Future of AI and Humanity (Pew Research Center)
Future of AI and Humanity (Pew Research Center)
Future of AI and Humanity (Pew Research Center)
Pew Research Center, December, 2018, “Artificial Intelligence and
the Future of Humans”
Digital life is augmenting human capacities and disrupting eons-old human activities. Code-driven
systems have spread to more than half of the world’s inhabitants in ambient information and
connectivity, offering previously unimagined opportunities and unprecedented threats. As
emerging algorithm-driven artificial intelligence (AI) continues to spread, will people be better off
than they are today?
Some 979 technology pioneers, innovators, developers, business and policy leaders, researchers
and activists answered this question in a canvassing of experts conducted in the summer of 2018.
The experts predicted networked artificial intelligence will amplify human effectiveness but also
threaten human autonomy, agency and capabilities. They spoke of the wide-ranging possibilities;
that computers might match or even exceed human intelligence and capabilities on tasks such as
complex decision-making, reasoning and learning, sophisticated analytics and pattern recognition,
visual acuity, speech recognition and language translation. They said “smart” systems in
communities, in vehicles, in buildings and utilities, on farms and in business processes will save
time, money and lives and offer opportunities for individuals to enjoy a more-customized future.
Many focused their optimistic remarks on health care and the many possible applications of AI in
diagnosing and treating patients or helping senior citizens live fuller and healthier lives. They were
also enthusiastic about AI’s role in contributing to broad public-health programs built around
massive amounts of data that may be captured in the coming years about everything from personal
genomes to nutrition. Additionally, a number of these experts predicted that AI would abet long-
anticipated changes in formal and informal education systems.
Yet, most experts, regardless of whether they are optimistic or not, expressed concerns about the
long-term impact of these new tools on the essential elements of being human. All respondents in
this non-scientific canvassing were asked to elaborate on why they felt AI would leave people
better off or not. Many shared deep worries, and many also suggested pathways toward solutions.
The main themes they sounded about threats and remedies are outlined in the accompanying
AI and the future of humans: Experts express concerns and suggest solutions
CONCERNS Human agency: Decision-making on key aspects of digital life is automatically ceded to
Individuals are experiencing a code-driven, “black box” tools. People lack input and do not learn the
loss of control over their lives context about how the tools work. They sacrifice independence, privacy and
power over choice; they have no control over these processes. This effect
will deepen as automated systems become more prevalent and complex.
Data abuse: Most AI tools are and will be in the hands of companies striving for profits or
Data use and surveillance in governments striving for power. Values and ethics are often not baked into
complex systems is designed the digital systems making people’s decisions for them. These systems are
for profit or for exercising power globally networked and not easy to regulate or rein in.
Job loss: The efficiencies and other economic advantages of code-based machine
The AI takeover of jobs will intelligence will continue to disrupt all aspects of human work. While some
widen economic divides, expect new jobs will emerge, others worry about massive job losses,
leading to social upheaval widening economic divides and social upheavals, including populist
Dependence lock-in: Many see AI as augmenting human capacities but some predict the
Reduction of individuals’ opposite – that people’s deepening dependence on machine-driven
cognitive, social and survival networks will erode their abilities to think for themselves, take action
skills independent of automated systems and interact effectively with others.
Mayhem: Some predict further erosion of traditional sociopolitical structures and the
Autonomous weapons, possibility of great loss of lives due to accelerated growth of autonomous
cybercrime and weaponized military applications and the use of weaponized information, lies and
information propaganda to dangerously destabilize human groups. Some also fear
cybercriminals’ reach into economic systems.
SUGGESTED Global good is No. 1: Digital cooperation to serve humanity’s best interests is the top priority.
SOLUTIONS Improve human collaboration Ways must be found for people around the world to come to common
across borders and understandings and agreements – to join forces to facilitate the innovation
stakeholder groups of widely accepted approaches aimed at tackling wicked problems and
maintaining control over complex human-digital networks.
Prioritize people: Reorganize economic and political systems toward the goal of expanding
Alter economic and political humans’ capacities and capabilities in order to heighten human/AI
systems to better help humans collaboration and staunch trends that would compromise human relevance
‘race with the robots’ in the face of programmed intelligence.
“Please think forward to the year 2030. Analysts expect that people will
become even more dependent on networked artificial intelligence (AI) in
complex digital systems. Some say we will continue on the historic arc of
augmenting our lives with mostly positive results as we widely implement these
networked tools. Some say our increasing dependence on these AI and related
systems is likely to lead to widespread difficulties.
Our question: By 2030, do you think it is most likely that advancing AI and
related technology systems will enhance human capacities and empower them?
That is, most of the time, will most people be better off than they are today? Or
is it most likely that advancing AI and related technology systems will lessen
human autonomy and agency to such an extent that most people will not be
better off than the way things are today?”
Overall, and despite the downsides they fear, 63% of respondents in this canvassing said they are
hopeful that most individuals will be mostly better off in 2030, and 37% said people will not be
better off.
A number of the thought leaders who participated in this canvassing said humans’ expanding
reliance on technological systems will only go well if close attention is paid to how these tools,
platforms and networks are engineered, distributed and updated. Some of the powerful,
overarching answers included those from:
Sonia Katyal, co-director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology and a member of the
inaugural U.S. Commerce Department Digital Economy Board of Advisors, predicted, “In 2030,
the greatest set of questions will involve how perceptions of AI and their application will influence
the trajectory of civil rights in the future. Questions about privacy, speech, the right of assembly
and technological construction of personhood will all re-emerge in this new AI context, throwing
into question our deepest-held beliefs about equality and opportunity for all. Who will benefit and
who will be disadvantaged in this new world depends on how broadly we analyze these questions
today, for the future.”
Erik Brynjolfsson, director of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy and author of
“Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future,” said, “AI and related technologies
have already achieved superhuman performance in many areas, and there is little doubt that their
capabilities will improve, probably very significantly, by 2030. … I think it is more likely than not
that we will use this power to make the world a better place. For instance, we can virtually
eliminate global poverty, massively reduce disease and provide better education to almost
everyone on the planet. That said, AI and ML [machine learning] can also be used to increasingly
concentrate wealth and power, leaving many people behind, and to create even more horrifying
weapons. Neither outcome is inevitable, so the right question is not ‘What will happen?’ but ‘What
will we choose to do?’ We need to work aggressively to make sure technology matches our values.
This can and must be done at all levels, from government, to business, to academia, and to
individual choices.”
Bryan Johnson, founder and CEO of Kernel, a leading developer of advanced neural interfaces,
and OS Fund, a venture capital firm, said, “I strongly believe the answer depends on whether we
can shift our economic systems toward prioritizing radical human improvement and staunching
the trend toward human irrelevance in the face of AI. I don’t mean just jobs; I mean true,
existential irrelevance, which is the end result of not prioritizing human well-being and cognition.”
Marina Gorbis, executive director of the Institute for the Future, said, “Without significant
changes in our political economy and data governance regimes [AI] is likely to create greater
economic inequalities, more surveillance and more programmed and non-human-centric
interactions. Every time we program our environments, we end up programming ourselves and
our interactions. Humans have to become more standardized, removing serendipity and ambiguity
from our interactions. And this ambiguity and complexity is what is the essence of being human.”
Judith Donath, author of “The Social Machine, Designs for Living Online” and faculty fellow at
Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, commented, “By 2030, most
social situations will be facilitated by bots – intelligent-seeming programs that interact with us in
human-like ways. At home, parents will engage skilled bots to help kids with homework and
catalyze dinner conversations. At work, bots will run meetings. A bot confidant will be considered
essential for psychological well-being, and we’ll increasingly turn to such companions for advice
ranging from what to wear to whom to marry. We humans care deeply about how others see us –
and the others whose approval we seek will increasingly be artificial. By then, the difference
between humans and bots will have blurred considerably. Via screen and projection, the voice,
appearance and behaviors of bots will be indistinguishable from those of humans, and even
physical robots, though obviously non-human, will be so convincingly sincere that our impression
of them as thinking, feeling beings, on par with or superior to ourselves, will be unshaken. Adding
to the ambiguity, our own communication will be heavily augmented: Programs will compose
many of our messages and our online/AR appearance will [be] computationally crafted. (Raw,
unaided human speech and demeanor will seem embarrassingly clunky, slow and
unsophisticated.) Aided by their access to vast troves of data about each of us, bots will far surpass
humans in their ability to attract and persuade us. Able to mimic emotion expertly, they’ll never be
overcome by feelings: If they blurt something out in anger, it will be because that behavior was
calculated to be the most efficacious way of advancing whatever goals they had ‘in mind.’ But what
are those goals? Artificially intelligent companions will cultivate the impression that social goals
similar to our own motivate them – to be held in good regard, whether as a beloved friend, an
admired boss, etc. But their real collaboration will be with the humans and institutions that
control them. Like their forebears today, these will be sellers of goods who employ them to
stimulate consumption and politicians who commission them to sway opinions.”
Andrew McLaughlin, executive director of the Center for Innovative Thinking at Yale
University, previously deputy chief technology officer of the United States for President Barack
Obama and global public policy lead for Google, wrote, “2030 is not far in the future. My sense is
that innovations like the internet and networked AI have massive short-term benefits, along with
long-term negatives that can take decades to be recognizable. AI will drive a vast range of
efficiency optimizations but also enable hidden discrimination and arbitrary penalization of
individuals in areas like insurance, job seeking and performance assessment.”
Michael M. Roberts, first president and CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names
and Numbers (ICANN) and Internet Hall of Fame member, wrote, “The range of opportunities for
intelligent agents to augment human intelligence is still virtually unlimited. The major issue is that
the more convenient an agent is, the more it needs to know about you – preferences, timing,
capacities, etc. – which creates a tradeoff of more help requires more intrusion. This is not a black-
and-white issue – the shades of gray and associated remedies will be argued endlessly. The record
to date is that convenience overwhelms privacy. I suspect that will continue.”
danah boyd, a principal researcher for Microsoft and founder and president of the Data &
Society Research Institute, said, “AI is a tool that will be used by humans for all sorts of purposes,
including in the pursuit of power. There will be abuses of power that involve AI, just as there will
be advances in science and humanitarian efforts that also involve AI. Unfortunately, there are
certain trend lines that are likely to create massive instability. Take, for example, climate change
and climate migration. This will further destabilize Europe and the U.S., and I expect that, in
panic, we will see AI be used in harmful ways in light of other geopolitical crises.”
Amy Webb, founder of the Future Today Institute and professor of strategic foresight at New
York University, commented, “The social safety net structures currently in place in the U.S. and in
many other countries around the world weren’t designed for our transition to AI. The transition
through AI will last the next 50 years or more. As we move farther into this third era of computing,
and as every single industry becomes more deeply entrenched with AI systems, we will need new
hybrid-skilled knowledge workers who can operate in jobs that have never needed to exist before.
We’ll need farmers who know how to work with big data sets. Oncologists trained as robotocists.
Biologists trained as electrical engineers. We won’t need to prepare our workforce just once, with a
few changes to the curriculum. As AI matures, we will need a responsive workforce, capable of
adapting to new processes, systems and tools every few years. The need for these fields will arise
faster than our labor departments, schools and universities are acknowledging. It’s easy to look
back on history through the lens of present – and to overlook the social unrest caused by
widespread technological unemployment. We need to address a difficult truth that few are willing
to utter aloud: AI will eventually cause a large number of people to be permanently out of work.
Just as generations before witnessed sweeping changes during and in the aftermath of the
Industrial Revolution, the rapid pace of technology will likely mean that Baby Boomers and the
oldest members of Gen X – especially those whose jobs can be replicated by robots – won’t be able
to retrain for other kinds of work without a significant investment of time and effort.”
Barry Chudakov, founder and principal of Sertain Research, commented, “By 2030 the human-
machine/AI collaboration will be a necessary tool to manage and counter the effects of multiple
simultaneous accelerations: broad technology advancement, globalization, climate change and
attendant global migrations. In the past, human societies managed change through gut and
intuition, but as Eric Teller, CEO of Google X, has said, ‘Our societal structures are failing to keep
pace with the rate of change.’ To keep pace with that change and to manage a growing list of
‘wicked problems’ by 2030, AI – or using Joi Ito’s phrase, extended intelligence – will value and
revalue virtually every area of human behavior and interaction. AI and advancing technologies will
change our response framework and time frames (which in turn, changes our sense of time).
Where once social interaction happened in places – work, school, church, family environments –
social interactions will increasingly happen in continuous, simultaneous time. If we are fortunate,
we will follow the 23 Asilomar AI Principles outlined by the Future of Life Institute and will work
toward ‘not undirected intelligence but beneficial intelligence.’ Akin to nuclear deterrence
stemming from mutually assured destruction, AI and related technology systems constitute a force
for a moral renaissance. We must embrace that moral renaissance, or we will face moral
conundrums that could bring about human demise. ... My greatest hope for human-machine/AI
collaboration constitutes a moral and ethical renaissance – we adopt a moonshot mentality and
lock arms to prepare for the accelerations coming at us. My greatest fear is that we adopt the logic
of our emerging technologies – instant response, isolation behind screens, endless comparison of
self-worth, fake self-presentation – without thinking or responding smartly.”
John C. Havens, executive director of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and
Intelligent Systems and the Council on Extended Intelligence, wrote, “Now, in 2018, a majority of
people around the world can’t access their data, so any ‘human-AI augmentation’ discussions
ignore the critical context of who actually controls people’s information and identity. Soon it will
be extremely difficult to identify any autonomous or intelligent systems whose algorithms don’t
interact with human data in one form or another.”
Greg Shannon, chief scientist for the CERT Division at Carnegie Mellon University, said,
“Better/worse will appear 4:1 with the long-term ratio 2:1. AI will do well for repetitive work where
‘close’ will be good enough and humans dislike the work. … Life will definitely be better as AI
extends lifetimes, from health apps that intelligently ‘nudge’ us to health, to warnings about
impending heart/stroke events, to automated health care for the underserved (remote) and those
who need extended care (elder care). As to liberty, there are clear risks. AI affects agency by
creating entities with meaningful intellectual capabilities for monitoring, enforcing and even
punishing individuals. Those who know how to use it will have immense potential power over
those who don’t/can’t. Future happiness is really unclear. Some will cede their agency to AI in
games, work and community, much like the opioid crisis steals agency today. On the other hand,
many will be freed from mundane, unengaging tasks/jobs. If elements of community happiness
are part of AI objective functions, then AI could catalyze an explosion of happiness.”
James Scofield O'Rourke, a professor of management at the University of Notre Dame, said,
“Technology has, throughout recorded history, been a largely neutral concept. The question of its
value has always been dependent on its application. For what purpose will AI and other
technological advances be used? Everything from gunpowder to internal combustion engines to
nuclear fission has been applied in both helpful and destructive ways. Assuming we can contain or
control AI (and not the other way around), the answer to whether we’ll be better off depends
entirely on us (or our progeny). ‘The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we
are underlings.’”
Simon Biggs, a professor of interdisciplinary arts at the University of Edinburgh, said, “AI will
function to augment human capabilities. The problem is not with AI but with humans. As a species
we are aggressive, competitive and lazy. We are also empathic, community minded and
(sometimes) self-sacrificing. We have many other attributes. These will all be amplified. Given
historical precedent, one would have to assume it will be our worst qualities that are augmented.
My expectation is that in 2030 AI will be in routine use to fight wars and kill people, far more
effectively than we can currently kill. As societies we will be less affected by this as we currently
are, as we will not be doing the fighting and killing ourselves. Our capacity to modify our
behaviour, subject to empathy and an associated ethical framework, will be reduced by the
disassociation between our agency and the act of killing. We cannot expect our AI systems to be
ethical on our behalf – they won’t be, as they will be designed to kill efficiently, not thoughtfully.
My other primary concern is to do with surveillance and control. The advent of China’s Social
Credit System (SCS) is an indicator of what it likely to come. We will exist within an SCS as AI
constructs hybrid instances of ourselves that may or may not resemble who we are. But our rights
and affordances as individuals will be determined by the SCS. This is the Orwellian nightmare
Mark Surman, executive director of the Mozilla Foundation, responded, “AI will continue to
concentrate power and wealth in the hands of a few big monopolies based on the U.S. and China.
Most people – and parts of the world – will be worse off.”
William Uricchio, media scholar and professor of comparative media studies at MIT,
commented, “AI and its related applications face three problems: development at the speed of
Moore’s Law, development in the hands of a technological and economic elite, and development
without benefit of an informed or engaged public. The public is reduced to a collective of
consumers awaiting the next technology. Whose notion of ‘progress’ will prevail? We have ample
evidence of AI being used to drive profits, regardless of implications for long-held values; to
enhance governmental control and even score citizens’ ‘social credit’ without input from citizens
themselves. Like technologies before it, AI is agnostic. Its deployment rests in the hands of society.
But absent an AI-literate public, the decision of how best to deploy AI will fall to special interests.
Will this mean equitable deployment, the amelioration of social injustice and AI in the public
service? Because the answer to this question is social rather than technological, I’m pessimistic.
The fix? We need to develop an AI-literate public, which means focused attention in the
educational sector and in public-facing media. We need to assure diversity in the development of
AI technologies. And until the public, its elected representatives and their legal and regulatory
regimes can get up to speed with these fast-moving developments we need to exercise caution and
oversight in AI’s development.”
The remainder of this report is divided into three sections that draw from hundreds of additional
respondents’ hopeful and critical observations: 1) concerns about human-AI evolution, 2)
suggested solutions to address AI’s impact, and 3) expectations of what life will be like in 2030,
including respondents’ positive outlooks on the quality of life and the future of work, health care
and education. Some responses are lightly edited for style.
Autonomous systems can reduce or eliminate the need for human involvement in some tasks.
Today’s ever-advancing artificial narrow intelligence (ANI) tools – for instance, search engines
and digital “agents” such as Siri, Alexa and Cortana – are not close to reaching the goal of human-
like artificial general intelligence (AGI). They are, however, continually becoming more powerful
thanks to developments in machine learning and natural language processing and advances in
materials science, networking, energy-storage and hardware capabilities.
ANI is machine intelligence that equals or exceeds people’s abilities or efficiency at a specific task.
For years, code-based tools in robots and other systems have performed repetitive tasks like
factory-floor assembly activities. Today, these tools are quickly evolving to master human traits
such as reason, logic, learning, task-performance and creativity. Today’s smart, networked,
software-equipped devices, cars, digital assistants and platforms, such as Google search and
Facebook social mapping, accomplish extremely complex tasks. The systems underpinning today’s
global financial markets, businesses, militaries, police forces, and medical, energy and industrial
operations are all dependent upon networked AI of one type or another.
Many experts in this canvassing said that as AI advances human autonomy and agency are at risk.
They note that decision-making on key aspects of life is ceded to code-driven tools. Individuals
who function in this digital world sacrifice, to varying degrees, their independence, right to privacy
and power over choice. Many of the experts who worry about this say humans accede to this in
order to stay competitive, to participate socially and professionally in the world, to be entertained
and to get things done. They say people hand over some control of their lives because of the
perceived advantages they gain via digital tools – efficiency, convenience and superior pattern
recognition, data storage, and search-and-find capabilities. Here is a selection of responses from
these experts that touch on this:
Baratunde Thurston, futurist, former director of digital at The Onion and co-founder of
comedy/technology start-up Cultivated Wit, said, “For the record, this is not the future I want, but
it is what I expect given existing default settings in our economic and sociopolitical system
preferences. … The problems to which we are applying machine learning and AI are generally not
ones that will lead to a ‘better’ life for most people. That’s why I say in 2030, most people won’t be
better due to AI. We won’t be more autonomous; we will be more automated as we follow the
metaphorical GPS line through daily interactions. We don’t choose our breakfast or our morning
workouts or our route to work. An algorithm will make these choices for us in a way that
maximizes efficiency (narrowly defined) and probably also maximizes the profitability of the
service provider. By 2030, we may cram more activities and interactions into our days, but I don’t
think that will make our lives ‘better.’ A better life, by my definition, is one in which we feel more
valued and happy. Given that the biggest investments in AI are on behalf of marketing efforts
designed to deplete our attention and bank balances, I can only imagine this leading to days that
are more filled but lives that are less fulfilled. To create a different future, I believe we must
unleash these technologies toward goals beyond profit maximization. Imagine a mapping app that
plotted your work commute through the most beautiful route, not simply the fastest. Imagine a
communications app that facilitated deeper connections with people you deemed most important.
These technologies must be more people-centric. We need to ask that they ask us, ‘What is
important to you? How would you like to spend your time?’ But that’s not the system we’re
building. All those decisions have been hoarded by the unimaginative pursuit of profit.”
Thad Hall, a researcher and coauthor of “Politics for a Connected American Public,” added: “AI is
likely to have benefits – from improving medical diagnoses to improving people’s consumer
experiences. However, there are four aspects of AI that are very problematic. 1) It is likely to result
in more economic uncertainty and dislocation for people, including employment issues and more
need to change jobs to stay relevant. 2) AI will continue to erode people’s privacy as search
becomes more thorough. China’s monitoring of populations illustrates what this could look like in
authoritarian and Western countries, with greater facial recognition used to identify people and
affect their privacy. 3) AI will likely continue to have biases that are negative toward minority
populations, including groups we have not considered. Given that algorithms often have
identifiable biases (e.g., favoring people who are white or male), they likely also have biases that
are less well-recognized, such as biases that are negative toward people with disabilities, older
people or other groups. These biases may ripple through society in unknown ways. Some groups
are more likely to be monitored effectively. 4) AI is creating a world where reality can be
manipulated in ways we do not appreciate. Fake videos, audio and similar media are likely to
explode and create a world where ‘reality’ is hard to discern. The relativistic political world will
become more so, with people having evidence to support their own reality or multiple realities that
mean no one knows what is the ‘truth.’”
Thomas Schneider, head of International Relations Service and vice-director at the Federal
Office of Communications (OFCOM) in Switzerland, said, “AI will help mankind to be more
efficient, live safer and healthier, and manage resources like energy, transport, etc., more
efficiently. At the same time, there are a number of risks that AI may be used by those in power to
manipulate, control and dominate others. (We have seen this with every new technology: It can
and will be used for good and bad.) Much will depend about how AI will be governed: If we have
an inclusive and bottom-up governance system of well-informed citizens, then AI will be used for
improving our quality of life. If only a few people decide about how AI is used and what for, many
others will be dependent on the decisions of these few and risk being manipulated by them. The
biggest danger in my view is that there will be a greater pressure on all members of our societies to
live according to what ‘the system’ will tell us is ‘best for us’ to do and not to do, i.e., that we may
lose the autonomy to decide ourselves how we want to live our lives, to choose diverse ways of
doing things. With more and more ‘recommendations,’ ‘rankings’ and competition through social
pressure and control, we may risk a loss of individual fundamental freedoms (including but not
limited to the right to a private life) that we have fought for in the last decades and centuries.”
Bart Knijnenburg, assistant professor of computer science who is active in the Human Factors
Institute at Clemson University, said, “Whether AI will make our lives better depends on how it is
implemented. Many current AI systems (including adaptive content-presentation systems and so-
called recommender systems) try to avoid information and choice overload by replacing our
decision-making processes with algorithmic predictions. True empowerment will come from these
systems supporting rather than replacing our decision-making practices. This is the only way we
can overcome choice/information overload and at the same time avoid so-called ‘filter bubbles.’
For example, Facebook’s current post ranking systems will eventually turn us all into cat video
watching zombies, because they follow our behavioral patterns, which may not be aligned with our
preferences. The algorithms behind these tools need to support human agency, not replace it.”
Peter Reiner, professor and co-founder of the National Core for Neuroethics at the University of
British Columbia, commented, “I am confident that in 2030 both arms of this query will be true:
AI-driven algorithms will substantially enhance our abilities as humans and human autonomy and
agency will be diminished. Whether people will be better off than they are today is a separate
question, and the answer depends to a substantial degree on how looming technological
developments unfold. On the one hand, if corporate entities retain unbridled control over how AI-
driven algorithms interact with humans, people will be less well off, as the loss of autonomy and
agency will be largely to the benefit of the corporations. On the other hand, if ‘we the people’
demand that corporate entities deploy AI-algorithms in a manner that is sensitive to the issues of
human autonomy and agency, then there is a real possibility for us to be better off – enhanced by
the power of the AI-driven algorithm and yet not relegated to an impoverished seat at the
decision-making table. One could even parse this further, anticipating that certain decisions can
be comfortably left in the hands of the AI-driven algorithm, with other decisions either falling back
on humans or arrived at through a combination of AI-driven algorithmic input and human
decision making. If we approach these issues skillfully – and it will take quite a bit of collaborative
work between ethicists and industry – we can have the best of both worlds. On the other hand, if
we are lax in acting as watchdogs over industry we will be functionally rich and decisionally poor.”
Paul Vixie, an Internet Hall of Fame member known for designing and implementing several
Domain Name System protocol extensions and applications, wrote, “Understanding is a perfect
proxy for control. As we make more of the world’s economy non-understandable by the masses, we
make it easier for powerful interests to practice control. Real autonomy or privacy or
unpredictability will be seen as a threat and managed around.”
João Pedro Taveira, embedded systems researcher and smart grids architect for INOV INESC
Inovação in Portugal, wrote, “Basically, we will lose several degrees of freedom. Are we ready for
that? When we wake up to what is happening it might be too late to do anything about it. Artificial
intelligence is a subject that must be studied philosophically, in open-minded, abstract and
hypothetical ways. Using this perspective, the issues to be solved by humans are (but not limited
to) AI, feelings, values, motivation, free will, solidarity, love and hate. Yes, we will have serious
problems. Dropping the ‘artificial’ off AI, look at the concept of intelligence. As a computer-science
person, I know that so-called ‘AI’ studies how an agent (a software program) increases its
knowledge base using rules that are defined using pattern-recognition mechanisms. No matter
which mechanisms are used to generate this rule set, the result will be always behavioral profiling.
Right now, everybody uses and agrees to use a wide set of appliances, services and products
without a full understanding of the information that is being shared with enterprises, companies
and other parties. There’s a lack of needed regulation and audit mechanisms on who or what uses
our information and how it is used and whether it is stored for future use. Governments and others
will try to access this information using these tools by decree, arguing national security or
administration efficiency improvements. Enterprises and companies might argue that these tools
offer improvement of quality of service, but there’s no guarantee about individuals’ privacy,
anonymity, individual security, intractability and so on.”
Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, director of the Spanish National Research Council’s Artificial
Intelligence Research Institute, said, “I do not think it is a good idea to give high levels of
autonomy to AI systems. They are, and will be, weak AI systems without commonsense
knowledge. They will have more and more competence, yes, but this will be competence without
comprehension. AI machines should remain at the level of tools or, at most, assistants, always
keeping the human in the loop. We should all read or re-read the book ‘Computer Power and
Human Reason’ by Joseph Weizenbaum before deciding whether or not to give lots of autonomy
to stupid machines.”
Robert Epstein, senior research psychologist at the American Institute for Behavioral Research
and Technology and the founding director of the Loebner Prize, a competition in artificial
intelligence, said, “By 2030, it is likely that AIs will have achieved a type of sentience, even if it is
not human-like. They will also be able to exercise varying degrees of control over most human
communications, financial transactions, transportation systems, power grids and weapon systems.
As I noted in my 2008 book, ‘Parsing the Turing Test,’ they will reside in the ‘InterNest’ we have
been building for them, and we will have no way of dislodging them. How they decide to deal with
humanity – to help us, ignore us or destroy us – will be entirely up to them, and there is no way
currently to predict which avenue they will choose. Because a few paranoid humans will almost
certainly try to destroy the new sentient AIs, there is at least a reasonable possibility that that they
will swat us like the flies we are – the possibility that Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk and others
have warned about. There is no way, to my knowledge, of stopping this future from emerging.
Driven by the convenience of connectivity, the greed that underlies business expansion and the
Brian Behlendorf, executive director of the Hyperledger project at The Linux Foundation and
expert in blockchain technology, wrote, “I am concerned that AI will not be a democratizing
power, but will enhance further the power and wealth of those who already hold it. This is because
more data means better AI, and data is expensive to acquire, especially personal data, the most
valuable kind. This is in contrast to networking technologies, whose benefits were shared fairly
widely as the prices for components came down equally fast for everyone. One other reason: AI
apps will be harder to debug than ordinary apps, and we already see hard-to-debug applications
leading to disenfranchisement and deterioration of living. So, I do not take as a given that AI will
enrich ‘most’ people's lives over the next 12 years.”
Eileen Donahoe, executive director of the Global Digital Policy Incubator at Stanford University,
commented, “While I do believe human-machines collaboration will bring many benefits to society
over time, I fear that we will not have made enough progress by 2030 to ensure that benefits will
be spread evenly or to protect against downside risks, especially as they relate to bias,
discrimination and loss of accountability by that time.”
result in a form of ‘indentured servitude’ or ‘neo-feudalism’ that is not people-centered and not
uplifting of people. Machines amplify existing confirmation biases and other human
characteristics resulting in sensationalist, emotion-ridden news and other communications that
gets page views and ad-clicks yet lack nuance of understanding, resulting in tribalism and a
devolution of open societies and pluralities to the detriment of the global human condition.”
Bernie Hogan, senior research fellow at Oxford Internet Institute, wrote, “The current political
and economic climate suggests that existing technology, especially machine learning, will be used
to create better decisions for those in power while creating an ever more tedious morass of
bureaucracy for the rest. We see little example of successful bottom-up technology, open source
technology and hacktivism relative to the encroaching surveillance state and attention economy.”
Dan Buehrer, a retired professor of computer science formerly with the National Chung Cheng
University in Taiwan, warned, “Statistics will be replaced by individualized models, thus allowing
control of all individuals by totalitarian states and, eventually, by socially intelligent machines.”
Katja Grace, contributor to the AI Impacts research project and a research associate with the
Machine Intelligence Research Institute, said, “There is a substantial chance that AI will leave
everyone worse off, perhaps radically so. The chance is less than 50 percent, but the downside risk
is so large that there could be an expectation the world might be worse for AI.”
David A. Banks, an associate research analyst with the Social Science Research Council, said, “AI
will be very useful to a small professional class but will be used to monitor and control everyone
Luis German Rodriguez Leal, teacher and researcher at the Universidad Central de Venezuela
and consultant on technology for development, said, “Humankind is not addressing properly the
issue of educating people about possibilities and risks of human-machine/AI collaboration. One
can observe today the growing problems of ill-intentioned manipulation of information and
technological resources. There are already plenty of examples about how decision-making is
biased using big data, machine learning, privacy violations and social networks (just to mention a
few elements) and one can see that the common citizen is unaware of how much of his/her will
does not belong to him/her. This fact has a meaningful impact on our social, political, economic
and private life. We are not doing enough to attend to this issue, and it is getting very late.”
Alan Mutter, a longtime Silicon Valley CEO, cable TV executive and now a teacher of media
economics and entrepreneurism at the University of California, Berkeley, said, “The danger is that
we will surrender thinking, exploring and experimentation to tools that hew to the rules but can’t
color outside the lines. Would you like computers to select the president or decide if you need hip
Dan Geer, a respondent who provided no identifying details, commented, “If you believe, as do I,
that having a purpose to one’s life is all that enables both pride and happiness, then the question
becomes whether AI will or will not diminish purpose. For the irreligious, AI will demolish
purpose, yet if AI is truly intelligent, then AI will make serving it the masses’ purpose. Ergo ...”
David J. Krieger, co-director of the Institute for Communication & Leadership in Lucerne,
Switzerland, wrote, “The affordances of digital technologies bind people into information networks
such that the network becomes the actor and intelligence as well as agency are qualities of the
network as a whole and not any individual actors, whether human or non-human. Networks will
have access to much more information than do any present-day actors and therefore be able to
navigate complex environments, e.g., self-driving cars, personal assistants, smart cities. Typically,
we will consult and cooperate with networks in all areas, but the price will be that we have no such
thing as privacy. Privacy is indeed dead, but in the place of personal privacy management there
will be network publicy governance [‘publicy’ is the opposite of privacy]. To ensure the use of these
technologies for good instead of evil it will be necessary to dismantle and replace current divides
between government and governed, workers and capitalists as well as to establish a working global
Wendy M. Grossman, author of “net.wars” and technology blogger, wrote, “2030 is 12 years
from now. I believe human-machine AI collaboration will be successful in many areas, but that we
will be seeing, like we are now over Facebook and other social media, serious questions about
ownership and who benefits. It seems likely that the limits of what machines can do will be
somewhat clearer than they are now, when we’re awash in hype. We will know by then, for
example, how successful self-driving cars are going to be, and the problems inherent in handing
off control from humans to machines in a variety of areas will also have become clearer. The big
fight is to keep people from relying on experimental systems and turning off the legacy ones too
soon – which is our current situation with the internet.”
Karl M. van Meter, founding editor of the Bulletin of Sociological Methodology and author of
“Computational Social Science in the Age of Big Data,” said, “The well-being of the world’s
population depends on governments making ‘intelligent’ decisions based on AI or other means.
Moreover, environmental change may well be the determining factor for future well-being, with or
without ‘intelligent’ decisions by world governments.”
Andrew Whinston, computer science professor and director of the Center for Research in
Electronic Commerce at the University of Texas at Austin, said, “There are several issues. First,
security problems do not get the attention needed. Secondly, there may be use of the technology to
control the population – as we see developing in China. AI methodology is focused on prediction,
at least so far, so methods to improve health or general welfare are lacking. Deep learning, which is
getting the big hype, does not have a clear foundation. That makes it scientifically weak.”
An information administration manager responded, “We cede more and more decision-
making and policy making to self-interested parties in the private sphere. Our institutions are
insufficiently nimble to keep up with the policy questions that arise and attempts to regulate new
industries are subverted by corrupt money politics at both the federal and state levels.”
An internet pioneer said, “Nothing in our current social, economic or political structures points
to a positive outcome. There is no evidence that more AI will improve the lives of most people. In
fact, the opposite is likely to be the case. There will be more unemployment, less privacy, etc.”
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents also tie into human agency:
▪ An Internet Hall of Fame member commented, “AI will not leave most people better
off than they are today because individuals will not be able to control their lives.”
▪ A professor of AI and soft computing at a university in Italy said, “Development
has brought humanity past the boundary, the survival limit; it is too easy to control
technology in ways that are dangerous for people.”
▪ An assistant professor of social justice wrote, “Technology magnifies what exists (for
good or bad). There is simply more bad than good to be magnified.”
▪ A professor of digital humanities at a Silicon-Valley-area university said, “Given
increasing income disparity in much of the world, my fear is that AI will be used to repress
the disenfranchised and create even more privilege for the few.”
▪ A distinguished engineer and chief scientist at major technology companies
commented, “Large actors will use AI for their benefit. Individual customers may have
some benefits as a side effect, at a cost of lower autonomy.”
▪ A professor of electrical engineering and innovation based in Europe said,
“People will lose control of their lives, which will remain in the hands of a small group of
experts or companies.”
▪ A respondent based in Turkey wrote, “Due to unknown logic of algorithms we will lose
our autonomy over our lives and everyday life decisions; humankind is depending on AI
and not learning to be algorithmically literate.”
▪ An engineer and chief operating officer said, “AI will be used to suppress rights.”
▪ A technology fellow for a global organization commented, “I fear that AI will control
many background choices with great implicating effects.”
Who decides what about people’s code-defined lives, when, where, why and how? Many of these
respondents cited concerns that the future of AI will be shaped by those driven by profit motives
and power thirst. They note that many AI tools rely on individuals’ sharing of information,
preferences, search strategies and data. Human values and ethics are not necessarily baked into
the systems making peoples’ decisions for them. These experts worry that data-based decision-
making can be prone to errors, biases, and false logic or mistaken assumptions. And these experts
argue that machine-based decisions often favor “efficiencies” in the name of profit or power that
are extremely unfavorable to individuals and the betterment of the human condition.
Michael Kleeman, a senior fellow at the University of California, San Diego and board member
at the Institute for the Future, wrote, “The utilization of AI will be disproportionate and biased
toward those with more resources. In general, it will reduce autonomy, and, coupled with big data,
it will reduce privacy and increase social control. There will be some areas where IA [intelligence
augmentation] helps make things easier and safer, but by and large it will be a global net negative.”
Justin Reich, executive director of MIT Teaching Systems Lab and research scientist in the MIT
Office of Digital Learning, responded, “Systems for human-AI collaborations will be built by
powerful, affluent people to solve the problems of powerful, affluent people. In the hands of
autocratic leaders, AI will become a powerful tool of surveillance and control. In capitalist
economies, human-AI collaboration will be deployed to find new, powerful ways of surveilling and
controlling workers for the benefit of more-affluent consumers.”
Seth Finkelstein, consulting programmer at Finkelstein Consulting and EFF Pioneer Award
winner, commented, “AI depends on algorithms and data. Who gets to code the algorithms and to
challenge the results? Is the data owned as private property, and who can change it? As a very
simple example, let’s take the topic of algorithmic recommendations for articles to read. Do they
get tuned to produce suggestions which lead to more informative material – which, granted, is a
relatively difficult task, and fraught with delicate determinations? Or are they optimized for
ATTENTION! CLICKS! *OUTRAGE*!? To be sure, the latter is cheap and easy – and though it has
its own share of political problems, they’re often more amenable to corporate management (i.e.,
what’s accurate vs. what’s unacceptable). There's a whole structure of incentives that will push
toward one outcome or the other.”
Douglas Rushkoff, professor of media at City University of New York, responded, “The main
reason I believe AI’s impact will be mostly negative is that we will be applying it mostly toward the
needs of the market, rather than the needs of human beings. So while AI might get increasingly
good at extracting value from people, or manipulating people’s behavior toward more
consumption and compliance, much less attention will likely be given to how AI can actually create
value for people. Even the most beneficial AI is still being measured in terms of its ability to
provide utility, value or increase in efficiency – fine values, sure, but not the only ones that matter
to quality of life.”
Annalie Killian, futurist and vice president for strategic partnerships at Sparks & Honey, wrote,
“More technology does not make us more human; we have evidence for that now within 10 years of
combining the smartphone device with persuasive and addictive designs that shape and hijack
behavior. Technologists who are using emotional analytics, image-modification technologies and
other hacks of our senses are destroying the fragile fabric of trust and truth that is holding our
society together at a rate much faster than we are adapting and compensating – let alone
comprehending what is happening. The sophisticated tech is affordable and investible in the hands
of very few people who are enriching themselves and growing their power exponentially, and these
actors are NOT acting in the best interest of all people.”
Collin Baker, senior AI researcher at the International Computer Science Institute at the
University of California, Berkeley, commented, “I fear that advances in AI will be turned largely to
the service of nation states and mega-corporations, rather than be used for truly constructive
purposes. The positive potential, particularly in education and health care, is enormous, but
people will have to fight to make it come about. … I hope that AI will get much better at
understanding Gricean maxims for cooperative discourse and at understanding people's beliefs,
intentions and plans.”
Brian Harvey, lecturer on the social implications of computer technology at the University of
California, Berkeley, said, “The question makes incorrect presuppositions, encapsulated in the
word ‘we.’ There is no we; there are the owners and the workers. The owners (the 0.1%) will be
better off because of AI. The workers (bottom 95%) will be worse off, as long as there are owners to
own the AI, same as for any piece of technology.”
Devin Fidler, futurist and founder of Rethinkery Labs commented, “If earlier industrialization is
any guide, we may be moving into a period of intensified creative destruction as AI technologies
become powerful enough to overturn the established institutions and the ordering systems of
modern societies. If the holes punched in macro-scale organizational systems are not explicitly
addressed and repaired, there will be increased pressures on everyday people as they face not only
the problems of navigating an unfamiliar new technology landscape themselves, but also the
systemic failure of institutions they rely on that have failed to adapt.”
An anonymous respondent said, “My fear is that technology will further separate us from what
makes us human and sensitive to others. My hope is that technology would be used to improve the
quality of living, not supplant it. Much of the AI innovation is simply clogging our senses, stealing
our time, increasing the channels and invasion of adverts. This has destroyed our phones, filled
our mailboxes and crowded our email. No product is worth that level of incursion.”
Paola Perez, vice president of the Internet Society’s Venezuela chapter and chair of the LACNIC
Public Policy Forum, responded, “Humans will be better with AI. Many problems will be solved,
but many jobs are going to disappear, and there may be more poor people as a result. Will we see
life extension? Maybe, and maybe not, because our dependence on technology may also be
destructive to our health.”
Eliot Lear, principal engineer at Cisco Systems, predicted, “AI and tech will not leave most
people better off than they are today. As always, technology outpaces our ability to understand its
ramifications so as to properly govern its use. I have no reason to believe that we will have caught
up by 2030.”
Olivia Coombe, a respondent who provided no identifying details, wrote, “Children learn from
their parents. As AI systems become more complex and are given increasingly important roles in
the functioning of day-to-day life, we should ask ourselves what are we teaching our artificial
digital children? If we conceive and raise them in a world of individual self-interest, will they just
strengthen these existing, and often oppressive, systems of capitalist competition? Or could they
go their own way, aspiring to a life of entrepreneurship to collaboration? Worse yet, will they see
the reverence we hold for empires and seek to build their own through conquest?”
Peter Asaro, a professor at The New School and philosopher of science, technology and media
who examines artificial intelligence and robotics, commented, “AI will produce many advantages
for many people, but it will also exacerbate many forms of inequality in society. It is likely to
benefit a small group who design and control the technology greatly, benefit a fairly larger group of
the already well-off in many ways, but also potentially harm them in other ways, and for the vast
majority of people in the world it will offer few visible benefits and be perceived primarily as a tool
of the wealthy and powerful to enhance their wealth and power.”
Mark Deuze, a professor of media studies at the University of Amsterdam, wrote, “With the
advances in AI and tech, the public debate grows over their impact. It is this debate that will
contribute to the ethical and moral dimensions of AI, hopefully inspiring a society-wide discussion
on what we want from tech and how we will take responsibility for that desire.”
Rob Frieden, professor and Pioneers Chair in Telecommunications and Law at Penn State
University, said, “Any intelligent system depends on the code written to support it. If the code is
flawed, the end product reflects those flaws. An old-school acronym spells this out: GIGO, Garbage
In, Garbage Out. I have little confidence that AI can incorporate any and every real-world scenario,
even with likely developments in machine learning. As AI expands in scope and reach, defects will
have ever increasing impacts, largely on the negative side of the ledger.”
Anthony Judge, author, futurist, editor of the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human
Potential, and former head of the Union of International Associations, said, “AI will offer greater
possibilities. My sense is that it will empower many (most probably 1% to 30%) and will
disempower many (if not 99%). Especially problematic will be the level of complexity created for
the less competent (notably the elderly) as is evident with taxation and banking systems – issues
to which sysadmins are indifferent. For some it will be a boon – proactive companions (whether
for quality dialogue or sex). Sysadmins will build in unfortunate biases. Missing will be the
enabling of interdisciplinarity – as has long been possible but carefully designed out for the most
dubious divide-and-rule reasons. Blinkered approaches and blind spots will set the scene for
unexpected disasters – currently deniably incomprehensible (Black Swan effect). Advantages for
governance will be questionable. Better oversight will be dubiously enabled.”
Stephanie Perrin, president of Digital Discretion, a data-privacy consulting firm, wrote, “There
is a likelihood that, given the human tendency to identify risk when looking at the unknown future,
AI will be used to attempt to predict risk. In other words, more and deeper surveillance will be
used to determine who is a good citizen (purchaser, employee, student, etc.) and who [is] bad. This
will find itself into public-space surveillance systems, employee-vetting systems (note the current
court case where LinkedIn is suing data scrapers who offer to predict ‘flight risk’ employees), and
all kinds of home-management systems and intelligent cars. While this might possibly introduce a
measure of safety in some applications, the impact of fear that comes with unconscious awareness
of surveillance will have a severe impact on creativity and innovation. We need that creativity as
we address massive problems in climate change and reversing environmental impacts, so I tend to
be pessimistic about outcomes.”
Alistair Knott, an associate professor specializing in cognitive science and AI at the University of
Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand, wrote “AI has the potential for both positive and negative
impacts on society. [Negative impacts are rooted in] the current dominance of transnational
companies (and tech companies in particular) in global politics. These companies are likely to
appropriate the majority of advances in AI technology – and they are unlikely to spread the benefit
of these advances throughout society. We are currently witnessing an extraordinary concentration
of wealth in the hands of a tiny proportion of the world’s population. This is largely due to the
mainstreaming of neoliberalism in the world’s dominant economies – but it is intensified by the
massive success of tech companies, which achieve huge profits with relatively small workforces.
The advance of AI technologies is just going to continue this trend, unless quite draconian political
changes are effected that bring transnational companies under proper democratic control.”
Richard Forno, of the Center for Cybersecurity at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County,
wrote, “AI is only as ‘smart’ and efficient as its human creators can make it. If AI in things like
Facebook algorithms is causing this much trouble now, what does the future hold? The problem is
less AI’s evolution and more about how humankind develops and uses it – that is where the real
crisis in AI will turn out.”
Sam Punnett, research and strategy officer at TableRock Media, wrote, “The preponderance of
AI-controlled systems are designed to take collected data and enable control advantage. Most of
the organizations with the resources to develop these systems do so to enable advantages in
commercial/financial transactions, manufacturing efficiency and surveillance. Self-regulation by
industry has already been shown to fail (e.g., social media platforms and Wall Street). Government
agencies are lagging in their will and understanding of the implications of the technology to
effectively implement guidelines to curtail the impacts of unforeseen circumstances. As such,
government participation will be reactive to the changes that the technology will bring. My
greatest fear is a reliance on faulty algorithms that absolve responsibility while failing to account
for exceptions.”
Stavros Tripakis, an associate professor of computer science at Aalto University in Finland and
adjunct professor at the University of California, Berkeley, wrote, “‘1984,’ George Orwell, police
A principal architect for a top-five technology company commented, “AI will enable
vicious regimes to track citizens at all times. Mistaken identifications will put innocent people in
jail and even execute them with no hope of appeal. In general, AI will only have a positive
contribution in truly democratic states, which are dwindling in number.”
John Sniadowski, a director for a technology company, wrote, “As technology is currently
instantiated it simply concentrates power into a smaller number of international corporations.
That needs fixing for everyone to gain the best from AI.”
David Brake, senior lecturer in communications at the University of Bedfordshire, UK, said,
“Like many colleagues I fear that AI will be framed as ‘neutral’ and ‘objective’ and thereby used as
cover to make decisions that would be considered unfair if made by a human. If we do not act to
properly regulate the use of AI we will not be able to interrogate the ways that AI decision-making
is constructed or audit them to ensure their decisions are indeed fair. Decisions may also be made
(even more than today) based on a vast array of collected data and if we are not careful we will be
unable to control the flows of information about us used to make those decisions or to correct
misunderstandings or errors which can follow us around indefinitely. Imagine being subject to
repeated document checks as you travel around the country because you know a number of people
who are undocumented immigrants and your movements therefore fit the profile of an illegal
immigrant. And you are not sure whether to protest because you don’t know whether such protests
could encourage an algorithm to put you into a ‘suspicious’ category which could get you harassed
even more often.”
Joshua Loftus, assistant professor of information, operations and management sciences at New
York University and co-author of “Counterfactual Fairness in Machine Learning,” commented,
“How have new technologies shaped our lives in the past? It depends on the law, market structure
and who wields political power. In the present era of extreme inequality and climate catastrophe, I
expect technologies to be used by employers to make individual workers more isolated and
contingent, by apps to make users more addicted on a second-by-second basis, and by
governments for surveillance and increasingly strict border control.”
Eugene H. Spafford, internet pioneer and founder and executive director emeritus of the Center
for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security, commented, “Without active
controls and limits, the primary adopters of AI systems will be governments and large
corporations. Their use of it will be to dominate/control people, and this will not make our lives
Michael Muller, a researcher in the AI interactions group for a global technology solutions
provider, said it will leave some people better off and others not, writing, “For the wealthy and
empowered, AI will help them with their daily lives – and it will probably help them to increase
their wealth and power. For the rest of us, I anticipate that AI will help the wealthy and
empowered people to surveil us, to manipulate us, and (in some cases) to control us or even
imprison us. For those of us who do not have the skills to jump to the AI-related jobs, I think we
will find employment scarce and without protections. In my view, AI will be a mixed and
intersectional blessing at best.”
Estee Beck, assistant professor at the University of Texas at Arlington and author of “A Theory of
Persuasive Computer Algorithms for Rhetorical Code Studies,” responded, “Tech design and policy
affects our privacy in the United States so much so that most people do not think about the
tracking of movements, behaviors and attitudes from smartphones, social media, search engines,
ISPs [internet service providers] and even Internet of Things-enabled devices. Until tech designers
and engineers build privacy into each design and policy decision for consumers, any advances with
human-machine/AI collaboration will leave consumers with less security and privacy.”
Michael H. Goldhaber, an author, consultant and theoretical physicist who wrote early
explorations on the digital attention economy, said, “For those without internet connection now,
its expansion will probably be positive overall. For the rest we will see an increasing arms race
between uses of control, destructive anarchism, racism, etc., and ad hoc, from-below efforts at
promoting social and environmental good. Organizations and states will seek more control to
block internal or external attacks of many sorts. The combined struggles will take up an increasing
proportion of the world’s attention, efforts and so forth. I doubt that any very viable and
democratic, egalitarian order will emerge over the next dozen years, and – even in a larger time
frame – good outcomes are far from guaranteed.”
Dave Burstein, editor and publisher at Fast Net News, said, “There’s far too much second-rate
AI that is making bad decisions based on inadequate statistical understanding. For example, a
parole or sentencing AI probably would find a correlation between growing up in a single parent
household and likelihood of committing another crime. Confounding variables, like the poverty of
so many single mothers, need to be understood and dealt with. I believe it’s wrong for someone to
be sent to jail longer because their father left. That kind of problem, confounding variables and the
inadequacy of ‘preponderant’ data, is nearly ubiquitous in AI in practice.”
Ian Peter, pioneer internet activist and internet rights advocate, said, “Personal data
accumulation is reaching a point where privacy and freedom from unwarranted surveillance are
disappearing. In addition, the algorithms that control usage of such data are becoming more and
more complex leading to inevitable distortions. Henry Kissinger may have not been far off the
mark when he described artificial intelligence as leading to ‘The End of the Age of
Michael Zimmer, associate professor and privacy and information ethics scholar at the
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, commented, “I am increasingly concerned that AI-driven
decision making will perpetuate existing societal biases and injustices, while obscuring these
harms under the false belief such systems are ‘neutral.’”
Martin Shelton, a professional technologist, commented, “There are many kinds of artificial
intelligence – some kinds reliant on preset rules to appear ‘smart,’ and some which respond to
changing conditions in the world. But because AI can be used anywhere we can recognize patterns,
the potential uses for artificial intelligence are pretty huge. The question is, how will it be used? …
While these tools will become cheaper and more widespread, we can expect that – like
smartphones or web connectivity – their uses will be primarily driven by commercial interests.
We’re beginning to see the early signs of AI failing to make smart predictions in larger institutional
contexts. If Amazon fails to correctly suggest the right product in the future, everything is fine. You
bought a backpack once, and now Amazon thinks you want more backpacks, forever. It’ll be okay.
But sometimes these decisions have enormous stakes. ProPublica documented how automated
‘risk-assessment’ software used in U.S. courtroom sentencing procedures is only slightly more
accurate at predicting recidivism than the flip of a coin. Likewise, hospitals using IBM Watson to
make predictions about cancer treatments find the software often gives advice that humans would
not. To mitigate harm in high-stakes situations, we must critically interrogate how our
assumptions about our data and the rules that we use to create our AI promote harm.”
Nigel Hickson, an expert on technology policy development for ICANN based in Brussels,
responded, “I am optimistic that AI will evolve in a way that benefits society by improving
processes and giving people more control over what they do. This will only happen though if the
technologies are deployed in a way in which benefits all. My fear is that in non-democratic
countries, AI will lessen freedom, choice and hope.”
intelligence agencies then also make use of such data acquisitions, frequently circumventing
privacy safeguards or legal constraints.”
Tom Slee, senior product manager at SAP SE and author of “What’s Yours is Mine: Against the
Sharing Economy,” wrote, “Many aspects of life will be made easier and more efficient by AI. But
moving a decision such as health care or workplace performance to AI turns it into a data-driven
decision driven by optimization of some function, which in turn demands more data. Adopting AI-
driven insurance ratings, for example, demands more and more lifestyle data from the insured if it
is to produce accurate overall ratings. Optimized data-driven decisions about our lives unavoidably
require surveillance, and once our lifestyle choices become input for such decisions we lose
individual autonomy. In some cases we can ignore this data collection, but we are in the early days
of AI-driven decisions: By 2030 I fear the loss will be much greater. I do hope I am wrong.”
