Determination of Liquefaction Resistance and Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soils Based on VS (Shear wave) velocity; Case Study_ Isparta S__leyman Demirel Industrial Region Waste Treatment Facility[#744183]-1123535
Determination of Liquefaction Resistance and Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soils Based on VS (Shear wave) velocity; Case Study_ Isparta S__leyman Demirel Industrial Region Waste Treatment Facility[#744183]-1123535
Determination of Liquefaction Resistance and Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soils Based on VS (Shear wave) velocity; Case Study_ Isparta S__leyman Demirel Industrial Region Waste Treatment Facility[#744183]-1123535
DOI: 10.22399/ijcesen.744183 It was a very common procedure to investigate liquefaction risk with standard
Received : 28 May 2020 penetration test (SPT). However, this method has been lost its importance after
Accepted : 17 November 2020 the developments of conic penetration method in 1971, Becker penetration
method and S-wave velocity measurements. S-wave velocity measurements could
Keywords be very reasonable alternatives in order to carry out penetration tests for the
gravelly and unconsolidated overburden soil investigations. In this study, S-wave
Bearing capacity velocity values were used in order to determine liquefaction resistance and
Liquefaction analysis
Seismic refraction
allowable bearing capacity of soil where two different methods were applied to S-
Isparta wave velocity values and the results were also compared. All the application steps
of the methods were defined. Data were collected along 4 profiles for the ground
investigations carried out for the Isparta Süleyman Demirel Industrial Region
Waste Treatment Facility.
1. Introduction
The use of S-wave (VS) velocity as an index of
Soil liquefaction defines an event where a saturated liquefaction resistance is soundly based because
or partially saturated soil layer suddenly loses both S-wave velocity liquefaction resistances are
strength in response to an applied stress. Generally similarly influenced by many factors. Some
the reason of the stress is a earthquake shaking which advantages of using S-wave velocity [14, 15, 16, 17]
forces the layer to behave like a liquid. This are that (1) the measurements are possible in soils
behaviour of the ground causes the buildings to lean that are hard to sample, such as gravelly soils where
to one side or a total collapse. Consequently penetration tests may be unreliable; (2)
liquefaction analyses of the shallow layers are very measurements can also be performed on small
important on ground investigations. laboratory speciments, allowing direct comparisons
between laboratory and field behaviour; (3) S-wave
Determination of the liquefaction resistance of velocity is a basic mechanical property of soil
layers is an important feature in geotechnical materials, directly related to small stress-strain shear
explorations especially in seismically risky areas. modulus Gmax given by Gmax=VS2 where is the
First procedure was developed by [1] using the data mass density of soil, VS is the S-wave velocity; (4)
from the standard penetration test (SPT) correlated Gmax or VS is normally a required property in
with a parameter called the cyclic stress ratio. This earthquake site response and soil-structure
procedure has been revised and updated by several interaction analyses; and (5) S-wave velocity can be
geotechnicians in time [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Another measured by the spectral analysis of surface waves
method based on the cone penetration test (CPT) was (SASW) or multichannel analysis of surface waves
developed by [8] in 1985 which also has been (MASW) techniques at sites where borings may not
examined and updated [9, 10, 11, 12, 13]. be permitted.
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p 0 0.002Vp (4)
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