Report of Student Management System

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The document discusses a student management system project and outlines various sections like introduction, scope, conclusion etc.

The objectives of the test plan are to identify project information and components to be tested, list test requirements, recommend testing strategies, and identify resources, effort and schedule for testing.

The test plan will test all requirements of the student management system as defined in documents like vision and scope, use case specification, and software requirements specification.

Student Management System

A Major Project Report submitted to

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya
towards partial fulfilment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Computer Science & Engineering
(Session 2018-2019)

Guided By: Submitted By:

Ambrish Shrivastav Kunal Bangar
Asst. Prof CSE Dept.

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Swami Vivekanand College of Engineering, Indore
2018 – 2019

The Major Project entitled “Student Management System” submitted

by Kunal Bangar Enrollment No.:0822CS151047 is a satisfactory
account of the bonafide work done under Ambrish Shrivastav guidance
is recommended towards the partial fulfilment for the award of Bachelor
of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering degree by Rajiv
Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal for the academic year

Date: 21/03/2019 Name of Project Guide

Ambrish Shrivastav

Endorsed By
Vijay Birchha,
Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Approval Sheet

The Major Project entitled “Student Management System” submitted by

Kunal Bangar Enrollment No.:0822CS151047 is approved as partial
fulfilment for the award of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science
and Engineering degree by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya,
Bhopal for the academic year 2018-2019.

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Swami Vivekanand College of Engineering,
Indore (M.P.)

Candidate Declaration

We hereby declare that the work which is being presented in this project
report entitled Student Management System in partial fulfilment of
degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and
Engineering is an authentic record of our own work carried out under
the supervision and guidance of Mr. Ambrish Shrivastav.
We are fully responsible for the matter embodied in this project in case
of any discrepancy found in the project and the project has not been
submitted for the award of any other degree.

Date: 21/03/2019

Place: Indore Kunal Bangar


I am thankful to the technical university Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki

Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal for giving me opportunity to convert my theoretical
knowledge into the practical skills through this project.

Any work of this magnitude requires input, efforts and encouragement of people
from all sides. In compiling this project, I have been fortunate enough to get active
and kind cooperation from many people without which my endeavors wouldn’t
have been a success. The project work has been made successful by the
cumbersome effort of the faculties.

I would like to express gratitude to my guide Mr. Ambrish Shrivastav under

whose valuable guidance, for encouraging me regularly and explain me each and
every concept, I was able to execute my project smoothly.

I express my deep gratitude to Professor. Vijay Birchha, Asst. Professor and

Head, Computer Science and Engineering Department who was involved right
from the inception of ideas to the finalization of the work.

I express my profound gratitude to Dr. Rajendra Tare, Principal, Swami

Vivekanand College of Engineering, Indore (M.P.), for making me confident about
the research platform and helping me a lot in research work implementation.

I am thankful to all teaching and Non-teaching staff of the Computer science and
Engineering Department for their timely help and co-operation for their continuous
support and encouragement in success of this project.

Last but not the least; I am grateful to My Parents, and family members and friends,
for their continuous support and encouragement in success of this project.

Kunal Bangar


 An organized and systematic office solution for all universities

and organizations.
 There are many departments of administration for the
maintenance of college information and student databases in any
 The objective of the Institute Student Management System
(ISMS) - Digital Empowerment to the students in keeping view
of Digital India.

Page No.

Certificate I
Approval Sheet II
Candidate Declaration III
Acknowledgements IV
Abstract V
Chapter-1 Introduction 1-5

1.1 Rationale 1
1.2 Problem definition 2
1.3 Proposed solution 2
1.4 Report Organization 4

Chapter-2 Literature Survey 6-10

2.1 Related Works 11-20
2.2 Technologies and Tools used (with a very short 8
description of each)

Chapter-3 Analysis 11-21

3.1 Process Model Adopted 11
3.1.1 Description 11
3.1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 12
3.1.3 Reasons for Use 13
3.2 Requirement Analysis 13
3.2.1 Software Requirements 13
3.2.2 Hardware Requirements 13

3.3 Feasibility Study 14
3.3.1 Technical Feasibility 14
3.3.2 Economical Feasibility 14
3.3.3 Operational Feasibility 15
3.4 Architectural Specification 15
3.5 Use Case Model 16
3.6 Use Case Description 17

Chapter-4 Design 22-38

4.1 Activity diagrams 22
4.2 Sequence diagrams 27
4.3 Class Diagram 32
4.4 Database Design 33

Chapter - 5 Implementation and Testing 34

5.1 Language Used Characteristics 34

5.2 Class diagram 36

5.3 Testing 37
5.3.1 Testing Objectives 38
5.3.2 Testing Methods and 39
5.3.3 Test Case 40

6. Chapter – Conclusion and Discussion 40-45

6.1 Conclusion 43
6.2 Limitation of Project 44
6.3 Difficulties encountered 44
6.1.3 Suggestions for future enhancements 44
6.1.4 Applications 45
6.1.5 Learning and Achievements 45

