An Introduction To Ion Exchange Resins

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The key takeaways are that ion exchange resins facilitate ion exchange reactions by attracting oppositely charged ions, they are made of organic polymers with ion exchange sites, and they are used in water treatment and separation applications.

Ion exchange resins are a physical medium that facilitates ion exchange reactions where dissolved ions are removed from solution and replaced with other ions of the same charge. The resin is composed of organic polymers with ion exchange sites that attract oppositely charged ions.

The main types are cation exchange resins, which attract positively charged ions, and anion exchange resins, which attract negatively charged ions. Gel resins are most common but macroporous resins are used for more aggressive conditions due to their greater chemical and mechanical resistance.


An Introduction to





What Are Ion Exchange Resins and How Do

1 They Work?

What Are the Different Types of Ion Exchange

2 Resins and What Applications Do They Serve?

Common Problems with Ion Exchange Resins

3 and How to Avoid Them

What Are the Best (and Cheapest) Ways to

4 Dispose of Ion Exchange Resins?

How Much Does It Cost to Buy, Maintain, and

5 Dispose of Ion Exchange Resins?


Chapter One


What they are and how they work

Whether you’re weighing potential treatment strategies, looking for

ways to get the most out of your existing ion exchange (IX) resins, or
simply curious about IX chemistry, you may be asking “What are ion
exchange resins and how do they work?”
No matter your goals, this chapter will help you make decisions on
the right water treatment strategies for your facility by helping you to
better understand IX resin technology and how it serves a variety of
water treatment and separation needs.

What are ion exchange resins?

Ion exchange is a reversible chemical reaction where dissolved ions
are removed from solution and replaced with other ions of the same
or similar electrical charge. Not a chemical reactant in and of itself, IX
resin is instead a physical medium that facilitates ion exchange
reactions. The resin itself is composed of organic polymers that form
a network of hydrocarbons. Throughout the polymer matrix are ion
exchange sites, where so-called “functional groups” of either
positively-charged ions (cations) or negatively-charged ions (anions)
are affixed to the polymer network. These functional groups readily
attract ions of an opposing charge.

What are the physical properties of IX resins?

The geometric shape, size, and structure of IX resins can vary from
one type to the next. Most IX exchange systems employ a resin bed
consisting of tiny, porous microbeads, though some systems, such as
those used for electrodialysis, use a sheet-like mesh resin. IX resin
beads are usually small and spherical, with a radius measuring just
0.25 to 1.25 millimeters in size. Depending upon the application and
system design, the resin beads may have a uniform particle size or a
Gaussian size distribution. Most applications use gel resin beads,
which have a translucent appearance and offer high capacity and
chemical efficiency. Macroporous resins, which are recognizable due
to their opaque white or yellow appearance, are typically reserved for
demanding conditions, since they have comparatively greater stability
and chemical resistance.
What are IX resins made of?
The IX resin matrix is formed by crosslinking hydrocarbon chains with
one another in a process called polymerization. The crosslinking gives
the resin polymer a stronger, more resilient structure and a greater
capacity (by volume). While the chemical composition of most IX
resins is polystyrene, certain types are manufactured from acrylic
(either acrylonitrile or methyl acrylate). The resin polymer then
undergoes one or more chemical treatments to bind functional
groups to the ion exchange sites located throughout the matrix.
These functional groups are what give the IX resin its separation
capabilities and will vary significantly from one type of resin to the
next. The most common compositions include:

• Strong acid cation (SAC) exchange resins. SAC resins are

composed of a polystyrene matrix with a sulphonate (SO3–)
functional group that is either charged with sodium ions (Na2+)
for softening applications, or hydrogen ions (H+)
for demineralization.
• Weak acid cation (WAC) exchange resins. WAC resins are
composed of an acrylic polymer that has been hydrolyzed with
either sulphuric acid or caustic soda to produce carboxylic acid
functional groups. Due to their high affinity for hydrogen ions
(H+), WAC resins are typically used to selectively remove cations
associated with alkalinity.
• Strong base anion (SBA) exchange resins. SBA resins are typically
composed of a polystyrene matrix that has undergone
chloromethylation and amination to fix anions to exchange sites.
Type 1 SBA resins are produced by the application of
trimethylamine, which yields chloride ions (Cl–), while Type 2 SBA
resins are produced by the application of dimethylethanolamine,
which yields hydroxide ions (OH–).
• Weak base anion (WBA) exchange resins. WBA resins are
typically composed of a polystyrene matrix that has undergone
chloromethylation, followed by amination with dimethylamine.
WBA resins are unique in that they do not have exchangeable ions
and are therefore used as acid absorbers to remove anions
associated with strong mineral acids.