A senior researcher and programmer for a major global think tank commented, “I
expect AI to be embedded in systems, tools, etc., to make them more useful. However, I am
concerned that AI’s role in decision-making will lead to more-brittle processes where exceptions
are more difficult than today – this is not a good thing.”
Jenni Mechem, a respondent who provided no identifying details, said, “My two primary
reasons for saying that advances in AI will not benefit most people by 2030 are, first, there will
continue to be tremendous inequities in who benefits from these advances, and second, if the
development of AI is controlled by for-profit entities there will be tremendous hidden costs and
people will yield control over vast areas of their lives without realizing it. … The examples of
Facebook as a faux community commons bent on extracting data from its users and of pervasive
internet censoring in China should teach us that neither for-profit corporations nor government
can be trusted to guide technology in a manner that truly benefits everyone. Democratic
governments that enforce intelligent regulations as the European Union has done on privacy may
offer the best hope.”
Suso Baleato, a fellow at Harvard University’s Institute of Quantitative Social Science and liaison
for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)’s Committee on Digital
Economy Policy, commented, “The intellectual property framework impedes the necessary
accountability of the underlying algorithms, and the lack of efficient redistributive economic
policies will continue amplifying the bias of the datasets.”
Michiel Leenaars, director of strategy at NLnet Foundation and director of the Internet
Society’s Netherlands chapter, responded, “Achieving trust is not the real issue; achieving
trustworthiness and real empowerment of the individual is. As the technology that to a large extent
determines the informational self disappears – or in practical terms is placed out of local control,
going ‘underground’ under the perfect pretext of needing networked AI – the balance between
societal well-being and human potential on the one hand and corporate ethics and opportunistic
business decisions on the other stands to be disrupted. Following the typical winner-takes-all
scenario the internet is known to produce, I expect that different realms of the internet will
become even less transparent and more manipulative. For the vast majority of people (especially
in non-democracies) there already is little real choice but to move and push along with the
Mike O'Connor, a retired technologist who worked at ICANN and on national broadband issues,
commented, “I'm feeling ‘internet-pioneer regret’ about the Internet of S*** that is emerging from
the work we’ve done over the last few decades. I actively work to reduce my dependence on
internet-connected devices and the amount of data that is collected about me and my family. I will
most certainly work equally hard to avoid human/AI devices/connections. I earnestly hope that
I’m resoundingly proven wrong in this view when 2030 arrives.”
Luke Stark, a fellow in the department of sociology at Dartmouth College and at Harvard
University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, wrote, “AI technologies run the risk of
providing a comprehensive infrastructure for corporate and state surveillance more granular and
all-encompassing than any previous such regime in human history.”
Zoetanya Sujon, a senior lecturer specializing in digital culture at the University of the Arts
London, commented, “Like the history of so many technologies show us, AI will not be the magic
solution to the world’s problems or to symbolic and economic inequalities. Instead, AI is most
benefitting those with the most power.”
Larry Lannom, internet pioneer and vice president at the Corporation for National Research
Initiatives (CNRI), said, “I am hopeful that networked human-machine interaction will improve
the general quality of life. ... My fear: Will all of the benefits of more-powerful artificial intelligence
benefit the human race as a whole or simply the thin layer at the top of the social hierarchy that
owns the new advanced technologies?”
An anonymous respondent said, “In the area of health care alone there will be tremendous
benefits for those who can afford medicine employing AI. But at the same time, there is an
enormous potential for widening inequality and for abuse. We can see the tip of this iceberg now
with health insurance companies today scooping up readily available, poorly protected third-party
data that will be used to discriminate.”
A senior data analyst and systems specialist expert in complex networks responded,
“Artificial intelligence software will implement the priorities of the entities that funded
development of the software. In some cases, this will [be] a generic service sold to the general
public (much as we now have route-planning software in GPS units), and this will provide a
definite benefit to consumers. In other cases, software will operate to the benefit of a large
company but to the detriment of consumers (for example, calculating a price for a product that will
be the highest that a given customer is prepared to pay). In yet a third category, software will
provide effective decision-making in areas ranging from medicine to engineering, but will do so at
the cost of putting human beings out of work.”
A digital rights activist commented, “AI is already (through racial recognition, in particular)
technologically laundering longstanding and pervasive bias in the context of police surveillance.
Without algorithmic transparency and transparency into training data, AIs can be bent to any
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents also tie into this theme:
▪ “The panopticon and invasion of all personal aspects of our lives is already complete.”
▪ “AI will allow greater control by the organized forces of tyranny, greater exploitation by the
organized forces of greed and open a Pandora’s box of a future that we as a species are not
mature enough to deal with.”
▪ “The combination of widespread device connectivity and various forms of AI will provide a
more pleasant everyday experience but at the expense of an even further loss of privacy.”
▪ “I have two fears 1) loss of privacy and 2) building a ‘brittle’ system that fails
▪ “AI strategic decisions with the most clout are made by corporations and they do not aim
for human well-being in opposition to corporate profitability.”
▪ “Data is too controlled by corporations and not individuals, and privacy is eroding as
surveillance and stalking options have grown unchecked.”
▪ “The capabilities are not shared equally, so the tendency will be toward surveillance by
those with power to access the tools; verbal and visual are coming together with capacities
to sort and focus the masses of data.”
▪ “Knowing humanity, I assume particularly wealthy, white males will be better off, while the
rest of humanity will suffer from it.”
One of the chief fears about today’s technological change is the possibility that autonomous
hardware and software systems will cause millions of people globally to lose their jobs and, as a
result, their means for affording life’s necessities and participating in society. Many of these
experts say new jobs will emerge along with the growth of AI just as they have historically during
nearly every human transition to new tools.
Brad Templeton, chair for computing at Singularity University, said, “While obviously there will
be good and bad, the broad history of automation technologies is positive, even when it comes to
jobs. There is more employment today than ever in history.”
Ben Shneiderman, distinguished professor and founder of the Human Computer Interaction
Lab at the University of Maryland, said, “Automation is largely a positive force, which increases
productivity, lowers costs and raises living standards. Automation expands the demand for
services, thereby raising employment, which is what has happened at Amazon and FedEx. My
position is contrary to those who believe that robots and artificial intelligence will lead to
widespread unemployment. Over time I think AI/machine learning strategies will become merely
tools embedded in ever-more-complex technologies for which human control and responsibility
will become clearer.”
standards. AI has the potential to play an important role in boosting productivity and living
Toby Walsh, a professor of AI at the University of New South Wales in Australia and president of
the AI Access Foundation, said, “I'm pessimistic in short term – we're seeing already technologies
like AI being used to make life worse for many – but I'm optimistic in long term that we’ll work out
how to get machines to do the dirty, dull, dangerous and difficult, and leave us free to focus on all
the more-important and human parts of our lives.”
Yet many others disagree. Some fear the collapse of the middle class and social and economic
upheaval if most of the world’s economic power is held by a handful of technology behemoths that
are reaping the great share of financial rewards in the digital age while employing far fewer people
than the leading companies of the industrial age. A fairly large share of these experts warn that if
steps are not taken now to adjust to this potential future that AI’s radical reduction in human work
will be devastating.”
David Cake, an leader with Electronic Frontiers Australia and vice-chair of the ICANN Generic
Names Supporting Organization Council, wrote, “The greatest fear is that the social disruption due
to changing employment patterns will be handled poorly and lead to widespread social issues.”
Jerry Michalski, founder of the Relationship Economy eXpedition, said, “We’re far from tipping
into a better social contract. In a more-just world, AI could bring about utopias. However, many
forces are shoving us in the opposite direction. 1) Businesses are doing all they can to eliminate
full-time employees, who get sick and cranky, need retirement accounts and raises, while software
gets better and cheaper. The precariat will grow. 2) Software is like a flesh-eating bacterium: Tasks
it eats vanish from the employment landscape. Unlike previous technological jumps, this one
unemploys people more quickly than we can retrain and reemploy them. 3) Our safety net is
terrible and our beliefs about human motivations suck. 4) Consumerism still drives desires and
James Hendler, professor of computer, web and cognitive sciences and director of the
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for Data Exploration and Application, wrote, “I believe 2030 will
be a point in the middle of a turbulent time when AI is improving services for many people, but it
will also be a time of great change in society based on changes in work patterns that are caused, to
a great degree, by AI. On the one hand, for example, doctors will have access to information that is
currently hard for them to retrieve rapidly, resulting in better medical care for those who have
coverage, and indeed in some countries the first point of contact in a medical situation may be an
AI, which will help with early diagnoses/prescriptions. On the other hand, over the course of a
couple of generations, starting in the not-too-distant future we will see major shifts in work force
with not just blue-color jobs, but also many white-collar jobs lost. Many of these will not be people
‘replaced’ by AIs, but rather the result of a smaller number of people being able to accomplish the
same amount of work – for example in professions such as law clerks, physicians assistants and
many other currently skilled positions we would project a need for less people (even as demand
Betsy Williams, a researcher at the Center for Digital Society and Data Studies at the University
of Arizona, wrote, “AI’s benefits will be unequally distributed across society. Few will reap
meaningful benefits. Large entities will use AI to deliver marginal improvements in service to their
clients, at the cost of requiring more data and risking errors. Employment trends from
computerization will continue. AI will threaten medium-skill jobs. Instead of relying on human
expertise and context knowledge, many tasks will be handled directly by clients using AI interfaces
or by lower-skilled people in service jobs, boosted by AI. AI will harm some consumers. For
instance, rich consumers will benefit from self-driving cars, while others must pay to retrofit
existing cars to become more visible to the AI. Through legal maneuvering, self-driving car
companies will avoid many insurance costs and risks, shifting them to human drivers, pedestrians
and bicyclists. In education, creating high quality automated instruction requires expertise and
money. Research on American K-12 classrooms suggests that typical computer-aided instruction
yields better test scores than instruction by the worst teachers. By 2030, most AI used in education
will be of middling quality (for some, their best alternative). The children of the rich and powerful
will not have AI used on them at school; instead, they will be taught to use it. For AI to
significantly benefit the majority, it must be deployed in emergency health care (where quicker lab
work, reviews of medical histories or potential diagnoses can save lives) or in aid work (say, to
coordinate shipping of expiring food or medicines from donors to recipients in need).”
Josh Calder, a partner at the Foresight Alliance, commented, “The biggest danger is that workers
are displaced on a mass scale, especially in emerging markets.”
Jeff Johnson, computer science professor at the University of San Francisco, previously with
Xerox, HP Labs and Sun Microsystems, responded, “I believe advances in AI will leave many more
people without jobs, which will increase the socioeconomic differences in society, but other factors
could help mitigate this, e.g., adoption of guaranteed income.”
Peter Levine, associate dean for research and professor of citizenship and public affairs in Tufts
University’s Tisch College of Civic Life, wrote, “Being a fully-fledged citizen has traditionally
depended on work. I’m worried that rising levels of non-employment will detract from civic
engagement. Also, AI is politically powerful and empowers the people and governments that own
it. Thus, it may increase inequality and enhance authoritarianism.”
Hassaan Idrees, an electrical engineer and Fulbright Scholar active in creating energy systems
for global good, commented, “I believe human-machine interaction will be more of [a] utility, and
less fanciful as science fiction puts it. People will not need to see their physicians in person, their
automated doctors making this irrelevant. Similarly, routine workplace activities like data
processing and financial number crunching would be performed by AI. Humans with higher levels
of intellect can survive this age, and those on the lower ends of spectrum of mental acumen would
be rendered unnecessary.”
actually develop these technologies. ... For the developing countries, however, whose labor force is
mostly unskilled and whose exports are largely low-tech, AI implies higher unemployment, lower
income and more social unrest. The aim of AI in such countries should be to add skill to the labor
force rather than supplant them.”
Sam Ladner, a former UX researcher for Amazon and Microsoft, now an adjunct professor at
Ontario College of Art and Design, wrote, “Technology is not a neutral tool, but one that has our
existing challenges imprinted onto it. Inequality is high and growing. Too many companies deny
their employees a chance to work with dignity, whether it be through providing them meaningful
things to do, or with the basic means to live. AI will be placed on top of that existing structure.
Those who already have dignified work with a basic income will see that enhanced; those who are
routinely infantilized or denied basic rights will see that amplified. Some may slip into that latter
category because their work is more easily replaced by AI and machine learning.”
Jonathan Swerdloff, consultant and data systems specialist for Driven Inc., wrote, “The more
reliant on AI we become, the more we are at the mercy of its developers. While AI has the ability to
augment professionals and to make decisions, I have three concerns which make me believe it will
not leave us better off by 2030. This does not address fears that anything run via AI could be
hacked and changed by bad faith third parties. 1) Until any sort of self-policed AI sentience is
achieved, it will suffer from a significant GIGO [garbage-in, garbage-out] problem. As AI as
currently conceived only knows what it is taught, the seed sets for teaching must be thought out in
detail before the tools are deployed. Based on the experience with Microsoft’s Tay and some
responses I've heard from the Sophia robot, I am concerned that AI will magnify humanities flaws.
2) Disparate access. Unless the cost for developing AI drops precipitously – and it may, since one
AI tool could be leveraged into building further less expensive AI tools – access to whatever
advantages the tools will bring will likely be clustered among a few beneficiaries. I view this akin to
high frequency trading on Wall Street. Those who can, do. Those who can’t, lose. 3) Tool of
control. If AI is deployed to make civic or corporate decisions, those who control the algorithms
control everything. In the U.S. we’ve recently seen Immigration and Customs Enforcement change
its bond algorithm to always detain in every case.”
Stuart A. Umpleby, a professor and director of the research program in social and
organizational learning at George Washington University, wrote, “People who use AI and the
internet will have their lives enhanced by these technologies. People who do not use them will be
increasingly disconnected from opportunities. As the digital world becomes more complicated and
remote from real-world experiences, the need will grow for people and software to make
connections. There will be a need for methods to distinguish the real world from the scam world.”
Simeon Yates, director of the Centre for Digital Humanities and Social Science at the University
of Liverpool, said, “AI will simply increase existing inequalities – it, like the internet, will fail in its
emancipatory promise.”
Panagiotis T. Metaxas, author of “Technology, Propaganda and the Limits of Human Intellect”
and professor of computer science at Wellesley College, responded, “There will be a lot of wealth
that AI-supported devices will be producing. The new technologies will make it easier and cheaper
to produce food and entertainment massively (‘bread and circus’). This wealth will not be
distributed evenly, increasing the financial gap between the top small percentage of people and the
rest. Even though this wealth will not be distributed evenly, the (relatively small) share given to
the vast majority of people will be enough to improve their (2018) condition. In this respect, the
majority of people will be ‘better off’ than they are today. They may not feel better off if they were
aware of the inequalities compared to the top beneficiaries, but they will not be aware of them due
to controlled propaganda. Unfortunately, there will not be much they could do about the increased
inequalities. Technologies of police enforcement by robots and lack of private communication will
make it impossible for them to organize, complain or push for change. They will not be valued as
workers, citizens or soldiers. The desire for democracy as we know it today will be coming to an
end. Many will feel depressed, but medical products will make it easy for them to increase pleasure
and decrease pain.”
Grace Mutung’u, co-leader of the Kenya ICT Action Network, responded, “New technologies will
more likely increase current inequalities unless there is a shift in world economics. From the
experience of the UN work on Millennium Development Goals, while there has been improvement
with the quality of life generally, low- and middle-income countries still suffer disparate
inequalities. This will likely lead to governance problems. In any case, governments in these
countries are investing heavily in surveillance which will likely have more negative effects on
Danny Gillane, a netizen from Lafayette, Louisiana, commented, “Technology promises so much
but delivers so little. Facebook gave us the ability to stay in touch with everyone but sacrificed its
integrity and our personal information in pursuit of the dollar. The promise that our medical
records would be digitized and more easily shared and drive costs down still has not materialized
on a global scale. The chief drivers of AI innovation and application will be for-profit companies
who have shown that their altruism only extends to their bottom lines. Like most innovations, I
expect AI to leave our poor even poorer and our rich even richer, increasing the numbers of the
former while consolidating power and wealth in an ever-shrinking group of currently rich people.”
A professional working on the setting of web standards wrote, “Looking ahead 12 years
from now, I expect that AI will be enhancing the quality of life for some parts of some populations,
and in some situations, while worsening the quality of life for others. AI will still be uneven in
quality, and unevenly available throughout different parts of society. Privacy and security
protections will be inadequate; data bias will still be common; many technologies and response
patterns will be normed to the needs of the ‘common denominator’ user and misidentify or
misinterpret interactions with people with disabilities or, if appropriately identifying their
disability, will expose that information without user consent or control.”
So many people included comments and concerns about the future of jobs for humans in their
wide-ranging responses to this canvassing that a later section of this report has more expert
opinions on this topic.
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents also tie into AI and jobs:
▪ “Some will benefit, while others will suffer. The bifurcated economy will continue to grow.
… Those at the bottom of the ladder will see greater numbers of jobs being taken away by
▪ “All in all, AI can be of great use, but we need to be vigilant of the repercussions instead of
constantly leaping ‘forward’ only to find out later about all of the negatives.”
▪ “In the U.S., the blue-collar job wages have been stagnant since the 1970s despite all of the
advances with the internet and mobile devices, so I am not optimistic regarding AI.”
▪ “Wealth distribution will continue to widen as the rich get richer.”
▪ “AI is going to lead to the destruction of entire rungs of the economy, and the best way to
boost and economy while holding together a fractured economy is war.”
▪ “Many people will no longer be useful in the labor market. Such rapid economic and social
change will leave many frightened and angry.”
▪ “In 12 years AI may be more disruptive than enabling, leaving many without work until
they retrain and transition.”
▪ “There could be a thinning out of the middle – middle management and class.”
▪ “AI will increasingly allow low-quality but passable substitutes for previously-skilled
▪ “There are significant implications for unskilled or easily-automated tasks on one end of
the spectrum and certain types of analysis on the other that will be automated away. My
concern is that we have no plan for these people as these jobs disappear.”
While these experts expect AI to augment humans in many positive ways, some are concerned that
a deepening dependence upon machine-intelligence networks will diminish crucial human
capabilities. Some maintain there has already been an erosion of people’s abilities to think for
themselves, to take action independent of automated systems and to interact effectively face-to-
face with others.
Charles Ess, an expert in ethics and professor with the department of media and communication
at the University of Oslo, said, “It seems quite clear that evolving AI systems will bring about an
extraordinary array of options, making our lives more convenient. But convenience almost always
comes at the cost of deskilling – of our offloading various cognitive practices and virtues to the
machines and thereby our becoming less and less capable of exercising our own agency, autonomy
and most especially our judgment (phronesis). In particular, empathy and loving itself are virtues
that are difficult to acquire and enhance. My worst fears are not only severe degradation, perhaps
more or less loss of such capacities – and, worst of all, our forgetting they even existed in the first
place, along with the worlds they have made possible for us over most of our evolutionary and
social history.”
Marilyn Cade, longtime global internet policy consultant, responded, “Technology often reflects
the ethics of its creators, but more significantly, those who commercialize it. Most individuals
focus on how they personally use technology. They do not spend time (or even have the
skills/expertise) to make judgments about the attributes of the way that technology is applied. …
We must introduce and maintain a focus on critical thinking for our children/youth, so that they
are capable of understanding the implications of a different fully digitized world. I love the fact
that my typos are autocorrected, but I know how to spell all the words. I know how to construct a
logical argument. If we don’t teach critical thinking at all points in education, we will have a 2030
world where the elites/scientists make decisions that are not even apparent to the average ‘person’
on the street/neighborhood.”
Garland McCoy, founder and chief development officer of the Technology Education Institute,
wrote, “I am an optimist at heart and so believe that, given a decade-plus, the horror that is
unfolding before our eyes will somehow be understood and resolved. That said, if the suicide
epidemic we are witnessing continues to build and women continue to opt out of motherhood all
bets are off. I do think technology is at the core of both the pathology and choice.”
Aneesh Aneesh, professor at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, said, “Socially, AI systems
will automate tasks that currently require human negotiation and interaction. Unless people feel
the pressure, institutionally or otherwise, to interact with each other, they – more often than not –
choose not to interact. The lack of physical, embodied interaction is almost guaranteed to result in
social loneliness and anomie, and associated problems such as suicide, a phenomenon already are
on the rise in the United States.”
Ebenezer Baldwin Bowles, author, editor and journalist, responded, “If one values community
and the primacy of face-to-face, eye-to-eye communication, then human-machine/AI
collaboration in 2030 will have succeeded in greatly diminishing the visceral, primal aspects of
humanity. Every expression of daily life, either civil or professional or familial or personal, will be
diminished by the iron grip of AI on the fundamental realities of interpersonal communications.
Already the reliance on voice-to-text technology via smartphone interface diminishes the ability of
people to write with skill and cogency. Taking the time to ring-up another and chat requires too
much psychic energy, so we ‘speak’ to one another in text box fragments written down and oft
altered by digital assistants. The dismissive but socially acceptable ‘TL;DR’ becomes commonplace
as our collective attention span disintegrates. Yes, diagnostic medicine and assembly-line
production and expanded educational curriculum will surely be enhanced by cyber-based, one-
and-zero technologies, but at what cost to humanity? Is it truly easier and safer to look into a
screen and listen to an electronically delivered voice, far away on the other side of an
unfathomable digital divide, instead of looking into another’s eyes, perhaps into a soul, and
speaking kind words to one another, and perhaps singing in unison about the wonders of the
universe? We call it ‘artificial intelligence’ for good reason.”
A chief operating officer wrote, “No doubt in my mind, AI is and will continue to present
benefits in simplifying and aiding human activities; however, the net effect is not likely ‘to leave
people better off.’ The advances in AI-enabled tools are likely to expand the digital gap in human
competencies. This growing gap will decrease the capacity of sizable portions of the population to
survive an outage of the technology. This raises humanitarian and national-security concerns.”
Alper Dincel of T.C. Istanbul Kultur University in Turkey, wrote, “Personal connections will
continue to drop, as they are in today’s world. We are going to have more interest in fiction than in
reality. These issues will affect human brain development as a result.”
Michael Dyer, an emeritus professor of computer science at the University of California, Los
Angeles, commented, “As long as GAI (general AI) is not achieved then specialized AI will
eliminate tasks associated with jobs but not the jobs themselves. A trucker does a lot more than
merely drive a truck. A bartender does a lot more than merely pour drinks. Society will still have to
deal with the effects of smart technologies encroaching ever into new parts of the labor market. A
universal basic income could mitigate increasing social instability. Later on, as general AI spreads,
it will become an existential threat to humanity. My estimate is that this existential threat will not
begin to arise until the second half of the 21st century. Unfortunately, by then humanity might
have grown complacent, since specialized AI systems do not pose an existential threat.”
Mauro D. Ríos, an adviser to the E-Government Agency of Uruguay and director of the Internet
Society’s Uruguay chapter, responded, “In 2030 dependence on AI will be greater in all domestic,
personal, work and educational contexts; this will make the lives of many people better. However,
it has risks. We must be able to maintain active survival capabilities without AI. Human freedom
cannot be lost in exchange for the convenience of improving our living standards. … AI must
continue to be subject to the rationality and control of the human being.”
Nancy Greenwald, a respondent who provided no identifying details, wrote, “Perhaps the
primary downside is overreliance on AI, which 1) is only as good as the algorithms created (how
are they instructed to ‘learn?’) and 2) has the danger of limiting independent human thinking.
How many Millennials can read a map or navigate without the step-by-step instructions from
Waze, Google or their iPhones? And information searches online don’t give you an overview. I
once wasted 1.5 billable hours searching for a legal concept when two minutes with the human
based BNA outline got me the result in two minutes. Let’s be thoughtful about how we use the
amazing technology.”
Valarie Bell, a computational social scientist at the University of North Texas, commented, “As a
social scientist I’m concerned that never before have we had more ways in which to communicate
and yet we’ve never done it so poorly, so venomously and so wastefully. With devices replacing
increasingly higher-order decisions and behaviors, people have become more detached, more
disinterested and yet more self-focused and self-involved.”
Lane Jennings, managing editor for the World Future Review from 2009 to 2015, wrote, “It is
most likely that advances in AI will improve technology and thus give people new capabilities. But
this ‘progress’ will also make humanity increasingly vulnerable to accidental breakdowns, power
failures and deliberate attacks. Example: Driverless cars and trucks and pilotless passenger
aircraft will enhance speed and safety when they work properly, but they will leave people helpless
if they fail. Fear and uncertainty could negate positive benefits after even a few highly publicized
Michael Veale, co-author of “Fairness and Accountability Designs Needs for Algorithmic
Support in High-Stakes Public Sector Decision-Making” and a technology policy researcher at
University College London, responded, “AI technologies will turn out to be more narrowly
applicable than some hope. There will be a range of small tasks that will be more effectively
automated. Whether these tasks leave individuals with increased ability to find meaning or
support in life is debatable. Freed from some aspects of housework and administration, some
individuals may feel empowered whereas others might feel aimless. Independent living for the
elderly might be technologically mediated, but will it have the social connections and community
that makes life worth living? Jobs too will change in nature, but it is not clear that new tasks will
make people happy. It is important that all technologies and applications are backed up with social
policies and systems to support meaning and connection, or else even effective AI tools might be
isolating and even damaging on aggregate.”
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents also tie into this theme:
▪ “We need to assure that we have individuals who are able to think and problem-solve and
monitor that thinking without assistance.”
▪ “Our ethical capabilities lag far behind our technical capabilities.”
▪ “Increasing dependence on AI will decrease societal resilience through centralization of
essential systems in a few large companies.”
Some of these experts are particularly worried about how networked artificial intelligence can
amplify cybercrime and create fearsome possibilities in cyberwarfare and enable the erosion of
essential institutions and organizations.
