Site Master File

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The document provides guidelines for drafting a Site Master File including its structure, content and purpose.

The main sections that should be included as per the guidelines are: general information, production, quality control, contract manufacture and analysis, distribution and product recall, self-inspection.

The quality control department is responsible for describing its quality system, activities, and procedures for releasing finished products as per the quality manual.

Guidelines for drafting a Site Master File (SMF)

A Site Master File for each manufacturing site listed in a product dossier, must be submitted to World
Health Organization, HTP/EDM/QSM, 20 Ave Appia, 1211 Geneva, 27 Switzerland. Mark the
envelope: For attention: Mrs. C. Doucelin (Prequalification).
A site master file should be succinct and, as far as possible, not exceed 25 A4 pages.
A site master file is a document prepared by the manufacturer containing specific and factual GMP
information about the production and/or control of pharmaceutical manufacturing operations carried
out at the named site and any closely integrated operations at adjacent and nearby buildings. If only
part of a pharmaceutical operation is carried out on the site, the site master file need describe only
those operations, e.g., analysis, packaging.

Read the relevant part and use the terminology of the WHO-GMP before you complete the
information requested under a specific point in the SMF. For instance, read 8. Self-
inspection and quality audits in the current WHO-GMP before you draft 9.1 Short
description of the self-inspection system in this SMF.

Layout of the SMF:

Front page
In the header: Name and address of the applicant (repeated on each page)
Document number
Effective date
A bird view of the manufacturing site (photo)

Table of contents
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Approval page signed and dated by person(s):

ƒ Prepared by
ƒ Reviewed by
ƒ Approved by

Distribution of copies

Change control

Structure of the SMF

1. General information
1.1 Brief information on the firm (including name and address), relation to other sites, and, in
particular, any information relevant to understanding the manufacturing operations

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Name and Address Responsibility Drug Master File Number
Drugs 'R' Ltd. Manufacturing, packaging, labeling,
111 First Avenue testing, storage, distribution (for FPPs N/A
City 1, Country A intended for the requalification market)
Testy Inc.
testing of the API (particle size testing
789 High Road N/A
City 2, Country A

1.2 Pharmaceutical manufacturing activities as licensed by the national authority

The above manufacturing facilities have a valid Manufacturing License (MfgL), No. ……….., issued
by the national DRA and valid until …………… for the manufacture of the following pharmaceutical
dosage forms:
ƒ Tablets
ƒ Hard capsules
ƒ Oral solutions, and so on.
In addition, the contract testing facility also has a valid Establishment License.
1.3 Any other manufacturing activities carried out on the site
Only pharmaceutical finished products (FPPs) are manufactured on the site.
1.4 Name and exact address of the site, including telephone, fax, and 24-hour telephone numbers
Registered office and factory:
Drugs ‘R’ Ltd.
111 First Avenue
City 1, Country A
Contact person(s):
24-hour telephone numbers:

Testy Inc.
789 High Road
City 2, Country A

1.5 Type of products manufactured on the site, and information about any specifically toxic or
hazardous substances handled, mentioning the way they are manufactured (in dedicated facilities or on
a campaign basis)
Except the QC laboratory, specifically toxic, hazardous or sensitizing APIs −like for instance beta-
lactams, cytotoxic or contraceptive hormones− are not handled on the site.
Poisons and narcotics are kept in locked safes. Organic solvents as well as medical and utility gases
are stored in separate areas outside the buildings, respectively.
1.6 Short description of the site (size, location, and immediate environment and other manufacturing
activities on the site)
Infrastructure such as roads, power and municipal drinking water supply are good and reliable. A map
of the factory area is copied into the SMF below, which shows surrounding industries and indicate
sources of potential sources of pollution, e.g., from the dominant direction of the wind.
The buildings and other facilities inside the site are numbered and identified in the map.
Short description of the buildings:
ƒ Management and administration
ƒ Material, personnel movements and technological order

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Source: Dr. Adriaan J. Van Zyl
ƒ Starting material stores
ƒ Packaging material stores
ƒ Capsule and tablet manufacturing plant
ƒ Utility building (HVAC system, water purification, steam boiler, compressed air, etc.)

