Chapter - 6 Diet As Medicine

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Chapter - 6

The Potential Role of Dietary Foods as Medicine

Pratibha Arya
Assistant Professor, Institute of Home Science, Bundelkhand
University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Chapter - 6
The Potential Role of Dietary Foods as Medicine
Pratibha Arya

Research has found a correlation between functional food components
and improved health and well-being. The treatment and prevention of
disease are both capabilities of functional foods. They promote physiological
benefits and wellness by acting simultaneously at different or identical target
sites, such as lowering blood cholesterol, neutralizing reactive oxygen
species and charged radicals, having an anticarcinogenic effect, having a
low-glycemic response, and a number of other effects. Plant foods (whole
grains, fruits, and vegetables) are rich sources of phytochemicals known as
functional ingredients. These include non-starchy carbohydrates, soluble and
insoluble dietary fibres, fucoidan; antioxidants such as polyphenols,
carotenoids, tocopherols, tocotrienols, phytosterols and isoflavones; plant
sterols; and soy phytoestrogens. Milk, fermented milk products, and cold-
water fish all contain a variety of beneficial microorganisms, including
probiotics, prebiotics, conjugated linolenic acid, long-chain omega-3, 6 and
9 polyunsaturated fatty acids, and bioactive peptides. Processing a meal
alters its natural properties. The lines between food and medicine are
beginning to disappear as researchers reveal the connection between diet and
the prevention of chronic diseases.
Keywords: Functional food, diet and disease, nutraceutical, plant foods,
antioxidant, vitamins, Omega 3
Phytochemicals are unconventional biomolecules found in plants that
have the ability to alter metabolic pathways and improve health. According
to the research, phytochemicals in food are beneficial to one's health.
Phytochemicals are beneficial to health at every stage of disease, from its
inception through its latter stages. They are both curative and preventative in
nature. The border between food and medicine is beginning to become more
blurry as research continues to show the importance of diet in the prevention

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of chronic diseases. The non-nutritive, physiologically active compounds
that are obtained from plants are known as phytochemicals [1]. 900 different
phytochemicals can be found in food; one hundred different phytochemicals
can be found in just 120 grammes of fruit or vegetable. It was once believed
that the only sources of this nutrient were whole grains, fruits and
vegetables. Probiotics, conjugated linolenic acid, and omega-3, 6 and 9
polyunsaturated fatty acids can be found in fermented milk products, fish
that live in cold water, and milk that has been fermented. The various
applications of phytochemicals are outlined in Table 1. Food phytochemicals
can be described by terms such as glycosylated, esterified, thiolate, and
hydroxylated. Numerous metabolic processes are both beneficial to illnesses
and to biological tissues. The varieties of phytochemicals found in food, as
well as their nature, therapeutic characteristics, functions, sources, and
application effects, are discussed in this article [2]. For the first five thousand
years of human civilisation, the primary sources of medicinal therapy were
of edible plants and herbs. It wasn't until the last half century that we entirely
disregarded our "roots" in medicine in favor of patent medicines and other
forms of medical innovation. Although there is a place for pharmaceuticals,
we should not ignore the well-documented, safe and very low-cost medicinal
qualities that whole foods contain. Consuming whole foods can improve a
person's health in a wide variety of ways, some of which are included below
. These are only few of the many potential benefits.
1. Cereals
A. Barley
Under certain parts of the Middle East, barley is considered to be a
"medicine for the heart". Lowers cholesterol levels. Activates the body's
natural defences against viruses and cancer. Contains powerful antioxidants,
including tocotrienols, among other beneficial compounds [4].
B. Corn
It is possible that the presence of protease inhibitors in corn is
responsible for the anticancer and antiviral action that corn possesses.
Possesses the ability to stimulate oestrogen production. A highly prevalent
source of food intolerance that has been connected to symptoms of
rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, and epilepsy in
children that is related to migraines. Make careful to use organic non-GMO
maize in your recipe [5, 6].

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C. Rice
Rice activity against diarrhoea and cancer, respectively. Contains anti-
cancer protease inhibitors, similar to those found in other types of seeds. It is
the grain or cereal that is least likely to cause intestinal gas or adverse
responses (intolerances) that cause digestive discomfort such as spastic
colon, when compared to other grains and cereals. Rice bran is an effective
treatment for constipation, and it also lowers cholesterol and has a tendency
to prevent the formation of kidney stones [6].
D. Wheat
Whole grains that are high in fibre, and wheat bran in particular, are
among the most effective laxatives that can be found anywhere in the globe.
The bran has strong anti-cancer properties. Wheat bran has been shown to
inhibit the growth of colon cancer in human beings, which is a remarkable
finding. Anti-parasitic. It is extremely high on the list of things that might
cause food intolerances and allergies, which can lead to symptoms of
rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, and other neurological
disorders [6].
E. Oatmeal
The nutritious content of oatmeal is very high. They do not include
gluten in their ingredients and are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and
minerals in addition to being high in fibre content. Oatmeal and oats, in
general, have been proven to have positive effects on one's health in many
research studies. Benefits include a reduction in risk factors for
cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as well as a reduction in overall body
weight. Oats that have been milled, rolled, or steel-cut are the types of oats
that are used to make oatmeal. As a result of its high content of fibre and
minerals, it has the potential to be effective in the prevention of diabetes,
obesity, and cardiovascular disease. They contribute to the maintenance of
skin and hair that is in good health [5, 6].
F. Rye
Rye grain is used to manufacture flour, as well as crispbread, bread, and
beer. It can be consumed whole after being rolled or boiled in the same
manner as oats. The people of Northern Europe and Eastern Europe typically
eat rye bread, particularly pumpernickel. Rye makes crispbread. The health
benefits of rye derive from the high fibre content of this grain. Weight loss
and cancer prevention are both benefits associated with rye fibre. Rye's
ability to keep blood sugar in check lowers the chance of developing

