. Tax, internal audit and regulatory
advancements. next year. However, potential increases compliance professionals saw increases
in trade tariffs could destabilise financial closer to 11-15%.
NEW YORK markets and lead to a fall in sales for
2018 major companies, resulting in hiring 2019
Record levels of low unemployment freezes or wage stagnation as we move In 2019, ‘Big 4’ trained CPAs 18-24
and a decade of economic growth into 2020. months out of practice will be in high
in the US meant that competition for demand, due to their highly desirable
qualified candidates continued, with TORONTO hybrid skill set of external audit plus
candidates sometimes entertaining 2018 hands-on accounting experience,
three or four job offers at a time. The An influx of start-up technology particularly at the controller/VP finance
candidate shortage forced companies companies, the expansion of the level.
to improve their efforts to retain talented real estate investment market and a
workers, resulting in more flexible work continued focus on improving controls Lawyers with strong M&A deal
environments and other benefits not and governance within large financial experience in burgeoning sectors like
common a few years ago. institutions led to a buoyant recruitment pharmaceuticals, cannabis, IT and real
market in Toronto. Professionals in estate, as well as compliance officers
2019 accounting and finance, as well as legal with dual Canadian and US regulatory
Demand for compliance and legal and compliance, were in high demand. knowledge will also be in demand.
professionals in banks, as well as risk
management specialists in hedge funds Increasingly seen as the ‘Silicon Hiring managers will need to streamline
and buy-side companies, will be high. Valley North’, demand for STEM interview processes to ensure they keep
In technology, data science and cyber graduates with the ability to work in a millennial candidates, or they will risk
security will continue to be key hiring start-up environment was high. When losing them to nimble start-ups that
areas. recreational cannabis became legal in move at a rapid pace and often offer
October 2018, companies in cannabis equity even for junior to mid-level staff.”
Sales and marketing will continue to production and distribution grew rapidly
drive hiring in commerce, primarily at and sought out any qualified candidates Simon Bromwell
the junior to mid-level with businesses with professional experience in the Managing Director
struggling to hire at these levels in 2019. sector. North America
Hiring managers will need to maintain
a sense of urgency in the recruitment Financial reporting accountants with
process to secure top talent. large scale consolidations experience
Despite the tight labour market and a were in demand, as firms grappled with
decade of low unemployment, salaries tighter reporting deadlines and changes

2018: A DYNAMIC GROWTH Hiring in Malaysia and Singapore was

LANDSCAPE stable and modest in 2018 compared Our presence in South East Asia:
“In 2018, hiring across South East to the other South East Asian markets.
Asia was buoyant, with rapid growth In these more established markets, • Indonesia
across the maturing economies and a companies sought fewer but better • Malaysia
noticeable evolution in hiring needs in skilled professionals whose expertise • Philippines
the more established markets. and experience could add significant • Singapore
value. We expect this to continue in • Thailand
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and 2019.
• Vietnam
Vietnam all showed strong levels
of hiring as organisations sought to STRONGER INDUSTRIAL
expand their teams to fuel continued PRESENCE
growth. The continued entry of South East Asia’s role as an industrial This stimulated demand for
multinational companies and foreign hub within Asia looks set to grow professionals with industrial experience
direct investment were key drivers of due to a greater injection of foreign across a range of roles, including
growth in these markets. We saw stiff investment into the region, particularly engineering, manufacturing, supply
competition for skilled and experienced from China. In 2018, a number of new chain, sales and marketing, finance and
talent in 2018, and we expect these entrants set up operations and existing human resources.
markets to maintain their robust growth players expanded their footprint,
momentum in 2019. bolstering confidence and hiring activity.

26  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

CONTINUED PUSH TOWARDS HIRING ADVICE To overcome skill shortages in certain
DIGITAL Businesses in the region are placing sectors, companies should also expand
Digitalisation remains a key trend more focus on employee retention by their pool of candidates and reach out
influencing hiring across the region investing in training, offering benefits to local professionals residing overseas.
and sustaining the high demand for IT such as flexible working arrangements Our ‘Return Home’ campaigns –
talent. The growth of cyber security, big and providing attractive counter-offers Pulang Kampung (Indonesia), Balik
data and artificial intelligence has driven for their top talent. As such, employers Bayan (Philippines), Balik Kampung
the need for IT specialists in these niche looking to hire skilled professionals will (Singapore) and Come Home Phở
areas. need to do more to secure the talent Good (Vietnam) – have helped
they want. businesses in the region identify and
The impact of digitalisation, however, hire overseas returning professionals
reaches far beyond the technology with the necessary expertise, skill sets
sector and we have seen significant and international experience.
demand for professionals with relevant Businesses are looking to
digital capabilities. This includes expand out of the country 2019: A POSITIVE OUTLOOK
marketers with digital and e-commerce and this has driven demand There are several elections being
expertise, supply chain and logistics for “glocal” talent, or local held across South East Asia in 2018
experts with knowledge in automation talent with international and 2019, and these typically have
and machine learning and HR experience. some impact on recruitment activity.
professionals with experience using the Assuming political stability, we expect
latest HR technologies. the recruitment markets in South East
Asia to maintain their dynamic growth
AN EVOLUTION IN HIRING This includes providing a competitive in 2019.”
NEEDS salary and benefits package, acting
Across the region, we have seen an swiftly and maintaining good Toby Fowlston
increased effort by companies to hire communication throughout the Managing Director
local talent, in part due to government recruitment process. Most importantly, South East Asia
policies and recommendations. At the it’s about showing genuine interest in a
same time, businesses are looking to candidate’s future, and demonstrating
expand outside of the country and this how he or she will be an integral part of
has driven demand for “glocal” talent, or the organisation.
local talent with international experience.
For less mature markets, employers
often sought professionals with
experience working in more developed
markets to lead growing teams.

Companies, particularly those in the

more mature markets, are also looking
to refine and optimise their
recruitment processes and we have
seen a larger number of companies
moving to recruitment process
outsourcing solutions.


2018 TRENDS centres outside of London. Manchester,

“Despite high demand for specialist Leeds and Birmingham have been Our presence in the UK:
and highly skilled mid-level and senior particularly successful in positioning
professionals, employers had to contend themselves as regional ‘tech-hubs’, • Birmingham
with a UK-wide candidate shortage attracting talent that would have • Bracknell
across most disciplines. Uncertainty historically migrated to London. • Leeds
around Brexit appeared to be creating • Liverpool
a fear of ‘last in first out,’ which in turn The technology industry was one of • London
meant candidates were less willing to the fastest-growing markets across the
• Manchester
move roles as swiftly as they had in whole of the UK and given the innovative
previous years. and highly skilled nature of the industry • Milton Keynes
there was an ongoing shortage of • St Albans
The UK remained a ‘two-speed suitably qualified candidates.
economy’ with London-based financial
services firms experiencing slow growth The demand for software developers paying premiums for experienced
due to Brexit-related concerns, while and engineers was especially high, lawyers across most skill sets.
non-financial services companies leading to inflated salary expectations
outside of London experienced much amongst candidates. The demand was in part due to a lack
faster growth. This was partly due to the of lawyers at the 2-4 years PQE level.
volume of large companies setting up Hiring across the legal sector became This was caused by a reduction in the
secondary offices and shared service increasingly competitive leading to firms number of trainees being hired a few
28  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
years ago, coupled with the increase in is likely to continue. Technology aligned order to support areas of growth within
European regulations, creating a spike companies and venture capital-backed the business.
in demand for both in-house and private start-ups show no sign of slowing
practice lawyers. In fact, a number of down, and the rate at which they Our recommendation to candidates who
venture capital-backed start-ups hired continue to attract investors will be a are looking for a new role would be to
their first legal counsel in 2018. big pull for candidates who are looking embrace digitalisation and innovation to
to future-proof their careers. Hiring in ensure they remain current and relevant
In commerce and industry, demand the technology sector will remain high to changing working practices.
for finance professionals remained in areas such as Manchester, Leeds
strong across the UK at all levels from and Birmingham with further expansion In-demand professions or specialist roles
part-qualified accountants through expected in these regions. will continue to command premiums,
to finance directors. As candidates but general salary inflation will be subject
now understand their worth they are to, and defined by, the outcome of Brexit
increasingly pushing for commercial or and other variable macroeconomic
strategic roles rather than core reporting The outcome of Brexit will conditions.”
positions. be the key determinant of
hiring market conditions Chris Hickey
Due to uncertainty around Brexit, in 2019, especially for the CEO
banks and financial services firms financial services sector. UK, Middle East & Africa
took a relatively cautious approach
to recruitment characterised by
replacement hiring. Compliance,
risk and audit were exceptions, with We advise businesses facing candidate
professionals in these areas highly shortages to be flexible and consider
sought after due to pressure from hiring professionals with transferable
regulators. skills. Companies should consider
taking on candidates who are ambitious
In comparison to the previous year we and fast learners, even if they are not
saw salaries rise faster in 2018 but on an exact fit for the job description, in
the whole increases were not significant
unless professionals were working in a
market short of qualified professionals,
such as technology or compliance.

The outcome of Brexit will be the key
determinant of hiring market conditions
in 2019, especially for the financial
services sector. However, despite Brexit,
there will be pockets of intense hiring
activity within financial services driven by
demand for skills such as compliance,
risk and audit. We will also continue to
see traditional finance functions hiring
at all levels as general business growth

In this section we delve deeper into the hiring and salary trends
we expect to see across our local markets in 2019.

The locations covered are:

●● Belgium
●● France
●● Germany
●● Ireland
●● Luxembourg
●● The Netherlands
●● Portugal
●● Spain
●● Switzerland


In 2018, levels of hiring activity across all disciplines remained high as
Belgium continued to experience strong levels of economic growth.

In particular the interim management market grew rapidly,

most notably in the fields of finance, operations (production
and supply chain) and project management.

Despite this, drawn-out recruitment processes remained a key

challenge as employers had to contend with candidate shortages
across the board. As a result, we saw companies committing to
hiring permanent staff at a faster rate than previous years.

The financial services sector continued to perform well, with employers

placing high value on top talent from a ‘Big 4’ background. Auditors,
risk managers and compliance officers remained in demand, as
well as IT professionals, as the presence of digitalisation within the
banking sector continued to play a prominent role in new projects.
Competition between firms all seeking ‘similar types’ of candidates
resulted in roles being filled at a much slower rate than usual.

Companies struggled to recruit for junior finance roles as more

candidates chose to take sabbatical leave, travel or continue further
education after obtaining their qualifications. In turn, there was an
increase in hiring levels for senior candidates as companies sought
to fill roles with qualified and experienced professionals.

Levels of hiring activity

across all disciplines

remained high as Belgium
continued to experience
strong levels of economic
A SAlARY iNCReASe iN 2019

32 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2019 what looks set to be another
2019 looks set to be another strong candidate short market, employers
year for the economy, with a number will need to act fast to ensure
of businesses gearing up to expand. a rapid recruitment process.
As a result, we will see an increase
in business support roles from Our advice to companies and hiring
administrative and HR to customer managers is to be flexible and to
service and logistics. As ever, not overlook candidates who do not
support staff with foreign language quite fit the job description. Instead,
skills, in particular Dutch, French they should consider candidates with
and English will be highly desirable. transferable skills who illustrate the
potential to be fast learners that can
The trend for hiring interim managers be trained-up. Investing in employees
is expected to continue in 2019, will also help with retention levels.
with a high demand in finance
and operations. Candidates Due to the increasingly competitive
with experience in optimisation landscape for recruiting and retaining
projects and those who posses talented professionals, companies
strong project management will need to look at how to add more
skills will be of high value. value to roles. Added incentives’
such as flexible working, workplace
Competition for top talent will environment and social events will
continue to be the driving force play an even more prominent role
for how businesses recruit. In in candidates' decision-making.

1 Ghent - Jobs up

1 13% year-on-year

3 Antwerp - Jobs up
2 22% year-on-year

Of employers believe staff are 3 Brussels - Jobs up

12% year-on-year
more productive when working
from home

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research

Belgium 33

The merger of some banks Hiring managers should ensure

meant that firms were looking they are quick to recruit top
to consolidate and hire talent in 2019. Attention should
predominantly at the mid- be paid to keep high-performing
senior level. However, we saw candidates within companies, so
growth in front office functions it is important to ensure regular
as companies tried to make status updates with employees to
themselves look more appealing assess and respond to their needs.
to potential investors.
Salaries on the whole will remain
There was demand for stable in 2019, except in areas
professionals from an internal where candidate shortages are
controls background including expected to be widespread.
risk assessment, internal audit

and compliance. Demand
was also high for ‘niche’
professionals at management
level to drive underlying teams.
It was a candidate driven market
in 2018, with hiring levels
remaining active across both large
THEIR ORGANISATION'S HIRING international companies and small-
PROCESS CANDIDATE FRIENDLY Hiring managers will have to-medium sized enterprises.
to contend with candidate
shortages in 2019, with an
increased need for candidates
BANKING & FINANCIAL with good technical and Automation and digitalisation
SERVICES commercial skills. of the banking sector will
The banking and financial increase; candidates who
services recruitment market Automation and digitalisation of are technically proficient with
was challenging in 2018, the banking sector will increase. solid IT skills will be highly
largely due to a lack of high- As a result, candidates who are sought after.
quality candidates and drawn- technically proficient with solid IT
out recruitment processes. skills will be highly sought after.

34  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

Business controllers, financial Daily fees remained stable, with some
controllers and candidates increases for positions where there
with 'Big 4' experience were was a shortage of candidates, namely
in highest demand. financial control, accounting and ERP
implementation project managers.
In 2019, we expect hiring managers
will struggle to hire internal auditors In 2019, hiring managers will
and controllers. Companies based struggle to hire independent interim
further out of the city centre, requiring financial and business controllers
a long daily commute, may find as demand for these professional
it difficult to secure top talent. exceeds supply. There will also be an
increase in demand for candidates
Hiring managers should be flexible in the fields of optimisation, finance
in their approach to hiring and not
look for the ideal profile. Instead, they
should consider transferable skills
and what career paths and learning
and project management.

Hiring managers should try to

maximise the efficiency of interim
and development opportunities they managers through encouragment TEAM INCENTIVES AND AFTER-
can offer professionals. Companies and ensuring they share valuable WORK EVENTS IMPORTANT FOR
should move away from job-specific knowledge with internal employees. EMPLOYEE HAPPINESS
technical skills and instead assess
soft skills and how a candidate is CONTRACT BUSINESS SUPPORT
likely to evolve within the organisation. The positive economic situation in candidates up to 20% salary
2018 was a contrast to the budget increases, creating potentially
INTERIM MANAGEMENT cuts experienced in previous years. unrealistic expectations for 2019.
The interim management market Companies sought to increase their
grew rapidly in 2018, especially in hiring across all business support For 2019, we expect clients
the fields of finance, production, functions to reach full headcount of will continue searching for all-
supply chain, project management HR, admin and marketing teams. round administrative employees,
for IT, business optimisation and trilingual customer service
transition projects. There was a Consequently almost all the short-term professionals and recruiters.
focus on ‘value for money’ from absences were replaced by interims at Hiring managers will be seeking
companies, which led to less senior an administrative level. HR sourcers, hands-on professionals who
candidates being considered for recruiters and payroll professionals are flexible and versatile and
operational and expert roles. were in highest demand because are able to evolve rapidly
of the need to support the internal in a fast-growing firm.
There was a shortage of candidates, growth of most companies in Belgium.
particularly in finance control positions. Hiring managers will find it
This led to companies increasingly Customer service representatives and difficult to recruit specialist
outsourcing non-core tasks. The junior marketers fluent in French and candidates like sourcers,
highest level of hiring activity in Dutch were also highly sought after. experienced digital marketers,
2018 was seen in the FMCG, customer service professionals
energy and telecom sectors as In 2018, we saw some companies and multilingual candidates.
assignments became more frequent. skew the market by offering junior

Belgium 35
Companies who aren’t well located, banking sector, junior controllers
or not reachable by public transport and finance professionals with
will have difficulties recruiting top two to three years' experience For 2019, hiring managers
candidates unless they address this were all in high demand. should keep their recruitment
with initiatives such as working from procedures short and be
home or offering flexible hours. With increased investments in clear in what they have to
digitalisation and IT security, we offer.
CONTRACT FINANCE expect that there will be a high
Companies felt confident to hire demand for risk and compliance
in 2018 as a result of a good specialists and digitalisation
economic situation in Belgium. experts throughout 2019. in finance, insurance or risk, they
As such, a candidate shortage are now open to other types of
was inevitable, and in a number of We anticipate hiring managers candidates, as they invest more
cases candidates were receiving will struggle to hire mid-level in internal training procedures.
offers from multiple companies. interim professionals as budgets
continue to be tightened. As a For 2019, hiring managers
Qualified accountants with a bachelor's result, temps who have been on should keep their recruitment
degree were in high demand, and even long-term contracts will start to procedures short and be clear
high-performing junior candidates with receive temp-to-perm contracts. in what they have to offer. Don’t
less experience were sought after. start searches by asking for the
Where previously clients were perfect profile with experience in
The highest levels of hiring focused on securing candidates all related tasks, but rather start
activity were in energy and with relevant qualifications' such from personal skills/competencies
supply chain & logistics. In the as a bachelor's/master's degree and offer candidates the possibility
to grow in their job and learn.



5 - 9 YRS’ EXP 9 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Managing Director 207 - 400k 207 - 400k

Finance Director/CFO 102 - 190k 102 - 190k 103 - 195k 103 - 195k 155 - 300k 155 - 300k

Internal Auditor/Manager/Director 79 - 145k 79 - 145k 103 - 215k 103 - 215k 155 - 300k 155 - 300k

HR Manager/Director 74 - 111k 74 - 111k 93 - 150k 93 - 150k 104 - 250k 104 - 250k

Institutional Sales Manager 74 - 105k 74 - 105k 83 - 121k 83 - 121k 95 - 222k 95 - 222k

Accounting Manager 63 - 111k 63 - 111k 88 - 127k 88 - 127k 100 - 148k 100 - 148k

Financial Controller/Analyst 60 - 105k 60 - 105k 80 - 121k 80 - 121k 80 - 150k 80 - 150k


Risk Manager/Director 85 - 130k 85 - 130k 93 - 160k 93 - 160k 155 - 300k 155 - 300k

Legal/Compliance Manager 90 - 150k 90 - 150k 110 - 210k 110 - 210k 165 - 260k 165 - 260k

Life/Non-life Actuary 74 - 125k 74 - 125k 83 - 142k 83 - 142k 106 - 186k 106 - 186k

Corporate Finance/M&A Specialist 69 - 100k 69 - 100k 83 - 121k 83 - 121k 95 - 179k 95 - 179k

Asset/Portfolio Manager 69 - 100k 69 - 100k 72 - 105k 72 - 105k 90 - 142k 90 - 142k

Private/Corporate Banker 69 - 100k 69 - 100k 83 - 121k 83 - 121k 95 - 222k 95 - 222k

BI Manager 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 90 - 110k 90 - 110k 110 - 150k 110 - 150k

IT Security Risk Officer 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k

Senior Underwriter 50 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 70k 68 - 80k 80 - 105k 80 - 120k

Insurance Broker 41 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 70k 60 - 85k 80 - 100k 80 - 115k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Belgium 37


5 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10 - 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Financial Management

CFO/VP Finance/Finance Director 118 - 245k 120 - 250k

F&A Manager 78 - 108k 80 - 110k 108 - 147k 110 - 150k


Financial & Business Controller 49 - 69k 50 - 70k 74 - 98k 75 - 100k 93 - 118k 95 - 120k

Sales Controller 54 - 64k 55 - 65k 64 - 74k 65 - 75k 88 - 113k 90 - 115k

Group Controller/Manager 88 - 113k 90 - 115k 113 - 147k 115 - 150k

Financial & Business Analysis

Financial/Business Analyst 54 - 78k 55 - 80k 74 - 93k 75 - 95k 88 - 118k 90 - 120k

FP&A Analyst/Manager 59 - 63k 60 - 85k 74 - 98k 75 - 100k 88 - 118k 90 - 120k


AP/AR Team Leader 49 - 69k 50 - 70k 69 - 93k 70 - 95k 78 - 108k 80 - 110k

Senior Accountant 49 - 59k 50 - 60k 59 - 74k 60 - 75k 69 - 88k 70 - 90k

Accounting Manager 69 - 93k 70 - 95k 93 - 137k 95 - 140k


Consolidation Specialist 59 - 64k 60 - 65k 69 - 88k 70 - 90k 78 - 108k 80 - 110k

Reporting Specialist 56 - 61k 57 - 62k 66 - 84k 67 - 86k 74 - 103k 76 - 106k

Consolidation Manager 78 - 88k 80 - 90k 88 - 137k 90 - 140k


Internal Auditor 49 - 78k 50 - 80k 78 - 108k 80 - 110k 93 - 127k 95 - 130k

Internal Audit Manager 74 - 88k 75 - 90k 88 - 118k 90 - 120k


Treasury Analyst 59 - 74k 60 - 75k 69 - 93k 70 - 95k 78 - 103k 80 - 105k

Treasury Manager 93 - 127k 95 - 130k 113 - 137k 115 - 140k


VAT & Corporate Tax Specialist 59 - 83k 60 - 85k 78 - 98k 80 - 100k 90 - 120k 90 - 130k

Tax Manager/Director 88 - 113k 90 - 115k 98 - 167k 100 - 170k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

38  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Expert & Technical

Research & Development Manager 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 65 - 95k 65 - 95k 90 - 150k 90 - 150k

Process Design Manager 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 75 - 100k 75 - 100k

Product Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 85k 70 - 85k 85 - 110k 85 - 110k

Infrastructure & Construction

Project Manager 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 65 - 95k 65 - 95k 95 - 150k 95 - 150k

Infrastructure Engineer 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 90 - 140k 90 - 140k

Specialised Engineer 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 65 - 100k 65 - 100k 90 - 130k 90 - 130k


Contract Manager 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 150k 90 - 150k

Construction Engineer 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 150k 90 - 150k

Mechanical/Electrical Engineer 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 65 - 100k 65 - 100k 90 - 130k 90 - 130k

Methods/Technology Engineer 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k

Health/Safety/Environmental Engineer 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 100 - 140k 100 - 140k

Process & Methods Engineer 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 130k 80 - 130k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Belgium 39


2018 2019
General Management

CEO/Business Unit Director 1400 - 1800 1250 - 1600


Chief Financial Officer 1140 - 1400 1200 - 1400

Group Controller/Finance Director 1000 - 1350 1100 - 1350

Controller/Finance Manager 900 - 1100 950 - 1150

Risk/Tax/Treasury Manager 900 - 1100 1000 - 1200

Senior Financial Analyst 750 - 950 900 - 1100

Accounting Manager 720 - 900 900 - 1050

Human Resources

Group HR Director 1200 - 1400 1200 - 1400

HR Manager 1000 - 1250 1000 - 1250

HR Business Partner 900 - 1100 900 - 1100

Production/Supply Chain/Procurement

Plant Director 1000 - 1350 1100 - 1350

Supply Chain Director 1000 - 1350 1100 - 1350

Procurement Manager 1000 - 1250 1100 - 1300


Chief Information Officer 1100 - 1400 1200 - 1400

IT Manager 950 - 1200 1100 - 1250

Programme/Project Management

Programme Manager 1200 - 1500 1200 - 1500

Project Manager 1000 - 1300 1000 - 1350

ERP Project Manager 1050 - 1250 1150 - 1350

NB: Interim management figures are daily client rates.

40  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



0 - 3 YRS’ EXP 3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Student Job 1600 - 1900 1600 - 1950


Administrative Assistant/Receptionist 1900 - 2100 2000 - 2300 2000 - 2500 2100 - 2500 2400 - 2800 2400 - 3000

Management Assistant 2000 - 2300 2000 - 2500 2200 - 2900 2300 - 2900 2500 - 3300 2500 - 3300

Personal/Executive Assistant 2400 - 3000 2500 - 3000 3000 - 4800 3000 - 5000

Office Manager 2400 - 3000 2500 - 3000 2500 - 3800 2500 - 3800

Legal Assistant/Secretary 2000 - 2300 2000 - 2400 2400 - 2800 2400 - 2800 2500 - 3400 2500 - 3800

Sales & Marketing

Sales Assistant 1900 - 2300 2000 - 2300 2300 - 2700 2300 - 2800 2400 - 3500 2400 - 3500

Inside Sales 1800 - 2200 2000 - 2300 2200 - 3000 2200 - 3000 2600 - 4000 2600 - 4000

Customer Service Representative 1850 - 2500 2000 - 2500 2200 - 3000 2300 - 3000 2500 - 3800 2500 - 3800

Customer Service Team Leader 2500 - 3800 2500 - 3800 3000 - 5000 3000 - 5000

Marketing Assistant 1800 - 2200 2000 - 2300 2200 - 2800 2300 - 2800 2500 - 3200 2500 - 3200

Marketing & Communications Officer 1800 - 2500 2000 - 2500 2300 - 3100 2400 - 3100 2500 - 3500 2500 - 3500

Digital Marketeer 1800 - 2200 2000 - 2300 2300 - 3000 2300 - 3000 2500 - 3500 2500 - 3500

Supply Chain

Logistics Assistant 1800 - 2300 1900 - 2300 2200 - 2600 2200 - 2700 2300 - 3000 2400 - 3000

Purchasing Officer 1850 - 2400 2000 - 2400 2200 - 3000 2200 - 3000 2500 - 3500 2500 - 3800

Import & Export Administrator 1900 - 2200 2000 - 2400 2200 - 2700 2300 - 2800 2400 - 3000 2400 - 3200

Stock Manager 2500 - 3000 2500 - 3000 2400 - 3500 2500 - 3500

Supply Chain Manager 2500 - 3000 2500 - 3200 2500 - 4000 2700 - 5000

Human Resources

HR Assistant 1900 - 2200 2000 - 2300 2200 - 2800 2200 - 2800 2400 - 3200 2500 - 3200

HR Officer 2000 - 2500 2000 - 2500 2200 - 3000 2200 - 3000 2500 - 3600 2500 - 3600

Payroll Officer 2000 - 2500 2000 - 2500 2300 - 3200 2500 - 3200 2500 - 4000 2800 - 4000

HR Business Partner 2500 - 3200 2500 - 3200 3000 - 4200 3000 - 4500
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Belgium 41


0 - 3 YRS’ EXP 3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Student Job 1600 - 1900 1600 - 1950


Junior Accountant 1900 - 2200 2000 - 2200

Assistant Accountant (AP/AR) 2000 - 2300 2000 - 2300 2200 - 2900 2200 - 2900 2800 - 3200 2800 - 3200

General Ledger Accountant 2000 - 2500 2200 - 2500 2400 - 3100 2500 - 3200 3000 - 3800 3000 - 3800

Senior/Chief Accountant 3000 - 3800 3000 - 3800 3300 - 4500 3300 - 4500

AP/AR/GL Teamleader/Supervisor 3200 - 3800 3200 - 3800 3500 - 5000 3500 - 5000

Credit Collector 2000 - 2500 2000 - 2500 2400 - 3000 2500 - 3000 2800 - 3600 2800 - 3600


Credit Analyst 2100 - 2400 2200 - 2500 2500 - 3000 2500 - 3000 3000 - 3500 3000 - 3500

Internal Auditor 2300 - 2900 2300 - 2900 2700 - 3700 2700 - 3700 3500 - 4900 3500 - 4900

Treasury Specialist 2300 - 2900 2300 - 2900 2700 - 3700 2700 - 3700 3500 - 4900 3500 - 4900

Business/Financial Analyst 2300 - 2900 2300 - 2900 2700 - 3700 2800 - 3700 3500 - 4900 3500 - 4900

Business/Financial Controller 2300 - 2900 2300 - 2900 2700 - 3700 2800 - 3700 3500 - 4900 3500 - 4900

Banking & Insurance

Back Office Employee 2200 - 2500 2300 - 2600 2500 - 3200 2600 - 3300 3200 - 3500 3300 - 3500

Middle Office Employee 2400 - 2800 2400 - 2800 2800 - 3500 2800 - 3500 3200 - 4000 3200 - 4000

Financial Advisor 2400 - 2800 2500 - 2800 2800 - 3500 2800 - 3500 3000 - 3400 3000 - 3500

Insurance Specialist 2200 - 2500 2200 - 2500 2500 - 3200 2500 - 3200 3200 - 3500 3200 - 3500
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

42  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



0 - 3 YRS’ EXP 3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Student Job 1600 - 1900 1600 - 1950


Junior Accountant 1900 - 2200 2000 - 2200

Assistant Accountant (AP/AR) 1900 - 2300 1900 - 2400 2200 - 2800 2200 - 2900 2800 - 3200 2800 - 3300

General Ledger Accountant 1900 - 2400 2000 - 2400 2400 - 3200 2500 - 3300 3000 - 3800 3200 - 3800

Senior/Chief Accountant 3200 - 3800 3300 - 4000 3500 - 4500 3600 - 4500

AP/AR/GL Team Leader/Supervisor 3200 - 3800 3300 - 3900 3500 - 5000 3500 - 5000

Credit Collector 2000 - 2600 2000 - 2600 2400 - 3000 2500 - 3000 2800 - 3600 3000 - 3600


Credit Analyst 2100 - 2400 2200 - 2500 2500 - 3000 2600 - 3200 3000 - 3500 3200 - 3700

Business/Financial Controller 2100 - 2600 2200 - 2800 2600 - 3500 2700 - 3600 3300 - 4100 3500 - 4100

Treasury Specialist 2200 - 2800 2200 - 2900 2600 - 3600 2700 - 3600 3400 - 4800 3400 - 4800

Banking & Insurance

Back Office Employee 1800 - 2100 1800 - 2100 2000 - 2500 2100 - 2500 2500 - 3000 2600 - 3000

Financial Advisor 2000 - 2500 2100 - 2500 2400 - 3000 2400 - 3100 3000 - 3400 3000 - 3500

Insurance Specialist 2100 - 2400 2100 - 2500 2400 - 3100 2400 - 3100 3100 - 3400 3100 - 3500
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Belgium 43


The French economy continued on its stable trajectory which in turn had a positive
impact on business confidence. Increased hiring levels at the start of the year
meant that most sectors were at full capacity at the mid-senior level in 2018.

