BS 1881 201 Testing Concrete Guide To The Use of Non Destructive Methods of Test For Hardened Concrete PDF

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Testing concrete —
Part 201: Guide to the use of
non-destructive methods of test for
hardened concrete
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UDC 666.972.017:691.32:620.1
BS 1881-201:1986

Committees responsible for this

British Standard

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Cement,

Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Committee (CAB/-) to
Technical Committee CAB/4 upon which the following bodies were

Association of Lightweight Aggregate Manufacturers

Association of Metropolitan Authorities
British Aggregate Construction Materials Industries
British Precast Concrete Federation
British Ready Mixed Concrete Association
Building Employers’ Confederation
Cement Admixtures Association
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Cement and Concrete Association

Cement Makers’ Federation
Concrete Society
County Surveyor’s Society
Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment)
Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency)
Department of the Environment (Transport and Road Research Laboratory)
Department of Transport (Highways)
Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales
Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors
Institute of Concrete Technology
Institution of Civil Engineers
Institution of Highways and Transportation
Institution of Structural Engineers
Institution of Water Engineers and Scientists
Royal Institute of British Architects
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
Sand and Gravel Association
Society of Chemical Industry

The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard,
through subcommittees and panels:

British Civil Engineering Test Equipment Manufacturers’ Association

British Nuclear Fuels Limited
United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Cement,
Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry
Products Standards Committee,
was published under the
authority of the Board of BSI
and comes into effect on Amendments issued since publication
28 February 1986

© BSI 01-1999 Amd. No. Date of issue Comments

The following BSI references

relate to the work on this
Committee reference CAB/4
Draft for comment 84/10723 DC

ISBN 0 580 14767 3

BS 1881-201:1986


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Foreword ii
Section 1. General
1.1 Scope 1
1.2 Definitions 1
1.3 Principal considerations 1
1.4 Planning an investigation 2
Section 2. Test methods
2.0 Introduction 7
2.1 Resonant frequency 7
2.2 Electromagnetic cover measurement 7
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2.3 Resistivity measurements 8

2.4 Half-cell potential measurements 8
2.5 Radiography 9
2.6 Radiometry 9
2.7 Neutron moisture measurement 10
2.8 Initial surface absorption 10
2.9 Surface permeability 10
2.10 Maturity measurements 11
2.11 Thermography 11
2.12 Radar 12
2.13 Ultrasonic pulse velocity measurement 12
2.14 Dynamic response techniques 13
2.15 Surface hardness 14
2.16 Screed test 14
2.17 Internal fracture 14
2.18 Pull-out test 15
2.19 Pull-off test 16
2.20 Break-off test 16
2.21 Penetration resistance 17
2.22 Depth of carbonation 17
2.23 Acoustic emission 18
2.24 Strain measurements 18
Section 3. Combinations of methods
3.1 General 19
3.2 Electromagnetic cover measurement or radiography
to locate reinforcement 19
3.3 Non-destructive methods as preliminary to
partially-destructive methods 19
3.4 Increasing the confidence level of test results 19
3.5 Improvement of calibration accuracy 19
3.6 Half-cell potential and resistivity tests to indicate
likelihood of reinforcement corrosion 20
Appendix A Bibliography 21
Table 1 — Suitability of non-destructive test methods 4
Table 2 — Summary of principal test methods 5
Publications referred to Inside back cover

© BSI 01-1999 i
BS 1881-201:1986


This Part of BS 1881 has been prepared under the direction of the Cement,
Gypsum, Aggregates and Quarry Products Standards Committee. All aspects of
testing concrete are being included as parts of BS 1881 and this Part forms a
general introduction to those on non-destructive testing.
Non-destructive testing of a body of hardened concrete as cast, whether in a
structure or as a component, offers advantages of speed, cost and lack of damage
in comparison with test methods which require the removal of a sample. The
range of properties that can be measured in this way is considerable, and much
valuable information may be obtained if the available methods are used with an
under-standing of what they can, and cannot, achieve.
This guide presents information on test methods of this type which will assist
with the planning of investigations and the selection of methods which are most
appropriate to the circumstances. It summarizes the principal features of
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currently available techniques together with their advantages, limitations and

most reliable applications. Many of the methods will be described in detail in
other Parts of BS 1881-202 onwards1), while other techniques which are not yet
so well established are also included with appropriate references. Additional
guidance is given concerning the value of combinations of test methods.
The use of tests to assess strength is covered in greater detail in BS 6089. Strain
gauges suitable for monitoring the behaviour of concrete structures in service, or
under test load conditions, will be dealt with in Part 2061) of this standard. For
details of methods which are not covered in these British Standards, reference
should be made to specialist literature as indicated.
It is hoped that the guidance given in this Part will encourage the wider use of
non-destructive testing in a worthwhile and economical manner; it is not
intended to supplant engineering judgement or to inhibit the development and
use of other test methods.
NOTE The numbers in parentheses in the text of this Part refer to the numbered bibliographic
references given in Appendix A.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 22, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

1) In preparation.

ii © BSI 01-1999
Section 1 BS 1881-201:1986

Section 1. General

1.1 Scope 1.3 Principal considerations

This Part of BS 1881 gives guidance on the tests 1.3.1 Advantages of non-destructive testing
that are available for non-destructive testing of Non-destructive testing offers significant
hardened concrete which forms a laboratory advantages of speed, cost and lack of damage in
specimen or part of a structure, structural comparison with test methods which require the
component or other type of engineering removal of a sample for subsequent examination.
construction. Some tests cause varying degrees of These factors will permit more extensive testing and
localized damage or defacement and may therefore thus enable an investigation to be wider ranging
be considered partially destructive; these methods with respect to the concrete structure under
are all defined as non-destructive. All the tests can examination than would otherwise be possible. The
be performed on the concrete as cast and do not immediate availability of results may also be an
require the removal of samples for subsequent important advantage of this type of testing.
analysis or testing.
1.3.2 Properties measured
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Methods of testing hardened concrete which require

sample extraction are either dealt with in other The range of properties that can be assessed using
Parts of BS 1881 or elsewhere (1,2). non-destructive techniques is large and includes
NOTE 1 Damage caused by the extraction of small-diameter
fundamental parameters of the concrete such as
cores may not be significantly greater than that due to some of density and elastic modulus in addition to strength.
the near-to-surface methods included here, provided that Other properties which can be assessed include
reinforcement is not cut during extraction. In cases where concrete surface hardness, surface absorption and
strength determination is required they may offer similar or
better accuracy with fewer calibration problems (3). moisture condition as well as reinforcement
NOTE 2 The titles of the publications referred to in this location, cover and corrosion risk. The quality of
standard are listed on the inside back cover. workmanship and structural integrity may also be
checked by the ability to identify and locate voids,
1.2 Definitions cracking and delamination.
For the purposes of this Part of BS 1881, the The required property is not measured directly by a
definitions given in BS 2787 and BS 6100-6 apply, number of the available methods and precise
together with the following. correlations are not always easy to achieve. In some
1.2.1 instances estimates of the required property can
non-destructive test only be achieved by comparative means.
a test that does not impair the intended 1.3.3 Importance of trained staff
performance of the element or member under Skill and care by the operator will generally be
investigation necessary, while the results obtained by some
1.2.2 methods are particularly sensitive to variations in
location testing procedure. It is important that tests are
performed by trained and reliable staff if
a region of concrete that is being assessed and that, worthwhile results are to be achieved, and it is
for practical purposes, is assumed to be of uniform recommended that two persons should normally be
quality involved during testing on site.
1.2.3 1.3.4 Situations in which non-destructive
near-to-surface test testing may be valuable
a test that measures some property of the concrete Non-destructive testing may be applied to both new
near to, but below, the surface and existing structures. For new structures, the
1.2.4 principal applications are likely to be for quality
standard cube strength control or resolution of doubts about the quality of
the measured compressive strength of a cube made, materials or construction. Testing of existing
cured and tested in accordance with structures will usually be related to an assessment
BS 1881-108, BS 1881-111 and BS 1881-116 of structural integrity or adequacy. In either case, a
respectively small number of tests on a large structure, for
example tests on a few cores, can be misleading,
1.2.5 while non-destructive testing is often a valuable
estimated in situ cube strength indicator, either on its own or as a preliminary to
the strength of concrete at a location in a structural some other form of testing.
member estimated by indirect means and expressed
as the compressive strength of specimens of cubic