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diabetes. Antioxidants are known to combat the effects of free radicals and
slow the ageing process [5, 6].
G. Barley
In some parts of the Middle East, barley is considered a "heart
medication". Lowers cholesterol levels. Activates the body's natural defences
against viruses and cancer. Contains powerful antioxidants, including
tocotrienols, among other beneficial compounds [5, 6].
2. Pulses
A. Lentil
Ancient superfood lentils. Around 8,000 B.C., farmers in the Middle
East began cultivating these beans, and eventually their cultivation expanded
west. The ancient Egyptians regarded the bean as a royal food, while the
ancient Greeks considered it a meal for the poor. Around the year 1600,
lentils came into existence. Lentils are a type of bean that are high in protein
(soybeans take top honors). They are capable of serving in place of meat
when mixed with brown rice. In terms of cardiac health, lentils are superior
to beef. Protein is essential for the growth of muscles, skin, and bones. In
comparison to other nutrients, it satisfies hunger for a longer period of time.
Satisfies. Legumes. Just one serving provides 32% of the recommended
daily fibre intake. Reduces cholesterol levels, protects against diabetes and
colon cancer, and lowers blood sugar. Regular fibre prevents constipation.
Lentils are a good source of potassium, folate and iron. Potassium has been
shown to reduce blood pressure while also neutralising the effects of salt.
Folate is beneficial to the health of both the heart and the red blood cells.
Folate is a crucial nutrient for women who are pregnant. Iron has a
stimulating effect on the body's energy levels.
B. Soybean
In addition to improving bone health, the consumption of soybeans and
foods that contain soy may reduce the risk of developing a number of
diseases and conditions, including coronary heart disease (CHD),
cardiovascular disease, stroke, and even some forms of cancer. Soybeans and
foods that contain soy are also known to promote better overall health. It has
been demonstrated that even a moderate amount of soy product
consumption, such as one or two servings per day, can have a good impact
on our overall health. In addition to being a source of antioxidants and
phytoestrogens, soybeans are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
Soybeans are also a source of antioxidants. In addition to this, they do not

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contain any cholesterol or lactose and are a good source of fibre while also
having a low level of saturated fat. Rich in hormones, it enhances oestrogen
levels in post-menopausal women. Has activity against cancer and is
regarded to be particularly effective against breast cancer; this may be one
reason why breast and prostate cancer incidence rates are lower in Japan than
in other countries. The most abundant source of the powerful protease
inhibitors that act as anti-cancer and anti-viral drugs may be found in
soybeans. Soybeans have been shown to have a significant cholesterol-
lowering effect. Soybeans appear to both prevent and aid in the dissolution
of kidney stones in animal studies.
C. Beans
Beans (legumes, including navy, black, kidney, pinto, soy beans and
lentils) (legumes, including navy, black, kidney, pinto, soy beans and
lentils).Protein and fiber content are abundant in beans, also known as
legumes. They are wonderful for relieving constipation. It's possible that
black beans are the easiest bean to digest. Legumes are another type of food
that is loaded with potassium and are therefore an ideal choice for people
who have hypertension. They have been suggested as a treatment for hair
loss since they are good to the hair follicles. The amino acid content of
legumes is higher than that of any other plant food. Those who are
malnourished should take them as a meat alternative because they are of
such high quality.
3. Seeds and Nuts
A. Seeds and Nuts
Are foods that provide the body with essential nourishment. They
contribute to the reduction of risk for cardiovascular disease in addition to
being beneficial to the neurological system and brain function. Calcium,
potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus are all found in significant
concentrations in nuts and seeds. In comparison to other types of plants, they
have a significantly higher proportion of protein. It is preferable to consume
nuts and seeds in their unroasted, raw state rather than roasted form. They
could become poisonous if they are roasted or cooked [3]. Omega 3 can be
found in abundance in walnuts and flax seeds. Calcium can be found in
abundance in sesame seeds. Magnesium is beneficial to the muscles, teeth,
and bones and almonds are an excellent source of this mineral. Zinc is
beneficial for immunity and pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of this
mineral [3, 7].