Interim management experienced strong growth as reactivity and project-based

working were key demands from companies willing to undertake strategic

We saw a number of companies start to set up offices in France as a result

of the “Macron effect” and Brexit. In anticipation of this, international banks
identified France as an appealing marketplace to establish themselves. This
led to an increased demand to build new front-office and back-office teams.

Investments in major infrastructure projects such as the 2024 Olympic Games

and the "Greater Paris" project have led to an increased demand for candidates
in the construction and real estate sectors. The acceleration of supply chain
processes has put emphasis on the need for experienced professionals
who can help with the structure and improvement of these projects.

The introduction of GDPR resulted in companies paying close attention

to their IT security, ERP and data policies. Strong specialist skills in data
protection were particularly sought after among legal candidates. The
effects of GDPR were also felt within marketing and HR teams who
were involved in the consolidation of major transformation projects.

Salaries were back at the centre of a candidate’s decision-making process,

as hiring managers were having to contend with competing counter-offers
and salary inflations.

The French economy continued

IncreaSe In JOBS In France In 2018
on a stable trajectory which in
turn had a positive impact on
business confidence.

44 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2019 agility in the recruitment process
The economic forecast for 2019 will be key to attract top talent.
remains optimistic, despite an
anticipated slowdown in growth. Retention will be a key focus in 2019;
managers and their management
We predict that in upcoming years style will be central to this.
a vast number of current roles will
transform due to the influence of Although demand will be high for
digitalisation. This will have a significant candidates who are technically proficient
impact both on recruitment and internal with specialised expertise, hiring
mobility in 2019. As a result, human managers should consider candidates
resources (HR) will be put back at the who do not fit the exact job description
heart of the corporate strategy, even but possess useful transferable skills
taking a place on the board of directors. and cross-sector expertise. The ability to
spot top talent is increasingly involving
In the war for talent, companies the combination of human expertise and
will have to address their employer initiative, with the technical advancement
brand and ensure that they appear and data provided by recruitment
transparent, ethical and authentic tools. The role of recruitment firms
CORALIE RACHET, in order to stand out among and their ability to be innovative will be
MANAGING DIRECTOR, competitors. Training, employee key for companies in this strategy.
FRANCE fulfilment, progression, as well as

1 Paris area - Jobs up
16% year-on-year

Lyon area - Jobs up

2 13% year-on-year


Toulouse area - Jobs

3 up 17% year-on-year

Importance candidates give

to technological innovation in 3 Training, employee fulfilment,
the corporate world progression, as well as agility in
the recruitment process will be
key to attract top talent.

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research

France 45

In 2019, companies will continue to transition managers with specialist

fill roles, replacing those who retire expertise in consolidation, industrial
or leave. Finance departments are management control and cash flow.
seeking agile candidates who can
adapt to digital transformation. Candidates with strong project
management skills and cross-
The two types of profiles that will be disciplinary experience in
particularly sought after in 2019 are law, information systems,
financial planning and analysis (FP&A) contractual negotiation and
and hybrid candidates who have financial communication will
experience in both IT and finance. be highly sought after.

In 2019, salaries for FP&A Companies confronted with

professionals will experience significant normative and strategic

inflation. Technical profiles including
accounting and consolidation
managers will continue to see
an increase in salary owing to
changes, such as development on an
international scale, will have greater
and more specialist requirements.

THE FIRST QUARTER IN 2018 the shortage of candidates. CONTRACT

Firms were active in recruitment
INTERIM across the board in 2018, with a
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE In 2018, the transition management
PERM finance market continued to
There was a high volume of hiring grow. Demand was high for
activity in the accounting and professionals with expertise
finance sector. The market was in project management and Finance departments
candidate-driven with frequent hiring change support as companies are looking to surround
of finance directors and managers. went through a period of themselves with agile
transformation and restructuring. professionals that can adapt
Small firms were seeking to digital transformation.
auditors who could help take This trend will continue in 2019,
advantage of the PACTE law. and demand will be high for
46  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
shortage of candidates at be needed, along with analyst
the junior graduate level and commercial roles. TOP INDUSTRIES IN DEMAND
increasing base salaries for FOR PROFESSIONALS
accounting professionals. Businesses will continue to look for
professionals with strong technical
"Loi PACTE" proposals aim to skills and those who are able to
simplify processes for firms, adapt to change. The growing
significantly reducing auditing influence of FinTech will see hiring
levels. This will have a knock-on managers seeking professionals with
effect for recruitment activity in banking expertise and digital agility. Information
2019 for particularly small and Finance
middle-sized public accountancy INTERIM
firms where we will see a slow Demand was high in 2018 for
down in hiring activity. candidates with experience
in transition management as
The increasing digitalisation banks and financial institutions
of the industry will continue to navigated their way through
have an impact on the duties of restructure or regulatory change.
accounting professionals as they Supply Chain Tax, Legal
focus less on low-value tasks Demand for professionals will & Procurement & Compliance
and shift to provide counsel. continue in 2019, as adjustment
of processes and monitoring the
BANKING evolution of standards will be high
PERM on the banking community’s to-do-
Banks and financial services firms lists. Support will also be needed Despite competition for France
focused on hiring professionals in HR, risk management and with other European cities, Brexit
for front-office roles throughout financial management functions. will continue to create opportunities
2018. Candidates with experience in France for the banking sector.
in financial direction, risk and CONTRACT
compliance were sought after. In 2018, we saw rapid growth In 2019, we will start to see a
of online banks and FinTech trend of junior candidates taking
Demand for risk management companies' which increased up temporary contracts as
professionals was particularly the demand for technically graduates start seeing the benefit
competitive as regulatory proficient and digital-savvy of having exposure to diverse
constraints, such as the candidates who also specialised functions before discovering
implementation of IFRS9, impacted in banking activities. where their strengths lie.
the financial services sector.
Confidence remained high within BUSINESS SUPPORT
In 2019, international banks will asset management firms, who In 2018, recruitment activity for
begin to establish themselves in used permanent contracts to business support was dependent
France due to Brexit resulting in attract the best talent. For client on three main trends.
the need to build new teams. In advisors in traditional, large
order to support this development, banking firms, promotion to Firstly, companies in all sectors
back-office functions including supervisor was common as firms continued to recruit at office-
marketing, HR, IT and legal will battled to retain top talent. manager level. For mid-sized
France 47
companies, candidates with especially in connection with digital
experience interacting with different transformation. Therefore, candidates
divisions were highly sought after. with experience in data management, The strong market growth
innovation and artificial intelligence will continue in 2019 allowing
Secondly, salaries remained relatively (AI) will be particularly sought after. companies to launch more
stable in 2018, with less emphasis projects using consultants
being placed on specialist skills and The strong regulatory environment in connection with digital
more demand for general all-rounders will also continue to increase transformation.
with strong interpersonal skills. the recruitment of specialised
profiles for both financial services
And finally, in response to Brexit, and data management.
banks and financial services For the first time in years, there
businesses scaled up their operations, ENGINEERING & was an increase in investment in
resulting in the recruitment of more MANUFACTURING these industries, resulting in high
support staff. Candidates with a PERM demand to fill positions within R&D,
strong command of English will 2018 was an exceptional year for innovation and project management.
be particularly valued in 2019. the engineering and manufacturing This led to new roles being
sector. All sectors were recruiting created in production, ongoing site
CONSULTING again, even oil and gas which improvement and management.
The strong market growth is had slowed down significantly
expected to continue in 2019 with in previous years. Professionals Professionals that were highly
favourable economic conditions demonstrated the ability to evolve sought after in 2018 will remain the
allowing companies to launch long-term on an international scale same in 2019, namely engineers
more projects using consultants, were highly valued by companies. with strong technical basics,
managerial capacities and a strong
propensity to develop business.

Professionals with more than

10 years’ experience will be
particularly sought after, as well
as those combining technical
skills and customer focus.

Salaries will see marginal growth

in 2019, except for those roles
that are candidate-short which
will demand larger premiums.


It was a growing market in 2018
compared to that of 2017,
with notable extensions on the
average duration of assignments
IN THE FIRST QUARTER IN 2018 adding pressure to the already
candidate-short market.
An increased number of roles and introduce faster procedures
became available for managing to authorise clinical tests.
director and site director

assignments in recovery contexts Jobs will continue to be created
due to the market growth. within the field as a direct result
of digitisation and new medical
Recruitment activity will be high in technology. As a result, graduates
2019, notably in the automobile, with a master's degree or those
aeronautics, pharmaceutical coming from engineering school's
and agri-food sectors as well as will be highly sought after.
business and community services. Increase in human resources
Maintenance technicians with jobs in the first quarter of 2018
HEALTHCARE & LIFE SCIENCES experience in pharma-equipment
PERM and regulatory affairs with expertise
The most sought-after in medical dispositive will be in
candidates in 2018 were chief short supply in 2019. As a result, INTERIM
medical officers and business salary inflations are likely. The interim management sector
development managers for is growing, in particular within the
biotechs, regulatory affairs, quality HUMAN RESOURCES industrial sector that continues to
assurance and CMC managers PERM undergo significant transformations.
for pharmaceuticals. Hiring levels for permanent
HR professionals grew in 2018 The outsourcing of certain
The healthcare and life sciences as a result of technological support functions such as
market is evolving due to and legislative evolutions such payroll and talent sourcing
the implementation of new as Macron law and GDPR. has created further demands
European regulations dealing for transition management.
with serialisation. This will result The increased digitisation of the sector
in increased demand for profiles has changed the way professionals 2019 will see companies needing
in the clinical, regulatory and within the industry use or interact to review or even create HR policies
business development fields. with administrative duties such as from recruitment right through to
payroll, HRMS, compensation & talent retention. This will result
CONTRACT benefits and company management in interim managers finding
Proposed new norms put pressure control. This has resulted in a themselves working on employer
on the life sciences market in demand for candidates who brand and DNA projects.
2018, as support and quality are technically proficient.
insurance teams looked to HR Directors will also be
strengthen their processes and In 2019, high-performing talent required to accommodate
procedures in product traceability. acquisition managers will be sought business changes most notably
after, as well as candidates with in the retail sector, and digital
Ambitious reforms will have a digital and multicultural skills. improvement across all sectors.
positive impact on the market in
2019, namely government projects Hiring managers will be tasked with Senior-level interim candidates with
which will decrease timelines and finding commercially aware senior- experience in HRIS projects will
administrative tasks when putting level candidates who are able to be highly sought after, particularly
new medicines on the market act as true HR business partners. those with digital and IT
France 49
interface experience, combined Hiring managers were having Underwriters will be highly sought
with general HR capabilities to contend with an acute after, as well as professionals with a
and multicultural skills. payroll candidate shortage, background in sales. Professionals
whilst the number of qualified in actuarial science will be in high
Site HR managers will be and available candidates was demand, specifically those who
highly valued for filling in or short across the HR sector. possess the right interpersonal skills.
supporting management
during annual negotiations for Salaries will continue to evolve INTERIM
struggling production sites. throughout 2019, particularly at It was an energetic market in 2018,
junior payroll administrator level. particularly due to the demand for
CONTRACT candidates within support functions.
The contract market was busy in INSURANCE
2018, with strong hiring activity. PERM This trend will continue into 2019,
The insurance sector showed with a notable desire for specialised
New legal rules - “Prélèvement encouraging dynamism in 2018, expertise within conformity
à la source” law and the with more jobs arising as a management, subscription
implementation of “Macron result of digital transformation. management, internal audit, actuaries
ordonnances” in labour law - have and management control.
put pressure on the hiring market We will continue to see the
for candidates who can keep marketplace open up in CONTRACT
up with the fast-paced nature 2019, with candidates more In 2018, the insurance market
of the regulatory market and willing to take risks and became more customer-focused,
constantly update their skills. accept new challenges. with companies keen to differentiate

from their competitors by investing management and leadership
heavily in customer experience. capabilities were highly sought
This trend was reflected in roles as after to oversee workstreams Demand will remain high
the gap between front-office and on IT security, ERP and data. for candidates with sound
back-office functions reduced. technical credentials and
However, whilst candidates with a real understanding of
The increased digitalisation of dual IT and business skills remain business issues.
the sector put pressure on hiring highly sought after, it was technical
managers to find candidates experts who saw their salaries
who were able to follow this increase the most in 2018.
trend. Demand was also high
for production officers, claim Companies that made significant for multinationals and was a
managers and client advisors. progress on their technical key part of the global strategy
architecture and data in 2018 will of many companies in order to
In 2019, we will see companies be the best-armed to face digital remain competitive. Candidates
invest significant money into transformation in 2019. These with experience of interacting in
training processes, with a key companies will look for candidates multiple departments such as IT,
focus on integrating candidates with a background in IoT, data HR, marketing and finance were
into the company during the and mobile in order to support the highly sought after for interim
onboarding process. next stage of their transformation. management assignments.
Demand will remain high
Client satisfaction will continue for candidates with sound In 2019, the interim IT
to be an objective for companies technical credentials and a real market will be dictated by
and, as a result, roles such as understanding of business issues. three major themes: ERP,
client development officers will infrastructure outsourcing
become more prominent. The market as a whole will remain and digital master plans.
competitive in 2019. It is worth
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY noting that ERP candidates will be We will also see a lot of projects
& DIGITAL in particularly short supply. Due around data, including data
PERM to the large increase in salaries architecture, business reflection
The IT and digital market continued in 2018, we expect companies and repercussions, big data and
to grow in 2018, with small-mid- will be less inclined to enter into a AI. As a result, data scientists
sized companies realising the bidding war for top talent in 2019. will be highly sought after.
importance of having efficient Wage consistency will become
IT departments. This resulted in essential in order to sustain Retail will continue to be a sector
an increased demand for talent recruitment in the long term. to watch in 2019 as the uptake
to accompany and consolidate on e-commerce speeds up. We
major transformation projects. INTERIM will see an increase in recruitment
Companies continued to invest activity in the field of retail
The introduction of GDPR, beyond massively in IT in 2018 in order transformation, omni-channel
its impact on security and IT audit to clear their technical debt, with strategy and physical and digital
subjects, presented a chance for a particular focus on security. simultaneous interaction. This will
some companies to go back to result in e-commerce experts with
square one regarding IT. As such, Digital transformation is no experience in customer path and
candidates with strong project longer a question but a certainty CRM being highly sought after.
France 51
CONTRACT of investments, resulting in an
Digitilisation, dematerialisation overall increase in hiring levels.
and the development of new Real estate experienced a
technologies drove demand in In regard to residential real estate bright spell in 2018 following
the IT contract market in 2018. development, demand increased a return of investments,
for candidates across the value resulting in an overall
There was a healthy pipeline of chain, namely in development, increase in hiring levels.
projects resulting in a demand for installation, technique and
systems and network engineers, marketing. The service divisions
developers and professionals with experienced the same level
experience in applicative systems. of growth, with investments
becoming more frequent.
Salaries grew accordingly, as Business confidence within
companies battled to attract talent In 2019, we will see an increase in the construction industry will
with high technical capacities asset management and property increase in 2019, as regional
and strong soft skills. management demands in the development increases. As such,
real estate sector. The effects candidates who have genuine
In 2019, recruitment activity of this will be particularly felt regional expertise in looking for
will remain busy, in particular among managers of real estate land will be highly sought after.
for graduates who will be investment funds who will be
attracted to careers in big data, faced with significant challenges to CONTRACT
cloud and new technology. maintain the declared productivity. Demand was high in 2018
The continued growth in real for contract professionals
PRIVATE EQUITY estate development will also with experience in real estate
The market continued on its increase demand for technical development, property
strong trajectory of growth and sales professionals. management, technical
in 2018 and shows no signs management and facility
of slowing down in 2019. In construction, the market management. Permanent
will continue to grow in 2019 contracts will become more
Candidates with proven until full employment is met for common as hiring managers
experience of providing both a building managers. This will contend with candidate
strategic and operational vision lead to a shortage of managerial shortages for specialist areas.
were highly sought after. profiles as well as an inflation of
salaries in the range of 6-10%. Recruitment levels will increase
We will begin to see middle-market due to the healthy pipeline of
and small and medium-sized INTERIM upcoming projects including
companies seek out transition The sector remained active the Paris 2024 Olympic games
managers to help navigate their in 2018, mostly due to major and Grand Paris 2030.
way through growth in 2019. infrastructure projects such
as Grand Paris 2030 and the In the construction sector, roles
REAL ESTATE & Paris 2024 Olympic Games. directly involved in building will
CONSTRUCTION become even more important
PERM Technical profiles were sought to as a number of construction
Real estate experienced a bright support companies with lease and projects get under way. Salaries
spell in 2018 following a return fund management problems. will grow in line with this demand.
52  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
SALES & MARKETING The speeding-up of the supply
The sales and marketing sector chain process will become TOP FOUR FACTORS DETERMINING
slowed down in 2018, leading inherent to the function of the JOB SATISFACTION
to recruitment stagnating – most role in 2019. As such, hiring
notably for operational professionals managers will seek candidates
such as store management, who are technically proficient
channel manager, export manager and possess a business degree
and sales manager roles. or purchasing and supply
chain postgraduate diploma.
However, the increasing
Day-to-day Work-life
digitalisation of the industry will Salaries will continue to
work balance
open up opportunities in other evolve upwards for niche or
areas, in particular for category specialist professionals with
managers capable of boosting the international experience.
offer and proposing a categorical
vision of the market. The most Beyond technical proficiency, soft
sought-after profiles in 2019 will skills such as communication,
have a combination of digital leadership and stress management
expertise and an understanding will be key hiring factors as
of network intricacies. businesses search for genuine Feedback and Company culture
business partners in supply encouragement and atmosphere
SUPPLY CHAIN & chain and procurement. from management
In 2018, we continued to see In 2018, more roles became
supply chain, purchasing and available across supply
procurement taking an increasingly chain functions, in particular
strategic role within organisations. within distribution due to
companies seeking to optimise Within sales administration
The pursuit of professionalising production and delivery. functions, we will see an increase
purchasing and supply chain in the number of permanent hires
functions resulted in hiring The "top role" in supply chain in due to an increase in confidence
managers seeking experienced 2019 will be the position of sales and willingness of companies to
candidates to structure and forecaster due to companies attract and hire the best talent.
improve service skills. expecting to work on a just-
in-time production basis. TAX, LEGAL & COMPLIANCE
The rise of new generations PERM
has continued to emphasise Permanent contracts will be on The volume of hires increased in
the need to reinforce middle the rise across supply chain and 2018, particularly for senior (over
management, in order to sales administration. Supplier 10 years' experience) legal directors
anticipate any retirements. functions will see an increase in multinationals and smaller
in temporary contracts as structures. The scope of the legal
Candidates who moved jobs in they are used by companies professional is evolving, gaining
2018 saw their salaries increase looking to better manage delays a more strategic position within
by an average of 10%. in supply management. organisations’ boards of directors.
France 53
Setting up divisions to cater for firms. However, the number of
GDPR generated a lot of internal associates making partner will
jobs and changes to structures in remain very limited in 2019, Many firms have substantially
order to manage projects quickly. especially in high-profile firms. increased salaries in order
In order to maintain a sustainable to reduce the pay gap
strategy in 2019, companies will INTERIM between themselves and
need to continue to recruit at Demand for interim candidates American firms.
the same level as previously. grew in 2018, which was intensified
by regulatory constraints.
In 2019, tax directors will be highly
sought after, along with candidates Legal departments sought out
specialising in compliance. professionals with experience in corporate law, data privacy
in transformation and change and compliance. GDPR will
In private practice, lateral partner management for interim still remain a key factor in the
hires continued to follow the classic management positions. recruitment trends of companies.
hiring trend in areas of corporate Candidates specialising
and tax law. New trends have also in compliance were also Demand for tax managers with
emerged with partner hires in real highly sought after. experience of implementation of
estate and data protection. On tax at source will be high in 2019.
the associate side, many firms This trend will continue
have substantially increased their throughout 2019, with demand
pay scale during 2018 in order to being particularly high for
reduce the salary gap with American managers with strong expertise



3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6 - 12 YRS’ EXP 12+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

CFO 200 - 370k 200 - 370k

Finance Director - SME 120 - 250k 120 - 270k

Finance Director - BU 80 - 100k 80 - 130k 100 - 220k 100 - 250k

Internal Auditor/Manager/Director 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 75 - 110k 75 - 120k 110 - 170k 110 - 170k

Controlling Manager/Director 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 100k 70 - 120k 100 - 170k 100 - 200k

FP&A Manager/Director 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 100k 70 - 120k 90 - 140k 100 - 170k


Accounting Manager/Director 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 100k 75 - 100k 90 - 160k 90 - 160k

M&A Manager/Director 50 - 80k 70 - 90k 90 - 130k 90 - 150k 130 - 200k 150 - 250k

Treasury Manager/Director 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 110 - 160k 110 - 180k

Consolidation Manager/Director 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 80 - 110k 80 - 130k 110 - 140k 110 - 150k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 55


3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6 - 12 YRS’ EXP 12+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Investment Banking

COO 150k+ 150k+

Private Equity 60 - 85k 60 - 85k 90 - 160k 90 - 160k 160k+ 160k+

Asset Manager 55 - 85k 55 - 85k 95 - 135k 95 - 135k 145k+ 145k+

M&A 60 - 85k 60 - 85k 85 - 145k 85 - 145k 140k+ 140k+

Coverage/Corporate Banking 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 85 - 135k 85 - 135k 135k+ 135k+

Private Banker 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 100k+ 100k+

Product Specialist 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 95k+ 95k+

Finance Director 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 60 - 95k 60 - 95k 90k+ 90k+

Retail Banking

Risk Manager 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 95k 65 - 95k

Branch Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k

Enterprise Advisor 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k

Private Banking Manager 50 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 80k 70 - 80k

Private Banking Relationship Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 70k 60 - 70k

Credit Analyst 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

56  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019

Partner (12+ yrs’ exp) 250k+ 250k+

Principal (8 - 12 yrs’ exp) 130 - 200k 130 - 200k

Manager/Project Leader (6 - 8 yrs’ exp) 90 - 130k 90 - 130k

Senior Associate/Senior Consultant (3 - 6 yrs’ exp) 65 - 95k 65 - 95k

Associate/Consultant (0 - 3 yrs’ exp) 45 - 60k 45 - 60k

Organisation & Management

Associate/Partner (12+ yrs’ exp) 160k+ 160k+

Senior Manager/Director (10 - 12 yrs’ exp) 85 - 135k 85 - 135k

Manager (6 - 10 yrs’ exp) 65 - 85k 65 - 85k

Senior Consultant (3 - 6 yrs’ exp) 50 - 75k 50 - 75k

Consultant (0 - 3 yrs’ exp) 35 - 55k 35 - 55k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 57


5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Research & Development

Head of R&D 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 110k+ 110k+

Specialist 75k+ 75k+ 80k+ 80k+


COO 100k+ 100k+ 130k+ 130k+

Maintenance Manager 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k

Production Manager 55 - 70k 60 - 75k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 80k+ 80k+

Method/Industrialisation Manager 50 - 65k 55 - 65k 60 - 70k 60 - 75k 70k+ 70k+

Plant Manager 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 95k+ 95k+

Continuous Improvement

Quality Manager/Director 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 95k+ 95k+

Lean Manufacturing Manager/Director 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 80 - 110k 80 - 110k

HSE Manager/Director 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 75 - 100k 75 - 100k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

58  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Chief Medical Officer 100 - 120k 100 - 130k 130k+ 140k+

MSL Manager 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 90 - 100k 90 - 105k 90 - 115k 90 - 120k

Chief Scientific Officer 100 - 120k 100 - 130k 130k+ 140k+

R&D Manager/Director 60 - 85k 60 - 90k 85 - 130k 90 - 140k

Clinical Operations Manager/Director 65 - 90k 70 - 90k 85k+ 90k+

Regulatory Affairs Manager/Director 55 - 75k 55 - 80k 70 - 95k 70 - 100k 100k+ 100k+

Quality Assurance Manager/Director 55 - 80k 55 - 85k 70 - 95k 70 - 100k 90k+ 90k+

Chief Operations Manager/Director 75 - 110k 80 - 120k 110k+ 120k+

Chief Marketing Officer 75 - 115k 80 - 120k 120k+ 120k+

Business Development Manager/Director 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 90k+ 100k+

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 59


5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

HR Director International 80 - 115k 80 - 115k 95 - 140k 95 - 140k 135k+ 135k+

HR Director France 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 90 - 125k 90 - 125k 130k+ 130k+

HR Business Partner 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 90k+ 90k+

Training & Development

HR Development Manager 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k 90k+ 90k+

Talent Acquisition Manager 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 75 - 100k 75 - 100k 95k+ 95k+

Training Manager 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 85k+ 85k+


Labour Relations Manager/Director 70 - 85k 70 - 85k 80 - 95k 80 - 95k 110k+ 110k+

Compensation & Benefits Manager 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 95k 80 - 95k 95k+ 95k+

Payroll Manager 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k

Social Business Controlling Manager 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 80 - 90k 80 - 90k

Labour Law Jurist 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 80k+ 80k+

HRIS Manager 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 70 - 80k 70 - 80k 80k+ 80k+

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

60  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Chief Information Officer 90 - 140k 90 - 140k 120k+ 120k+

Chief Technical Officer 70 - 120k 70 - 130k 100k+ 100k+

Chief Digital Officer 90 - 120k 90 - 130k 120k+ 130k+

Chief Information Security Officer 75 - 85k 70 - 85k 85 - 110k 90 - 120k 120k+ 110k+

Project Management

BI Manager 60 - 65k 60 - 70k 65 - 75k 65 - 80k 80k+ 80k+

Program Manager 80 - 110k 80 - 120k 100k+ 120k+

Enterprise Architect 80 - 100k 80 - 110k 100k+ 110k+


Digital Project Manager/Director 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 65 - 75k 65 - 80k 75k+ 80k+

E-commerce Manager/Director 50 - 70k 55 - 75k 70 - 90k 75 - 95k 100k+ 100k+

Data Scientist/Data Manager 55 - 65k 60 - 70k 62 - 70k 70 - 80k 75k+ 85k+

CRM Manager/Director 55 - 60k 55 - 60k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k


Domain Leader 80 - 85k 80 - 90k 90k+ 90 - 105k

ERP Consultant 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 65 - 70k 65 - 70k 75k+ 75k+

ERP Project Manager 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 80k+ 80k+

Competency Centre Director 100 - 105k 95 - 105k 115k+ 115k+


Technical Leader 55 - 65k 55 - 70k 70 - 75k 65 - 75k 75k+ 75k+

IS/IT Architect 65 - 85k 75 - 85k 85 - 100k 85k+

IT Security Consultant 75 - 85k 70 - 80k 90 - 110k 80 - 100k

Infrastructure Engineer 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 55 - 65k 65k+ 70k+

IT Project Manager/Director 50 - 55k 50 - 55k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 70 - 85k 70 - 90k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 61


3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6 - 12 YRS’ EXP 12+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Group Insurance Director 60 - 80k 60 - 90k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k

Actuary 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 110k+ 110k+

Underwriter 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 80k+ 80k+

Key Account Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 90k 70 - 100k 70 - 110k

Back Office Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 70k 60 - 70k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

62  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Asset Management

Investment Manager/Director 45 - 75k 45 - 75k 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 110k+ 110k+

Asset Manager/Director 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 75 - 120k 75 - 120k 100k+ 120k+

Property Manager/Director 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 75k 60 - 75k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k

Property Development

Programme Manager/Director 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 65 - 115k 70 - 120k 100 - 130k 110 - 150k

Development Manager/Director 55 - 65k 60 - 70k 65 - 80k 70 - 100k 90k+ 110k+

Technical Director 70k+ 80k+

Sales Director 45 - 75k 45 - 75k 55 - 90k 55 - 90k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k

Buyer Counselling

Real Estate Manager/Director 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 100 - 170k 100 - 170k

Broker 25 - 60k 25 - 60k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 90 - 150k 90 - 150k

Investment Broker 30 - 60k 30 - 60k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 90k+ 90k+

Corporate Consultant 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 55 - 80k 55 - 80k


Site Engineer/Construction Director 50 - 65k 55 - 70k 65 - 90k 70 - 95k 95 - 145k 100 - 150k

Technical Manager/Director 50 - 65k 55 - 70k 65 - 85k 70 - 90k 90 - 150k 95 - 155k

Design Methods & Cost Planning Engineer/Manager 45 - 55k 50 - 60k 60 - 70k 65 - 75k 70 - 100k 70 - 100k

QSE Engineer/Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k

Survey Engineer/Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 75k 65 - 75k

Commercial Engineer/Director 45 - 55k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 60 - 70k 65 - 145k 70 - 150k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 63


3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6 - 12 YRS’ EXP 12+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Sales Manager/Director 90 - 110k 90 - 110k 110 - 140k 110 - 140k

Export Manager/Director 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k

Sales Director - BU 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 130k 90 - 130k

Retail/Regional Sales Manager 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 130k 90 - 150k

Key Account Manager/Director 48 - 55k 50 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 100k+ 100k+

E-commerce Manager/Director 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 100k+ 100k+

Flagship/Store Manager/Director 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 110k 80 - 110k


Marcomms Manager/Director 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 85k 65 - 90k 85 - 140k 85 - 140k

Digital Marketing Manager/Director 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 100k 65 - 100k 100k+ 100k+

Category Manager/Director 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 90k+ 90k+

Product Manager/Director 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 85k 75 - 85k

PR Specialist 35 - 55k 35 - 55k 55 - 80k 55 - 80k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

64  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Supply Chain Manager/Director 90k+ 95k+ 115k+ 120k+

Factory Supply Chain Manager 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 70 - 95k 70 - 95k

Logistics & Transport Manager/Director 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 70 - 95k 70 - 95k

Demand/Supply Planning Manager/Director 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k

Warehouse Manager/Director 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 70 - 95k 70 - 95k

Supply Chain Project Manager/Director 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75k+ 75k+

Customer Service Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 70 - 95k 70 - 95k

BPO Business Process Owner 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90k+ 90k+

Procurement Manager/Director 75 - 95k 75 - 100k 110k+ 115k+

Commodity Buyer 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 70 - 95k 70 - 95k

Project Buyer 45 - 60k 45 - 65k 55 - 80k 60 - 80k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 65


3 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Legal Director 90k+ 90k+ 110k+ 110k+

Corporate M&A Legal Counsel 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 95k 65 - 95k 95k+ 95k+

Business/Contract Law Counsel 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 85k+ 85k+

Intellectual Property Law Counsel 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75k+ 75k+

Labour Law Counsel 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 85k+ 85k+


Tax Director 105k+ 105k+

Tax Generalist 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k 90k+ 90k+

International Tax Officer 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 95k+ 95k+

VAT/Indirect Tax Specialist 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 85k+ 85k+

Transfer Pricing Specialist 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 95k+ 95k+


Compliance Officer 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 110k+ 110k+

Corporate Affairs/Lobbying

Corporate Affairs Specialist 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 85k+ 85k+

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

66  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019
US Firms

Equity Partner 420k+ 420k+

Counsel/Partner 150 - 240k 150 - 240k

Senior Associate (7+ yrs’ exp) 115k+ 120k+

Mid-level Associate (3 - 6 yrs’ exp) 83 - 125k 88 - 155k

Junior Associate (1 - 2 yrs’ exp) 65 - 100k 70 - 110k

UK Firms

Equity Partner 350k+ 350k+

Counsel/Partner 130 - 240k 130 - 240k

Senior Associate (7+ yrs’ exp) 100k+ 105k+

Mid-level Associate (3 - 6 yrs’ exp) 70 - 115k 75 - 125k

Junior Associate (1 - 2 yrs’ exp) 60 - 85k 65 - 90k

French Firms

Partner 140k+ 140k+

Counsel 120 - 150k 120 - 150k

Senior Associate (7+ yrs’ exp) 90k+ 95k+

Mid-level Associate (3 - 6 yrs’ exp) 60 - 110k 65 - 120k

Junior Associate (1 - 2 yrs’ exp) 50 - 80k 55 - 85k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.
Some French law firms ranked Tier 1 in Chambers & Partners and some Magic Circle law firms offer salaries exceeding the standard FR and UK pay scale.

