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IS: 4138.1977 .

( Reaffirmed 1996 )
Indian Standard

( First Revision)
Second Reprint JANUARY 1989

WC 624.157.5:614.872



@ Copyright 1978 [


NEW DELHI 110002

G 6

IS: 4138-1977

Indian Standard

( First Revision)
Safety in Construction Sectional Committee, BDC 45
A-9/3$i VsrsantVihar; New Delhi 110057
Institution of Engineers ( India)
Mmbers Reprwrsting

Sxm V. B. DssH Hindustan Construction Co Ltd, Bombay.

SHqs R. M. VmwAris ( Akernate)
DEPOTY Cxnm EIi OINtZBR Ministry of Railways
%@l v. R. ~3U8MR Irrigation & Power Department, Government of
Emrmzmt ( AherMt8)
tis:R, CGPC Gentral Water Commis-sion
%kx EL N. GUP-iA Directorate General of Factory Advice Service and
LabOur Institutes ( Ministry of Labour &
Employment )
Smtr G. ‘VAXDYANATHAN ( Altemati )
SH~I V. G. HEODE NationalBuildings Organization, New Delhi
SHRIJ. P. SHARMA( Alfaate )
SmtI S. S. -AL Bureau of Public Enterprises, New Delhi
SHXI J. P. KAUSHISH Ccnt;~r?e:ilding Research Institute ( CSIR ),

Sxru R. L. KUMAR The Institution of Surveyors India, ATewDelhi

Ministry of Home Affairs
Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Hcadquarten
Smu O. P. BRAT-IA( Al&rnatc)
%tra C. B. PATEL M. N. Dastur & Co ( P ) Ltd, Calcutta I
!krs P. K. SIH-+OUPTA
( Afhmuf#)
SHRSS. S. PRASAD ‘Directorate General of Mines Safety, Dhanbad
Smu R. L. A~ORA( Abrnai~ )
( C’mtimed on page 2 )

rotectcd under the Msars Ca&rsgMAct ( XIV of 1957)~.] and

reproduction in who e or in part by any means except with written permission of the
j“ publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.

~-- ‘-”––’-’—”—-–- ‘“-”

IS t 4138-,1977

( Contkdfrom page 1 )
Msmbrrs ‘Raprts&”ng
SELRIS. N. PUN; Nation~w”m=~b$xts construction Corporation,
Srnu K. N. TAN~JA ( dltanate )
Smu K. N. RAMAMURTHY Hinduritau &el Limited, Ranchi
)%iRIS. R. C. MO (Aknati)
&RI & A. -DY GammonIndia Lmited, Bombay
REPRX81UWATIVB Builders’ Association of India, Bombay
SzutxJ. M. 0Bi3~OX( 4hrsut# )
SKRIK. G. SAI.VS Hindustau Housing Factory Ltd, Ncw Delhi
SUP?ZIUNTENDINO &JRVZYOR OF Central Public works Department
Womw ( NDZ )
( /ik47?Mf6
SHRI%JSHIL KUMAR National Buildings Construction Corporation,
New Delhi
PXOFC. G. SWAMINATRAM Central Road Research Institute (CSIR),
New Delhi
1 SHRXTIIAK RATTAKULXA Inda Institute of Architects, Bombay
sxixr 5 T. Ur+ALLA Concrete Axmciation of India, Bombay
Smu Y. K. MEXTA( Al&m&)
SHRI R. S. V5RMA Geological Survey of India, Calcutta
SHRIP. L. NMU A ( Altcrna&
SHRID. AJITHASnm b Directoi General, 1S1 ( E@jsio Mcmbrr)
Dircqtor ( Civ En[ :)
&r4iaV ‘

... -.



Is: 4138”-1977

hdkm Standard

(’First Revision )

fl.1 ‘II& lnd~n stan~arcl [ First Retilon ) was adopted by the Indian
Standards Institution on 31 October 1977, after the draft finalized by the
Safety in Construction Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Civil Engineering Division Council.

0.2 l&i.iiy- ‘works in the field of civil engincerhtg consttti~tion,” such as

tinder-water works, deep foundations and tunnel works require workmen
to carry out their jobs in compressed air. Working in such conditions
requires several precautions to be obsemed to safeguard the workmen
against severe hazards to life, compressed air disease and related aiiments. .
0.3 Adoption of these predetermined safety measures \n the operations
kelatmg to comptiion and decompression and working in compressed air
@ not only reduce accidents to the minimum but also promote quicket
W@ risk.free. working of the workmen resulting in incieased efficiency
alongwith reduced cost of construction. TM standard has, therefore,
been formulated with a view to give necessary guidance with regard to
~safe~ requirements, to all those entrusted with the execution of work in
compressed air.

Q,4 This standard was first published in 1967. In this revision,” Amen&
knent No, 1 has been incorporated completely. Besides, a number of other
modifications haw been made and these relate to the size of man-lock,
siources of air for medical-lock, etc. In this revision new set of decompres~ ~~
sion tables have been included, the adoption of which will ens~re greater ;,J
safety to the workmen, a

0.5 In the formulation of this standard due ~e;ghtage has been given to .:
international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing ‘.,
in different countries in addition to Rlating it to the practices in tk& field ~~
in this country. . .=
1$: 4X38- 197?

Q.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a partic@ar requirement of this

standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, express-
ing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with’
IS: 2-196P. This number of significant places retained in the rounded
off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.