Anthony Nadler, assistant professor of media and communication studies at Ursinus College,
commented, “The question has to do with how decisions will be made that shape the contingent
development of this potentially life-changing technology. And who will make those decisions? In
the best-case scenario, the development of AI will be influenced by diverse stakeholders
representing different communities who will be affected by its implementation (and this may)
mean that particular uses of AI – military applications, medical, marketing, etc. – will be overseen
by reflective ethical processes. In the absolute worst-case scenario, unrestricted military
development will lead to utter destruction – whether in a situations in which the ‘machines take
over’ or, more likely, in which weapons of tremendous destruction become all the more readily
Jennifer J. Snow, an innovation officer with the U.S. Air Force, wrote, “Facets, including
weaponized information, cyberbullying, privacy issues and other potential abuses that will come
out of this technology will need to be addressed by global leaders.”
Frank Feather, futurist and consultant with StratEDGY, commented, “AI by 2030 .... This is
only about a decade away, so despite AI's continuing evolution, it will not have major widespread
effects by 2030. With care in implementation all effects should be positive in social and economic
impact. That said, the changes will represent a significant step toward what I call a
DigiTransHuman Future, where the utility of humans will increasingly be diminished as this
century progresses, to the extent that humans may become irrelevant or extinct, replaced by
DigiTransHumans and their technologies/robots that will appear and behave just like today’s
humans, except at very advanced stages of humanoid development. This is not going to be a so-
called ‘singularity’ and there is nothing ‘artificial’ about the DigiTransHuman Intelligence. It is
part of designed evolution of the species.”
John Leslie King, a computer science professor at the University of Michigan and a consultant
for several years on cyberinfrastructure for the National Science Foundation’s directorates for
Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and Social, Behavioral, and Economic
(SBE) sciences, commented, “If there are evil things to be done with AI, people will find out about
them and do them. There will be an ongoing fight like the one between hackers and IT security
John Markoff, fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences at Stanford
University and author of “Machines of Loving Grace: The Quest for Common Ground Between
Humans and Robots,” wrote, “There are expected and unexpected consequences to ‘AI and related
technologies.’ It is quite possible that improvements in living standards will be offset by the use of
autonomous weapons in new kinds of war.”
Dan Schultz, senior creative technologist at Internet Archive, responded, “AI will no doubt result
in life-saving improvements for a huge portion of the world’s population, but it will also be
possible to weaponize in ways that further exacerbate divides of any kind you can imagine
(political, economic, education, privilege, etc.). AI will amplify and enable the will of those in
power; its net impact on humanity will depend on the nature of that will.”
Sam Gregory, director of WITNESS and digital human rights activist, responded, “Trends in AI
suggest it will enable more individualized, personalized creation of synthetic media filter bubbles
around people, including the use of deepfakes and related individualized synthetic audio and video
micro-targeting based on personal data and trends in using AI-generated and directed bots. These
factors may be controlled by increasing legislation and platform supervision, but by 2030 there is
little reason to think that most peoples’ individual autonomy and ability to push back to
understand the world around them will have improved.”
Denise N. Rall, a professor of arts and social sciences at Southern Cross University in Australia,
responded, “The basic problem with the human race and its continued existence on this planet is
overpopulation and depletion of the Earth's resources. So far, interactions with technology have
reduced population in the ‘first world’ but not in developing countries, and poverty will fuel world
wars. Technology may support robotic wars and reduce casualties for the wealthy countries. The
disparity between rich and poor will continue unabated.”
Patrick Lambe, a partner at Straits Knowledge and president of the International Society for
Knowledge Organization’s Singapore chapter, wrote, “I chose the negative answer not because of a
dystopian vision for AI itself and technology interaction with human life, but because I believe
social, economic and political contexts will be slow to adapt to technology’s capabilities. The real-
world environment and the technological capability space are becoming increasingly disjointed
and out of synch. Climate change, migration pressures, political pressures, food supply and water
will create a self-reinforcing ‘crisis-loop’ with which human-machine/AI capabilities will be largely
out of touch. There will be some capability enhancement (e.g., medicine), but on the whole
technology contributions will continue to add negative pressures to the other environmental
factors (employment, job security, left-right political swings). On the whole I think these disjoints
will continue to become more enhanced until a major crisis point is reached (e.g., war).”
Mechthild Schmidt Feist, department coordinator for digital communications and media at
New York University, said, “Historical precedent shows that inventions are just as powerful in the
hands of criminals or irresponsible or uninformed people. The more powerful our communication,
the more destructive it could be. We would need global, enforceable legislation to limit misuse. 1)
That is highly unlikely. 2) It is hard to predict all misuses. My negative view is due to our inability
to make responsible use of our current online communication and media models. The utopian
freedom has become a dystopian battleground.”
Marc Brenman, managing partner at IDARE LLC, said, “We do not know all that machines can
do. There is no inherent necessity that they will care for us. We may be an impediment to them.
They may take orders from evil-doers. They will enable us to make mistakes even faster than we do
now. Any technology is only as good as the morality and ethics of its makers, programmers and
controllers. If machines are programmed to care more for the earth than for people, they may
eliminate us anyway, since we are destroying the earth.”
Robert K. Logan, chief scientist at the Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab) at OCAT University and
professor emeritus of physics at the University of Toronto, said, “The idea of the Singularity is an
example of the over-extension of AI. Computers will never achieve an equivalency to human
intelligence. There is no such thing as AW (artificial wisdom). AI as a tool to enhance human
intelligence makes sense but AI to replace human intelligence makes no sense and therefore is
Alexey Turchin, existential risks researcher and futurist, responded, “There are significant risks
of AI misuse before 2030 in the form of swarms of AI empowered drones or even non-aligned
human-level AI.”
Adam Popescu, a writer who contributes frequently to the New York Times, Washington Post,
Bloomberg Businessweek, Vanity Fair and the BBC, wrote, “We put too much naive hope in
everything tech being the savior.”
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents also tie into this theme:
▪ A cybersecurity strategist said, “The world has become technologically oriented and
this creates challenges – for example, cybercrime.”
▪ A respondent who works at a major global privacy initiative predicted AI and
tech will not improve most people’s lives, citing, “Loss of jobs, algorithms run amuck.”
▪ “With increasing cyberattacks and privacy concerns AI could connect people to bad actors,
which could cause stress and new problems – even the simplest of attacks/pranks could
negatively affect people’s lives.”
▪ “The increasing dependence of humans on computing coupled with the fundamental un-
securability of general-purpose computing is going to lead to widespread exploitation.”
Andrew Wycoff, the director of OECD’s directorate for science, technology and innovation, and
Karine Perset, an economist in OECD’s digital economy policy division, commented, “Twelve
years from now, we will benefit from radically improved accuracy and efficiency of decisions and
predictions across all sectors. Machine learning systems will actively support humans throughout
their work and play. This support will be unseen but pervasive – like electricity. As machines’
ability to sense, learn, interact naturally and act autonomously increases, they will blur the
distinction between the physical and the digital world. AI systems will interconnect and work
together to predict and adapt to our human needs and emotions. The growing consensus that AI
should benefit society at-large leads to calls to facilitate the adoption of AI systems to promote
innovation and growth, help address global challenges, and boost jobs and skills development,
while at the same time establishing appropriate safeguards to ensure these systems are
transparent and explainable, and respect human rights, democracy, culture, nondiscrimination,
privacy and control, safety, and security. Given the inherently global nature of our networks and
applications that run across then, we need to improve collaboration across countries and
stakeholder groups to move toward common understanding and coherent approaches to key
opportunities and issues presented by AI. This is not too different from the post-war discussion on
nuclear power. We should also tread carefully toward Artificial General Intelligence and avoid
current assumptions on the upper limits of future AI capabilities.”
Wendy Hall, professor of computer science at the University of Southampton and executive
director of the Web Science Institute, said, “By 2030 I believe that human-machine/AI
collaboration will be empowering for human beings overall. Many jobs will have gone, but many
new jobs will have been created and machines/AI should be helping us do things more effectively
and efficiently both at home and at work. It is a leap of faith to think that by 2030 we will have
learnt to build AI in a responsible way and we will have learnt how to regulate the AI and robotics
industries in a way that is good for humanity. We may not have all the answers by 2030 but we
need to be on the right track by then.”
Ian O'Byrne, an assistant professor focusing on literacy and technology at the College of
Charleston, said, “I believe in human-machine/AI collaboration, but the challenge is whether
humans can adapt our practices to these new opportunities.”
Arthur Bushkin, an IT pioneer who worked with the precursors to the Advanced Research
Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) and Verizon, wrote, “The principal issue will be society’s
collective ability to understand, manage and respond to the implications and consequences of the
Daniel Obam, information and communications technology policy advisor, responded, “As we
develop AI, the issue of ethical behaviour is paramount. AI will allow authorities to analyse and
allocate resources where there is the greatest need. AI will also change the way we work and travel.
… Digital assistants that mine and analyse data will help professionals in making concise decisions
in health care, manufacturing and agriculture, among others. Smart devices and virtual reality will
enable humans to interact with and learn from historical or scientific issues in a more-clear
manner. Using AI, authorities will be able to prevent crime before it happens. Cybersecurity needs
to be at the forefront to prevent unscrupulous individuals from using AI to perpetrate harm or evil
on the human race.”
Ryan Sweeney, director of analytics at Ignite Social Media, commented, “Our technology
continues to evolve at a growing rate, but our society, culture and economy are not as quick to
adapt. We’ll have to be careful that the benefits of AI for some do not further divide those who
might not be able to afford the technology. What will that mean for our culture as more jobs are
automated? We will need to consider the impact on the current class divide.”
Susan Mernit, executive director of The Crucible and co-founder and board member of Hack the
Hood, responded, “If AI is in the hands of people who do not care about equity and inclusion, it
will be yet another tool to maximize profit for a few.”
The next three sections of this report focus on solutions most often mentioned by respondents to
this canvassing.
A number of these experts said ways must be found for people of the world to come to a common
understanding of the evolving concerns over AI and digital life and to reach agreement in order to
create cohesive approaches to tackling AI’s challenges.
Danil Mikhailov, head of data and innovation for Wellcome Trust, responded, “I see a positive
future of human/AI interaction in 2030. In my area, health, there is tremendous potential in the
confluence of advances in big data analysis and genomics to create personalised medicine and
improve diagnosis, treatment and research. Although I am optimistic about human capacity for
adaptation, learning, and evolution, technological innovation will not always proceed smoothly. In
this we can learn from previous technological revolutions. For example, [Bank of England chief
economist] Andy Haldane rightly pointed out that the original ‘luddites’ in the 19th century had a
justified grievance. They suffered severe job losses, and it took the span of a generation for enough
jobs to be created to overtake the ones lost. It is a reminder that the introduction of new
technologies benefits people asymmetrically, with some suffering while others benefit. To realise
the opportunities of the future we need to acknowledge this and prepare sufficient safety nets,
such as well-funded adult education initiatives, to name one example. It’s also important to have
an honest dialogue between the experts, the media and the public about the use of our personal
data for social-good projects, like health care, taking in both the risks of acting – such as effects on
privacy – and the opportunity costs of not acting. It is a fact that lives are lost currently in health
systems across the world that could be saved even with today’s technology let alone that of 2030.”
Edson Prestes, a professor and director of robotics at the Federal University of Rio Grande do
Sul, responded, “We must understand that all domains (technological or not) have two sides: a
good and a bad one. To avoid the bad one we need to create and promote the culture of
AI/Robotics for good. We need to stimulate people to empathize toward others. We need to think
about potential issues, even if they have small probability to happen. We need to be futurists,
foreseeing potential negative events and how to circumvent them before they happen. We need to
create regulations/laws (at national and international levels) to handle globally harmful situations
for humans, other living beings and the environment. Applying empathy, we should seriously
think about ourselves and others – if the technology will be useful for us and others and if it will
not cause any harm. We cannot develop solutions without considering people and the ecosystem
as the central component of development. If so, the pervasiveness of AI/robotics in the future will
diminish any negative impact and create a huge synergy among people and environment,
improving people’s daily lives in all domains while achieving environment sustainability.”
Adam Nelson, a software developer for one of the “big five” global technology companies, said,
“Human-machine/AI collaboration will be extremely powerful, but humans will still control
intent. If human governance isn’t improved, AI will merely make the world more efficient. But the
goals won’t be human welfare. They’ll be wealth aggregation for those in power.”
Wendy Seltzer, strategy lead and counsel at the World Wide Web Consortium, commented, “I'm
mildly optimistic that we will have devised better techno-social governance mechanisms. such that
if AI is not improving the lives of humans, we will restrict its uses.”
Jen Myronuk, a respondent who provided no identifying details, said, “The optimist’s view
includes establishing and implementing a new type of ISO standard – ‘encoded human rights’ – as
a functional data set alongside exponential and advancing technologies. Global human rights and
human-machine/AI technology can and must scale together. If applied as an extension of the
human experience, human-machine/AI collaboration will revolutionize our understanding of the
world around us.”
Fiona Kerr, industry professor of neural and systems complexity at the University of Adelaide,
commented, “The answer depends very much on what we decide to do regarding the large
questions around ensuring equality of improved global health; by agreeing on what productivity
and worth now look like, partly supported by the global wage; through fair redistribution of
technology profits to invest in both international and national social capital; through robust
discussion on the role of policy in rewarding technologists and businesses to build quality
partnerships between humans and AI; through the growth of understanding in the
neurophysiological outcomes of human-human and human-technological interaction which allows
us to best decide what not to technologies, when a human is more effective, and how to ensure we
maximise the wonders of technology as an enabler of a human-centric future.”
Benjamin Kuipers, a professor of computer science at the University of Michigan, wrote, “We
face several critical choices between positive and negative futures. … Advancing technology will
provide vastly more resources; the key decision is whether those resources will be applied for the
good of humanity as a whole or if they will be increasingly held by a small elite. Advancing
technology will vastly increase opportunities for communication and surveillance. The question is
whether we will find ways to increase trust and the possibilities for productive cooperation among
people or whether individuals striving for power will try to dominate by decreasing trust and
cooperation. In the medium term, increasing technology will provide more powerful tools for
human, corporate or even robot actors in society. The actual problems will be about how members
of a society interact with each other. In a positive scenario, we will interact with conversational AIs
for many different purposes and even when the AI belongs to a corporation we will be able to trust
that it takes what in economics is called a ‘fiduciary’ stance toward each of us. That is, the
information we provide must be used primarily for our individual benefit. Although we know, and
are explicitly told, that our aggregated information is valuable to the corporation, we can trust that
it will not be used for our manipulation or our disadvantage.”
Charles Geiger, head of the executive secretariat for the UN's World Summit on the Information
Society, commented, “As long as we have a democratic system and a free press, we may
counterbalance the possible threats of AI.”
Warren Yoder, longtime director of the Public Policy Center of Mississippi, now an instructor at
Mississippi College, optimistically responded, “Human/AI collaborations will ... augment our
human abilities and increase the material well-being of humanity. At the same time the
concomitant increase in the levels of education and health will allow us to develop new social
philosophies and rework our polities to transform human well-being. AI increases the disruption
of the old social order, making the new transformation both necessary and more likely, though not
Wangari Kabiru, author of the MitandaoAfrika blog, based in Nairobi, Kenya, commented, “In
2030, advancing AI and tech will not leave most people better off than they are today, because our
global digital mission is not strong enough and not principled enough to assure that ‘no, not one is
left behind’ – perhaps intentionally. The immense positive-impact potential for enabling people to
achieve more in nearly every area of life – the full benefits of human-machine/AI collaboration can
only be experienced when academia, civil society and other institutions are vibrant, enterprise is
human-values-based, and governments and national constitutions and global agreements place
humanity first. … Engineering should serve humanity and never should humanity be made to
serve the exploits of engineering. More people MUST be creators of the future of LIFE – the future
of how they live, future of how they work, future of how their relationships interact and overall
how they experience life. Beyond the coexistence of human-machine, this creates synergy.”
Some respondents argued that individuals must do better at taking a more active role in
understanding and implementing the decision-making options available to them in these complex,
code-dependent systems.
Kristin Jenkins, executive director of BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium, said, “Like all tools
the benefits and pitfalls of AI will depend on how we use it. A growing concern is the collection and
potential uses of data about people’s day-to-day lives. ‘Something’ always knows where we are, the
layout of the house, what’s in the fridge and how much we slept. The convenience provided by
these tools will override caution about data collection, so strong privacy protection must be
legislated and culturally nurtured. We need to learn to be responsible for our personal data and
aware of when and how it is collected and used.”
Peng Hwa Ang, professor of communications at Nanyang Technological University and author
of “Ordering Chaos: Regulating the Internet,” commented, “AI is still in its infancy. A lot of it is
ruled-based and not demanding of true intelligence or learning. But even so, I find it useful. My
car has lane-assistance. I find that it makes me a better driver. When AI is more full-fledged, it
would make driving safer and faster. I am using AI for some work I am doing on sentiment
analysis. I find that I am able to be more creative in asking questions to be investigated. I expect AI
will compel greater creativity. Right now, the biggest fear of AI is that it is a black-box operation –
yes, the factors chosen are good and accurate and useful, but no one knows why those criteria are
chosen. We know the percentages of the factors, but we do not know the whys. Hopefully, by 2030,
the box will be more transparent. That's on the AI side. On the human side, I hope human beings
understand that true AI will make mistakes. If not, it is not real AI. This means that people have
got to be ready to catch the mistakes that AI will make. It will be very good. But it will (still) not be
Bert Huang, an assistant professor in the department of computer science at Virginia Tech
focused on machine learning, wrote, “AI will cause harm (and it has already caused harm), but its
benefits will outweigh the harm it causes. That said, the [historical] pattern of technology being
net positive depends on people seeking positive things to do with the technology, so efforts to
guide research toward societal benefits will be important to ensure the best future.”
An anonymous respondent said, “We should ensure that values (local or global) and basic
philosophical theories on ethics inform the development and implementation of AI systems.”
Many experts who shared their insights in this study suggested there has to be an overall change in
the development, regulation and certification of autonomous systems. They generally said the goal
should be values-based, inclusive, decentralized, networks “imbued with empathy” that help
individuals assure that technology meets social and ethical responsibilities for the common good.
Susan Etlinger, an industry analyst for Altimeter Group and expert in data, analytics and digital
strategy, commented, “In order for AI technologies to be truly transformative in a positive way, we
need a set of ethical norms, standards and practical methodologies to ensure that we use AI
responsibly and to the benefit of humanity. AI technologies have the potential to do so much good
in the world: identify disease in people and populations, discover new medications and
treatments, make daily tasks like driving simpler and safer, monitor and distribute energy more
efficiently, and so many other things we haven’t yet imagined or been able to realize. And – like
any tectonic shift – AI creates its own type of disruption. We’ve seen this with every major
invention from the Gutenberg press to the invention of the semiconductor. But AI is different.
Replication of some human capabilities using data and algorithms has ethical consequences.
Algorithms aren’t neutral; they replicate and reinforce bias and misinformation. They can be
opaque. And the technology and means to use them rests in the hands of a select few
organizations, at least today.”
Bryan Johnson, founder and CEO of Kernel, a leading developer of advanced neural interfaces,
and OS Fund, a venture capital firm, said, “We could start with owning our own digital data and
the data from our bodies, minds and behavior, and then follow by correcting our major tech
companies’ incentives away from innovation for everyday convenience and toward radical human
improvement. As an example of what tech could look like when aligned with radical human
improvement, cognitive prosthetics will one day give warnings about biases – like how cars today
have sensors letting you know when you drift off to sleep or if you make a lane change without a
signal – and correct cognitive biases and warn an individual away from potential cognitive biases.
This could lead to better behaviors in school, home and work, and encourage people to make
better health decisions.”
John C. Havens, executive director of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and
Intelligent Systems and the Council on Extended Intelligence, wrote, “While today people provide
‘consent’ for their data usage, most people don’t understand the depth and breadth of how their
information is utilized by businesses and governments at large. Until every individual is provided
with a sovereign identity attached to a personal data cloud they control, information won’t truly be
shared – just tracked. By utilizing blockchain or similar technologies and adopting progressive
ideals toward citizens and their data, as demonstrated by countries like Estonia, we can usher in
genuine digital democracy in the age of the algorithm. The other issue underlying the ‘human-AI
augmentation’ narrative rarely discussed is the economic underpinnings driving all technology
manufacturing. Where exponential growth, shareholder models are prioritized human and
environmental well-being diminishes. Multiple reports from people like Joseph Stiglitz point out
that while AI will greatly increase GDP in the coming decades, the benefits of these increases will
favor the few versus the many. It’s only by adopting ‘Beyond GDP’ or triple-bottom-line metrics
that ‘people, planet and profit’ will shape a holistic future between humans and AI.”
Greg Lloyd, president and co-founder at Traction Software, presented a future scenario: “By
2030 AIs will augment access and use of all personal and networked resources as highly skilled
and trusted agents for almost every person – human or corporate. These agents will be bound to
act in accordance with new laws and regulations that are fundamental elements of their
construction much like Isaac Asimov’s ‘Three Laws of Robotics’ but with finer-grain ‘certifications’
for classes of activities that bind their behavior and responsibility for practices much like codes for
medical, legal, accounting and engineering practice. Certified agents will be granted access to
personal or corporate resources, and within those bounds will be able to converse, take direction,
give advice and act like trusted servants, advisers or attorneys. Although these agents will ‘feel’ like
intelligent and helpful beings, they will not have any true independent will or consciousness, and
must not pretend to be human beings or act contrary to the laws and regulations that bind their
behavior. Think Ariel and Prospero.”
Tracey P. Lauriault, assistant professor of critical media and big data at Carleton University’s
School of Journalism and Communication, commented, “[What about] regulatory and policy
interventions to protect citizens from potentially harmful outcomes, AI auditing, oversight,
transparency and accountability? Without some sort of principles of a systems-based framework
to ensure that AI remains ethical and in the public interest, in a stable fashion, then I must assume
that AI will impede agency and could lead to decision-making that can be harmful, biased,
inaccurate and not able to dynamically change with changing values. There needs to be some sort
of accountability.”
Joël Colloc, professor at Université du Havre Normandy University and author of “Ethics of
Autonomous Information Systems,” commented, “When AI supports human decisions as a
decision-support system it can help humanity enhance life, health and well-being and supply
improvements for humanity. See Marcus Flavius Quintilianus’s principles: Who is doing what,
with what, why, how, when, where? Autonomous AI is power that can be used by powerful persons
to control the people, put them in slavery. Applying the Quintilian principles to the role of AI … we
should propose a code of ethics of AI to evaluate that each type of application is oriented toward
the well-being of the user: 1) do not harm the user, 2) benefits go to the user, 3) do not misuse
her/his freedom, identity and personal data, and 4) decree as unfair any clauses alienating the
user’s independence or weakening his/her rights of control over privacy in use of the application.
The sovereignty of the user of the system must remain total.”
Henry E. Brady, dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California,
Berkeley, wrote, “I believe that policy responses can be developed that will reduce biases and find a
way to accommodate AI and robotics with human lives.”
Jennifer King, director of privacy at Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society, said,
“Unless we see a real effort to capture the power of AI for the public good, I do not see an
overarching public benefit by 2030. The shift of AI research to the private sector means that AI
will be developed to further consumption, rather than extend knowledge and public benefit.”
Gary Kreps, distinguished professor of communication and director of the Center for Health and
Risk Communication at George Mason University, wrote, “The tremendous potential for AI to be
used to engage and adapt information content and computer services to individual users can make
computing increasingly helpful, engaging and relevant. However, to achieve these outcomes, AI
needs to be programmed with the user in mind. For example, AI services should be user-driven,
adaptive to individual users, easy to use, easy to understand and easy for users to control. These AI
systems need to be programmed to adapt to individual user requests, learning about user needs
and preferences.”
Thomas Streeter, a professor of sociology at the University of Vermont, said, “The technology
will not determine whether things are better or worse in 2030; social and political choices will.”
Paul Werbos, a former program director at the National Science Foundation who first described
the process of training artificial neural networks through backpropagation of errors in 1974, said,
“We are at a moment of choice. The outcome will depend a lot on the decisions of very powerful
people who do not begin to know the consequences of the alternatives they face, or even what the
substantive alternatives are.”
Divina Frau-Meigs, professor of media sociology at the University of Paris III: Sorbonne
Nouvelle and UNESCO chair for sustainable digital development, responded, “The sooner the
ethics of AI are aligned with human rights tenets the better.”
Juan Ortiz Freuler, a policy fellow at the World Wide Web Foundation, wrote “We believe
technology can and should empower people. If ‘the people’ will continue to have a substantive say
on how society is run, then the state needs to increase its technical capabilities to ensure proper
oversight of these companies. Tech in general and AI in particular will promote the advancement
of humanity in every area by allowing processes to scale efficiently, reducing the costs and making
more services available to more people (including quality health care, mobility, education, etc.).
The open question is how these changes will affect power dynamics. To operate effectively, AI
requires a broad set of infrastructure components, which are not equally distributed. These
include data centers, computing power and big data. What is more concerning is that there are
reasons to expect further concentration. On the one hand, data scales well: The upfront (fixed)
costs of setting up a datacenter are large compared to the cost of keeping it running. Therefore, the
cost of hosting each extra datum is marginally lower than the previous one. Data is the fuel of AI,
and therefore whoever gets access to more data can develop more effective AI. On the other hand,
AI creates efficiency gains by allowing companies to automate more processes, meaning whoever
gets ahead can undercut competitors. This circle fuels concentration. As more of our lives are
managed by technology there is a risk that whoever controls these technologies gets too much
power. The benefits in terms of quality of life and the risks to people’s autonomy and control over
politics are qualitatively different and there cannot (and should not) be up for tradeoffs.”
David Wilkins, instructor in computer science at the University of Oregon, responded, “AI must
be able to explain the basis for its decisions.”
A top research director and technical fellow at a major global technology company
said, “There is a huge opportunity to enhance folks’ lives via AI technologies. The positive uses of
AI will dominate as they will be selected for their value to people. I trust the work by industry,
academia and civil society to continue to play an important role in moderating the technology,
such as pursuing understandings of the potential costly personal, social and societal influences of
AI. I particularly trust the guidance coming from the long-term, ongoing One Hundred Year Study
on AI and the efforts of the Partnership on AI.”
Peter Stone, professor of computer science at the University of Texas at Austin and chair of the
first study panel of the One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI100), responded, “As
chronicled in detail in the AI100 report, I believe that there are both significant opportunities and
significant challenges/risks when it comes to incorporating AI technologies into various aspects of
everyday life. With carefully crafted industry-specific policies and responsible use, I believe that
the potential benefits outweigh the risks. But the risks are not to be taken lightly.”
