Steam Prog

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Properties of Water and Steam

Authored by Bernhard Spang, The Mining Company

email: [email protected]

Copyright 1997 by Bernhard Spang. All rights reserved.

May be redistributed for free, but may not be changed or sold without the author's explicit permission.
Provided "as is" without warranty of any kind.

This workbook contains Visual Basic functions for calculating properties of water and steam.
Functions for the following properties are available:
boiling point as a function of pressure, vapor pressure, specific volume or density, specific enthalpy,
heat capacity, viscosity, and thermal conductivity.

See Usage for an explanation of how to access the functions from within your spreadsheets.
See Reference for a list of available functions with syntax, arguments, units, and examples of use.

Note that the explanations given in this workbook relate to the use of the functions with source module sheet waterprop.
For an explanation of how to use the functions with the Add-In file water.xla see the Readme file which accompanies water

Source of equations:
Properties of Water and Steam in SI-Units,
2nd Revised and Updated Printing, Springer 1979, pp. 175 ff.

Seite 1

fic enthalpy,

source module sheet waterprop.

adme file which accompanies water.xla.

Seite 2


Property data are available by calling the appropriate property function using the syntax


where functionname is the name of the function (see Reference)

and parameterlist is the list of arguments for this function

If the Visual Basic module waterprop is copied from water.xls to the Excel workbook
where property data are needed the simplified syntax is


Seite 3
P= 20 bar P 5.5
Ts = #VALUE! K =boilp(B2) Ts ###
Ts = #VALUE! deg-C =B3-273.15 Vs ###
Sp. Vol Air = #VALUE! cu-m/kg =vsub1(B3,B2) (uap)
Densitas Air = #VALUE! kg/cu-m =1/B5
Sp. Vol Uap = #VALUE! cu-m/kg =vsub2(B3,B2)
Densitas Uap = #VALUE! kg/cu-m =1/B7
Enth Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg =hsub1(B3,B2)
Enth Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg =hsub2(B3,B2)
En Dalam Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg =B9-B2*B5*100000/1000
En Dalam Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg =B10-B2*B7*100
Viscositas Air = #VALUE! kg/(m.s) =ETAF(B3,B5)*0.000001
Viscositas Uap = #VALUE! kg/(m.s) =ETAF(B3,B7)*0.000001


P 5.5 Bar


1.203694E-71 3.027E+022




Dasar Sumur
P= 20 bar
Ts = #VALUE! K =boilp(B2)
Ts = #VALUE! deg-C =B3-273.15
Sp. Vol Air = #VALUE! cu-m/kg =vsub1(B3,B2)
Densitas Air = #VALUE! kg/cu-m =1/B5
Sp. Vol Uap = #VALUE! cu-m/kg =vsub2(B3,B2)
Densitas Uap = #VALUE! kg/cu-m =1/B7
Enth Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg =hsub1(B3,B2)
Enth Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg =hsub2(B3,B2)
En Dalam Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg =B9-B2*B5*100000/1000
En Dalam Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg =B10-B2*B7*100
Viscositas Air = #VALUE! kg/(m.s) =ETAF(B3,B5)*0.000001
Viscositas Uap = #VALUE! kg/(m.s) =ETAF(B3,B7)*0.000001

P= 16 bar
Ts = #VALUE! K =boilp(B2)
Ts = #VALUE! deg-C =B3-273.15
Sp. Vol Air = #VALUE! cu-m/kg =vsub1(B3,B2)
Densitas Air = #VALUE! kg/cu-m =1/B5
Sp. Vol Uap = #VALUE! cu-m/kg =vsub2(B3,B2)
Densitas Uap = #VALUE! kg/cu-m =1/B7
Enth Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg =hsub1(B3,B2)
Enth Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg =hsub2(B3,B2)
En Dalam Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg =B9-B2*B5*100000/1000
En Dalam Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg =B10-B2*B7*100
Viscositas Air = #VALUE! kg/(m.s) =ETAF(B3,B5)*0.000001
Viscositas Uap = #VALUE! kg/(m.s) =ETAF(B3,B7)*0.000001
Kondisi Isentalpi Jika "h" diketahui
Tdasar sumur 34.5 hg2-hf2 = #VALUE! x2 = #VALUE! #VALUE!
hf2 = #VALUE!
h= 1087

WHP 16 hg1-hf1 = #VALUE! x1 = #VALUE! #VALUE!

hf1 = #VALUE!
h= 1087
Jika "h" Tidak diketahui
x2 = 0
hg2-hf2 = #VALUE!
hf2 = #VALUE!
x2 * hfg2 = #VALUE!

