Development of A Value Added Amla Product

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International Archive of Applied Sciences and Technology

Int. Arch. App. Sci. Technol; Vol 11 [2] June 2020 : 90-93
© 2020 Society of Education, India
[ISO9001: 2008 Certified Organization]
ONLINE ISSN 2277- 1565 PRINT ISSN 0976 - 4828


DOI: .10.15515/iaast.0976-4828.11.2.9093

Development of a value added Amla product

Suman Devi*1,Ena Gupta2, Neelesh Kumar Maurya3
1. Department of Food Science and Nutrition,C.S.A. University of Agriculture and
Technology, Kanpur,Uttar Pradesh, India
2.Department of Home Science, University of Allahabad, Allahabad-211002,Uttar Pradesh,
3. Department ofHome Science,BundelkhandUniversity, Jhansi,Uttar Pradesh, India
*Corresponding author: Dr. Suman Devi
Mail Id: [email protected]

Emblica officinalis commonly known as Indian gooseberry or Amla, is perhaps the most important
medicinal plant in the Indian traditional system of medicine, the Ayurveda.Vitamin C, tannins and
flavonoidspresent in amla have powerful antioxidant activities. Due to rich Vitamin C content, amla is
successfully used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.It is one of the oldest Indian fruits and
considered as “wonder fruit for health”. Amla pulp of fresh fruit contains 200–900 mg/100 g of vitamin
C.Ascorbic acid retention was found to be decreased with increase in temperature. The fruit is highly
perishable in nature and is available for short period from October to January. Theamla fruit possess
excellent nutritive and therapeutic value. Processed forms of Amla fruit are murabbas, candy, dried
chips, jelly, sauce, pickle, squash and syrup. Therefore, present study was undertaken to develop a
value addedamla products.Amlabhujiawas prepared from gram flour, amla pulp or amla powder with
spices.Amlawas incorporated at different forms (powder and pulp).Amlabhujia was prepared by using
nine point hedonic scale. The Comparison of three samples B1 (Gram flour with amla pulp), B2 (Gram
flour, amla powder, spices, oil with citric acid) and B3 (Gram flour,amla powder, without citric acid).The
result of study revealed that according to sensory evaluation of amlabhujia, sample B1 (gram flour with
aonla pulp) was found to be highly acceptable by the judges.
Keywords:Amla, Medicinal uses,Diseases, Vitamin C,Sensory evaluation

Received 20.04.2019 Revised 28.05.2019 Accepted 05.07.2019


Suman Devi,Ena Gupta, Neelesh Kumar Maurya. Development of a value added Amla product. Int.
Arch. App. Sci. Technol; Vol 11 [2] June 2020: 90-93

Amla, or Indian gooseberry (Emblica officinalis) is an indigenous fruit of the Indian
subcontinent. It is one of the oldest Indian fruits and considered as “wonder fruit for
health” because of its unique qualities (Shekhawat et al., 2014). It is a small sized, minor
sub- tropical fruit and grows widely along the hillsides and sub mountainous areas of North
India. A fully grown amla tree with good bearing habit yields from 187 to 299 kg fruit per
year. The Fruits of Amla are widely used as major constituents in several ayurvedic
preparations such as chyavanprash and rasayana which promotes health and longevity [7].
Amla is one of the richest sources of ascorbic acid (500–1,500 mg/100 g) and used as a
strong rejuvenator herb in Indian pharmacopoeia [3].Amla has a beneficial effect in
decreasing the cholesterol content of blood (1). It is also used for treating chronic dysentery,
bronchitis, diabetes, cancer, fever, diarrhea, jaundice, dyspepsia and coughs etc [8,10].The
Ascorbic acid content of fresh Amla fruit ranges upto 950 mg/ 100 g which is said to be
highest among all fruits net to Barbados cherry [9].Whereas dried amla product is
significantly affected by two drying methods, higher ascorbic acid content in the product