Source: Dr. Adriaan J. Van Zyl

1.7 Number of employees and workers engaged in:
ƒ Production :
ƒ Quality control :
ƒ Storage :
ƒ Other (e.g., security) :
ƒ Distribution :
Total :
1.8 Use of outside scientific, analytical, or other technical assistance in relation to manufacture and
Testy Inc., 789 High Road, City 2, Country A: Testing the particle size of APIs.

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1.9 Short description of the quality management (QM) system of the firm responsible for
Brief description of the quality policy of the company (with reference to the Quality Manual).
Responsibilities of the QM [briefly, e.g., audit programs, approval of starting and primary packing
material suppliers, FPP batch release, document control (in particular SOPs)]
ƒ Head of QM
ƒ QA manager
ƒ QC manager

QA system organization chart

Chief executive officer

Head of Marketing Head of Production Head of QM

QA manager QC manager

From this part on, please refer always to the relevant SOP(s) and declare responsibilities.
2. Personnel
2.1 Organization chart showing the arrangements for quality assurance, including production and
quality control.
See diagram under 1.9
2.2 Qualifications, experience, and responsibilities of key personnel.
Head of Production
Head of QM
Authorized person
Persons with delegated functions (but not responsibilities)
2.3 Outline of arrangements for basic and in-service training and how records are maintained
Organization plan of identified training needs, in particular GMP introduction and
reinforcement/upgrading, job related skills, in-house and external training, etc.
Evaluation (open ended question tests, score ranges for fail/pass, trainees opinion) of the effectiveness
of training.
2.4 Health requirements for personnel engaged in production
Medical examination prior to and during employment.
2.5 Personnel hygiene requirements, including clothing.
Describe briefly change room procedures in relation to rest room and laundry room procedures.
Describe procedures with protective clothing, shoes, hand shoes, etc.
State rules on eating, drinking, smoking, chewing gum or tobacco, etc.
3. Premises and equipment Premises
3.1 Simple plan or description of manufacturing areas with indication of scale (architectural or
engineering drawings not required)
Attach layout of the plant.
3.2 Nature of construction and finishes.
Describe wall construction, nature of finishes, floors, ceilings, doors and windows, lighting, piping
and drainage system(s).

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3.3 Brief description of ventilation systems. More details should be given for critical areas with
potential risks of airborne contamination (schematic drawings of the systems are desirable).
Classification of the rooms used for the manufacture of sterile products should be mentioned.
Outline the HVAC system, areas with different classes of air, pressure differential principles to
prevent cross-contamination, dedicated air handling units (AHUs), forced ventilation systems, etc.
3.4 Special areas for the handling of highly toxic, hazardous, and sensitizing materials.
Such materials are handled only in the QC laboratory. Solids are neutralized and collected in separate
containers. Extracted gases from the fume hood are neutralized and scrubbed before they are allowed
to exit into the external environment.
3.5 Brief description of water systems (schematic drawings of the systems are desirable), including
Source of raw water, storage tanks, preparation of purified water and its distribution system
(construction material), capacity/day, sanitation procedures should be described.
3.6 Description of planned preventive maintenance program for premises and of the recording system.
Critical activities of the annual planned preventive maintenance program for premises should be
3.7 Brief description of major equipment used in production and control laboratories (a list of
equipment is not required).
Major pieces of equipment used in:
ƒ Capsule plant
ƒ Tablet plant
ƒ Packing plant
ƒ QC laboratory
3.8 Description of planned preventive maintenance programs for equipment and of the recording
The annual planned preventive maintenance program for equipment should be summarized in
accordance with machine/instrument manufacturers’ requirements.
3.9 Qualification and calibration, including the recording system. Arrangements for computerized
systems validation.
Refer to the Validation Master Plan (VMP) and outline qualification, calibration and revalidation as
well as cleaning validation schedules/annual plans.
3.10 Availability of written specifications and procedures for cleaning manufacturing areas and
Summarize facility cleaning and sanitization strategy, schedules and documentation with an
illustrative list (examples) of SOPs and log books.
4. Documentation
4.1 Arrangements for the preparation, revision, and distribution of necessary documentation for
Master documents (directly related to product and process quality).
Batch manufacturing and quality records are controlled documents [design (title, number, version, date,
signature, etc.), preparation, review, approval, reproduction, entry of data and information, storage,
destruction, and so on).
4.2 Any other documentation related to product quality that is not mentioned elsewhere (e.g.,
microbiological controls on air and water)
Validation protocols, records, job descriptions, contracts with suppliers and customers, etc.
5. Production
5.1 Brief description of production operations using, wherever possible, flow sheets and charts
specifying important parameters.

