Book Chapter National Nutritional Policy

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Chapter - 2

National Nutrition Programmes in India

Neelesh Kumar Maurya
Institute of Home Science, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Radha Kushwaha
Centre of Food Technology University of Allahabad,
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Dr. Pratibha Arya
Assistant Professor, Institute Of Home Science, Bundelkhand
University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Chapter - 2
National Nutrition Programmes in India
Neelesh Kumar Maurya, Radha Kushwaha and Dr. Pratibha Arya

India is the second rank in population and developing in the world. It
leads to other countries by own Scio-economic, cultural way. Any country
health affects growth in their average expectancy and various socioeconomic
indicators like Human Development Index, Multidimensional Poverty Index,
and Gross Domestic Product per capita other way reducing the burden of
disease. Children, pregnant and lactating women are the most affected with a
reduction in cognitive and physical growth and prone to unhealthy which
directly affect the productivity of the country. After independence in Indian
constitute have a provision in part -IV (Article -45, 47) development of
nutritional strategies and intervention in the five-year plans. Hence
Government has devised several nutrition programmes like National
Nutritional Anaemia Prophylaxis Programme, National Goitre Control
Programme, National, Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme,
Midday Meal Programme, Applied nutrition Programme, Akshaya Patra
Program. The activities in each program have been seen and its impact
assessed by various evaluation programs and it was found that these
programmes helped the nation. They helped to provide the proper nutrition
to the children and women. The implementation of these principles, together
with intensification of public health and primary care services, offers an
approach to ensure more equitable health care for India’s population.
Keywords: India, nutritional programs, Article-45, 47
Extensive poverty resulting in chronic and constant hunger is the single
main epidemic of the developing world today. The appearance of this
constantly re-enacted problem is the condition of under-nutrition that
demonstrates itself among the poor communities, mostly children and
women. It is a condition which occurs after improper and inadequate diet or
more essential nutrients that deteriorates physical and mental growth and

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human health. The improper diet is related to the food and other nutrients
required maintaining a good health, for growth and to allow a choice of
physical activity and work levels, those are socially important. Under-
nutrition reduces the work efficiency and productivity. It is the most
important cause of illness and death globally accounting for 12% of all
deaths and 16% of disability-adjusted life years lost. It is well known that
undernutrition is a result of not one but multiple unfavourable factors. These
factors play their role in helping maintain this continuous trouble of
undernutrition that direct us towards an inability to accomplish or desired
human resource potential, generation after another. In order to attain its true
potential and play a role of superpower India has to focus to overcome from
this under- and malnutrition so we can ensure that the next generation could
be healthy, having better work potential and productivity with higher
potential. It is a very important factor which needs policies to overcome
these problems. Various policies have been launched by the Indian
government to eradicate this problem like-
 Integrated Child Development Services Scheme
 Midday Meal Programme
 Special Nutrition Programme (SNP)
 National Nutritional Anemia Prophylaxis Programme
 National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme
 National Goitre Control Programme
 Mid Day meal programme
 Applied Nutrition Programme
 Akshaya Patra Programme.
And most recently Prime Minister launched a ‘POSHAN Abhiyan’ from
Jhunjhunu in Rajasthan, on 8th March 2018. These are government’s
response to the malnutrition in the children and others. Many national health
and nutrition surveys reported that there have been steady but slow
decrement have been found under and malnutrition, nutrient deficiency,
mortality and morbidity.
National Nutrition Policy (NNP)
National Nutrition Policy (NNP) has been launched in 1993 by the
Government of India under the aegis of the (effect of nutrition agriculture,
food production, food supply education, information, health care, social
justice, rural and urban development, tribal welfare, women and child