1.1 This standard lays down the safety requirements for work in
compressed air under t~.ken in construction works, such -as foundations
of bridges, docks and tunnels.

1.’2 This standard does not cover working conditions of dress divers with
helmet equipnxmt.


2.0 For the purpose of Lhisstandard, the foflo-wing definitions shaU apply.

2.1 Air.&cck — A chamber designed to facilitate pas~ge of men and

materiak, from an air pressure greater than normal, a9 in compartment,
tunnel or well to normai air pressure or Vice-versa,

Q.!/ B&x Head — An air-tight structure separating the working chamber

from free air or another chamber under a lesser pressure than the working

2.3 Mari-Lock -– An air-lock through which only men pass.

2.4 Medim.LLock — An air-lock to which men suffering from compressed

air disease ( caission disease ) may be removed for medical attention.

2.5 Norrxw=d Air ~re~ma~e — The atmospheric pressure at sea level

( 1 kg/cm2 ) m zero kg/cm* m gauge pressure.

2.6 Pressure — The pressure indkated by a properly calibrated gauge

showing zero pressure at sea level.

2.7 Total Pressure ( A~sokte Pressure) — Gauge pre~ure p]m

normal air pressure.

2.8 ~OCtC~ — Ally cjualified medical practitioner convemant ~th

compressed air disease ( caission disease”).

*Ru]csfor rounding off nwnerical values ( w&d).






2.9 Working Period — Whrm used in relation to a person shall mean the
period or sum of periods during which, sinca last subject to ordinary
atmospheric pressure far at least five consecutive ho- the person h~,been
under pressure in a working chamber or chambers. The expression
working chamber shal1 include any place other than a lock in which the
person is for the pu@ose of compression or decompression ( see also
Append~ C ).
2.~0 Basic Pressure — It shall mean the highest pressure to which the
person has been exposed in the course of his working periods. This is also
the pressure on which the procedure for the decompression of a person
shall be based ( see also Appendix C ).
3.1 There shall be present at all times, at least one competent person
representing the employer who shall be familiar with this standard and
take charge of comprcsaed air operations.
3.2 Charts indicating the times for compression and decompression shall
be pasted in a conspicuous place at the entrance of each aiqclock.
4.1 Every bulkhead, air-lock, or other structure used shall be of good
construction, sound materials and adequate strength and shall be properly
4.2 The plant for production and supply of compressed air to any working
chamber or air-lock shall be of suitable design, and in the case of a
working chamber shall deliver a supply sufficient to provide 0-3 ma of flesh
air per minute per person at the pressure in the chamber and not atmos-
pheric pressure. where electric or diesel compressors are used, compd
air shall be filtered before being pumped in. The plant shall be in the
immediate charge of a competent person who shall be in attendance wide
any person is in compressed air. It shall be the responsibility of the said
competent person that adequate supplies of flesh air are being received au
the time by the persons working in the compressed air. The air Iifi -valve
and outlet valve shall be kept adequately open for this purpose.
4.2.1 To ensure a continuo~ supply of fr~h ax to workmen particularly ~
at a stage when no air is escaping from the working chamber, means shall
exist for the escape of foul air. Also circulation of fresh air in the chamber
shall be ensured.
4.3 Every man-lock shall be of rninimurn interml dirnengions as given in
Fig. 1. The man-lock shall be large enough so that those using it are not
compelled to be in a cramped position and shall not have less thmi I”8 m
clear head room at th~ centre and a minimum of (,)”85cubic metre of air

u 2 413a-1977

space pcT owupaat, The man-lock shall be suitably equipped with the

a) Accurate pressure gauges which will readily indicate:

i) to the man-lock attendant the pressure in the man-lock and;
the pressure in each working chamber to which the man-lock
afford~ direct or indirect access, and
ii) to persons in the man-lock pressure .in the man-lock.
b) A clock m- CICM%Sin a suitable position so that man-lock attendant
and persons in the man-lock can readily ascertain tlic time,
c) Efficient means, such a.sbells or whistles enabling the persons in
the lock to convey visible or non-verbal signals to the lock
attendant outside. ” Telephones shall be installed, where possible.
NOTE — Any code of signals wed aball be kept compicuoudy pasted within &e /.,
working place entranees and such other ‘locations aa may be newwq to bring them
w the attention or all persons concerned.

d) Efficient means enabling the lock attendant, from outside the lock
to reduce or cut off the supply of compressed air into the lock and
working chamber.

$,4 Valves or taps for controlling the flow of air into or from the air-lock
shall be such as to enable the flow to be controlled with sufficient accuracy
to ensure compliance with the yrdvision laid Aown in 5.3. These valves
or taps shall be of non-return type.

4..5 The arrangement shall be such that persons in the lock cannot reduce
the air pressure except under the control of the lock attendant ( we
also 5.2 ?.

