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JUNE 2019, VOL. 17 ISSUE 6

An all-day cruise style extravaganza benefiting

June 26th 7:30am -8pm

The Arc’s Dancing for a Cause

Cruise for the day or come enjoy for a few hours.

Come to Francois Bend Senior Living to enjoy a cruise style experience that is geared toward
raising funds for a terrific cause! The day will be equipped with cruise-style dining for all meals,
Black Jack, Elvis in the House, a Wine Down Hour, plus more!
Breakfast at Café Francois $5.00 Admission Morning Pass: Enjoy a sneak peek of a
7:30am- 10:30am Dancing for a Cause performance by
7:30-9:30 Francois Bend’s very own,
$5.00 Admission Afternoon Pass:
Lunch on the Sun Deck 11:00am-3:00pm
Megan Martinez Babin.

11:30-1:30 $10.00 Admission Evening Pass: 3:30am

Potato Bar, Hamburger Bar, Salad Bar, 8:00pm
Hot Dog Bar & Ice Cream Bar Available All Day Passes:
Captain’s Dinner $20.00 Early Bird Special

$25.00 When Purchased at the Door Call or come by to purchase your pass!


Francois Bend is hosting weekly luncheons in June through August for Ascension Parish High Schools.
Calling all graduates from 1950-1960! Come re-unite with old friends, reminisce and enjoy a
complimentary meal at 12:00 noon on the following dates:
June 19th July 10th July 24th August 1st August 15th
Classes of 1950/1951 Classes of 1953 Classes of 1955 Classes of 1957 Classes of 1959
July 3rd July 17th July 31st August 8th August 22nd
Classes of 1952 Classes of 1954 Classes of 1956 Classes of 1958 Classes of 1960


326 East Industry Ave., Gonzales, LA 70737 • • 225-647-2363 (BEND)
Publisher / Editor
Mike Strong
Table of Contents
Sales Manager
Dottie Godberry
Staff Photographer SWEET EYES W/ TANYA...........12


BILL DELAUNE.......................... 30

Contributing Writers
Bill Delaune
Linda Melancon
SNO’S RECIPE........................... 45
On the Cover: Paid for by
Murphy Painter Campaign
Goosie Guice
Orhan McMillan
Kellie Seymour
Tanya Stilley
Jimmy Dunkley
Patti Mouton
Jamie Lavigne
Andre’ Brock
Mariah Simoneaux

For Advertising
Information Please call:

E-Mail Comments
to [email protected]

Note: Features in this

publication labeled
are paid for editorials.
All Rights Reserved.
Opinions expressed are not
necessarily those of the
publisher, editor or staff of
Ascension Magazine

18386 Little Prairie Rd.

Prairieville, LA 70769

Kade Lanoux Wins Jambalaya Festival World Championship!
Congratulations Jambalaya Asso- In addition to our local were the current Jambalaya Festival is an event everyone enjoys and
ciation, you have done it again. musicians Rockin’ Dopsie represents Gonzales 2019 and our families can participate in it to-
This year’s 52nd Annual Festival partied late in to the night. community. It’s clean, organized, gether.
went off without a hitch and was a It was exciting this year when and full of musical entertainment.
huge success. second time champion, Kade Along with the good time the festi- While at the the festival I saw
I have been attending the Jamba- Lanoux with helper Jared White, val represents a commitment to the many friends. Eric and Stump did-
laya Festival for 40 plus years and was crowned the World Champion claim Jambalaya Capital of the n’t miss a beat. They cooked and
this year’s festival seemed to have it Jambalaya Title. World. partied with the rest of us.
all. The This year Danny Robert and The Mini-Pot Jambalaya Cook- Mike and Steve Broussard played
food, the events, and the Kurt Waguespack worked their ing Contest at the 52nd Annual together as the jitter
entertainment makes this event one majic and won the Champ of Jambalaya Festival was held along bugging kept us from thinking of
of the most diversified Champs Cooking Contest for the the Bayou and was sponsored by the heat.
festivals in the state. first time. VFW Gonzales If you are new to the area and
A wide variety of entertainment Throughout my time at the festi- Memorial Post 3693. have never attended the festival
from bands like Eddie Smith, Mike val I ran into to old school Gonza- This year the Mini Pot you are missing a good time.
Broussard & Nite Train and Chee les friends that always make a Cooking Contest held their Along with the cooking and danc-
Weez rocked the stage while home- reference to the Champ of Champs Cook Koby ing there is a 5K Run,
town Festival that was once downtown Thacker who took home the tro- car show, craft vendors and
favorite bands such as Bac Trac and Gonzales. phy. carnival rides. Next year give the
Na Na Sha kept our Everybody likes to talk about the Youngsters and adults festival a try. You will experience a
dancing shoes moving. One of the days of old. The success was competed in one of the festivals good time and truly understand
highlight moments of the festival judged by the garbage left in the most popular event. Cooking in why Gonzales is,
was the appearance of Chase Tyler. street. As exciting as those days mini pots started in the 1970s, and

Danny Robert
Champ of Champs

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This year’s GGC Circle of Roses Recipient is Marilyn Rice. She became a
GGC member in 1997 and served in various committee leadership positions.
The 2019-2020 Gonzales Garden Club Officers are Cynthia Cagnolatti, Treasurer; Jamie Trisler, Marilyn is a member of the Ascension Parish Master Gardener Association
President; Mary Jo Pohlig, Vice-President; Gwen Heck, Recording Secretary; Loretta Ramirez, for 12 years, and she is the founding member of the Pelican Point Garden
Corresponding Secretary; Barbara McCormick, Parliamentarian; Pam Fiegel, Historian; and Club. Members presenting the pink rose symbol are Priscilla Monson,
Priscilla Monson, Past President. Myra Mire, Marilyn, and Jamie Trisler.

Gonzales Garden Club Finished the Year

The Gonzales Garden Club of Roses membership, flower leadership and dedicated Federation, Inc. They were
held its final business meeting show results, and 10+ years membership for shared Award #2-3 Yearbook Award
for the 2018-19 calendar year memberships. Each member responsibility and (1st Place), Award #17 Arbor
on May 1 at the Clarion Hotel shared her most memorable volunteerism. Award winner, and Award
and with lunch at Mike moment of the year. GGC #5B horticulture Honor Roll
Anderson’s with desserts and President Jamie Trisler’s Also, at the meeting, Conchita Award. Congratulations
coffee at Dale Bowman’s reflections attributed the club’s Richey stated the GGC to all the GGC Members!
house. The club celebrated established longevity and received 3 awards from the
perfect attendance, a Circle vitality to its strong ongoing Louisiana Garden Club The Gonzales Club is federated
by National Garden Club, Inc.