© BSI 01-1999 1
BS 1881-201:1986

Non-destructive tests are useful for the following 1.4 Planning an investigation
1.4.1 Reasons for testing
a) quality control of precast units or construction
in situ; The situations in which non-destructive testing may
be useful have been indicated in 1.3.4, and the
b) removing uncertainties about the acceptability reasons for testing should be clearly established
of the material supplied owing to apparent before the details of a test programme are planned.
non-compliance with specifications; These will establish the information that is
c) confirming or negating doubt concerning the required, e.g. strength, uniformity and density, and
workmanship involved in batching, mixing, whether this should relate to the surface, near to the
placing, compacting or curing of concrete; surface, or to the body of a member.
d) monitoring of strength development in relation 1.4.2 Acceptance of test data
to formwork removal, cessation of curing,
pre-stressing, load application or similar Before any programme commences, it is essential
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that there is agreement between the interested

parties on the validity of the proposed testing
e) location and determination of the extent of procedures, the criteria for acceptance and the
cracks, voids, honeycombing and similar defects appointment of a person and/or laboratory to take
within a concrete structure; responsibility for the testing and interpretation of
f) determining the position, quantities or the results.
condition of reinforcement; It is essential, despite the apparent simplicity of
g) determining the concrete uniformity, possibly some test methods, that testing is performed only by
as a preliminary to core cutting, load testing or skilled operators who are familiar with the methods
other more expensive or disruptive tests; and that the interpretation of results is entrusted to
h) increasing the confidence level of a smaller a suitably experienced engineer.
number of destructive tests; 1.4.3 Selecting a test programme
i) determining the extent of concrete variability General. The test programme will be
in order to help in the selection of sample determined by the objectives of the investigation
locations representative of the quality to be coupled with the suitability of the available methods
assessed; in relation to the site conditions and economic
j) confirming or locating suspected deterioration factors as outlined in to
of concrete resulting from such factors as The objective may be to investigate the overall
1) overloading, quality of the fabric, in which instance a random
2) fatigue, choice of test locations will be appropriate. Where
the objective is to investigate suspect material, the
3) external or internal chemical attack or
test locations will be selected for this purpose and
the test results will only apply to this suspect
4) fire, material. In both cases, a sufficient number of test
5) explosion, locations should be chosen to establish a satisfactory
6) environmental effects; confidence level for the results.
k) assessing the potential durability of the Visual inspection should also be regarded as an
concrete; essential preliminary to the planning of a
programme of testing since observation of features
l) monitoring long term changes in concrete such as deflection, cracking and colour may yield
properties; valuable information affecting the choice of methods
m) providing information for any proposed and location of test points.
change of use of a structure, for insurance or for In some instances, calibration is necessary to relate
change of ownership. the measured values or properties to those which
are required. The availability and reliability of such
calibrations are thus important.

2 © BSI 01-1999
BS 1881-201:1986 Choice of test methods. The methods In determining the necessary number of
recommended in Table 1 are likely to be most measurements, it should be remembered that an
suitable for the general circumstances indicated. individual result relates only to the immediate test
Practical limitations may preclude the use of position and does not necessarily reflect the
particular methods in some situations, while in properties of the concrete in general.
other cases it may be appropriate or necessary to Combination of methods. In some
consider the use of methods other than those circumstances, the accuracy achieved may be
recommended. For example, surface treatments, improved by the use of two or more test methods.
such as those to reduce moisture permeability, or A combination of different test methods may be
decorative coatings may prevent the use of some used for the following reasons.
methods. The principal features of the methods,
a) The use of one method as a preliminary to
including their most important limitations and most
reliable applications, are described in section 2 and
summarized in Table 2. The most common situations of this type are:
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The equipment required to perform the tests is 1) the location of reinforcement prior to core
easily portable in most cases, and all tests can be cutting or use of other non-destructive testing
rapidly carried out, although extensive preparation methods;
may sometimes be necessary. 2) the use of a non-destructive method to
Important considerations affecting the choice of test provide comparative data on concrete
method include the following. uniformity prior to core cutting or use of other
non-destructive methods involving greater
a) Test locations. Some factors to be considered
expense or damage.
b) To obtain enhanced reliability of results on the
1) the position within the member or structure;
basis of:
2) the variations of concrete properties through
1) the confirmation of observed patterns of
depth of lift;
concrete quality;
3) the position of reinforcement;
2) the correlation of combinations of measured
4) the presence of local defects or influences, values with a desired property.
e.g. surface carbonation;
Suitable combinations of methods are discussed in
5) the depth below the surface of the zone to section 3.
which results apply. Site condition. The principal site conditions
b) Effect of damage. The choice of method may be that should be considered include:
influenced by:
a) the geographic location and ease of transport of
1) the effects of testing on the surface test equipment;
appearance of the members;
b) the accessibility of test locations;
2) the possibility of structural damage
c) the environment;
resulting from the testing of small section
members. d) the safety of personnel and the general public
during testing.
c) Size of member. The size of the member may
restrict the use of some test methods as a result Economic and social factors. The test
of limitations on minimum edge distances, programme will be influenced by factors such as the
minimum or maximum thicknesses, or similar value of the project and costs arising from:
considerations. a) delays in construction, or restriction on usage
d) Testing accuracy required. The testing or occupancy, while testing is conducted and
accuracy required will depend upon the purpose decisions are made;
of the investigation. The level that can be b) remedial works that may be necessary;
achieved will depend on: c) the features of different test methods,
1) the test method; including time, materials and equipment,
2) the number and location of measurements; temporary works and making good;
3) the accuracy and reliability of available d) the need to select an adequate number of tests
calibrations. for an appropriate reliability of assessment;
e) the need for a higher level of confidence in the
assessment of structures where public safety is

© BSI 01-1999 3
BS 1881-201:1986

Table 1 — Suitability of non-destructive test methods

Methodsa Test situation

Quality Investigation Control of Comparative Investigation Investigation

control of standard of formwork survey of of potential of fire, frost,
workmanship removal, quality of durability chemical
pre-stress concrete in attack or
release or the structure similar

Pull-out test
(cast-in insert) X X
Pull-out test
(drilled hole) X X X X
Internal fracture X X X X
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Break-off test X X
Pull-off test X X X
Penetration resistance X X X
Surface hardness X X X X
Screed test X X X
Dynamic response X X X
Ultrasonic pulse
velocity measurement X X X X X X
Acoustic emission X X
Electromagnetic cover
measurement X X X
Radar X X
Radiography X X
Radiometry X X X
Neutron moisture
measurement X X
Depth of carbonation X X X
Initial surface absorption X X
Surface permeability X
Resistivity measurements X X
Half-cell potential
measurements X
Strain measurements X X X X X
Thermography X X
Maturity measurements X
Resonant frequency X
Subject to the practical limitations outlined in section 2.

4 © BSI 01-1999
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Table 2 — Summary of principal test methods

© BSI 01-1999

Method Clause Principal reference Principal Principal Surface Type of Remarks

number applications properties damage equipment

Pull-out test 2.18 BS 1881-207a Quality control Strength related Moderate/ Mechanical Preplanned usage, surface zone test
(cast-in insert) (in situ strength) minor

Pull-out test 2.18 BS 1881-207a In situ strength Strength related Moderate/ Mechanical Drilling difficulties on vertical surfaces or
(drilled hole) measurement minor soffits, surface zone test

Internal fracture 2.17 BS 1881-207a In situ strength Strength related Moderate/ Mechanical High test variability, surface zone test
measurement minor

Break-off test 2.20 BS 1881-207a In situ strength Flexural tensile Substantial/ Mechanical High test variability, substantial damage
measurement strength moderate

Pull-off test 2.19 BS 1881-207a In situ strength Direct tensile Moderate/ Mechanical Care needed with adhesive, surface zone test
measurement strength minor

Penetration resistance 2.21 BS 1881-207a In situ strength Strength related Moderate/ Mechanical Specific calibrations required, limits on
measurement minor minimum member size, surface zone test

Surface hardness 2.15 BS 1881-202 Comparative Surface hardness Very minor Mechanical Greatly affected by surface texture and
(supersedes BS 4408-4) surveys moisture, surface test unrepresentative on
concrete more than 3 months old, strength
calibration affected by mix properties

Initial surface 2.8 BS 1881-208a Surface Surface Minor Hydraulic Difficult to standardize in situ moisture
absorption (supersedes BS 1881-5) permeability absorption conditions and to obtain watertight seal to
assessment surface, comparative test

Surface permeability 2.9 (11) Surface Surface Minor Hydraulic Surface zone test, water or gas
permeability permeability

Resistivity 2.3 (6) Durability Resistivity Minor Electrical Surface zone test, related to moisture content,
measurements survey indicates probability of reinforcement
corrosion in zones of high risk

Half-cell potential 2.4 (9) Survey of Electrode Very minor Electro- Cannot indicate corrosion rate
measurements reinforcement potential of chemical
corrosion risk reinforcement

Thermography 2.11 (16) Structural Surface None Infra-red Extraneous temperature effects have to be
integrity survey temperature radiation excluded, temperature differentials small,
and void location differences detection shortage of data and development

BS 1881-201:1986
Maturity measurements 2.10 (14) In situ strength Maturity Minor Thermo- Preplanned usage, specific calibration
development sensitive required
monitoring chemical or
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Table 2 — Summary of principal test methods

BS 1881-201:1986
Method Clause Principal Principal Principal Surface Type of Remarks
number reference applications properties damage equipment

Screed test 2.16 (21) Quality control Surface Minor Mechanical Sand/cement screeds only, cannot be used if
of screeds soundness screed over soft material

