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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 9, Issue 11, November 2018,

201 pp. 2170–2178, Article ID: IJCIET_09_11__213
Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijciet/issues.asp?JType=IJCIET&VType=
ISSN Print: 0976-6308
6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

©IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed

EkoAndiSuryo, YulviZaika, DesySetyowulan
Civil Engineering Department,
Brawijaya University, MT. Haryono Street
Street 167 Malang 65145 East Java, Indonesia

Earth Dam stability can be affected significantly by the existence of excessive
leakage. This is due to decreasing of shear strength of the dam material and
additional overturning moment. In such scenario, the non-destructivenon destructive soil
investigation method is needed to analyze the stability of earth dam in current
condition. This paper examines the use of Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) to
investigate soil layers and to measure parameters of soil shear strength indirectly.
First survey was carried out at dam crest and downstream using Wenner
Configuration along profile lines at electrode spacing of 5 m. There were 5 profile
lines of 180m long each and 10m distance of spacing. Furthermore, two profiles lines
at weak cross-section
section based on its resistivity soil values were undertaken. Laboratory
tests were conducted to determine relationship between resistivity
resistivity value, moisture
content, cohesion and angle of friction for each type of dam materials. From the ERT
results and lab testing, a model dam can be obtained using current material
parameters to perform stability analysis of dam subjected to earthquake.
earthqua The lowest
FOS was found at the upstream side about 1.15 and at the downstream side about
1.14 after applying seismic load of 100 years return period.
Keywords: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT),, Earth Dam, Non-Destructive
Test, Soil Investigation, Stability.
Cite this Article: EkoAndiSuryo, YulviZaika and DesySetyowulan, Stability Analysis
of Earth Dam Slopes Subjected To Earthquake Using ERT Results Interpretation,
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) 9(11),
9( 2018, pp.

The most common problem in earth dams is abnormal seepage or excessive leakage that may
cause dam failure [1]. Inspite of the facts that normal seepage throught the earth dam body is
planned process, anomalous seepage may occurs by developing preferential flow paths in the

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Stability Analysis of Earth Dam Slopes Subjected To Earthquake Using ERT Results Interpretation

dam body [2]. The existence of this excessive leakage can initiate instability of slope since the
shear strength in current condition may be decreased.
Analysis of slope stability needs subsurface soil parameters that usually provided from
soil investigation using wash drilling to gather soil samples. Considering the risk of excessive
leakage, wash drilling should not being applied in the dam body investigation. Suggestion is
being made to apply non-destructive geophysical methods, such as Electrical Resistivity
Tomography (ERT), especially at the reconnaissance stage [3].
The ERT method can facilitate early detection or diagnosis of anomalous phenomena [4],
determine the depth of water in saturated zone and detect groundwater flow pattern [5, 6]. The
ERT method identify soil resistivity that affected by degree of saturation, porosity,
permeability, ionic content of the pore fluids, and clay content. Water seepage through a dam
would be detected as a low resistivity using this electrical method [7, 8]. Furthermore, soil
type can be determined by validating resistivity value with soil strength parameters that
derived from laboratory tests [9].
This paper presents a case study to demonstrate the use of ERT results to interprete
subsurface soil at Selorejo Earth Dam as introduced materials in stability slope analysis
subjected to earthquake. The analysis undertaken considered the dynamic load due to
earthquake, the saturated hydraulic conductivity of the embankment soil and the effect of in-
situ properties of dam materials. Slope modelling for this analysis is made by introducing the
most critical section of the dam that selected due to its low value of soil resistivity. The effect
of pore-water pressures or transient seepage on the slope stability were analysed by coupling
SEEP/W [10] with SLOPE/W [11]. The outcomes from this study could develop the basis for
determining a safe method for surveying soil layers in order to undertake stability analysis for
Indonesian Earth Dams.


In this study, dam configuration shown in Figure 1 and as built material properties listed in
Table 1 were used. All geometries dimensions and material properties of earth dam were
analyzed based on the data provided by the PerumJasaTirta I Malang.