Appendix : User Manual and Screenshots 46-50

Bibliography and References 51-52
Glossary 53-55


S.N. Figure No. Figure Name Page

1. 3.1 Prototype Model 12
2. 3.2 Student Management 15
3. 3.3 Client-Server 15
4. 3.4 Client-Server 15
5. 3.5 Student Management 16
System (Use Case
Diagram for User)
6. 3.6 Student Management 17
System (Use Case
Diagram for Admin)
7. 4.1 Activity Diagram for 22
Admin Functions
8. 4.2 Activity Diagram for 23
Admin Functions
9. 4.3 User Registration 24
(Activity Diagram)
10. 4.4 Login into System 25
(Activity Diagram)
11. 4.5 Updating User 25
Information (Activity
12. 4.6 Student Management 26
(Activity Diagram)

13. 4.7 Sequence Diagram 27
for User Actions
14. 4.8 Sequence Diagram 28
for Admin Actions
15. 4.9 Register New User 29
(Sequence Diagram)
16. 4.10 Login into System 29
(Sequence Diagram)
17. 4.11 Update User 30
18. 4.12 Displaying User 30
19. 4.13 Sequence Diagram 31
for Report Generation
20. 4.14 Class Diagram for 32
Student Management
21. 4.15 System Flow Chart 33
22. 4.16 ER Diagram for 34
Student Management
23. 1 Main Page of the 46
Student Management
24. 2 Login Page for the 47
25. 3 User Profile Page 47

26. 4 List of Students Page 48
27. 5 Student Details Page 48
28. 6 Admin Login Page 49

29. 7 Admin Dashboard 49

after login
30. 8 Manage Booking 50
page under Admin
31. 9 Testimonials view 50
and Footer page


S.N. Table No. Table Name Page No.

1. 2.1 Problems to be 8
2 2.2 System 9
3 2.3 Technologies 9
and Tools used
4. 3.1 Time Line 14
5. 4.1 Table structure 35
for Admin
6. 4.2 Table structure 35
for Users
7. 4.3 Table structure 35
for Students
8. 4.4 Table structure 36
for Marks
9. 4.5 Table structure 36
for Percentage
10. 4.6 Table structure 37
for Roll No.
11. 4.7 Table structure 37
for Student
12. 4.8 Table structure 38
for Contact us
13. 4.9 Table structure 38
for Contact us
14. 4.10 Table structure 38
for Subscribers
15. 4.11 Table structure 38
for Testimonials
16. 5.1 Test Case ‘A’ 40
17. 5.2 Test Case ‘B’ 40
18. 5.3 Test Case ‘C’ 41
19. 5.4 Test Case ‘D’ 41
20. 5.5 Test Case ‘E’ 42
21. 1 Acronyms used 53


The Student Management System can handle all the details about a student.
The details include College details, Course details, Students Personal details,
Academic details etc. The Student Management System is an automated
version of manual Student Management System.

Functions of Student Management System

These system vary in size, scope and capability, from packages that are
implemented in relatively small organizations to cover student records alone, to
enterprise-wide solutions such as SAFSMS which aim to cover most aspects of
running large multi-campus organizations and their online schools with
significant local responsibility. Many systems can be scaled to different levels
of functionality by purchasing add-on “modules” and can be configured by
their home institutions to meet local needs.
Since the millennium, and partly owing to “Y2K” which concerned birth dates
and other data core to any ERP, the majority of SIS vendors took the
opportunity to design into their products new features for not only classrooms
and housing, but automating or simplifying processes in relation to a student’s
lifecycle. From application and Financial Aid, to career services and online
education, some of the dominant SIS vendors may include in their products:
 Maintenance and reporting of student data.
 Handling inquiries from prospective students.
 Handling the admissions process.
 Enrolling new students and enabling online scheduling.
 Student accounts and financial aid processing (see student
financial aid).
 Automatically creating class and teacher schedules.
 Handling records of examinations, assessments, marks, grades
and academic progression.
 Maintaining records of absences and attendance.
 Recording communications with students.
 Maintaining discipline records.
 Providing statistical reports.
 Capabilities to operate multiple campuses, online and on-ground, in
multiple countries and languages.
 Housing, dorms and facilities details, assignments and tasks.
 Communicating student details to parents or other persons authorized by
the student, through a portal.
 Special Education/Individual Education Plan (IEP) services.
 Career services management for student portfolios and matching with
potential employers.
 Human resources services.
 Accounting and budgeting services.
 Student health records.
 Canteen Management.
 Transportation Management.
 Fees Management.
 Inventory and Assets of the school.
 Regulatory reporting and reports for accrediting bodies.

