Report of Hotel Management System

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The document discusses a hotel information management system project created by two students. It covers topics such as hotel management systems, components of a system, and integration of systems using web services.

The project is about developing a hotel information management system.

The objectives of the project are to design and develop a computerized hotel information management system to automate hotel operations and services.




(MATRIC. NO.: 10N04/003)


(MATRIC. NO.: 11N04/014)






MAY 2014
This is to certify that that this project was carried out by Alabi, Oluwaseun Faruq (10N04/003)
and Babatunde, Gideon opeyemi (11N04/014) in the Department of Physical Sciences, Faculty
of Natural Sciences.

______________________ ________________________

Mr Agbo-Ajala O.O Date


_______________________ ___________________________

Prof. Jacobs Adeniyi Date

Head of Department
This project is dedicated to Almighty God, most Gracious, most Merciful and Determiner of all
things without whom we would not have been able to successfully complete this project.

To our parents Dr B.L and Mrs A.I Alabi and Mr J.A and Mrs L.O Babatunde and to our entire
family. We love and appreciate you all very much and appreciate your support.

And also to all those who helped us throughout the process of writing this project we are
thankful for their support rendered.

Praise and thanks to Almighty God for the success of this project work. It is essential at this
point to acknowledge with thanks those who have made useful contributions to facilitate the
successful accomplishment of this academic task.

We wish to express or reserved gratitude to our supervisor, Mr. O.O Agbo-Ajala for his
comments and suggestions for expanding of knowledge on this our research work. We also wish
to express our sincere appreciation to the Head of Department of Physical Sciences Prof A.J
Adeniyi and the Dean of Natural Sciences.

Our greetings go to our parents in the persons of Dr & Mrs Alabi and Mr & Mrs Babatunde for
your love, care, prayers and sacrifice made us who we are now. We love you all. And also to all
our siblings and loved ones for their great support during this time.

Our deepest appreciation goes to our friends and course mates and everyone who helped us
throughout the course of writing this project.

Finally, while we acknowledge the contribution of all, we claim total responsibility for whatever
shortcomings the project may have or contain. Perfection belongs only to Almighty God.


1.1 Background of study 1

1.2 Statement of Problem 1
1.3 Aim and objectives 3
1.4 Significance of the study 4
1.5 Methodology 4
1.6 Scope of the study 7
1.7 Definition of terms 8
1.8 Organization of the study 8


2.1 Introduction 9

2.2 Information 11

2.3 Information System 12

2.3.1 Information System Analysis 14

2.4 Hotel Management 15

2.4.1 System 16

2.4.2 Component of a System 17

2.4.3 Elements of a System 18

2.5 Hotel Management System 19

2.5.1 Integration of Hotel Management System by web services 20


2.7 Benefits of a Hotel Management System 21

2.8 Review of Previous Literature 22

2.9 Object Oriented Methodology 23

2.9.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 25

2.9.2 .Net framework Platform Studio 25

2.9.3 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 26

2.9.4 Database Engine 26 Database Engine Tasks 26


3.1 System Analysis and Design 28

3.2 Requirement Analysis 29

3.3 System Design 30

3.4 Data flow Diagrams 31

3.4.1 Room Reservation 32

3.4.2 Hotel Room Maintenance 37

3.4.3 Payroll Generation 38

3.4.4 Food Ordering Maintenance 41

3.45. House Keeping Maintenance 42

3.5 Database Table Structures 45


4.1 Hardware Requirement 55

4.2 Implementation Procedure 55

4.3 System Documentation 56

4.3.1The Home Page 56

4.3.2 The Log in Page 56

4.3.3 Front Desk 57 Personal details of customer 57 Room Allocation of customers 58 Posting 59

4.3.4 Accommodation module 59 Room maintenance 59 Room Inventory 61

4.3.5 Catering module 61 Food Ordering and Delivery 61 Bar Module 61

4.3.6 Finance and Account 62 Salary Grade Table 62 Payroll Record 62 Asset Maintenance 63

4.3.7 Personnel Staff Record 64

4.3.8 Security 64

4.4. System Testing 66

4.4.1 Unit Testing 67

4.4.2 Integration testing 67

4.4.3 User Acceptance Testing 67

4.5 System Maintenance 67

4.6 Analysis of Results 68


5.1 Summary 71

5.2 Conclusion 71

5.3 Limitation 72

5.4 Recommendation 73

5.5 Suggestion for further work 73


Figure Page

3.1 Data Flow diagram for hotel management system 31

3.2 Diagram of hotel management information system architecture 32

3.3 Program Activity for hotel management information system 34

3.4 Program activity for reservation of rooms 35

3.5 Use case Diagram for the hotel management system 36

3.6 Use Case diagram for hotel room maintenance 37

3.7 Use case Diagram for employee payroll maintenance 39

3.8 Use case diagram for ordering and food delivery 41

3.9 Use case diagram for housekeeping schedule maintenance 43

4.1 Home Page 56

4.2 User Login 57

4.3 Personal Details of Customer 58

4.4 Room Allocation 59

4.5 Cashier Posting 60

4.6 Room Type 60

4.7 Room Status and Rates 61

4.8 Room Inventory 61

4.9 Food Delivery Status 62

This project examines the aspect of the hospitality industry which is Hotel management. In the
21st century the use of the internet, computers and other electronic devices have made handling
different jobs and aspects of management very easy. This project is the design and
implementation of an electronic hotel management system that provides proper management of
data and transactions in a centralized and organized manner and also provides a user friendly
interface with which the user can interact easily with the just little or elementary knowledge of
operating computers.

This project is designed to create a platform that allows booth the user and administrator to
keep track of transactions like room reservations, room booking, financial administration of the
hotel, staff record keeping, online reservation and other day to day activities involved in the
running and management of a hotel. The implementation is based on the requirements for a hotel
management system. The project work is divided into five major categories which are; Front
Desk, Accommodation, Catering, Finance & Account and Personnel Staff Record (Human
resource management).

This project accomplished the task of building a system that ensures accurate record
maintenance which was done through proper identification of customers and the proper
designation of user functions with most of the processes being done automatically. An electronic
hotel management information system is required to assist management of data in the hospitality
industry and also to make the entire hotel management process easier.

The project was designed with the use of Microsoft visual Studio which is an integrated
development environment made by Microsoft. It can be used to develop console and graphical
user interface applications along with windows form application websites. The database system
was created using Microsoft SQL server (MSSQL).



One major challenge in Business management in Nigeria is ineffective utilization of resources

and lack of proper record keeping leading to wastages and outright fraud by the staff. This is
particularly true in the hospitality industry.

The Hotel management information system is a system that aids the management of the
Customers’ data, Hotel staff data, customers’ registration, Customer accommodation or
allocation into specific rooms, room reservation and Personnel staff management.

Sacoba Lodge uses manual method for Customer registration and allocation and record keeping
by filling up the forms provided by the Hotel Staff and then the filled forms are kept in file-
folders. For the hotel staff to know which rooms are free and available they would have to check
through their various files or keys and this system is a bit cumbersome and even more so for a
business that is trying to expand . The registration is based on manual work and all the processes
are done manually. The same manual process is involved in staff record, roster keeping and


The phase of system analysis process deals with problems that are affecting the current
manual system. The problems are those, which are affecting the hotel in its daily routine work.
As the growing trend in most business in InfoTech World of Computers, need of accuracy,
perfectness, speed and high memory data storage is a must. Each and every problem must be
solved with least amount of time and energy.

The problems faced by the existing system and hope to be solved by the Hotel Management
System are described below:
 Difficulty in maintenance of records
 Time consuming
 Editing of data becomes a tedious job
 No security of data
 Mistakes occurring in Calculation of funds
 Lack of efficiency
 Data redundancy
 Data inconsistency
 Incidence of Fraud

 Difficulty in maintenance of records: It is very difficult to maintain data record in the system
as all the records are entered in the register or the perspective record books. There are
chances of the record books or files in which all the Data are stored may be torn or wearied
out or some other damages result or files may even be misplaced.

 Time Consuming: It is very time consuming and difficult to write each and every entry and
exit of customers into the hotel in the register. Also it takes a lot of time if all the entries are
to be repeated say to keep in another record for safe keeping. It is also time consuming to
check for data quickly. In the current system processes such as making different types of
reports, preparing merit lists, and tedious calculations are examples of time consuming

 Editing of data: Manually written data cannot be changed or edited once written. If there is a
mistake and the administrator tried to cancel it out and write it again this would make the
entire register very dirty and disorganized. If data is entered incorrectly the entire system gets
incorrect while editing wrongly entered data cannot easily solve errors.

 Incidence of Fraud: Fraudulent acts can be perpetuated by the staff arising from record
insecurity. The continuous incidence of fraud in the hotel organization may lead to non-
profitability of the business and the hotel involved may eventually fold up.
 Data Insecurity; As the data is stored in files or registers, it is not a secure place, As the
storage media here are files and books or registers, there are chances of getting this storage
media lost, torn, or it may go in the hand of the wrong person which can destroy the database
or it can also be destroyed accidentally. Also in the system, data should be shown to the
person according to his position on the establishment; everybody should not be allowed to
use all the data.
If the Data goes into the hand of the wrong person he or she may take advantage of the data.
So security is the major aspect of the Hotel Management System.
 High Data Redundancy: As mentioned in the current system. Due to maintenance of so
many registers there is a high redundancy of data i.e. same data is recorded repeatedly.

 Data Inconsistency: Here as mentioned in the above step the same information is written in
more than one place that creates the problem, where there is a change or deletion in the
recorded data.


The aim of the proposed system is to provide solutions to the problems stated above and help the
user to manage the hotel effectively and efficiently through:

 Adequate Record Keeping :

To eliminate manual record keeping and install an electronic record keeping thereby ensuring
adequate record of transactions are kept. This ensures a centralized system where all
necessary data and information can easily be accessed, Tracked, and monitored

 Reduced Incidence of Fraud :

The program is envisaged to reduce the incidence of fraud both by staff and outsiders through
proper record keeping, tracking and monitoring of transaction operations in the organization.

 Maximum Accountability: To Instill accountability in the process of management in the hotel

organization by not only reducing incidence of fraud, but also eliminate wastages.

 Provide Data Security: The study will install security measures by providing different access
levels to various staff.
 Effective Resource Management: The Human Resource module (HR) and Finance & Account
(F&A) module will enable effective utilisation of financial and human resources by
comparing the accounts receivable with the account payable and complete record of personnel
through the nominal roll module will enhance staff deployment and productivity.

 Increased Profit Line for The Organisation: when there is reduced incidence of fraud this and
proper management of resources this will enable increased profit line for the organisation

 Reduced Time Consumption: A good search algorithm will be implemented on the web
application to enhance the search facility whereby users of the system can search for all kinds
of data using various criteria.
The system can be handy to the user in the following ways:
 To automatize the work such as gathering information, gathering Hotel Staff information,
Workers’ roster, food ordering and Hotel administration in general.
 To atomize different types of reports.
 Removal of Data Redundancy.
 To create a centralized system where all necessary data and information can be accessed
 Data Consistency.


The Hotel Management system is developed to overcome the most of the problems occurring
in the manual system by computerizing the existing system. The features of the newly proposed
computerized system are described in brief below:
 After computerizing the system, the Hotel Administrator can finish their work in the least
amount of time possible and with very little effort. The computerized system has many gains and
efforts which the manual system cannot give in any type of situation.
 In any manual system if we take the main problem arising is to maintain the number of records
and finding a particular record, computerized systems are most helpful in dealing with areas
where database comes into existence.
A computer can hold large amount of data in storage devices and it can operate at a very high
speed. The user can input all types of information into the computer and can be able to perform
any type of task which when done manually is tedious and time consuming.

