Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources Handbook

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Danida Fellowship Centre

Hostrupsvej 22
DK-1950 Frederiksberg
E-mail: [email protected]


Please submit the form to the nearest Royal Danish Embassy or Consulate. Please attach
a recent photo in colour
The Embassy/Consulate will forward the form to Danida Fellowship Centre in Denmark.
For deadline for submitting the fellowship application form, please refer to invitation letter/course leaflet.

Please answer all questions; please type or write your details in Capital Letters and make sure that names
given in this form are exactly the same as in your passport. This form should (if possible) be accompanied by a
copy of your passport (the page with your name).

Please make sure that your e-mail address is active.

1. Title of requested course/study and country of requested course

2. Dates of requested course/study programme

3. Family name (as in your passport) First name(s) (as in your passport)

4. Place of work (Organisation name, official address, town, country and telephone number)

5. Nationality 6. Place of birth (town/country) 7. Date of birth (day/month/year)

8. Passport no. 9. Preferred e-mail address (which you check regularly) 10. Private mobile phone

11. Sex 12. Marital status 13. Children

Male Female Single Married Number

14. Whom to notify in case of emergency?


Contact number:

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Certificate of proficiency in English may be required (except for applicants from countries where English is the administrative
language or applicants with a Bachelor or Master’s degree in English or previous academic studies in an English-speaking
IELTS: Minimum score is 6.5 for training of an academic nature and 6.0 for other types of training.
TOEFL: Minimum score is 73%.
Fluently Well Not easily
Speaking English
Reading English
Writing English

16. EDUCATIONAL RECORD. Please list degrees obtained as well as colleges and universities attended (most recent one first)

Study Period
Name of Institution From To Degree Specialization

17. EMPLOYMENT RECORD. It is important for the study place to receive complete information of your previous and present
employments. Please list your present position first.
Employment Record
From To Employer Title and Responsibilities

18. Name and position of your immediate superior

Superior’s mobile phone and e-mail

19. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES IN PRESENT POSITION. Please list your five main areas of responsibility

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20. YOUR PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS AND CAREER OBJECTIVES. Please list the five most important ones only
18. YOUR PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS AND CAREER OBJECTIVES. Please list the five most important ones only

21. Please list all previous FELLOWSHIPS (including Danida fellowships)

Country Period/dates Sponsor

22. Any remarks which you may wish to add to your application

23. If relevant to your application, you may attach supporting documents, e.g.:
- Letter of Nomination from relevant authorities or organisation
- Letter of Motivation
- Proposed action plan

24. I declare that the statements given by me in this application are true and complete. Furthermore:
1. I declare that I will not have any illness, which may prevent me from undertaking the proposed course of study.
Furthermore I declare that in case of pregnancy my expected delivery is minimum 8 weeks after the last day of the
course. If there is any significant change in my condition between signing this form and leaving for the course, I will
inform DFC immediately;
2. I will at all times conduct myself in a manner befitting my status as a holder of a Danish Government fellowship;
3. I shall devote my full time to the training programme as directed by the study place and Danida Fellowship Centre;
4. I will return to my home country at the end of my fellowship stay; and
5. I shall accept to be sent home in the event of either a serious incident/development making me unfit to satisfactorily
complete my studies or because of lack of compliance with the four points listed above.

Place and date Signature of applicant

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1. Name of Danish-supported progr./proj. within the applicant’s organisation Name of applicant’s organisation

2. Funding of this study programme

Tailormade course programme Co-financed course programme Other
Full funding by programme/project Per study week, DKK 7,000 (in Denmark) or Master, PhD studies and Embassy staff
DKK 5,000 (regional/national) to be paid to DFC

Note: The invoice will not be revoked in case of cancellation later than 2 weeks after receipt of confirmation of selection for the training
Invoice to be sent to (not DFC or the applicant) (please include name, e-mail, programme):

4. What are the programme/organisation’s main training and/or development objectives for this applicant?

5. Please specify how the programme/organisation intends to utilize the applicant’s new competences upon his/her return?

6. Please specify what additional expectations/challenges the applicant will be subject to in his/her job upon return to his/her home country?

7. Programme supporting officer’s name

Mobile phone / e-mail

Date and supporting officer’s signature

To be filled in by the Embassy’s relevant desk officer
1. Priority of this applicant in relation to other participants from the same
Programme/Project to same course/study


Mobile phone / e-mail



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