Ultrasonic pulse 2.13 BS 1881-203a Comparative Elastic modulus None Electronic Two opposite smooth faces preferably needed,
velocity measurement (supersedes surveys strength calibration affected by moisture and mix
BS 4408-5) properties, some surface staining possible

Acoustic emission 2.23 (34) Monitoring Internal crack None Electronic Increasing load required, not fully developed for
during load development site use

Dynamic response 2.14 (20) Pile integrity Dynamic None Mechanical/ Cannot yield bearing capacity
techniques response electronic

Electromagnetic cover 2.2 BS 1881-204a Location of Presence of None Electro-magnetic Affected by magnetic aggregates and unreliable
measurement (supersedes reinforcement embedded steel for congested steel
BS 4408-1)

Radar 2.12 (19) Location of Internal None Electronic Experience limited, procedures under
voids or interfaces development

Radiography 2.5 BS 1881-205a Location of Relative density None Radioactive Extensive safety precautions, limit on member
(supersedes voids or source or thickness
BS 4408-3) reinforcement generator

Radiometry 2.6 (3) Quality control Density None Radioactive Safety precautions and limit on member
source or thickness for “direct” method,
generator “backscatter”method is surface zone test

Neutron moisture 2.7 (3) Comparative Moisture None Nuclear Surface zone test, calibration difficult
measurement moisture content

Depth of carbonation 2.22 (33) Durability Concrete Moderate/ Chemical Approximate indication of extent of carbonation
survey alkalinity minor

Resonant frequency 2.1 BS 1881-209a Quality control Dynamic elastic None Electronic Specially cast specimen required
(supersedes modulus
BS 1881-5)

Strain measurements 2.24 BS 1881-206a Monitoring Changes in Minor Optical/ Attachment and reading requires skill, can only
(supersedes movements in strain mechanical/ indicate changes in strain
structures electronic
BS 4408-2)
In preparation.
© BSI 01-1999
Section 2 BS 1881-201:1986

Section 2. Test Methods

2.0 Introduction 2.2.1 General

The test methods described here are in varying Portable devices are available which are operated by
stages of development. Those which are well rechargeable or dry batteries and are based upon
established are detailed in other Parts of BS 1881, measurement of the change of an electromagnetic
as indicated. Methods which are not fully developed field caused by steel embedded in the concrete. Such
are described in technical literature referred to in equipment is calibrated to indicate the distance of
the bibliography in Appendix A, as indicated by the the steel below the surface, and in some cases may
numbers in parentheses. also indicate the diameters of reinforcing bars.
When reinforcement is parallel to the surface,
2.1 Resonant frequency rotation of the search head will enable the
alignment of the bar to be identified. Non-calibrated
NOTE This method is currently described in BS 1881-5, but
will eventually be revised as BS 1881-209. metal detectors are available which may detect
metals (ferrous or non-ferrous) at depths outside the
2.1.1 General range of the above equipment.
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Measurement of the resonant frequency of a

2.2.2 Advantages
prismatic specimen and the determination of its
density may be used to yield a value for the dynamic This method for locating reinforcing steel within a
elastic modulus of the concrete of which the concrete member is truly non-destructive.
specimen is formed. Under reasonable conditions, a site accuracy of
2.1.2 Advantages estimated cover of ± 5 mm within the working range
of the instrument may be expected.
This procedure is quick, does not damage the
specimen in any way and is reliable. The influence Techniques are available to permit estimates of both
of operator technique is small and other testing bar size and depth of cover when neither is known.
errors are low. 2.2.3 Limitations
2.1.3 Limitations The effect of bar size is important if this is less
This test has to be performed on a standard than 10 mm or greater than 32 mm.
specimen of hardened concrete and is usually Calibrations are sensitive to steel type, bar
associated with laboratory-cast samples. The diameter and deformity, and aggregate and cement
method as described is not applicable to in situ type, and have to take these factors into account.
usage. Most commercially available equipment is
calibrated for medium-sized mild steel round bars in
2.1.4 Principal application
ordinary Portland cement concrete.
The principal application is to provide a value of
The range of the equipment is limited according to
dynamic elastic modulus of concrete. The test may
type, but care and experience in interpretation of
also be valuable as a technique for monitoring
data are required in the following cases:
changes of concrete properties as a result of various
influences during laboratory investigations. A a) multiple bars, e.g. laps, transverse steel or
modified form of this test may be adapted for site closely spaced parallel bars;
use. b) light wire mesh, buried nails or other metals
between the reinforcing bars and the surface;
2.2 Electromagnetic cover c) metal tie wires;
measurement d) aggregates with magnetic properties;
NOTE This method is currently described in BS 4408-1, but e) stability of calibration, which may be
will eventually be revised as BS 1881-204.
particularly important in relation to temperature
changes within the magnetic field;
f) stray magnetic fields.
2.2.4 Principal applications
The principal applications are the location of
reinforcement and estimation of cover, orientation
and, in some cases, diameter of reinforcing bars. The
technique is most reliable for lightly reinforced
members, and may be used for the following:
a) quality control checking, to ensure correct
location and cover of reinforcing bars;

© BSI 01-1999 7
BS 1881-201:1986

b) investigation of concrete members for which 2.3.4 Principal applications

records are not available; Experienced investigators have used the method to
c) location of reinforcement as a preliminary to assess or monitor the durability of concrete exposed
some other form of testing in which reinforcement to severe environments. In some circumstances, the
should be avoided, e.g. taking cores, ultrasonic likelihood of corrosion of embedded reinforcement
pulse velocity measurement or near to surface may be predicted by this method where half-cell
methods. potential measurements show that corrosion is
possible (5, 6). Other possible applications of the
2.3 Resistivity measurements method include comparative assessment of moisture
NOTE This method is discussed in references 4, 5 and 6 of conditions and estimation of the thickness of a
Appendix A. concrete pavement slab by varying the electrode
2.3.1 General spacings (7). Resistivity measurements may also be
used to assist the integrity testing of reinforced
The electrolytic resistivity of concrete is known to be concrete piles (8).
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influenced by many factors including moisture, salt

content and temperature, as well as mix proportions 2.4 Half-cell potential measurements
and the water/cement ratio. The presence of
reinforcement may also influence measurements. In NOTE This method is discussed in references 5, 6 and 9 of
Appendix A.
situ measurements may be made using a Wenner
four-probe technique in which four electrodes are 2.4.1 General
placed in a straight line on or just below the concrete The method of half-cell potential measurements
surface at equal spacings. An electrical current is normally involves measuring the potential of an
passed through the outer electrodes while the embedded reinforcing bar relative to a reference
voltage drop between the inner electrodes is half-cell placed on the concrete surface. This is
measured. The apparent resistivity of the concrete usually a copper/copper sulphate or silver/silver
may be calculated from a knowledge of the current, chloride cell but other combinations are used. The
voltage drop and electrode spacing. For practical concrete functions as an electrolyte and the risk of
purposes, the depth of the zone of concrete affecting corrosion of the reinforcement in the immediate
the measurement may be taken as equal to the region of the test location may be related empirically
electrode spacing. to the measured potential difference (5). In some
2.3.2 Advantages circumstances, useful measurements can be
obtained between two half-cells on the concrete
This technique can provide a simple non-destructive surface (6).
indication of the electrical resistivity of the concrete
at the test location. This can be related, principally 2.4.2 Advantages
by experience, to the corrosion hazard of embedded The equipment is simple and enables an almost
reinforcement or other features of the concrete. non-destructive survey to produce isopotential
2.3.3 Limitations contour maps of the surface of a concrete member.
Zones of varying degrees of corrosion risk may be
Correlation of resistivity measurements to identified from these maps.
properties such as mix proportions are at present
only possible under laboratory conditions. The use 2.4.3 Limitations
of in situ measurements for this purpose is hindered This method cannot indicate the actual corrosion
by the sensitivity of readings to the factors outlined rate. It may require a small hole to be drilled to
above. Practical application is thus generally enable electrical contact to be made with the
restricted at present to comparative measurements. reinforcement in the member under examination,
Limited damage to the concrete surface may and surface preparation may also be required. It is
sometimes be necessary. important to recognize that the use and
interpretation of the results obtained from the test
require an experienced operator who will be aware
of other limitations such as the effect of protective or
decorative coatings applied to the concrete.

8 © BSI 01-1999
BS 1881-201:1986

2.4.4 Principal applications 2.6.1 General

This technique is most likely to be used for A narrow beam of gamma rays is directed into the
assessment or monitoring of the durability of concrete and the intensity of radiation emerging is
reinforced concrete members where reinforcement measured by means of either a Geiger counter or a
corrosion is suspected. Reported uses include the scintillation detector. Measurements may be made
location of areas of high reinforcement corrosion either of radiation passing through a body of
risk in marine structures, bridge decks and concrete (direct method) or of radiation reflected
abutments. Used in conjunction with other tests, it back to the same surface by collision with electrons
has been found helpful when investigating concrete within the concrete (backscatter method). In either
contaminated by salts. case, the mass per unit area of the concrete is the
property which has the greatest influence on the
2.5 Radiography attenuation of the beam of rays and hence the
NOTE This method is currently described in BS 4408-3, but measured value of radiation. Steel reinforcement
has about three times the effect of normal concrete
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

will eventually be revised as BS 1881-205.

