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Lecture 5

Large Scale Fading and Network Deployment

+ 2

Large Scale Fading

n “Large” scale variation of signal

strength with distance
n Consider average signal

Received signal strength

strength values
n The average is computed
Slope &
either over short periods of Intercept
time or short lengths of
n A straight line is fit to the
average values
n The slope and the intercept give Variation
you the expression for the path
Log distance
n The variation around the fit is
the shadow fading component
+ 3

Path Loss Models

n Path Loss Models are commonly used to estimate link budgets, cell
sizes and shapes, capacity, handoff criteria etc.
n “Macroscopic” or “large scale” variation of RSS
n Path loss = loss in signal strength as a function of distance
n Terrain dependent (urban, rural, mountainous), ground reflection, diffraction,
n Site dependent (antenna heights for example)
n Frequency dependent
n Line of sight or not

n Simple characterization: PL = L0 + 10a log10(d)

n L0 is termed the frequency dependent component
n The parameter a is called the “path loss gradient” or exponent
n The value of a determines how quickly the RSS falls with distance
+ 4

The Free Space Loss

n Assumption
n Transmitter and receiver are in free space
n No obstructing objects in between
n The earth is at an infinite distance!

n The transmitted power is Pt, and the received power is Pr

n The path loss is Lp = Pt (dB) – Pr (dB)
n Isotropic antennas
n Antennas radiate and receive equally in all directions with unit gain

+ 5

The Free Space Model

n The relationship between Pt and Pr is given by

Pr = Pt l2/(4pd)2
n The wavelength of the carrier is l = c/f

n In dB
Pr (dBm)= Pt (dBm) - 21.98 + 20 log10(l) – 20 log10(d)

Lp(d) = Pt – Pr = 21.98 – 20 log10(l) + 20 log10(d)

= L0 + 20 log10(d)
n L0 is called the path loss at the first meter (put d = 1)
n We say there is a 20 dB per decade loss in signal strength
+ 6

A simple explanation of free space

nIsotropic transmit antenna: Radiates signal
equally in all directions

n Assume a point source

n At a distance d from the transmitter, the
area of the sphere enclosing the Tx is: A =
n The “power density” on this sphere is: Pt/

n Isotropic receive antenna: Captures power

equal to the density times the area of the
n Ideal area of antenna is
Aant = l2/4p

n The received power is:

Pr = Pt/ 4pd2 ´ l2/4p = Pt l2/(4pd)2
+ 7

Isotropic and Real Antennas

n Isotropic antennas are “ideal” and cannot be achieved in

n Useful as a theoretical benchmark
n Real antennas have gains in different directions
n Suppose the gain of the transmit antenna in the direction of
interest is Gt and that of the receive antenna is Gr
n The free space relation is:
Pr = Pt Gt Gr l2/(4pd)2
n The quantity Pt Gt is called the effective isotropic radiated
power (EIRP)
n This is the transmit power that a transmitter should use
were it having an isotropic antenna
+ 8

Summary: Free space loss

n Transmit power Pt and received power Pr

n Wavelength of the RF carrier l = c/f

n Over a distance d the relationship between Pt and Pr is given by:

Pt l2
Pr =
(4p ) 2 d 2
n where d is in meters

In dB, we have:

Pr (dBm)= Pt (dBm) - 21.98 + 20 log10 (l) – 20 log10 (d)

Path Loss = Lp = Pt – Pr = 21.98 - 20log10(l) + 20log10 (d)

+ 9

Free Space Propagation

n Notice that factor of 10 increase in distance
n => 20 dB increase in path loss (20 dB/decade)
n Note that higher the frequency the greater the path
loss for a fixed distance
Distance Path Loss at 880 MHz
1 km 91.29 dB
10 km 111.29 dB

Distance 880 MHz 1960 MHz

1 km 91.29 dB 98.25 dB

7 dB greater path loss for PCS band compared

to cellular band in the US
+ 10


n Consider Design of a Point-to-Point n Maximum transmit power of

link connecting LANs in separate 802.11 AP is Pt = 24 dBm
buildings across a freeway
n Distance .25 mile n The minimum received signal
strength (RSS) for 11 Mbps
n Line of Sight (LOS) operation is -80 dBm
n Unlicensed spectrum – 802.11b n Will the signal strength be
at 2.4GHz adequate for communication?