This section involves data gathering. Area of study, the data quality controls
provided for the study. It also illustrates how the data was analysed and presented.
The visual aspect refers to the method to be used to create the graphical user interface with
Visual basic application. Rather than writing numerous lines of code describe the appearance and
location of interface elements, you simply drag and drop pre-built objects into a place on screen.
Visual Basic revolves around ready-made objects and it is event-driven that is all the activities in
a program are triggered by one event or another. Each object has its own properties, determining
its size, colour, appearance and nature of its text and much more. Each object also has its own
event-Handling procedures. Visual basic also handles images, menus, dialog boxes, drive and
directory list and much more. The application will be web-based using the ASP.NET platform to
eliminate system compatibility issues, and ensure it run on all systems provided with web-
MS-SQL is used as the backend where Customer Record and Transactions are stored. It serves as
the Database.
Information Gathering system details are not left out the specific problems are identified.


Information gathering and record keeping in the hotel system is a crucial aspect that is carried
out in an organized way so that.
 No system details are left out.
 Right problems are identified
 Repetitive work is avoided
 Wrong or incomplete details are not collected.
To do this, a proper search algorithm must be incorporated; the method involves using specific
search criterion to select information from sources. The overall methods which are used while
gathering information are:

1. Interviewing
2. Record Inspection
3. Observation

These methods are used in system analysis and design stage.

1. Interviewing: interview allows the analyst to collect or gather the information from the
individual or group who are generally the current user of the existing system or potential user of
the proposed system. This is a basic source of qualitative and helpful information. It also allows
the analyst or developer to discover areas of misunderstanding and problems. User interviews are
conducted to determine the qualitative information. These interviews which were instructed
interviews, provided opportunity to gather information from the respondents who are involved in
the process for a long time.
These interviews provided information such as:
 Activities involved in process allocating room to customers
 Activities involved in the process of verification of rooms
 Preparing all the various reports
 Limitation of the existing system
 Problems faced by the user in the existing system.

2. Record review: It is said to better to believe in records than in people. Thus a good analyst
always gets facts from documents. An existing system can be better understood by examining
existing documents, forums and files. Records may include:
 Written policy manuals
 Rules and regulations
 Standard operating procedures used in Hotel Management System
 Forms and Documents
To gather details about Hotel management System, many kinds of records and reports will be
reviewed including: Standard operating procedure, Reports generated by the existing system,
Document flow (input/output) of Hotel Management, Process of allocating of rooms to

3. Observation: Observation can bring in missed facts, new ways to improve the existing
procedures, duplicate work done inadvertently. It can also bring in what other fact finding
methods cannot. But his task is delicate because some people do not like to be observed when
they work. Observation gives analysts the opportunity to go behind the scenes in a Hotel to learn
how things work. Observation should look for:

 Operational inefficiencies
 Alternative routes and procedures
 Interruptions in normal flow of work
 Usages of files and documents
 Informal communication channels.


The study is focused on the critical operations carried out within the hotel
administrative system. These major operations include

 Front-desk operations (customer management, room allocation, cashier posting)

 Accommodation (Hotel room management, staff schedules, inventory).
 Assets management (Fixed, Floating asset).
 Staff record Management.
 Restaurant & Bar operation.
 Staff payroll (Pay slip).
 Accounts Receivable &Payable.
The goals are achieved based on ability of the computer to store large amounts of data which is
very useful to store information regarding the transactions of Sacoba Hotel. The study is limited
to the following:

 RECEPTION MODULE: The Reception module covers all the customer allocation and booking
with the sub-fields (Customer Details, Room Allocation, and Cashier Posting).

 ACCOMODATION MODULE: The Accommodation covers all Room Maintenance,

Housekeeping Schedules and room inventory.

 FINANCE & ACCOUNT: Covers the staff payroll, assets register, accounts receivable and
accounts payable.

 CATERING MODULE: Covers the food ordering maintenance and bar transactions.

 ADMINISTRATION & GENERAL SERVICES: Covers Personnel staff record keeping and the
stores with inventory.


Hotel: A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis.

Hotel management Information system: An integrated set of components for collecting, storing,
and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products for a hotel.

Record: A record is a value that contains other values, typically in fixed number and sequence
and typically indexed by names.
Database: A database is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to
model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information.

Object: An object is a location in memory having a value and referenced by an identifier.


The project is broadly described in five chapters below:

Chapter One: This part of the work reveals the background of the study and gives a brief
account each of statement of the problem, aims and objectives, importance of the study,
methodology of the study, scope of the study, layout of the project and the definition of the terms
that will be used in this project.

Chapter Two: This chapter has to do with the literature review aspect of this project. It explains
different articles on Hotel Management. It also gives a review of an existing online system in
relation to the proposed system.

Chapter Three: This chapter explains the system analysis, methodology, and system design of
both the existing manual system and the proposed system.

Chapter Four: This chapter deals system implementation and documentation of the new system,
which includes the tools, software and hardware requirement of the new system, system testing
and maintenance of the new system are also disused here.

Chapter Five: This chapter summarizes the entire project as well as drawing conclusion and
recommendations from the project.


In the literature review we consider and examine the work done by other scholars and
researchers who have broached on this particular topic (Hotel Management Information System).


Technology has made a considerable impact on the Hospitality industry in recent years and will
continue to do so with the increasing use of computer, controlled equipment and the growth of
information technology in general” (Jones and Lockwood, 1989, p.6) Really in the last two
decades, technology has become far more advanced and far more widely used throughout all
types of industry. The tourism and hospitality industry is no exception. Indeed, many tourism
and leisure establishments rely on technological systems for the vast majority of their

They use a range of computer programs from everything to bookings, communications,

security and payments. If a hospitality establishment does not use some sort of advanced
technological system in its operations, it is deemed to be out of date and disorganized. Indeed,
James Bardi begins to outline the importance of these programs by claiming that “a well-
organized reservation system allows hotels to ensure a steady flow of guests into their
properties”. Furthermore, “Profitable business ventures rely on effective marketing, which
includes reviewing people who require hotel products and services, determining their specific
needs, developing products and services that meet those needs, and making a profit on the sale of
those products and services” (Bardi, 2010).

Part of the reason why hotels utilize technological systems in their operations is because
it keeps them up to date in terms of where they are placed in the market. It makes work easier
for staff members, allowing them to work more efficiently and taking away time consuming
activities which can be carried out by the technology. In some hotels, the utilization of
technological systems mean that fewer staff members are needed and this saves considerable
costs. For others, especially luxury hotels, this is not the case but it means that the staff can be
free to attend to customers on a more personal basis, thus upholding high standards. Therefore, it
is understandable that 5 star hotels must ensure that they employ the most advanced technology
available. This is because their priority is maintaining their position and status as a luxury brand,
rather than cutting costs, which would be more of a priority for budget hotels which cater to a
lower end market. Therefore luxury tourist establishments rely on top quality technological
systems. Jones and Lockwood (1989) noted “Companies have also been able to produce higher
quality products because technology has developed that assists them to do so”. For example,
many 5 star hotels employ revenue managements systems which aim to ensure the maximising of
profits for perishable products. It entails that they must take into consideration the timing of the
sale, to whom they are selling the product and what sort of product they are selling. Pizam
illustrates its use by claiming that revenue management in hotel management is the “business
practice of selling the right inventory to the right customer at the right price at the right time so
as to maximise revenue, profit and market share” (Pizam, 2005, p. 551). With this in mind,
hotels and hotel managers implement revenue management systems which are able to monitor
how many rooms are being reserved and react to this information. If, for example, there is a
short amount of time before the date approaches in which a number of rooms are not sold,
managers can decide to offer discounts to entice people to fill these rooms (Phillips, 2005). A
room which is unsold is more financially damaging to a business than a room which is sold for a
reduced price, due to the perishable nature of the product. The predominant negative factor of
RM systems is that they are extremely expensive and can therefore be costly for hotels to
maintain. Indeed, Phillips explains that companies with “expensive and sophisticated revenue
management systems are going bankrupt”. This is why five star hotels are often able to employ
them while hotels which are lower down the market are not.(Phillips, 2005, p. 142).

It is clear that technology used in hospitality establishments it is also used to make

customers’ lives more convenient. Peacock notes “automated hospitality enterprises will become
an increasing feature of the industry, particularly at the budget end of the market, but the main
use of information technology will be in enhancing customer service, rather than replacing it”.
For example, many hotels use technological booking systems which make it easy for clients to
book online and to have all the information they need about the rooms available to them. They
also use technology within the hotel to benefit the customer during their stay. For example,
many have advanced communications systems installed in the rooms which means that those on
business trips can continues with their work while they are guests at the hotel. Once again, in 5
star hotels, it is all the more important to provide these facilities; customers pay a lot of money
and so expect to have a certain amount of facilities and quality additions provided for them
(Peacock, 1995, p.21).


Information is an essential part of any society or organization because without it we cannot

survive. Information is that which informs i.e that from which data can be derived. Information is
conveyed either as a content of a message or through direct or indirect observation of a thing.
(Luciano Floridi, 2010)

Furthermore, the information content of a message comprises the effect it has on the image of the
person who can understand the message. Therefore, information is the effect to which the
meaning of an object is attached.

In information management, information is used in a more general sense to encompass all the
different ways of representing facts and events within an information system. Information is a
meaningful set of data that tells one something about the relationships between data. In order to
produce information, an ‘information system’ is required to input such data, to process and store
that data and to create information. Information system consists of entities, which are connected
through relationships. An entity in this sense is something of interest to the user concerning
which data to collect or store. (E.g. student information).so data constitute a representation of the
perceived attributes of ‘information system’. To identity process, store, retrieve, disseminate and
information about such entity in a ‘system’ requires a management information system.
According to Cassidy (2005), Information is a critical resource in the operation and management
of tertiary institutions. Timely availability of relevant information is vital for effective
performance of managerial functions such as planning, organizing, leading and control. He
further discuss that, an information system in tertiary institution is like the nervous system in the
human body; it is the link that connects all the tertiary institution components e.g personnel,
admission, exams and record, bursary, library, sickbay, student’s affaire unit, security and
management unit


Information system is an integrated set of components for collecting, storing, and
processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products. Business firms
and other organizations rely on information systems to carry out and manage their operations,
interact with their customers and suppliers, and compete in the marketplace. For instance,
corporations use information systems to reach their potential customers with targeted messages
over the Web, to process financial accounts, and to manage their human resources. Governments
deploy information systems to provide services cost-effectively to citizens. Digital goods, such
as electronic books and software, and online services, such as auctions and social networking,
are delivered with information systems. Individuals rely on information systems,
generally Internet-based, for conducting much of their personal lives: for socializing, study,
shopping, banking, and entertainment (Encyclopaedia Britannica).
Any specific information system aims to support operations, management and decision
making(SEI report) In a broad sense, the term is used to refer not only to the information and
communication technology (ICT) that an organization uses, but also to the way in which people
interact with this technology in support of business processes Kroenke, D M.( 2008).

There are various types of information systems, for example: transaction processing
systems, decision support systems, knowledge management systems, learning management
systems, database management systems, and office information systems. Critical to most
information systems are information technologies, which are typically designed to enable
humans to perform tasks for which the human brain is not well suited, such as: handling large
amounts of information, performing complex calculations, and controlling many simultaneous

Silver et al. (1995) provided two views on IS that includes software, hardware, data,
people, and procedures. A second managerial view includes people, business processes and
Information Systems. The Association for Computing Machinery defines "Information systems
specialists as focusing on integrating information technology solutions and business processes to
meet the information needs of businesses and other enterprises."

In an information system, input data consist of facts and figures, which form the System’s raw
material. Information is data that has been usefully processed. However, an information system
does not only contain data and information. There are also other elements inside the system,
which are related and are in support of one another. The presence of these related elements
makes information more useful ă whereby, it can be made available, can be processed,
distributed, manipulated, saved, and so on. This combination gives rise to a
system, which is orderly and as such it is called an "Information System". The activity of
converting data into information is called a process. An information system contains FIVE main
components; the hardware, software, data, process and human.
 Hardware: Information system's hardware refers to all types of hardware and the media
used for input, processing, managing, distributing and saving information that are being
used in an organisation. Examples of the hardware are the physical computers, networks,
communication equipment, scanners, digital drives, and so on.

 Software: Software consists of two categories; the system software and the application
- System Software controls the computer and contains the operating system and device drivers,
which can communicate with the hardware. It can also modify data into a new form, prevent
viruses and make copies.
- Application Software contains programs which can help users and enable companies to perform
business functions. Users can increase productivity with the presence of application software
such as spread sheets, word processing, ordering systems, and accounts receivable.
 Data: Data refers to the raw facts on anything or entities like student names, courses and
marks. The raw data that has not yet been provided can be processed to become more
useful information.