The GGC Executive Board agreed at their last meeting to recognize members and
associate members who reach the milestone of 10 years and thereafter each 5 year
Receiving their 15, 20, 25, and 30 year pins are Shirley Lyons (24), Ellen Richmond (21), increment to receive Membership Pins. Above, Loretta Ramirez (12), Janis Poche (12),
Loretta Speligene (19), Marilyn Rice (22), Myra Mire (30), and Cynthia Cagnolatti (23). Jamie Trisler (10), Priscilla Monson (13), and Mabel Savoy (11) received their 10 Year
Not pictured: Barbara Guillot (29) Membership pins. Not pictured: Rita Bourque (12)

Priscilla Monson, Barbara McCormick, Gwen Heck, Pam Fiegel, Janis D’Benedetto, Jamie Trisler, Conchita Ladies who have 80 years combined and received their 35 and 40 year
Richey, Mable Savoy, and Loretta Ramirez received the GGC Perfect Attendance Award. pins are Conchita Richey (41) and Lorraine Gautreau (39).


Gonzales Garden Club

Announces Winners 1st 2nd
The Gonzales Garden Club held its
Annual Floral Design and Horticultural
Exhibit at the Gonzales library on April
3rd. Members presented twelve
floral designs reflecting the theme
“America, the Beautiful”. Horticultural
specimens on display were labeled for
identification. Library visitors voted for
their favorite niches for the People’s
Choice Awards. Winners were
announced by the library’s public
relations coordinator at the club’s
May meeting. The club appreciates
the library’s accommodations as
well as the public’s interest.

Winners of the Flower Show are

Janis Poche with “From Sea to Shining
Sea” – 1st Place, Dale Bowman with
“Cruising the Bayou” – 2nd Place,
and Patti Mouton with “Keep America
Beautiful” – 3rd Place .

The club appreciates the public’s interest.


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Aluminum pie plates and old CD’s this can cause fruit to not ripen.
hung from the tree’s branches Apply fertilizer in late winter or
also work well. early spring.

If you are looking to add a fig tree Fig rust is the most common
to your home landscape there are disease of figs in Louisiana and
many good varieties to choose the Gulf Coast. Fig rust occurs
from. Celeste is one of the most on the leaves and begins as small
popular varieties, reliably yellow spots. As the disease
It’s Fig Season producing a small to medium
sized fruit. Other good varieties
progresses the spots grow larger
and turn a reddish-brown or rust
to try include Brown Turkey, LSU color. Fig rust typically occurs in
Fig preserves, fig cakes, dried
Purple, LSU Gold, Tiger, late summer, and in severe cases
figs, fresh figs, the list goes on.
O’Rourke and Champagne. it can cause a tree to defoliate in
Lucky for fig lovers, fig trees are
Mariah Simoneaux Young trees will need irrigation just a matter of weeks. Since
one of the easiest fruit trees to
during dry periods, as fig trees there are no fungicides registered
grow in Louisiana. With a little
are shallow-rooted to control fig rust, cultural
care, they reliably produce
and may become practices can be used to
a crop of juicy, sweet fruit
stressed easily. It decrease disease pressure.
each year.
may take a newly Selectively prune your tree to
planted tree three open up the canopy increasing air
For homeowners with
to five years to flow, and rake up and destroy any
already established fig
produce mature infected leaves.
trees remember to harvest
fruit. Be patient,
your fruits as it matures.
the tasty figs are Mariah Simoneaux is the Horticul-
Be on the lookout for your
worth the wait. ture Agent serving Ascension and
figs to ripen in June and
Assumption Parishes. For more
July. Figs are extremely
If needed, apply information contact Mariah at
perishable and will not
one pound of 8-8-8 [email protected]
keep well on the tree. In
fertilizer per year of u or visit the LSU AgCenter
addition, ripe figs are
age of the tree up website at
extremely attractive to
to ten years. A
hungry critters. Birds are
maximum of ten
especially fond of figs and
pounds should be
can become a nuisance.
continued for trees
Netting, rubber snakes,
ten or more years
artificial owls and flash tape
old. Do not over
can be used to deter birds.
fertilize fig trees as

2305 S. Purpera Avenue, Gonzales, LA • 225.644.1028

spray 5-6 inches away from oily
roots, let rest and then style as
usual. This made my hair smell
fabulous and look pret a porter
(ready to wear en Francais)!
The Glimmer oil smells fantastic
as well and cost me $14.00 for 1.7
fl oz. on Amazon. It’s probably a
better value, because I have to use
it sparingly on my oily prone locks.
The dry shampoo I’ll purchase in
the large size to keep at home.
#3 AGUDER Boar Bristle Hair
Brush – Probably the best purchase
to date. I simply searched and
tried this little beauty for $12.99
on Amazon and J’adore! The
length is 5.5 inches and is about
2.3 inches wide. It’s easy to use
and easy to pack in a pouch
or a clutch for a night out of
du vin! Voila!
#4 SHANY 7 Piece Petite Pro
Bamboo Brush Set – Another find
on Amazon. Soft bristles make for
opportunity to try out some more around great neutral, and Tannin
Sweet Eye’s mini travel ideas for my upcoming (a poppy red) fun for a night on
a beautiful application, especially at
about $18.50. The set comes with
Vaca Fav’s - nuptials. Here’s a few things I
purchased after more research.
the town – oh la la!
This was a great kit to travel with
a nice case with magnetic closure
flap that keep your brushes intact
Part Deaux #1 BITE COSMETICS Four
Little Minis Amuse Bouche set–
from a company I really enjoy, and
still worth the value even if I
during travel. My only challenge
was that the one eyeshadow brush
Last month I discussed prepping 4 mini lipsticks from one of my didn’t take the vampy Nori color. in the set wasn’t a brush for
for my upcoming marriage in Fiji! favorite lines, Bite Beauty. This Purchased for $22.00 from ebay, blending eyeshadow or using in
There’s a weight limit on bags, so I line is made from fresh pressed but available at most fine retailers. your crease. I highly recommend
have to be very selective with my fruit, edible oils and milled pig- (On sale at JC Penny!) bringing a backup blending/crease
packing and my beauty products. ments, which makes for a creamy, #2 MOROCCAINOIL Dry eyeshadow brush unless that’s too
Everything mini…everything yet long lasting color. It is free Shampoo and Glimmer Shine – much for your tote during travel.
mini…is what I’m telling myself in of sulfates, parabens and is I purchased these tried and true Profitez d’un bel ete Ascension
preparation for our big day! cruelty free. beauties from the rarely disappoint- parish! Les slips!
In the meantime, Shea’s family This set is available at several ing Moroccanoil line from Translation: Enjoy a beautiful
and I went on a Viking cruise to retailers and features four colors – Amazon. I bought the dry summer Ascension parish!
Europe. So exciting to explore Sake (dusty mauve) and one of my shampoo for $10.50 for 1.7 oz. Smooches!
London and Northern France, daily wears, Nori (deep brown just to be ready in a pinch without
plus, this was the perfect red), Date (light brown) and all having to wash my locks. Just xoxo – Sweet Eyes