• Chelating resins. Chelating resins are the most common type

of specialty resin and are used for selective removal of certain
metals and other substances. In most cases the resin matrix is
composed of polystyrene, though a variety of substances are used
for functional groups, including thiol, triethylammonium, and
aminophosphonic, among many others.

How does ion exchange resin work?

To fully understand how IX resins work, it is important to first
understand the principles of the ion exchange reaction. Put simply,
ion exchange is a reversible interchange of charged particles—or
ions—with those of like charge. This occurs when ions present on an
insoluble IX resin matrix effectively swap places with ions of a similar
charge that are present in a surrounding solution.
The IX resin functions this way because of its functional groups, which
are essentially fixed ions that are permanently bound within the
polymer matrix of the resin. These charged ions will readily bond with
ions of an opposing charge, which are delivered through the
application of a counterion solution. These counterions will continue
to bond with the functional groups until equilibrium is reached.
During an IX cycle, the solution to be treated would be added to the
IX resin bed and allowed to flow through the beads. As the solution
moves through the IX resin, the functional groups of the resin attract
any counterions present in the solution. If the functional groups have
a greater affinity for the new counterions than those already present,
then the ions in solution will dislodge the existing ions and take their
place, bonding with the functional groups through shared

electrostatic attraction. In general, the greater the size and/or valency

of an ion, the greater affinity it will have with ions of an opposite
Let’s apply these concepts to a typical IX water softening system. In
this example, the softening mechanism consists of a cation exchange
resin where sulphonate anion (SO3–) functional groups are fixed to
the IX resin matrix. A counterion solution containing sodium cations
(Na+) is then applied to the resin. The Na+ are held to the fixed SO3–
anions by electrostatic attraction, resulting in a net neutral charge in
the resin. During an active IX cycle, a stream containing hardness ions
(Ca2+ or Mg2+) is added to the cation exchange resin. Since the SO3–
functional groups have a greater affinity for the hardness cations
than for the Na+ ions, the hardness ions displace the Na+ ions, which
then flow out of the IX unit as part of the treated stream. The
hardness ions (Ca2+ or Mg2+), on the other hand, are retained by the
IX resin.

What is ion exchange resin regeneration?

Over time, contaminant ions bind with all available exchange sites in
the IX resin. Once the resin is exhausted, it must be restored for
further use through what is known as a regeneration cycle. During a
regeneration cycle, the IX reaction is essentially reversed through the
application of a concentrated regenerant solution. Depending upon
the type of resin and the application at hand, the regenerant may be
a salt, acid, or caustic solution. As the regeneration cycle proceeds,
the IX resin releases contaminant ions, swapping them for ions

present in the regenerant solution. The contaminant ions will exit the
IX system as part of the regenerant effluent stream and will need to
be properly discharged. In most cases, the resin is rinsed to remove
any residual regenerant prior to the next active IX cycle.

Chapter Two




The types and relevant applications

Ion exchange (IX) is an incredibly versatile technology often utilized in

industrial water treatment and selective separation. While all resins
generally function on the same basic principles, there is a seemingly
endless variety of IX resins available on the market today. Once you
understand the basic resin types and their functions, it might be
easier to narrow down the right types for your industrial facility and
see how they can potentially help improve your process.
So, “What are the different types of IX resins and what applications
do they serve?” This chapter breaks down available IX resin
technologies and describes how they serve a variety of industrial
water treatment and separation needs.

What are the different types of ion exchange

IX resins are materials that facilitate IX reactions. They are composed
of polymer matrices to which ionic “functional groups” of either
positively-charged ions (cations) or negatively-charged ions

(anions) are permanently bound. Some specialty resins have both

types of functionality. These functional groups have a net negative or
positive charge that allows them to readily attract counter ions, or
ions of an opposing charge. As a liquid stream flows through the IX
resin, the counter ions can be replaced by ions of a similar charge.
Broadly speaking, resins are named for the type of ions they
exchange, meaning that cationic resins exchange positively charged
ions, while anionic resins exchange negatively charged ions and
• Strong acid cation resins
• Weak acid cation resins
• Strong base anion resins
• Weak base anion resins
• Specialty resins
Now that you know the basics, we’ll explore these resins in greater
depth below:

Strong acid cation resins

What they are
Strong acid cation (SAC) exchange resins are among the most widely
used resins. As mentioned previously, they are composed of a
polymer matrix to which anionic functional groups are bound, such as
sulphonate (SO3–). SAC resins are regenerated with either a sodium
salt solution (Na2+) for softening applications, or with an acid (H+)
for demineralization applications.