n Given LOS
n Can approximate propagation
with Free Space Model
+ 11

Example (Continued)

n Example
n Distance .25 mile ~ 400m; Receiver Sensitivity Threshold = - 80dBm

n The Received Power Pr is given by: Pr = Pt - Path Loss

Pr = Pt - 21.98 + 20 log10 (l) – 20 log10 (d)

= 24 – 21.98 + 20 log10 (3x108/2.4x109) – 20 log10 (400) L0 = 40 dB

at 2.4 GHz
= 24 -21.98 -18.06 -52.04

= 24 – 92.08 = -68.08 dBm

Pr is well above the required -80 dBm for communication at the

maximum data rate – so link should work fine
+ 12

Cell/Radio Footprint

n The Cell is the area covered by a

single transmitter

n Path loss model roughly

determines the size of cell

n What does “covered” mean?

+ 13

Link Budget

n Typical Factors in Link Budget

n Transmit Power (in dBm),
n Antenna Gain, Diversity Gain
n Receiver Sensitivity
n Margins
n Shadow Margin, Interference Margin, Fading Margin
n Losses
n Vehicle Penetration Loss (3-6 dB)
n Body Loss (2-3 dB)
n Building Penetration Loss (5-20 dB depending on building
n Electronic Losses: Combiner Loss, Filter Loss, etc.
n Gains are added, Losses are subtracted (e.g.,f = 1900 MHz)
+ 14

Example of Link Budget

Link Uplink Downlink

Transmit power 30 dBm 30 dBm

Antenna gain 3 dBi 5 dBi
Diversity gain 5 dB 0 dB
Shadow margin 10 dB 10 dB
Body penetration 2 dB 2 dB
Vehicle penetration 5 dB 5 dB
Receiver sensitivity -105 dBm -90 dBm
Path Loss Budget 126 dB 108 dB

Typical Cellular System is Downlink Limited!

+ 15

Calculation of link Budget:

Path Loss Budget = 126 dB

38 dBm Diversity Gain 5 dBi

Antenna Gain 3 dBi 33 dBm

Shadow Transmit Power 30 dBm

28 dBm
Margin 10 dB Body Loss 2 dB
Vehicle Loss 5 dB 21 dBm

126 dB

Receiver Sensitivity -105 dBm

+ 16

Determining Coverage

n Link Budget n Simple Example

n Used to plan useful coverage of cells n The path loss budget is 108 dB
n Roundtrip performance of satellites,
etc. n The path loss model is given by

n Simply a balance sheet of all gains Lp = 98 + 32 log10d

and losses on a transmission
path. (d is in km)
n Gains are added (transmit power,
antenna gains)
n Losses are subtracted (path loss)
n The cell radius should be

n Used to find max allowable path 98 + 32 log10d = 108 => log10d = 10

loss in each link (i.e., uplink and
downlink) d = 10(10/32) = 2.05 km
n Ensure adequate RSS at end of each
+ 17

General Formulation of Path Loss

n Depending on the environment, it is seen that the path

loss (or the RSS) varies as some power of the distance
from the transmitter d
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
Pt Pt
Pr (d) / OR Pr (d) =
d L0 (d/d0 )

n Here a is called the path-loss exponent or the path-loss

gradient or the distance-power gradient
n The quantity L0is a constant that is computed at a
reference distance d0
n This reference distance is 1m in indoor areas and 100m or 1
km in outdoor areas
+ 18

More Comments

n Path loss is a function of a variety of parameters

n Terrain
n Frequency of operation
n Antenna heights
n Extremely site specific
n Varies depending on environment
n Example: indoor Vs outdoor
n Example: microcell Vs macrocell
n Example: rural Vs dense urban

n Large number of measurement results are available for

different scenarios, frequencies and sites
n Empirical models are popular
+ 19

Environment Based Path Loss

n Basic characterization: Lp = L0 + 10a log10(d)

n L0 is frequency dependent component (often path loss at 1m)
n The parameter a is called the “path loss gradient” or exponent
n The value of a determines how quickly the RSS falls with d
n a determined by measurements in typical environment
n For example
n a = 2.5 might be used for rural area
n a = 4.8 might be used for dense urban area (downtown Pittsburgh)

n Variations on this approach

n Try and add more terms to the model
n Directly curve fit data
n Two popular measurement based models are Okumura-Hata, and COST 231
n Do some measurements and feed it into simulations (ray tracing)
+ 20

Okumura-Hata Model
n Okumura collected measurement data and plotted a set of curves for path
loss in urban areas around 900 MHz
n Hata came up with an empirical model for Okumura’s curves