Figure 1 Geometry and Material Zones of the Earth Dam

Table 1 Initial Properties of the Earth Dam Material

Soil Clay Sand and Gravel Fine sand & Clayey Loam
Tuff sand
Properties Loam (Coarse) gravel (Counterweight)
γ(t/m3) 1,250 1,603 2,072 1,772 1,136
C (t/m2) 6,16 3,05 - - 6,77
f (°) 20°46` 41°30` - - 17°28`
k (cm/sec) 3,9 x 10-6 1,5x10-5 0,95x10-4 1,933x10-6 -
First ERT survey was carried out using Wenner Configuration along the profile line at
inter electrode spacing of 5 m. There were 5 profile lines 0f 180 m long each and 10 m
distance of spacing. This reconnaissance stage using ERT was undertaken to investigate the
soil subsurface related to abnormal seepage or piping in the body of dam materials. In the case
of excessive seepage inside a dam body, it will be detected as low value of soil resistivity.

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EkoAndiSuryo, YulviZaika and DesySetyowulan

Since low resistivity can indicate the low density of soil material, the stability of soil slope
may be in critical state. Therefore, two additional ERT surveys were undertaken by crossing
perpendicular to the previous profile lines to obtain more detail identification of subsurface
soil at low resistivity zone.
To analyse stability of slope of the dam in current condition, soil parameters of the most
critical section is needed. In this study, soil parameters at critical section were defined from
laboratory soil test. Some selected soil tests (grain size distribution, water content test and
direct shear test) were undertaken on soil samples taken from the origin quarry of dam
material that then being designed its resistivity value following ERT results by changing the
water content. This soil test results then were assigned as recent material properties in critical
section of the dam. The combined model representing the critical section of the dam body was
made by combining as-built drawing model and soil layer from ERT result interpretation.
The analysis in this study includes transient seepage analysis to determine pore-water
pressures and stability analysis of dam slope using Fellenius and Bishop Methods. Automatic
coupled mode was designed for both analyses by applying seismic load. Each material zone in
the analysis was assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic. If requirement soil parameter of
the dam materials for the analysis is not available then it will be estimated using provided
typical data in the software [12]. According to the Dam Safety Manual in Indonesia, factor of
safety of dam slope should not less than 1.2 [13]
Coefficient of earthquake peak acceleration is taken from Indonesia’s MapEarthquake
Zoning Map of year 2010 with a return period of 50 years and 100 years. For Malang
residence (the location of studied dam), the coefficient were taken 0.25g for a return period of
50 years and 0.3g for a return period of 100 years. By taking into account the amplification
factor based on the medium rock type at 1.2 and factors influence of freefield at 0.7 [13], then
obtained coefficient of earthquake peak acceleration for this study are 0.21g for a return
period of 50 years and 0.252g for a return period of 100 years.


3.1. Soil Layer Modeling Using ERT Result Interpretation
First five ERT surveys were carried out along the dam crest and downstream site to
investigate the zone of low value of soil resistivity as the weak site. Then, two profile lines
were conducted across the weak section of the dam body. Plotting of the profiles lines is
presented in Figure 2. The results of ERT using Wenner configuration survey are shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3 presents the soil resistivity distribution of subsurface soil in the study area. A
significant variation of soil resistivity at different depths along the profile lines can be
observed. The soil resistivity in the area is ranging from 10 to 880 Ωm, indicating wide
variation in soil type, clay content of soil, porosity, and water content [9]. There are some
local zones with very low resistivity (10 – 50 Ωm). These zones could be identified as
possible excessive leakage. A simplification for the modelling need to be taken due to the
significant variation of the resistivity soils values by dividing the value into three groups:
high value (R1) for 262 Ωm above, middle value (R2) for 42,6Ωm to 262 Ωm and low value
(R3) for 12,7 Ωm to 42,6 Ωm. Then, the average of R1, R2 and R3 are 27,65 Ωm, 170 Ωm,
and 569,5 Ωm, respectively.
Since the soil resistivity is affected by clay content and soil density in addition to soil
water content, it is possible to use the low value of soil resistivity to detect location of
excessive leakage in the subsoil. From Fig. 3, it can be found that the significant low

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Stability Analysis of Earth Dam Slopes Subjected To Earthquake Using ERT Results Interpretation

resistivity values are located at cross-section of +85m and +100m. Then, Fig. 4 shows the
ERT results image on cross-section +85 that has possible leakage at some areas.
The cross-sectional model dam representing the critical section of the dam body is made
by plotting the zone of the soil resisitivity value groups on the as-built drawing model dam, as
representing in Figure 5.