Larger or more complex institutions typically require custom configuration

or coding of the SIS, to fit their specific business processes, student services
model or academic policies. Often, these customizations can involve
scholarships, grants and other forms of Student financial aid. Where national
or government systems exist for student finance or statistical return
purposes, student information systems often provide functionality that caters
to this, by way of built-in processes that are updated by SIS vendors
to help meet regulatory and policy changes. Examples are the
FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) process in the
United States. The United Kingdom’s Student Loans Company
processes (SSAR, SSAC and ATFEE file processing), the UCAS
(Universities and College Admissions Service) in the United Kingdom, or
the HESA and HESES student statistical returns in the United Kingdom. In
the United States, governmental bodies and accreditors have challenged
some institutions to be increasingly accountable for a student’s financial as
well as academic outcomes, commonly termed, gainful employment.

In the past, universities and large school districts in particular have created
their own be spoke student record systems. One such example is the
Repository of Student Information (ROSI) system at University of Toronto.
With growing complexity in the business of educational establishments,
most organizations now choose to buy customizable software, and
increasing numbers are buying software as a service (SaaS). Most student
information systems in use today are server-based, with the application
residing on a central computer server, and being accessed by client
applications at various places within and even outside the school. But
student information systems have been moving to the web since the late
1990s and that trend is accelerating as institutions replace or upgrade older

As more and more colleges, universities and schools look for cloud-based
SIS options, information security has risen to a surface as a concern.
Universities house an array of sensitive personal information, making them
potentially attractive targets for security breaches, such as those experienced
by retail corporations or healthcare providers. Education-technology
software vendors must be acutely aware of best practices in securing student
information (including social insurance information, financial information,
etc) and institutions have a responsibility to seek out vendors who
employ best-in-class security measures.

That said, the predominant issues in today’s postsecondary education

sector centre upon enrolment management, student services and
retention, and student academic outcomes. Selecting a SIS usually involves
committees or a wide range of staff and faculty, to access and help model how
the SIS will enable the most efficient achievement of their institution’s vision
for educational delivery.

1.1 Problem Definition

The College Management has to handle records for many number of students
and maintenance was difficult. Though it has used an information system, it
was totally manual. Hence there is a need to upgrade the system with a
computer based information system.

1.2 Proposed Solution

By developing the system we can attain the following features:
 Easy to handle and feasible.
 Cost Reduction.
 Fast and Convenient.

1.3 Report Organization

 The Report Organization is to the student management system allows
authorized members to access the record of academically registered
students. It can be used in various educational institutes across the globe
and simplifies working of institutes.
 Since the main objective is to improve the interaction of the students with
the school environment, the transportation system coordinates all efforts
with the student management system to deliver such an environment in
efficiency, safety and reliability

Literature Review

2.1 Related Works

With fast growing Internet reach across India in last decade, the Internet access
is available almost in every business location including the training centres.
The broadband internet speed in Urban and Tier two town has gone up to
minimum 2-2.5 MBPS. The mobile high speed internet with 3G and 4G
options has become a common place in every user in India and most advanced

The M.S University of Baroda literature review on performance management

system Chapter two literature review. Student Management System.
The file system that comes with your computer is a very primitive kind of
database management. First page preview article preview. 3f9 activity diagram
for search attendance history 57 lecturer figure. Literature review on student
information management system.

We are not having any past work system we are designing this project for the
first time so we are free to use any technology that we want. How to write a
literature review guide from emerald, the world’s leading publisher of
management research. One of a series of guides for academic and to use
maximizing the effectiveness of time and other resources. SMS allows the
keeping of personnel data in a form that can be easily accessed. I am a PhD
student and the focus of my research lies on research paper recommender
systems. Now, I am about to finish an extensive literature review. Literature
review on depression.jpg. Figure 4 search behaviour model in an electronic
document and records management system. Student intake form with
demographic data, Premium resume template. Log in directly at your
Concordia net name and password. Your courses will appear on the right hand
side in my Concordia. Student Management System. Does library use affect
student attainment?
2.2 Technologies and Tools used in Student Management System
Fedena, Fekara, Gibbon, Open SIS, Open Source, School Time, School Tool,
TS School are the tools used in Student Management System.

1. Fedena
Fedena is an open-source school administration software that largely focuses
on handling records.

Pros: Fedena offers unlimited administration and student logins to use their
system, along with unlimited courses and batches. The system was
developed using Ruby on Rails, so schools can easily customize the code to
their school’s needs. The system includes human resources, a calendar,
financial management, examination management and student/parent logins.

Cons: Fedena is the free version of another school administration software

of the same name. When comparing the free version to the paid version, it
becomes clear that the open-source version is lacking in a number of
features, including inventory, custom reports, registration and discipline.

 Course Management.
 Attendance Tracking.
 Admissions.
 Faculty Messaging.
 Dashboards.
 Student Information.
 School Calendar Management.
 Employee/Teacher Management.
 Examination Management.

 Human Resources.

2. Fekara
Fekara is an all-around school admin power house, so long as you are
running an operation with 50 students or less.

Pros: Fekara is a clean and modern school administration and management

software option that covers everything from exams and assignments to
budgeting and internal messaging for all staff. Fekara even includes a mobile
app that can work on all tablets and smartphones for convenient on-the-go-

Cons: Fekara is limited by the amount of students, bandwidth and storage

that can be managed on the free version of its software. Fekara is free for
schools as long as they remain under fifty students and five teachers in their
system, which limits the free use of this software to much smaller schools. If
you upgrade one step up, Fekara charges $0.20 per student with unlimited
teachers, and finally, their highest paid tier offers unlimited students and
teachers for a one-time charge of $350.