4.6 All electrical installations inside the air-lock shall bc of flame-proof

type conforming to the relevant Indian Standards. Lighting of 4-5 lux
intensity shall be provided. ARy emergency reserve circuit supplied by an
independent source, such as batteries is desirable. The complete installa-
tion shall be flarne-proofl

4.7 All the equipment shal\ be subjected to initial inspection and certiSca-
tion immediately after its manufacture. The pressure up to which initial
testing shaH” be carried out shall be 1~ times the maximum working
pressure. Thereafter, all the equipment shall be thoroughly inspected at
least after every 1j months of working and every time it is shifted and
reinstalled and certified to be in safe working condition by a competent
person. A proper record of such inspections shall be kept in a register to
be maintained at the site of work,

) .,.
,mwm, ,i, . .. . . ,,

,. ,, ,. ,,, , .“. . . . . . . . ,, .-.. =.’—----------




All dimcnsiom in millimeter=.
1s :4138 ●1977

4.8 To cater for emergency it is preferable to have a stand-by compressor

of adequate capacity. However, where it is not p~ible to provide a
stand-by compressor, the receiver shall be of sufficient capacity so as to
maintain the working pressure for at least four hours. .
4.9 Adequate access through the bulk heads and sufficient ladders for men
to leave working faces shall be provided. Whenever practicable escape
routes through air tight bulk heads in tunnels shall be in the corner.
5.1 Every man-lock shall, whilst any person is in that man-lock or in a
working chamber to which the man-lock d3_ordsdirect or indirect access,
I be in the charge of a competent lock attendant who shall control the rate
of compressions and shaii pe@m all decompressions in the man-lock.
Where persons are employed m compres~ed air at a pressure exceeding
1,25 kg/cmg the lock attendant shall enter m a register ( see Appendix A),
the following:
a) The times at which each person enters and leaves the man-loch
b) The prmsures in the working chamber at the time of his entering,
and leaving the working chamber, and
c) The time taken to decompress each
.. person and . . such
. . other
particulars as may be required with regard to conditmns m the
man-lock or working chamber.
5.2 If so authorized by the employer, th~ lock attendant may allocate to a
competent person who is to unc@go compression in the lock the following
duties to be performed from inside the 10C~
a) Regulating the admkion of compressed air in accordance with
Appendix B.
b) Signifying to; him ( unless the lock attendant is clearly aware of
it ) any complaint of discomfort by a person in the lock and any
report by that person that the discomfort has ceased, subject to
his ovelzdl control of the admission of the decompressed air in
the lock.
5.3 Compression of a person in the man-lock shall be carried out only in
accordance with requirements laid down in Appendk B. Decomprasion
of a person after being in the compression chamber shall be carried out in
accordance with requirements iaid down in Appendix ~
Nom — These requirements shall not apply ia cme of emer&ncy, recompression
and subsequently decompression of a person on health grounds.

5.4 Except in an unforeseen emergency, no person shall be compressed to

a pressure exceeding 3.5 kg/cm2.


5.5”Where a person who has, with the immediately preceding period of

five hours, been exposed to a pressure greater than 1“25 kg/cm9 is to be
compressed in a man-lock other than the lock in which he was lasi
decompressed, he shall, before compressions, produce to the lock-attendant
written particulars, signed by the lock-attendant of the lock where he was
bt decompressed, indicating ti last working period as defined in 2.9.
The said particulars shall, as soon as practicable, be enter&1 in the
prescribed register”for the lock where he is compresicd. and shall, as soon
as practicable, be communicated to the attendant at any other lock from
which the person is liable to return to the open air.


6.1 Wbikt any person is in a working chamber the door between such I
chamber anti any man-lock providing for his egress towards a lower i
presibre and not in use shall be kept open except when this is not
reasobably practicable.

7. TEMPERATuRE kI wommm Cmimmt

7.1 A wet bulb thermometer, in good working order, shall be provided in
every working chamber. Mercury thermometers shall not be used.
Alcohol or other ‘thermometers using non-toxic materials shall be used.
7.2 No person shall be employed or “alIowed to remain in any part of a
working chamber under pressure where the wet bulb temperature exceeds
29°C except where and when his presence is essential for work which has
to be done and all reasonably practicable steps have been and are being
taken towards securing that the wet bulb temperature does not exceed that
figure. ‘



8.1 No person shall be employed on work in compressed air ,unlcss he ha 1

had previous experience of such work or, if he has not bad such experience,
& under the supervision .of a person experience in “such work. In the case
of person not previously employed in compressed air, compression shall not
be carried out unless he is accompanied in the man-lock by a person
competent to advise him as to the appropriate conduct of persons during
N- -- X+(engoing under air pressure for the first
time shall be instructed on how to
avoid itwdf from the pressure nf air upon tir-dru~. ‘1’%is can & ac~mplisbed
by continually swallowing as the air prcssm i~ inereaacd’ or by holding tle rme and
blowing as this action tends to increase the freedom with which the air can pass
through the Eustachian tube iuto the middle ear thereby equalizing the pressure on the
inner and outer surfasx of the ear-drum.