France 67


2018 2019
CEO 2000 - 2500 2000 - 3000


CFO 1300 - 2000 1300 - 2500

Accounting Director 1100 - 1300 1100 - 1400

Financial Controller 1100 - 1300 1100 - 1600

Treasury Director 950 - 1300 950 - 1300

Director of Consolidation 1000 - 1500 1300 - 1800

Finance Project Director 1200 - 1800 1200 - 2000

Tax, Legal & Compliance

General Counsel/Legal Director 1300 - 2500 1300 - 2500

Group Tax Director/Manager Tax Operations 1500 - 2500 1500 - 2500

Corporate Manager 1200 - 1700 1200 - 1700

Contract Manager 1000 - 1500 1000 - 1500

Compliance Officer/Data Protection Officer 1200 - 2300 1200 - 2300

Human Resources

Group HR Director 1600 - 2100 1600 - 2100

Country HR Director 1200 - 1600 1200 - 1600

Site HR Director 1000 - 1300 1000 - 1300

Compensation & Benefits Director 1100 - 1500 1100 - 1500


Managing Director 1500 - 3500 1600 - 3500

Chief Restructuring Officer 1500 - 3500 1600 - 3500

Industrial Site Director 1000 - 1500 1200 - 1700

Procurement Director 1000 - 2500 1200 - 2700

Supply Chain Director 1000 - 2000 1200 - 2200

Quality Director 1000 - 2000 1200 - 2200

NB: Interim management figures are basic daily rates including agency fees

68  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019
Information Technology & Digital

CIO 1200 - 3000 1200 - 2500

CTO 1200 - 2000 1000 - 2200

Program Director 900 - 1500 900 - 1500

CDO/Digital Transformation 1500 - 3000 1500 - 2700

CMO/Product & Marketing 900 - 1800 1000 - 1900

Data Officer 1000 - 2500 1000 - 2500

Banking & Insurance

HR Director 1000 - 1500 1000 - 1500

Risk & Compliance Director 1100 - 1500 1100 - 1500

Technical Director 1100 - 1500 1100 - 1500

Real Estate

Managing Director 1500 - 2200 1500 - 2200

Programme Director 900 - 1600 900 - 1600

Private Equity

CFO 1200 - 2000 1200 - 2300

Deputy CEO 1300 - 2200 1300 - 2500

NB: Interim management figures are basic daily rates including agency fees

France 69


2018 2019 2018 2019
General Accountant 32 - 45k 32 - 45k 18 - 25 18 - 25
Accounts Receivable 28 - 32k 28 - 32k 15 - 18 15 - 18
Accounts Payable 24 - 32k 24 - 32k 13 - 18 13 - 18
Accounting Clerk 21 - 26k 21 - 26k 12 - 14 12 - 14
Audit & Public Accounting
Junior Accounting Officer 26 - 30k 28 - 32k 14 - 16 15 - 18
Senior Accounting Officer 33 - 40k 33 - 40k 18 - 22 18 - 22
Head of Mission 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 22 - 27 22 - 27
Junior External Auditor 35 - 38k 35 - 38k 19 - 21 19 - 21
Treasury Officer 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 22 - 27 22 - 27
Credit Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 22 - 27 22 - 27
Junior Business Controller 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 19 - 22 19 - 22
Debt Recovery Officer 26 - 32k 26 - 32k 14 - 18 14 - 18
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019 2018 2019
Back Office 26 - 35k 26 - 35k 14 - 19 14 - 19
Middle Office 34 - 42k 34 - 42k 19 - 23 19 - 23
Private Credit Analyst 26 - 30k 26 - 30k 14 - 16 14 - 16
Corporate Financial Analyst 28 - 40k 28 - 40k 15 - 22 15 - 22
Online Banking Customer Advisor 22 - 26k 22 - 26k 12 - 14 12 - 14
Private Banking Assistant 28 - 36k 28 - 36k 15 - 20 15 - 20
Compliance Officer 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 19 - 27 19 - 27
Regulatory Accountant 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 19 - 27 19 - 27
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

70  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019


2018 2019 2018 2019
Executive Board Assistant 42 - 55k 46 - 60k 23 - 30 25 - 33

Office Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 19 - 25 19 - 25

Executive Assistant 38 - 45k 38 - 45k 21 - 25 21 - 25

Team Assistant 27 - 35k 28 - 37k 15 - 19 15 - 20

Administration Assistant 20 - 27k 21 - 28k 11 - 15 12 - 15

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019 2018 2019
Quantity Surveyor 27 - 37k 28 - 40k 15 - 20 15 - 22

Cost Estimation Technician/Engineer 28 - 45k 28 - 50k 15 - 25 15 - 27

Team Manager 22 - 32k 24 - 34k 12 - 18 13 - 19

Construction Site Manager 45 - 65k 35 - 65k 25 - 36 19 - 36

Junior Construction Site Manager 26 - 40k 27 - 42k 14 - 22 15 - 23

Senior Construction Site Manager 35 - 50k 38 - 60k 19 - 27 21 - 33

Design Drafter 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 16 - 25 16 - 25

Project Manager 30 - 50k 32 - 52k 16 - 27 18 - 28

Construction Assistant 25 - 35k 25 - 37k 14 - 19 14 - 20

Maintenance Technician 27 - 37k 27 - 37k 15 - 20 15 - 20

Interior Designer 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 16 - 25 16 - 25

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 71


2018 2019 2018 2019
Human Resources

Recruitment Officer 30 - 38k 30 - 38k 16 - 21 16 - 21

HR Officer 30 - 36k 30 - 36k 16 - 20 16 - 20

Training Officer 32 - 38k 32 - 38k 18 - 21 18 - 21

HR Assistant 26 - 32k 26 - 32k 14 - 18 14 - 18

Payroll Administrator 30 - 36k 30 - 38k 16 - 20 16 - 21


Legal Counsel 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 19 - 25 19 - 25

Legal Assistant 28 - 32k 28 - 32k 15 - 18 15 - 18

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.


2018 2019 2018 2019
Project Manager - Information Systems 45 - 50k 45 - 50k 25 - 27 25 - 27

Project Owner 35 - 50k 38 - 50k 19 - 27 21 - 27

System & Network Manager 34 - 38k 35 - 40k 19 - 21 19 - 22

Helpdesk Technician 22 - 26k 22 - 30k 12 - 14 12 - 16

Design & Development Engineer 38 - 45k 38 - 50k 21 - 25 21 - 27

Web Designer/Webmaster 28 - 35k 28 - 35k 15 - 19 15 - 19

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

72  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019


2018 2019 2018 2019
Underwriter 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 19 - 25 19 - 25

Production Manager 28 - 35k 25 - 37k 15 - 19 14 - 20

Claims Manager 30 - 35k 25 - 35k 16 - 19 14 - 19

Client Advisor 25 - 30k 23 - 30k 14 - 16 13 - 16

Insurance Accountant 32 - 38k 32 - 38k 18 - 21 18 - 21

Legal Protection Jurist 30 - 32k 33 - 35k 16 - 18 18 - 19

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019 2018 2019
Lab Technician 26 - 32k 26 - 32k 14 - 18 14 - 18

Analytical Development Engineer 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 19 - 25 19 - 25

Quality Control Technician 26 - 32k 27 - 33k 14 - 18 15 - 18

Production Technician 22 - 27k 22 - 27k 12 - 15 12 - 15

Maintenance Technician 36 - 42k 38 - 44k 20 - 23 21 - 24

Quality Insurance Officer 33 - 38k 35 - 40k 18 - 21 19 - 22

Regulatory Affairs Officer 35 - 45k 37 - 47k 19 - 25 20 - 26

Product Manager 35 - 42k 35 - 42k 19 - 23 19 - 23

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 73

2018 2019 2018 2019
Co-ownership Manager 34 - 50k 35 - 50k 19 - 27 19 - 27

Rental Manager 28 - 35k 28 - 36k 15 - 19 15 - 20

Co-ownership Accountant 28 - 38k 29 - 40k 15 - 21 16 - 22

Rental Accountant 28 - 38k 28 - 40k 15 - 21 15 - 22

Co-ownership Administration Assistant 25 - 33k 26 - 34k 14 - 18 14 - 19

Rental Administration Assistant 23 - 29k 23 - 32k 13 - 16 13 - 18

Property Manager 32 - 50k 34 - 50k 18 - 27 19 - 27

Real Estate Principal Accountant 34 - 50k 34 - 50k 19 - 27 19 - 27

Estate Technical Manager 32 - 45k 34 - 45k 18 - 25 19 - 25

Estate Technical Assistant 28 - 34k 28 - 32k 15 - 19 15 - 18

Estate Programme Manager 34 - 50k 34 - 50k 19 - 27 19 - 27

Estate Programme Assistant 28 - 36k 28 - 38k 15 - 20 15 - 21

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

74  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019 2018 2019
Sales Management

Sales Administration Assistant 22 - 28k 26 - 30k 12 - 15 14 - 16

Sales Assistant 23 - 28k 28 - 32k 13 - 15 15 - 18

Import/Export 28 - 34k 32 - 35k 15 - 19 18 - 19

Customer Service Assistant 19 - 22k 19 - 22k 10 - 12 10 - 12

Database Manager 28 - 33k 28 - 35k 15 - 18 15 - 19

Supply Chain

Purchasing Agent 30 - 40k 32 - 40k 16 - 22 18 - 22

Purchasing Assistant 22 - 26k 22 - 28k 12 - 14 12 - 15

Supplier 26 - 32k 27 - 35k 14 - 18 15 - 19

Sales Forecaster 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 22 - 25 22 - 25

Logistics Coordinator 28 - 33k 28 - 33k 15 - 18 15 - 18

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 75


5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
CFO (€500m+ turnover) 100 - 150k 100 - 150k 130k+ 130k+
CFO (<€500m turnover) 80 - 120k 80 - 120k 120k+ 120k+
Consolidation (statutory) 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 70 - 100k 75 - 100k 90 - 130k 100 - 130k
Accounting Manager 55 - 65k 55 - 70k 65 - 90k 70 - 90k 80 - 110k 90 - 110k
Treasury & Cash Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 60 - 85k 60 - 90k 75 - 110k 80 - 120k
Internal Auditor 50 - 80k 50 - 80k 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 90 - 110k 90 - 110k
Business Controller 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 60 - 85k 60 - 85k 90k+ 90k+
Plant Controller 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Research & Development
Head of R&D 80k+ 85k+ 95k+ 95k+
Project Manager 70k+ 70k+ 80k+ 80k+
COO 90k+ 90k+ 110k+ 110k+
Plant Manager 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 75 - 90k 80 - 95k 90k+ 90k+
Maintenance Manager 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k
Head of Production 45 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 75 - 85k 75 - 90k
Quality Director 70 - 85k 70 - 85k 90k+ 85k+
Continuous Improvement Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 75k 60 - 80k 80k+ 85k+
HSE Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 80k+ 80k+
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

76  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Chief Medical Officer 170k+ 180k+

Chief Scientific Officer 130 - 160k 130 - 170k 160k+ 170k+

Chief Operations Officer 90 - 130k 90 - 130k 130k+ 130k+

CMC Manager 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k

Regulatory Affairs Manager 60 - 75k 60 - 80k 75 - 85k 80 - 90k 85 - 130k 90 - 130k

Quality Assurance Manager 60 - 75k 60 - 80k 75 - 85k 80 - 90k 85 - 130k 90 - 130k

R&D Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 110k 80 - 110k

Clinical Operations Manager 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 85k 70 - 90k 85 - 120k 90 - 140k

Business Development Manager 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 110k 100k+ 110k+

Sales Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 120k 90 - 130k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.


5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Human Resources

HR Director 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 100 - 120k 100 - 120k 110 - 160k 110 - 160k

HR Business Partner 50 - 60k 55 - 70k 60 - 80k 60 - 85k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k

Compensation & Benefits Specialist 60 - 85k 60 - 85k 70 - 85k 70 - 85k 70 - 85k 70 - 85k


Legal Director 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 75 - 100k 80 - 100k 100 - 130k 100 - 130k

Corporate Lawyer 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 77


5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Chief Information Officer/Chief Digital Officer 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120k+ 120k+

Chief Technical Officer 70 - 100k 75 - 105k 100k+ 105k+

Chief Information Security Officer 65 - 95k 70 - 100k 95k+ 100k+

Enterprise Architect 50 - 60k 55 - 70k 60 - 85k 65 - 90k 85k+ 90k+


Programme Manager/PMO 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90k+ 90k+

Functional Business Analyst/Project Manager 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 60 - 65k 65 - 70k 65k+ 70k+

Digital Project Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 80k+ 80k+

IoT Architect/IoT Project Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 90k+ 90k+


Infrastructure Manager 45 - 55k 50 - 60k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70k+ 70k+

IS Architect 45 - 55k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65k+ 65k+

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

78  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Sales Director 70 - 90k 75 - 100k 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k
Key Account Manager 50 - 60k 55 - 70k 55 - 75k 60 - 80k 65 - 80k 70 - 90k
Marketing Director 70 - 80k 70 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 100k+ 100 - 120k
NB: Figures are basic salaries

5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Supply Chain Director 80 - 95k 80 - 95k 110k+ 110k+
Procurement Director 75 - 90k 80 - 95k 100k+ 100k+
Purchaser 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 79


2018 2019 2018 2019
Business Support

Executive Assistant 30 - 34k 32 - 36k 16 - 19 18 - 20

Sales Assistant 23 - 25k 24 - 26k 13 - 14 13 - 14

Legal Assistant 21 - 23k 22 - 25k 12 - 13 12 - 14

Sales Management and Logistics

Sales Administration Assistant 23 - 26k 23 - 26k 13 - 14 13 - 14

International Sales Administration Assistant 26 - 28k 28 - 30k 14 - 15 15 - 16

Logistics Assistant 23 - 25k 24 - 26k 13 - 14 13 - 14

Road Assistant 23 - 27k 24 - 27k 13 - 15 13 - 15

International Logistics Assistant 26 - 30k 28 - 34k 14 - 16 15 - 19

Accounting - Finance - HR

General Accountant 29 - 33k 29 - 33k 16 - 18 16 - 18

Payroll Administrator 29 - 32k 29 - 33k 16 - 18 16 - 18

Third Party Accountant 21 - 23k 22 - 25k 12 - 13 12 - 14

Business Controller 38 - 43k 38 - 44k 21 - 24 21 - 24

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

80  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
CFO (Group) 90 - 120k 100 - 120k 120k+ 120k+

CFO (SME) 80 - 90k 90 - 110k 90 - 120k 110k+

Accounting Director 55 - 70k 75 - 90k 70 - 100k 110 - 125k

Business Analyst 45 - 55k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 60 - 75k 65 - 75k 75 - 85k

Financial Controller 45 - 60k 50 - 60k 55 - 70k 60 - 75k 65 - 80k 75 - 85k

Accounting Manager 35 - 40k 45 - 55k 40 - 50k 55 - 65k 50 - 60k 65 - 80k

Treasury Manager 55 - 70k 70 - 80k 70 - 90k 80 - 90k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
HR Director 80 - 100k 80 - 110k 120 - 140k 120 - 140k

HR Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 81


5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

UAP Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k

Maintenance Manager 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 75 - 90k 85k+

Production Manager 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k

Plant Manager 80 - 110k 80k+

Industrial Project Manager 55 - 65k 55 - 65k

Industrialisation Manager 65 - 75k 65 - 75k

Supply Chain

Supply Chain Manager 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 80k+ 80k+

Procurement Manager 70 - 80k 70 - 80k 80k+ 80k+

Supply Chain Engineer 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k

Procurement Engineer 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k

Suppy Chain Project Manager 60 - 70k 60 - 70k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

82  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Sales Director 70 - 80k 70 - 80k 80 - 110k 90 - 110k 110k+ 120k+

Business Development Manager 60 - 70k 70 - 80k 70 - 90k 80 - 90k 90k+ 100k+

Export Sales Manager 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 70 - 90k 90 - 110k 90 - 120k 120k+

Key Account Manager 55 - 65k 60 - 70k 70 - 85k 75 - 85k 90k+ 90k+

Program Manager 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 70 - 80k 70 - 80k 100k+ 100k+

Sales Engineer 50 - 60k 45 - 55k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.


5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
R&D - Engineering Manager 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 110 - 140k 110 - 140k

Project Manager 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k

Technical Expert 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 80k+ 80k+

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

France 83


The German recruitment market has been highly active for a number of disciplines
across many locations but Hamburg, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf were particularly busy.

Mittelstand companies are the backbone of the German economy and continue
to go through a period of transformation – both geographically and digitally. As
such, mid-senior professionals have been in particular demand as hiring managers
sought candidates who help navigate the company through change and growth.

Frankfurt experienced a big upturn in financial services, partly in relation to Brexit.

As a result, demand was particularly high for roles associated with risk,
compliance, audit, finance and regulatory legal.

In the regions, we saw an increase in hiring activity in digital marketing across

both Düsseldorf and Cologne. Unlike the situation in the majority of other
sectors that were having to contend with a shortage of high-quality candidates,
the talent pool for digital marketing seemed to be getting better as we saw
millennials naturally upskill and move away from traditional marketing roles.

The technology sector continued to grow, with areas such as Hamburg and
Berlin transforming themselves into hubs. There were a number of projects under
way in 2018 resulting in an increase in both permanent and freelance roles.

Salary growth across most of Germany was fairly moderate despite

a tightening candidate market. Companies off set this with the
introduction of more non-wage benefits such as flexible working.

Frankfurt, however, saw significant increases in salaries and

bonuses for highly skilled workers who could speak multiple
Skills shortages will persist
languages and had experience in the financial services sector.
as long as the economic
situation stays positive.
As businesses expand,
competition for talent will

84 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

If, as predicted, the German economy More broadly across Germany, we
continues to perform well in 2019, we envisage a continued need for highly
would expect companies to continue skilled, qualified candidates in the
to hire. Frankfurt, for example, has corporate professional space.
already started to gear up for a
post-Brexit market and, as a result,
recruitment activity will increase.

Financial services, consultancy and

law firms will all have to contend with
candidate shortages. As a result,
companies will do their best to hold
on to top talent through internal
promotions and salary increases.
We will see this trend continue at
senior levels as a number of C-suite
hires will likely be internal transfers.


Düsseldorf - Jobs up
1 by 43% in IT year-
78% Frankfurt - Jobs up
2 by 37% in banking
1 year-on-year

Of professionals apply for a

role even though they do not 2 Hamburg - Jobs up by 41% in
meet the selection criteria 3 accounting & finance

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research

Germany 85

experience. Fluency in English is childcare, healthcare schemes,

now a given, with the ability to speak bonuses and training programmes.
additional languages becoming
more attractive to employers. As with the previous year, demand
for interim professionals will be high
Digitalisation became more important in 2019 at all levels, in particular
for multiple business areas and as a for the production industry. Those
result we expect more cross-divisional with knowledge in specialist
skills to be sought after in 2019. areas and process optimisation
will be particularly sought after.
We expect a high demand for
process-oriented candidates, BANKING
those who have knowledge in data Demand for candidates was at an
protection, and candidates with all-time high in 2018, spurred further

knowledge in international and
financial reporting standards (IFRS).

There will be a small increase in

by an influx of Brexit-related roles
in the banking sector as Frankfurt
positioned itself as a European hub.
In fact, as a result of Brexit, well-
GENUINE AND OPEN salaries as a result of the skills known German banks are now
COMMUNICATION WITH THEIR shortage. Candidates will be less represented on the European market
TEAM LEADER likely to move jobs; this will be as a fully regulated bank/legal entity.
even more prevalent outside of the
larger cities, where professionals
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE will be less willing to travel far for
Germany was a candidate driven work. As such, hiring managers Digitalisation became
market in 2018, with hiring managers will need to consider introducing more important for multiple
having to contend with a talent initiatives such as remote working, business areas and as a
shortage across most industries. flexi-hours, and part-time roles. result we expect more cross-
divisional skills to be sought
Across the country, companies Outside of salary, candidates will in 2019.
were seeking permanent senior-level be evaluating a company’s ‘softer
professionals with seven to ten years' benefits’ including company culture,
86  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
In order to meet the demands LEGAL
of the growth in banking, In 2018, we saw high demand for
multiple office spaces were legal candidates from corporate
being built throughout 2018, law firms. A candidate shortage
and demand was high for and increasing workloads
front and back office staff as resulted in firms pursuing junior
banks committed to bolstering candidates, and also – for the
up their teams in the city. first time – relaxing entry criteria.

Salaries increased by around In Frankfurt and Munich,

15-20% as the banking industry demand was high for candidates
felt confident that the positive with experience in mergers
impact of Brexit on the job and acquisitions, private
market would be felt for at
least another two years.

Despite the competition with

equity, banking and financing
law. In Dusseldorf, IP, IT and
antitrust law were top of hiring
managers' lists and in Hamburg
other European cities, Brexit will candidates with experience LEADERSHIP HAS THE LARGEST
continue to create opportunities in renewable energy and real POSITIVE EFFECT ON INDIVIDUAL
in Germany for the banking estate law were sought after. PERFORMANCE
sector. As such, German
candidates with international Recruitment levels for senior
experience will be in high professionals slowed down in
demand to help navigate banks 2018, and in time we will see this SALES & DIGITAL MARKETING
through this period of change. affect the organic growth of law Whilst candidates with generalist
firms. In the years ahead, junior online marketing knowledge were
With middle and back office candidates will find themselves in good supply, there was a
positions at full capacity, the in a good position to progress notable shortage of candidates
focus will very much be on front rapidly and command high with specialist knowledge of
office roles in 2019. Demand salaries as they fill the void. different functions including SEO
will be particularly high for and SEA.

candidates with experience in Although salaries have been
debt capital market analysis, increasing year-on-year, hiring
fixed income and derivatives. managers have realised that
high salaries alone do not

Hiring will remain at peak levels always attract the best talent.
in 2019. As a result candidates More important is to offer
will have their pick of the most flexible working models and an
attractive roles. In order to secure improvement of work-life balance.
top talent, companies should
invest in their employer branding, We will continue to see the
career progression, work-life requirements for entry-level
Of organisations offer opportunities
balance and flexible hours, candidates decrease, as more
for training and development to keep
whilst offering an impressive focus is placed on cultural fit and
salary and bonus structure. work ethic rather than grades. employees engaged
Germany 87
A similar situation took place in candidates with know-how or
sales, where candidates with an specific technologies/systems
in-depth network and knowledge such as Adobe and webtracker. Hiring managers are having to
of a product were in short supply. contend with an acute skills
Professionals who have worked in The increased focus on shortage in IT, which in turn will
the automotive sector for popular digitalisation means that hiring drive salaries up.
OEMs and had a relevant network managers will seek candidates
were able to negotiate higher who are flexible and open-minded
salaries. This was the same for ICT regarding trends, technologies,
sales professionals who had good and digital transformation. We in visualisation and certificates,
product and sector knowledge. will also see a number of new and Cloud administration. In IT
roles and functions created security, firewall and network
Across the board, sales and as a result of this trend. protection know-how will be
digital marketing functions sought top of companies' wish lists.
mid-tier professionals with three INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
to four years' experience, who In 2018, IT recruitment activity The same level of demand will
could command salaries of around was busy for banking, fintech be prevalent for mid-senior-level
€65-85k. Businesses were most and commerce sectors, with candidates with experience in Java,
interested in candidates who were focus remaining on specialists. SAP HANA, FullStack development,
both hands-on and strategic. data analytics, test management
IT security and IT infrastructure will and project lead security.
For both online sales and digital continue to drive demand. For IT
marketing, demand will be high Infrastructure, hiring managers will All sectors are focussing on
for analytical and data-driven seek candidates with knowledge implementing new systems and
slicker processes in order to remain
competitive on a global stage. Hiring
managers are having to contend with
an acute skills shortage in this area,
which in turn will drive up salaries.

The impact of fewer junior

candidates entering the IT field will
be particularly felt in 2019. Hiring
managers will have to contend
with a skills shortage for system
engineers, IT security engineers
(GDPR) and developers.

Career progression is ranked
highly by candidates in IT, so hiring
managers should ensure they offer
EMPLOYEES ENGAGED BY ample training opportunities and
OFFERING GOOD WORK-LIFE possibilities to obtain certificates
BALANCE and further qualifications in
order to retain top talent.

3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
CFO 160k+ 160k+ 160k+ 160k+ 900+ 1000+
Finance Director 100 - 150k 100 - 150k 120 - 180k 120 - 180k 650 - 1050 700 - 1300
Finance Manager 80 - 120k 90 - 130k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k 550 - 850 550 - 850
FP&A Manager 70k+ 70k+ 90k+ 90k+
Partner Audit Firms 200k+ 200k+ 1100+ 1300+
Manager Audit Firms 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 70 - 80k 75 - 90k
Associate to Senior Consultant 55 - 75k 55 - 75k
Internal Audit Manager 60 - 80k 70 - 90k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
Chief Accountant 75 - 100k 80 - 110k 90 - 130k 90 - 130k 600 - 800 600 - 800
Senior Accountant 65 - 75k 65 - 80k 65 - 95k 70 - 95k 450 - 650 450 - 700
Financial Analyst 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 70 - 100k 75 - 100k 450 - 650 450 - 650
Tax Manager 80 - 110k 85 - 110k 95 - 140k 95 - 140k 600 - 900 600 - 900
Tax Consultant/Specialist 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k 400 - 600 400 - 600
Head of Controlling 80 - 110k 90 - 110k 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 600 - 850 550 - 850
Senior Controller 60 - 90k 65 - 90k 80 - 110k 85 - 110k 450 - 650 500 - 700
Controller 50 - 65k 55 - 70k 300 - 400 400 - 600
Corporate Finance
M&A Manager/Director 100 - 130k 90 - 135k 120 - 200k 120 - 200k 700 - 1100 700 - 1300
M&A Senior Consultant 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 75 - 110k 75 - 110k 400 - 600 600 - 800
Treasury Manager 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 75 - 120k 75 - 120k 500 - 750 500 - 750
Risk and Compliance
Compliance Manager 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 75 - 100k 75 - 100k
Compliance Officer 75 - 110k 75 - 110k 100 - 140k 100 - 140k
Risk Manager 60 - 85k 60 - 85k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
Data Protection Officer 70 - 90k 80 - 100k 90 - 120k 100 - 140k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Germany 89


2018 2019
Corporate & Investment Banking

Corporate Finance Advisory (Tier 1)

Managing Director 300 - 400k 300 - 400k

Director 200 - 250k 200 - 260k

VP 160 - 180k 165 - 190k

Associate 105 - 140k 105 - 140k

Analyst 65 - 95k 65 - 95k

Corporate Finance Advisory (Tier 2)

Managing Director 180k+ 180k+

Director 130 - 180k 130 - 180k

VP 90 - 130k 90 - 130k

Associate 70 - 100k 70 - 100k

Analyst 50 - 70k 50 - 70k

Corporate Banking

Managing Director 200k+ 200k+

Director 150 - 200k 150 - 200k

VP 90 - 130k 90 - 130k

Associate 60 - 90k 60 - 90k

Private Equity

Director/Partner 180k+ 200k+

Investment Manager 80 - 150k 80 - 150k

Investment Analyst 55 - 85k 55 - 85k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

90  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



EUR (€) EUR (€)
3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019

CRO 140 - 180k 150 - 210k

Risk Controller 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 80 - 160k 80 - 160k

Credit Risk Manager 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 80 - 140k 80 - 140k

Operational/Market Risk Manager 65 - 100k 65 - 100k 90 - 160k 90 - 160k


Head of Compliance 125 - 175k 135 - 190k

Compliance Manager 70 - 115k 70 - 115k 100 - 175k 100 - 175k

AML/Financial Crime Officer 65 - 105k 65 - 105k 95 - 165k 95 - 165k

Corporate Functions

CFO/COO 160k+ 180k+

Financial Controller 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 75 - 110k 75 - 110k

Accounting 45 - 75k 45 - 75k 70 - 110k 70 - 110k

Tax Manager 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 90 - 150k 90 - 150k

Internal Audit 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 90 - 150k 90 - 150k

Regulatory Reporting 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Germany 91

2018 2019
US Firm

Equity Partner 500k+ 500k+

Counsel/Local Partner 175 - 400k 175 - 400k

Senior Associate 130 - 260k 130 - 260k

Associate 100 - 160k 100 - 160k

UK Firm

Equity Partner 400k+ 400k+

Counsel/Local Partner 160 - 350k 160 - 350k

Senior Associate 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Associate 100 - 130k 100 - 130k

German Firm

Equity Partner 260k+ 260k+

Counsel/Local Partner 160 - 250k 160 - 250k

Senior Associate 100 - 160k 100 - 160k

Associate 75 - 125k 75 - 125k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

EUR (€) EUR (€)
2018 2019 2018 2019
General Counsel 130k+ 140k+ 80+ 80+

Senior/Deputy General Counsel 100 - 135k 100 - 145k+ 65 - 100 65 - 100

Legal Counsel 75 - 90k 65 - 100k 55 - 70 55 - 70

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

92  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



EUR (€) EUR (€)
3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019

Sales Director 130 - 200k 130 - 200k

Sales Manager 100 - 145k 100 - 145k 130 - 160k 130 - 160k

Technical Sales Engineer 80 - 120k 80 - 120k 100 - 140k 100 - 140k

Online Sales 65 - 85k 70 - 100k 65 - 85k 70 - 100k

Key Account Manager eCommerce 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 85 - 120k 85 - 120k

Key Account Manager Telecommunication/IT Hardware 70 - 100k 75 - 110k 90 - 140k 90 - 150k

Key Account Manager Software 80 - 130k 80 - 130k 100 - 180k 100 - 180k

Key Account Manager Automotive 75 - 110k 75 - 120k 90 - 150k 90 - 150k

Key Account Manager FMCG 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 85 - 135k 85 - 135k

Key Account Manager Manufacturing 70 - 95k 70 - 95k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k

Key Account Manager Retail 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 80 - 125k 80 - 125k

Business Development Manager 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 90 - 135k 90 - 135k

NB: Figures are basic salaries including benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Germany 93

3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Digital Marketing

Chief Digital Marketing Officer 95 - 120k 95 - 120k 110 - 160k 110 - 160k 1000 - 1500 1000 - 1500

Performance Marketing Manager (SEO/SEA) 60 - 70k 60 - 75k 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 450 - 650 450 - 650

Digital/Online Marketing Manager 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 550 - 850 550 - 850

Marketplace Manager 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 75k+ 75k+

Social Media Manager 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 500 - 650 500 - 700

Product Owner 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k

UX/UXI Manager 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k


Chief Marketing Officer 90 - 110k 90 - 110k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k 900 - 1500 900 - 1500

Marketing Director 70 - 95k 75 - 110k 85 - 160k 85 - 140k 850 - 1200 850 - 1200

Marketing Manager 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 70 - 100k 70 - 90k 600 - 1000 600 - 1000

Brand Manager 50 - 80k 50 - 80k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 700 - 900 700 - 900

Category Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 600 - 900 600 - 900

Product Manager B2B 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 700 - 950 700 - 950

Product Manager B2C 50 - 80k 50 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 700 - 950 700 - 950
NB: Figures are salaries excluding benefits/bonuses/full OTE.