2.5.1 General and its presence will thus influence measured
Radiography provides a method of obtaining a
photograph of the interior of a concrete member 2.6.2 Advantages
from which variations of density may be identified. This method provides a truly non-destructive
This is produced on a suitable film held against the method of assessing in situ density. The direct
rear face of the concrete, while a beam of gamma method permits examination of the interior of a
rays or high-energy X-rays is directed at the front concrete member. Portable equipment, which can
face. The presence of high density materials, such as provide either backscatter or direct readings and
reinforcement, or low density areas caused by voids incorporates a microprocessor to compute results, is
will produce light and dark areas on the film. commercially available.
2.5.2 Advantages 2.6.3 Limitations
This non-destructive method is the most direct Direct methods across the full thickness of a
means of providing pictorial evidence of the interior concrete element require extensive precautions,
of a body of concrete. skilled personnel and highly specialized equipment.
2.5.3 Limitations Calibration may be obtained by cutting cores in the
path of radiation after test and using these as
This technique requires extensive safety samples for physical density measurement.
precautions and utilizes highly specialized Otherwise, results are restricted to comparative
equipment. It is therefore essential that this type of use. Concrete up to at least 1.2 m thick can be
work is only performed by radiographers with tested. For larger bodies of concrete or ground
experience of working with concrete. Gamma ray supported slabs, it may be necessary to lower the
sources may be used for member thicknesses of up source and/or detector into pre-drilled or formed
to 500 mm; high-energy X-rays are more suitable for holes.
greater thicknesses up to 1.6 m.
Direct readings may only be made at depths of up
2.5.4 Principal applications to 300 mm below the surface using the
The principal applications are as follows. commercially available portable equipment, while
a) The method is particularly valuable for backscatter results relate to a surface zone
locating areas of variable compaction or of voids approximately 100 mm thick. Although equipment
in the concrete, or in the grouting of of this type is calibrated, difficulties may be caused
post-tensioned constructions. by the lack of uniformity of the radiation absorption
characteristics of concrete or density gradients near
b) The general location of reinforcing bars can be the surface. Backscatter results will generally be
determined. In favourable conditions, the more variable than direct measurements (10).
location and sizing of reinforcing bars may be
determined fairly precisely by photogrammetric 2.6.4 Principal applications
analysis of the radiograph. The accuracy of The principal applications are as follows.
measurements declines in adverse radiographic a) Measurements of density where large numbers
conditions. of repetitive measurements are required, e.g. for
specialized in situ locations such as cement
2.6 Radiometry bound road bases or for quality control of precast
NOTE This method is discussed in references 3 and 10 of units.
Appendix A.

© BSI 01-1999 9
BS 1881-201:1986

b) The direct method may be used to detect The equipment consists of a cap which is clamped
member thickness or reinforcement in addition to and sealed to the concrete surface, with an inlet
density measurements. connected to a reservoir and an outlet connected to
c) The backscatter method may be used to a horizontal calibrated capillary tube and scale.
measure the density of the surface zone. Measurements are made of the movement of the
water in the capillary tube over a fixed period of
2.7 Neutron moisture measurement time following closure of a tap between the cap and
the reservoir.
NOTE This method is discussed in reference 3 of Appendix A.
The absorption of water by a dry surface is initially
2.7.1 General
high but decreases as the water-filled length of
The energy of fast or high-energy neutrons is capillaries increases, thus measurements have to be
rapidly reduced by the presence of elements of low taken at specified time intervals from the start of
atomic weight. The resulting slow or low-energy the test.
neutrons may be counted by a detector designed for
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

2.8.2 Advantages
this purpose. Few elements of low atomic mass are
found in concrete other than hydrogen contained in This method provides a practical non-destructive
water, and the counts may be used to provide an method of in situ measurement of the rate of water
indication of moisture content. penetration of a concrete surface. It may be used on
exposed aggregate or profiled surfaces provided a
Measurements may either be made of the scattered
water-tight seal is obtained.
neutrons reflected back to the same surface as the
source (the backscatter technique) or a direct 2.8.3 Limitations
transmission value may be obtained by lowering the It is essential to provide a water-tight seal between
source into a pre-drilled hole. Best results are the cap and the concrete surface and difficulties are
obtained using the direct technique when the likely to be encountered. Sometimes it will be
moisture content is high. necessary to drill the surface for fixings.
2.7.2 Advantages Results are affected by variations in moisture
Portable equipment, which can provide either content of the concrete, and samples for laboratory
backscatter or direct readings and incorporates a testing should preferably be oven dry or at least
microprocessor to compute results, is commercially have been in a dry atmosphere for 48 h. It is
available. This provides a truly non-destructive virtually impossible to achieve comparable
assessment of in situ moisture content when using conditions with in situ concrete and this will reduce
the backscatter method. the reliability of quantitative results in this
application. In these circumstances, use will be
2.7.3 Limitations restricted to comparative measurements. The
The results will only relate to a surface zone of the standardized pressure used in the test, created by
concrete a few millimetres deep when using the the 200 mm head of water, is low and although
backscatter method. Direct measurements may be results may be related to surface weather exposure
made at depths of up to 300 mm using the they are of little relevance to behaviour under
equipment currently available. Calibration of the higher water pressures.
instrument may not be straightforward and in situ The internal permeability characteristics of a body
measurements may be influenced by moisture of concrete cannot be assessed by this method.
gradients near to the surface and the presence of
other neutron absorbers. The accuracy of the 2.8.4 Principal application
method is poor for concrete of low moisture content. The most reliable application is as a quality control
2.7.4 Principal application test for precast units which can be tested when dry.
The test has been shown to be sensitive to changes
The principal application is the estimation of the in quality and weathering performance, and thus
moisture content of the surface zone. may also be used comparatively on in situ concrete
for the purposes of quality control and assessment of
2.8 Initial surface absorption potential durability.
NOTE This method is currently described in BS 1881-5, but
will eventually be revised as BS 1881-208. 2.9 Surface permeability
2.8.1 General NOTE These methods are discussed in references 11, 12 and 13
Initial surface absorption involves measurement of of Appendix A.
the rate of flow of water per unit area into a concrete
surface subjected to a constant applied head.

10 © BSI 01-1999
BS 1881-201:1986

2.9.1 General Maturity measurements may be related to strength

Several methods are available, or under development for a particular concrete mix and are
development, which permit an assessment of the especially valuable when combined with other
permeability of concrete in the surface zone to non-destructive methods for monitoring strength
water, air, carbon dioxide or other gases under development.
pressure. These techniques, which vary in detail, all 2.10.2 Advantages
require a hole to be drilled into the surface of the The measurement of maturity is a simple
concrete. non-destructive technique which takes account of
2.9.2 Advantages the temperature history within the concrete during
These methods provide practical ways of assessing hydration. This is particularly valuable for
the permeability of surface zone concrete under in construction during adverse weather conditions
situ conditions. Information of this type may be when a knowledge of strength development is
particularly valuable as an indicator of potential important.
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

durability. 2.10.3 Limitations

2.9.3 Limitations Measurements relate only to the individual test
Some surface damage will be caused by these points, and for a major pour it will thus be necessary
methods. The results will relate only to the to take measurements at several points
particular test points and it will generally be simultaneously to account for variations within the
necessary to perform tests at a number of points to concrete. This can involve considerable expense if
obtain a representative value for each location. used on a regular basis.
Although use of tests of this type is increasing, Correlations between maturity and strength will
experience in the interpretation of site results is still only apply to the particular mix and circumstances
limited. for which they have been developed.
The internal permeability characteristics of a body 2.10.4 Principal application
of concrete cannot be assessed by these methods. The principal application is the monitoring of in situ
2.9.4 Principal application strength development in relation to stripping of
The main application is the assessment of the formwork, removal of props or the application of
permeability of surface zone concrete in relation to load.
durability surveys.
2.11 Thermography
2.10 Maturity measurements NOTE This method is discussed in references 16 and 17 of
Appendix A.
NOTE This method is discussed in references 14 and 15 of
Appendix A. 2.11.1 General
2.10.1 General Thermography involves the recording of surface
Maturity is an arbitrary parameter based on temperature differentials on a concrete member
measurements of the internal temperature of a body undergoing heating or cooling. Hidden features,
of concrete throughout the setting, hardening and including voids or cracks, will influence the local
subsequent strength development stages. rate of heating or cooling and may be detected by
examination of temperature contour plots. Infra-red
Equipment for these measurements may be measurement techniques are necessary to detect
constructed in many forms. Two commercially and record the temperature differentials involved,
available types are: which are very small. The following alternative
a) disposable maturity meters, which are based types of equipment are available:
on a temperature-dependent chemical reaction a) a quantitative temperature measuring gun,
and are embedded in the concrete surface at the which will yield a digital reading of the surface
time of casting; temperature at the point at which it is aimed;
b) electrically-operated integrating maturity b) a qualitative thermal imager, which will
meters, consisting of a microprocessor coupled to indicate relative temperature differentials within
a reusable temperature sensor inserted into a the field of view; the image may be recorded
metal tube which is cast into the concrete. photographically;
c) a scanner and cathode-ray monitor, which will
produce a colour display of calibrated isotherms
which may be video-recorded or photographed.