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development) Department of Women and Child Development. The strategy
of NNP was a multi-sectoral strategy for eradicating malnutrition and to
achieve proper nutrition for all. The main approach was taken under NNP is
to overcome the problem of nutrition through direct Nutrition interventions
for susceptible groups through various development policies. The
implementation strategy involves.
i) Nutrition interventions for in particularly vulnerable group who are
below 6 yrs, adolescent girls and pregnant and lactating women,
getting higher the safety nets.
ii) Improve essential food item nutritional quality by Fortification that
facilitates of low price nutritious foods.
iii) Prevention of micronutrient deficiencies among susceptible groups.
iv) Land reforms measures for reducing vulnerabilities of landless and
landed poorly.
v) Strengthen health and family welfare programme.
vi) Provide basic health and nutrition knowledge, avoid food
vii) Enhancement in nutrition surveillance and Monitor the progress of
nutrition programmes, and check all the various aspects of nutrition.
viii) Communication of information to people through traditional media.
ix) Minimum wage administration to ensure its strict enforcement and
timely revision and linking it with price rise through a suitable
nutrition formula and provide a special support to women labourers
during her pregnancy.
x) Community participation in generating awareness on various
nutrition and health programmes.
xi) Education and literacy.
xii) Improvement in the status of women and Equal compensation for
In the next National Plan of Action on Nutrition (NPAN) 1995
government focused on reducing undernutrition by Multi-sectoral approach
for accelerated action on determinants of malnutrition. To attain the
objective of a comprehensive approach was advocated, which included
improvements in individual health care, public health, sanitation, clean
drinking water, access to food and knowledge of hygiene and feeding
practices XII Plan has been given that mainly based on various problems
which are:

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Reduction of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) to 25 by 2017.
Reduction of Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) to 100 in 2017.
Reduction of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) to 2.1: India is on track for the
achievement of a TFR target of 2.1 by 2017.
Prevention and reduction of underweight children under 3 years to 23%
in raising child sex ratio in the 0-6 year age group from 914 to 935.
Prevention and reduction of the burden of Communicable and Non-
Communicable diseases (including mental illnesses) and injuries:
National Health Goals for Communicable Disease
Disease 12th Plan Goal
Tuberculosis Reduce annual incidence and mortality by half
Reduce prevalence to < 1/10,000 pop. and incidence to zero in all
Malaria Annual Malaria Incidence of < 1/1000
Filariasis <1% microfilaria prevalence in all districts
Dengue Sustaining case fatality rate of <1%
Chikungunya Containment of outbreaks
Reduction in JE mortality by 30%
Kala-azar <1% microfilaria prevalence in all districts
Reduce new infections to zero and provide comprehensive care and
HIV/AIDS support to all persons living with HIV/AIDS and treatment services for
all those who require it.

Integrated Childhood Development Services

The Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) Scheme was
launched on October 2nd, 1975. It was brought for providing supplementary
nutrition, immunization and pre-school education to the children is a popular
flagship programme of the government. It is one of the world’s largest
programmes to provide an integrated package of services for the entire
development of a child. It is a centrally funded scheme executed by state
governments and union territories. Main beneficiaries of this programme
were children in the age group of 0-6 years; pregnant women and lactating
Objectives of this programme were as follows
 To improve the nutritional and health status of children in the age-
group 0-6 years.

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 To lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social
development of the child.
 To reduce the incidence of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and
school dropout.
 To achieve effective coordination of policy and implementation
amongst the various departments to promote child development;
 To enhances the capability of the mother to look after the normal
health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutrition
and health education.
ICDS Provides Certain Services under their Scheme are as Follows
Supplementary Nutrition; Pre-school non-formal education; Nutrition &
health education Immunization; Health check-up and Referral services. In
which three services viz. immunization, health check-up and referral services
are related to health and are provided through National Health Mission and
Public Health Infrastructure. And it was done by various centres Anganwadi
Centres through Anganwadi Workers (AWWs) and Anganwadi Helpers
(AWHS) at a basic level.
The delivery of services to the beneficiaries is as follows:
Services Target Group Service provided by
(i) Supplementary Children below 6 years, Anganwadi Worker and
Nutrition Pregnant & Lactating Anganwadi Helper (Ministry of
Mothers (P&LM) Women and Child Development
(ii) Immunization* Children below 6 years, ANM /MO Health system,
Pregnant & Lactating Ministry of Health and Family
Mothers (P&LM) Welfare (MoHFW)
iii) Health Check-up* Children below 6 years, ANM/MO/AWW (Health system,
Pregnant & Lactating MHFW)
Mothers (P&LM)
(iv) Referral Services Children below 6 years, AWW/ANM/MO (Health system,
Pregnant & Lactating MoHFW)
Mothers (P&LM)
v) Pre-School Education Children 3-6 years AWW (MWCD)
(vi) Nutrition & Health Women (15-45 years) AWW/ANM/MO (Health system,
Education MoHFW & MWCD)
*AWW assists ANM in identifying the target group.