94  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Chief Information Officer 130 - 235k 130 - 235k 850 - 1300 960 - 1400
Chief Technology Officer 120 - 215k 120 - 215k 700 - 1200 800 - 1250
Head of Enterprise Architecture 90 - 115k 90 - 115k 100 - 135k 100 - 135k 600 - 750 720 - 1040
Head of ERP/CRM/BI 90 - 115k 90 - 115k 100 - 135k 100 - 135k 600 - 750 720 - 960
Head of Application Management 75 - 125k 75 - 125k 85 - 135k 85 - 135k 500 - 750 680 - 960
Head of Infrastructure & Operations 75 - 95k 85 - 120k 80 - 105k 100 - 130k 500 - 750 680 - 960
Team Leader Software Engineering 70 - 100k 95 - 125k 85 - 105k 100 - 130k 500 - 750 760 - 840
Big Data
Business Intelligence Specialist 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 80 - 105k 80 - 105k 560 - 680 560 - 680
Data Scientist 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 80 - 105k 80 - 105k 560 - 680 560 - 680
DWH Consultant/Developer 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 520 - 640 520 - 640
Software Engineering
Project Management 75 - 85k 80 - 90k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k 650 - 800 650 - 800
Enterprise Architect 75 - 90k 80 - 90k 80 - 100k 75 - 110k 500 - 600 720 - 800
Solution Architect 70 - 85k 80 - 90k 70 - 90k 85 - 110k 450 - 550 680 - 720
Product Owner 65 - 75k 75 - 85k 70 - 80k 80 - 100k 600 - 720 600 - 720
Scrum Master 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 600 - 720 600 - 720
Senior Software Engineer 65 - 80k 75 - 90k 400 - 500 600 - 720
Software Engineer 50 - 65k 65 - 80k 55 - 70k 75 - 85k 300 - 400 600 - 720
Mobile Developer 50 - 70k 45 - 70k 55 - 80k 65 - 90k 350 - 450 480 - 720
IT Security Specialist 55 - 80k 60 - 80k 60 - 85k 75 - 100k 350 - 500 680 - 720
IT Administrator/Support 35 - 45k 40 - 55k 45 - 60k 60 - 75k 400 - 520 400 - 520
SAP In-house Consultant 65 - 80k 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 80 - 100k 450 - 550 680 - 720
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Germany 95


The Irish recruitment market was extremely buoyant across multiple sectors,
driven in part by companies establishing a European base in Dublin as a result
of Brexit. This had a positive impact on the demand for a number of skill sets
within financial services, namely across risk, finance, legal and compliance.

Demand for qualified accountants increased, in particular for

candidates from a 'Big 4' background with experience dealing with
the Central Bank of Ireland from a regulatory standpoint.

As management companies (ManCos) established themselves in

Dublin, opportunities grew for compliance, governance, investment and
portfolio risk professionals. Demand for risk management professionals
rose dramatically as the regulator continued to increase requirements
for more robust risk frameworks and deeper regulatory expertise.

The focus on AML, financial crime, GDPR, information security and MiFID II
resulted in volume hiring across all industries within the compliance sector.
Increased importance was placed on cyber security; however hiring managers
found themselves having to contend with a European-wide skills shortage
within information security monitoring and vulnerability management.

The candidate driven market led to an increase in counter-offers as

companies aimed to retain top talent. Within the financial services
sector, specialist positions saw an increase of 20-30%, which was
replicated in both information technology and cyber security.

Due to the high demand for
talent, counter-offers became
a popular strategy among
aBOUT neW OPPOrTUnITIeS In employers to retain staff.

96 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2019 jobseekers in all industries, as
The outcome of Brexit will play candidates pursue this option
an important role in determining from junior level upwards.
recruitment levels for 2019.
High levels of candidate International hires will become
confidence coupled with new more prevalent as the candidate
job creation leads us to expect shortage continues. Hiring
an increased headcount managers will struggle to fill roles
across the majority of industry if salaries are not competitive and
sectors. Salaries will continue will need to focus on streamlined
to increase as the demand for recruitment processes in order to
professionals intensifies. secure their preferred candidates.

The importance of diversity in The importance of employer

the workplace, with a particular value proposition is greater now
focus on increasing senior female than ever before – employers will
professionals' will remain a top need to highlight their benefits,
priority within the legal, financial progression opportunities, work-
services and tech sectors. life balance and company culture
LOUISE CAMPBELL, as a point of difference in order
MANAGING DIRECTOR, The trend for flexible working to hire top talent in 2019.
IRELAND will continue to be a priority for

1 34% Of professionals

based in Dublin believe
that a pay rise is
important when
considering a new role

High levels of candidate
confidence coupled with
Of Irish professionals consider work-life
new job creation leads us
balance to be very important when
to expect an increased
considering a new role
headcount across the
majority of industry sectors.

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research

Ireland 97

Tax consulting remained a core COMMERCE & INDUSTRY

service offering for accounting firms In commerce and industry, the
as large companies continued to strengthened economy resulted in
turn to them for tax compliance an influx of roles and subsequently
and advisory matters. a sector-wide candidate shortage
and inflation in salaries.
There was a sharp increase in the
amount of international hires from Hiring managers sought
'Big 4's'. Candidates from South candidates who had a strong mix
Africa and Malaysia were sought of both technical and commercial
to help decrease heavy work loads awareness, and who could step
and increase staff retention. up to become a strong business
partner to a variety of functions.
Auditors from graduate through to

audit manager level will continue to
be in demand throughout 2019.

An increase in industry options

Those companies who did not
move fast to increase salaries
missed out on top talent in 2018.

EXPECTING A SALARY INCREASE and new entrants on the back In 2019, companies will see a talent
OF UP TO 10% IN 2019 of Brexit will make for a two fold shortage at the two to three year
market for candidates looking for
in-house finance roles and others
seeking to move internally into
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE more advisory focused positions. The strengthened economy
PRACTICE resulted in an influx of roles
In 2018, we saw a continued Staff retention will remain key and subsequently a sector-
rise in accounting professionals within practice firms with focus wide candidate shortage and
returning to practice in specific on improving social culture in inflation in salaries.
areas such as risk advisory, order to attract top graduates and
transaction services or consulting. millennials into training contracts.

98  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

PQE level, where accountants are at larger players within the financial
a place in their career to strongly add services market will be launching
value to the company they are in. massive recruitment drives,
which in turn will likely inflate
FINANCIAL SERVICES salaries. We will continue to see
In 2018, there was an increased an influx of international talent
demand for accountancy due to the local skill shortage.
professionals within the financial
services sector. The war for BANKING & FINANCIAL
talent was ongoing as hiring SERVICES
managers had to contend with Risk management professionals
a candidate shortage, and in saw the highest demand for their
some cases companies looked skills in 2018, while the number
abroad to fill this hole.

We also saw a shift as companies

focused more on skill sets
of roles within trading, portfolio
management and corporate
finance continued to increase. 50%
and personality, rather than Within retail and investment ARE ENCOURAGED BY A
competency for the role. With banking, risk specialists were WORK CULTURE OFFERING
the large pool of jobs available, sought after across operational, COLLABORATION WITH
candidates were eager to explore credit and market/liquidity risk. COLLEAGUES
other potential opportunities.
Candidates with strong quantitative
Companies with long recruitment and analytical skills were in high were highly sought after; and
processes were less successful in demand as the volume of risk professionals with a strong
securing preferred candidates. modelling and risk analytics regulatory knowledge of UCITs
positions increased. In insurance, and AIFM funds commanded a
In general salaries increased professionals with internal premium. This was primarily driven
across the board in 2018, with controls, operational risk and a by the establishment of new asset
part-qualified accountants strong understanding of Solvency management firms and ManCos
commanding anything up to €50k II were highly sought after. within Dublin. The number of
and newly-qualified from €55-60k. junior-level investment and research
The banking sector witnessed roles increased as firms looked to
The implications for 2019 will an influx of capital markets to accelerate their growth strategies.
be similar with an increased in Ireland, which led to an increase in
demand for candidates with hiring across front office positions The Irish funds and investment
experience in CBI, regulatory, in equity finance, securities operations recruitment market
risk and internal audit. lending and borrowing, data remained exceptionally busy in 2018.
management and trade support.
Companies will try to differentiate Hiring volumes increased steadily
their offerings from all perspectives On the buy side, candidates with across all areas including fund
to help attract talent. Some an investment risk background accounting, investor services, transfer

Ireland 99
agency, custody, trustee and global COMPLIANCE
trade settlements. Due to a large The compliance market was
number of global asset and fund buoyant in 2018 with a high Counter-offers and revised
managers continuing to domicile their demand for professionals with offers were frequent in the
funds in Ireland, there was an increase experience in AML, financial market as organisations
in global firms relocating to the crime, data protection, information sought to attract and retain
capital. This led to a significant level of security, conduct risk/consumer specialist knowledge.
competition for funds professionals. protection and MiFID II. This was
attributable to the continued focus
Salary increases ranged from 5-10% on the financial services sector from
at the senior end of the banking local, European and US regulators. GDPR and MiFID II. We also
and financial services market, witnessed an increased number
while junior-mid level professionals There was a significant increase of positions coming on to the
secured significant increases if they in the number of mid-level senior end of the market as a
possessed highly sought-after skills. appointments in 2018, as result of Brexit start-ups.
increased candidate movement
In 2019, candidates with a resulted in replacement hiring. Retail banks and insurance firms
background in enterprise risk Key developments included a focused on boosting their consumer
will be in demand as more strong focus on conduct, ethics protection and AML functions.
opportunities become available and data protection. Recruitment These entities are now becoming
within insurance companies’ levels were consistently high as more flexible in their approach to
risk and underwriting functions. regulated entities put processes hiring, as they look outside their own
Salaries are set to continue rising, in place to ensure compliance industry to attain the best talent.
with average increases of 10%. with new regulations such as
Recruitment for temporary and
contract compliance roles increased,
particularly in relation to the
increase in AML financial crime
remediation projects, regulatory
risk and data protection.

Salaries increased for professionals

with four to eight years’ experience.
As a result, counter-offers and
revised offers were frequent in
the market as organisations
sought to attract and retain
specialist knowledge, a trend we

expect will continue in 2019.

Organisations will need to increase

OF IRISH PROFESSIONALS PLAN the speed of the their recruitment
TO CHANGE JOBS IN THE NEXT processes, as candidates,
12 MONTHS at all levels will have multiple
opportunities available to them.
CYBER SECURITY & IT RISK with large consultancy firms losing
The recruitment market in 2018 was significant talent to large corporations TOP FOUR FACTORS DETERMINING
busy across all areas of information in the financial services field. JOB SATISFACTION
security and IT risk. The sector as a
whole faced a European-wide skills Companies will need to move
shortage, which meant that networking quickly when dealing with top-
and market knowledge remained calibre candidates in 2019 as
crucial to the recruitment process. they will be involved in multiple
processes. In 2019, organisations
We saw increased hires at the with rigid pay structures and less
junior end of the market, with attractive packages struggled to Work-life Remuneration
focus on relevant degrees, one recruit talent. Companies will need balance and benefits
to three years’ work experience to focus more on training graduates
and specific technical skills. Roles or juniors to fill gaps rather than
at the senior end of the market being reactive to any vacancies.
were focused around ISOs, heads
of information security, security Salaries will continue to
architects and senior IT risk, all increase across the board for
requiring candidates with high levels professionals within cyber security,
of technical and management skills. information security and IT risk.
Feedback and Day-to-day
Candidates who are not being
encouragement work
Top skills in demand were challenged, up-skilled or trained
from management
security monitoring, vulnerability in new technology will move
management, threat hunting and roles every one to three years.
technical project management.
The market will continue to speed
In 2019, we expect the market to up hiring processes, with the There was an ongoing requirement
be increasingly candidate led, with average recruitment process in for specific roles within supply chain,
more importance being placed information security and IT risk such as demand and supply planners
on the relationship between the taking as little as three weeks. and category procurement managers.
external recruiter and internal
talent acquisition and HR teams. ENGINEERING Salaries increased in 2018, in part,
The recruitment market for because the market became very
The interim/contract market is supply chain and engineering candidate driven and companies
certainly growing, and we expect was very active, particularly had to adhere to salary increases
to see this develop further as within companies in the to both retain and attract staff.
organisations implement more sectors related to FMCG,
security-focused projects. pharmaceutical and engineering. In 2019, the engineering sector will
see hiring managers struggle to hire
Areas such as Security Operations At present the market is very process, project and automation
Centre (SOC), security architecture buoyant, but with Brexit on engineers due to a shortage of
and forensics saw substantial the horizon there is a level of candidates. There will also be a
pay increases, with instances of uncertainty within the food industry shortage of demand/supply planners,
20% inflation on salaries. Salaries and among companies who rely on procurement analysts and category
in financial services led the way, the UK as a major exporting hub. managers in the supply chain sector.
Ireland 101
Companies engaged in hiring In 2018, the introduction of public
processes should be aware of cloud solutions and businesses
current salary levels and benefit migrating to this model had a big In order to attract
packages, and be on a par with impact on the infrastructure market. professionals, salaries will
competitors to both attract and need to be competitive and
retain staff. With an increase in The implications for 2019 will be companies will need to offer
commuter times, professionals an acute skills shortage as we wait alternative options, such as
are seeking to maintain a healthy for graduates to gain experience working from home.
work-life balance, and there and up-skill. Businesses will have
will be a need for companies to to look outside of Ireland to attract
offer flexibile working and work talent to deliver current projects.
from home options if feasible.
As businesses move away from not move through an interview
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY premise solutions, demand process efficiently. In fact, it won't
Professionals in the IT infrastructure will be high for talented cloud be uncommon in 2019 to see
and support market were in architects and support staff. In candidates changing jobs every
high demand throughout 2018. 2019, we will see a rise in SME 12-18 months in order to keep up
Businesses recognised the businesses offering this service. to date with emerging technologies
need to retain talent at all levels, such as cloud, AI, robotic process
resulting in an increase in the Candidates will be in many processes automation and data analysis.
amount of counter-offers and at any one time, and businesses
mid-year salary increases. will miss out on talent if they do To counteract this, companies
should offer employees the
opportunity to up-skill and grow
within the business, whether that be
through investing in training or up-
skilling, or offering the opportunity to
work on new and different projects
to enhance existing skill sets.

The legal market in Dublin went from
strength to strength in 2018 as a
result of a number of international
law firms setting up European
headquarters in the city. There was
also an influx of UK law firms making

Brexit-related moves to Ireland.

The appearance of these new

firms resulted in an increase in
BE MOTIVATED BY A SALARY salaries, as both established and
INCREASE OR PROMOTION TO new firms competed to retain and
STAY IN THEIR CURRENT ROLE attract top talent. We have seen an
increase in salaries for candidates
at the two to five years' PQE level, sectors. Those with in-depth three interviews over a four to
including those working within knowledge and experience in specific six week period are now taking
property, corporate, investment sectors will be able to command place within a week. Companies
funds and commercial industries. premium salaries. As workloads increasingly placed importance
increase due to new regulations on support staff functions and
In addition, there was an increased and increased sales, we expect moved quickly to ensure they were
demand for company secretaries to see an increase in recruitment securing top-calibre candidates.
across all industries. Candidates levels in-house for lawyers at Across support, hiring managers are
with an ICSA qualification and the one to three years' PQE. looking for candidates with multiple
two to six years’ experience were skill sets including bookkeeping,
highly sought after as companies Hiring managers need to run an facilities, procurement and office
looked to expand and increase efficient and prompt interview management. This developed
their headcount in Ireland. process, as candidates will likely from companies wanting to offer
have multiple interview processes the opportunity for candidates
With the continued expansion of running at the same time. All to experience all areas of the
companies in Ireland, office space decision makers will need to attend business with a view to retaining
is becoming increasingly difficult interviews and decide as efficiently and growing talent internally.
to come by, which has resulted and effectively as possible.
in a common theme of flexible In 2019, this increased level of
hours and working from home. SECRETARIAL & activity is expected to remain. With
BUSINESS SUPPORT top candidates likely to receive
In 2019, hiring managers will be The number of business support multiple offers, potential employers
seeking top talent with expertise opportunities remained strong in should move quickly during hiring
in their respective industries. Legal 2018. Key hiring roles included processes to avoid any uncertainty
professionals coming from either personal & executive assistants, or hesitancy on the candidate’s part.
the UK or any other EU jurisdiction receptionists, administrators,
with international experience office managers, HR assistants Due to the speed and volume
will be highly valued. To aid this and marketing administrators. of opportunities in 2019, we
migration, we will see relocation can expect hiring managers to
and sponsorship packages Salaries rose as strong candidates continue to look at diverse profiles
offered to legal professionals increasingly became more vocal about across all levels of experience. As
seeking opportunities in Dublin. their ability to add input and value to a result of new market entrants,
the overall success of the business. the right fit will be seen as one
Company secretaries and legal of the most important factors
support staff will be in short Hiring at the junior-mid level proved when making a hire and will be
supply in 2019. In order to attract difficult as candidates with one to heavily emphasised to candidates
professionals, salaries will need to two years’ experience were not throughout the interview process.
be competitive and companies will accepting below €30-35k. In order to
need to offer alternative options, retain top talent, companies provided
such as working from home. work from home arrangements
or alternative working patterns.
The consistent need for solicitors
in private practice will continue – The biggest change in 2018
namely within the property, banking, was the increase in time-to-hire.
technology and construction Processes that may have taken
Ireland 103


2018 2019 2018 2019
CFO/Finance Director 120 - 180k 125 - 200k 120 - 180k 120 - 180k

Head of Finance 120 - 180k 120 - 150k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k

Financial Controller 90 - 110k 100 - 110k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k

Finance Manager 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 70 - 85k 75 - 85k

Senior Financial Accountant 60 - 75k 65 - 75k 65 - 70k 65 - 70k

Head of FP&A 110 - 130k 110 - 130k 100 - 120k 100 - 120k

FP&A Manager 75 - 90k 80 - 90k 75 - 90k 80 - 90k

Senior Financial Analyst 60 - 75k 65 - 75k 60 - 70k 65 - 70k

Head of Internal Audit 100 - 150k 100 - 150k 100 - 135k 100 - 140k

Internal Audit Manager 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 75 - 80k 75 - 80k

Senior Internal Auditor 60 - 70k 65 - 75k 60 - 70k 65 - 70k

Newly Qualified Accountant (Financial Accountant/Management

Accountant/Financial Analyst) 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k

Finalist – ACCA/CIMA 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 40 - 45k

PQ Accountant – ACA/ACCA/CIMA 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k

Accounts Assistant 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 30 - 35k

Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k

Accounts Payable Specialist 30 - 45k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k

Accounts Receivable Specialist 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k

Payroll Manager 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k

Payroll Specialist 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 35 - 45k

Credit Control Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 45 - 55k

Credit Controller 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 30 - 35k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

104  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019 2018 2019
Chief Operating Officer 150 - 250k 150 - 250k

Corporate/Wholesale Banking

Director 110 - 150k 110 - 150k 423 - 577 423 - 577

Associate Director 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 308 - 423 308 - 423

Relationship Manager 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 250 - 346 250 - 346

Credit Manager 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 231 - 346 231 - 346

Credit Analyst 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 154 - 231 154 - 231

Relationship Support Analyst 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 154 - 192 154 - 192

Corporate Finance/Private Equity

Director 110 - 175k 120 - 175k 423 - 673 462 - 673

Senior Manager/Associate Director 80 - 110k 80 - 120k 308 - 423 308 - 462

Manager 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 231 - 308 231 - 308

Executive/Analyst 40 - 65k 40 - 65k 154 - 250 154 - 250

Asset Management/Stockbroking

Head of Investments/CIO 130 - 190k 140 - 200k 500 - 731 539 - 769

Head of Trading/Execution 130 - 200k 130 -200k 500 - 769 500 - 769

Senior Strategist/Manager 80 - 130k 80 - 130k 308 - 500 308 - 500

Senior Research Analyst 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 385 - 539 385 - 539

Portfolio Manager 80 - 120k 80 - 120k 308 - 462 308 - 462

Proposition Manager 75 - 100k 75 - 100k 288 - 385 288 - 385

Investment Product Manager 75 - 110k 75 - 110k 288 - 423 288 - 423

Research Analyst 75 - 100k 75 - 100k 288 - 385 288 - 385

Investment Analyst 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 192 - 270 192 - 270

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Ireland 105


2018 2019 2018 2019
Treasury & Global Markets

Head of Treasury 120 - 175k 130 - 190k 462 - 673 500 - 731

Senior Manager 80 - 120k 80 - 130k 308 - 462 308 - 462

Treasury Dealer 55 - 130k 65 - 130k 212 - 500 212 - 500

Manager 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 212 - 308 212 - 308

Analyst 35 - 55k 35 - 55k 135 - 212 135 - 212


Pricing Manager 75 - 110k 75 - 110k 288 - 423 288 - 423

Senior Underwriter 55 - 90k 55 - 90k 212 - 346 212 - 346

Junior Underwriter 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 135 - 192 135 - 192

Actuarial Analyst 50 - 75k 50 - 80k 192 - 288 192 - 288

Reinsurance Analyst 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 154 - 212 154 - 212

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

106  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019 2018 2019
Fund Administration
Head of Fund Accounting 90 - 140k 100 - 150k 346 - 539 346 - 560
Fund Accounting Manager 55 - 85k 60 - 85k 212 - 327 212 - 327
Fund Accounting Supervisor 42 - 50k 45 - 55k 162 - 192 162 - 192
Fund Accountant 27 - 45k 30 - 45k 104 - 173 108 - 173
Trustee Manager 55 - 95k 55 - 95k 212 - 327 212 - 327
Trustee Associate 28 - 50k 28 - 50k 108 - 192 108 - 192
Head of Transfer Agency 90 - 140k 100 - 150k 346 - 538 346 - 560
Transfer Agency Supervisor/Team Leader 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 154 - 192 154 - 212
Transfer Agency Administrator 28 - 40k 30 - 45k 108 - 154 108 - 173
Client Services Manager 65 - 75k 70 - 75k 250 - 289 250 - 289
Client Services Administrator 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 250 - 289 250 - 289
Funds Oversight 55 - 85k 60 - 85k 212 - 327 212 - 327
Custody Manager 55 - 75k 60 - 75k 212 - 289 212 - 289
Custody Team leader 45 - 50k 50 - 55k 173 - 192 173 - 212
Middle Office & Operations
Middle Office/Operations Manager 55 - 80k 60 - 80k 212 - 327 212 - 327
Middle Office/Operations Analyst 35 - 55k 40 - 55k 135 - 212 173 - 212
Portfolio Operations 30 - 40k 40 - 45k 115 - 154 115 - 173
Banking Operations Administrator 40 - 55k 42 - 55k 154 - 212 154 - 212
Treasury Operations
Operations Payment Specialist 35 - 45k 40 - 45k 135 - 173 154 - 173
Global Equity Trade Settlement Administrator 40 - 55k 45 - 55k 154 - 212 173 - 212
Trading Operations Specialist 40 - 55k 45 - 55k 154 - 212 173 - 212
Treasury Support Group Manager 75 - 90k 80 - 90k+ 288 - 346 288 - 346
Cash Manager 60 - 75k 70 - 80k 231 - 288 231 - 288
Pension and Investment Administrator 30 - 40k 35 - 42k 115 - 154 115 - 160
Claims Handler 35 - 40k 35 - 42k 135 - 154 135 - 160
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Ireland 107


2018 2019 2018 2019
Chief Risk Officer 130 - 325k 130 - 325k
Market Risk
Director/Head of Market Risk 110 - 175k 120 - 200k 423 - 673 462 - 769
Senior Manager 100 - 145k 110 - 145k 385 - 558 423 - 558
Manager 80 - 100k 80 - 110k 308 - 385 308 - 423
Senior Analyst 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 231 - 308 231 - 308
Analyst 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 154 - 231 154 - 231
Credit Risk/Stress Testing
Director/Head of Credit Risk/Stress Testing 140 - 170k 140 - 170k 539 - 654 539 - 654
Senior Manager 110 - 140k 110 - 140k 423 - 539 423 - 539
Manager 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 269 - 423 269 - 423
Senior Analyst 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 231 - 269 231 - 269
Analyst 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 173 - 231 173 - 231
Operational Risk
Director/Head of Operational Risk 120 - 140k 120 - 140k 462 - 539 462 - 539
Senior Manager 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 346 - 462 346 - 462
Manager 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 231 - 346 231 - 346
Analyst 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 154 - 231 154 - 231
Quantitative Risk & Analysis
Director/Head of Quantitative Risk & Analysis 145 - 175k 145 - 175k 558 - 673 558 - 673
Senior Manager 95 - 145k 95 - 145k 365 - 558 365 - 558
Manager 75 - 95k 75 - 95k 289 - 365 289 - 365
Analyst 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 192 - 289 192 - 289
Enterprise Risk
Director/Head of Enterprise Risk 105 - 130k 105 - 130k 404 - 500 404 - 500
Senior Manager 75 - 105k 75 - 105k 288 - 404 288 - 404
Manager 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 212 - 288 212 - 288
Analyst 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 154 - 212 154 - 212
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

108  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019 2018 2019
Chief Compliance Officer 140 - 190k 140 - 190k 538 - 730 538 - 730

Group Head of Compliance 110 - 140k+ 120 - 150k+ 423 - 538 423 - 650

Senior Compliance Manager 90 - 110k+ 95 - 115k+ 346 - 423 365 - 440

Compliance Officer/Manager 65 - 90k 65 - 95k 250 - 346 250 - 365

Compliance Analyst 45 - 60k 50 - 70k 173 - 231 192 - 269

Compliance Administrator 30 - 45k 30 - 50k 115 - 173 115 - 192

MLRO/Head of Financial Crime 90 - 130k 100 - 130k 346 - 500 385 - 500

AML/Financial Crime Manager 60 - 90k 65 - 90k 231 - 346 250 - 346

AML/KYC Analyst 45 - 60k 45 - 65k 173 - 231 173 - 250

AML Administrator 30 - 42k 30 - 42k 115 - 162 115 - 162

Fraud Manager 65 - 90k 65 - 100k 250 - 346 250 - 385

Data Protection Officer 80 - 100k+ 80 - 120k 308 - 385+ 308 - 462

Data Protection Executive 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 200 - 231 200 - 231