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B. Walnuts
Antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids, both of which combat cancer.
Walnuts have been shown to reduce the risk of developing breast, prostate,
and pancreatic cancer. The acid alpha-linolenic can be found in walnuts.
Lipogenesis. HDL is lowered by LDL. Decreased levels of hypertension.
Because they contain so much fibre, walnuts are a satisfying snack. Protein
helps lose weight. Walnuts prevent diabetes. High levels of all three: protein,
fat, and fibre. Diabetics won't put on weight as a result of taking them.
Walnuts stimulate the body's metabolic rate. EFAs help digestion,
development and metabolism. Walnuts are a good source of calcium. Inhibit
calcium metabolism. Walnuts that can cause inflammation. Diabetes,
rheumatism and arthritis are all diseases that are caused by inflammation.
Walnuts protect against the aforementioned ailments. Walnut fibre. This
helps to clean up the intestines. In order to relieve constipation, each
enormous volume of faeces is required. Helpful walnuts. Microbiota that is
unhealthy can contribute to the development of obesity, cancer, and other
chronic disorders. Walnuts that are of service. It encourages the growth of
bacteria that produce butyrate. Studies have shown that walnuts are
beneficial to one's brain. There is some evidence that eating nuts can reduce
inflammation in the brain as well as oxidative damage [8].
C. Almonds
In addition to being high in fibre, protein, magnesium, and vitamin E,
almonds also contain lipids that are good for the heart. It has been
demonstrated that eating almonds can help reduce one's blood sugar levels,
blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, all of which are positive changes for
one's health. It has also been demonstrated that they reduce sensations of
hunger and make it easier to shed excess pounds [9].
D. Cashews
The high magnesium content of cashews contributes to their ability to
ease muscle tension and protect against osteoporosis. Eating in smaller
amounts, such as a tiny handful for an energising snack and appropriate
regulation of blood sugar, is recommended for people who struggle with
their weight.
4. Seeds
A. Eggplant
According to the findings of researchers in Australia, a topical cream
medicine containing chemicals from eggplant known as glycoalkaloids has

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been used successfully to treat several forms of skin cancer, including basal
cell carcinoma. Eating eggplant may also help lower blood cholesterol and
may help mitigate some of the adverse effects that eating fatty meals can
have on the blood. In addition, eggplant has been shown to have
antimicrobial and diuretic effects [11].
B. Fenugreek seed
A spice that is commonly used in the Middle East and can be found in a
variety of food markets across the United States is fenugreek seed. Possesses
the ability to treat diabetes. Assists in preventing spikes in blood sugar and
insulin levels. Additionally, it helps prevent intestinal gas, lowers blood
pressure and fights diarrhoea, ulcers, diabetes, and cancer. It also tends to
lower blood pressure [12].
5. Oil and Seeds
Constipation, as well as cases of gastritis, colitis and other
inflammations of the digestive tract, are the most common indications for
using flax seeds as a treatment. Additionally, flax reduces the levels of blood
fat, which is a factor that is frequently linked to heart attacks and strokes.
Because of the soluble fibres it contains, it brings cholesterol levels in the
blood down to healthier levels. Because it contains a significant quantity of
lignins, which are known to have anti-cancer effects, it can be helpful in
preventing colon and breast cancer. Lifts emotions, reduces allergy
symptoms, and promotes healthier skin in addition to other benefits [12].
The olive oil. Reduces levels of harmful LDL cholesterol while
maintaining healthy levels of HDL cholesterol. It helps prevent the harmful
cholesterol from transforming into a form that is poisonous or "oxidised". As
a result, this helps protect the arteries from plaque buildup. Reduces blood
pressure and also assists in maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Possesses
a significant amount of antioxidant activity. The finest oil for use in the
kitchen and on salads.
Mustard (including horseradish) (including horseradish). Historically
acknowledged for its effectiveness as both a decongestant and an
expectorant. Aids in the process of breaking up mucus in the air passages.
An effective treatment for the stuffiness that can result from colds and sinus
disorders. Also antibacterial. Boosts metabolism, which results in the
burning of additional calories. One study conducted in Britain found that
eating approximately three-fifths of a teaspoon of regular yellow mustard

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boosted metabolic rate by approximately 25 percent, resulting in the burning
of forty-five extra calories over the course of three hours [12-15].
Oil produced from rice germ
Additionally, rice bran oil is a rich source of omega-6 fatty acids,
specifically: Rice bran oil is rich in omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic acid), but it
contains almost no omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid). Consuming
foods with these types of unsaturated fats has been proven in studies to
enhance blood cholesterol levels, which in turn can reduce the chance of
developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
The seafood and fish oil
It has been demonstrated that eating fish on a daily basis, even just one
ounce, can reduce the chance of having a heart attack by fifty percent. Fish is
a good source of omega-3 oil, which can help alleviate symptoms of
rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma, psoriasis, high blood pressure,
Raynaud's syndrome, migraine headaches, ulcerative colitis and perhaps
multiple sclerosis. Could perhaps help prevent strokes. A substance that is
known to reduce inflammation and prevent blood clots. Raise levels of the
beneficial HDL cholesterol. Reduces levels of triglycerides. Protects against
the development of glucose intolerance and diabetes type 11. Antioxidants
like selenium and Coenzyme Q-10 can be found in high concentrations in
certain types of fish. Contains properties that make it effective against
cancer, particularly in preventing the formation of colon cancer and the
spread of breast cancer. Sardines, mackerel, herring, salmon and tuna are
among the fish that are highest in omega-3 fatty acid content [12].
6. Beverages
A. Tea
Tea (includes black, oolong and green tea, not herbal teas) (including
black, oolong and green tea, not herbal teas). Catechins are primarily
responsible for the plants remarkable and diversified medicinal action. Tea
has many medicinal properties, including those of an anticoagulant, an artery
protector, an antibiotic, an anti-ulcer agent, a cavity-fighting agent, an anti-
diarrheal agent, an anti-viral agent, a diuretic (because to the caffeine), an
analgesic (due to the caffeine), and a mild sedative (decaffeinated) [3]. Tea
and the chemicals found in tea have been shown to be effective cancer
preventatives in animal studies. It would indicate that people who consume
tea have a lower risk of atherosclerosis (a condition in which the arteries
become diseased and blocked) and fewer strokes. Because tea contains