IS: 4138-1977


9.1 Every employee shall be furnished with an identification badge 11.1 Where the preis.iure in the w
wmying at least the following information: a suitably constructed medical-locks
used solely for the treatment of perso
a) That the employee is compressed air worker,
11.2 The ‘&edical-lock ( see Fig. 2“) :
b) The location of medical lock, and head room at its highest point and
c) That in case of emergency, the employee shall be taken quickly to lock can be entered while under
the medical lock and not to hospital or police-station. heated, lighted and ventilated. Ea<
eyes and fitted ‘with air valve so ar
and without. The lock shall be pro’
ing couch not less than 2 m length, h
1~.1 No person shall be employed where the pressure exceeds 1 “25 kg/cm* lock, efficient means of verbal comm
unless he has, within the previous four weeks, been examined and certified and of giving non-verbal signals betv
to be fit for employment to compressed air. and between the two compartment
which persons in either compartment
10.~ Where persons are employed ‘in compressed air, their employer shall
make arrangements for their medical supervision by a doctor and for their 11.3 The medical lock shall be prov
medical examination at a suitable place or places in accordance with the carbon mono-oxide, for normal and
provisions of 10.3 to 10.5. raising the air ptessure in the lock fr
1104 Such lock shall be ‘~d-& th
IQ.3 No person shall bc employed in compressed air, unless he Eas been incharge and there shall be maintain
examined by a doctor and certified by him; by signed entiy in that which shall contain all medical and
person’s compressed air health register ( see Appendix D ), to be fit for such aid, in case of accident.
. . and e~ther:
a) the date of such certificate shall not bC more than three days
earlier to the first entry in the air charpber; ‘br 12.1 fhqsply of Hot D@sks — ~
scd air at pressures exceeding 1“25 1
b) the person shall have been so employed within the previous three
made for the supply of hot drinks
months having been certified to be fit for such employment and
man-lock and when at any medical-’
shall not have suffered since the date of that certificate from any
injury, disease or illness causing ‘an incapitcity for work of more 12;2 Consumption of Alcohol-
than two days’ duration. ,2, alcohol whilst in compressed air no
alcohol be permitted to enter for wc
10.4 If a person i<stiering from cold in the head, sore throat, ear-ache
or any other ailrneid which is likely to render him unfit, he shall not be 13. SAFETY AGAINST’ FIRE =
.employ.ed in compressed air until he has been again examined by a doctor 13.1 No person shall be allowed
and certified by him to be fit for such employmen+ matches inside the air-lock, and not
10.5 A doctor may, on examining or re-examining a -~on who has been 13.2 Approved type of electric la
or is proposed to be employed in compressed ai~, vary or revoke, by’ signed used.
entry in that person’s compressed air health register, any current certificate
as to his fitness for employment in compressed air, and if such certificate is 14. DETECTION OF GAS
revoked that person shall not theredterbe emploYed in compressed air tmtil 14.1 Persons holding ga&testing cc
he has, since revocation, been certified by a doctor, -by signed entry in his of Mines shall be employed for the c
said health register, to be fit for such employment. gases and for this purpose approved


1s : 413s -1977

11.1 Where the presure in the ‘working. chamber exceeds 1°25 kgpnna
a suitably constructed medical-lock shall be provided and maintained mid
used SOIC1y for the treatment of persons working in compressed air.
11.2 The ‘medical-lock (we Fig. 2”) shall be ,of not less than 180 cm clear
head room at its highest point and shall have two compartments sq that
lock can be entered while under pressure and shall be kept properly
heated, lighted and ventilated. Each door shall be provided with bull’s
eyes and fitted “with air valve so arranged as to be operated from within
and without. The lock shall be provided with suitable equipment inch.sd-
ing couch not less than 2 m length, blanket, dry woohn garments and food
I lock, efficient means of verbal communication, such as intercom/telephone
and of giving non-verbal signals between the reside and outside of the lock
and between the two compa~tments, and a window or w“.ndows through
which persons in either compartment can be observed from outiide.
11.3 The medical lock shall be provided with sources of air, free of oil and
carbon mono-ox~de, for normal and emergency use which are capable of
raising the air ptessure in the lock from O to 5“27 kg~cmz in 5 rninutcs.
11.4 Such lock’ shall be ‘-tid-er the complete control of the phpician
incharge and there shall be maintained in proximity to. it a first-aid room,
which shall contain all medical and surgical appliances necessa~ for first-
I aid, in case of accident.
12.1 Ssqsply of Hot D~.inks — Where persons are emp~oyed in compres- ~
sed air at pressures exceeding 1“25 kg~cms suitable arra&ements shall be
made for the supply of hot drinks to such persons jvhen leaving the . ;
man-lock and when at any medical-lock.
12.2 Consumption of Alcohol-No person employed shall consume
alcohol whilst in compressed air nor shall any. person under influence of
alcohol be permitted to enter for work.
13.1 No person shall be allowed to carry any flammable materials like -
matches inside the air-lock, and nobody shall be allowed to smoke inside.
1 13.2 Approved type of electric lamp, hand lamps and torches shall be
I used.


I 14.1 Persons holding ga.&testing certificates, issued by Chief Inspectorate,
z of Mines shall be employed for the detection of methane or other hazardous
gases and for this purpose approved type of methanometer shall be used.

R3 i 41& -1977 .
14.2 Samples afair inside the well at th
be taken at least once in eight hours anc
and other hazardous gases and for defici
14.3 In case methane or any .othcr haz
immediately reported to the employel
shall be stopped.
14.4 For further progressing of work at
than working in compresse f air shall b
precautions necessary for working in gas
time, in consultation with an expert con
15.1 Hotirs of work for workmen who
decompression shall not be more than t]
tive 24 hours:
.-. .
Pressure, kglcma
~_.-. A..-
Min Max
0 1’25
1.25 2“2
2“2 3“4
G 16.1 In case of air-locks where blasting
controlled and all precaution regal
IS : 4081-1967* shall be followed. The
the work only after an inspection d
nominated by the employer.
16.2 Apart from the air-lock, the well s
shall be designed keeping in view the a
the course of pneumatic sinking.
16.3 Only compressed air tools shall be
used. Aw required for pneumatic tool:
same way as air for working chamber.
*Safety code for blasting aod drilling operati
- .. .,- .... ... . ..-.>,—. .— —...
H :4138-1977

14.2 SamPles of air inside the well at the bottom knd also at the top shall
be taken at least once in eight “hours and tested for the presence of methane’
and other hazardous gases and for deficiency of oxygen.