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Ireland 109


2018 2019 2018 2019
CISO 90 - 130k 90 - 150k 600 - 1000 600 - 1200

Cyber Incident Response Analyst 50 - 75k 50 - 85 350 - 450 350 - 500

Cyber Security Analyst 30 - 50k 30 - 55k 200 - 300 200 - 300

Cyber Security Manager 55 - 80k 55 - 90k 400 - 600 400 - 600

IT Risk Manager 70 - 85k 70 - 95k 400 - 700 400 - 700

Head of IT Audit 70 - 90k 70 - 95k 400 - 600 400 - 650

Identity Access Management 30 - 60k 30 - 60k 300 - 450 300 - 450

Incident Response 50 - 75k 50 - 85k 350 - 450 300 - 450

Information Security Architect 70 - 90k 75 - 100k 400 - 700 400 - 800

Information Security Engineer 60 - 90k 60 - 100k 400 - 700 400 - 800

InfoSec Ops Analyst 30 - 50k 30 - 55k 200 - 300 200 - 300

GRC Analyst 30 - 50k 30 - 55k 200 - 300 200 - 300

IT Audit Manager 65 - 85k 65 - 85k 400 - 600 400 - 600

IT Risk Analyst 30 - 50k 30 - 55k 200 - 300 200 - 300

IT Security Analyst 30 - 50k 30 - 55k 200 - 300 200 - 300

Penetration Tester 30 - 60k 30 - 65k 200 - 400 200 - 400

SOC Analyst 50 - 75k 50 - 85k 350 - 450 350 - 500

SOC Manager 60 - 90k 60 - 95k 400 - 600 400 - 600

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

110  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019
Supply Chain

Operations Manager 75 - 100k 75 - 100k

Demand/Supply Planner 45 - 60k 45 - 60k

Supply Chain Manager 45 - 60k 50 - 75k

Logistics Manager 50 - 65k 55 - 65k

Warehouse Manager 60 - 80k 60 - 80k

Transport Manager 65 - 100k 65 - 100k


Procurement/Purchasing Manager 65 - 80k 65 - 80k

Category Manager 50 - 75k 55 - 75k

Buyer 60 - 75k 60 - 75k

Procurement Analyst 45 - 60k 45 - 60k

Procurement/Purchasing Specialist 60 - 70k 60 - 70k

Vendor Manager 50 - 65k 50 - 65k


Engineering Manager 75 - 90k 80 - 95k

Project Manager 65 - 75k 70 - 80k

Facilities Manager 55 - 70k 55 - 75k

Mechanical/Electrical Engineer 45 - 60k 45 - 60k

Electrical Engineer 40 - 55k 40 - 60k

Health & Safety 45 - 50k 45 - 55k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Ireland 111


2018 2019 2018 2019

IT Director 100 - 180k 100 - 180k 600 - 1000 600 - 1000

IT Manager 80 - 120k 80 - 120k 500 - 750 500 - 750

Infrastructure Manager 80 - 130k 80 - 130k 500 - 800 500 - 800

Helpdesk/Service Desk Manager 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 400 - 500 400 - 500

Project Services

Programme Manager 90 - 120k 90 - 130k 600 - 750 600 - 850

Project Manager 75 - 100k 75 - 100k 500 - 700 500 - 700

Business Analyst 50 - 80k 50 - 80k 400 - 600 400 - 600

Infrastructure & IT Support

Systems Engineer 50 - 95k 55 - 100k 350 - 600 350 - 700

Systems Administrator 40 - 80k 40 - 90k 350 - 550 350 - 600

Desktop Support 40 - 65k 40 - 65k 250 - 450 250 - 450

Network Engineer CCNA - CCIE 35 - 90k 45 - 100k 300 - 600 300 - 700

IT Helpdesk 35 - 55k 30 - 60k 250 - 350 250 - 350

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

112  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019 2018 2019
Private Practice

Salaried Partner 150k+ 160k+

Senior Associate 100 - 130k 110 - 130k+

Associate (3 - 8 yrs’ exp) 85 - 110k 88 - 115k

Associate (1 - 3 yrs’ exp) 65 - 85k 65 - 88k

Newly-Qualified 50 - 65k 50 - 65k5


General Counsel 150 - 220k+ 150 - 220k

Senior Legal Counsel (8+ yrs’ exp) 100 - 130k 100 - 130k

Data Privacy Counsel 90 - 110k 90 - 120k

Legal Counsel (4 - 8 yrs’ exp) 80 - 95k 85 - 110k

Legal Counsel (1 - 4 yrs’ exp) 60 - 80k 70 - 85k

ISDA Negotiator 45 - 55k+ 45 - 60k

Company Secretarial

Director of Company Secretarial 80 - 100k+ 90 - 100k+ 308 - 385+ 346 - 385

Company Secretarial Manager 65 - 80k 65 - 90k 250 - 308 250 - 346

Listings Executive 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 154 - 231 154 - 231

Company Secretarial Assistant 40 - 65k 40 - 70k 154 - 231 154 - 250

Legal Support

Paralegal 30 - 48k 30 - 48k 115 - 185 115 - 185

Contracts Assistant 30 - 40k 30 - 42k 115 - 154 115 - 160

Legal Administrator 28 - 35k 28 - 35k 108 - 135 108 - 135

Legal Assistant 28 - 35k 28 - 38k 108 - 135 108 - 135

Legal Secretary 32 - 45k 32 - 45k 123 - 173 123 - 173

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Ireland 113


2018 2019 2018 2019
Office Support

Executive Assistant 40 - 60k 40 - 65k 20 - 31 20 - 33

Personal Assistant 35 - 45k 35 - 55k 18 - 23 18 - 28

Office Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 50k 18 - 23 18 - 25

Secretary 30 - 38k 30 - 40k 15 - 19 15 - 19

Receptionist 30 - 38k 30 - 40k 15 - 19 15 - 19

Administrator 25 - 35k 25 - 35k 13 - 16 14 - 19

Marketing Administrator 25 - 35k 25 - 38k 13 - 18 14 - 19

Marketing Executive 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 15 - 23 15 - 23

Recruitment Administrator 22 - 28k 25 - 30k 11 - 14 12 - 15

Recruitment Coordinator 30 - 40k 25 - 32k 12 - 15 12 - 16

HR Administrator 27 - 35k 30 - 40k 13 - 18 15 - 20

HR Assistant 30 - 38k 30 - 40k 15 - 19 15 - 20

Data-entry 22 - 28k 25 - 30k 11 - 14 12 - 15

Facilities Coordinator 25 - 30k 28 - 32k 13 - 15 14 - 16

Site Administrator 25 - 30k 28 - 32k 13 - 16 14 - 16

Sales Administrator 25 - 35k 25 - 35k 13 - 18 13 - 18

Contracts Administrator 25 - 35k 28 - 35k 13 - 18 14 - 18

Events Coordinator 25 - 35k 28 - 35k 13 - 18 14 - 18

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

114  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019 2018 2019
Customer Service

Customer Service Team Leader 35 - 40k 38 - 45k 18 - 21 18 - 23

Bilingual Customer Service Agent 28 - 35k 30 - 35k 14 - 16 15 - 18

Customer Service Agent 25 - 35k 28 - 35k 13 - 16 14 - 18

Order Management Administrator 28 - 32k 28 - 35k 14 - 16 14 - 18

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Ireland 115

The recruitment market in Luxembourg was largely consistent with the trends
seen in 2018, with financial services seeing the highest levels of activity.

Luxembourg continues to remain a dynamic and attractive market for national

and international candidates, with professionals benefiting from great working
conditions, foreign investment and a great place to live and develop one’s career.

The impact of Brexit has remained a key factor in recruitment activity

levels, as more international companies sought to set up offices in
major European countries that have a strong financial services base.
As such, professionals currently based in the UK and across Europe
took an active interest in opportunities available within the market.

Widespread candidate shortages meant professionals received multiple

offers at once, which in turn pushed up salaries. In an effort to control
costs while still attracting top-calibre candidates, some companies linked
salary and bonus packages to company and/or individual performance.

While the market was candidate short, we saw increased activity from
professionals looking for new roles. In many cases, professionals took a
“passive jobseeking” approach, speaking to recruiters discreetly in order to
gain a better understanding of the kinds of opportunities available to them.

We expect steady economic

growth to continue in
Luxembourg throughout
2019, creating demand for
professionals in the banking
and financial services sector.

116 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2019 Besides offering competitive
We expect steady economic salaries, employers will need to
growth to continue in Luxembourg shorten recruitment processes
throughout 2019, creating demand and consider other factors,
for professionals across the board. including career development
and work-life balance, in
With Britain’s departure from the order to attract top talent.
EU imminent, it is expected that
Luxembourg will continue to see BANKING & FINANCIAL
more international companies SERVICES
setting up offices in the country, The financial services sector
triggering an increased demand for experienced a buoyant period
financial services professionals. in 2018, with recruitment
levels increasing.
The increased pressure from
regulations such as MiFID II and In 2019, the focus on the need for
CRD IV will cause a continued risk and compliance professionals
increase in demand for specialists with experience in regulatory
within compliance, risk and legal reporting at all levels of seniority
ROB VERMAAK, aspects of financial services. will continue, with salaries
MANAGING DIRECTOR, increasing in line with the demand.

1 64%
Business growth may be
impacted by tax reform,
MOVE ROLES FOR BETTER with professionals potentially
REMUNERATION AND BENEFITS attracted to the region by the
new tax regime.

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research

Luxembourg 117
118  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019


3 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
CFO 140 - 285k 140 - 285k

Head of Fund Administration 125 - 175k 125 - 175k

Head of Treasury 100 - 135k 100 - 135k 125 - 185k 125 - 185k

Finance Manager/Director 100 - 125k 100 - 125k 115 - 230k 115 - 230k

Accounting Manager/Director 90 - 125k 90 - 125k 105 - 150k 105 - 150k

Risk Manager 100 - 145k 100 - 145k 160 - 175k 160 - 175k

Fund Manager 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 80 - 135k 80 - 135k 135 - 210k 135 - 210k

Private Banker 75 - 100k 75 - 100k 85 - 120k 85 - 120k 110 - 155k 110 - 155k

Internal Audit 55 - 90k 55 - 90k 85 - 110k 85 - 110k 110 - 145k 110 - 145k

Accountant 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 80 - 115k 80 - 115k 110 - 150k 110 - 150k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Luxembourg 119
aMsTerdaM eINdhOVeN rOTTerdaM

The NeTherlaNds

The economy continued to perform well in 2018, resulting in a spike in
demand for junior- and mid-level professionals. Mobility at the senior level
also showed significant growth. As a result, employers were met with a
scarcity of candidates and were required to think outside the box in order to fill
positions, with education or experience not always being the deciding factor.

Companies focused on attracting graduates straight out of university and

employing them in junior roles. Firms were also taking note of millennials' needs
and started to make changes to working practices and environment in
order to encourage retention.

At the start of 2018, organisations were hesitant to contract interim professionals

as they were uncertain about the impact of the DBA Act, which established
new conditions for the hiring of self-employed staff. Once this agreement was
postponed, interim demand picked up quickly and kept growing throughout
the year. Flexibility is key in organisations’ ability to scale up in this fast-
growing economy, creating a spur in hiring levels for temporary staff.

In banking and financial services, budgets across all disciplines were tight,
resulting in salaries remaining relatively fixed. The focus was on hiring
critical roles in risk and compliance.

Ample opportunities remained within the commerce, healthcare and

manufacturing sectors, and in the legal sector demand was high for
candidates from a privacy law or intellectual property background.

OF PrOFessIONals are OPeN TO
Firms were also taking note
of millennials' needs and
started to make changes
to working practices and
a JOB OFFer WheN NOT aCTIVelY environment in order to
lOOKING encourage retention.

120 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2019 The candidate journey and
Whilst Brexit is not anticipated to employee experience will become
have much of an impact on the increasingly important for hiring
Dutch job market, there are signs and retaining staff. Our advice
that the Netherlands is becoming to hiring managers is to work on
increasingly popular with well- keeping the recruitment process
educated expats in search of as short and smooth as possible.
a great career and lifestyle.
Salaries are predicted to increase,
This will be of particular importance but in order to attract and retain
for the finance sector, where employees' it is important for
demand for candidates with companies to focus on other areas
strong skills in data analysis, including a clear career path for
artificial intelligence, compliance candidates, training opportunities,
and risk will outnumber supply. flexible workspace and hours and
Companies searching for top talent a generous benefits package.
will benefit by searching across
country borders and offering
competitive salaries, housing
ROB VERMAAK, and relocation packages.

40 40%

Increase in the number of

vacancies in the Netherlands


Amsterdam - Jobs up
35% year-on-year

Eindhoven - Jobs up
50% year-on-year

Rotterdam - Jobs up
44% year-on-year

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research

The Netherlands  121

Specialists in compliance, risk and their business. As such, candidates

audit were particularly scarce, as well with a finance and analytical
as IT literate financials with experience background and experience in BI
in data mining, data analytics and tooling will be highly sought after.
business intelligence (BI) reporting.
The continued focus on compliance
Given the fast-growing and changing will result in high demand for
nature of the market, there was a spur specialists in regulatory reporting
in hiring levels for temporary finance (IFRS, US GAAP). Talented
professionals. At the start of 2018 candidates from a 'Big 4'
there was some hesitancy in firms background with multilingual skills
hiring interim candidates due to the will also be highly sought after.
DBA Act, but this quickly subsided as
workloads increased and familiarity Hiring managers will look for finance

with the implications of the Act grew.

The first signs of a highly competitive

market in 2018 were present in
professionals who have a more
holistic view of finance, and who can
understand and integrate all aspects
of the financial process instead of
EXPECTING A SALARY INCREASE salaries at the junior to mid-level. looking at individual elements.
OF MORE THAN 5% IN 2019 Counter-offers were common and
junior- and mid- level candidates Finance salaries will increase
were able to attain double-digit salary across all levels and industries in
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE increases when transferring to a new
Ongoing economic growth in role. Interim rates remained stable in
2018 led to an increase in job 2018. They showed strong growth in
vacancies in the accounting 2017, when the limits of salaries were The fast-growing and
and finance sector. However, reached, especially for mid-level roles. changing nature of the
hiring managers were having to market led to a growth in
contend with candidate shortages, In 2019, the number of vacancies hiring levels for temporary
particularly at the junior level. As will grow at all levels of seniority. finance professionals.
a result, students were receiving Companies will venture further into
job offers while still in university. making AI and big data a part of
122  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
2019. As the number of interim In 2019, we will continue to see
assignments and projects grows, increased recruitment activity from
interim rates will increase as well. asset management and private equity
companies in the Netherlands, mainly
BANKING & FINANCIAL by those investing in real estate.
Compliance and risk professionals, Basel guidelines will continue
both financial and non-financial, to have a significant impact on
were in high demand in 2018. financial institutions and their urge
to cut costs. Internal moves will
Automation of processes within be preferred over acquiring talent
the financial services and banking externally. The only exception for
industry led to a decrease in the this will be for risk and compliance,
number of operational roles. In
addition, Basel III brought about
changes to the methodology regarding
capital requirements, resulting in a
as this experience and knowledge
is not readily available. Internally,
demand for regulatory reporting and
risk professionals will remain high for
higher cost of capital for financial both permanent and interim roles. WITH THEIR CURRENT SALARY
institutions. This led to a strong focus
on cutting operational costs, with Candidates with experience in
some savings being made through Know Your Customer (KYC), anti- associates with three to six years’
job cuts and hiring freezes. money laundering (AML) and experience, civil law notaries and
financial economic crime (FEC) professionals within the trust sector.
In addition to Basel III, new will be in high demand in 2019
regulations such as IFRS 9 and as banks increasingly look to limit In-house legal departments saw
Anacredit impacted financial all forms of reputational risk. growth as a result of a strong
reporting departments within financial economic climate and a busy mergers
institutions and led them to hire Analytical reporting experts will & acquisitions and estate market.
interim expertise. This led to candidate also be sought after as it becomes
shortages in the interim market. more common for reports to be The particularly buoyant real estate
directly extracted from big data market led to an increased number of
In 2018, we saw that banks centres, creating a need for analytical

were increasingly moving into an experts with a holistic approach.
agile environment using scrum
methodology. As a result, hiring In 2019, salaries will show little
managers sought professionals growth due to cost cuts, with the
with the right mindset to excel
in such working conditions.
exception of compliance roles,
which will be in high demand. 68%
Salaries for finance, risk and compliance LEGAL
related roles grew moderately in Recruitment levels remained
2018, whilst general finance and high in 2018. Hiring managers
interim rates remained stable – were having to contend with a
Of professionals would consider
excluding specialist roles in regulatory continuous shortage of candidates
a counter-offer after resigning
reporting, compliance and risk. in private practice, especially for
The Netherlands  123
projects within private practice, civil In order to avoid gaps when bring and firms willing to invest
notary firms and real estate investors. filling interim positions in 2019, in attracting talented HR staff.
hiring managers should start
Banks, investment companies to explore the market when There will be more focus from
and regulated companies had the first signs of an upcoming employers on in-house recruitment
some additional challenges to face interim role become visible. processes and improving employer
in 2018. The implementation of branding in order to attract
GDPR put pressure on compliance HUMAN RESOURCES talent in a scarce market.
departments and in turn interim Many companies began to place
candidates were sought after an increased emphasis on human Candidates with experience in
to take on project-based and resources (HR) departments in HR analytics and HR automation
operational assignments. 2018. Where HR was previously tools will be highly sought after. HR
viewed as a support department analytics is not new, but it is now
Permanent salaries increased in many organisations, there was becoming a booming industry and
for both private practice and a shift of companies considering we expect to see a growing number
in-house lawyers, along with HR as a true business partner. of HR analytics vacancies. Salaries
compensation and benefits Mid-senior level candidates with are expected to increase in 2019,
packages, including perks such specialist experience in areas such especially for specialist roles.
as study and car allowances. as compensation and benefits,
as well as HR generalists with INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
Within Dutch companies, we noticed one to two years' experience In 2018, we witnessed historical
modest salary increases compared were highly sought after. candidate shortages as a result
to US firms. Trust companies of the rapid pace at which IT
attracted top talent by offering In 2019, we will continue to see and tech products were adopted
healthy salary increases and more the trend of companies discovering by businesses. As IT continued
lucrative benefits packages. the added value that HR can to be seen as a direct driver of
business success, companies
focused on transforming their
current IT infrastructure.

Legacy systems take up more than

70% of available resources, resulting
in an increased demand for IT
specialists who could help change
a company’s organisational set-up.

Demand for IT candidates will keep

rising over the next two to five years.
Even in traditional industries, the
corporate environment is becoming
increasingly dynamic with regards
CONFIDENT ABOUT to IT, with digital solutions becoming
JOB OPPORTUNITIES IN attractive alternatives and barriers
THEIR OWN SECTOR for change decreasing. The trend
towards adopting Cloud solutions,
124  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
and in some cases becoming that aim to stabilise the cost of
‘Cloud only’, will continue. procurement with regards to TOP FOUR FACTORS DETERMINING
fluctuating commodity prices. JOB SATISFACTION
Developers and programmers (PHP, Organisations will increasingly rely on
Java, C++ and .NET), database procurement professionals to create
specialists and helpdesk staff will all value rather than just limit costs.
be in very high demand in 2019 as a
result of advanced software solutions. The emerging need for increased
traceability will mean that candidates
We will see companies offering IT with experience in big data and risk Work/life Remuneration
students at all educational levels management will be highly sought after. balance and benefits
their first contract before graduating.
Hiring managers should make sure Due to the continuous focus on
they know what drives candidates, centralisation and globalisation,
speak their language and know contracts are increasingly negotiated
how the organisation can contribute on a global level, which requires
to IT candidates' career goals. candidates with strategic vision
combined with an analytical mindset.
PROCUREMENT & SUPPLY Day-to-day Flexible
CHAIN Procurement will evolve into a work working
Market conditions were strong more international discipline,
for procurement professionals in and hiring managers will need to
2018. Due to the favourable tax proactively search for international applications running at the same
environment, large expat community and multilingual candidates. time. Personal development and
and superb infrastructure, many a good work-life balance with
international companies set SECRETARIAL & OFFICE flexible hours, remote working
up centralised procurement SUPPORT and the possibility to work part-
departments in the Netherlands. This As the economy has been doing time will be important factors in
resulted in an increased demand well, many organisations are attracting new employees.
for highly skilled procurement upscaling their teams, driving
professionals with a global scope. demand for support staff. Salaries for support staff are
Sectors with the highest levels expected to rise by around
The highest hiring levels were of hiring activity for support 3% in 2019. High-performing
seen in third party freight staff were retail, IT, consultancy, candidates looking to move
suppliers, pharmaceuticals, FMCG and real estate. roles will be in a position to
IT, retail and FMCG. negotiate for a bigger raise.
In 2019, candidates with a
Salaries showed fairly strong bachelor's degree, multilingual (SEMI) PUBLIC
growth across all levels in 2018 capabilities and experience in Demand for finance professionals in
and are expected to grow at the international organisations will be the (semi) public sector was incredibly
same pace, of 3-5% in 2019. highly sought after to help fill roles in high in 2018, as finance departments
executive and management support. are being modernised. Recruitment
As the global economy continues to activity in healthcare and education was
improve, we will see an increased The market will be tight as particularly busy due to the changing
focus on strategic investments candidates will have multiple job strategies in finance departments,
The Netherlands  125
along with IT development and private sector who are seeking
automation of financial processes. organisations that operate from a
more ethical rather than commercial Personal development and a
Whereas hiring managers previously standpoint may well make the good work-life balance with
placed specific industry experience move into the public sector. flexible hours, remote working
at the top of their wish lists, in and the possibility to work
2018 we saw the criteria shift as Salaries for permanent roles will part-time will be important
companies started to recognise remain mostly stable except for factors in attracting new
the value of finance professionals assistant controller and operations employees.
with cross-industry experience. director salaries, which will show
growth. Interim rates will increase by
In 2019, most hiring will take place at around 2-5% at all levels of seniority.
the mid-level. As finance departments environment (BEPS and trust).
within healthcare organisations Although salaries in healthcare are
modernise, the need for highly skilled generally lower than in the commercial In 2019, we expect the market
financial controllers and business market, hiring managers should look to to recuperate as regulations
controllers who can manage convey the value of gaining experience become more clear.
complex financial flows will increase. in a public sector organisation known
We expect candidate scarcity to for its unique product structures We will also see companies moving
become an issue at this level. and complex financial flows. from a trust environment to an
independently registered holding
Controllers who can also act as TAX & TREASURY company, in order to to create
business partners will be particularly Demand for treasury professionals substance in line with the changing
sought after. There will also be ample remained stable in 2018. Movement tax regulations. This will result in
opportunities for DBC advisors and in the market, especially within the tax professionals starting to make
healthcare administrators in 2019. specialised treasury field, was slow, the move from trust companies to
with salary levels remaining flat. these new holding companies.
We will see finance managers and
directors look for new opportunities, Similarly, recruitment of tax Professionals in VAT, transfer
bringing about movement in professionals slowed down as a pricing and tax compliance at the
the market at the senior level. result of the uncertainty caused by mid-level will be highly sought

Experienced candidates from the the OECD and European Union’s after. Automation of processes
action plans to avoid Base Erosion will increase demand for data
and Profit Shifting (BEPS). driven tax professionals.

Despite this, 2018 was still a Salaries are already high in this

34% candidate driven market from junior to

senior level. The demand was primarily
strong for specialist roles in VAT,
field, so it is difficult to attract new
talent with a competitive salary.
Tax and treasury professionals
transfer pricing and tax compliance. are more interested in flexible
working hours and a better
The highest hiring levels were work-life balance, as these are
seen in international companies, benefits they often do not have.
Of professionals received a pay rise
as those companies were most
of more than 5% in 2018
affected by the changing tax
126  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

1 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 9 YRS’ EXP 9+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
VP Finance/CFO 150k+ 150k+

Finance Director 80 - 110k 85 - 110k 110 - 150k 110 - 150k


FP&A Manager 65 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k

M&A Manager/Director 80 - 120k 90 - 120k 120k+ 120k+

Business Analyst 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 80k 70 - 80k

Financial Analyst 45 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 85k


Internal Audit Manager/Director 80 - 110k 85 - 110k 110 - 130k 110 - 140k

Internal Auditor 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 90k 75 - 90k 90 - 110k 90 - 120k

Risk Analyst/Manager 45 - 65k 60 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 85k 80 - 110k 85 - 120k


Group Controller 80 - 125k 85 - 125k 125 - 150k 125 - 150k

Division Controller 75 - 100k 80 - 100k 100 - 125k 100 - 125k

Business Controller 45 - 70k 50 - 75k 70 - 95k 75 - 95k 95 - 115k 95 - 115k

Financial Controller 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 70 - 90k 75 - 90k 90 - 110k 90 - 110k


Shared Services Manager 75 - 110k 80 - 110k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k

AP/AR/GL Team Leader 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 70k 65 - 70k 70 - 80k 70 - 80k

Credit Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 60k 55 - 65k 60 - 70k 65 - 70k 70 - 80k

Finance Manager 60 - 90k 65 - 90k 80 - 110k 90 - 120k

Senior Financial Accountant 45 - 55k 45 - 60k 55 - 65k 60 - 70k 65 - 75k 70 - 80k

Management Accountant 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 75k 65 - 75k

‘Big 4’

Consultancy 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 95k 65 - 95k 95 - 140k 95 - 140k

Auditor 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 95k 65 - 95k 95 - 140k 95 - 140k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

The Netherlands  127


2018 2019
Accounting & Finance

VP Finance/CFO 1200 - 2000 1200 - 2000

Finance Manager 600 - 880 600 - 920

Team Manager (GL/AP/AR) 600 - 800 560 - 800

Senior Financial Accountant 480 - 600 480 - 640

Senior GL Accountant 480 - 600 480 - 600

Senior Payroll Specialist 450 - 620 440 - 620

Auditor (RA/CPA/ACCA) 560 - 1000 560 - 1000

Corporate Recovery Expert 1000 - 2500 1000 - 2500


FP&A Manager 600 - 800 600 - 800

Business Analyst 500 - 600 500 - 640

Financial Analyst 500 - 600 600 - 640


Group Financial Controller 700 - 1200 700 - 1200

Financial/Business Controller (RC/RA) 600 - 800 600 - 920

Assistant Financial Controller 500 - 600 480 - 600


Programme Manager 1000 - 1300 1000 - 1300

Transition Manager 800 - 1200 800 - 1200

Project Manager 800 - 1000 720 - 1000

Service Delivery Employee 450 - 650 440 - 650

NB: Figures are basic daily rates excluding agency fees.

128  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019


1 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Financial & Control

Manager 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 150k 90 - 150k

Financial Controller 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 150k 95 - 150k

Business Controller 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 80k 75 - 95k 90 - 130k 95 - 140k

Financial Analyst 45 - 65k 45 - 70k 65 - 80k 70 - 85k 75 - 85k 75 - 85k

Audit, Risk & Compliance

Head of Compliance 160 - 180k 160 - 180k 180 - 200k 180 - 200k

Compliance Officer 45 - 70k 45 - 75k 70 - 110k 75 - 115k 110 - 140k 115 - 150k

Risk Manager (Market & Credit Risk) 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 115k 75 - 115k 115 - 190k 115 - 190k

Operational Risk Manager 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 110 - 140k 110 - 140k

Auditor 55 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 110k 75 - 110k 110 - 160k 110 - 160k

Quantitative Analyst 50 - 75k 50 - 80k 75 - 115k 80 - 115k 115 - 160k 115 - 160k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019
Senior Financial Accountant 560 - 760 560 - 760

Financial Controller 740 - 900 780 - 940

Business Controller 800 - 960 800 - 960

Reporting Specialist 800 - 1080 840 - 1120

Compliance Officer 960 - 1320 960 - 1400

Regulatory Specialist 920 - 1440 980 - 1600

Risk Manager (Operational, Credit & Financial) 760 - 1200 760 - 1200

Project Manager 800 - 880 800 - 940

Programme Manager 900 - 1200 900 - 1280

NB: Figures are basic daily rates excluding agency fees.

The Netherlands  129


3 - 6 YRS’ EXP 6 - 9 YRS’ EXP 9+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
HR Director 100k+ 100k+

HR Manager 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 90k 70 - 95k 90 - 125k 90 - 125k

HR Business Partner 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 65 - 90k 70 - 95k 90 - 110k 90 - 115k

HR Advisor 43 - 53k 43 - 58k 55 - 70k 55 - 75k 70 - 90k 75 - 95k

Compensation & Benefits Manager 75 - 95k 75 - 100k 90 - 150k 95 - 150k

Recruitment Manager 60 - 70k 60 - 75k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 115k 90 - 115k

Corporate Recruiter 42 - 65k 42 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k

Learning & Development Manager 60 - 75k 65 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

130  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019


1 - 4 YRS’ EXP 4 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

General Counsel 150k+ 160k+

Manager Legal Affairs 90k+ 90k+ 115k+ 115K+

Legal Counsel 45 - 60k 45 - 65k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 90 - 125k 90 - 125K

Compliance Officer 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 95k 65 - 95k 90 - 120k 95 - 150k

Private Practice

US & UK Firms - Partner 270k+ 300k+

Dutch Firms - Partner 250k+ 275k+

US & UK Firms - Associate 45 - 80k 50 - 90k 70 - 105k 70 - 110k 110 - 150k 110 - 150k

Dutch Firms - Associate 40 - 75k 45 - 80k 65 - 95k 70 - 105k 95 - 140k 95 - 150k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019
Interim Lawyer (Private Practice) 1000 - 1300 1000 - 1300

Specialised Legal Counsel 950 - 1300 950 - 1300

Compliance 800 - 1200 800 - 1200

Contract Manager 800 - 1200 800 - 1200

Civil Notary 900 - 1200 900 - 1200

Legal Counsel 800 - 1200 800 - 1200

NB: Figures are basic daily rates excluding agency fees.