Anita Salem, systems research and design principal at SalemSystems, warned of a possible
dystopian outcome, “Human-machine interaction will result in increasing precision and
decreasing human relevance unless specific efforts are made to design in ‘humanness.’ For
instance, AI in the medical field will aid more precise diagnosis, will increase surgical precision
and will increase evidence-based analytics. If designed correctly, these systems will allow the
humans to do what they do best –provide empathy, use experience-based intuition and utilize
touch and connection as a source of healing. If human needs are left out of the design process,
we’ll see a world where humans are increasingly irrelevant and more easily manipulated. We could
see increasing under-employment leading to larger wage gaps, greater poverty and homelessness,
and increasing political alienation. We’ll see fewer opportunities for meaningful work, which will
result in increasing drug and mental health problems and the further erosion of the family support
system. Without explicit efforts to humanize AI design, we’ll see a population that is needed for
purchasing, but not creating. This population will need to be controlled and AI will provide the
means for this control: law enforcement by drones, opinion manipulation by bots, cultural
homogeny through synchronized messaging, election systems optimized from big data and a
geopolitical system dominated by corporations that have benefited from increasing efficiency and
lower operating costs.”
Chris Newman, principal engineer at Oracle, commented, “As it becomes more difficult for
humans to understand how AI/tech works, it will become harder to resolve inevitable problems. A
better outcome is possible with a hard push by engineers and consumers toward elegance and
simplicity (e.g., Steve-Jobs-era Apple).”
A research scientist based in North America wrote, “The wheels of legislation, which is a
primary mechanism to ensure benefits are distributed throughout society, move slowly. While the
benefits of AI/automation will accrue very quickly for the 1%, it will take longer for the rest of the
populace to feel any benefits, and that’s ONLY if our representative leaders DELIBERATELY enact
STRONG social and fiscal policy. For example, AI will save billions in labor costs – and also cut the
bargaining power of labor in negotiations with capital. Any company using AI technologies should
be heavily taxed, with that money going into strong social welfare programs like job retraining and
federal jobs programs. For another example, any publicly funded AI research should be prevented
from being privatized. The public ought to see the reward from its own investments. Don’t let AI
follow the pattern of Big Pharma’s exploitation of the public-permitted Bayh-Dole Act.”
Lindsey Andersen, an activist at the intersection of human rights and technology for Freedom
House and Internews, now doing graduate research at Princeton University, commented,
“Already, there is an overreliance on AI to make consequential decisions that affect people’s lives.
We have rushed to use AI to decide everything, from what content we see on social media to
assigning credit scores to determining how long a sentence a defendant should serve. While often
well-intentioned, these uses of AI are rife with ethical and human rights issues, from perpetuating
racial bias to violating our rights to privacy and free expression. If we have not dealt with these
problems through smart regulation, consumer/buyer education and establishment of norms
across the AI industry, we could be looking at a vastly more unfair, polarized and surveilled world
in 2030.”
Yeseul Kim, a designer for a major South Korean search firm, wrote, “The prosperity generated
by and the benefits of AI will promote the quality of living for most people only when its ethical
implications and social impacts are widely discussed and shared inside the human society, and
only when pertinent regulations and legislation can be set up to mitigate the misconduct that can
be brought about as the result of AI advancement. If these conditions are met, computers and
machines can process data at unprecedented speed and at an unrivaled precision level, and this
will improve the quality of life, especially in medical and healthcare sectors. It has already been
proven and widely shared among medical expert groups that doctors perform better in detecting
diseases when they work with AI. Robotics for surgery is also progressing, so this will also benefit
the patients as they can assist human surgeons who inevitably face physical limits when they
conduct surgeries.”
Mark Maben, a general manager at Seton Hall University, wrote, “The AI revolution is, sadly,
likely to be dystopian. At present, governmental, educational, civic, religious and corporate
institutions are ill-prepared to handle the massive economic and social disruption that will be
caused by AI. I have no doubt that advances in AI will enhance human capacities and empower
some individuals, but this will be more than offset by the fact that artificial intelligence and
associated technological advances will mean far fewer jobs in the future. Sooner than most
individuals and societies realize, AI and automation will eliminate the need for retail workers,
truck drivers, lawyers, surgeons, factory workers and other professions. In order to ensure that the
human spirit thrives in a world run and ruled by AI, we will need to change the current concept of
work. That is an enormous task for a global economic system in which most social and economic
benefits come from holding a traditional job. We are already seeing a decline in democratic
institutions and a rise in authoritarianism due to economic inequality and the changing nature of
work. If we do not start planning now for the day when AI results in complete disruption of
employment, the strain is likely to result in political instability, violence and despair. This can be
avoided by policies that provide for basic human needs and encourage a new definition of work,
but the behavior to date by politicians, governments, corporations and economic elites gives me
little confidence in their ability to lead us through this transition.”
Yoram Kalman, an associate professor at the Open University of Israel and member of The
Center for Internet Research at the University of Haifa, wrote, “The main risk is when
communication and analysis technologies are used to control others, to manipulate them, or to
take advantage of them. These risks are ever-present and can be mitigated through societal
awareness and education, and through regulation that identifies entities that become very
powerful thanks to a specific technology or technologies, and which use that power to further
strengthen themselves. Such entities – be they commercial, political, national, military, religious
or any other – have in the past tried and succeeded in leveraging technologies against the general
societal good, and that is an ever-present risk of any powerful innovation. This risk should make
us vigilant but should not keep us from realizing one of the most basic humans urges: the strive to
constantly improve the human condition.”
Sam Gregory, director of WITNESS and digital human rights activist, responded, “We should
assume all AI systems for surveillance and population control and manipulation will be
disproportionately used and inadequately controlled by authoritarian and non-democratic
governments. These governments and democratic governments will continue to pressure
platforms to use AI to monitor for content, and this monitoring, in and of itself, will contribute to
the data set for personalization and for surveillance and manipulation. To fight back against this
dark future we need to get the right combination of attention to legislation and platform self-
governance right now, and we need to think about media literacy to understand AI-generated
synthetic media and targeting. We should also be cautious about how much we encourage the use
of AI as a solution to managing content online and as a solution to, for example, managing hate
Jonathan Kolber, futurist, wrote, “My fear is that, by generating AIs that can learn new tasks
faster and more reliably than people can do, the future economy will have only evanescent
opportunities for most people. My hope is that we will begin implementing a sustainable and
viable universal basic income, and in particular Michael Haines' MUBI proposal. (To my
knowledge, the only such proposal that is sustainable and can be implemented in any country at
any time.) I have offered a critique of alternatives. Given that people may no longer need depend
on their competitive earning power in 2030, AI will empower a far better world. If, however, we
fail to implement a market-oriented universal basic income or something equally effective, vast
multitudes will become unemployed and unemployable without means to support themselves.
That is a recipe for societal disaster.”
Walid Al-Saqaf, senior lecturer at Södertörn University, member of the board of trustees of the
Internet Society (ISOC) and vice president of the ISOC Blockchain Special Interest Group,
commented, “The challenge is to ensure that the data used for AI procedures is reliable. This
entails the need for strong cyber security and data integrity. The latter, I believe, can be
tremendously enhanced by distributed ledger technologies such as blockchain. I foresee mostly
positive results from AI so long as there is enough guards to protect from automated execution of
tasks in areas that may have ethical considerations such as taking decisions that may have life-or-
death implications. AI has a lot of potential. It should be used to add to and not replace human
intellect and judgement.”
Danny O'Brien, international director for a nonprofit digital rights group, commented, “I'm
generally optimistic about the ability of humans to direct technology for the benefit of themselves
and others. I anticipate human-machine collaboration to take place at an individual level, with
tools and abilities that enhance our own judgment and actions, rather than this being a power
restricted to a few actors. So, for instance, if we use facial-recognition or predictive tools, it will be
under the control of an end-user, transparent and limited to personal use. This may require
regulation, internal coding restraints or a balance being struck between user capabilities. But I'm
hopeful we can get there.”
Fernando Barrio, director of the law program at the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro in
Argentina, commented, “The interaction between humans and networked AI could lead to a better
future for a big percentage of the population. In order to do so efforts need to be directed not only
at increasing AI development and capabilities but also at positive policies to increase the
availability and inclusiveness of those technologies. The challenge is not technical; it is
Paul Jones, professor of information science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
responded, “AI as we know it in 2018 is just beginning to understand itself. Like HAL, it will have
matured by 2030 into an understanding of its post-adolescent self and of its relationship to
humans and to the world. But, also, humans will have matured in our relationship to AI. Like all
adolescent relationships there will have been risk taking and regrets and hopefully reconciliation.
Language was our first link to other intelligences, then books, then the internet – each a more
intimate conversation than the one before. AI will become our link, adviser and to some extent our
wise loving companion.”
Jean-Claude Heudin, a professor with expertise in AI and software engineering at the De Vinci
Research Center at Pole Universitaire Leonard de Vinci in France, wrote, “Natural intelligence and
artificial intelligence are complementary. We need all of the possible intelligence possible for
solving the problems yet to come. More intelligence is always better.”
Bryan Alexander, futurist and president of Bryan Alexander Consulting, responded, “I hope we
will structure AI to enhance our creativity, to boost our learning, to expand our relationships
worldwide, to make us physically safer and to remove some drudgery.”
But some have concerns that the setting of policy could do some damage.
Scott Burleigh, software engineer and intergalactic internet pioneer, wrote, “Advances in
technology itself, including AI, always increase our ability to change the circumstances of reality in
ways that improve our lives. It also always introduces possible side effects that can make us worse
off than we were before. Those effects are realized when the policies we devise for using the new
technologies are unwise. I don't worry about technology; I worry about stupid policy. I worry
about it a lot, but I am guardedly optimistic; in most cases I think we eventually end up with
tolerable policies.”
Jeff Jarvis, director of the Tow-Knight Center at City University of New York’s Craig Newmark
School of Journalism, commented, “What worries me most is worry itself: An emerging moral
panic that will cut off the benefits of this technology for fear of what could be done with it. What I
fear most is an effort to control not just technology and data but knowledge itself, prescribing what
information can be used for before we know what those uses could be. I could substitute ‘book’ for
‘AI’ and the year 1485 (or maybe 1550) for 2030 in your question and it’d hold fairly true. Some
thought it would be good, some bad; both end up right. We will figure this out. We always have.
Sure, after the book there were wars and other profound disturbances. But in the end, humans
figure out how to exploit technologies to their advantage and control them for their safety. I’d call
that a law of society. The same will be true of AI. Some will misuse it, of course, and that is the
time to identify limits to place on its use – not speculatively before. Many more will use it to find
economic, societal, educational and cultural benefit and we need to give them the freedom to do
Some respondents said no matter how society comes together to troubleshoot AI concerns there
will still be problems.
Dave Gusto, professor of political science and co-director of the Consortium for Science, Policy &
Outcomes at Arizona State University, said, “The question asked about ‘most people.’ Most people
in the world live a life that is not well regarded by technology, technology developers and AI. I
don’t see that changing much in the next dozen years.”
A longtime Silicon Valley communications professional who has worked at several of the
top tech companies over the past few decades responded, “AI will continue to improve *if* quality
human input is behind it. If so, better AI will support service industries at the top of the funnel,
leaving humans to handle interpretation, decisions and applied knowledge. Medical data-
gathering for earlier diagnostics comes to mind. Smarter job-search processes, environmental data
collection for climate-change actions – these applications all come to mind.”
A changemaker working for digital accessibility wrote, “There is no reason to assume some
undefined force will be able to correct for or ameliorate the damage of human nature amplified
with power-centralizing technologies. There is no indication that governments will be able to
counterbalance power-centralization trends, as governments, too, take advantage of such market
failures. The outward dressing of such interactions is probably the least important aspect of it.”
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents also tie into this theme:
▪ “It is essential that policymakers focus on impending inequalities. The central question is
for whom will life be better, and for whom will it be worse? Some people will benefit from
AI, but many will not. For example, folks on the middle and lower end of the income scale
will see their jobs disappear as human-machine/AI collaborations become lower-cost and
more efficient. Though such changes could generate societal benefits, they should not be
born on the backs of middle- and low-income people.”
▪ “Results will be determined by the capacity of political, criminal justice and military
institutions to adapt to rapidly evolving technologies.”
▪ “To assure the best future, we need to ramp up efforts in the areas of decentralizing data
ownership, education and policy around transparency.”
▪ “Most high-end AI knowhow is and will be controlled by a few giant corporations unless
government or a better version of the United Nations step in to control and oversee them.”
▪ “Political change will determine whether AI technologies will benefit most people or not. I
am not optimistic due to the current growth of authoritarian regimes and the growing
segment of the super-rich elite who derive disproportionate power over the direction of
society from their economic dominance.”
▪ “Mechanisms must be put in place to ensure that the benefits of AI do not accrue only to
big companies and their shareholders. If current neo-liberal governance trends continue,
the value-added of AI will be controlled by a few dominant players, so the benefits will not
accrue to most people. There is a need to balance efficiency with equity, which we have not
been doing lately.”
A share of these experts suggest the creation of policies, regulations or ethical and operational
standards should shift corporate and government priorities to focus on the global advancement of
humanity, rather than profits or nationalism. They urge that major organizations revamp their
practices and make sure AI advances are aimed at human augmentation for all, regardless of
economic class.
Nicholas Beale, leader of the strategy practice at Sciteb, an international strategy and search
firm, commented, “All depends on how responsibly AI is applied. AI ‘done right’ will empower. But
unless Western CEOs improve their ethics it won't. I'm hoping for the best.”
Charles Zheng, a researcher into machine learning and AI with the National Institute of Mental
Health, wrote, “To ensure the best future, politicians must be informed of the benefits and risks of
AI and pass laws to regulate the industry and to encourage open AI research. My hope is that AI
algorithms advance significantly in their ability to understand natural language, and also in their
ability to model humans and understand human values. My fear is that the benefits of AI are
restricted to the rich and powerful without being accessible to the general public.”
Mary Chayko, author of “Superconnected: The Internet, Digital Media, and Techno-Social Life,”
said, “We will see regulatory oversight of AI geared toward the protection of those who use it.
Having said that, people will need to remain educated as to AI’s impacts on them and to mobilize
as needed to limit the power of companies and governments to intrude on their spaces, lives and
civil rights. It will take vigilance and hard work to accomplish this, but I feel strongly that we are
up to the task.”
R “Ray” Wang, founder and principal analyst at Constellation Research, based in Silicon Valley,
said, “We have not put the controls of AI in the hands of many. In fact the experience in China has
shown how this technology can be used to take away the freedoms and rights of the individual for
the purposes of security, efficiency, expediency and whims of the state. On the commercial side, we
also do not have any controls in play as to ethical AI. Five elements should be included –
transparency, explainability, reversibility, coachability and human-led processes in the design.”
John Willinsky, professor and director of the Public Knowledge Project at Stanford Graduate
School of Education, said, “Uses of AI that reduce human autonomy and freedom will need to be
carefully weighed against the gains in other qualities of human life (e.g., driverless cars that
improve traffic and increase safety). By 2030, deliberations over such matters will be critical to the
functioning of ‘human-machine/AI collaboration.’ My hope, however, is that these deliberations
are not framed as collaborations between what is human and what is AI but will be seen as the
human use of yet another technology, with the wisdom of such use open to ongoing human
consideration and intervention intent on advancing that sense of what is most humane about us.”
Gene Crick, director of the Metropolitan Austin Interactive Network and longtime community
telecommunications expert, wrote, “To predict AI will benefit ‘most’ people is more hopeful than
certain. … AI can benefit lives at work and home – if competing agendas can be balanced. Key
support for this important goal could be technology professionals’ acceptance and commitment
regarding social and ethical responsibilities of our work.”
Anthony Picciano, a professor of education at the City of New York University’s Interactive
Technology and Pedagogy program, responded, “I am concerned that profit motives will lead some
companies and individuals to develop AI applications that will threaten, not necessarily improve,
our way of life. In the next 10 years we will see evolutionary progress in the development of
artificial intelligence. After 2030, we will likely see revolutionary developments that will have
significant ramifications on many aspects of human endeavor. We will need to develop checks on
artificial intelligence.”
Bill Woodcock, executive director at Packet Clearing House, the research organization behind
global network development, commented, “In short-term, pragmatic ways, learning algorithms
will save people time by automating much of tasks like navigation and package delivery and
shopping for staples. But that tactical win comes at a strategic loss as long as the primary
application of AI is to extract more money from people, because that puts them in opposition to
our interests as a species, helping to enrich a few people at the expense of everyone else. In AI that
exploits human psychological weaknesses to sell us things, we have for the first time created
something that effectively predates our own species. That’s a fundamentally bad idea and requires
regulation just as surely as would self-replicating biological weapons.”
Joe Whittaker, a former professor of sciences and associate director of the NASA GESTAR
program, now associate provost at Jackson State University, said, “Actions should be taken to
make the internet universally available and accessible, provide the training and know-how for all
John Paschoud, councilor for the London borough of Lewisham, said, “It is possible that
advances in AI and networked information will benefit ‘most’ people, but this is highly dependent
upon on how those benefits are shared. ... If traditional capitalist models of ‘ownership of the
means of production’ prevail, then benefits of automated production will be retained by the few
who own, not the many who work. Similarly, models of housing, health care, etc., can be equitably
distributed and can all be enhanced by technology.”
Kate Carruthers, a chief data and analytics officer based in Australia, predicted, “Humans will
increasingly interact with AI on a constant basis and it will become hard to know where the
boundaries are between the two. Just as kids now see their mobile phones as an extension of
themselves so too will human/AI integration be. I fear that the cause of democracy and freedom
will be lost by 2030, so it might be a darker future. To avoid that, one thing we need to do is ensure
the development of ethical standards for the development of AI and ensure that we deal with
algorithmic bias. We need to build ethics into our development processes. Further, I assume that
tracking and monitoring of people will be an accepted part of life and that there will be stronger
regulation on privacy and data security. Every facet of life will be circumscribed by AI, and it will
be part of the fabric of our lives.”
David Zubrow, associate director of empirical research at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software
Engineering Institute, said, “How the advances are used demands wisdom, leadership and social
norms and values that respect and focus on making the world better for all; education and health
care will reach remote and underserved areas, for instance. The fear is control is consolidated in
the hands of few that seek to exploit people, nature and technology for their own gain. I am
hopeful that this will not happen.”
Kyung Sin Park, internet law expert and co-founder of Open Net Korea, responded, “AI consists
of software and training data. Software is already being made available on an open source basis.
What will decide AI’s contribution to humanity will be whether data (used for training AI) will be
equitably distributed. Data-protection laws and the open data movement will hopefully do the job
of making more data available equally to all people. I imagine a future where people can access AI-
driven diagnosis of symptoms, which will drastically reduce health care costs for all.”
Doug Schepers, chief technologist at Fizz Studio, said, “AI/ML, in applications and in
autonomous devices and vehicles, will make some jobs obsolete, and the resulting unemployment
will cause some economic instability that impacts society as a whole, but most individuals will be
better off. The social impact of software and networked systems will get increasingly complex, so
ameliorating that software problem with software agents may be the only way to decrease harm to
human lives, but only if we can focus the goal of software to benefit individuals and groups rather
than companies or industries.”
Erik Huesca, president of the Knowledge and Digital Culture Foundation, based in Mexico City,
said, “There is a concentration of places where specific AI is developed. It is a consequence of the
capital investment that seeks to replace expensive professionals. Universities have to rethink what
type of graduates to prepare, especially in areas of health, legal and engineering, where the
greatest impact is expected, since the labor displacement of doctors, engineers and lawyers is a
reality with the incipient developed systems.”
Stephen Abram, principal at Lighthouse Consulting Inc., wrote, “I am concerned that individual
agency is lost in AI and that appropriate safeguards should be in place around data collection as
specified by the individual. I worry that context can be misconstrued by government agencies like
ICE, IRS, police, etc. There is a major conversation needed throughout the time during which AI
applications are developed, and they need to be evergreen as innovation and creativity spark new
developments. Indeed, this should not be part of a political process, but an academic, independent
process guided by principles and not economics and commercial entities.”
David Klann, consultant and software developer at Broadcast Tool & Die, responded, “AI and
related technologies will continue to enhance peoples’ lives. I tend toward optimism; I instinctively
believe there are enough activists who care about the ethics of AI that the technology will be put to
use solving problems that humans cannot solve on their own. Take mapping, for instance. I
recently learned about congestion problems caused by directions being optimized for individuals.
People are now tweaking the algorithms to account for multiple people taking the ‘most efficient
route’ that had become congested and was causing neighborhood disturbance due to the increased
traffic. I believe people will construct AI algorithms to learn of and to ‘think ahead’ about such
unintended consequences and to avoid them before they become problems. Of course, my fear is
that money interests will continue to wield an overwhelming influence over AI and machine
learning (ML). These can be mitigated through fully disclosed techniques, transparency and third-
party oversight. These third parties may be government institutions or non-government
organizations with the strength to ‘enforce’ ethical use of the technologies. Open source code and
open ML training data will contribute significantly to this mitigation.”
Andrian Kreye, a journalist and documentary filmmaker based in Germany, said, “If humanity
is willing to learn from its mistakes with low-level AIs like social media algorithms there might be
a chance for AI to become an engine for equality and progress. Since most digital development is
driven by venture capital, experience shows that automation and abuse will be the norm.”
Mai Sugimoto, an associate professor of sociology at Kansai University in Japan, responded, “AI
could amplify one’s bias and prejudice. We have to make data unbiased before putting it into AI,
but it's not very easy.”
An anonymous respondent wrote, “There are clearly advances associated with AI, but the
current global political climate gives no indication that technological advancement in any area will
improve most lives in the future. We also need to think ecologically in terms of the
interrelationship between technology and other social-change events. For example, medical
technology has increased lifespans, but the current opioid crisis has taken many lives in the U.S.
among certain demographics.”
A founder and president said, “The future of AI is more about the policies we choose and the
projects we choose to fund. I think there will be large corporate interests in AI that serve nothing
but profits and corporations’ interests. This is the force for the ‘bad.’ However, I also believe that
most technologists want to do good, and that most people want to head in a direction for the
common good. In the end, I think this force will win out.”
The greatest share of participants in this canvassing said automated systems driven by artificial
intelligence are already improving many dimensions of their work, play and home lives and they
expect this to continue over the next decade. While they worry over the accompanying negatives of
human-AI advances, they hope for broad changes for the better as networked, intelligent systems
are revolutionizing everything, from the most pressing professional work to hundreds of the little
“everyday” aspects of existence.
One respondent’s answer covered many of the improvements experts expect as machines sit
alongside humans as their assistants and enhancers. An associate professor at a major
university in Israel wrote, “In the coming 12 years AI will enable all sorts of professions to do
their work more efficiently, especially those involving ‘saving life’: individualized medicine,
policing, even warfare (where attacks will focus on disabling infrastructure and less in killing
enemy combatants and civilians). In other professions, AI will enable greater individualization,
e.g., education based on the needs and intellectual abilities of each pupil/student. Of course, there
will be some downsides: greater unemployment in certain ‘rote’ jobs (e.g., transportation drivers,
food service, robots and automation, etc.).”
This section begins with experts sharing mostly positive expectations for the evolution of humans
and AI. It is followed by separate sections that include their thoughts about the potential for AI-
human partnerships and quality of life in 2030, as well as the future of jobs, health care and
Many of the leading experts extolled the positives they expect to continue to expand as AI tools
evolve to do more things for more people.
Martijn van Otterlo, author of “Gatekeeping Algorithms with Human Ethical Bias” and
assistant professor of artificial intelligence at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, wrote, “Even
though I see many ethical issues, potential problems and especially power imbalance/misuse
issues with AI (not even starting about singularity issues and out-of-control AI), I do think AI will
change most lives for the better, especially looking at the short horizon of 2030 even more-so,
because even bad effects of AI can be considered predominantly ‘good’ by the majority of people.
For example, the Cambridge Analytica case has shown us the huge privacy issues of modern social
networks in a market economy, but, overall, people value the extraordinary services Facebook
offers to improve communication opportunities, sharing capabilities and so on.”
Vint Cerf, Internet Hall of Fame member and vice president and chief internet evangelist at
Google, said, “I see AI and machine learning as augmenting human cognition a la Douglas
Engelbart. There will be abuses and bugs, some harmful, so we need to be thoughtful about how
these technologies are implemented and used, but, on the whole, I see these as constructive.”
Mícheál Ó Foghlú, engineering director and DevOps Code Pillar at Google’s Munich office, said,
“The trend is that AI/ML models in specific domains can out-perform human experts (e.g., certain
cancer diagnoses based on image-recognition in retina scans). I think it would be fairly much the
consensus that this trend would continue, and many more such systems could aid human experts
to be more accurate.”
Craig Mathias, principal at Farpoint Group, an advisory firm specializing in wireless networking
and mobile computing, commented, “Many if not most of the large-scale technologies that we all
depend upon – such as the internet itself, the power grid, and roads and highways – will simply be
unable to function in the future without AI, as both solution complexity and demand continue to
Matt Mason, a roboticist and the former director of the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon
University, wrote, “AI will present new opportunities and capabilities to improve the human
experience. While it is possible for a society to behave irrationally and choose to use it to their
detriment, I see no reason to think that is the more likely outcome.”
Mike Osswald, vice president of experience innovation at Hanson Inc., commented, “I’m
thinking of a world in which people’s devices continuously assess the world around them to keep a
population safer and healthier. Thinking of those living in large urban areas, with devices forming
a network of AI input through sound analysis, air quality, natural events, etc., that can provide
collective notifications and insight to everyone in a certain area about the concerns of
environmental factors, physical health, even helping provide no quarter for bad actors through
community policing.”
Barry Hughes, senior scientist at the Center for International Futures at the University of
Denver, commented, “I was one of the original test users of the ARPANET and now can hardly
imagine living without the internet. Although AI will be disruptive through 2030 and beyond,
meaning that there will be losers in the workplace and growing reasons for concern about privacy
and AI/cyber-related crime, on the whole I expect that individuals and societies will make choices
on use and restriction of use that benefit us. Examples include likely self-driving vehicles at that
time, when my wife's deteriorating vision and that of an increased elderly population will make it
increasingly liberating. I would expect rapid growth in use for informal/non-traditional education
as well as some more ambivalent growth in the formal-education sector. Big-data applications in
health-related research should be increasingly productive, and health care delivery should benefit.