 Dashboard.
 Faculty Messaging.
 Examination Management.
 Admissions.
 Attendance Tracking.
 Time Table for classes.

3. Gibbon
Gibbon gives new meaning to “all-in-one” software. Gibbon is an open-
source “school platform” that not only deals with school administration, but
also provides features and services for teachers.

Pros: Gibbon offers a vast array of teachers including administration tools

dealing with finance, staff management, payroll, invoicing, department and
schedules. Gibbon also provides teaching tools including grade books,
rubrics, assessments, planner tools and library catalogues and provides
assessment access for parents.

The clean user interface also helps in regards to the learning curve inherent
in adopting a new software system.

Cons: Software maintenance for Gibbon is quite technical, requiring coding

knowledge, which is standard for open-source software. Support is limited to
online guides for administrators, teachers and parents-however, written
support will never replace helpful live support. The lack of any transcript
features also deducts from its otherwise large features base.

 Attendance Tracking.
 Student Management.
 Class Management.
 Rubrics.
 Time Table for classes.
 Examination Management.
 Department Management.
 Faculty Messaging.
 Library Management.
 Employee/Teacher Management.
 Gradebooks.

6. Open SIS Open Source

Open SIS is a free, open-source platform designed for K-12, regardless of if
they are charter, private or state-run schools. Open SIS is best suited for
small and medium schools with a knowledgeable IT staff.

Pros: While Open SIS offers both free and paid versions of its software, its
free version has substantial features. Schools can use this software to
maintain transcripts, health records, attendance, demographic information,
scheduling, gradebooks and custom reports. Open SIS also offers integration
with Moodle LMS software in its latest software updates, making user info
creation and management for students, staff and teachers much easier.

Cons: To take full advantage of the Open SIS community, IT members will
have to be familiar with PostgreSQL. The free version does not offer
discipline, class portals, billing or state reporting.

 Attendance Tracking.
 Contact Management.
 Gradebooks.
 Classroom Management.
 Faculty Messaging.
 Report Cards.
 Transcripts.
 Government Reporting.
 Moodle Integration.
 Library Management.
 Student Demographics.

5. School Time
If you are a smaller school, such as a private elementary or preschool with
50 students or less, the free version of School Time may be just what you are
looking for.

Pros: No financial obligations or credit cards are required for the free
version of the program and it never expires. Features include board
management, grading system, library databases, exam management,
transportation, attendance and even dormitory management.

Cons: The most obvious cons is the limit on the amount of students that can
be accounted for in the free version. Of course this issue can be solved by
upgrading to the not-so-free versions of School Time, but doing so would
negate the “free and open source” solution you are looking for. So, as long
as your school falls at or below 50 students, School Time can be a fit for

 Examination Management.
 Dashboard.
 Time Table for classes.
 Directories.
 Attendance Tracking.
 Class Management.
 Finance Reports.
 Curriculum Management.
 Faculty Messaging.
 Payment Gateways.

6. School Tool
School Tool is a web based open source student information system designed
to support a single school.

Pros: School Tool has a ton of features that largely appeal to teachers. It
provides educators with what they need to run their classrooms (gradebooks,
skill assessment documents, class attendance sheets and daily participation
journals), strong organization features (including a calendar that plugs in with
popular calendar applications like Google Calendar) and a great report card
generator. School Tool was made with Python, is largely secure and is run on
Linux Ubuntu.

Cons: School Tool is a great starting software for smaller schools, but it isn’t
an all-inclusive piece of software. For example, schools will have to find other
applications to do human resources, reporting and financial management.
School Tool is far more a tool for teachers than it is for administrators. School
Tool has announced as of October 17, 2016 that their primary developers have
moved onto other projects, so while outside developers have access to the
source code to make improvements, the main team will not be contributing to
future updates. It remains to be seen whether or not this will affect the
software’s performance in the long run, but the uncertainty doesn’t help in
terms of confidence in performance.

 Gradebooks.
 Databases.
 Attendance Tracking.
 Contact Management.
 Student Management.
 School Calendar Management.
 Assessments.
 Discipline Tracking.

7. TS School
TS School or Time Software School, is a classic powerful tool that offers the
basics for schools of all sizes.

Pros: TS School is great for managing your workforce-it has a powerful

human resources module to help manage your school’s staff. TS School offers
a robust student management system, reports, a powerful organizational
calendar (with plenty of space to detail sports team time tables or organize
classes by subject matter), and an exam module for teachers.

Cons: There are some notable features lacking in TS School that can be found
in the paid version, including customizable reports, development, inventory,
safety and admissions. TS School may also present a challenge to teachers who
have never worked with school administration software before, as some claim
it is not immediately intuitive to use.