IAAST Vol 11 [2] June 2020 90 | P a g e ©2020 Society of Education, India

Devi et al

was obtained (285.2 mg/ 100g) with solar drying.It is a rich source of vitamin C, anti-
oxidants, poly phenols, tannins, minerals and known for its therapeutic value [2,5].
Products packed in glass jar, product can be stored under ambient temperature, the
product is microbiologically stable and product can be consumed as jam for bread spread.
Amla fruit are not popular as table fruit because of its astringent taste. However, excellent
nutritive and therapeutic values of the fruit have great potentiality for processing into
several quality products. Amlais highly perishable in nature so processing is required
toincrease the shelf-life and value addition, particularly during glut period [4]. The objective
of the present research entitled “Development of value added amla products” was carried
out to prepare the value added amla products and to assess the sensory evaluation of the


Preparation of Amlabhujia
Several trials were taken with different preparation of Amla powder, gram flour, oil and salt.
Finally three samples were selected for the evaluation.

This heading deals with the description of research procedure and techniques used in
literature reviewed. The investigation entitled “Development of value added amla products”
were carried out in the Department of Food Science and Technology,Centre of Food
Technology University of Allahabad, Allahabad, U.P. India.

Flow Diagram of preparation of Amlabhujia


Dough Mixing

Forming Extrusion






Procurement of raw materials
Raw materials i.e. amla was purchased from the Local market of Allahabad. Amla fruits
with long stalks in clusters were sorted for uniform size, optimum maturity and fruit color.
Other ingredients used in the preparation of bhujhia includes fresh and dry gram flour,
spices, condiments, packets of amla powder and packing materials etc. which were
collected from local market in Allahabad, U.P state.
Sensory evaluation
All the products prepared were subjected to sensory evaluation with respect to color,
appearance, aroma, texture, taste and overall acceptability by a trained panel comprising of
10 judges using the 9- Hedonic Rating scale. Statistically analyzing the data obtained
during this investigation, the methods to determine the significance of the difference
between means of scores were followed as suggested by Henrye Garrett.


The results obtained during this investigation of sensory quality of final product presented
in Table1.Three selected samples B1 is the amlabhujiawas prepared with amla pulp, B2 is

IAAST Vol 11 [2] June 2020 91 | P a g e ©2020 Society of Education, India

Devi et al

the sample with higher concentration of citric acid and B3 is the sample with amla
powder.Amlabhujia prepared by amla pulp with a pinch of citric acid (2.5gm of citric
acid).The data on colour, appearance, flavor, texture as well as overall acceptability was
determined by sensory evaluation card. Sensory evaluation by judges observe colour,
appearance, flavor, texture of sample 1 and 3 are concerned, there was a significant
difference between the mean of these parameters using 9 point Hedonic scale. Appearance
was affected by colour and Taste was found little bitterness in amla powder [6].

As results indicate that no significant difference in the colour, appearance and texture of
the standard sample and sample with higher citric acid. Due to significant difference in the
flour of two, the standard sample with less citric acid concentration scored much higher in
terms of overall acceptability. Standard sample made with Amlapulp (Sample No.1)and
other Sample made with Amla powder(Sample No.2) comparison in term of colour, flavor,
and overall acceptability of product. Standard Sample score much higher than other
Sample. Hence, in terms of overall acceptability sample No.2 and Sample No.3 scored much
lower as compared to the standard sample (Sample No.1).

Sample Colour Appearance Flavour Texture/Consistency Overallaccepta
Mean of 6.92 7.25 7.25 7.08 7.83
Sample 1
Mean of 8.00 7.33 3.17 6,5 3.17
Sample 2
Mean of 2.92 3.42 3.83 6.33 3.08
Sample 3

This present study it is concluded that due to high nutritional and medicinal value of amla.
It is used for preparation of some new ready to eat product like Amlabhujia. Three test
samples were selected for the sensory evaluation by judges using a 9 point Hedonic scale.
Test analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used to analyze the data and sample were analyzed
several times. Hence several trials were done to make the objective successful finally three
samples were selected. On the basis of sensory evaluation then we are selected a final

The author(s) declare(s) that there is no conflict of interest.

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