x1 = 0
hg1-hf1 = #VALUE!
hf1 = #VALUE!
x1 * hfg1 = #VALUE!

x1 = #VALUE! #VALUE!
x2 = #VALUE!
P= 20 bar Panjang Δl
Ts = #VALUE! K Alir Massa m
Ts = #VALUE! deg-C Diameter di
Sp. Vol Air = #VALUE! cu-m/kg Tekanan P
Densitas Air = #VALUE! kg/cu-m Viskositas μs
Sp. Vol Uap = #VALUE! cu-m/kg Entalpi Air hf
Densitas Uap = #VALUE! kg/cu-m Entalpi Uap hg
Enth Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg Panas Laten hgf
Enth Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg Volume Spesifik Vs
En Dalam Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg Kekasaran Pipa E
En Dalam Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg
Viscositas Air = #VALUE! kg/(m.s)
Viscositas Uap = #VALUE! kg/(m.s)

Laju Alir
Luas A= 0.183 m Faktor Friksi
Kec Alir Uap Vs = #VALUE! Kg/det (8/Re)^12
Re 1/F20
Laju Alir Vs = #VALUE! kg/det (F21+F18)^(1/12)
Diameter di = 0.483 m λ=
Volum Spesifik vs = #VALUE! cu-m/kg
Viskositas μs = #VALUE! kg/(m.s)
Re = #VALUE!

A Hilang Tekanan
(7/Re)^2 = #VALUE! λ=
E 0.00005 Δl =
dl 0.483 di =
(0.27*E/dl) 2.79503E-05 Vs =
ln(1/(B32+B29)) #VALUE! vs =


10 m Δl (m) λ di Vs vs
40 kg/det 9 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
0.483 m 12 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
20 bar 15 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! kg/(m.s) 18 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! kJ/kg 21 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! kJ/kg 24 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! kJ/kg 27 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! cu-m/kg 30 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
0.00005 m 33 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
36 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
39 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
42 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
45 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
48 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
51 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
Faktor Friksi 54 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! 57 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! 60 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! 63 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! 66 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! 69 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
72 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
75 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
78 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
81 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
Hilang Tekanan 84 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! 87 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
10 90 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
0.483 93 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! 96 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! 99 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
102 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
#VALUE! Bar 105 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
108 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
111 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
114 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
117 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
120 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
123 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
19.8171 126 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
129 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
132 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
135 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
138 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
141 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
144 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
147 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
150 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
153 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
156 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
159 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
162 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
165 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
168 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
171 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
174 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
177 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
180 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
183 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
186 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
189 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
192 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
195 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
198 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
201 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
204 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
207 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
210 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
213 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
216 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
219 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
222 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
225 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
228 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
231 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
234 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
237 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
240 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
243 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
246 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
249 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
252 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
255 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
258 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
261 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
264 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
267 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
270 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
273 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
276 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
279 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
282 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
285 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
288 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
291 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
294 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
297 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
300 0.0124 0.483 21.74 0.0995
Pressure Drop Tekanan Kondisi Tekanan Uap Air
0.0055 20 19.9945
0.0073 20 19.9927
0.0091 20 19.9909
0.0110 20 19.9890
0.0128 20 19.9872
0.0146 20 19.9854
0.0165 20 19.9835
0.0183 20 19.9817
0.0201 20 19.9799
0.0220 20 19.9780
0.0238 20 19.9762
0.0256 20 19.9744
0.0274 20 19.9726
0.0293 20 19.9707
0.0311 20 19.9689
0.0329 20 19.9671
0.0348 20 19.9652
0.0366 20 19.9634
0.0384 20 19.9616
0.0402 20 19.9598
0.0421 20 19.9579
0.0439 20 19.9561
0.0457 20 19.9543
0.0476 20 19.9524
0.0494 20 19.9506
0.0512 20 19.9488
0.0530 20 19.9470
0.0549 20 19.9451
0.0567 20 19.9433
0.0585 20 19.9415
0.0604 20 19.9396
0.0622 20 19.9378
0.0640 20 19.9360
0.0659 20 19.9341
0.0677 20 19.9323
0.0695 20 19.9305
0.0713 20 19.9287
0.0732 20 19.9268
0.0750 20 19.9250
0.0768 20 19.9232
0.0787 20 19.9213
0.0805 20 19.9195
0.0823 20 19.9177
0.0841 20 19.9159
0.0860 20 19.9140
0.0878 20 19.9122
0.0896 20 19.9104
0.0915 20 19.9085
0.0933 20 19.9067
0.0951 20 19.9049
0.0969 20 19.9031
0.0988 20 19.9012
0.1006 20 19.8994
0.1024 20 19.8976
0.1043 20 19.8957
0.1061 20 19.8939
0.1079 20 19.8921
0.1098 20 19.8902
0.1116 20 19.8884
0.1134 20 19.8866
0.1152 20 19.8848
0.1171 20 19.8829
0.1189 20 19.8811
0.1207 20 19.8793
0.1226 20 19.8774
0.1244 20 19.8756
0.1262 20 19.8738
0.1280 20 19.8720
0.1299 20 19.8701
0.1317 20 19.8683
0.1335 20 19.8665
0.1354 20 19.8646
0.1372 20 19.8628
0.1390 20 19.8610
0.1408 20 19.8592
0.1427 20 19.8573
0.1445 20 19.8555
0.1463 20 19.8537
0.1482 20 19.8518
0.1500 20 19.8500
0.1518 20 19.8482
0.1537 20 19.8463
0.1555 20 19.8445
0.1573 20 19.8427
0.1591 20 19.8409
0.1610 20 19.8390
0.1628 20 19.8372
0.1646 20 19.8354
0.1665 20 19.8335
0.1683 20 19.8317
0.1701 20 19.8299
0.1719 20 19.8281
0.1738 20 19.8262
0.1756 20 19.8244
0.1774 20 19.8226
0.1793 20 19.8207
0.1811 20 19.8189
0.1829 20 19.8171
P= 5.5 bar
Ts = #VALUE! K
Ts = #VALUE! deg-C
Sp. Vol Air = #VALUE! cu-m/kg
Densitas Air = #VALUE! kg/cu-m
Sp. Vol Uap = #VALUE! cu-m/kg
Densitas Uap = #VALUE! kg/cu-m
Enth Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg
Enth Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg
En Dalam Air = #VALUE! kJ/kg
En Dalam Uap = #VALUE! kJ/kg
Viscositas Air = #VALUE! kg/(m.s)
Viscositas Uap = #VALUE! kg/(m.s)