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BS 1881-201:1986

Experience suggests that observations are best 2.12.3 Limitations

made during cooling, for example in the afternoon Many factors contribute to the characteristics of the
when the surface has been exposed to sunlight. results, which require skilled specialist
2.11.2 Advantages interpretation. The resolution that can be obtained
This method is non-destructive, non-contacting, will depend upon the frequency used, which will in
requires only one exposed surface and does not turn influence the depth of penetration possible.
require the safety precautions necessary for Where high speed testing of large areas is involved,
radiography. Thermography may be carried out as in highway surveys, data handling and
with the apparatus near to, or at a considerable presentation may present particular problems.
distance from, the concrete surface. Applications of this technique to concrete are at an
early stage, and available data and experience are
2.11.3 Limitations limited.
For large-scale structural surveys, it may be 2.12.4 Principal applications
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

necessary to use the relatively expensive scanner in

conjunction with a cathode ray tube. Precautions The principal areas of application are likely to be the
have to be taken to avoid interference from identification and location of voids, cracks,
extraneous heat sources. Experience of the use of delamination, and reinforcing bars. The thickness of
these techniques for inspection of concrete is slabs and location of voids beneath ground slabs can
limited. also be determined (17).
2.11.4 Principal applications 2.13 Ultrasonic pulse velocity
The principal reported applications are from North measurement
America, where the technique has been used for the NOTE This method is currently described in BS 4408-5, but
detection of delamination within reinforced concrete will eventually be revised as BS 1881-203.
bridge decks. The method has also been used 2.13.1 General
successfully for the location of ingress of moisture
and of reinforcement (18), ducts, voids or similar Ultrasonic pulse velocity equipment measures the
features within concrete walls or slabs, although transit time of a pulse between transducers placed
published information is limited. on the surface of a body of concrete. The pulse
velocity can then be calculated using the measured
2.12 Radar path length through the concrete.
NOTE This method is discussed in reference 19 of Appendix A. The pulse velocity depends upon the dynamic
Young’s modulus, dynamic Poisson’s ratio and
2.12.1 General
density of the medium.
A surface-penetrating radar system may be used to
2.13.2 Advantages
examine the reflections of short duration pulses
from interfaces between materials with different The principal advantages of ultrasonic pulse
dielectric constants lying below the surface. velocity measurement are that it is totally
Reinforcing bars, voids, ducts and similar features non-destructive, quick to use and reflects the
may be identified and the thickness of slabs may properties of the interior of a body of concrete. It is
also be determined. The equipment, which consists particularly valuable in circumstances where a
of transmitting and receiving antennae together considerable number of readings is required for the
with a control unit and recorder, is available assessment of uniformity of hardened concrete.
commercially. 2.13.3 Limitations
2.12.2 Advantages Although non-destructive, it is essential not to
This method, which is non-destructive and may be overlook surface staining from the use of some
non-contacting, provides a rapid method of locating couplants. The pulse velocities for most practical
and recording features lying below the surface of a concrete mixes lie within a narrow range and it is
concrete element. therefore necessary to measure both the transit
time and path length to an accuracy of the order
of ± 1 % if the results are to be of greatest value.

12 © BSI 01-1999
BS 1881-201:1986

Measured values may be affected by surface texture, NOTE Although this method of test may be used on both in
moisture content, temperature, specimen size, situ concrete and laboratory specimens, for purely laboratory
investigations resonance tests may be more suitable owing to
reinforcement and stress. Correlations with their greater sensitivity. One test of this type is outlined
strength are difficult to make and will be influenced in 2.1.
considerably by the types and proportions of mix f) Estimation of layer thickness, which may be
constituents and maturity. For comparative possible where there is a surface layer of inferior
surveys, readings may be made with both quality to the body of the concrete due to
transducers placed on the same surface but when it construction, weathering or other damage such
is necessary to measure pulse velocity accurately, as fire.
e.g. for strength estimation, it will be necessary to
place the transducers on opposite faces of the 2.14 Dynamic response techniques
concrete element.
NOTE Some of these methods are discussed in reference 20 of
2.13.4 Principal applications Appendix A.
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

The principal applications are as follows. 2.14.1 General

a) Determination of concrete uniformity, which is Several techniques are available that measure the
most reliably achieved by taking measurements response of a structural member to an imposed
on a regular grid on a member, or at comparable dynamic load. They may be used to deduce stiffness
locations on similar members. and other structural properties. A wide range of
b) Detection of cracking and honeycombing, methods may be applied to entire structures or
which will increase the effective path length individual members of a structure, but the approach
resulting in a higher measured transit time. If is most fully developed for integrity testing of piles.
such defects lie between the transducers, a higher Applications to other types of structural member are
measured transit time will not necessarily occur under development.
if the crack or voids are water filled or bridged by Techniques for pile testing include single blow and
reinforcement. The depth of surface cracks may continuous vibration methods (20). The simplest
be estimated by placing transducers on either and most widely used of these is the pulse echo
side. Honeycombing or voids may be identified by method in which the reflected shock waves,
taking a series of measurements through a resulting from a single hammer blow, are monitored
member on a regular grid. The minimum size of by a hand-held accelerometer coupled to a signal
detectable defect depends upon the transducer processor. The wave form is then generally
size and the distance between them. displayed visually.
c) In situ strength estimations, which are 2.14.2 Advantages
unlikely to have 95 % confidence limits of better These methods are fast to use and non-destructive.
than ± 7 MPa2) given ideal testing conditions and A wide range of specialist equipment is
a specifically prepared calibration chart for the commercially available, which is especially suitable
concrete mix in use. It may be possible to improve for testing of piles.
this value if the density is known, or by
combination with measured rebound numbers. 2.14.3 Limitations
d) Strength development monitoring, which is The equipment is often very specialized in nature
possible if appropriate calibration charts can be and expensive, and considerable skill and
obtained. Where results can be compared with experience are necessary for the interpretation of
predetermined limits for acceptance, the method results. Tests on piles cannot directly assess the
may be used for quality control, formwork cross-sectional area or bearing capacity, and limited
removal, stressing operations, etc. preparation of the pile head may sometimes be
e) Assessment of concrete deterioration, using a
general comparative survey to locate suspect 2.14.4 Principal applications
areas. Techniques are also available to estimate The principal applications are as follows:
the depth of surface fire damage or chemical
a) assessment of structural integrity and
attack. Long term performance of concrete may
remaining service life;
also be monitored by conducting repetitive tests
at a location. b) fault finding;
c) assessment of the need for and effectiveness of

2) 1 MPa = 106 N/m2 = 10 bar.

© BSI 01-1999 13
BS 1881-201:1986

d) identification of defects, varying support c) In situ strength estimations, which are

conditions and lengths of piles. unlikely to have 95 % confidence limits of better
than ± 7 MPa given ideal testing conditions and a
2.15 Surface hardness specifically prepared calibration chart for the
NOTE This method is published as BS 1881-202 (previously concrete mix in use.
described in BS 4408-4). d) Assessment of abrasion resistance of concrete
2.15.1 General floor slabs, which may be correlated with rebound
The surface hardness test is based on the principle
that the rebound of an elastic mass depends upon This test is often combined with ultrasonic pulse
the hardness of the surface which it strikes. A velocity testing (see 3.4 and 3.5).
number of different handheld spring-loaded steel
rebound hammers are available to suit a variety of 2.16 Screed test
concrete types. The results are expressed in terms of NOTE This method is discussed in references 21 and 22 of
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

the rebound number which is affected by conditions Appendix A.