 Information is an organised, meaningful and useful interpretation of data such as a

company’s performances or a student's academic performance. Information systems
change data into information, which is useful and capable of giving a certain meaning to
its users.
 Process: Process or procedure explains the activities carried out by users, managers and
staff. Process is important for supporting a certain business model available as written
documents or as reference materials on-line.
 Human: The main objective of an information system is to provide invaluable
information to managers and users, whether inside or outside the company. Users can be
broken up into three categories, which are:
- End-Users, consisting of the staff, customers, suppliers and others who communicate
with the information system.
- Internal Users, including the managers, technicians, sales representatives and corporate
- External Users, consisting of the customers who use the company’s system for
performing transactions, suppliers who use the system for planning sales, and the staff
who use the system outside office hours. The success or failure of an information system
depends on whether the system that has been developed can fulfil the user's requirements,
and the users feel satisfied with the results and the system's operation. A successful
system requires integrated efforts from information technology experts such as the system
analysts, programmers and the information technology managers so as to fulfil business
needs and to support company's objectives.
According to Couger John, (1973), the information systems development process is
viewed as consisting of analysis, design and implementation phases, prior to the
operation phase. These phases do not ordinarily take place strictly in the order given but
rather existing together on a continuing pattern of interaction. The development of
information systems then consists of an iterated process of information analysis, system
design and implementation. This system life cycle, “being pointed out, applies to other
kinds of development effort as well.


The development of information systems is not only a technical process but also a political one.
Achieving a major success with large, integrated systems that are combined with the traditional
systems requires the organization to analyse the existing system.

Explaining a system analysis approach, researchers assert that a good information system
depends slightly on equipment, great deals on human technical backup, and most of all, on how
the system is organized (structure, design and its integration) that determines its success. This
requires the establishment of information requirements in an effort to organize such systems.

The major challenges of organizations (especially in higher education) are to plan, manage, and
control the development and operation of such information systems. This requires an information
analysis process as an institutional research activity to establish not only what information is
required but also why to what purpose it is to be put.

Various models of information analysis have been developed. The most common approach to
analysing systems is the ‘systems life cycle’. The systems life cycle model has been widely
applied in the analysis of systems. This has been the backbone of research and practice since
1960. The model works on the assumption of steady uni-directional progress through the various
stages, without going back or repeating them. The cycle involves conceptualization of the idea
initiation, design, assembly and testing of system rules and specifications, installations, operation
and maintenance.

Summarizing the model in four stages, we have problem identification, analysis, design and
operation. Analysis of the requirements requires studying the technical, legal, organizational, and
socio-economic feasibility aspects.
This determines what the system will do distinctively. Describing two features of system design
when referring to higher education;

 The major reference entities (individuals, groups, organizations) about data

should be collected identifies reference entities as the institution itself, the student
body and its critical constituents, and related interest groups. The institution is
concerned with the providers of education, and the students constitute potential
students and the institution and critical constituents, termed as the remote
 The appropriate descriptors for each of the entities they are able to identify what
needs to be known about the reference entities.


Hotel Management refers to the process, agency or level of management which handles
the various business duties and day-to-day concerns of a given hotel establishment. Hotel
management is responsible for employing, managing and paying the various staff. Hotel
Management also involves taking care of paying bills and taxes associated with the hotel and the
property where it is located.
The size and magnitude of a hotel management structure varies significantly depending
on the size and function of the hotel. A small hotel normally consists of a small core
management team consisting of the General Manager and a few key department managers who
directly handle day-to-day operations. On the contrary, a large full service hotel often operates
more like a large corporation with an executive board headed by the General Manager and
consisting of key directors serving as heads of individual hotel departments. Each department
normally consists of subordinate line-level managers and supervisors who handle day-to-day
Activities carried out by the Hotel Management vary depending on the size and type of hotel, but
may include:
 Planning and organising accommodation, catering and other hotel services
 Promoting and marketing the business
 Managing budgets and financial plans as well as controlling expenditure
 Maintaining statistical and financial records
 Setting and achieving sales and profit targets
 Analysing sales figures and devising marketing and revenue management strategies
 Recruiting, training and monitoring staff
 Planning work schedules for individuals and teams
 Meeting and greeting customers
 Dealing with customer complaints and comments
 Addressing problems and troubleshooting
 Ensuring events and conferences run smoothly
 Supervising maintenance, supplies, renovations and furnishings
 Dealing with contractors and suppliers
 Ensuring security is effective
 Carrying out inspections of property and services
 Ensuring compliance with licensing laws, health and safety and other statutory regulations.

2.4.1 SYSTEM
A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integral whole.
Or a set of elements (often called components) and relationships which are different from the
relationships or the set or its elements to other elements or sets. (Merriam Webster online
Every system I delineated by its spatial and temporal boundaries, surrounded and influenced
by its environment, described by its structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning.
Some systems share common characteristics, including:
 A system has structure, it contains parts that are directly or indirectly related to
each other ;
 A system has behaviour, it exhibits processes that fulfills its functions or purpose;
 A system has interconnectivity; the parts are connected by structural and/or
behavioural relationships.
 A system structure and behaviour may be decomposed via sub systems and sub
processes to elementary parts and process steps.
The term system may also refer to a set of rules that govern structure and or behaviour.
2.4.2 COMPONENTS OF A SYSTEM Environment and boundaries
System theory views the world as a complex system of interconnected parts. We scope a system
by defining its boundaries; this meaning choosing which entities are inside 6he system and which
are outside-part of the environment. We then make simplified representations9models) of the
system in order to understand it and to predict or impact its future behaviour. These models may
define the structure and/or behaviour of the system. Natural and human made Systems

There are natural and human made (designed) systems. Natural systems may not have an
apparent objective but their outputs can be interpreted as purposes. Human-made systems are
made with purposes that are achieved by the delivery of outputs. Their parts must be related;
they must be designed to work as a coherent entity else they would be two or more distinct
systems. Theoretical Framework

An open system exchanges matter and energy with its environment. Most systems are open
systems. A closed systems exchanges energy but not matter with its environment. An isolated
system exchanges neither matter nor energy with its environment. Process and Transformation System
A system can also be viewed as a bounded transformation process that is a process or collection
of processes that transform inputs into outputs. Inputs are consumed and outputs are produces.
A subsystem is a set of elements, which is a system itself, and a component of a larger system. System Model

A system comprises of multiple views. For a man-made system it may be such views as
planning, requirement analysis, design, implementation, deployment, structure, behaviour, input
data and output data views. A system model is required to describe and represent all these
multiple views. System Architecture
A system architecture using only one single integrated model for the description of multiple
views such as planning, requirement analysis, design, implementation, deployment, structure,
behaviour, input data and output data views, is a kind of system model. (Checkland 1997, Flood


Following are considered as the elements of a system in terms of Information systems:-
1. Input
2. Output
3. Processor
4. Control
5. Feedback
6. Boundary and interference
7. Environment
 INPUT: Input involves capturing and assembling elements that enter the systems to be
processed. The input are said to be fed to the systems in other to get the output. For
example input of a computer system is input unit consisting of various input devices like
keyboard, mouse, joystick e.t.c
 OUTPUT: Those elements that exist in the system due to the processing of the input are
known as output. A major objective of a system is to provide output that has value to the
 PROCESSOR: The processor is the element of a system that involves the actual
transformation of input to output. It is the operational component of a system.

 CONTROL: the control element guides the system. It is the decision-making sub-system
that controls the pattern of activities governing input, processing and output. It also keeps
the system within the boundary set.
 FEEDBACK: Control in a dynamic system is achieved b feedback. Feedback measures
output against a standard in some form of cybernetic procedure that includes
communication and control. The feedback may generally be of three parts viz, positive,
negative, and informational. The positive feedback motivates the system. The negatives
indicate need of an action. The feedback is a reactive form of control.

 BOUNDARY AND INTERFACE: A system is defined by its boundaries- the limits that
identify its components, processes and interrelationships when it interfaces with another
system. For example in a computer is there is a boundary for number of bits, the memory
size e.t.c.
 ENVIRONMENT: the environment is the super system within which the organisation
operates. It includes input, processes and outputs. It is the source of external elements
that impinge on the system.


Hotel Management System is a web based hotel management software. The software
features include revenue management, yield management, booking management, day rate
management, booking calendar, guest relationship management, check ins & check outs
management, POS & folio management, invoices and receipts and accounting document reports.
The Hotel Management System provides complete information about the Hotel and staff of the
Hotel. The features of the Hotel Management System are expected to provide the user(s) with;
easily accessible information for both the Administration and registered staff, reduce
administrative costs, provide information about new management policies, fee structure, date of
payment, new rules and keep track of all the rooms in the Hotel and customers. The information
should be accurate, consistent, timely, reliable and complete.


Nowadays web services technology is widely used to integrate heterogeneous systems
and develop new applications. An application of integration of hotel management systems by
web services technology is presented by various groups of researchers. The Hotel management
system integrates lots of systems of hotel industry such as Front Office system, Property
Management System, Property Management System, Enterprise Information System (EIS),
Enterprise Information Portal System(EIP), Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)
and Supply Chain Management system (SCM) together. This integration solution can add or
expand hotel software system in any size off hotel chains environment (Yang et al, 2003).
It is generally accepted that role of web services in business is undoubtedly important.
More and more commercial software systems extend their capability and power by using web
services technology. Today e-commerce is not merely using the internet to transfer business data
or supporting people to interact with dynamic web page, but are fundamentally changed by web
services. The World Wide Web Consortium’s eXtensibleMarkup Language (XML) (W3C, 2003)
and the eXtensibleStylesheet Languages (XSL) (W3C, 2003) are standards defined in the interest
of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse and are increasingly being employed in the
construction of web services. Since XML is seen as the canonical message format, it could tie
together thousands of systems programmed by hundreds of programming languages. Any
program can be mapped into web service, while an web service can also be mapped into program
(Eric, 2002). And we found that this system greatly improves both the hotel customer and hotel
officer’s experience in the hotel business work flow. Because current technologies are quite
mature, it seems not to be difficult to integrate the existing system and the new coming systems
(for example, web –based applications or mobile applications). However currently in hotel
industry there re few truly integrated systems used because there are so many heterogeneous
systems already in existence. Scalability, maintenance, price, security issues then become huge
to overcome.
This system is developed to integrate the business flow of hotel management by using web
services and software integration technologies. These involve a scenario of hotel reservation and
discuss the interaction between the system and the users including the design and
implementation of this system (Yang et al, 2003).

Web services technology is developed rapidly as a practical means to integrate
heterogeneous systems and develop new applications. Our project successfully integrates
systems in hotel business chains together. Although research has greatly advanced in this area,
developing and maintaining integration system in hotel industry remains a lot of challenges
(David et al, 2002).
First of all, our experience implicated that in order to deploy a global, or to less scale,
national wide hotel reservation system, there is a long road ahead for hotel industry to get IT
standardization. Nowadays there are several hotel alliances existing, but these organizations do
not touch data exchange standard between enterprises.
Secondly, security is one of the most important and complicated challenges related to
our work. There are lots of research papers on providing security solution of integration of
heterogeneous computers and resources spread across multiple domains with the intent to
provide user services. We intend to obtain three basic targets. One is to keep the contents
confidentiality and integrity – that is to ensure nobody ever tampers with or steals the data
transferred through public networks. The other is to control access to web services. Before using
web services must pass the authorization procedures (Davi et al. 2002)


Hotel Information management system is able to automate the process of Hotels. It is
useful for the authorities which keeps track of all the users registered in a particular state. The
authority can add hotel packages, room details, and availability of rooms, online booking and
other packages.
The following steps that give the detailed information of the need for electronic management
items are:
 Performance: During past several decades, the records are supposed to be manually
handled for all activities. The manual handling of the record is time consuming and
highly prone to error. To improve the performance of the Hotel management System, the
computerized system is to be undertaken.
 Efficiency: the basic need of this application is efficiency. The website should be
efficient so that whatever the user submits any detail the application is updated
immediately and automatically. This record will be useful for others instantly.
 Control: The complete control of the electronic system is under the hands of authorized
persons only who have the password to access the system and illegal access is not
permitted. Control is entirely in the hands of the administrator and the other members
have the rights to see the records not to change any transaction entry.