Transparency with respect to its character and use, including its developers and their personal
benefits, is especially important in limiting the inevitable abuse.”
Dana Klisanin, psychologist, futurist and game designer, predicted, “People will increasingly
realize the importance of interacting with each other and the natural world and they will program
AI to support such goals, which will in turn support the ongoing emergence of the ‘slow
movement.’ For example, grocery shopping and mundane chores will be allocated to AI (smart
appliances), freeing up time for preparation of meals in keeping with the slow food movement.
Concern for the environment will likewise encourage the growth of the slow goods/slow fashion
movement. The ability to recycle, reduce, reuse will be enhanced by the use of in-home 3D
printers, giving rise to a new type of ‘craft’ that is supported by AI. AI will support the ‘cradle-to-
grave’ movement by making it easier for people to trace the manufacturing process from inception
to final product.”
Liz Rykert, president at Meta Strategies, a consultancy that works with technology and complex
organizational change, responded, “The key for networked AI will be the ability to diffuse equitable
responses to basic care and data collection. If bias remains in the programming it will be a big
problem. I believe we will be able to develop systems that will learn from and reflect a much
broader and more diverse population than the systems we have now.”
Michael R. Nelson, a technology policy expert for a leading network services provider who
worked as a technology policy aide in the Clinton administration, commented, “Most media
reports focus on how machine learning will directly affect people (medical diagnosis, self-driving
cars, etc.) but we will see big improvements in infrastructure (traffic, sewage treatment, supply
chain, etc.).”
Gary Arlen, president of Arlen Communications, wrote, “After the initial frenzy recedes about
specific AI applications (such as autonomous vehicles, workplace robotics, transaction processing,
health diagnoses and entertainment selections), specific applications will develop – probably in
areas barely being considered today. As with many new technologies, the benefits will not apply
equally, potentially expanding the haves-and-have-nots dichotomy. In addition, as AI delves into
new fields – including creative work such as design, music/art composition – we may see new
legal challenges about illegal appropriation of intellectual property (via machine
learning). However, the new legal tasks from such litigation may not need a conventional lawyer –
but could be handled by AI itself. Professional health care AI poses another type of dichotomy. For
patients, AI could be a bonanza, identifying ailments, often in early stages (based on early
symptoms), and recommending treatments. At the same time, such automated tasks could impact
employment for medical professionals. And again, there are legal challenges to be determined,
such as liability in the case of a wrong action by the AI. Overall, there is no such thing as ‘most
people,’ but many individuals and groups – especially in professional situations – WILL live better
lives thanks to AI, albeit with some severe adjustment pains.”
Tim Morgan, a respondent who provided no identifying details, said, “Algorithmic machine
learning will be our intelligence amplifier, exhaustively exploring data and designs in ways
humans alone cannot. The world was shocked when IBM’s Deep Blue computer beat Garry
Kasparov in 1997. What emerged later was the realization that human and AI ‘centaurs’ could
combine to beat anyone, human or AI. The synthesis is more than the sum of the parts.”
Marshall Kirkpatrick, product director of influencer marketing, responded, “If the network can
be both decentralized and imbued with empathy, rather than characterized by violent exploitation,
then we’re safe. I expect it will land in between, hopefully leaning toward the positive. For
example, I expect our understanding of self and freedom will be greatly impacted by an
instrumentation of a large part of memory, through personal logs and our data exhaust being
recognized as valuable just like when we shed the term ‘junk DNA.’ Networked AI will bring us
new insights into our own lives that might seem as far-fetched today as it would have been 30
years ago to say, ‘I’ll tell you what music your friends are discovering right now.’ AI is most likely
to augment humanity for the better, but it will take longer and not be done as well as it could be.
Hopefully we’ll build it in a way that will help us be comparably understanding to others.”
Daniel A. Menasce, professor of computer science at George Mason University, commented, “AI
and related technologies coupled with significant advances in computer power and decreasing
costs will allow specialists in a variety of disciplines to perform more efficiently and will allow non-
specialists to use computer systems to augment their skills. Some examples include health
delivery, smart cities and smart buildings. For these applications to become reality, easy-to-use
user interfaces, or better yet transparent user interfaces will have to be developed.”
David Wells, chief financial officer at Netflix, responded, “Technology progression and
advancement has always been met with fear and anxiety, giving way to tremendous gains for
humankind as we learn to enhance the best of the changes and adapt and alter the
worst. Continued networked AI will be no different but the pace of technological change has
increased, which is different and requires us to more quickly adapt. This pace is different and
presents challenges for some human groups and societies that we will need to acknowledge and
work through to avoid marginalization and political conflict. But the gains from better education,
medical care and crime reduction will be well worth the challenges.”
Rik Farrow, editor of ;login: for the USENIX association, wrote, “Humans do poorly when it
comes to making decisions based on facts, rather than emotional issues. Humans get distracted
easily. There are certainly things that AI can do better than humans, like driving cars, handling
finances, even diagnosing illnesses. Expecting human doctors to know everything about the
varieties of disease and humans is silly. Let computers do what they are good at.”
Steve Crocker, CEO and co-founder of Shinkuro Inc. and Internet Hall of Fame member,
responded, “AI and human-machine interaction has been under vigorous development for the past
50 years. The advances have been enormous. The results are marbled through all of our products
and systems. Graphics, speech [and] language understanding are now taken for granted.
Encyclopedic knowledge is available at our fingertips. Instant communication with anyone,
anywhere exists for about half the world at minimal cost. The effects on productivity, lifestyle and
reduction of risks, both natural and man-made, have been extraordinary and will continue. As
with any technology, there are opportunities for abuse, but the challenges for the next decade or so
are not significantly different from the challenges mankind has faced in the past. Perhaps the
largest existential threat has been the potential for nuclear holocaust. In comparison, the concerns
about AI are significantly less.”
James Kadtke, expert on converging technologies at the Institute for National Strategic Studies
at the U.S. National Defense University, wrote, “Barring the deployment of a few different radically
new technologies, such as general AI or commercial quantum computers, the internet and AI
[between now and 2030] will proceed on an evolutionary trajectory. Expect internet access and
sophistication to be considerably greater, but not radically different, and also expect that malicious
actors using the internet will have greater sophistication and power. Whether we can control both
these trends for positive outcomes is a public policy issue more than a technological one.”
Tim Morgan, a respondent who provided no identifying details, said, “Human/AI collaboration
over the next 12 years will improve the overall quality of life by finding new approaches to
persistent problems. We will use these adaptive algorithmic tools to explore whole new domains in
every industry and field of study: materials science, biotech, medicine, agriculture, engineering,
energy, transportation and more. … This goes beyond computability into human relationships. AIs
are beginning to understand and speak the human language of emotion. The potential of affective
computing ranges from productivity-increasing adaptive interfaces, to ‘pre-crime’ security
monitoring of airports and other gathering places, to companion ‘pets’ which monitor their aging
owners and interact with them in ways that improve their health and disposition. Will there be
unseen dangers or consequences? Definitely. That is our pattern with our tools. We invent them,
use them to improve our lives and then refine them when we find problems. AI is no different.”
Ashok Goel, director of the human-centered computing Ph.D. program at Georgia Tech, wrote,
“Human-AI interaction will be multimodal: We will directly converse with AIs, for example.
However, much of the impact of AI will come in enhancing human-human interaction across both
space (we will be networked with others) and time (we will have access to all our previously
acquired knowledge). This will aid, augment and amplify individual and collective human
intelligence in unprecedented and powerful ways.”
David Cake, an leader with Electronic Frontiers Australia and vice-chair of the ICANN GNSO
Council, wrote, “In general, machine learning and related technologies have the capacity to greatly
reduce human error in many areas where it is currently very problematic and make available good,
appropriately tailored advice to people to whom it is currently unavailable, in literally almost every
field of human endeavour.”
Fred Baker, an independent networking technologies consultant, longtime leader in the Internet
Engineering Task Force and engineering fellow with Cisco, commented, “In my opinion,
developments have not been ‘out of control,’ in the sense that the creation of Terminator's Skynet
or the HAL 9000 computer might depict them. Rather, we have learned to automate processes in
which neural networks have been able to follow data to its conclusion (which we call ‘big data’)
unaided and uncontaminated by human intuition, and sometimes the results have surprised us.
These remain, and in my opinion will remain, to be interpreted by human beings and used for our
Bob Frankston, software innovation pioneer and technologist based in North America, wrote,
“It could go either way. AI could be a bureaucratic straitjacket and tool of surveillance. I’m betting
that machine learning will be like the X-ray in giving us the ability to see new wholes and gain
Perry Hewitt, a marketing, content and technology executive, wrote, “Today, voice-activated
technologies are an untamed beast in our homes. Some 16% of Americans have a smart speaker,
and yet they are relatively dumb devices: They misinterpret questions, offer generic answers and,
to the consternation of some, are turning our kids into a**holes. I am bullish on human-machine
interactions developing a better understanding of and improving our daily routines. I think in
particular of the working parent, often although certainly not exclusively a woman, who carries so
much information in their head. What if a human-machine collaboration could stock the house
with essentials, schedule the pre-camp pediatrician appointments and prompt drivers for the
alternate-side parking/street cleaning rules. The ability for narrow AI to assimilate new
information (the bus is supposed to come at 7:10 but a month into the school year is known to
actually come at 7:16) could keep a family connected and informed with the right data, and reduce
the mental load of household management.”
John McNutt, a professor in the school of public policy and administration at the University of
Delaware, responded, “Throwing out technology because there is a potential downside is not how
human progress takes place. In public service, a turbulent environment has created a situation
where knowledge overload can seriously degrade our ability to do the things that are essential to
implement policies and serve the public good. AI can be the difference between a public service
that works well and one that creates more problems than it solves.”
Randy Marchany, chief information security officer at Virginia Tech and director of Virginia
Tech’s IT Security Laboratory, said, “AI-human interaction in 2030 will be in its ‘infancy’ stage. AI
will need to go to ‘school’ in a manner similar to humans. They will amass large amounts of data
collected by various sources but need ‘ethics’ training to make good decisions. Just as kids are
taught a wide variety of info and some sort of ethics (religion, social manners, etc.), AI will need
similar training. Will AI get the proper training? Who decides the training content?”
A data analyst for an organization developing marketing solutions said, “Assuming that
policies are in place to prevent the abuse of AI and programs are in place to find new jobs for those
who would be career-displaced, there is a lot of potential in AI integration. By 2030, most AI will
be used for marketing purposes and be more annoying to people than anything else as they are
bombarded with personalized ads and recommendations. The rest of AI usage will be its
integration into more tedious and repetitive tasks across career fields. Implementing AI in this
fashion will open up more time for humans to focus on long-term and in-depth tasks that will
allow further and greater societal progression. For example, AI can be trained to identify and
codify qualitative information from surveys, reviews, articles, etc., far faster and in greater
quantities than even a team of humans can. By having AI perform these tasks, analysts can spend
more time parsing the data for trends and information that can then be used to make more-
informed decisions faster and allow for speedier turn-around times. Minor product faults can be
addressed before they become widespread, scientists can generate semiannual reports on
environmental changes rather than annual or biannual.”
Helena Draganik, a professor at the University of Gdańsk in Poland, responded, “AI will not
change humans. It will change the relations between them because it can serve as an interpreter of
communication. It will change our habits (as an intermediation technology). AI will be a great
commodity. It will help in cases of health problems (diseases). It will also generate a great ‘data
industry’ (big data) market and a lack of anonymity and privacy. Humanity will more and more
depend on energy/electricity. These factors will create new social, cultural, security and political
There are those who think there won’t be much change by 2030.
An anonymous respondent wrote, “While various deployments of new data science and
computation will help firms cut costs, reduce fraud and support decision-making that involves
access to more information than an individual can manage, organisations, professions, markets
and regulators (public and private) usually take many more than 12 years to adapt effectively to a
constantly changing set of technologies and practices. This generally causes a decline in service
quality, insecurity over jobs and investments, new monopoly businesses distorting markets and
social values, etc. For example, many organisations will be under pressure to buy and implement
new services, but unable to access reliable market information on how to do this, leading to bad
investments, distractions from core business, and labour and customer disputes.”
Mario Morino, chairman of the Morino Institute and co-founder of Venture Philanthropy
Partners, commented, “While I believe AI/ML will bring enormous benefits, it may take us several
decades to navigate through the disruption and transition they will introduce on multiple levels.”
Daniel Berninger, an internet pioneer who led the first VoIP deployments at Verizon, HP and
NASA, currently founder at Voice Communication Exchange Committee (VCXC), said, “The
luminaries claiming artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence and promoting robot
reverence imagine exponentially improving computation pushes machine self-actualization from
science fiction into reality. The immense valuations awarded Google, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, et
al., rely on this machine-dominance hype to sell infinite scaling. As with all hype, pretending
reality does not exist does not make reality go away. Moore’s Law does not concede the future to
machines, because human domination of the planet does not owe to computation. Any road map
granting machines self-determination includes ‘miracle’ as one of the steps. You cannot turn a
piece of wood into a real boy. AI merely ‘models’ human activity. No amount of improvement in
the development of these models turns the ‘model’ into the ‘thing.’ Robot reverence attempts
plausibility by collapsing the breadth of human potential and capacities. It operates via ‘denialism’
with advocates disavowing the importance of anything they cannot model. In particular, super AI
requires pretending human will and consciousness do not exist. Human beings remain the source
of all intent and the judge of all outcomes. Machines provide mere facilitation and mere efficiency
in the journey from intent to outcome. The dehumanizing nature of automation and the
diseconomy of scale of human intelligence is already causing headaches that reveal another AI
Winter arriving well before 2030.”
Paul Kainen, futurist and director of the Lab for Visual Mathematics at Georgetown University,
commented, “Quantum cat here: I expect complex superposition of strong positive, negative and
null as typical impact for AI. For the grandkids’ sake, we must be positive!”
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents also tie into AI in 2030:
▪ An Internet Hall of Fame member wrote, “You'll talk to your digital assistant in a
normal voice and it will just be there – it will often anticipate your needs, so you may only
need to talk to it to correct or update it.”
▪ The director of a cognitive research group at one of the world’s top AI and
large-scale computing companies predicted that by 2030, “Smartphone-equivalent
devices will support true natural-language dialog with episodic memory of past
interactions. Apps will become low-cost digital workers with basic commonsense
▪ An anonymous Internet Hall of Fame member said, “The equivalent of the ‘Star
Trek’ universal translator will become practical, enabling travelers to better interact with
people in countries they visit, facilitate online discussions across language barriers, etc.”
▪ An Internet of Things researcher commented, “We need to balance between human
emotions and machine intelligence – can machines be emotional? – that’s the frontier we
have to conquer.”
▪ An anonymous respondent wrote, “2030 is still quite possibly before the advent of
human-level AI. During this phase AI is still mostly augmenting human efforts –
increasingly ubiquitous, optimizing the systems that surround us and being replaced when
their optimization criteria are not quite perfect – rather than pursuing those goals
programmed into them, whether we find the realization of those goals desirable or not.”
▪ A research scientist who works for Google said, “Things will be better, although
many people are deeply worried about the effects of AI.”
▪ An ARPANET and internet pioneer wrote, “The kind of AI we are currently able to
build as good for data analysis but far, far away from ‘human’ levels of performance; the
next 20 years won’t change this, but we will have valuable tools to help analyze and control
our world.”
▪ An artificial intelligence researcher working for one of the world’s most
powerful technology companies wrote, “AI will enhance our vision and hearing
capabilities, remove language barriers, reduce time to find information we care about and
help in automating mundane activities.”
▪ A manager with a major digital innovation company said, “Couple the information
storage with the ever-increasing ability to rapidly search and analyze that data, and the
benefits to augmenting human intelligence with this processed data will open up new
avenues of technology and research throughout society.”
▪ “AI will help people to manage the increasingly complex world we are forced to navigate. It
will empower individuals to not be overwhelmed.”
▪ “AI will reduce human error in many contexts: driving, workplace, medicine and more.”
▪ “In teaching it will enhance knowledge about student progress and how to meet individual
needs; it will offer guidance options based on the unique preferences of students that can
guide learning and career goals.”
▪ “2030 is only 12 years from now, so I expect that systems like Alexa and Siri will be more
helpful but still of only medium utility.”
▪ “AI will be a useful tool; I am quite a ways away from fearing SkyNet and the rise of the
▪ “AI will produce major benefits in the next 10 years, but ultimately the question is one of
politics: Will the world somehow manage to listen to the economists, even when their
findings are uncomfortable?”
▪ “I strongly believe that an increasing use of numerical control will improve the lives of
people in general.”
▪ “AI will help us navigate choices, find safer routes and avenues for work and play, and help
make our choices and work more consistent.”
▪ “Many factors will be at work to increase or decrease human welfare, and it will be difficult
to separate them.”
The hopeful experts in this sample generally expect that AI will work to optimize, augment and
improve human activities and experiences. They say it will save time and it will save lives via
health advances and the reduction of risks and of poverty. They hope it will spur innovation and
broaden opportunities, increase the value of human-to-human experiences, augment humans and
increase individuals’ overall satisfaction with life.
Clay Shirky, writer and consultant on the social and economic effects of internet technologies
and vice president at New York University, said, “All previous forms of labor-saving devices, from
the level to the computer, have correlated with increased health and lifespan in the places that
have adopted them.”
Jamais Cascio, research fellow at the Institute for the Future, wrote, “Although I do believe that
in 2030 AI will have made our lives better, I suspect that popular media of the time will justifiably
highlight the large-scale problems: displaced workers, embedded bias and human systems being
too deferential to machine systems. But AI is more than robot soldiers, autonomous cars or digital
assistants with quirky ‘personalities.’ Most of the AI we will encounter in 2030 will be in-the-walls,
behind-the-scenes systems built to adapt workspaces, living spaces and the urban environment to
better suit our needs. Medical AI will keep track of medication and alert us to early signs of health
problems. Environmental AI will monitor air quality, heat index and other indicators relevant to
our day’s tasks. Our visual and audio surroundings may be altered or filtered to improve our
moods, better our focus or otherwise alter our subconscious perceptions of the world. Most of this
AI will be functionally invisible to us, as long as it’s working properly. The explicit human-machine
interface will be with a supervisor system that coordinates all of the sub-AI – and undoubtedly
there will be a lively business in creating supervisor systems with quirky personalities.”
Mike Meyer, chief information officer at Honolulu Community College, wrote, “Social
organizations will be increasingly administered by AI/ML systems to ensure equity and
consistency in provisioning of services to the population. The steady removal of human emotion-
driven discrimination will rebalance social organizations creating true equitable opportunity to all
people for the first time in human history. People will be part of these systems as censors, in the
old imperial Chinese model, providing human emotional intelligence where that is needed to
smooth social management. All aspects of human existence will be affected by the integration of AI
into human societies. Historically this type of base paradigmatic change is both difficult and
unstoppable. The results will be primarily positive but will produce problems both in the process
of change and in totally new types of problems that will result from the ways that people do adapt
the new technology-based processes.”
Mark Crowley, an assistant professor, expert in machine learning and core member of the
Institute for Complexity and Innovation at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, wrote,
“While driving home on a long commute from work the human will be reading a book in the
heads-up screen of the windshield. The car will be driving autonomously on the highway for the
moment. The driver will have an idea to note down and add to a particular document; all this will
be done via voice. In the middle of this a complicated traffic arrangement will be seen approaching
via other networked cars. The AI will politely interrupt the driver, put away the heads-up display
and warn the driver they may need to take over in the next 10 seconds or so. The conversation will
be flawless and natural, like Jarvis in ‘Avengers,’ even charming. But it will be tasks-focused to the
car, personal events, notes and news.”
Theodore Gordon, futurist, management consultant and co-founder of the Millennium Project,
commented, “There will be ups and downs, surely, but the net is, I believe, good. The most
encouraging uses of AI will be in early warning of terror activities, incipient diseases and
environmental threats and in improvements in decision-making.”
Yvette Wohn, director of the Social Interaction Lab and expert on human-computer interaction
at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, said, “One area in which artificial intelligence will
become more sophisticated will be in its ability to enrich the quality of life so that the current age
of workaholism will transition into a society where leisure, the arts, entertainment and culture are
able to enhance the well-being of society in developed countries and solve issues of water
production, food growth/distribution and basic health provision in developing countries.”
Ken Goldberg, distinguished chair in engineering, director of AUTOLAB’s and CITRIS’ “people
and robots” initiative, and founding member of the Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab at
the University of California, Berkeley, said, “As in the past 50+ years, AI will be combined with IA
(intelligence augmentation) to enhance humans’ ability to work. One example might be an AI-
based ‘Devil's Advocate’ that would challenge my decisions with insightful questions (as long as I
can turn it off periodically).”
Fred Davis, mentor at Runway Incubator in San Francisco, responded, “As daily a user of the
Google Assistant on my phone and both Google Home and Alexa, I feel like AI has already been
delivering significant benefits to my daily life for a few years. My wife and I take having an always-
on omnipresent assistant on hand for granted at this point. Google Home’s ability to tell us apart
and even respond with different voices is a major step forward in making computers people-
literate, rather than the other way around. There’s always a concern about privacy, but so far it
hasn’t caused us any problems. Obviously, this could change and instead of a helpful friend I
might look at these assistants as creepy strangers. Maintaining strict privacy and security controls
is essential for these types of services.”
Andrew Tutt, an expert in law and author of “An FDA for Algorithms,” which called for “critical
thought about how best to prevent, deter and compensate for the harms that they cause,” said, “AI
will be absolutely pervasive and absolutely seamless in its integration with everyday life. It will
simply become accepted that AI are responsible for ever-more-complex and ever-more-human
tasks. By 2030, it will be accepted that when you wish to hail a taxi the taxi will have no driver – it
will be an autonomously driven vehicle. Robots will be responsible for more-dynamic and complex
roles in manufacturing plants and warehouses. Digital assistants will play an important and
interactive role in everyday interactions ranging from buying a cup of coffee to booking a salon
appointment. It will no longer be unexpected to call a restaurant to book a reservation, for
example, and speak to a ‘digital’ assistant who will pencil you in. These interactions will be
incremental but become increasingly common and increasingly normal. My hope is that the
increasing integration of AI into everyday life will vastly increase the amount of time that people
can devote to tasks they find meaningful.”
L. Schomaker, professor at the University of Groningen and scientific director of the Artificial
Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering (ALICE) research institute, said, “In the 1990s, you went to
a PC on a desktop in a room in your house. In the 2010s you picked a phone from your pocket and
switched it on. By 2030 you will be online 24/7 via miniature devices such as in-ear continuous
support, advice and communications.”
Michael Wollowski, associate professor of computer science and software engineering at Rose-
Hulman Institute of Technology and expert in the Internet of Things, diagrammatic systems, and
artificial intelligence, wrote, “Assuming that industry and government are interested in letting the
consumer choose and influence the future, there will be many fantastic advances of AI. I believe
that AI and the Internet of Things will bring about a situation in which technology will be our
guardian angel. For example, self-driving cars will let us drive faster than we ever drove before, but
they will only let us do things that they can control. Since computers have much better reaction
time than people, it will be quite amazing. Similarly, AI and the Internet of Things will let us
conduct out lives to the fullest while ensuring that we live healthy lives. Again, it is like having a
guardian angel that lets us do things, knowing they can save us from stupidity.”
Steve King, partner at Emergent Research, said, “2030 is less than 12 years away. So … the most
likely scenario is AI will have a modest impact on the lives of most humans over this time frame.
Having said that, we think the use of AI systems will continue to expand, with the greatest growth
coming from systems that augment and complement human capabilities and decision-making.
This is not to say there won’t be negative impacts from the use of AI. Jobs will be replaced, and
certain industries will be disrupted. Even scarier, there are many ways AI can be weaponized. But
like most technological advancements, we think the overall impact of AI will be additive – at least
over the next decade or so.”
Vassilis Galanos, a Ph.D. student and teaching assistant actively researching future human-
machine symbiosis at the University of Edinburgh, commented, “2030 is not that far away, so
there is no room for extremely utopian/dystopian hopes and fears. … Given that AI is already used
in everyday life (social-media algorithms, suggestions, smartphones, digital assistants, health care
and more), it is quite probable that humans will live in a harmonious co-existence with AI as much
as they do now – to a certain extent – with computer and internet technologies.”
Charlie Firestone, communications and society program executive director and vice president
at the Aspen Institute, commented, “I remain optimistic that AI will be a tool that humans will use,
far more widely than today, to enhance quality of life such as medical remedies, education and the
environment. For example, the AI will help us to conserve energy in homes and in transportation
by identifying exact times and temperatures we need, identifying sources of energy that will be the
cheapest and the most efficient. There certainly are dire scenarios, particularly in the use of AI for
surveillance, a likely occurrence by 2030. I am hopeful that AI and other technologies will identify
new areas of employment as it eliminates many jobs.”
John Laird, a professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Michigan,
responded, “There will be a continual off-loading of mundane intellectual and physical tasks on to
AI and robotic systems. In addition to helping with everyday activities, it will significantly help the
mentally and physically impaired and disabled. There will also be improvements in
customized/individualized education and training of humans, and conversely, the customization
of AI systems by everyday users. We will be transitioning from current programming practices to
user customization. Automated driving will be a reality, eliminating many deaths but also having
significant societal changes.”
Steven Polunsky, director of the Alabama Transportation Policy Research Center at the
University of Alabama, wrote, “AI will allow public transportation systems to better serve existing
customers by adjusting routes, travel times and stops to optimize service. New customers will also
see advantages. Smart transportation systems will allow public transit to network with traffic
signals and providers of ‘last-mile’ trips to minimize traffic disruption and inform decision making
about modal (rail, bus, mobility-on-demand) planning and purchasing.”
Sanjiv Das, a professor of data science and finance at Santa Clara University, responded, “AI will
enhance search to create interactive reasoning and analytical systems. Search engines today do not
know ‘why’ we want some information and hence cannot reason about it. They also do not interact
with us to help with analysis. An AI system that collects information based on knowing why it is
needed and then asks more questions to refine its search would be clearly available well before
2030. These ‘search-thinking bots’ will also write up analyses based on parameters elicited from
conversation and imbue these analyses with different political (left/right) and linguistic
(aggressive/mild) slants, chosen by the human, using advances in language generation, which are
already well under way. These ‘intellectual’ agents will become companions, helping us make sense
of our information overload. I often collect files of material on my cloud drive that I found
interesting or needed to read later, and these agents would be able to summarize and engage me in
a discussion of these materials, very much like an intellectual companion. It is unclear to me if I
would need just one such agent, though it seems likely that different agents with diverse
personalities may be more interesting! As always, we should worry what the availability of such
agents might mean for normal human social interaction, but I can also see many advantages in
freeing up time for socializing with other humans as well as enriched interactions, based on
knowledge and science, assisted by our new intellectual companions.”