near to the surface. The test is particularly suited to 2.16.1 General
comparative surveys but the results may also be
Measurement of the surface indentation caused by a
correlated with other properties of the concrete. In
defined number of repeated controlled hammer
this case a specific calibration for the type of
blows at a point on a sand/cement screed may be
concrete under investigation should be established
empirically related to the soundness of the screed.
as the use of universal calibrations can give
Equipment is available in which a mass of 4 kg is
seriously erroneous results.
dropped 1 m down a vertical rod onto a foot which
2.15.2 Advantages impacts the surface over a 500 mm2 area. The
The principal advantages of surface hardness tests indentation caused by a specified number of blows
are the speed and low cost of testing. may be measured with a simple dial gauge device.
This test has been specifically developed as a
2.15.3 Limitations
performance test for assessing the soundness of
Results relate only to a surface zone of up to 30 mm sand/cement floor screeds, soundness being used to
depth and may be greatly affected by localized describe that property required of a screed to
hardening due to carbonation when the concrete is withstand the imposed loads and traffic in service.
more than 3 months old. Although tests are easy to
2.16.2 Advantages
carry out, the results are influenced by many factors
including surface texture, moisture conditions of the This method provides a simple and quick approach
surface, cement type, mix characteristics and type which involves self-contained hand-held equipment.
and rigidity of the structure. Concrete made with The damage to sound screeds is very small.
high alumina cement develops a surface layer 2.16.3 Limitations
considerably stronger than the underlying material,
This test is not suitable for use on concrete.
so results can be misleading. Minor surface
Experience is restricted to sand/cement mortar
indentations may be caused, particularly with
screeds. On sound screeds, minor surface
young or weak concrete.
indentations up to 5 mm may be caused. The test
2.15.4 Principal applications cannot be used if the screed is laid over a weak or
The principal applications are as follows. soft insulating layer,and the test area has to be flat
a) Determination of concrete uniformity, which is and free from all loose dirt and grit. The screed
most reliably achieved by taking measurements should normally be at least 14 days old, and
measured indentations have to be related to
on a regular grid on a member, or at comparable
predetermined acceptability limits (22). The
locations on similar members.
interpretation of results requires experience and
b) Strength development monitoring, which is common sense.
possible if appropriate calibration charts can be
obtained. Where results can be compared with 2.16.4 Principal application
predetermined limits for acceptance, the method The principal application is the assessment of
may be used for quality control, formwork durability and quality of floor screeds.
removal, etc.
2.17 Internal fracture
NOTE This method is discussed in reference 23 of Appendix A
and will eventually be published in BS 1881-207.

14 © BSI 01-1999
BS 1881-201:1986

2.17.1 General c) Quality control or strength monitoring

A 6 mm diameter expanding wedge anchor bolt is purposes, which are possible if a suitable
fixed into a drilled hole in the concrete surface and calibration chart is available.
the peak force is recorded when this bolt is pulled
against a reaction tripod on the surface. The force 2.18 Pull-out test
may be calibrated against compressive strength for NOTE This method is discussed in references 26 and 27 of
the particular load application technique employed, Appendix A and will eventually be published in BS 1881-207.
since failure is initiated by a combination of tensile 2.18.1 General
and shear stresses for the standardized Pull-out tests involve measurement of the force
configuration of bolt depth and reaction tripod required to pull a metal insert from within the
dimensions. concrete against a reaction ring. The shape and
The most common technique for loading involves the location of the insert and the reaction ring are
use of a torquemeter on a greased nut bearing on the designed and standardized to give a force which can
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

reaction tripod through a washer, but the twisting be related to the compressive strength of the
applied to the bolt increases the scatter of results concrete. This calibration is relatively independent
compared with hydraulic or mechanical direct-pull of mix characteristics for natural aggregates up
methods (24, 25). to 38 mm maximum size.
2.17.2 Advantages The insert may be cast in the concrete or may be
This strength determination method is simple and positioned in an underreamed groove from a drilled
cheap, requires only one exposed surface and is hole. Load is applied at a steady predetermined rate
suitable for slender members. Strength calibrations by hand-operated hydraulic equipment on to a
are effectively independent of water/cement ratio, removable bolt which is connected to the insert. The
cement type and curing. peak value obtained is known as the pull force and
may be correlated against compressive strength. If
2.17.3 Limitations the load is reduced at this stage, surface damage is
The test depth is small (about 17 mm) and test small and the bolt can be removed, but if loading is
variability is very high, especially using the continued, a cone of concrete will be pulled from the
torquemeter loading method. The maximum surface. Experience of these methods in the UK is
acceptable aggregate size is 20 mm and an average limited but they are in increasing use in
of six readings is required at any location. The Scandinavia and North America.
loading rate and method are critical in relation to 2.18.2 Advantages
strength calibrations, and the 95 % confidence
limits are unlikely to be closer to the mean This method is quick and requires only one exposed
than ± 28 % using a torquemeter. Testing technique surface. Cast-in inserts may be fixed to soffit or side
and aggregate type influence the correlation with forms or on the top surface, and tests may be made
compressive strength, and specific calibrations are through cut-outs in forms if required.
recommended if reliance is to be placed on strength 2.18.3 Limitations
estimates. The depth of test is small (25 mm) and the scatter of
Surface damage may be limited to the drill holes if individual results is high, requiring an average of
the test is stopped when the peak force is reached, six readings to be used. Estimated compressive
but there remains the possibility that further strengths are unlikely to have 95 % confidence
surface damage may be caused by frost attack. If the limits of better than ± 20 % of the mean when a
bolt is pulled out of the concrete a crater general calibration is used or ± 10 % when a
approximately 80 mm in diameter will be formed. specially prepared calibration for the aggregate type
2.17.4 Principal applications in use is available. A minimum edge distance
of 100 mm is required and reinforcement has to be
The principal applications are as follows. avoided. Although testing is quick and the
a) Strength estimation of in situ concrete in equipment simple to use, either pre-planning is
situations where other methods are not required or drilling and underreaming are
practicable. This is particularly likely in the case necessary. This operation is basically
of slender members or for concrete where specific straightforward but may present some practical
calibrations for other methods are impossible to difficulties in situ, involving the use of a hand-held
obtain because of the large number of variables electric core cutter with water supply. The extent of
involved. surface damage will depend upon the test
b) Comparative surveys of in situ concrete. procedures adopted.

© BSI 01-1999 15
BS 1881-201:1986

2.18.4 Principal applications 2.19.3 Limitations

Cast-in inserts are most likely to be used for quality Considerable care has to be given to surface
control or strength monitoring purposes, especially preparation prior to fixing the steel disc. Sufficient
related to acceptance, formwork stripping, time has to be allowed to enable the resin adhesive
post-tensioning or termination of winter curing or to cure prior to load application. Results may be
protection. Values of pull force should be compared correlated to strength properties measured on
with previously established limiting values for the standard specimens. Correlation with compressive
particular circumstances. In some circumstances, it strength is likely, however, to be influenced by
may be appropriate to apply proof loads to such aggregate type and it will probably be necessary to
inserts. derive a calibration with strength for a particular
Inserts fixed into drilled holes may be used for the type of concrete to be investigated.
following: Laboratory tests on concrete cubes indicate that an
a) comparative surveys of in situ concrete; accuracy of strength prediction, based on the mean
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

of three readings, of ± 15 % is possible. However,

b) in situ strength estimation based on an
there is insufficient evidence available to enable
appropriate calibration.
detailed guidance to be given on the accuracy of the
method under site conditions, although a greater
2.19 Pull-off test variability is to be expected.
NOTE 1 This method is discussed in references 28 and 29 of
Appendix A and will eventually be published in BS 1881-207.
Localized surface damage will be caused, and test
results are limited to the surface zone of the
2.19.1 General concrete with fracture occurring
The pull-off test is a near-to-surface method in approximately 5 mm below the surface unless
which a circular steel disc is glued to the surface of partial coring is used.
the concrete with an epoxy or polyester resin. The 2.19.4 Principal applications
force required to pull this from the surface, together
with an attached layer of concrete, is measured. The principal applications are quality control, long
Simple mechanical hand-operated loading term monitoring and in situ strength assessment
equipment has been developed for this purpose. (particularly of high alumina cement concrete and
Partial coring may be used, if necessary, to carbonated concrete made with ordinary Portland
eliminate surface skin effects. cement using partial coring). These all require a
NOTE 2 Attention is drawn to the fact that it is claimed that
suitable correlation to be available. In some
the pull-off test is the subject of British Patent No. 1549842, circumstances proof loads may be applied to a series
copies of which can be obtained from the Patent Office, 25 of permanent probes. The method also provides a
Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AY. BSI takes no useful means of testing repairs to concrete surfaces.
position as to the validity of the patent or whether it is still in
force. The patent is endorsed “licences of right” under Section 46
of the Patents Act 1977, which states: 2.20 Break-off test
“3) Where such an entry is made in respect of a patent — NOTE This method is discussed in references 30 and 31 of
a) any person shall, at any time after the entry is made, be Appendix A and will eventually be published in BS 1881-207.
entitled as of right to a licence under the patent on such terms
as may be settled by agreement or, in default of agreement, by 2.20.1 General
the Comptroller on the application of the proprietor of the
patent or the person requiring the licence”. The break-off test has been developed in
Licence details may be obtained from the registered proprietor of Scandinavia and determines directly the flexural
the patent. tensile strength in a plane parallel to the concrete
2.19.2 Advantages surface at a specified distance below the surface.
This method directly measures a strength-related A 55 mm diameter core is effectively formed within
property, requires only one exposed surface and is the concrete to a depth of 70 mm either by means of
suitable for use on small-section members. a disposable tubular form, which is cast into the
concrete and then removed, or by cutting. An
enlarged slot is formed near to the surface into
which a hydraulically-operated jack with a load cell
is inserted to provide a transverse force to the top of
the core. Measured values may be correlated to
strength tests on standard laboratory specimens;
the most reliable relationship is with flexural tests
on prisms.