11-year old Camden Zoller sends e-mail to Sheriff Bobby Webre in
hopes of meeting him to live out his dream
11-year-old Camden Zoller mentioned that Camden sent as police officers, just as all
sent Sheriff Bobby Webre an the email on his own; "which of our deputies do!
email stating, "Hey this is was very impressive," said
Camden Zoller and I live in Sheriff Webre. "I am so moved that at
Prairieville and I'm 11 years 11-years-old, Camden
old and I'm gonna be a police 11-year-old Camden had one researched my email address
officer when I'm older and I request. His request was that and sent me a message,"
wanna see if I can talk to his 10-year-old brother tag added Webre. "I hope that in
Sheriff Bobby Webre or a along with him who was also the next 10 years, I will be
police officer in Ascension interested in becoming a able to watch Camden and
Parish about stuff and what it police officer. Hayden start their careers
takes and i can show you in law enforcement."
some of my police gear." Camden Zoller and brother
Hayden Weatherford spent the Note: To protect against
After receiving this email, afternoon with Sheriff Webre computer viruses, e-mail
Sheriff Webre immediately and his staff and answered programs may prevent
cleared his schedule to meet every question about what it sending or receiving certain
with Camden, the future takes to be a sheriff's deputy. types of file attachments.
deputy. The brothers also got a Check your e-mail security
chance to try out a motorcycle, settings to determine how
After scheduling the meeting and sit in a deputy's unit. The attachments are handled.
with Camden's dad, he two also took an oath of office

Three Ascension Parish deputies graduate from CARTA 39

Pictured are: Deputy Joshua Pilant, Sheriff Bobby Webre,

Deputy Caleb Kulcke, and Deputy Kane Hanna.
Also pictured: Captain TJ Gaughf, Major Stacy Fortenberry, Col. Paul Robert, Deputy
Ascension Parish Deputies Sheriff Bobby Joshua Pilant, Sheriff Bobby Webre, Deputy Caleb Kulcke, Deputy Kane Hanna, Lt.
Kane Hanna, Caleb Kulcke, Webre was also Kyle Hanna, Lt. Col. Donald Capello, and Lt. Col. Paul Hall.
and Joshua Pilant graduated the keynote
certification,” said Sheriff Rouge Sheriff’s Office. The
from the Capital Area Regional speaker.
Bobby Webre. graduates learned physical
Training Academy (CARTA) in
training, legal and report
Baton Rouge on Tuesday, “This graduation represents
Capital Area Regional Training writing skills, law enforcement
May 29. weeks of hard work and
Academy (CARTA) is a history, and numerous other
resulted in all of these
product of the East Baton topics and skills.
deputies attaining their POST
Sheriff Bobby
Webre signs
agreement to
bring narcotics
K-9 unit back
to Ascension
Ascension Parish Sheriff
Bobby Webre recently
signed an agreement with
US K9 Unlimited to restore the use
of K-9 units in Ascension Parish, “We are looking forward to welcoming
beginning as soon as January 2020. these K-9s to our work family and I
know they will be a great benefit in the
US K9 Unlimited offers police dog fight against drugs in Ascension
handler programs for law enforcement Parish,” added Sheriff Webre.
in the proper handling and mainte-
nance of working canines. The
company is internationally recognized
in all genres of canine training.

“Police dogs have a long and noble

history of assisting law enforcement
with their instinct and loyalty. I am
excited to return the K-9 unit to our
streets to assist in narcotics detection
and tracking,” said Sheriff Webre.

The APSO K-9 unit will start out with

two Belgian Malinois dogs assigned to
the Narcotics Unit, with the goal of
expanding in the coming years with two
additional dogs. These K-9s, along
with their handlers, will be trained to
search and locate illegal drugs and
perform tracks over a comprehensive
12-week training program.

Dutchtown Physical Therapy
Your Community Physical
Therapy Provider
One on One Physical Therapy Treatment
with your therapist every visit.
Dutchtown Physical Therapy opened in August of 2007 with the mission of providing the highest level of physical
therapy care available while making sure patients are treated by the physical therapist every visit.
Dutchtown Physical Therapy is located conveniently in a state of the art facility on Hwy 73
(across from the Dutchtown Primary and Middle schools).

Stephen Jackson, PT, DPT, Clinical Director at Dutchtown Physical Therapy, takes pride in the ability to say,
he works with every patient, every visit, and that kind of one on one care is a commitment to his patients that helps
them through the therapy process with the best possible outcomes.

Dutchtown Physical Therapy stays involved with the local community through area schools with both sports and
academic endeavors, as well as partnering with local organizations to help with area causes. It is a commitment
promised and continued for the people in the Dutchtown and Geismar Communities.

Let your doctor know you want to stay in your community and ask for Dutchtown Physical Therapy.

You can also set up an appointment without a physician’s referral for evaluation and treatment of
minor or reoccurring problems by calling the office at (225) 744-3631.

• Manual therapy techniques for orthopedic injuries as well as
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Visit our website at

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Stephen Jackson, PT, DPT

“Your Community Physical Therapy Provider for Over 12 years”