 Admissions.
 Inventory.
 Attendance Tracking.
 Faculty Messaging.
 School Calendar Management.
 Staff Management.
 Databases.
 Class Management.
 Financial Reports.
 Time Table for classes.
 Government Reports.
 User Management.

3.1 Process Model adopted

The Process Model adopted in Student Management System is Java JSP Servlet
and it is based on UML Diagrams.

3.2 Description
The description of Student Management System is to make the Database Table
and record the Performance, Marks, Percentage, Attendance of the student.

3.3 Advantages of Student Management System

Some significant advantages of the Student Management System:

Smart Management of student’s data

Students fees, examination, transports, library facility can be accessed directly
using a unique identification number per student. This can be used by a student
or the management for tracking their schedules/dues.

Avoid student Performance

Every child can now focus on their education, rather than running over to the
management/administration to access their records. This gives them ample time
to work on their weaker areas, achieving more than ever before.

Streamline and simplify everyday tasks

Dashboard helps in reminding which activities an individual needs to
perform and which of them are already done. It gives a unified view
collecting all the useful data in a single screen, making sure everything
important is highlighted. This results in a better productivity and
growth with minimum effort.
Improves Communication
Not every student is as open in the classroom as some of their
classmates, this could be either because of limited time or because of
their hesitation while asking a query. With a discussion panel built
into the software, they can ask away all the queries their heart desires.
Having an alumni tab lets the students stay connected to their seniors
who have already gone past the educational heights, and can further be
useful while seeking assistance when they are out in the open world.

Universal access with ease

It is not only available for students, but also for teachers, parents and
other institution employees. Where teachers can manage their classes,
students attendance, assignments and other tasks, while the parents can
keep a hawk-eyed view over their young ones using a single unified
platform. This gives them better control to not only keep their tasks
organized, but also reminds them who needs more attention.

3.3 Disadvantages of Student Management System

 Management information systems give business owners the
ability to collect, process and interpret data. Data sets include
nearly all aspects of business operations, including sales
revenues, production costs and employee output.
 Integrated System.
 Better Decisions.
 Data Quality Issues.
 Security Issues.

3.4 Reasons of use:-
The Reasons of use of Student Management System is to make the
Database Table and record the Performance, Marks, Percentage,
Attendance of the student.

3.5 Requirement Analysis

 Investigate what the current student information systems of three
different university schools are.
 Produce a detailed requirement specification for the potential new
student information system for general university.
 Evaluate and analysis the requirement specification of the
potential new student information module.
 The minimum requirements of this project have been set in the
beginning of the project. They are:
 Conduct a requirement specification from first principles that will
be based around the generic requirement of a typical university
 An investigation of potential customers (university school).
 Business process modelling and information capture requirement.
 Providing evidence of investigation.
 At least one presentation for summarize requirement

In order to deliver a successful and usable requirement specification

for generic university schools, all those requirements not only be met
but some are exceeded in the project. A detailed system requirement

specification was generated eventually on the basis of four current
system investigations.

3.6 Background Research

One other successful software development is called RUP (Rational
Unified Process) which provides a central, common process definition
that all software development team members can share, helping to
ensure clear and unambiguous communication between team members
(RUP, 2004). This helps the system developer to play the part
expected of him in the project team by making it clear what his
responsibilities are. Those tools enable better communication within
the system develop team as well as eliminate the ambiguity.
Therefore, RUP and UML will be adapted throughout the system
modelling process.

3.7 Software Requirement of Student Management System

Office Suite
Microsoft Office 2016 for (Windows) and 2016 for (Mac) are the
versions deployed by ITG. For Windows, you may be able to use an
earlier version, 2010 or higher, if you cannot upgrade your current
 Your Office Suite must be in English.
 Full installation is provided free of charge by ITG if needed.

Computer Security
Antivirus and Spyware Protection
 Must be updated with the latest virus definitions/updates.
 Required for both Mac and Windows.
 For Windows: We recommend using Microsoft Security
Essentials in Windows 7. In Windows 8 and up, Microsoft
Security Essentials is replaced by Windows Defender (all
Windows machines are shipped with this already installed).
 For Macs: We recommend using Symantec Antivirus. This is
also provided to you free of cost through the University.

For a significant boost in computing performance, consider a solid

state drive (SSD).

3.7 Hardware Requirement of Student Management System

We strongly recommend a computer fewer than 5 years old.

 Processor: Minimum 1 GHz; Recommended 2GHz or more

 Ethernet connection (LAN) OR a wireless adapter (Wi-Fi)
 Hard Drive: Minimum 32 GB; Recommended 64 GB or more
 Memory (RAM): Minimum 1 GB; Recommended 4 GB or above
 Sound card w/Speakers
 Some classes require a Camera and Microphone.

3.8 Operating System Requirements

Supported Operating System(s)

 Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10.
 Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite), Mac OS X 10.11 (EI Captain), Mac
OS X 10.12 (Sierra). Mac OS X 10.13 (High Sierra) is still too

new to be fully supported; however, ITG will make an effort to
assist any student that has a laptop with this OS.