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caffeine, consuming too much of it could make conditions like anxiety and
insomnia worse, as well as the symptoms of PMS. Due to the high oxalate
content of tea, it also has the potential to produce kidney stones. The
catechin content in green tea is the highest, followed by oolong tea and then
regular black tea, which is the type of tea most commonly consumed in the
United States. Green tea is regarded as having the most medicinal value. One
human study, on the other hand, discovered that there was no difference in
the benefits that green or black tea provided to the arteries [14].
B. Coffee
Caffeine is a psychoactive substance and coffee has a high concentration
of it. This accounts for most of the pharmacological effect that coffee has,
but not all of it. Caffeine has the potential to be a mood enhancer as well as a
mental energizer, however this depends on the individual's biological make-
up as well as their particular sensitivity. Enhances the mental performance of
some individuals. An immediate treatment for asthma patients. Helps open
up the bronchial tubes. To a lesser extent, addicted. Some people get
headaches, anxiety, and panic attacks when they are exposed to it. When
consumed in large quantities, it may cause psychiatric disorders. Causes
sleepiness to set in. The production of stomach acid is increased by coffee
(both caffeinated and decaf). Can make heartburn symptoms even worse.
Causes diarrhoea in some individuals while encouraging bowel movements
in others. Caffeine consumption in some women has been linked to an
increased risk of fibrocystic breast disease [145-16].
7. Spices
Tumeric. In all honesty, among the most wonderful medicinal spices in
the entire planet. Curcumin, the primary active component of turmeric, is
responsible for the spice's characteristic bright cadmium yellow colour.
Studies have shown that curcumin is just as effective as cortisone as an anti-
inflammatory medication. It has been shown to diminish inflammation in
animals as well as the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in humans. In other
studies, it was shown to reduce cholesterol levels, inhibit platelet aggregation
(which is a step in the process of blood clotting), protect the liver from
toxins, strengthen the stomach's defences against acid, lower blood sugar
levels in diabetics, and be an effective adversary of a number of agents that
cause cancer. Activities directed against cancer [18, 19].
7.1 Garlic
Garlic not only acts as a natural antibacterial but also as a digestive and
immune system stimulant. It is helpful in bringing the blood pressure down.

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Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties that assist reduce swelling and
enhance blood flow in the body. It is quite beneficial for treating a variety of
respiratory conditions. Consuming raw garlic on a twice-weekly basis has
been shown to reduce the risk of developing lung cancer by as much as 44
percent. The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates was one of the first people
to employ garlic for medicinal purposes [15, 16].
7.2 Ginger
Ginger has been shown to be effective in the treatment of a wide variety
of medical conditions, including motion sickness, nausea, vomiting, chest
congestion, headaches, cholera, colds, diarrhoea, stomach aches, rheumatism
and mental illnesses. Ginger has been shown to be an effective treatment for
nausea and motion sickness, on par with or even superior to pharmaceutical
options like Dramamine. Assists in the mitigation and prevention of
osteoarthritis and migraine headaches. Reduces the discomfort associated
with rheumatoid arthritis. In humans, it has anti-thrombotic and anti-
inflammatory effects; in test tubes, it has antibacterial properties (it kills
germs such as salmonella and staph); and in animals, it has anti-ulcer
properties. In addition, it acts as an antidepressant, a medicine for diarrhoea,
and a powerful antioxidant. High levels of activity against cancer [15].
8. Products made from milk
Milk. Cancer and heart disease are both exacerbated by the fat in milk.
Milk can also be a source of "allergic" reactions, which can cause joint pain
as well as symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, irritable bowel
syndrome, and diarrhoea. This aspect of milk's potential danger is often
overlooked. Milk is suspected of causing or contributing to a variety of
health issues in children and newborns, including ear infections, epileptic
seizures, headaches, respiratory issues, insomnia, and itchy rashes. Even
diabetes has been linked to milk consumption. Could potentially slow the
healing of ulcers [15, 17, 18].
8.1 Curds
Consuming curd on a daily basis will help lower cholesterol levels,
which will in turn reduce the likelihood of developing high blood pressure
and hypertension. It contributes to maintaining a healthy heart as well as a
balanced amount of cholesterol in the body. Curd is an excellent source of
protein, and the friendly bacteria that live in the stomach and are found in
probiotic curd are beneficial in preventing weight gain. Although the protein
will keep your stomach full for a longer period of time, the calcium, in
conjunction with the probiotic bacteria, will prevent fat cells from
developing in ones body [15].