 Security: Security is the main criteria for electronic hotel management system. Since
illegal access may corrupt the database and ensure protection of the sored data.



One project relating to the proposed system was titled “Development Of Management System”.
The project was done by students of Ajayi Crowther University named Matti Olarenwaju M. and
Jenfa Abayomi J. in partial fulfilment to their bachelor degrees in Computer Science. The system
is a web based system for management of a hotel and its day to day activities. The technologies
used to design and implement this system were: Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual and
.NET framework Platform Architecture.

As rightly observed by Matti Olarenwaju M. and Jenfa Abayomi J. (Ajayi Crowther University,
2011), Hotel Information Management System is a technique that is used in the hospitality
industry to provide satisfactory services to Customers, improve company performance and make
Hotel management easier. They also noted that the ability to manage a hotel through electronic
means by multitude of choices such as web and mobile technologies is instantly attractive. Such
facilities should also overcome constraints associated with the existing manual method of
managing a hotel. There is no doubt that electronic hotel management offers a convenience that
would be appreciated by many people but it also has many challenges such as security issues
within the system itself, large scale deployment of the software and also protecting the server
from malicious attacks especially when the service is opened to the internet.

This project study underwent few challenges such as the lack of e-payment system on the
customer booking portal, lack of centralized management services (Asset Register, Staff
Records, and Payroll System).

Another project related to the topic was carried out by Wong PohKian (School of Arts and
Science Tunku Abdul Rahman College Kuala Lumpur,2010)in partial fulfilment of his bachelor
degrees also noted that Hotel information Management Systems are becoming increasingly
popular due to a rise in the need for more hospitality service providers hence any newly
developed software must be able to meet all the services that the Manager would require to
provide for the ever increasing needs of the customers and these presents a lot of challenges for
the Application developers in order to meet these needs.

The system consisted of the following modules:

 Payroll Module
 Room Maintenance Module
 Food Ordering and Delivery Module
 House Keeping Scheduling Module
 E-Newsletter Subscription Module

The system was designed using .NET Framework (version 3.5), Microsoft visual Studio 2010,
and MSSQL Server 2008.


Object-oriented programming is an approach to designing modular, reusable software

systems. Although discussions of object-oriented technology often get mired in the details of one
language vs. the other, the real key to the object-oriented approach is that it is a modelling
approach first (Booch, Grady 1986). Although often hyped as a revolutionary way to develop
software by zealous proponents, the object-oriented approach is in reality a logical extension of
good design practices that go back to the very beginning of computer programming. Object-
orientation is simply the logical extension of older techniques such as structured
programming and abstract data types.
Object-oriented analysis and design is the principal industry-proven methodology for
developing high-quality object-oriented systems. This prevailing software development
methodology involves three aspects: object-oriented analysis, which deals with the design
requirements and overall architecture of a system, and is focused on describing what the system
should do in terms of key objects in the problem domain; object-oriented design , which
translates a system architecture into programming constructs (such as interfaces, classes, and
method descriptions); and object-oriented programming, which implements these programming

The fundamental idea behind an object-oriented language is object decomposition,

breaking the complex software system down into its various objects, combining the data and the
functions that operate on the data into a single unit, the object. Objects are discussed and built by
modeling real-world instances. A typical object oriented system consists of a number of
cooperating objects, each of which may or may not collaborate with other objects in order to
achieve some task for the user. Real-world objects display the characteristic of high cohesion,
they maintain a single theme or focus, in turn, and software objects model real-world objects.
This form of object decomposition provides a natural way of breaking the problem down into
isolated, manageable parts. In many cases, the development effort shifts from writing a new
code, to assembling existing objects in new and innovative ways to solve a problem. Thus,
object-oriented analysis and design methodology cuts down development time and costs, leading
to faster time to market and significant competitive advantage, and enables producing more
flexible, modifiable, easily maintainable object-oriented systems.

The goals of object-oriented programming are:

 Increased understanding
 Ease of maintenance.
 Ease of evolution.
Microsoft visual studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft.
It can be used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows
Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together
with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile,
Windows CE, NET framework, NET compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.
Visual studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense as well as code refactoring. The
integrated debugger works both as source-level debugger and machine level debugger. Other
built in tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class
designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at
almost every level-including adding support for source-control systems and adding new toolsets
like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or tool sets for other aspects of
software development life cycle.
Visual Studio supports different programming languages by means of language services,
which allow the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any
programming language , provided a language specific service exists. Built in languages include;
C/C++ (via visual C++). VB.NET (via Visual Basic. NET), C# (via Visual C#), and F# (as of
visual Studio 2010). Support for other languages such as M, Python, and Ruby among others is
available via language services installed separately. It also supports XML/XSLT,
HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and CSS individual language-specific versions of Visual Studio.


Microsoft visual studio programs run on the .NET framework, an integral component of
Windows that includes a virtual execution system called the common language runtime (CLR)
and a unified set of class libraries. The CLR is Microsoft’s commercial implementation of the
common language infrastructure (CLI), an international standard that is the basis for creating
execution and development environments in which languages and libraries work together
Source code written with Visual Basic is compiled into an intermediate language (IL) that
conforms to the CLI specification. The IL code, along with resources such as bitmaps and
strings, is stored on disk in an executable file called an assembly, typically with an extension of
.exe or .dll. An assembly contains a manifest that provides information on the assembly types,
version, and culture and security requirements. (MSDN, 2005)
When the program is executed, the assembly is loaded into the CLR, which might take
various actions based on the information in the manifest. Then, if the security requirements are
met, the CLR performs lust in time (JIT) compilation to convert the IL into native machine
instructions. The CLR also provides other services related to automatic garbage collection,
exception handling, and resource management. Code that is executed by the CLR is sometimes
referred to as the managed code in contrast to unmanaged code which is compiled into native
machine language that targets a specific system.


The Microsoft SQL server 2008 Database engine is the core service for storing,
processing and securing data. The database engine provides controlled access and rapid
transaction processing to meet the requirements for the most demanding data consuming
applications within your enterprise. The Database Engine also provides rich support for
sustaining high availability (MSDN, 2005).


The Database Engine is the core service for storing, processing, and securing data. The
database engine provides control, access and rapid transaction processing to meet the
requirements of the most demanding data consuming applications within the enterprise. He
database engine is used to create relational databases for transactions processing or analytic data
processing. This includes creating tables for storing data and database objects such as indexes
views and stored procedures for viewing, managing, and securing data. You can use SQL server
management Studio to manage the database objects, and SQL Server profiler for capturing server
events (MSDN, 2005).
The order of the topics in the database engine documentation follows the main sequence of
tasks used to implement a system that uses the Database engine for data storage (MSDN, 2005):
 Design and create a database to hold the relational tables or XML documents required by
the system.
 Implement systems to access and change the stored data in the database. This includes
implementing websites or applications that work with the data, and also building
procedures that use the SQL server tools and utilities to work with the data



In this chapter we are taking a look at the management system, the processes,
methodology and the steps taken to create the system, we will evaluate the research methodology
and elaborate on the basic functionalities of our management system. This approach will be used
in order to overcome the challenges highlighted in the previous chapter.

The system is created as an interactive web-based application to replace the current

manual system of transaction. This Automated system requires full control on all hotel
operations or activities. It is essential due to the fact that the electronic means is more efficient in
utility than the manual system.

The Project work will ensure reservation of hotel rooms, staff management, and resource
management. A “Use Case” scenario is the room search for room reservation. Users may face
difficulties searching between available and booked rooms, but the automated system would
search more efficiently with the proficient search algorithm. All details of the rooms are stored in
the database servers and can be retrieved or modified with very little stress. Another “Use Case”
is the accounts receivable and payable field of the F&A module. The accounts receivable simply
captures all funds coming-in with their sources and dates while the accounts payable displays the
money going-out of the organization with their destination. The business flow is quite simple;
however, to accomplish all these tasks is burdensome for both the customer side and the hotel
side without an efficient and integrated hotel management system.

With the HMIS (Hotel Management Information System), Restrictions and access levels
can be stipulated to prevent unauthorized or unwanted personnel from any point of operation i.e.
workers cannot have access to areas not pertaining to their roles as set by the administrator. The
administrator can also decide what operations can be carried out where on the application. For
example a staff with the role “Housekeeping” should not be able to modify the schedule set for
him/her for the month by the House keeping Manager, and the catering staff should not have
access to the “cashier posting” of customer accommodation.
Staff Payroll can be generated and added to records with details from the staff record
(HR) and accounting specific details from the staff record will be brought up
during the preparation of staff salaries and the gross and net pay will be calculated. The Assets
Register will enable record keeping of both the fixed asset and floating asset in the organization.

The project simply serves as an ERP (Enterprise resource planner/ Management System)
for the hotel organization and should function effectively if utilized properly.


In Order for the goals of the automated system to be achieved the design of the HMIS takes the
following into consideration:

 The system must make the hotel services fully known to the customer such as the room
details and pricing.
 The system must be able to search databases or records to provide quick result based on
users query.
 The system should ensure data consistency and no duplication of data no matter how
 The system must be accessed only by authorized persons and should indicate the user at
any point in time (User Authentication).
 The design (Graphical) must be comprehendible and not clumsy to the user; easy to use,
and easy to understand.
 The system should be able to generate reports and print out information on users demand.
 The system must have access levels based on user roles such as Manager-Administrator-
Accountant-Other staff.
 The system should generate primary keys in most cases unless specified by user, and the
unique keys should be visible.
 The system must carry out only actions specified by the user (browse, modify, delete,

This is the process and art of defining the Architecture, components, modules, interface, and data
for a system to satisfy specified requirements by the stakeholder or customer.

The Project is designed in phases to ensure that all necessary fields are covered in the
management of the Hotel system. The design entails room reservation which is a crucial aspect
of the system, administrator operations which control the entire system, and user activities (Other
Staff) and data retrieval.

User Login Staff

Manager Admin



Catering/ Food

Finance &

Admin &Gen.

Figure 3.1 Data Flow diagram for Hotel Management System



Front Desk / Reception Accommodation Catering Finance & Accounts Admin & General Services

Customer Information
Add Hotel Room Food Ordering Schedule Staff Payroll System Personnel Staff Record

Customer Room Hotel Room

Restaurant & Bar Accounts Receivable Security
Reservation Maintenance

Housekeeping Schedule
Cashier Posting Accounts Payable

Room Inventory Assets Register

Figure 3.2 Diagram of Hotel Management Information System Project Architecture



For Admin
Password Invalid
Username &

Is Password &
Username Valid


Choose Module

No No
Check In Customer Manage Rooms No No Admin & General
Catering/Food Delivery Finance & Account Mgt
(Reception) (Accommodation) Services


Customer Personnel Staff

Add Hotel Generate Staff
Information Catering Record
Room Payroll
Maintenance Maintenance

Addition Addition Addition Addition Saved

Successful Successful Successful Successful Successfully

Food Ordering Accounts

Hotel Room Security
Room Booking Schedule Receivable
Maintenance Maintenance

Addition Saved Addition Addition Addition

Successful Successfully Successful Successful Successful

Cashier House-keeping
Restaurant & Accounts
Posting schedule
Bar posting Receivable
Assignment Maintenance

Saved Saved Saved

Successfully Successfully Successfully Saved

Room Inventory
Maintenace Assets

Addition Addition
Successful Successful

Figure 3.3 Program activity for Hotel Management Information System Modules











Figure 3.4: Program activity for reservation of rooms

Staff Records Maintenance

Hotel Room Maintenance Include Login


Employee Payroll Include

Details Maintenance

Food Ordering And Delivery Include


House Keeping Schedule Include




Figure 3.5: Use Case Diagram for the HIMS

3.3.5 Hotel Room Maintenance

Figure 3.6 Use Case diagram for Hotel Room Maintenance


Use Case Name: Hotel Room Maintenance Module

Brief description: This case enables the director (Accommodation) to add a hotel room and
update the room information. It also aids frequent room status update whether room is vacant,
occupied, housekeeping, repairs etc.

