Review Chapter 11: Adopting and Adapting An Existing Course Book

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Name : Febriana Silvia Sukma H.

NIM : 160210401048

Review Chapter 11: Adopting and Adapting an Existing Course Book.

In this chapter discusses the relationship between teachers and textbooks. The goal is to
help teachers to tailor subject books to the applicable curriculum. Selection of textbooks for
students need to get these considerations and needs in the learning process. There are reasons why
teachers follow the textbooks according to the curriculum, the first of which is their school or
ministry of education requires that they follow closely. The second is that teachers may not be
confident if they do not use or hold on to the books. The third is that the teacher believes the quality
of the book is high. The fourth is the students want to discuss or understand on each part of the

The material will be presented in accordance with what the students need, after all students
have textbook teachers should adapt the book as a textbook in which the material is very simple
but in the book add exercise related to the material, the goal is that students more easily understand
the lesson which is difficult but gets little school hours in school. The teacher can also give a
weekly test to be able to know how the students understand the material or the teacher can also
give homework in the book that has been adopted by the material from the textbook by the teacher
so that the teacher can know the student's ability in the material. The teacher adopted the textbook
into a book course, because teachers feel not maximally using textbooks. Of this chapter so that
the textbooks used can meet the needs of students in accordance with the curriculum used in
teaching and learning. So in this chapter teachers should be able to sort out the textbook that will
be used for teaching and learning process, so that the desired results are achieved according to the
1. Look at the statements in Table 11.2. Look also at the list of principles in Chapter 4. Make a list
of no more than 12 of these features to use for evaluating a course book

Teachability The content should be made

more interesting and adapt to
what the learner wants.
Learning burden The course should help learners
make the most effective use of
previous knowledge.
Learning Style Learning activities should be
considered with learning style
Fluency A language course should
provide activities aimed at
increasing the fluency with
which learners can use the
language they already know,
both receptively and
Time on task As much time as possible should
be spent using and focusing on
the second language

2. Where necessary, add detail to the statement to suit your particular teaching situation. For
example, The material in the course book should not be too expensive can be rewritten as The
course book should not cost more than y3,000.
Teachability The content should be made more teachers should make the class
interesting and adapt to what the learner effective by asking questions
Learning burden The course should help learners make the Teachers should develop
most effective use of previous knowledge learners' knowledge by
providing homework and
Learning Style Learning activities should be considered The teacher must balance the
with learning style learners learning style of the learner by
giving a pleasant impression.
Fluency A language course should provide Teachers should provide media
activities aimed at increasing the fluency or games based on lessons to
with which learners can use the language make the class more effective
they already know, both receptively and
Time on task As much time as possible should be spent a language course should have
using and focusing on the second language directed learners to use a
second language (English) as a
conversation of learners
3. Decide on the essential criteria and put them in one group. Weight your remaining
criteria. For example, important but not essential criteria should have three stars, two
stars or one star. When you have evaluated a course book you can add up the number of
The range is 1 star up to 5 stars
1. Teachability
2. Learning burden
3. Learning Style
4. Fluency
5. Time on task

4. Carefully design the layout of your form

Features Priority Score of out 5 Score x
The content should be made more
interesting and adapt to what the
learner wants
The course should help learners
make the most effective use of
previous knowledge
Learning activities should be
considered with learning style
A language course should provide
activities aimed at increasing the
fluency with which learners can use
the language they already know, both
receptively and productively
As much time as possible should be
spent using and focusing on the
second language
1. List the questions that you will ask your colleague before you look at the book.

 Is the book interesting to learn?
 What about the content of the book?
 Does the book fit the curriculum that has been used in your school?
 What grade is suitable to use the book?
 Is it easy to understand the language of the book?

What systematic approach did you use to guide your choice of questions?
 Does the book fit the needs of learners?
 Does the textbook fit the course objectives?
 Whether the textbook contains materials and exercises to monitor the progress of
2. Use the course book evaluation form from Task 1, or the one in Table 11.3, or one taken
from Williams (1983), Sheldon (1988) or Ur (1996) to evaluate the course book.
A comparison of the evaluation forms designed by Ur (1996)
 Is the form reliable? Would different people using the same form on the same
course book reach similar conclusions?
 Is the form valid? Does the form cover the important features of a course book? Is
the choice of features to examine in agreement with our current knowledge of
curriculum design and second language learning?
 Is the form practical? Is it easy to understand? Is it easy to use? Can it be used to
evaluate a course book in a reasonably short time? Are the results of the
evaluation understandable and usable?
Features Weight Score out of 5 Score x weight
Teachability 3 3 9
Learning burden 5 4 20
Learning style 4 3 12
Fluency 4 5 20
Time on task 3 3 9
3. List the headings that you will use to organise your response to your colleague’s question.
How will you organise your report? (Summary first then details; Table with ticks or stars;
Use curriculum design diagram headings . . .)
Area of design Question Responses
Content and sequencing
Format and presentation
Monitoring and assessing
4. If your colleague decides to adopt the course (no matter what you tell her), what
improvements should she make?
First, he must improve his lessons, he will understand his lessons after taking the course
and find the book, also make improvements in terms of it easier to achieve what he has
targeted before. He also must practice his ability by doing the exercises in the textbook to
be more leverage in achievement. If the course is not satisfactory, he can also use the
internet as a second teacher, because the internet is a vast source of information.

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