Unsupported Operating System(s)

 Beta and newly released versions of any Operating System(s)
cannot be guaranteed to work with the Business School
resources, including the wired and wireless networks.
 Windows RT | 2000 | XP |Vista.
 Unix, Linux.
 Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) and older.

3.9 Feasibility Study

System flow chart is a traditional tool to describe the future physical
system. Its basic idea is that describes the components of the future
system through graphic symbol in the form of the black box, such as
procedures, database, form and process. The symbols of system flow
chart are similar to that of program flow chart. But there is a
fundamental difference between system flow chart and program flow
chart. System flow chart is a physical tool to describe the physical
general picture of the system, in which the arrows indicate the
direction of data flow; while program flow chart describes the process
of computer executing a program or description of algorithm, and the
direction of arrows in this picture indicate controlling information, that
is the direction of the program execution. This set of student
information and performance management system is shown as Figure:

3.10 Technical Feasibility
In technical feasibility the following issues are taken into
 Whether the required technology is available or not in Student
Management System.
 Whether the required resources are available in Student
Management System.
 Manpower-programmers, testers and debuggers in Student
Management System.
 Software and Hardware in Student Management System.

Once the technical feasibility is established, it is important to consider
the monetary factors also. Since it might happen that developing a
particular system may be technically possible but it may require huge
investments and benefits may be less. For evaluating this, economic
feasibility of the proposed system is carried out in Student
Management System.

Economical Feasibility
For any system if the expected benefits equal or exceed the expected
costs, the system can be judged to be economically feasible. In
economic feasibility, cost benefits analysis is done in which expected
costs and benefits are evaluated. Economic analysis is used for
evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed system in Student
Management System.

In economical feasibility, the most important is cost benefit analysis.

As the name suggests, it is an analysis of the costs to be incurred in the
system and benefits derivable out of the system. Click on the link
below which will get you to the page that explains what cost benefit
analysis is and how you can perform a cost benefit analysis in Student
Management System.

Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether
the system will be used if it is developed and implemented. Whether
there will be resistance from users that will affect the possible
application benefits? The essential questions that help in testing the
operational feasibility of a system are following:
 Does management support the project?
 Are the users not happy with current business practices? Will it
reduce the time (operation) considerably? If yes, then they will
welcome the change and the new system.
 Will the proposed system really benefit the organization? Does
the overall response increase? Will accessibility of information
be lost?
 Will the system effect the customers in considerable way in
Student Management System?

3.11 Architectural Specifications

The Architectural Specification Document contains the complete
software requirements for the Student Management System and
describes the design decisions, architectural design and the detailed
design needed to implement the system. It provides the visibility in the
design and provides information needed for software support. New
reliable and fast School Management software with the great
customers support. It will help you with your daily school
management routines and deliver you from your paperwork.

3.12 Use Case Model

Student Management System Use Case Diagram. This Use Case
Diagram is a graphic depiction of the interactions among the elements
of Student Management System. It represents the methodology used in
system analysis to identify, clarify and organize system requirements
of Student Management System.

3.13 Use Case Description
This free student management use case diagram template is
available to customize, download and share, it is incredibly easy to
build a use case diagram through pre-defined use case symbol library.
Try it and discover more software diagramming types, such as UML
Sequence Diagram, UML Activity Diagram, UML Collaboration
Diagram etc.


4.1 Activity Diagram

The Activity Diagram used to describe flow of activity through a
series of actions. Activity Diagram is an important diagram to describe
the system. An Activity Diagram shows the overall flow of control.
Here, we learn how to draw Activity Diagram for Student
Management System project:

4.2 Sequence Diagram
This is the UML sequence diagram of Student Management System
which shows the interaction between the objects of Profiles, Exams,
Fees, Student, Courses. The instance of class objects involved in this
UML Sequence Diagram of Student Management System are as
follows: Profiles Object, Exams Object.

4.3 Class Diagram
In Software Engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modelling
Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram that describes
the structure of a system by showing the system’s classes, their
attributes, operations (or methods) and the relationships among

The class diagram is the main building block of object-oriented

modelling. It is used for general conceptual modelling of the
systematic of the application, and for detailed modelling translating
the models into programming code. Class diagrams can also be used
for data modelling. The classes in a class diagram represent both the
main elements, interaction in the application and the classes to be

In the diagram, classes are represented with boxes that contain three
 The top compartment contains the name of the class. It is printed
in bold and centred, and the first letter is capitalized.
 The middle compartment contains the attributes of the class.
They are left-aligned and the first letter is lowercase.
 The bottom compartment contains the operations of the class can
execute. They are also left-aligned and the first letterhead is

A class with three compartments. In the design of a system, a number

of classes are identified and grouped together in a class diagram that
helps to determine the static relations between them. With detailed

modelling, the classes of the conceptual design are often spilt into a
number of subclasses.
In order to further describe the behaviour of systems, these class
diagrams can be complemented by a State
Diagram or UML state machine.