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8.2 Yogurt
The use of goat yoghurt is recommended. An ancient superfood that has
powerful antibacterial and anticancer properties. Yogurt has been shown to
improve immune function by promoting the production of gamma interferon.
Consuming one to two cups of yoghurt per day is recommended. Also
stimulates the function of natural killer cells, which are cells that fight cancer
and viruses. Humans who consumed one cup of yoghurt per day had a
lowered risk of catching colds and other upper respiratory illnesses. Aids in
the treatment and prevention of diarrhoea. Vaginitis, often known as yeast
infections, can be avoided by eating one cup of yoghurt with acidophilus
cultures every day. Due to the high calcium content that is readily available,
it assists in the treatment of bone conditions such as osteoporosis. In the
digestive tract, cancer-causing chemicals can be neutralised by the
acidophilus bacteria found in yoghurt. Yogurts containing cultures of S.
thermophilus and L. bulgaricus, both alive and dead, were able to prevent
lung cancer in animal models. Lactose intolerant individuals are not at risk
when consuming yoghurt that contains live cultures. The Swiss variety of
chard. A blood purifier, Swiss chard is a leafy green vegetable. It is
beneficial for those who suffer from constipation and assists with digestion.
Similar to spinach, it helps prevent anaemia and contributes to weight loss
9. Fruits
9.1 Apple
Raw apples, including the outer skin, have a flavour that is enjoyable
when consumed. They are an excellent way to improve one's health and
might be of use in the treatment of constipation. Apples are known to be
quite effective at removing impurities from the blood, in addition to lowering
cholesterol and easing congestion in the liver. They are beneficial to lung
health in addition to having anti-inflammatory properties [15].
9.2 Artichoke
The liver is cleansed of toxins thanks to the artichoke's ability to speed
up the body's natural detoxification processes. It is beneficial for the kidneys
and the liver, particularly in situations where there is an accumulation of
fluid in the body. Artichokes are beneficial for those who struggle with
digestive disorders, as well as those who have diabetes or blood sugar
problems. Because they have a high concentration of inulin, it is important to
include them in the diet of anyone who needs to control their blood sugar.
Additionally, artichokes are beneficial to the health of the skin [15].

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9.3 Asparagus
The consumption of asparagus improves renal function. It does this by
flushing out fluids that have been held in the body's tissues, which in turn
encourages the production of urine. One of the veggies that has the largest
concentration of protein yet still maintains a low calorie count is asparagus.
It also includes potassium, phosphorus, iron, and magnesium. It is an
excellent diet for promoting both weight loss and the health of the heart and
bones. In addition, asparagus is beneficial for cleansing the blood [15].
9.4 Avocado
The avocado is a fantastic food for building muscle and is very
nourishing overall. Avocados have a high content of the B vitamins as well
as the dietary fibre. They have a very high potassium content, which is one
of the reasons why they are so beneficial to the cardiovascular system.
Potassium is an excellent mineral for maintaining a healthy blood pressure
level. In addition to being beneficial for anaemia and mental diseases,
avocados are fantastic for ensuring that a healthy level of blood sugar is
maintained in the body. The avocado is not only the fruit with the highest
protein content but also the only fruit that contains all of the essential amino
acids [15, 17].
9.5 Banana
Bananas are another fruit that have a very high potassium content, which
makes them an effective food for therapeutic purposes. They are an excellent
source of energy. Because they assist to alkalize the blood and eliminate
excessive uric acid, bananas are a particularly useful diet for people who
suffer from both arthritis and gout. Bananas can be found in most grocery
stores. A healthy heart can benefit greatly from the 1,000 milligrammes of
potassium that can be obtained from eating two bananas per day [15, 17].
9.6 Watermelon
Large quantities of the antioxidants lycopene and glutathione, as well as
the cancer-fighting chemical lycopene. In addition, there is some activity
against germs and blood clots [15].
9.7 Raspberries and berries in general
The digestive process and urinary tract infections can both benefit from
eating raspberries and strawberries. Both blackberries and blueberries are
effective in removing toxins from the body, in addition to being anti-aging.
They relieve constipation, have a high fibre content, and have the ability to
inhibit the growth of cancer cells, making them an all-around beneficial

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health food. Berries have a high potassium content, making them an
excellent food choice for lowering blood pressure. They are helpful in
treating conditions related to the liver. Because of the high level of pesticide
use, you should only consume organic berries [15, 18].
9.8 Orange
Carotenoids, terpenes and flavonoids are all examples of naturally
occurring substances that suppress cancer. Additionally abundant in the
antioxidant vitamin C as well as beta-carotene. Particularly linked to a lower
risk of developing pancreatic cancer. The sperm of mice were shielded from
the harmful effects of radiation by orange juice. Oranges are abundant in
vitamin C, which has been shown to help prevent asthma attacks, bronchitis,
breast cancer, stomach cancer, atherosclerosis, gum disease, and enhance
fertility and healthy sperm in some men. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the
airways that causes coughing and chest tightness. Could make heartburn
symptoms worse [18].
9.9 Parsley
Anti-cancer properties stem from the plant's high levels of antioxidants,
which include monoterpenes, phthalides, and polyacetylenes, among others.
Can assist in the detoxification of carcinogens and can neutralise specific
carcinogens that are found in cigarette smoke. Additionally, it has a diuretic
effect [18].
9.10 Pineapple
When eaten fresh, pineapple includes bromelain, an enzyme that aids in
digestion and helps avoid indigestion. Additionally, it has a potent anti-
inflammatory effect and can alleviate symptoms of arthritis, a sore throat,
and the common cold. Pineapple is a healthy addition to diets that aim to
reduce body fat. It offers protection against cancer of the stomach. Making
pineapple and parsley juice in a blender is an excellent weight loss strategy
9.11 Prune
One of the more common laxatives. High levels of sorbitol and natural
aspirin, as well as fibre. Plum. Antibacterial. Anti-viral. Laxative [18].
9.12 Lemon
In addition to being a gentle laxative, lemon is an excellent all-around
blood and body purifier. It has antibacterial properties and can be applied
topically. Lemons are beneficial for the fluidity of the blood, the circulation,