The Netherlands  131


2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Agile Coach 600 - 700 600 - 700 700 - 800 700 - 800 800 - 900 800 - 900

Agile Product Owner(General/Java/BI/Business

Objects) 500 - 600 500 - 600 600 - 700 600 - 700 700 - 760 700 - 780

Agile Scrum Master (General/Java/BI/Business Objects) 600 - 675 600 - 700 675 - 750 700 - 800 750 - 840 800 - 840

Application Analyst - General 480 - 540 480 - 540 540 - 600 560 - 620 600 - 680 640 - 700

Business Manager - Data Migration 500 - 560 500 - 560 560 - 640 560 - 640 640 - 720 640 - 720

Business Operations - Data Migration 500 - 540 500 - 540 540 - 580 540 - 580 580 - 640 580 - 640

Change Analyst 480 - 540 480 - 540 540 - 580 540 - 580 580 - 640 580 - 640

Change Manager 540 - 600 540 - 600 600 - 680 600 - 680 680 - 760 680 - 760

Database Administrator (DBA) 440 - 480 440 - 480 480 - 520 480 - 520 520 - 560 520 - 560

Implementation Manage 540 - 580 540 - 580 580 - 680 580 - 680 680 - 760 680 - 760

Lean Change Agent 440 - 480 440 - 480 480 - 520 480 - 520 520 - 560 520 - 560

PMO Analyst 380 - 420 400 - 440 420 - 500 440 - 540 500 - 600 540 - 640

PMO Manager 440 - 480 440 - 520 480 - 560 520 - 600 560 - 680 600 - 800

Programme Director 640 - 740 640 - 740 740 - 840 740 - 840 840 - 900 840 - 900

Programme Manager 640 - 720 640 - 720 720 - 760 720 - 760 760 - 800 760 - 800

Project Manager (General/BI/Infrastructure) 540 - 580 540 - 580 580 - 660 580 - 660 660 - 760 660 - 780

Project Manager - SAP 600 - 660 600 - 660 660 - 720 660 - 720 720 - 900 720 - 900

Software Developer - BI/Business Objects/Java/

Microsoft .NET/Oracle 450 - 580 480 - 580 480 - 620 500 - 620 540 - 660 540 - 700

Software Developer - BI/Hadoop 600 - 680 640 - 700 680 - 760 700 - 800 760 - 900 800 - 940

Software Developer - SAP Basis/ABAP/Finance/PI/

Security 540 - 660 560 - 680 580 - 720 600 - 740 640 - 800 680 - 840

Software Developer - SAS 540 - 580 540 - 580 580 - 640 580 - 680 640 - 740 680 - 780

Software Developer - Webtechnologies 500 - 540 500 - 540 540 - 580 540 - 620 580 - 620 620 - 680

Technology Consultant (BI/Data Migration/Microsoft/

Oracle) 440 - 580 440 - 580 580 - 640 580 - 640 520 - 740 520 - 740

Technology Consultant - SAP BI/CRM/Finance 540 - 600 540 - 640 580 - 700 580 - 740 680 - 800 700 - 840

NB: Figures are basic daily rates excluding agency fees.

132  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019


2018 2019
Buyer Raw Materials 480 - 640 500 - 670

Buyer Indirect 560 - 720 580 - 750

Category Manager Raw Materials 640 - 820 670 - 840

Category Manager Indirect 680 - 840 700 - 880

Category Manager Food 600 - 760 630 - 800

Category Manager Non-Food 600 - 760 630 - 800

Category Lead Raw Materials 800 - 960 840 - 1000

Category Lead Indirect 800 - 960 840 - 1000

Category Manager IT/ICT 880 - 1040 920 - 1100

CPO/Buying Director 1040 - 1400 1100 - 1475

NB: Figures are basic daily rates excluding agency fees.

The Netherlands  133


2018 2019
Operations Director/CFO 90 - 110k 100 - 130k

Manager Planning & Control 85 - 100k 85 - 100k

Head of Administration 55 - 70k 55 - 70k

Manager Internal Autdit 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

Internal Auditor 65 - 85k 65 - 85k

Business Controller 60 - 80k 60 - 80k

Concern Controller 60 - 80k 60 - 80k

Financial Controller 60 - 80k 60 - 80k

Assistant Controller 40 - 52k 40 - 60k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019
Board Member/CFO 720 - 1200 720 - 1200

Financial Director/CFO 680 - 780 680 - 900

Manager Planning & Control 630 - 720 640 - 720

Financial Manager 500 - 650 540 - 700

Business Controller 540 - 720 560 - 720

Financial Controller 460 - 520 480 - 560

Concern Controller 650 - 700 680 - 720

AO/IC Specialist 480 - 520 490 - 560

Senior Financial Accountant 380 - 460 400 - 480

Manager Healthcare Administration 540 - 720 550 - 720

Coordinator Healthcare Administration 450 - 520 480 - 560

Employee Healthcare Administration 300 - 350 330 - 400

NB: Figures are basic daily rates excluding agency fees.

134  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019


1 - 3 YRS’ EXP 4 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Head of Treasury 110 - 220k 110 - 220k

Treasurer 75 - 90k 75 - 90k 90 - 110k 90 - 110k

Assistant Treasurer 40 - 65k 40 - 65k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

Cash Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k

Treasury Accountant/Analyst 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k


Vice-President Tax 150 - 300k 150 - 300k

Tax Director 90 - 150k 100 - 170k

Senior Tax Manager 90 - 130k 90 - 130k

Tax Manager 65 - 90k 70 - 90k 85 - 120k 85 - 120k

Tax Consultant 50 - 70k 50 - 75k 60 - 80k 65 - 90k

Tax Accountant/Analyst 40 - 50k 45 - 60k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019
Cash Manager/Assistant Treasurer 600 - 800 600 - 800

Treasurer 800 - 1100 800 - 1100

Tax Manager 700 - 1000 700 - 1000

Tax Director 900 - 1200 900 - 1300

NB: Figures are basic daily rates excluding agency fees.

The Netherlands  135


2018 2019
Junior Controller 30 - 40k 32 - 42k

Accounts Payable Team Leader 40 - 50k 45 - 55k

Accounts Payable Specialist 37 - 45k 37 - 45k

Accounts Payable Administrator 30 - 37k 30 - 37k

Accounts Receivable Team Leader 40 - 50k 45 - 55k

Accounts Receivable Specialist 37 - 45k 37 - 45k

Credit Controller 35 - 40k 35 - 45k

Junior Credit Controller 30 - 35k 30 - 35k

Senior Financial Administrator 40 - 50k 45 - 55k

Payroll Officer 40 - 50k 40 - 50k

Graduate (Bachelor/Master) 32 - 42k 35 - 45k

Graduate (MBO/Secondary Vocational) 27 - 37k 27 - 37k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.


2018 2019
Payment Officer 32 - 37k 32 - 37k

Accounts Receivable Officer 32 - 37k 32 - 37k

Accounts Assistant 35 - 40k 35 - 40k

Underwriting Support 32 - 37k 32 - 37k

Junior Risk Analyst 35 - 40k 37 - 42k

Junior Credit Analyst 37 - 42k 37 - 42k

Junior Compliance Officer 35 - 40k 37 - 42k

Junior Asset Manager 35 - 40k 40 - 45k

Junior Trader 35 - 40k 35 - 40k

Financial Accountant 45 - 50k 45 - 55k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

136  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019


2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
(Functional) Application Manager 32 - 36k 33 - 37k 37 - 42k 38 - 45k 42 - 60k 46 - 64k

System Administrator (Unix/Windows/Linux/Citrix/etc) 32 - 36k 33 - 37k 37 - 42k 38 - 45k 42 - 60k 46 - 64k

Network Specialist (Administrator/Routing Engineer/

Telecom) 34 - 39k 36 - 42k 39 - 45k 42 - 50k 45 - 62k 50 - 65k

Database Administrator 32 - 36k 33 - 37k 37 - 42k 38 - 45k 42 - 60k 46 - 64k

Data Specialist (Warehousing/BI/Architect/Science) 32 - 40k 33 - 42k 41 - 54k 43 - 57k 55 - 77k 58 - 80k

Developer (PHP/JAVA/.net/C++/DevOps) 32 - 40k 33 - 42k 41 - 54k 43 - 57k 55 - 77k 58 - 80k

1st Line Service Desk Agent 23 - 27k 24 - 29k 23 - 27k 24 - 29k 23 - 27k 24 - 29k

2nd Line Service Desk Agent 28 - 34k 30 - 38k 28 - 34k 30 - 38k 28 - 34k 30 - 38k

3rd Line Service Desk Agent 34 - 42k 36 - 45k 34 - 42k 36 - 45k 34 - 42k 36 - 45k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

The Netherlands  137


2018 2019
Supply Chain Manager 44 - 66k 45 - 66k

Demand & Supply Chain Planner 40 - 63k 42 - 65k

Logistics Analyst 42 - 64k 44 - 66k

Buyer 40 - 60k 42 - 64k

Operations Manager 38 - 60k 42 - 64k

Supply Chain Coordinator 31 - 44k 32 - 48k

Export Associate 27 - 43k 31 - 46k

Data Entry 24 - 32k 25 - 33k

Order Management Specialist 30 - 44k 33 - 47k

Inside Sales Support/Representative 28 - 45k 30 - 46k

Customer Service Representative (multilingual) 25 - 37k 27 - 38k

Customer Service Team Lead/Manager 32 - 45k 35 - 50k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

138  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2018 2019
Executive & Personal Assistant 39 - 58k 41 - 60k

Management Assistant 28 - 39k 29 - 41k

Office Manager 32 - 46k 33 - 48k

Office Assistant 28 - 34k 29 - 35k

Legal Secretary 29 - 42k 30 - 44k

Receptionist 23 - 31k 23 - 31k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019
HR Assistant 29 - 41k 30 - 42k

HR Generalist/Advisor 36 - 53k 37 - 54k

Corporate Recruiter 35 - 58k 36 - 60k

Recruitment Coordinator 28 - 38k 30 - 39k

Training Coordinator 30 - 42k 31 - 45k

Learning & Development Coordinator 35 - 50k 35 - 51k

Resource Manager 41 - 62k 42 - 64k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

The Netherlands  139



The Portuguese economy experienced another good year with steady growth of 2%
after a turbulent few years. The unemployment rate has been decreasing year-on-
year, from 18% in 2016, 7.9% in 2017, to 6.7% in 2018: the lowest unemployment
rate since the second quarter of 2004. One thing was clear in 2018 – companies
were recruiting again.

Business investment increased, and parallel to this, we saw an increase in the

number of international companies beginning to open in Portugal. With this came an
abundance of opportunities across all sectors.

Leading the way was the IT sector, with IT developers being particularly sought after.
As in previous years, hiring managers had to contend with a large candidate shortage
in this area. As a result, the sector was driven by temps and freelancers who were
able to command premiums.

Increased business confidence had a positive impact on the real estate sector. We
saw a number of companies invest through the purchase of buildings and real estate
refurb programmes, along with buying land and constructing new developments. A
boost in consumer confidence and tourism meant that the services sector was back
to recruiting at high levels, particularly in large metropolitan areas.

Whilst salaries in the IT sector have increased year-on-year, other sectors did not
experience the same salary growth in 2018. It was not uncommon for those in
management positions to have more focus placed on progression, rather than
remuneration packages.

oF ProFESSIoNalS IN Portugal
The Portuguese economy
experienced another good
year with steady growth of
arE aCtIVElY looKINg to CHaNgE

140 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2019 out. Companies should focus on
A strong pipeline of EU co-funded upskilling existing employees in
investment projects for the next an attempt to counteract this.
four years is expected to provide a
boost of investment and business Whilst there will be an acute
confidence, meaning we can shortage of workers in specialised
expect another positive year for fields, it is expected that there
the recruitment market. However will be a healthy candidate pool
Portugal will continue to struggle to for a number of ‘generalist’ roles.
attract European candidates, due This will result in high-performing
to salaries being less competitive candidates moving into industries or
than other European countries. roles with smaller talent pools as a
way of diversifying their skill sets.
Manufacturers will be in demand
for the engineering sector, As salaries are set to remain relatively
whilst in IT, developers and steady in 2019, hiring managers
researchers will continue to be should not only focus on increasing
a focus for hiring managers. salaries as a tool to attract top talent,
but also focus on offering career
MARCO LAVEDA, In 2019, the skills gap in IT and tech progression opportunities as a method
MANAGING DIRECTOR, will be particularly apparent and will to keep employees engaged.
SPAIN & PORTUGAL take at least two years to balance


69% 1 Improved career development

2 Remuneration and benefits

Of professionals in Portugal 3 Attractive company culture

are expecting a salary increase
in 2019
4 Change of responsibilities

Lisbon - 82% of professionals

1 feel confident about job
opportunities in their sector

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research

Portugal 141

the forefront of the company and make it lured into less traditional fields where
more central to decision-making. work-life balance and flexi-hours are
more common.
The rapid development and adoption
of technology in the finance sector ENGINEERING & OPERATIONS
meant that candidates who were In 2018, the engineering and operations
technically aware and proficient were recruitment sector was very busy.
highly sought after. Hiring managers Demand for candidates was especially
were also seeking candidates with high in the automotive, construction,
expertise in risk, particularly in equipment, energy and real estate
compliance and internal audit, and sectors, showing good growth
in-depth knowledge of the regulatory compared to 2017.
environment, along with advanced
excel skills and general knowledge of Recruitment levels were particularly high

ERP systems.

It will be another good year for the

accounting and finance sector in
for mid-senior-level candidates who had
a clear mix of personal, professional and
technical attributes.

TO A JOB APPROACH WHEN NOT 2019, with healthcare, real estate and Hiring managers sought candidates who
ACTIVELY LOOKING technology sectors looking to hire. were proactive, strong interpersonally
and good at multi tasking.
Technology will play a pivotal role in
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE the year ahead, requiring senior-level Although salaries remained relatively
Economic growth and renewed business candidates and decision-makers to steady in 2018, employees benefitted
confidence resulted in an increased be aware of or accustomed to data from internal promotions and increased
appetite for hiring within accounting and analytics, blockchain, trust economy and salaries aligned to new job titles.
finance. the Cloud.
Unlike other sectors, the engineering
In 2018, we saw the role of an Whilst salaries will increase by 10% and operations market has not suffered
accounting and finance professional in 2019 for roles aligned to tech, from a skills shortage. However, if hiring
change, as senior management sought companies will have to do a lot more to trends follow similar patterns to that of
to bring the historically back office role to attract millennials who are likely to be 2018, and we continue to operate in a
142  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
buoyant market, hiring managers may
find themselves having to contend with
a candidate shortage in the near future.

In Portugal, where taxes are high,

salaries are a deciding factor for
candidates looking to move roles, so
hiring managers should look at how they
can guarantee the liquidity of a salary
by incorporating benefits such as a
company car or private health care.

Demand for high-quality candidates
from an IT or tech background
across all industries was high in
2018, resulting in a salary increase of
around 8-10%. Areas of exponential RECEIVED A SALARY INCREASE IN
growth in 2018 were within web 2018
development, cybersecurity, data
science and analysis.
two languages fluently, with and commercial marketing. Key
Whilst technical proficiency was a must, English and German being the account managers, pharmacy
candidates who were more well-rounded most preferred. channel delegates and product
and possessed soft skills such as the managers were in highest demand.
ability to communicate well, were not on FMCG businesses remained the A degree in health science and
the market for long. biggest recruiter in the sector, with strong communication skills were
the most in-demand skills being highly valued by HR departments.
In 2019, job roles in tech will increase SEO, digital marketing, analytical
by as much as 20%, with key growth thinking and market analysis. There was a slight increase in
areas including blockchain, artificial Strong soft skills such as being salary compared to previous years,
intelligence, the internet of things (IoT), hands-on, proactive, dynamic and with the highest pay rises seen in
big data and virtual & augmented people-focused continue to be FMCG and digital industries.
reality. Companies should look to highly regarded by hiring
upskill existing teams now in order to managers. Digital professionals In 2019, the e-commerce and
combat the pending candidate and benefitted from operating in a digital sectors will continue to grow,
skills shortage. relatively immature market, with resulting in an increased demand
candidate shortages seen at for high-quality candidates. Hiring
SALES & MARKETING the senior level for e-commerce managers should ensure they
Opportunities in the sales and positions. offer clear career paths, salary
marketing sector have increased year- progression and an attractive work
on-year since 2016. An increased turnover in the environment in order to recruit
pharmaceutical market resulted favourable candidates.
Due to globalisation, candidates in more recruitment in the areas
are expected to be able to speak of medical affairs, market access
Portugal 143


2 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Chief Financial Officer 60 - 70k 70 - 75k 75 - 85k 80 - 90k 85 - 110k 90 - 120k

Finance Director - SME 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 70k 55 - 75k 60 - 80k 65 - 85k
FP&A Manager 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 40 - 45k 45 - 50k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k
Financial Controller 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 35 - 47k 47 - 50k 47 - 50k
Accounting Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 45 - 55k 45 - 55k
Chartered Accountant 25 - 28k 25 - 28k 28 - 35k 28 - 35k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k
Commercial Controller 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 50k 45 - 50k 53 - 65k 53 - 65k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

144  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Operations Director 45 - 75k 50 - 75k 48 - 80k 55 - 80k 60 - 130k 70 - 130k
Plant Manager 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 75 - 130k 75 - 120k
Production Manager 35 - 50k 45 - 60k 40 - 60k 50 - 75k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k
Logistics Manager 35 - 50k 40 - 50k 35 - 55k 45 - 55k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k
Maintenance/Facility Manager 30 - 50k 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 45 - 55k 45 - 60k 50 - 65k
Purchasing Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 38 - 45k 38 - 45k
Procurement Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 38 - 45k 38 - 45k
Demand Planning 25 - 40k 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 38 - 50k
Customer Service Manager 28 - 35k 30 - 40k 35 - 50k 35 - 50k
QA/QC Manager 30 - 40k 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 45 - 60k
R&D Manager 35 - 45k 42 - 50k 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k
Continuous Improvement Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 40 - 60k 40 - 60k
Sales Director 50 - 95k 65 - 95k 65 - 120k 65 - 120k
Business Development Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 60k 45 - 95k 55 - 95k 65 - 135k 65 - 100k
Regional Sales Manager 35 - 50k 45 - 55k 30 - 50k 50 - 60k 40 - 85k 50 - 85k
Sales Engineer 30 - 50k 30 - 45k 25 - 40k 35 - 50k 40 - 50k 45 - 55k
Construction & Energy
Engineering Director 40 - 60k 55 - 65k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 85 - 140k 85 - 140k
Project Director 40 - 55k 60 - 70k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 70 - 130k 70 - 130k
Construction Director 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 80 - 110k 80 - 110k
Project Manager 25 - 45k 40 - 55k 45 - 80k 50 - 80k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k
Contract Manager 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 55 - 85k 55 - 85k
Site Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 65 - 100k 65 - 100k
Commissioning Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 50 - 80k 50 - 80k
Mechanical/Electrical Engineer 25 - 45k 25 - 45k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Portugal 145


2 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Chief Information Officer 75 - 80k 80 - 85k 80 - 95k 85 - 100k 90 - 110k 90 - 120k

Chief Technology Officer 60 - 70k 65 - 75k 85 - 90k 90 - 100k 90 - 95k 95 - 110k

Chief Operations Officer 55 - 60k 55 - 60k 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 85 - 95k 85 - 95k

IT Manager 50 - 60k 55 - 70k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k

Infrastructure Director 40 - 50k 45 - 55k 60 - 75k 60 - 80k 80 - 90k 80 - 95k

Delivery Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 50 - 65k 55 - 70k 70 - 80k 70 - 80k

Solutions Engineer 23 - 28k 23 - 28k 30 - 40k 35 - 45k 50 - 60k 50 - 65k

Digital Transformation Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 55 - 65k 55 - 70k 70 - 80k 70 - 85k

Outsystems Delivery Manager 30 - 40k 35 - 45k 50 - 60k 50 - 65k 55 - 65k 70 - 80k


Development Director 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 65 - 80k 65 - 85k 70 - 85k 75 - 90k

Front-end Developer 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k

Back-end Developer 25 - 35k 25 - 40k 40 - 45k 40 - 55k

DevOps Engineer 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 55 - 70k 60 - 75k

Tester/QA Analyst 25 - 35k 25 - 35k 35 - 45k 40 - 48k

Full-Stack Developer 30 - 40k 30 - 45k 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 65 - 75k 70 - 80k

Machine Learning Engineer 30 - 40k 30 - 45k 40 - 60k 45 - 70k

UX/UI Designer 20 - 35k 20 - 38k 35 - 45k 35 - 50k 40 - 50k 40 - 55k

Outsystems Developer 25 - 35k 25 - 40k 40 - 45k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 50 - 70k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

146  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

SAP Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 55 - 70k 55 - 75k

SAP Analyst 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k


Chief Security Officer 40 - 65k 40 - 65k 55 - 75k 60 - 80k 70 - 90k 75 - 95k

Blockchain Engineer 45 - 65k 50 - 75k

Cybersecurity Manager 35 - 60k 40 - 60k 50 - 60k 65 - 75k 70 - 80k 80 - 90k

Data & Analytics

Data & Analytics Manager 55 - 65k 60 - 65k 60 - 70k 75 - 85k

Data Architect 45 - 55k 45 - 60k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k

Data Analyst 30 - 40k 30 - 45k 40 - 50k 45 - 50k

BI Specialist 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 45 - 50k 50 - 55k

Big Data Specialist 40 - 50k 45 - 55k

Data Scientist 45 - 55k 50 - 60k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Portugal 147


2 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

E-commerce Director 28 - 35k 35 - 45k 38 - 50k 42 - 55k 55 - 70k 55 - 80k

Head of Digital 28 - 35k 35 - 45k 40 - 50k 42 - 68k 60 - 80k 68 - 90k

Digital Marketing Specialist 21 - 40k 25 - 42k 30 - 48k 35 - 50k 42 - 50k 45 - 60k

Digital Marketing Coordinator 21 - 40k 24 - 42k 30 - 38k 35 - 42k 42 - 50k 45 - 60k

SEO/SEM Manager 21 - 40k 24 - 42k 30 - 38k 35 - 42k 42 - 50k 45 - 60k


Business Unit Manager 45 - 60k 55 - 70k 60 - 75k 70 - 90k 65 - 80k 75 - 110k

Business Developer Manager 21 - 35k 28 - 42k 42 - 58k 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 60 - 75k

Sales Manager 28 - 45k 35 - 50k 49 - 70k 49 - 70k 56 - 77k 55 - 77k

Area Manager 28 - 35k 30 - 42k 30 - 45k 40 - 47k 42 - 49k 45 - 55k

Key Account Manager 21 - 30k 28 - 35k 28 - 42k 30 - 45k 40 - 50k 42 - 56k

Hospital Sales Specialist 21 - 30k 28 - 35k 28 - 42k 30 - 45k 32 - 42k 35 - 50k

Sales Representative 21 - 30k 28 - 35k 28 - 42k 30 - 45k 35 - 45k 35 - 45k

Sales Pharmacy Channel 21 - 30k 28 - 35k 28 - 42k 30 - 45k 32 - 42k 32 - 42k

Marketing Director 40 - 50k 42 - 55k 45 - 65k 55 - 70k 65 - 75k 70 - 85k

Marketing Manager 38 - 45k 42 - 55k 45 - 65k 55 - 70k 65 - 75k 70 - 85k

Product Manager 25 - 32k 28 - 35k 30 - 42k 35 - 49k 42 - 60k 50 - 70k

Brand Manager 25 - 32k 28 - 35k 30 - 42k 35 - 49k 42 - 60k 49 - 70k

Product Specialist 18 - 25k 21 - 28k 28 - 42k 30 - 47k 38 - 48k 42 - 50k

Head of Market Research 18 - 21k 21 - 28k 21 - 37k 28 - 42k 25 - 35k 28 - 42k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

148  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



2 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Marketing Director 35 - 48k 42 - 50k 40 - 60k 55 - 70k 70 - 90k 80 - 100k

Communications Director 30 - 40k 38 - 50k 40 - 60k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 70 - 90k

Marketing Manager 21 - 38k 25 - 45k 28 - 40k 30 - 45k 42 - 55k 40 - 60k

Product Manager 21 - 38k 25 - 45k 28 - 40k 30 - 45k 42 - 55k 40 - 60k

Brand Manager 21 - 38k 25 - 45k 28 - 40k 30 - 45k 42 - 55k 40 - 60k

Trade Marketing Manager 21 - 38k 25 - 45k 30 - 50k 35 - 42k 42 - 55k 40 - 60k

Business Analyst 18 - 25k 21 - 35k 35 - 48k 42 - 50k 40 - 50k 45 - 60k

Marketing Research 18 - 25k 21 - 35k 35 - 48k 42 - 50k 42 - 55k 45 - 60k


Commercial Director 30 - 42k 35 - 48k 45 - 50k 50 - 70k 60 - 80k 60 - 90k

Sales Manager 30 - 42k 35 - 48k 40 - 55k 45 - 60k 60 - 80k 50 - 80k

Regional Sales Director 28 - 35k 30 - 38k 30 - 40k 35 - 45k 30 - 42k 33 - 48k

Export Director 38 - 45k 42 - 50k 30 - 45k 40 - 55k 42 - 55k 50 - 70k

International Markets Development Manager 35 - 42k 40 - 50k 32 - 46k 40 - 56k 42 - 55k 56 - 70k

Key Account Manager 25 - 38k 25 - 42k 28 - 40k 30 - 50k 40 - 55k 42 - 60k

Commercial Director - FMCG 32 - 48k 35 - 58k 48 - 60k 58 - 70k 60 - 90k 70 - 100k

Sales Manager - FMCG 25 - 35k 28 - 42k 48 - 60k 45 - 70k 60 - 80k 65 - 90k

National Account Manager - FMCG 18 - 28k 18 - 28k 35 - 42k 38 - 55k 42 - 57k 50 - 63k

Key Account Manager - FMCG 18 - 28k 18 - 28k 28 - 35k 30 - 40k 30 - 42k 35 - 46k

Head of Sales - FMCG 18 - 21k 18 - 28k 18 - 25k 21 - 28k 25 - 35k 28 - 38k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Portugal 149


The economy has continued to perform well for a fifth consecutive year,
this had a positive knock-on effect within the labour market which in
previous years has suffered from the economic crisis. For the first time in
years we saw job creation across the board, with the service sector proving
the most resilient.

The highest demand for candidates continued to be within labour-intensive

sectors, most notably in housing (construction and real estate), automotive
and tourism.

Spain was highly competitive in the renewable energy sector, resulting in

an increase in demand for engineers. The same was true for investment
banking, where analysts and portfolio managers were highly sought after.

Barcelona has been consolidating its image in the digital world, and so
the demand for digital profiles grew significantly compared to previous
years. The country as a whole has made a name for itself in the information
security (IT) sector which is one of the biggest areas of recruitment in
Europe. However companies have had to contend with both a skills and
candidate shortage, which we expect to continue in 2019.

Salaries have increased at a slower rate than the growth of the economy.
In 2018, salaries increased by 10%, following eight years of stagnation.

OF pROFESSiOnaLS in Spain
The Spanish market will
continue to perform well in
2019, demand for quality
candidates will remain high.
in 2019

150 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2019 than the amount of candidates
There will be an increase of jobs entering the market. Companies
created for contract and part-time should be open to international
roles, as a way for businesses to candidates with relevant experience,
continue programmes of work without both to cover headcount and
having to invest their capital upfront. to help train local employees.
This is prevalent in tourism and housing
industries, that are more susceptible to Salaries will continue to increase
external macroeconomic conditions. for professionals in demand as
companies battle to secure
The construction industry has a top talent.
healthy pipeline of projects in real
estate, which will make this market Hiring managers will need to
particularly buoyant in 2019. understand the needs of millennials
and how to meet their personal
Spain continues to be a leading source and career needs. This may
globally for renewable energy; as a require changes in company
result experienced engineers will be culture, including flexible working
able to command premium salaries. and building in performance-
MARCO LAVEDA, related incentives and fun working
MANAGING DIRECTOR, The digital and IT sector will environments, along with ethical
SPAIN & PORTUGAL continue to grow at a quicker pace working practices and CSR initiatives.

87 87%

Of professionals in Spain say it is

important to work for a company
that fosters collaboration
between co-workers
1 2

Madrid - 72% of
professionals feel
confident about
opportunities in
their sector

Barcelona - 81% of
professionals feel
confident about
opportunities in
their sector

*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research

Spain 151

and restructure, resulting in the The Spanish market will continue to

strengthening of back office functions. perform well in 2019, and demand
The growing presence of investment for quality candidates will remain
funds in real estate increased the high. Hiring managers will have to
need for mid-senior level candidates contend with a candidate shortage
with a higher level of financial for mid-senior positions requiring
and compliance knowledge. specialist skills, namely finance
business partners, M&A analysts,
Candidates with business commercial finance analysts and
partnering skills, particularly industrial control specialists.
those at the financial advisor
level with strong communication Salaries will be a key factor for
skills and a background in project securing top talent. For roles in
management, were in high demand demand we expect to see salaries

as companies looked to improve
sales and operations processes.

