Design of Raw Water Reservoir On Sandy Soil: Kondapalli Bairagi 1, Niraj Kumar Mishra 2

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Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC2016

15-17 December 2016, IIT Madras, Chennai, India


Kondapalli Bairagi 11,

Niraj Kumar Mishra 22,

Chief Engineering Manager, 2Engineering Manager, L & T Construction,
[email protected] , [email protected]

P.V. Ramana 3,

Senior Design Engineer, L & T Construction.

[email protected]

This paper is a case study of a 5310 ML capacity Raw Water Reservoir (RWR), situated Rajasthan INDIA. This is a part
of Rajasthan Rural Water Supply & Fluorosis Mitigation Project. This RWR embankment constructed with excavated soil
on natural ground profile. Height of the embankment is varying from 2m to 10m. Water storage depth of the RWR is 9m.
Embankment with 1V:3H slopes provided on both upstream and downstream sides. The available silty sand is used as a
filling material for the embankment construction. Slope stability and Seismic analysis were carried out by using
Conventional methods and by using Finite element software PLAXIS-2D. Horizontal filter has been provided at toe level
where the embankment height is more than 7m from EGL. HDPE (High Density polyethylene) lining has been provided
on upstream side and at bed level to control the seepage. Design of embankment dam for RWR is the critical one, site
selection, properties of foundation soil & filling soil and seepage affect the design. All the safety measures were taken care
while designing and the same has been ensured at site during execution.
KEY WORDS: Embankment dam, PLAXIS, Raw Water Reservoir, Seepage, Slope Stability.

1 INTRODUCTION 1.2 Large dam

1.1 Reservoir A dam exceeding 15m in height above deepest river

bed level and dam between 10m to 15m height
A Reservoir (etymology: from French reservoir a
provided volume of earth exceeds 0.75 million cubic
“store house“ ) usually means an enlarged natural,
meters and storage meters. 1 million cubic maximum
artificial lake, storage pond or impoundment creating a
water level exceeds 2000 Cumecs as per IS: 12169
dam or lock to store water. Reservoir can be built by
excavating existing ground and then constructing
retaining embankment. 1.3 Small dam

1.2 Embankment dam A dam which is not satisfying the criteria of the large
dams as per IS: 12169 (1987).
A dam is composed of any type of soil including rock
as per IS: 12169 (1987).

Design of Raw Water Reservoir on Sandy Soil

1.4 Safety identify the soil strata and to conduct laboratory tests.
In- situ tests were conducted in Boreholes and
Embankment slope failure may occur if the soil shear
disturbed samples are collected from boreholes and
strength is less. Other factors like earthquake may
Trial pits were sent to laboratory for conducting
cause the dam failure given in IS: 7894 (1975).Over
various tests. Water table was not encountered during
topping or over flow of an embankment dam may also
the maximum explored depth.
cause eventual failure. It is required to provide
minimum free board to prevent overtopping failure as 3.1 Laboratory Testing
per IS: 8826 (1978).
Appropriate laboratory tests were conducted based on
2 CASE STUDY IS: 2720 (2006-07).The main tests are conducted which
are listed out as following.
2.1 Location
3.1.1 Tests on Borehole & Trial pit samples
The present RWR is located at Jaimalsar village,
Bikaner District, Rajasthan, India. The nearby railway  Atterberg limits ( Liquid limit, Plastic limit)
station is Bikaner Railway station, which is 60 km  Natural moisture content, Bulk density
 Grain size analysis
away from the site.
 Specific Gravity
 Chemical tests on soil & water
2.2 Physiography
Topography of the area: Uneven, Soil Type: Silty sand  Permeability test at 95% MDD
 Tri- axial test for determining ( c & φ)
Climate: Arid-Sub-Arid, Earthquake Zone: Zone-II
2.3 Storage Capacity of the reservoir
Based on the geotechnical investigation report Slope
Minimum free board provided = 1.5 m. stability & Seismic Stability analyses were done for the
embankment by conventional method and with
Top of the reservoir bund level (TBL) = RL. (+)
4.1 Introduction to PLAXIS-2D (2014)
Reservoir bed level (RBL) = RL. (+) 214.50 m.
PLAXIS is a finite element package that has been
Maximum water level (MWL) = RL. (+) 222.0 m.
developed specially for the analysis of deformation and
Low water level (LWL) = RL. (+) 215.50 m. stability in geotechnical engineering projects.
Maximum depth of water, H = 6.5 m. 4.2 Slope stability analysis
Surface area of the reservoir at LWL = 777523 m2 Maximum height of the embankment = 10 m.
Surface area of the reservoir at MWL = 8639924 m U/s & D/s slope = 1V:3H
Storage capacity = 5332238 m Cohesion varying from 8 kN/m2 to 13 kN/m2
Required capacity = 5310000 m3 Angle of internal friction varying from 32 to 36 deg.
3 GEOTECHNICAL STUDY Saturated unit of the soil varying from 16 kN/m3 to 17
Sub – soil Exploration kN/m3