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E.g., general steps in capsule filling and in tableting, including packing, and indicating equipment and
critical in-process control parameters regularly measured.
5.2 Arrangements for the handling of starting materials, packaging materials, and bulk and finished
products, including sampling, quarantine, release, and storage
Purchasing procedures (approval of suppliers of APIs, excipients and primary packing materials),
material requisition procedures from stores to manufacturing plant and vice versa, including sampling,
quarantine, release, and storage.
5.3 Arrangements for the handling of rejected materials and products.
Procedures for rejected starting materials and FPPs.
5.4 Brief description of general policy for process validation.
Refer to parts of VMP on (analytical and manufacturing) process validation.
6. Quality control
6.1 Description of the quality control system and of the activities of the quality control department.
Procedures for the release of finished products.
Refer to the Quality Manual cited under1.9 and summarize batch release procedures (review of BMR,
IPC and QC data, final approval by Authorized person or QA/QC manager.
7. Contract manufacture and analysis
7.1 Description of the way in which the GMP compliance of the contract accepter is assessed
Only the X-ray diffraction analysis is contracted to Testy Inc. The contract accepter is authorized and
inspected by the national DRA to perform X-ray diffraction testing. We also audit the laboratory of
Testy Inc (every two years). The Authorized Person of Drugs ‘R’ Ltd.
Reviews the certificates of analysis of Testy Inc. before releasing the batches concerned.
8. Distribution, complaints, and product recall
8.1 Arrangements and recording system for distribution
The distribution records are readily available to the Authorized Person, and they contain sufficient
information on wholesalers and directly supplied customers (including, for exported products, those
who have received samples for clinical tests and medical samples) to permit an effective recall.
8.2 Arrangements for the handling of complaints and product recalls
Complaints about marketed FPPs are examined according to SOP No. …, the causes of quality defects
investigated, and appropriate measures taken in respect of the defective products to prevent recurrence.
9. Self-inspection
9.1 Short description of the self-inspection system
Written instructions for self-inspection have been established to provide a minimum and uniform
standard of requirements. These include GMP requirements covering all the items listed under 8.2 in
the WHO-GMP.
Self-inspections are conducted every six (6) months. The management of Drugs ‘R’ Ltd. Always
evaluates both the self-inspection report and the corrective actions, as necessary.


1. Keep the SMF short (NMT 25 pages).
2. Reference should be made to the document, which describes the Quality Policy and System of the
Company. The Quality Manager must be independent from the Production manager.
3. Document that premises have been designed, constructed and maintained to prevent contamination
and cross-contamination of pharmaceutical products during the manufacturing process.
4. Describe the validation policy of the Company in the VMP (DQ, IQ, OQ and PQ of equipment
(systems) including utilities and analytical instruments) and outline essential steps of the
manufacturing process validation and cleaning validation.
Reference: GMP: World Health Organization
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 908, 2003, Annex 4. Good Manufacturing Practices for
pharmaceutical products: main principle
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