Laju Alir
Luas A= 0.183 m
Kec Alir Uap Vs = #VALUE! Kg/det

Laju Alir Vs = #VALUE! kg/det
Diameter di = 0.483 m
Volum Spesifik vs = #VALUE! cu-m/kg
Viskositas μs = #VALUE! kg/(m.s)
Re = #VALUE!

(7/Re)^2 = #VALUE!
E 0.00005
dl 0.483
(0.27*E/dl) 2.79503105590062E-05
ln(1/(B32+B29)) #VALUE!

Panjang Δl 10 m Δl (m)
Alir Massa m 40 kg/det 1000
Diameter di 0.483 m 1000
Tekanan P 5.5 bar 1000
Viskositas μs #VALUE! kg/(m.s) 1000
Entalpi Air hf #VALUE! kJ/kg 1000
Entalpi Uap hg #VALUE! kJ/kg 1000
Panas Laten hgf #VALUE! kJ/kg 1000
Volume Spesifik Vs #VALUE! cu-m/kg 1000
Kekasaran Pipa E 0.00005 m 1000
Faktor Friksi
(8/Re)^12 #VALUE!
(A+B)^3/2 #VALUE!
1/F20 #VALUE!
(F21+F18)^ #VALUE!
λ= #VALUE!

Hilang Tekanan
λ= #VALUE!
Δl = 10
di = 0.483
Vs = #VALUE!
vs = #VALUE!

dP #VALUE! Bar
λ di m vs A Vs
#VALUE! 0.30 48.3 #VALUE! 0.071 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.35 48.3 #VALUE! 0.096 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.40 48.3 #VALUE! 0.126 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.45 48.3 #VALUE! 0.159 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.50 48.3 #VALUE! 0.196 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.55 48.3 #VALUE! 0.237 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.60 48.3 #VALUE! 0.283 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.65 48.3 #VALUE! 0.332 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.70 48.3 #VALUE! 0.385 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.75 48.3 #VALUE! 0.442 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.80 48.3 #VALUE! 0.502 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.85 48.3 #VALUE! 0.567 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.90 48.3 #VALUE! 0.636 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 0.95 48.3 #VALUE! 0.708 #VALUE!
#VALUE! 1.00 48.3 #VALUE! 0.785 #VALUE!
Pressure Drop Tekanan
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
#VALUE! 5.5
Kondisi Tekanan Uap Air ketika masuk Turbin