What they’re used for

SAC resins are used extensively for softening applications, and are
very effective at complete removal of hardness ions such
as magnesium (Mg+) or calcium (Ca2+). They may also be used
in split-stream dealkalization where two SAC beds operate in parallel,
the first as a softener that produces an alkaline solution, and the
second as a demineralizer (in the H+ form), with the result that
alkalinity is removed from the blended stream. Certain varieties of
SAC resins have also been developed for applications demanding
removal of barium and radium from drinking water or other streams.
SAC resins can be damaged by oxidants and fouled by iron or
manganese, so care must be taken to avoid exposure of the resin to
these materials.

Weak acid cation resins

What they are
Weak acid cation (WAC) exchange resins remove cations associated
with alkalinity (temporary hardness). WAC resins typically employ
carboxylic acid functional groups (RCOO–) and are regenerated with
sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. Similar to SAC resins, WAC resins swap
cations for hydrogen ions, resulting in slightly greater acidity in the
treated stream.
What they’re used for
WAC resins are used for demineralization and dealkalization
applications. Their high affinity for divalent cations ions (Ca2+ and

Mg2+) makes them a good choice for applications demanding the

removal of hardness ions associated with alkalinity. For high
temporary hardness applications, a WAC resin can be used ahead of a
SAC resin in a two-step IX process. Additionally, WAC resins tend to
have relatively high oxidation resistance and mechanical durability,
making them a good choice for streams containing oxidants such as
hydrogen peroxide and chlorine, among others.

Strong base anion resins

What they are
Strong base anion (SBA) exchange resins are available in multiple
varieties, including Type 1, Type 2, and acrylic or macroporous. Each
type of SBA resin offers a unique set of benefits and constraints that
must be matched to the application at hand.
What they’re used for
SBA resins are typically used for demineralization, dealkalization and
desilication, as well as removal of total organic carbon (TOC) or other
organics depending on the type of resin. Type 1 SBA resins are used
for selective removal of nitrates (NO3-), sulphates (SO3-), and
perchlorate (ClO4-), for general demineralization, and for desilication
where low levels of silica are required. Type 2 SBA resins are used for
applications where total removal of anions is desired, where lower
use of caustic is preferred, and where low silica levels are not critical
to operational processes.

Weak base anion (WBA) exchange resins

What they are
Weak base anion (WBA) exchange resins are the only major type of IX
resins that do not have exchangeable ions. These resins adsorb free
mineral acidity (Cl and SO4). WBA resins have amine functional
groups and are typically regenerated with sodium hydroxide (NaOH),
ammonia (NH3), or sodium carbonate (Na2CO3).
What they’re used for
WBA resins are used for partial demineralization. In larger plants,
WBA resin beds may be paired with SBA units for complete
demineralization applications, and WBA resins are also effective as
total organic carbon (TOC) barriers ahead of SBA beds. WBA is also
used for acid adsorption applications involving the removal of
chloride, sulphate, nitrate, and other anions associated with strong
acids, though it is not effective for removal of weak acids such as
silica (SiO2) and carbon dioxide (CO2).

Specialty resins
What they are
As their name implies, specialty resins are used for a variety of
specific applications. Chelating resins are the most common type
of specialty resin, and are used for selective removal of certain
metals, brine softening and other substances. Specialty resin
functional groups vary widely depending upon the application at

hand, and may include thiol, iminodiacetic acid, or aminophosphonic

acid, and others.
What they’re used for
Chelating resins are used extensively for concentration and removal
of metals in dilute solutions, such as Cobalt (Co2+) and Mercury
(Hg2+). Another type of specialty resins is magnetic ion exchange
(MIEX) resins, which used for removal of natural organic matter from
liquid streams.

Chapter Three


What are they? How do you avoid them?

Ion exchange resins can be highly efficient with relatively low cost
and energy requirements. If they are properly maintained, resin beds
can last years before requiring replacement, and for highly selective
removal needs in process streams, ion exchange resins can prove
Despite the many benefits of using ion exchange resins in the
appropriate separation processes, challenging issues can arise. This
chapter discusses some “common problems with ion exchange resins
and how to avoid them,” ensuring your facility can keep one step
ahead and remain as productive as possible.