(225) 744-3631 • fax (225) 744-3647


Smart your important goals, risk

tolerance and time horizon.
And you’ll want to revisit your

Moves for
strategy regularly to
accommodate changes in your
Ok Dr. Rob,
Every Stage
life and financial situation.
• In your 40s and 50s: These Ahhhhhhhhhh!
of Life
are the years in which your career
advances, leading to bigger
salaries. The more you earn, the
more you should be putting
Regardless of what stage of life away in your 401(k) or other
you're in, you must make financial employer-sponsored retirement
and investment decisions that will plan, along with your IRA. During
be with you for the remainder of the middle-to-end of this particular
your years. But the moves you period, you might finish helping
make when you’re just starting pay for your child’s higher
out in your career may be quite education – which should free up
different from when you’re retired. even more money to put away for
So, let’s look at some of these retirement. You also may want to
moves, stretched out across your consider long-term care
lifetime. insurance, which can help protect
• In your 20s and 30s: During you against the devastating costs
this period, you should strive to of an extended stay in a
place yourself on a sound nursing home.
financial footing by taking steps • In your 60s, 70s … and
such as reducing, and hopefully beyond: Once you’re in this age
eliminating, your student loans range, chances are pretty good ASCEN SION P ARISH
and embarking on saving for that you’ll either retire soon or are
retirement through investments already retired. (Although, of
such as a 401(k) and IRA. You course, you may well want to
also might buy a home, which work part-time or do some
offers some financial benefits, but consulting.) However, you 225.744.4905
be careful not to become “house certainly haven’t “retired” the
poor” by devoting too much of need to make financial and
your monthly income to mortgage investment decisions, because
payments. If you have young you’ll have plenty, including these:
children, you might also want to When should I take Social
start saving for college, possibly Security? Will my investment
through a 529 plan, which offers portfolio provide me with enough
tax benefits, high contribution income to help keep me ahead of
limits and the ability to switch inflation? How much can I afford
beneficiaries, as needed. And if to withdraw each year from my
you do have a family, you’ll retirement accounts without
certainly need to maintain outliving my resources? Again,
adequate life insurance. a financial professional can help
Also, since you’re at the early you deal with these and other
stages of your working life, you issues.
should chart a long-term financial Also, if you haven’t done so,
and investment strategy with the now is the time to draw up your
help of a financial professional. estate plans, so you can leave the
Your strategy should encompass type of legacy you desire – one
that provides for the next
generation (or two) and the Crawfish are Starting
charitable organizations you
support. You’ll need to work with a to Come In!
legal professional to create estate
planning documents and arrange-
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You will spend a lifetime making
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Ask for Sally’s stuff crabs.

Jamie Lavigne, Financial Advisor
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You’ll love them.
4600 Sherwood Common Blvd, #103 • Baton Rouge, LA 70806-6609 • 225.292.4971 (O)
River Parishes Community College
hold 2019 Commencement Ceremony
River Parishes Community Diplomas were conferred for
College (RPCC) held their students completing studies in
nineteenth commencement Practical Nursing, Business,
ceremony on Tuesday, May A/C & Refrigeration, Welding,
14, 2019 at the Lamar-Dixon Business, Instrumentation,
Expo Center in Gonzales, Drafting and Process
Louisiana. RPCC Chancellor Technology. Certificates were
Dale Doty presided over the awarded for Medical Assisting,
ceremony and handed out Medical coding, General Stud-
nearly five hundred associate ies and Process Technology.
degrees, technical diplomas Twenty-five students earned
and certificates. Over three their high school equivalency
hundred eighty students diplomas through the Work
earned Associate degrees with Ready U program at RPCC.
one hundred two of those
earning Louisiana Transfer RPCC is an open-access,
Associate degrees. Students multi-campus community
also earned Associate degrees college with campuses in
in Teaching, Drafting & Design Gonzales, Plaquemine, and
Technology, Business Office Reserve, Louisiana. The
Administration, Instrumenta- graduation ceremony included
tion, Industrial Maintenance students from all campuses
and one hundred ninety-two and as the college holds an
earned their Associates in annual commencement,
Process Technology. Technical included students completing
their coursework in the earning both a high school
Summer and Fall of 2018 and diploma and Associates
Spring 2019. Sixty-two of the degree.
students earning Associate
degrees were enrolled in the Samuel Douzart earned his
Early College Option (ECO) – Associates in Arts La Transfer
a joint program with the Ascen- degree and plans to attend
sion Parish School System. Southeastern. A Dutchtown
Students in the ECO program High School graduate, Samuel
attend both high school and learned from his brother who
college on the RPCC Gonzales attended RPCC that it was a
campus simultaneously great place to start and he

does not disagree.

Dequincy Russell, a former

St. James High Wildcat had
been in the workforce for about
nine years before returning to
RPCC to earn an Associates in
Process Technology. He
chose RPCC because of it’s
convenience to home and his
work place and the great
reputation for PTEC. He
wanted to recognize John
Sluder, PTEC Program
Director for his expertise,
mentoring, and guidance.
Dequincy is looking forward
to beginning his internship
at Nova Chemical.
Allegiance, Maya Fernbough attended the ceremony for
RPCC would like to recognize for a beautiful rendition of the their support of their loved-one For more information email
Pastor Efrem Marshall of Bell national anthem, and the Youth and the college. The RPCC [email protected] or call
Baptist Church for conducting Challenge Program for the Faculty and Staff were 225.743-8763.
the Invocation and Benedic- impressive Color Guard. overwhelmed with love and
tion, SGA President Paris Additionally, we thank the support the community has for

GEO Heat Exchangers Give Back to the Community

Baker for leading the Pledge of family and friends who the students.

“In the fall of 2018, RPCC / Equipment Training) Plant. the corner-stone of a dynamic GEO is certainly proud to
BASF requested the efforts of The purpose of this joint collaboration of the Industrial participate in such an event,
GEO Heat Exchangers/ GEO collaboration is to assist in Complex and a Comprehen- appreciates this opportunity
Field Services LLC., to provide educating students in the sive Community College, and is very hopeful that our
them with designing and operation and understanding educating a quality workforce contribution will positively
fabricating two Shell and Tube of heat exchangers, which is for the future of Louisiana’s impact the students of RPCC,
Heat Exchangers for the vital to the petrochemical river region. as well the community!”
River Parish PET (Physical industry. This project will be

card, banking, and other financial
statements to ensure they are correct
and may also want to consider using
direct deposit for Social Security and
other payments to prevent mail fraud.
Predatory lending, also known as
loan fraud, involves a wide range of
abusive practices used to take
advantage of seniors who are in the
market to refinance their homes.
Predatory lenders target seniors who
are in need of money to consolidate
debts or meet emergency expenses.
By Linda Melancon Some common predatory lending
practices are charging excessive fees,
$100 off Termite Treatment Elders at Risk: including a prepayment penalty for
paying off the loan early, or refinanc-
$25 off Initial Pest Control ing a loan to generate a fee without
Preventing providing any real benefit to the
Pest Prevention Programs • Real Estate Certificates
borrower. Comparison shopping,

• Pre-Construction Soil / Borate Treatment

Elderly Scams taking time to understand the terms of

Local • Licensed • Insured • Bonded

the loan, and seeking the advice of a
• Termite Treatment Programs • Mosquito Suppression Services Financial scams that target seniors relative or trusted friend are all steps
are a growing problem. An encounter seniors can take to be smart con-
with a financial scam artist can put an sumers when in the market for a loan.
entire lifetime of work, savings and a Billions of dollars are also lost each
good name at risk. Learning to year due to fraudulent telemarketers.
recognize some of the most common These calls often take the form of
financial scams can help you protect charity, prize, or sweepstakes scams
yourself or an elderly loved one from and often target seniors. If you are
becoming a victim. These financial approached by an unfamiliar charity,
scams can take many forms, but some ask for written information to be sent
of the most widespread abuses include to you. Legitimate charities will be
identity theft, predatory lending, and happy to provide details about their
225-644-7466 Ascension • 225-924-7096 Baton Rouge telemarketing fraud. work and will never insist that you act
Website Scam artists have adapted to modern immediately. Also be aware that scam
technology and are able to obtain artists try to trick people by using fake

It’s Easy to Advertise in Ascension Magazine.

enough information about an elderly names that are very similar to
person to build trust via telephone, legitimate, well-known charities.