Lp = 69.55 + 26.16 log fc – 13.82 log hte – a(hre) + (44.9 –6.55 log hte)log d

a(hre) = 3.2 (log [11.75 hre])2 – 4.97 dB

n Note: fc is in MHz, d is in km, and antenna heights are in meters

n This is valid only for 400 £ fc £ 1500 MHz for a large city
n 30 £ hte £ 200 m; 1 £ hre £ 10 m;

n Other forms depending on the scenario

+ 21

Example of Hata’s Model

n Consider the parameters

n hre = 2 m – receiver antenna’s height
n hte = 100 m – transmitter antenna’s height
n fc = 900 MHz – carrier frequency

n Lp = 118.14 + 31.8 log d

n The path loss exponent for this particular case is a = 3.18

n What is the path loss at d = 5 km?

n d = 5 km è Lp = 118.14 + 31.8 log 5 = 140.36 dB

n If the maximum allowed path loss is 120 dB, what distance can the
signal travel?
n Lp = 120 = 118.14 + 31.8 log d => d = 10(1.86/31.8) = 1.14 km
+ 22

COST 231 Model

n Models developed by COST
n European Cooperative for Science and Technology
n Collected measurement data
n Plotted a set of curves for path loss in various areas around the 1900
MHz band
n Developed a Hata-like model

Lp = 46.3 + 33.9 log fc – 13.82 log hte - a(hre) + (44.9 –6.55 log hte)log d + C

n C is a correction factor
n C = 0 dB in dense urban; -5 dB in urban; -10 dB in suburban; -17 dB in

n Note: fc is in MHz (between 1500 and 2000 MHz), d is in km, hte is

effective base station antenna height in meters (between 30 and 200m),
hre is mobile antenna height (between 1 and 10m)
+ 23

Indoor Path Loss Models

n Indoor applications
n Wireless PBXs
n Wireless Local Area Networks

n Approach is similar to outdoor models

n Distances are smaller
n Site specificity is more important
n Variety of obstructions
n Walls, floors, vending machines, bookcases, human beings etc.
+ 24

Motley-Keenan and Rappaport Models

n Assume that the path loss exponent a = 2

n Draw a straight line between the transmitter and receiver

n Assign a loss of some dB to each obstruction that is intersected by this straight line
n Example: Concrete wall 7 dB, Cubicle partition 4 dB

n The path loss is given by:

L p = L0 + 20 log d + ∑ miWi + ∑ n j F j
i j

n mi is the number of partitions of type i and Wi is the loss associated with that partition

n nj is the number of floors of type j and Fj is the loss associated with that floor

n L0 is determined as before (the path loss at one meter)

+ 25

Sample numbers
Source: Harris Semiconductors

Signal attenuation of 2.4 GHz through dB

Window in brick wall 2

Metal frame, glass wall into building 6

Office wall 6

Metal door in office wall 6

Cinder wall 4

Metal door in brick wall 12.4

Brick wall next to metal door 3

Example of Partition Dependent Model

n Example:
n The straight line intersects
two brick walls and one
cubicle partition
n Lp = L0 + 20 log d + 2Wbrick + TX
n In some models, the path
loss exponent a is different Brick

from 2


+ 27

Some Notes

n Empirical models have their disadvantages

n Example: Okumura-Hata model applies to cities that are like Tokyo (what does
that mean? When is a city like Tokyo?)
n Depends on the interpretation of people
n Some people may consider Pittsburgh to be a small city
n Others may think of it as a medium city

n Some models have limited applicability

n Example: COST-231 model cannot be used if hte < hroof where hroof is the average
height of buildings in the area

n There are many other models

n Models for microcellular environments
n Terrain dependent (e.g., Longley-Rice)
+ 28

Shadow Fading
n Shadowing occurs when line of sight is blocked - Modeled by a random signal
component Xs

n Measurement studies show that Xs can be modeled with a lognormal distribution è

normal in dB with mean = zero and standard deviation s dB

n Thus at the “designed cell edge” only 50% of the locations have adequate RSS

n Since Xs can be modeled in dB as normally distributed with mean = zero and standard
deviation s dB, s determines the behavior