16 © BSI 01-1999
BS 1881-201:1986

2.20.2 Advantages 2.21.3 Limitations

This method directly measures a strength-related Damage in the form of cracking may be caused to
property and requires only one exposed surface. It is slender members, and a minimum edge distance
claimed to be especially suitable for young concretes and member thickness of 150 mm are required.
and is quicker than conventional core testing. Reinforcement has to be avoided and simple safety
2.20.3 Limitations precautions are necessary. Calibration for the
aggregate in use is essential if results are to be used
This method will leave a sizable damage zone and to assess compressive strength, and estimated
will either require pre-planning or the use of values are unlikely to have 95 % confidence limits of
core-cutting equipment. The test variability is high better than ± 20 %.
and it is recommended that the mean of five tests
After measurement, the probe may be pulled from
should be used to represent the concrete at a given
location. Insufficient evidence is available to permit the surface leaving a conical surface damage zone
guidance to be given on the accuracy of in situ approximately 75 mm in diameter.
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

strength estimates obtained by this method. 2.21.4 Principal applications

2.20.4 Principal applications The principal applications are as follows:
Principal applications are likely to be situations in a) comparative strength estimation in situations
which the tensile strength of the concrete is of where truly non-destructive methods are
importance, as follows: unsuitable or impracticable;
a) quality control of concrete pavements where b) quality control or strength development
results can be compared with predetermined monitoring, where results can be compared with
limits for acceptance; predetermined limits for acceptance, formwork
b) in situ strength assessment in situations removal, etc.;
where a suitable correlation is available. c) strength estimation of in situ concrete in cases
where an appropriate calibration is available.
2.21 Penetration resistance
NOTE This method is discussed in references 3, 25 and 32 of
2.22 Depth of carbonation
Appendix A and will eventually be published in BS 1881-207. NOTE This method is discussed in reference 33 of Appendix A.
2.21.1 General 2.22.1 General
Penetration resistance involves firing a steel bolt Carbonation of surface zone concrete will be
(probe) into the surface of the concrete. accompanied by a loss of alkalinity of the concrete
A standardized charge is used and the depth of affected. This may be detected by the use of a
penetration is measured. This may be calibrated suitable indicator, e.g. phenolphthalein, which can
against compressive strength, with the relationship be sprayed on to a freshly exposed cut or broken
principally affected by aggregate characteristics. surface of the concrete.
Two power levels are available according to the 2.22.2 Advantages
concrete strength and the mean of three individual
test results is normally required at any location. This method is quick and simple and gives an
immediate visual indication.
2.21.2 Advantages
2.22.3 Limitations
This strength determination method is quick and
relatively insensitive to operator techniques and A suitable surface has to be provided by cutting or
factors such as moisture content, cement type and breaking and testing immediately. This procedure
curing. This may be particularly valuable in will cause localized surface damage. This method
situations where access is poor. The method may be provides only an indication of the extent of
used with up to 50 mm aggregate size and with carbonation.
rough or lightly textured surfaces or through timber 2.22.4 Principal applications
forms. The test depth is uncertain but results are
A knowledge of the depth of carbonation combined
likely to represent concrete between 25 mm with the age of the concrete may be useful when
to 75 mm from the surface. assessing potential durability and the likelihood of
corrosion of reinforcement. This test may also be
useful in conjunction with some of the
near-to-surface test methods to ensure that the
depth of carbonation is insufficient to influence

© BSI 01-1999 17
BS 1881-201:1986

2.23 Acoustic emission 2.23.4 Principal application

NOTE This method is discussed in references 3 and 34 of The principal application is likely to be monitoring
Appendix A. of the initiation, origin and development of internal
2.23.1 General cracking and local breakdown during load testing,
and to provide a warning of impending failure.
This method involves the detection of small
amplitude elastic stress waves which are
propagated throughout a material as localized
2.24 Strain measurements
crushing or microcracking occurs under load. This NOTE This method is currently described in BS 4408-2, but
will eventually be revised as BS 1881-206.
emission is generally not in the audible range and
may be monitored by transducers positioned on the 2.24.1 General
concrete surface and connected to electronic Useful deductions concerning the suitability of
processing and recording equipment. As the load concrete elements can be made by measuring strain.
level on a concrete element increases, both the Strain gauges can measure strain, or apparent
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

emission rate and signal level increase steadily. A strain, caused by crack propagation, thermal
rapid increase in both parameters precedes failure. changes, etc. They use one or more of the following
2.23.2 Advantages to amplify and display the movement:
Crack initiation and propagation can be monitored a) levers;
non-destructively during a period of increasing b) optics;
stress within a concrete element. It may also be c) electrical resistance;
possible to identify the location of crack initiation
d) frequency of vibration;
and propagation by the use of multiple detectors.
e) other means.
2.23.3 Limitations
2.24.2 Advantages
Concrete may recover some aspects of its
pre-cracking internal structure, and reloading over The movement of structures can be monitored over
a particular stress range may again generate long periods. The relationship between design
emissions. Consequently, it is not always possible to parameters and the performance of the finished
establish a history of past stress levels, contrary to structure can be checked.
the behaviour of many other materials. 2.24.3 Limitations
This method would not normally be used for either The attachment and reading of many of these
individual or comparative measurements under devices require skill. Not all strain gauges are
static load conditions. suitable for use with concrete.
The propagation of acoustic waves in concrete is 2.24.4 Principal applications
limited to low ultrasonic frequencies where the
noise background is often high. The method is not, Principal applications include the following;
therefore, suitable for use on most building sites nor a) monitoring of movements in structures at all
for the precise location of propagation cracks even in ages;
quiet areas. b) assessing elasticity of structural members;
Specialist equipment is required, and applications c) research work and model testing;
of the technique to concrete outside of the laboratory
d) load testing.
have not yet been fully developed.

18 © BSI 01-1999
Section 3 BS 1881-201:1986

Section 3. Combinations of methods

3.1 General 3.4 Increasing the confidence level of

Situations in which it may be worthwhile to use test results
combinations of test methods are outlined As a general rule, the cheapest and quickest
in The most suitable methods will vary suitable test methods will have been chosen. The
according to the circumstances but the following observed patterns of variation of quality may be
suggestions may be considered as typical. confirmed by the use of additional methods. For
example, on recently cast concrete the use of
3.2 Electromagnetic cover rebound hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity may
measurement or radiography to locate be the most appropriate combination. In other
reinforcement circumstances it may be necessary to combine one or
the other of these with near-to-surface testing or
Electromagnetic cover measuring devices will
radiometry. The patterns of results obtained should
frequently be valuable in conjunction with the
be compared directly, and results should not be
near-to-surface test methods to ensure that
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

converted to some other property before comparison.

reinforcement is avoided at test locations. The
Confidence will be much increased if similar
limited depth range of such equipment will not patterns emerge.
normally be a problem in this situation. This
approach may similarly be valuable in relation to In situations where the volume of concrete is
core drilling and ultrasonic pulse velocity relatively small, and where a specific property,
measurements. e.g. strength, is of primary interest, it may be
worthwhile to compare two or more estimates of
If the reinforcement is embedded at a depth beyond
that property using different methods.
the range of this equipment, it may be necessary to
use radiography to provide an indication of location, 3.5 Improvement of calibration
but this is only likely to be justified in particularly
critical situations.
In some cases where the correlation between
3.3 Non-destructive methods as measured values and required property is sensitive
preliminary to partially-destructive to a number of variables, it may be possible to
methods achieve an improved accuracy of estimated property
by mathematical combination of results.
It may often be worthwhile to perform an extensive
The accuracy of strength prediction from ultrasonic
survey quickly and cheaply with a rebound hammer
pulse velocity may be improved by combination with
or ultrasonic pulse velocity equipment prior to the
values of density (36) obtained from the same
use of other methods involving greater expense or
specimens or sections, provided sufficiently
damage but which give a more reliable indication of
the required property of the concrete. This approach accurate measurements can be made. Ideally, a
will enable suspect zones to be identified and can velocity/strength relationship should be derived for
each value of density, However, rebound hammer
provide a calibration datum, thereby reducing the
readings, which are surface-density related, have
time and cost of examining a large body of concrete.
most often been used in combination with ultrasonic
The choice of a preliminary method has to be
pulse velocity measurements.
determined, taking account of the practical
circumstances and the limitations of the test In cases where strength calibrations are available
methods, and may also include radiography, for both methods relating to the concrete in use,
radiometry or thermography. The subsequent multiple regression equations can be developed with
testing will depend largely upon the property compressive strength as the dependent
required but may include core cutting, pull-out, variable (37, 38). This is likely to be of particular
internal fracture, break-off or penetration value for quality control applications. Correlation
resistance, where strength is important. When in graphs may also be produced involving coefficients
situ strength development is to be monitored, relating to various properties (39).
maturity measurements may provide useful
preliminary data prior to confirmation by more
disruptive strength assessment tests, such as
pull-outs (15, 35).

