Lesson Plan On Integers For 7th Grade

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Elementary Math Lesson Plan


Mrs. Tatum



Date (s):


Lesson Title:

Absolute Value



Class Period:

1st and 2nd

Lesson Preparation
Standards: 1. Algebraic Reasoning: Patterns and Relationships - The student will
use algebraic methods to describe patterns, simplify and write algebraic
expressions and equations, and solve simple equations in a variety of contexts. 1.1
Generalize and extend patterns and functions using tables, graphs, and number
properties (e.g., number sequences, prime and composite numbers, recursive
patters like the Fibonacci numbers). 1.2 Write algebraic expressions and simple
equations that correspond to a given situation.
Instructional Objectives: SWBAT: These activities will help students recognize

absolute value as a distance from zero and will solve problems involving absolute
Student Assessments:

Pre-Assessment: When asking questions, listen to what students say, this is

a good indication as to where they may be. Observe the students as they
work individually.
Formative Assessment: Check for accuracy as students work.
Final Assessment: Test the students to see what they have learned and
where they still might need help.

Instructional Methodologies: Lesson Segment 1: How is the opposite value of a

number different or similar to the absolute value of a number? Use the
investigation on the worksheet, comparing absolute value to opposite, to help
students investigate absolute values and opposite values for numbers.
Lesson Segment 2: How does the distance of n from 0 compare to the distance of
n from 0? How does n compare to - n?

With a -10 to 10 number line (can be tape) on the floor, have two students come to
the number line and stand where you direct them as you ask the class the questions
that follow. Pairs or teams could use team boards or Smart Pals to respond.
1. Person A stand on -5. Person B stand on 5. Q. Which person is closer to 0?
2. Person A stand on 4. Person B stand on -4. Q. Which person is closer to 0?
3. Q. What two numbers could you have the students stand on if both numbers are
the same distance from 0? For students who seem to be grasping the concept
quickly, challenge them by asking them to generalize. If x is a number on the
number line, write a mathematical statement which shows an expression equivalent
to |x|, greater than |x| and less than |x|. Emphasize again that absolute value is a
distance, and distance is measured in positive units.
Student Adaptations: "Distance" might be a difficult concept to understand for
some students. The video at Absolute Value in Context, illustrates distance very
well. Watch video clip from 2:00. English Language Learners might need more
practice reading the notation. Make them write it and say it out loud. Absolute
value of negative 3 is 3. Another option would be to not write the equations but
instead challenge your more advanced students to write them and share with the
class. Here are a few problems:
1. The absolute value of this number is 4. |n| = 4. Guess the number.
2. The absolute value of this number + 5 equals 8. |n| = 8. Guess the number.
3. The distance this number is from 0 is 6.5. |n| = 6.5. Guess the number.
4. Two more than the distance this number is from 0 is 7. 2 + |n| = 7. Guess the
5. The absolute value of -4, plus the absolute value of this number is 9. | -4 | + |n|
= 9.
6. The absolute value of this number subtract the absolute value of a second
number is equal to 1. |n| - | p | = 1. Guess the number (answers will vary, but must
be accurate).
Resources/Materials: Ti-73s. Numberline taped on the floor and one set of standup cards. You will also need a deck of playing cards for each pair of students.
Work-sheets: comparing absolute value to opposite, absolute value practice

foldable: opposite values and absolute values, and a graphing calculator.

Lesson Delivery
Lesson Introduction: Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen! Im going to ask you a
few questions this morning. Raise your hand and I will call on you. Can any of you
tell me.How does the opposite of n differ from the absolute value n?
How does the distance of n from 0 compare to the distance of n from 0? How
does n compare to - n?
Detailed Lesson Outline: Work with the students to compete down to number 7 at
this point of the lesson. Note: You will need to have TI Fonts on your computer in
order to show the keys that appear on this worksheet. If you do not, you will see
weird symbols rather than the TI-73 keys in the directions. Have students make
the attached foldable. Solve problems involving absolute value. The following games
are engaging and give students the opportunity to apply their knowledge of
absolute value. This is a description of a game: Players: 2. Materials: Deck of
cards for each pair of students. Objective: Draw a card with the greatest
absolute value. Procedure: From a shuffled deck, each player draws a card. The
player whose absolute value is greatest keeps both cards. When the deck has been
depleted, the player who has kept the most cards wins. Assign students to
complete the comparing absolute value to opposite worksheet as well as the
absolute value practice worksheet.
Lesson Conclusion: Ask the students what they enjoyed most about this lesson.
Ask the students what they enjoyed least about this lesson. Encourage those
students that have had a hard time getting the concepts of this lesson to keep
trying and applying the principles, and in time they will get it.

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