Actor: Director

Actor Action System Response

User Selects “Room Maintenance” Display the Main-menu
Display sub-Menu: Add Room Number
Display sub-Menu: Room Type Maintenance
Display sub-Menu: Room Rates Maintenance
Display sub-Menu: Room Status Maintenance

 If the sub-menu selected is “Add Hotel Room”, The S-1 Add Hotel Room sub-flow is
 If the submenu selected is “Edit Hotel Room”, The S-2 Edit Hotel Room sub-flow is



The System will check on all data that user keys in the required field on data type, maximum
length, correct format, and a unique ID which does not allow any duplicate data. If all validation
is valid, then the operation will be successful otherwise an error message will be displayed.

The system will display all hotel room information in this module. When the director clicks on
the “edit” button of the selected field, all data will be post into the text or dropdown-list for the
director to update the record. The System will check on all data that user keys in the required
field on data type, maximum length, correct format, and unique ID which does not allow any
duplicate data. If no error occurs, the director is allowed to update the record and all information
will be updated.

3.3.6 Payroll Generation

Figure 3.7 Use Case diagram for Employee Payroll Maintenance




BRIEF DESCRIPTION: This use case allows Accounting manager and staff to add and print
the entire company employee payroll records.

Actor: Accounting Manager and Staff.

Actor Action System Response

User Selects “Payroll” In the Finance & Display The main menu
Account Module Display sub-menu: Add payroll record and
print employee pay slip.
 If the Sub-menu selected is “Add Payroll Record”, The S-1: Add payroll record sub-flow
is performed.
 If the Sub-menu selected is “Print Employee Pay slip”, The S-2: Print Employee Pay slip
sub- flow is performed.



The Accounting Manager and staff are able to add all employee pay roll records by calculating
their monthly salary and allowance. They can add the employee records monthly or yearly.
Modification is needed when necessary fields need to be updated.


The accounting Manager and staff are able to print the employee pay slip by entering the desired
month and year and generate the report for printing.

Alternative Flows/Exceptional Flow

A-1 step S-1

When the accounting manager or staff is adding the employee payroll record, few fields are
required to be entered instead of calling from the database, such as month and year for the
employee salary. The data type must be entered correctly; else an error message will be
displayed to alert the user. An example is the basic allowance. The basic salary is stored on the
database based on the designation of the staff

A-2 Step S-2

When there is an empty textbox such as selected year in this module, the system will block the
update process and will display “The year field cannot be blank’ message to the user. Once the
format is valid it will be successfully updated.

3.3.7 Food Ordering Maintenance

Figure 3.8 Use case diagram for food ordering and delivery

Use Case Name: Food ordering and Delivery Maintenance Module

Brief Description: This use case allows Housekeeping Manager and Staff to view customer food
order and allows them to search for undelivered food, update the food delivery status and print
the customer’s order receipt.

Actor: Hose keeping Manager and Staff.

Actor Action System Response

User selects “Food Ordering” and Delivery Display the Main-menu
Maintenance Display Sub-menu: View Food-Ordering
Record, Update food Delivery Status and Print
Food Ordering Receipt.

 If the sub-menu selected is “view food ordering record’, The S-1: view food ordering
record sub-flow is performed.
 If the sub-menu selected is “Update food delivery status”, The S-2: Update food delivery
status sub-flow is performed.
 If the sub-menu selected is “Print Food Order receipt”, The S-3: Print Food Order receipt
sub-flow is performed.



View Food Ordering Record

Food ordering Manager and staff are able to view all customer food order. They can search or
filter customer order by delivery status. For undelivered order, they willprepare the cujstomer
order and deliver it as soon as possible.


Update Food Delivery Status

When the food delivery staff has successfully delivered the customer order, he/she should update
the delivery status manually from undelivered to delivered.


Print Food Order Receipt

Before the food delivery staff should deliver the customer order, he/she should print out the
customer order receipt and collect the money from the customer on delivery.

Alternative Flow/Exceptional Flow

A-1 Step S-3

When the food delivery staff wishes to print the customer order receipt, the delivery staff should
enter the customer room ID, if the ID doesn’t exist or is entered in the wrong format, an error
message will be displayed to notify the user. If the delivery staff doesn’t enter any room ID a
message box with “Please fill in the Room ID” will be displayed.
3.3.8 House Keeping Maintenance

Figure 3.9 Use case diagram for Housekeeping Schedule Maintenance



Use Case Name: House Keeping Schedule Maintenance Module

Brief Description: This use case allows the house keeping manager to assign the duty schedule
of housekeeping staff by month. Besides, it also allows the housekeeping manager to update the
records and delete the records. The housekeeping staff is only allowed to view their schedule.
Actor: House Keeping Manager, House Keeping Staff.

Actor Action System Response

User Selects “House-Keeping” in the Display The Main-menu
Accommodation Module Display Sub-menu: Add House-Keeping
record, Edit House-Keeping record, Delete
and View House-Keeping record.

 If the sub-menu selected is “Add House Keeping Record”, The S-1: Add House Keeping
Record sub-flow is performed.
 If the sub-menu selected is” Edit House Keeping Record”, The S-2: Edit House Keeping
Record sub-flow is performed.
 If the sub-menu selected is “Delete House Keeping Record”, The S-3: Delete House
Keeping Record sub-flow is performed.
 If the sub-menu selected is “View House Keeping Record” The S-4: Add House Keeping
Record sub-flow is performed.



Add House Keeping Record

House Keeping Manager is able to add housekeeping record. Every month, two
housekeeping staff is assigned to a floor e.g. ground floor. Once the save button is clicked the
process is validated, and the record is added successfully else an error message is displayed.

Edit House Keeping Record

The housekeeping Manager is able to update the records, but only two staff are assigned in the
update also. Once the save button is clicked the process is validated, and the record is added
successfully else an error message is displayed.


Delete House Keeping Record

The housekeeping Manager is able to delete the records, and one the record is deleted the
“deleted successfully message is displayed”.


View House Keeping Record

Housekeeping staff is able to check on their duty schedule by entering their ID’s. The System
will Display information about their schedule which includes floor number, month of duty, and


The data in the system has to be stored and retrieved from the database. Designing the
database is part of the system design. Data elements and data structures to be stored have been
identified at the analysis phase. They are structured and put together to design the data storage
and retrieval system. A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum
redundancy to serve many users quickly and efficiently.
The general objective of the Hotel Management Information System is to make record
access quick, easy, inexpensive and flexible to the user. Relationships are established between
the data items, and unnecessary data items are removed. Normalization is done to get an internal
consistency of data and to have minimum redundancy and maximum stability. This ensures
minimizing data storage required, minimizing chances of data inconsistencies and optimizing for
updates, The MS Access database has been chosen for developing the relevant databases.

The choice of access id due to the following reasons:

 Access database program and Microsoft SQL-server comes at no extra cost and it is
available on every computer running a Microsoft operating system which is the most
popular operating system as at the time of the writing of this project report. Designing the
prototype database for our expert system which is a desktop based program, Access and
its Microsoft SQL-server is cost effective, easy to understand and it is a readily available
 SQL which stands for Structured Query Language is a defining standard in database
management. With Access having this standard through its Microsoft SQL-server and the

The following are the tables that are involved in the proposed system:

Table 3.1: Cashier


CustomerId Nchar 10 Primary Key
AmountPaid Money
Receipt Nchar 10
NameOfAccount Char 50
Table 3.2: Customer details


CustomerID Int Primary Key
Name Char 100
Address Nvarchar Max
ArrivingFrom Char 100
TransistingTo Text
NoOfNights Int
Occupation Char 250
telephone Char 20
Sign Char 50

Table 3.3: Food Order


Food_Order_Id Nchar 20 Primary Key
Food_Id Nchar 30
Food_Type Char 100
Quantity Int
Total Money
DeliveryStatus Char 10

Table 3.4: Housekeeping


HousekeepingID Varchar 50 Primary Key
Floor_ID Varchar 50
Month Text
AssignTo2 Varchar 50
AssignTo2 Varchar 50
Table 3.5: Obtain ID


UniversalID Numeric 18 Primary Key
SourceID Int
Description Char 100

Table 3.6: Passwords


UserID Varchar 50 Primary Key
UserName Varchar 50
Password Varchar 50
Table 3.7: Room Rates


RoomRateID Int Primary Key
Room Number Int
RoomFloor Char 1
RoomType Char 1
RoomRate Money
NoofPerson Int
ExtraAdultRate Money
ExtraChildRate Money
DateAdded Datetime
AddedByFK Int
DateModified Datetime
LastUserFK Int
Table 3.8: Room Status


StatusID Int Primary Key
Status Nvarchar 50
dateAdded Datetime
AddedByFK Int
DateModified Datetime
LastUserFK Int

Table 3.9: Room type


RoomTypeID Int
RoomNo Int
RoomFloor Varchar
RoomType Nvarchar 50
DateAdded Datetime
AddedByFK Int
DateModified Datetime
LastUserFK Int
Table 3.10: Room Allocation


CustomerId Int Primary Key
CustomerName Char
AttendingOfficer Char
Date Datetime
RoomAllocated Nvarchar
Condition Text
ActionsTaken Text

Table 3.11: User Account


UserID Text Primary Key
Password Varchar 50
FFullName Text
MaritalStatus Text
ID_Number Varchar 50
Gender Char 1
Address Text
Telephone Bigint
RegistrationDate Date
Roles Text
Email Varchar 50
AccountNo Bigint
Department Varchar 50
Salary Decimal (18, 0)
Table 3.12: Access Role Table


RoleID Char 100 Primary Key
FunctionID Char 100
Add Int
Edit Int
Delete Int
Browse Int

Table 3.13: Fixed Asset Table


AssetNo Int (1,1) Primary Key
Item Char
Quantity Int
Dateofacc Date
Value Money

Table 3.14: Function Table


FunctionID Char 50 Primary Key
FunctionName Char 100
ModuleID Char 100
URL 250 250
Table 3.15: Inventory


InventoryID Int Primary key
RoomNo Smallint
Item Char 100
Unit Int
Condition Varchar
StaffName Char 100

Table 3.16: Module table


ModuleID Char 10 Primary Key
Moduledescription Char 100
Diasbled Int

Table 3.17: Passwords


UserID Varchar 50 Primary Key
UserName Varchar 50
Password Varchar 50
RoleID Char 10
Table 3.18: Staff Record


StaffRecNo Int 100 Primary key
Surname Char 100
Othernames Varchar 1
Gender Char
DateOfBirth Date
DateOfFirstAppointment Date
DesignationAndAppointment Char
DateOfLAstPromotion Date
CurrentPosition Char 100
CurrentSalary Money
Department Char 100
Bank Varchar 50
AccountNo Nvarchar 50
IdNumber Nvarchar 15
PhoneNumber Nvarchar 100
Address Nvarchar 100
NextOfkin Varchar 15
FileNumber Nvarchar 100
UserName Varchar 15
Password Varchar 100
Passport Image 100
Table 3.19: Role Type


RoleID Char 100
RoleDescription Char 100

Table 3.20: Room ID


RoomID Int Primary Key
RoomNo Smallint
Price Money
RoomType Text
RoomFloor Varchar



The following are the necessary hardware requirements necessary for the proper implementation
of the Hotel Management Information System:

 A 32-bit 2.2GHz processor

 Windows Xp and upwards operating system
 Web Browser (internet explorer recommended)
 1 GB RAM processor


Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working
system. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on
implementation, design of methods to achieve the changeover, an evaluation of change over
methods. Apart from planning major task of preparing the implementation are education and
training of users. The implementation process begins with preparing a plan for the
implementation of the system. According to this plan, the activities are to be carried out,
discussions made regarding the equipment and resources and the additional equipment has to be
acquired to implement the new system. In a network backup system no additional resources are
require. The most critical stage in a achieving a successful new system is giving the users the
confidence that the new system will work and be effective. The system can be implemented only
after thorough testing is done and is found to be working according to specification. This method
also offers the greatest security since the old system can take over if the errors are found or there
is an inability to carry out a certain transaction while using the new system.