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and the elimination of pollutants from the body. Lemons have been shown to
reduce blood pressure and also help strengthen the walls of capillaries. They
are beneficial in the treatment of rheumatic problems as well as digestive
disorders since they alkalize the blood. Drink water that has had the juice of
a half of a lemon squeezed into it numerous times during the day. Losing
weight and improving liver function are two additional benefits of this
supplement [15, 18].
9.13 Melon
Melon (green and yellow, such as cantaloupe and honeydew) (green and
yellow, such as cantaloupe and honeydew). Has properties that prevent the
clotting of blood (anti-coagulant). Beta-carotene, an antioxidant, is included
in this food [15, 18].
9.14 Kale
Kale is one of the healthiest foods we eat, and studies have shown that it
may reduce the risk of developing at least five distinct kinds of cancer. Due
to the detoxifying capabilities it possesses, it is an exceptionally beneficial
diet for maintaining healthy liver function. Steamed kale retains all of its
bone-building calcium content and is one of the veggies whose already
impressive list of health benefits gets even longer [18].
9.15 Cranberry
Cranberry possesses potent antibacterial capabilities and unique features
that make it capable of preventing infectious bacteria from adhering to the
cells that line the bladder and urinary system. As a result, it makes it easier
to avoid recurrent infections of the urinary tract and bladder. Moreover, it
possesses antiviral properties.
9.16 Cucumbers
Cucumbers have a high silica content, making them an excellent diet for
maintaining healthy skin and nails. They bring the internal temperature
down. Cucumbers are beneficial for a number of health conditions, including
obesity, skin eruptions, fevers, the health of the heart, and constipation. They
are high in a variety of minerals that are alkalizing to the body and also
hydrate the body. In the warm weather, a refreshing beverage to try is
cucumber juice [18].
9.17 Dates
Dates contain a lot of their own natural aspirin. Known to have a
laxative effect. Dates and other dried fruits, such as apricots and apricot

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kernels, have been associated to a reduced risk of developing some cancers,
particularly pancreatic cancer. Contains chemicals that have the potential to
give people who are sensitive to them headaches [18].
9.18 Fig
It's possible that figs can help fight cancer. According to research
conducted in Japan on people, fig extract and benzaldehyde, a chemical
found in figs, were both effective in reducing the size of tumours. Laxative,
anti-ulcer, antibacterial, and antiparasitic properties are also present in this
herb. Causes headaches in some susceptible individuals [17, 18].
9.19 Kiwi fruit
In Chinese traditional medicine, kiwi fruit is frequently recommended as
a treatment for several cancers, including stomach and breast cancer. a good
source of vitamin C.
9.20 Blueberry
Blueberries are a fantastic blood purifier and also help to enhance
circulation throughout the body. They are beneficial for patients suffering
from anaemia, constipation, a lacklustre complexion, and obesity.
Blueberries are beneficial to one's eyesight. They are highly strong in
antioxidants, which offer powerful protection against many degenerative
diseases, including cancer, and are also helpful in the prevention of cancer
9.21 Celery
One of the earliest known treatments for hypertension, celery has been
shown to reduce blood pressure. It has a purifying effect on the blood. It is
beneficial for gout as well as fluid retention. Celery not only yields a
delicious juice but also tastes great when combined with apples in a
smoothie. It is astringent in nature and aids in digestion as well as in the
process of losing weight. The consumption of celery juice has been shown to
reduce blood cholesterol levels [15, 17].
10. Vegetable
Sweet Potato (yams). A source of the powerful antioxidant beta-
carotene, which has been associated to the prevention of cardiovascular
disease, cataracts, strokes, and a variety of malignancies. According to the
data provided by the Department of Agriculture, there are approximately
23,000 international units (lUs) of beta carotene found in a single half cup
serving of mashed sweet potatoes [15].

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10.1 Tomato
A significant source of the antioxidant and anti-cancer chemical
lycopene, which prevents damaging chain reactions caused by oxygen free
radical molecules. Lycopene is found in tomatoes. Tomatoes have been
associated with a reduction in the risk of developing pancreatic and cervical
cancers in particular [15].
10.2 Spinach
Muscles gain strength from spinach, and the retina of the eye is shielded
from damage by eating spinach. It has an extremely low calorie count and a
high nutritious value due to the high concentration of minerals and vitamins
that it contains. Spinach is beneficial for those who suffer from anaemia and
can aid in warding off macular degeneration. It also acts as a shield against
the development of prostate cancer and assists in the creation of red blood
cells. The fibre in spinach makes it an effective diet for treating constipation.
A smoothie can be made with raw spinach as an ingredient [15].
10.3 Onion
Onion (includes chives, shallots, scallions, leeks) (including chives,
shallots, scallions, leeks). The ancient people of Mesopotamia believed that
this herb could cure just about anything. An antioxidative substance of
extraordinary potency. Including a large number of different cancer-fighting
chemicals reduces the risk of cancer significantly in animals. The quercetin,
which is a powerful antioxidant, may be found in the highest concentration
in onions of any food (in shallots, yellow and red onions only-not white
onions). Specifically associated with the prevention of stomach cancer in
humans. Asthma, chronic bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, atherosclerosis, and
infections are all fought against by onions, which also help thin the blood,
lower cholesterol, raise good HDL cholesterol (the preferred dose is half an
onion, raw, per day), and prevent blood clots. Onions also raise good HDL
cholesterol. Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral properties, as
well as the potential to inhibit several different types of cancer. In addition,
quercetin has a sedative effect. Onions are known to make heartburn worse
and may also cause gas [15, 17].
10.4 Potato
Potato (white) Protease inhibitors that fight cancer are included. Due to
its high potassium content, it may be beneficial in lowering blood pressure
and avoiding strokes. Estrogenic action to some degree [15].