4.4 Database Design

Database Design is the inevitable outcome of higher education reform
to carry out office and departmental target responsibility system, in
which statistical processing of student’s information is an important
part of student’s evaluation, the student information management
database application system is designed by using relational database
management system software in this paper. In order to implement the
function of student information management, the functional
requirement, overall structure, data sheets and fields, data sheet
association and software codes are designed in details:


Field Name Data Type Description

User Id Varchar primary key,

Password Varchar----------

Field Name Data Type Description

Session varchar--------

Admit Date Numeric-------

Student Id varchar primary key Auto increment Student Name char----


Course char-------

Proposed Database Tables are:


Field Name Data Type Description

Session varchar-------

Admit Date Numeric-------

Student Id varchar primary key Autoincrement Student Name char-----

Course char-------



Field Name: Data

Type: Session: char Course char Student name char Father’s name
Char Mother’s name char

DOB varchar

Gender Char Category

char Email Id varchar

Mobile No. numeric Address varchar


eld Name

Data Type
Id varchar

Attendance Weekly

varchar Attendance Date varchar


eld Name

Data Type

Student Id varchar (foreign key)

Payment id varchar

Payment Number varchar

Payment Date varchar

Implementation and Testing

5.1 Languages used Characteristics

The Language used Characteristics in Student Management System is
the Java JSP Servlet. It works on Net beans and runs on JSP Page.

5.2 Class Diagram

Class Diagrams are one of the most useful types of diagrams in UML
as they clearly map out the structure of a particular system by
modelling its classes, attributes, operations and relationships between
objects. With our UML diagramming software, creating these
diagrams is not as overwhelming as it might appear. This guide will
show you how to understand, plan and create your class diagrams.
Class diagram is a static diagram. It represents the static view of an
application. Class diagram is not only used for visualizing, describing
and documenting different aspects of a system but also for
constructing executable code of the software application.
Class diagram describes the attributes and operations of a class and
also the constraints imposed on the system. The class diagrams are
widely used in the modelling of object oriented systems because they
are the only UML diagrams, which can be mapped directly with
object-oriented languages.
Class diagram shows a collection of classes, interface, associations,
collaborations and constraints. It is also known as structural diagram.

Purpose of Class Diagrams
The purpose of class diagram is to model the static view of an
application. Class diagrams are the only diagrams which can be
directly mapped with object-oriented languages and thus widely used
at the time of construction.
UML diagrams like activity diagram, sequence diagram can only give
the sequence flow of the application, however class diagram is a bit
different. It is the most popular UML diagram in the coder
The purpose of the class diagram can be summarized as-
 Analysis and design of the static view of an application.
 Describe responsibilities of a system.
 Base for component and deployment diagrams.
 Forward and reverse engineering.

How to draw a Class Diagram?

Class diagrams are the most popular UML diagrams used for
construction of software applications. It is very important to learn
the drawing procedure of class diagram.
Class diagrams have a lot of properties to consider while drawing
but here the diagram will be considered from a top level view.
Class diagram is basically a graphical representation of the static
view of the system and represents different aspects of the
application. A collection of class diagrams represent the whole
The following points should be remembered while drawing a class

 The name of the class diagram should be meaningful to
describe the aspect of the system.
 Each element and their relationships should be identified in
 Responsibility (attributes and methods) of each class should be
clearly identified.
 For each class, minimum number of properties should be
specified, as unnecessary properties will make the diagram
 Use notes whenever required to describe some aspect of the
diagram. At the end of the drawing it should be understandable
to the developer/coder.
 Finally, before making the final version, the diagram should be
drawn on plain paper and reworked as many times as possible
to make it correct.
The following diagram is an example of an Order System of an
application. It describes a particular aspect of the entire
 First of all, Order and Customer are identified as the two
elements of the system. They have a one-to-many
relationship because a customer can have multiple orders.
 Order class is an abstract class and it has two concrete
classes (inheritance relationship) Special Order and Normal
 The two inherited classes have all the properties as the Order
class. In addition, they have additional functions like
dispatch () and receive ().The following class diagram has
been drawn considering all the points mentioned above:
Where to use Class Diagrams?
Class diagram is a static diagram and it is used to model the static
view of a system. The static view describes the vocabulary of the
Class diagram is also considered as the foundation for component and
deployment diagrams. Class diagrams are not only used to visualize
the static view of the system but they are also used to construct the
executable code for forward and reverse engineering of any system.
Generally, UML diagrams are not directly mapped with any object-
oriented programming languages but the class diagram is an

Class diagram clearly shows the mapping with object-oriented
languages such as Java, C++ etc. From practical experience, class
diagram is generally used for construction purpose.
In a nutshell it can be said, class diagrams are used for-
 Describing the static view of the system.
 Showing the collaboration among the elements of the static view.
 Describing the functionalities performed by the system.
 Construction of software applications using object oriented

5.3 Testing
There will be registration section that will have the user input their
name and age. There will be a search module that the user can search
their needed courses to register in. I will gather the master listing of all
computer science and applicable courses into the database. Users can
input the courses that they have already been taken. As the user
registers and enroll in a course the program can track the attendance
by their login attempts. The application will include simple user
interface utilize C# in Visual Studio. The student application that’s
going to be built is a database using Microsoft Access. In this project I
want to create a simple student administration management system. I
want a simple user interface program that students could use to
register and enroll in computer science classes. There will be sections
to this project to include a login section that users can create a user id
and password. This login section will be created in Microsoft Visual
Studio using the Microsoft Access database. The program will retain
maximum of 10 user identifications and information.

