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Homework 6 Chapter 14

Due Date June 10, 2019

Name: Score: of 100

1C. (5 pts) Consider the flow of air and water in pipes of the same diameter, at the same
temperature, and at the same mean velocity. Which flow is more likely to be turbulent?

2C. (5 pts) What is hydraulic diameter? How is it defined? What is it equal to for a
circular pipe of diameter D?

3C. (5 pts) How is the hydrodynamic entry length defined for flow in a pipe? Is the entry
length longer in laminar or turbulent flow?

4C.(5 pts) Which fluid at room temperature requires a larger pump to flow at a specified
velocity in a given pipe: water or engine oil? Why?

5C. (5 pts) Someone claims that the average velocity in a circular pipe in fully
developed laminar flow can be determined by simply measuring the velocity at R/2
(midway between the wall surface and the centerline). Do you agree? Explain.

6C. (5 pts) How does the wall shear stress τw vary along the flow direction in the fully
developed region in (a) laminar flow and (b) turbulent flow?

7C. (5 pts) Consider fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe. If the diameter of the
pipe is reduced by half while the flow rate and the pipe length are held constant, the head
loss will (a) double, (b) triple, (c) quadruple, (d) increase by a factor of 8, or (e) increase
by a factor of 16.
8 (5 pts) What is turbulent viscosity? What causes it?

9 (10 pts) Water at 10 o C (ρ=999.7 kg/m3 and μ=1.307×10-3 kg/m·s) is flowing steadily
in a 0.12-cm-diameter, 15-m-long pipe at an average velocity of 0.9 m/s. Determine (a)
the pressure drop, (b) the head loss, and (c) the pumping power requirement to overcome
this pressure drop.

10 (10 pts) Oil with ρ=876 kg/m3 and μ=0.24 kg/m·s is flowing through a 1.5-cm-
diameter pipe that discharges into the atmosphere at 88 kPa. The absolute pressure 15 m
before the exit is measured to be 135 kPa. Determine the flow rate of oil through the pipe
if the pipe is (a) horizontal, (b) inclined 8o upward from the horizontal, and (c) inclined 8o
downward from the horizontal.

Fig. 10

11 (10 pts) Oil with a density of 850 kg/m3 and kinematic viscosity of 0.00062 m2/s is
being discharged by a 8-mm-diameter, 40-m-long horizontal pipe from a storage tank
open to the atmosphere. The height of the liquid level above the center of the pipe is 4 m.
Disregarding the minor losses, determine the flow rate of oil through the pipe.
Fig. 11

12 (10 pts) A horizontal pipe has an abrupt expansion from D1 = 8 cm to D2 = 16 cm. The
water velocity in the smaller section is 10 m/s and the flow is turbulent. The pressure in
the smaller section is P1 = 410 kPa. Taking the kinetic energy correction factor to be 1.06
at both the inlet and the outlet, determine the downstream pressure P2, and estimate the
error that would have occurred if Bernoulli’s equation had been used.

Fig. 12
The formula for minor loss coefficient of sudden expansion is as follow:
13 (10 pts) Water at 1 atm and 15oC(kinematic viscosityν=1.13×10-6m2/s) is to be
transported in a 150-mm-diameter, 300-m-long steel pipe. The absolute roughness of the
pipe is 3mm. If the head loss in the pipe is 6 m, determine the volume flow rate of water.

14(10 pts) Water at 15°C is drained from a large reservoir using two horizontal plastic
pipes connected in series. The first pipe is 20 m long and has a 10-cm diameter, while
the second pipe is 35 m long and has a 4-cm diameter. The water level in the reservoir is
18 m above the centerline of the pipe. The pipe entrance is sharp-edged, and the
contraction between the two pipes is sudden. Neglecting the effect of the kinetic energy

correction factor, determine the discharge rate of water from the reservoir.

Fig. 14
The minor loss coefficient for pipe inlet is shown as follow:
The minor loss coefficient KL of sudden contraction: see chart

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