For companies undertaking

increase higher than the general
market rate. For high-performing
millennials, career progression,
responsibility and challenging and
THEIR CAREER WITH AN corporate finance operations, exciting projects will be important.
INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME candidates with experience in Companies will also need to
mergers & acquisitions and internal look at their employer brand and
control were highly sought after.
It was another positive year in 2018 For financial candidates, salaries
for the accounting and finance saw a marginal inflation in 2018.
sector, spurred on by the growth For the first half of 2019, salaries Hiring managers will have
of the industrial sector. As a result are expected to remain relatively to contend with a candidate
there was a noticeable increase in stable whilst the wider-European shortage for mid-senior
demand for finance professionals. economy levels out. However, for the positions requiring specialist
second half of 2019 we expect to skills.
The real estate industry has been see a 5% increase in salaries within
going through a period of change accounting and finance roles.
152  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
consider introducing flexible working in the management of such portfolios,
initiatives and improvements to leading to significant salary increases.
workplace conditions in order
to remain competitive. 2019 will be a year of consolidation of
growth, particularly within retail banking.
BANKING & INSURANCE The political situation will create an
The banking sector in Spain air of uneasiness with companies
performed well in 2018. Traditional and investors and which will likely
banks – retail and commercial have an impact on hiring levels.
– continued digitalisation plans,
arguably at the expense of other ENGINEERING
areas in the business, whilst Increased hiring levels and a
international and investment strong end to 2017, meant that
banking benefited from good
macroeconomic conditions,
resulting in some growth.
hiring managers were having to
contend with a candidate shortage
in the beginning of 2018. 79%
The liquidity in the market led to For the first time in years, the real WOULD CONSIDER WORKING
buoyant recruitment activity on the estate and renewable energy sectors ABROAD
buy side, in particular the creation started to hire again. For real estate
and availability of private equity and construction, candidates
and venture capital-backed funds with a technical and commercial Companies focused their efforts on
for real estate and middle market background were highly sought after improving the quality and optimisation
sectors. Companies led by debt funds throughout the country. Given the of production processes, mainly to
seeking alternative financing kept growing domestic and international make themselves more competitive
the banking sector relatively busy. profile of the renewable energy in the export market. Companies
sector, the demand to fill commercial were hiring across the country for
Increased activity within banking positions was particularly high. roles in manufacturing, procurement,
has had a knock-on effect for supply chain and logistics.
corporate operations, namely There was a steady pipeline of

mergers, acquisitions and financing engineering projects in 2018,
operations functioning in the advisory predominantly in the petrochemical
field. As such, international banks, and infrastructure sectors,
boutiques and consulting firms have leading to continued demand for

all been on the hunt for top-level candidates with management
candidates to help grow their teams. experience in projects, contracts,
cost control and planning.
Spanish banks focused their efforts on
ridding large debt portfolios off balance The automotive, industrial
sheets, resulting in the emergence equipment goods and processed
of large funds. Subsequently we foods sectors remained the
Of professionals in Spain
saw mergers and acquisitions via foundation of the Spanish
believe that women are
the NPLs/REOs platforms. Hiring economy, subsequently leading
activity in this area remained high as to an increased growth within under-represented in
contractors became vital components the manufacturing industry. leadership roles
Spain 153
In 2019, there will be a strong level managers' which evolved into
of hiring activity within real estate talent catalyst positions within
and renewable energy sectors. high-growth organisations. The increased presence
Skills in particular demand will be of investment funds in real
customer and people management We also saw senior HR professionals estate increased the need for
and results-driven mindsets. increasingly play a role as business mid-senior level candidates
partners with a more generalist with a higher level of financial
HUMAN RESOURCES focus, supported by CEO’s. and compliance knowledge.
The highest levels of hiring activity in
2018 were seen in areas relating to In 2019, the rise of HR data analyst
payroll, mobility, and compensation profiles will create increased
& benefits. Roles in these areas saw demand, and as a result hiring will start to incorporate health and
salary increases of between 7-10%, managers will likely contend well-being initiatives. As part of this,
compared to the average 4-7% with a candidate shortage. HR managers will have a significant
salary increases for other human role in ensuring this structure is
resources (HR) professionals. Due to the consolidated effectively put into place. As well as
internationalisation of sectors, incentivising healthy habits, happiness
People managers and directors expertise in legal, tax and labour, at work will continue to be a key
continue to become more as well as EMEA, MENA and APAC objective for many HR professionals.
prominent, gradually positioning will be highly sought after.
themselves at the same level of HR professionals will also be tasked
importance as that of the board Professionals in HR will be up against with improving the candidate
of directors. Similarly, there was three major challenges in 2019. Firstly, experience, in particular for areas where
strengthening of the role of area an increasing number of organisations talent shortages will be a reality. As
well as salary and work-life balance,
hiring managers will have to pay close
attention to the behaviour of digital and
IT start-ups that offer more personalised
approaches for candidates.

The last challenge for HR directors, and

one that will become increasingly more
important for most organisations, is
diversity, especially in terms of gender.
HR directors and managers will be
tasked with encouraging candidates
into industries that historically they

may not have entered, and so HR
departments and professionals will be
required to think outside of the box.


EMPLOYER 2018 was a buoyant year for IT
and digital industries, with big
data, artificial intelligence and now be applied to anything, and
machine learning helping the market so professionals who understand TOP FOUR FACTORS DETERMINING
flourish. Demand was particularly how this new channel will affect JOB SATISFACTION
prevalent for developers, data their business will be highly sought
scientists, and software engineers, after. Whilst candidates in sales
who were in short supply. professions will still be required,
they will need to adapt to this
We saw start-ups and alternative digital transformation in order for
companies up-skilling existing their skills to remain relevant.
candidates, as well as trying to Remuneration Work-life
increase the number of women In 2019, professionals with a and benefits balance
and STEM students into the background in mathematics,
field. Despite these efforts, hiring physics or statistics will be highly
managers were still having to sought after, whilst data engineers,
contend with a candidate shortage. software developers and information
security experts will see salary
Cyber security professionals saw increases of around 12%.
significant salary increases in 2018
as companies started to understand Whilst cryptocurrencies have Learning from Day-to-day work/
the importance of information certainly made some noise management Type of role
security and the ramifications in the tech world, the impact
if not dealt with properly. The on the recruitment market will
arrival of GDPR in May 2018 left remain to be seen as uptake
all organisations with no choice from large banks seems to be focus on the professionalisation
but to take compulsory action. slower than initially anticipated. of most industries. Companies
or sectors that get the interim-
Whilst demand increased for INTERIM MANAGEMENT management structure right will see
software manufacturers, the Internet Economic growth and intensification the value in these candidates and,
of Things is still a hardware-related of investment in several sectors, as a result, will be willing to pay a
game, and so candidates in this field both national and international, premium for the right person.
will find themselves in good stead increased the potential and
for 2019. New, more personalised likelihood for companies to PHARMA, HEALTHCARE &
distribution lines mean digital can use interim management. BIOTECH
The most in-demand candidates in
Interim management has increasingly 2018 were those working in medical
been viewed as a tool that aids sciences liaison, medical advisory
Economic growth and development and leads strategic and regulatory affairs. Commercial
intensification of investment change. As such, positions in profiles were also highly sought after
in several sectors, both finance, engineering & operations for the introduction of new products.
national and international, and directors in tech departments
increased the potential and have been growing in significance. In the operations sector,
likelihood for companies to candidates with a background in
use interim management. In 2019, salaries are expected quality assurance, compliance,
to moderately increase for most manufacturing and supply chain
specialisms due to the notable were the most in demand.
Spain 155
In 2019, companies will look for senior top talent has always been high. international fronts, whilst demand
candidates with specific knowledge This struggle to recruit will likely in the services industry increased
of pathology and expertise in the line cause salary increases in strategy towards the end of 2018. In
of therapy they manage. Candidates departments. For commercial particular hiring activity was high in
with a more commercial background profiles, a bonus rise is expected marketing, communications, and
will be in demand for both junior and depending on objectives. brand & product management.
senior positions. On the operations
side, strong international and those In order to attract top talent, Demand remained high for mid-senior
experienced in FDA guidelines hiring managers will have to level sales professionals, whilst more
will be in high demand in both take into account career plans companies started to see the value
pharma and biotech industries. which include annual salary in hiring high-quality ambitious junior
reviews. Work-life balance and candidates as a way to protect their
Salary trends for 2019 will be similar manageable schedules are businesses against future candidate
to those of 2018, although we already established benefits in this shortages. Export professionals from
expect a 5% increase for strategic industry and so deciding factors food and beverage sectors were in
profiles that are in demand. There are likely to be salary based. high demand as Spanish companies
will be a strong consolidation of became more globally focused.
commercial and medical teams SALES & MARKETING
as well as market access profiles, Sales and marketing professionals For marketing professionals,
especially for biosimilars. were highly sought after in 2018 salaries rose by 10% in 2018,
as many sectors continued to as the need for candidates with
Whilst the pharma sector is known enjoy fairly strong and sustained international experience increased.
for investing in its employees and demand. FMCG, retail and food As for sales, fixed salaries remained
provides the most attractive career & beverage were areas of strong unchanged, while the variable/
plans, competition for attracting growth both on domestic and bonus element improved.

2019 should be the confirmation of

the last two years’ market trends.
We expect that highly qualified,
IMAGE SIZE multilingual candidates will be
highly sought after. The FMCG
and food & beverage industries
140mm X 100mm are expected to keep growing,
and the services industry will
dictate where the most activity is
INCLUDING BLEED within the recruitment market.

In 2019, hiring managers will
struggle to recruit export managers,
key account managers, product
managers, business insights &
THEIR TOP CAREER PRIORITY innovation and business development
IS A REWARDING AND profiles, and candidates can expect
SATISFACTORY JOB to see a 10% salary increase.
Top talent will consider a number Demand was high for candidates
of factors, outside of salary, when with three to five years' experience
deciding on their next job move. to fill mid-level positions. Law Due to the positive recovery
Flexibility, work-life balance, company firms placed particular value of the economy, real estate
culture, professional development on candidates who went on will likely have a buoyant
and training, as well as clear career to further education or who year, resulting in an increase
progression are top of the list. practice in a specialist area. in demand for tax and legal
professionals in the area.
TAX & LEGAL In 2019, hiring managers will
Both national and international struggle to find top-quality
law firms were actively hiring candidates in real estate, data
throughout 2018, as were medium protection, banking and finance.
and large companies that have Fintech is one of the newer
reinforced their legal departments. industries that will be looking at retain the best talent. Ways in
Salaries increased in 2018 as a making hires within the legal sector. which organisations can achieve
result of demand and a stable this are by ensuring that there
economic environment. Data protection will be impacted are enough career advancement
by skills shortages as very few opportunities, recognising success
The stability of the economy has professionals have longstanding and rewarding achievement.
meant that Spain is an attractive experience in this area. Due
country to invest in, and so mergers to the positive recovery of the Ensuring a healthy work-life
and acquisitions will continue economy, real estate will likely balance is part of the culture, open
to be the most dynamic area. have a buoyant year, resulting in communication and an opportunity
an increase in demand for tax and for employees to have a voice
The sectors that have been legal professionals in the area. within the organisation are also
driving demand are real estate, high on candidates' wish lists.
energy, infrastructure, IT, banking We will continue to see salary
and finance, which have been increases in 2019 as the market
either creating or expanding remains competitive and law firms
their legal in-house teams. and companies aim to attract and

Spain 157


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Chief Financial Officer 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 120 - 200k 120 - 200k

Finance Director - SME 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 85 - 110k 85 - 110k

Head of Controlling 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 75 - 110k 75 - 110k

FP&A Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 110k 75 - 110k

Financial Controller 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

Accounting Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

Treasurer 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k

Business Analyst 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k


Plant Controller 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 80 - 95k 80 - 95k

Internal Auditor 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

Consolidation Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

Project Finance Analyst 45 - 75k 45 - 75k 70 - 115k 70 - 115k 120 - 180k 120 - 180k

Strategy Consultant 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 95 - 150k 95 - 150k

Finance Business Partner 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 75 - 100k 75 - 100k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

158  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Retail Banking & Consumer Finance
Retail Director 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 110k 90 - 110k
Finance Director 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k
Finance Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k
Risk Director 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k
Risk Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k
Audit Manager 50 - 70k 50 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k
Investment Banking
M&A Director 130 - 270k 130 - 270k
M&A VP 90 - 160k 90 - 160k 90 - 160k 90 - 160k
M&A Associate 60 - 125k 60 - 125k
M&A Analyst 35 - 65k 35 - 65k
Structure & Project Finance Director 80 - 130k 80 - 130k 100 - 180k 100 - 180k
Structure & Project Finance Associate 60 - 100k 60 - 100k
Structure & Project Finance Analyst 45 - 60k 45 - 60k
Corporate Banking
Director 90 - 110k 120 - 140k 110 - 130k 140 - 160k
Associate 55 - 65k 60 - 70k
Cash Management Director 90 - 110k 100 - 120k 110 - 130k 120 - 140k
Trade Finance Director 90 - 110k 100 - 120k 110 - 130k 120 - 140k
Private Banking & Asset Management
Private Banker 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 50 - 75k 55 - 80k 75 - 120k 80 - 130k
Asset & Portfolio Manager 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 85k 70 - 90k 85 - 130k 90 - 140k
Investment Manager 75 - 95k 80 - 100k 95 - 140k 100 - 150k
Institutional Sales 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 85k 70 - 90k 85 - 130k 90 - 140k
Funds Manager 75 - 95k 80 - 100k 95 - 140k 100 - 150k
Private Equity & Venture Capital
Investment Director 120 - 145k 120 - 150k 145 - 180k 150 - 200k
Investment Associate 55 - 70k 65 - 120k
Investment Analyst 40 - 70k 40 - 70k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Spain 159


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Debt & Credit Management

CFO 120 - 150k 140 - 180k 150 - 200k 170 - 220k

COO 120 - 150k 130 - 160k 150 - 200k 160 - 200k

Head of Asset Management 90 - 120k 100 - 130k 110 - 140k 120 - 150k

Head of Servicing 90 - 120k 100 - 130k 110 - 140k 120 - 150k

Underwriting Director 100 - 130k 120 - 140k 150 - 180k 150 - 180k

Underwriting Manager 55 - 90k 65 - 100k 90 - 110k 100 - 130k

Portfolio Manager (NPLs/REOs) 45 - 65k 50 - 70k 55 - 70k 60 - 90k 60 - 80k 70 - 100k

Asset Manager 35 - 45k 45 - 50k 45 - 50k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 80k


Chief Actuary 75 - 100k 75 - 100k 100 - 160k 100 - 160k

Actuary 35 - 47k 35 - 47k 47 - 68k 47 - 68k

Underwriter 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k

Claims Manager 35 - 60k 35 - 60k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 90 - 130k 90 - 130k

Key Account Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k

Audit Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k

Financial Controller 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 60 - 85k 60 - 85k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

160  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Oil & Gas/Conventional
Business Development Manager 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 80 - 110k 85 - 115k 110 - 160k 115 - 175k
Operations Director 85 - 100k 90 - 120k 110 - 140k 120 - 160k
Project Director 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 85k 70 - 90k 85 - 120k 90 - 130k
Engineering Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k
Procurement Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k
Proposal Manager 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 80k 75 - 80k
Process Leader 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 80k 75 - 80k
Lead Mechanical Engineer 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k
Site Construction Manager 75 - 90k 75 - 90k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k
Site Contract Manager 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k
Site Commissioning Manager 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 90 - 110k 90 - 110k 120 - 140k 120 - 140k
Site QA/QC Manager 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k
Site Project Control Manager 70 - 75k 70 - 75k 85 - 100k 85 - 100k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k
Site HSE Manager 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k
Trader (Commodities) 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k
Renewable Energy/T&D
General Manager 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 150 - 200k 150 - 200k
Business Development Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 65 - 115k 65 - 115k
Project Development Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 50k 50 - 65k 50 - 70k 55 - 75k 55 - 80k
Project Manager 35 - 55k 35 - 60k 45 - 65k 45 - 70k 60 - 95k 60 - 95k
Engineering Manager 35 - 55k 35 - 55k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 95k 60 - 95k
Procurement Manager 30 - 55k 30 - 55k 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 50 - 70k 50 - 70k
Site Construction Manager 35 - 55k 35 - 55k 45 - 65k 45 - 70k 60 - 95k 60 - 95k
Site Commissioning Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k
O&M Manager 30 - 55k 30 - 55k 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k
Site O&M Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 50k 45 - 50k
Senior Sales Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 55 - 90k 55 - 90k
Asset Manager 30 - 55k 35 - 55k 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 55 - 85k 60 - 90k
Project Engineer 30 - 38k 30 - 38k 38 - 45k 38 - 45k
R&D Engineer 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 30 - 40k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Spain 161


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Mining & Cement

Project Director 85 - 110k 85 - 110k 110 - 160k 110 - 160k

Underground Mining Operations Director 85 - 130k 90 - 140k 180 - 200k 185 - 210k

Mechanical Leader 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 100k 75 - 100k

Process Leader 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 100k 75 - 100k

Planning Engineer 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k

Site Manager 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 90 - 130k 90 - 130k

Industry & Supply Chain

Operations Director 50 - 70k 60 - 75k 80 - 100k 80 - 120k 100 - 130k 120 - 150k

Sales Director 60 - 80k 65 - 85k 80 - 100k 85 - 110k 110 - 140k 115 - 145k

Technical Director 45 - 55k 50 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 75k 90 - 110k 80 - 120k

Area Sales Manager 50 - 55k 60 - 65k 60 - 70k 75 - 85k 80 - 90k 95 - 100k

Export Manager 50 - 60k 65 - 70k 65 - 75k 80 - 85k 80 - 100k 105 - 110k

Product Manager 40 - 45k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k 65 - 75k 70 - 80k

Automation Team Leader 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 45 - 50k 50 - 55k 60 - 70k 70 - 80k

Technical Support Team Leader 35 - 40k 35 - 45k 40 - 45k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k

Sales Engineer 45 - 50k 50 - 55k 55 - 75k 60 - 80k 80 - 95k 85 - 100k

Pre-Sales Engineer 35 - 40k 35 - 45k 45 - 50k 50 - 55k 55 - 65k 60 - 70k

Software Engineer 30 - 35k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 40 - 45k 40 - 50k 45 - 55k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

162  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Industry & Supply Chain

Hardware Engineer 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 40 - 50k 40 - 50k

Field Service Engineer 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 35 - 40k 40 - 45k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k

Robotics Programmer 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 40 - 45k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k

Commercial Technician 35 - 40k 35 - 45k 45 - 50k 50 - 55k 55 - 65k 60 - 70k

Business Development Manager 45 - 60k 50 - 75k 60 - 90k 75 - 100k 100 - 130k 100 - 150k

Industrial/Plant Manager 50 - 65k 60 - 75k 60 - 85k 75 - 90k 90 - 120k 100 - 120k

Production Manager 30 - 45k 40 - 50k 55 - 70k 60 - 70k 75 - 90k 75 - 100k

Engineering Manager 50 - 65k 50 - 70k 65 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 100k 75 - 100k

Continous Improvement Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 50 - 65k 60 - 70k 65 - 80k 75 - 90k

Logistics/Supply Chain Manager 45 - 55k 50 - 70k 60 - 80k 75 - 90k 90 - 105k 100 - 150k

Purchasing Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 60k 55 - 70k 60 - 80k 75 - 90k 90 - 120k

Maintenance/Facility Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 50 - 65k 50 - 70k 60 - 80k 70 - 90k

HSE Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 75k 65 - 75k

QA/QC Manager 40 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 70k 50 - 70k 65 - 90k 70 - 90k

Demand Planner 30 - 40k 30 - 45k 40 - 50k 45 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 75k

Aftersales Engineer 35 - 45k 40 - 45k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 60 - 80k 65 - 80k

System Engineer 35 - 45k 40 - 55k 50 - 70k 60 - 80k 70 - 85k 75 - 90k

Process Engineer 40 - 50k 35 - 50k 50 - 70k 50 - 60k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

R&D Engineer 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 50 - 60k 45 - 60k 65 - 75k 60 - 80k

External auditor 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Spain 163


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Infrastructure and Construction
COO 100 - 110k 110 - 120k 110 - 120k 120 - 130k
Business Development Manager/Commercial Manager 90 - 100k 90 - 100k 110 - 120k 110 - 120k
Technical Director 80 - 85k 80 - 85k 90 - 100k 90 - 100k
Project Director 90 - 105k 90 - 105k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k
Construction Director 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 95 - 105k 95 - 105k
Project Manager 85 - 100k 85 - 100k 95 - 110k 95 - 110k 115 - 130k 115 - 130k
Regional Manager 60 - 70k 70 - 80k 100 - 110k 100 - 110k 120 - 140k 120 - 140k
Bid Manager/Tender Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 75 - 85k 75 - 85k
Site Manager 70 - 80k 70 - 80k 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k
Planning & Cost Manager 70 - 80k 70 - 80k 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k
Procurement & Purchasing Manager 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 85 - 95k 85 - 95k
Technical Office Manager 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 85 - 95k 85 - 95k 95 - 105k 95 - 105k
MEP Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 65 - 70k 65 - 70k 75 - 80k 75 - 80k
HSE Manager 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 50 - 55k 50 - 55k 60 - 65k 60 - 65k
QA/QC Manager 40 - 45k 40 - 45k 50 - 55k 50 - 55k 60 - 65k 60 - 65k
Project Engineer 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 45 - 50k 45 - 50k 55 - 60k 55 - 60k
BIM Manager 45 - 50k 50 - 65k 60 - 70k 70 - 80k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

164  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Real Estate
CEO 200 - 250k 220 - 270k
COO 140 - 170k 150 - 180k
Real Estate Business Unit Manager 80 - 90k 85 - 95k 95 - 105k 95 - 105k
Director of Real Estate Development 75 - 80k 75 - 80k 85 - 95k 85 - 95k
Land Development Manager 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 95 - 105k 95 - 105k
Product Development Manager 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 75 - 80k 75 - 80k
Regional Manager 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 80 - 90k 80 - 90k 90 - 100k 90 - 110k
Real Estate Technician 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 45 - 50k 45 - 55k 50 - 55k 55 - 60k
Property Manager 45 - 50k 45 - 50k 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 75 - 80k 75 - 80k
Asset Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 80 - 85k 80 - 85k
Facility Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 55 - 60k 55 - 60k 65 - 70k 65 - 70k
Real Estate Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 55 - 60k 65 - 70k 65 - 70k 65 - 70k
Real Estate Consultant 35 - 40k 35 - 40k 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 60k 55 - 60k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Spain 165


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

HR Director 55 - 80k 55 - 85k 75 - 120k 75 - 125k 95 - 145k 95 - 152k

HR Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 65k 55 - 80k 55 - 85k 75 - 100k 75 - 105k

HRBP 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 65 - 80k 65 - 80k


Labour Relations Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 55k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 85k 60 - 90k

Talent Acquisition Manager 30 - 50k 30 - 50k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k

Training & Development Manager 30 - 50k 30 - 50k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 45 - 65k 45 - 70k

Payroll & General Administration Manager 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 35 - 52k 35 - 55k 40 - 55k 40 - 60k

Compensation & Benefits Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 58k 45 - 60k 48 - 70k 60 - 80k 60 - 90k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

2018 2019
Finance Director 5000 - 9000 6000 - 9000
Head of Controlling 4500 - 7800 5000 - 8000
Plant Director 5600 - 8000 5800 - 8500
Quality Director 4200 - 6500 4400 - 6600
Sales Director 4800 - 8600 5000 - 9000
Business Development Manager 3700 - 6900 3800 - 7000
CIO 5500 - 10000 5500 - 10000
PMO Manager 4200 - 6600 4200 - 6800
Digital Transformation Director 4800 - 8000 5000 - 8500
HR Director 5200 - 7400 5400 - 7400
Legal Counsel 3700 - 5300 3800 - 5300
General Manager 7000 - 11000 7500 - 12500
Strategy Consultant 5300 - 9100 5500 - 9500
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

166  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
IT Management

Chief Information Officer 85 - 95k 85 - 100k 95 - 125k 90 - 130k 115 - 195k 120 - 200k

Chief Technology Officer 75 - 90k 75 - 95k 85 - 120k 90 - 125k 105 - 175k 105 - 175k

COO 55 - 70k 60 - 75k 70 - 110k 75 - 110k 110 - 180k 110 - 180k

IT Director 65 - 80k 65 - 85k 80 - 115k 85 - 120k 115 - 135k 120 - 150k

IT Manager 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 60 - 80k 65 - 80k 75 - 95k 80 - 95k

Software Development

Development Director 65 - 75k 65 - 80k 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 95 - 130k 90 - 130k

Enterprise Architect 75 - 85k 75 - 85k 85 - 110k 85 - 110k 110 - 140k 110 - 145k

Software Architect 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 45 - 55k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 55 - 65k

Development Project Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 65k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k 70 - 85k 70 - 85k

UX/UI Designer 35 - 50k 35 - 50k

Frontend Developer/Engineer 40 - 50k 35 - 55k 50 - 60k 45 - 65k

Backend Developer/Engineer 40 - 55k 35 - 60k 50 - 65k 45 - 65k

Fullstack Developer/Engineer 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 40 - 50k 40 - 50k

Mobile (iOS/Android) Developer/Engineer 35 - 50k 35 - 45k 40 - 55k 45 - 55k

QA Analyst 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 50 - 70k 55 - 75k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Spain 167


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

ERP Manager 55 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 80k 60 - 80k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k

ERP Consultant 45 - 50k 40 - 55k 50 - 55k 50 - 60k

ERP Developer 35 - 50k 30 - 50k 50 - 60k 45 - 60k

Product & Project Management

CPO (Chief Product Officer) 60 - 75k 65 - 80k 70 - 85k 75 - 90k 80 - 90k 85 - 95k

Portfolio Manager 65 - 80k 65 - 80k 80 - 105k 85 - 105k 100 - 130k 100 - 130k

Delivery Manager 50 - 60k 50 - 65k 60 - 75k 65 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

Product Manager 50 - 75k 50 - 80k

Project Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 50 - 65k 55 - 70k 60 - 75k 65 - 80k

Product Owner 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 45 - 55k 50 - 65k

Scrum Master 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 85k 60 - 85k


Chief Information Security Officer 60 - 80k 65 - 85k 75 - 95k 80 - 100k 85 - 150k 90 - 160k

Cybersecurity Manager 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 50 - 75k 55 - 80k 60 - 80k 65 - 90k

Security Architect 45 - 60k 50 - 70k 50 - 75k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 65 - 90k

Applications Security Specialist 35 - 55k 40 - 55k 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k

Pentester 35 - 55k 35 - 55k 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 50 - 75k 50 - 75k


Head of Infrastructure 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 75 - 90k 75 - 95k 95 - 110k 95 - 115k

Systems Director 80 - 95k 80 - 95k 95 - 115k 95 - 115k 115 - 135k 115 - 135k

Systems Administrator 40 - 55k 35 - 55k 55 - 65k 55 - 65k

DevOps 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 80k 50 - 80k

Network Engineer 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 60 - 65k 55 - 65k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k

Cloud Architect 45 - 60k 45 - 65k 50 - 70k 50 - 75k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k

Cloud Systems Administrator 40 - 55k 40 - 60k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

168  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Data & Analytics

Chief Data Officer 60 - 80k 65 - 90k 75 - 95k 75 - 100k 85 - 150k 90 - 150k

Business Intelligence Manager 45 - 70k 45 - 75k 55 - 75k 55 - 80k 60 - 85k 65 - 90k

Digital Analytics Manager 45 - 70k 50 - 75k 55 - 75k 60 - 80k

Big Data/Data Architect 45 - 60k 50 - 70k

Big Data/Data Engineer 40 - 55k 35 - 55k

Data Scientist 45 - 80k 45 - 80k


Sales Director 65 - 75k 65 - 75k 70 - 85k 70 - 85k 85 - 100k 90 - 120k

Business Development Director 70 - 85k 70 - 85k 85 - 100k 85 - 100k 95 - 120k 95 - 120k

Account Executive Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 80k 55 - 80k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k

Pre-sales Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 60k 55 - 75k 55 - 80k 70 - 85k 75 - 90k

Sales Engineer 50 - 60k 45 - 65k 55 - 65k 55 - 75k 65 - 75k 70 - 90k

Digital Solutions Account Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 45 - 65k 50 - 70k 55 - 75k 55 - 75k

Sales Programmatic Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 45 - 65k 50 - 75k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k

Account Manager SMB 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 85k 65 - 85k

Inside Sales Executive 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 60k 50 - 65k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Spain 169


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Global Manufacturing Operations Director 100 - 150k 100 - 160k 170 - 300k 180 - 320k

Global Quality & Compliance Director 90 - 140k 100 - 150k 140 - 250k 150 - 250k

Portfolio Director 80 - 110k 85 - 115k 110 - 220k 115 - 240k

BD&L Manager 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 110 - 180k 110 - 180k


Site Manager/Contract Manufacturing Manager 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Site Quality Manager 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 85k 80 - 95k 85 - 100k

QA Compliance/QA Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 95 - 100k 95 - 100k

Supply Chain Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 50 - 80k 55 - 80k 80 - 110k 80 - 115k

Tech Transfer Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 60k 55 - 75k 60 - 85k 75 - 100k 85 - 120k


Sales Director 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 95 - 120k 95 - 120k

Area Sales Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 60 - 75k 60 - 85k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k

Key Account Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 50 - 60k 50 - 60k 60 - 70k 60 - 70k

Medical Representative 30 - 35k 30 - 35k 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 55k 45 - 55k

Market Access Manager 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 65 - 85k 70 - 90k

Marketing & Communication

Marketing & Communications Director 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 70k 60 - 75k 75 - 95k 75 - 100k

Product Manager/Product R&D Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 50k 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k

Communications & Patient Advocacy 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k

Medical & R&D

Medical Director 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 75 - 90k 80 - 95k 90 - 120k 95 - 125k

Medical Advisor 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 80 - 120k 80 - 120k

Medical Science Liaison 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 60 - 70k 60 - 70k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k

R&D Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k

Regulatory Affairs/Pharmacovigilance Manager 45 - 55k 45 - 55k 60 - 70k 65 - 75k 70 - 80k 70 - 85k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

170  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Sales Director 60 - 90k 60 - 90k 90 - 140k 90 - 150k

Business Development Manager 40 - 55k 40 - 55k 55 - 70k 55 - 80k

Area Manager 40 - 50k 40 - 50k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k

Key Account Manager 30 - 45k 35 - 50k 45 - 60k 45 - 65k 65 - 80k 65 - 85k

Export Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k

Purchasing Manager 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 70 - 95k 70 - 95k

Marketing Director 60 - 85k 55 - 80k 70 - 110k 75 - 120k 115 - 145k 120 - 160k

Brand Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 70 - 85k 70 - 85k 75 - 95k 75 - 95k

Product Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 70k 45 - 70k

Category Manager 30 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 65k 45 - 65k

Trade Marketing 35 - 45k 35 - 50k 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 60 - 80k 65 - 85k


Country Manager 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k

Retail Manager 50 - 65k 50 - 65k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k 85 - 110k 90 - 120k

Area Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k

Key Account Manager 30 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 55k 45 - 60k 55 - 70k 60 - 70k

Store Director 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 45 - 55k 45 - 55k

Expansion/Franchise Manager 30 - 40k 35 - 45k 40 - 60k 45 - 65k 60 - 100k 65 - 110k

Virtual Merchandising Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 40 - 50k 40 - 55k

Marketing Director 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 50 - 75k 55 - 80k 80 - 95k 80 - 100k

Category Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k

Product Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 60k 45 - 65k

Communications & PR 30 - 45k 35 - 45k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 90k 60 - 90k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Spain 171


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Sales Manager 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 45 - 60k 45 - 65k 60 - 75k 65 - 80k
Marketing Director 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 75k 60 - 75k
Key Account Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k
Account Manager 25 - 35k 25 - 35k
Business Development Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 45k 40 - 60k 45 - 65k 60 - 75k 65 - 80k
Operations Manager 40 - 60k 40 - 60k 60 - 75k 60 - 80k 75 - 100k 80 - 100k
Communications & PR Manager 30 - 45k 30 - 45k 45 - 60k 45 - 60k 60 - 80k 60 - 80k
Innovation/Project Manager 30 - 40k 30 - 40k 40 - 50k 40 - 55k 50 - 65k 55 - 75k
Business Insights 27 - 45k 27 - 45k 45 - 70k 45 - 70k
Strategy Consultant 40 - 65k 40 - 65k 65 - 90k 65 - 90k
Chief Digital Officer 110 - 130k 110 - 140k 120 - 150k 120 - 160k 140 - 180k 140 - 190k
Digital Marketing Manager 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 75 - 90k 75 - 90k 85 - 115k 85 - 115k
E-commerce Manager 50 - 75k 45 - 75k 70 - 130k 70 - 110k
Chief Marketing Officer 40 - 70k 50 - 75k 65 - 85k 70 - 90k 80 - 130k 80 - 130k
Conversion Rate Optimiser 30 - 40k 35 - 50k 50 - 60k 50 - 70k
Growth Hacker 45 - 65k 45 - 65k 55 - 85k 55 - 85k 80 - 130k 80 - 130k
Performance Manager 40 - 55k 45 - 60k 50 - 65k 55 - 70k 55 - 70k 60 - 75k
CRM Manager 40 - 75k 40 - 70k 80 - 100k 70 - 100k
Email Marketing Manager 30 - 35k 30 - 40k 40 - 55k 40 - 55k
SEM/SEO Manager 35 - 55k 35 - 55k 50 - 70k 50 - 70k
Acquisition Manager 35 - 55k 40 - 55k 45 - 80k 45 - 75k
Social Media Manager 35 - 45k 35 - 45k 40 - 50k 40 - 55k
Head of Sales 45 - 55k 45 - 60k 55 - 70k 55 - 80k 70 - 100k 75 - 105k
New Business Manager 35 - 50k 35 - 50k 60 - 85k 60 - 80k
Account Manager 30 - 55k 30 - 55k 55 - 80k 55 - 75k 70 - 95k 70 - 95k
Start-up Chief Operations Officer 40 - 55k 45 - 60k 55 - 70k 60 - 75k 70 - 100k 70 - 100k
Head of Programmatic 45 - 75k 50 - 75k 75 - 105k 75 - 110k
Business Analyst 30 - 40k 35 - 45k 40 - 50k 45 - 60k 50 - 70k 50 - 70k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

172  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Head of Legal 65 - 100k 65 - 100k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k

Legal Counsel 35 - 75k 35 - 75k 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k

Tax Manager/Specialist 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k

Compliance Manager 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 100 - 150k 100 - 150k

Data Protection Officer 30 - 60k 30 - 60k

Compliance - AML Officer 35 - 75k 35 - 75k 50 - 85k 50 - 85k

Funds Legal Adviser 40 - 80k 40 - 80k

Private Practice - Law Firms


Banking/Finance 40 - 75k 40 - 75k 75 - 130k 75 - 130k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Corporate/M&A 40 - 75k 40 - 75k 75 - 130k 75 - 130k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Litigation 40 - 75k 40 - 75k 75 - 130k 75 - 130k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

EU & Competition 40 - 70k 40 - 70k 70 - 120k 70 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

IP/IT 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Labour 40 - 70k 40 - 70k 70 - 120k 70 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Financial Regulatory 40 - 75k 40 - 75k 75 - 130k 75 - 130k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Tax 40 - 75k 40 - 75k 75 - 130k 75 - 130k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Real Estate/Real Estate Finance 40 - 75k 40 - 75k 75 - 130k 75 - 130k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Data Protection 40 - 70k 40 - 70k 70 - 120k 70 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Energy and Infrastructure 45 - 70k 45 - 70k 70 - 100k 70 - 100k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Criminal Law/White Collar 40 - 70k 40 - 70k 70 - 120k 70 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Spain 173
GeneVa zUriCH


The Swiss recruitment market remained steady in 2018, with no real major peaks or

Demand was most prevalent within the IT sector as companies looked towards
process optimisation and automation as a way of remaining competitive on both a
domestic and international level.