Funding Pattern and Population Norms for Setting up of AWCs/Mini-

All components of ICDS except Supplementary Nutrition Programme

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(SNP) are financed through 60:40 ratios (central: state). The Supplementary
Nutrition Programme component was funded through 50:50 ratios. The
North East states have 90:10 ratios. Beneficiaries of SNP are given hot meals
along with take-home rations. For children, the number of rations and meals
received depends on their malnutrition levels. SNP is provided for 300 days
at the rate of Rs 8 per day for children and Rs 9.50 for pregnant and lactating
mothers. Severely malnourished children are allocated Rs 12 per
day. Adolescent Girls (11-14 years out of school) are allocated Rs 9.50 per
There will be 1 Anganwadi centre (AWC) for a population of 400-800;
2 AWCs for 800-1600; 3 AWCs for 1600-2400 and thereafter in multiples of
800 -1 AWC. The norms for one AWC for Tribal/Riverine/Desert, Hilly and
other difficult areas will be 300-800 Norms for one Mini AWC will be 150-
400. Norms for Anganwadi on Demand (AOD) - Where a settlement has at
least 40 children less than 6 years of age but no AWC.
ICDS Systems imparts a project to strengthen and improver earlier
programme was Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP).
The aim of this project was to improve nutritional and early childhood
development outcomes of children in India. Their main objectives of Phase 1
are to support the GoI and the selected States to strengthen the ICDS policy
framework, systems and capacities, and facilitate community engagement, to
ensure greater focus on children less than three years of age in the project
districts; and strengthen convergent actions for improved nutrition outcomes
in the stipulated districts.
The project will be implemented in identified 162 districts having a
higher proportion of child under nutrition across eight States, like Bihar,
Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Uttar
Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. Besides, urban pilots will be undertaken in and
around NCR of Delhi and convergent nutrition actions pilots in some
selected districts in two non - project States like Odisha and Uttarakhand.
Kishori Shakti Yojana
The scheme for adolescent girls was put into operation W.E.F. 1st
November 1991. Now the scheme has been renamed as Kishori Shakti
Yojna. As no separate budget is available and nutrition is to be provided
from the State Sector, the beneficiaries are provided supplementary nutrition
through ICDS under the Supplementary Nutrition Programme.
Scheme for Adolescent Girls was sanctioned in the year 2010 and is
implemented in 205 districts across the country. The target group of this

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scheme was adolescent girls (AGs) in the age group of 11 to 14 years.
Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY) aims to provide a facility to adolescent girls so
that they may become responsible citizens. The broad objective of the
scheme was to advance the nutritional, health and development status of
adolescent girls, support increasing knowledge of health, hygiene, nutrition
and family care, and to integrate them with opportunities for learning life
skills, going back to school, helping girls grow to understand their society
and become prolific members of the society.
This scheme works as the existing ICDS infrastructure. Under this
scheme, adolescent girls are offered non-formal education in life education
aspects including physical, developmental and sex education at Anganwadi
centres. Girls can also be given basic health supplements such as IFA and
de-worming tablets. Girls can also be given vocational training at the
centres. Adolescence is a crucial phase in the life of the woman. At this
stage, she stands at the threshold of adulthood. This stage is intermediary
between childhood and womanhood and it is the most eventful for the
mental, emotional and psychological well being. The life-cycle approach for
holistic child development remains unaddressed if adolescent girls are
excluded from the developmental programmes aimed at human resource
The Adolescent Girls (AG) Scheme, put into practice by the Ministry of
Women and Child Development under Integrated Child Development
Services (ICDS), primarily aims at breaking the inter-generational life-cycle
of nutritional and gender disadvantage and providing a supportive
environment for self-development. The government has approved expansion
and universalization of the Scheme for Adolescent Girls in a phased manner
i.e. in additional 303 districts in 2017-18 and the remaining districts in 2018-
19 with the simultaneous phasing out of Kishori Shakti Yojana (KSY). Thus
at present, 508 districts in the country are covered under Scheme for
Adolescent Girls. In the identified areas of remaining districts, KSY is
There is two main part of this Scheme‐Nutrition and Non-Nutrition Part.
In Nutrition part Home Ration or Hot Cooked Meal for 11 ‐ 14 years
Out of school girls - Nutrition Provision was Rs. 9.50 per day (600 calories;
18‐20 gram of protein and recommended daily intake of micronutrients per
day). While in Non Nutrition part for school going Adolescent Girls: (2 – 3
times a week) of 11 ‐ 14 years, IFA supplementation, Health check‐up and
Referral services, Nutrition & Health Education (NHE), Counselling/