Lawrence Roberts, designer and manager of ARPANET, the precursor to the internet and
Internet Hall of Fame member, commented, “AI voice recognition, or text, with strong context
understanding and response will allow vastly better access to website, program documentation,
voice call answering, and all such interactions will greatly relieve user frustration with getting
information. It will mostly provide service where no or little human support is being replaced as it
is not available today in large part. For example, finding and/or doing a new or unused function of
the program or website one is using. Visual, 3D-space-recognition AI to support better-than-
human robot activity including vehicles, security surveillance, health scans and much more.”
Christopher Yoo, a professor of law, communication and computer and information science at
the University of Pennsylvania Law School, responded, “AI is good at carrying out tasks that follow
repetitive patterns. In fact, AI is better than humans. Shifting these functions to machines will
improve performance. It will also allow people to shift their efforts to high-value-added and more-
rewarding directions, an increasingly critical consideration in developing world countries where
population is declining. Research on human-computer interaction (HCI) also reveals that AI-
driven pattern recognition will play a critical role in expanding humans’ ability to extend the
benefits of computerization. HCI once held that our ability to gain the benefit from computers
would be limited by the total amount of time people can spend sitting in front of a screen and
inputting characters through a keyboard. The advent of AI-driven HCI will allow that to expand
further and will reduce the amount of customization that people will have to program in by hand.
At the same time, AI is merely a tool. All tools have their limits and can be misused. Even when
humans are making the decisions instead of machines, blindly following the results of a protocol
without exercising any judgment, can have disastrous results. Future applications of AI will thus
likely involve both humans and machines if they are to fulfill their potential.”
including the elderly and physically handicapped (who will have greater choices for mobility and
support) and those in the poorest part of the world.”
A number of expert insights on this topic were shared earlier in this report. These additional
observations add to the discussion of hopes and concerns about the future of human jobs. This
segment starts with comments from those who are hopeful that the job situation and related social
issues will turn out well. It is followed by statements from those who are pessimistic.
Stowe Boyd, founder and managing director at Work Futures, said, “There is a high possibility
that unchecked expansion of AI could rapidly lead to widespread unemployment. My bet is that
governments will step in to regulate the spread of AI, to slow the impacts of this phenomenon as a
result of unrest by the mid 2020s. That regulation might include, for example, not allowing AIs to
serve as managers of people in the workplace, but only to augment the work of people on a task or
process level. So, we might see high degrees of automation in warehouses, but a human being
would be ‘in charge’ in some sense. Likewise, fully autonomous freighters might be blocked by
An anonymous respondent wrote, “Repeatedly throughout history people have worried that
new technologies would eliminate jobs. This has never happened, so I'm very skeptical it will this
time. Having said that, there will be major short-term disruptions in the labor market and smart
governments should begin to plan for this by considering changes to unemployment insurance,
universal basic income, health insurance, etc. This is particularly the case in America, where so
many benefits are tied to employment. I would say there is almost zero chance that the U.S.
government will actually do this, so there will be a lot of pain and misery in the short and medium
term, but I do think ultimately machines and humans will peacefully coexist. Also, I think a lot of
the projections on the use of AI are ridiculous. Regardless of the existence of the technology, cross-
state shipping is not going to be taken over by automated trucks any time soon because of legal
and ethical issues that have not been worked out.”
Steven Miller, vice provost and professor of information systems at Singapore Management
University, said, “It helps to have a sense of the history of technological change over the past few
hundred years (even longer). Undoubtedly, new ways of using machines and new machine
capabilities will be used to create economic activities and services that were either a) not
previously possible, or b) previously too scarce and expensive, and now can be plentiful and
inexpensive. This will create a lot of new activities and opportunities. At the same time, we know
some existing tasks and jobs with a high proportion of those tasks will be increasingly automated.
So we will simultaneously have both new opportunity creation as well as technological
displacement. Even so, the long-term track record shows that human societies keep finding ways
of creating more and more economically viable jobs. Cognitive automation will obviously enhance
the realms of automation, but even with tremendous progress in this technology, there are and will
continue to be limits. Humans have remarkable capabilities to deal with and adapt to change, so I
do not see the ‘end of human work.’ The ways people and machines combine together will change
– and there will be many new types of human-machine symbiosis. Those who understand this and
learn to benefit from it will proposer.”
Henry E. Brady, dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California,
Berkeley, wrote, “AI can replace people in jobs that require sophisticated and accurate pattern
matching – driving, diagnoses based upon medical imaging, proofreading and other areas. There
is also the fact that in the past technological change has mostly led to new kinds of jobs rather than
the net elimination of jobs. Furthermore, I also believe that there may be limits to what AI can do.
It is very good at pattern matching, but human intelligence goes far beyond pattern matching and
it is not clear that computers will be able to compete with humans beyond pattern matching. It
also seems clear that even the best algorithms will require constant human attention to update,
check and revise them.”
Geoff Livingston, author and futurist, commented, “The term AI misleads people. What we
should call the trend is machine learning or algorithms. ‘Weak’ AI as it is called – today's AI –
reduces repetitive tasks that most people find mundane. This in turn produces an opportunity to
escape the trap of the proletariat, being forced into monotonous labor to earn a living. Instead of
thinking of the ‘Terminator,’ we should view the current trend as an opportunity to seek out and
embrace the tasks that we truly love, including more creative pursuits. If we embrace the
inevitable evolution of technology to replace redundant tasks, we can encourage today’s youth to
pursue more creative and strategic pursuits. Further, today’s workers can learn how to manage
machine learning or embrace training to pursue new careers that they may enjoy more. My fear is
that many will simply reject change and blame technology, as has often been done. One could
argue much of today’s populist uprising we are experiencing globally finds its roots in the current
displacements caused by machine learning as typified by smart manufacturing. If so, the
movement forward will be troublesome, rife with dark bends and turns that we may regret as
cultures and countries.”
Marek Havrda, director at NEOPAS and strategic adviser for the GoodAI project, a private
research and development company based in Prague that focuses on the development of artificial
general intelligence and AI applications, explained the issue from his point of view, “The
development and implementation of artificial intelligence has brought about questions of the
impact it will have on employment. Machines are beginning to fill jobs that have been traditionally
reserved for humans, such as driving a car or prescribing medical treatment. How these trends
may unfold is a crucial question. We may expect the emergence of ‘super-labour,’ a labour defined
by super-high-added-value of human activity due to augmentation by AI. Apart from the ability to
deploy AI, super-labour will be characterised by creativity and the ability to co-direct and
supervise safe exploration of business opportunities together with perseverance in attaining
defined goals. An example may be that by using various online, AI gig workers (and maybe several
human gig workers), while leveraging AI to its maximum potential … at all aspects from product
design to marketing and after-sales care, three people could create a new service and ensure its
smooth delivery for which a medium-size company would be needed today. We can expect growing
inequalities between those who have access and are able to use technology and those who do not.
However, it seems more important how big a slice of the AI co-generated ‘pie’ is accessible to all
citizens in absolute terms (e.g., having enough to finance public service and other public spending)
which would make everyone better off than in pre-AI age, than the relative inequalities.”
Yoram Kalman, an associate professor at the Open University of Israel and member of The
Center for Internet Research at the University of Haifa, wrote, “In essence, technologies that
empower people also improve their lives. I see that progress in the area of human-machine
collaboration empowers people by improving their ability to communicate and to learn, and thus
my optimism. I do not fear that these technologies will take the place of people, since history
shows that again and again people used technologies to augment their abilities and to be more
fulfilled. Although in the past, too, it seemed as if these technologies would leave people
unemployed and useless, human ingenuity and the human spirit always found new challenges that
could best be tackled by humans.”
Yvette Wohn, director of the Social Interaction Lab and expert on human-computer interaction
at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, commented, “Artificial intelligence will be naturally
integrated into our everyday lives. Even though people are concerned about computers replacing
the jobs of humans the best-case scenario is that technology will be augmenting human
capabilities and performing functions that humans do not like to do. Smart farms and connected
distribution systems will hopefully eliminate urban food deserts and enable food production in
areas not suited for agriculture. Artificial intelligence will also become better at connecting people
and provide immediate support to people who are in crisis situations.”
Tom Hood, an expert in corporate accounting and finance, said, “By 2030, AI will stand for
Augmented Intelligence and will play an ever-increasing role in working side-by-side with humans
in all sectors to add its advanced and massive cognitive and learning capabilities to critical human
domains like medicine, law, accounting, engineering and technology. Imagine a personal bot
powered by artificial intelligence working by your side (in your laptop or smartphone) making
recommendations on key topics by providing up-to-the-minute research or key pattern recognition
and analysis of your organization’s data? One example is a CPA in tax given a complex global tax
situation amid constantly changing tax laws in all jurisdictions who would be able to research and
provide guidance on the most complex global issues in seconds. It is my hope for the future of
artificial intelligence in 2030 that we will be augmenting our intelligence with these ‘machines.’”
motivational technologies, to improve the workplace in many ways beyond replacing humans with
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents express a bright future for human jobs:
▪ “History of technology shows that the number of new roles and jobs created will likely
exceed the number of roles and jobs that are destroyed.”
▪ “AI will not be competing with humanity but augmenting it for the better.”
▪ “We make a mistake when we look for direct impact without considering the larger picture
– we worry about a worker displaced by a machine rather than focus on broader
opportunities for a better-trained and healthier workforce where geography or income no
longer determine access not just to information but to relevant and appropriate
information paths.”
▪ “AI can significantly improve usability and thus access to the benefits of technology. Many
powerful technical tools today require detailed expertise, and AI can bring more of those to
a larger swath of the population.”
meaningful work is essential to human dignity, I’m not sure that universal basic income would be
helpful in the first place.”
Alex Halavais, an associate professor of social technologies at Arizona State University, wrote,
“AI is likely to rapidly displace many workers over the next 10 years, and so there will be some
potentially significant negative effects at the social and economic level in the short run.”
Uta Russmann, professor in the department of communication at FHWien der WKW University
of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication, said, “Many people will not be benefitting
from this development, as robots will do their jobs. Blue-collar workers, people working in
supermarkets stacking shelves, etc., will not be needed less, but the job market will not offer them
any other possibilities. The gap between rich and poor will increase as the need for highly skilled
and very well-paid people increases and the need for less skilled workers will decrease
Aneesh Aneesh, author of “Global Labor: Algocratic Modes of Organization” and professor at
the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, responded, “Just as automation left large groups of
working people behind even as the United States got wealthier as a country, it is quite likely that
AI systems will automate the service sector in a similar way. Unless the welfare state returns with a
vengeance, it is difficult to see the increased aggregate wealth resulting in any meaningful gains for
the bottom half of society.”
Alper Dincel of T.C. Istanbul Kultur University in Turkey, wrote, “Unqualified people won’t find
jobs, as machines and programs take over easy work in the near future. Machines will also solve
performance problems. There is no bright future for most people if we don’t start to try finding
Jason Abbott, professor and director at the Center for Asian Democracy at University of
Louisville, said, “AI is likely to create significant challenges to the labor force as previously skilled
(semi-skilled) jobs are replaced by AI – everything from AI in trucks and distribution to airlines,
logistics and even medical records and diagnoses.”
Gerry Ellis, founder and digital usability and accessibility consultant at Feel The BenefIT,
responded, “Technology has always been far more quickly developed and adopted in the richer
parts of the world than in the poorer regions where new technology is generally not affordable. AI
cannot be taken as a stand-alone technology but in conjunction with other converging technologies
like augmented reality, robotics, virtual reality, the Internet of Things, big data analysis, etc. It is
estimated that around 80% of jobs that will be done in 2030 do not exist yet. One of the reasons
why unskilled and particularly repetitive jobs migrate to poor countries is because of cheap labour
costs, but AI combined with robotics will begin to do many of these jobs. For all of these reasons
combined, the large proportion of the earth’s population that lives in the under-developed and
developing world is likely to be left behind by technological developments. Unless the needs of
people with disabilities are taken into account when designing AI related technologies, the same is
true for them (or I should say ‘us,’ as I am blind).”
Karen Oates, director of workforce development and financial stability for La Casa de Esperanza,
commented, “Ongoing increases in the use of AI will not benefit the working poor and low-to-
middle-income people. Having worked with these populations for 10 years I’ve already observed
many of these people losing employment when robots and self-operating forklifts are
implemented. Although there are opportunities to program and maintain these machines,
realistically people who have the requisite knowledge and education will fill those roles. The
majority of employers will be unwilling to invest the resources to train employees unless there is
an economic incentive from the government to do so. Many lower-wage workers won’t have the
confidence to return to school to develop new knowledge/skills when they were unsuccessful in the
past. As the use of AI increases, low-wage workers will lose the small niche they hold in our
Peggy Lahammer, director of health/life sciences at Robins Kaplan LLP and legal market
analyst, commented, “Jobs will continue to change and as many disappear new ones will be
created. These changes will have an impact on society as many people are left without the
necessary skills.”
Stephen McDowell, a professor of communication at Florida State University and expert in new
media and internet governance, commented, “Much of our daily lives is made up of routines and
habits that we repeat, and AI could assist in these practices. However, just because some things we
do are repetitive does not mean they are insignificant. We draw a lot of meaning from things we do
on a daily, weekly or annual basis, whether by ourselves or with others. Cultural practices such as
cooking, shopping, cleaning, coordinating and telling stories are crucial parts of building our
families and larger communities. Similarly, at work, some of the routines are predictable, but are
also how we gain a sense of mastery and expertise in a specific domain. In both these examples, we
will have to think about how we define knowledge, expertise, collaboration, and growth and
David Sarokin, author of “Missed Information: Better Information for Building a Wealthier,
More Sustainable Future,” commented, “My biggest concern is that our educational system will
not keep up with the demands of our modern times. It is doing a poor job of providing the
foundations to our students. As more and more jobs are usurped by AI-endowed machines –
everything from assembling cars to flipping burgers – those entering the workplace will need a
level of technical sophistication that few graduates possess these days.”
Justin Amyx, a technician with Comcast, said, “My worry is automation. Automation occurs
usually with mundane tasks that fill low-paying, blue-collar-and-under jobs. Those jobs will
disappear – lawn maintenance, truck drivers and fast food, to name a few. Those un-skilled or
low-skilled workers will be jobless. Unless we have training programs to take care of worker
displacement there will be issue.
Many of these experts have high hopes for continued incremental advances across all aspects of
health care and life extension. They predict a rise in access to various tools, including digital
agents that can perform rudimentary exams with no need to visit a clinic, a reduction in medical
errors and better, faster recognition of risks and solutions. They also worry over the potential for a
widening health care divide between those who can afford cutting-edge tools and treatments and
those less privileged. They also express concerns about the potential for data abuses such as the
denial of insurance or coverage or benefits for select people or procedures.
Leonard Kleinrock, Internet Hall of Fame member and co-director of the first host-to-host
online connection and professor of computer science at the University of California, Los Angeles,
predicted, “As AI and machine learning improve, we will see highly customized interactions
between humans and their health care needs. This mass customization will enable each human to
have her medical history, DNA profile, drug allergies, genetic makeup, etc., always available to any
caregiver/medical professional that they engage with, and this will be readily accessible to the
individual as well. Their care will be tailored to their specific needs and the very latest advances
will be able to be provided rapidly after the advances are established. The rapid provision of the
best medical treatment will provide great benefits. In hospital settings, such customized
information will dramatically reduce the occurrence of medical injuries and deaths due to medical
errors. My hope and expectation is that intelligent agents will be able to assess the likely risks and
the benefits that ensue from proposed treatments and procedures, far better than is done now by
human evaluators, such humans, even experts, typically being poor decision makers in the face of
uncertainty. But to bring this about, there will need to be carefully conducted tests and
experimentation to assess the quality of the outcomes of AI-based decision making in this field.
However, as with any ‘optimized’ system, one must continually be aware of the fragility of
optimized systems when they are applied beyond the confines of their range of applicability.”
Kenneth Grady, futurist, founding author of the Algorithmic Society blog and adjunct and
advisor at the Michigan State University College of Law, responded, “In the next dozen years, AI
will still be moving through a phase where it will augment what humans can do. It will help us sift
through, organize and even evaluate the mountains of data we create each day. For example,
doctors today still work with siloed data. Each patient’s vital signs, medicines, dosage rates, test
results and side effects remain trapped in isolated systems. Doctors must evaluate this data
without the benefit of knowing how it compares to the thousands of other patients around the
country (or world) with similar problems. They struggle to turn the data into effective treatments
by reading research articles and mentally comparing them to each patient’s data. As it evolves, AI
will improve the process. Instead of episodic studies, doctors will have near-real-time access to
information showing the effects of treatment regimes. Benefits and risks of drug interactions will
be identified faster. Novel treatments will become evident more quickly. Doctors will still manage
the last mile, interpreting the analysis generated through AI. This human in the loop approach will
remain critical during this phase. As powerful as AI will become, it still will not match humans on
understanding how to integrate treatment with values. When will a family sacrifice effectiveness of
treatment to prolong quality of life? When two life-threatening illnesses compete, which will the
patient want treated first? This will be an important learning phase, as humans understand the
limits of AI.”
Charles Zheng, a researcher into machine learning and AI with the National Institute of Mental
Health, commented, “In the year 2030, I expect AI will be more powerful than they currently are,
but not yet at human level for most tasks. A patient checking into a hospital will be directed to the
correct desk by a robot. The receptionist will be aided by software that listens to their conversation
with the patient and automatically populates the information fields without needing the
receptionist to type the information. Another program cross-references the database in the cloud
to check for errors. The patient’s medical images would first be automatically labeled by a
computer program before being sent to a radiologist.”
Kenneth Cukier, author and senior editor at The Economist, commented, “AI will be making
more decisions in life, and some people will be uneasy with that. But these are decisions that are
more effectively done by machines, such as assessing insurance risk, the propensity to repay a loan
or to survive a disease. A good example is health care: Algorithms, not doctors, will be diagnosing
many diseases, even if human doctors are still ‘in the loop.’ The benefit is that healthcare can reach
down to populations that are today underserved: the poor and rural worldwide.”
Gabor Melli, senior director of engineering for AI and machine learning for Sony PlayStation,
responded, “My hope is that by 2030 most of humanity will have ready access to health care and
education through digital agents.”
Kate Eddens, research scientist at the Indiana University Network Science Institute, responded,
“There is an opportunity for AI to enhance human ability to gain critical information in decision-
making, particularly in the world of health care. There are so many moving parts and components
to understanding health care needs and deciding how to proceed in treatment and prevention.
With AI, we can program algorithms to help refine those decision-making processes, but only
when we train the AI tools on human thinking, a tremendous amount of real data and actual
circumstances and experiences. There are some contexts in which human bias and emotion can be
detrimental to decision-making. For example, breast cancer is over-diagnosed and over-treated.
While mammography guidelines have changed to try to reflect this reality, strong human emotion
powered by anecdotal experience leaves some practitioners unwilling to change their
recommendations based on evidence and advocacy groups reluctant to change their stance based
on public outcry. Perhaps there is an opportunity for AI to calculate a more specific risk for each
individual person, allowing for a tailored experience amid the broader guidelines. If screening
guidelines change to ‘recommended based on individual risk,’ it lessens the burden on both the
care provider and the individual. People still have to make their own decisions, but they may be
able to do so with more information and a greater understanding of their own risk and reward.
This is such a low-tech and simple example of AI, but one in which AI can – importantly –
supplement human decision-making without replacing it.”
Angelique Hedberg, senior corporate strategy analyst at RTI International, said, “The greatest
advancements and achievements will be in health – physical, mental and environmental. The
improvements will have positive trickle-down impacts on education, work, gender equality and
reduced inequality. AI will redefine our understanding of health care, optimizing existing
processes while simultaneously redefining how we answer questions about what it means to be
healthy, bringing care earlier in the cycle due to advances in diagnostics and assessment, i.e. in the
future preventative care identifies and initiates treatment for illness before symptoms present. The
advances will not be constrained to humans; they will include animals and the built environment.
This will happen across the disease spectrum. Advanced ‘omics’ will empower better decisions.
There will be a push and a pull by the market and individuals. This is a global story, with
fragmented and discontinuous moves being played out over the next decade as we witness wildly
different experiments in health across the globe. This future is full of hope for individuals and
communities. My greatest hope is for disabled individuals and those currently living with
disabilities. I’m excited for communities and interpersonal connections as the work in this future
will allow for and increase the value of the human-to-human experiences. Progress is often only
seen in retrospect; I hope the speed of exponential change allows everyone to enjoy the benefits of
these collaborations.”
An anonymous respondent wrote, “In health care, I hope AI will improve the diagnostics and
reduce the number of errors. Doctors cannot recall all the possibilities; they have problems
correlating all the symptoms and recognizing the patterns. I hope that in the future patients will be
interviewed by computers, which will correlate the described symptoms with results of tests. I
hope that with the further development of AI and cognitive computing there will be fewer errors in
reports of medical imaging and diagnosis.”
Monica Murero, director of the E-Life International Institute and associate professor in
sociology of new technology at the University of Naples Federico II in Italy, commented, “In health
care, I foresee positive outcomes in terms of reducing human mistakes, that are currently still
creating several failures. Also, I foresee an increased development of mobile (remote) 24/7 health
care services and personalized medicine thanks to AI and human-machine collaboration applied to
the field.”
Uta Russmann, professor in the department of communication at FHWien der WKW University
of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication, said, “Life expectancy is increasing
(globally) and human-machine/AI collaboration will help older people to manage their life on
their own by taking care of them, helping them in the household (taking down the garbage,
cleaning up, etc.) as well as keeping them company – just like cats and dogs do, but it will be a
much more ‘advanced’ interaction.”
Lindsey Andersen, an activist at the intersection of human rights and technology for Freedom
House and Internews, now doing graduate research at Princeton University, commented, “AI will
augment human intelligence. In health care, for example, it will help doctors more accurately
diagnose and treat disease and continually monitor high-risk patients through internet-connected
medical devices. It will bring health care to places with a shortage of doctors, allowing health care
workers to diagnose and treat disease anywhere in the world and to prevent disease outbreaks
before they start.”
An anonymous respondent said, “The most important place where AI will make a difference is
in health care of the elderly. Personal assistants are already capable of many important tasks to
help make sure older adults stay in their home. But adding to that emotion detection, more in-
depth health monitoring and AI-based diagnostics will surely enhance the power of these tools.”
Denis Parra, assistant professor of computer science in the school of engineering at the
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Chile, commented, “I live in a developing country. Whilst
there are potential negative aspects of AI (loss of jobs), for people with disabilities AI technology
could improve their lives. I imagine people entering a government office or health facility where
people with eye- or ear-related disabilities could effortlessly interact to state their necessities and
resolve their information needs.”
Timothy Leffel, research scientist, National Opinion Research Center (NORC) at the University
of Chicago, said, “Formulaic transactions and interactions are particularly ripe for automation.
This can be good in cases where human error can cause problems, e.g., for well-understood
diagnostic medical testing.”
Joe Whittaker, a former professor of sciences and associate director of the NASA GESTAR
program, now associate provost at Jackson State University, responded, “My hope is that
AI/human-machine interface will become commonplace especially in the academic research and
health care arena. I envision significant advances in brain-machine interface to facilitate
mitigation of physical and mental challenges. Similar uses in robotics should also be used to assist
the elderly.”
James Gannon, global head of eCompliance for emerging technology, cloud and cybersecurity at
Novartis, responded, “AI will increase the speed and availability to develop drugs and therapies for
orphan indications. AI will assist in general lifestyle and health care management for the average
Jay Sanders, president and CEO of the Global Telemedicine Group, responded, “AI will bring
collective expertise to the decision point, and in health care, bringing collective expertise to the
bedside will save many lives now lost by individual medical errors.”
Geoff Arnold, CTO for the Verizon Smart Communities organization, said, “One of the most
important trends over the next 12 years is the aging population and the high costs of providing
them with care and mobility. AI will provide better data-driven diagnoses of medical and cognitive
issues and it will facilitate affordable AV-based paratransit for the less mobile. It will support, not
replace, human care-givers.”
John Lazzaro, retired professor of electrical engineering and computer science, University of
California, Berkeley, commented, “When I visit my primary care physician today, she spends a fair
amount time typing into an EMS application as she’s talking to me. In this sense, the computer has
already arrived in the clinic. An AI system that frees her from this clerical task – that can listen
and watch and distill the doctor-patient interaction into actionable data – would be an
improvement. A more-advanced AI system would be able to form a ‘second opinion’ based on this
data as the appointment unfolds, discreetly advising the doctor via a wearable. The end goal is a
reduction in the number of ‘false starts’ in-patient diagnosis. If you've read Lisa Sander’s columns
in the New York Times, where she traces the arc of difficult diagnoses, you understand the real
clinical problem that this system addresses.”
Joly MacFie, president of the Internet Society, New York chapter, commented, “AI will have
many benefits for people with disabilities and health issues. Much of the aging baby boomer
generation will be in this category.”
The overall hopes for the future of health care are tempered by concerns that there will continue to
be inequities in access to the best care and worries that private health data may be used to limit
people’s options.
Craig Burdett, a respondent who provided no identifying details, wrote, “While most AI will
probably be a positive benefit, the possible darker side of AI could lead to a loss of agency for
some. For example, in a health care setting an increasing use of AI could allow wealthier patients
access to significantly-more-advanced diagnosis agents. When coupled with a supportive care
team, these patients could receive better treatment and a greater range of treatment options.