Resin fouling
When your ion exchange treatment system begins to require more
rinsing, becomes more sensitive to temperature and flow rate
variations, or exhibits a decrease in effluent quality and operating
capacity at a quicker-than-anticipated rate, fouled resins could be to

Over time, it is natural to lose some percentage of operating ability

(which varies widely depending on the type of resin and application),
but if fouling is suspected, there can be several causes.
Some of the most common resin foulants include:
• suspended solids such as silica, iron, and manganese, these can be
particles or colloidal
• oils and greases
• bacteria and algae
• organic substances
Once resins are fouled, it can be difficult and risky to clean them as
some of the chemical agents and methods used in these processes
can degrade the resins, making them unusable. In general, caustics
are used to remove foulants from anion resins, while acids or strong
reducing agents are used to remove foulants from cation resins.
Similarly, surfactants are typically used to clean oil from fouled resins,
though it is necessary to use care in selecting a surfactant that will
not itself foul the resin, and sometimes an aggressive backwash with
air scour helps.
Organic fouling is both extremely common and can be difficult to
correct, although using a brine squeeze on anion resin at elevated
temperatures may be effective. Preventative strategies for organic
fouling include prechlorination and clarification, activated carbon
filtration, applying a multistep IX with weak and strong base resins,
and use of specialty IX resins.

Generally, the best way to avoid resin fouling is to ensure proper

pretreatment removes the foulants before they can become an issue
in addition to using appropriate cleaning, storage, and regeneration
measures in the day-to-day operation of the ion exchange system to
make sure no problematic foulants will accumulate over time.
These procedures vary widely depending on the type of resin being
used as well as the purity of the feed water, etc., so be sure to consult
your water treatment specialist to learn the proper steps to keeping
your resins suitably maintained.

When oxidizing agents—such as chlorine, chlorine dioxide,
chloramine, and ozone—come into contact with both cation and
anion resins under certain conditions, they can damage the resins,
leading to capacity loss and inhibited performance. When present in
a feed stream, oxidants degrade IX resin polymers, causing them to
deform and compact over time. This compaction obstructs the flow
of liquids through the resin bed, which can compromise the overall
effectiveness of the IX unit, and lead to inconsistent effluent quality
due to channeling in the resin bed.
While oxidation damage to IX resins cannot be reversed, it can be
prevented through various pretreatment measures. Common
preventative measures for oxidation degradation include application
of activated carbon filtration, ultraviolet irradiation, or chemical
pretreatment through the application of a reducing agent.

Oftentimes, the resin manufacturer will have specific guidelines on

which resins work best in certain environments. Some resins are built
to withstand these degenerative chemicals at certain levels (i.e.,
higher crosslinked cation resins in higher concentrations of chlorine),
but in general, it is best to consult with your water treatment
specialist and resin manufacturer regarding the maximum
temperature and oxidizing agent exposure as certain combinations of
chemicals and resins can result in potentially harmful byproducts,
such as ammonia or nitrogen gas.

Thermal resin degradation

Extremely high or low temperatures can permanently compromise
the effectiveness of IX resins. Over time, thermal degradation alters
the resin’s molecular structure such that it is no longer able to bind
with the functional groups of ions that are key to the IX reaction,
resulting in compromised operational performance and shorter
product life.
IX resin capacity has an inverse relationship with temperature, so it is
important to consider the recommended operational temperatures
and other process conditions to minimize thermal degradation over
time. Generally speaking, cation resins are more resistant to thermal
degradation than are anion resins, though both can generally
withstand brief applications of high heat for occasional sterilization or
other purposes. While prolonged exposure to extreme temperatures
usually means a shorter useable life for IX resins, in some cases the
costs of more frequent resin replacement may still not outweigh the
costs of energy and equipment needed for temperature control.

Inadequate regeneration
Suboptimal IX system function can result when regenerant solutions
are administered incorrectly. Sometimes regeneration methods yield
varying results, even when they are implemented with the same
procedure. Resin regeneration is a complex calculation, and the
outcome often depends on the overall resin condition, regeneration
process water quality, regenerant chemical concentration, flow rate,
temperature, and contact time, to name a few. Both cation and anion
resin can be scaled from improper regeneration. For example,
regenerating with a too-high concentration of sulfuric acid can cause
calcium sulfate scale on the resin. With some anion resins, silica can
precipitate with improper caustic concentrations.
With all the possible scenarios, following the resin manufacturer’s
guidelines for regenerant concentration, application time, and flow
control can help prevent issues and is advisable.