An ongoing focus on innovation and an upturn in fintech companies linked to crypto

currency, meant that candidates with a strong technology background continued to
be highly sought after.

Switzerland continues to be a hub for wealth management, with all major

international banks having a base in the region. Despite this, migration of finance-
related top talent from abroad has always been relatively low and, as a result,
companies were having to contend with an acute lack of specialists across the
fiduciary sector, most notably asset managers.

The pharmaceutical sector, saw an increase in skilled labour coming into the
country, with Switzerland being a wise choice for those looking to learn from the
best and future-proof their careers.

OF SwiSS PrOFeSSiOnalS BelieVe
Switzerland continues
to be a hub for wealth
management, with all major
tHat OrGaniSatiOnS SHOUld dO international banks having a
MOre tO KeeP eMPlOYeeS base in the region.

174 Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019

2019 could also mean that Switzerland will
The economy will continue to remain face a significant candidate shortage.
stable, with no major increase Companies that are growing at faster
to salaries expected. In order to rates should invest in their employer
maintain its positive rate of economic brand and working practices in
growth, Switzerland is reliant on order to make themselves more
certain industries and specialists attractive to international talent.
within these disciplines, be it IT,
engineering, financial services or With its international orientation,
pharmaceuticals. However growth Geneva will be a region to watch
may be stunted due to a small in 2019 – attracting candidates
pool of qualified staff available. from abroad for traditional mid-
senior financial roles in the private
For sectors that are experiencing a sector. Despite this, Switzerland
skills shortage, there will be a real will remain an ‘intimate market' so
focus on companies trying to train European candidates with Swiss
up staff and increase staff retention. experience will be preferred over
those with less local knowledge.
In particular, digitisation is advancing
NICK DUNNETT at great speed and profoundly
MANAGING DIRECTOR changing the job profile of certain
GERMANY & SWITZERLAND occupations. An ageing workforce



1 Work-life balance

42% 2 Remuneration and benefits

2 3 Varied and interesting work

Of professionals believe they

1 deserve an increase in salary 2 Professionals in the highest demand in
the Romandy area in 2019 will be in
finance commerce, marketing, sales,
health care and IT.
*All statistics are drawn from Robert Walters industry research
Switzerland 175

For SMEs, we saw an increase will seek candidates with change-

in recruitment activity in business management experience, preferably
controlling, as companies looked to at the mid-senior level.
understand their processes better,
cut costs and improve efficiencies. FINANCIAL SERVICES
Candidates at the junior-mid level with In 2018, the demand for good quality
experience in margins and savings, candidates was high, most notably
and IT were particularly sought after. for mid-level professionals from a
compliance and operations background
Similarly, demand for interim candidates within the banking industry.
remained relatively stable, with the
majority of hiring taking place at mid- Demand was also high for
level. Recruitment was particularly candidates with a background
prevalent for finance professionals in regulatory, business analysis
with a background in technology and technology. Ambitious and

or IT. Those with experience in self-motivated candidates were
SAP, FI/CO and MS Dynamics not on the market for long.
were particularly sought after.
OF PROFESSIONALS WANT The interim market slowed down
OPEN AND GENUINE In the permanent market, digitisation slightly in 2018 due to cost constraints
COMMUNICATION WITH TEAM and an increased headcount abroad as companies transferred roles to
LEADERS will affect individuals working for permanent employees in order to aid
international companies. Retaining
candidates with the right skill sets
will be difficult and salaries are likely
Retaining candidates with the
ACCOUNTING & FINANCE to slightly increase as the Swiss
right skill sets will be difficult
Demand for accounting and finance economy continues to perform well.
and salaries are likely to
professionals was steady with high
slightly increase as the Swiss
value placed on professionals with We will also see demand for
economy continues to perform
the right IT and language skills, interim recruitment in 2019 for
preferably German, English, French short-term troubleshooting or
and Italian. restructuring projects. Companies
176  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019
retention, future-proof departments opportunity for further growth
and save on expenditure. and expansion and we expect
an ongoing demand for highly
The demand for interim professionals skilled engineers with digital and
will increase in 2019, due to the technological expertise in 2019.
increase of technology and regulatory
projects and the need for niche skill HEALTHCARE
sets not available within the perm The worldwide healthcare sector
market. Professionals with these continues to undergo dramatic
hard-to-find skill sets will be able change, with ageing populations and
to command higher daily rates. chronic diseases rapidly driving up
costs for all providers. Organisations
Demand will still be present for and governments have been looking
candidates within operations, IT
and those with experience in run-
the-bank/close-the-bank projects.
Relationship managers with existing
for innovative and cost-efficient ways
to deliver patient-centric healthcare
solutions, providing an ideal back-drop
for innovation and specialist products in
client books will be willing to move the sector. ROLES EVEN IF THEY DO NOT MEET
for the right offer, with demand THE CRITERIA
mostly coming from private banks. In this respect, Switzerland continues
to lead the way in the life sciences
In 2019, salaries within the financial industries and experienced a buoyant Demand was high for mid-level
services sector will remain attractive year in 2018. The dominance of large candidates, with long-standing
yet stable. As a result, candidates pharmaceutical firms and presence companies seeking professionals
will look at the wider benefits of highly innovative biotech, medtech who were experienced in the
package and the give-and-take and nanotech companies, allowed the sector but who also possessed the
approach increasingly being adopted country to attract some of the best desire to upskill and train. In the
by a number of companies. international talent. communications and sales fields,
candidates with digital experience
ENGINEERING Geneva is beginning to return to being were sought after.
Switzerland’s mechanical and a place of prominence in biotech, with
electrical engineering industries the region being cited as the “number In 2019, hiring managers will need to
continue to generate around a third one cluster for life sciences research in be flexible and consider candidates
of Switzerland’s total exports. Much continental Europe”. from other sectors within luxury sales,
of this success is based on the as professionals seek to widen out
innovative and high-tech products We anticipate ongoing demand across their experience and make use of their
and services produced. Thanks all areas, with particular emphasis transferable skills.
to the country’s long-standing on quality and regulatory specialists,
admirable reputation, companies as well as sales and business Demand will increase for interim
are able to attract high-calibre development professionals. positions at the mid-senior level for
professionals and top talent. strategic roles, as candidates will
LUXURY SALES be hired to replace temporarily lost
The increasing presence of 2018 was a year of recovery for luxury headcount due to maternity or sick
technology and digitalisation within sales in Switzerland, with the watch leave.
the sector is providing a huge industry driving the market forward.
Switzerland 177
Salaries will likely see an increase as regulatory, big data and big Demand was particularly high for
Swiss companies match the competitive science were highly sought after. mid-senior candidates across both
rates of companies abroad. Candidates software and cloud specialists,
in marketing and communication with Technology will continue to play an which was not just concentrated
knowledge of the market will receive increasing part in the professional in the IT industry but also within
even higher salaries. services sector. As the market financial services, e-commerce,
becomes more mature, salaries digital media, pharma, manufacturing
PROFESSIONAL SERVICES will increase. With a healthy project and public services sectors.
In 2018, we saw growth in pipeline in place for 2019, demand
demand for specialist candidates will continue but hiring managers Candidates with experience in App
and consultants across financial will have to contend with skills development, data centres, web
services, technology, digital shortages, pushing up salaries for portals, hosting, Microsoft 365,
transformation and analytics. roles that require niche specialisms. Azure and virtualisation were highly
sought after. Increased demand at
Hiring levels were particularly high for As well as an attractive salary package, the mid-senior level, in particular for
mid-level candidates in the business career progression and flexible software developers, resulted in inflated
and technology consultancy area, who working hours will be the key factors salaries.
possessed two to six years’ experience. to attract and retain top talent.
Companies sought confident In 2019, mid-senior-level IT specialists
candidates who could understand TECHNOLOGY with no cloud experience will
client needs, design the right solution, In 2018, the IT market went through find themselves (for the first time)
then deliver and implement it. a rapid global transformation. Whilst competing with junior candidates who
demand for infrastructure specialists have trained in this area. Software and
Candidates with a mixed technical and stagnated, hiring levels for digitalisation App developers will continue to be in
business background with experience specialists sky rocketed from junior high demand, whilst hiring managers
in operations, digital transformation, through to senior positions. will struggle to come across cloud
specialists with high-level skills in
technology and consulting. In order
to counteract the skills and candidate
shortage, companies should look to
invest in their training programmes.

Junior candidates will seek progressive

organisations that provide ample
training opportunities. For mid-level
candidates the extent of career
progression on offer will be important

and at the senior-level work-life balance
will be key.




3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Accounting & Finance

Chief Financial Officer 160 - 250k 160 - 250k 1000+ 1000+

Finance Director 160 - 200k 160 - 200k 800 - 1200+ 800 - 1200+

Group Controller 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 140 - 190k 140 - 190k 700 - 1000 700 - 1000

Finance Manager 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 160 - 200k 160 - 200k 700 - 900 700 - 900

Chief Accountant/Accounting Manager 100 - 140k 100 - 140k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 600 - 850 600 - 850

Audit Manager 130 - 160k 130 - 160k 150 - 180k 150 - 180k 600 - 800 600 - 800

Auditor 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 500 - 700 500 - 700

Consolidation Accountant 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 130 - 170k 130 - 170k 650 - 700 650 - 700

FP&A Manager 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 140 - 170k 140 - 170k 550 - 650 550 - 650

Controller (Management Accounting) 120 - 150k 100 - 140k 140 - 170k 140 - 170k 500 - 700 500 - 700

Cost Controller 110 - 140k 110 - 140k 140 - 170k 140 - 170k 550 - 750 550 - 750

Business Analyst/Financial Analyst 90 - 120k 85 - 120k 110 - 140k 110 - 140k 550 - 650 550 - 650

Tax Specialist 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 140 - 180k 140 - 180k 500 - 700 500 - 700

Treasury Manager 110 - 160k 110 - 160k 160 - 200k 160 - 200k 600 - 850 600 - 850

General Ledger Accountant 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 85 - 110k 300 - 480 300 - 480

Credit Controller/Analyst 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 70 - 110k 350 - 480 350 - 480

Payroll Accountant 60 - 110k 60 - 110k 60 - 110k 80 - 110k 300 - 480 300 - 480


Project Manager 700 - 1200 700 - 1200

SAP/ERP Specialist 700 - 1200 700 - 1200

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Switzerland 179


3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Compliance & Legal

Head of Legal/Compliance 200 - 350k 200 - 350k 1000 - 1800 1000 - 1800

Legal Counsel 140 - 180k 140 - 180k 180 - 300k 180 - 300k 600 - 950 600 - 950

Compliance Manager 140 - 180k 130 - 180k 190 - 300k 180 - 300k 650 - 900 650 - 900

Regulatory Compliance Officer 120 - 140k 120 - 145k 150 - 190k 150 - 190k 550 - 850 550 - 850

Financial Crime Compliance Officer 90 - 120k 85 - 120k 120 - 150k 120 - 160k+ 500 - 750 500 - 750

Onboarding & KYC 90 - 110k 85 - 110k 120 - 130k 115 - 140k 400 - 600 400 - 600


CRO 220 - 300k 220 - 300k+ 800 - 1400 800 - 1400

Market Risk 120 - 140k 120 - 140k 140 - 180k 140 - 180k 600 - 800 600 - 800

Credit Risk 110 - 130k 110 - 130k 130 - 160k 130 - 160k 500 - 700 500 - 700

Operational Risk 120 - 140k 120 - 140k 140 - 180k 140 - 180k 600 - 800 600 - 800

Corporate Functions

CFO/COO 250 - 350k 250 - 350k 1200+ 1200+

Financial Controller 110 - 140k 110 - 140k 150 - 180k 150 - 180k 700 - 1000 700 - 1000

Financial/Tax Accountant 95 - 120k 95 - 120k 120 - 170k 120 - 175k 500 - 700 500 - 700

Internal Audit 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 150 - 300k 150 - 300k 500 - 700 500 - 700

Product Control 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 180k 120 - 180k

Investment Management

Portfolio Manager 100 - 120k 100 - 130k 120 - 180k 120 - 180k

Equity/Fixed Income/PE Analyst 100 - 120k 100 - 130k 120 - 220k 125 - 220k

Quantitative Analyst 100 - 120k 100 - 120k 120 - 180k 120 - 180k 550 - 800 550 - 800

Marketing & Communications 100 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 550 - 700 550 - 700

Sales 100 - 160k 100 - 160k 150 - 220k 150 - 220k

Middle & Back Office 90 - 120k 85 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 180k 500 - 800 500 - 800
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

180  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 8 YRS’ EXP 8 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Research & Development

R&D Director 140k+ 140k+ 160k+ 160k+

Project Manager 120k+ 120k+ 140k+ 140k+


COO 160k+ 160k+ 180k+ 180k+

Plant Manager 110 - 130k 110 - 130k 130 - 160k 130 - 160k 160k+ 160k+

Maintenance Manager 90 - 110k 90 - 110k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k 130k+ 130k+

Head of Production 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 140k 120 - 140k 140k+ 140k+

Quality Director 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 160k+ 160k+

Continuous Improvement Manager 95 - 110k 95 - 110k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k 130k+ 130k+

HSE Manager 90 - 110k 90 - 110k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k 130k+ 130k+

Supply Chain

Supply Chain Director 130 - 170k 130 - 170k 170k+ 170k+

Procurement Director 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 160k+ 160k+

Purchaser 80 - 100k 80 - 100k 100 - 120k 100 - 120k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Switzerland 181


5 - 10 YRS’ EXP 10 - 15 YRS’ EXP 15+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Regulatory Affairs Manager 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 130 - 145k 130 - 145k 145 - 160k 145 - 160k

Quality Assurance Manager 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 130 - 145k 130 - 145k 145 - 160k 145 - 160k

R&D Project Manager 100 - 120k 100 - 120k 120 - 140k 120 - 140k 140 - 150k 140 - 150k

Clinical Research Manager 100 - 120k 100 - 120k 120 - 140k 120 - 140k 140 - 150k 140 - 150k

Medical Marketing Manager 120 - 140k 120 - 140k 140 - 155k 140 - 155k 155 - 170k 155 - 170k

Business Developer 120 - 140k 120 - 140k 140 - 160k 140 - 160k 160 - 180k 160 - 180k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

182  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



5 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7 - 12 YRS’ EXP 12+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
National Sales Director 160 - 190k 160 - 190k 180 - 220k 180 - 220k

Regional Sales Director 150 - 180k 150 - 180k 170 - 200k 170 - 200k

Key Account Manager 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 90 - 120k 90 - 130k 100 - 140k 100 - 150k

Sales Representative 50 - 80k 50 - 80k 70 - 90k 70 - 90k 80 - 100k 70 - 100k

Marketing Director 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 120 - 160k 100 - 160k 120 - 180k 130 - 180k

Marketing Manager 80 - 120k 75 - 120k 100 - 140k 95 - 140k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k

Online Marketing Manager 80 - 130k 75 - 130k 115 - 140k 95 - 140k 120 - 150k 100 - 150k

Brand Manager 75 - 110k 75 - 120k 95 - 130k 95 - 140k 120 - 140k 110 - 160k

Category Manager 75 - 110k 75 - 120k 95 - 130k 95 - 140k 110 - 130k 100 - 140k

Product Manager B2B 75 - 110k 75 - 110k 95 - 130k 95 - 130k 120 - 140k 120 - 145k

Product Manager B2C 75 - 110k 75 - 110k 95 - 130k 95 - 130k 120 - 140k 120 - 145k
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Switzerland 183


2 - 5 YRS’ EXP 5 - 13 YRS’ EXP 13+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019
Sales Director 160 - 190k 160 - 190k 180 - 220k 180 - 220k

Key Account Manager 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 100 - 140k 100 - 140k

Business Development Manager 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 110 - 150k 110 - 150k

IT Business Analyst/Project Manager 105 - 130k 105 - 130k 130 - 140k 130 - 140k 140 - 150k 140 - 150k

Data Science Consultant 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 160k 120 - 160k 160k+ 160k+

Business Intelligence Consultant 90 - 115k 90 - 115k 115 - 140k 115 - 140k 140k+ 140k+

Business Consulting

Consultant 90 - 125k 90 - 125k

Prinicpal 140 - 160k 140 - 160k 160k+ 160k+

Manager 125 - 130k 125 - 130k 130 - 160k 130 - 160k 160k+ 160k+

Director 180 - 240k 180 - 240k

Strategy Consulting

Consultant/Associate 110 - 130k 110 - 130k

Senior Consultant 140 - 155k 140 - 155k

Project Leader 170 - 190k 170 - 190k

(Associate) Partner 200 - 250k 200 - 250k

NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

184  Robert Walters Salary Survey 2019



3 - 7 YRS’ EXP 7+ YRS’ EXP
2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019

Development 85 - 110k 95 - 110k 110 - 130k 110 - 130k 800 - 1300 800 - 1300

Testing 80 - 105k 80 - 105k 105 - 125k 105 - 125k 750 - 1200 750 - 1200

Requirement Engineering 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 850 - 1400 850 - 1400

Architect 105 - 130k 110 - 140k 120 - 160k 140 - 170k

Project Leader 110 - 130k 110 - 130k 130 - 145k 130 - 150k

Project Manager 110 - 125k 120 - 130k 120 - 160k 140 - 170k


System Engineer 75 - 100k 85 - 110k 100 - 130k 100 - 130k 700 - 1200 700 - 1200

Project Leader 105 - 120k 105 - 120k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k

Project Manager 105 - 120k 110 - 130k 120 - 160k 130 - 160k

Team Leader 110 - 120k 110 - 130k 120 - 170k 130 - 170k


SAP Consultant 90 - 120k 90 - 120k 120 - 150k 120 - 150k 900 - 1600 900 - 1600

ABAP Developer 80 - 110k 80 - 110k 110 - 135k 110 - 135k 700 - 1000 700 - 1000

Hybrid Developer 95 - 125k 95 - 125k 125 - 150k 125 - 150k 900 - 1400 900 - 1400
NB: Figures are basic salaries exclusive of benefits/bonuses unless otherwise specified.

Switzerland 185
ANTWERP Axxess Business Park - LYON 41 avenue du Centre
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B-1050 Brussels PARIS
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t: +32 (0) 2 627 75 10 t: +32 (0) 2 613 08 00 251 boulevard Pereire
6ème étage
Business Support 75017 Paris
t: +32 (0) 2 613 08 88 France
t: +33 1 40 76 05 05
DÜSSELDORF LUXEMBOURG Millenniumtoren Paseo de Recoletos nº 7-9
Koenigsalle 76-78 681, rue de Neudorf Weena 690, 29th floor 6ª planta
40212 Düsseldorf L-2220 Luxembourg 3012 CN Rotterdam 28004 Madrid
Germany Luxembourg Netherlands Spain
t: +49 (0) 211 30180 000 t: +352 2647 8585 t: +31 (0) 10 799 8090 t: +34 91 309 79 88


Main Tower t: +31 (0) 10 752 7200 t: +34 91 309 79 88
22nd Floor AMSTERDAM
60311 Frankfurt am Main WTC, Tower H 3rd Floor
Germany Zuidplein 28 LISBON GENEVA
t: +49 (0) 69 9203 840 000 1077 XV Amsterdam Av. Liberdade, 110 Lisbon Rue de la Cité 1
Netherlands 1269-046 1204 Genève
HAMBURG t: +31 (0) 20 644 4655 Portugal Switzerland
Neuer Wall 50 t: +351 211 221 971 t: +41(0) 22 561 84 77
20354 Hamburg t: +31 (0) 20 796 9040 SPAIN ZURICH
Germany Claridenstrasse 41
t: +49 (0) 40 8221 86 160 EINDHOVEN BARCELONA CH-8002 Zurich
IRELAND Begijnenhof 4-6 Passeig de Gràcia nº 55-57 t: +41(0) 44 809 35 00
5611 EL Eindhoven 3ª planta
DUBLIN Netherlands 08007 Barcelona
Level 3 t: +31 (0) 40 7999 910 Spain
Custom House Plaza 2 t: +34 93 216 30 00
Dublin 1 t: +31 (0) 40 799 9912 WALTERS PEOPLE
Ireland t: +34 93 216 30 00
t: +353 (0) 1 633 4111
3rd Floor Altius House
BIRMINGHAM No.1 Mann Island North Fourth Street
9th Floor Liverpool Milton Keynes
11 Brindley Place L3 1BP Buckinghamshire
Birmingham United Kingdom MK9 1NE
B1 2LP t: +44 (0) 113 360 0099 United Kingdom
United Kingdom t: +44 (0) 1908 04 4000
t: +44 (0) 121 281 5000 LONDON
11 Slingsby Place ST ALBANS
BRACKNELL St Martin’s Courtyard 1st Floor,
The Lightbox London 4 Beaconsfield Road
Willoughby Road WC2E 9AB St Albans
Bracknell United Kingdom AL1 3RD
RG12 8FB t: +44 (0) 20 7379 3333 United Kingdom
United Kingdom t: +44 (0)1727 617 010
t: +44 (0) 134 423 3280 MANCHESTER
9th Floor
LEEDS 3 Hardman Street
The Pinnacle Manchester
17th Floor M3 3HF
67 Albion Street United Kingdom
Leeds t: +44 (0) 161 214 7400
United Kingdom
t: +44(0) 113 360 0090
Level 6
Level 20 Rua do Rócio 20th Floor Nexxus Building
NSW 2150
25 Grenfell Street Australia 350, 4º andar 41 Connaught Road Central
Adelaide t: +61 (0) 2 8836 3600 Vila Olímpia Central
SA 5000 São Paulo Hong Kong
Australia 04552-000 t: +852 2103 5300
t: +61 (0) 8 8216 3500 Brazil
Level 10
109 St Georges Terrace t: +55 (11) 2655 0888 INDONESIA
Waterfront Place Australia
World Trade Centre 1
1 Eagle Street t: +61 (0) 8 9266 0900
TORONTO 11th Floor, Jl. Jend.
QLD 4000 145 King Street West Sudirman
SYDNEY Suite 720 Kav. 29-31
Level 53 Toronto Jakarta
t: +61 (0) 7 3032 2222
Governor Phillip Tower ON M5H 1J8 12920
1 Farrer Place Canada Indonesia
Level 15 t: +1 416 998 9649 t: +62 (21) 2965 1500
NSW 2000
67 Albert Avenue Australia
t: +61 (0) 2 8289 3100
NSW 2067
Avda Isidora Goyenechea
t: +61 (0) 2 8423 1000
2915 piso 3
Las Condes
Santiago de Chile
Level 41
t: +562 2402 4901
385 Bourke Street
VIC 3000
t: +61 (0) 3 8628 2100
36th Floor, Tower 2, Jing An
Pias Tower 15th Floor 1539 West Nanjing Road Level 24, Menara 3 Petronas 37/F Philamlife Tower
3-19-3 Toyosaki Kita-ku, Jing An District Persiaran KLCC 8767 Paseo De Roxas
Osaka-shi Shanghai 200040 Kuala Lumpur 50088 Makati City 1226
Osaka China Malaysia Philippines
531-0072 t: +86 21 5153 5888 t: +603 2380 8700 t: +63 2 816 4972
t: +81 (0) 6 4560 3100
TOKYO Level 3, Tower 1 1-08-3A
Shibuya Minami Tokyu Kerry Plaza Menara IJM Land SINGAPORE
Building 14th Floor No.1 Zhong Xin Si Road 1, Lebuh Tunku Kudin 3 6 Battery Road
3-12-18 Shibuya, Futian District 11700 Gelugor 22nd Floor
Shibuya-ku Shenzhen 518048 Penang Singapore 049909
Tokyo China t: +604 609 0500 t: +65 6228 0200
150-0002 t: +86 755 3304 0350
t: +81 (0) 3 4570 1500 NEW ZEALAND SOUTH AFRICA
Building #58, Suzhou Centre Level 9 15th Floor
BEIJING Suzhou Industrial Park 22 Fanshawe Street GreenPark Corner
Room 1524, 15/F, NCI Tower Suzhou 215021 Auckland
Cnr West Road South and
Jiangsu Province New Zealand
12A Jianguomenwai Ave Lower Road
China t: +64 (0) 9 374 7300
Chaoyang District Morningside, Sandton
Beijing 100022 t: +86 512 6873 5888
t: + 86 10 8523 3026 Level 15
South Africa
2 Hunter Street
t: +27 (0) 11 881 2400
New Zealand
t: +64 (0) 4 471 9700
575 Market Street
21F, East Center, Center 1 Unit No. 1008 San Francisco
Building 10th floor Burj Daman CA 94105
26 Eulji-ro 5gil, DIFC USA
Jung-gu, Seoul 04539 Dubai t: +1 415 549 2000
South Korea P.O. Box 506851
t: +82 (0)2 6454 7000 UAE VIETNAM
t: +971 4 8180 100
UNITED STATES Unit 1, Level 9,
TAIPEI The Metropolitan
Room F, 10th Floor LOS ANGELES 235 Dong Khoi Street
No. 1 Songzhi Road 1925 Century Park E District 1
Xin-yi District Suite 1700 Ho Chi Minh City
Taipei Los Angeles Vietnam
Taiwan CA 90067 t: +84 28 3520 7900
t: +886 2 8758 0700 USA
t: +1 424 204 8725
BANGKOK 7 Times Square
Q House Lumpini, Suite 4301
12th Floor, Unit 1201 New York
1 South Sathorn Road NY 10036
Thungmahamek, Sathorn USA
Bangkok 10120 t: +1 212 704 9900
t: +66 (0) 2 344 4800

Robert Walters Group operations worldwide are fully carbon balanced through the
World Land Trust Carbon Balanced Programme and The Woodland Trust.

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