4.3.1 The Home Page

The Home page of the Hotel management Information system basically consists of five modules
which include; the front desk/reception module, Accommodation /Room Allocation module,
catering (Restaurant and Bar) Module, Finance and account module and Administration and
General Services. It also includes the “Log out” option and an i-frame which posts back all
clicked options.

Figure 4.1 Home page

4.3.2 The “Log in” Page

The log in page for the HMIS comprises of a dialog box which allows the user to input their User
name and password. It also includes a log in button and a retrieve password for users who forget
their password. It was developed using session (user id) to save the user name and password in
order to save the user name and password for future references or uses. The input will be
validated when user keys in a value for either of the two required values and when both are
deemed correct or validated it advances to the menu page of the application else a message
stating that the username and/or password will be displayed.

Figure 4.2 User Login

4.3.3 Front Desk

In the front desk module, customer details will be captured, allocation of customers to a specific
room and cashier posting of transactions will take place. Personal details of customer

When a customer arrives at the front desk, the first procedure will be to take down the required
details which include His/her full name, number of nights, address, phone number, arriving from
and destination, and occupation. This page has also been designed to throw back error messages
when certain fields are left blank or unfilled. Added items can be updated (edited), deleted and
viewed by authorized staff. A search field has been included to locate specific entries in this
record or register.
Figure 4.3 Customer Form Room Allocation of customers

Once personal details of customers have been registered the next procedure will be to allocate
the customer to the room of his or her choice (Deluxe, Standard, VIP and Chalet). The page
requires most importantly the name of the customer which is selected from the dropdown menu
and the room is selected from the list of available rooms in the drop down menu. Entries can also
be viewed, edited and deleted. The dropdown list only shows vacant rooms and as each room is
allocated to a particular client the room status table is updated to occupy hence excluding the
room from the list of available rooms until it is then manually updated to a vacant status.
Figure 4.4 Room Allocation Cashier Posting

This page is the page that follows immediately after the Room allocation process. The page has
also been designed to generate Customer Id numbers automatically. There is also a look up field
which allows search for customers already existing in the database. It also has a button or
function that generates receipts using Crystal reports. The “Generate” button generates random
receipt numbers that cannot be repeated.

Figure 4.5 Cashier Posting

4.3.4 ACCOMMODATION MODULE Room maintenance

This module is to be used by the accommodation Director. It is used to carry out room
maintenance on the Hotel Management System. This includes room number, room type, room
rates and room status.
Figure 4.6 Room Type

Figure 4.7 Room Status and Rates Room Inventory

This page simply keeps stock of each room and the state of the room.

Figure 4.8

4.3.5 CATERING MODULE Food Ordering and Delivery

This keeps a record of the food orders of customers in the Hotel. It has entries detailing the food,
quantity and selected destination/room. It generates a food order Id on its own and also allows
the user/administrator to confirm whether the order/food has been delivered or not.

Figure 4.9 Food Delivery Status Bar Module

This page allows the user/manger to enter the details of the drinks ordered by customers, the
quantity and price. This is used in keeping the account of the Hotel.
4.3.6 FINANCE AND ACCOUNT Salary grade Table

This page allows the Manager to input the Salary, allowances and grade of each employee for
references and worker’s pay check.

Figure 4.10 Payroll Record

On this page the administrator can supply all of the employees’ earnings and deductions and
calculate the total salary of each employee.
Figure 4.11 Asset Maintenance

This comprises of fixed asset maintenance; the coordination and maintenance of all assets which
cannot be easily converted into cash and floating asset maintenance; care and coordination of
movable assets.
Figure 4.12


This page allows the administration keep record of all personnel staff in the hotel
captures various details about each individual such as Full name, Next Of Kin, Date Of Birth,
Role, ID-Number , Address, File Number, Department,Bank , Account Number as well as
passport. All entries can be viewed and deleted.
Figure 4.13


The security of the application is the most crucial aspect of the application as it provides
restriction to modules based on authorization. This security entails

-Assign Group Rights: assign specific group to various modules.

-Assign Individual Rights: assign specific individuals to various modules.

-User Profile: Grants access to individual user into the system.

-Change of a Password: Enable change of login parameters into the system.

These pages allow only the System administrator and General Managerto assign group
rights and individual rights on the system. For instance a group like the “Front Desk” can be
prevented from viewing entries in the “Finance & Accounts” module however a specific user in
the group (Front Desk) will be allowed to view entries in the “Finance & Accounts” module.
Figure 4.14
Figure 4.15


System testing is the stage of implementation which is aimed at ensuring that the system works
accurately and efficiently before live operation commences. Testing is the process executing the
program with the intent of finding errors and missing operations and also a complete verification
to determine whether the objectives are met and the user requirements are satisfied. The ultimate
aim is quality assurance. Tests are carried out and the results are compared with the expected
document. In case of erroneous results, debugging is done. Using detailed testing strategies a test
plan is carried out on each module. The various tests performed are unit testing, integration
testing and user acceptance testing.


The software units in a system are modules and routines that are assembled and integrated to
perform a specific function. Unit testing focuses first on modules, independently of one another,
to locate errors. This enables us to detect errors in coding and logic that are contained within
each module. This testing includes entering data and ascertaining if the value matches to the type
and size supported by the various controls are tested to ensure that each performs its
actions as required.


Data can be lost across any interface, one module can have an adverse effect on another, sub
functions when combined, may not produce the desired major functions. Integration testing is a
systematic testing to discover errors associated within the interface. The objective is to take unit
tested modules and build a program structure. All the modules are combined and tested as a
whole. Here the Server module and Client Module options are integrated and tested. This testing
provides the assurance that the application is well integrated functional unit with smooth
transition of data.


User acceptance of a system is the key factor for the success of any system. The system under
consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with the system users
at time of developing and making changes whenever required.


Maintenance involves the software industry captive, typing up system resources. It means
restoring something to its original condition. Maintenance follows conversion to the extent that
changes are necessary to maintain satisfactory operations relative to changes in the user’s
environment. Maintenance often includes minor enhancements or corrections to problems that
surface in the system’s operation. Maintenance is also done based on fixing the problems
reported, changing the interface with the other software or hardware enhancing the software.
Any system developed should be secured and protected against possible hazards. Security
measures are provided to prevent unauthorized access to the database at various levels. An
uninterrupted power supply should be so that the power failure or voltage fluctuations will not
erase the data in the files. Password protections and simple procedures to prevent the
unauthorized access are provided to the users. The system allows the user to enter the system
only through proper user name and password. After designing and coding the application it only
runs in the visual studio environment in order to make the application stand alone and
employable to other computer systems it needs to be compiled into an executable format (.exe).
Visual studios have an inbuilt program that allows for a one-click solution for this.

The work was designed based on the methodology stated in the previous chapters and the
implementation is based on the requirement for a hotel management system. The project work
has four major aspects which include the Reservation of rooms, retrieval of records, user’s
activities and administrator’s activities. The result from the implementation of the work is
explained in various sections below.

4.6.1 Reservation of Rooms

As a tradition in hospitality management sector, anyone who wished to lodge in a hotel must go
for reservation of room within the time such person wishes. This is necessary so that such room
is not given to another within the reserved date.

Therefore, in this phase, we are able to reserve a room each customer based on the day he/she
wished to check in and out. This is done by collecting some information from the customer such
as arrival date, departure date, customer name, country, state, town, phone number, including
number of adult and children. With the acceptance of these data the system display available
rooms and compute the changes after which the system accepts the prepaid amount and the store
in the database. The above process is depicted in figure 4.7 showing the reservation form. After
the first reservation the system is able to identify the customer when next he comes for
reservation by entering his/her number. The system ensures data room reserved with the
specified data is not made available during reservation for another customer

4.6.2 Administrator’s Activities

The administrator controls all the activities of the hotel. The administrator access the system by
authentication. After login the administrator can perform some function such as to reserve room
for customer, view information that are stored in the database as well as granting privilege to
access the system to various users and retrieving it from users. The system is flexible as more
rooms can be added to it.
The administrator supplies room details such as room name, room type, room description,
room number, rate amount, adult charge and child charge after which it saved in the database.
The administrator can also perform some other function such as data retrieval.

4.6.3 User’s Activities

Some people apart from the administrator can access the system to perform some function.
The function performed is based on privilege granted to them by the administrator. Here, the user
login to the system as shown in figure 4.2. The user after login tom the system can also reserve
rooms for customers. Also, the user takes control of checking in and out of customers through
accepting the balance of the customer when checking in as shown in figure 4.4. Similarly, the
user can also display data stored in the database.

4.6.4 Retrieval of stored Hotel Record

Another tradition in hospitality sector is to find stored data of the hotel information in the
database. In this phase, we are able to get the list of customers, list of rooms available in the
hotel, list of reservation, check-in details as well as check-out details. Figure 4.8, shows all the
list of reservation with respect to customer’s data displaying information about them at a glance.
Also the record of rooms available in the hotel can also be displayed. The record of check-in and
nut details of customer can also be displayed in the same manner.

4.6.5 Discussion on the Observation from the Implemented work

From various result obtained from the implementation of the work; we have been able to
avoid collision in the allocation of rooms and also ensure proper management of data through
authentication thereby disallow unauthorized person from gaining access to the system. Also,
duplication of records is avoided. The customer’s data and other information about the hotel are
retrieved almost immediately. In a nutshell, we have been able to achieve the aim of the work
stated in the beginning of the work. The project can be implemented on real time basis and had
numerous benefits some of which are highlighted below.

 Performance: The manual handling of the hotel record is time consuming and highly
prone to error. This work will improve the performance of the Hotel management system,
due to fast retrieval of data and coordination of data in a centralized manner.
 Efficiency: The project work enhances efficiency in the activities of the Hotel since there
is division of labour through the privilege granted other users.
 Control: The complete control of the electronic system is under the hands of authorized
person who has the password to access this project and illegal access is not supposed to
deal with. All the control is under the administrator and the other members have the
rights to just see the records not to change any transaction entry.
 Security: Security is the main criteria for electronic hotel management system. Since
illegal access may corrupt the database and ensure protection of stored data. Therefore
this project work ensures security of data.

In summary, the result obtained from the implementation of the work and various benefit
incurred from the system is enough to entice all hotels and these will go a long way to improve
the quality of service provided to the customer. It is therefore suitable for all hotels where high
performance of service is of prime importance.



Traditionally hotel management is done using pen and papers. Hotel Management
Information System is required to assist in the management of data and records in the hospitality
sector. The system automates the entire process of managing staff information, financial
transactions within the hotel (Cashier Posting, Accounts receivable, Accounts payable)
monitoring resources (Asset & Personnel). This new system also helps with easy reservation of
rooms to the customer thereby minimizing efforts in the process.

The study revealed that several software systems exist for Hotel Management, some of
which includes “GuestPoint”, “FrontdeskAnywhere”, “SKYWARE Hospitality Solution” and
much more. A scalable HMIS can be developed and implemented to suit the environment in
which it is to be used.

Furthermore it can be concluded from the above discussion that a reliable, secure, fast,
and efficient system has been developed replacing the manual and less reliable system the HMIS
system can be implemented in hotels for better results regarding the management of customer’s


In conclusion we believe this project if properly utilized will save time, reduce the
amount of work the administration has to do, and will replace the stationery material with
electronic apparatus. The system should also serve as a major tool to improving the efficiency in
Hotel management. Hence a system with expected results has been developed but there is still
room for improvement.

In terms of experience gained through the duration of this project study, the students have
been able to have broader knowledge about the management of Hotel organization using manual
and automated procedures. The students have also been able to improve their knowledge in
developing enterprise applications. We believe this project will serve the university efficiently in
their efforts to automate the Hotel management process of the “SACOBE LODGE”.