A whole lot easier than catching 30 bass

mail, or email. According to the Under Louisiana law, charitable
Federal Bureau of Investigation, organizations that use a professional
seniors are at an increased risk of solicitor to help receive donations and
becoming a scam victim due to their professional solicitors who solicit on

polite and trusting manner, their lack behalf of charitable organizations are
of knowledge pertaining to the required to register annually with the
Internet, and their susceptibility to Louisiana Attorney General’s Office.
When called by any type of
Mike Strong products promising increased

cognitive function, virility, physical telemarketer, you should ask for the
conditioning, anti-cancer properties, company’s name and address and ask
and so on. In a country where new the caller to send you written materials
cures and vaccinations for old diseases to study before you make any
have given every American hope for a purchase. When in doubt, seek the
long and fruitful life, it is not so advice from someone that you trust
unbelievable that the con artists’ before you send any money or provide
products can do what they claim. your bank account, credit card, or
Identity theft occurs when someone social security numbers to solicitors.
uses your personal information, such If you feel you or a senior you know
as your name, social security number, has been the victim of elderly fraud,
or credit card number, without your you should contact the Consumer
permission. Identity thieves obtain Protection Section of the Louisiana
information by taking mail from your Attorney General’s Office
mailbox, going through your trash for at 1-800-351-4889.
discarded receipts and bills, by asking
for it over the phone, or by phishing. The information provided is not intended to
be legal advice and does not constitute an
Phishing is a tactic where identity attorney/client relationship. You should consult
thieves send spam or pop-up messages with an attorney for individual advice regarding
in order to obtain your personal your own situation.
information. That information is then Ms. Melancon is an attorney with Legacy Estate &
used to access your bank accounts, Elder Law of Louisiana, LLC, with offices in
Baton Rouge, LA and Prairieville, LA. The
run up credit card charges or apply for primary focus of her practice is estate planning,
a loan in your name. These messages probate, special needs planning and elder law. For
more information or to attend an upcoming
often appear to be from a legitimate estate planning seminar, call her office at
business, banks, or even a government (225) 744-0027
agency. You should never respond to
unsolicited emails or pop-up messages
that ask for your personal information.

Seniors should regularly review credit
Cooking Out the Kinks at Todd B’s
“Woo Woo, Woo Woo Woo!”
Ascension Magazine was invited to a There were lessons learned, memories
group of cooks practicing for the up-coming made and that’s enough for a great time.
Jambalaya Festival.  As I walked among Now that the festival has finished I
the cooks I realized something. This looked backed through these photos. I am
practice round was so much more than sure at least 50% of these folks won
knocking the rust off trophys, advanced forward to finals and
for the festival. supported each other till the end.
It was family, In reality, a group of the best Louisiana
friends and has to offer. Congrats to all.
cajun tradition.
1 3 0 5 3 H W Y. 4 3 1 • S T. A M A N T



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This years Jambalaya Festival
hosted 90 plus cooks and after
careful judging the Top 32 teams
positioned themselves to cook in the
Semi-Finals. This year when the

TOP 32
names were called out they were
called in the ranking position
on the judging card.
This year the Top 32 was made up
of seasoned veterans and many
new comers. If you had a chance to
see the scoring you’d be amazed

Semi-Final Heat 1

32 - Brady Diez

31 - Taner Bourque

30 - Lee Elisar

29 - Jamie Rye
32 31 30 29

28 - Brandon Elisar

27 - Alli Duplechein

26 - Jay Alexis

25 - Jared Cross
28 27 26 25
24 - Jake Avrill

23 - Joey Cornett

22 - Henry
Schexnayder, IV
21 - James “Stump”
Marchand 24 23 22 21

20 - Scott “Flu”Brignac

19 - Todd Breaux

18 - Tyler Lambert

17 - Jacob Mayer
20 19 18 17
how close the scores were for It was hot with no rain in sight survived the morning.
all of the jambalaya’s. just the hard work of cooking a 2018-2019 Executive
This years judges were: Committee (2019 Festival)
Making the Top 32 is a mile jambalaya on wood fires and
stone of achievement and open flames. After hours of Layne Gautreau President - Wally Taillon
makes the teams one step preparing the moment of truth Freddie Hurst Vice Pres. - Tammy Guillory
closer to the Final 12 and a happens when the lids are David Eastridge Treasurer - Brenda Taillon
Doug McCrory Secretary - Brigitte Reulet
chance to cook for the lifted. At that point the hopes
Marty Haydel Members at Large:
Championship. are high for the correct color, Mike Gonzales
Ascension Magazine was puffed rice and the chicken Contest Chairman - Layne Gautreau
present when the teams began flavor. Congratulations to the Mike Gonzales Koby Thacker
Robert “Hoss” Reine
cooking on Sunday morning. Top 32 cooking teams that

Publisher’s Note: Ascension Magazine will showcase the Top 12 next month.
Semi-Final Heat 2

16 - Carlos Braud

15 - Koby Thacker

14 -Daren Braud

16 15 14 13 13 - Roby Breaux

12 - Bart Himel

11 - Tyler Bourque

10 - Lyman Abadie, Jr
9 - Shelby “Doty”
12 11 10 9 Gautreau

8 - Kirk Elisar

7 - Scott Duplechein

6 - Heath “Buster”
8 7 6 5 5 - Jarrett Marchand

4 - Robert “Hoss”
3 - Tyler Billingsley

2 - Justin Courville

1 - Kade Lanoux

4 3 2 1
Entertainment Schedule
June 22nd July 13th
Avalanche 9 - 1 Whiskey River South 9 - 1
June 23rd July 14th
Rougon 5 - 9 Mo Joes 5 - 9
June 29th July 20th
Kendall Shaffer 9 - 1 Matt Kayday 9 - 1
June 13th July 21st
Whiskey River South 5 - 9 T-Boy 5 - 9
July 3rd July 26th
Bad Habit 8 - 12 Josh Walters 6 - 9
July 6th July 28th
Back at it Band 9 - 1 River City All Stars 5 - 9
July 7th Karaoke Every Friday 9 - 1
Rougon 5 - 9 Doors Open 11am - 2am
21+ to Enter