Channeling occurs when liquids pass through the resin unevenly,
carving pathways that result in the uneven exhaustion of the resin,
and breakthrough of untreated solution into the effluent stream.
Channeling can be caused by incorrect flow rates, failure of the
distributor mechanism, inadequate backwashing, and blockages by
dissolved solids or damaged resin beads.

Resin loss or migration

Resin loss occurs when resin beads flow out of an IX column, or flow
from one vessel to another. There are multiple causes for resin loss,
including excessive backwashing and mechanical failures in
underdrain screening or other resin retention equipment. Resin loss
may also result from fragmentation of resin beads due to exposure to
high temperatures, chlorine, and/or osmotic shock, allowing the resin
particles to pass through even intact retention screens. Resin loss and
migration reduces overall system capacity and efficiency.
In demineralization systems, for example, the migration of cation
resin into the anion unit can result in sodium leakage and excess rinse

Chapter Four

The best and most cost-effective ways

When thoughtfully applied within a water treatment system, IX offers

cost-effective and efficient separation, with systems generally running
for several years without major maintenance costs. Still, one must be
mindful that IX resins degrade over time and must be replaced
periodically to maintain system performance.
If you’re wondering what happens when an IX resin reaches the end
of its useable life, you might be asking “What Are the Best (and
Cheapest) Ways to Dispose of Ion Exchange Resins?”
This chapter will discuss IX resin disposal options and how to cost-
effectively maintain an IX system throughout its life cycle.

How do I know if IX resin disposal is needed?

In most industrial applications, an IX resin will last 4-10 years before
system economics would favor replacement (or “re-bedding”). The
service life of a resin will depend on a number of factors, including
the chemical makeup of the stream to be treated, the type of IX
process and resin used, how often regeneration cycles are needed,

the hydraulic load of the resin, and whether any extreme process
conditions exist. IX resins degrade gradually with use, making it
difficult to tell exactly when they must be replaced. For most
facilities, resins should only be discarded when the output quality or
loss in capacity justifies the re-bedding costs, which can be
substantial, as they include removal and disposal of old resin, and
purchase and installation of new resin.
There are a few key indicators that it might be time for IX resin
replacement. These include the amount of resin lost during
backwash cycles, IX capacity loss of 10-20% or more, and inadequate
quality in the treated stream. Still, the decision to re-bed should be
made with careful cost analysis in mind. Certain changes in system
performance, such as a drop in effluent quality, shorter service runs
or higher chemical dosages, can be good indicators that the resin
should be evaluated. Some companies provide analysis services to
evaluate the salt splitting ability and physical condition of the resin
and can provide you with a report to compare resin performance
against new.

What are the best disposal methods for spent IX

Spent IX resins are considered solid waste and are typically either
buried in landfills or incinerated. Recycling of exhausted resin
materials is neither common nor practical since there are few
facilities capable of processing the resin materials (typically
polystyrene or acrylic). No matter which disposal method is chosen,

care must be taken to dispose of the resin in compliance with federal,

state, and local waste management regulations.
There are a few factors that can affect which disposal options are
available to your facility, as well as the overall cost of the disposal
process. These include:
• Liquid content. When in active use, IX resins have significant
water content. When re-bedding an IX system, care should be
taken to drain away as much liquid as possible to avoid excess
disposal costs.
• Volume of the resin and void spaces. Depending upon the type of
resin and bed type, there may be more or less void space
between resin beads. Additionally, care should be taken to
minimize the size and number of containers used to transport the
spent resin, and excess volume can drive disposal costs up.
• Resin composition and chemical activity. It is critical to check the
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) of the exhausted resin to
verify whether the resin itself demands any particular disposal
• Resin contamination. While most unused resins are non-
hazardous, they can be contaminated by exposure to various
materials in process streams. If the resin has been exposed to any
hazardous materials, such as heavy metals, then it will either
need to be treated as a hazardous waste, or the toxic materials
will need to be stripped out of the resin material prior to disposal.

Consideration of these and other factors will help to determine an

effective disposal strategy appropriate to the processes and materials
used at your facility.

How do I cut IX resin disposal costs?