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Guidance on family welfare, ARSH, child care practices, Life Skill
Education and accessing public services should be provided. It was decided
to involve Panchayati raj institutions, NGOs and other institutions for
implementation of the Scheme.
Girl To Girl Approach (For Girls in the Age Group of 11–15 Years)
In each selected Anganwadi area 2 girls in the age group of 11–15 years
are selected. These adolescent girls provided with a meal on the same scale
as the pregnant women or nursing mother namely one that would provide
500 calories of energy and 20 g of protein. The 2 girls so identified are to
receive in-service training at the Anganwadi from the worker and supervisor
over a period of six months to become fully equipped individuals, capable of
managing the centre on their own, so as to fully realize the objectives in all
aspects, of the Anganwadi worker, including management of stores, the
organization of the feeding programme, immunization schedules, to take
weight of children, home visits, preschool activities etc.
Balika Mandal (For Girls in the Age Group 15-18 Years)
This scheme has more focus on the social and mental development of
girls at age group 15–18 years. Special focus was laid to motivate and
involve the uneducated groups belonging to this age group in non–formal
education and improvement and up gradation of home-based skills.
Vitamin A Prophylaxis Programme
The programme was launched in 1970 by the ministry of health and
family welfare with one objective to reduce the disease and preventing
blindness due to Vitamin A deficiency. It was started with seven states with
severe problems later it was extended country. Under this programme,
children aged 6 months to 6 years were to be administered a mega dose of
vitamin A at 6 monthly intervals. To prioritize Vitamin A administration, the
programme was revised to give 5 mega doses at 6 months intervals to
children 9 months to 3 years of age. In view of adequate supplies of Vitamin
A, the target group has been revised to cover children 9 months- 5 years,
since 2007. The main objective of this programme was to decrease the
commonness of Vitamin A deficiency from current 0.6% to ≤ 0.5%. The
Main strategy was given to provide health and nutrition education to
encourage colostrums feeding, exclusive breastfeeding for the first six
months, the introduction of complementary feeding thereafter and adequate
intake of Vitamin A rich foods.
Prophylactic Vitamin A as per the following dosage schedule:
 100000 IU at 9 months with measles immunisation

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 200000 IU at 16-18 months, with DPT booster
 200000 IU every 6 months, up to the age of 5 years.
Thus a total of 9 mega doses are to be given from 9 months of age up to
5 years. All children those are suffered from xerophthalmia are to be treated
at health facilities, given 1 dose of Vitamin A if they have not received it in
the previous month.
National Nutritional Anaemia Prophylaxis Programme
This programme was launched during 4th 5-year plan in 1970 by
Ministry of health and family welfare for the prevention of nutritional
anaemia in mothers and children. Recently, the National Nutritional
Anaemia Prophylaxis Programme is operated as part of the RCH programme
under the revised policy, the target group has been expanded to include
infants 6-12 months, school children 6-10 years and adolescents 11-18 years
of age, clinically found to be anaemic. For infants and children, a liquid
formulation having 20 mg elemental iron and 100 ugs folic acid per ml, will
be made available. Dosage for various age groups are as follows:
Children 6-59 months: 20 mg elemental iron + 100 ug folic acid for 100
days if the child is clinically found to be anaemic.
School going children; 6-10 years 30 mg elemental iron + 0.250 mg
folic acid for 100 days.
Adolescents and adults, 100 mg elemental iron + 0.500 mg folic acid for
100 days, girls are given greater priority in the programme.
Pregnant women: one tablet of 100 mg elemental iron + 0.500 mg folic
acid prophylactically daily and if clinically anaemic, 2 such tablets to be
given daily for 100 days.
Lactating mothers and acceptors of family planning; one tablet
containing 100 mg elemental iron + 0.500 mg folic acid daily for 100 days.
The programme also aimed to include health and nutrition education to
improve overall dietary intakes and encourage the use of iron and folic acid
rich foods as well as food items that help iron absorption.
National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP)
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is the nodal Ministry for
implementation of National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme
(NIDDCP). Iodine is an essential micronutrient required daily at 100-150
micrograms for normal human growth and development. Deficiency of