14,3 h case methane or any othrir hazardous gas is detected it shall be

immediately reported to the employer and the work in compressed air
shall be stopped.

14.4 For further progressing of work at such sites possibility of means other
than working in comprcwe f air shall be investigated and in any case all
precautions necessary for working in gaseous mines shall be satisEed all the
time, in consultation with an expert competent to work in such mines.


15.1 Hotim of work for workmen who are subjeeted to compression and
decompression shall not b-s more than that specified below in any consecu-
tive 24 hours:

Pressure, kg]cm2 Number of Hours Exckdhg the

~__A..~ Periods for Compressionand
Mi$l ML* Decorn#ression

o 1“25 8 ( normal working)

1°25 2’2 6
2“2 3.4 4

160 GEl$FkAL

16.1 In case of air-locks where blasting is done, the blasts shall be earefidly
controlled and all precautions regarding blasting as laid down. m
IS: 4081-1967* shall be followed. The workers shall be permitted to start
the work only after an -inspection of t~e area by a qualified person
nominated by the employer.

16.2 Apart from the air-lctck, the well steining and connecting arrangement
shall be designed keeping in view the air pressure acting on them during
the course of pneumatic sinking.

16.3 only compmssed air tools shall be used. Electric tools shall not &
used. Air required for pneumatic took shall be cooled and purified in the
same way as air for working chamber.

*Safetycode for blasting and drilling operations.



( CIause5.1 )

Normal proccdurc fm pressures OVeF1’25 kg/cma

Name of FiNn......... .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . ... hte

.. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. ...Name of Lock Attendant . .. . .. . .... . . . .
Address of Site ... .. .. .. . .... Period of Shift .. . .. .. .. . ..Wet Bulb Temperature in Working Chamber and
Time of Record . . . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. ... ... . . . .. . . . . . . . I

* ‘.

% NAMSmm C0MHIERf310Fi
Wonrc ,— .. ..-. DECOMPRESEMO N
A. ———.. 7 ——.— —. ——___
IWk50ERprey Time of Time of Com- Pressure , Shift Time of Time Time of Dccom-
Entry Leaving prcssion ;Period Entry Leaving
and p+m&rr
Working Into Lock to Time Wo%ng , h into Gauge Lock
C2hambcr Lock Enter min Chamber Lock on Pressure After min
kg/cm~ Working kg/cm~ Leaving When Decom-
(%ambcr Working Gradual prcssion
Chamber Decom-
is Started
(2) (a’) (5) (6) (lo)
(7) (8) (9) (11)

“‘ ““-” ~
.-—!.—..—. r... ~.r.’ ~,.. _ ._,. ,

--—- —.- .-.. -- .-.. -....-,, ..
——---”---- . .. . .... .. . . i

. ‘,,


“,., p . ---


.. . #



,, ...

.. , ..
X3: 413s -1977


[ Clauses 5.2,5.3 and C-3.3)




I&l.0 Provisions detailed in B-1.1 to %1.5 shall be followed with regard to

regulations of pressures and time for coinpression.

B-1 S The pressure shall not, in the first minute, after starting compres-
sion, be increased to more than 0“35 !@xnz.
—.- ,. .------
B-1.2 When that pressure is reached, the pressure shall not be further
increa.sed until after the lapse of a period sufficiently long to enable the
lock attendant to discover whether or not any person in the man-lock
compla-ins of discomfort.

B-l.3 After the lapse of that periad, the pressure shall-not be increased at
a rate faster than 0.7 kg/cms/min.

%1.4 The pressure shall then be increased gradual] y so as to ensure, as far

as practicable, that no person suffers dticotiort.

%1.5 If any person complains of discomfort and such complaint ;S signified

to the lock attendant any compression then proceeding shall be immediat-
ely stopped. Unless the person who complained of discomfort quickly
reports that the discomfort has ceased and such report is conveyed to the
lock attendant, -the lock attendant shall, without further delay, gradually
reduce the pressure in the lock until the person reports that the disco~ort
has cmsed, If he does not so report the pressure shall be reduced
gradually to atmospheric pressure and the person released from the lock.


( Clauses 2.9,2.10 and 5.3)



C-1.1 For arriving at the basic pressure defined in 2.9, sudden and
exceptional variations of pressure not involving excess pressure of more



than 0-35 kg[cmz, for a very short time may be disregarded. Howeverj b) When compliance with the .pr{
where during the whole of his period, a person about to be decompressed, of decompression wotdd, In ~e!
has been in working chamber in which ( as in tidal waters) the pressure in conjunction with the long. c
has varied more than 0“35 kg/cmZ, the basic pressure shall be the mean of affording them egress from th
pressures half way through that period and at the end of it. seriously interfere with the can
to be detnmenhl to their safet
C-l.2 Provisions laid down in this appendix shall not, however, apply to ,
the decompression of a pergon who has not, in the course of his working I C-3.3 The following provisions shall ap!
period, been exposed to a pressure exceeding 1“25 kg/cmz.
a) A separate decompression cha]
suitably situated [ seed).
, b) The doctor shall be specifics
$%2.1 Except the provisiofi laid down for decahting under ‘C-3, procedure ~ decanhg is to be carried out
detailed under G-2.1.1 and C-2.1.2 shall be followed while resorting to
decompression. c) Recompression in the deco]
presm% as nearly as practim
C-2.1.1 In the case of each person to be decompressed his ‘ basic chaniber from which the pefi
pressure ‘ anti his ‘ working period’ shall be ascertained and the decom- entered in the man-lock in
pression rescrted to in accordance with the details given in Tables 1 to 8 as ~ Provisions detailed under 1
=ay be applicable. where two or more persons are being ‘decompr~ed recompression. However P’
in a man-lock and their periods of exposure or their maximum working apply to their, subsequent
pressure do not fail within the same range, the compression procedure shall chamber as if it were decom]
be based upon the. highest working pressure and the longest period of
exposure experienced by any one of the men concerhed. d) The total time spent on:

G2.I.2 The pressure shall be re&ced at the rate of about 0“4 bar per i) the primary decosnpressio
minute to, but not lower than,, the fit stage according to the tables. At ; ii) going from that man-lc
This stage the pressure shai?. be retained for the prescribed number of chamber; and
minutes before further reducing the pressure at the same rate as b&ore to ,I
the next stage and so on. iii) recompression that chax
However, the time take]
C-3. DECMNTING minutes and that for 3 sl

e) The _procedure to be followt

~3.1 Decanting shall mean rapid decompression of persons in a man-lock
the doctor who shall satisf
to atmospheric pressure, followed promptly by their recompression in a I
tle arrangement made a
separate decompression chamber, where they will be decompressed accord- ~
ing to the ~b]es. the requirements of this apl
~3.2 Instead of compliance with the provision l&d down under C-2.1
for decompression, the procedure for de~nting as laid down in G3.3 may /~
be resorted “to under the following conditions:
a) Where it is not practicable to pr~ide opening directly to air ~
atmospheric pressure and as a means of egr~s to the open air
from a place or places w~re per~ns are employed in compressed

r .$$

IS x 4138-1977

b) When compliance with the provision under C-2 regarding rates

of decompression wodd, in view of number of workmen concerned
in conjunction with the long. de,lay which would be involved in
affording th,em egress from the working chamber or chambers,
seriously interfere with the carrying on of the work or be, likely
to be detrimental to their safety or health.

C-3.3 The following provisions shall apply in connection with decanting:

a) A separate decompression chamber shall be provided and shall be

suitably situated ( W2d).

b) The doctor shall be specifically informed by the employer that

decanting is to be carried out at the site in question.

c) Recompression in the decompression chamber shall be to a

pressure, m nearly m practicable, to the pressure in the working
chamber from which the pemons in the decompressicm chamber
entered in the man-lock in which they were decompressed.
Provisions detailed under Appendix B shall not apply to such
recompression. However provisions of C-1.1 and C-2.1 shall
apply to their subsequent recompression in the decompression
chamber as if it were decompression in the man-lock.

. d) The total time spent on:

i) the primary decompression in the man-lock;

ii) going from that man-lock to the separate decompression

chamber; and
iii) re’cornpression that chamber shall be the minimum possible.
However, the time taken for operation 2 shall not exceed 5
minutes and that for 3 shall not exceed 3 minutes.

e) The procedure to be followed for decanting shall be approved by

the doctor who shall satisfy hims.df regarding the adequacy of
the arrangement made and practicability of complying with
the requirements of this appendix.

17 .1‘

. ,, ---- J
~s$ 4138.1977


( clauses C-2.1.1,
( Clause 10.3) PRES8URE” ( BAR ) F————
( wuNon 3) 1“6 1“4 1“2
1“0to 1.2
1“2 ,> 1“4
1“4 ,, 1“6
CertifiCa& of Examination of the Person as Regarding Hh
1“6 ,, 1.8
Fitness for Employment in Compressed Air Work
1“8 ,, 2’0
2“0 ,,2“2
Name . . . .. . .. . . .. ... . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .... . .... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . ... {.,
2“2,, 2.4
2“4 ,,2.6
Address .. . ... . . . . .. .. .. ... . .. . .. . ... . . . .. . ... ... . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . .. .. .... ,,
2.6 ,,2“8
2+3 ,, 3“0
Date of Birth ... ... ...<... .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. ... .. . . . . ... .. . . . . .. . .. . ... .. .
3.0,, 3“2
3“2 ,, 34
Doctor’s Namej Address and Telephone Number ... .. . .. . ... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . ..‘.,,
Nom 1 — Decompression botb to d
not faster than 04 bar/rein.
No= 2 — Not including tiqe bctw~
Date of Name of Emp- Re~~lt of ~xamination signature Noaz 3 — For borderline Vidues d
Examination kyer and Site and any Conditions of the procedure.
Address Af+ecting Employment in Doctor
( (YauresC-2.1
(1) (2J (3) (4) l%Essunzr (BAR) t——————
l+j ,1-4 1.2
(stt NoTR3)

1.0 to 1“2
1“2 ,, 1.4.
1.4,, 1-6
1°6 ,, 1“8
1.8,, 2“0
2“0 ,, 2’2
2“2 ,, 2’4
2-4 ,, 2“6
2-6,, 2-8
Z8 ,, 3“0
3“0 ,, 92
3-2,, 3’4
“ No= i — Decompression both to
not fksterthan 0’4 bar/rnin.
NOTE2- Not incluc@ time betv
Nom 3- For borderline vrduca t