© BSI 01-1999 19
BS 1881-201:1986

3.6 Half-cell potential and resistivity

tests to indicate likelihood of
reinforcement corrosion
Half-cell potential surveys will usually indicate the
level of possibility of the occurrence of reinforcement
corrosion as a result of electrochemical action.
Subsequent resistivity measurements in zones
which are demonstrated to be at risk may
sometimes indicate the likelihood of corrosion
actually occurring. While combination of these
methods cannot positively confirm that corrosion
has occurred or is occurring, or assess the extent of
any corrosion, they represent the most effective
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non-destructive approach currently

available (6, 40). Other tests of a chemical nature
are available for the concrete, e.g. chloride content
analysis and carbonation depth, while steel
monitoring tests, e.g. electrical resistance probes
and linear polarization probes, may have to be
incorporated at the time of construction (5). Tests of
this type may be valuable in conjunction with
half-cell potential and resistivity measurements,
but are outside the scope of this standard.

20 © BSI 01-1999
BS 1881-201:1986

Appendix A Bibliography
1. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. Air void content in hardened concrete, ASTM
C457, 1980.
2. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. Petrographic examination of hardened
concrete, ASTM C856, 1977.
3. BUNGEY, J.H. The testing of concrete in structures, 1982.
4. McCARTER, W.J., FORDE, M.C. & WHITTINGTON, H.W. Resistivity characteristics of concrete. Proc.
I.C.E., Part 2, 1981, 71, 107–117.
5. VASSIE, P.R. A survey of site tests for the assessment of corrosion in reinforced concrete. Transport &
Road Res. Lab., Lab. Rep. 953, 1980.
6. FIGG, J.W. & MARSDEN, A.F. Development of inspection techniques – a state-of-the-art survey of
electrical potential and resistivity measurements for use above water level. In: CIRIA, Concrete in the
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

Oceans, Phase II, Technical Note P6d, Final Report, 99, 1983.
7. MALHOTRA, V.M. Testing hardened concrete – non-destructive methods. ACI Monograph No. 9, 1976.
8. McCARTER, W.J., WHITTINGTON, H.W. & FORDE, M.C. An experimental investigation of the earth
resistance response of reinforced concrete piles. Proc. I.C.E., Part 2, 1981,71, 1101–1129.
9. AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS. Standard test method for half-cell potentials
of reinforcing steel in concrete, ASTM C876, 1980.
10. SHERWOOD, P.T. & CLARK, A.J. The measurement of the in situ density of cement bound
materials.Transport & Road Res. Lab., Lab. Rep. 1109, 1984.
11. FIGG, J.W. Methods of measuring the air and water permeability of concrete. Mag. of Concrete
Res.,1973, 25, No. 85, 213–219.
12. CATHER, R., FIGG, J.W., MARSDEN, A.F. & O’BRIEN, T.P. Improvements to the Figg method of
determining the air permeability of concrete. Mag. of Concrete Res., 1984, 36, No. 129, 241–245.
13. HANSEN, A.J., OTTOSEN, N.S. & PETERSEN, C.G. Gas permeability of concrete in situ: theory and
practice. In: ACI In situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 543–556, 1984.
14. NAIK, T.R. Concrete strength prediction by the maturity method. Proc. ASCE, 1980, 106,
EM3, 465–480.
15. PETERSEN, C.G. & HANSEN, A.J. Timing of loading determined by pull-out and maturity tests.
In: Proc. Int. Conf. on concrete at early ages, RILEM, 1982,1, 173–175.
16. MANNING, D.G. & HOLT, F.B. Detecting delamination in concrete bridge decks. Concrete
International, 1980, 2, No. 11, 34–41.
17. GODFREY, J.R. New tools help find flaws. Civil Engineering, 1984, 54, No. 9, 39–42.
18. HILLEMEIER, B. & MÜLLER-RUN, U.Bewehrungssuche mit der thermographie. Beton und
Stahlbeton, 1980, 75, No. 4, 83–85.
19. CANTOR, T.R. Review of penetrating radar as applied to the non-destructive testing of concrete.
In: ACI In situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 581–602, 1984.
20. STAIN, R.T. Integrity testing. Civil Engineering, April 1982, 54–59; May 1982, 71–73.
21. PYE, P.W. & WARLOW, W.J. A method of assessing the soundness of some dense floor screeds.
Building Res. Establishment Current Paper CP72/78, 1978.
22. PYE, P.W. BRE Screed tester: classification of screeds, sampling and acceptance limits. Building Res.
Establishment Information Paper IP11/84, 1984.
23. CHABOWSKI, A.J. & BRYDEN SMITH, D.W. Internal fracture testing of in situ concrete. Building
Res. Establishment Information Paper IP22/80, 1980.
24. BUNGEY, J.H. Concrete strength determination by pull-out tests on wedge-anchor bolts. Proc. I.C.E.
Part 2, 1981, 71, 379–394.
25. KEILLER, A.K. Assessing the strength of in situ concrete. Concrete International, 1985, 7,
No. 2, 15–21.
26. BUNGEY, J.H. An appraisal of pull-out methods of testing concrete. In: Proc. NDT 83, 12–21,
Engineering Technics Press, Edinburgh, 1983.

© BSI 01-1999 21
BS 1881-201:1986

27. PETERSEN, C.G. Lok-test and Capo-test development and their applications. Proc. I.C.E.
Part 1, 1984, 76, 539–549.
28. LONG, A.E. & MURRAY, A. McC. The pull-off partially destructive test for concrete. In: ACI In
situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 327–350, 1984.
29. LONG, A.E. Improvements in or relating to strength testing brittle materials. British Patent
Specification No. 1549842, 1979.
30. CARLSSON, M., EEG, I.R. & JAHREN, P. Field experience in the use of the break-off tester. In: ACI
In situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 277–292, 1984.
31. DAHL-JORGANSEN, E. & JOHANSEN, R. General and specialized use of the break-off concrete
strength testing method. In: ACI In situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82,293–308, 1984.
32. SWAMY, R.N. & AL-HAMED, A.H.M.S. Evaluation of the Windsor probe test to assess in situ concrete
strength. Proc. I.C.E., Part 2, 1984, 77, 167–194.
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

33. ROBERTS, M.H. Carbonation of concrete made with dense natural aggregates. Building Res.
Establishment, Information Paper IP6/81, 1981.
34. MLAKAR, P.F., WALKER, R.E., SULLIVAN, B.R. & CHIARITO, V.P. Acoustic emission behaviour of
concrete.In: ACI In situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 619–637, 1984.
35. PARSONS, T.J. & NAIK, T.R. Early age concrete strength determination by pull-out testing and
maturity. In: ACI In situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 177–200, 1984.
36. REYNOLDS, W.N. Measuring concrete quality non-destructively. In: Brit. J. of Non-destructive
Testing, 1984, 26, 11–14.
37. SAMARIN, A. & DHIR, R.K. Determination of in situ concrete strength: rapidly and confidently by non-
destructive testing. In: ACI In situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 77–94, 1994.
38. TANIGAWA, Y., BABA, K. & HIROSHI, M. Estimation of concrete by combined non-destructive testing
method. In: ACI In situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 57–76, 1984.
39. FACAOARU, I. Romanian achievements in non-destructive strength testing of concrete. In: ACI In
situ/non-destructive testing of concrete, SP-82, 35–56, 1984.
40. VASSIE, P. Reinforcement corrosion and durability of concrete bridges. Proc. I.C.E.
Part 1, 1984, 76, 713–723.

22 © BSI 01-1999
BS 1881-201:1986

Publications referred to

BS 1881, Testing concrete.

BS 1881-5, Methods of testing hardened concrete for other than strength.
BS 1881-108, Method for making test cubes from fresh concrete.
BS 1881-111, Method of normal curing of test specimens (20° C method).
BS 1881-116, Method for determination of compressive strength of concrete cubes.
BS 1881-202, Recommendations for surface hardness testing by rebound hammer.
BS 1881-203, Recommendations for the measurement of velocity of ultrasonic pulses in concrete3).
BS 1881-204, Recommendations for the use of electromagnetic cover measuring devices3).
BS 1881-205, Recommendations for the radiography of concrete3).
BS 1881-206, Recommendations for the determination of strain in concrete3).
BS 1881-207, Recommendations for near to surface tests for concrete3).
BS 1881-208, Recommendations for the determination of initial surface absorption of concrete3).
Licensed copy:UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM, 30/10/2006, Uncontrolled Copy, © BSI

BS 1881-209, Recommendations for the dynamic modulus of elasticity3).

BS 2787, Glossary of terms for concrete and reinforced concrete.
BS 4408, Recommendations for non-destructive methods of test for concrete.
BS 4408-1, Electromagnetic cover measuring devices.
BS 4408-2, Strain gauges for concrete investigations.
BS 4408-5, Measurement of the velocity of ultrasonic pulses in concrete.
BS 6089, Guide to assessment of concrete strength in existing structures4).
BS 6100, Glossary of building and civil engineering terms.
BS 6100-6, Concrete and plaster.
NOTE See also bibliography in Appendix A.

In preparation.
Referred to in the foreword only.

© BSI 01-1999
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