Port Vincent, LA
(225) 622-4884
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Though Instagram is a very visual reliant

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Trying to Be Two Places at Once -
When You’re Not Anywhere at All
by Bill Delaune
Every parent, grandparent
and any other friend or relative
who spends an endless
summer joyfully chasing the
kids around at baseball,
softball or soccer tournaments
has experienced the thrill of
victory and the agony of
But on a few occasions,
these fun-filled events have
taken a nasty turn toward a
National Lampoon vacation
or-even worse-a torture trip.
Often Mother Nature doesn’t
cooperate resulting in
mud-soaked fields and games
that are not completed until the
wee hours of the morning. in your beach and Flora-Bama hop, skip and a jump down requiring a trip to LaPlace for
Other times we find ourselves time. Burbank and I could take in a the nearest O.T.B. I thought
in need of quantum leaps or at Anyway, for the record, Will’s couple of games, grab a quick I might need that aforemen-
least jet packs to attempt to be team made a miraculous run lunch at the craps table at tioned jet pack to meet all my
in two or more places at once. all the way to the finals before L’Auberge and make the LSU obligations but then a
Such was the case last year falling to some lumberjacks Super Regional at 2 o’clock at break-Cade’s first two pool
at the Gulf Shores/Orange from Tennessee. And Cade’s the Box. games were at 8 o’clock and
Beach World Series when two Pirates won three of their first But my feeble brain had for- 9:45 Saturday morning and
of my five talented grandsons four to advance to the Sweet gotten about the Belmont bracket play did not begin until
(Of course, I’m prejudiced.) 16 of a 64-team tournament Stakes where a couple of 5 that afternoon.
were both playing in the same before losing to some Sooner partners had already put up With any luck and a trailing
week in the same area. Will’s signees from Oklahoma. some cartel money hoping to tail wind I could be straight out
team-Ascension Select-was I believe we saw 12 games duplicate my big score on War of Traction at 11:30, roll into
entered in the under-14 in three days everywhere from of Will in the Preakness. Now, LaPlace around 12:30 and
division and Cade’s Pirates Foley to The Wharf and all a couple of years ago, I could back to LSU by 1:30 in plenty
were in the under-10. points in between. No have left the ballpark, headed of time for the first pitch. Ah,
Now I couldn’t be prouder of complaints. I enjoyed every across the bridge to Port Allen, but as Robert Burns put it best
all of my boys and those two minute of it. made the bets and arrived at in 1786-“The best laid plans of
have proven to be pretty good Now last Saturday I found LSU in plenty of time to tailgate mice and men oft go astray…”
ballplayers if I do say so myself myself on the horns of another with Bird Man, Knucklehead The Pirates looked like their
and this old ball coach derives dilemma. Cade’s under-11 the rest of the crew before Pittsburgh namesakes in the
a great deal of pleasure from Pirates were playing in the the Tigers massacred the first two innings and sailed out
watching them compete. State Tournament at Traction Seminoles. to an 8-0 lead as visions of
But you must admit-having on Gardere Lane in But Evangeline Downs-in all sugarplums and a short
two teams going in opposite Baton Rouge. its wisdom-closed that popular mercy-rule ending danced in
directions certainly puts a dent Okay-not a bad gig at all. A “Races and Aces” parlor my head. But, aargh, a few

walks and a couple of misplays So I decided to have a beer wife Megan took the daughter days with nothing to do,” he
later and the game was tied at Sammy’s and consider my back to Brusly at 7. continued. “We couldn’t even
8-8 being stopped well over options. Once the Tigers Meanwhile, Pirate tent captain get to the Wal-Mart because
the 90 minute time limit. started, there was really no Mike Robert told of a 12-hour we were knee-deep in water
The trail of tears as we more choice. Now another day at the park as his hearty in the parking lot.”
trudged to another field was a point, friends and neighbors-if crew sipped beer and Oh, the horror-no Wal-Mart.
combination of disappointed you can watch this year’s LSU margaritas waiting for pool play But then after a pause, he put
players, coaches and fans-in- baseball team without having a to conclude. I was not even in the final dagger in my heart.
cluding one watch-watching drink, you’re a better man-or their uncomfort zone so I shut “Even the dog track was
grandfather-who all knew we’d wo-man that I am. up and watched the Pirates closed.” Noooooooo!!!
let one slip away. Anyway, as a 4-0 lead win two games to move into “Finally, a putt-putt golf
Of course, the next game slipped away, time kept on the quarterfinals. opened up and we spent three
was a disaster despite a mild slipping away with each beer But alas-the Bucs also ran days trying to make a hole-in-
Pirate rally to make it and I still hadn’t heard from the out of gas in the hot Sunday one on number 18 and win
respectable at the end. Now Pirates. By 5:30, Florida State midday and we were $50 but of course, none of
we were 0-1-1 in pool play and had taken the lead and the knocked out. us did.”
faced the distinct possibility of horses were going into the There is no need to replay Then he had one more shot
having to play at 5-or later- gate for the Belmont. By 5:45, the extra-inning tragedy that in his cannon.
Saturday evening. both LSU and War of Will had ended LSU’s season later that “But as bad as it sounds,
Needing to reformulate my run out of gas unless you Sunday. Suffice it to say that someone is always worse off
plans, I hopped on I-10 south count our gas can bullpen reliever Devin Fontenot than you are,” he added. “The
and did what I’ve always done which can explode at any time. certainly gave it his all and last day we were there, two
when the going got tough. Crucial Superregional opener gave his offense every chance parasailers decided to brave
I pulled into Las Palmas for a lost. Horse race lost. Bankroll to win that game. And if the high winds and fly
margarita. lost. I don’t usually enter into there’s any consolation, at high above the waves.
Fortunately, my spiritual risky propositions on dates like least I can pull for FSU coach Unfortunately, their ropes
advisor Ross was there and June 3-the day Billy Joe Mike Martin to win the College broke and they crashed into
when he learned of my plight, MacCallister jumped off the World Series in the last year of our condo-one of them face
he sprang into action. Tallahatchie Bridge. But this his amazing career. first. Miraculously, one
“Get in,” he said, pulling up in year, June 8 proved to be just Broke, busted, disgusted, I escaped with only minor
a BMW crossover that I’d as disastrous. called my golfing buddy and injuries but the other spent
never seen before. “This baby The only bit of good news I designated driver Tommy months in the hospital with
really runs.” got was that the Pirates would Douglas on Monday morning some serious body repair.”
I’m not sure what the not play until 9:45 Sunday looking for a sympathetic ear. Man, all this story needs is
overland record is for morning because I was in no But he told me of a tale of a Clark and his Griswold family.
Dutchtown to LaPlace but had shape-physically, mentally or 2012 Panama City World On a positive note, we head
I known the latter was that spiritually to drive back to Series with his son Jack-future back to Orange Beach the last
close, I would visit more often. Baton Rouge and I was in no governor of Louisiana-that week in June with only one
The bets were placed with War mood to take a breath-taking again one-upped any of my team-the Pirates-playing this
of Will keying all the tickets ride with Ross again. weekend mishaps. year. But wherever you’re
and we headed back to The next morning I hunted “We went 0-2 in pool play,” going, I wish you fair skies,
Ascension-once again in for sympathy among my fellow Tommy began, “when I told the games on time and pitchers
Chuck Yeager fashion. Now I Pirates and got none. Seth kids and parents to stay close that throw strikes (or strikers
had to make another command Babin whose son Cooper plays to the phones because there on the pitch for you soccer
decision-try to make the LSU with Cade had left Traction to may be some weather coming moms and dads). Don’t
game or wait to see what time go to Brusly to watch his in.” “Some weather” turned out forget the sun screen and do
the Pirates played again. Now, daughter play four games. to be a record 21 inches of rain me one favor-pack a jet pack,
my faithful readers, you know After finishing past midnight, falling in two days completely just in case.
very well I bleed Purple and he had to assume his assistant flooding out the rest of the
Gold. But grandkids trump Pirate coaching duties around tournament.
everything. 8 Sunday morning while his “We were stuck for eight