Pr = Pt – Lp +Xs
+ 29

How shadow fading affects system

n Typical values for σ are
n Rural 3 dB, suburban 6 dB, urban 8 dB, dense urban 10 dB

n Since X is normal in dB Pr is normal

n Pr = Pt – Lp +Xσ

n Prob {Pr (d) > Threshold } can be found from a normal

distribution table with mean Pr and standard deviation σ
n In order to make at least Y% of the locations have adequate
n Reduce cell size
n Increase transmit power
n Make the receiver more sensitive
+ 30

Example of Shadowing
n The path loss of a system is given by Lp = 47 + 40 log10 d – 20 log10 hb
where hb = 10m, Pt = 0.5 W, receiver sensitivity = -100 dBm. What is
the cell radius?
n Pt = 10 log10500 = 27 dBm; The permissible path loss is 27-(-100) = 127 dB
n 20 log10hb = 20 log1010 = 20 dB
n 127 = 47 + 40 log10d – 20 => d = 316m
n But the real path loss at any location is
n 127 + X where X is a random variable representing shadowing
n Negative X = better RSS; Positive X = worse RSS

n If the shadow fading component is normally distributed with mean zero and
standard deviation of 6 dB. What should be the shadow margin to have
acceptable RSS in 90% of the locations at the cell edge?
Fading Margin is the amount of
+ extra path loss added to the path

Example again loss budget to account for

.9 à SFM = 1.282s
.95 à SFM = 1.654s
n Let X be the shadow fading component
n X = N(0,6) and we need to find F such that P{X > F } = 0.1 or we need to
solve Q(F/s) = 0.1
n Use tables or software

n In this example F = 7.69 dB

n Increase transmit power to 27 + 7.69 = 34.69 dBm = 3 W
n Make the receiver sensitivity -107.69 dBm
n Reduce the cell size to 203.1 m

n In practice use .9 or .95 quantile values to determine the Shadow

Fading Margin
+ 32

Cell Coverage modeling

n Simple path loss model based on

environment used as first cut for
planning cell locations

n Refine with measurements to

parameterize model

n Alternately use ray tracing:

approximate the radio
propagation by means of
geometrical optics- consider line
of sight path, reflection effects,
diffraction etc.

n CAD deployment tools widely used

to provide prediction of coverage
and plan/tune the network
+ 33

Cellular CAD Tools

n Use GIS terrain data base, along with vehicle
traffic/population density overlays and propagation models
n Output map with cell coverage at various signal levels and
interference values
n To plan out cell coverage area, cell placement, handoff areas,
interference level frequency assignment
+ 34

Use GIS maps

n This shows
location of cell
site and
location of
users where
signal strength
prediction is
+ 35

Outdoor Model

CAD Tools
provide a
variety of
models: free
+ Typical City pattern

Microcell diamond
Radiation pattern
+ 37

Ray Tracing Mode

+ 38

Indoor Models
+ 39

Cellular CAD Tools

n CAD tool –
first cut cell site placement,
augmented by extensive measurements to
refine model and tune location and antenna

Temporary cell
+ 40

Signal strength prediction for

Indoor WLANS
n Motorola LAN Planner

n Lucent: WiSE tool

n Given building/space to be
covered and parameters of
building and AP – predicts signal
+ 41

Site Survey Tools

n Software to measure signal strength and recording in order to construct a
coverage map of structure – must drive/walk around structure to gather

n NOKIA site survey tool, Ekahau Site Survey, Motorola LAN survey, etc.
+ 42

How about Interference?

nCoverage implies there is enough signal

n But how about competing signal strength from
a different base station?
n Interference has a significant impact on the
quality of a radio channel
nNext we look at interference and
frequency reuse
+ 43

Basic Interference Scenario –

Two links
KPt ↵
Pr = ↵ = KPt d
K = const

✓ ◆↵
Pr d KPt dR Pt d D
Sr = = ↵
Pr I KPt ID Pt I R
+ 44

Design and Deployment in Cellular

n Ad hoc networks
n Usually no architectural design
n Most design is at the protocol level – routing, MAC etc.
n Infrastructure networks
n Deploy a cellular topology based on some requirements
n Frequency reuse
n Start with large cells initially
n As demand increases
n Capacity enhancement techniques
n Reuse partitioning
n Sectored cells
n Migration to digital systems
n Dynamic channel allocation
+ 45

Design Challenge

nHow can we reuse frequency bands such

n Interference is not so high as to make
communications impossible
n The available spectrum is reused to make the
best use of capacity
+ 46