5.4 Testing Objectives
It brings the pieces together into a special testing environment, then
checks for errors, bugs and interoperability. Software testing is the
process of testing the software product. Effective software testing will
contribute to the delivery of higher quality software products, more
satisfied users, lower maintenance costs, more accurate and reliable
results. However, ineffective testing will lead to the opposite results;
low quality products, unhappy users, increased maintenance costs,
unreliable and inaccurate results. Testing is the major quality control
measure used during software development. Its basic function is to
detect errors in the software. It is a very expensive process and
consumes one-third to one-half of the cost of a typical development
project. It is the process of executing program (or a part of a program)
with the intention of finding the errors, however, testing cannot show
the absence of errors it can show that errors are present. “Errors are
present within the software under test”. This cannot be the aim of
software designers they must have designed the software with the aim
of producing it with zero errors. Software testing is becoming
increasingly important in the earlier part of the software development
life cycle, aiming to discover errors before they are deeply embedded
within systems. In the software development life cycle the earlier the
errors are discovered and removed, the lower is the cost of their
removal. The most damaging errors are those, which are not
discovered during the testing process and therefore remain when the
system ‘goes live’. The testing requires the developers to find errors
from their software. It is very difficult for software developer to point
out errors from own creations. A good test is one that has a high
probability of finding an as yet undiscovered error. A successful test
case unearths an undiscovered error. This implies that testing not only
has to uncover errors introduced during coding, but also errors
introduced during the previous phases. The goal of testing is to
uncover requirement design and coding errors in the programs.

5.5 Testing Methods and Strategies

Testing Methods and Strategies is an investigation conducted to
provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the
software product or service under test. Software testing can also
provide an objective, independent view of the software to allow the
business to appreciate and understand the risks of software
implementation. Test techniques include the process of executing a
program or application with the intent of finding software bugs (errors
or other defects) and verifying that the software product is fit for use.
Software testing involves the execution of a software component or
system component to evaluate one or more properties of interest. In
general, these properties indicate the extent to which the component or
system under test.
 Meets the requirements that guided its design and development.
 Responds correctly to all kinds of inputs.
 Performs its functions within an acceptable time.
 Is sufficiently usable.
 Can be installed and run in its intended environment.
 Achieves the general result its stake holder desire.
As the number of possible tests for even simple software
components is practically infinite, all software testing uses some
strategy to select tests that are feasible for the available time and
resources. As a result, software testing typically (but not
exclusively) attempts to execute a program or application with the
intent of finding software bugs (errors or other defects). The job of
testing is an iterative process as when one bug is fixed, it can
illuminate other, deeper bugs or can even create new ones.
Software testing can provide objective, independent information
about the quality of software and risk of its failure to users or
Software testing can be conducted as soon as executable software
(even if partially complete) exists. The overall approach to
software development often determines when and how testing is
conducted. For example, in a phased process most testing occurs
after system requirements have been defined and then
implemented in testable programs. In contrast, under an agile
approach requirements, programming and testing are often done

5.6 Test Case

This Test Case describes the plan for testing the Student Management
System. This Test Plan document supports the following objectives:
Identify ours project information and its components that should be
tested. List the recommended test requirements (high level).
Recommend and describe the testing strategies. Identify the required
resources, provide an estimate of the test efforts and detail testing
schedule. List the deliverable elements of the test activities.

5.7 Scope
This Test Case applies to unit test, integration test and system test that
will be conducted on the Student Management System. It is assumed
that unit testing already provided through black box testing through
extensive coverage of source code and testing of all module interfaces.
This Test Plan applies to test all requirements of the Student
Management System as defined in the Vision and Scope Document,
Use Case specification and software requirement specification

Conclusion and Discussion

6.1 Conclusion of Student Management System

1. Helpful to perform paperless work and manage all data.
2. Provides easy, accurate, unambiguous and faster data access.

6.2 Discussion of Student Management System

Student Management System has been computed using four different
approaches to calculate the complexity of each case such as average
metric, CDG, Kiviat diagram and fuzzy logic approach. The last row
specifies the numeric value of testability index that has been computed
using fuzzy rules. Based on these values it has been analysed that case
3 that is ATM System possesses a high complexity and low testability,
therefore more testing efforts, time and cost are required to test this
class as compared to all the other cases.

6.3 Appendix: User Manual and Screenshots

6.4 Bibliography

5. Books.
6. Professional 1.1 (Wrox Publication).
7. Java script In 21 Days.
8. Professional (Wrox Publication).
9. Software Engineering-A Practitioner’s Approach.


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