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10.5 Pumpkin
Pumpkin. Extremely high levels of beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is
thought to help protect against a wide variety of diseases and conditions,
including as heart attacks, cancer, and cataracts [15, 17].
10.6 Mushroom
Mushroom (Asian, including shiitake) (Asian, including shiitake). A
cancer treatment, a medicine for the heart, and a tonic for longevity in Asia.
The most recent research indicates that some types of mushrooms, such as
maitake, can help prevent or treat cancer, viral infections such as influenza
and polio, high blood cholesterol, sticky blood platelets, and high blood
pressure. When consumed on a regular basis, either fresh maitake or shiitake
mushrooms (three ounces) or dried maitake or shiitake mushrooms (one-
third ounce) lower cholesterol by 7 and 12 percent, respectively. Lentinan, a
component of shiitake mushrooms, is an antiviral drug with broad spectrum
activity that also boosts immunological function. In China, it is used to treat
leukaemia, and in Japan, it is used to treat breast cancer. Consuming black
mushrooms (also known as "tree ears") "thins the blood". There is no
evidence that the common button mushroom found in the United States has
any medicinal value. Some people believe that unless this species is cooked,
it contains hydrazides, which have the potential to cause cancer.
10.7 Broccoli
The vegetable broccoli has a significant amount of the mineral
potassium. It is very beneficial to the cardiovascular system as well as the
heart. Broccoli is a very potent anti-carcinogenic diet, and it is also an
excellent agent for preventing cancer. Broccoli is an excellent meal option
for diabetics because of its low calorie and sugar content. Additionally,
broccoli is an excellent source of dietary fibre [15].
10.8 Brussels sprouts
The Cruciferous family, which includes broccoli and cabbage, possesses
some of the same medicinal properties. Certainly effective against cancer,
estrogenic and loaded with a wide variety of antioxidants and indoles [16].
10.9 Cabbage
Cabbage is a wonderful food for the purpose of healing. Ulcers can be
healed with the juice's assistance. Cabbages have been shown to be
particularly beneficial for reducing the chance of developing stomach and
colon cancer. They are also rich in calcium and potassium, which makes
them beneficial for the heart because they assist to lower blood pressure and
prevent the retention of fluids [15].

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10.10 Carrots
Vitamin A and beta carotene are both found in abundance in carrots.
Carrots are a fantastic food that can help improve eye health and night vision
in particular. They are relaxing to the intestinal tract and help regulate
excretion, so they are a double win. Carrots are beneficial for the liver, the
immune system, and for improving blood quality. They are a nutritious food
that can help lower the risk of developing cancer. The health advantages of
carrots are enhanced when they are cooked, but carrot juice is especially
beneficial for the appearance of the skin [15, 17].
10.11 Cauliflower
The vegetable cauliflower is a wonderful source of fibre. It guards our
body against a variety of malignancies, including colon and breast cancer,
among others. The immune system can benefit from eating cauliflower. It is
superior to other cruciferous vegetables in terms of digestibility and nutrient
content, particularly potassium and calcium. The rate at which food moves
through the colon can be regulated with the help of cauliflower. In addition
to being beneficial for the cardiovascular system, it also possesses diuretic
qualities [17].
10.12 Beets
Beets are one of the most beneficial foods for those who suffer from
constipation. Beets aid to reduce inflammation, have anti-cancer effects
(particularly on the colon), and contribute to the detoxification of both the
liver and the blood. Either fresh or cooked, they are delicious in either form.
They are grated and added to our salads. Don't toss out the greens because
they are delicious in salads or lightly cooked and are great for the health of
ones large intestine when they are prepared this way [15, 18].
11. Herbs
The kelp and the seaweed (brown or Laminaria type seaweed). In the
event that you suffer from hypothyroidism, one of the healthiest foods you
may consume is fish. It contains a significant quantity of many essential
minerals. Kelp, a form of brown seaweed belonging to the Laminaria genus,
possesses antibacterial and antiviral action. For instance, it is effective
against the herpes virus. Additionally, kelp has been shown to reduce both
blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Wakame has been shown to improve
immune system function. It has been shown that nori can eliminate bacteria
and assist in the healing of ulcers. One study found that a compound
extracted from wakame seaweed acts as a clot-buster that is twice as