Cellular Concept

n Proposed by Bell Labs in 1971

n Geographic Service divided into

smaller “cells”

n Neighboring cells do not use same

set of frequencies to prevent

n Often approximate coverage area

of a cell by an idealized hexagon

n Increase system capacity by

frequency reuse
+ 47

The Cellular Concept

n Deploy a large number of low-power transmitters

(Base Stations) each having a limited coverage area
n Reuse the spectrum several times in the area to be
covered to increase capacity
n Issues:
n Capacity (traffic load) in a cell
n One measure = number of communication
channels that are available
n Performance
n Call blocking probability, handoff dropping probability,
throughput etc.
n Interference
+ 48

Cellular Concept

n Why not a large radio tower and large service area?

n Number of simultaneous users would be very limited (to
total number of traffic channels T)
n Mobile handset would have greater power requirement

n Cellular concept - small cells with frequency reuse

n Advantages
n Lower power handsets
n Increases system capacity with frequency reuse
n Drawbacks:
n Cost of cells
n Handoffs between cells must be supported
n Need to track user to route incoming call/message
+ 49

Recap: Communication Channel

n A frequency band allocated for voice or data

n Simplest example: Frequency division multiple access (FDMA) with
Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD)
n 30 kHz bands are allocated for one conversation
n Separate bands are allocated for uplink (MH to BS) and downlink (
BS to MH)

n A set of time slots allocated for voice or data

n A set of spread-spectrum codes allocated for voice or
data communications
+ 50

Types of Interference

n TDMA/FDMA based systems

n Co-channel interference
n Interference from signals transmitted by another
cell using the same radio spectrum
n Adjacent channel interference
n Interference from signals transmitted in the same
cell with overlapping spectral sidelobes
n CDMA systems
n Interference from within the cell
n Interference from outside the cell
+ 51

Clustering in TDMA/FDMA

n Adjacent cells CANNOT use the same channels

n Co-channel interference will be too severe

n The available spectrum is divided into chunks (sub-

bands) that are distributed among the cells
n Cells are grouped into clusters
n Each cluster of cells employ the entire available radio
n The spatial allocation of sub-bands has to be done to
minimize interference
+ 52

Cellular Concept (cont)

n Let T = total number of duplex channels

Nc cells = size of cell cluster (typically 4, 7, 9, 12, 21)
L = T/Nc = number of channels per cell

n For a specific geographic area, if clusters

replicated M times, then total number of
n System capacity = M×T
n Choice of Nc determines distance between cells using the
same frequencies – termed co-channel cells
n Nc depends on how much interference can be tolerated by
mobile stations and path loss
+ 53

Cell Design - Reuse Pattern

n Example: cell cluster size Nc = 7, frequency reuse factor =
n Assume T = 490 total channels, L = T/Nc = 70 channels per
A Assume T = 490 total channels,
F D Nc = 7, N = 70 channels/cell
A G C Clusters are replicated M=3
F D A times
E System capacity = 3 x 490 = 1470
total channels
+ 54

Cellular Geometry
n Propagation models represent cell as a circular area

n Approximate cell coverage with a hexagon - allows easier analysis

n Frequency assignment of F MHz for the system

n The multiple access techniques translates F to T traffic channels

n Cluster of cells Nc = group of adjacent cells which use all of the systems frequency assignment
+ 55

Cellular Geometry

n Cells do not have a “nice” shape in reality

n A model is required for

n Planning the architecture
n Evaluating performance
n Predict future requirements

n Simple Model:
n All cells are identical
n There are no ambiguous areas
n There are no areas that are NOT covered by any cell
+ 56

Possibilities for cell geometry

nEquilateral triangle, square or regular
+ 57

Why hexagon?

nAmong the three choices, the hexagon is

the closest approximation to a circle
nFor a given radius (largest possible distance
from center of a polygon to its edge) a
hexagon has the largest area
nA circle is sometimes used when
continuous distributions are being
+ 58

Determining co-channel cells and the

reuse factor
v n Co-channel cells must be
placed as far apart as
possible for a given cluster
2 4
1 2 n Hexagonal geometry has
some properties that can be
-1 employed to determine the
-1 co-channel cell

n Co-ordinate system: u and v

Cells are placed so that their
centers have integer co-ordinates
+ 59

Finding (placing) Co-channel cells

n Move a distance i along the u
direction and a distance j along
the v direction u
n The cluster size Nc = i2 + ij + j2


