Table 2 Factors To Consider When Selecting Fits Factors Situation Guideline Rules

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Methods of bearing location

Table 2
Factors to consider when selecting fits

Factors Situation Guideline rules

Magnitude Bearings subjected to To prevent creep, select greater

of load heavy loads tend to interference fits for bearings
creep more than those subjected to heavier loads.
subjected to light loads.
Shock loads should also be considered.

Magnitude of load is defined as:

… P ≤ 0,05 C – light load

… 0,05 C < P ≤ 0,1 C – normal load
… 0,1 C < P ≤ 0,15 C – heavy load
… P > 0,15 C – very heavy load

Bearing The tighter the inter- When tight fits are applied, bearings
internal ference fit, the bigger with radial internal clearance greater
clearance the reduction in the than Normal may be required.
initial bearing internal
clearance after

Clearance before Clearance after

mounting mounting

Temperature The outer ring often has Depending on the (expected) operating
differences a lower temperature temperatures of the components,
than the inner ring bearings with radial internal clearance
Compression during operation, greater than Normal may be required.
resulting in reduced
internal clearance.


Running Bearings with clearance When high demands are placed on

accuracy t1 fits are susceptible to running accuracy, select fits
requirements A vibration when high corresponding to at least tolerance
demands are placed grade IT5 for the shaft and at least
on running accuracy. tolerance grade IT6 for the housing.
dA To reduce runout and vibration,
select interference fits.

t2 A-B


Table 2 cont.

Factors to consider when selecting fits

Factors Situation Guideline rules

Design and Fits might be less Select heavier than normal interference
material of shaft effective for hollow shafts fits for bearings mounted in thin-walled
and housing or thin-walled housings. or light-alloy housings, or on hollow
dom shafts.
Poor contact on the
di bearing seat, e.g. in split Split housings are not suitable for heavy
housings, can distort the interference fits. For these housings,
bearing ring, causing it to SKF recommends tolerance group G or
become out-of round. H (or at most, K).

The material of the

bearing seat, if not made
from bearing steel, will
affect the fit selection,
due to the different
coefficients of thermal

Ease of Mounting and dismounting If an interference fit is needed and easy

mounting and is easier for bearings mounting and dismounting is essential,
dismounting with a clearance fit than select separable bearings or bearings
for bearings with an with a tapered bore. Bearings with a
interference fit. tapered bore can be mounted either
directly on a tapered shaft seat or on an
adapter or withdrawal sleeve on a
cylindrical shaft seat.

Displacement of Some bearings can Bearings that cannot accommodate axial

the bearing in accommodate axial displacement within the bearing should
the non-locating displacement within the have one ring free, i.e. select a clearance
position bearing, such as fit for the ring carrying the stationary
cylindrical roller bearings load.
having one ring without
flanges, needle roller
bearings or CARB toroidal
roller bearings.


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