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effective as the conventional medicine heparin. Anti-cancer properties are
found in the majority of different species of seaweed. It's possible that this
will make your acne worse [15].
11.1 Spirulina
Spirulina is beneficial for protecting against cancer and helping to boost
the immune system. It has a low calorie count and aids in the process of
losing weight. Spirulina inhibits hunger and contributes to a reduction in
inflammation. The therapy of allergic reactions can benefit from its use.
Spirulina is regarded as a complete protein since it has an adequate quantity
of all nine of the essential amino acids. It is simple to digest, contains a high
concentration of chlorophyll and supplies the body with a wealth of energy
at the cellular level [15].
11.2 Yeast for nutritional purposes
Nutritional yeast is a source of high-quality protein that is not only
simple to digest but also has a delectable flavour when sprinkled on organic
non-GMO popcorn or veggies. It enhances the flavour as well as the
nutritional value of soups. A fantastic substitute for protein derived from
animals is nutritional yeast. Because of its high vitamin B complex content,
in particular its B-12 content, it is an excellent choice for vegetarians. It has
an abundance of minerals. We can confidently include nutritional yeast on
our list of exceptional superfoods [17].
11.3 Licorice
Powerful anti-cancer properties, which may be attributable to the
presence of a high concentration of glycyrrhizin. Mice that consume water
with dissolved glycyrrhizin are less likely to develop skin cancer.
Additionally effective against germs, ulcers, and diarrhoea. Could have a
diuretic effect. Consuming an excessive amount of licorice might cause a
rise in blood pressure. In addition, it is not recommended for pregnant
women to use. These abilities can only be found in genuine licorice. Anise is
used in place of actual licorice in the production of licorice-flavored candies
sold in the United States. The label on authentic licorice calls it "licorice
bulk". Anise is another name for imitation licorice, which is sometimes
known as "fake licorice" [17].
12. Spices
12.1 Black pepper
The black pepper is a good source of the antioxidant vitamin C. Assists
in the fight against respiratory infections, bronchitis, asthma, cataracts,
macular degeneration, angina, atherosclerosis and cancer [17].

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12.2 Chili pepper
It breaks up mucus in the lungs, opens up the sinuses and air passages,
works as an expectorant or decongestant, and helps prevent bronchitis,
emphysema and stomach ulcers. Chili pepper helps dissolve blood clots,
opens up the sinuses and air passages. The chemical known as capsaicin
(which derives its name from the Latin word for "to bite") is responsible for
the majority of the chilli pepper's pharmacological activity. Capsaicin gives
the pepper its characteristically fiery flavour. Additionally, it is a powerful
painkiller that, when inhaled, relieves headaches and, when injected, relieves
joint pain. Natural aspirin can be found in significant concentrations in
paprika prepared from fiery chilli peppers. Activity against germs, as well as
antioxidant. Adding hot chilli sauce to food speeds up metabolism, which in
turn helps the body burn more calories. There is no evidence that eating
chilli peppers can inflame or damage the lining of the stomach [22].
12.3 Cinnamon
Because cinnamon has a powerful effect on the function of insulin, it
may be beneficial for people who suffer from Type 2 diabetes. Activity that
is only slightly anti-coagulant [17].
12.4 Clove
Clove is an effective analgesic and anti-inflammatory that can be used to
treat a variety of painful conditions, including toothaches and rheumatic
conditions. The primary component of clove, eugenol, has anti-inflammatory
properties in addition to its anti-platelet aggregation and anti-coagulant
properties [18].
Table 1: Functional food ingredients, sources, and advantages [15, 18, 22]

Bioactive components Source Potential benefits

Alpha-carotene/beta- Carrots, Fruits, Neutralize free radicals which may cause
carotene Vegetables damage to cells.
Lutein Green vegetables Reduce the risk of muscular degeneration.
Tomato products
Lycopene Reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
(ketchup, sauces)
Non-starchy polysaccharide
Immune modulation; apoptosis of cancer
cells; stimulates brain development; anti-
(maitake and
Fucoidan (fucose) clotting effect; lower blood cholesterol
reshi), brown
levels; decrease high blood pressure,
stabilize blood sugar.

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Insoluble dietary fibre Wheat bran Reduces risk of breast or colon cancer.
Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease;
Soluble dietary fibre
Oats, barley protects against heart disease and some
cancers; lower LDL and total cholesterol.
Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease;
Soluble Fibre Psyllium protects against heart disease and some
cancers; lower LDL and total cholesterol.
Fatty Acids
Long chain omega-3 Salmon and other Reduce risk of cardiovascular disease;
Fatty Acids-DHA/EPA fish oils improve mental and visual functions.
Conjugated Linoleic Cheese, meat Improve body composition; decrease risk
Acid (CLA) products. of certain cancers.
Neutralize free radicals; reduce risk of
Anthocyanidins Fruits
Neutralize free radicals; reduce risk of
Catechins Tea
Neutralize free radicals; reduce risk of
Flavonones Citrus
Neutralize free radicals; reduce risk of
Flavones Fruits/vegetables
Flax, rye,
Lignans Prevention of cancer; renal failure.
Tannins cranberry Improve urinary tract health; Reduce risk
(proanthocyanidines) products, cocoa, of cardiovascular disease.
Plant Sterols
Corn, soy, wheat, Lower blood cholesterol levels by
Stanol ester
wood oils inhibiting cholesterol absorption.
Prebiotics and Probiotics
artichokes, Improve quality of intestinal microflora;
shallots, onion gastrointestinal health
Yogurt, other Improve quality of intestinal microflora;
dairy products gastrointestinal health.
Soy Phytoestrogens
Menopause symptoms such as hot flashes;
Isoflavones: Daidzein Soybeans and protection against heart disease and some
Genistein soy-based foods cancers; lowering of LDL and total

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Whole foods have a healing and protective effect on the body and a
strengthening effect on the immune system. However, the immune system
weakens, and the digestive system becomes less efficient when the body is
fueled by processed foods that contain chemicals, preservatives and
additives. Think of the food great as our prescription. When it comes to our
health, this is the one factor over which our have the most influence and
control. A healthy diet is more vital for most people than any prescription
that their doctor could ever give. Consume unprocessed foods as nature
intended, without the addition of any artificial ingredients or preservatives.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the
publication of this paper.
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