Statics of Rigid Bodies: Engineering Mechanics

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MECH 1013


 Introductory Concepts
 Resultant of Force System
 Equilibrium of Force Systems
 Analysis of Structures
 Friction
 Centroids and Center of Gravity
 Moments of Inertia
Engineering Mechanics is divided into two major
parts, namely Statics and Dynamics.

 Statics is primarily concerned to system of forces

applied to body at rest. It includes the following
topics: resultant of force system; equilibrium of
force system; cables; friction; trusses; frames;
centroid; center of gravity; and moment of inertia.

 Dynamics is the study of body in motion. It covers

the following: kinematics, dynamics, kinetics,
work-energy equation, impulse and momentum,
and mechanical vibrations.
Principles of Statics

 In this area of mechanics, the body in which

forces are acting is assumed to be rigid. The
deformation of non-rigid bodies is treated in 
Strength of Materials.
Scalar and Vector
 Scalar. A scalar is any positive or negative
physical quantity that can be completely
specified by its magnitude . Examples of scalar
quantities include length, mass, and time.

 Vector. A vector is any physical quantity that

requires both a magnitude and a direction for
its complete description. Examples of vectors
encountered in statics are force, position, and
Fundamental Axioms
1. The Parallelogram Law: the resultant of two
forces is the diagonal formed on the vectors
of these forces.
2. Two forces are in equilibrium only when
equal in magnitude, opposite in direction,
and collinear in action.
3. A set of forces in equilibrium maybe added
to any system of forces without changing
the effect of the original system.
4. Action and reaction forces are equal but
oppositely directed.
Force system
Resultant of
Concurrent Force
The equation involving the resultant
of force system are the following
 Rx=ΣFx=Fx1+Fx2+Fx3+...+Fxn
The x-component of the resultant is equal to the
summation of forces in the x-direction.

 Ry=ΣFy=Fy1+Fy2+Fy3+...+Fyn
The y-component of the resultant is equal to the
summation of forces in the y-direction.

 Rz=ΣFz=Fz1+Fz2+Fz3+...+Fzn
The z-component of the resultant is equal to the
summation of forces in the z-direction.
 Resultant of a force system is a force or a
couple that will have the same effect to the
body, both in translation and rotation, if all
the forces are removed and replaced by the
Resultant of Coplanar Concurrent
Force System
 The line of action of each forces in coplanar
concurrent force system are on the same
plane. All of these forces meet at a common
point, thus concurrent. In x-y plane, the
resultant can be found by the following
A boat has a speed of 8 mph in still water
attempts to go directly across a river with a
current of 3 mph. What is the effective speed
of the boat?

A. 8.35 mph C. 5.00 mph

B. 8.54 mph D. 6.33 mph
A ship moving North at 10 mph. A passenger
walks Southeast across the deck at 5 mph. In
what direction and how fast is the man moving,
relative to the, earth's surface.

A.N 28⁰40'W 7.37 mph

B.N 61 ⁰ 20'E 7.37 mph
C.N 61 ⁰ 20'W 7.37 mph
D.N 28 ⁰ 40'E 7.37 mph

ANS: 53.79 lb
θx = 17.16° SOUTH OF WEST
If the magnitude of the resultant force is to be 500 N,
directed along the positive y axis, determine the
magnitude of force F1 and F2


If the magnitude of the resultant force is to be 500 N,
directed along the positive y axis, determine the
magnitude of force F and its direction Ɵ.
Moment of a
Moment of a Force
 Moment is the measure of the capacity or ability of
the force to produce twisting or turning effect
about an axis. This axis is perpendicular to the
plane containing the line of action of the force. The
magnitude of moment is equal to the product of
the force and the perpendicular distance from the
axis to the line of action of the force. The
intersection of the plane and the axis is commonly
called the moment center, and the perpendicular
distance from the moment center to the line of
action of the force is called moment arm.
From the figure above, O is the moment center and d is the
moment arm. The moment M of force F about point O is equal to
the product of F and d.
 In Fig. P-226 assuming clockwise moments
as positive, compute the moment of force F =
200 kN and force P = 165 kN about points A,
B, C, and D
Moment of force F about points A, B, C, and
Ma=180 kN⋅m       → answer
Mb=−288 kN⋅m       → answer
Mc=−180 kN⋅m       → answer 
Md=−108 kN⋅m       → answer

Ma=0 (this means that point A is on the line of action of force P)       → answer

Mb=41.186 kN⋅m       → answer
Mc=164.746 kN⋅m       → answer
Md=−164.746 kN⋅m       → answer
 Couple is a system of forces whose magnitude of the
resultant is zero and yet has a moment sum.
Geometrically, couple is composed of two equal forces
that are parallel to each other and acting in opposite
direction. The magnitude of the couple is given by
C = Fd

Where F are the two forces and d is the moment arm, or

the perpendicular distance between the forces.
 To close a gate valve it is necessary to exert
two forces of 60 lb at opposite sides of a
handwheel 3 ft in diameter. Through an
accident the wheel is broken and the valve
must be closed by a thrusting bar through a
slot in the valve stem and exerting a force 4
ft out from the center. Determine the force
required and draw a free-body diagram of
the bar
Coplanar Parallel Force
Coplanar Parallel Force System
 Parallel forces can be in the same or in
opposite directions. The sign of the direction
can be chosen arbitrarily, meaning, taking
one direction as positive makes the opposite
direction negative. The complete definition of
the resultant is according to its magnitude,
direction, and line of action.
Resultant of Distributed Loads
The resultant of a distributed load is equal to the
area of the load diagram. It is acting at the centroid
of that area as indicated. The figure below shows
the three common distributed loads namely;
rectangular load, triangular load, and trapezoidal
 A parallel force system acts on the lever shown in
Fig. Determine the magnitude and position of the

R = 110 lb downward at 6 ft to
the right of A.  
Find the value of P and F so that the four forces shown produce an
upward resultant of 300 lb acting at 4 ft from the left end of the bar.

F=200 lb           answer
P=600 lb           answer
Resultant of Non-
Concurrent Force System
Determine completely the resultant of the forces
acting on the step pulley shown in Fig.

R = 1254.89 lb
downward to the right
at θx = 44.21° and
passes through the
Determine the resultant of the force system shown in Fig. P-263
and its x and y intercepts.

R = 161.314 lb upward to the right at θx = 21.69° and

intercepts at (1.668, 0) and (0, -0.671)  

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