+ B

Example: B C G

i = 2, j = 1 C



Cluster size

Nc= 7 E B C G







Used in A D F

Advanced Mobile D F E

Phone Service (AMPS) E

+ 61

More Examples Nc = 7 (i =2, j =1)

Nc = 12 (i=2, j=2) 1 2
1 3 4 5
4 6 6 7 1
5 9 5 1
10 8 10 8
11 2 11
3 7 3 7
12 1 12
4 6 4 6 4
9 5 9 3 1
10 8 Nc = 4 (i =2, j=0) 2 4
11 1 3 1
4 2
3 1
+ 62

Some results

n Nc = number of cells in a cluster

n R = radius of a cell

n D = distance between co-channel cells

D p
= 3Nc
n Nc can only take values that are of the form i2 + ij + j2 ;
i, j are integers
n There are exactly six co-channel cells for a hexagonal
+ 63

Revisiting Signal to interference

ratio calculation
nGeneral: a
Pdesired KPt d -a
æ d2 ö
Sr =
∑ PInterference,i Sr = 1
= çç ÷÷
KPt d 2 è d1 ø
nOne desired signal and one interfering
signal at distances d1 and d2

+ 64

Sr in a hexagonal architecture

n With Js interfering base stations

d 0a
Sr = Js

å n
d a

n =1

n Js = 6 for a hexagonal architecture

n a = 4 for urban areas

n Maximum distance of the MS from a desired BS is R

n Approximate distance of the MS from each of the co-

channel interferers is D
−4 −4 4
n The expression for Sr is: R R 1#D& 3 2
Sr ≈ −4
= −4
= % ( = Nc
Js D 6D 6$ R' 2
Solve for D/R
+ 65

Sr as a function of the cluster size




SIR in dB






4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Frequency Reuse Factor
+ 66

Issues Revisited
n Cluster size Nc determines
n The co-channel interference
n The number of channels
allocated to a cell
n Larger Nc is, smaller is the
co-channel interference
n Larger Nc is, smaller is the
number of channels
available for a given cell
n Capacity reduces

n What Nc should we use

based on SIR or C/I?
+ 67

Example: AMPS
45 MHz

824 849 869 894

Uplink Band Downlink Band

30 kHz

Block A Block B

21 Control & 395

Voice Channels

n Voice channels occupy 30 kHz and use frequency modulation (FM)

n 25 MHz is allocated to the uplink and 25 MHz for the downlink

n 12.5 MHz is allocated to non-traditional telephone service providers (Block A)

n 12.5 MHz / 30 kHz = 416 channels

n 395 are dedicated for voice and 21 for control

+ 68

Reuse in AMPS

nSubjective voice quality tests indicate that

Sr = 18 dB is needed for good voice quality
nThis implies Nc = 7
n See next slide also

nCells do not actually conform to a

hexagonal shape and usually a reuse factor
of Nc = 12 is needed
+ 69

Frequency Reuse
Solving for D/R results in Example: Consider cellular system with
• Sr requirement of 18 dB
• Suburban propagation environment with a = 4.
D 1/α Determine the minimum cluster size.
= ( 6Sr )
R 18 dB è 18 = 10 log10 (x) è
1.8 = log10 (x) è x = 101.8 è
x = 63.0957.
D / R = 3N c,
which results in Nc = 1/3 × (6 × 63.0957)0.5 = 6.4857

1 2/α Since Nc must be an integer, you round up to

N c = ( 6Sr ) nearest feasible cluster size
3 => Nc = 7
+ 70

AMPS: Adjacent channel

n Cluster size is Nc = 7

n Consider the 395 voice channels

n 1: 869.00 – 869.03 MHz
n 2: 869.03 – 869.06 MHz …

n Cell A is allocated channels 1,8,15…

n Cell B is allocated channels 2,9,16…

n Channels within the cell have sufficient separation so

that adjacent channel interference is minimized
+ 71

Frequency Assignment
n Example: You are operating a cellular
network with 25KHz NMT traffic
channels 1 through 12.
n Typical C/I values used in practice n Label the traffic channels as {f1, f2,
are 13-18 dB. f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12}
n Once the frequency reuse cluster n Place the traffic channels in the
size Nc is determined, frequencies cells above such that a frequency
must be assigned to cells reuse cluster size of 4 is used and
adjacent channel interference is
n Must maintain C/I pattern minimized
between clusters

n Within a cluster – seek to

minimize adjacent channel

n Adjacent channel interference is

interference from frequency
adjacent in the spectrum

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