As earlier mentioned the project study covers Reception, accommodation, finance and
account, catering, food ordering, administrative, security, and general services transactions in the
Hotel management.
However the project has limitations based on these facts
 The “finance and account” aspect of the HMIS will not capture the budget
function; it only captures the accounts receivables and accounts payable.
 Another limitation of the system is that customer’s signature will not be captured.
This process might make procedures cumbersome, which is what the study hopes
to eliminate; however it captures full details of the customer.
 The system does not have an online payment option on the online room
reservation menu.
 The system is not designed to run off-line.
 Due to time constraints certain fields were not included; the software was
therefore reduced to covering critical aspect of hotel management.

These limitations were encountered in the course of the study, and appropriate techniques have
been applied to ensure the system functions properly thereby eliminates the “stale mate”


Various benefits associated with this work and the results of the implemented system make it
suitable for any hotel. Therefore it is recommended for any hotel especially those with a large
turnout of customers and where loss of customer’s information is common. This will protect the
interest of the Hotel owners and enhance good performance of the services provided.
Due to the fact that there will always be an increase in the expectations and demand of customers
and Hotel owners and administrators will always demand greater effectiveness and efficiency of
any system and prevention of unauthorized access into the system it is recommended that
constant research be carried out and regular updates made to increase the reliability of the
present system.

The growth of a hotel organization also depends on how well their resources (Human, Assets)
are managed, how well they treat their customers (Hospitality) leading to large turn-up, quality
of service rendered to customers and efficiency of the system in use. It is therefore recommended
to always put these factors into consideration when implementing any policies within the


 Biometric measures such as fingerprint, retinal scan etc. should be included in the system
to ensure good security of the system thereby avoiding impersonation and unauthorized
access to stored data thereby preventing loss of vital information.
 Implementation of a multi modal hotel management control system in delivery of service
to customers.
 Implementation of more modern online facilities that might help prospective customers
interact (limitedly) more with the system and the Hotel in general such as PayPal for
making online transactions.
 Adequate provision should be made for customers to interact with authorized users of the
hotel for reservation using their mobile phones.

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Menu Page

Partial Class MenuExpand

Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
lblTime.Text = Format(Now, "dd-MM-yyyy")
lblUserName.Text = Session("StaffName")
[lblRoleID].Text = Session("RoleID")
End If
End Sub

End Class

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class payroll
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim MiscClass As New MiscClass

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
haccess.Value = "1"
msg.Text = "Add New"
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
' MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0
End If
End Sub

Sub Cancelfield()
[LblFullName].Text() = ""
LblRole.Text = ""
[LblFileNumber].Text = ""
[LblGender].Text = ""
[LblBank].Text = ""
[LblAccountNo].Text = ""
fldUserID.Text = ""
fldSearch.Text = ""
fldBasicSalary.Text = "0.0000"
fldHousingAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldTransportAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldMealSubsidy.Text = "0.0000"
fldMedicalAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldDressingAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldLeaveAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldPension.Text = "0.0000"
fldTax.Text = "0.0000"
fldSalaryAdvance.Text = "0.0000"
fldUnionDues.Text = "0.0000"
fldMotorVehicles.Text = "0.0000"
fldCoOperatives.Text = "0.0000"
fldOthers.Text = "0.0000"
fldGrossPay.Text = "0.0000"
fldTotalDeductions.Text = "0.0000"
fldNetPay.Text = "0.0000"

End Sub

Sub CollateData()

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(DataObject.ConnectionString)

Dim str As String
str = "select * from [SalaryGradeTable] where Role= '" &
Trim(LblRole.Text) & "'"
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader
LblRole.Text = ""
While reader.Read

LblRole.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Role"))
fldBasicSalary.Text = Trim(reader.Item("BasicSalary"))
fldDressingAllowance.Text =
fldHousingAllowance.Text = Trim(reader.Item("HousingAllowance"))
fldTransportAllowance.Text =
fldMedicalAllowance.Text = Trim(reader.Item("MedicalAllowance"))
fldTax.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Tax"))
fldPension.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Pension"))
fldCoOperatives.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Cooperative"))
End While
If Trim(LblRole.Text) = "" Then
End If
End Sub

Sub retrievedata()
Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=(local);database=Hms;user
Dim str As String
str = "select * from PayrollRecordTable where IdNumber= '" &
Trim(fldUserID.Text) & "'"
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader
[LblFullName].Text() = ""
LblRole.Text = ""
[LblFileNumber].Text = ""
[LblGender].Text = ""
[LblBank].Text = ""
[LblAccountNo].Text = ""
fldUserID.Text = ""
fldBasicSalary.Text = "0.0000"
fldHousingAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldTransportAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldMealSubsidy.Text = "0.0000"
fldMedicalAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldDressingAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldLeaveAllowance.Text = "0.0000"
fldPension.Text = "0.0000"
fldTax.Text = "0.0000"
fldSalaryAdvance.Text = "0.0000"
fldUnionDues.Text = "0.0000"
fldMotorVehicles.Text = "0.0000"
fldCoOperatives.Text = "0.0000"
fldOthers.Text = "0.0000"
fldGrossPay.Text = "0.0000"
fldTotalDeductions.Text = "0.0000"
fldNetPay.Text = "0.0000"

While reader.Read
[LblFullName].Text = Trim(reader.Item("FullName"))
LblRole.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Role"))
[LblFileNumber].Text = Trim(reader.Item("FileNumber"))
[LblGender].Text = Trim(reader.Item("Gender"))
[LblBank].Text = Trim(reader.Item("Bank"))
[LblAccountNo].Text = Trim(reader.Item("AccountNo"))
fldUserID.Text = Trim(reader.Item("IdNumber"))
fldCurrentMonth.Text = Trim(reader.Item("CurrentMonth"))
fldCurrentYear.Text = Trim(reader.Item("CurrentYear"))
fldBasicSalary.Text = Trim(reader.Item("BasicSalary"))
fldHousingAllowance.Text = Trim(reader.Item("HousingAllowance"))
fldTransportAllowance.Text =
fldMealSubsidy.Text = Trim(reader.Item("MealSubsidy"))
fldMedicalAllowance.Text = Trim(reader.Item("MedicalAllowance"))
fldDressingAllowance.Text =
fldLeaveAllowance.Text = Trim(reader.Item("LeaveAllowance"))
fldPension.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Pension"))
fldTax.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Tax"))
fldSalaryAdvance.Text = Trim(reader.Item("SalaryAdvance"))
fldUnionDues.Text = Trim(reader.Item("UnionDues"))
fldMotorVehicles.Text = Trim(reader.Item("MotorVehicle"))
fldCoOperatives.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Cooperative"))
fldOthers.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Others"))
fldGrossPay.Text = Trim(reader.Item("GrossPay"))
fldTotalDeductions.Text = Trim(reader.Item("TotalDeduction"))
fldNetPay.Text = Trim(reader.Item("NetPay"))

End While
If Trim(fldUserID.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "Error"
End If

End Sub

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

fldGrossPay.Text =
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(fldBasicSalary.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldHousingAllowance.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldTransportAllowance.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldMealSubsidy.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldMedicalAllowance.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldDressingAllowance.Text) +
fldTotalDeductions.Text =
Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(fldPension.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldTax.Text) + Convert.ToDecimal(fldSalaryAdvance.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldUnionDues.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldMotorVehicles.Text) +
Convert.ToDecimal(fldCoOperatives.Text) + Convert.ToDecimal(fldOthers.Text))
fldNetPay.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDecimal(fldGrossPay.Text)
- Convert.ToDecimal(fldTotalDeductions.Text))
End Sub

Protected Sub cmdaddrecord1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles cmdaddrecord1.Click
If Trim(fldUserID.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The UserID field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(LblFullName.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The Full Name field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If

If Trim(LblRole.Text) = "" Then

msg.Text = "The Role field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(LblFileNumber.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The FileNumber field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(LblGender.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The Gender field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(LblBank.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The Bank field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If

If Trim(LblAccountNo.Text) = "" Then

msg.Text = "The AccountNumber Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If

If Trim(fldCurrentMonth.Text) = "" Then

msg.Text = "The CurrentMonth field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldCurrentYear.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The CurrentYear field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If

If Trim(fldBasicSalary.Text) = "" Then

msg.Text = "The BasicSalary field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldHousingAllowance.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The HousingAllowance field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldTransportAllowance.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The TransportAllowance field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldMealSubsidy.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The MealSubsidy field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldMedicalAllowance.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The MedicalAllowance field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldDressingAllowance.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The DressingAllowance field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldPension.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The FileNo field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldTax.Text) = "" Then
msg.Text = "The Tax field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If

If Trim(haccess.Value) = "" Then

msg.Text = "The Access Mode Has Not Been Specified"
Exit Sub
End If

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(DataObject.ConnectionString)

Dim str As String
'Dim comm As New SqlCommand
If haccess.Value = "1" Then

str = "insert into

Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
' comm.Parameters.Add("@StaffRecNo", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)
' comm.Parameters("@StaffRecNo").Value = Trim(fldStaffRecNo.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@IdNumber", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
comm.Parameters("@IdNumber").Value = Trim(fldUserID.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@FullName", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)
comm.Parameters("@FullName").Value = Trim(LblFullName.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Role", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)
comm.Parameters("@Role").Value = Trim(LblRole.Text)
comm.Parameters("@FileNumber").Value = Trim(LblFileNumber.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Gender", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Gender").Value = Trim(LblGender.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Bank", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar)
comm.Parameters("@Bank").Value = Trim(LblBank.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@AccountNo", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar)
comm.Parameters("@AccountNo").Value = Trim(LblAccountNo.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@CurrentMonth", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@CurrentMonth").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@CurrentYear", System.Data.SqlDbType.NChar)
comm.Parameters("@CurrentYear").Value = Trim(fldCurrentYear.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@BasicSalary", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@BasicSalary").Value = Trim(fldBasicSalary.Text)
comm.Parameters("@HousingAllowance").Value =
comm.Parameters("@TransportAllowance").Value =
comm.Parameters("@MedicalAllowance").Value =
comm.Parameters("@DressingAllowance").Value =
comm.Parameters("@LeaveAllowance").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@Pension", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@Pension").Value = Trim(fldPension.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Tax", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@Tax").Value = Trim(fldTax.Text)
comm.Parameters("@SalaryAdvance").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@MealSubsidy", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@MealSubsidy").Value = Trim(fldMealSubsidy.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@UnionDues", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@UnionDues").Value = Trim(fldUnionDues.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@MotorVehicle", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@MotorVehicle").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@Cooperative", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@Cooperative").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@Others", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@Others").Value = Trim(fldOthers.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@GrossPay", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@GrossPay").Value = Trim(fldGrossPay.Text)
comm.Parameters("@TotalDeduction").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@NetPay", System.Data.SqlDbType.Money)
comm.Parameters("@NetPay").Value = Trim(fldNetPay.Text)

msg.Text = "Addition Successfull"
Catch ex As Exception
msg.Text = ex.Message
End Try
End If

End Sub

Protected Sub fldUserID_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles fldUserID.TextChanged
End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
msg.Text = "Add New Customer"
haccess.Value = "1"
End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton2.Click
msg.Text = "Edit Existing Details"
haccess.Value = "2"
End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButton3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton3.Click
msg.Text = "Browse Existing Details"
haccess.Value = "3"
MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 1
End Sub
Protected Sub ImageButton4_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton4.Click
msg.Text = "delete Existing Details"
haccess.Value = "4"
End Sub

Protected Sub cmdclear_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles cmdclear.Click
End Sub

Protected Sub fldLookUpStaff_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles fldLookUpStaff.Click
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1
End Sub
Sub LoadData()

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(DataObject.ConnectionString)

Dim str As String
str = "select IdNumber,Surname,Othernames from StaffRecord "
str += " where 1=1 "
If Trim(cmdSearch.Text) <> "" Then
str += " and Surname+Othernames+Gender+Role+Department+Bank like
'%" & Trim(fldSearch.Text) & "%'"
End If
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader
GridView2.DataSource = reader
End Sub

Protected Sub cmdSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSearch.Click
End Sub

Protected Sub GridView2_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles
Dim Index As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)
Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView2.Rows(Index), jj As Integer = 0

Dim x As String
x = row.Cells(1).Text
fldUserID.Text = Trim(x)
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
End Sub

Sub Cusomerretrievedata()

Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Server=(local);database=Hms;user