defined as catching or killing more the same day. They’re
your limit for that day and after lying to themselves and they
returning to land, camp, or know it. In many cases of
home with your catch or kill to wrongdoing you are teaching
then go back and try to harvest your children to do the same.
more on the same day. There’s Don’t lie to yourself, if it
way too many supposedly seems wrong or unethical
responsible citizens that for it probably is.
some reason to this day think
that this is alright to do. In the The next time lady luck comes
first place, the state of Louisiana your way and you limit out early
has some of the most liberal on, be thankful for such success
limits and seasons in the and enjoy the rest of your day
country. If you’re not satisfied doing something else. You
with our game laws, then shame know and I know it won’t
on you. I know a lot of people, always be that way and you also
but I must say that I do not know that you don’t really need
Double Tripping know anyone who has the need anymore than you have already
for more than twenty five specs removed from the resources.
Most seniors that have been and baiting, the majority of the a day, or more than five reds
involved in hunting and fishing gang have left those bad habits over sixteen inches long, or Our seasons are long. Limits are
for most of their lives have behind. With that being said, more than one whitetail a day, liberal. Some type of fish are
probably been part of some type there are still quite a few out and the list goes on...In some biting in Louisiana twelve
of illegal activity in the past. there that will still try to get cases you can kill a buck and a months a year. Leave some
away with some illegal activities doe on the same day, but for for next time.....
Through the process of if they believe that they can do some they still want to go back
education, most of us have it without getting caught. for more fish and game on the Till Next Time,
learned to become better same day.
stewards of our passion One particular greedy bad habit Remember, The Next
throughout those years. Now that some still believe is ok is For some reason, double Generation Is Behind Us,
believe me it’s quite a challenge double tripping. Most species if tripping is still an acceptable Leave Some For Them,
to be one-hundred percent not all, of fish and game have a practice among some hunters
within the law at all times, but daily limit with a possession and fishermen. I’ve even heard James “Goosie” Guice
with some effort it can be done. limit of two or three days of some people try to lie to
Although there’s a chosen few daily limit numbers. Meaning themselves saying that they
that choose to commit some you can bring home several thought that you could get a

World Champion Jambalaya Cook

very serious game and fish daily limits after a two or three limit in the morning and after
violations such as night hunting day trip. Double tripping is bringing them in go back for

Wally Taillon
Specializing in events of 300 and above!


Fundraisers • School Functions • Churches

with Kellie
Useless Random Facts

Entertainment Schedule
Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand while

drawing with the other.

The Vatican City registered 0 births in 1983.

James Bond's car had three different license June 21st

plates in Goldfinger.
Pat-E Acoustic
166,875,000,000 pieces of mail are delivered June 22nd
About Last Night

each year in the US.

Q is the only letter in the alphabet that does not June 28th
DJ Rocky

appear in the name of any of the United States.
June 29th
Hai Karate
Recycling one glass jar, saves enough energy to

watch T.V for 3 hours!
July 5th
William Marston engineered one of the earliest forms of
the polygraph in the early 1900's. Later he went on to
create the comic strip Wonder Woman, a story July 13th
about a displaced Amazon princess who forces anyone Rivul

caught in her magic lasso to tell the truth.

Fictional/horror writer Stephen King sleeps with a

nearby light on to calm his fear of the dark.

The only two days of the year in which there are no

professional sports games--MLB, NBA, NHL,
or NFL--are the day before and the day after the

• Foret Tradition July 12

Major League All-Star Game.

The mask worn by Michael Myers in the original

"Halloween" was actually a Captain Kirk

mask painted white.

The site with the highest number of women

visitors between the age of 35 and 44

years old:
Sugar Shaker July 6
Oak trees do not produce acorns until they
are fifty years of age or older. 1711 S. BURNSIDE • GONZALES • 644-8901
Golfers balanced
diet! Cracklin’s,
boiled peanuts, beer
Thoughts from Bully & wine with
Lemon cookies!

The Boys are

Back in Town!
The Pete and Peg Spring NO! NO! After a few
Retreat has come and gone polite nudges and maybe a
once again and we all made it threat. I can attest the golf
back in one piece. pro, Ashton, got the Eddie Wilson and Bud
It is always a great time message. The beer cart never Lambert were honored by
and this year was no differ- ran out again. drinking a toast/beer to
ent. However a unique situa- This year a tribute for their memory.
tion cropped up on the very friends that have passed on The drama started the
first day. It was reported that were recognized. Tom second morning
the beer cart ran out of Marchand, Lionel Glaze, at the driving range

To heck with
Miller Lite!!! That is a huge when the

Please No!!!! Michael Jackson.

That’s my last ball! That’s what I said, I dance like Woody
“Out of Miller Lite!” from Toy Story!!!
Do you want an

We can get this

on Amazon!


Cheer up Dave!
We still have
2 more days!!!