. .. —
[ Ckwc$c.2.I.1, G2J.2 Wd G2.1.3 )
PRFJMURX( BAR ) t—————————~ —— —~ (ss~Nma2)
(MU NOTE 3 ) 1“6 1“4 1“2 1.0 08 06 0-4 0-2
1“0 to 1“2 —
1“2 ,, 1“4 —
1.4,, 1-6
l“6 ,, 1“8 —
1“8 ,, 2-0
2“0 ,, 2“2 5 5
2.2,, 2s4 5 5
2“4 ,, 2“6 5 5
2.6,, 2“8 5 5
2.8,, 3-0 55 10
3“0 ,, 3“2 55 10
3-2 ,, 3“4 5 10 15
NOTS 1 — Dccomprcssion both to the first stag; and between stages shall be at rates
not faster than 04 bar/rein.
NQTS 2 — Not including time between stages.
NOTE 3 — For borderline values of the msximum working pressure o-se the longer


( C&w C-2.1.1, C-2.1.2 and C-2.1.3)
PRzssumt (BAR) -—— ———–~--i (we NOTS2 )
(SWNOTR3) 1’6 1“4 1-2 1-0 O’g 0“6 04 0’2
1“0 to 1“2
1“2 ,, 1“4 .
1.4,, 1“6 5 5
1“6 ,, 1°8 5 5
1“8,, 2“0 10 10
2“0 ,, 2“2 5 15 20
2“2 ,, 2“4 5 20 25
2’4,, 2-6 10 25 35
2“6 ,, 2-8 5 35 50
2“8 ,, 3“0 5“ i: 40 60
3“0 ,, 92 5 5 20 40 70
3.2,, 34 5 10 25 .40 80
‘“NOTS1— Decompressionboth to the firststageandbetweenstagesshallbe at rates
not fh.sterthan0“4bar/tnin.
NOTE2 - Not includingtimebetweenstages.
NOTS3 — For bordcrlimevdu- Of the maximumworfing prc=ure wc “tie longer


\ -— J . .,”
~..,~.,:, ,
Is: 4138-1977
- ,,
( Cfauw C2.1.1, C-2.1.2 und C-2.l.3 )
PREsmmz ( BAR) —.—— — —— —~ TOTAL TIrm, min
($& ~OTE 3) 1“6 1“4 1“2 1’0 0“8 06 0“4 0-2 (stz NoTE2)
I’oto 1+2 —
1’2,, 1“4, 5 5
1’4,, 1“6 10 10
1>6,, ‘1-8 5 15 20
1“8 ,, 2.0 5 30 35
2’0,, 2“2 5 10 35 50
2“2 ,, 2’4 5 20 35 60
2-4 ,%2’6 10 25 40 75
2“6 ,, ~.~ 5 10 30 45 90
2+3 ,, S’o 5 20 35 45 105
3“0 ,, 3.2 5 10 20 35 45 115
32, , 3-4 5 15 25 35 45 125
Nom 1 — Deccmprwsion both to the first stage tid betwetin stages shall be at rates
rmt faster Lhan 0“4 karjmin.
Nom 2 — Not including time betwem stag=-. - -
Ncwz 3- For ?xr.dwline values OF the maximum working pressure use the longer
.—..-—, . ..,—
.--. -.,”
( Ciaum C-2.1.1, C:2.1.2 and C-2.1.3)
ikhXIMtJL~~’GRSWS2 STAGE PRMSU=Z ( BM ) ( se. N- 1) TOTAL ‘ha, rnin
hEWJW3 (~.AR) C-;----; -;2——~— (we NOTE 2 )
(X8 NOTZ 3 ) - “ - 1’0 0“8 0.6 0“4 0~
1’0 @ 1“2 5 5
1.2,, 1.4 10 10
1“4 ,, 1“6 5 20 25
1-6,, I-B 10 30 4)
1’8,, 2.0 5 15 35 55
2“0 ,, 2“2 5 25 40 70
2“2 ,, 2“4 5 10 30 40 85”
2.4,, 26 5 20 35 40 100
26, , 2“8 5 10 25 35 40 115
2“8 ,, 3“0 5 15 30 35 45 130
3.0,, 3“2 5 10 20 30 35 45 145
3“2 ,, 34 5 15 25 30 35 45 155
No= i — Decompression both to the first stage and between, stages shall be at rates
not faster than 0.4 bar~min.
lNoTlr 2 — Not including time between stages.
NOTX3 — For borc!crliae values Of the maximum working pressure use the longer



. 1’
.. ,,
1S :4138-1977


( Chum G2.1.1, C-2.1.2 undC-2.l.3 )
hti~~ V?OKrm~G STAGS P&sssuRz ( BAR) ( st. NOTE 1 ) TOTM T= min
PRESSURE { BAR) ~.~.. -. ($,e Non2)
I (s?. NrYrz3) 1“6 1“4 1“2 1.0 0’8 0“6 044 0-2
, l“oto 1“2 5 5
I -5”7 “1’2 ,, 1“4 ~o 20
1“4 ,, 1.5 5 30 35
1.6,, 1-8 15 +0 55
1°8 ,, 2-o 5. 25 40 70
2’0 ,, ~.~ 5 II. 30 45 90
2’2,, 2’4 5 20 35 ‘!5 105
2“4 ,, 2-6 5 10 25 35 45 120
2.6,, 2-8 5 20 30 35 45 135
2.8,, 3-o 5 10 20 3(I 35 “- 145
3“0 ,, 3“2 5 5 15 25 30 35 ~~ lfxl
3“2 ,, 3.4 5 10 20 25 30 40” +S 175
N&x 1 — Ikompmssion bo’~,to tbc first stage aod betweeu stages &all bc at r-arm
nO[faster than 0“4 b~./.min.
lNom3 2 — Not including time be-stages.
NOTE 3 — For borderiioe values of &e mzdmum working pressure use the Iongu