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iodine can cause physical and mental retardation, abortions, cretinism,
stillbirth, deaf-mutism, squint & various types of goitre. As per the surveys
conducted by the Directorate General of Health Services, Indian Council of
Medical Research, Health Institutions and the State Health Directorates, it
has been found that out of 414 districts surveyed in all the 29 States and 7
UTs, 337 districts are endemic i.e where the occurrence of Iodine Deficiency
Disorders (IDDs) is more than 5%. The main of this programme was to
minimize commonness of IDD ≤5% and ensure 100% consumption of
adequately iodized salt (15ppm) at the domestic level.
National Goitre Control Programme
Realizing the magnitude of the problem, the Government of India
launched a 100 per cent centrally assisted National Goitre Control
Programme (NGCP) in 1962. In August 1992 the National Goitre Control
Programme (NGCP) was renamed as National Iodine Deficiency Disorders
Control Programme (NIDDCP) with a view of wide spectrum of Iodine
Deficiency Disorders like mental and physical retardation, deaf-mutism,
cretinism, stillbirths, abortions etc. The programme is being implemented in
all the States/UTs for entire population.
 To check the Iodine Deficiency Disorders in the districts.
 Supply of iodized salt.
 Resurveys to assess the impact of iodized salt after every 5 years.
 Laboratory monitoring of iodized salt and urinary iodine excretion.
 Awareness programmes for health Education and Publicity.
They found that after the years the Total Goiter Rate (TGR) in the entire
country is reduced significantly. Production of iodized salt also increased
65.00 lakh MT. The consumption of adequately iodized salt at household
level has been increased from 51.1% (as per NFHS III report 2005-06) to
71.1% (as per CES report, 2009).
Mid-Day Meal Programme
The Mid-day Meal Scheme first started in Tamilnadu. It is also known
as School Lunch Programme. This programme was launched by Ministry of
Education in 1961. The aim of this scheme involves the provision of free to
school-children on all working days, Protecting children from classroom
hunger; Increasing school enrolment and attendance; improved socialisation
among children belonging to all castes and Addressing malnutrition, and

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social empowerment through provision of employment to women, reduce
school drops outs, and improve the attendance.
The scheme has a long history especially in Tamil Nadu and Gujarat and
has been expanded to all parts of India after a landmark direction by the
Supreme Court of India on November 28, 2001. As per the current norms,
the primary children are provided with 30-gram pulses, 75-gram vegetables
and 7.5 grams vegetables.
Tithi Bhojan
The Modi Government included a new initiative Tithi-Bhojan in the
Mid-day meal scheme to encourage local community participation in the
programme. This concept was first implemented in Gujarat from where the
Indian Government has borrowed it to replicate across the country. It seeks
to involve the members of the community in the effort to provide nutritious
and healthy food to the children. The members of the community may
contribute/sponsor either utensils or food on special occasions/festivals. This
is completely voluntary, and the people in the community may contribute
food items supplementary to the midday already being provided like sweet,
namkeen or sprouts. Greater participation and involvement of religious and
charitable institutions is also being promoted. The Social Audit also
introduced in mid-day meal scheme with an aim to attract community
participation in which people collectively monitors the planning and
implementation of this scheme. As per the new Mid Day Meal Rules, 2015’
notified on September 2015:
Schools can temporarily use other funds available with the school for
Mid Day Meal scheme in case the school exhausts the funds allotted under
this scheme for any reason. In case of non supply of meals for specified
reasons, Food Security Allowance has to be paid to the beneficiaries. To
check the quality of meals, monthly testing of meals on random basis by
accredited labs has to take place. The new rules have been notified to ensure
regularity and quality of meals supplied.
Akshaya Patra
It was started in the year 2000 for feeding 1500 children in 5schools of
Bangalore. Private sectors also involved successfully in this programme.
The objectives of this scheme were provide a balanced meal to
underprivileged children, reduce the dropout, improve socialization among
castes, address and malnutrition, and also empower women through giving
them employment.

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1. Gulani KK. Community Health Nursing. Ist ED. Kumar Publishing
house. New Delhi, 2005, 662-664.
development 1/intregrated-child-development-scheme.
11. Indian paediatrics, 2001, 721-731.

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SNP Special Nutrition Programme
NNP National Nutrition Policy
NPAN National Plan of Action on Nutrition
IMR Infant Mortality Rate
MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio
TFR Total Fertility Rate
ICDS Integrated Child Development Service
AWW Anganwadi Workers
AWHS Anganwadi Helpers
P&LM Pregnant & Lactating Mothers
MWCD Ministry of Women and Child Development
MoHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
AOD Anganwadi on Demand
KSY Kishori Shakti Yojana
AG Adolescent Girls
NHE Nutrition & Health Education
NIDDCP National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme
NGCP National Goitre Control Programme
TGR Total Goiter Rate

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