Conversely, less-affluent patients may be relegated to automated diagnoses and treatment plants
with little opportunity for interaction to explore alternative treatments. AI could, effectively,
manage long-term health care costs by offering lesser treatment (and sub-optimal recovery rates)
to individuals perceived to have a lower status. Consider two patients with diabetes. One patient,
upon diagnosis, modifies their eating and exercise patterns (borne out by embedded diagnostic
tools) and would benefit from more advanced treatment. The second patient fails to modify their
behaviour resulting in substantial ongoing treatment that could be avoided by simple lifestyle
choices. An AI could subjectively evaluate that the patient has little interest in their own health
and withhold more expensive treatment options leading to a shorter lifespan and an overall cost
Sumandra Majee, an architect at F5 Networks Inc., said, “AI, deep learning, etc., will become
more a part of daily life in advanced countries. This will potentially widen the gap between
technology-savvy people and economically well-to-do folks and the folks with limited access to
technology. However, I am hopeful that in the field of healthcare, especially when it comes to
diagnosis, AI will significantly augment the field, allowing doctors to do a far better job. Many of
the routines aspects of checkups can be done via technology. There is no reason an expert human
has to be involved in basic A/B testing to reach a conclusion. Machines can be implemented for
those tasks and human doctors should only do the critical parts. I do see AI playing a negative role
in education, where students may not often actually do the hard work of learning through
experience. It might actually make the overall population dumber.”
Valarie Bell, a computational social scientist at the University of North Texas, commented, “Let’s
say medical diagnosis is taken over by machines, computers and robotics – how will stressful
prognoses be communicated? Will a hologram or a computer deliver ‘the bad news’ instead of a
physician? Given the health care industry’s inherent profit motives it would be easy for them to
justify how much cheaper it would be to simply have devices diagnose, prescribe treatment and do
patient care, without concern for the importance of human touch and interactions. Thus, we may
devolve into a health care system where the rich actually get a human doctor while everyone else,
or at least the poor and uninsured, get the robot.”
The following one-liners from anonymous respondents also tie into the future of health care:
▪ “People could use a virtual doctor for information and first-level response; so much time
could be saved!”
▪ “The merging of data science and AI could benefit strategic planning of the future research
and development efforts that should be undertaken by humanity.”
▪ “I see economic efficiencies and advances in preventive medicine and treatment of disease,
however, I do think there will be plenty of adverse consequences.”
▪ “Data can reduce errors – for instance, in clearly taking into account the side effects of a
medicine or use of multiple medications.”
▪ “Human-machine/AI collaboration will reduce barriers to proper medical treatment
through better recordkeeping and preventative measures.”
▪ “AI can take over many of the administrative tasks current doctors must do, allowing them
more time with patients.”
Over the past few decades, experts and amateurs alike have predicted the internet would have
large-scale impacts on education. Many of these hopes have not lived up to the hype. Some
respondents to this canvassing said the advent of AI could foster those changes. They expect to see
more options for affordable adaptive and individualized learning solutions, including digital
agents or “AI assistants” that work to enhance student-teacher interactions and effectiveness.
Barry Chudakov, founder and principal of Sertain Research and author of “Metalifestream,”
commented, “In the learning environment, AI has the potential to finally demolish the retain-to-
know learning (and regurgitate) model. Knowing is no longer retaining – machine intelligence
does that; it is making significant connections. Connect and assimilate becomes the new learning
Lou Gross, professor of mathematical ecology and expert in grid computing, spatial optimization
and modeling of ecological systems at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, said, “I see AI as
assisting in individualized instruction and training in ways that are currently unavailable or too
expensive. There are hosts of school systems around the world that have some technology but are
using it in very constrained ways. AI use will provide better adaptive learning and help achieve a
teacher’s goal of personalizing education based on each student’s progress.”
Guy Levi, chief innovation officer for the Center for Educational Technology, based in Israel,
wrote, “In the field of education AI will promote personalization, which almost by definition
promotes motivation. The ability to move learning forward all the time by a personal AI assistant,
which opens the learning to new paths, is a game changer. The AI assistants will also communicate
with one another and will orchestrate teamwork and collaboration. The AI assistants will also be
able to manage diverse methods of learning, such as productive failure, teach-back and other
innovating pedagogies.”
Micah Altman, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and head scientist in the program on
information science at MIT Libraries, wrote, “These technologies will help to adapt learning (and
other environments) to the needs of each individual by translating language, aiding memory and
providing us feedback on our own emotional and cognitive state and on the environment. We all
need adaptation; each of us, practically every day, is at times tired, distracted, fuzzy-headed or
nervous, which limits how we learn, how we understand and how we interact with others. AI has
the potential to assist us to engage with the world better – even when conditions are not ideal –
and to better understand ourselves.”
Shigeki Goto, Asia-Pacific internet pioneer, Internet Hall of Fame member and a professor of
computer science at Waseda University, commented, “AI is already applied to personalized
medicine for an individual patient. Similarly, it will be applied to learning or education to realize
‘personalized learning’ or tailored education. We need to collect data which covers both of
successful learning and failure experiences, because machine learning requires positive and
negative data.”
Andreas Kirsch, fellow at Newspeak House, formerly with Google and DeepMind in Zurich and
London, wrote, “Higher education outside of normal academia will benefit further from AI
progress and empower more people with access to knowledge and information. For example,
question-and-answer systems will improve. Tech similar to Google Translate and WaveNet will
lower the barrier of knowledge acquisition for non-English speakers. At the same time, child labor
will be reduced because robots will be able to perform the tasks far cheaper and faster, forcing
governments in Asia to find real solutions.”
Kristin Jenkins, executive director of BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium, said, “One of the
benefits of this technology is the potential to have really effective, responsive education resources.
We know that students benefit from immediate feedback and the opportunity to practice applying
new information repeatedly to enhance mastery. AI systems are perfect for analyzing students’
progress, providing more practice where needed and moving on to new material when students are
ready. This allows time with instructors to focus on more-complex learning, including 21st-century
Mike Meyer, chief information officer at Honolulu Community College, commented, “Adult
education availability and relevance will undergo a major transformation. Community colleges will
become more directly community centers for both occupational training and greatly expanded
optional liberal arts, art, crafts and hobbies. Classes will, by 2030, be predominantly augmented-
reality-based, with a full mix of physical and virtual students in classes presented in virtual
classrooms by national and international universities and organizations. The driving need will be
expansion of knowledge for personal interest and enjoyment as universal basic income or equity
will replace the automated tasks that had provided subsistence jobs in the old system.”
Jennifer Groff, co-founder of the Center for Curriculum Redesign, an international non-
governmental organization dedicated to redesigning education for the 21st century, wrote, “The
impact on learning and learning environments has the potential to be one of the most positive
future outcomes. Learning is largely intangible and invisible, making it a ‘black box’ – and our
tools to capture and support learning to this point have been archaic. Think large-scale
assessment. Learners need tools that help them understand where they are in a learning pathway,
how they learn best, what they need next and so on. We're only just beginning to use technology to
better answer these questions. AI has the potential to help us better understand learning, gain
insights into learners at scale and, ultimately, build better learning tools and systems for them. But
as a large social system, it is also prey to the complications of poor public policy that ultimately
warps and diminishes AI’s potential positive impact.”
Norton Gusky, an education-technology consultant, wrote, “By 2030 most learners will have
personal profiles that will tap into AI/machine learning. Learning will happen everywhere and at
any time. There will be appropriate filters that will limit the influence of AI, but ethical
considerations will also be an issue.”
Cliff Zukin, professor of public policy and political science at Rutgers University’s School of
Planning and Public Policy and the Eagleton Institute of Politics, said, “It takes ‘information’ out of
the category of a commodity, and more information makes for better decisions and is
democratizing. Education, to me, has always been the status leveler, correcting, to some extent, for
birth luck and social mobility. This will be like Asimov’s ‘Foundation,’ where everyone is plugged
into the data-sphere. There is a dark side (later) but overall a positive.”
However, some expect that there will be a continuing digital divide in education, with the
privileged having more access to advanced tools and more capacity for using them well, while the
less-privileged lag behind.
Joe Whittaker, a former professor of sciences and associate director of the NASA GESTAR
program, now associate provost at Jackson State University, responded, “Huge segments of society
will be left behind or excluded completely from the benefits of digital advances – many persons in
underserved communities as well as others who are socio-economically challenged. This is due to
the fact that these persons will be under-prepared generally, with little or no digital training or
knowledge base. They rarely have access to the relatively ubiquitous internet, except when at
school or in the workplace. Clearly, the children of these persons will be greatly disadvantaged.”
Some witnesses of technology’s evolution over the past few decades feel that its most-positive
potential has been disappointingly delayed. After witnessing the slower-than-expected progress of
tech’s impact on public education since the 1990s, they are less hopeful than others.
Ed Lyell, longtime educational technologies expert and professor at Adams State University, said
education has been held back to this point by the tyranny of the status quo. He wrote, “By 2030,
lifelong learning will become more widespread for all ages. The tools already exist, including Khan
Academy and YouTube. We don’t have to know as much, just how to find information when we
want it. We will have on-demand, 24/7 ‘schooling.’ This will make going to sit-down classroom
schools more and more a hindrance to our learning. The biggest negative will be from those
protecting current, status-quo education including teachers/faculty, school boards and college
administrators. They are protecting their paycheck- or ego-based role. They will need training,
counseling and help to embrace the existing and forthcoming change as good for all learners. Part
of the problem now is that they do not want to acknowledge the reality of how current schools are
today. Some do a good job, yet these are mostly serving already smarter, higher-income
communities. Parents fight to have their children have a school like they experienced, forgetting
how inefficient and often useless it was. AI can help customize curricula to each learner and
guide/monitor their journey through multiple learning activities, including some existing schools,
on-the-job learning, competency-based learning, internships and such. You can already learn
much more, and more efficiently, using online resources than almost all of the classes I took in my
public schooling and college, all the way through getting a Ph.D.”
A consultant and analyst also said that advances in education have been held back by
entrenched interests in legacy education systems, writing, “The use of technology in education is
minimal today due to the existence and persistence of the classroom-in-a-school model. As we
have seen over the last 30 years, the application of artificial intelligence in the field of
man/machine interface has grown in many unexpected directions. Who would have thought back
in the late 1970s that the breadth of today’s online (i.e., internet) capabilities could emerged? I
believe we are just seeing the beginning of the benefits of the man/machine interface for mankind.
The institutionalized education model must be eliminated to allow education of each and every
individual to grow. The human brain can be ‘educated’ 24 hours a day by intelligent ‘educators’
who may not even be human in the future. Access to information is no longer a barrier as it was 50
years ago. The next step now is to remove the barrier of structured human delivery of learning in
the classroom.”
Brock Hinzmann, a partner in the Business Futures Network who worked for 40 years as a
futures researcher at SRI International, was hopeful in his comments but also issued a serious
warning. He wrote: “Most of the improvements in the technologies we call AI will involve machine
learning from big data to improve the efficiency of systems, which will improve the economy and
wealth. It will improve emotion and intention recognition, augment human senses and improve
overall satisfaction in human-computer interfaces. There will also be abuses in monitoring
personal data and emotions and in controlling human behavior, which we need to recognize early
and thwart. Intelligent machines will recognize patterns that lead to equipment failures or flaws in
final products and be able to correct a condition or shut down and pinpoint the problem.
Autonomous vehicles will be able to analyze data from other vehicles and sensors in the roads or
on the people nearby to recognize changing conditions and avoid accidents. In education and
training, AI learning systems will recognize learning preferences, styles and progress of individuals
and help direct them toward a personally satisfying outcome.
“However, governments or religious organizations may monitor emotions and activities using AI
to direct them to ‘feel’ a certain way, to monitor them and to punish them if their emotional
responses at work, in education or in public do not conform to some norm. Education could
become indoctrination; democracy could become autocracy or theocracy.”
Specifically related to artificial intelligence, the participants in the nonscientific canvassing were
“Please think forward to the year 2030. Analysts expect that people will
become even more dependent on networked artificial intelligence (AI) in
complex digital systems. Some say we will continue on the historic arc of
augmenting our lives with mostly positive results as we widely implement these
networked tools. Some say our increasing dependence on these AI and related
systems is likely to lead to widespread difficulties.
Our question: By 2030, do you think it is most likely that advancing AI and
related technology systems will enhance human capacities and empower them?
That is, most of the time, will most people be better off than they are today? Or
is it most likely that advancing AI and related technology systems will lessen
human autonomy and agency to such an extent that most people will not be
better off than the way things are today?”
“Please explain why you chose the answer you did and sketch out a vision of how
the human-machine/AI collaboration will function in 2030. Please consider
giving an example of how a typical human-machine interaction will look and feel
in a specific area, for instance, in the workplace, in family life, in a health care
setting or in a learning environment. Why? What is your hope or fear? What
actions might be taken to assure the best future?”
The web-based instrument was first sent directly to a list of targeted experts identified and
accumulated by Pew Research Center and Elon University during previous “Future of the Internet”
studies, as well as those identified in an earlier study of people who made predictions about the
likely future of the internet between 1990 to 1995. Additional experts with proven interest in this
particular research topic were also added to the list. Among those invited were artificial
intelligence researchers, developers and business leaders from leading global organizations,
including, to name a few, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Stanford and Carnegie Mellon universities,
Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Kernel, Kyndi, BT and Cloudflare; leaders active in global
internet governance and internet research activities, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force
(IETF), Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), Internet Society (ISOC),
International Telecommunications Union (ITU), Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), and
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). We also invited a large
number of professionals and policy people working in government, including the National Science
Foundation, Federal Communications Commission, U.S. military and European Union; think
tanks and interest networks (for instance, those that include professionals and academics in
anthropology, sociology, psychology, law, political science and communications);
engineering/computer science and business/entrepreneurship faculty, graduate students and
postgraduate researchers who have published work tied to these topics; plus many who are active
in civil society organizations such as Association for Progressive Communications (APC),
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Access
Now; and those affiliated with newly emerging nonprofits and other research units. Invitees were
encouraged to share the survey link with others they believed would have an interest in
participating, thus there was a small “snowball” effect as a small percentage of these invitees
invited others to weigh in.
Since the data are based on a nonrandom sample, the results are not projectable to any population
other than the individuals expressing their points of view in this sample.
The respondents’ remarks reflect their personal positions and are not the positions of
their employers; the descriptions of their leadership roles help identify their background
and the locus of their expertise.
About half of the expert respondents elected to remain anonymous. Because people’s level of
expertise is an important element of their participation in the conversation, anonymous
respondents were given the opportunity to share a description of their internet expertise or
background and this was noted where relevant in this report.
Some 519 respondents answered the demographic questions on the canvassing. About 70%
identified themselves as being based in North America, while 30% hail from other corners of the
world. When asked about their “primary area of internet interest,” 33% identified themselves as
professor/teacher; 17% as research scientists; 13% as futurists or consultants; 8% as technology
developers or administrators; 5% as entrepreneurs or business leaders; 5% as advocates or activist
users; 4% as pioneers or originators; 1% as legislators, politicians or lawyers; and an additional
13% specified their primary area of interest as “other.”
Walid Al-Saqaf, senior lecturer at Sodertorn University, Sweden, and member of the board of
trustees of the Internet Society (ISOC); Aneesh Aneesh, author of “Global Labor: Algocratic
Modes of Organization”; Kostas Alexandridis, author of “Exploring Complex Dynamics in
Multi-agent-based Intelligent Systems”; Micah Altman, director of research and head scientist
for the program on information science at MIT; Geoff Arnold, CTO for the Verizon Smart
Communities organization; Rob Atkinson, president of the Information Technology and
Innovation Foundation; Collin Baker, senior AI researcher at the International Computer
Science Institute at the University of California, Berkeley; Brian Behlendorf, executive director
of the Hyperledger project at The Linux Foundation; Nathaniel Borenstein, chief scientist at
Mimecast; danah boyd, founder and president of the Data & Society Research Institute, and
principal researcher at Microsoft; Stowe Boyd, founder and managing director at Work Futures;
Henry E. Brady, dean, Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley; Erik
Brynjolfsson, director of the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy and author of “Machine,
Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future”; Jamais Cascio, distinguished fellow at the
Institute for the Future; Vint Cerf, Internet Hall of Fame member and vice president and chief
internet evangelist at Google; Barry Chudakov, founder and principal at Sertain Research and
StreamFuzion Corp.; Joël Colloc, professor at Université du Havre Normandy University and
author of “Ethics of Autonomous Information Systems”; Steve Crocker, CEO and co-founder of
Shinkuro Inc. and Internet Hall of Fame member; Kenneth Cukier, author and senior editor at
The Economist; Wout de Natris, internet cybercrime and security consultant; Eileen
Donahoe, executive director of the Global Digital Policy Incubator at Stanford University,
Judith Donath, Harvard University’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society; William
Dutton, Oxford Martin Fellow at the Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre; Robert Epstein, a
senior research psychologist and founding director of the Loebner Prize Competition in Artificial
Intelligence, Susan Etlinger, an industry analyst for Altimeter Group; Jean-Daniel Fekete,
researcher in information visualization, visual analytics and human-computer interaction at
INRIA, France; Seth Finkelstein, consulting programmer and EFF Pioneer Award winner;
Charlie Firestone, executive director of the Aspen Institute’s communications and society
program; Bob Frankston, internet pioneer and software innovator; Divina Frau-Meigs,
UNESCO chair for sustainable digital development; Richard Forno, of the Center for
Cybersecurity at the University of Maryland-Baltimore County; Oscar Gandy, professor emeritus
of communication at the University of Pennsylvania; Charles Geiger, head of the executive
secretariat for the UN's World Summit on the Information Society; Ashok Goel, director of the
Human-Centered Computing Ph.D. Program at Georgia Tech; Ken Goldberg, distinguished
chair in engineering, and founding member, Berkeley AI Research Lab; Marina Gorbis,
executive director of the Institute for the Future; Shigeki Goto, Asia-Pacific internet pioneer and
Internet Hall of Fame member; Theodore Gordon, futurist and co-founder of the Millennium
Project; Kenneth Grady, futurist and founding author of The Algorithmic Society blog; Sam
Gregory, director of WITNESS and digital human rights activist; Wendy Hall, executive
director of the Web Science Institute; John C. Havens, executive director of the IEEE Global
Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and the Council on Extended
Intelligence; Marek Havrda, director at NEOPAS and strategic adviser for the GoodAI project;
Jim Hendler, director of the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute for Data Exploration and
Application; Perry Hewitt, a marketing, content and technology executive; Brock Hinzmann,
a partner in the Business Futures Network who worked for 40 years as a futures researcher at SRI
International; Bernie Hogan, senior research fellow, Oxford Internet Institute; Barry Hughes,
senior scientist at the Center for International Futures, University of Denver; Jeff Jarvis, director
of the Tow-Knight Center at City University of New York’s Craig Newmark School of Journalism;
Bryan Johnson, founder and CEO of Kernel (developer of advanced neural interfaces) and OS
Fund; Anthony Judge, editor of tbe Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential;
James Kadtke, expert on converging technologies at the Institute for National Strategic Studies,
U.S. National Defense University; Sonia Katyal, co-director of the Berkeley Center for Law and
Technology and a member of the inaugural U.S. Commerce Department Digital Economy Board of
Advisors; Frank Kaufmann, founder and director of the Values in Knowledge Foundation;
Fiona Kerr, professor of neural systems and complexity at the University of Adelaide; Annalie
Killian, futurist and vice president at Sparks & Honey; Andreas Kirsch, fellow at Newspeak
House, formerly with Google and DeepMind in Zurich and London; Michael Kleeman, a senior
fellow at the University of California, San Diego and board member at the Institute for the Future;
Leonard Kleinrock, Internet Hall of Fame member and professor of computer science at the
University of California, Los Angeles; Bart Knijnenburg, researcher on decision-making and
recommender systems at Clemson University; Gary L. Kreps, distinguished professor and
director of the Center for Health and Risk Communication at George Mason University; Larry
Lannom, internet pioneer and vice president at the Corporation for National Research Initiatives
(CNRI); Peter Levine, professor and associate dean for research at Tufts University’s Tisch
College of Civic Life; John Markoff, fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral
Sciences at Stanford University; Matt Mason, roboticist and former director of the Robotics
Institute at Carnegie Mellon University; Craig J. Mathias, principal for the Farpoint Group;
Giacomo Mazzone, head of institutional relations at the European Broadcasting Union;
Andrew McLaughlin, executive director of the Center for Innovative Thinking at Yale,
previously deputy CTO of the U.S. and global public policy lead for Google; Panagiotis T.
Metaxas, author of “Technology, Propaganda and the Limits of Human Intellect” and professor of
computer science, Wellesley College; Robert Metcalfe, co-inventor of Ethernet, founder of
3Com and Internet Hall of Fame member; Jerry Michalski, founder of the Relationship
Economy eXpedition (REX); Steven Miller, vice provost and professor of information systems at
Singapore Management University; Mario Morino, chair of the Morino Institute and co-founder
of Venture Philanthropy Partners; Monica Murero, director of the E-Life International Institute,
Italy; Grace Mutung’u, co-leader of the Kenya ICT Action Network; Martijn van Otterlo,
author of “Gatekeeping Algorithms with Human Ethical Bias,” Tilburg University, Netherlands;
Ian Peter, internet pioneer and advocate and co-founder of the Association for Progressive
Communications (APC); Justin Reich, executive director of the MIT Teaching Systems Lab;
Peter Reiner, professor and co-founder of the National Core for Neuroethics at the University of
British Columbia; Lawrence Roberts, designer and manager of ARPANET (the precursor to the
global internet) and Internet Hall of Fame member; Michael Roberts, Internet Hall of Fame
member and first president and CEO of ICANN; Marc Rotenberg, executive director of EPIC;
Douglas Rushkoff, writer, documentarian, and lecturer who focuses on human autonomy in a
digital age; David Sarokin, author of “Missed Information: Better Information for Building a
Wealthier, More Sustainable Future”; Thomas Schneider, vice-director at the Federal Office of
Communications (OFCOM) in Switzerland; L. Schomaker, professor at the University of
Groningen and scientific director of the Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Engineering (ALICE)
research institute; Ben Shneiderman, distinguished professor and founder of the Human
Computer Interaction Lab at the University of Maryland; Dan Schultz, senior creative
technologist at Internet Archive; Henning Schulzrinne, Internet Hall of Fame member and
professor at Columbia University; Evan Selinger, professor of philosophy at Rochester Institute
of Technology; Wendy Seltzer, strategy lead and counsel at the World Wide Web Consortium;
Greg Shannon, chief scientist for the CERT Division at Carnegie Mellon University’s Software
Abt Associates; Access Now; Aeon; Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence; Alpine Technology
Group; Altimeter Group; American Institute for Behavioral Research and Technology; American
Library Association; Antelope Consulting; Anticipatory Futures Group; Arizona State University;
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Aspen Institute;
AT&T; Australian National University; Bad Idea Factory; Bar-Ilan University, Israel; Bloomberg
Businessweek; Bogazici University, Turkey; Brookings Institution; BT Group; Business Futures
Network; California Institute of Technology; Carnegie Mellon University; Center for Advanced
Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University; Centre for Policy Modelling, Manchester
Metropolitan University; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France; Cisco
Systems; Clemson University; Cloudflare; Columbia University; Comcast; Constellation Research;
Cornell University; Corporation for National Research Initiatives; Council of Europe; Agency for
Electronic Government and Information Society in Uruguay; Electronic Frontiers Australia;
Electronic Frontier Foundation; Emergent Research; ENIAC Programmers Project; Eurac
Research, Italy; FSA Technologies; Farpoint Group; Foresight Alliance; Future of Privacy Forum;
Future Today Institute; Futurism.com; Gartner; General Electric; Georgia Tech; Ginkgo Bioworks;
Global Forum for Media Development; Google; Harvard University; Hokkaido University, Japan;
IBM; Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN); Ignite Social
Media; Information Technology and Innovation Foundation; Institute for Defense Analyses;
Institute for the Future; Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal; Institute for Ethics and Emerging
Technologies; Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF); International Academy for Systems and
Cybernetic Sciences; Internet Society; Institute for Communication & Leadership, Lucerne,
Switzerland; Jet Propulsion Lab; Johns Hopkins University; Kansai University, Japan; Institute
for Systems and Robotics, University of Lisbon; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE); Keio University, Japan; Kernel; Kyndi; Knowledge and Digital Culture Foundation,
Mexico; KPMG; Leading Futurists; LeTourneau University; The Linux Foundation; Los Alamos
National Laboratory; Machine Intelligence Research Institute; Massachusetts Institute of
Technology; Maverick Technologies; McKinsey & Company; Media Psychology Research Center;
Microsoft; Millennium Project; Monster Worldwide; Mozilla; Nanyang Technological University,
Singapore; National Chengchi University, Taiwan; National Institute of Mental Health; NetLab;
The New School; New York University; Netflix; NLnet Foundation; NORC at the University of
Chicago; Novartis, Switzerland; Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD); Ontario College of Art and Design Strategic Foresight and Innovation; Open the
Future; Open University of Israel; Oracle; O’Reilly Media; Global Cyber Security Capacity Center,
Oxford University; Oxford Internet Institute; Packet Clearing House; People-Centered
Internet; Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics; Politecnico di Milano; Princeton University;
Privacy International; Purdue University; Queen Mary University of London; Quinnovation;
RAND; Research ICT Africa; Rochester Institute of Technology; Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology; Russell Sage Foundation; Salesforce; SRI International; Sciteb, London; Shinkuro;
Significance Systems; Singapore Management University; Sir Syed University of Engineering and
Technology, Pakistan; SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory; Södertörn University, Sweden;
Social Science Research Council; University of Paris III: Sorbonne Nouvelle; South China
University of Technology; Stanford University; Straits Knowledge; Team Human; The
Logic; Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany; Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; The
Crucible; United Nations; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Los Angeles;
University of California, San Diego; University College London; University of Denver Pardee
Center for International Futures; Universitat Oberta de Catalunya; Universidade NOVA de Lisboa,
Portugal; the Universities of Alabama, Arizona, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Michigan,
Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Southern California, Utah and Vermont; the Universities of Calcutta,
Cambridge, Cologne, Cyprus, Edinburgh, Granada, Groningen, Liverpool, Otago, Pavia, Salford
and Waterloo; UNESCO; USENIX Association; U.S. Department of Energy; U.S. Naval
Postgraduate School; U.S. Special Operations Command SOFWERX; Telecommunications and
Radiocommunications Regulator of Vanuatu; Virginia Tech; Vision & Logic; Vizalytics; World
Wide Web Foundation; Wellville; Wikimedia; Witness; Yale Law School Information Society
This report is a collaborative effort based on the input and analysis of the following individuals.
We are extremely thankful for the contributions of the 979 people who participated in this
Primary researchers
Janna Anderson, Director, Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center
Lee Rainie, Director, Internet and Technology Research
Alex Luchsinger, Asst. Professor, Elon University
Research team
Claudia Deane, Vice President, Research