Trust me Honey.
These are vanilla
I’m thinking about Is Pete Really
Killing him if he runs Going to Kill Me if I run
Out of Miller Lite, Out of Miller Lite
AGAIN !!!! AGAIN ???

marshall pointed out that the pitched in to get a GPS

hooker we brought had to tracker device for Cub.
quit practicing! We assured However Cub refused to let
him no hookers were with us. the Vet inject it.
He pointed toward Falcon. AJ’s was as exciting
“That guy is hitting hooking as ever. Pete only had
shots like a F-16 in escape to hand out only a few
maneuvers and more balls hit demerits for miss
off the range that hit on the behavior and it was an
range.” electrifying time. For
I don’t remember the guy example Frankie is a
that was in the condo with hugger and a lover and
Joe O’Banion but he men- was passing out kisses
tioned that Joe was walking to the guys. Occasionally
around naked and sat on his he slips a little tongue
bed. He hoped he was sleep on the cheek. When
walking. He wasn’t sure he got to JP. JP turned
how comfortable he would and the tongue hit inside
be having coffee in his ear where the hearing aid
the morning. sent a shockwave Frankie’s

Are you a licensed

Nate pointed out way. I think he liked it?

attorney yet? I may need badger

that Frankie I personally had my ups
snores like a and downs. I hit a shot

you later tonight!! Maybe

and a on the 18th green

fasciitis will help

blender with when the ball

my swing???
rocks in it. started heading
My compliments toward the lake.

go out to all I thought I
the cooks. You did would run to get
a great job and we it. After 2 steps I
weren’t going turfed faced down and had to
hungry. get Jim to help me up.
Leave it up to a My up moment was when
group of guys to we were at AJ’s. Two nice
purchase $120 worth looking ladies were at a table
of cheese and made next to us. The young single
122 meatballs, for guys were making their
the spaghetti, the size moves. The brunette
of tennis balls. leaned forward and pointed
I’m glad to report pass the young, single guys
that the guys and said, “I like that silver

I can’t be down
haired, TCLA! Tom Cruise
look alike!” I then realized
that much after
she was pointing at me.

one day???
Swing! Swing! Swing!
I felt like Garth
from Wayne’s World.
She left her bar stool
and walked past the
guys, grabbed my
face and smooched
on me. For a
moment my ego was
soaring. She
returned to her stool and
fell on the floor. Ugh!

My safe drinking line on

Russell did it. my Jack Daniel’s bottle
is little bit OFF!!!
Somebody just
soiled themselves??

PUBLISHER NOTE: The brunette, smooching on me,

reminded me of a Dallas Sweetheart I miss!

First Pat Klug Bayou Cup Golf Tournament
The Pat Klug Bayou
Cup was held on May After a competetive fun
15th at Pelican Point filled day of golf the
Golf Club Gold Team came away
with the victory.
The Purple Team and
the Gold Teams Thanks to everyone
consisted of 40 ladies who helped to make this
from the Baton Rouge a memorable event.
Womens Interclub Golf

Pelican Point
Ladies Golf
Honors Pat Klug.
This past September 2018
our organization lost a great
lover of golf and a dear
friend. Previously this tour-
nament was the Bayou Cup.
Now the tournament is
named in her honor along
with the planting of a tree
with a plaque on the 18th
fairway. The tree will remind Through out the years this was her favorite tournament.
us to grow our golf game and This year Pat was the Captain of the Purple team.
grow together as friends.
Every Wednesday @ 8:30 Coming Soon ... Swamp Chicken House Band ... 5 Piece Mixed Band

Let’s Get the Swamp Party Started

6-21 6-29 7-12 7-20
Press One for English Semi Tones Big Daddy T Jo-el Sonnier
6-22 7-5 7-13 7-25
Top Cats Trent Bourgeois South Seventy Josh Walters
6-27 7-6 7-18 7-26
The Will Wesley Band Scary Lane Joel Cooper Flash Back Chameleons
6-28 7-11 7-19 7-27
Gilligan and the Gang Jordan Babin 90 Degrees West Clifton Brown and the

Rusty Bucket Band

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Help a Child’s Dream

August 17th, 2019

Come True
For Sponsorship, tickets and volunteer information contact:

Dream Sponsor - $1500

Freddye Smith 225.933.9339 or Randy Bourgeois 225.413.8681

Please help a Child’s

Dream Come True This monetary donation funds a child’s dream. This will entitle you to an
opportunity to participate in the presentation of a child’s dream, official

Gold Sponsor - $1000

recognition, a plaque, and 10 reserved VIP dance tickets and front row table hostess,
and 20 general admission tickets. (Must have VIP ticket at the door to enter the VIP section.)

Silver Sponsor - $500

This will entitle you to official recognition, a plaque, 10 reserved dance tickets and
one reserved table, along with 10 general admission tickets.

This will entitle you to official recognition, a plaque, 10 reserved dance tickets and one reserved

table, along with 10 general admission tickets.

Na Na Sha to perform DOORS & HARDWARE

at Lamar-Dixon Tickets available at Himmel’s

16491 Airline Hwy 70769 • (225) 673-8777

Doors Open at 5:30pm • Dance 6:30pm till 10:30pm.

Senior Soc Hop
Garney Gautreau

We are Growing to Fulfill Your
Full Service Salon Needs

44253 Hwy. 42 ( 1 m i l e f r o m P o r t V i n c e n t )



Spring is Here and Time

Our Front End Alignment
Equipment is State-of-the-Art

to Clean your Beds.


Call Ryan at 225.715.4594 225.647.3000 • 1311 N. BURNSIDE • GONZALES
Prairieville, La 70769 Mention this ad and receive a 10% discount

30 Years of Top Notch Services
Braud Company Welding & Industrial Supplies Abrasives Janitorial Equipment
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Cooking Gourmet at Home
with SNO’S SEAFOOD & STEAKS 1 cup grits
4 cups water (unless you are using quick grits-
then follow instructions on package)
2 tablespoons butter
1 cup diced smoked sausage
1 cup diced white onion
½ cup green onions (sliced)
Salt, Red Pepper, Black Pepper to Taste

In a cast iron pot, thoroughly brown your smoked sausage

then remove from pan. Next, cook your onions in the
same pan until they are beautifully caramelized. Return
your sausage to the pan and you water and butter. Bring
the water to a boil then slowly stir in the grits. Bring
Jambalaya Grits mixture back to a boil, then cover and cook over medium
heat for approximately 40 minutes or until a smooth
Prep: 15 minutes texture is reached. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Cook: 20 minutes You can serve these grits with almost anything.
Pork, seafood, breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner
Remember if using quick or 5 minute grits, follow
Executive Chef
the measurements on the package
Ben Jarreau

Prairieville • 17497 Old Jefferson Hwy.
Baton Rouge • 5305 Flanders Dr. l 225.778.7540

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