Figure 2 ERT profile lines plotting on the body of the earth dam

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Figure 3 Soil resistivity imaging along the body of the earth dam

Figure 4 Soil resistivity imaging along cross-section

section line 85m

Figure 5 Cross-section of model on line 85m

In the area that can be covered by ERT depth, the soil parameters were taken from
laboratory tests, whereas in areas beyond the ERT depth, soil parameters from Final Report
by JasaTirta Public Coorporation were adopted. Some selected soil tests (grain size
distirbution, water content test and direct shear test)) were undertaken on soil samples taken
from the origin quarry of dam material thatbeing designed its resistivity value following ERT
results by changing the water content.
content These soil test results then were assigned as current
material properties in critical section of the dam as presents at Figure 6 to Figure
Fig 10 and
resumes at Table 2.

Figure 6 Variation of soil resistivity value with

with water content

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Stability Analysis off Earth Dam Slopes Subjected To Earthquake Using ERT Results Interpretation

Figure 7 Variation of c and φ value with different water content on Fine Sand & Gravel

Figure 8 Variation of c and φ value with different water content on Sand & Gravel

Figure 9 Variation of c and φ value with different water content on Tuff Sand

Figure 10 Variation of c and φ value with different water content on Clay

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EkoAndiSuryo, YulviZaika and DesySetyowulan

Table 2 Soil Properties of the Earth Dam Material on the Weak Cross-section

3.2. Instability of Earth Dam Slope due to Earthquake

The analysis used the cross-sectional model dam representing the critical section of the dam
body as shown in Fig.11, for +85m section. Initial pore water pressure was measured using
SEEP/W that simulating 2-D steady state seepage in the earth dam as presenting in Figure12.

Figure 11 Model dam using on cross-section +85m

Figure 12 Seepage Analysis results on cross-section +85m

Then, to analyse the stability of the dam, Fellenius method and Bishop method were
employed by introducing seismic load 0.21g for a return period of 50 years and 0.252g for a
return period of 100 years. The result from the stability analysis at cross-section +85m are
presented in Fig.13 and Fig.14. All procedurs were applied as well for cross-section +100m
that being resumed in Table 3. It can be seen that the FOS decreases when seismic loading
was applied in the analysis, Moreover, the FOS becomes lower than permitted value of 1.2
[13] when seismic load coeffisient of 100 years return periods was introduced.

Figure 13 Stability analysis results on cross-section +85m before applying Seismic load

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Stability Analysis of Earth Dam Slopes Subjected To Earthquake Using ERT Results Interpretation

Figure 14 Stability analysis on +85m after applying seismic load for a return period of 50 years

Table 3 Resume of variation of FOS after Seismic Loading

Cross-section +85m +100m
No Earthquake 4.340 4.294
upstream 50 years periode 1.341 1.328
100 years periode 1.157 1.150
No Earthquake 2.659 2.249
upstream 50 years periode 1.380 1.247
100 years periode 1.252 1.140

The interpretation of ERT results incorporating with laboratory validation test results were
employed in the stability analysis of the earth dam subjected to earthquake. The following
conclusions were resumed from this study as follows:
• Significant variation of soil resistivity at different depths alongthe ERT profile lines can be
observed that can be used to detect subsurface soil layers.
• Soil shear strength parameters in current conditions can be obtained by validating the soil
resistivity value from ERT results with some laboratory tests.
• When the weaker soil parameter from ERT result interpretation was introduced into model
dam for stability analysis subjected to earthquake, the FOS of the dowstream slope is
decreased significantly.

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[9] E.A. Suryo, C. Gallage, B. Trigunarsyah, I.B. Mochtar and R. Soemitro, Proc. of AP-
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