IX resin replacement can be an expensive process, and disposal costs
can really add to the investment. The best way to minimize disposal
costs is to minimize the volume and frequency of exhausted resin
generated by your process. Below, we have outlined some alternative
approaches to consider in order to minimize IX resin disposal costs.
Optimizing IX resin service life
IX resins typically last for several years, however, if an IX system is not
optimally configured, a number of problems can impact system
efficiency and shorten the service life of the resin. Since IX resins are
costly to replace, it sometimes pays to conduct an analysis of the
resin and of general system performance. Doing so will help to
uncover any underlying causes for premature resin degradation or
other inefficiencies and can point you toward pretreatment or system
optimization strategies that will prolong the IX resin life.
Adding new resin material
In some cases, it is possible to simply top-off an IX resin bed instead
of doing a full resin replacement. Doing so will bolster system
performance without the steep costs associated with disposal and
replacement of a large volume of resin. Still, adding new resin to an
existing bed is appropriate only to certain circumstances, such as

when resin volume is lost due to leaks in the vessel or distribution

system or incorrect backwash flow rates, or when damaged resin can
be isolated and removed. Topping off the IX resin bed is not an ideal
solution for situations where resin performance has suffered due to
age, or damage from osmotic shock, oxidant exposure, or extreme

Chapter Five


Pricing, factors, etc.

When an industrial facility requires ion exchange technology as part

of its process, it’s important to not only know how much the ion
exchange resins cost but also to factor in expenses associated with
maintaining and disposing of them. These costs can be difficult to
narrow down because of the many types of resins available on the
market today (there are thousands) in addition to all the factors that
can drive those costs up and down (such as the material or process
used to make the resin, the price point designated by the
manufacturing company, etc.).
Because these prices can be difficult to estimate and depend on
several factors, below is a general outline of common price ranges
and what factors might cause them to fluctuate so you can have an
overall idea of what a facility might need to spend on ion exchange
resins both initially and in the long run:

How much does it cost to purchase ion exchange

Resin costs vary depending on the manufacturer, type, quality, and
spherical size. The most common IX resins are formulated from either
gel or a macroporous polymer. Generally, gel resins are best for
standard water treatment operations, as they offer a greater
capacity and regeneration efficiency. On the other
hand, macroporous resins are beneficial for aggressive conditions,
with their greater chemical and mechanical resistance making them
able to stand up to high temperatures, significant osmotic shock,
and/or exposure to oxidizing agents.
Once the facility’s resin needs are determined (including all required
performance characteristics), then the facility can calculate how
many cubic feet will be needed in addition to what the regeneration
system vessels, and configuration will be, which will also be a factor in
cost, but on average, expect price ranges from $40 to $200 per cubic
foot for SAC/WAC resins and $130 to $200 per cubic foot for
SBA/WBA resins.
Again, these prices will vary depending on the quality and spherical
size of the resin (some resins will require a larger volume than
others), and keep in mind that type 1 resins tend to be less expensive
than type 2, which will generally have a larger capacity.
Specialty resins tend to range anywhere from $500 to $2,000 and
up per cubic foot.

How much does it cost to maintain ion exchange

Keeping ion exchange resins well-maintained will help your facility get
the maximum amount of service life out of them. A “normal” resin
service life can be based on the number of times it’s regenerated; the
more it’s regenerated, the less life the resins will have as they
eventually wear out. There are also other factors that will lessen their
service life:
• changes in temperature;
• shock from resin scouring;
• chemical oxidation;
• fouling;
• scaling, etc.
The frequency of all these things will determine how long the resin
will last and how often you will need to purchase new resin to
replenish the spent resin.
When using ion exchange as a polishing technology, a facility can opt
for off-site regenerable ion exchange. This is a service provided by an
outside contractor, and typically, depending on flow rates and how
often you change out the resin, they can add cost anywhere from $40
to $100 per cubic foot for off-site services. These resin service are
usually reserved for polishing applications because if the resin is
changed frequently, the cost for the off-site regeneration can be
more than installing a polishing technology to regenerate on-site.

One of the main things you should plan for when regenerating on-site
is a chemical-handling system to store the chemicals and feed them
to the ion exchange system. For a robust industrial chemical handling
system with storage tanks, metering pumps, and forwarding pumps,
cost can be around $100,000 to $300,000 depending on the size.

How much does it cost to dispose of ion exchange

For nonhazardous resins, the costs can range from $50 to $100 a
ton to dispose. Hazardous, on the other hand, can be over $1,000 a
ton to dispose of it. These costs will depend on the facility’s location,
how far it must be hauled, the location state requirements, etc.


SAMCO has over 40 years’ experience helping design and

engineer some of the most effective ion exchange treatment
systems available. For more information about what we offer and
how we can help your facility, please visit our website or contact
us to schedule a consultation with one of our engineers.



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