MAxn.s-uri WORXH3 STAGE PrwJMmtx(B-) ( su No= 1) TOTALT= rain

PRZSSORE ( BAR ) ~~ (w.sisoTa2)
(ue Nm3) 1-6 1“2 1“0 08 0“6 @4 0’2
1“0 to 1“2 ’10 10
1“2 ,, 1“4 5 20 25
1’4 ;, 1.6 10 35 45
1.6,, 1“8 5204-0 65
1“8 ,, 2.0 10 30 40 30
20,, 2“2 5 15 35 40 95
‘2”2 ,, 2’4 10 25 35 45 115
2.4,, 2.6 5 ’15 30 35 45 130
2“6 ,, 2“8 5 10 .20 ?4 35 45 145
2-8,, 3“0 5 20 25 30 35 ~45 160
3“0 ,, 3“2 ~1 10 -20 25 30 40 45 175
3“2 ,,.3-4 5 5 15 25 25 30 40 45 190
Nwra L- Decompression both to the fit stage and between stag= droll be at ratm
not f=+~r than 0’4 bar/m.in.
No-m ~ — Not iIICiU&lg k betweeo stages.
Nqrs 3 — For borderline values of +e maximum working presrure use “the longer
procidure. . [


1.0 to 1.2 15
1“2 ,, 1“4 5 30
1“+ ,, 1“6 15 40
1“6 ,, 1“8 5 25 45
l.g ;, 2“0 5 15 30 45 “
2.0 ,8 2.2 10 20 35 45
2“~ ,, 2“4 5 15 25 40. 45
2-4,, 2“6 55 25 30 40 45
2.6,, 2.8 ‘5 i5 25 30 40 45
2“8 ;, 3“0 5 10 20 25 30 40
3-0,, 3“2 5 5 $5 25 ?5 30 40 ;;
3“2 ,, 3“4 5 15 ~0 25 30 30 ~ 45

Nom 1 — Decomprrsnon both to the first rtagc and betwccq stages shall be a! rates
tlOCf@4ti tha130“4 bar/rein.
No-m 2- Not iuc~udigg L}sGcbCDYCWI$tagEs.

TABLE 8 lxKWMWD3ssIoi%’ TABLE”. EZWOWRE fiRIoD Ow%it 4 k

( Cfa-m G2.1.1, C-2.1.2 ad G2.I.3 )


( BAR) (S<C T-+ ‘kz, min
PREEEGRZ( BAR) ~ ~__.___ __ (wcN~2}
(wbi E3) ‘ 1.6 !’4 1+! 1.0 0-8 0.6 (7.4 f)~
l.o @12 20 2Q
1“2 ,, 1.4 5 35 @
1“4 ,, 1-6 5 20 ‘KJ ffj
1“6 ,, 1.8 10 30 45 ?@
1“8 ,, 29 5 20 35 ’45 IQ5
2“0 ,, 2“2 5 10 25 40 50 1:0
. --.’<
NorEI— DecompT.4on both to tbe first stage and between stages shalI be, at rates
not fastur +ap 0? bjtrjain. . . . .
Ncrrx 2 — Not including time between stages.
Non 3 — For borderline valurs of t.& qu~ worki~~ pressure use. tbe longer


Headquarters :
Manak Bhavan. 9 Bahacfur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones :331 01 31, 331 1375 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
( Common to all Offices)
Regiorral Offices : Telephorre
‘Western ; Manakalaya, E9 Ml DC, Marol, Andheri ( East ), 6329295
BOPABAY 400093
~Eastern : 1/14 C. 1. T. Scheme Vll M, V. 1. P. Road, 362499
Maniktoia, CALCUTTA 700054
Northern : SCO 445-446, Sector 35-C 21843
CHANDIGARH 160036 { 31641
Southern : C. 1. T. Campus, MADRAS 600113 41 2442
{ 41 2519
~41 2916
Branch Offices :
Pushpak,’ Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, 26348
AHMADABAD 380001 { 26349
‘F’ Block, Unity Bldg, Narasimharaja Sqyare, 224805
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T. T: Nagar, 62716
BHOPAL 462003
Plot No. 82/83, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751OO2 536 27
5315 Ward No. 29, R. G. Barua Road, —
5th Byelane, GUWAHATI 7810~3
5-8-56C L N. Gupta Marg, (Nampally Station Road), 221C83
R14 Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 302005 .r6 3471
117/418B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 6876
{ 21 8292
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 62305
Hantex Bldg ( 2nd Floor ), Rly Station Road, 5227
/rrspecfiorr Office ( With Sale Point ):
Institution of Engineers ( India) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, 52435
PUNE 410005

●Sales Office in Bombay is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, 896528

Eombay 400007
tSales Office in Calcurta is at 5Chowringhee Approach. P. O. Princep 276800
StreeI, Calcutta 700072

~eprography Unit, BIS, New Delhi, India

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