Bore holes of depth 15m and Trial pits of 3m x 3m Stability analyses were done by Indian standard
x3m were taken at specified locations to ascertain the guidelines for both U/s and D/s side for different
information about the sub-soil, its nature and strength. combinations of c & ɸ and 4 trials were made. Figure 1
Soil samples were collected at different depths to indicates Trial-1 of D/s side for slope stability analysis.

Indian Geotechnical Conference IGC2016

15-17 December 2016, IIT Madras, Chennai, India

Minimum factor of safety considered for steady state

seepage condition was 1.5 and for sudden drawdown
condition was 1.3. Minimum factor of safety for
overall stability and seismic stability were 1.3 and 1
respectively. The model was simulated with PLAXIS-
2D. Table 1 gives the safety factors for the D/s side 4
trials and table 2 to gives the comparison of safety
factors for conventional method and PLAXIS-2D.

Table 1 Slope stability analysis –Trial details

Trial No: Factor of Safety
Fig. 3 Critical slip circle for sudden drawdown
1 31 2.64
Table 2 Comparison of safeties between conventional method
2 30.4 2.57
and PLAXIS-2D.
3 29 2.51
SL Stability Conventional PLAXIS-
4 28.5 2.54 No: criteria method 2D
1 ( steady
state 2.51 2.08
drawdown) 2.95 2.25
Over all
3 9.56 -
4 2.19 -

Fig. 1 Trial-1 for Slope Stability Analysis 4.4 General considerations/ Specifications

4.3 Analysis with PLAXIS-2D  600 mm foundation filling has been made with
excavated earth filling in layers of 150mm
Embankment was simulated with PLAXIS software for compacted thickness, each layer shall be
steady state seepage (Figure 2) condition and sudden compacted to achieve 97% of modified Proctor
drawdown condition (Figure 3). Mohr-Coulomb  The reservoir embankment shall be made with
Constitutive model was used for analysis. excavated earth filling in layers of 150mm thick to
achieve 95% of MDD.

5.1 Typical section

Fig. 2 Critical slip circle for Steady state seepage

Fig.4 Typical section of the Embankment
Design of Raw Water Reservoir on Sandy Soil

5.2 Horizontal filter details 5.4 Photograph at Construction site

Fig. 8 Photograph at construction site

This case study explains the analysis and design
procedures for RWR construction on silty sands. From
Conventional method and finite element analysis
Fig. 5 Details of horizontal filter results it is observed that finite element method is
Lining details for bed area giving lesser factor of safety values due the accuracy
and reliability. The design, concepts and analyses can
be applied for similar type of structures.

Biaragi, K and Roshan R.S.V (2011). “Design of earth
dam in desert area: A case study “. Proceedings of Indian
Geotechnical Conference December 15-17, Kochi (paper
No: Q-291).
IS: 7894 (1975), Code of practice for Stability Analysis of
Earth dams, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi,India.
Fig. 6 Lining details of Reservoir bed area
IS: 8826 (1978), Guide lines for design of large earth and
5.3 Lining details for embankment slope Rock fill dams, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi,
IS: 12169 (1987), Design of small embankment dams,
Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
IS: 2720 (2006-07), Methods of tests for Soils, Bureau of
Indian Standards, New Delhi, India.
Plaxis (2014). ‘PLAXIS-2D: Reference manual, Annual
Edition’, Plaxis BV, Delft, The Netherlands.
Fig. 7 Lining details of Embankment slope

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