How To Create An Impact Full On Sustainanble Business
How To Create An Impact Full On Sustainanble Business
How To Create An Impact Full On Sustainanble Business
Social Entrepreneurship
Context :
During the economic crisis that happening around the world these day.
Making a new idea of having a social entreprerise. A social entreprise is talking
about business, management, and also the environment. Regarding this situation,
social entreprise is the answer to reduce the economic crisis and the poor.
(Social entrepreneurship is a program to make an equality for the poor and the
rich. Can we say that it look like a cross subsidies?)
1. Human needs.
2. Innovation
3. Mission driven
4. Reinvestment of profits.
There are 5 elements that effect human thinking in social entreprise. Social
entreprise can be described by these elements.
1. Context
An event that happened in our daily life. Divided into major points, there
are stable features and element change. For stable features there are two minor,
they are enhancing and restrictive. And for elements of change, detenoration of
context, dramatic event, departure from discriminating local norm or routine, and
institutional change.
Stable features are the condition where the event that affected the person
is stagnan or we can say that it doesn’t change.
2. Background
3. Social network
4. Affect
5. Cognitive process
Business model template in one template you can picture your arrangement
business where it makes easier for you to arrange. A business models describes
the value an organization offers to various customers and portrays the
capabilities and partners required for creating, marketing, and delivering, this
value and relationship capital with the goal of generating proftable and
sustainable revenue streams .
Value propositions : it’s what you can do for the product or the service.Explain the
product/service to the stakeholders or beneficiers. For example :
3. Ferrari : transporting from A to B. Pretise. Move along the road with faster
velocity than the city car.
Key partners :
For example :
1. The subcontracters.
2. Employee
Key activities :
For example :
Key resources : What kind of resources you need to produce the product or
service in business.
Customers segmets : Describing what kind customer you need for your product.
By categorizing them in sex, age, area, number of time they buy the product, etc.
Channels : Describing how the customer can buy you product or service that you
offer. For example : brosur, online, showroom.
1. Value propositions :
2. Key partners :
1. License’s company
2. Franchise.
3. Key activities :
2. Buying ingredients.
4. Key resources :
1. Manpower.
4. Building / Location
5. Customer segmets :
3. College students.
4. Budgeted customers.
6. Channels :
1. Store
2. Delivery service
7. Customer relationships :
2. Delivery service.
1. Capital cost
2. Labor cost
3. Employee wages
4. Advertisment’s payment
9. Revenue Streams :
1. Restaurants
2. Franchising fee.
3. Royalties
Slide :
6. Key Innovation
7. Key Advantages.
9. Solutions
In the case of SE, output is also accountable. Output likes pollute and waste that
don’t have value in ME, not in SE.
SE should give a pict of what kind value and benefits to the citizen regarding SE
isn’t a profit-driven. Social accounting mostly for internal management purposes
(Humar Resource). Ad hoc definition and construction of indicators. Only comes
second in order of importance after financial accounts.