Dim str As String
str = "select rtrim (Surname) +' ' + rtrim (OtherNames) as FullNmae
,IdNumber, Gender,Role,FileNumber,Bank,CurrentSalary,AccountNo from
StaffRecord where IdNumber= '" & Trim(fldUserID.Text) & "'"
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader
[LblFullName].Text() = ""
LblRole.Text = ""
[LblFileNumber].Text = ""
[LblGender].Text = ""
[LblBank].Text = ""

[LblAccountNo].Text = ""
fldUserID.Text = ""

While reader.Read
[LblFullName].Text = Trim(reader.Item("FullNmae"))
LblRole.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Role"))
[LblFileNumber].Text = Trim(reader.Item("FileNumber"))
[LblGender].Text = Trim(reader.Item("Gender"))
[LblBank].Text = Trim(reader.Item("Bank"))

[LblAccountNo].Text = Trim(reader.Item("AccountNo"))
fldUserID.Text = Trim(reader.Item("IdNumber"))

End While


End Sub

Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(DataObject.ConnectionString)

Dim str As String
str = "select * from PayrollRecordTable "
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader
transactions.DataSource = reader
End Sub
Protected Sub transactions_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles
Dim Index As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)
Dim row As GridViewRow = transactions.Rows(Index), jj As Integer = 0

Dim x As String
x = row.Cells(1).Text
fldUserID.Text = Trim(x)
MultiView2.ActiveViewIndex = 0

End Sub

Protected Sub LinkButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton2.Click

reportPath = "\Reports\Rooms\PayrollRecordTableRpt.rpt"

SessionFormulae = "1 = 1"

' If IsDate(Me.txtMaxDate.Text) = True Then

'eFormulae.Append("name" & ";'" &
MiscClass.FormatDate(Me.txtMaxDate.Text) & "'")
'End If
Dim strScript As String =
strScript += "</" + "script>"

Dim cs As ClientScriptManager = Page.ClientScript :

cs.RegisterClientScriptBlock(Me.GetType(), "anything", strScript)

End Sub
End Class

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class personal_details
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
haccess.Value = "1"
Errormsg.Text = "Add New Customer"
End If
End Sub

Protected Sub add_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles add.Click
haccess.Value = "1"
Errormsg.Text = "Add New Customer"
End Sub

Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click
End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton1.Click
haccess.Value = "2"
Errormsg.Text = "Edit Existing Details"
End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButton2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton2.Click
haccess.Value = "3"
Errormsg.Text = "Browse Existing Details"
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 1

End Sub

Protected Sub ImageButton3_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton3.Click
haccess.Value = "4"
Errormsg.Text = "delete Existing Details"
End Sub

Protected Sub cmdcancel_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles cmdcancel.Click
End Sub

Sub Cancelfield()
If haccess.Value = "3" Then
cmdSave.Visible = False
cmdSave.Visible = True
End If
If haccess.Value = "1" Then
fldname.AutoPostBack = False
fldname.AutoPostBack = True
End If
If AccessRight(Session("UserID"), "FRO", haccess.Value) = False Then
End If

Select haccess.Value
Case "1"
cmdsave.Text = "Add New Items"
Case "2"
cmdsave.Text = "Edit Existing Items"
Case "4"
cmdsave.Text = "Delete Existing Items"
End Select
fldname.Text = ""
fldaddress.Text = ""
fldarrivingfrom.Text = ""
fldtransitingto.Text = ""
fldnoofnightsintended.Text = ""
fldoccupation.Text = ""
fldphoneno.Text = ""
'fldsign.Text = ""
fldSearch.Text = ""

End Sub
Sub LoadData()

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(DataObject.ConnectionString)

Dim str As String
str = "select CustomerID,
Name,Address,ArrivingFrom,TransitingTo,NoOfNights,Occupation,Telephone from
CustomerDetails "
str += " where 1=1 "
If Trim(fldSearch.Text) <> "" Then
str += " and
Name+Address+ArrivingFrom+TransitingTo+Occupation+Telephone like '%" &
Trim(fldSearch.Text) & "%'"
End If
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader
GridView1.DataSource = reader
End Sub
Protected Sub cmdsave_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles cmdsave.Click
If Trim(fldname.Text) = "" Then
Errormsg.Text = "The Name Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldaddress.Text) = "" Then
Errormsg.Text = "The address Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldarrivingfrom.Text) = "" Then
Errormsg.Text = "The arriving Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldtransitingto.Text) = "" Then
Errormsg.Text = "The transiting Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldnoofnightsintended.Text) = "" Then
Errormsg.Text = "The no of nights Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldoccupation.Text) = "" Then
Errormsg.Text = "The occupation Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(fldphoneno.Text) = "" Then
Errormsg.Text = "The phone no Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
' If Trim(fldsign.Text) = "" Then
'Errormsg.Text = "The signature Cannot Be Blank"
'Exit Sub
'End If
If Trim(haccess.Value) = "" Then
Errormsg.Text = "The Access Mode Has Not Been Specified"
Exit Sub
End If

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(DataObject.ConnectionString)

Dim str As String
'Dim comm As New SqlCommand
If haccess.Value = "1" Then
str = "insert into
elephone )"
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Name", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Name").Value = Trim(fldname.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Address", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Address").Value = Trim(fldaddress.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@ArrivingFrom", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@ArrivingFrom").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@TransitingTo", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@TransitingTo").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@NoOfNights", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@NoOfNights").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@Occupation", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Occupation").Value = Trim(fldoccupation.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Telephone", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Telephone").Value = Trim(fldphoneno.Text)
'comm.Parameters.Add("@Sign", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
'comm.Parameters("@Sign").Value = Trim(fldsign.Text)
Errormsg.Text = "Addition Successfull"
Catch ex As Exception
Errormsg.Text = ex.Message
End Try
End If

If haccess.Value = "2" Then

str = "update CustomerDetails set Name= @Name, Address=
@Address,ArrivingFrom= @ArrivingFrom,TransitingTo= @TransitingTo,NoOfNights=
@NoOfNights,Occupation= @Occupation,Telephone= @Telephone,Sign= @Sign where
CustomerID=@CustomerID "
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
comm.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)
comm.Parameters("@CustomerID").Value = Trim(fldCustId.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Name", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Name").Value = Trim(fldname.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Address", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Address").Value = Trim(fldaddress.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@ArrivingFrom", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@ArrivingFrom").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@TransitingTo", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@TransitingTo").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@NoOfNights", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@NoOfNights").Value =
comm.Parameters.Add("@Occupation", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Occupation").Value = Trim(fldoccupation.Text)
comm.Parameters.Add("@Telephone", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
comm.Parameters("@Telephone").Value = Trim(fldoccupation.Text)
' comm.Parameters.Add("@Sign", System.Data.SqlDbType.Char)
'comm.Parameters("@Sign").Value = Trim(fldsign.Text)

Errormsg.Text = "Update Successfull"
Catch ex As Exception
Errormsg.Text = ex.Message
End Try
End If
If haccess.Value = "4" Then

str = "delete from CustomerDetails where CustomerID=

Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
comm.Parameters.Add("@CustomerID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)
comm.Parameters("@CustomerID").Value = Trim(fldCustId.Text)
Errormsg.Text = "Deletion Successfull"
Catch ex As Exception
Errormsg.Text = ex.Message
End Try

End If

End Sub

Sub retrievedata()

If haccess.Value <> "1" Then

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(DataObject.ConnectionString)
Dim str As String
str = "select * from CustomerDetails where [CustomerID] = '" &
Trim(fldCustId.Text) & "'"
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader
fldCustId.Text = ""
fldaddress.Text = ""
fldarrivingfrom.Text = ""
fldtransitingto.Text = ""
fldnoofnightsintended.Text = ""
fldoccupation.Text = ""
fldphoneno.Text = ""
'fldsign.Text = ""
While reader.Read
fldCustId.Text = Trim(reader.Item("CustomerID"))
fldname.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Name"))
fldaddress.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Address"))
fldarrivingfrom.Text = Trim(reader.Item("ArrivingFrom"))
fldtransitingto.Text = Trim(reader.Item("TransitingTo"))
fldnoofnightsintended.Text = Trim(reader.Item("NoOfNights"))
fldoccupation.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Occupation"))
fldphoneno.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Telephone"))
' fldsign.Text = Trim(reader.Item("Sign"))

End While
If Trim(fldCustId.Text) = "" Then
End If
End If

End Sub
Private Sub GetData()
GridView1.DataSource = LoadfromDB()
End Sub
Private Function LoadfromDB() As ICollection
' reading the connection string from web.config file
Dim strConn As String = DataObject.ConnectionString
' Connection object creation
Dim con As New SqlConnection(strConn)
' Set the SQL command to run
Dim strCmd As String = ""
strCmd += "SELECT "
strCmd += " * "
strCmd += " FROM CustomerDetails " & strOrderBy.Text

' Add a named table to the dataset

Dim oDS As New DataSet

' Execute the command and add a named table to the dataset
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(strCmd, con)
da.Fill(oDS, "ResumeList")

'Close the connection


' DataTable for handling the UI

Dim dt As DataTable = oDS.Tables("ResumeList")

'Checking the row count for adding new rows

'minimum row count of the datagrid is maintained to 10

Dim rowCount As Integer = dt.Rows.Count

Return dt.DefaultView

End Function

Protected Sub GridView1_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles

Dim Index As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument)

Dim row As GridViewRow = GridView1.Rows(Index), jj As Integer = 0

Dim x As String
x = row.Cells(1).Text
fldCustId.Text = Trim(x)
haccess.Value = "2"
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0

End Sub
Protected Sub GridView1_Sorting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As
System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewSortEventArgs) Handles GridView1.Sorting
'Check to see if same column clicked again
If UCase(Trim(e.SortExpression.ToString())) =
UCase(Trim(Session("Column"))) Then
'Reverse the sort order
If Session("Order") = "ASC" Then
strOrderBy.Text = " order by " & e.SortExpression.ToString()
& " DESC"
Session("Order") = "DESC"
strOrderBy.Text = " order by " & e.SortExpression.ToString()
& " ASC"
Session("Order") = "ASC"
End If
'Different column selected, so default to ascending order
strOrderBy.Text = " order by " & e.SortExpression.ToString() & "
Session("Order") = "ASC"
End If
Session("Column") = e.SortExpression.ToString()
End Sub

Protected Sub GridView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object,

ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GridView1.SelectedIndexChanged

End Sub

Protected Sub fldViewEntry_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles fldViewEntry.Click
End Sub

Protected Sub cmdMain_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles cmdMain.Click
MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
End Sub

Protected Sub fldCustId_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles fldCustId.TextChanged
End Sub
End Class
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Partial Class SEUN_Demo
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load

If Not IsPostBack Then

' Response.Redirect("tttt")'
End If
End Sub

Protected Sub cmdLog_Click1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles cmdLog.Click

If Trim(txtUser.Text) = "" Then

PageMessage.Text = "The UserID Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If
If Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then
PageMessage.Text = "The Password Field Cannot Be Blank"
Exit Sub
End If

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(DataObject.ConnectionString)

Dim str As String, mAccess As Boolean = False, uid As String = "",
pwd As String = ""

str = "select UserID,StaffName,Password,Role from UserProfileTable

where UserID= '" & Trim(txtUser.Text) & "'"
Dim comm As New SqlCommand(str, conn)
Dim reader As SqlDataReader = comm.ExecuteReader
While reader.Read
uid = Trim(reader.Item("UserID"))
pwd = Trim(reader.Item("Password"))
Session("UserID") = Trim(reader.Item("UserID"))
Session("StaffName") = Trim(reader.Item("StaffName"))
Session("RoleID") = Trim(reader.Item("Role"))
End While
If uid = "" Then
mAccess = False
PageMessage.Text = "Invalid User Name"
Exit Sub
End If
If pwd <> Trim(txtPassword.Text) Then
mAccess = False
PageMessage.Text = "Invalid Password"
Exit Sub
mAccess = True
End If

If mAccess = True Then

End If
End Sub

Protected Sub LinkButton1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As

System.EventArgs) Handles LinkButton1.Click
End Sub
End Class

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