Available functions:

1. Boiling point as a function of pressure

a) Usage: waterprop.BOILP(P)

b) Argument(s): P pressure in bar

c) Unit: boiling point in K

d) Range of validity: 0.01 bar < p < 220 bar

e) Example: Boiling point of water at 1 bar in °C

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.BOILP(1)-273.15
And the result is: #MACRO? °C

2. Vapor pressure

a) Usage: waterprop.VAPP(T)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K

c) Unit: vapor pressure in bar

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 623 K

e) Example: Vapor pressure of water at 100 °C

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.VAPP(373.15)
And the result is: #MACRO? bar

3. Specific volume (or density) of liquid water

a) Usage: waterprop.VSUB1(T; P)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar

c) Unit: specific volume in m3/kg

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 623.15 K

vapor pressure < p < 1000 bar

e) Example: Density of water at 20 °C and 1 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =1/waterprop.VSUB1(293.15; 1)
And the result is: #MACRO? kg/m3

4. Specific volume (or density) of steam

a) Usage: waterprop.VSUB2(T; P)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar

Seite 19

c) Unit: specific volume in m3/kg

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 1073.15 K

0 < p < vapor pressure

e) Example: Specific volume of saturated vapor at 5 bar

Note the use of BOILP for determining the boiling point
Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.VSUB2(waterprop.BOILP(5);5)
And the result is: #MACRO? m3/kg

5. Specific enthalpy of liquid water

a) Usage: waterprop.HSUB1(T; P)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar

c) Unit: specific enthalpy in kJ/kg

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 623.15 K

vapor pressure < p < 1000 bar

e) Example: Enthalpy of water at 20 °C and 1 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.HSUB1(293.15; 1)
And the result is: #MACRO? kJ/kg

6. Specific enthalpy of steam

a) Usage: waterprop.HSUB2(T; P)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar

c) Unit: specific enthalpy in kJ/kg

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 1073.15 K

0 < p < vapor pressure

e) Example: Enthalpy of saturated vapor at 5 bar

Note the use of BOILP for determining the boiling point
Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.HSUB2(waterprop.BOILP(5);5)
And the result is: #MACRO? kJ/kg

7. Heat capacity

a) Usage: waterprop.HCAP(T; P; IAG)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
P pressure in bar
IAG state: 1 for liquid water, 2 for steam

c) Unit: heat capacity in kJ/(kg K)

Seite 20

d) Range of validity: 273.16 K < T < 1073.15 K

0 < p < 1000 bar

e) Example: Heat capacity of water at 20 °C and 1 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.HCAP(293.15;1;1)
And the result is: #MACRO? kJ/(kg K)

8. Dynamic viscosity

a) Usage: waterprop.ETAF(T; V)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
V specific volume in m3/kg

c) Unit: dynamic viscosity in 10-6 Pa s

d) Range of validity: 0 °C < T < 800 °C

p < 1000 bar

e) Example: Viscosity of water at 20 °C and 1 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.ETAF(293.15; waterprop.VSUB1(29
And the result is: #MACRO? Pa s

9. Thermal conductivity

a) Usage: waterprop.TCON(T; V)

b) Argument(s): T temperature in K
V specific volume in m3/kg

c) Unit: thermal conductivity W /(K m)

d) Range of validity: 0 °C < T < 1500 °C

p < 3000 bar

e) Example: Thermal conductivity of saturated vapor at 5 bar

Formula in worksheet cell: =waterprop.TCON(BOILP(5); waterprop.VSUB2
And the result is: #VALUE! W/(K m)

Seite 21


VSUB1(293.15; 1)

Seite 22


SUB1(293.15; 1)


Seite 23


TAF(293.15; waterprop.VSUB1(293.15;1))

CON(BOILP(5); waterprop.VSUB2(BOILP(5);5))

Seite 24
Tekanan Tsk Tsc h hf hg
40 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
39.999000 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
38.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
37.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
36.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
35.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
34.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
33.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
32.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
31.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
30.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
29.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
28.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
27.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
26.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
25.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
24.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
23.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
22.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
21.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
20.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
19.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
18.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
17.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
16.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
15.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
14.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
13.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
12.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
11.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
10.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
9.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
8.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
7.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
6.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
5.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
4.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
3.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
2.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
1.0 #VALUE! #VALUE! 1087.4 #VALUE! #VALUE!
hfg x

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